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CollapseUltima IX
Incantation: Vas Lor
Reagents: MR, SA
Circle: 4th
Ultima Underworld II
Name: Daylight
Incantation: Vas In Lor
Circle: 6th
Ultima Underworld
Name: Daylight
Incantation: Vas In Lor
Circle: 6th

Day – also known as Daylight – is the strongest illumination spell available in Ultima IX as well as Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II.

Spell Description[edit]

This is a stronger version of the Light spell. Casting it creates a bright luminescent sphere which is much bigger than that of the lesser spell. More importantly, this sphere illuminates a greater area.


Provides bright illumination for extended periods of time.
– from Player’s Guide (Ultima Underworld)
This spell provides bright illumination for extended periods of time.
– from Player’s Guide (Ultima Underworld II)
In dark places, the Day spell has deterred many an ambush, for it calls upon the pure glow of the Elemental Plane of Fire and spreads it from the mage’s outstretched hand. Where walks the mage, so travels the cloud of day’s light. More than a single closed environ has been opened when the Day spell revealed a hidden exit.
– from Spellbook (Ultima IX)


  • The spell is bugged in Ultima IX as the sphere fizzles out after some moments, but still drains mana as if still being on. It has to be dismissed in order to stop the drain.
  • This spell uses the same Words of Power as the Great Light spell from previous games. However, Great Light creates a light source of equal strength compared to Light, but that light lasts longer. Day creates a stronger source of light compared to the Light spell.

See Also[edit]

Ultima Underworld Spells
1st Circle Create FoodLightLocateMagic ArrowResist BlowsStealth
2nd Circle Cause FearDetect MonsterJumpLesser HealRune of WardingSlow Fall
3rd Circle ConcealLightningNight VisionSpeedStrengthen DoorWater Walk
4th Circle HealLevitatePoisonRemove TrapResist Fire
5th Circle Cure PoisonFireballMissile ProtectionName EnchantmentOpenSmite Undead
6th Circle DaylightGate TravelGreater HealParalyzeSheet LightningTelekinesis
7th Circle AllyConfusionFlyInvisibilityReveal
8th Circle ArmageddonFlame WindFreeze TimeIron FleshRoaming SightTremor
Ultima Underworld II Spells
1st Circle BounceCreate FoodDetect TrapLightLocateLuckMagic ArrowResist Blows
2nd Circle Cause FearDeadly SeekerJumpLesser HealFlame RuneSlow Fall
3rd Circle BleedingCure PoisonDispel RuneLightningNegate HungerNight VisionRepel UndeadSpeedValorWater Walk
4th Circle FlameproofFrostHealMissile ProtectionPoison WeaponRemove TrapStudy MonsterThick Skin
5th Circle FireballLevitateMendingName EnchantmentOpenParalysis RuneSmite UndeadTelekinesis
6th Circle CharmDaylightGate TravelGreater HealInvisibilityMap AreaParalyzeSheet Lightning
7th Circle Enchant ItemMagic SatelliteMass ConfusionPortalRevealShockwave
8th Circle ArmageddonFlame WindFlyFreeze TimeIron FleshRestorationRoaming SightSmite Foe
Ultima IX Spells
Linear StoneGustIgniteDouse
1st Circle Create ReagentsLightning BoltLightLight Heal
2nd Circle Crystal BarrierEthereal SightInfernal ArmorCure
3rd Circle CharmTelekinesisFireballFog
4th Circle Time StopWizard EyeDayFreeze
5th Circle Summon UndeadLevitateBolt of FlameFull Heal
6th Circle MeteoriteInvisibilityRing of FireMana Breath
7th Circle DeathTeleportSummon DemonFrost Storm
8th Circle EarthquakeLightning StormInfernoSearing Rain