Rune of Stasis

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This article is about a magical countermeasure against enemies in Ultima Underworld II. For other uses, see Runes (disambiguation).

Rune of Stasis
CollapseUltima Underworld II
Incantation: In Tym Jux
Circle: 5th

The Rune of Stasis is a runic spell that immobilizes anyone who disturbs it.

Spell Description[edit]

The Rune of Stasis – also known as Paralysis Rune – places a magical ward at a fixed location, which takes the form of a floating Tym character. After it has been cast, any creature which touches it will be frozen in time in a magical state of paralysis. This spell, and others like it, may be unwoven through use of the Dispel Rune incantation. The Avatar would learn about this spell by "donating" a big enough sum to the merchant Merzan in Killorn Keep.


Similar to the Second Circle Rune of Flame spell, this spell creates a floating rune that paralyzes the first creature to touch it.


  • It is possible to bypass the Rune of Stasis by hurling an object into it, although the item will be damaged and possibly destroyed in the process. Pieces of refuse or gold coins (which have no mechanical damage ratings) are useful for such actions.


See Also[edit]

Ultima Underworld II Spells
1st Circle BounceCreate FoodDetect TrapLightLocateLuckMagic ArrowResist Blows
2nd Circle Cause FearDeadly SeekerJumpLesser HealFlame RuneSlow Fall
3rd Circle BleedingCure PoisonDispel RuneLightningNegate HungerNight VisionRepel UndeadSpeedValorWater Walk
4th Circle FlameproofFrostHealMissile ProtectionPoison WeaponRemove TrapStudy MonsterThick Skin
5th Circle FireballLevitateMendingName EnchantmentOpenParalysis RuneSmite UndeadTelekinesis
6th Circle CharmDaylightGate TravelGreater HealInvisibilityMap AreaParalyzeSheet Lightning
7th Circle Enchant ItemMagic SatelliteMass ConfusionPortalRevealShockwave
8th Circle ArmageddonFlame WindFlyFreeze TimeIron FleshRestorationRoaming SightSmite Foe