Missile Protection

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Missile Protection
CollapseUltima Underworld
Incantation: Grav Sanct Por
Circle: 5th
Ultima Underworld II
Incantation: Grav Sanct Por
Circle: 4th

Missile Protection is a runic spell that affords complete protection of certain projectile weapons.

Spell Description[edit]

This spell offers the caster complete immunity to any mundane missile weapons, such as arrows, crossbow bolts and sling stones. Although it does not guard against magical projectiles, Missile Protection allows its user to remain distant from many ranged fighters.


Renders you invulnerable to missiles.
– from Player’s Guide (Ultima Underworld)
This spell renders the caster invulnerable to most missiles, and offers protection from others.
– from Player’s Guide (Ultima Underworld II)


  • In Ultima Underworld II, purple potions of Missile Protection may be found throughout the game world. A pair of gauntlets and a cap also exist that both convey the properties of this spell to their wearers.
  • Using this spell against Dorstag will ensure the Avatar’s victory in a duel.
Ultima Underworld Spells
1st Circle Create FoodLightLocateMagic ArrowResist BlowsStealth
2nd Circle Cause FearDetect MonsterJumpLesser HealRune of WardingSlow Fall
3rd Circle ConcealLightningNight VisionSpeedStrengthen DoorWater Walk
4th Circle HealLevitatePoisonRemove TrapResist Fire
5th Circle Cure PoisonFireballMissile ProtectionName EnchantmentOpenSmite Undead
6th Circle DaylightGate TravelGreater HealParalyzeSheet LightningTelekinesis
7th Circle AllyConfusionFlyInvisibilityReveal
8th Circle ArmageddonFlame WindFreeze TimeIron FleshRoaming SightTremor
Ultima Underworld II Spells
1st Circle BounceCreate FoodDetect TrapLightLocateLuckMagic ArrowResist Blows
2nd Circle Cause FearDeadly SeekerJumpLesser HealFlame RuneSlow Fall
3rd Circle BleedingCure PoisonDispel RuneLightningNegate HungerNight VisionRepel UndeadSpeedValorWater Walk
4th Circle FlameproofFrostHealMissile ProtectionPoison WeaponRemove TrapStudy MonsterThick Skin
5th Circle FireballLevitateMendingName EnchantmentOpenParalysis RuneSmite UndeadTelekinesis
6th Circle CharmDaylightGate TravelGreater HealInvisibilityMap AreaParalyzeSheet Lightning
7th Circle Enchant ItemMagic SatelliteMass ConfusionPortalRevealShockwave
8th Circle ArmageddonFlame WindFlyFreeze TimeIron FleshRestorationRoaming SightSmite Foe