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Necromancy is the magic of Earth and over Death itself, granted by Lithos, titan of Earth. Necromancy is practiced by the Necromancers, which live in the Cemetery east of Tenebrae, where they also do their duty to bury the dead of Pagan. All the spells deal exclusively either with earth itself, or in some manner with the dead. The Heart of Earth plays no role is this, but pacifies Lithos.

The Ritual to Gain Spells[edit]

The way spells for Necromancy are created is not too complicated. Once someone has decided to become a learner in the order of the Necromants, they are given a Key of the Caretaker. Once a spell is learned, the reagents needed for the spell are put into a bag, and then the Key is used on the closed bag with the right Words of Power. If everything was done correctly, a small talisman appears, holding the power of the spell for one use. The spell can then be used at any time the caster wishes. Once used, the talisman dissolves.

Warning: Should the combination of reagents be wrong, the reagents are lost. More than one apprentice has made this error.


Reagent codes:

Executioners hood.gif
Executioner's Hood (EX)
Wood (WO)
Dirt (DI)
Blackmoor (BM)
Bone (BO)
Blood (BL)
Dead Man's Elbow (DE)

Note that Dead Man's Elbow is not used for any spells encountered.

For more information, see The Reagents of Necromancy

The Spells[edit]

The Following Spells are available for the Necromancer, the source is always conveyed as well, since the spells of Necromancy are learned from different sources:

Earth spells (word of power: Ylem)
Spell Words of Power Reagents Description
Open ground.gif
Open Ground DES POR YLEM BL BM Opens a grave or a hollow rock wall for the caster. One of the two spells that are written down at the Tomb of Moriens.
Call Quake KAL VAS YLEM POR DI BO WO BM Creates a earthquake to hurt one's foes. This spell is only conveyed by the current Necromancer, and found in a scroll in Lothian's belongings.
Stone skin.gif
Rock Flesh REL SANCT YLEM WO DI Makes the caster invulnerable for some time. This spell is conveyed by the Ancient Necromancers.
Summon golem.gif
Create Golem IN ORT YLEM XEN BL BO WO DI BM Creates an Earth Golem from a patch of Earth, doing the casters bidding. This spell is conveyed by the Ancient Necromancers.
Death spells (word of power: Corp)
Spell Words of Power Reagents Description
Death speak.gif
Death Speak KAL WIS CORP BL BO Enable to caster to speak with the dead Necromancers. One of the two spells that are written down at the Tomb of Moriens.
Mask of death.gif
Mask of Death QUAS CORP WO EX Undead ignore the spellcaster, since they think him dead. This spell is conveyed by the Ancient Necromancers.
Summon dead.gif
Summon Dead KAL CORP XEN BL BO WO Summons Ghouls or Skeletons to aid the caster in battle. This spell is conveyed by the Ancient Necromancers.
Withstand death.gif
Withstand Death VAS AN CORP WO DI BM Should the caster die after this is casted, they return to life. This spell is conveyed by the Ancient Necromancers.
Grant peace.gif
Grant Peace IN VAS CORP EX BM Can destroy all Ghouls, or all Ghosts, or all Skeletons visible by the caster forever (only way to permanently kill Skeletons). This spell is conveyed by the Ancient Necromancers.


Within all living things is a magical energy or life-force. However, once the life has passed from a body, a byproduct of the life-force, emitted as etheric waves, remains inside. Lithos, the Titan of Earth, imbues those of his choice with the insight and fortitude to have some power over death and Earth.

The focus of a Necromantic spell is a small pouch filled with the reagents required to cast the spell. These reagents are easily obtainable as they are bits and pieces of the land and of those who once lived upon it.


  • Despite the requirement that the Avatar first has to learn about a spell before being able to use it, this only goes for the spells learned at the Cemetery. The spells of the Ancient Necromancers are already known to the Avatar thanks to a flag bug, thus one can proceed straight to Stone Cove.

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