Call Quake is an attack spell in Necromancy that will cause the very ground to shake.
Spell Description[edit]
With the spell Call Quake, the very element of Earth itself is used by the Necromancer and turned against the foes. Casting the spell will cause a heavy tremor, causing foes to lose their footing, as well as sustaining injuries by falling rocks and stalactites. Aside from the injuries the foes receive, they also become disoriented, making them prey for a following surprise attack. This spell is actually a recent development and special heritage from the elderly Lothian, only found in her belongings after her death.
This ritual causes the very earth to rise up and heave.
My time above this ground draws nigh. My dearest lord, the Mountain King calls me, and I must go. Soon I shall shed this mortal coil and join Lithos for life ever lasting. Yet before I go I must fulfill my final charge as Necromancer. My final duty is this, my spell. The spell which shall by my addition to the magic of the Earthen Power, may Lithos be praised. For time immorial, students of the power of Earth shall this spell learn.
From my undead lips shall they hear how to coax the Lord of all Earth to shake His mighty body and make all fall before the user of Earthen Magic. To call Quakes; combine the sacred reagents of bone, wood, dirt, and blackmoor. Invoke the power of magic upon these reagents when enclosed within a bag. Then will you be enabled to call upon the power of Lithos. This then is my final act as Necromancer. I await the call of the Mountain King. Lothian, Necromancer.
See Also[edit]