Realm of the Gargoyles

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Realm of the Gargoyles
The Realm of the Gargoyles in Ultima VI
Located in: Britannia
Type: other realm

The Realm of the Gargoyles[1] was the original homeworld of the gargoyles, located on "the other side of the world" from Britannia. Travel to the Realm of the Gargoyles was only possible through a dungeon or with the Orb of the Moons.


The Avatar unknowingly visited the Realm of the Gargoyles by the way of the Great Stygian Abyss in Ultima IV, entering the Shrine of Singularity to read the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. After Ultima V, the collapse of the Underworld caused the Realm of the Gargoyles to begin tearing apart and falling into the Ethereal Void. These two events fulfilled the first and second prophecies written in the Book of Prophecies, directly precipitating the Gargoyle War.

The Avatar visited these lands again in Ultima VI by the way of dungeon Hythloth. At this time only a small part of the lands remained: the City of Investigation, the gargoyles' island place of learning and government.[2] Several "pools" of void were also visible on the surface where pieces of the remaining land had broken away.

It is believed that the Realm of the Gargoyles vanished completely after the evacuation of the populace.


When the time comes to journey through the earth, Hythloth will provide the route. Only Hythloth goes all the way down, allowing one to emerge from a cave on the other side of the world. To succumb to temptation and use the Orb of the Moons to go there more quickly would prove unwise, for nought will you learn from the gargoyles until you learn their language. In the depths of Hythloth, just Before the final ladder, you will meet Captain John, who has been studying the ways of the gargoyles. He will provide you with a scroll which you can use to learn their tongue.


The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

Places of Interest[edit]

Ultima Online[edit]

The Realm of the Gargoyles also exists in the 2009 Ultima Online expansion Stygian Abyss, which introduces gargoyles as a playable race in Ultima Online. The land is called Ter Mur, which is Gargl for "world". As the Realm of the Gargoyles never collapsed into the Ethereal Void in Ultima Online lore, the world is much larger and include several gargoyle settlements.

For more information, see Ter Mur.

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, the Realm of the Gargoyles is divided into several lands, the main being Vas Ter Prilem, their seat of government and learning, and Manide Don, their place of agriculture. Access to Hythloth, the Shrine of Control, the Shrine of Diligence, and the Shrine of Passion is through a series of teleport devices.


  • There is a common and widespread misconception that the Realm of the Gargoyles and the Underworld are one and the same, likely originating from the line in the Ultima VI Compendium which states that the gargoyles had only been seen in the Underworld prior to their appearance in Britannia. However, the Compendium is written from the perspective of Lord British at a time when no human was aware of the existence of the Realm of the Gargoyles. Every subsequent manual contains the true origin of the gargoyles.
  • In the Book of the Underworld, located within the gargoyles' Hall of Knowledge, it is clear that the gargoyles view the human lands as part of their Underworld. This reinforces the view that the Realm of the Gargoyles/Underworld misconception is race-centric.
  • There is an exact replica of the Ultima VI map in Savage Empire; although, it cannot be reached by normal means.



  1. Dr. Cat. "The Realm of the Gargoyles". The Book of Prophecy. Origin: 1990. Pages 60-61.
  2. Captain JohneU6EditUltima VI. "city".

Realm of the Gargoyles
Area Shrine of ControlShrine of DiligenceShrine of Passion
Sacrificial SlabHall of KnowledgeTemple of SingularityTomb of Kings

Cities YewMinocSkara BraeBritainNew MaginciaMoonglowJhelomTrinsicMagincia
Castles Castle BritanniaEmpath AbbeyLycaeumSerpent's Hold
Towns BritannysBuccaneer's DenCoveDawnPawsTerfinVesper
Shrines CompassionHonestyHonorHumilityJusticeSacrificeValorSpirituality
Shrine of the Codex
Dungeons The AbyssCovetousDeceitDespiseDestardDoomHythlothShameWrong
Lighthouses FogsbaneGreyhavenStormcrowWaveguide
Caves Ant moundBee caveBuccaneer's CaveCyclops CaveDesert DungeonHeftimus Cave
Heroes' HoleMoonglow catacombsPirate CaveSpirit TunnelsSpider CaveSwamp Cave
Vesper mine
Islands AmbrosiaIsle of the AvatarDagger IsleDeadman's IslandIsle of Deeds
Isle of FireJanus IslandMarsor's IsleSpektranValarian IslandsValorian Isles
Verity Isle
Lakes Lake GenerosityLock LakeLost Lake
Major Areas Bloody PlainsBog of DesolationBritanny BayCape of HeroesChannel of Lost Hope
Deep ForestDrylandsFens of the DeadHigh SteppesLost Hope Bay
Realm of the GargoylesSerpent's SpineSpiritwoodUnderworld
Serpent Isle
Cities FawnMonitorMoonshade
Settlements Inn of the Sleeping BullIsles of the Mad MageMonk IsleNorthern Encampment
Dungeons SkullcrusherSpinebreakerFurnaceKnight's TestMountains of Freedom
Ruins Shamino's CastleCastle of the White DragonShrine of BalanceTemple of Discipline
Temple of EmotionTemple of EnthusiasmTemple of EthicalityTemple of Logic
Temple of Tolerance
Islands Isle of BeyondClawIsle of CryptsGwani Death TempleIce dragons’ lair
Isles of the Mad MageMonk IslePenguin IslandSunrise Isle
Interesting Areas Gorlab SwampGreat Northern ForestIce PlainsKnight's Forest
Serpent Isle Guard TowersWestern Forest
The Silver Seed Abandoned OutpostAram-Dol’s lairIssik's MazeSerpent's FangThe Fiend's Domain
Settlements Argentrock IsleDaemon's CragTenebrae
Other Carthax LakeCatacombsCemeteryFishermen's ReefHall of the Mountain King
Herdsman's ValleyPlateauShrine of the Ancient OnesStone CoveTreasure Cove
Vengeance Bay