Name Enchantment

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Name Enchantment
Ultima Underworld
& Ultima Underworld II
Incantation: Ort Wis Ylem
Circle: 5th

Name Enchantment is a runic spell that gives the caster insight into objects’ magical properties.

Spell Description[edit]

Name Enchantment allows its caster to determine the true nature of an object, revealing if it is enchanted or cursed and describing what kind of properties it possesses if magical. Such a spell is useful in correctly identifying potions, wands, rings, scrolls, magical armaments and other kinds of artifacts. Some artifacts have such complex enchantments woven into them, that only this spell or an expert may be able to identify them.


Reveals the true nature of the object on which you cast the spell.
– from Player’s Guide (Ultima Underworld)
This spell reveals the true nature of the object on which the spell is cast.
– from Player’s Guide (Ultima Underworld II)


  • Items may be identified without use of this spell by characters possessing a high Lore skill, though some high-end items may not be identified even at the highest skill level. The spell can identify all items.
  • In Ultima Underworld the blacksmith, Shak, will also identify items, sometimes for free and sometimes for a few coins. He can tell the value of an item however he is unaware of magical enchantments. The mage Dominus will also identify items, usually for 10 coins, and can correctly identify their magical properties.
  • In Ultima Underworld II the merchant, Merzan, will also identify items and their magical enchantments, for about 25 coins.
Ultima Underworld Spells
1st Circle Create FoodLeapLightMagic ArrowResist BlowsStealth
2nd Circle CurseCause FearDetect MonsterLesser HealRune of WardingSlow Fall
3rd Circle ConcealLightningNight VisionSpeedStrengthen DoorThick Skin
4th Circle Resist FireHealLevitatePoisonRemove TrapWater Walk
5th Circle Cure PoisonFireballMissile ProtectionName EnchantmentOpenSmite Undead
6th Circle DaylightGate TravelGreater HealParalyzeSheet LightningTelekinesis
7th Circle AllyFlyInvisibilityConfusionRevealSummon Monster
8th Circle ArmageddonFlame WindFreeze TimeIron FleshRoaming SightTremor
Ultima Underworld II Spells
1st Circle BounceCreate FoodDetect TrapLightLocateLuckMagic ArrowResist Blows
2nd Circle Cause FearDeadly SeekerJumpLesser HealFlame RuneSlow Fall
3rd Circle BleedingCure PoisonDispel RuneLightningNegate HungerNight VisionRepel UndeadSpeedValorWater Walk
4th Circle FlameproofFrostHealMissile ProtectionPoison WeaponRemove TrapStudy MonsterThick Skin
5th Circle FireballLevitateMendingName EnchantmentOpenParalysis RuneSmite UndeadTelekinesis
6th Circle CharmDaylightGate TravelGreater HealInvisibilityMap AreaParalyzeSheet Lightning
7th Circle Enchant ItemMagic SatelliteMass ConfusionPortalRevealShockwave
8th Circle ArmageddonFlame WindFlyFreeze TimeIron FleshRestorationRoaming SightSmite Foe