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Britannia, as seen from outer space

Britannia are the lands that remained of old Sosaria, after the defeat of Mondain unleashed untold energies that sundered the world's four continents apart. Formerly known as the "The Lands of Lord British", and later on simply as "Sosaria", the land was renamed "Britannia" after the defeat of Exodus (some time before Ultima IV) to honor Lord British, the monarch who called the hero to defeat the evil creature and who rebuilt the lands after the destruction caused by Exodus' defeat.

Britannia is the word in which most games (since Ultima IV) take place.


Britannia in Ultima VII

Due to the sheer length the history of the lands of Britannia holds, and the wish to not cut down on the details of said history, it has been moved into its separate article. Thus, for the history of the land, see History of Britannia.


In the times of old Sosaria, the land that now is Britannia was only one of the four continents of old Sosaria, named The Lands of Lord British. The other three were The Lands of the Dark Unknown, The Lands of the Feudal Lords, and the Lands of Danger and Despair, later known as the Serpent Isle. When the Stranger defeated Mondain the Wizard in Ultima I, untold energies were set free and the world was thundered apart. The other three continents were thought lost – though it was later proven they persisted in another world. With the one known continent being altered by this cataclysmic event, the Lands of Lord British were rechristened to simply Sosaria.

By the time of Ultima III however, Sosaria was under attack by Exodus. the evil creation of Mondain and Minax. Again the Stranger had to intervene and led a campaign against the dark creature that held power over the very processes of the planet itself. When the Stranger and his companions defeated this new threat, a huge cataclysm re-shaped the land once again, this time into its current, well-known formation. Only some time thereafter the Kingdom of Britannia was declared with Lord British as it lone ruling monarch.

From before the beginning of the Quest of the Avatar to after the time of the Black Gate, the lands of Britannia only changed very little geographically, having finally found profound stability after two massive re-shapings, although various islands seem to have a habit of appearing and disappearing due to volcanic or seismic disturbances.

Britannia is a world full of interesting places, cities and areas. Note that "Terrain" covers the various terrain forms found in the land.

The Eight Cities of Virtue[edit]


These are the big eight cities, of which one each represents and practices one of the Eight Virtues especially. These eight cities generally are the big population centers of Britannia, holding the most significance culturally and economically among the settlements of Britannia.


Villages and other smaller settlements outside of the eight cities are mostly small and only of secondary importance in the whole of Britannia, and thus are collected into this separate category.



Besides Castle Britannia itself, where Lord British resides and the seat of government is located, there also exist the thee main keeps of the Principles of Truth, Love and Courage, as well as numerous smaller keeps of only minor and local importance.


These are buildings designed to safely guide ships through the dangerous seas at night with their long-reaching bright light, lighthouses are single structures, often situated far from settlements.



To each of the Eight Virtues a shrine is dedicated to. These shrines are one of the central pieces in the system of Virtues in Britannia and act as places for pilgrims to meditate and gain insight into the virtue each shrine represents. These are often removed from civilization to make the journey to the shrines an experience in itself.



Without any doubt these are the major holes of evil in Britannia; the places where creatures of darkness retreat when the surface world becomes too bright for their tastes. Eight of these exist, seven opposing a single virtue, while the eighth one – the Abyss itself – opposes all of them at the same time. It's not recommended to enter these without good reason.


Only minor holes of evil compared to the major eight dungeons these cave system may be, but entering them still is not recommended, unless one is prepared for the serious troubles that await within these caves.


Britannia consists of more than just the main continent itself. There are many islands in the realm – some big, some small – and most of them actually hold significant importance and history, though only the biggest of them are continually inhabited.

Interesting Areas[edit]


These are areas of Britannia that don't fall into any of the above categories, and are therefore listed as their own category. Mostly areas of the main continent and the sea, though some don't follow that pattern.

Realm of the Gargoyles[edit]

The Realm of the Gargoyles – a world once connected to Britannia in strange and mystical ways – no longer exists, having been torn apart by the void in the late Age of Enlightenment (in Ultima VI.



From the rubble of Sosaria, Lord British was able to unite all the mainland and a few of the islands under his one rule. This new Empire of Britannia brought much sought-after peace and prosperity to its subjects. Many of the ancient pockets of evil were destroyed, so that the only remaining hazard to wayfarers was the occasional stray band of marauding Orcs or hill giants. Most of the lands were mapped, although a few unexplored regions still remain. With the Triad of Evil destroyed, Lord British became known for his dedication to raising the quality of life of his subjects. To assist in this endeavor, three mighty structures were raised in distant parts of the realm. One was the Lycaeum, wherein lay the great observatory. Another was the Empath Abbey with its oak groves where wise men and women meditated upon the teachings of the ancients. The third structure was the great castle of the Knight's Order of the Silver Serpent. Only the flower of Lord British's chivalry was invited to join this order, which embodied the highest ideals and exemplary bravery. The rest of the land was divided among eight major towns, each with its own political faction. Numerous satellite villages also dotted the countryside between the towns. In this manner were Lord British's lands organized.
The Triad of Evil was destroyed, and great celebration ensued. In honor of the day, they called the new world Britannia.
With the passing of gloom and despair from the face of Britannia, the citizens flourished. Edicts went forth from my hand which were designed to foster both the material and spiritual growth of the society. I established great centers of learning where the arts and sciences could be developed and appreciated. During this era of renaissance, eight major townships were built upon the foundations of the former city-states, each dedicated to the study and fostering of a single virtue. These towns stand as symbols of great fortitude to this day.
After the smiting of Exodus, the people of Sosaria, who lived in terror during the onslaught of these evil magical beings, did unite together as a measure of self-protection under the sovereign rule of Lord British. Thus was formed the kingdom of Britannia. Led by wise Lord British, the land did come to flourish. The eight major townships rose upon the foundations of the old city-states. A renaissance of culture and civilization was highlighted by the formation of great institutions devoted to the study and advancement of the arts and sciences.
This was the end of the Triad of Evil, and in the ensuing celebration Sosaria was renamed Britannia, a single nation united under the rule of Lord British. A period of growth and prosperity followed, and Lord British turned his attention to philosophy, the nature of virtue, and the perfectibility of humankind. In each of Britannia’s eight cities he established a shrine devoted to the study and perfection of one of the Eight Virtues. In addition, he founded institutions devoted to the three great principles of Truth, Love and Courage.
This segment of history, if it can be called such, belongs more in a work of fiction than in this objective treatise of our land and our culture. However, at Vardion’s rather persuasive — and sorcerous — insistence, I have included it within these pages. Though the veracity of the source is unknown, Vardion claims these stories, as told by his grandmother, Mordra, must have some bearing on reality or she would not have passed them on. Vardion is a great and widely respected sorcerer, and even the Thaumaturge Mythran speaks highly of the aged woman, yet one must wonder about the truth of tales describing this other world, the one called Britannia.

Shots of the Planet[edit]

The into of Ultima Online is the only time the planet can truly be observed from outer space.

Ultima Saga[edit]

This article or section is about the Ultima Saga series of novels. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

Lynn Abbey's Ultima Saga is set in Britannia shortly before the events of Ultima V.

Dramatis Personae[edit]

An island continent where magic is part of the natural world. For more than a hundred years it has been united under the enlightened rule of a singular and remarkable man, Lord British, from whom it has taken its current name.
– from Dramatis Personae (Ultima Saga: The Temper of Wisdom)

Cities YewMinocSkara BraeBritainNew MaginciaMoonglowJhelomTrinsicMagincia
Castles Castle BritanniaEmpath AbbeyLycaeumSerpent's Hold
Towns BritannysBuccaneer's DenCoveDawnPawsTerfinVesper
Shrines CompassionHonestyHonorHumilityJusticeSacrificeValorSpirituality
Shrine of the Codex
Dungeons The AbyssCovetousDeceitDespiseDestardDoomHythlothShameWrong
Lighthouses FogsbaneGreyhavenStormcrowWaveguide
Caves Ant moundBee caveBuccaneer's CaveCyclops CaveDesert DungeonHeftimus Cave
Heroes' HoleMoonglow catacombsPirate CaveSpirit TunnelsSpider CaveSwamp Cave
Vesper mine
Islands AmbrosiaIsle of the AvatarDagger IsleDeadman's IslandIsle of Deeds
Isle of FireJanus IslandMarsor's IsleSpektranValarian IslandsValorian Isles
Verity Isle
Lakes Lake GenerosityLock LakeLost Lake
Major Areas Bloody PlainsBog of DesolationBritanny BayCape of HeroesChannel of Lost Hope
Deep ForestDrylandsFens of the DeadHigh SteppesLost Hope Bay
Realm of the GargoylesSerpent's SpineSpiritwoodUnderworld
Serpent Isle
Cities FawnMonitorMoonshade
Settlements Inn of the Sleeping BullIsles of the Mad MageMonk IsleNorthern Encampment
Dungeons SkullcrusherSpinebreakerFurnaceKnight's TestMountains of Freedom
Ruins Shamino's CastleCastle of the White DragonShrine of BalanceTemple of Discipline
Temple of EmotionTemple of EnthusiasmTemple of EthicalityTemple of Logic
Temple of Tolerance
Islands Isle of BeyondClawIsle of CryptsGwani Death TempleIce dragons’ lair
Isles of the Mad MageMonk IslePenguin IslandSunrise Isle
Interesting Areas Gorlab SwampGreat Northern ForestIce PlainsKnight's Forest
Serpent Isle Guard TowersWestern Forest
The Silver Seed Abandoned OutpostAram-Dol’s lairIssik's MazeSerpent's FangThe Fiend's Domain
Settlements Argentrock IsleDaemon's CragTenebrae
Other Carthax LakeCatacombsCemeteryFishermen's ReefHall of the Mountain King
Herdsman's ValleyPlateauShrine of the Ancient OnesStone CoveTreasure Cove
Vengeance Bay

Worlds in the Ultima Series
Main Worlds BritanniaSosariaSerpent IslePaganEarthEodonMars
Worlds of the
Blackrock Jewel
TarnaKillorn KeepAnodunosTalorusScintillus AcademyPits of CarnageRhiannonEthereal Void
Solar System
SunMercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunePlutoPlanet X
Other Worlds Nexus of the WorldsCaledoniaBalemaAshtalareaAlucinor