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Foodmaker, from Ultima VI
Species: gargoyle
Profession: chef
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Realm of the Gargoyles
Transcript: Foodmaker
The Ultima 6 Project
Foodmaker, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Realm of the Gargoyles

Foodmaker (Kansinlem) is a chef in the Realm of the Gargoyles in Ultima VI.


The Avatar found Foodmaker to be a large and boisterous gargoyle chef, who also helped direct the wingless in more menial cooking tasks. He was quite happy to serve the hero while wearing the Amulet of Submission. Foodmaker told the Avatar that he had not yet received a name, but was sure he someday would, for he was the greatest gargoyle chef in the land. The chef was glad to offer the Avatar a cut of fine roasted horse flesh, and if the Avatar approved, offered to supply roasted meat every visit.[1]

The lively chef was disgusted by the submissive Goodscrafter, feeling that the gargoyle wallowed is self-pity, when strength and hard work would yet lead to success.


  • Should the Avatar speak to Foodmaker without having learned Gargish, he will say, "An-bal-sil-fer! Gres por! Gres por!". This translates to "False Prophet! Get out! Get out!"


  1. Foodmaker. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, food, hors, good, wing, wine".