Runic magic

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This article is about a system of magic used in Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II. For other uses, see Runes (disambiguation).


Runic magic is a system of spell casting which employs mystically charged rune stones rather than traditional reagents. It appears in Ultima Underworld and Ultima Underworld II.


Although runic magic is a common arcane system on a number of worlds, it only functions in Britannia believed to be at places where the inter-dimensional barriers are worn thin, allowing the etheric properties of other planes to bleed through. Unlike traditional Britannian magic, it does not require reagents or a spellbook, drawing its power instead from the innate powers of rune stones and the precise gestures performed by its caster. While runic magic requires no indurable materials and offers a flexible system of devising incantations, the reliance on gesturing makes it at times unpredictable, and inexperienced mages may be injured should they botch the casting of a runic spell.[1][2]


Runic magic first came to the attention of Britannians when Sir Cabirus attempted to establish a colony in the Stygian Abyss. As they explored the chasm, the mages of the settler group encountered a number of specially-prepared rune stones which had been imbued with magical energy, and from them they were able to infer the workings of runic magic. Later, this obscure art would become a topic studied in depth by the magician Nystul, who would reason that the success of runic spellweaving was related to the relative strength of inter-dimensional barriers.[1][2]

It appears that runic magic has long been the standard method of spellcraft on other worlds. Tarna, Rhiannon, Talorus and the realms which house Killorn Keep, Scintillus Academy and the Pits of Carnage all appear to use rune-based casting as their primary magical system.

Required Materials[edit]


Rune Stones[edit]

Main article: Rune stones

Rune stones lie at the core of runic magic, as its very name already shows. Each of these potentized stones has a rune carved on one of its faces, corresponding to one of twenty-four traditional Words of Power. (There were no Xen or Zu stones available to the Avatar at least.) In runic magic, these runes are positioned in appropriate combinations of up to three characters between the fingers of the hand, such that they spell out the words of power needed to invoke a spell.

Fabrication of such stones, at least the simpler ones, does not need a mage, as shown by their industrial production on Talorus. The more powerful ones, especially the Flam and Vas stones, are highly valued.

for locations of the rune stones in the games see: Rune stones/Locations

Rune Bag[edit]


In order to utilize the powers of rune stones, however, they must be stored in an appropriately prepared receptacle.[1] These rune bags will hold only such stones, and cannot be used as containers in any other capacity. Of note is that a rune stone cannot be permanently removed from the bag once inside it, and that duplicate rune stones are lost to the caster as they merge with stones of the same word of power. Thus if a spare rune stone is needed for another task, it should not be put into the rune bag.



In order to cast a runic spell, the player needs to have enough mana in their mana pool, indicated by the blue flask in the bottom-right of the screen. The mana required for each spell is equal to three times the spell's circle. First circle spells require three points of mana, seond level spells require six points of mana, and so on. Mana is deducted from the player's mana pool immediately as the spell is cast, even if the desired effect is not achieved. For example if a missile spell is cast without adequate space to create the missle, or a targeted spell is not provided an appropriate target, the mana is still spent in casting the spell.

Game Mechanics[edit]

In order to cast a runic spell, the player needs to select the correct combination of runes for a particular spell and click on the rune panel. So long as the spell is of a circle from which the player is able to cast (equal to one half of the character's current level rounded up), success is then determined by Casting skill. Spellcasting can either succeed, fail or backfire. A backfired spell means that the mana required for the spell is drained, but instead of the desired effect taking place, the player is physically injured.


In the first years of our settlement here in the Abyss, our mages have learned much about the nature of magic in this most strange place. What is written below is meant for the guidance of those pilgrim mages who may wish to join our company, lest you bring with you those items of great expense which will be useless to you here. (Many thanks to Seer Danlock, who has advised me in places where my natural gifts and learning failed me.) The magically-attuned among our original colonists quickly discovered that the rules of magic as known in the rest of the world do not apply to our new underground home. As any student of our world’s history must be aware, many titanic and dramatic events have unfolded in the vicinity of the Great Stygian Abyss — indeed, the chasm and the isle itself originated in energies arcane! Our foremost mages believe that the release in past times of enormous mystic energies here has worn the dimensional fabric thin, allowing the laws of other worlds to mingle with and even negate certain of the mystic principles.

Firstly, the casting of magic while within the Abyss does not require the use of reagents. Bring no sulfurous ash, ginseng, spider silk, nightshade, black pearls, blood moss or garlic — you will have no need for arcane ingredients in our community.

Secondly, new colonists should leave behind their spellbooks. We have discovered a way to cast magic which works only in the Abyss, and which does not require the user to carry a cumbersome tome with him. There are, scattered among the corridors in the depths, special stones charged with mystic potency. Each of these stones is inscribed with a rune identifying its nature. These rune stones are similar in function to the syllables of magic used in ordinary Britannian magic. Any spell can be cast by a mage who possesses the rune stones pertaining to that spell, unless the caster lacks the experience to utilize the spells of that Circle.

Thirdly, rune stones can only be used when they are placed in a suitable receptacle. Our seers have enchanted special bags for this purpose, and will provide you with a rune bag upon your arrival.

Fourthly, mages in the depths must develop proficiency in the physical gestures associated with spell-casting. We have noted spell failures here when all other conditions have been satisfied, and we attribute these disappointments to a lack of casting skill on the part of the wizard.

Lastly, it is just as important for a Runic Mage to possess Mana as it is for any other Britannian Mage, for this is the power which must be channeled into all wizardry. The mystic energy is restored when a mage sleeps, or sometimes by the use of arcane objects such as scrolls.

In the practice of runic magic, there are no reagents to act as physical ingredients to the spell, and no magic syllables to be spoken. The principal component of runic sorcery is the runestone, a small rock inscribed with one of the twenty-four known runes. Each of these runes has its own significance, a particular meaning and application, which when combined with other runes becomes articulated in a spell, a focused release of magical energy which accomplishes a particular effect on the world. The casting of the spell is accomplished through a complicated set of hand gestures. Even if a runic mage obtains all the correct runestones for a given spell, the appropriate gestures may yet be beyond his or her skill. It is a mastery of this element of the casting process that separates the accomplished mage from the neophyte.

Currently, runic magic is still too weak, too alien to the known laws of Britannian magic to be effective. If, however, there were to be another weakening of the interdimensional walls, the knowledge might become useful. However, if this were to occur it would be impossible to foresee how the rules of runic magic might alter, which spells would become easier or more difficult to cast, and whether new spells might become possible.


Runic spells can be easier to remember if one knows the runestone meanings.

Below are listed the known runic spells which feature in Ultima Underworld (UW1) and Ultima Underworld II (UW2):

Undocumented Spells[edit]

Many of the spells in the Underworld games are listed in the accompanying documentation, but some are undocumented and must be discovered in game. The following tables list both documented and undocumented spells for convenience.

For a list of undocumented spells and their in-game locations, see sub-article: Undocumented spells.


There are several discrepancies in the spells between UW1 and UW2:

  • Some spells are in one game and not the other.
  • Some spells are in both games but in different circles.
  • Some spells are in both games but are cast with different rune combinations.
  • Some rune combinations cast different spells in different games.
  • Some spells are in both games but function differently in either game.
  • Spell descriptions may differ between the two games's manuals.
  • The two games's manuals have slightly different categories and different critera for categorizing a spell.

In the following tables:

  • The Games column tells which game(s) a particular spell is in, and whether it is documented (known) or discovered (found).
  • Spells in different circles are listed in both circles, the Games column refers to the other circle if the spell is not in that circle for that game.
  • Spell descriptions come from whichever manual better decribes them. If the documented descriptions are inaccurate or ambigious, a user provided description is given. Undocumented spells have user provided descriptions.
  • Spells that are different between games are noted in the description column.
  • Spells are categorized similar to the UW2 system:
    • Duration: A spell that stays active for a certain period of time. For those spells the icon in the spell shelf is shown as well for easy identification.
    • Missile: A spell that launches a missle that will be fired from an aiming cursor.
    • Targeted: A spell that needs the user to select a target by touch, either out in the 3d world or in the inventory. The target must be within arm's reach unless a telekinesis spell is active.
    • Instantaneous: A spell that has an immediate effect, no duration, and no user targeting needed.
    • Permanent: A spell that creates an effect that lasts until changed by something else.

Spells of the First Circle[edit]

Spell Words of Power Type Description Games
Bounce Uus Des Por DurationBounceiconUW2.png Allows the caster to rebound into a jump at the end of a fall found
Create Food In Mani Ylem Instantaneous Creates a piece of fresh food known known
Detect Trap Wis Jux Targeted This spell informs the caster of any non-magical traps on an object known
Leap Uus Por DurationJumpiconUW2.png This spell increases the height and distance of its caster’s jumping ability found 2nd Circle
Light In Lor DurationLighticonUW2.png Provides illumination greater than that of a torch but less than a lantern known known
Locate Bet Wis Ex Instantaneous Reveals the mage's location on the map found
Luck Bet Ort In DurationLuckiconUW2.png In combat, this spell improves the odds in the caster’s favor known
Magic Arrow Ort Jux Missile This spell fires a magic arrow at an opponent. Can also be used to toggle switches. known known
Resist Blows Bet In Sanct DurationResblowsiconUW2.png Temporarily grants the caster the same protection as wearing head-to-toe armour known known
Stealth Sanct Hur DurationStealthiconUW1.png Briefly prevents you from making any noise, making it less likely that creatures will notice you known

Spells of the Second Circle[edit]

Spell Words of Power Type Description Games
Curse An Sanct DurationCurseiconUW1.png (unverified) decreases defense skills of opponents in combat found
Cause Fear Quas Corp Instantaneous


This spell can cause an opponent to lose heart and flee

UW1: Auto-targeted, UW2: User targeted

known known
Deadly Seeker Ort Wis Jux Missile This spell releases a projectile that tracks down and strikes an opponent known
Detect Monster Wis Mani Instantaneous Informs the caster as to the presence of nearby creatures known
Dispel Hunger Quas Mani Ylem Instantaneous Causes the caster to feel "well fed" found


Uus Por DurationJumpiconUW2.png Increases height and distance of jumps.

Called "jump" in manual and "leap" in game.

1st Circle known
Lesser Heal In Bet Mani Instantaneous Heals the caster's minor wounds known known
Rune of Flame In Flam Jux Permanent, until disturbed Creates an enchantment on a fixed location which will burst into flames should anything disturb it known
Rune of Warding In Jux Permanent, until disturbed Creates an enchantment on a fixed location which will report to the caster should anything disturb it known
Slow Fall Rel Des Por DurationSlowfalliconUW2.png Allows the caster to fall slowly and to avoid injury when jumping from great heights known known
Valor Quas An Corp DurationValoriconUW2.png Improves a casters abilities in combat (20% weapon proficiency increase) found

Spells of the Third Circle[edit]

Spell Words of Power Type Description Games
Bleeding Jux Mani Targeted Causes a targeted enemy to lose blood, causing it injury known
Conceal Bet Sanct Lor DurationConcealiconUW1.png Obscures the caster to others known
Cure Poison An Nox Instantaneous Removes any toxins in the caster's blood 5th circle known
Dispel Rune An Jux Ort Targeted Removes a magical rune such as a Rune of Flame or a Rune of Stasis known
Lightning Ort Grav Missile Hurls a bolt of arcane electrical energy at a foe known known
Night Vision Quas Lor DurationNightvisioniconUW2.png Allows the caster to see without the benefit of a light source, distance equivalent to lantern known known
Repel Undead An Kal Corp Instantaneous Causes undead to flee in terror, unless being cornered found
Speed Rel Tym Por DurationSpeediconUW2.png Decreases the speed of others thereby making the caster relatively faster known known
Strengthen Door Sact Jux Permanent Spikes a door known
Thick Skin In Sanct DurationThickskiniconUW2.png Thickens the caster's skin to protect from blows. found 4th Circle
Water Walk Ylem Por DurationWaterwalkiconUW2.png Allows the caster to walk on water 4th Circle known

Spells of the Fourth Circle[edit]

Spell Words of Power Type Description Games

Resist Fire

Sanct Flam DurationFlameporooficonUW2.png This spell briefly grants a partial resistance to damage from flame. Called "Resist Fire" in UW1 manual, "Flameproof" everywhere else known known
Frost In An Flam Instantaneous Throws multiple iceballs at the foes surrounding the caster found
Heal In Mani Instantaneous This spell heals the caster of even grievous wounds known known
Levitate mod.gif
Levitate Hur Por DurationLevitateiconUW2.png Briefly allows you to rise vertically into the air known 5th Circle
Missile Protection Grav Sanct Por DurationMissporoticonUW2.png This spell renders the caster invulnerable to most missiles, and offers protection from others 5th Circle known
Poison Nox Mani Instantaneous Poisons all nearby creatures, hostile or not. known
Poison Weapon Nox Jux Ylem DurationPoisonweaponUW2.png This spell envenoms the caster’s weapons known
Remove Trap An Jux Targeted This spell negates a non-magical trap known known
Study Monster Wis Mani Targeted This spell gives the caster knowledge about a creature known
Thick Skin In Sanct DurationThickskiniconUW2.png Thickens the caster's skin to protect from blows. 3rd Circle found
Water Walk Ylem Por DurationWaterwalkiconUW1.png Allows the caster to walk on water found 3rd Circle

Spells of the Fifth Circle[edit]

Spell Words of Power Type Description Games
Cure Poison An Nox Instantaneous Removes any toxins in the caster's blood known 3rd circle
Fireball Por Flam Missile Hurls a flaming missile at a targeted creature known known
Levitate Uus Hur Por DurationLevitateiconUW2.png Allows the caster to move upward and downward in a fixed spot 3rd circle known
Mending Rel Sanct Ylem Targeted Repairs damaged equipment. Restores others, such as refilling a lantern found
Missile Protection Grav Sanct Por DurationMissporoticonUW2.png Renders the caster invulnerable to missile weapons known 4th circle
Name Enchantment Ort Wis Ylem Targeted This spell reveals the true nature of the object on which the spell is cast known known
Open Ex Ylem Targeted This spell unlocks a locked door or chest known known
Rune of Stasis In Tym Jux Permanent, until disturbed Creates a floating rune. Any foe touching it is immobilized found
Smite Undead An Corp Mani Instantaneous


Delivers a crushing blow to a single undead being

UW1: Auto-targets nearest, UW2: User targeted

found known
Telekinesis Ort Por Ylem DurationTelekiniconUW2.png Allows the caster to manipulate or pick up a single item at a distance 6th circle known

Spells of the Sixth Circle[edit]

Spell Words of Power Type Description Games
Charm Quas Rel Wis Targeted Renders a hostile enemy friendly known
Daylight Vas In Lor DurationDayiconUW2.png This spell provides bright illumination for extended periods of time known known
Gate Travel Vas Rel Por Instantaneous


UW1: Allows you to travel instantly to a moonstone

UW2: When cast on one moonstone, this spell takes the caster instantaneously to another moonstone

known known
Greater Heal Vas In Mani Instantaneous Restores the caster to full health known known
Invisibility Vas Sanct Lor DurationInvisibleiconUW2.png Renders the caster invisible 7th circle known
Map Area Wis Ex Instantaneous Maps the area surrounding the mage. The scope of the mapping in proportion to the mage's experience found
Paralyze An Ex Por Instantaneous


Prevents a targeted creature from moving

UW1: Auto-Targeted, UW2: User targeted

known known
Sheet Lightning Vas Ort Grav Instantaneous Summons an electrical storm to sweep the area found known
Telekinesis Ort Por Ylem DurationTelekiniconUW2.png Allows the caster to manipulate or pick up items at a distance known 5th circle

Spells of the Seventh Circle[edit]

Spell Words of Power Type Description Games
Ally In Mani Rel Permanent Causes the targeted creature to attack the last enemy it saw the caster attack known
Enchant Item Vas Ort Ylem Permanent Can enchant weapons and armor. Also improves an already existing enchantment. If it fails, the item is destroyed. found
Fly Vas Hur Por DurationFlyiconUW2.png Allows the caster to fly known 8th circle
Invisibility Vas Sanct Lor DurationInvisibleiconUW2.png Renders the caster invisible known 6th circle
Magic Satellite Ort Por Grav Permanent, until it attacks Creates a magic satellite near the caster which attacks nearby foes known

Mass Confusion

Vas An Wis Instantaneous Causes all foes to become befuddled

Called "Confusion" in UW1, "Mass Confusion" in UW2

known known
Portal Vas Ex Ylem Instantaneous Transports the caster seven feet forward known
Reveal Ort An Quas Instantaneous Reveals hidden objects and concealed doors known known
Shockwave Jux Hur Instantaneous Creates a wave of destruction around the caster known
Summon Daemon Kal An Mani Instantaneous Summons a hostile daemon which immediately attacks the caster found
Summon Monster Kal Mani Instantaneous Summons a random critter in front of the caster, usually in a mellow state found
Tremor Vas Por Ylem Instantaneous Creates a vast upheaval, causing the ground to quake and rocks to fall 8th circle found

Spells of the Eighth Circle[edit]

Spell Words of Power Type Description Games
Armageddon Vas Kal Corp Permanent Ends all life everywhere, trapping the caster in a dead and desolate world found found
Flame Wind Flam Hur Instantaneous This spell unleashes a storm of fireballs in front of the caster known known
Fly Vas Hur Por DurationFlyiconUW2.png This spell allows the caster to fly through air for a time, and then glide gently to the ground 7th circle known
Freeze Time An Tym DurationTimestopiconUW2.png This spell stops the flow of time for all save the caster known known
Iron Flesh In Vas Sanct DurationIronfleshiconUW2.png This spell greatly increases resistance to damage known known
Restoration Vas Mani Instantaneous This spell restores the caster to full health, wakefulness and satiation known
Roaming Sight Ort Por Wis DurationRoamingsiconUW2.png This spell allows the caster to move his or her point of view at will, regardless of physical constraints known known
Smite Foe Vas Jux Mani Instantaneous Heavily damages the targeted foe. Only works on living creatures, not magical constructs or the undead. found
Tremor Vas Por Ylem Instantaneous Creates a vast upheaval, causing the ground to quake and rocks to fall known 7th circle


  • The only obtainable rune bag in Ultima Underworld is among Alfred's remains on the first level.
  • UW1 has exactly one undocumented spell in each circle.
  • UW1 has exactly six spells in each circle, five documented and one not.
  • UW2 has exactly eight spells in each circle, most having two undocumented per circle, except the third and sixth with one each and the seventh with three.

See Also[edit]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 Armintrout, W.G.. "Runic Magic". Memoirs of Sir Cabirus (Ultima Underworld). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1992. Pages 17–18.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Grossman, Austin. A Safe Passage Through Britannia (Ultima Underworld II). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1992. Pages 18–19.

Magic Systems
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Other Runic magicRunic spellsSavage Empire magic