Tremor – later known as Earthquake – is one of the most destructive attack spells known to the mages of Britannia.
Spell Description[edit]
This spell is a truly potent weapon. Casting Tremor will set off a horrible earthquake that rumbles the ground and causes gaps in the ground to open. The caster's foes will be frozen in terror, lose their footing and if falling rocks do not kill them, they will be swallowed by growing gaps in the ground, never to be seen again. This spell cannot be cast in settled areas, as it would cause death on a massive scale, so its use in such a way is thus strictly forbidden.
The Tremor spell is a very potent magic indeed. Few spells are as exhausting and none save Resurrection have a more striking or dramatic effect. Carefully blend portions of Sulphurous Ash with Blood Moss and Mandrake Root and cast it at the feet of your opponents whilst shouting as loudly as possible. The volatile Sulphurous Ash shall furnish the flash of power to the movement potential of the Blood Moss and the Mandrake Root will lend raw necromantic force to the spell. The very earth will tremble and quake beneath the feet of your enemies and they will fly in terror, save those that are swallowed up entirely by the very ground itself. No spell in the lore of the mystic arts has as much power to strike fear into the hearts and minds of those that suffer its mighty impact. But use this enchantment wisely for it will leave you as weak as a newborn babe.
In Vas Por Ylem is a terrifying spell that can generate a massive earthquake. While it reaches every enemy in combat, even if lurking in distant corners or behind mountains, the magical earthquake leaves allies unshaken and unharmed. Seek mandrake root that has grown unobstructed, so that its form is string yet fibrous. Grind it with sulphurous ash and blood moss until no ingredient can be distinguished from another.
Causes the ground to shake, injuring all beings in the affected area.
Causes the ground to quake and rocks to burst.
This spell creates violent tremors in the earth that will cause the mage’s enemies to tremble frantically. The effects of this spell will not inhibit the mage or his party.
Earthquake can turn the flattest plain into a heaving sea of rocks, dust, and ash. In calling to the Elemental Plane of Earth, the caster tears the land free of its moorings. The lands will shake, the hills will tremble, and the trees will topple. Do not cast Earthquake near any thing dear to you, as none is immune to its wrath.
- This spell is not listed in the player’s guide to Ultima Underworld II.
- In Ultima VII the spell has little use, since it only causes the screen to shake, neither doing damage nor demoralizing the enemies. In fact, it has been known to cause the game to lock-up.
- In Pagan the spell is known as Call Quake and is part of the magic school of Necromancy.
See Also[edit]