Ahistoricism of Ultima II

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A time traveler (in this instance: the Stranger or Minax) can move between different time ages almost instantly. This does not mean that facts in different time ages occur at the same time, because it is just the time travelers, not the years, that travel in time; the time zones remain separate by centuries or millennia.

Because of the great amount of time traveling that occurs in Ultima II, performed in any order by the Stranger and by Minax, the only possible chronology of the ahistoricism can be written from the point of view of people who did not travel in time.

Chronology of the Time of Legends[edit]

The Time of Legends is not part of Sosaria, and therefore it follows a separate timeline.

The Ultima II manual (as well as the Timeline of the Ultima universe) clearly state that it follows a timeline separate from the Earth and the ahistorical Earth (below).

  • Time doors appear in this world. Minax comes in from Akalabeth/Sosaria.
  • Minax builds the castle of Shadowguard.
  • In Shadowguard, Minax generates an army of monsters and opens more time gates connecting this world to different ages of Sosaria and of a world henceforth known as "Ahistorical Earth". There is no evidence that Minax reached the home world of the Stranger.
  • Using the time doors, her magic powers and her monsters, Minax influences four separate ages of the Earth.
  • Using the time doors, her magic powers and her monsters, Minax displaces the Castle of Lord British from Sosaria to the Ahistorical Earth.
  • The Stranger comes in through a time door connecting to the Ahistorical Earth. The hero enters Shadowguard and defeats Minax.
  • As Minax dies, this world collapses. The Stranger manages to leave before the time doors disappear forever.

After the collapse of the Time of Legends, the ruins of Shadowguard Castle magically materialize in Sosaria.

Chronology of Minax's Ahistorical Earth (and nearby planets)[edit]


Minax's Alternate Earth is not part of Sosaria, and therefore it follows a separate timeline.

Note that this Earth is different from Earth from where the Stranger comes. This ahistorical timeline became different from it when time doors appeared during Pangea age.

Pangaea age:

  • Time doors appear in this age.
  • Through the time doors, Minax's monsters come in from the Time of Legend and Earthmen come in from the future.
  • Pirates from the future sail the Panthalassa ocean, while other time travelers establish the village of Baradin's Town.
  • The Stranger arrives in this age, visits Baradin's Town and learns about the whereabouts of Father Antos and Planet X.
  • The Stranger leaves this age through a time door.
  • Sooner or later, time doors start collapsing: all time travelers in this age are sucked in and sent back to their original time zone. Time doors disappear for several millions years.

1423 B.C.:

  • Time doors appear in this age, several million years after they collapsed (during Pangea).
  • Through the time doors, Minax's monsters come in from the Time of Legend and computer programmers come in from the future.
  • The whole castle of Lord British and its occupants are displaced to this age by Minax.
  • The Stranger arrives in this age, visits the village of Le Jester and receives a clue about the Hotel California. The hero visits Lord British's castle and meets Brother Antos, who send the champion on a quest to find Father Antos.
  • The Stranger leaves this age through a time door.
  • Castle British is displaced from this age to 3400 years in the future. It is unknown whether this is the doing of Minax or Lord British.
  • Sooner or later, time doors start collapsing: all time travelers in this age are sucked in and sent back to their original time zone, while the collapsing time doors eject all the time travelers that left from this age. Time doors disappear for about 3400 years.

1990 A.D.:

  • Time doors appear in this age, about 3400 years after they collapsed (in 1423 B.C. or shortly later).
  • Through the time doors, Minax's monsters come in from the Time of Legend and Earthmen come in from other ages.
  • The whole castle of Lord British and its occupants are displaced to this age. Iolo and Gwenno move to the city of New San Antonio.
  • The Stranger arrives in this age, visits Lord British's castle (and meets Brother Antos again), Port Bonifice (where discoveries about Father Antos are made), and New San Antonio (where the magic clerk of the Hotel California is met).
  • The Stranger leaves this age through a time door, and reappears later, after having met Father Antos.
  • The Stranger meets Sentri in the prison of New San Antonio, purchases the Quicksword and releases the fighter from jail.
  • The Stranger leaves this age through a time door forever.
  • After the last departure of the Stranger, Castle British is displaced from the Ahistorical Earth back to Sosaria. It can be assumed this was due to the magic powers of Lord British. Sentri, Iolo and Gwenno go to Sosaria, too.
  • Sooner or later, time doors start collapsing: all time travelers in this age are sucked in and sent back to their original time zone (except for those who went to Sosaria), while the collapsing time doors eject all the time travelers that left from this age. Time doors disappear for about 120 years.

XXII Century A.D.:

  • During a peaceful age, Earthmen terraformed all planets in the Solar System and colonized most of them.
  • Time doors appear in this age, about 120 years after they collapsed (in 1990 A.D. or shortly later).
  • Through the time doors, Minax's monsters come in from the Time of Legend and Sosarians come in from other ages.
  • In 2111 A.D., Minax manages to turn the powers of the Earth against each other. The result is the total devastation of the Earth. Survivors escape to space or through time doors. Some time travelers end up in Sosaria, where they alert Lord British.
  • In 2112 A.D., the Stranger arrives in this age, visits Pirates Harbour and meets Chuckles the jester.
  • The Stranger uses a space rocket from Pirates Harbour and explores the Solar System. He visits Jupiter and meets Dupre in the Village of the Preppies.
  • The Stranger travels to the Planet X, to meet Father Antos.
  • The Stranger flies back to Earth and leaves this age through a time door forever.
  • Later, Father Antos, Chuckles and Dupre manage to reach Sosaria, where they will stay forever.
  • Sooner or later, time doors start collapsing: all time travelers in this age are sucked in and sent back to their original time zone (except for those who went to Sosaria), while the collapsing time doors eject all the time travelers that left from this age. Time doors disappear forever from this world.

After the last disappearance of the time doors, this world and timeline became inaccessible. Because of this inaccessibility, Britannian sages declared this timeline "ahistorical".


  • Britannian sages also assumed that whenever the time doors disappear from one age, all killed men resurrected and all destroyed objects and lands were magically regenerated (as if removing a projectile from a wound is all it takes to make the wound disappear).
  • The exact reason why some time travelers stayed in Sosaria after the collapse of the time doors is unknown. Maybe Sosaria was actually their original world, or maybe the collapsing time doors are unable to "suck in and return" time travelers that left the Earth's timeline and reached Sosaria (and its timeline).

See also[edit]

Ahistoricism of Ultima II
Pangea Baradin's Town
1423 B.C. Castle of Lord BritishLe JesterTowne Linda
1990 A.D. Castle of Lord BritishNew San AntonioPort Bonifice
2112 A.D. Aftermath Earth (Pirates Harbour) ☥ Planet X (Towne BaskoCastle Barataria) ☥ SunMercuryVenusMars (Towne Mary) ☥ Jupiter (Village of the Preppies) ☥ SaturnUranus (New Jester) ☥ Neptune (Computer Camp) ☥ Pluto (Towne Makler ☥ Tommersville)
Time of Legends Shadowguard