Planet X

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Planet X
Time Period: 2112 A.D.
Coordinates: Xeno:9 Yako:9 Zabo:9
U2 C64 map age4 3planetx.png
Map of Planet X – 2112 A.D.

In Ultima II, the mysterious Planet X is shown to exist in the twenty-second century of Minax's ahistorical Earth.


Within the history forged by Minax's interventions on Earth, Planet X was a reality. The planet, while still unknown to the majority of terrestrial civilization, had been located by a number of alleged time-travelers dwelling in the prehistorical Pangea. The Stranger, requiring the blessing of the fabled Father Antos, found it necessary to explore this strange new world. It was possible and necessary to visit Planet X (located at coordinates 9, 9, 9) using a rocket ship, which could be acquired at the post-apocalyptic Soviet settlement of Pirates Harbour.

The hero found it to be a planet much like Earth, home to continents and oceans, and inhabited by beings who dwelt in the settlements of Towne Basko and Castle Barataria, under the rule of the enigmatic King Ozymandias.

Planet X only exists in the universe affected by Minax's machinations, but Father Antos later would appear on the world of Britannia, indicating that he, if nothing else, managed to return to Sosaria/Britannia.



Your journey will inevitably lead you into outer space. Special attire is needed to successfully travel through the solar system. While this map shows the limits of known space, don't be afraid to search for new worlds.


  • Planet X was a theoretical trans-Neptunian planet in the Solar System whose existence would explain irregularities in the orbit of Neptune. Planet X was first named by astronomer Percival Lowell. Certain that a ninth planet existed, Lowell built an observatory in Flagstaff (Arizona) and began to look extensively for the theoretical planet. While he failed in this endeavor, Lowell's observations eventually led to the discovery of Pluto, a large dwarf-planet with an orbit beyond Neptune. In contemporary astronomy, the theory of Planet X has been largely discarded, given new observations which would account for the variations in the outer planets' orbits.[1]
  • In Martian Dreams, the Avatar eventually had the privilege of meeting the aforementioned Percival Lowell.



  1.  “Planets beyond Neptune”. Wikipedia. Retrieved 2010‒11‒06.

Ahistoricism of Ultima II
Pangea Baradin's Town
1423 B.C. Castle of Lord BritishLe JesterTowne Linda
1990 A.D. Castle of Lord BritishNew San AntonioPort Bonifice
2112 A.D. Aftermath Earth (Pirates Harbour) ☥ Planet X (Towne BaskoCastle Barataria) ☥ SunMercuryVenusMars (Towne Mary) ☥ Jupiter (Village of the Preppies) ☥ SaturnUranus (New Jester) ☥ Neptune (Computer Camp) ☥ Pluto (Towne Makler ☥ Tommersville)
Time of Legends Shadowguard

Worlds in the Ultima Series
Main Worlds BritanniaSosariaSerpent IslePaganEarthEodonMars
Worlds of the
Blackrock Jewel
TarnaKillorn KeepAnodunosTalorusScintillus AcademyPits of CarnageRhiannonEthereal Void
Solar System
SunMercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptunePlutoPlanet X
Other Worlds Nexus of the WorldsCaledoniaBalemaAshtalareaAlucinor