The Book of Lore

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The Book of Lore

The Book of Lore is the manual for Ultima V. It is 54 pages long. In-game, many sources are provided as authors, and the book is mentioned throughout the hero's adventures in Britannia. In real-life, Richard Garriott, Mark Hamner, Paul Isaac, Stuart Marks, Steve Meuse, John Miles, Toshi Morita, Chris Roberts and Dallas Snell are credited for the book.


The Book of Lore is presented as an in-character guide to the land of Britannia, giving a very detailed account of things the traveler has to know about the land. It touches upon many topics that were not discussed in previous or subsequent game manuals, such as for example the exact workings of the Great Council or celestial mechanics. The last page holds the Ethics of Blackthorn, which were enacted in-universe during Blackthorn's reign just days before the book would go into printing, and thus are a late addition – and a warning how things have changed in Britannia.

Translated, the runic script framing the cover reads as follows: "Being a complete compendium of Britannia from ancient times to date, recorded for the reference and enlightenment of people throughout the land."

Book Content[edit]

The following topics are part of the book:

Other Editions[edit]

For the port to the PC-9801 in Japan by Pony Canyon, the entire book was translated – including the title itself. Content-wise however, it stays the same. The port to the FM Towns in Japan was done by Fujitsu, and in that port all manuals – including the Book of Lore – were combined into one book with a new cover, and all of the content, including all of the illustrations, is present. The Apple II-version of the game also was sold in Taiwan, and the book, while being fully translated and including the illustrations, was shrunk to a square format and is missing the magic section.

The book was later re-printed in The Age of Virtue manual. While the text is the same, the book otherwise was altered significantly. The section headers – in the original drawn words – were replaced by simple text, a large number of illustrations were removed, others shoved together (especially the shop signs).

Alternate Covers[edit]

Fan Versions[edit]

For Ultima V: Lazarus, a fan Book of Lore was created in PDF-format, containing all the same information one would expect from such a book coming with an Ultima game. This fan-created version however does not try to emulate the looks of the original Book of Lore and in general looks somewhat poor concerning the quality of the illustrations.


  • This is the final manual in which there is a message from Lord British on the back cover where he thanks all involved in the creation of the game, something also done in the manuals of Ultima III, Ultima IV and the Ultima I remake. All future back covers would only sport the background and the Origin logo - with the exception of Ultimate Adventures.


External Links[edit]

Ultima Game Manuals
Age of Darkness Akalabeth (manual) ☥ Ultima I (Playbook, manual) ☥ Ultima II (manual) ☥ Ultima III (play guide, cleric guide, wizard guide)
Age of Enlightenment Ultima IV (History of Britannia, Mystic Wisdom) ☥ Ultima V (Book of Lore, journal) ☥ Ultima VI (Compendium)
Age of Armageddon Ultima VII (Fellowship, Isle of Fire) ☥ Ultima VII Part Two (Serpent Pillars, Silver Seed) ☥ Ultima VIII (Chronicle) ☥ Ultima IX (Spellbook, journal)
Underworld Underworld (Memoirs) ☥ Underworld II (Safe Passage)
Worlds of Ultima Savage Empire (Ultimate Adventures) ☥ Martian Dreams (Red Planet, Time Travel)
Compilations Ultima Trilogy I (Trilogy manual) ☥ Ultima Trilogy II (The Age of Virtue) ☥ Ultima Collection (Ultima Atlas)
Other Shroud of the Avatar (Adventurer's Manual)