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Location of the Drylands
Located in: Britannia
Type: desert
In the Drylands

The Drylands are a desert situated in the far northeast of the Britannian main continent.


In the later days of Britannia, the northeastern part of the continent became consumed by a vast and expansive desert known as the Drylands (or Dry Lands). Home to the Shrine of Sacrifice, this area has at times housed a colony of giant ants, as well as the mining town of Vesper and its accompanying mine.


At the time of Britannia's christening, the place that would become the Drylands was a mix of grassland, forest and swamps, with the archaic town of Vesper lying to the south. It is unknown how this region became desertous and barren, but the change had occurred by the time of the Avatar's return during the reign of Blackthorn. For decades after its formation, the Drylands sole inhabitant was Sin'Vraal, a Gargish hermit who lived alone in the wastes in a simple hut. Eventually, however, a settlement named Vesper reappeared in its southern stretching, bringing along with it the industry of the Britannian Mining Company.

In time, the land upon which the Drylands stood vanished; one of the many victims of the geological changes wrought by the Great Cataclysm.


(Note that the first quote refers to the area before desertification)

The northeastern tip of Britannia is rather wild. The treacherous marshes, with their noxious vapors that poison the unwary explorer, are home to swarms of large insects and all manner of vile beasts.
The deserts of northeastern Britannia are hot, dry, and easy to lose one's way in. Besides all sand looking much like all other sand, the heat is apt to play tricks on the eye, misleading travelers with landmarks that are not really there. Britannia's third large lake, the one-time picturesque Lake Generosity, was a casualty of the great drought of the northeast and is now simply a bed of dry sand.

Places of Interest[edit]


  • Ultima IV Part 2, a humorous fan game, offers an alternative explanation for the formation of the Drylands.
  • In Ultima Online, the Desert of Compassion takes the place of the Drylands.
  • In the original plans for Ultima IX, the Drylands were not destroyed, only got separated from the mainland by a river. It was only later in the game development, that they were destroyed outright.


Cities YewMinocSkara BraeBritainNew MaginciaMoonglowJhelomTrinsicMagincia
Castles Castle BritanniaEmpath AbbeyLycaeumSerpent's Hold
Towns BritannysBuccaneer's DenCoveDawnPawsTerfinVesper
Shrines CompassionHonestyHonorHumilityJusticeSacrificeValorSpirituality
Shrine of the Codex
Dungeons The AbyssCovetousDeceitDespiseDestardDoomHythlothShameWrong
Lighthouses FogsbaneGreyhavenStormcrowWaveguide
Caves Ant moundBee caveBuccaneer's CaveCyclops CaveDesert DungeonHeftimus Cave
Heroes' HoleMoonglow catacombsPirate CaveSpirit TunnelsSpider CaveSwamp Cave
Vesper mine
Islands AmbrosiaIsle of the AvatarDagger IsleDeadman's IslandIsle of Deeds
Isle of FireJanus IslandMarsor's IsleSpektranValarian IslandsValorian Isles
Verity Isle
Lakes Lake GenerosityLock LakeLost Lake
Major Areas Bloody PlainsBog of DesolationBritanny BayCape of HeroesChannel of Lost Hope
Deep ForestDrylandsFens of the DeadHigh SteppesLost Hope Bay
Realm of the GargoylesSerpent's SpineSpiritwoodUnderworld
Serpent Isle
Cities FawnMonitorMoonshade
Settlements Inn of the Sleeping BullIsles of the Mad MageMonk IsleNorthern Encampment
Dungeons SkullcrusherSpinebreakerFurnaceKnight's TestMountains of Freedom
Ruins Shamino's CastleCastle of the White DragonShrine of BalanceTemple of Discipline
Temple of EmotionTemple of EnthusiasmTemple of EthicalityTemple of Logic
Temple of Tolerance
Islands Isle of BeyondClawIsle of CryptsGwani Death TempleIce dragons’ lair
Isles of the Mad MageMonk IslePenguin IslandSunrise Isle
Interesting Areas Gorlab SwampGreat Northern ForestIce PlainsKnight's Forest
Serpent Isle Guard TowersWestern Forest
The Silver Seed Abandoned OutpostAram-Dol’s lairIssik's MazeSerpent's FangThe Fiend's Domain
Settlements Argentrock IsleDaemon's CragTenebrae
Other Carthax LakeCatacombsCemeteryFishermen's ReefHall of the Mountain King
Herdsman's ValleyPlateauShrine of the Ancient OnesStone CoveTreasure Cove
Vengeance Bay