Runic magic/Ultima Underworld II spells

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This sub article lists all the documented runic magic spells of Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds grouped by spell circle.

For a list of undocumented spells and their locations, see: Runic magic/Undocumented spells


The spells documented here match how they are presented in the game's documentation manual, with these exceptions:

  • Type: The spell types in the maunal were a bit ambiguous, so here they have been given as:
    • Duration: A spell that stays active for a certain period of time, leaving an icon in the appropriate area of the display.
    • Missile: A spell that will spawn a missle and provides the user an aiming cursor (Uw2.cursor.aim.png) to select a vector for it's trajectory.
    • Targeted: A spell that provides the user a targeting cursor (Uw2.cursor.touch.png) to select a target by touch, either out in the 3d world or in the inventory. The target must be within an arm's reach unless a telekinesis spell is active.
    • Instantaneous: A spell that has an immediate effect, no duration, and no user targeting needed.
  • Icon: An icon has been provided to help visually represent some of the spells.
    • Duration spells icons have a gray background, similar to the color of the in-game spell shelf they will be seen on.
    • Missile spells have an image of the projectile they create
    • Some other spells have an icon picked from the game's graphics to represent the action or effect of the spell.
  • Notes: Clarifications about the spell in addition to the provided documentation.

Spells of the First Circle

Spell Words of Power Description Type Icon Notes
In UW2.pngMani UW2.pngYlem UW2.png Create Food In Mani Ylem This spell causes a helping of food to appear instantaneous Uw2.meat2.png Creates a single piece of fresh food
Wis UW2.pngJux UW2.png Detect Trap Wis Jux This spell informs the caster of any non-magical traps on an object targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png
In UW2.pngLor UW2.png Light In Lor This spell provides illumination duration Uw2.spellicon.light.png Provides illumination greater than that of a torch but less than a lantern
Bet UW2.pngOrt UW2.pngIn UW2.png Luck Bet Ort In In combat, this spell improves the odds in the caster’s favor duration Uw2.spellicon.luck.png
Ort UW2.pngJux UW2.png Magic Arrow Ort Jux This spell fires a magic arrow at an opponent missile Uw2.magicarrow.png Can also toggle switches and levers, etc
Bet UW2.pngIn UW2.pngSanct UW2.png Resist Blows Bet In Sanct This spell offers the same protection as a suit of head-to-toe armor duration Uw2.spellicon.resistblows.png

Spells of the Second Circle

Spell Words of Power Description Type Icon Notes
Quas UW2.pngCorp UW2.png Cause Fear Quas Corp This spell can cause an opponent to lose heart and flee targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png
Ort UW2.pngWis UW2.pngJux UW2.png Deadly Seeker Ort Wis Jux This spell releases a projectile that tracks down and strikes an opponent missile Uw2.homingdart.png
Uus UW2.pngPor UW2.png Jump Uus Por This spell increases the height and distance of its caster’s jumping ability duration Uw2.spellicon.leap.png This spell is called jump in the manual and leap everywhere else
In UW2.pngBet UW2.pngMani UW2.png Lesser Heal In Bet Mani This spell heals the caster’s minor wounds instantaneous Uw2.vitalityflask.png
In UW2.pngFlam UW2.pngJux UW2.png Rune of Flame In Flam Jux This spell creates a floating rune that explodes into flame if disturbed instantaneous Uw2.flamrune.png lasts until disturbed
Rel UW2.pngDes UW2.pngPor UW2.png Slow Fall Rel Des Por This spell briefly allows the caster to float in the air like a feather duration Uw2.spellicon.slowfall.png Allows the caster to fall slowly and to avoid injury when jumping or falling from great heights

Spells of the Third Circle

Spell Words of Power Description Type Icon Notes
Jux UW2.pngMani UW2.png Bleeding Jux Mani This spell drains blood from a selected creature targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png
An UW2.pngNox UW2.png Cure Poison An Nox This spell acts as an antidote to any poison currently in the caster’s system instantaneous Uw2.poisonflask.png
An UW2.pngJux UW2.pngOrt UW2.png Dispel Rune An Jux Ort This spell dispels any magical runes targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png
Ort UW2.pngGrav UW2.png Lightning Ort Grav This spell hurls a bolt of arcane energy at an opponent missile Uw2.lightningbolt.png
Quas UW2.pngLor UW2.png Night Vision Quas Lor This spell allows the caster to see without benefit of torch or candle duration Uw2.spellicon.nightvision.png vision distance is greater than a lantern but vision is mostly grayscale
Rel UW2.pngTym UW2.pngPor UW2.png Speed Rel Tym Por This spell accelerates the caster’s thought and movement duration Uw2.spellicon.speed.png
Ylem UW2.pngPor UW2.png Water Walk Ylem Por This spell allows the caster to walk on water duration Uw2.spellicon.waterwalk.png

Spells of the Fourth Circle

Spell Words of Power Description Type Icon Notes
Sanct UW2.pngFlam UW2.png Flameproof Sanct Flam Briefly grants a partial resistance to damage from flame duration Uw2.spellicon.flameproof.png
In UW2.pngMani UW2.png Heal In Mani This spell heals the caster of even grievous wounds instantaneous Uw2.vitalityflask.png
Grav UW2.pngSanct UW2.pngPor UW2.png Missile Protection Grav Sanct Por This spell renders the caster invulnerable to most missiles, and offers protection from others duration Uw2.spellicon.missileprotection.png
Nox UW2.pngJux UW2.pngYlem UW2.png Poison Weapon Nox Jux Ylem This spell envenoms the caster’s weapons duration Uw2.spellicon.poisonweapon.png
An UW2.pngJux UW2.png Remove Trap An Jux This spell negates a non-magical trap targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png
Wis UW2.pngMani UW2.png Study Monster Wis Mani This spell gives the caster knowledge about a creature targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png

Spells of the Fifth Circle

Spell Words of Power Description Type Icon Notes
Por UW2.pngFlam UW2.png Fireball Por Flam This spell hurls a flaming missile at an opponent missile Uw2.fireball.png
Uus UW2.pngHur UW2.pngPor UW2.png Levitate Uus Hur Por This spell briefly allows the caster to rise vertically into the air duration Uw2.spellicon.levitate.png
Ort UW2.pngWis UW2.pngYlem UW2.png Name Enchantment Ort Wis Ylem This spell reveals the true nature of the object on which the spell is cast targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png identifies magical items and bones
Ex UW2.pngYlem UW2.png Open Ex Ylem This spell unlocks a locked door or chest targeted Uw2.lockpick.png
An UW2.pngCorp UW2.pngMani UW2.png Smite Undead An Corp Mani This spell destroys an undead creature targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png
Ort UW2.pngPor UW2.pngYlem UW2.png Telekinesis Ort Por Ylem This spell allows the caster to pick up a single item and use it from a distance duration Uw2.spellicon.telekinesis.png also works to manipulate doors, switches, and other objects, and extends the range of telekinesis

Spells of the Sixth Circle

Spell Words of Power Description Type Icon Notes
Quas UW2.pngRel UW2.pngWis UW2.png Charm Quas Rel Wis This spell causes the target to become friendly toward the caster targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png
Vas UW2.pngIn UW2.pngLor UW2.png Daylight Vas In Lor This spell provides bright illumination for extended periods of time duration Uw2.spellicon.daylight.png the brightest light in game
Vas UW2.pngRel UW2.pngPor UW2.png Gate Travel Vas Rel Por When cast on one moonstone, this spell takes the caster instantaneously to another moonstone targeted Uw2.moonstone.png
Vas UW2.pngIn UW2.pngMani UW2.png Greater Heal Vas In Mani This spell brings the caster back to his or her original vigor (full Vitality) instantaneous Uw1.vitalityflask.png
Vas UW2.pngSanct UW2.pngLor UW2.png Invisibility Vas Sanct Lor This spell causes the caster to become nearly impossible to detect by normal means duration Uw2.spellicon.invisibility.png
An UW2.pngEx UW2.pngPor UW2.png Paralyze An Ex Por This spell prevents the target from moving targeted Uw2.cursor.touch.png
Vas UW2.pngOrt UW2.pngGrav UW2.png Sheet Lightning Vas Ort Grav This spell causes a cone of lightning bolts to erupt from the caster’s hands instantaneous Uw2.lightningeffect.png

Spells of the Seventh Circle

Spell Words of Power Description Type Icon Notes
Ort UW2.pngPor UW2.pngGrav UW2.png Magic Satellite Ort Por Grav This spell creates an object that orbits the caster, and that explodes on contact with any creature instantaneous Uw2.satellite.png
Vas UW2.pngAn UW2.pngWis UW2.png Mass Confusion Vas An Wis This spell causes foes to become disoriented instantaneous Uw1.confusion.gif
Vas UW2.pngEx UW2.pngYlem UW2.png Portal Vas Ex Ylem This spell transports the caster forward some distance, regardless of intervening objects, as long as there is an open space to arrive at instantaneous
Ort UW2.pngAn UW2.pngQuas UW2.png Reveal Ort An Quas This spell reveals hidden objects and concealed exits from the caster’s current location instantaneous
Jux UW2.pngHur UW2.png Shockwave Jux Hur This spell causes a devastating shockwave to expand outward from the caster’s body instantaneous

Spells of the Eighth Circle

Spell Words of Power Description Type Icon Notes
Flam UW2.pngHur UW2.png Flame Wind Flam Hur This spell unleashes a storm of fireballs in front of the caster instantaneous Uw1.fireeffect1.png
Vas UW2.pngHur UW2.pngPor UW2.png Fly Vas Hur Por This spell allows the caster to fly through air for a time, and then glide gently to the ground duration
Flam UW2.pngHur UW2.png Freeze Time Flam Hur This spell stops the flow of time for all save the caster duration Uw2.spellicon.freezetime.png
In UW2.pngVas UW2.pngSanct UW2.png Iron Flesh In Vas Sanct This spell greatly increases resistance to damage duration Uw2.spellicon.ironflesh.png
Vas UW2.pngMani UW2.png Restoration Vas Mani This spell restores the caster to full health, wakefulness and satiation instantaneous Uw1.vitalityflask.png
Ort UW2.pngPor UW2.pngWis UW2.png Roaming Sight Ort Por Wis This spell allows the caster to move his or her point of view at will, regardless of physical constraints duration Uw2.spellicon.roamingsight.png