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CollapseUltima IX
Incantation: In Hur
Circle: linear

Gust is a simple wind spell.

Spell Description[edit]

The effect of Gust is very simple. It sends forth a gust of wind in order to shift objects. Its usefulness is fairly limited.


Powered by a Titan’s breath. Gust can force a weighty object from its station. A burst of air carries forth from the Mage’s person, and all inanimate matter is subject to its will. In peaceful application, it can jar loose items out of reach.
– from Spellbook (Ultima IX)


  • The spell is needed exactly one time in the entire game; when in Stonegate to drop a vase onto a switch. Afterwards it has no essential use.
Ultima IX Spells
Linear StoneGustIgniteDouse
1st Circle Create ReagentsLightning BoltLightLight Heal
2nd Circle Crystal BarrierEthereal SightInfernal ArmorCure
3rd Circle CharmTelekinesisFireballFog
4th Circle Time StopWizard EyeDayFreeze
5th Circle Summon UndeadLevitateBolt of FlameFull Heal
6th Circle MeteoriteInvisibilityRing of FireMana Breath
7th Circle DeathTeleportSummon DemonFrost Storm
8th Circle EarthquakeLightning StormInfernoSearing Rain