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Ultima IX
Incantation: Sanct Lor
Reagents: BM, NS
Circle: 6th
Ultima VII Part Two
Incantation: Sanct Lor
Reagents: BM, NS
Circle: 5th
Ultima Underworld II
Incantation: Vas Sanct Lor
Circle: 6th
Ultima VII
Incantation: Sanct Lor
Reagents: BM, NS
Circle: 5th
Ultima VII (SNES)
Circle: 7th
Mana: 6
Ultima Underworld
Incantation: Sanct Lor
Circle: 7th
Ultima VI
Incantation: Sanct Lor
Reagents: BM, NS
Circle: 5th
Ultima V
Name: Sanct Lor
Reagents: BM, MR, NS
Circle: 7th
The Temper of Wisdom
Incantation: Sanct Lor
Reagents: unknown
Circle: 7th

Invisibility is a spell that turns one person invisible.

Spell Description[edit]

At times, discretion is the better part of virtue. Thus, in order to sneak by enemies without risking a battle, the Invisibility spell was invented. It is an illusory spell that bends the path of light to render its caster or another target visually indiscernible over a short duration, for the purpose of evading detection. The enchantment is limited to affecting a single person; its greater variant, Invisible All, broadens the clandestine properties to benefit an entire group.

Black potions and invisibility rings fulfill the same purpose as the spell. The same goes for invisibility dust.

The effects of Invisibility are ably negated by its antithesis, Reveal.


The spell first appeared in Ultima V named under its incantation, Sanct Lor, and provided the Avatar with a new tool to evade difficult battles. During the early Age of Armageddon in Ultima VII, it also was discovered that the spell produced a serendipitous effect in greatly enhancing one's perception of poorly-lit environments – though at the cost of color vision. By the time of Ultima IX, this spell kept the caster invisible until either mana was exhausted or the spell was cancelled with another casting.


Sanct Lor affects the path of light, bending it around the caster; so it may continue on. The result is an illusion that the caster is not there.
Mix mandrake root and nightshade picked in absolute darkness with blood moss to bend the light. It is essential that, while intoning this spell, none see any indication of its casting. Speak without moving lips.
Causes beings to become unseen.
Causes you to become nearly impossible to see.
– from Player’s Guide (Ultima Underworld)
This spell renders the mage undetectable, not only from sight but to all means of normal detection. There are certain creatures that, for various reasons, are capable of seeing invisible objects or people.
This spell causes the caster to become nearly impossible to detect by normal means.
– from Player’s Guide (Ultima Underworld II)
This spell renders its subject invisible, undetectable to all visual senses.
To explain the inner workings of the Invisibility spell requires a leap of faith at this stage of your training. Let it be said. the Invisibility spell wraps the caster’s person within the folds of air itself. While mana feeds the holding of the spell, the caster remains unseen, yet he cannot strike at another without revealing himself. However, to spring from thin air may give you the advantage of surprise.
– from Spellbook (Ultima IX)


See Also[edit]

Ultima V Spells
1st Circle An NoxAn YlemAn ZuGrav PorIn LorMani
2nd Circle An SanctAn Xen CorpIn WisIn Xen ManiKal XenRel Hur
3rd Circle In Flam GravIn Nox GravIn PorIn Zu GravVas FlamVas Lor
4th Circle An GravDes PorIn SanctIn Sanct GravUus PorWis Quas
5th Circle An Ex PorIn Bet XenIn Ex PorIn ZuRel TymVas Mani
6th Circle An Xen ExIn AnIn Vas Por YlemQuas An WisRel Xen BetWis An Ylem
7th Circle In Nox HurIn Quas CorpIn Quas WisIn Quas XenSanct LorXen Corp
8th Circle An TymIn Flam HurIn Mani CorpIn Vas Grav CorpKal Xen CorpVas Rel Por
Ultima VI Spells
1st Circle Create FoodDetect MagicDetect TrapDispel MagicDouseHarmHealHelpIgniteLight
2nd Circle InfravisionMagic ArrowPoisonReappearSleepTelekinesisTrapUnlock MagicUntrapVanish
3rd Circle CurseDispel FieldFireballGreat LightMagic LockMass AwakenMass SleepPeerProtectionRepel Undead
4th Circle AnimateConjureDisableFire FieldGreat HealLocateMass DispelPoison FieldSleep FieldWind Change
5th Circle Energy FieldExplosionInsect SwarmInvisibilityLightningParalyzePickpocketRevealSeanceX-Ray
6th Circle CharmCloneConfuseFlame WindHail StormMass ProtectNegate MagicPoison WindReplicateWeb
7th Circle Chain BoltEnchantEnergy WindFearGate TravelKillMass CurseMass InvisibilityWing StrikeWizard Eye
8th Circle ArmageddonDeath WindEclipseMass CharmMass KillResurrectSlimeSummonTime StopTremor
Ultima Underworld Spells
1st Circle Create FoodLeapLightMagic ArrowResist BlowsStealth
2nd Circle CurseCause FearDetect MonsterLesser HealRune of WardingSlow Fall
3rd Circle ConcealLightningNight VisionSpeedStrengthen DoorThick Skin
4th Circle Resist FireHealLevitatePoisonRemove TrapWater Walk
5th Circle Cure PoisonFireballMissile ProtectionName EnchantmentOpenSmite Undead
6th Circle DaylightGate TravelGreater HealParalyzeSheet LightningTelekinesis
7th Circle AllyFlyInvisibilityConfusionRevealSummon Monster
8th Circle ArmageddonFlame WindFreeze TimeIron FleshRoaming SightTremor
Ultima VII Spells
Linear AwakenDouseFireworksGlimmerHelpIgniteThunderWeather
1st Circle Awaken AllCreate FoodCureDetect TrapGreat DouseGreat IgniteLightLocate
2nd Circle Destroy TrapEnchantFire BlastGreat LightMass CureProtectionTelekinesisWizard Eye
3rd Circle CurseHealParalyzePeerPoisonProtect AllSleepSwarm
4th Circle ConjureLightningMarkMass CurseRecallRevealSeanceUnlock Magic
5th Circle CharmDanceDispel FieldExplosionFire FieldGreat HealInvisibilityMass Sleep
6th Circle Cause FearCloneFire RingFlame StrikeMagic StormPoison FieldSleep FieldTremor
7th Circle Create GoldDeath BoltDelayed BlastEnergy FieldEnergy MistMass CharmMass MightRestoration
8th Circle ArmageddonDeath VortexInvisibility AllMass DeathResurrectSummonSwordstrikeTime Stop
Ultima VII (SNES) Spells
1st Level Spells LocatingKal Lor
2nd Level Spells IlluminationHealing
3rd Level Spells Ring of FireUnlock Door
4th Level Spells LiftingExplosion
5th Level Spells LevitationUnlock Magic
6th Level Spells Great HealWater Walk
7th Level Spells InvisibilityTeleportation
8th Level Spells InvincibilityTremors
Ultima Underworld II Spells
1st Circle BounceCreate FoodDetect TrapLightLocateLuckMagic ArrowResist Blows
2nd Circle Cause FearDeadly SeekerJumpLesser HealFlame RuneSlow Fall
3rd Circle BleedingCure PoisonDispel RuneLightningNegate HungerNight VisionRepel UndeadSpeedValorWater Walk
4th Circle FlameproofFrostHealMissile ProtectionPoison WeaponRemove TrapStudy MonsterThick Skin
5th Circle FireballLevitateMendingName EnchantmentOpenParalysis RuneSmite UndeadTelekinesis
6th Circle CharmDaylightGate TravelGreater HealInvisibilityMap AreaParalyzeSheet Lightning
7th Circle Enchant ItemMagic SatelliteMass ConfusionPortalRevealShockwave
8th Circle ArmageddonFlame WindFlyFreeze TimeIron FleshRestorationRoaming SightSmite Foe
Ultima VII Part Two Spells
1st Circle Create FoodCureDetect TrapGreat DouseGreat IgniteLightLocateTelekinesis
2nd Circle AwakenDestroy TrapFalse CoinCold BlastGreat LightHealMass CureProtection
3rd Circle ChillColumna's IntuitionCurseEnchant MissilesParalyzeProtect AllSleepTranslation
4th Circle BlinkCreate Soul PrismDeterFlashMass CurseRevealTranscribeUnlock Magic
5th Circle ConjureDispel FieldExplosionGreat HealInvisibilityMass SleepSummon ShadeSurprise
6th Circle BetrayCause FearCold StrikeCreate AmmoCreate AutomatonDispel IllusionFire FieldFire Ring
7th Circle Energy FieldEnergy MistLightningMass AwakenMass MightPoison MistRestorationVibrate
8th Circle Create IceDelayed BlastFetchFiresnakeInvoke Snow SerpentMind BlastSerpent BondSwordstrike
9th Circle Death VortexImbalanceInvisibility AllMass DeathSpiral MissileStop StormSummonTime Stop
Ultima IX Spells
Linear StoneGustIgniteDouse
1st Circle Create ReagentsLightning BoltLightLight Heal
2nd Circle Crystal BarrierEthereal SightInfernal ArmorCure
3rd Circle CharmTelekinesisFireballFog
4th Circle Time StopWizard EyeDayFreeze
5th Circle Summon UndeadLevitateBolt of FlameFull Heal
6th Circle MeteoriteInvisibilityRing of FireMana Breath
7th Circle DeathTeleportSummon DemonFrost Storm
8th Circle EarthquakeLightning StormInfernoSearing Rain
Spells of the Ultima Saga
Linear dust-be-gonehandfirehearthfiremother's-voicerust-proofsoothing handsstir-the-pot
1st Circle An NoxAn ZuIn LorMani
2nd Circle Rel Hur
3rd Circle Kal Wis Por ManiVas FlamVas Lor
4th Circle Des PorIn Sanct
5th Circle Rel TymVas Tym Sanct Grav
6th Circle An Xen ExDes Por VasIn Vas Sanct
7th Circle Sanct LorXen Corp
8th Circle An TymIn Mani CorpVas CorpVas Rel Por
Spellweaving Arcane StairwayTime Wall
Dark Magic EnthrallScryNightmareSummon GazerCreate MiasmaCall Shadowlord