Ethereal Sight

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Ethereal Sight
CollapseUltima IX
Incantation: In Quas Wis
Reagents: MR, SS
Circle: 2nd

With the Ethereal Sight spell, what is magically hidden is revealed.

Spell Description[edit]

The mage casts this spell and it stays until dismissed, consuming mana all the while. During that time, the mage sees through all illusions and all invisible things become visible. No illusionary magic can withstand the sight of this spell, including rare nightshade, which otherwise is invisible to the naked eye in its natural habitat.


It is an old ploy of mages to hide items of value from common sight in the void. Lucky is the mage who casts Ethereal Sight in the secret vault of a mage of the dark ether. For, Ethereal Sight permits the caster to see into the void near to his location. Arduin, who refuses to eat meat, yearns to render invisible sheep destined for the dinner table, but lack of ethereal control and delicious vegetables make unhappy chores for him. When the ether is clear and present, Ethereal Sight lasts until dispelled by the caster or his mana runs dry.
– from Spellbook (Ultima IX)


See Also[edit]

Ultima IX Spells
Linear StoneGustIgniteDouse
1st Circle Create ReagentsLightning BoltLightLight Heal
2nd Circle Crystal BarrierEthereal SightInfernal ArmorCure
3rd Circle CharmTelekinesisFireballFog
4th Circle Time StopWizard EyeDayFreeze
5th Circle Summon UndeadLevitateBolt of FlameFull Heal
6th Circle MeteoriteInvisibilityRing of FireMana Breath
7th Circle DeathTeleportSummon DemonFrost Storm
8th Circle EarthquakeLightning StormInfernoSearing Rain