Ultima IX transcript

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This Ultima IX transcript was produced by the Forgotten World team.

This transcript attempts to provide a complete description of the dialogue in the game including who is talking, what variables are checked, what triggers are called, and what the type of conversation is taking place.


Terms to know

Enter Conversation – occurs when the player talks to (uses) an NPC. This is usually cinematic unless indicated otherwise.
Triggered – indicates that dialog is being triggered, almost always by the Avatar’s approach.
Proximity Enter – initiated whenever the Avatar approaches an NPC and does not require an outside trigger for activation.
Noncinematic – means that the dialog is being spoken while the player retains full control.
Cinematic – means that the dialog is taking place within the conversation mode.
Cinematic Event &ndahs; means that the dialog is a fully scripted event with no player control.

What is different about Ultima IX’s dialogue

Ultima IX’s dialogue varies significantly from prior installments. First, the Avatar has full lines of dialogue rather than keywords that are selected from a list or typed. Second, like Ultima VII, Ultima IX’s dialogue has a dependence on story variables; however, there are more variables for a wider range of possibilities. As a result, most NPCs will recognize when they have talked to the Avatar previously. Third, the list of possible dialogue options depends upon the NPC's lines. In other words, each topic of conversation can open or close other topics and the Avatar's lines are not tied to a dialog topic. This ability to vary the conversation based on topic choice, however, was not used to any significant degree in Ultima IX. Fourth, all dialogue is spoken in Ultima IX, which probably limited the size and variance in the dialog lines due to the need for sufficient time to record and localize the voiceovers. Fifth, dialog is significantly more cinematic and scripted. All conversations that involve the player use a camera that tracks who is talking. In addition, conversations can actually be started by the NPC if the Avatar gets close enough. Also, NPCs can talk outside of this cinematic conversation structure and even talk to one another. Sixth, one NPC controls the dialog for all characters involved in the dialog event: cinematic, player-driven conversations, noncinematic talking, and full scripted events. Finally, Ultima IX has a journal that records important information learned in the game from various NPCs. As a result, the text for those entries is found within the dialog for the NPC relying the information.


Note: Raven Court and Raven Dress are separate NPCs

Enter Conversation

If Raven is in area Area_Raven_In_Despise
Go to Despise Entrance
Else If Raven is in area Area_Britain_Docks
Go to Britain Docks
Else If Raven is in area Area_BuccDen_Docks
Go to Buc's Den Docks
Else If Raven is in area Area_Moonglow_Docks
Go to Moonglow Docks
Else If Raven is in area Area_Wrong_Prison
Go to Wrong Prison
Else If Raven is in area Area_Minoc_Docks
Go to Minoc Docks
Else If Raven is in area Area_Terfin Docks
Go to Terfin Docks
Else If Raven is in area Area_Raven_House
Go to Raven's House
Else If Raven is in area Area_Trinsic_Docks
Go to Trinsic_Docks
Else If Raven is in area Area_Valoria_Docks
Go to Valoria_Docks
Else If Raven is in area Area_Skara_Brae_Docks
Go to Skara Brae Docks
Else If Raven is in area Area_Isle_Avatar_Docks
Go to Isle of the Avatar Docks
Go to Destination


Enter Conversation (continued)

Raven: "Where would you like to go?"
If Raven is not in area Britain_Docks
D Britain Avatar: "Britain."
Else If Buccden_Available is True and Raven is not in area Area_BuccDen_Docks
D Buc's Den Avatar: "Buccaneer's Den."
Else If Moonglow_Available is True and Raven is not in area Area_Moonglow_Docks
D Moonglow Avatar: "Moonglow."
Else If Minoc_Available is True and Raven is not in area Area_Minoc_Docks
D Minoc Avatar: "Minoc."
Else If Terfin_Available is True and Raven is not in area Area_Terfin_Docks
D Terfin Avatar: "Terfin."
Else If Trinsic_Available is True and Raven is not in area Area_Trinsic_Docks
D Trinsic Avatar: "Trinsic."
Else If Valoria_Available is True and Raven is not in area Area_Valoria_Docks
D Valoria Avatar: "Valoria."
Else If Skara_Brae_Available is True and Raven is not in area Area_Skara_Brae_Docks
D Skara Brae Avatar: "Skara Brae."
Else If Isle_Avatar_Available is True and Raven is not in area Area_Isle_Avatar_Docks
D Isle Avatar: "Isle of the Avatar."
D Nowhere Avatar: "Nevermind, I've changed my mind."

D Britain

Set Raven_Ship_Destination to 0
Activate Raven's On Trigger

D Buc's Den

Set Raven_Ship_Destination to 1
Activate Raven's On Trigger

D Moonglow

Set Raven_Ship_Destination to 2
Activate Raven's On Trigger

D Minoc

Set Raven_Ship_Destination to 3
Activate Raven's On Trigger

D Terfin

Set Raven_Ship_Destination to 4
Activate Raven's On Trigger

D Valoria

Set Raven_Ship_Destination to 5
Activate Raven's On Trigger

D Trinsic

Set Raven_Ship_Destination to 6
Activate Raven's On Trigger

D Skara Brae

Set Raven_Ship_Destination to 7
Activate Raven's On Trigger

D Isle

Set Raven_Ship_Destination to 8
Activate Raven's On Trigger

D Nowhere


Despise Entrance[edit]

Triggered Entrance at Despise Entrance

If Raven_First_Convo_C is False
Set Raven_First_Convo_C to True
Raven: "Well, I've been shadowing you for some time, but I didn't think that we'd finally meet this way."
DE Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
DE Shadowing Avatar: "What do you mean you've been shadowing me?"
DE Thanks Avatar: "Thank you. For a minute there, I thought that it was all over."

DE Name

Raven: "My name is Raven. In case you're wondering why I'm here, my employer has some business that he thinks you would be interested in. That is, if you really are the Avatar."
Go to DE Met Raven

DE Shadowing

Raven: "First things first... Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Raven. Let's just say that my employer has had me keep an eye on you."
Raven: "He has some business that he thinks will interest you, if you are really the Avatar."
Go to DE Met Raven

DE Thanks

Raven: "Don't worry about it. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Raven."
Raven: "Let's just say that my employer would not have been happy with me if I'd let you get killed."
Raven: "After all, if you're really the Avatar, you wouldn't be much use to us dead."
Go to DE Met Raven

DE Met Raven

Set Met_Raven to True
Set First_Raven_Convo to True
Diary: "A pirate woman named Raven saved my life when Blackthorn ambushed me. She said her boss sent her to find me."
DE Really Avatar: "What do you mean 'if I really am the Avatar'?"
DE Employer Avatar: "Really? So who is your employer and what does he want with me?
DE No Avatar: "Forgive me, but I'm very busy and must be on my way."

DE Really

Raven: "Don't take it personally, but how am I supposed to know for sure that you're the Avatar? I've never seen you before. My employer is very busy and does not tolerate mistakes. I'll need proof that you really are the Avatar."
DE Employer Avatar: "Really? So who is your employer and what does he want with me?
DE Like Avatar: "I don't think that I like the sound of all this."
DE No Avatar: "I've got to go. I'll see you around."

DE Like

Raven: "Look, Britannia is in a lot of turmoil. That's why you're here, right?"
Raven: "My employer wants you to get rid of the turmoil. Return things to the way that they used to be so he can get back to business."
Raven: "He is in possession of something that will help you fix things. That's really all that I can tell you."
Raven: "Look, if you're the Avatar, I know this isn't exactly your style, but these are bad times that call for extreme measures. Now, do you want to know what my employer has for you or not?"
DE Proof Avatar: "Alright, what kind of proof do you require?"
DE No Avatar: "No. This just feels too shady to be right."

DE Employer

Raven: "His name is Samhayne. As for his business, well... I'll let him tell you the rest when you meet him. But before I take you to him, I need proof that you really are the Avatar."
DE Why Avatar: "What's this about proof? Why do you need proof that I'm the Avatar?"
DE Proof Avatar: "Alright, what kind of proof do you require?"
DE Bye Avatar: "I appreciate your help, but I'm going to have to pass on this one. Goodbye."

DE Why

Raven: "Don't take it personally, but how am I supposed to know for sure that you're the Avatar? I've never seen you before."
Raven: "My employer is very busy and does not tolerate mistakes. I'll need proof that you really are the Avatar."
Raven: "So how about it... are you ready to prove yourself?"
DE Proof Avatar: "Alright, what kind of proof do you require?"
DE No Avatar: "No. This just feels too shady to be right."

DE Proof

Raven: "Well, let's see, the Runes of Virtue have been missing for some time. If you really are the Avatar, you should be able to locate them."
Raven: "You will be able to find me at the docks in Britain. Bring me one of the runes to prove, beyond doubt, that you are the Avatar, and then I will take you to my employer."
Raven: "Take care of yourself."
Set Proof_Quest_Received to True
Diary: "Raven doesn't seem to trust me. She wants me to bring her one of the runes to prove I'm the Avatar before she'll take me anywhere."


Raven: "Alright, fine. But if you change your mind, you can find me at the docks in Britain."
Raven: "If you are who I think you are, sooner or later you're going to need to talk to my employer. You can believe that."
Set Proof_Quest_Refused to True
Diary: "Raven told me that if I change my mind and want to meet her employer, I can find her at the Britain docks."

DE Bye


Enter Conversation (Continued)

Raven: "So how about it... are you ready to prove yourself?"

Britain Docks[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If LB_Said_Bye is False
If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed and Shrine_Valor_Cleansed are False
If Avatar doesn't have Dragonhead
If Yew_Available and Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed are False
Raven: "Welcome aboard. This is my ship, the Silver Hart."
Avatar: "She's a fine looking vessel."
Raven: "The fastest ship in the Guild’s fleet."
Raven: "So, let's get down to business, shall we?"
If Proof_Quest_Received is True
If Avatar has at least one of the 8 Runes
Raven: "So, do you have one of the runes?"
Avatar: "As a matter of fact, I do. Is this proof enough that I'm the Avatar?"
Raven: "Yes, it is, Avatar. Come, I'll take you to Buccaneer's Den to meet my employer."
Set BuccDen_Available to True
Go to D Buc's Den
Raven: "You don't have a rune with you. I told you, I'm not taking you to meet my employer until I have proof that you're the Avatar."
Raven: "If you keep showing up here without a rune, I'm going to start having some serious doubts about you."
Raven: "Have you changed your mind? Do you want to provide me with some proof of who you claim to be?"
DE Proof Avatar: "Yes, I've changed my mind. What type of proof do you require?"
Br No Avatar: "I've changed my mind about nothing. I want to ask you some questions."
If Raven_Name_Cleared is False
Set Yew_Quest_Received to True
Raven: "I'll stay here with the ship. I suggest that you should go see Lord British, he'll know of the best path to Yew."
Avatar: "Alright, that sounds good."
Avatar: "You know, I've always been attracted to very lady-like women, not the kind of girls you'd find sailing around the world and exploring dungeons."
Avatar: "Why do I find you so attractive?"
Raven: "Must be my natural charm."
Avatar: "Must be. Don't go anywhere, I'll be back as soon as I can."
Raven: "I'll be here waiting."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_6 to True
Diary: "Raven suggested I go see Lord British, saying he'd know the best path to Yew. She said she'll wait at the dock with the ship."
If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is False
Go to Between Yew/Minoc
Raven: "Well, I think that you're ready to sail this thing yourself. Let's go back to Buccaneer's Den and get the charts that you'll need."
Avatar: "Alright, let's go."
Set Drawn_To_Terfin to True
Diary: "Raven said we were going back to Buc's Den, but the ship is being drawn somewhere else on its own!"
Go to D Terfin
Raven: "Let me guess; we need to go back to Valoria?"
Avatar: "How'd you know?"
Raven: "Call it woman's intuition. That and I couldn't help but notice that you're carrying a dragon's head. Come on, let's go."
Go to Destination
If Found_Out_LB_Missing is False
Set Skara_Brae_Available to True
Raven: "Here we are back in Britain. Don't forget that Lord British wants to see you."
Br Nagging Avatar: "You're not nagging me, are you?"
Br Thanks Avatar: "Right, thanks for the reminder."
Br Bye Avatar: "You wait here. I'll be back as soon as I can."
Set Skara_Brae_Available to True
Raven: "Hey there, handsome. So were are we off to, now?"
Br Abyss Avatar: "I need to find Lord British. He's in the Abyss."
Br Bed Avatar: "How about we go below decks for a little fun?"
Br Helm Avatar: "I'm not sure. Let me take the helm, and I'll figure out were we need to go."
Destination Avatar: "I'd like to go somewhere else."
Raven: "So, all we have to do now is sail to Terfin, confront the Guardian and defeat him."
Avatar: "Oh, is that all?"
Raven: "It won't be easy, but we can do it."
Avatar: "There won't be any 'we', Raven. I'll be going alone."
Raven: "But, I..."
Avatar: "No buts. I'm not saying this just to protect you; this is pre-ordained. I'm not just going in there to defeat another enemy, I'm finishing something that started a long time ago."
Avatar: "I'm finishing something that is more important than two people."
Raven: "Can't I at least sail to Terfin with you? Can't you at least give me that?"
Avatar: "Yes, of course. This might be our last chance to be alone together. I wouldn't miss that for the world."
Raven: "Let's get underway, then."
Set Terfin_Available to True
Diary: "Raven says our remaining task is to head to Terfin and find the Guardian."
Go to Destination

Br No

Raven: "I've already told you; I'm not answering any more questions until you come back here with proof that you're the Avatar."
Raven: "Until I see that proof, we have nothing to talk about."

Br Nagging

Raven: "No, I'm just telling you what you need to do every step of the way, but it's not nagging the way I do it."
Avatar: "I just love your sense of humor."
Raven: "And I love yours. Now get moving; you've got work to do!"

Br Thanks

Raven: "You're welcome. Now get moving; you've got work to do!"
Avatar: "Alright, I'm going."
Raven: "See you when you get back!"

Br Bye

Raven: "You're just going to run off and leave me here?"
Avatar: "Pretty much, yes."
Raven: "Cute. Hurry back, hero."

Br Bed

If Avatar_Got_Laid_C is False
Raven: "Why waste time going below decks? We've got plenty of space right here."
Set Avatar_Got_Laid_C to True
Raven: "Mmmm, that was fantastic."
If Guild_Accepted is True
Avatar: "Yeah, it was even better without the red hot metal."
Avatar: "Yeah, and I didn't even get any splinters."
Raven: "Very funny. So now that we've had our little fun, where do we need to go?"
Raven: "We've already done that, now it's time to get back to work. So, where do we need to go?"
Br Abyss Avatar: "I need to find Lord British. He's in the Abyss."
Br Helm Avatar: "I'm not sure. Let me take the helm, and I'll figure out were we need to go."
Destination Avatar: "I'd like to go somewhere else."

Br Helm

Raven: "Alright, you're the Avatar."

Br Abyss

Raven: "The Abyss, huh? That's going to be tough."
Avatar: "What do you mean?"
Raven: "I don't know how to get there. You know, every city of virtue has its opposite dungeon."
Raven: "Since the Abyss is the opposite of spirituality, maybe we should go to Skara Brae and see if we can find a way to the Abyss from there."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_25 to True
Diary: "Raven recommended that since the Abyss is the opposite of spirituality, maybe we should go to Skara Brae and see if we can find a way to the Abyss from there."
Br Skara Brae Avatar: "Alright, let's go."
Br Helm Avatar: "I'm not sure. Let me take the helm, and I'll figure out were we need to go."
Destination Avatar: "I'd like to go somewhere else."

Br Skara Brae

Raven: "Alright, Skara Brae it is."
Go to D Skara Brae

Buc's Den Docks[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If Post_Terfin is False
If First_Samhayne_Convo is False
Raven: "Now that we're here in Buccaneer's Den, you really need to go meet with Samhayne."
Raven: "I know that you may have some reservations, but Samhayne is alright. Trust me."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_10 to True
Diary: "Raven told me that I need to see her boss, Samhayne, and then meet her back at the ship."
BD Pirate Avatar: "But isn't he a pirate?"
BD Look Around Avatar: "Don't rush me! I want to look around first."
BD Samhayne Avatar: "Alright, I'll meet with Samhayne. Where will I find him?"
If Codex_Quest_Received is False
Raven: "Make sure that you go see Samhayne, he has important information for you. After you talk to him, meet me back here."
Set First_BuccDen_Convo to True
If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is False
If Received_Password is False
Raven: "So you've agreed to help us with the whirlpools, eh?"
Raven: "I'm very glad to hear it. Please tell me that you're going to get on with it right away and not waste any time with the distractions here in Buc's Den."
If Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is True
BD Password Avatar: "What's the password to the tunnel?"
BD New Magincia Avatar: "Samhayne suggested that I go to New Magincia."
BD Shrine Avatar: "I think that the whirlpools are connected to the Shrine of Humility."
BD Bye Avatar: "I'll be on my way."
Raven: "The whirlpools are still active. I still think that damn column causes them, but how do we deal with that?"
BD Cleanse Avatar: "I need to cleanse the Shrine of Humility."
BD No Idea Avatar: "I have no idea."
Raven: "Good job taking care of those whirlpools, Avatar. I knew that you'd pull it off. Hey, let's go see Samhayne. He'll have that book that he promised you."
If Guild_Accepted and Guild_Refused are False
Raven: "Well that was a smooth trip. Listen, you've gotten enough sailing under your belt that you can handle this ship now. But if you're going to go sailing around the world, you're going to need a chart."
Raven: "You go over to the cartographer's shop and get a chart. After you've gotten the chart, come and meet me at my house. I'll have a little surprise waiting for you."
Avatar: "What kind of surprise?"
Raven: "If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"
Set Need_Sea_Chart to True
Diary: "Raven tells me I can sail the ship myself, but I need to go to the cartographer's shop and get a chart first. Then I need to meet Raven back at her house for some kind of surprise."
If Trinsic_Available is False
If Guild_Accepted is True
Raven: "So, how are you feeling today?"
Avatar: "Like somebody burned my arms and then jumped..."
Raven: "Alright, alright, hop aboard lover."
Raven: "Now that you've got the sea chart, you're ready to sail. Here, take this book; it'll teach you everything that you need to know about sailing."
Raven: "Of course, I'm happy to take the helm anytime that you want me to. Just tell me where you want to go, and I'll take you there."
Raven: "As for where we go next, I'd suggest we look into Trinsic or Valoria. They're both easy to get to from here."
Set Trinsic_Available and Valoria_Available to True
Diary: "Raven gave me a book that should teach me how to sail. She told me that if I ever want her to take the helm, though, she'll take me directly wherever I want to go. She suggests I check out Trinsic or Valoria next."
Go to Destination

BD Pirate

Raven: "No, he's not. Samhayne is a businessman. He may not subscribe to the virtues as strictly as you do, but he is an ethical man."
Raven: "Come on Avatar, Britannia can't afford for you to be stubborn about this."
BD Look Around Avatar: "Don't rush me! I want to look around first."
BD Samhayne Avatar: "Alright, I'll meet with Samhayne. Where will I find him?"

BD Look Around

Raven: "Fine, look around, but please don't be too long. When you're finished sightseeing, you can find Samhayne's house on the southern part of the island, on a hill right above the tavern."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_11 to True
Diary: "I can find Samhayne's house on the southern part of the island, on a hill right above the tavern."

BD Samhayne

Raven: "You can find Samhayne's house on the southern part of the island. It's on a hill right above the tavern."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_11 to True
Diary: "I can find Samhayne's house on the southern part of the island, on a hill right above the tavern."

BD Shrine

Raven: "Well then, you're the right man for the job. After all, you are the champion of virtues."
BD New Magincia Avatar: "Samhayne suggested that I go to New Magincia."
BD Bye Avatar: "I'll be on my way."

BD Bye

Raven: "Wait a minute..."
Go to BD New Magincia

BD New Magincia

Raven: "There aren't any docks in New Magincia... You might try asking around in Buc's Den. Perhaps someone will know of another way to get there."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_12 to True
Diary: "Raven said there are no docks in New Magincia, so apparently I need to ask around to find another way to get there."
BD Shrine Avatar: "I think that the whirlpools are connected to the Shrine of Humility."
BD Bye 2 Avatar: "Thank you for the information, Raven. Farewell."

BD Password

Raven: "Oh, it's 'keelhaul'. A charming bit of pirate humor went into that."
Set Received_Password to True
Diary: "I learned from Raven that the password for the tunnel to New Magincia is 'keelhaul'."
BD Shrine Avatar: "I think that the whirlpools are connected to the Shrine of Humility."
BD Bye 2 Avatar: "I'll be on my way."

BD Bye 2

Raven: "One more thing... once you return from New Magincia, meet me at Samhayne's. Farewell, Avatar, and be careful!"
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_13 to True
Diary: "After I return from New Magincia, I'm supposed to meet Raven back at Samhayne's."

BD Cleanse

If Knows_Humility_Mantra is False
If the Avatar doesn't have the Glyph of Humility
If the Avatar doesn't have the Crook of Humility
Raven: "In that case, you'll need to learn the mantra, and collect the glyph and the sigil."
Raven: "In that case, you'll need to learn the mantra, and collect the glyph."
If the Avatar doesn't have the Crook of Humility
Raven: "In that case, you'll need to learn the mantra, and collect the sigil."
Raven: "In that case, you'll need to learn the mantra."
Else If Avatar doesn't have Glyph of Humility
If the Avatar doesn't have the Crook of Humility
Raven: "In that case, you'll need to collect the glyph and the sigil."
Raven: "In that case, you'll need to collect the glyph."
Else If Avatar doesn't have Crook of Humility
Raven: "In that case, you'll need to collect the sigil."
Raven: "We've got a lot of work to do, don't we?"
Avatar: "Yep, we'd better get started."

BD No Idea

Raven: "Well, you'd better figure it out, and soon."

Moonglow Docks[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If Raven_Moonglow_First_Convo_C is False
Set Moonglow_Available to True
Set Yew_Available to True
Set Minoc_Available to True
Raven: "Hello Avatar."
Mg Why Here Avatar: "What are you doing here?"
Mg Boss Avatar: "Did your boss send you here to hand me over to Blackthorn again?"
If No_Trust_Raven is True
Raven: "Avatar? Did you think about what I said?"
Mg Trust Avatar: "Yes I did, and I've decided to forgive you."
Mg Don't Believe Avatar: "Yes I did, and I still don't believe you."
Raven: "You're back! So how are things in Moonglow?"
Avatar: "Oh, getting back to normal."
Raven: "Can you believe a word that anyone says?"
Avatar: "I think that you can now."
Raven: "So where do we go now?"
Go Yew Avatar: "I want to visit Yew."
Go Minoc Avatar: "Let's go to Minoc."
Destination Avatar: "I think I'd like to go somewhere else."

Mg Why Here

Raven: "Look, I know you're upset..."
Avatar: "You're damn right I'm upset! I'm trying to save this world and you just handed me over to the enemy!"
Raven: "I know, but believe me, Samhayne didn't have a choice!"
Mg Want Believe Avatar: "Look, I'd like to believe you..."
Mg No Choice Avatar: "What do you mean he didn't have a choice?"
Mg Bye 1 Avatar: "I don't have time for this. Goodbye Raven."

Mg Boss

Raven: "Look, Samhayne didn't want to hand you over to Blackthorn, but he didn't have a choice."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_14 to True
Diary: "Raven claims Samhayne had no choice in handing me over to Blackthorn."
Mg Want Believe Avatar: "Look, I'd like to believe you..."
Mg No Choice Avatar: "What do you mean he didn't have a choice?"
Mg Bye 1 Avatar: "I don't have time for this. Goodbye Raven."

Mg Want Believe

Raven: "You can believe me. Look, I even went to Deceit looking for you. I should have figured that you would escape by yourself."
Avatar: "Samhayne sent you to Deceit to look for me?"
Raven: "He sent me after you, going into Deceit was my idea. I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you."
Go to Mg No Trust

Mg No Choice

Raven: "Blackthorn showed up in Buccaneer's Den with a detachment of his Wyrmguard. He told Samhayne that if we didn't hand you over to him, he would destroy the town."
Raven: "Don't you see that he didn't have a choice?"
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_15 to True
Diary: "Supposedly Blackthorn showed up at Samhayne's telling him that if he didn't hand me over, Blackthorn would destroy the city. I suppose that could make a difference..."
Mg No Trust Avatar: "I don't believe you."
Mg No Trust Avatar: "And I'm just supposed to trust you?"
Mg Bye 1 Avatar: "I don't have time for this. Goodbye Raven."

Mg No Trust

Raven: "I figured that you may not trust me, so I brought you this:"
Raven: "Consider it a sign of my good faith."
Activate Special Trigger 13 - Transfer Avatar's Backpack Inventory from Raven to Avatar
Mg Backpack Avatar: "My backpack... where did you get that?"
Mg Don't Believe Avatar: "I don't care what you say or offer; I can't trust you. Goodbye."

Mg Don't Believe

Raven: "Well, I'm disappointed, but I understand. Look, while you go about your business, take some time and think it over."
Raven: "If I were lying, would I risk my life trying to rescue you? Good luck getting around without a captain and a ship!"
Raven: "If you decide to forgive me, I'll be here. Goodbye Avatar."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_16 to True
Diary: "Raven insists I should forgive her, and implied that I won't be able to get around without a captain and a ship."
Set No_Trust_Raven to True
Set Raven_Moonglow_First_Convo_C to True

Mg Backpack

Raven: "Samhayne gave it to me to bring to you. I almost lost the damned thing in Deceit when I was looking for you."
Avatar: "Samhayne sent you to Deceit to look for me?"
Raven: "He sent me after you, going into Deceit was my idea. I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you."
Avatar: "Really?"
Raven: "Well, yeah, we've been through a lot together, and well, I've gotten kind of fond of you. So what do you say? Partners again?"
Mg Trust Avatar: "Alright, I trust you."
DE No Avatar: "Sorry, Raven, but you know what they say: once bitten, twice shy."

Mg Trust

Raven: "Very good. You'll see that you made the right decision. So, what do we do now that Blackthorn has the Codex?"
Avatar: "We're safe as long as he doesn't have the red and blue lenses; the Codex can't be consulted without them."
Raven: "I've heard a couple of rumors about the lenses, but nothing that can be confirmed. One is said to be in the hands of a gargoyle in Yew, the other was last seen in Minoc."
Raven: "If you want to go to Yew, I can only take you as far as Britain. You'll have to walk from there, but Lord British can give you a shortcut."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_17 to True
Diary: "Raven said she's heard that one of the codex lenses is in the hands of a Gargoyle in Yew, and the other was last seen in Minoc."
Set No_Trust_Raven to False
Set Raven_Moonglow_First_Convo_C to True
Go to Destination

Mg Bye 1

Raven: "Well, I'm disappointed, but I understand."
Raven: "Look, while you go about your business, take some time and think about this: if I were lying, would I risk my life trying to rescue you?"
Mg Risk Avatar: "What do you mean, 'risked your life'?"
Mg Bye 2 Avatar: "Yeah, I'll do that."

Mg Bye 2

Raven: "Great. You can find me here if you change your mind. Goodbye Avatar."
Set No_Trust_Raven to True
Set Raven_Moonglow_First_Convo_C to True

Mg Risk

Raven: "I went down into Deceit looking for you. I went into that hellhole to get you out. I should have figured that you would escape by yourself."
Avatar: "Samhayne sent you to Deceit to look for me?"
Raven: "He sent me after you, going into Deceit was my idea. I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you."
Avatar: "Really?"
Raven: "Well, yeah, we've been through a lot together, and well, I've gotten kind of fond of you. So what do you say? Partners again?"
Mg Trust Avatar: "Alright, I trust you."
Mg Bye 3 Avatar: "Sorry, Raven, but you know what they say: once bitten, twice shy."

Mg Bye 3

Raven: "I guess forgiveness isn't one of the virtues, is it? Good luck getting around without a captain and a ship!"
Raven: "If you decide to forgive me, I'll be here. Goodbye Avatar."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_16 to True
Diary: "Raven insists I should forgive her, and implied that I won't be able to get around without a captain and a ship."
Set No_Trust_Raven to True
Set Raven_Moonglow_First_Convo_C to True

Go Yew

Raven: "Hmm, they don't have any docks in Yew, so I'll have to drop you off in Britain and you can walk the rest of the way from there."
Go to D Britain

Go Minoc

Raven: "Ah, want to get your fortune read, huh? Okay, Minoc it is."
Go to D Minoc

Unused Dialogue[edit]

unused dialogue option from the initial enter conversation for Moonglow Docks

Mg Hello Avatar: "Hello Raven, it's good to see you."

Mg Hello

Raven: "That's it? You're happy to see me? I thought that you might be mad at me."
Mg Trust Avatar: "I was mad, but I've forgiven you."
Mg Why Here Avatar: "Mad? Just because you handed me over to the enemy? Why should that make me mad?"
Mg Bye 1 Avatar: "I don't have time for this. Goodbye Raven."

Wrong Prison[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If Raven_Rescued is False
Raven: "There you are!"
Avatar: "So what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?"
Raven: "Waiting for you to let me out."
Avatar: "All right, hold on a minute."
Set Raven_Rescued to True
Diary: "I found Raven in the dungeon of Wrong today. I set her free and will meet up with her when I get out of here."
Raven: "Thanks for rescuing me. I was beginning to think that I was in serious trouble."
Avatar: "Not while I'm around."
Raven: "Really? Don't tell me that the big strong Avatar has a weak spot for little old me?"
Avatar: "Well, all I meant was..."
Raven: "I know what you meant. I'm flattered, but we have a lot of work to do. Now we're both fugitives."
Raven: "In order to clear our names, you're going to have to remind those people in Yew what real justice is."
Raven: "The way that things are going around here, I think you need to fix the Shrine of Justice."
Wr Yes Avatar: "I agree; the Shrine of Justice needs to be next."
Wr How Avatar: "How do I cleanse the Shrine of Justice?"
Wr Justice Avatar: "All right. Goodbye."

Wr Yes

Raven: "Then you're going to have to get the mantra, the sigil and glyph."
Raven: "I'm going to hide out until our names are cleared. I'll meet you back at the docks in Britain."
Avatar: "You be careful."
Raven: "I will. Goodbye."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_23 to True
Diary: "After I cleanse the Shrine of Justice, Raven will meet me at the docks in Britain."

Wr How

Raven: "Just like you cleansed the other shrines. Go and get the glyph, the mantra and the sigil of justice."
Raven: "I'm going to hide out until our names are cleared. I'll meet you back at the docks in Britain."
Avatar: "You be careful."
Raven: "I will. Goodbye."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_23 to True
Diary: "After I cleanse the Shrine of Justice, Raven will meet me at the docks in Britain."

Wr Bye

Raven: "Before you run off, remember that you need to get the mantra, the sigil and the glyph."
Raven: "I'm going to hide out until our names are cleared. I'll meet you back at the docks in Britain."
Avatar: "You be careful."
Raven: "I will. Goodbye."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_23 to True
Diary: "After I cleanse the Shrine of Justice, Raven will meet me at the docks in Britain."

Raven Court[edit]

Proximity Enter

If Raven Court is in area Area_Wrong_Fake_Raven
Raven: "Avatar! Am I glad to see you! Please let me out of here; I don't think that I can take another minute in this place!"

Triggered Entrance after Avatar enters cell

Raven: "Ha! I can't believe that you fell for that ruse, you gullible fool!"
Set RavenCourt_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I thought I had found Raven, but it was some creature that had altered itself to look and sound like Raven! This is a dangerous place."

Between Yew/Minoc[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

Avatar: "You know, the first time that we went to Buccaneer's Den, I thought that maybe there was something going on between you and Samhayne."
Raven: "Me and Samhayne? That's a laugh; he's more like a father to me than anything. He pretty much raised me."
YM Parents Avatar: "Who were your parents?"
YM Business Avatar: "He raised you and brought you into the business."
YM How Long Avatar: "How long have you been with him?"

YM Parents

Raven: "My mother was a cook. She died when I was very young. I barely even remember her. My father was a sailor."
Raven: "Mother said that he died in a storm before I was born. She told me that he was very handsome and brave. All the kinds of things that a little girl wants to believe about her father."
Set Knows_About_Raven_Father to True
Diary: "Raven told me about her parents. She said her mother was a cook, and her father was a sailor who died in a storm before she was born. It must have been tough."
YM Business Avatar: "He raised you and brought you into the business."
YM How Long Avatar: "How long have you been with him?"

YM How Long

Raven: "Almost my entire life. I know Samhayne acts like he'd sell his own mother for the right price, but deep down he's got a soft heart."
Raven: "He's actually taken in several orphans and brought them up."
YM Parents Avatar: "Who were your parents?"
YM Business Avatar: "He raised you and brought you into the business."

YM Business

Raven: "It's a legitimate business, Avatar, and he's used it to help a lot of kids, not just me. Without Samhayne's help, a lot of kids would never have made it."
Avatar: "But you would have, with or without his help. You're strong, and you're smart. You'd have found a way to succeed with or without Samhayne."
Raven: "Yes, well, I'm the exception."
Avatar: "You certainly are. Why don't we weigh anchor and just, you know, relax for a few hours?"
Raven: "Easy there, love; you've got a lot of work to do, remember?"
Avatar: "How could I forget?"
Raven: "Don't worry, there'll be plenty of time for fun later, but right now we've got to get going."
Go to Destination

Minoc Docks[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is False
Raven: "What are you doing here? Don't you have unfinished business in Minoc?"
Mc Agreed Avatar: "Yes I do. I guess I'll go take care of that."
Mc Leave Avatar: "Yes, but I'm tired of this place. I want to go somewhere else."
If Raven_Name_Cleared is False
Go to Between Yew/Minoc
If the Avatar doesn't have the Blue Lens
Raven: "Hey sport, I thought that we came here so you could get the blue lens."
Avatar: "We did."
Raven: "Then what are you doing back here? I'm not weighing anchor until you come back with the lens, got it?"
Avatar: "You know, the warmth in your voice is just overwhelming."
Raven: "Just trying to help."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_18 to True
Diary: "Raven says we can't leave without the blue lens!"
Raven: "Well, I think that you're ready to sail this thing yourself. Let's go back to Buccaneer's Den and get the charts that you'll need."
Avatar: "Alright, let's go."
Set Drawn_To_Terfin to True
Diary: "Raven said we were going back to Buc's Den, but the ship is being drawn somewhere else on its own!"
Go to D Terfin

Mc Agreed

Raven: "Okay, I'll be waiting. Don't forget to get the blue lens."

Mc Leave

Raven: "Well, I guess we can go for a pleasure cruise or something, but we're not going to get anything accomplished until you get those lenses."
Raven: "So where do you want to go?"
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_24 to True
Diary: "Before we go anywhere else, Raven reminded me I need to find those codex lenses."
Go Britain Avatar: "Take me to Britain."
Go Buc's Den Avatar: "Take me to Buccaneer's Den."
Go Moonglow Avatar: "Take me to Moonglow."
Mc Nevermind Avatar: "Never mind, I'll go back to Minoc."

Go Britain

Raven: "Whatever you say."
Go to D Britain

Go Buc's Den

Raven: "My old home town, I'll have you there in no time."
Go to D Buc's Den

Go Buc's Den

Raven: "Didn't we just come from there?"
Avatar: "Raven..."
Raven: "All right, hang on."
Go to D Moonglow

Mc Nevermind

Raven: "That's probably for the best. Don't forget to get the blue lens!"

Raven Dress[edit]

Triggered Cinematic When Raven-Dress is at her house

If Raven-Dress is in area Area_Raven_House
Raven-Dress: "Good, you're here. I've been looking forward to this."
Raven-Dress: "Now, you just need to relax."
Avatar: "What are you up to?"
Raven-Dress: "Oh, I'm just cooking up a little something for you. Now, do you trust me?"
Trust Avatar: "With my life."
Maybe Avatar: "You're starting to worry me."


Raven-Dress: "Good, then just sit back in the chair, relax, and enjoy yourself."
Set Start_Branding_Scene to true


Raven-Dress: "That's not an answer. Do you trust me?"
Trust Avatar: "With my life."
No Avatar: "Umm, not completely, no."


Raven-Dress: "What do you mean, no? After all that we've been through, you don't trust me?"
Raven-Dress: "Well let me tell you something; I may not have lived as virtuous a life as you have, but that doesn't make me a bad person. And you know what? You're not exactly perfect yourself."
Sorry1 Avatar: "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
Sorry2 Avatar: "I'm sorry, but it's just that things were getting kind of strange."


Raven-Dress: "Yeah well, don't worry about it. We've got work to do."
Raven-Dress: "Meet me down at the docks. I'll be there in a minute, I've got to clean up a few things before we go."
Set Guild_Refused to true


Raven-Dress: "Well, don't worry. I won't be 'strange' anymore. We've got work to do."
Raven-Dress: "Meet me down at the docks. I'll be there in a minute, I've got to clean up a few things before we go."
Set Guild_Refused to true

Unused Dialogue Lines

Raven-Dress: "Well? How do you feel?"
Avatar: "I'm not sure... I feel pretty good except for the brands."
Raven-Dress: "Those will heal soon enough."
Avatar: "Well, if it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to skip the red hot metal next time."
Raven-Dress,"I think that we could do that. Listen, we need to get back to work. Why don't you meet me down at the dock?"
Raven-Dress,"I've got to clean up a few things and I'll meet you down there. See you in a bit."

Terfin Docks[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If LB_Said_Bye is False
If First_Guardian_Encounter is False
If First_Terfin_Convo is False
Set First_Terfin_Convo to True
Raven: "This looks like serious trouble."
Tf Come Avatar: "This looks pretty dangerous. Please come with me this time."
Tf Come Avatar: "What do you think we should do?
Tf Stay Avatar: "You stay here with the ship. I'm going to go check things out on the island."
Raven: "We can't get off of this island. I don't know what's keeping us here, but you had better go back and find out. Be careful."
Set Post_Terfin to True
Raven: "Avatar! We can sail again, what happened?"
Avatar: "A lot has happened."
Raven: "Well, fill me in."
Tf Samhayne Avatar: "I have very bad news; Samhayne is dead."
Tf Guardian Avatar: "The Guardian brought us here to Terfin."
Tf Worried Avatar: "I'm worried, Raven. I'm not sure that I can defeat the guardian."
Raven: "Before you run off, I need to tell you something about Terfin."
Avatar: "Are you still telling me where I need to go next?"
Raven: "Shut up and listen to me. There's a secret entrance into Terfin that will get you past most of the Wyrmguard."
Raven: "It's up on the northern part of the island, behind the dragons' den. If you can stay clear of the dragons, this entrance will be much safer."
Raven: "Well I guess this is it. I can't tell you how much you mean to me, or what our time together has meant, so I won't try. I just want to say thank you."
Raven: "Thank you for coming into my life and thank you for what you've done here. You're my life and my love, Avatar. I won't forget you."
Avatar: "Raven, I... "
Raven: "No, please don't say it. If you start talking then I'm going to break down and cry and I don't want to do that."
Raven: "Please, just smile, tell me that you love me and then leave."
Set Terfin_Entrance_Revealed to True
Diary: "Raven told me there is a secret entrance into Terfin that will get me past most of the Wyrmguard. It's up on the northern part of the island, behind the dragons' den."
Tf Love Avatar: "I love you."
Tf Returning Avatar: "I'll be back."
Tf Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Raven."

Tf Come

Raven: "I need to stay here to guard the ship so we can leave. You go check out things on the island, but be careful."

Tf Stay

Raven: "All right, but you be careful."

Tf Guardian

If Raven_Knows_Her_Father is True
Raven: "Why? What did he do, besides kill my father?"
Raven: "Why? What did he do?"
Avatar: "He demonstrated that I can't hurt him."
Raven: "What do you mean?"
Avatar: "We fought, but every time that I struck him, I hurt myself."
Raven: "Did you hurt him at all?"
Avatar: "Not that I could tell. What do you think that means?"
Raven: "I don't know. It could be magic, just some kind of trick."
Avatar: "On the other hand it could mean that he's indestructible."
Raven: "I do know that if the Guardian is pulling tricks like that, then we must be getting close. We need to keep moving."
Tf Samhayne Avatar: "I have very bad news; Samhayne is dead."
Tf Worried Avatar: "I'm worried, Raven. I'm not sure that I can defeat the guardian."
Tf Next Avatar: "Alright, where do we go now?"

Tf Samhayne

Raven: "What? But how? Why? How do you know?"
Avatar: "He was there, in Terfin."
Avatar: "I don't know how or why he was there, but the Guardian killed him. He just killed Samhayne right there in front of me and there was nothing that I could do about it. I'm sorry, Raven."
Raven: "I don't believe this. No, this can't happen, it was a trick. The Guardian tricked you."
Tf More Avatar: "Raven, there's more that you need to know."
Tf Guardian Avatar: "The Guardian brought us here to Terfin."
Tf Worried Avatar: "I'm worried, Raven. I'm not sure that I can defeat the guardian."

Tf More

Raven: "More? What more is there? I don't know if I can handle any more."
If Knows_About_Raven_Father is True
Avatar: "You said that you never knew your father?"
Raven: "That's right, he died before I was born."
Avatar: "He told me something about your father."
Raven: "My father? What about my father? I never knew him. He died before I was born."
Avatar: "Raven, Samhayne was your father."
Raven: "What do you mean Samhayne was my father?"
Tf Father Avatar: "It's true, before he died, he asked me to tell you that he was your father."
Tf Guardian Avatar: "The Guardian brought us here to Terfin."
Tf Worried Avatar: "I'm worried, Raven. I'm not sure that I can defeat the guardian."

Tf Father

Raven: "I don't know what to think, I.. I'm stunned. I know this much, now I really want to get that son of a bitch Guardian."
Set Raven_Knows_Her_Father
Tf Guardian Avatar: "The Guardian brought us here to Terfin."
Tf Worried Avatar: "I'm worried, Raven. I'm not sure that I can defeat the guardian."
Tf Next Avatar: "Alright, where do we go now?"

Tf Worried

Raven: "What are you talking about? You're the Avatar, you can't fail!"
Avatar: "I know I'm the Avatar, but he just seems so powerful. He destroyed Skara Brae for goodness sake."
Raven: "Hey, it's okay to be worried. You may be the Avatar, but you're also human. Look, you will beat him."
Raven: "I know that you will, and not because you're the Avatar, but because you're the man I love. When I look at you, I know that you can't fail."
Raven: "We'll take care of Skara Brae and everything else. I know that it'll be hard, but we can do it."
Tf Samhayne Avatar: "I have very bad news; Samhayne is dead."
Tf Guardian Avatar: "The Guardian brought us here to Terfin."
Tf Next Avatar: "Alright, where do we go now?"

Tf Next

Raven: "Well, I think that you're ready to sail this thing yourself. Let's go back to Buccaneer's Den and get the charts that you'll need."
Avatar: "Alright, let's go."
Go to D Buc's Den

Tf Love

Raven: "I love you, too. Goodbye."

Tf Returning

Raven: "Stop it, you're only making things worse. Just, just go."

Tf Bye

Raven: "Goodbye, Avatar."

Raven's House[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If Has_Sea_Chart is False
Raven: "Didn't I tell you to get a chart? Come now Avatar, we don't have time to waste. Go get the chart and then come back here."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_19 to True
Diary: "Raven reminded me I need to get a chart for the ship before we can leave."

Trinsic Docks[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
Avatar: "I'll see what I can do about Trinsic."
Raven: "Okay, guess where I'll be?"
Avatar: "Wow, that's a tough one. Umm, waiting for me here on the ship?"
Raven: "Hey, you're good! See you when you get back."
Else If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is True
Go to Valor Honor Complete
Raven: "Now that the shrine has been cleansed, our work is done here."
Go to Destination

Valoria Docks[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If First_Raven_Convo_Valoria is False
Raven: "I'd love to go with you Avatar, but I don't think that 'The Hart' will be safe here. There are too many creatures and brigands around here."
Raven: "You go on ahead, and I'll build a signal fire for you to light when you're ready for me to come pick you up. When I see the fire, I'll come ashore."
Set First_Raven_Convo_Valoria to True
Diary: "Raven said she'll build a signal fire here on the shore for me to light when I'm ready to leave, and that she'll watch for it and come back ashore when I'm ready."
If DragonHead_Quest_Received is False
Raven: "Avatar, your work here is not done. Have you talked to the guards yet?"
If Signal_Fire_At_Docks is False
Avatar: "Well it looks like you're having a good day."
Raven: "Yeah, not too bad. How's your day been?"
Avatar: "Same old thing. I've been asked to go kill a dragon and bring its head back to the people here in Valoria."
Raven: "Really? That's an original one."
Avatar: "I thought so."
Raven: "Are you ready to go?"
Va Yes Avatar: "Yes, I need to go to Destard."
Va No Avatar: "No, I have more that I need to do here first."
If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is False
If Signal_Fire_Lit_By_Stranger is False
Raven: "Wait a minute, big guy; where are you going? You need to cleanse the shrine before we can leave."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_9 to True
Diary: "Before I leave Valoria, I need to cleanse the Shrine of Valor!"
Go to Destination
Raven: "This fool lit the signal fire I'd made for you. When I sailed into shore, he tried to steal my ship."
Raven: "He was frantic with terror and wouldn't listen to reason. A Knight of Valor acting like that; it was enough to turn your stomach."
Raven: "I was forced to kill him, Avatar. There was no other way."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_8 to True
Diary: "I found Commander Hays; Raven was forced to kill him when he tried to steal her ship."
If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is True
Go to Valor Honor Complete
Raven: "So Valoria is on the road to recovery?"
Avatar: "It seems to be. The Valorian Knights aren't scared of their own shadows anymore."
Raven: "Good, those people were pathetic. Listen, you need to do something about Trinsic. The place is falling apart, monsters are roaming the streets and no one's doing anything about it."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Now that Valoria is back on the right track, Raven says Trinsic is in desperate need of help."
D Trinsic Avatar: "I'll see what I can do about Trinsic."
Destination Avatar: "I'd like to go somewhere else."

Va Yes

Raven: "Destard huh? Very well, if you would like to go to Destard, we should head for the docks of Britain."
Go to Destination

Va No

Raven: "Very well, I'll get off shore and wait to see the fire then. Good luck!"

Valor Honor Complete[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

Raven: "How did it go?"
Avatar: "Fine; the shrine's been cleansed."
Raven: "Good, we're almost there: you've only got one more shrine left to cleanse."
Avatar: "Yeah, but how do I get to it? The only way to get to the Shrine of Spirituality is through a moongate, and I can't use that moongate until I cleanse the shrine."
Raven: "Well, word is out that Lord British wants to see you. Why don't you go talk to him? Maybe he'll have a suggestion for you."
Raven: "Look, I know that this is a bad time, but I need to ask you something... about us."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_7 to True
Diary: "My last shrine to cleanse is the Shrine of Spirituality. I hope Lord British will have a suggestion on how I should get there since the moongate won't work."
VH LB Avatar: "Let's go see Lord British."
VH Ask Avatar: "What do you need to ask me?"
VH LB Avatar: "I'm sorry, but now is not a good time. Can we talk later?"


If Talked_About_Later is True
Raven: "Alright, let's go."
Raven: "Alright, but I do want to talk to you later."
Go to Destination

VH Ask

Raven: "Like I said, I know that this isn't the best time, but I just want to know what's going to happen once this is over."
Avatar: "What do you mean?"
Raven: "Well it's not like you have a history of sticking around this place for very long."
Raven: "I just want to know if there's going to be something between us once you've gotten rid of the Guardian. I can handle whatever happens, I just... I just want to know what to expect."
VH Don't Know Avatar: "Raven, I've got to be honest: I don't know what's going to happen."
VH Together Avatar: "Of course we'll be together. If I do have to go somewhere, I'm taking you with me."
VH No Time Avatar: "Look, Raven, I don't have time for this. Can't we talk about this kind of thing later?"

VH Together

Raven: "You really mean that, don't you? Well, I don't know if it will happen, but it's nice to know how you feel. Thanks."
Raven: "Well, I guess we should go see Lord British, huh?"
Set Talked_About_Later to True
Go to Destination

VH No Time

Raven: "You're right, there are more important things to do. I'm sorry, we'll talk about this later. Right now we need to go to Britain, don't we?"
Set Talked_About_Later to True
Go to Destination

VH Don't Know

Raven: "I appreciate your honesty, Avatar. You could have just told me something to make me happy."
Raven: "But I'd rather know that you respect me enough to tell me the truth, not just say something that you think I want to hear."
Raven: "Alright, I guess we'll just see what happens and try to figure it out then. As for now, I guess we need to get you to Britain."
Set Talked_About_Later to True
Go to Destination

Skara Brae Docks[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If Sent_To_Empath_Abbey and Looking_For_Book_Truth and Looking_For_Bell_Courage are False
Raven: "Hey lover, you still need to complete your quest for Spirituality."
Avatar: "I don't suppose you've gathered up all of the items that I need have you?"
Raven: "Now if I did that, what would you do?"
Avatar: "Retire to a small island near Buccaneer's Den with you?"
Raven: "We can do that when you're finished. Come on, lazy man, you've got work to do."
Avatar: "All right, all right: the Shrine of Spirituality, right?"
Raven: "Right."
Avatar: "I'm on it."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "I still need to complete the Spirituality Quest, as Raven just reminded me."
Go to Destination
If Isle_Avatar_Available is False
Raven: "What can I help you with?"
If Found_Book_Truth is False
SK Book Avatar: "What do you know about the Book of Truth?"
If Found_Candle_Love is False
SK Candle Avatar: "Where might I find Empath Abbey?"
If Found_Bell_Courage is False
SK Bell Avatar: "Do you know where Serpent's Hold is?"
SK Sail Avatar: "Could you sail me somewhere?"
SK Nevermind Avatar: "Nevermind, I will be going now."
Raven: "To get to the Abyss we must go to the Isle of the Avatar."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Raven says we need to go to the Isle of the Avatar to get to the Abyss."
Go to Destination

SK Book

Raven: "I don't know very much about it. All I know is that it used to be housed in the Lycaeum in Moonglow."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_21 to True
Diary: "All Raven knows about the Book of Truth is that it used to be housed in the Lycaeum in Moonglow."
If Found_Book_Truth is False
SK Book Avatar: "What do you know about the Book of Truth?"
If Found_Candle_Love is False
SK Candle Avatar: "Where might I find Empath Abbey?"
If Found_Bell_Courage is False
SK Bell Avatar: "Do you know where Serpent's Hold is?"
SK Sail Avatar: "Could you sail me somewhere?"
SK Nevermind Avatar: "Nevermind, I will be going now."

SK Candle

Raven: "It is located in the northeast region of the Britannian continent. Look for the floating glaciers. The closest docks to the Abbey are located in Britain."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_22 to True
Diary: "Raven said the Candle is located in the northeast region of the Britannian continent, and that I should look for the floating glaciers. Apparently, the closest docks to the Abbey are located in Britain."
If Found_Book_Truth is False
SK Book Avatar: "What do you know about the Book of Truth?"
If Found_Bell_Courage is False
SK Bell Avatar: "Do you know where Serpent's Hold is?"
SK Sail Avatar: "Could you sail me somewhere?"
SK Nevermind Avatar: "Nevermind, I will be going now."

SK Bell

Raven: "I hear that Serpent's Hold is just southeast of Trinsic. Unfortunately, there is no dock nearby, you will have to navigate there yourself."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_20 to True
Diary: "Serpent's Hold is just southeast of Trinsic. Unfortunately, there is no dock nearby, so I'll have to navigate there myself."
If Found_Book_Truth is False
SK Book Avatar: "What do you know about the Book of Truth?"
If Found_Candle_Love is False
SK Candle Avatar: "Where might I find Empath Abbey?"
SK Sail Avatar: "Could you sail me somewhere?"
SK Nevermind Avatar: "Nevermind, I will be going now."

SK Sail

Raven: "Certainly."
Go to Destination

SK Nevermind


Isle of the Avatar Docks[edit]

Enter Conversation (continued)

If Been_To_Abyss is False
Raven: "Well, here we are, your island: the Isle of the Avatar."
Avatar: "Yeah, I've always been a little embarrassed that they named an island after me."
Raven: "Hey, isn't that Lord British's ship?"
Avatar: "The 'Golden Ankh'? Yeah, I think it is. What's that doing here?"
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_5 to True
Diary: "I've arrived at the Isle of the Avatar and found Lord British's ship. Why is he here?"
If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is False
Raven: "Hey there babe, how did things go?"
Avatar: "A little rough, but I'm all right."
Raven: "Good to hear it. Okay, let's head back to Britain so Lord British can send you to the ethereal void."
Go to Destination
If Codex_Read is False
Raven: "Hey, you're back. Come on, hero; you need to go to the altar on the south island so you can read the Codex."
Set Raven_Journal_Flag_4 to True
Diary: "I need to go to the altar on the south island so I can read the Codex."
Raven: "Avatar? What's wrong."
IA Sacrifice Avatar: "I found out what I have to do to defeat the Guardian."
IA Don't Want Avatar: "I don't think that you'll want to know."
IA Nothing Avatar: "Nothing."

IA Don't Want


IA Nothing

Raven: "Don't give me that, I can tell that something's wrong. I can see it in your eyes. Now are you going to tell me or not?"
IA Sacrifice Avatar: "I found out what I have to do to defeat the Guardian."
IA Don't Tell Avatar: "Look, I just don't want to talk about it, okay?"

Don't Tell

Raven: "Fine. Shut me out. Be the strong silent hero. That's just great. Nevermind what we've been through together. Nevermind what we've done for each other."


Raven: "Well it must be bad to cause this kind of a response."
Avatar: "It is bad."
If Talked_About_Later is True
Avatar: "Remember when you asked me about what would happen to us after I defeated the Guardian?"
Raven: "Yeah."
Avatar: "Well I know the answer now: there will be no 'us' after I defeat the Guardian."
Raven: "Why? What's the matter?"
Avatar: "In order to beat the Guardian, I must sacrifice myself."
Raven: "What are you talking about? Why?"
Avatar: "We're connected. He's a part of me. Look, I don't really understand it, but there it is. I guess that explains why I hurt myself every time I strike him."
Raven: "Well, what are you going to do?"
IA Don't Know Avatar: "I don't know yet."
IA LB Avatar: "I need to talk to Lord British."
IA Sacrifice 2 Avatar: "I've got to sacrifice myself. What else can I do?"

IA Don't Know

Raven: "Well, I guess you'll have to figure something out. Where are we going now?"
Avatar: "I need to see Lord British."
Raven: "Alright, let's get going."
Go to Destination


Raven,"Alright, let's get going."
Go to Destination

IA Sacrifice 2

Raven: "I don't know. Surely there's something else that can be done."
Avatar: "I wish that there were, but I don't think so."
Raven: "Well, where do we need to go now?"
Avatar: "I need to see Lord British."
Raven: "Alright, let's get going."
Go to Destination



Triggered Noncinematic at Start

Hawkwind: "Avatar, arise from your slumber! The Guardian has invaded Britannia, and Lord British has summoned you for your final adventure!"
Hawkwind: "In order to view your surroundings, simply move your mouse. If you wish to move, press and hold the right mouse button."
Hawkwind: "You can also use the cursor to interact with objects. When you are close enough to use an object, the cursor will turn green if placed over the object."
Hawkwind: "If you wish to use the object, click the left mouse button."
Hawkwind: "For my next piece of counsel, left click on the golden Ankh that will appear by your bed."
Set First_Hawkwind_Speech_Complete to true

Triggered Noncinematic at Ankh in Bedroom

Hawkwind: "Your first task is to prepare for your adventure. Make sure you collect all of your supplies before you leave your home. "
Hawkwind: "Many objects are operable. It will be useful for you to experiment. Perhaps you should try to turn on the lights in your room."
Hawkwind: "Just move close enough to the light switch so that your cursor is green when placed over the switch. Then click the left mouse button to turn the lights on and off."
Hawkwind: "I have marked special items of interest, so be sure to examine these."

Triggered Noncinematic if you drag anything onto you without backpack or toolbelt

Hawkwind: "Perhaps if you had your backpack or tool belt, you could take that with you."

Triggered Noncinematic upon exiting bedroom

Hawkwind: "Surely you will not go adventuring without clothes. I think your clothes are in the bathroom, through the other door."

Triggered Noncinematic at bathroom ankh

Hawkwind: "To wear your clothes, drag them with the left mouse button onto yourself. Once the cursor is over you, release the mouse button."

Triggered Noncinematic if you pass your toolbelt

Hawkwind: "Take my advice, Avatar; you will need your tool belt on the table beside you!"

Triggered Noncinematic at toolbelt ankh

Hawkwind: "Notice the tool belt at the bottom of the screen. Items placed here may be used by left clicking on the icon shown on the tool belt, or by pressing the corresponding function key."
Hawkwind: "To place an item into your tool belt, left click and drag it onto the desired slot."
Hawkwind: "To remove an item from your tool belt, press the 'Q' key to free your cursor from the center of the screen. Then drag the items off of your tool belt."
Hawkwind: "Don't forget to press the 'Q' key again to lock the cursor back into the middle of the screen."

Triggered Noncinematic at backpack ankh

Hawkwind: "To put items into your backpack, left click and drag them onto the backpack icon. To view the contents of your backpack, press the 'B' key."
Hawkwind,"Once the backpack is open, you may drag items out of the backpack and place them in the world. Right click on the backpack to close it."

Triggered Noncinematic at living room ankh

Hawkwind: "You can sit in chairs and lie down in beds, Avatar. Left click on the seat of the chair or couch to sit in it. Beds will work in the same manner."

Triggered Noncinematic at Journal Ankh

Hawkwind: "Press 'J' to read your journal. You will find that it contains a great deal of critical information for your quest. You can left click in the table of contents to go directly to various chapters."
Hawkwind: "To return to the index, left click on the ribbon. Right click on the journal to close it. You will be able to save the state of your deeds from this moment hence within this tome."

Triggered Noncinematic if you click on the front or back door

If Avatar has basic GUI
Set Has_All_Tutorial_Items to true
If Avatar doesn't have toolbelt
Hawkwind: "Avatar, do not leave without your tool belt. You might check upstairs in the hallway."
Else if Avatar doesn't have Backpack
Hawkwind: "Avatar, do not leave without your backpack. I believe you left it in the computer room."
Else if Avatar doesn't have Compass
Hawkwind: "Avatar, do not leave without your compass. You may find it near the fireplace."
Else if Avatar doesn't have Journal
Hawkwind: "Avatar, don't forget your Journal. You can find it in the living room."

Triggered Noncinematic when you exit house

Hawkwind: "You still have much to learn before you travel to Britannia. Visit the training area on the north-west side of your house."

Triggered Noncinematic at Hopscotch ankh

Hawkwind: "Do you remember this game? You may find you are more nimble than you think. You can move in all directions."
Hawkwind: "Try traversing the hopscotch board by pressing the control or alt keys at the same time as the right mouse button. Using all three together will move you backwards."
Hawkwind: "You can jump by positioning your cursor over the spot you wish to jump to and pressing the space bar."
Hawkwind: "Before you jump, you should gauge the distance. If the reticle is green, you can easily make the jump to the location indicated. If not, the destination may be too far away for you to successfully jump."

Triggered Noncinematic at Training Dummy ankh

Hawkwind: "To equip your sword, drag it onto yourself. Pressing the tab key will put you into combat mode, and you will draw your sword."
Hawkwind: "While your sword is drawn, pressing the left mouse button will make you thrust with your sword."
Hawkwind: "Press the tab key again to sheath your weapon."

Triggered Noncinematic at Archery ankh

Hawkwind: "To equip your bow, drag it onto yourself. Don't forget to pick up the arrows sitting nearby."
Hawkwind: "Pressing the tab key will put you into combat mode, and you will arm your bow. Clicking the left mouse button will draw back an arrow, and releasing the button will fire it."
Hawkwind: "Press the tab key again to unready your weapon."

Triggered Noncinematic at locked gate ankh

Hawkwind: "Did you bring the key from your desk? Locked doors will be unlocked automatically if you have the proper key, and the key will be left behind once it is used."

Triggered Noncinematic after going through the locked gate

Hawkwind: "Britannia can be a dangerous place, so be sure to practice your combat and swimming skills here in the woods near your home."
Hawkwind: "Once you feel you have mastered them, seek out the Gypsy, who will guide you on your journey."

Triggered Noncinematic at log ankh

Hawkwind: "You can climb many objects, such as this log. To do so, move very close to it and press the 'C' key."

Triggered Noncinematic at lake ankh

Hawkwind: "You'll find that swimming is easy. While moving, look down to dive down, and look up to swim back to the surface."
Hawkwind: "If you hold the control or alt keys while swimming, you'll be able to swim sideways, or even do the backstroke."

Triggered Noncinematic after Gazer comes through moongate

Hawkwind: "Avatar, the Guardian must be aware that you were called to Britannia, and is already working against you!"
Hawkwind: "Fortunately, the gazer is a magic creature and its powers will be greatly weakened by the lack of magic here on earth."

Triggered Noncinematic at start of Stonegate

Hawkwind: "The Guardian obviously knows you are here, Avatar. You will not be safe here at Stonegate for long! Unlike on earth, you are now vulnerable."
Hawkwind: "There is also a chest of equipment in the corner of this room sent for you by the gypsy."

Triggered Noncinematic at spellbook ankh

Hawkwind: "Press 'S' to access your spell book. You will need to cast ignite on the torch at the end of the hall to remove the force field that blocks your way."
Hawkwind: "To cast ignite from your spell book, click on the 'ignite' spell icon. After the book closes, position the blue reticle over the unlit torch and left click to magically ignite it."
Hawkwind: "Spell icons may also be dragged into your tool belt just like items."

Triggered Noncinematic gust spell ankh

Hawkwind: "Do you see the pressure plate below that vase? See if you can use your gust spell to move the vase off the shelf."
Hawkwind: "You can try this now by casting your gust spell, then clicking on the item that you wish the wind gust to affect."

Triggered Noncinematic at stone spell ankh

Hawkwind: "Perhaps you have a spell that might be able to dispatch the vermin that guards the switch. Try the stone spell on the rat."

Triggered Noncinematic at Stonegate exit ankh

Hawkwind: "I have taught you all that I can, Avatar, but you still have much to learn. Once you step outside these doors, your enemies will be numerous."
Hawkwind: "Nearby there is a cave. Within it lies the means to reach Britain, where you may seek out the wise Lord British! Fare thee well, my friend!"

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages [U1|Ultima 1-1]]

Hawkwind: "The evil wizard Mondain defies Lord British and seizes control of Britannia, known at the time as Sosaria."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 1-2

Hawkwind: "Mondain creates the gem of immortality to solidify his future as supreme evil overlord."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 1-3

Hawkwind: "A traveler from another world travels back through time to destroy the gem and Mondain."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 2-1

Hawkwind: "Mondain's lover, Minax, vows revenge upon the traveler and Sosaria and rebuilds Mondain's evil empire."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 2-2

Hawkwind: "Minax masters the ways of the moongates and summons evil beasts to ravage the traveler's world and people across time."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 2-3

Hawkwind: "Again the stranger saves his world and ours, defeating Minax in her legendary castle."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 3-1

Hawkwind: "Exodus, the foul progeny of Mondain and Minax, begins the most wicked tyranny to befall our land."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 3-2

Hawkwind,"Exodus masters more evils than his forebears and ravages the land for the third time."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 3-3

Hawkwind: "For the third time the traveler returns and vanquishes the last of this evil triad."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 4-1

Hawkwind: "Lord British unites Sosaria as Britannia and issues a proclamation seeking the Champion of Virtue."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 4-2

Hawkwind: "The traveler returns and sets forth through Britannia to gain insight and prove himself in the ways of Virtue."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 4-3

Hawkwind: "The traveler is proclaimed The Avatar for his own purity and for showing our people the path of virtue."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 5-1

Hawkwind: "Afflicted by the evil Shadowlords, Lord British's trusted regent Blackthorn declares martial law."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 5-2

Hawkwind: "The Avatar and his eight companions struggle against the tyranny of Blackthorn's inquisition."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 5-3

Hawkwind: "Lord British is saved and Blackthorn is banished to the ethereal plane for his crimes."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 6-1

Hawkwind: "The Avatar is brought to Britannia by gargoyles bent upon his destruction."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 6-2

Hawkwind: "In our darkest hour as a people, we slaughter most of the gargoyle race in an act of genocide."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 6-3

Hawkwind: "The Avatar uncovers the secret of the gargoyle prophecies and brings peace between our people."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 7-1

Hawkwind: "As some in Britannia prosper, Batlin gathers the discontented masses for the Guardian."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 7-2

Hawkwind: "The Avatar stops the Guardian from entering Britannia by destroying the Black Gate."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 7-3

Hawkwind: "Dupre is lost as he sacrifices himself to save our world from the Guardian's grip."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 8-1

Hawkwind: "The Avatar is taken to the world of Pagan, a land perverted by the Guardian."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 8-2

Hawkwind: "The Avatar faces a land and people who can not be converted to the ways of virtue."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 8-3

Hawkwind: "In order to escape, the Avatar uses the powers of darkness, summoning Pyros the Titan of Fire."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 9-1

Hawkwind: "The Avatar will return after the Guardian has appeared in Britannia."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 9-2

Hawkwind: "The Guardian will rip Britannia asunder with giant evil columns."

Triggered Noncinematic at Tapestry of Ages Ultima 9-3

Hawkwind: "The Avatar will ascend beyond mortality, never to return to Britannia again."

The Gypsy[edit]

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Gypsy: "Ahm, mu, ra, beh, bah, summ, om, lum..."

Triggered Entrance upon entering her wagon (noncinematic)

Gypsy: "Welcome, traveler. Please be seated."

Enter Conversation

If Avatar_Had_Tarot_Card_Reading is False
Gypsy: "Welcome, traveler. Please be seated."
Gypsy: "Hurry Avatar! For you are needed in Britannia."

Triggered Entrance upon seating in the chair (cinematic event)

If Gypsy_First_Convo_C is True
Gypsy: "Ah, you have returned. Are you now prepared for your journey?"
Gypsy: "Greetings, Avatar; Britannia awaits."
Gypsy: "This will be your ultimate challenge:"
Gypsy: "the final battle for the destiny of Britannia."
Gypsy: "If you take this journey,"
Gypsy: "you will never return to earth again, nor shall you return to Britannia."
Gypsy: "Are you now prepared for this most important quest?"
Journey Avatar: "I am prepared!"
Journey Avatar: "What journey?"
Prepare Avatar: "How should I prepare myself?"
No Avatar: "Not yet."


Gypsy: "I understand."
Set Gypsy_First_Convo_C to True
Gypsy: "Return to me when you are ready."


Gypsy: "You must first search this forest."
Gypsy: "There is much you can learn here that will help you on your journey. You need to learn swimming and combat before you can travel to Britannia!"
Gypsy: "Are you ready?"
Journey Avatar: "I am prepared!"
Journey Avatar: "What journey?"
No Avatar: "Not yet."


Gypsy: "Long have you been the savior of Britannia."
Gypsy: "Eight times before you have made this trip and saved Britannia from utter destruction."
Gypsy: "This time you must finish the task."
Gypsy: "For after this journey, your future lies on a different path."
Gypsy: "Have you mastered combat, swimming, and the use of your equipment?"
Yes Avatar: "I am ready!"
Future Avatar: "What future path?"
No Avatar: "I am not yet ready."


Gypsy: "This I cannot see."
Gypsy: "I only know it to be true."
Gypsy: "Are you ready?"
Yes Avatar: "I am ready!"
No Avatar: "I am not yet ready."


Gypsy: "Good, then let us begin the reading."
Gypsy: "I shall ask you a series of seven questions."
Gypsy: "Give each question serious consideration. Your answers shall determine how you will begin your journey to Britannia."
Go to Virtue Questions 1

Function: ChooseVirtueQuestion(virtueA, virtueB)

Honesty = 1, Compassion = 2, Valor = 3, Justice = 4, Sacrifice = 5, Honor = 6, Spirituality = 7, Humility = 8
If virtueA is greater than virtueB
virtueTemp = virtueA
virtueA = virtueB
virtueB = virtueTemp
If virtueA = Honesty and virtueB = Compassion
Gypsy: "You are entrusted to deliver an uncounted purse of gold. If you met a poor beggar, would you show Honesty or Compassion?"
Return: Honesty Avatar: "Deliver the gold Honestly, knowing the trust in me was well placed."
Return: Compassion Avatar: "Show Compassion and give the beggar a coin, knowing it won't be missed."
If virtueA = Honesty and virtueB = Valor
Gypsy: "You have been prohibited by your absent lord from fighting. If you saw your friends in a close-pitched battle, would you show Honesty or Valor?"
Return: Honesty Avatar: "Refrain, so I may Honestly claim obedience."
Return: Valor Avatar: "Show Valor and aid my comrades, knowing I can deny it later."
If virtueA = Honesty and virtueB = Justice
Gypsy: "A merchant owes your friend money, now long past due. If you saw this same merchant drop a purse of gold, would you show Honesty or Justice?"
Return: Honesty Avatar: "Honestly return the purse intact."
Return: Justice Avatar: "Justly give my friend a portion of the gold first."
If virtueA = Honesty and virtueB = Sacrifice
Gypsy: "You and your friend are valiant but penniless warriors, and you both set forth to slay a mighty dragon. Your friend believes he slew the beast. If the killing blow was yours, would you show Honesty or Sacrifice?"
Return: Honesty Avatar: "Honestly claim the reward."
Return: Sacrifice Avatar: "Sacrifice the gold for the sake of his friendship."
If virtueA = Honesty and virtueB = Honor
Gypsy: "You have sworn to protect your lord at any cost, yet know he has committed a crime. If authorities asked you of the affair, would you show Honesty or Honor?"
Return: Honesty Avatar: "Break my oath by Honestly speaking."
Return: Honor Avatar: "Uphold Honor by silently keeping my oath."
If virtueA = Honesty and virtueB = Spirituality
Gypsy: "Your friend seeks admittance to your spiritual order. If you were asked to vouch for his purity of spirit, of which you were uncertain, would you show Honesty or Spirituality?"
Return: Honesty Avatar: "Honestly express my doubt."
Return: Spirituality Avatar: "Vouch for him, hoping for his Spiritual improvement."
If virtueA = Honesty and virtueB = Humility
Gypsy: "Your lord believes he slew a dragon. If you had proof that your lance felled the beast, would you show Honesty or Humility?"
Return: Honesty Avatar: "Honestly claim the kill."
Return: Humility Avatar: "Humbly permit my lord his belief."
If virtueA = Compassion and virtueB = Valor
Gypsy: "You manage to disarm your mortal enemy in a duel, and he is at your mercy. Will you show Compassion or Valor?"
Return: Compassion Avatar: "Show Compassion by permitting him to yield."
Return: Valor Avatar: "Slay him, as expected of a Valiant duelist."
If virtueA = Compassion and virtueB = Justice
Gypsy: "After twenty years, you have found the slayer of your best friends. If the villain proved to be a man who provides the sole support for a young girl, would you show Compassion or Justice?"
Return: Compassion Avatar: "Spare him in Compassion for the child."
Return: Justice Avatar: "Slay him in the name of Justice."
If virtueA = Compassion and virtueB = Sacrifice
Gypsy: "In a terrible losing battle, you and your friends have been routed and ordered to retreat. Will you show Compassion or Sacrifice?"
Return: Compassion Avatar: "Stop in Compassion to aid a wounded comrade."
Return: Sacrifice Avatar: "Sacrifice myself to slow the pursuing enemy so that others might escape."
If virtueA = Compassion and virtueB = Honor
Gypsy: "You have sworn to uphold a Lord who participates in the forbidden practice of torture, and each night you the cries of tortured prisoners. Will you show Compassion or Honor?"
Return: Compassion Avatar: "Show Compassion by reporting the deeds."
Return: Honor Avatar: "Honor my oath and ignore my Lord's deeds."
If virtueA = Compassion and virtueB = Spirituality
Gypsy: "You have been taught to preserve all life as sacred. If a man were fatally stung by a venomous serpent and begged for a merciful death, would you show Compassion or Spirituality?"
Return: Compassion Avatar: "Show Compassion and end his pain."
Return: Spirituality Avatar: "Heed my Spiritual beliefs and turn away."
If virtueA = Compassion and virtueB = Humility
Gypsy: "The Captain of the King's guard has asked one among you to visit a hospital to cheer the children with tales of valiant personal deeds. Will you show Compassion or Humility?"
Return: Compassion Avatar: "Show my Compassion and play the braggart."
Return: Humility Avatar: "Humbly let another go."
If virtueA = Valor and virtueB = Justice
Gypsy: "You have been sent to secure a needed treaty with a distant Lord. If your host were agreeable to your proposal, but insulted your country at dinner, would you show Valor or Justice?"
Return: Valor Avatar: "Valiantly bear the slurs."
Return: Justice Avatar: "Justly rise and demand an apology."
If virtueA = Valor and virtueB = Sacrifice
Gypsy: "A burly knight accosts you and demands your food. Will you show Valor or Sacrifice?"
Return: Valor Avatar: "Valiantly refuse and engage the knight."
Return: Sacrifice Avatar: "Sacrifice my rations unto the hungry knight."
If virtueA = Valor and virtueB = Honor
Gypsy: "During battle, you are ordered to guard your commander's empty tent. If the battle went poorly and you yearned to aid your fellow knights, would you show Valor or Honor?"
Return: Valor Avatar: "Valiantly enter the battle."
Return: Honor Avatar: "Honor my commander's order and guard my post."
If virtueA = Valor and virtueB = Spirituality
Gypsy: "If a local bully pushed for a fight, would you show Valor or Spirituality?"
Return: Valor Avatar: "Valiantly trounce the rogue."
Return: Spirituality Avatar: "Decline, knowing in my Spirit that no lasting good will come of it."
If virtueA = Valor and virtueB = Humility
Gypsy: "You are a simple fisherman, yet also a skillful swordsman. If your Lord sought to assemble a ceremonial peacetime guard, would you show Valor or Humility?"
Return: Valor Avatar: "Answer the call, so that all may witness my Valor."
Return: Humility Avatar: "Humbly decline the offer to join my Lord's largely ceremonial knighthood."
If virtueA = Justice and virtueB = Sacrifice
Gypsy: "During a pitched battle, you see a fellow Knight desert his post, endangering many as he flees. If you saw him set upon by several enemies, would you show Justice or Sacrifice?"
Return: Justice Avatar: "Justly let him fight alone."
Return: Sacrifice Avatar: "Risk the Sacrifice of my own life to save him."
If virtueA = Justice and virtueB = Honor
Gypsy: "You have sworn to do your Lord's bidding in all things. If he coveted a piece of land, ordering its owner removed, would you show Justice or Honor?"
Return: Justice Avatar: "Serve Justice, refusing to act, thus being disgraced."
Return: Honor Avatar: "Honor my oath and evict the landowner."
If virtueA = Justice and virtueB = Spirituality
Gypsy: "You believe that virtue resides in all people. If you saw a rogue steal from your Lord, would you show Justice or Spirituality?"
Return: Justice Avatar: "Call him to Justice."
Return: Spirituality Avatar: "Personally try to sway him back to the Spiritual path of good."
If virtueA = Justice and virtueB = Humility
Gypsy: "Unwitnessed, you have slain a mighty dragon in defense of your life. If an impoverished warrior claimed the offered reward, would you show Justice or Humility?"
Return: Justice Avatar: "Justly step forward to claim the bounty."
Return: Humility Avatar: "Humbly go about my life, secure in my self-esteem."
If virtueA = Sacrifice and virtueB = Honor
Gypsy: "You are a bounty hunter sworn to return an alleged murderer. If, after his capture, you came to believe him innocent, would you show Sacrifice or Honor?"
Return: Sacrifice Avatar: "Sacrifice my sizable bounty for my belief."
Return: Honor Avatar: "Honor my oath to return him as promised."
If virtueA = Sacrifice and virtueB = Spirituality
Gypsy: "You have spent your life in charitable and righteous work. If your uncle, an innkeeper, lay ill and asked you to take over his tavern, would you show Sacrifice or Spirituality?"
Return: Sacrifice Avatar: "Sacrifice my life of purity to aid my kin."
Return: Spirituality Avatar: "Decline and follow the call of Spirituality."
If virtueA = Sacrifice and virtueB = Humility
Gypsy: "You are an elderly, wealthy merchant, and your end is near. Will you show Sacrifice or Humility?"
Return: Sacrifice Avatar: "Sacrifice all my wealth to feed hundreds of starving children, receiving public adulation."
Return: Humility Avatar: "Humbly live out my life, willing my fortune to my heirs."
If virtueA = Honor and virtueB = Spirituality
Gypsy: "In your youth, you pledged to marry your sweetheart, but are now on a sacred quest in distant lands. If your sweetheart asked you to keep your vow, would you show Honor or Spirituality?"
Return: Honor Avatar: "Honor my pledge to wed."
Return: Spirituality Avatar: "Follow my Spiritual crusade."
If virtueA = Honor and virtueB = Humility
Gypsy: "You are but a peasant shepherd, but you have been discovered to be the sole descendent of a noble family long thought extinct. Will you show Honor or Humility?"
Return: Honor Avatar: "Honorably take up the arms of my ancestors."
Return: Humility Avatar: "Humbly resume my life of simplicity and peace."
If virtueA = Spirituality and virtueB = Humility
Gypsy: "Your parents wish you to become an apprentice. If two positions were available, would you choose one to show Spirituality or Humility?"
Return: Spirituality Avatar: "Become an acolyte in a worthy Spiritual order."
Return: Humility Avatar: "Become an assistant to the humble village cobbler."

Virtue Questions 1

Activate Tarot Camera
Set Virtue List = [Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, Humility]
Randomly choose virtue1 from Virtue List
Remove virtue1 from Virtue List
Randomly choose virtue2 from Virtue List
Remove virtue2 from Virtue List
AnswerA = Function: ChooseVirtueQuestion(virtue1, virtue2)
Go to Virtue Question 2

Virtue Questions 2

Randomly choose virtue3 from Virtue List
Remove virtue3 from Virtue List
Randomly choose virtue4 from Virtue List
Remove virtue4 from Virtue List
AnswerB = Function: ChooseVirtueQuestion(virtue3, virtue4)
Go to Virtue Question 3

Virtue Questions 3

Randomly choose virtue5 from Virtue List
Remove virtue5 from Virtue List
Randomly choose virtue6 from Virtue List
Remove virtue6 from Virtue List
AnswerC = Function: ChooseVirtueQuestion(virtue5, virtue6)
Go to Virtue Question 4

Virtue Questions 4

Randomly choose virtue3 from Virtue List
Remove virtue7 from Virtue List
Virtue8 = Virtue List(0)
Remove virtue8 from Virtue List
AnswerD = Function: ChooseVirtueQuestion(virtue7, virtue8)
Go to Virtue Question 5

Virtue Questions 5

AnswerE = Function: ChooseVirtueQuestion(AnswerA, AnswerB)
AnswerF = Function: ChooseVirtueQuestion(AnswerC, AnswerD)
AnswerG = Function: ChooseVirtueQuestion(AnswerE, AnswerF)
If AnswerG = Honesty
Set Avatars_Virtue to 0
If AnswerG = Compassion
Set Avatars_Virtue to 1
If AnswerG = Valor
Set Avatars_Virtue to 2
If AnswerG = Justice
Set Avatars_Virtue to 3
If AnswerG = Sacrifice
Set Avatars_Virtue to 4
If AnswerG = Honor
Set Avatars_Virtue to 5
If AnswerG = Spirituality
Set Avatars_Virtue to 6
If AnswerG = Humility
Set Avatars_Virtue to 7
Go to After Virtue Questions

After Virtue Questions

Return to Cinematic Camera
If Avatars_Virtue is 0 (Honesty)
Gypsy: "Avatar, you have favored the Virtue of Honesty. You will start your journey on the path of a mage."
Gypsy: "To help you on your way, your intelligence will be increased when you go through the portal to Britannia. Your capacity for magic shall be great!"
Else If Avatars_Virtue is 1 (Compassion)
Gypsy: "Avatar, you have favored the Virtue of Compassion. You will start your journey on the path of a bard."
Gypsy: "To help you on your way, your dexterity will be increased when you go through the portal to Britannia. Your ability to learn combat skills shall be great!"
Else If Avatars_Virtue is 2 (Valor)
Gypsy: "Avatar, you have favored the Virtue of Valor. You will dost start your journey on the path of a fighter."
Gypsy: "To help you on your way, your strength will be increased when you go through the portal to Britannia. Your ability to inflict and sustain damage in battle shall be great!"
Else If Avatars_Virtue is 3 (Justice)
Gypsy: "Avatar, you have favored the Virtue of Justice. You will start your journey on the path of a druid."
Gypsy: "To help you on your way, your intelligence and dexterity will be increased when you go through the portal to Britannia. Your magic and combat skills shall be great!"
Else If Avatars_Virtue is 4 (Sacrifice)
Gypsy: "Avatar, you have favored the virtue of Sacrifice. You will start your journey on the path of a tinker."
Gypsy: "To help you on your way, your strength and dexterity will be increased when you go through the portal to Britannia. Your mastery of skills and your might in battle shall be great!"
Else If Avatars_Virtue is 5 (Honor)
Gypsy: "Avatar, you have favored the Virtue of Honor. You will start your journey on the path of a paladin."
Gypsy: "To help you on your way, your strength and intelligence will be increased when you go through the portal to Britannia. Your might and your magic skills shall be great!"
Else If Avatars_Virtue is 6 (Spirituality)
Gypsy: "Avatar, you have favored the Virtue of Spirituality. You will start your journey on the path of a ranger."
Gypsy: "To help you on your way, your strength, dexterity and intelligence will be increased when you go through the portal to Britannia. Your knowledge of the land shall be great!"
Else If Avatars_Virtue is 7 (Humility)
Gypsy: "Avatar, you have favored the Virtue of Humility. You shall follow the path of a humble shepherd."
Gypsy: "Once you arrive in Britannia, you will find a chest of supplies appropriate to your chosen path that I have left for you in the tower of Stonegate. Use these supplies wisely, Avatar!"
Gypsy: "Good luck, for your quest will be most difficult."
Activate Gypsy's On Trigger - Activates Moongate and Camera
Gypsy: "Once in Britannia, seek out Lord British, the wise ruler of the land."
Gypsy: "Go now to Britannia; your fate awaits you."
Set Avatar_Had_Tarot_Card_Reading to True
Diary: "The gypsy seer on Earth told me to meet with Lord British as soon as I got to Britannia."

Castle Britannia[edit]

Lord British[edit]

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic) Blackthorn Fight 1

Avatar: "Lord British, what are you doing?"
Blackthorn: "What does it look like, Avatar? The old man has accepted my challenge!"
Blackthorn: "And it's going to be the death of him."
Lord British: "I should have had you executed lo those many years ago, Blackthorn. I suppose that I'll have to do it now."
Avatar: "No, my lord, I am your Avatar. Let me fight this vermin!"
Lord British: "No, Avatar. I have sat by and allowed you to fight my battles for far too long."
Lord British: "It was my responsibility to rid Britannia of this menace following the destruction of the Shadow Lords; it was a job that I apparently left unfinished. Now I must finish that job."
Avatar: "No, my lord, wait!"
Lord British: "No Avatar, I'll not have you interfere."
Activate Lord British's Fourth Trigger
Blackthorn: "Well then old man, it looks like it's just you and me."
LordBritish: "Indeed."

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic Event) Blackthorn Scene 2

Blackthorn: "You're looking weak, old man."
Lord British: "I may yet surprise you."

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic Event) Blackthorn Scene 3

Blackthorn: "Don't let a little bit of luck fool you, British. I will kill you!"
Lord British: "Don't confuse luck with skill, my boy."

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic Event) Blackthorn Scene 4

Lord British: "I may be old and gray, but on my worst day I can best ten of you!"
Blackthorn: "Why can't you just die?"

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic) Blackthorn Scene 5

LordBritish: "There, 'tis finally done."
Comment Avatar: "Well, Blackthorn got what he deserved."
Comment Avatar: "My lord, you should have let me fight him. You could have been lost to us!"
Comment Avatar: "That was quite a display, my lord. I must say I am very impressed!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If First_LB_Convo is False
Set First_LB_Convo to True
Lord British: "Avatar! It is you at long last! I sent word seeming ages ago and have awaited your arrival day and night and now you're here."
Lord British: "Welcome back to Britannia, Avatar."
Lord British: "Sadly, I fear that I have little to offer you, but what I have is yours."
Lord British: "I tell you truly, Avatar; trouble, very serious trouble is afoot in our land and we need your help if Britannia is to survive in peace and security."
Evil Avatar: "What evil has been unleashed in Britannia?"
Why Avatar: "Why have you not rooted out the disease yourself?"
Escape Avatar: "Dear friend, escape with me back to my world where we'll be safe."
If Britannia_Quest_Received is True
Lord British: "How fares your quest?"
If Raven_First_Convo_C is False
Yes Directions 2 Avatar: "Could you give me directions to Despise?"
Not Well Avatar: "I've had little success so far."
Not Well Avatar: "Not well, I feel as though I can't grasp the problems that face me."
Well Avatar: "So far, things are progressing well, though I'll need more time."
Lord British: "What? You wish to speak to me again? I am sorry Avatar, but unless you are here to help rid Britannia of the evil that plagues it, I have no time for you."
Lord British: "Have you changed your mind? Will you help us?"
Yes Avatar: "On my word."
Uncertain Avatar: "I'm just not sure that I'm up to this."
No Avatar: "I fear that I must resist this hardship. Farewell."
If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is False
Lord British: "How now! What news Avatar?"
Weary Avatar: "I'm weary, but well enough."
Cleansed Avatar: "The Shrine of Compassion has been cleansed, my lord."
Bye Avatar: "If you'll pardon me, I'll take my leave now."
If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed or Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
Set Raven_Arrested to True
Lord British: "Hello Avatar, how fare things?"
Well 2 Avatar: "All is well, thanks."
News 2 Avatar: "Have you had any news that may be of use?"
Yew Avatar: "I need to get to Yew, but I don't know how."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye my lord."
If Been_To_Abyss is True
If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is False
If LB_In_Abyss is True
Lord British: "Do you have the glyph?"
If the Avatar has the Glyph of Spirituality
Avatar: "Yes, I do."
Lord British: "Good, I will teleport you out. Meet me at the castle."
Activate Lord British's Third Trigger
Avatar: "No, I don't."
Lord British: "Avatar, you must get the glyph before we can leave."
Lord British: "Well, I take it that you've consulted the Codex?"
If Codex_Red is True
Avatar: "Yes I have."
Lord British: "Excellent. I can cast a spell that will temporarily re-align the moons and allow to you travel to the void."
Lord British: "I fear, however, that doing so will speed up the doomsday process set in motion by the Guardian. Therefore, it is important that you come back here as soon as you have cleansed the shrine."
Lord British: "Once you return, we must move against the Guardian. Are you ready?"
Avatar: "I am indeed."
Lord British: "Very well. Let us be about it."
Diary: "Lord British said it's important that I come back to the castle as soon as I've cleansed the Shrine of Spirituality."
Activate Lord British's First Trigger
Avatar: "No, I have not."
Lord British: "Was I not clear, Avatar? I told you to consult the Codex before you returned to see me. Nevermind! We can proceed from here."
Lord British: "As I said before, you must travel into the Ethereal Void to cleanse the Shrine of Spirituality."
Lord British: "I can cast a spell that will temporarily re-align the moons and allow you to travel in the void. I fear, however, that doing so will speed up the doomsday process set in motion by the Guardian."
Lord British: "As soon as you return from the void, you must, and I mean MUST consult the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. Do you understand?"
Avatar: "Yes, my lord."
Lord British: "Very well, are you ready?"
Avatar: "Yes, I'm ready."
Activate Lord British's First Trigger
If LB_Said_Bye is False
If Codex_Read is True
Lord British: "Well, my friend, you've done it. You've cleansed the last shrine and you've consulted the Codex. You know what you must do and how you must do it."
Lord British: "Are you ready to confront the Guardian?"
Avatar: "My lord, I've been waiting for this moment for far too long. I'm more than ready."
Lord British: "Very well then. You must be off to Terfin; that's where you'll find the Guardian. Go, go and destroy him so that you may finally fulfill your destiny and move on from this place."
Avatar: "What about you my lord?"
Lord British: "I'll not be with you. This is something that you must do alone. Don't worry though, the companions and I will be busy doing our part."
Lord British: "There are things that we must do so that you may confront the Guardian."
Avatar: "But will I ever see you again?"
LordBritish: "No. You are made of something greater, Avatar. It's time for you to go. It's time for you to ascend. Farewell, old friend."
Avatar: "Goodbye my lord."
Set LB_Said_Bye
Lord British: "Avatar, you have not read the Codex. It is crucial that you do so. The Codex will tell you how you must defeat the Guardian."
Lord British: "Now you must go and consult it or we are all lost."
Lord British: "I've told you, Avatar. It is time for you to go. Goodbye."


Lord British: "This is unlike anything I've ever seen, Avatar, beyond anything I have ever imagined. And I crave peace and the contentment of my people."
Evil Avatar: "What evil has been unleashed in Britannia?"
Escape Avatar: "Dear friend, escape with me back to my world where we'll be safe."


Lord British: "Britannia is my world, Avatar, my beloved home that I have sworn to protect. You know that I can not leave Britannia"
Evil Avatar: "What evil has been unleashed in Britannia?"
Fool Avatar: "Then you are a fool! Goodbye."




Lord British: "I'm not entirely sure. Giant columns have sprung from the ground. My advisors tell me that there is sickness in many areas, poverty in others and that strife is spreading."
Lord British: "I am told that the people have grown discontented with my rule, yet I know not what to do."
Lord British: "I fear that only you can solve the mystery of this pernicious darkness, Avatar. I know that I have asked much of you over the years, but we need you now more than ever."
Lord British: "Will you dedicate yourself to our survival?"
Set LB_Journal_Flag_4 to True
Diary: "I've been told a number of giant columns have risen from the ground, and the people are growing discontent."
Yes Avatar: "On my word."
Uncertain Avatar: "I'm just not sure that I'm up to this."
No Avatar: "I fear that I must resist this hardship. Farewell."


Lord British: "Not sure? Avatar, you are the hero of Britannia. I know that in the past I have leaned heavily upon you, but who else could I turn to?"
Lord British: "Who can I turn to now? What shall I do? Shall I beg you? Shall I, the monarch of this land, bend my knee to my old friend and beg you to save my land?"
Lord British: "If that is what it takes, that is what I will do. Tell me, Avatar, what I must do, but I must have an answer from you. Will you help us?"
Yes Avatar: "On my word."
No Avatar: "I fear that I must resist this hardship. Farewell."


Set Britannia_Quest_Refused to True


Lord British: "Thank you Avatar, you have truly given this land a hope for survival. I suggest that you first go to the dungeon Despise."
Lord British: "It is located just northeast of Britain. It is easy to find; just look for the great column that reaches into the sky."
Lord British: "The entrance to Despise is next to the column. Are you in need of more detailed instructions, or do you think that will suffice?"
Set LB_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Lord British told me I need to first go to the dungeon of Despise. It's just northeast of Britain, and the entrance is next to one of the columns."
Yes Directions Avatar: "Yes, I would like some detailed instructions."
No Directions Avatar: "No thank you, I'll be able to find it."

Yes Directions

Lord British: "Very well, 'tis easy enough. Simply exit Britain by the east gate and stay on the road until it intersects with another road. At this intersection, turn to the north."
Lord British: "This road will take you to the column. As I said, the entrance to Despise is near that column."
Set LB_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "To get to Despise, I should go out the east gate of Britain and stay on the road until I get to an intersection, then turn north and stay on the road until I get to the column."
If Britannia_Quest_Received is False
Lord British: "While I'm thinking about it, I should give you this map. Here, it will help you along in your journeys."
Go to Map

No Directions

Lord British: "Very well. Still, let me give you this map. It is certain to help you in your journeys."
Go to Map


Enable World Map Feature
Lord British: "Within the dungeon you will find one of these columns, and with it, perhaps, some answers."
Lord British: "Of course, you're free to take any supplies that you find here in my castle. In fact, I have had a room upstairs prepared for you should you wish to use it."
Lord British: "There is even some money there. Take it and use it to buy supplies or whatever you may need in town."
Lord British: "I will do anything that I can to aid you in your quest. May all of the virtues be with you, my son."
Set LB_Journal_Flag_9 to True
Set LB_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Set Britannia_Quest_Received to True
Diary: "I've been given a map!"
Diary: "Lord British said I can take anything I find of use in the castle, and even has a bedroom prepared upstairs for me should I need it."

Yes Directions 2

Lord British: "Very well, tis easy enough. Simply exit Britain by the east gate and stay on the road until it intersects with another road. At this intersection, turn to the north."
Lord British: "This road will take you to the column. As I said, the entrance to Despise is near that column."
Set LB_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "To get to Despise, I should go out the east gate of Britain and stay on the road until I get to an intersection, then turn north and stay on the road until I get to the column."

Not Well

Lord British: "Fear not, Avatar, you have only just begun your quest. The road that lies ahead is long, but you will prevail. You have always triumphed, have you not?"
Lord British: "Go now, and do not be discouraged, all will be well!"


Lord British: "Of course you will need more time: you have only just begun your quest! I'm glad to know that things are progressing well."
Lord British: "Please come back when you have something more to report. My thanks and blessings go with you, Avatar."


Lord British: "At last, some respite from the harrowing decline. But, there is more work to do. There are seven more shrines in the land."
LordBritish: "If compassion was corrupted, so may the others be."
Set LB_Knows_Compassion_Cleansed to True
Weary Avatar: "I'm weary, but well enough."
Agreed Avatar: "Yes, the shrines' corruption is linked to the columns."
News Avatar: "Might you have any news that may help me?"
Bye Avatar: "If you'll pardon me, I'll take my leave now."


Lord British: "I know that your quest is difficult, Avatar. Remember to draw strength from the virtues. Let them be your guide, and you will have all of the strength that you need."
Agreed Avatar: "Yes, the shrines' corruption is linked to the columns."
News Avatar: "Might you have any news that may help me?"
Bye Avatar: "If you'll pardon me, I'll take my leave now."


Lord British: "I know not if this is of any help to you, but one of my astronomers tells me that the moons are behaving strangely. I don't know any more than that, but will investigate it further."
Set LB_Journal_Flag_5 to True
Diary: "Lord British's astronomers have noticed that something is wrong with the moons. He says he'll investigate it more."
Weary Avatar: "I'm weary, but well enough."
Agreed Avatar: "Yes, the shrines' corruption is linked to the columns."
Bye Avatar: "If you'll pardon me, I'll take my leave now."


Lord British: "Yes, that makes sense. Cleansing the shrines should then help to deal with the column's influence in the rest of Britannia. Such knowledge is useful."
Weary Avatar: "I'm weary, but well enough."
News Avatar: "Might you have any news that may help me?"
Bye Avatar: "If you'll pardon me, I'll take my leave now."


If LB_Knows_Compassion_Cleansed is True
Lord British: "Yes, yes, you have my leave. Please, continue your quest my friend."
Lord British: "Wait a moment Avatar, is there nothing else that you would like to tell me?"
Avatar: "Oh yes. I'm sorry, I'm tired. The Shrine of Compassion has been cleansed and restored."
Set LB_Knows_Compassion_Cleansed to True
Weary Avatar: "I'm weary, but well enough."
Agreed Avatar: "Yes, the shrines' corruption is linked to the columns."
News Avatar: "Might you have any news that may help me?"
Bye Avatar: "If you'll pardon me, I'll take my leave now."

Well 2

Lord British: "That's good to hear. So why have you come to see me? Is there something that you need or wish to report?"
News 2 Avatar: "Have you had any news that may be of use?"
Yew Avatar: "I need to get to Yew, but I don't know how."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye my lord."

News 2

Lord British: "As a matter of fact, I do. Do you remember some time ago, that I told you that there was something wrong with the moons?"
Lord British: "Well, my astronomers now believe that the columns are greatly affecting the moons."
Avatar: "How so?"
Lord British: "It seems that the columns are pulling the moons out of their orbits. Literally dragging them down towards Britannia if you will."
Avatar: "Good heavens!"
Lord British: "Yes, quite. If things are not changed, the moons will collide into Britannia, and I don't need to tell you what will happen then."
Avatar: "All life in Britannia destroyed."
Lord British: "Yes. I therefore needn't impress the need for expedience in your quest."
Set Told_About_Moons to True
Set LB_Journal_Flag_7 to True
Diary: "Lord British has discovered that the columns are actually pulling the moons out of alignment. If this continues, the moons will eventually collide and destroy Britannia!"
Well 2 Avatar: "All is well, thanks."
Yew Avatar: "I need to get to Yew, but I don't know how."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye my lord."


Lord British: "Of course, the Shrine of Justice is located there. Listen carefully, and I shall tell you how to get to Yew. Take the road that leads west out of town."
Lord British: "At the first fork in the road, take the path that is not marked. This path will take you to the north and through a valley."
Lord British: "At the far end of the valley, there is a cave that will take you through the mountains. Now, be careful when you go into this cave, for it is filled with goblins."
Lord British: "In fact, I have created a magical barrier to keep the goblins in. I shall remove the barrier so that you may enter the cave."
Lord British: "Go through the end of this cave and head west until you reach the road. Follow the road north, and you will find the town of Yew."
Set Yew_Shortcut_Revealed to True
Set LB_Journal_Flag_6 to True
Diary: "I spoke with LB, and he gave me directions to Yew. I should take the road that leads west out of town. When I reach the first fork, I'm to go north (the unmarked route) and follow the valley to its end. There, a cave will take me through the mountains. I should be wary of goblins here! LB said that he remove the illusionary wall that hides the passage. After the cave, I should head west until I reach the road, then follow the road to the north to the town of Yew."
Well 2 Avatar: "All is well, thanks."
News 2 Avatar: "Have you had any news that may be of use?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye my lord."

Bye 2

If Told_About_Moons is True
Lord British: "Farewell, Avatar."
Lord British: "Wait a moment, Avatar. There is something that I must tell you."
Go to New 2


Lord British: "Yes, well, I can assure you that I was never in any danger from that worm. There is a reason why I had to fight him, Avatar."
Lord British: "You see, we... no, I have depended on you for far too long Avatar."
Lord British: "When first I created the quest to find an Avatar, I wanted the person who fulfilled the quest to be an example to all the people of Britannia."
Lord British: "They were meant to emulate you, do the things that you did. Instead, the people came to depend on you to solve their problems rather than solving the problems themselves."
Lord British: "And I fear that I was the worst offender, my friend. Rather than going forth and encountering the evils that afflicted my own land, I called upon you to do it, but no more."
Lord British: "No, the people of Britannia must learn to do things for themselves. We can't depend on one man forever."
Perhaps Avatar: "Perhaps you are right, my lord."
Disagree Avatar: "I disagree, my lord!"


Lord British: "I am right. Now listen, there is still much to be done that, unfortunately, only you can do. You must travel into the Ethereal Void to cleanse the Shrine of Spirituality."
Lord British: "However, the moons have so corrupted the moongates that you can not use them to travel to the void. I will send you into the void, but you must first consult the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom."
Lord British: "It contains knowledge that you will need. Take the codex to the Isle of the Avatar and place it upon the altar."
Lord British: "Next, place the red and blue lenses on the appropriate pillar. Only then will you be able to consult the Codex."
Lord British: "Once you have consulted the Codex, come back to my castle in Britain, and I will send you into the void."
Lord British: "You must get the Glyph of Spirituality before I can teleport you out, for we cannot return. Farewell my friend."
Add Codex Closed book to the Avatar's Inventory and apply book number property 156
Set LB_In_Abyss to True
Set LB_Journal_Flag_8 to True
Diary: "I need to go into the Ethereal Void to cleanse the Shrine of Spirituality, but I've been told that I can't get there through the moongates. Lord British will send me there, but first I need to consult the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. To do this, I need to take the codex to the Isle of the Avatar, place it on the altar, then place the red and blue lenses on the proper pillars. Once finished, I should come back to LB's castle. Before I go to the Void, though, I need to get the Glyph of Spirituality, since I can't come back for it."


Lord British: "Come now Avatar, you know that I am right. Now listen, for there is still much to be done that, unfortunately, only you can do."
Lord British: "You must travel into the Ethereal Void to cleanse the Shrine of Spirituality. However, the moons have so corrupted the moongates that you cannot use them to travel to the void."
Lord British: "I will send you into the void, but you must first consult the Codex of Ultimate wisdom. It contains knowledge that you will need."
Lord British: "Take the codex to the Isle of the Avatar and place it upon the altar."
Lord British: "Next, place the red and blue lenses on the appropriate pillar. Only then will you be able to consult the Codex."
Lord British: "Once you have consulted the Codex, come back to my castle in Britain, and I will send you into the void."
Lord British: "You must get the Glyph of Spirituality before I can teleport you out, for we cannot return. Farewell my friend."
Add Codex Closed book to the Avatar's Inventory and apply book number property 156
Set LB_In_Abyss to True
Set LB_Journal_Flag_8 to True
Diary: "I need to go into the Ethereal Void to cleanse the Shrine of Spirituality, but I've been told that I can't get there through the moongates. Lord British will send me there, but first I need to consult the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. To do this, I need to take the codex to the Isle of the Avatar, place it on the altar, then place the red and blue lenses on the proper pillars. Once finished, I should come back to LB's castle. Before I go to the Void, though, I need to get the Glyph of Spirituality, since I can't come back for it."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Hennington: "Ah, Avatar! Yes, I'd know you anywhere; you look just like the tapestry."
Hennington: "Hello, Avatar."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Hennington: "So, you have arrived at last! My name is Hennington, I'm Lord British's seneschal; I run his daily affairs. He has been expecting you for quite some time."
Hennington: "You should go find him right away, he needs to talk to you. It's very important!"
If First_LB_Convo is false
Questions Avatar: "May I ask you some questions?"
Spoken Avatar: "I've already spoken with Lord British."
Bye Avatar: "Alright, farewell."
If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed or Shrine_Honor_Cleansed are false
Hennington: "Well, I see you have managed to clean up some of the mess, good work. I suggest you speak with Lord British and keep us informed on your progress."
Hennington: "What he knows, he tells me, I then make sure that the people know of your progress. Go on, go talk to Lord British."
If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed or Codex_Read are false
If Been_to_Abyss is false
If Found_Out_LB_Missing is false
Hennington: "Thank the virtues that you're here. Lord British read this note that was meant for you, he left to confront Blackthorn in the Abyss. I tried to talk him out of it."
Set Found_Out_LB_Missing to true
Add Blackthorn's Note to Avatar's Inventory
Give Blackthorn's Note Book property with book entry 160
Hennington: "I tried to tell him that it was your job to handle things like this, but he wouldn't listen. He just said that it was time to take a stand himself."
Hennington: "He is the king! He shouldn't be foolishly risking his life like this!"
Diary: "I came back to LB's Castle only to find that Lord British read a note left for me, and has gone off to confront Blackthorn in the Abyss. I hope I can get there before he tries anything rash!"
Hennington: "What are you doing here? Go save Lord British!"
Hennington: "Oh good, you're here. Lord British is out on the west castle grounds waiting for you. Something important is happening, so you'd best hurry."
Hennington: "Ah, you have returned. The companions have come to speak with you, I suggest you hear what they have to say as it might be the last time you will ever have the chance."
Hennington: "I do wish you luck and may the virtues be with you."


Hennington: "Certainly not! You need to talk to Lord British. It's very important, now go!"


Hennington: "Then what are you doing here talking to me? Why aren't you out there fixing things? You're the Avatar; you're supposed to be fixing things. Now go on, get busy!"


Hennington: "Yes, yes, goodbye."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Keller: "Ho there!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Keller: "What brings you into the weapons house?"
If First_LB_Convo is true
Friend Avatar: "I'm a friend. Lord British sent me here to collect some arms."
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar, and I've come to arm myself."
Aside Avatar: "Stand aside, lout. I haven't the time for you."
If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed or Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is false
Keller: "Ho there, Avatar. Say, I hear that you repaired the shrine of compassion. That's first rate work!"
If Dexterity is at least level 2 and 1-Handed Weapons Training is at Level 1
Keller: "You know, I still train others in sword play. Care to take a lesson? It'll only cost you 300 gold."
Train Avatar: "Sure, I'd like some training."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks."
Keller: "I'm afraid you don't quite look agile enough for me to train you yet, though. Come back after you've gotten more agile!"
If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed or Codex_Read is false
Keller: "Ho there, Avatar. If you're looking for Lord British, he's gone."
Keller: "I don't know where he went, but castle scuttlebutt has it that he's gone to confront Blackthorn! Imagine that; the old man is out there getting into a scrape!"
If Dexterity is at least level 2 and 1-Handed Weapons Training is at Level 1
Keller: "You know, I still train others in sword play. Care to take a lesson? It'll only cost you 300 gold."
Train Avatar: "Sure, I'd like some training."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks."
Keller: "Greetings Avatar. You know that I've always respected you. I may not have shown it at times, but it's true."
Keller: "And knowing what you've done, what you've shown us, I just don't know what to say."
Keller: "You're an inspiration to all Britannians, Avatar."


Keller: "Look here, varlot, you're lucky that we're in the Lord's castle: he won't abide fights within it. Otherwise, I'd teach you some manners."
Keller: "Now treat me with a bit of respect, eh? What brings you to the weapons house?"
Friend Avatar: "I'm a friend. Lord British sent me here to collect some arms."
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar, and I've come to arm myself."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Keller: "So you are! Lord British sent word that you were here and said that you're welcome to what ever you want."
Keller: "Say, I don't want to speak out of turn, you being the Avatar and all, but would you like a few tips on fighting and training? You know, just to sharpen your skills?"
Yes Avatar: "Yeah, I'd like to hear some tips."
No Avatar: "No thanks. I'm in a hurry."


Keller: "Wait a minute, you're the Avatar, aren't you? Yes, Lord British sent word that you were to be treated with all courtesies and that you were welcome to whatever you need."
Keller: "Say, I don't want to speak out of turn, you being the Avatar and all, but would you like a few tips on fighting and training? You know, just to sharpen your skills?"
Yes Avatar: "Yeah, I'd like to hear some tips."
No Avatar: "No thanks. I'm in a hurry."


Keller, "Alright then, would you like to hear about training, weapons, or armor?"
Weapons Avatar: "I want to hear about weapons."
Armor Avatar: "What about armor?"
Training Avatar: "Tell me about training."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Keller: "Alright then, good luck to you."


Keller: "Oh there are all manner of weapons out there. Some people like mass weapons, maces and things like that, others prefer ranged weapons, you know; longbows and war bows."
Keller: "Personally, I like swords. There are a variety of sword types out there, but I prefer the plain old broadsword."
Keller: "I also advise that you pick up a bow of some sort; you might start with a novice bow or a longbow."
Keller: "Sometimes your enemy won't be at close range, and you need a projectile weapon."
Armor Avatar: "What about armor?"
Training Avatar: "Tell me about training."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Keller: "There's a wide variety of armor that you can get, everything from leather to plate. The leather armor is probably the weakest."
Keller: "From there you've got bone, chain mail, and then, of course plate. A full harness of plate is the best protection that you can get, unless you find some magic stuff, but it's expensive."
Weapons Avatar: "I want to hear about weapons."
Magic Avatar: "What kind of magic armor is there?"
Training Avatar: "Tell me about training."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Keller: "Well, sometimes you can find some armor that has been magically enhanced. I've also heard of a fellow down in Trinsic that can make armor out of Blackrock."
Keller: "If that's true, it's probably even better than plate."
Set Knows_About_BlackrockSword to true
Set Keller_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Keller mentioned magically enhanced armor, and said there's a fellow down in Trinsic who can make items out of Blackrock."
Weapons Avatar: "I want to hear about weapons."
Training Avatar: "Tell me about training."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Keller: "It's very important that you seek out as many trainers as you can. Various trainers can teach you various styles of fighting."
Keller: "The more styles that you learn, the better off you'll be. Just remember, there's always someone better out there."
Keller: "Now, I'm a master swordsman and can train you a bit if you'd like. The cost is 300 gold pieces."
Set Keller_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A man named Keller says he'll train me in the sword for 300 gold, if I'm quick enough."
If 1-Handed Weapon Training is 1
Train Avatar: "Yes, I'd like for you to train me."
Weapons Avatar: "I want to hear about weapons."
Magic Avatar: "What kind of magic armor is there?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


If Avatar's Dexterity is at least 2
If Avatar has 300 gold
Remove 300 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Keller: "Alright. You know, the thrust is a good move, but it's limited. Let me show you what I call the hammer shot."
Increase Avatar's 1-Handed Weapon Training
Activate Keller's second trigger
Keller: "Well done, you're a natural, you know that? Well, it was good working with you, but I've got to get back to my job. Farewell."
Keller: "Sorry Avatar, but you don't seem to have enough money!"
Keller: "Well, I can't train you yet. You're not quick enough and you'll get hurt if you try some of the maneuvers. Come back by when you are more agile."


Keller: "Alright then. Goodbye."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Shrine_Compassion Cleansed is false
Laurana: "Oh, hello Avatar. I see that you're back."
Laurana: "Oh, hello there."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compasson_Cleansed is false
Laurana: "Yes, it's good to see you. Lord British said that you were back and that you may need a few things."
Laurana: "So, well, what can I do for you?"
Name Avatar: "Well for starters you can tell me your name."
Offer Avatar: "What have you got to offer?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to get going now."
If Yew_Quest_Received is false
If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed and Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed and Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed are false
Laurana: "What? Oh, it's you. Hello Avatar, I hear that you've been busy. So you've repaired the shrine and released the next level of magic."
Laurana: "You may turn out to be a great mage someday! Ehh, yes, perhaps. That's good, you continue to learn."
Laurana: "Your quest has only begun, it will get much more difficult. You're going to need your wits about you!"
Laurana: "Oh goodness, where did I leave that mandrake?"
Go to Random
If Shrine_Valor Cleansed or Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is false
If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is false
Laurana: "Hello, hello, hello, how fare you Avatar? Well, I hope. Oh! I need to tell you something:"
Laurana: "Lord British and his astronomers have made an interesting discovery about the moons. Yes, that's it."
Laurana: "Bad news, I'm afraid. You should talk to Lord British about it. Astronomy's not my science you know. No, it's magic for me."
Laurana: "Well? Aren't you going to talk to Lord British?"
Go to Random
If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is false
Laurana: "Oh, hello Avatar. How are things? I hear that you've been busy. Yes, yes, oh, do you know what?"
Laurana: "I can't find Lord British. He's gone. Yes, that's it; he just up and went away. That's odd, that's most odd."
Laurana: "And I have no idea were he went. If you find out where he went, do tell me. I need to tell him about this discovery of mine."
Laurana: "Yes, now, where did I put that discovery? No, it's not over there..."
Laurana: "Oh, hello Avatar. There's trouble. Yes, trouble. Have you seen the moons?"
Laurana: "I've never seen the moons so close together, I hope this does not spell disaster for Britannia."
Laurana: "I've tried to use magic to set them right, but haven't come up with anything yet. I do hope you and Lord British are able to fix things."
Laurana: "I'm not finished yet though! No, I'm still working on the problem. Oh! Nightshade! I need Nightshade!"
Laurana: "Yes, that's it, where did I put that? Oh, I can't be out of nightshade..."


Laurana: "I'm a mage. I can offer you some reagents and a few other things that I have on hand."
Laurana: "There's umm, well, I'm not sure what all I have around at the moment, but feel free to rummage about and take what you need."
Name Avatar: "Well for starters you can tell me your name."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to get going now."


Laurana: "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Laurana the Mage. I didn't mean to be so terse, I'm just very busy."
Laurana: "Umm, let's see, no that can wait. Yes, now what can I do for you?"
Magic Avatar: "Can you give some advice on magic?"
Offer Avatar: "What have you got to offer?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to get going now."'


Laurana: "Hmm? Oh yes, magic? Well, let's see I can tell you about... er, no, I can't tell you about that. I, umm, do you know about mana?"
Yes1 Avatar: "Yes, I'm familiar with mana."
No1 Avatar: "No, please tell me about it."


Laurana: "Really? Well, you are somewhat schooled. How about binding? Do you know about spell binding?"
Yes2 Avatar: "Yes I do."
No2 Avatar: "No, is that a spell that binds people to something?"


Laurana: "Well, let's see, how do I best explain this? Everyone has a certain amount of potential to cast magic."
Laurana: "The more magic that you cast, the more that potential is exhausted."
Laurana: "It is possible to cast so much magic that your potential is used up and you can't cast any more."
Laurana: "Don't worry, the potential comes back over time. That potential is what we call mana. Yes, that's it."
Laurana: "The more that you know, the more mana you have, and the faster you will recover it. There, that's mana, now let's see..."
Laurana: "What about? No, oh! Do you know about binding spells?"
Yes2 Avatar: "Yes I do."
No2 Avatar: "No, is that a spell that binds people to something?"


Laurana: "My, well you seem to be ready to go out into the world and learn more on your own. Yes, that what you should do."
Laurana: "Hmm, now where is that mortar and pestle?"


Laurana: "No, no, no, spell binding is not about binding people, it's about binding spells. Binding them to your spell book. It's quite simple, really."

Laurana: "Oh bother, I can't quite remember the entire process, but I'm sure that there are mages about town that could tell you."

Laurana: "Umm..., now where is that potion?"


Laurana: "What? Oh, yes, goodbye then. Now let's see, where's that beaker?"


Choose Randomly from the following 5 lines
Laurana: "Hello there Avatar. Umm, do you see a red potion over there?"
Laurana: "Hello there Avatar. Umm, do you see a blue "potion over there?"
Laurana: "Hello there Avatar. Umm, do you see a green potion over there?"
Laurana: "Hello there Avatar. Umm, do you see a black potion over there?"
Laurana: "Hello there Avatar. Umm, do you see a yellow potion over there?"
Laurana: "Nevermind... Oh, cleaned up another shrine I hear! Released another circle of magic, well done, yes; well done."
Laurana: "We'll make a first class mage of you yet!"


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Lydia: "Oh! Hello! You're the Avatar, aren't you? We've all been looking for you!"
Lydia: "Lord British has been most upset, so you'd better find him! But do take some food with you. You'll need to keep your strength up!"
Strength Avatar: "Keep my strength up?"
British Avatar: "What's wrong with Lord British?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you. Farewell."
Lydia: "Avatar! Wonderful to see you! Things in Britain have been so much better since you've done your bit."
Lydia: "And here, take some food before you go. We can't have you running about Britannia looking like a sign post!"


Lydia: "Oh yes, food will help keep you strong and make you heal faster, you know. We can't have you going weak from hunger!"
Wrong Avatar: "What's wrong with Lord British?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you. Farewell."


Lydia: "Oh it's been horrible here in Britain. The people are all mean to one another and no one cares."
Lydia: "Lord British wants to make things right, but he doesn't know how."
Strength Avatar: "Keep my strength up?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you. Farewell."




Proximity Enter Cinematic

Olsen: "Hail and well met, Avatar!"

Enter Conversation

If Been_To_Abyss is false
If Met_Olsen is false
Olsen: "Hello, my name's Olsen. I can't tell you what an honor it is to meet you, sir. I've heard about you all my life, but I never thought that I'd get to meet you."
Olsen: "You know, I'm a fighter myself. Maybe someday I'll be as good as you are."
Fighter Avatar: "So you're a fighter, eh?"
Weapon Avatar: "What's your favorite weapon style?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Olsen."
Olsen: "Hello, Avatar. I hope that all is well. Keep up the good work!"
Olsen: "You're an inspiration to us all, Avatar. Thanks for all you've done, you really are the hero of Britannia."


Olsen: "Oh yes, sir. I go out to the east guard house and train every chance I get. Also, Keller has been training me."
Weapon Avatar: "What's your favorite weapon style?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Olsen."


Set Met_Olsen to true
Olsen: "Well, sword and shield, mostly, but it depends on what I'm fighting, you know?"
Olsen: "For instance, a staff is much better against a skeleton, but I prefer a sword when fighting another person."
Olsen: "Now, when fighting a goblin, I like a battle axe because of the sheer damage it does. Well, you know, different moves and weapons for different opponents."
Avatar: "Goodbye, Olsen."
Go to Bye


Olsen: "Goodbye, it's been a pleasure talking to you, Avatar."


Triggered Cinematic near cell and Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is true
Richard: "I miss my old life and castle dearly. I hope that someday I will finally be released from this cell."
Richard: "Perhaps it was for my own good I have not been above ground, I might not have liked the world I had seen."
Richard: "I am told this is your last visit. I bid you luck and farewell."
Else If Drawn_To_Terfin is true
Choose Randomly from the following 4 groups of lines
Group 1
Richard: "I'm the lord of all the land, Though I fear I'm not too well, So won't you please give me a hand, And let me outta this cell..."
Richard: "Oh Avatar, can't ya help a friend, I need to get out of here bad, Please don't let this be my end, For you see, I'm quite sad..."
Richard: "I miss the women and the ale, Frolickin' with 'appy mister sun, Down here I've come quite pale, Let me out, before my time is done!"
Richard: "I'm the lord of all the land, Though I fear I'm not too well, So won't you please give me a hand, And let me outta this cell."
Group 2
Richard: "My head! Not again!"
Group 3
Richard: "Alright, let me out of here and I'll share my riches with you! I'm very wealthy, you know. I'm Lord British! I'll treat you to a fine dinner of raw fish even!"
Group 4
Richard: "Hey, you see the guard there? I believe he looked at me funny, I'd stay away from him. He treats me quite poorly you know."
Richard: "How could you stand there and watch me suffer so badly! Let me free at once! I demand to be let out! I've been here so long!"
Choose Randomly from the following 4 groups of lines
Group 1
Richard: "Let me out of here! I've been wrongfully imprisoned! I am your sovereign! I am Lord British! I command thee to let me out of here!!!"
Group 2
Richard: "Please let me go! Go find the Avatar! He'll tell you I am the great Lord British! I have ruled here in Britannia for generations!"
Group 3
Richard: "Let me out! Why is my head hurting? Have you talked to my friend, Shamino? He's standing right near me."
Richard: "He will vouch for me! Shamino, say something! Speak up!"
Richard: "He is Lord British! Let him go!"
Group 4
Richard: "Psst! Hey, do you know Chuckles? He had a bit to drink and I fear the bottle got a better hold of him than any woman ever could! Hee hee! He'd let me out, he would!"


Triggered Noncinematic - not setup in game

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Siona: He rose from beds of sweet moss green. He crept behind the goll'mer screen. On beetle's backs good kind did fly. And Avatar did ride the sky. But evil does now throng the glade. And all that dear Lord British made for Guardian from bed did rise. And he will sow our land with lies.
Siona: "In Britain did a black sun rise, And evil sow our land with lies. Insidions cobweb through our hearts, Spun Guardian with spider's art. But, Avatar unsheathed his sword, Defending good and British Lord. Compassion touches all who live, And justice smiles on all who give."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Siona: "Hello, sir."
If Siona_Name_Known_C is false
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Information Avatar: "May I ask you for some information?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
If Post_Terfin is false
Siona: "It is so good to see you. Please, feel free to listen as I sing."
If No_Sheet_Music is false
If Received_Sheet_Music is false
Siona: "Hello Avatar. I hope that you're doing well."
If Siona_Name_Known_C is false
Name2 Avatar: "What is your name?"
Piano Avatar: "Is that a piano?"
Playing Avatar: "What are you playing?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Siona: "Hello Avatar! Have you enjoyed the music? I have heard that if you play it in the right places, wonderful things can happen!"
Siona: "Hello Avatar. I hope that you've had a change of heart about music since we last spoke. If so, I'll be happy to play for you."
Try Avatar: "May I try to play a bit?"
No Time Avatar: "I don't have time for frivolities like music."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Set Siona_Name_Known_C to true
Siona: "Siona. I'm a musician here in Lord British's court. Lord British has always been a music lover."
Information Avatar: "May I ask you for some information?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Siona: "Goodbye!"


Siona: "I'll be happy to help, but I'm afraid that unless you have some musical question, I won't be of much help."
Avatar: "I take it that you're quite a music lover."
Siona: "Oh yes! Music is very powerful and can accomplish some unexpected things."
If Siona_Name_Known_C is false
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Set Siona_Name_Known_C
Siona: "Siona. I'm a musician here in Lord British's court. Lord British has always been a music lover."
Piano Avatar: "Is that a piano?"
Playing Avatar: "What are you playing?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Siona: "No, it's a harpsichord. It looks rather like a piano, but the instrument plucks the strings like a harp instead of striking the strings like a piano."
Siona: "It's Lord British's favorite instrument."
Playing Avatar: "What's that piece that you're playing?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Siona: "It's a song called 'Stones'. Iolo wrote it years ago; sometimes it seems that you can't go anywhere in Britannia without hearing it."
Siona: "I'm surprised that you've never heard it before."
Activate Trigger Siona - Stones plays
Try Avatar: "May I try to play a bit?"
No Time Avatar: "I don't have time for frivolities like music."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."

No Time

Siona: "Oh, but music is not frivolous, Avatar. Music is an expression of the soul. Music is important, even in the darkest of times."
Set No_Sheet_Music to true
Try Avatar: "May I try to play a bit?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Siona: "Certainly! Here, just take the sheet music and place it on the harpsichord so it's easy to read. Now, just use the harpsichord to let the music flow out of you."
Add Stone Music to Avatar's Inventory
Set Received Sheet Music to true
If No_Sheet_Music is true
Set No_Sheet_Music to false
Activate Siona's second third trigger

Triggered cinematic at some point after getting sheet music

If Played_Harpsichord is false
Siona: "I thought that you were going to play. Well, I tell you what; why don't you just keep the sheet music so you can play this piece if you change your mind."
Avatar: "Thank you. Goodbye."
Siona: "That was excellent! You are very talented, Avatar."
Siona: "I tell you what, since you're obviously a natural musician, why don't you just keep the sheet music so you can play this piece whenever you get the opportunity."
Avatar: "Thank you. Goodbye."
Set Siona_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I met a woman in LB's castle named Siona, who taught me how to play one of Lord British's favorite pieces, 'Stones'. All you have to do is take the sheet music and place it on the harpsichord, then use the harpsichord and let the notes flow through you."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Activate Tyson's second trigger - gets up from chair and faces Avatar
Tyson: "Stop right there! Let me get a look at ya."
If Tyson_First_Convo_C is true (yes this dialog is broken)
Set Tyson_First_Convo_C to true
Go to First Convo

Proximity Exit Noncinematic

Activate Tyson's third trigger - sits back down

Enter Conversation

If Met_Tyson is false
Go to First Convo
If Thrown_In_Jail is false
Tyson: "Greetings, Avatar."
Tyson: "I said get out of here!"

First Convo

Tyson: "Oh, you're the Avatar, ain't ya? What in the name of the virtues are ya doin' down here in this jail?"
Name Avatar: "What's your name, guard?"
Jail Avatar: "Do you have people locked up in here?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Tyson: "My name's Tyson."
Set Met_Tyson to true
Jail Avatar: "Do you have people locked up in here?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Tyson: "Yeah, it's a jail ain't it? I get the worst criminals down here. Feel free to look around, but don't open up any of them doors."
Tyson: "I gotta keep these people locked up. In fact, I wouldn't even recommend that you talk to any of them."
Tyson: "I got one mental case in there that's a complete loon: as delusional as they come."
Name Avatar: "What's your name, guard?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Tyson: "Don't blame ya. I'd like to get outta here myself."

Triggered Cinematic Pull Lever once

Tyson: "Hey, I told you not to do that, it's not in your best interest to disobey orders from me! These criminals gotta stay locked up for good, understand?"

Triggered Cinematic Pull Lever twice

Tyson: "What's the matter here? Are we not speaking the same language? Are you deaf or just slow? Leave those bars be!"
Tyson: "Stupid people comin' down here makin' my life hard. Why ain't he out savin' the world or something?"

Triggered Cinematic Pull Lever thrice

Tyson: "Alright, I warned you three times already. Maybe being locked up yourself will get the point across!"
Set Thrown_In_Jail to true
trigger is activated that causes screen to fade out, teleport Avatar in jail, fade in, door opens after several seconds

Triggered Cinematic after exiting cell

Tyson: "There, maybe that'll teach ya to listen. Now, get out of here and don't come back!"



Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Iolo_Saved is true
Iolo: 'Oh, brilliance falls on castle walls..."

Triggered Cinematic after training

Iolo: "Excellent! You are now prepared for battle."
Iolo: "Take my bow into noble battle, Avatar."
Increase Ranged Skill by 1
Iolo's gives you his bow
Set Bow_Skill_Taught to true
Iolo: "Success to you, good friend!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed
Iolo: "Well, well, well, Avatar. You're off to confront the Guardian once and for all, eh?"
Iolo: "Say, do you remember back when we were warring with the Gargoyles, and they had you on that altar and were just about to sacrifice you?"
Avatar: "How could I forget?"
Iolo: "Well just don't forget that it was the quarrel from my bow that killed that Gargoyle priest and saved you."
Iolo: "Farewell my friend, our journeys together will always be dear to me. Remember compassion and you will always do well."
If Iolo_Saved is true
Iolo: "Good to see you again, old friend."
If Bow_Skill_Taught is true
If First_Iolo_Convo is true
Iolo: "Are you ready to learn the final secret of archery?"
Go to Check
Set First_Iolo_Convo to true
Iolo: "Hello, friend. How can I ever thank you for saving my life?"
Owe Nothing Avatar: "You owe me nothing, old friend."
Owe Me Avatar: "You owe me now, pal."
Wyrmguard Avatar: "How was it that you were turned into a Wyrmguard?"


If Dexterity is 4
If Ranged Skill is 3
Iolo: "This archery skill is a guarded secret, known only to masters. It is called 'The Cloud of Death'. Let me demonstrate."
Activate Iolo's second trigger
If Ranged Skill is 4
Iolo: "You already know all I can teach you, Avatar."
Iolo: "You must learn more skills with the bow before I can teach you."
Iolo: "You are not yet dexterous enough to learn this skill, Avatar."
If Ranged Skill is less than 3
Iolo: "You must learn more skills with the bow, as well, before I can teach you."

Owe Nothing

Iolo: "Don't be so sure. Seriously, there is something I would like to do for you."
Go to Owe Me

Owe Me

Iolo: "Let me repay you by teaching you an advanced archery skill."
Iolo: "When you are ready, you shall learn the final secret."
Diary: "My good friend Iolo has offered to teach me the bow skill 'Cloud of Death' when I am experienced and skilled enough."
Check Avatar: "Teach me the skill."
Bye Avatar: "I will learn the skill another time."


Iolo: "When the columns erupted from the soil, I went to investigate. I knew that something was wrong, I mean this is just something that doesn't normally happen!"
Iolo: "I went into Despise and kept following the column, trying to find its origin."
Iolo: "The deeper I got, the more I began to feel something. It's hard to explain, but it felt like something was pulling at my soul."
Iolo: "I felt like my consciousness was becoming someone else's. By the time I got to the bottom, the force had become irresistible."
Iolo: "I remember, just before I passed out, hearing a deep laughter. When I awoke, I had changed; I had become a Wyrmguard."
Avatar: "I am glad that I recognized you, Iolo."
Go to Owe Me



Iolo's Ghost[edit]

Enter Conversation

Iolo's Ghost: "I see that your quest is nearly at an end."
Friend Avatar: "Iolo, my friend! It is so good to see you again. I thought that..."
Sorry Avatar: "My dear friend, I am so sorry about what happened. I didn't...
Wyrmguard Avatar: "Iolo, you're back! But you were a Wyrmguard..."


Iolo's Ghost: "I was dead? I am, but don't worry friend; you did me a great service when you dispatched me in that dungeon. I had been corrupted by evil."
Iolo's Ghost: "Oh, I tried to resist it, but in the end I succumbed."
Iolo's Ghost: "When you killed me, you freed me from that evil. Believe it or not, Avatar, I am in your debt. Now go about your task and complete your quest. We shall meet again, my friend."


Iolo's Ghost: "No, don't be sorry: I had been corrupted by evil. Oh, I tried to resist it, but in the end I succumbed."
Iolo's Ghost: "When you killed me, you freed me from that evil. Believe it or not, Avatar, I am in your debt. Now go about your task and complete your quest. We shall meet again, my friend."


Iolo's Ghost: "Yes, I'm sorry to say that I was. I had been corrupted by evil. Oh, I tried to resist it, but in the end I succumbed."
Iolo's Ghost: "When you killed me, you freed me from that evil. Believe it or not, Avatar, I am in your debt. Now go about your task and complete your quest. We shall meet again, my friend."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is true
If Gwenno_Met_C is false
Gwenno: "Avatar! Hello, old friend. It's me; Gwenno!"
If Gwenno_Pissed_C is true
If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is true
Gwenno: "Oh Avatar, I am so sorry for the way I treated you. Iolo explained everything to me. I realize that you didn't have a choice. I'm so sorry for the things that I said."
Avatar: "You needn't apologize, Gwenno. I killed your husband. I'm lucky that you didn't try to kill me."
Gwenno: "Thank you for understanding. You've proven yet again why you're the Avatar. Bless you, my friend."
Gwenno,"Get away from me! I have nothing to say to you, murderer!"
Gwenno: "Hello, Avatar."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
If Gwenno_Met_C is false
Gwenno: "It is so good to see you. Oh, I wish that Iolo were here. I hope that all is well with you."
Iolo Avatar: "Where is Iolo?"
Britain Avatar: "Britain seems to have changed. They're sending the sick people to Paws."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Gwenno."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is false
If Iolo_Dead is false
Gwenno: "Thank you so much for saving Iolo. He told me what happened. I can't thank you enough for showing such compassion. I just don't know what I'd do without Iolo."
Gwenno: "Well, I'm sure that you're busy, so I won't waste any more of your time. Goodbye, old friend."
Gwenno: "Avatar, did you go down into Despise? Did you find Iolo?"
Didn't Find Avatar: "Um, I didn't see Iolo down there."
Iolo Dead Avatar: "Gwenno, I have very bad news: Iolo is dead."
Gwenno: "Hello, Avatar"
Stones Avatar: "Is that Stones that you're singing?"
What Avatar: "What song are singing?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Gwenno."


Gwenno: "Oh Avatar, I'm so worried about him. Lord British sent him down into Despise to investigate that column and he hasn't come back."
Gwenno: "It's been a very long time now and I'm worried. I told him that he was too old to be off exploring at all, let alone by himself, but he wouldn't listen to me."
Gwenno: "Do you think that you could look for him Avatar?"
Set Gwenno_Journal_Flag_1
Diary: "I spoke with Gwenno, and she seems worried about her husband Iolo. She says Lord British sent him to investigate the column a long time ago, and he hasn't come back."
Despise Avatar: "What is it like inside Despise these days?"
Column Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the columns?"
Britain Avatar: "Britain seems to have changed. They're sending the sick people to Paws."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Gwenno."


Gwenno: "Yes, but it's all for the best, really."
Despise Avatar: "What is it like inside Despise these days?"
Column Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the columns?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Gwenno."


Gwenno: "Well, I haven't been down there in ages, but I suspect that it hasn't changed too much. Despise has always been full of unpleasant monsters, but nothing too terrible."
Gwenno: "You'll run into a few giant spiders and what not, but I certainly don't think that you'll find any demons down there."
Set Gwenno_Journal_Flag_2
Diary: "Gwenno seems to think that Despise shouldn't be too dangerous, though she said she hasn't been down there in a while."
Column Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the columns?"
Britain Avatar: "Britain seems to have changed. They're sending the sick people to Paws."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Gwenno."


Gwenno: "I'm afraid that I don't know much about them. I do think that they're evil, though. There's something about them and it's not good."
Gwenno: "The fact that it's so near Despise is a clear indication to me that it's malevolent."
Despise Avatar: "What is it like inside Despise these days?"
Britain Avatar: "Britain seems to have changed. They're sending the sick people to Paws."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Gwenno."


Gwenno: "Goodbye, Avatar."

Didn't Find

Gwenno: "Oh dear, well do keep an eye out for him, won't you? I miss that old man and I'm getting very worried."
Gwenno: "Perhaps I should go talk to Lord British and see if he can send a search party or something. Well, thank you, Avatar. Thank you very much."
Reduce one point from Karma/Max Mana

Iolo Dead

Gwenno: "No! That can't be. You must be mistaken, he can't be dead, he just can't be!"
Avatar: "I'm very sorry Gwenno, but there's more that I need to tell you. I had to kill him."
Gwenno: "You what? What kind of sick joke is this, Avatar?"
No Joke Avatar: "It's no joke, Gwenno."
Old Avatar: "Come on, he was old, he had a full life."
Bye2 Avatar: "I'm sorry. I should go."

No Joke

Gwenno: "This can't be happening. I'm not hearing this..."
Avatar: "Something happened to him, Gwenno. He had become a Wyrmguard. He attacked me and I had to defend myself. I didn't want to do it."
Gwenno: "Get away from me! Get away from me now!"
Avatar: "Gwenno, I'm sorry..."
Gwenno: "I said leave! Get away from me! You killed my husband, you bastard!"
Set Gwenno_Pissed_C to true


Gwenno:"What kind of sick joke is this? What has happened to you? Get away from me, you sick bastard! Get away!"
Reduce one point from Karma/Max Mana
Set Gwenno_Pissed_C to true


Gwenno: "Yes, I think you should! You come here and tell me that you killed my husband. What kind of sick bastard are you? Leave! Get out of here, now!"
Set Gwenno_Pissed_C to true


Gwenno: "Yes it is! Did you know that Stones was the first song that Iolo and I wrote together? It was so many years ago..."
Avatar: "The two of you co-wrote Stones?"
Gwenno: "Oh yes, I wrote the words and Iolo wrote the music. I still love this old song..."


Gwenno: "Good heavens Avatar, has your memory gone completely? This is Stones; it was the first song that Iolo and I wrote together."
Avatar: "The two of you co-wrote this?"
Gwenno: "Oh yes, I wrote the words and Iolo wrote the music. I still love this old song..."


Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) at Britain Town Center

If Compassion_Glyph_Acquired is False
Aidon: ... and let me make this perfectly clear: compassion must be tempered with clarity!"
Aidon: "Through strict enforcement of my policy, we can guarantee a high standard of living for all."
Aidon: "In order to be truly kind, we must allow the weak to be with their own kind."
Aidon: "Once we have removed them from our streets, we can send them the help that they need."
Aidon: "But we can not help them if they remain here and strangle the life from our great city!"
If Bailey is in area Area_Britain_Town_Square
Bailey: "Hear! Hear!"
Aidon: "To render aid to those who refuse to help themselves is neither wise nor compassionate, but rather foolish and treasonous."
Aidon: "Yes, Lord British may disapprove, but we will stand firm in our resolve!"
If Leon is in area Area_Britain_Town_Square
Leon: "Magnificent speech."
If Bailey is in area Area_Britain_Town_Square
Bailey: "Magnificent, indeed!"
If Margery is in area Area_Britain_Town_Square
Margery: "A grand speaker he is! Inspirational!"
Activate Aidon's second Trigger - NPCs move away

Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) Mayor-Rat Scene 1

Aidon: "Daughter, daughter, where are you?"
Peg Leg Joe: "Look out mayor!"

Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) Mayor-Rat Scene 2

Aidon: "Help! Arrrgh! Help me!"

Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) Mayor-Rat Scene after Rat dead

Peg Leg Joe: "I've vanquished the beast, sir. You are safe."
Aidon: "How can I thank you?"
Aidon: "You've saved me!"
Aidon: "You, a crippled man! A resident of Paws! Your life did have worth! How can I thank you?!"

Enter Conversation

If Compassion_Glyph_Acquired is False
If First_Aidon_Convo is False
Set First_Aidon_Convo to True
Aidon: "Greetings, my good fellow. I say, you look most familiar..."
Aidon: "Wait a moment, you are the Avatar, aren't you? Yes, you are the Avatar; I've seen your face on the Tapestry!"
Aidon: "Welcome to Britain, Avatar. I am Aidon, the mayor."
Aidon: "Tell me, how do you like our fair town now that we've gotten rid of the poor wretches who used to fill the streets?"
If Has_Seen_Tapestry is True
Tapestry Avatar: "The Tapestry of Ages is most impressive."
No Tapestry Avatar: "Tapestry? What tapestry?"
Help Avatar: "Very well, mayor. May I ask for your help?"
Refuse Avatar: "Poor wretches? What do you mean?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."
Aidon: "Greetings, Avatar. How are you today?"
If Meribeth_Met_Avatar_C is True
Daughter Avatar: "I met your daughter."
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Might you know where I could find the sigil?"
If Killigan_Met_By_Avatar_C is True
Killigan Avatar: "Your assistant Killigan doesn't seem to care for the poor."
No Tapestry Avatar: "Can you tell me about the Tapestry of Ages?"
Columns Avatar: "What do you know about the columns?"
Help 2 Avatar: "May I ask for your help?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."
If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If Mayor_Daughter_Saved is False
If MayorDaughter_Quest_Received is False
Aidon: "Avatar! Praise be, you are here! Please, Avatar, I need your help!"
Avatar: "Why? This gentleman already saved you."
Aidon: "No, not me, Avatar, my daughter. My daughter was taken away by goblins! Please, please rescue her, Avatar; she's my only daughter!"
Set Aidon_Journal_Flag_4 to True
Diary: "Aidon's daughter, Meribeth, has been kidnapped by goblins. He asked me to find her. If I do, maybe I can persuade him to give me the sigil that I need."
Where Avatar: "Where did the goblins take her?"
Heart Avatar: "I need to ask you about the Heart of Compassion."
How Avatar: "How did goblins get a hold of your daughter in Britain?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aidon."
Aidon: "Please, hurry and save my daughter!"
If Avatar is in area Area_Britain_Mayors_House is False
Aidon: "She is saved! My daughter is saved! Thank you, Avatar!"
Aidon: "Bless you, Avatar! Bless you for returning my daughter! I am so grateful to you for saving Meribeth. What ever can I do for you, bold Avatar?"
Laws Avatar: "Change your laws that exile the poor and the sick."
Give Heart Avatar: "I need to ask you about the Heart of Compassion."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aidon."
Aidon: "Avatar! Welcome to my humble home."
Aidon: "Thank you for all that you have done. I am continuing to work hard at righting my wrongs and returning Britain to Compassion."
Looking Avatar: "Hello, Aidon. I'm just looking about the place, part of the quest you know."
House Avatar: "Nice house you have here. The mayor's job must pay well."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aidon."
If Money_Quest_Received is False
Aidon: "Avatar! Thank you so much for all that you have done. Since you repaired the shrine of compassion, true compassion is coming back to Britain."
Aidon: "Almost everyone has returned to the city's long beloved virtue."
Almost Avatar: "Almost everyone? Are you getting resistance from anyone?"
Meribeth Avatar: "How is Meribeth doing?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."
Aidon: "Hello, Avatar. What can I do for you today?"
If Kimberly_Money_Quest_Completed_C is False
Money Avatar: "Some money collected by the nuns wasn't returned. Do you know anything about that?"
Meribeth 2 Avatar: "How is Meribeth doing?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Yes, it is. The Tapestry and all of the museum are great sources of pride for our fair city."
Help Avatar: "Very well, mayor. May I ask for your help?"
Refuse Avatar: "Who are these poor wretches you referred to earlier?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."

No Tapestry

Aidon: "Why, the Tapestry of Ages! It is a marvel, Avatar, truly a marvel. It is a record of your exploits here in Britannia. You must go and see it, it hangs in the museum."
Help Avatar: "Very well, mayor. May I ask for your help?"
Refuse Avatar: "Who are these poor wretches you referred to earlier?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Why, the weak and the sick and the others that were filling up the streets."
Aidon: "We had no choice but to get rid of them, they were choking the life out of the city. Paws was the perfect place for them."
Lord British Avatar: "Does Lord British condone this behavior?"
Compassion Avatar: "But Britain is the city of Compassion!"
Paws Avatar: "Why do you send them to Paws?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Well, Paws is close to Britain so we can easily send food, medicine and other help without having them here in the city."
Lord British Avatar: "Does Lord British condone this behavior?"
Compassion Avatar: "But Britain is the city of Compassion!"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "But this is compassionate, Avatar. The way things were before, the poor and sick were overwhelming the city and bringing down its economy."
Aidon: "Under my plan, the poor are removed from the city to nearby Paws, which has allowed our economy to recover."
Aidon: "The greater wealth generated by the thriving economy allows us to send food and medicine to help the people in Paws. Believe me, my policy is very compassionate."
Aidon: "After all, we must think about the children."
Set Aidon_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "I met the mayor of Britain today, a man named Aidon. This city is supposed to be devoted to compassion, but the mayor has enacted a policy of sending the sick and the poor out to live in the swamp called Paws. He seems to think that this is compassionate!"
Lord British Avatar: "Does Lord British condone this behavior?"
Paws Avatar: "Why do you send them to Paws?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."

Lord British

Aidon: "Oh, I've heard word from the castle that Lord British doesn't have a high regard for my policy, but he does not stay very involved in the governing of the city."
Help Avatar: "Very well, mayor. May I ask for your help?"
Compassion Avatar: "But Britain is the city of Compassion!"
Paws Avatar: "Why do you send them to Paws?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Well, of course, Avatar! What may I help you with?"
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Might you know where I could find the sigil?"
Supplies Avatar: "I'm in need of supplies, where might I go?"
Columns Avatar: "What do you know about the columns?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Well, let's see, we have all kinds of merchants here in Britain. We have an outfitter, a boyer, a smith, and well, all manner of things."
Aidon: "I recommend that you just explore the city a bit. It's a fine place to stroll now that the streets have been cleared up."
Help Avatar: "Very well, mayor. May I ask for your help?"
Refuse Avatar: "Who are these poor wretches you referred to earlier?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."

Help 2

Aidon: "Well, of course, Avatar! What may I help you with?"
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Might you know where I could find the sigil?"
Supplies 2 Avatar: "I'm in need of supplies, where might I go?"
Columns Avatar: "What do you know about the columns?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."

Supplies 2

Aidon: "Well, let's see, we have all kinds of merchants here in Britain. We have an outfitter, a boyer, a smith, and well, all manner of things."
Aidon: "I recommend that you just explore the city a bit. It's a fine place to stroll now that the streets have been cleared up."
Help Avatar: "Very well, mayor. May I ask for your help?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Only that they sprung from the ground some time ago and that they leave a dreadful amount of scarring behind them."
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Might you know where I could find the sigil?"
Supplies Avatar: "I'm in need of supplies, where might I go?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "The sigil? Why would you ask me about the sigil? I know nothing of its whereabouts."
Aidon: "I heard that it was stolen from the museum. What else could I possibly know about it?"
Set Aidon_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "I asked Aidon about the Sigil of Compassion, and he seemed a little uneasy. I get the feeling that he doesn't want to talk about it."
Supplies Avatar: "I'm in need of supplies, where might I go?"
Columns Avatar: "What do you know about the columns?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Oh, but of course he does. Killigan is a very passionate man and sometimes comes across too harshly."
Aidon: "You're not the first person to come to me with such concerns, Avatar, but I'm sure that Killigan's heart is in the right place."
If Meribeth_Met_Avatar_C is True
Daughter Avatar: "I met your daughter."
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Might you know where I could find the sigil?"
No Tapestry Avatar: "Can you tell me about the Tapestry of Ages?"
Columns Avatar: "What do you know about the columns?"
Help Avatar: "May I ask for your help?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "She's a wonderful girl isn't she? She's my pride and joy!"
Avatar: "She seemed to have a cough."
Aidon: "Oh that's nothing; she gets a scratchy throat now and then, that's all."
Help Avatar: "May I ask for your help?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Oh please, Avatar, I don't have time to discuss that! My sweet Meribeth has been taken away by goblins!"
Aidon: "Bring her back to me and I'll be more than happy to tell you all about the heart."
Where Avatar: "Where did the goblins take her?"
How Avatar: "How did goblins get a hold of your daughter in Britain?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aidon."


Aidon: "She wasn't in Britain, she was here in Paws. You see, she had become sick, and because of my own laws, she was exiled to Paws."
Aidon: "My own daughter! What was I thinking to enact such a law? Such an act is not compassion!"
Where Avatar: "Where did the goblins take her?"
Heart Avatar: "I need to ask you about the Heart of Compassion."
Policy Avatar: "Are you beginning to change your mind about your policy, mayor?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aidon."


Aidon: "Indeed I am. In fact, I came down here to bring her back to Britain. Law or no law, I was going to do that much. Now I'm too late!"
Aidon: "The goblins have taken her! Please, Avatar, go and rescue my dear Meribeth!"
Rescue Avatar: "I will do my best to rescue your daughter."
Where Avatar: "Where did the goblins take her?"
How Avatar: "How did goblins get a hold of your daughter in Britain?"
Heart Avatar: "I need to ask you about the Heart of Compassion."


Aidon: "I saw them heading south out of town. That may be where their camp is."
Aidon,"Please rescue her, Avatar; she's my only child!"
Set MayorDaughter_Quest_Received to True
Heart Avatar: "I need to ask you about the Heart of Compassion."
How Avatar: "How did goblins get a hold of your daughter in Britain?"
Rescue Avatar: "I will do my best to rescue your daughter."


Aidon: "Thank you, Avatar! Thank you!"

Give Heart

Aidon: "The heart? What about it? I can tell you all about the Heart of Compassion, it's one of my most prized possessions."
Avatar: "I need it to repair the Shrine of Compassion."
Aidon: "Then by all means you may take it! It's the least that I can do for you!"
Avatar: "Thank you Aidon. Farewell."
Remove Sigil of Compassion from Aidon's Inventory
Add Sigil of Compassion to Avatar's Inventory
Go to Bye 2


Aidon: "Indeed I am. The people won't like it, but they'll have to get used to the idea: compassion means giving people a hand, not the boot!"
Give Heart Avatar: "I need to ask you about the Heart of Compassion."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aidon."


Aidon: "Yes, my assistant, Killigan, has been fighting me every step of the way. He just doesn't see that what we were doing was wrong. He has become most difficult of late."
Meribeth Avatar: "How is Meribeth doing?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "She is doing very well, very well indeed. She's decided to devote her life to working with the sick and the poor."
Aidon: "She's truly living a life of compassion, Avatar. I'm very proud of her."
Almost Avatar: "Almost everyone? Are you getting resistance from anyone?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."

Meribeth 2

Aidon: "She is doing very well, very well indeed. She's decided to devote her life to working with the sick and the poor."
Aidon: "She's truly living a life of compassion, Avatar. I'm very proud of her."
Money Avatar: "Some money collected by the nuns wasn't returned. Do you know anything about that?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "You must mean the money that we collected for charities. Killigan was in charge of that money."
Set Aidon_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I asked Aidon about the money that was taken from [#Kimberly|Kimberly]], and he told me that his assistant, Killigan, was handling that."
Killigan Money Avatar: "Ah, so Killigan was put in charge."
Charities Avatar: "You collected the money for charities?"
Meribeth 2 Avatar: "How is Meribeth doing?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."

Killigan Money

Aidon: "Yes, but I'm sure that he has simply forgotten to return it. Killigan can be sharp, but I'm sure that he's a good man."
Charities Avatar: "You collected the money for charities?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Yes, well, the nuns collected the money, but we thought that we were better able to distribute it to the poor in Paws."
Aidon: "I know, it all sounds rather suspicious now that I say it, but this all happened before you repaired the shrine. We just weren't thinking straight."
Killigan Money Avatar: "Ah, so Killigan was put in charge."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Aidon."


Aidon: "Yes, well it keeps the rain off our heads. Actually, the pay is quite modest when one considers the responsibilities of the position."
Looking Avatar: "Hello, Aidon. I'm just looking about the place, part of the quest you know."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aidon."


Aidon: "Really? Well, I doubt that you'll find anything of use around here, but feel free to look around."
House Avatar: "Nice house you have here. The mayor's job must pay well."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aidon."


Aidon: "Go bravely, Avatar, and know that you are always welcome in Britain."

Bye 2

Aidon: "Farewell, Avatar."

Unused Dialogue Lines[edit]


  • probably supposed to be from Refuse topic*
Aidon: "We can't have the sick people infecting our children, can we? Children are much more susceptible disease that adults, you know."
Aidon: "Why, the thought of my own dear daughter being infected with some disease fills me with horror!"


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Avatar and Aleena are in the area Area_Britain_Museum
If First_Aleena_Convo is False
Aleena: "Welcome."
Aleena: "Welcome back."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If First_Aleena_Convo is False
Aleena: "Who are you? Do you need something?"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Bye Avatar: "No, I don't need anything. Goodbye."
Aleena: "Yes? May I help you, Avatar?"
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Looking Avatar: "No thank you, I've just come here to view the exhibits."
If LB_Said_Bye is False
If Yew_Quest_Received is False
Aleena: "Hello Avatar! Since you restored the Shrine of Compassion, it's as though a veil has been lifted from the city."
Aleena: "Compassion, true compassion, has been restored. Is there anything that I can do for you today?"
Codex Avatar: "Do you know anything about the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom?"
Compassion Avatar: "Have the people truly returned to the virtue of compassion?"
Rune Avatar: "You know, in cleansing the shrine, I also retrieved the Rune of Compassion."
Looking Avatar: "No thank you, I've just come here to view the exhibits."
Aleena: "It is good to have you visit our fine museum again, Avatar."
Aleena: "Understanding history, especially your history, is important for you to be able to face what is now happening in Britannia."
Aleena: "The past and the present are inextricably tied to one another. Study well and it can only help you. Farewell, and please come by any time you like."
Avatar: "I retrieved all of the runes, but Lord British needs them to clear up some of the remaining problems that plague Britannia."
Aleena: "Oh, that's quite alright Avatar. If there is a greater need for the runes, the should be used for that purpose."
Aleena: "They can be returned to the museum once they are no longer needed. Farewell."


Aleena: "Good day."


Set First_Aleena_Convo to True
Aleena: "You're the Avatar? Oh my goodness, you are! Why, you look just like the tapestry!"
Aleena: "I can't believe that you're here! If you can't find the lost runes, no one can!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Museum 2 Avatar: "What have you got in the museum?"
Runes Avatar: "Please, refresh my memory about the runes."
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "Oh, I'm sorry. I am Aleena, the museum curator."
Aleena: "Oh, Avatar, do you think that you can find the lost runes? I truly think that you're our only hope!"
Set Met_Aleena to True
Runes Avatar: "Please, refresh my memory about the runes."
Happened Avatar: "Please, tell me what happened."
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "Well, I don't really know what happened. All that I know is that one day I came in and the runes had disappeared."
Runes Avatar: "Please, refresh my memory about the runes."
Missing Avatar: "When did the runes turn up missing?"
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


If First_Aleena_Convo is False
Aleena: "You need information?"
Aleena: "Well, I can give you all of the information that you may care to know about the museum, but that's all that I'm willing to tell you until you tell me your name."
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
Museum Avatar: "What have you got in the museum?"
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."
Aleena: "Certainly, what can I help you with?"
Britain Avatar: "What is going wrong here in Britain?"
Museum 2 Avatar: "What have you got in the museum?"
Columns Avatar: "What do you know about the columns?"
Runes Avatar: "Please, refresh my memory about the runes."
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "It's because of the mayor. He says that it's the compassionate thing to do, but I think that he's lost his mind."
Aleena: "My own poor husband got sent away just because he was blind! Now I ask you, is that compassion?"
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Happened Avatar: "Please, tell me what happened."
Children Avatar: "Children are telling on their parents?"
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "Yes, if their parents get sick, children are being asked to tell the authorities about them. Isn't that sad?"
Britain Avatar: "What is going wrong here in Britain?"
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Happened Avatar: "Please, tell me what happened."
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "Oh, there are many interesting pieces in the museum. Why don't you go and have a look around?"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."

Museum 2

Aleena: "Oh, there are many interesting pieces in the museum. Why don't you go and have a look around?"
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Columns Avatar: "What do you know about the columns?"
Runes Avatar: "Please, refresh my memory about the runes."
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "Well, none of these bad things were happening until the columns arrived."
Aleena: "Do you think that they could somehow be causing the problems?"
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Museum C Avatar: "What else is housed in the museum?"
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."

Museum C

Aleena: "Oh, many things. Our best display, aside from the runes, is the Tapestry of Ages."
Aleena: "You should go and look at it, Avatar. The tapestry is a record of your exploits here in Britannia. It is most impressive."
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Columns Avatar: "What do you know about the columns?"
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "You don't remember?"
Aleena: "Well, it has been a long time since you've been to Britannia."
Aleena: "The runes are objects that embody the virtues and also act as keys to unlock the power of those virtues."
Aleena: "I am terribly afraid that the runes may be used against us."
Against Avatar: "How could the runes be used against us?"
Missing Avatar: "When did the runes turn up missing?"
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "Oh, it's been quite a long time, right after the columns appeared some twenty years ago."
Aleena: "Over the years various people have tried to locate the runes, but so far no one has."
Aleena: "I know that you can, Avatar. Please find the runes and save us."
Set Aleena_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met Aleena, the curator of the museum, who told me that the Runes of Virtue were stolen after the columns appeared around 20 years ago. I'm going to have to find the runes if I'm to succeed."
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Columns Avatar: "What do you know about the columns?"
Museum C Avatar: "What else is housed in the museum?"
Save Avatar: "Save you from what?"
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "All of the evil that has taken over Britain. Haven't you seen how mean everyone has become?"
Aleena: "The sick people are being sent away, little children are being asked to tell on their parents, all sorts of things are happening. It's just horrible!"
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
Happened Avatar: "Please, tell me what happened."
Children Avatar: "Children are telling on their parents?"
Britain Avatar: "What is going wrong here in Britain?"
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "The runes are objects of good, positive power, Avatar. But there are two sides to everything."
Aleena: "Good can not exist without evil."
Aleena: "What would happen to us if the runes were corrupted and made evil? Think of all the harm that such power could cause if devoted to evil."
Set Aleena_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "According to Aleena, the runes are powerful forces of good, but that all good has an opposite and evil side. If the runes were used for evil, that could be a problem."
More Avatar: "Can you tell me more?"
Runes Avatar: "Please, refresh my memory about the runes."
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "No, that is all that I know, but the shrine keeper should be able to help you."
Aleena: "Her name is Sarah, and she is a very spiritual person. She knows more about the shrine than anyone else."
Aleena: "You can usually find Sarah just outside of the east gate. You should go and see her."
Set Aleena_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "Aleena told me that I should find Sarah, the shrine keeper here in Britain. Sarah should know the Mantra of Compassion. She's located across the bridge east of town."
Information Avatar: "I need some information."
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."

Bye 2

If Aleena_Knows_Avatar is False
Aleena: "Farewell."
Aleena: "Farewell, Avatar."


Aleena: "Oh yes! Even the mayor, who was so proud of our misguided ways, has returned to true compassion. It's wonderful to see, but alas, it's too late for my poor husband."
Husband Avatar: "What happened to your husband?"
Codex Avatar: "Do you know anything about the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom?"
Rune Avatar: "You know, in cleansing the shrine, I also retrieved the Rune of Compassion."
Looking Avatar: "No thank you, I've just come here to view the exhibits."


Aleena: "My husband was very nearly blind, so he was sent away to Paws before you cleansed the shrine."
Aleena: "I heard not long ago that he stepped into the street in front of a hay cart and was killed. Oh, if only we had never lost our true compassion."
Compassion Avatar: "Have the people truly returned to the virtue of compassion?"
Codex Avatar: "Do you know anything about the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom?"
Rune Avatar: "You know, in cleansing the shrine, I also retrieved the Rune of Compassion."
Looking Avatar: "No thank you, I've just come here to view the exhibits."


Aleena: "Have you really? Oh that's wonderful! May I please have it back? I would like to have it back on display if possible."
Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I still need its help for the remainder of my quest. Do you mind if I retain it for a while longer?"
Aleena: "If the runes can be of any help to you, then you should keep them. I would like to have them back once your quest has been completed, though."
Avatar: "Yes, of course."
Compassion Avatar: "Have the people truly returned to the virtue of compassion?"
Codex Avatar: "Do you know anything about the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom?"
If Met_Aleena is False
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye, Aleena."


Aleena: "Well, it's a magical book. Legend has it that if consulted, the Codex will answer any question that you ask it!"
Aleena: "Of course, some of that may just be legend, but still, it would make a wonderful addition to the museum."
Avatar: "Do you know where it's located?"
Aleena: "Again, according to legend, it's located on the Isle of the Avatar."
Aleena: "Unfortunately, no one knows where that island is located, but since you're the Avatar, you should be able to find it. Is there anything else that I can help you with?"
Set Aleena_Journal_Flag_4 to True
Diary: "Aleena says that according to legend, the Codex is located on the Isle of the Avatar. No one seems to know where that island is located, but at least it's a start."
Compassion Avatar: "Have the people truly returned to the virtue of compassion?"
Rune Avatar: "You know, in cleansing the shrine, I also retrieved the Rune of Compassion."
Looking Avatar: "No thank you, I've just come here to view the exhibits."


Aleena: "Very well, we have a wide variety of artifacts from Britannia's past. Should you have any questions, feel free to ask me."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If MagicShop_Owner_Freed is False
Altomar: "Greetings."
If First_Magic_Shop_Customer_Convo1 is false
Set First_Magic_Shop_Customer_Convo1 to True
Altomar: "Oooh! Look at the exquisite items..."

Enter Conversation

If MagicShop_Owner_Freed is False
If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If Altomar_First_Convo_C is False
Set Altomar_First_Convo_C to True
Altomar: "If you're looking to buy some reagents, I'm afraid that you're out of luck."
Altomar: "The fellow who owns this shop is gone, and I'm beginning to worry that he might not be back."
Name Avatar: "I see, and who are you?"
Owner Avatar: "What's the shop owner's name and where did he go?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."
Altomar: "Hello, I hope that you are well."
Moonglow Avatar: "Could you please tell me about Moonglow?"
Magic Avatar: "What is wrong with magic in the world?"
Owner Avatar: "Could you please tell me about the shop owner?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."
Altomar: "Greetings, Avatar! I say, you've certainly helped improve the state of magic in the world."
Improved Avatar: "Magic has improved?"
Nico Avatar: "I don't suppose Nico has come back has he?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."
Altomar: "Avatar! Been continuing the good work, eh? Nico told me that you saved him in Cove and that things have been put right in Moonglow."
Altomar: "Well done, sir, very well done. We all owe you a debt of gratitude."


Altomar: "Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Altomar. I am a mage."
Set Knows_Altomar_Name to True
Owner Avatar: "What's the shop owner's name and where did he go?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."


Altomar: "His name is Nico; it's probably short for something, but I don't know what."
Altomar: "Anyway, he went to Cove because he heard that his brother was in danger."
Altomar: "From what I've heard about Cove, I don't think that Nico will be back."
Altomar: "If that happens, where will we get reagents?"
Set Altomar_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "He also told me that Nico, the magic shop owner, went to Cove and hasn't returned. It seems things are very bad in Cove."
Cove Avatar: "What have you heard about Cove?"
Reagents Avatar: "Is Nico the only reagent merchant in Britain?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "He is the only one that I know of."
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Cove Avatar: "What have you heard about Cove?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "Well, from what I hear, things in Cove are worse than they are in Moonglow."
Altomar: "Apparently, Cove has been taken over by violent brigands who prey on the weak. Nico went there to retrieve his brother."
Moonglow Avatar: "How are things in Moonglow?"
Reagents Avatar: "Is Nico the only reagent merchant in Britain?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "Not very well, I'm afraid. Moonglow was once the city of Truth, and it has long been a city of magic: now both of those aspects are being twisted."
Altomar: "I came here in the hopes of finding a better life."
Truth Avatar: "Truth is being twisted?"
Magic Avatar: "There is a problem with magic?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "Well, it's more accurate to say that it has been abandoned."
Altomar: "Where people were once honest and truthful, they are now full of deceit. If you travel to Moonglow, do not be quick to believe what most people tell you."
Set Altomar_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "Altomar seems to believe that the people of Moonglow have abandoned Honesty, and that I shouldn't believe them."
Magic Avatar: "There is a problem with magic?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "Well, it doesn't work anymore. Well, linear spells work and scrolls still work, but you can't bind spells to a spell book anymore."
Altomar: "There's also something very wrong with the moongates."
Altomar: "I've been looking for a way to fix these problems and need some reagents for my experiments. Unfortunately, I've had no luck."
Set Altomar_Journal_Flag_4 to True
Diary: "Altomar, a mage in Britain, told me that magic isn't working properly because something is wrong with the moons."
Moongates Avatar: "What's wrong with the moongates?"
Binding Avatar: "How do you bind a spell to a spell book?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "Ah well, I'd be happy to tell you."
Altomar: "It's quite simple, really. First, you must go to a binding Pentagram, these can be found in most any town or dungeon and can be identified by the candles placed at the ends of the star."
Altomar: "Then place the scroll and reagents for the spell into the center of the Pentagram, light each of the candles, and then recite the incantation for the spell, such as 'in flam' for the fire spell."
Altomar: "If all of this has been done correctly and you have spoken the incantation, the scroll and the reagents will disappear and the spell will be bound into your spell book."
Altomar: "But if you do not have the proper reagents, or if any step in the ritual as been done incorrectly, you will lose both the scroll and the reagents."
Set Altomar_Journal_Flag_5 to True
Diary: "Important note: I learned how to bind spells into my spell book. The ritual goes as follows: go to one of the binding Pentagrams in the towns or dungeons. The binding Pentagrams can be identified by the candles placed at each of the five points. Put the scroll and reagents for the spell into the center of the Pentagram, light each of the candles, and then recite the incantation for the spell."
If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Moongates Avatar: "What's wrong with the moongates?"
Nico Avatar: "I don't suppose Nico has come back has he?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "Well, they simply do not work. If you try to enter one, nothing happens!"
Altomar: "I'm not sure why, but I think that it has something to do with the moons. Nico would know more about it than I."
When Avatar: "When did all of this happen?"
Magic Avatar: "There is a problem with magic?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "Oh, it's been years; not long after the columns appeared. I was barely out of apprenticeship when magic began to decay."
Magic Avatar: "There is a problem with magic?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "No, he hasn't. I sure hope he's alright."
Improved Avatar: "Magic has improved?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."


Altomar: "Don't tell me you haven't noticed. After you cleansed the shrine, the first circle re-opened."
Altomar: "For the first time in years, I've been able to bind spells to my book. Do you think that the problem with magic is tied to the shrines?"
Set Altomar_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Altomar is able to bind new spells to his book for the first time in years, now that the Shrine of Compassion has been cleansed and the first circle of magic has been re-opened."
Binding Avatar: "How do you bind a spell to a spell book?"
Nico Avatar: "I don't suppose Nico has come back has he?"
If Knows_Altomar_Name is True
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Altomar."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, goodbye then."



Unused Dialogue Line

Altomar: "Well, all that you will find here is reagents, and we can't even get those until Nico returns. Is there anything else that I can help you with?"


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Amoranth: "Welcome to the Cathedral of Love, I am brother Amoranth. How may I help you?"
Job Avatar: "What do you do here, brother Amoranth?"
Cathedral Avatar: "I've not seen this place before, is it new?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."
If Avatar doesn't have the Candle of Love
If Amoranth_Spoke_About_Candle_C or Amoranth_Spoke_About_Abbey is False
If Amoranth_First_Convo_C is False
Amoranth: "Avatar! Welcome to the Cathedral of Love, I am brother Amoranth."
Amoranth: "Thank you so very much for revealing to us the essence of real compassion."
Amoranth: "I do not know how we became so blinded as to believe that we could shun the sick and unfortunate."
Amoranth: "Our eyes were veiled by selfishness and a meanness of spirit, but we have you to thank for lifting that veil."
Amoranth: "What can I do for you?"
Set Amoranth_First_Convo_C to True
Amoranth: "Avatar! It is good to see you again."
Amoranth: "What can I do for you?"
Job 2 Avatar: "What do you do here, brother Amoranth?"
If Amoranth_Spoke_About_New_C is False
Cathedral 2 Avatar: "I've not seen this place before, is it new?"
If Amoranth_Spoke_About_Abbey_C is False and Amoranth_Spoke_About_New_C is True
Abbey 2 Avatar: "Empath Abbey was destroyed?"
Candle 2 Avatar: "What is the Candle of Love?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."
If Amoranth_First_Convo_C is False
Set Amoranth_First_Convo_C to True
Amoranth: "Oh, Avatar! Thank you so very much for revealing to us the essence of real compassion."
Amoranth: "I do not know how we became so blinded as to believe that we could shun the sick and unfortunate."
Amoranth: "Our eyes were veiled by selfishness and a meanness of spirit, but we have you to thank for lifting that veil."
Amoranth: "Oh hello, Avatar. I hope you will excuse me, but I'm rather busy at the moment."
Amoranth: "May love's blessing be upon you, Avatar; you found the candle!"
Amoranth: "Things in the land are truly improving! I know that you have much to do my friend."
Amoranth: "You should keep the candle with you, it may aid you in your quest. Fare you well, my son."


Amoranth: "I oversee the daily operations here at the cathedral."
Cathedral Avatar: "I've not seen this place before, is it new?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."


Amoranth: "No, it is not terribly new. We established the cathedral shortly after Empath Abbey was destroyed."
Amoranth: "Britain, being the city of Compassion, was the logical place."
Amoranth: "As you can see, Britain has been prospering. We are fortunate that we have seen the errors of our ways."
Amoranth: "We have seen that by extending hospitality to the poor, sick and wretched, we were committing a grievous wrong to the community as a whole."
Set Amoranth_Spoke_About_New_C to True
Sick Avatar: "You've taken to sending the poor and the sick out of the city?"
Abbey Avatar: "Empath Abbey was destroyed?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."


Set Amoranth_Spoke_About_Abbey_C to True
Amoranth: "Yes, after the columns appeared, the three great shrines to Truth, Love and Courage: the Lycaeum, Empath Abbey, and Serpent's Hold were all destroyed."
Amoranth: "Tragically, our most beloved icon, the Candle of Love was lost when the abbey was destroyed."
Set Amoranth_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met Amoranth, the abbot of the Cathedral of Love, who told me that the bastions of Truth, Love, and Courage (Empath Abbey, the Lyceum, and Serpent's Hold) have been destroyed! He also told me that the Candle of Love was lost with the abbey."
Candle Avatar: "What is the Candle of Love?"
Where Avatar: "Where might I find the ruins of Empath Abbey?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."


Amoranth: "They are located in the Serpent's Spine mountains to the east of Yew. I must warn you, it is very dangerous there. You must be well prepared before entering the mountains."
Set Amoranth_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "The ruins of Empath Abbey are located in the Serpent's Spine mountains to the east of Yew. I've been warned that it's dangerous there, though, and I should be well prepared."
Sick Avatar: "You've taken to sending the poor and the sick out of the city?"
Candle Avatar: "What is the Candle of Love?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."


Set Amoranth_Spoke_About_Candle_C to True
Amoranth: "It was the very embodiment of love on Britannia. The candle held within it the very essence of love."
Amoranth: "As I said, it was our most important artifact."
Sick Avatar: "You've taken to sending the poor and the sick out of the city?"
Where Avatar: "Where might I find the ruins of Empath Abbey?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."


Amoranth: "Yes, but you must understand that we tried for many years to house all of the sick here in the city, and it simply didn't work."
Amoranth: "Under the mayor's policy, we remove the sick people to Paws and send them such helpful items as food, clothes and medicine."
Amoranth: "That way the city thrives and the sick receive care. It's an ingenious plan."
Abbey Avatar: "Empath Abbey was destroyed?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."

Job 2

Amoranth: "I oversee the daily operations here at the cathedral."
If Amoranth_Spoke_About_New_C is False
Cathedral 2 Avatar: "I've not seen this place before. Is it new?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."

Cathedral 2

Amoranth: "No it is not terribly new. We established the cathedral shortly after Empath Abbey was destroyed."
Amoranth: "Britain, being the city of Compassion, was the logical place."
Set Amoranth_Spoke_About_New_C to True
Abbey 2 Avatar: "Empath Abbey was destroyed?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."

Abbey 2

Set Amoranth_Spoke_About_Abbey_C to True
Amoranth: "Yes, after the columns appeared, the three great shrines to Truth, Love and Courage: the Lycaeum, Empath Abbey, and Serpent's Hold were all destroyed."
Amoranth: "Tragically, our most beloved icon, the Candle of Love was lost when the abbey was destroyed."
Where 2 Avatar: "Where might I find the ruins of Empath Abbey?"
Candle 2 Avatar: "What is the Candle of Love?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."

Where 2

Amoranth: "They are located in the Serpent's Spine mountains to the east of Yew. I must warn you, it is very dangerous there. You must be well prepared before entering the mountains."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."
Candle 2 Avatar: "What is the Candle of Love?"

Candle 2

Set Amoranth_Spoke_About_Candle_C to True
Amoranth: "It was the very embodiment of love on Britannia. The candle held within it, the very essence of love."
Amoranth: "As I said, it was out most important artifact."
Where 2 Avatar: "Where might I find the ruins of Empath Abbey?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, brother."




Triggered Entrance in Britain Tavern (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If First_BarPatron_Convo is False
Set First_BarPatron_Convo to True
Dara: "Bollocks! That last patron snuck off without tipping me!"
Angus: "He had 'poor sod' written all over him. I suppose he was just trying to forget his troubles before being carted off to Paws."
Dara,: "Good riddance I say!"
Dara: "This town is a much nicer place since the mayor decreed that the weak be sent to Paws."
Dara: "They are always drunk and they never tip."
Angus: "Aye, but now we have no bread since the miller had a little tangle with his millstone and got shipped off to Paws."
Activate Angus's Second Trigger
If Codex_Quest_Received is False
If First_BarPatron_Convo1 is False
Set First_BarPatron_Convo1 to True
Dara: "Look at the fine tip the last customer left for me!"
Angus: "Well then, you can afford to give me a free mug of beer!"
Dara: "You know, I think that he had been carted off to Paws before the shrine was cleansed. Why would he be magnanimous after being treated so horribly?"
Angus: "Perhaps undergoing hardship made him understand that we all need some compassion."
Dara: "Well, I hope that he comes back soon to show a bit more compassion."
Angus: "Let us drink to the Avatar! He has class. He has mystery..."
Dara: "Mystery? Why mystery?"
Angus: "He's been seen running about with an attractive pirate girl from Buccaneer's Den."
Dara: "No!"
Angus: "Aye, and who knows what he'll get himself into next?"

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If First_Angus_Prox is False
Set First_Angus_Prox to True
Angus: "It's another poor sod come 'round for a bottle!"
Angus: "Let's have another drink."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Angus: "Hello, friend. Name's Angus. How can I help you?"
Avatar: "I couldn't help but overhear you talking..."
Runes Avatar: "Do you know anything of the Runes of Virtue?"
Lord British Avatar: "Does Lord British know about your problems?"
Mayor Avatar: "Are you familiar with the mayor?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be on my way. Farewell."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Angus: "We all need kindness and understanding. Right, Avatar?"
If Angus_Told_Wasnt_Me_C is False
Angus: "Hey there, Avatar. Say, you sure can throw 'em back! I'd be happy to join you in a round if you care to buy me a drink."
What Avatar: "What are you talking about?"
No Buy Avatar: "I'm not going to buy you a drink."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
Angus: "Avatar! I was so relieved to find out that it was someone pretending to be you that ran out on that tab."
Angus: "I mean, I didn't mind the drinks or anything, but Dara was impossible to be around! You take care now, goodbye."

Lord British

Angus: "He stays out of our affairs. The mayor takes care of things."
Runes Avatar: "Do you know anything of the Runes of Virtue?"
Mayor Avatar: "Are you familiar with the mayor?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be on my way. Farewell."


Angus: "Fine chap. Enlightened man. Full of insight. Sending the poor to Paws was his idea."
Avatar: "Paws?"
Angus: "Aye. Paws is a little village to the west of town."
Angus: "If you're traveling that way, watch for bandits. I hear they're camping out in those parts."
Runes Avatar: "Do you know anything of the Runes of Virtue?"
Lord British Avatar: "Does Lord British know about your problems?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be on my way. Farewell."


Angus: "I've never seen 'em or anything, but I know that they were stolen some years back. Everybody in town who's ever gotten within ten feet of Aleena knows that."
Aleena Avatar: "Who is Aleena?"
Lord British Avatar: "Does Lord British know about your problems?"
Mayor Avatar: "Are you familiar with the mayor?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be on my way. Farewell."


Angus: "She's the curator of the museum. Ask her about the runes and she'll tell you more than you ever wanted to know."
Dara: "Yeah, and she'll also tell you how the world has become evil and corrupt because the runes are lost!"
Lord British Avatar: "Does Lord British know about your problems?"
Mayor Avatar: "Are you familiar with the mayor?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be on my way. Farewell."


Angus: "See ya 'round, Avatar."

No Buy

Angus: "Well you don't have to be nasty about it. You were sure 'nuff buying the other night!"
Talking Avatar: "What are you talking about?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."


Angus: "When you were in here the other night: you were drinking to beat the band! And buying drinks too, for everybody!"
Dara: "And not paying for any of them."
Angus: "Oh yeah, running out on the tab like that was not at all like you. I guess you were pretty drunk."
If Angus_Told_Wasnt_Me_C is False
Blacked Out Avatar: "Oh that. I guess I blacked out because I don't remember it."
Deny Avatar: "I never did that!"
If False_Avatar_Revealed is True
Imposter Avatar: "That wasn't me. It was Evidious impersonating me."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."


Angus: "Oh sure, Avatar, whatever you say. Don't worry, I won't tell anybody!"
If Angus_Told_Wasnt_Me_C is False
Blacked Out Avatar: "Oh that. I guess I blacked out because I don't remember it."
If False_Avatar_Revealed is True
Imposter Avatar: "That wasn't me. It was Evidious impersonating me."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."

Blacked Out

Angus: "Well you'd better talk to Dara and pay up. She's pretty mad at you."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."


Set Angus_Told_Wasnt_Me_C to True
Angus: "You mean Evidious is impersonating people again? Well, he had us fooled."
Angus: "Say, do you mind if I still tell people that I drank with the Avatar? It makes for a good story!"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."

Bye 2

Angus: "Alright, goodbye."


Triggered Entrance (Noncinematic) at shop

Bailey: "Greetings!"

Enter Conversation

If Bailey is in area Area_Britain_Outfitter_Shop
If Bailey_First_Convo_C is False
Bailey: "Welcome, my friend! How can I help you today?"
If Bailey_Name_Known_C is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name, sir?"
Shop Avatar: "What do you sell here?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #197
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I need nothing today, thanks."
Bailey: "Welcome, my friend! How can I help you today?"
If Bailey_Name_Known_C is False
Name 2 Avatar: "What is your name, sir?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to buy supplies."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #197
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I need nothing today, thanks."
If Bailey is in area Area_Britain_Town_Square and First_Outfitter_Convo is False
Set First_Outfitter_Convo to True
Bailey: "Hello, friend! Wasn't that a wonderful speech? I'd like to stay and chat, but I must get back to my shop. Should you need any provisions, come by and see me!"
If Weather is bad
Bailey: "Be careful in this weather."
Bailey: "Go bravely."
Bailey: "Hello, friend! If you need supplies, please come by my shop."
If Weather is bad
Bailey: "Be careful in this weather."


Set Bailey_Name_Known_C to True
Bailey: "Oh, sorry Avatar. My name's Bailey. I'm just a little nervous meeting you and all."
Bailey: "Oh, and don't look surprised that I know who you are; word spreads pretty fast around here."
Shop Avatar: "What do you sell here?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #197
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I need nothing today, thanks."

Name 2

Set Bailey_Name_Known_C to True
Bailey: "Oh, sorry Avatar. My name's Bailey. I'm just a little nervous meeting you and all."
Bailey: "Oh, and don't look surprised that I know who you are; word spreads pretty fast around here."
Buy Avatar: "I would like to buy supplies."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #197
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I need nothing today, thanks."


Set Bailey_First_Convo_C to True
Bailey: "I'm the outfitter here in Britain. I buy and sell adventuring equipment."
Bailey: "If you need equipment, or want to get rid of some, I'm your man!"
If Bailey_Name_Known_C is False
Name 2 Avatar: "What is your name, sir?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to buy supplies."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #197
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I need nothing today, thanks."


Open Buy GUMP with book #196
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP


Open Sell GUMP with book #197
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Bailey: "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
If Bailey_Name_Known_C is False
Name 2 Avatar: "What is your name, sir?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to buy supplies."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #197
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I need nothing today, thanks."


Bailey: "Farewell."


Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) at Shop

Cameron: "Welcome to my humble shop!"

Triggered Entrance after cutting Lighthouse gem

Cameron: "Now, Avatar, they must be placed in the lighthouses to activate them."
Cameron: "I expect that the keeper of the lighthouse near Britain would know the appropriate gem to place in each lighthouse."
Avatar: "Thank you, Cameron. Farewell."
Cameron: "Farewell, my friend."
Set Cameron_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I spoke with a gemcutter today named Cameron. He told me that some gems need to be placed in the lighthouses to activate them. He expects that the lighthouse keeper near Britain would know the appropriate gem to place in each lighthouse."

Enter Conversation

Cameron: "Welcome!"
Cameron: "My name is Cameron, and as you can see, I buy and sell gems and other jewelry."
Cameron: "Also, if you ever need to have a gem cut, I am the man to talk to. So, what can I do for you?"
If the Avatar has the unpolished Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald lighthouse gem
Gemcutting Avatar: "I would like to have some stones cut."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #220
Sell Avatar: "I have some gems that you may be interested in."
Bye Avatar: "Nothing today, friend. Farewell."


Cameron: "Ahh, these magic gems were intended for the new lighthouses that Lord British had built."
Cameron: "They were lost en route to my shop, I never thought I would get the chance to finish them. I will polish them up for you."
If Avatar has Unpolished Lighthouse Ruby Gem
Remove Unpolished Lighthouse Ruby Gem from the Avatar's Inventory
Set Gave_Cameron_Ruby to True
Else If Avatar has Unpolished Lighthouse Sapphire Gem
Remove Unpolished Lighthouse Sapphire Gem from the Avatar's Inventory
Set Gave_Cameron_Sapphire to True
Else If Avatar has Unpolished Lighthouse Emerald Gem
Remove Unpolished Lighthouse Emerald Gem from the Avatar's Inventory
Set Gave_Cameron_Emerald to True
Activate Cameron's Second Trigger


Open Sell GUMP with book #220
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Cameron: "Anything else I can do for you?"
If the Avatar has the unpolished Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald lighthouse gem
Gemcutting Avatar: "I would like to have some stones cut."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #220
Sell Avatar: "I have some gems that you may be interested in."
Bye Avatar: "Nothing today, friend. Farewell."


Cameron: "Farewell then."


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Dara: "Look, I'm busy here, alright? What do you want? And make it quick, I haven't got all day."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Shrine Avatar: "Do you know anything about the shrine of compassion?"
Columns Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the columns?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Dara: "Things have been so much better since you came around, Avatar. Is there anything I can get for you?"
Drink 2 Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Not right now. Farewell."
If False_Avatar_Revealed is False
Dara: "You've got some nerve coming in here Avatar! You're not getting anything until you pay me the money you owe me for the other night."
Dara: "That little binge is going to cost you 75 gold."
Pay Avatar: "Sorry about that. Here's your money."
Not Pay Avatar: "Really, I never did that and I'm not going to pay. Goodbye!"
If First_Barmaid_Convo is False
Set First_Barmaid_Convo to True
Dara: "You naughty thing! That was not you after all, but rather a dreadful doppleganger!"
Dara: "I am glad we solved that little mystery!"
Dara: "Now! How about a drink on the house?"
Dara: "Things have been so much better since you came around, Avatar."


Dara: "My name is Dara, and I'm not your lady."
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Shrine Avatar: "Do you know anything about the shrine of compassion?"
Columns Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the columns?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Dara: "I know that they're big. Do you have any other brilliant questions?"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Unpleasant Avatar: "Why are you so unpleasant?"
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Shrine Avatar: "Do you know anything about the shrine of compassion?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Dara: "Do I look like Sarah to you?"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Unpleasant Avatar: "Why are you so unpleasant?"
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Columns Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the columns?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Dara: "Because of annoying people who ask too many questions."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Columns Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the columns?"
Shrine Avatar: "Do you know anything about the shrine of compassion?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Dara: "Well, finally. What do you want?"
Open Buy GUMP with book #198
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Dara,"What else do you want?"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Columns Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the columns?"
Shrine Avatar: "Do you know anything about the shrine of compassion?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."




If Avatar's Gold is greater than 75
Remove 75 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Dara: "Thank you, Avatar. Now, would you like something to drink?"
Drink Yes Avatar: "Yes, can I see the menu?"
Drink No Avatar: "No thanks, I've got to go."
Dara: "You don't even have the money! Get out of here and don't come back until you've got the money to pay."
Set Dara_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I went into the tavern in Britain and almost got run out on a rail. Apparently, someone impersonating me came in and left a huge tab!"

Drink Yes

Open Buy GUMP with book #198
End - upon closing GUMP

Drink No

Dara: "Alright then. You're welcome back any time, as long as you don't try to rack up another tab like that."

Not Pay

Dara: "You'd better not come back around here, thief!"
Set Dara_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "I went into the tavern in Britain and almost got run out on a rail. Apparently, someone impersonating me came in and left a huge tab!"

Drink 2

Open Buy GUMP with book #198
Go to Anything Else 2 - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else 2

Dara: "Anything else for you today?"
Drink 2 Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Not right now. Farewell."

Bye 2

Dara: "Come back again!"


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Dermot: "Those blasted dead people."
Dermot: "May goodness be praised for sending you to Britannia, Avatar."

Enter Conversation

If Dermot is in the area Area_Britain_Graveyard
If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Dermot: "Those blasted dead people, always lying about... smelling up the place... rotting and decomposing..."
Dermot: "You'd think they would have some respect!"
Name Avatar: "Pardon me, but what is your name?"
Dead Avatar: "But, monk, you and I will be dead someday as well."
Bye Avatar: "Yes, the dead make unreasonable demands. Farewell."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Dermot: "What a selfish fool I was. I now see the consequences of my ways and I am preparing to perform the Ritual of Appeasement again."
Dermot: "I am loath to mention this sir, but have you noticed the moons? It seems their orbits have changed."
Dermot: "I hope they do not collide."
If Avatar_Killed_Ruby is False
Dermot: "Greetings Avatar. I'm afraid I have some rather bad news."
News 1 Avatar: "What's your bad news?"
News 2 Avatar: "I'm sure that your news isn't too bad."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye Dermot."
Dermot: "Hello Avatar. I don't know if you've noticed, but the Ritual of Appeasement has worked pretty well. There are hardly any more undead left to deal with."
Dermot: "Well, if you will excuse me, I've got to go. Goodbye."
If Dermot is in area Area_Britain_Inn
Dermot: "Mumble, mumble, mumble... appease me another glass of wine...appease...mumble...mumble."
Dermot: "I'm sorry, I cannot talk. I have got to go clear my head."


Set Dermot_Name_Known_C to True
Dermot: "My name is Dermot. As you can tell, much of my work is spent dealing with these corpses."
Dead Avatar: "But, monk, you and I will be dead someday as well."
Bye Avatar: "Yes, the dead make unreasonable demands. Farewell."


Dermot: "But, we will not be so foolish as to die unnatural deaths."
Dermot: "You see, those who die unnaturally tend to have restless, troublesome spirits and I must perform the Ritual of Appeasement to calm them."
Dermot: "I refuse to do it anymore! Let them haunt the cemetery! Let them drive themselves mad!"
Avatar: "My condolences. Working with the dead sounds dreadful. Farewell."



News 1

Dermot: "Well, before you repaired the shrine, I just couldn't deal with these poor dead creatures anymore and I left."
Dermot: "In my negligence, I allowed a small plague of undead to escape and make their way about the town."
No Problem Avatar: "That's not such a problem. I rather like killing undead things."
Roaming Avatar: "Do you mean to tell me that there are undead roaming Britain?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye Dermot."

News 2

Dermot: "Oh but it is: before you repaired the shrine, I just couldn't deal with these poor dead creatures anymore and I left."
Dermot: "In my negligence, I allowed a small plague of undead to escape and make their way about the town."
No Problem Avatar: "That's not such a problem. I rather like killing undead things."
Roaming Avatar: "Do you mean to tell me that there are undead roaming Britain?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye Dermot."

No Problem

Dermot: "Really? Well there are some really nasty skeletons in an old house to the west of town."
Dermot: "I'd truly appreciate a little help in getting rid of them."
Avatar: "Sounds like fun!"
Dermot: "Well then, while you're at it, there's also a skeleton with a big ruby in one eye socket that's been causing lots of problems. I think it used to be a pirate or something."
Avatar: "Excellent, I need the practice."
Dermot: "Alright, well I guess I'll be leaving. I really need to make sure no more undead get out of here. Goodbye!"
Set Dermot_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Dermot warned me about some nasty skeletons that have been hanging out in a house to the west of town, and said one of them is particularly dangerous and has a ruby eye."


Dermot: "Well they're not in the actual city itself. They're more or less on the outskirts. The worst of the lot are in an old house to the west of town."
Dermot: "I'd truly appreciate a little help in getting rid of those skeletons."
Avatar: "Skeletons?"
Dermot: "Umm yes, two outside the house and one inside the house."
Avatar: "So there are three of them?"
Dermot: "That's correct. The third one is extremely nasty, I think it used to be a pirate or something."
Avatar: "That's just great."
Dermot: "Well, what's rather interesting about the third one is that it has a big ruby in one eye socket."
Avatar: "How charming."
Dermot: "Well I guess I'll be leaving. I really need to make sure no more undead get out of here. Goodbye!"
Set Dermot_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Dermot warned me about some nasty skeletons that have been hanging out in a house to the west of town, and said one of them is particularly dangerous and has a ruby eye."


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Elva: "Hello there. I'm sorry, but my husband's in a bit of a state."
If Weather is Bad
Elva: "And this weather surely isn't helping!"
Elva: "Hello again, sir. Things are so much better here in Britain these days. Thank you ever so much."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Evidious: "He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me..."
If False_Avatar_Revealed is False
Evidious: "Fool! Fool...fool...fool!"
Evidious: "He loves me. He loves me not..."

Enter Conversation

If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Evidious: "Oh! Avatar, is that you? Oh boy, oh boy!"
Evidious: "Avatar! My name is Evidious, and I am your biggest fan! You are so...so...wonderful and...and I've followed your career and..."
Evidious: "Say! You're not going to tell anyone I'm here, are you?"
Evidious: "You...you...you can't, you just can't! I've wandered down here and...and...and they'll kick me out of town!"
Evidious: "Oh, please, keep my secret! Please...please...please! Good-bye Avatar. Good-bye!"
Set Evidious_Met_By_Avatar_C to True
If False_Avatar_Revealed is False
Evidious: "Hi, Avatar! Look, I look just like you!"
Evidious: "I wanted to be more virtuous, so I made these clothes and have been helping people just like you do. Isn't that great?"
If Evidious_Met_By_Avatar_C is False
Evidious: "My name is Evidious by the way! I'm your biggest fan!"
Set Evidious_Met_By_Avatar_C to True
Be Yourself Avatar: "Evidious, if you wanna be a good person, just be yourself and follow the virtues."
Helping Avatar: "How have you been helping people?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."
Evidious: "I have felt nothing but shame ever since I started lying to everyone, but I needed love, Avatar!"
Evidious: "And the mayor... Do you think he loves me?"
Evidious: "He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me..."

Be Yourself

Evidious,"Thanks, that's very nice of you to say, but I can't be very good just being me because I'm not a very good person. That's why it's better for me to be you."
Evidious,"Hey, maybe I could be a good person if you were to be me for a while and then I could be you being me and then I'd just be being me only better!"
Helping Avatar: "How have you been helping people?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Evidious: "Okay, there was this one fellow who needed milk and so goats give milk and they eat all kinds of trash and stuff."
Evidious: "So anyway, I thought that a goat would be good for him so I got him a goat. Neat, huh? Only I couldn't find him later, I don't know where that man went."
Evidious: "Anyway, then I came into the tavern and lots of people were there, but they didn't seem happy and so I thought that I would make them happy."
Evidious: "So I bought them all drinks. Lots and lots of drinks, and then they were happy."
Evidious: "I figured that's what you would do, right? You make people happy. Well, and you kill monsters and stuff."
Evidious: "I haven't killed any monsters yet, but I'm going to try to do that soon. Maybe tomorrow. Yeah, I think that tomorrow I'll go to Destard and kill a dragon."
Evidious: "You've killed dragons, right Avatar?"
Not Helping Avatar: "Wait, wait, slow down. Evidious, I know that you mean well, but you're not helping people."
Be Yourself Avatar: "Evidious, if you wanna be a good person, just be yourself and follow the virtues."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."

Not Helping

Evidious: "What do you mean? I made those people happy, right? That's helping."
Evidious: "And I got that man a goat. I mean, okay I couldn't find him later, but I was trying."
Avatar: "Yes, I know that you're trying but you're accidentally hurting people. You see that goat that you found belonged to a farmer."
Avatar: "You didn't mean to, but you stole his goat. And those drinks that you bought?"
Evidious: "Yeah?"
Avatar: "You didn't pay for those drinks. That hurt the tavern keeper because she lost the money for those drinks."
Evidious: "Oh no! I thought that I was doing something good. I'm just stupid! I'm no good! I can't do anything right. Go away, Avatar!"
Evidious: "I don't want you to see me. I just want to go jump off a cliff and kill myself!"
Avatar: "No, don't kill yourself, Evidious."
Evidious: "Why not?"
Avatar: "Because you're a good person. You're trying to do good things, you just need a little guidance, that's all."
Evidious: "Really?"
Avatar: "Yes, really. Now look, you've got to stop impersonating me. You can be a good person just being yourself."
Avatar: "From now on when you want to help, stop and think if what you're about to do will accidentally hurt someone."
Evidious: "Do you think that I can do it?"
Avatar: "I know that you can."
Evidious: "Well if you think I can, then it must be true. I'll stop being you and just be me. Thank you, Avatar!"
Set False_Avatar_Revealed to True
Diary: "I met Evidious, a very deluded man who seems to think that he can be the Avatar by trying to imitate me. I'm sure he means well, but what a nut!"


Evidious: "Okay, bye Avatar!"
  • I think they might have intended to add a kill yourself option not sure they decided against it or this is another bug*
Evidious: "Okay, I will. I just will!"
Set Evidious_Dead_C to True

Farmer Bob[edit]

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Weather is Bad
FarmerBob: "Ah, this rain'll be good for the crops!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Farmer Bob: "You there! Stop where you are! Oh, say, I've seen you before. Yeah, from the tapestry; you're the Avatar!"
Farmer Bob: "Well what do you know, the Avatar, here at my humble farm! I thought you were another thief come to take my radishes."
Farmer Bob: "Them poor folks kept coming here to steal food. It's a good thing the mayor sent 'em off to Paws."
If First_FarmerBob_Topics is False
Condemn Avatar: "Why condemn those of ill fortune?"
Agreed Avatar: "You are so right, Farmer."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Farmer."
Farmer Bob: "By the by, Avatar, I hope you are planning on doing something about those damn wandering moons."
Moons Avatar: "Wandering moons?"
In Hand Avatar: "Of course, the situation is well in hand."
Condemn Avatar: "Why condemn those of ill fortune?"
Agreed Avatar: "You are so right, Farmer."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Farmer."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Farmer Bob: "Ho, Avatar!"
Farmer Bob: "We owe you a debt of thanks. How were our brains so mangled as to believe it was good and right to shut away those of ill fortune in Paws?"
Farmer Bob: "The child who stole my radishes is now helping me with my radish crop and things are working out nicely. My thanks, Avatar."
Radishes Avatar: "But, what if they again steal your radishes?"
Regrettable Avatar: "Your behavior was regrettable."
Bye 3 Avatar: "May goodness be with you. Farewell."
If False_Avatar_Revealed is False
Farmer Bob: "Avatar! You... you... you... swindler! You stole my goat! Don't try to deny it... just get off my land!"
Farmer Bob: "Grumble...grumble...grumble..."
Set FarmerBob_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I went by the farm in Britain and was accosted by Farmer Bob. It seems that someone who looks like me came and stole the farmer's goat, and ran off to the northeast."
Farmer Bob: "Avatar! Humble apologies for accusing you of having stolen my goat! I shall not doubt you again."


Farmer Bob: "Some errant knaves stole my radishes! They are a ruttish, reeky, infectious lot!"
Farmer Bob: "The mayor is providing them with refuge where they can live amongst their own kind, and no longer be tempted to steal."
If First_FarmerBob_Topics is True
Moons Avatar: "Wandering moons?"
Condemn Avatar: "Why condemn those of ill fortune?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Farmer."


Farmer Bob: "We're not condemning them, we're helping them out."
Farmer Bob: "You see, if the poor are left here, around people who have more than they do, they're tempted to steal because they see all of the things that they don't have."
Farmer Bob: "But if they're sent off to Paws, where everybody is poor, the temptation to steal is taken away. See the logic?"
If First_FarmerBob_Topics is True
Moons Avatar: "So what was this about the moons?"
Compassion Avatar: "But, what of compassion?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Farewell."


Farmer Bob: "Why, I'm the most compassionate of men! These outcasts are happy and content among their own kind."
If First_FarmerBob_Topics is True
Moons Avatar: "So what was this about the moons?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Farewell."
Farmer Bob: "Farewell, Avatar."
Set First_FarmerBob_Topics to True

In Hand

Farmer Bob: "Is it? Well, alright. That makes me feel better about things, then."
Moons Avatar: "Wandering moons?"
Condemn Avatar: "Why condemn those of ill fortune?"
Agreed Avatar: "You are so right, Farmer."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Farmer."


Farmer Bob: "Aye, they are all out of sorts, weaving about in the sky like drunken choirboys. How is a farmer supposed to plan for the harvest when even the moons are false?"
Condemn Avatar: "Why condemn those of ill fortune?"
Agreed Avatar: "You are so right, Farmer."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Farmer."


Farmer Bob: "Farewell."
Set First_FarmerBob_Topics to True

Bye 2

Set First_FarmerBob_Topics to True


Farmer Bob: "My heart must have been crusted over with ice and thorns to have forsaken my very own."
Farmer Bob: "I've also learned that a lot of those folks are hard working if you give them the chance."
Farmer Bob: "I've been able to get some help around here since I came to my senses."
Good Avatar: "That's good to hear."
Radishes 2 Avatar: "But, what of your radishes?"
Bye 4 Avatar: "Farewell."


Farmer Bob: "Well, all the thanks goes to you, Avatar."
Radishes 2 Avatar: "But, what of your radishes?"
Bye 4 Avatar: "Farewell."


Farmer Bob: "I was a tad logger-headed when I mambered on about my radishes, was I not?"
Farmer Bob: "I can part with a radish or two and not feel a pinch."
Regrettable Avatar: "Your behavior was regrettable."
Bye 4 Avatar: "Farewell."

Radishes 2

Farmer Bob: "I was a tad logger-headed when I mambered on about my radishes, was I not?"
Farmer Bob: "I can part with a radish or two and not feel a pinch."
Bye 4 Avatar: "Farewell."

Bye 3

Farmer Bob: "Be in good health, Avatar. Don't forsake thy brethren."

Bye 4


Unused Dialog Lines[edit]


Farmer Bob: "Some errant knaves stole my radishes! They are a ruttish, reeky, infectious lot!"
Farmer Bob: "The mayor is providing them with refuge where they can live amongst their own kind, and no longer be tempted to steal. Farewell, Avatar."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Flann_Wyne_Quest_Done_C is False
Flann: "Woe is me, whatever shall I do?"

Enter Conversation

If Flann_Wyne_Quest_Done_C is False
Flann: "Greetings, sir. Please forgive my outburst, but so much tragedy has befallen my family."
Flann: "Our son has gone away and we haven't heard from him. Now the rest of us are in desperate need of Serpentwyne, but there is none available."
Flann: "What are we going to do? I fear that we're all doomed!"
Set Flann_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "A woman named Flann in Britain told me that she and her family are in desperate need of Serpentwyne."
If the Avatar doesn't have Serpentwyne
Avatar: "I'm sorry that there is nothing that I can do for you right now, but I will see if I can find some Serpentwyne."
Flann: "Thank you, kind sir. Thank you."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Give Avatar: "Here, fair lady. Take this serpentwyne."
No Give Avatar: "I am sorry. I cannot help you at this time."
If Silver_Serpent_Freed is False
Flann: "Avatar, thank you again. My family greatly appreciates your help."
If Flann_Gave_Jordan_Quest_C is False
Set Flann_Gave_Jordan_Quest_C to True
Flann: "Avatar, hello! I'm so glad to see you again. Serpentwyne has become plentiful again and I understand that we have you to thank for that."
Flann: "I truly hate to bother you further, Avatar. However, my son, Jordan, left to go to Valoria. He wanted to be a knight, it was always his dream."
Flann: "But he's been gone for so long now, and we've heard nothing from him. I just want to know if he's alright."
Flann: "If you hear or find anything, could you let me know?"
Diary: "Flann in Britain still seems very worried. She hasn't heard word from her son Jordan, who she says went off to Valoria to try to become a knight."
Yes Avatar: "Of course."
No Avatar: "I do not have enough time to search for him."
If Flann_Jordan_Quest_Done_C is False
If Avatar doesn't have Jordan's Journal
Flann: "Do you have any news about my son?"
Avatar: "Not yet."
Flann: "I hope he is alright."
Flann: "What is it, good sir?"
Avatar: "I came across your son's journal while I was in Valoria. I'm sorry, but he's dead. The last words that he wrote were to you."
Flann: "Thank you, sir. I wish with all my heart that he were alive, but at least now I know what became of my dear Jordan."
Flann: "May good fortune always follow you."
Increase the Avatar's Karma by 1
Set Flann_Jordan_Quest_Done_C to True
Flann: "It is good to see you again. Travel with the virtues."


Flann: "Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Flann."
Give Avatar: "Here, fair lady. Take this serpentwyne."
No Give Avatar: "I am sorry. I cannot help you at this time."


Flann: "Thank you! Thank you, kind one!"
Remove Serpertwyne from Avatar's Inventory
Add Serpentwyne to Flann's Inventory
Set Flann_Wyne_Quest_Done_C to True
Increase the Avatar's Karma by 1

No Give

Flann: "I fear that no one can help us. There is nothing left for us now but death."


Flann: "Thank you, Avatar! I truly appreciate all you have done for us!"


If Flann_Wyne_Quest_Done_C is False
Flann: "I suppose I understand. If you change your mind, feel free to return any time."
Flann: "You have already done so much for us, so I understand. If you change your mind, feel free to return any time."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Giovanni is in area Area_Britain_Blacksmith_Work
Giovanni: "*whistling*"
Giovanni: "Who's there?"

Enter Conversation

If Knows_About_Blackrocksword is True and Giovanni_Talked_About_Sword_C is False
Set Giovanni_Talked_About_Sword_C to True
Avatar: "Pardon me, can you make a sword from Blackrock?"
Giovanni: "Sorry mate, but that's a bit beyond me abilities. Tell you what, though; there's a fellow down in Trinsic who works in all sorts of exotic materials."
Giovanni: "Name's Rupert, he's your man for something like that."
Diary: "When I asked about a Blackrock sword, Giovanni said he couldn't make one, but mentioned a fellow down in Trinsic who works in exotic materials."
Else If Giovanni is in area Area_Britain_Blacksmith_Work
Giovanni: "'Ello mate! 'ow are you then?"
Giovanni: "The name's Giovanni, I'm the blacksmith 'round 'ere."
Giovanni: "I've got all manner of weapons, armor, anything the adventurous sort might need! Whaddya say then? Go on in an' 'ave a look about!"
Giovanni: "Just talk to me wife, Olwyn, if you want ta buy something."
Giovanni: "Sorry, mate; I'm taking a break right now. Go see me wife if you want to buy some goods. Cheers!"


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If LightHouse_Quest_Complete is False
Hans: "Avatar! We need to speak!"

Enter Conversation

If Ruby_Lens_Placed or Sapphire_Lens_Place or Emerald_Lens_Placed is False
If LightHouse_Quest_Received is False
Hans: "I am glad you're here, Avatar. I need your help."
Hans: "Lord British had four new lighthouses built, this one and three others in Moonglow, Buccaneer's Den, and Trinsic."
Hans: "The magic gemstones that were to be used as lenses for the other three lighthouses never arrived. I expect that they may be scattered across Britannia by now."
Hans: "Without the lighthouses, we are having more shipwrecks than ever before."
Hans: "I need you to recover the unpolished ruby, sapphire, and emerald gemstones and take them to the gem cutter in Britain so that he can finish polishing them."
Hans: "Then, they need to be placed within the lighthouses themselves to activate them. I urge you, friend Avatar, be quick for we are losing more ships every day."
Set Hans_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Hans, the lighthouse keeper in Britain, told me the lighthouses aren't working because they don't have the proper lenses. I need to find the unpolished gemstones and take them to the gem cutter in Britain so they can be made into lenses."
Go to Avatar Choices
Hans: "Avatar, search diligently. Those unpolished gems are out there somewhere."
Go to Avatar Choices
If First_Hans_Convo is False
Set First_Hans_Convo to True
Hans: "Thank you, brave Avatar. Now the lighthouses function as they were meant to."
Hans: "I have been authorized by Lord British to give you this gold as a reward for your service."
Add 100 gold to Avatar's Inventory
Hans: "Thanks very much for all of your help. With these gems back in the lighthouse, the coast is safe again."

Avatar Choices

If LightHouse_Quest_Received is False
Gems Avatar: "Which gems go with which lighthouses?"
Yes Avatar: "I will do as you ask. Farewell."
No Avatar: "I am far too busy. I bid you good day."
Gems Avatar: "Which gems go with which lighthouses?"
Quest Avatar: "Could you tell me about the quest again?"
Yes Avatar: "I will search out the gems. Farewell."


Hans: "The ruby lens is to be placed in the lighthouse in Buccaneer's Den, the emerald should be taken to Moonglow, and the sapphire belongs in the Trinsic lighthouse."
Hans: "But all of the stones must be polished by the gem cutter before they will work properly."
Set Hans_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Once the gems have been polished, the ruby lens goes in the lighthouse in Buccaneer's Den, the emerald should be taken to Moonglow, and the sapphire belongs in Trinsic."
Go to Avatar Choices


Set LightHouse_Quest_Received to True
Hans: "Thank you, Avatar."


Hans: "I am glad you're here, Avatar. I need your help."
Hans: "Lord British had four new lighthouses built, this one and three others in Moonglow, Buccaneer's Den, and Trinsic."
Hans: "The magic gemstones that were to be used as lenses for the other three lighthouses never arrived. I expect that they may be scattered across Britannia by now."
Hans: "Without the lighthouses, we are having more shipwrecks than ever before."
Hans: "I need you to recover the unpolished ruby, sapphire, and emerald gemstones and take them to the gem cutter in Britain so that he can finish polishing them."
Hans: "Then, they need to be placed within the lighthouses themselves to activate them. I urge you, friend Avatar, be quick for we are losing more ships every day."
Set Hans_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Hans, the lighthouse keeper in Britain, told me the lighthouses aren't working because they don't have the proper lenses. I need to find the unpolished gemstones and take them to the gem cutter in Britain so they can be made into lenses."
Go to Avatar Choices


Hans: "Farewell."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed if False
If First_Jarlath_Convo is False
Set First_Jarlath_Convo to True
Jarlath: "No! Enough is enough! That milk-livered brother of mine and his strumpet of a wife have knocked at my door for the last time."
Jarlath: "They will not be allowed in for another meal no matter how hungry they are!"
Elva: "But husband, you used to love your brother, and now he is a sick man."
Jarlath: "I love him no more. He is a hell-hated maggot pie."
Elva: "Your brother cared for you when you were sick, gave you food when you were hungry..."
Jarlath: "Oh, stop it with that rubbish."
Jarlath: "I owe him nothing. The mayor has made me see that it is a sink or swim world out there, and if my brother sinks-so be it!"
Elva: "All this coldness came about when those horrible columns appeared and Lord British hasn't done a thing about them."
Jarlath: "Lord British!"
Jarlath: "Ha! He knows nothing of his people! He sits up there in his ivory tower..."
If First_Jarlath_Convo1 is False
Set First_Jarlath_Convo1 to True
Jarlath: "I tear my hair from my head when I think how icy cold I was to my own brother."
Elva: "You were a fright; calling him rude names, shutting your door to him and his wife..."
Jarlath: "I don't know what came over me."
Elva: "It's those frightful columns! When they appeared, everyone's heart began to harden!"
Elva: "But, when the Avatar cleansed the shrine, something was set to right again."
Jarlath: "I hope the Avatar can help all the peoples of Britannia."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Jarlath: "What do you want!?!"
Jarlath: "I was a dreadful curmudgeon!"

Unused Dialog Topics[edit]

Avatar Topics

Name Avatar: "Pardon me, but what is your name?"
Brother Avatar: "Why are you upset with your brother?"
Mayor Avatar: "What does the mayor think of this?"
Lord British Avatar: "Where is Lord British?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell then."


Jarlath: "Name's Jarlath. This is my wife, Elva. We're both farm hands."


Jarlath: "'Cause he come up to my house, sick as a dog, wantin' us to take care of him."
Jarlath: "We barely got enough money to take care of ourselves, and he wants to burden us. Then, on top of it all, he almost gets me and Elva sick!"
Jarlath: "I just can't tolerate that. Not one bit!"

Lord British

Jarlath: "Who knows? Who cares? He never comes down out of that castle to have anything to do with regular folk."
Jarlath: "Thank heavens we have Mayor Aidon. He knows how to take proper care of this city."


Jarlath: "The streets was full of poor folks beggin' for money before the mayor started up his policy."
Jarlath: "I tell you, things have gotten a great deal better since then!"




Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If Baker is not in area Area_Britain_Baker_Shop
Jastral: "Idiot!"
Jastral: "Grumble...grumble... stupid miller!"
Jastral: "Caught his arm in the grinding mill? What a sack headed idiot! Grumble...grumble...grumble..."
Jastral: "grain short, demand high...grumble...grumble, it's all his fault!!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If Baker is not in area Area_Britain_Baker_Shop
Avatar: "Excuse me? What did you say?"
Jastral: "I said, 'Idiot!'"
What Avatar: "What's wrong, friend?"
Idiot Avatar: "You call me an idiot?"
Bye Avatar: "I think I'll leave you be."
Jastral: "Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you! I'm Jastral, the baker. If its bread you want, there isn't any thanks to that fool, the miller."
Jastral: "Oh, Avatar, I cover my face in shame."
Bleeding Hearts Avatar: "To live in a land of bleeding hearts no doubt!"
Why Avatar: "But why, Baker?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to buy some baked goods."
Bye Avatar: "As well you should. Farewell."


Jastral: "Oh, no, no. It's that pathetic partner of mine!"
Go to What


Jastral: "That damned fool of a miller went and caught his arm in the mill stone, and got carted off."
Jastral: "Sorry, my name is Jastral, I'm the baker here in Britain. I don't mean to be rude I'm just very upset. But what am I supposed to do?"
Jastral: "The miller got carted off, serves the fool right!"
Compassion Avatar: "But where is your compassion?"
Where Avatar: "Where is he now?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "That's nice, Baker. Farewell."


Jastral: "Compassion? Is it compassionate to ask the poor people of Britain to go without bread because some oaf was foolish enough to stick his arm in the mill stone?"
Jastral: "Compassion, indeed! The mayor is right: we simply need to get rid of those who can't pull their weight!"
Mayor Avatar: "What? The mayor is getting rid of people who can't work?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Baker."


Jastral: "Yes, of course. It's all part of his policy to clean up the city and make it safe and I support it."
Jastral: "I mean look what's happened to me: "
Go to Not Baking


Jastral: "Thanks to the mayor's decree, he's been sent to Paws. Now all of the poor, the sick and the handicapped get sent there."
Not Baking Avatar: "But why are you not baking bread?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "That's nice, Baker. Farewell."

Not Baking

Jastral: "I can't bake bread because the miller was stupid enough to hurt himself."
Jastral: "Why should we coddle someone that we can't rely on to do his share?"
Avatar: "I must be on my way, Baker. Farewell."
Jastral: "Farewell, Avatar."
Go to Bye 2



Bye 2

Activate Jastral's Second Trigger


Jastral: "I was a selfish, unprincipled cad to have blamed my friend for his misfortune."
Burden Avatar: "But is he not now burdening you?"
Bye 3 Avatar: "Very well, Baker. Farewell."


Jastral: "Strange as it seems, I could not carry on without the miller."
Jastral: "Without his flour, I could not bake bread. Without bread, I could not feed the people of Britain."
Go to Cornucopia

Bleeding Hearts

Jastral: "Strange as it seems, I could not carry on without the miller."
Jastral: "I was a selfish, unprincipled cad to have blamed my friend for his misfortune."
Jastral: "Without his flour, I could not bake bread. Without bread, I could not feed the people of Britain."
Go to Cornucopia


Jastral: "But now that he's back, we have a veritable cornucopia of fine baked goods as well as low prices."
Buy Avatar: "I would like to buy some baked goods."
Bye Avatar: "As well you should. Farewell."


Open Buy GUMP with book #187
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Jastral: "Hope you enjoy that. Will there be anything else?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to buy some baked goods."
Bye Avatar: "Not right now. Farewell."

Bye 3

Jastral: "Farewell, Avatar."


Enter Conversation

If Avatar doesn't have Guardian Note
If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If Killigan_Met_By_Avatar_C is False
Set Killigan_Met_By_Avatar_C
Killigan: "Oh, you're the Avatar, aren't you? My employer has been awaiting your return."
Avatar: "Who's your employer?"
Killigan: "Why the mayor, of course."
Killigan: "Avatar, we must rid this city of the human refuse that infests it!"
Killigan: "Oh, Avatar. Ahh, your back. What do you want?"
If Compassion_Glyph_Acquired is True
Where Mayor Avatar: "Where is the mayor?"
Mayor Avatar: "What does the mayor think of sending the poor away?"
Poor Avatar: "Why? What have the poor done?"
Bye Avatar: "Right. Farewell."
If Avatar_Stole_Money is False
Killigan: "What! Can't a man have a little peace!?! Whatever it is that you want, I cannot help you nor do I want to."
If Money_Quest_Received is True
Money Avatar: "Do you plan to return the money that you stole from the Cathedral?
How Avatar: "How are things now?"
Stole Avatar: "I heard you stole some charity funds from the Cathedral. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Bye Avatar: "Fine. I'll be on my way."
Killigan: "Ah! The priestess' money has been stolen, and I can no longer pay it back."
Killigan: "Strange, isn't it, Avatar?"
Avatar: "So, how long have you been spying for the Guardian?"
Killigan: "I haven't been spying. What are you talking about?"
Avatar: "I discovered these notes in your storeroom."
Killigan: "Oh, those? Well, I don't know how they got there."
Avatar: "Give it up. How long have you been spying?"
Killigan: "Don't turn me in to the Mayor! These people just don't understand. It was so much better with the columns around."
Killigan: "I'll tell you the Guardian's plans. He's been toying with you. He plans to... ugh."
Activate Killigan's Second Trigger


Killigan: "They're sick. They're poor. They contribute absolutely nothing of worth."
Killigan: "Out! Out! Out! I say!"
Avatar: "But Britain is the City of Compassion."
Killigan: "Don't give me that claptrap! Compassion is another word for chumpery!"
Killigan: "Out of my way Avatar, I'm busy!"
If Compassion_Glyph_Acquired is True
Where Mayor Avatar: "Where is the mayor?"
Mayor Avatar: "What does the mayor think of sending the poor away?"
Bye Avatar: "Right. Farewell."


Killigan: "He has finally come 'round to understanding that it is a necessary chore."
Avatar: "And what of Lord British?"
Killigan: "That pious ass? It is fortunate that he is paralyzed in passivity much of the time."
If Mayor_In_Paws is True
Where Mayor Avatar: "Where is the mayor?"
Poor Avatar: "Why? What have the poor done?"
Bye Avatar: "Right. Farewell."

Where Mayor

Killigan: "Why should I tell you?"
Killigan: "Don't you ever get tired of it all, Avatar? Don't you want to put your feet up? Enjoy life a little?"
Avatar: "The mayor... where is he?"
Killigan: "If you must know, the silly man went to Paws in search of his daughter."
Killigan: "Now leave me be."
Set Killigan_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Killigan told me the mayor went down to Paws in search of his daughter."
Mayor Avatar: "What does the mayor think of sending the poor away?"
Poor Avatar: "Why? What have the poor done?"
Bye Avatar: "Right. Farewell."


Killigan: "I suppose by 'things' you mean the restoration of compassion in Britain. I think it's a terrible mistake, of course. But, good things never last."
If Money_Quest_Received is True
Money Avatar: "Do you plan to return the money that you stole from the Cathedral?
Stole Avatar: "I heard you stole some charity funds from the Cathedral. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Bye Avatar: "Fine. I'll be on my way."


Killigan: "I was merely following orders Avatar. Don't get snippy with me."
If Money_Quest_Received is True
Money Avatar: "Do you plan to return the money that you stole from the Cathedral?
How Avatar: "How are things now?"
Bye Avatar: "Fine. I'll be on my way."


Killigan: "Bah! Lord British has absolved the mayor and I of that supposed crime."
Killigan: "We will forfeit the money on the day the law decrees, and not a minute sooner! In the meantime, it is safe in my storeroom!"
Killigan: "Now, if you will excuse me."
Set Killigan_Wont_Give_Cash_C to True
Set Killigan_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Killigan has the charity funds but he refuses to give them back! I do know he keeps them in his storeroom, though."
How Avatar: "How are things now?"
Stole Avatar: "I heard you stole some charity funds from the Cathedral. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Bye Avatar: "Fine. I'll be on my way."




Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Silver_Serpent_Freed is False
Kimberly: "Damn! Where is that serpent!?"

Enter Conversation

If Silver_Serpent_Freed is False
If First_Kimberly_Convo1 is False
Set First_Kimberly_Convo1 to True
Kimberly: "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know that anyone was there."
Serpentwyne Avatar: "I've come for Serpentwyne."
Cursing Avatar: "Cursing in the cathedral, are we?"
Bye Avatar: "Don't let me disturb you. Goodbye."
Kimberly: "Oh, Avatar! Tell me, have you any sign of the missing Serpent or that treacherous wench Aria?"
Kimberly: "If we do not find them soon, I'm afraid that the insidious cancer of the Serpent's venom will soon pollute our fair Britannia!"
Remind Avatar: "I need to refresh my memory concerning the missing Serpent."
Bye 2 Avatar: "I will look for the missing Serpent. Farewell."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Kimberly: "Avatar, dearest friend. The Serpent is back and producing Serpentwyne at full speed."
Kimberly: "Soon, all of Britannia will once again have access to its healing power."
If First_Kimberly_Convo2 is True
Set First_Kimberly_Convo2 to True
Kimberly: "Here, take these two vials of Serpentwyne from our first batch. It is not much, but perhaps they will come in handy."
Avatar: "Thank you, priestess."
Add 2 Serpentwyne vials to Avatar's Inventory
If Money_Quest_Received is False
If Kimberly_Money_Quest_Refused_C is False
Kimberly: "Oh, Avatar, it is so good to see you. It seems that we need your help again."
Update Avatar: "How are things these days?"
Help Avatar: "What do you need, Kimberly?"
Bye 3 Avatar: "I've got to go now. Goodbye."
Kimberly: "Hello, Avatar. Have you changed your mind about helping us get our money back?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I'll help you find the money."
No Avatar: "No, I just don't have time for that right now."
If Kimberly_Money_Returned_C is False
If Kimberly_One_Small_Problem_C is False
Kimberly: "Hello, Avatar! Have you found our money yet?"
If Killigan_Wont_Give_Cash_C is True or Avatar Bag of Charity Funds
If Avatar has Bag of Charity Funds
Avatar: "Yes, here it is."
Remove Bag of Charity Funds from Avatar's Inventory
Add Bag of Charity Funds to Kimberly's Inventory
Set Kimberly_Money_Returned_C to True
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1
Kimberly,"Thank you so much! You are truly blessed! Goodbye."
Avatar: "I found the money, but there's a problem. Killigan will not give me the money, but I'm working on it."
Kimberly: "Thank you so much for all of this. Please just let me know if you're able to get the money away from that horrible man."
Set Kimberly_One_Small_Problem_C to True
Avatar: "No, I'm still looking into it."
Kimberly: "Well, thank you for continuing to look."
Kimberly: "Hello, Avatar. Have you managed to get the money away from that awful Killigan yet?"
If Avatar has Bag of Charity Funds
Avatar: "Yes, here it is."
Remove Bag of Charity Funds from Avatar's Inventory
Add Bag of Charity Funds to Kimberly's Inventory
Set Kimberly_Money_Returned_C to True
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1
Kimberly,"Thank you so much! You are truly blessed! Goodbye."
Avatar: "Not yet."
Kimberly: "Thank you so much for all of this. Please just let me know if you're able to get the money away from that horrible man."
Kimberly: "Remember the power of love, Avatar. It will serve you well."


Kimberly: "I suppose nothing is sacred anymore. I'm very sorry, my name is Kimberly. Who might you be?"
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar."
Friend Avatar: "Oh, I'm just a friend."
Serpentwyne Avatar: "I've come for Serpentwyne."
Bye Avatar: "Don't let me disturb you. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "If you're a friend then you won't mind telling me who you are. I'm sorry, but I've had some trouble with people claiming to be friends lately so I'm a little guarded."
Avatar: "Certainly, I am the Avatar."
Go to Avatar


Kimberly: "Yes, I thought you looked familiar. I've seen you in the tapestry. Well my goodness, the Avatar. It is good to have you back in Britannia."
Serpentwyne Avatar: "I've come for Serpentwyne."
Bye Avatar: "Don't let me disturb you. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "Really? Well, I'll add your name to the list then."
Wrong Avatar: "Please tell me what's wrong."
Wrong Avatar: "I have no patience for your riddles woman, explain yourself."
Bye Avatar: "Don't let me disturb you. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "The Silver Serpent is gone, and I fear there will be no more Serpentwyne for quite some time."
Kimberly: "You see, not long ago, a young woman joined our order as a novice."
Kimberly: "She seemed to be true, but there had been rumors that she was frequenting Britain's taverns, drinking with pirates and such."
Kimberly: "I did not believe the rumors at first, but now I curse myself for such blindness. Last week I awoke to find the Serpent and Aria, our young novice, gone."
Set Kimberly_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Kimberly, a priestess at the Cathedral of Love, told me that their Silver Serpent was stolen by a novice named Aria. Without the serpent, the monks can't make Serpentwyne. Kimberly thinks that Aria may have been a pirate posing as a novice."
Novice Avatar: "So, you think that the novice is responsible?"
Novice Avatar: "What do you think happened?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Thank you for your time. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "Yes, I think that the novice never intended to become a priestess. It was all a cunning ruse designed to gain access to the Serpent."
Kimberly: "She must have had magical aid, or been a mage herself, to have abducted him."
Kimberly: "You see the Silver Serpent possesses magic of it's own, and unless it was imprisoned somehow, it could magically transport itself back to the cathedral."
Kimberly: "And now, with the Serpent gone, we have a Serpentwyne shortage and the threat of Serpent Venom being sold."
Where Avatar: "Do you have any idea where the serpent might be?"
Shortage Avatar: "Why is there a shortage of Serpentwyne?"
Venom Avatar: "What threat does the venom pose?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Thank you for your time. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "We have developed a secret process through which we refine the insidious venom into the healing Serpentwyne."
Kimberly: "But now with the Serpent gone, Serpentwyne is in great demand. I expect that whoever has the Serpent is planning on hoarding the Serpentwyne and only selling it when people are desperate enough to pay exorbitant prices for the smallest amounts."
Where Avatar: "Do you have any idea where the serpent might be?"
Venom Avatar: "What threat does the venom pose?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Thank you for your time. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "Well, whoever has the Serpent may be planning to extract the Serpent's venom to sell it."
Kimberly: "The venom works as an insidious drug and is very dangerous. If people become addicted to the venom, they might do anything to purchase more of it."
Where Avatar: "Do you have any idea where the serpent might be?"
Shortage Avatar: "Why is there a shortage of Serpentwyne?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Thank you for your time. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "No, Avatar. I do not know where they've taken the Serpent."
Kimberly: "I doubt that it is within the city of Britain, for Lord British has searched the city at our behest."
Kimberly: "If you encounter a place where there is Serpentwyne or Serpent Venom in abundance the Serpent itself can not be far."
Venom Avatar: "What threat does the venom pose?"
Shortage Avatar: "Why is there a shortage of Serpentwyne?"
Bye Avatar: "Don't let me disturb you. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "Why yes, of course, Avatar. I know that you have a great many things that you must deal with."
Kimberly: "Please, feel free to ask me anything. I would be happy to remind you."
Where 2 Avatar: "Do you have any idea where the serpent might be?"
Venom 2 Avatar: "What's wrong with serpent venom?"
Serpentwyne 2 Avatar: "What can you tell me about Serpentwyne?"
Bye Avatar: "I will keep an eye out for the missing Serpent. Farewell."

Serpentwyne 2

Kimberly: "Serpentwyne is a magical healing fluid, it restores health, cures disease and prolongs the lives of the elderly."
Kimberly: "Without Serpentwyne, many people have died who could have been saved."
Where 2 Avatar: "Do you have any idea where the serpent might be?"
Venom 2 Avatar: "What's wrong with serpent venom?"
Bye Avatar: "I will keep an eye out for the missing Serpent. Farewell."

Venom 2

Kimberly: "Oh, Avatar! This is no ordinary serpent."
Kimberly: "Venom from the Silver Serpent is insidious and terrible. It temporarily increases the user's strength and makes him nearly impossible to kill."
Kimberly: "But within hours after taking the Serpent Venom, the user wants more. He will do nearly anything to get it; lie, cheat, steal or even kill, just to get another dose."
Kimberly: "Without frequent doses, the Venom begins to eat at the user's body causing incredible pain and finally death."
Where 2 Avatar: "Do you have any idea where the serpent might be?"
Serpentwyne 2 Avatar: "What can you tell me about Serpentwyne?"
Bye Avatar: "I will keep an eye out for the missing Serpent. Farewell."

Where 2

Kimberly: "No, Avatar. I do not know where they've taken the Serpent."
Kimberly: "I doubt that it is within the city of Britain, for Lord British has searched the city at our behest."
Kimberly: "If you encounter a place where there is Serpentwyne or Serpent Venom in abundance the Serpent itself can not be far."
Set Kimberly_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "Supposedly if I find a place that has the Serpent Venom, the Silver Serpent will be nearby."
Venom 2 Avatar: "What's wrong with serpent venom?"
Serpentwyne 2 Avatar: "What can you tell me about Serpentwyne?"
Bye Avatar: "I will keep an eye out for the missing Serpent. Farewell."



Bye 2

Kimberly: "Farewell."


Kimberly: "As far as the city is concerned, things are quite good. We here in the cathedral have a bit of a problem, though."
Go to Help


Kimberly: "Before the shrine was cleansed, the mayor took money that we had set aside to help the poor."
Kimberly: "Now that the shrine has been cleansed, the mayor said that the money would be returned to us, but his assistant has refused to return it."
Set Kimberly_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Kimberly told me today that some funds she had collected for the poor were stolen by the mayor and his assistant. Perhaps I'll talk to Aidon about it."
Killigan Avatar: "Does Killigan have the money?"
Why Avatar: "Why did they take your money?"
Bye 3 Avatar: "I've got to go now. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "I don't know who has it. No one will talk to me about it. Still, if I had to guess, I would suspect that Killigan is behind this. He is just not a nice man, Avatar."
Why Avatar: "Why did they take your money?"
Bye 3 Avatar: "I've got to go now. Goodbye."


Kimberly: "They said that they could use the money to help the poor better than we could. Will you help us get the money back? We could help a great many people with it."
Yes Avatar: "I'll try to find your money."
No Avatar: "I'm really too busy for this. Maybe later."


Kimberly: "Thank you very much, Avatar. I do appreciate all of your help. Farewell."
Set Money_Quest_Received to True


Kimberly: "Well, this saddens me, but I understand. Perhaps you can help later."
Set Kimberly_Money_Quest_Refused_C to True

Bye 3

Kimberly: "Farewell, Avatar."


Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) inside Boyer Shop

If Leon is in area Area_Britain_Boyer_Shop
If First_Boyer_Shop_Convo is False
Set First_Boyer_Shop_Convo to True
Leon: "Greetings, friend! I see that you found my shop."
Leon: "Greetings, my friend!"

Triggered Entrance after Leon Training

Leon: "...and so there you have it. That's about all that I can teach you. Feel free to stay here and practice if you'd like. Goodbye."

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Leon: "Hello, friend."

Enter Conversation

If Leon is in area Area_Britain_Boyer_Shop
If Met_Leon is False
Set Met_Leon to True
Leon: "I am Leon, the Boyer. I sell bows and arrows."
Leon: "I have a range out back if you'd like to practice, or I can offer you a bit of training."
Leon: "Of course, if you don't need to practice, I can just show you my list of goods for sale."
Train Avatar: "I'm in need of training. What's your price for that?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #193
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No, thank you. I must be going."
Else If Leon is in area Area_Britain_Town_Square
Leon: "Magnificent speech, wouldn't you say, friend?"
Leon: "You look like you're new in town. My name's Leon, I'm the local boyer."
Leon: "You ever need archery tackle, you come see old Leon! Farewell, friend."
Set Met_Leon
Leon: "Hello, friend."
If Met_Leon is False
Leon: "I am Leon, the boyer here in town. Come on by if you need any archery tackle!"
Set Met_Leon to True
Leon: "Come by my shop if you need any archery tackle."
Leon: "I'd love to chat, but I must get back to my shop."


Open Buy GUMP with book #192
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP


Open Sell GUMP with book #193
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP


Leon: "Farewell, my friend."

Anything Else

Leon: "Is there anything else I can do for you?"
Train Avatar: "I'm in need of training. What's your price for that?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #193
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No, thank you. I must be going."


Leon: "Need some training, eh? Well, for only 300 gold I can teach you a smart triple shot skill that is quite handy. How's that sound?"
Yes Avatar: "That sounds fine."
No Avatar: "No, thank you."


Leon: "Well, be sure to let me know if you change your mind."
Buy Avatar: "I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #193
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Leon: "Alright then, let's take a look at you."
If Avatar has Dexterity greater or equal to level 2
If Ranged Skill is Level 1
Leon: "Then that'll be 300 gold, please."
If Avatar has at least 300 gold
Remove 300 Gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 300 Gold to Leon's Inventory
Leon: "Alright, follow me out to the range."
Leon: "The most important thing to remember about archery is to be relaxed. You can't shoot straight if you have a death grip on the bow. Be relaxed and don't be nervous. Now..."
Activate Leon's Second Trigger
Avatar: "I do not have 300 gold."
Leon: "I'm sorry. I cannot train you for free. Farewell."
Leon: "Hmm, I don't think that there's anything that I can teach you. Tell you what, there's a fellow in Yew named Raliegh that teaches a more advanced style of archery."
Leon: "You may want to look him up."
Buy Avatar: "I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #193
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No, thank you. I must be going."
Leon: "You know, you're going to need to practice a bit more before my training will make sense."
Leon: "You should go and do a little more adventuring. Come back when you know a little more and this shot will make sense to you."
Buy Avatar: "I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #193
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Proximity Enter

If Margery is not in area Area_Britain_Town_Square
If Weather is Bad
(noncinematic) Margery: "I am done sweeping for the day, you will have to clean up after yourself."
Margery: "Look at what you just did! Did you not see that pile of dirt?"
Margery: "You just kicked and spread it all over!"

Enter Conversation

Margery: "How inspiring! Isn't the mayor a wise and goodly man?"
Margery: "I'm telling you, he's one of the decent people in this city."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Mayor Avatar: "Why is the mayor wise and goodly?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Margery: "Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Margery. I'm a street sweeper here in Britain."
Mayor Avatar: "Why is the mayor wise and goodly?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Margery: "You're obviously not from around here are you?"
Margery: "The mayor saved the city by getting rid of all of the free loaders and invalids."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Margery: "Hmm? Oh, yes, goodbye. Nice meeting you."


Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) Before Goblin's death

Meribeth: "Avatar!"
Meribeth: "Help me! Please!"
Meribeth: "Get away from me you nasty thing! Help!"
Meribeth: "Yuck! You're slobbering on me!"
Meribeth: "Get away from me! Somebody help!!"

Triggered Entrance After Goblin's death

Meribeth: "Oh, thank you Avatar."
Meribeth: "You're my knight in shining armor!"
Set Mayor_Daughter_Saved to True

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Meribeth: "Coughing..."

Enter Conversation

Set Meribeth_Met_By_Avatar_C to True
If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If Mayor_Daughter_Saved is False
If MayorDaughter_Quest_Received is False
Meribeth: "Oh! I didn't know someone was there!"
Meribeth: "My, you're a handsome one. Perhaps you'd like to take me out to the tavern?"
If Meribeth_Name_Known_C is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Health Avatar: "Are you feeling alright?"
Mayor Avatar: "Do you know the mayor?"
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know where the sigil might be?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
(noncinematic) Meribeth: "Avatar!"
(noncinematic) Meribeth: "Help me! Please!")
Meribeth: "Thank you so much for saving me, Avatar. You truly are a hero."
Avatar: "So, will you be going back to Britain now?"
Meribeth: "No, I've decided to stay here in Paws for a while. I've seen how the people here have been suffering, and I want to help."
Meribeth: "I think that since my life has been saved, it should have a purpose, and I want that purpose to be helping others."
Avatar: "That's very compassionate of you. Well, goodbye, Meribeth."
Meribeth: "Goodbye!"
Meribeth: "Ah, Avatar."
Meribeth: "Thank you again for saving me from that monster."
If Avatar has Serpentwyne is True and Meribeth_Given_Wyne_C is False
Donate Avatar: "I have a healing potion to spare. Please take it."
Date Avatar: "Glad to be of service. How about a date?"
Better Avatar: "Feeling better?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Cheers, I'll be on my way."


Set Meribeth_Name_Known_C to True
Meribeth: "I'm Meribeth, and you're the Avatar, aren't you?"
Avatar: "What makes you think that?"
Meribeth: "I've seen you in the Tapestry of Ages. You're very handsome."
If Has_Seen_Tapestry is False
Tapestry Avatar: "What is the Tapestry of Ages?"
Tapestry 2 Avatar: "Oh yes, it seems that everyone in this town knows me from the tapestry."
Health Avatar: "Are you feeling alright?"
Mayor Avatar: "Do you know the mayor?"
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know where the sigil might be?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Meribeth: "Oh, it's a big beautiful tapestry that depicts all of your wonderful adventures here in Britannia."
Meribeth: "It hangs in the museum here in Britain. You should go and see it."
If Meribeth_Name_Known_C is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Health Avatar: "Are you feeling alright?"
Mayor Avatar: "Do you know the mayor?"
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know where the sigil might be?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."

Tapestry 2

Meribeth: "Well, I should think so! It's very famous, and so are you."
If Meribeth_Name_Known_C is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Health Avatar: "Are you feeling alright?"
Mayor Avatar: "Do you know the mayor?"
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know where the sigil might be?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Meribeth: "Of course I know the mayor, I'm his daughter."
Meribeth: "He's a good and compassionate man."
If Meribeth_Name_Known_C is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Health Avatar: "Are you feeling alright?"
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know where the sigil might be?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Meribeth: "I'm perfectly fine."
If Meribeth_Name_Known_C is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Mayor Avatar: "Do you know the mayor?"
If Knows_About_Sigil is True
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know where the sigil might be?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Meribeth: "My father most likely knows."
Set Meribeth_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met Meribeth, the mayor's daughter today. She told me that her father may know where the Sigil of Compassion is."
If Meribeth_Name_Known_C is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Health Avatar: "Are you feeling alright?"
Mayor Avatar: "Do you know the mayor?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Meribeth: "Farewell, handsome."


Meribeth: "Yes, I've been cured of my little sickness, but now I feel that I must minister to others, Avatar."
Meribeth: "What a selfish life I was leading: shopping, flirting wantonly, staring at myself in the mirror..."
Meribeth: "Somehow my time in Paws has allowed me to see the value in helping others."
If Meribeth_Given_Wyne_C is False
Meribeth: "If you'd like to contribute some healing potion, I'd be much obliged."
If Avatar has Serpentwyne is True and Meribeth_Given_Wyne_C is False
Donate Avatar: "I have a healing potion to spare. Please take it."
Date Avatar: "Glad to be of service. How about a date?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Cheers, I'll be on my way."


Set Meribeth_Given_Wyne_C to True
Remove Serpentwyne from Avatar's Inventory
Meribeth: "Thank you. You truly are a compassionate man."
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1 point
Date Avatar: "Glad to be of service. How about a date?"
Better Avatar: "Feeling better?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Cheers, I'll be on my way."


Meribeth: "I'd love to Avatar, but I've dedicated myself to helping the people of Paws."
Meribeth: "I know, now, what it is to have been down-trodden."
If Meribeth_Given_Wyne_C is False
Meribeth: "If you'd like to contribute some healing potion, I'd be much obliged."
If Avatar has Serpentwyne is True and Meribeth_Given_Wyne_C is False
Donate Avatar: "I have a healing potion to spare. Please take it."
Better Avatar: "Feeling better?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Cheers, I'll be on my way."


Triggered Entrance when Nico is in jail in Cove and the Door is locked

If Avatar doesn't have the Nicodemus Jail Key
If Knows_About_Key is False
Nicodemus: "Good stranger! Help me, I beg you! Please help me!"
Name Avatar: "Who are you? Why have you been put in this jail?"
Help Avatar: "How may I help you, friend?"
Sorry Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I'm on a quest to save Britannia."
Nicodemus: "Please, help me. You must find the key before they come for me. Please, help me."
If Knows_About_Key is False
(noncinematic) Nicodemus: "My friend, you've returned! Oh, thank the stars! You've come back to free me!"
(noncinematic) Nicodemus: "Hurry, get me out of here before the First Citizen and his goons show up."
(noncinematic) Nicodemus: "Oh, thank the stars! Have you come to free me?"
(noncinematic) Nicodemus: "Hurry, get me out of here before the First Citizen and his goons show up."

Triggered Entrance when Nico is in jail in Cove and the Door is unlocked

Nicodemus: "Thank you, my friend. Thank you for freeing me."
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is True
First Citizen 2 Avatar: "There's no need to worry about the First Citizen anymore, Nico."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye Nico."
First Citizen 2 Avatar: "There's no need to worry about the First Citizen anymore."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."

Enter Conversation

If Nicodemus_Freed is False
Nicodemus: "Help me, please!"
If Nicodemus is in area Area_Britain_Magic_Shop
Nicodemus: "Hello! How good to see you again. I am so grateful to you for saving me."
Cove Avatar: "How are things in Cove?"
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is True
Moongates Avatar: "Nico, you're a mage. Have you noticed anything odd about the moongates?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye Nico."
Moongates Avatar: "You're a mage. Have you noticed anything odd about the moongates?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."
(noncinematic) Nicodemus: "I must get back to my shop now. Should you ever need reagents, just stop by."


Nicodemus: "My name is Nico. I sell reagents and other magical items in Britain. I came here to get my brother out of Cove. I was arrested during the riot, but I've done nothing wrong!"
Set Knows_Nicodemus_Name to True
If Knows_About_Key is False
Help Avatar: "How may I help you, friend?"
Sorry Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I'm on a quest to save Britannia."
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye Nico."


Nicodemus: "What? What do you mean you're trying to save Britannia? If you're unwilling to help a single person, how do you propose to save the whole land? Please, sir, help me! I'm begging you!"
Help Avatar: "How may I help you, friend?"
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is False
Name Avatar: "Who are you? Why have you been put in this jail?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye Nico."


Nicodemus: "If you can find the key to these cells, you can free me. Please hurry, my life depends on you, stranger!"
Set Knows_About_Key to True
Diary: "I need to find the key to release Nico, the reagent seller from Britain, who came here to rescue his brother and was thrown in jail."
First Citizen Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the First Citizen?"
Life Avatar: "Your life depends on me?"
Key Avatar: "Where is the key?"
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is False
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye Nico."


Nicodemus: "I don't know. I know almost nothing of this town. All that I do know is that I will die soon, if I don't get out of here."
Life Avatar: "Your life depends on me?"
First Citizen Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the First Citizen?"
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is False
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye Nico."

First Citizen

Nicodemus: "Only that he's a maniac. He'll kill anyone who gets in his way or disagrees with him."
Nicodemus: "I did nothing more than try to help my brother get out of here and I got thrown into this jail! Oh, please help me."
Life Avatar: "Your life depends on me?"
Brother Avatar: "Who is your brother?"
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is False
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye Nico."


Nicodemus: "Yes. The First Citizen has decided to perform human sacrifices, and I'm scheduled soon!"
Set Nico_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I've got to rescue Nico before they use him for a human sacrifice!"
First Citizen Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the First Citizen?"
Brother Avatar: "Who is your brother?"
Sacrifices Avatar: "He performs human sacrifices?"
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is False
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye Nico."


Nicodemus: "His name is Malcolm. He's my younger brother and a good man. He came to Minoc because he believed in the virtue of Sacrifice."
Nicodemus: "When this maniac rose to power, Malcolm stood up to him. When I got his letter telling me of what was happening down here, I came to get him out of here and take him back to Britain."
Nicodemus: "The last time I saw Malcolm, he was being taken out to be sacrificed on the Shrine. Such a horrible perversion of the virtue! Oh, I will miss him"
Life Avatar: "Your life depends on me?"
First Citizen Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the First Citizen?"
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is False
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye Nico."+LIFE+translate(Avatar,/*Avatar*/"Your life depends on me?"


Nicodemus: "Yes, he's a mad man! He believes that by sacrificing someone, he can repair the Shrine. It's horrific!"
First Citizen Avatar: "Can you tell me anything about the First Citizen?"
Brother Avatar: "Who is your brother?"
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is False
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Very well. Goodbye Nico."


Nicodemus: "I will await your return stranger. Please hurry! Good luck!"

First Citizen 2

Nicodemus: "Why? What do you mean?"
If First_Citizen_Dead is True
Avatar: "I had to kill him. He had the keys to these cells and the only way to get them was to kill him."
Nicodemus: "Don't sound so downcast. You did a great thing! I don't normally advocate killing, but in this case it was most justified."
Avatar: "He has seen the error of his ways and has given up power and renounced violence."
Nicodemus: "You'll forgive me if I'm somewhat skeptical. I've seen what that mad man is like, and I'm not sure that I believe that he can change."
Nicodemus: "To show my gratitude for all that you've done for me, I'd like to teach you a ritual that will aid you in your travels."
Nicodemus: "I just realized that I never got your name, stranger. What is your name? I owe you my life, I should at least know who to thank."
Ritual Avatar: "What ritual are you talking about?"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
No One Avatar: "I am no one of importance."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."


Nicodemus: "It's called the 'return' ritual. It will allow you to use Moongates to quickly travel from one part of the world to another."
Nicodemus: "To use it, go to a circle of stones, which are usually near the shrines. When you enter the circle, place this Orb of the Moons on the ground."
Nicodemus: "Once the Orb is placed, you may then speak the mantra of the shrine that is nearest where you wish to go."
Nicodemus: "For example, if you want to travel to Moonglow, say out loud the mantra 'ahm' and you will summon a Moongate that will take you to Verity Isle where the Shrine of Honesty resides."
Nicodemus: "It is important to note that you can only be teleported to shrines that have been restored. The Orb of the Moons will automatically be returned to your inventory."
Add Orb of the Moons to Avatar's Inventory
Set Nico_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Nico taught me a ritual that will help me travel, called the 'Return Ritual'. I need to find and enter a circle of stones, which I can find near the shrines. Then I need to place the Orb of the Moons on the ground, speak the mantra of the shrine that is nearest where I want to go, and I'll teleport there. It is important to note that you can only be teleported to shrines that have been restored."
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
No One Avatar: "I am no one of importance."


Nicodemus: "Really? You're the Avatar? Well, I should have known! Oh my, I'm...well...that is to say, I'm sorry."
Nicodemus: "I'm just overwhelmed to meet you, Avatar! Of course, I should have known. Listen, Avatar, should you ever need reagents, come see me in Britain."
Nicodemus: "I'll take good care of you. Until then, farewell Avatar."

No One

Nicodemus: "A hero and humble to boot, eh? What are you, another coming of the Avatar?"
Nicodemus: "Well, whoever you are, I am most grateful. Should you ever need reagents, come see me in Britain."
Nicodemus: "I'll take good care of you. Until then, farewell."
Set Nico_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "Nico has told me that if I ever need reagents to come find him in Britain, and that he will take care of me."


Nicodemus: "Well, I left immediately after you rescued me from that jail. But, from what I've heard, things are much better in Cove now."
Buy Avatar: "May I see a list of your goods?"
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is True
Moongates Avatar: "Nico, you're a mage. Have you noticed anything odd about the moongates?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye Nico."
Moongates Avatar: "You're a mage. Have you noticed anything odd about the moongates?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."


Nicodemus: "Normally, they work in conjunction with the moons. Now the only way to get them to work is the Return ritual that I taught you."
Cove Avatar: "How are things in Cove?"
Buy Avatar: "May I see a list of your goods?"
If Avatar has Items on Sell List 195
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is True
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye Nico."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."


Nicodemus: "Of course, I have excellent prices."
If Guild_Accepted is True
Nicodemus: "Oh, and I see that you are a member of the Guild to boot! Between being in the Guild and saving me in Cove, you'll get rock-bottom prices!"
Open Buy GUMP with book #194
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP


Open Sell GUMP with book #195
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Nicodemus: "Would you like anything else?"
Buy Avatar: "May I see a list of your goods?"
If Avatar has Items on Sell List 195
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
If Knows_Nicodemus_Name is True
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye Nico."
Bye 2 Avatar: "Goodbye."

Bye 2



Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Nimrond: "Bring out your sick and poor!"
Nimrond: "Bring out your donations!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Nimrond: "Hello, name's Nimrond. I take all of the poor and sick folk out to Paws."
If Pipe_Quest_Received is True and Pip_Quest_Complete is False
Valve Avatar: "Do you have the valve for the windmill?"
Job Avatar: "Who gave you this job?"
Paws Avatar: "How do I get to Paws?"
Bye Avatar: "Thanks for the information, carry on."
Nimrond: "Greetings Avatar! There has been a change in policy: I no longer have to cart off the poor and sick to Paws. Now I take medicine to the people there."
Nimrond: "The sick are finally being cared for. Isn't that wonderful?"
Good Avatar: "It is good that you no longer cart people to Paws."
Good Avatar: "A fine idea."
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry cart driver, but I'm busy. Farewell."


Nimrond: "Go through the gate in the southwest corner of the city and follow the path west. Take the left route at every fork you encounter."
Nimrond: "After a bit, you'll cross a bridge and then you're in Paws."
If Pipe_Quest_Received is True and Pip_Quest_Complete is False
Valve Avatar: "Do you have the valve for the windmill?"
Job Avatar: "Who gave you this job?"
Bye Avatar: "Thanks for the information, carry on."


Nimrond: "Killigan, the mayor's assistant gave me this position. I'm grateful for the work, but I've to be honest: I don't like that man very much."
Nimrond: "There's something very wrong about him."
If Pipe_Quest_Received is True and Pip_Quest_Complete is False
Valve Avatar: "Do you have the valve for the windmill?"
Killigan Avatar: "What's wrong with Killigan?"
Paws Avatar: "How do I get to Paws?"
Bye Avatar: "Thanks for the information, carry on."


Nimrond: "I'm supposed to cart the poor and sick off to Paws, right? Well, I'm also supposed to take food and medicine to them every week."
Nimrond: "But when I asked Killigan about the food and medicine, he told me not to worry about it, that it was taken care of."
Nimrond: "I checked into it and those poor folks aren't getting any help from Britain."
Set Nimrond_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met a man named Nimrond whose job is to cart the lame and sick people off to Paws. He seems a decent enough fellow (though rather odd), but doesn't think much of the mayor's assistant, Killigan. According to Nimrond, Killigan is a selfish, evil man."
If Pipe_Quest_Received is True and Pip_Quest_Complete is False
Valve Avatar: "Do you have the valve for the windmill?"
Mayor Avatar: "Have you told the mayor about this?"
Bye Avatar: "Thanks for the information, carry on."


Nimrond: "Well I tried to, but he wouldn't listen. He just kept telling me that if I had a problem, I should talk to Killigan about it."
Nimrond: "So I've been buying food for those poor people ever since I took this job."
Avatar: "You've been paying for their food yourself?"
Nimrond: "Yes, but please don't tell anyone. I don't want Killigan to find out."
If Pipe_Quest_Received is True and Pip_Quest_Complete is False
Valve Avatar: "Do you have the valve for the windmill?"
Job Avatar: "Who gave you this job?"
Paws Avatar: "How do I get to Paws?"
Bye Avatar: "Thanks for the information, carry on."


Nimrond: "No. I was to have paid the troll, but since the mayor's assistant didn't give me any money, I came up empty-handed and the troll attacked."
Nimrond: "I had to leave my old cart and the valve behind. No doubt the troll still has it."
Set Nimrond_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Nimrond mentioned to me that he lost the water replacement valve near the troll that's guarding the bridge to Paws, which is located to the west of Britain."
Set Talked_To_Nimrond to True
If Pipe_Quest_Received is True and Pip_Quest_Complete is False
Valve Avatar: "Do you have the valve for the windmill?"
Job Avatar: "Who gave you this job?"
Paws Avatar: "How do I get to Paws?"
Bye Avatar: "Thanks for the information, carry on."


Nimrond: "'Twas a sad mission to transport people to their doom. Remorselessness is a defeat of the heart."
Nimrond: "Bring out your donations!"




Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) at Shop

Olwyn: "Oh! Hello there."

Enter Conversation

Olwyn: "Welcome, Avatar! We have all manner of goods. What do you fancy?"
Avatar Avatar: "How did you know that I'm the Avatar?"
Buy Avatar: "Show me your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #190
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Nothing today, good lady."


Olwyn: "Well, word spreads quickly, Avatar. Oh, I'm sorry, I hope that I'm not being too familiar by calling you 'Avatar'."
Olwyn: "It's just that it is very exciting to have you back in Britannia!"
Buy Avatar: "Show me your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #190
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Nothing today, good lady."


If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Open Buy GUMP with book #188
Open Buy GUMP with book #189
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP


If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Open Sell GUMP with book #190
Open Sell GUMP with book #191
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Olwyn: "Thank you, will there be anything else?"
Buy Avatar: "Show me your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #190
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Nothing today, good lady."


If Raven_First_Convo_C is False
Olwyn: "Excuse me Avatar, should your adventures take you into the dungeon of Despise, could you keep an eye out for any valuable equipment that might be lying about."
Olwyn: "I sold most of my best inventory to a group who went to Despise and never returned."
Olwyn: "I would, of course, pay a fair price for anything you find."
Olwyn: "Goodbye."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Orson: "Hail and well met."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If Avatar has Glyph of Compassion is False
Orson: "Ah! Avatar! On your way to the dungeon of Despise?"
How Avatar: "How did you know I was going to Despise?"
Despise Avatar: "How do I find the dungeon?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."
Orson: "I see you made it out of Despise alive and well. Good job!"
If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Orson: "Avatar! I take it much has gone well with you! Do not let down your shield, there are still many things wrong with this world."
Orson: "My friends tell me that I see conspiracy and corruption everywhere, but I tell you that it is true!"
Orson: "Even the moons are off course! Look and see for yourself. There is still much to be done."
Orson: "Go in good health, Avatar!"
If False_Avatar_Revealed is False
Orson: "Hello Avatar, what are doing here? I thought you were still hiding out in the ruins."
Orson: "Did you come back to buy more drinks for the house?"
Ruins Avatar: "Ruins? What ruins?"
What Avatar: "What are you talking about?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."
Orson: "I heard that you caught the fellow who was impersonating you. That must have taken some nerve. Oh well, I suppose that's part of the price of fame."
Orson: "You take care of yourself Avatar."


Orson: "Well it's just down the road a bit, and you being the Avatar it just made sense that you'd be doing a bit of adventuring."
Suggestions Avatar: "Do you have any suggestions for what I'll need in Despise?"
Despise Avatar: "How do I find the dungeon?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Orson: "Make sure you've got some good, sturdy armor and a strong sword. Some healing potions would help and a bow is always a good idea."
Orson: "You're likely to run into all manner of beasts in that pit. Plus, you know what I always do before going down there?"
Orson: "I go and meditate at the shrine for peace and wisdom."
Despise Avatar: "How do I find the dungeon?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Orson: "Follow this path north and seek the entrance in the mountains to the east. If you pass that infernal column, you have gone too far."
Set Orson_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met an adventurer on the road today named Orson who told me that I could find the entrance to Despise just east of the column."
Despise Avatar: "How do I find the dungeon?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Orson: "What do you think I'm talking about? You've been causing all kinds of trouble sport: stealing goats, walking out on bar tabs."
Orson: "I'd be hiding out in those ruins too if I were you!"
Not Me Avatar: "I don't know who did those things, but it wasn't me."
Ruins Avatar: "Ruins? What ruins?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Orson: "Come on, you don't have to pretend with me."
Avatar: "I'm not pretending. What ruins are you talking about?"
Orson: "Hey, you're not kidding, are you? The ruins are out along the east coast of Britannia. Head out the east gate of Britain and keep heading east until you hit the coast."
Orson: "From there, the ruins are just a short distance north. There isn't a path to the north, but if you do some climbing you'll get there."
Set Orson_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "I ran into a man named Orson who, for some reason, claimed that he saw me hiding in some ruins out along the east coast of Britannia. To get there, I should head out the east gate of Britain and keep heading east until I hit the coast. From there, the ruins are just a short climb to the north."
Not Me Avatar: "I don't know who did those things, but it wasn't me."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."

Not Me

Orson: "Hey, I want to believe you. This kind of behavior isn't befitting the Avatar. If it wasn't you doing it, you've got a twin running around out there."
Orson: "I think maybe you better go explore those ruins and see if you find out what's going on."
Ruins Avatar: "Ruins? What ruins?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


If First_Orson_Exit is False
Set First_Orson_Exit to True
Orson: "If you don't mind some advice, Avatar, you will need to keep your wits about you in Despise."
Orson: "Just a few days ago, a group of ill-intentioned louts headed that way and I doubt they are interested in sharing what lies within."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Peiter: "Hello there, mate."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
Peiter: "What are we to do now?"
Peiter: "Greetings, me Bucko!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Peiter: "Aye Bucko!"
Peiter: "I'm going to get me a bottle of rum and get piss drunk. I'm sick of working today, mate."
Peiter: "Would ye like to join me?"
Can't Avatar: "I would love to, but I have a lot of traveling to do."
Bye Avatar: "No thank you. Farewell."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is False
If Raven_Rescued is False
If Raven_Arrested is False
Peiter: "Bucko!"
Peiter: "Come 'round for a celebratory bottle of rum?"
Cleansing Avatar: "How are things since the Shrine of Compassion was cleansed?"
Bye Avatar: "No thanks, I must be on my way."
Peiter: "Avatar! It's a good thing you're here!"
Peiter: "That gal you've been travelin' with, Raven, she's been arrested and dragged off to Yew! You'd better be getting up there if you ever want to see that woman again!"
Peiter: "I have a sister there, she can help ya."
Set Peiter_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "Peiter told me that Raven has been arrested and taken to Yew for trial, where the penalty is death! He said to talk to his sister Lucy, the barmaid in Yew, for help."
Arrested Avatar: "What was Raven arrested for?"
Sister Avatar: "What's your sister's name?"
Raven Avatar: "Will they put Raven in jail?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Peiter. Goodbye."
Peiter: "Good to see ya, mate."
If First_DockWorker_Convo is False
Set First_DockWorker_Convo to True
Peiter: "Word has it that you stole the farmer's goat! Atta boy! Keep 'em guessing!"
Steal Avatar: "I didn't steal anyone's goat!"
Leave Avatar: "I haven't got time for this."
Peiter: "Good to see ya, mate."


Peiter: "Well then, traveling by ship is the only way to see Britannia! 'Course, you'll be needin' a ship's captain and all."
Peiter: "Say, what about that pirate girl, Raven? She's a comely wench and she's got her own ship to boot!"
Peiter: "Tell you what, mate. Why don't you stick around and have a drink? Who knows, if you stay here long enough, maybe you'll catch sight of her."
Peiter: "What do you say; care to stay here and get drunk?"
Set Peiter_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met a derelict dock worker named Peiter who told me there's a local pirate woman, Raven, who may transport me around."
Can't 2 Avatar: "Have you considered watering down your rum?"
Can't 2 Avatar: "I'd love to, but Britannia is in danger."
Bye Avatar: "Maybe some other time. Farewell."

Can't 2

Peiter: "Oh! Too good for the likes of me, eh? Well shove off then! Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may get dragged off to Paws!"


Peiter: "All me mates are back from Paws! We all went out and got bloody pissed!"
Peiter: "Even the ghosts are much happier now, so all is good."
Ghosts Avatar: "Ghosts?"
Bye Avatar: "Excellent news. Farewell."


Peiter: "Oh aye, the ghosts of the pirates who went down with their ships. They've been roaming Britain for centuries. Sometimes, we catch sight of them at night, drinkin' their rum and toastin' the afterlife."
Set Peiter_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Peiter spoke of ghosts of pirates who went down with their ships, who are sometimes seen at night drinking rum and toasting the afterlife."


Peiter: "Some trumped up charge of destroyin' the Gargoyle nation, if ye can believe that."
Peiter: "They'll be holdin' a trial for sure, but I can already tell ya that she'll be found guilty, Avatar. That's the way that justice is dispensed in Yew, these days."
Sister Avatar: "What's your sister's name?"
Raven Avatar: "Will they put Raven in jail?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Peiter. Goodbye."


Peiter: "I calls her Luce, though she prefers ta be called Lucy. She's a barmaid there in Yew and she can help ya out for sure."
Peiter: "Just tell her that you're my friend, Avatar, and Luce'll help ya out in any way that she can."
Arrested Avatar: "What was Raven arrested for?"
Raven Avatar: "Will they put Raven in jail?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Peiter. Goodbye."


Peiter: "Only long enough for them ta get around to executin' her. I'm tellin' ya, Avatar, there's but one punishment for most crimes in Yew and that's death. You'd better hurry if ya want ta save her."
Peiter: "Sad thing is, there's no ships about ta carry ya there, so you'll have ta get there over land."
Arrested Avatar: "What was Raven arrested for?"
Sister Avatar: "What's your sister's name?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Peiter. Goodbye."




Peiter: "Oh, of course you didn't, mate!"
Peiter: "We never do them things. I'm sure that goat just wandered off by herself!"


Peiter: "Oh, well don't let me slow you down, matey. I'm sure that you have more important work to do!"


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
"Oh, please, sir...please, sir..."
Renald: "Avatar! Our city is once again a place of compassion and love. If you share the spirit of giving, I could sure use a few spare coins!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Renald: "Please, sir, I must have ten gold pieces to pay my taxes! If I can not pay, I will be sent away to Paws. Please, help me!"
If the Avatar has 10 gold
Taxes Avatar: "What taxes do you have to pay?"
Give Avatar: "Here is 10 gold. Spend it wisely."
No Give Avatar: "Earn your own gold, you deserve to be sent to Paws."
Sorry Avatar: Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I don't have ten gold pieces."
Avatar: "Sorry, I can not help you at this time."
Renald: "But what am I to do?"
Renald: "Can you spare ten gold pieces?"
If the Avatar has 10 gold
Give Avatar: "Here is 10 gold. Spend it wisely."
No Give Avatar: "My gold is my own, you filthy beggar."
Sorry Avatar: Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I don't have ten gold pieces."
Avatar: "Sorry, I can not help you at this time."


Renald: "It's the charity donation, really, but they're still taxes. Everyone is required to give 10 gold to charity every week."
Renald: "If you can't then you are too poor and a drain on the economy so you are sent to Paws."
Give Avatar: "Here is 10 gold. Spend it wisely."
No Give Avatar: "Earn your own gold, you deserve to be sent to Paws."
Sorry Avatar: Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I don't have ten gold pieces."


Remove 10 gold from the Avatar's Inventory
Renald: "Oh, thank you. Thank you, sir!"

No Give





Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Roprick: "Move along! Move along!"
Roprick: "Do you want to get carted off to Paws? Disperse now! Keep moving!"
Roprick: "Good day!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Roprick: "Unless you need to report someone, I'll have to ask you to move along."
Roprick: "We've got a lot of sick and poor people who need to be transported to Paws."
Roprick: "Why don't you move along now."
Roprick: "Things are much nicer 'round here these days, wouldn't you say, Avatar?"
Roprick: "My job has certainly gotten easier! Good day, then."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Sarah: "Compassion be with you."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
If Met_Sarah or Knows_About_Sigil is False
Sarah: "Greetings, Avatar. I am Sarah, the keeper of the Shrine. What's left of it, at least."
Sarah: "Surely you have been sent here to put things right."
Set Met_Sarah to True
Avatar Avatar: "How did you know that I am the Avatar?"
Shrine Avatar: "What's left of it? What happened to the Shrine?"
Right Avatar: "What do you mean 'put things right'?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."
Sarah: "Greetings, Avatar. I hope your quest goes well."
If Avatar doesn't have the Heart of Compassion
Sarah: "Have you found the sigil yet?"
Avatar: "No, I haven't. Do you know where it might be?"
Sarah: "Sadly, no. Perhaps if you meditate at the shrine it will enlighten you."
Sarah: "Avatar, it is imperative that you cleanse the shrine as quickly as possible. Please hurry, the people of Britain need your help!"
Sarah: "Greetings, Avatar, you have done well. The shrine has been returned to its pristine state. I can feel the compassion returning to Britain."
Sarah: "I'm certain that the people will soon return to the true virtue. Thank you, Avatar, for healing the shrine and the city."
Sarah: "I know that the other cities and other shrines must also be cleansed, but I know that you can do it. Thank you, and may the virtues guide you."


Sarah: "I see much that is hidden to others, Avatar. I know who you are, and why you have come back to Britannia."
Sarah: "You have come to heal the land and put things right."
Shrine Avatar: "What's left of it? What happened to the Shrine?"
Right Avatar: "What do you mean 'put things right'?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "Yes, the Shrine has fallen into a horrible state of disrepair."
Sarah: "Yes, I know that I am the Shrine keeper and that the upkeep of the Shrine is my duty. Under normal circumstances, the Shrine would not decay as it has."
Sarah: "We are not, however, living under normal circumstances, as is evidenced by the Shrine's decay."
Normal Avatar: "Do you think magical forces caused this?"
Decay Avatar: "How badly has the Shrine decayed?"
Right Avatar: "What do you mean 'put things right'?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "Yes, a very evil magic. The Shrine did not fall into decay slowly over time. I could have prevented that with normal care."
Sarah: "No, this damage was done quickly, at the same time that the Runes were lost."
Decay Avatar: "How badly has the Shrine decayed?"
Right Avatar: "What do you mean 'put things right'?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "Oh, it is terrible, Avatar. The place is a ruin. It hurts me even to think about it. You need to go and see it for yourself."
Normal Avatar: "Do you think magical forces caused this?"
Right Avatar: "What do you mean 'put things right'?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "Oh Avatar, surely you have seen how Britain has been corrupted: what was once the city of Compassion has become a den of ruthless, selfish people."
Sarah: "And Britain is not alone, all over Britannia the virtues and the people who once followed them have been perverted."
Perverted Avatar: "How have the virtues been perverted?"
Britain Avatar: "Why is Britain so lacking in compassion?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "Throughout Britannia, the cities that once championed the various virtues, now practice acts that are contrary to the virtues."
Sarah: "But the truly perverse part of it is that the people practice these horrible acts in the name of the virtues that they once upheld."
Sarah: "Hence we have people in Britain cruelly banishing invalids in supposed acts of compassion."
Britain Avatar: "Why is Britain so lacking in compassion?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "I am not sure of the cause, but I know one thing: the city lost its virtue when the Shrine became corrupted."
Sarah: "These occurrences can not be a coincidence. I feel certain that if the Shrine is cleansed, the city will return to its virtue."
Set Sarah_Journal_Flag_1 and Sarah_Journal_Flag_4 to True
Diary: "I met Sarah, the shrine keeper for Britain today, who gave me a lot of info about the shrine and about what's been happening in the world. I've broken it down as follows:"
Diary: "There are eight shrines, one dedicated to each of the virtues. In order to gain insight on a given virtue, I must go to the corresponding virtue's shrine and meditate using the proper mantra. The shrines have all been corrupted, but Sarah feels certain that as each Shrine is cleansed, the corresponding city will return to its virtue."
Cleanse Avatar: "How does one cleanse the Shrine?"
Cause Avatar: "Do you know what caused all of this?"
Corrupted Avatar: "The Shrine has been corrupted?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "Oh yes, where it was once pristine, it is now a ruin. You must go and see the Shrine, Avatar. It is a tragic sight to behold."
Cleanse Avatar: "How does one cleanse the Shrine?"
Cause Avatar: "Do you know what caused all of this?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "No, sadly, I do not. I know that there was a definite chain of events that preceded the corruption."
Sarah: "It began with the columns, then the sigil of Compassion disappeared, the runes disappeared, the Shrine became corrupt, and finally Britain lost its compassion."
Set Sarah_Journal_Flag_1 and Sarah_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "I met Sarah, the shrine keeper for Britain today, who gave me a lot of info about the shrine and about what's been happening in the world. I've broken it down as follows:"
Diary: "The columns are causing the perversion of the virtues in each of the towns. That means that there must be eight columns, one for each virtue."
Sigil Avatar: "What is a sigil?"
Columns Avatar: "What can you tell me about the columns?"
Cleanse Avatar: "How does one cleanse the Shrine?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "A sigil is the embodiment of a virtue. Each of the shrines has a corresponding sigil."
Sarah: "The Sigil of Compassion was kept in the city, but went missing just prior to the corruption of the Shrine."
Sarah: "If you can find the sigil, Avatar, I am certain that it will help you to cleanse the Shrine."
Set Knows_About_Sigil to True
Set Sarah_Journal_Flag_1 and Sarah_Journal_Flag_7 to True
Diary: "I met Sarah, the shrine keeper for Britain today, who gave me a lot of info about the shrine and about what's been happening in the world. I've broken it down as follows:"
Diary: "Sarah tells me that a sigil is the embodiment of a virtue, and each of the shrines has a corresponding sigil. The Sigil of Compassion is missing, and Sarah believes that it will help me to cleanse the Shrine."
Columns Avatar: "What can you tell me about the columns?"
Cleanse Avatar: "How does one cleanse the Shrine?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "I'm not sure. I'm certain that meditating at the shrine is part of the solution, but I also know that there is more."
Sarah: "You should go and consult the Shrine; perhaps it will tell you, the Champion of the virtues, what it could not tell me."
Columns Avatar: "What can you tell me about the columns?"
Mediate Avatar: "So I should meditate at the Shrine?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "I know that they are evil. Shortly after their appearance, I had a dream in which I saw the columns erupt from the ground."
Sarah: "My vision then took me deep into the dungeon of Despise, where I saw the column piercing into the deepest reaches of the dungeon."
Sarah: "Finally, I saw the Runes of the virtue being corrupted and twisted into evil glyphs. After that, my vision faded."
Sarah: "I know nothing more than what my vision revealed to me, Avatar."
Diary: "She also told me of a vision where she saw the runes of virtue being twisted into evil glyphs."
Sigil Avatar: "What is a sigil?"
Despise Avatar: "How do I find the dungeon of Despise?"
Mediate Avatar: "So I should meditate at the Shrine?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "Oh, indeed. The Shrine may reveal things to you that will help you on your quest."
Sarah: "Just remember that the mantra for the Shrine is 'Mu'. Repeat that word during your meditation, and it will aid you."
Set Sarah_Journal_Flag_1 and Sarah_Journal_Flag_5 to True
Diary: "I met Sarah, the shrine keeper for Britain today, who gave me a lot of info about the shrine and about what's been happening in the world. I've broken it down as follows:"
Diary: "The Mantra of Compassion is 'Mu'. I must chant this at the shrine when I meditate."
Sigil Avatar: "What is a sigil?"
Columns Avatar: "What can you tell me about the columns?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


Sarah: "Take the road east of Britain, follow the north branch. The entrance to Despise lies in the mountains, next to the column which corrupts our land."
Set Sarah_Journal_Flag_1 and Sarah_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "I met Sarah, the shrine keeper for Britain today, who gave me a lot of info about the shrine and about what's been happening in the world. I've broken it down as follows:"
Diary: "To get to Despise, I need to take the road east of Britain, and follow the north branch. The entrance to Despise lies in the mountains, next to the column."
Sigil Avatar: "What is a sigil?"
Columns Avatar: "What can you tell me about the columns?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Sarah."


If Avatar_Been_To_Shrine is False
Sarah: "Oh! I almost forgot. To get to the Shrine, or what is left of it, just take this road a little farther to the east and follow the path into the mountains."
Sarah: "Goodbye, Avatar. May the virtues guide you."

Sir Robin[edit]

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Sir Robin: "Hello milord."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is False
Sir Robin: "Yes? Can I help you with something?"
Name Avatar: "What's your name?"
Live Avatar: "Do you live here in Britain?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."
Sir Robin: "Hello, Avatar, howya doin? You're a hero, ya know that? I wanted to be a hero once, but I didn't have what it took but you're a real hero."
Sir Robin: "Everybody looks up to the Avatar 'cause he's a big hero! Well, what about the rest of us, huh? What about us?"
Sir Robin: "Am I so bad just 'cause I'm not a hero? Just 'cause I'm not as brave as you? Huh?"
Sir Robin: "Hey, I need another drink over here."


Sir Robin: "Perhaps. I just came here from Valoria and haven't decided where to settle."
Name Avatar: "What's your name?"
Valoria Avatar: "What can you tell me about Valoria?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Sir Robin: "What's my name? Why do you want to know? What's your name?"
Sorry Avatar: "I'm sorry, I meant no offense. I'm the Avatar."
Sorry Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I was just trying to be friendly."
Answer Me Avatar: "Don't give me any problems, just answer my questions."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Sir Robin: "Alright, alright, just leave it alone, alright? I mean, don't you cause any problems. I don't want any problems."
Friend Avatar: "Relax, I'm not here to create problems. I'm a friend."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Sir Robin: "Friend? You're not my friend. I don't know who you are. Just go away."

Answer Me

Sir Robin: "Alright, alright. My name is Robin, and I don't live here. I'm a Valorian knight."
If DragonHead_Quest_Received is True
Destard Avatar: "Didn't you go into Dungeon Destard with Sir Drake?"
Britain Avatar: "What are you doing in Britain?"
Knight Avatar: "You're a knight?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Robin."


Sir Robin: "I came here to get my family away from the dangers of Valoria."
Tell Me Avatar: "Tell me where the secret entrance is."
Know Avatar: "Do you know where the secret entrance is?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Robin."


Sir Robin: "No, I don't. Why would I want to go into Destard?"
Tell Me Avatar: "Tell me where the secret entrance is."
If DragonHead_Quest_Received is True
Destard Avatar: "Didn't you go into Dungeon Destard with Sir Drake?"
Britain Avatar: "What are you doing in Britain?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Robin."

Tell Me

Sir Robin: "I don't know where it is! I don't want to go back in that place!"
Valoria Avatar: "What can you tell me about Valoria?"
If DragonHead_Quest_Received is True
Destard Avatar: "Didn't you go into Dungeon Destard with Sir Drake?"
Britain Avatar: "What are you doing in Britain?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Robin."


Sir Robin: "Yes, yes I am. I'm from Valoria, so I can tell you about it, but I don't know much about Britain."
Valoria Avatar: "What can you tell me about Valoria?"
If DragonHead_Quest_Received is True
Destard Avatar: "Didn't you go into Dungeon Destard with Sir Drake?"
Britain Avatar: "What are you doing in Britain?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Robin."


Sir Robin: "I can tell you that it used to be a nice place, but that's all gone now. Valoria is a dangerous place, and Destard is even worse!"
Where Destard Avatar: "Where is Destard?"
If DragonHead_Quest_Received is True
Destard Avatar: "Didn't you go into Dungeon Destard with Sir Drake?"
Britain Avatar: "What are you doing in Britain?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Robin."

Where Destard

Sir Robin: "It's to the west of Paws. It's always been dangerous, but it's gotten even worse in the last few years because of all of the dragons that live there."
Sir Robin: "Of course, you can't get into Destard anymore because the entrance was sealed."
Sealed Avatar: "Why was the entrance sealed?"
If DragonHead_Quest_Received is True
Destard Avatar: "Didn't you go into Dungeon Destard with Sir Drake?"
Britain Avatar: "What are you doing in Britain?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Robin."


Sir Robin: "To keep the dragons in. There's a secret entrance somewhere, but only a few people know about it."
Tell Me Avatar: "Tell me where the secret entrance is."
Know Avatar: "Do you know where the secret entrance is?"
If DragonHead_Quest_Received is True
Destard Avatar: "Didn't you go into Dungeon Destard with Sir Drake?"
Britain Avatar: "What are you doing in Britain?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Robin."


Sir Robin: "Goodbye."


Sir Robin: "No, no I didn't. That's a lie, I never went in there with Drake."
Lambert Avatar: "Really? Lambert said that you did."
Lying Avatar: "Stop lying! You went in there and you know about the secret entrance!"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Forget it. Farewell."


Sir Robin: "Well, Lambert was wrong then. I didn't go in there with Drake and I don't know anything about the secret entrance. I've got to go now."
Lying Avatar: "Stop lying! You went in there and you know about the secret entrance!"
Bye 2 Avatar: "Alright, sorry to have bothered you. Goodbye."

Bye 2



Sir Robin: "Alright, I'll tell you, just don't hurt me."
Avatar: "I won't hurt you as long as you stop lying to me and tell me what I need to know."
Sir Robin: "The secret entrance is up in the mountains. Take the trail northwest from Paws. When you get up near the mountains, the trail will turn to the west."
Sir Robin: "To the north, there is a valley. Go up the valley and into the mountains. Up in the mountains, you will find a small plateau of ice."
Sir Robin: "If you melt the ice, you will be able to go down into Destard."
Set Robin_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met Sir Robin, who was with Sir Drake when the entrance to the dungeon of Destard was sealed. He told me about a secret entrance up in the mountains. I should take the trail northwest from Paws, which will turn to the west near the mountains. To the north will be a valley. Up in the mountains there I will find a small plateau of ice that can be melted to enter Destard."
Melt Avatar: "How do I melt the ice?"
Valley Avatar: "Where exactly is this valley?"
Bye 3 Avatar: "Thank you for your help. Goodbye."


Sir Robin: "I don't know; use fire or something."
Valley Avatar: "Where exactly is this valley?"
Bye 3 Avatar: "Thank you for your help. Goodbye."


Sir Robin: "I've told you all that I can. The valley goes to the north when the trail turns to the west. It's not marked. It's a secret entrance, remember?"
Inside Destard Avatar: "So what's it like in Destard? What can I expect to encounter there?"
Melt Avatar: "How do I melt the ice?"
Bye 3 Avatar: "Thank you for your help. Goodbye."

Inside Destard

Sir Robin: "Well, I didn't exactly go inside the dungeon. Drake went in because he thought he heard someone in peril."
Sir Robin: "I um, I stayed outside to, ahh, guard his back! Yes, I stayed outside to make sure than nothing came in and surprised Drake from behind. Yes, that's it."
Others Avatar: "I see, and what about the other knights?"
Melt Avatar: "How do I melt the ice?"
Bye 3 Avatar: "Thank you for your help. Goodbye."


Sir Robin: "Oh, the other knights were ambushed in the forest and killed. I ran, I mean escaped because someone had to get back to safety and report what had happened."
Sir Robin: "It was very difficult to leave like that. I wanted to stay and fight, but I knew that I had a higher duty to report what had happened."
Sir Robin: "Yes, that was it, a, ahh, a higher duty."
Inside Destard Avatar: "So what's it like in Destard? What can I expect to encounter there?"
Melt Avatar: "How do I melt the ice?"
Bye 3 Avatar: "Thank you for your help. Goodbye."

Bye 3

Sir Robin: "Yeah, you're welcome."

Unused Dialogue Lines[edit]

Leave Valoria

Sir Robin: "Valoria has been overrun by demons and monsters so I had to leave."
Avatar: "I thought that you were a knight; why don't you try to do something about them?"
Sir Robin: "I am a knight, but I can't care for my family if I'm dead."


Avatar: "You're nothing but a coward!"
Sir Robin: "I am not. I'm just more careful than I used to be."

Shrine of Compassion[edit]

Enter Conversation

Shrine of Compassion: "Speak now the Mantra of Compassion."
Check input for "mu"
If true
Mantra Correct
If false
Mantra Wrong

Mantra Wrong

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Shrine of Compassion: "Thou hast failed. You lack Compassion. Go forth and purge the cruelty from thyself, for 'tis the only path to set things right."
Shrine of Compassion: "This is not the mantra of Compassion. Avatar, hast thou so quickly forgotten the sacred mantra with which you restored me?"

Mantra Correct

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is true
Shrine of Compassion: "Before thou goest, remember, it is thy compassion for the people of Britannia which drives thy quest. Never forget thy compassion, Avatar."
Shrine of Compassion: "Dost thou wish to perform the ritual of restoration?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes"
No Avatar: "No"
Shrine of Compassion: "Who unlocks my mystery?"
Shrine of Compassion: "Ah, Son of sons, the Avatar. You have come to arrest the growth of the Guardian's columns that emerge from the eight dungeons."
Shrine of Compassion: "Gather you two important tools: Inside each dungeon is a Glyph of Corruption, formerly a Rune of Virtue but altered through evil magic."
Shrine of Compassion: "Find this glyph and couple it with the sigil, which embodies the virtues."
Shrine of Compassion: "The sigil of compassion is the sacred Heart of Compassion and resides with Britain's mayor."
Shrine of Compassion: "Finally, place these items upon the alter in the center of the shrine and utter the sacred mantra."
Shrine of Compassion: "These two keys will allow the unknotting of corruption."
Set Compassion_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "The Shrine of Compassion directed me to find two things: the glyph and the sigil. It said that inside each dungeon is a Glyph of Corruption, and for every virtue, there is a sigil which embodies that virtue. The Sigil of Compassion is the Heart of Compassion and resides with Britain's mayor. I need to place the glyph and the sigil on the altar in the center of the shrine, then speak the mantra to cleanse the shrine."


Shrine of Compassion: "Then speak the words of restoration."
Check input for "vas mani corp"
If true
Restoration Correct
If false
Restoration Wrong


Shrine of Compassion: "Go with compassion, Avatar."

Restoration Correct

Initiate Ritual of Restoration

Restoration Wrong

If you have not used up your three attempts to get the words of Restoration correct.
Shrine of Compassion: "Thou hast not spoken the words of restoration. Concentrate, and speak again so that thou mayest heal thyself."
Return to Yes
Shrine of Compassion: "If you wish to be restored, learn the words of restoration and return to see me."

Shrine Cleansing Cinematic

Shrine of Compassion: "Speak now the Mantra of Compassion."
Check input for "mu"
If true
See Shrine for Cleansing Cinematic
Set Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed to true
Diary: "The Shrine of Compassion has been cleansed! Maybe this will make the people of Britain stop looking down their noses and finally help those poor people living in the swamp."
If false
Mantra Wrong

Captain Bill[edit]

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Captain Bill: "Steady as she goes men. It looks to be a quiet night."
Davey: "Aye! Captain! I spy a rock out there in the waves. Do you see it, Captain?! Do you see it?!"
Simon: "We're taking on water, Captain!"
Simon: "All hands on deck! She's going under!"
Davey: "Pass the bottle, my man. This will be our last drink."
Davey: "A toast to Britannia. And a toast to our watery grave."
Simon: "Is olde, I'm drowned! I'm drowned, is olde! Don't forget me! Don't forget me!"
Captain Bill: "My ship, my life being swallowed by the seas. May she embrace us in peaceful slumbers."
Simon: "Doomed to wander. Doomed to wander."
Captain Bill: "Off to a more tranquil realm men."
Davey: "Our souls may finally sleep in peace and forget our untimely deaths."
Simon: "To sleep forever without fitful dreams..."
Captain Bill: "Goodbye world. Goodbye to memory."


  • Conversation is with Captain Bill*


  • Conversation is with Captain Bill*

Paws/West of Britain[edit]


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If First_Altara_Convo is false
Altara: "Greetings, traveler."
Altara: "Greetings, Avatar."

Enter Conversation

If First_Altara_Convo is false
Altara: "Ah, the great and virtuous Avatar has come to speak with me. Greetings, friend."
Set First_Altara_Convo to true
If Knows_Altara is false
Name Avatar: "What is your name, gentle lady?"
Avatar Avatar: "How did you know that I'm the Avatar?"
Bye Avatar: "I must go."
If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Altara: "I am busy now. Virtues be with you, Avatar."
Altara: "I have looked into your future, Avatar. Do you wish to know what I have seen?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, please."
No Avatar: "No, I'll find out on my own."


Altara: "I am blind, Avatar, yet I see many things. I knew that you would return to Britannia, and I know of your quest."
If Knows_Altara is false
Name Avatar: "What is your name, gentle lady?"
Quest Avatar: "What is my quest?"
Bye Avatar: "I must go."


Altara: "Your quest is to defeat the Guardian. Yes, though many do not, I know that the Guardian has returned to Britannia. Do not worry, Avatar."
Altara: "I do not share such things with the common folk who come to have their fortunes told. They need not know these things... not as long as you are here to save them."
If Knows_Altara is false
Name Avatar: "What is your name, gentle lady?"
Avatar Avatar: "How did you know that I'm the Avatar?"
Bye Avatar: "I must go."


Altara: "My name is Altara, and I am a fortune teller. The people come to me to have their fortunes read. Some of them believe in me, some do not."
Altara: "It is of no matter. I have a greater purpose and it involves you, Avatar."
Set Knows_Altara to true
Purpose Avatar: "What is that purpose?"
Avatar Avatar: "How did you know that I'm the Avatar?"
Bye Avatar: "I must go."


Altara: "I am here to remind you of your karma. I know, you are the Avatar; you are a goodly soul."
Altara: "But I also know that it has been a long time since you were last in Britannia. I also know of your travails in Pagan."
Altara: "Who is to say that a little reminder would hurt you?"
Karma Avatar: "Please, tell me about my karma."
No Karma Avatar: "I don't need you to tell me about my karma!"
Avatar Avatar: "How did you know that I'm the Avatar?"
Bye Avatar: "I must go."


Altara: "Always remember that your acts will affect your abilities and how people treat you and even the circumstances dealt to you by fate."
Altara: "As it was said, you shall reap what you sow. If you are good and kind and virtuous, your abilities will be greater, people will treat you better, and your quest will be less treacherous."
Altara: "If you are foul, uncaring and unkind, so will your abilities be lessened, so will people be wicked to you and your quest made more difficult."
Set Told_Karma to true
Wise Avatar: "I thank you for your wise words, my lady."
Avatar Avatar: "How did you know that I'm the Avatar?"
Bye Avatar: "I must go."

No Karma

Altara: "Ah, but your harsh words prove that you are wrong. Listen well to me, Avatar."
Altara: "Know that your acts will affect your abilities and how people treat you and even the circumstances dealt to you by fate."
Altara: "As it was said, you shall reap what you sow. If you are good and kind and virtuous, your abilities will be greater, people will treat you better, and your quest will be less treacherous."
Altara: "If you are foul, uncaring and unkind, so will your abilities be lessened, so will people be wicked to you and your quest made more difficult."
Set Told_Karma to true
Wise Avatar: "I thank you for your wise words, my lady."
Waste Avatar: "This is a waste of my time."
Bye Avatar: "I must go."


Altara: "You are most welcome, my friend. Now, go about your quest; the fate of the world lies with you."
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1


Altara: "Yes, perhaps it was."
Decrease Avatar's Karma by 1


If Told_Karma is false
Altara: "Wait, Avatar, I must tell you something of great importance. I must tell you your karma."
Karma Avatar: "Please, tell me about my karma."
No Karma Avatar: "I don't need you to tell me about my karma!"
Altara: "May the virtues go with you, Avatar."


Altara: "It is you who will give the greatest sacrifice. From you stems our greatest hope and greatest despair."
Altara: "For although you bring us your courage and wisdom, you have brought us our greatest enemy."
Altara: "Farewell, Avatar."


Altara: "Very well. May fortune follow on your journeys."


Triggered NonCinematic (only triggered if NPC is in Paws)

Ashling: "Oh, wretched, vile world! Oh misery and horror! Please, let this affliction pass!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is true
Ashling: "Greetings, Avatar!"
Hello Avatar: "Hello, my friend. What are you doing?"
Charity Avatar: "So you've returned for charity?"
Busy Avatar: "I'm busy and can't talk."
Ashling: "I belong in Paws only by ill fortune!"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
What Avatar: "What happened to you?"
Wretch Avatar: "Stay away from me, wretch."


Ashling: "I am Ashling, the miller. That is my downfall."
Ashling: "Oh, life is a strange thing. One moment I am grinding grain, content with my livelihood and fortune."
Ashling: "The next thing I know, my arm is being torn from its socket and pulverized with the grain!"
Ashling: "Therefore, per the Mayor's decree, I've been deemed useless."
Ashling: "Oh, it's tragic."
Burden Avatar: "You'll be a burden to the Britains."
Escape Avatar: "How can you escape this place?"
Farewell Avatar: "Farewell, friend."


Ashling: "I am Ashling, the miller. That is my downfall."
Burden Avatar: "You'll be a burden to the Britains."
Escape Avatar: "How can you escape this place?"
Farewell Avatar: "Farewell, friend."




Ashling: "Oh, life is a strange thing. One moment I am grinding grain, content with my livelihood and fortune."
Ashling: "The next thing I know, my arm is being torn from its socket and pulverized with the grain!"
Ashling: "Therefore, per the Mayor's decree, I've been deemed useless."
Ashling: "Oh, it's tragic."
Who2 Avatar: "Who are you?"
Burden Avatar: "You'll be a burden to the Britains."
Escape Avatar: "How can you escape this place?"
Farewell Avatar: "Farewell, friend."


Ashling: "I can work! But twice as slowly... Still, the baker needs my services."


Ashling: "The baker still needs my services, however slow, for he cannot bake bread without the fruits of my milling."
Ashling: "And meanwhile, I've been brought here to Paws to beg for my daily bread like an abandoned dog!"




Ashling: "I am once again milling grain, a bit more slowly granted, but still faster than any other miller in the land. And I'm back in partnership with my loyal friend, Jastral the baker!"


Ashling: "Very well. As you can see, I'm busy too. I've got a lot of grain to mill!"


Ashling: "I still have plenty of work left in me, thank you very much!"
Ashling: "And though I may be a bit slower than I was, the fact that I help provide bread for the people of Britain means that the Mayor, too, can put bread on his fine table!"


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Water_Pipe_Fixed is false
Bella: "Would you look at this!"

Enter Conversation

If Water_Pipe_Fixed is false
Bella: "We can't get fresh water from this mill because the valve is broken!"
Fix Avatar: "Can you fix the valve?"
Mayor Avatar: "Have you discussed this with the mayor?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."
Bella: "Thank you for fixing the water valve, Avatar. Our water supply is now fresh and plentiful."


Bella: "The cart driver was supposed to bring a replacement valve, but he never arrived."
Bella: "We'd sneak back to Britain ourselves but the troll prevents it. And in the meantime we all get sicker by the day."
Set Bella_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Bella, in Paws, says they can't get any fresh water because the valve on the windmill is broken, and no replacements have arrived. They can't even get it from Britain themselves because there is a troll guarding the bridge. These poor people need water!"
Mayor Avatar: "Have you discussed this with the mayor?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Bella: "Oh, the mayor doesn't care. Look at this swamp! How is anyone supposed to get healthy here?"
Fix Avatar: "Can you fix the valve?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."
Bella: "Unfortunately the mayor has been far too busy to trouble himself with matters such as these."
Bella: "Forgive me, but I have much to do and should get back to work. Farewell."




Triggered Noncinematic in Healer’s house

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Hayley: "There are so many, I can't heal them all!"
Hayley: "If only I could get a hold of some Serpentwyne. It has healing properties that could help some of these people."
Hayley: "Hello! Please come into my shop, I have many fine potions to offer you!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Hayley: "Hello, my name is Hayley. I'm the healer here in Paws."
Hayley: "Unfortunately, I cannot offer you any supplies, but I can heal you, if you like."
Hayley: "There are just so many sick people here. I've been stretched too thin."
Set Hayley_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Hayley says that there are too many sick people here in Paws, and not enough supplies. If she had some Serpentwyne, she could help a lot more of these people."
If Avatar has Serpentwyne
Serpentwyne Avatar: "I have some Serpentwyne that you can have."
Heal Avatar: "I would like to be healed."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is false
Hayley: "It's good to see you, Avatar! I didn't know who you were when first you came by my shop."
Hayley: "But since you cleansed the shrine, all of Paws knows you!"
Hayley: "Now that the people of Paws have their medicine, they are regaining their health."
Hayley: "I can also offer a fine selection of medicines, and I have healing potions as well! Have a look."
Go to Buy
Hayley: "Hello Avatar. Are you in need of healing or of medicine?"
Healing Avatar: "Could you please heal me?"
Medicine Avatar: "I would like to buy some medicine."
Well Avatar: "I hope that all is well."
Bye2 Avatar: "Goodbye Hayley."


Hayley: "Oh no, I couldn't."
Avatar: "No, I insist. Please take it."
Remove 1 Serpentwyne from Avatar's Inventory
Add 1 Serpentwyne to Hayley's Inventory
Increase Avatar's Karma (Max Mana) by 1
Heal Avatar: "I would like to be healed."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Activate Hayley's second trigger - heals Avatar
Go to Anything Else


Hayley: "I'm sorry that I couldn't be of more help. Farewell."


Open Buying GUMP using book text 199
Go to Anything Else - when closing the GUMP

Anything Else

Hayley: "Is there more I can do for you?"
If Avatar has Serpentwyne
Serpentwyne Avatar: "I have some Serpentwyne that you can have."
Heal Avatar: "I would like to be healed."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Hayley: "Of course."
Open Buying GUMP using book text 199
Hayley: "Will there be anything else?"
Medicine Avatar: "I would like to buy some medicine."
Well Avatar: "I hope that all is well."
Bye2 Avatar: "Goodbye Hayley."


Hayley: "Certainly. What would you like?"
Open Buying GUMP using book text 199
Hayley: "Will there be anything else?"
Healing Avatar: "Could you please heal me?"
Well Avatar: "I hope that all is well."
Bye2 Avatar: "Goodbye Hayley."


Hayley: "By and large it is, although I did lose a patient the other day. He was a Valorian Knight, actually. He said something about dungeon Destard."
Knight Avatar: "Do you know who this person was?"
Healing Avatar: "Could you please heal me?"
Medicine Avatar: "I would like to buy some medicine."
Bye2 Avatar: "Goodbye Hayley."


Hayley: "No, I could barely understand him. He was delirious, the poor thing. He talked of finding the entrance to Destard up near the village of [[Dawn {U9)|Dawn]], and using fire to get in."
Hayley: "That didn't seem to make sense, but as I said, he was not in control of his faculties at the time."
Set Hayley_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Hayley also said she met some injured Valorian Knights who'd just come back from sealing the main entrance of Destard. She couldn't save one of them, but before he died, he talked about a secret entrance to Destard up near the village of Dawn to the northwest of Paws, and spoke of using fire to get inside. He also said it was very dangerous; there are dragons there!"
Fire Avatar: "He used fire to get into Destard?"
Dawn Avatar: "Where is the village of Dawn?"
Healing Avatar: "Could you please heal me?"
Medicine Avatar: "I would like to buy some medicine."
Bye2 Avatar: "Goodbye Hayley."


Hayley: "Yes. He said that he marked the entrance with stones, then later that you could use fire to get in."
Hayley: "I don't understand; I thought he and the other knights went to seal the entrance with boulders. What's all this about a secret entrance and using fire?"
Hayley: "I just couldn't understand what he was saying."
Set Hayley_Journal_Flag_3
Diary: "The Knight told Hayley that he marked the secret entrance with stones, which should make it a little easier to find, at least."
Dawn Avatar: "Where is the village of Dawn?"
Healing Avatar: "Could you please heal me?"
Medicine Avatar: "I would like to buy some medicine."
Bye2 Avatar: "Goodbye Hayley."


Hayley: "It's an old ghost town in the mountains to the northwest. I wouldn't go up there, though, there are supposed to be dragons up that way."
Fire Avatar: "He used fire to get into Destard?"
Healing Avatar: "Could you please heal me?"
Medicine Avatar: "I would like to buy some medicine."
Bye2 Avatar: "Goodbye Hayley."


Hayley: "Goodbye!"

Peg Leg Joe[edit]

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
If Mayor_Daughter_Saved is false
Peg Leg Joe: "Hello! You are the Avatar, are you not? I heard that you had returned to Britannia. What can I do for you?"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Daughter Avatar: "Do you know anything about the mayor's daughter?"
Bye Avatar: "I need nothing at this time. Farewell."
Peg Leg Joe: "Great job taking care of those Goblins, Avatar."
Peg Leg Joe: "Say there, if you need any trainin' with the staff, I'll be happy to teach you what I know for the small fee of 250 gold."
Peg Leg Joe: "All of the money goes to the town's poor fund. Whattaya say?"
Set PegLeg_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Peg Leg Joe can train me in the staff for 250 gold, which will go into the town's poor fund."
If Avatar has 250 gold
Train Avatar: "Yes, I'd like to learn from you, Joe."
No Train Avatar: It looks like I don't have quite enough...
No Train Avatar: "Not right now, thanks."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is false
Peg Leg Joe: "Oi, Avatar!"
If the Avatar's Staff Skill is less than 2
Peg Leg Joe: "Say, you know I'm training people how to fight with the staff. It only costs 250 gold, and all the money I collect goes to the community fund."
Peg Leg Joe: "Whattya say; care to train a bit?"
If the Avatar's Staff Skill is less than 2
If Avatar has 250 gold
Train Avatar: "Yes, I'd like to learn from you, Joe."
No Train Avatar: It looks like I don't have quite enough...
No Train Avatar: "Not right now, thanks."
How Avatar: "Peg Leg! How are you?"
Bye Avatar: "Just passing through. Farewell."
Peg Leg Joe: "Greetings Avatar!"
If the Avatar's Staff Skill is less than 2
Peg Leg Joe: "Say, you know I'm training people how to fight with the staff. It only costs 250 gold, and all the money I collect goes to the community fund."
Peg Leg Joe: "Whattya say; care to train a bit?"
If the Avatar's Staff Skill is less than 2
If Avatar has 250 gold
Train Avatar: "Yes, I'd like to learn from you, Joe."
No Train Avatar: It looks like I don't have quite enough...
No Train Avatar: "Not right now, thanks."
Paws Avatar: "How are things in Paws these days?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Joe."

No Train

Peg Leg Joe: "That's alright, maybe next time."


If Avatar's Dexterity is 2 or higher
Peg Leg Joe: "Alright then, that'll be 250 gold and we can get started."
Remove 250 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 250 gold to Peg Leg Joe's Inventory
Peg Leg Joe: "Ok, I've got a great little move that I use. I call it the vault move. You place the staff on the ground and kick out with both legs, or one leg in my case."
Activate Peg Leg Joe's Second Trigger - training
Peg Leg Joe: "Well done, you're a good learner!"
Avatar: "Thanks for your time and for the training, Joe. Goodbye."
Peg Leg Joe: "I'd like to train you but you don't have the dexterity necessary to learn. Come back later and perhaps I can help you."


Peg Leg Joe: "The name's Joe, but most folks call me Peg Leg. I used to be an adventurer like yourself, until I had an unfortunate encounter with a goblin and lost my leg."
Daughter "Do you know anything about the mayor's daughter?"
Bye "Nice to meet you. Farewell."


Peg Leg Joe: "Why, yes, I do! I know that she is being held by a clan of goblins in a house southeast of here."
Peg Leg Joe: "I'd help her myself, but a bunch of goblins is too much for a man with a bum leg."
Set PegLeg_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "The Mayor's daughter is being held in a house in the southeast corner of town by some goblins who were heading south. I hope I can get to her in time!"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Daughter Avatar: "Do you know anything about the mayor's daughter?"
Bye Avatar: "I need nothing at this time. Farewell."


Peg Leg Joe: "Brilliant, Sir. Brilliant."
Here Avatar: "Why are you still in Paws?"
Bye Avatar: "Be in good health, Sir. Farewell."


Peg Leg Joe: "Well, Sir, I've dedicated myself to helping those who've lost more than just their legs."
Peg Leg Joe: "Some people, Avatar, have lost their hearts, their sympathy for others..."
Peg Leg Joe: "Now I'm helping those poor bereft people."
Avatar: "That's wonderful, Peg Leg. Be well!"


Peg Leg Joe: "Oh they're getting better. More people are coming through here these days, and that means more business and more donations."
Donations Avatar: "Who's collecting donations?"
Business Avatar: "What business?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Joe."


Peg Leg Joe: "I collect them. Care to make one? Just 20 gold."
Donate Avatar: "Sure, Joe."
No Donated Avatar: "You know, I'd like to, but I don't have any money."


If the Avatar has 20 or more gold
Peg Leg Joe: "That's just great, Avatar. Thanks."
Remove 20 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 20 gold to Peg Leg Joe's Inventory
If PegLegJoe_Donation_Made_C is false
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1
Set PegLegJoe_Donation_Made_C to true
Avatar: "It looks like I don't have quite enough..."
Peg Leg Joe: "That's fine! Feel free to donate some other time."
Donations Avatar: "Who's collecting donations?"
Business Avatar: "What business?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Joe."

No Donate

If Avatar has greater than or equal to 20 gold
Peg Leg Joe: "That's alright, maybe next time."
Decrease Avatar's Karma by 1
Peg Leg Joe: "That's fine! Feel free to donate some other time."
Donations Avatar: "Who's collecting donations?"
Business Avatar: "What business?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Joe."


Peg Leg Joe: "I've been training, and Hayley has been making money healing and selling potions."
Peg Leg Joe: "Why, not too long ago, some Valorian knights came through here on the way to Destard and wound up back at Hayley's gettin' patched up."
Peg Leg Joe: "One of them didn't make it, though."
Set PegLeg_Journal_Flag_3 to true
Diary: "Peg Leg Joe told me about some Valorian Knights who came from Destard and ended up at Hayley's while recovering from their wounds. I'm sure Hayley would have more information about them."
Knights Avatar: "Why were these knights going to Destard?"
Donations Avatar: "Who's collecting donations?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Joe."


Peg Leg Joe: "I don't know, treasure most likely. You can ask Hayley, she'd know more than I do."
Donations Avatar: "Who's collecting donations?"
Business Avatar: "What business?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Joe."




Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Jared: "Crying..."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is false
Choose randomly between the following 2 lines
Jared: "All is misery."
Jared: "I'm so miserable!"
Wrong Avatar: "What's wrong, child?"
Mother Avatar: "Why don't you go home to your mother?"
Bye Avatar: "Pest! I'll give you something to cry about!"
Jared: "Is that the Avatar?"
Jared: "It is the Avatar! I've heard about your adventures, you are very famous around here."
Hello Avatar: "Hello, child."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going, farewell."


Jared: "The mayor sent me to this horrible place!"
Paws Avatar: "It's best that you are in Paws, child."
Fate Avatar: "How has this fate befallen you?"
Bye Avatar: "Poor child. Farewell."


Jared: "I don't have a mother."
Paws Avatar: "It's best that you are in Paws, child."
Fate Avatar: "How has this fate befallen you?"
Bye Avatar: "Poor child. Farewell."


Jared: "No! It is not best! It's not! You are a mean, toad-spotted man and I hate you!"


Jared: "My mother and father died, and I got no one to take care of me, so I stole some radishes. When I got caught, they sent me here."
Steal Avatar: "Stealing is wrong."
Free Avatar: "I will do my best to free you, but you must steal no more."
Bye Avatar: "I can not help you, child. Farewell."


Jared: "But how else was I supposed to eat? Oh, you're just as mean as all the rest! Leave me alone!"


Jared: "I'd work for the farmer if he'd just give me something to eat."
Jared: "Farewell."


Jared,/*regretfully*/"I used to steal radishes from the farmer you know."
Jared,"Then, he caught me and had me sent to Paws, which was bloody awful!"
Jared,/*boasting*/"But now I work in the farmer's field and he pays me with a good dinner every night and a place to lay my head."
If Weather is stormy
Jared: "Ohh, but I hate it when it rains, 'cause the roof leaks and it gets my bed all wet."




Enter Conversation

If Wilma is in the area Area_Thief_Camp_Paws
If Tristan_Dead is false
Wilma: "Help me, please!"
Wilma: "Those brigands burned our farm! They killed my husband, kidnapped me and left my son to die in the flames!"
If Barny_Saved is false
Avatar: "Where is the farm?"
Wilma: "Just go back down the path and go west towards Paws. You'll pass right by the farm."
Wilma: "I must rest here for a moment and then I will go down there and check on my son."
Avatar: "Don't worry, your son has been rescued and he is safe at your home!"
Wilma: "Oh, thank you, kind sir!"
Avatar: "Do you know why those brigands attacked your home?"
Wilma: "No, I don't. Although, while they were holding me captive, I heard them talk about something being hidden in a lake."
Wilma: "The leader would look through a telescope and make notes in his journal, but I don't know why they would be interested in our house."
Wilma: "Thank you! I must go and take care of my son. You are a hero, sir! A true hero!"
Set Wilma_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I found Barny's mother, who was kidnapped by brigands. She remembered that the thieves spoke of something hidden in a lake. They apparently were using their telescope to see something, and wrote notes about it in a journal."
If Barny_Saved is false
Wilma: "Hello sir! I must again thank you for saving me. After you rescued me, I was able to save my son as well."
Why Avatar: "Do you know who those brigands were?"
Why Avatar: "Do you know why those brigands attacked your home?"
Bye Avatar: "That's good to hear. Goodbye my lady."
Wilma: "Thank you for helping my son Barny and I. We are now working to rebuild our farm. May the virtues be with you! Farewell!"


Wilma: "No, I don't. Although, while they were holding me captive, I heard them talk about something being hidden in a lake."
Wilma: "The leader would look through a telescope and make notes in his journal, but I don't know why they would be interested in our house."
Wilma: "Thank you! I must go and take care of my son. You are a hero, sir! A true hero!"
Set Barny_Saved to true




Proximity Enter Cinematic

If Barny_Mother_Saved and Barny_Saved are false
Barny: "Help me! Someone help me!"

Triggered Cinematic after dousing fire

Barny: "Thank you for saving me. Please sir, can you help my mother?"
Barny: "Brigands came and attacked our farm! They killed my father, kidnapped my mother, and took everything they could lay their hands on!"
Barny: "Please save my mother! Please!"
Barny: "They went towards the mountains to the northeast."
Set Barny_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A terrified young boy just warned me that there are dangerous brigands around. The poor child has had his father killed, his house set on fire, and his mother kidnapped! She's been taken toward the mountains to the east of his farm."

Enter Conversation

If Barny_Fire_Out is false
Barny: "Help me, please! The fire is blocking my way."
If Barny_Mother_Saved is false
If Barny_Saved is true
Barny: "Brigands came and attacked our farm! They killed my father, kidnapped my mother, and took everything they could lay their hands on!"
Barny: "Please save my mother! Please!"
Barny: "They went towards the mountains to the northeast."
If Barny_Mom_Saved_Convo_C is false
Set Barny_Mom_Saved_Convo_C to true
Barny: "Thank you for saving me! I thought I was going to die in that fire."
Barny: "I don't know what to say but thank you."
Barny: "Hello."


Triggered Cinematic at bridge to Paws

Ugh: "Who dare cross my bridge?"
Ugh: "All who cross bridge must pay toll! Must give ten gold to cross!"
Pay Avatar: "Very well. I will pay the tax."
Confuse Avatar: "Ten gold pieces? How much is that?"
Refuse Avatar: "No, I refuse to pay you any money."


If Avatar has 10 or more gold
Avatar: "Here is your fee, now let me pass."
Ugh: "Ah, gold! Gold is good, you pass now."
Remove 10 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 10 gold to Ugh's Inventory
Activate Ugh's Second Trigger - allows Avatar to pass
Avatar: "I do not have 10 gold pieces."
Go to Refuse


Ugh: "Then you die!"
Activate Ugh's third trigger
Set Ugh to attack the Avatar


Ugh: "Uh... umm... well... umm... I... uh..."
Activate Ugh's fourth trigger - activates Triggered Noncinematic 1 to 5

Triggered Noncinematic 1

Ugh: "well... one... then... uh...."

Triggered Noncinematic 2

Ugh: "three... uhh... umm... Ugh, thinking...."

Triggered Noncinematic 3

Ugh: "Oh! Six... then come... err..."

Triggered Noncinematic 4

Ugh: "...eight... umm... four. No! What next...."

Triggered Noncinematic 5

Ugh: "Ten! Yeah! Ten! Ugh, did it! Uh, what was Ugh doing?"


Triggered Cinematic

If Tristan_Aggro_C is false
Tristan: "Well, what have we here, some sort of do-gooder? Come to save the damsel in distress, no doubt."
Wilma: "Help me, please! These brigands killed my husband and burned down my house!"
Tristan: "Quiet! Well, if you have come to rescue the woman, you're wasting your time, hero. We're not giving up the lady, understand?"
Release Avatar: "I'm only going to tell you this once, release the woman."
Who Avatar: "Who are you? Why have you kidnapped this woman?"
Bye Avatar: "I don't want any trouble, so I'll just leave."
Go to Attack


Tristan: "Well men, we have a brave one here. Yes, this fellow is a regular Avatar!"
Tristan: "You amuse me, my friend, you really do. I think that you'd be even more amusing sprawled at my feet. Yes, I think that I'd like to see that. Get him men!"
Go to Attack


Tristan: "Just think of us as the band of men who are about to kill you. Men, get him."
Go to Attack


Tristan: "Oh! Not such a hero after all! I'd love to let you go friend, but I can't. You know where we are and that we have a hostage."
Tristan: "I can't have you going back to town, getting help and coming back here can I?"
Tristan: "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to kill you. You should at least draw your weapon so that you die like the abject coward that you are. Men, get him!"
Go to Attack


Set Tristan_Aggro_C to true
Activate Tristan's first trigger
Set Tristan to attack the Avatar


Triggered Noncinematic in shack near Secret rock wall to Tristan's camp

If Secret_Entrance_Open or Robison_Aggro_C is true
Robison: "I told you not to mess with my home. Now you will pay!"
Set Robison_Aggro_C to true
Set Robison to attack the Avatar
Robison: "Go away!"

Enter Conversation

If Robison_Aggro_C is false
Robison: "Blasted people never leave me alone! First those goblins from the west, now this blond mutton-head!"
Robison: "Hey you! This is my home! You don't own the place, so get out! Leave me alone!"
Set Robison_Aggro_C to true
Set Robison to attack the Avatar

Goblin Boss[edit]

Triggered Noncinematic in Paws house

Goblin Boss: "Ha, ha, ha, ha...!"
Goblin Boss: "Pretty lady, me got pretty lady!"
Goblin Boss: "You no touch, pretty lady. You be puny, weakling human. Goblins kill puny human good. Goblins kill!"
Activate First Goblin Boss trigger
Set Goblin Boss to attack the Avatar


Triggered Cinematic near Britain

Skeleton1: "Aaah. Bad weather is coming! I can feel it in me bones."
Skeleton2: "I can feel it too. That wind goes right through me."
Skeleton1: "Well, what have we here? It's a living one!"
Skeleton2: "He's got too much meat on his bones! Let's fix that for him!"
Set Skeleton1 and Skeleton2 to attack the Avatar



Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Ooli_Sang_C is false
Set Ooli_Sang_C to true
Ooli: "Oh brilliance falls on castle walls. On battlefields and hallowed halls."
Ooli: "Who goes there?"

Enter Conversation

If Iolo_Saved is false
If Ooli_Aggro_C is false
Ooli: "Avatar! I knew that eventually you'd turn up. Looking for the glyph, are you? Well, your do-gooder antics are over."
Ooli: "Draw your sword so it cannot be said that I killed a defenseless man!"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Avatar Avatar: "How do you know who I am?"
Fight Avatar: "I'll happily draw my sword and dispatch you here and now!"
Go to Fight
Else (Noncinematic)
Ooli: "Avatar, take the glyph quickly and go. I am weak, and can still feel the Guardian's presence."


Ooli: "Who am I? I am Ooli of the Wyrmguard! I can't wait to report to Lord Blackthorn that it was I who killed the Avatar!"
Avatar Avatar: "How do you know who I am?"
Fight Avatar: "I'll happily draw my sword and dispatch you here and now!"


Ooli: "Oh, I've known you for many a year, Avatar. We have a long history, you and I. I see that you don't recognize me."
Ooli: "Well, you'll have an eternity to think about it after I've buried my sword in your chest!"
Set Avatar_May_Know_Ooli to true
Go to Fight


Set Ooli_Aggro_C to true
Set Ooli to attack the Avatar

Triggered Cinematic first during fight

Ooli: "You will not have the glyph, Avatar! Instead, you will die and Britannia will fall to the Guardian!"
Go to Fight

Triggered Cinematic second during fight

Ooli: "You're stronger than I thought!"
Go to Fight

Triggered Cinematic at near death of Ooli

If Avatar_May_Know_Ooli is true
Ooli: "Avatar, wait! You do know me. I am your old friend and companion, Iolo! Spare me, please! Show compassion and have mercy upon me!"
Ooli: "Avatar, wait! It's me, your old friend and companion, Iolo! Spare me, please! Show compassion and have mercy upon me!"
Diary: "I can't believe it, but I find myself face to face with one of my fondly remembered companions, and his sword is pointed at my throat! How could my friend Iolo have come to this?"
Liar Avatar: "Liar! You are not Iolo!"
How Avatar: "Iolo? How do I know you're telling the truth?"
Why Avatar: "Iolo! Why did you fight me?"


Go to How


Ooli: "When you came through the dungeon, did you not see my bow and lute? Come Avatar, you know that I always have them with me."
Ooli: "Will you not spare your old friend, Avatar?"
Activate Ooli's first trigger
Spare Avatar: "Very well, I will have mercy on you."
Fight Avatar: "Your trickery will not fool me!"


Ooli: "The Guardian has taken possession of my soul, and I have been forced to do his bidding!"
Ooli: "Please have mercy!"
Spare Avatar: "Very well, I will have mercy on you."
Fight Avatar: "Your trickery will not fool me!"


Ooli: "Thank you, and accept my apologies, Avatar! Take the glyph now and know that I'll not raise my hand against you again."
Avatar: "I will take the glyph. And I want you to tell the rest of the Wyrmguard that I'm back and that this time, I will cleanse Britannia of the Guardian once and for all."
Avatar: "I will free you from this, my friend."
Set Iolo_Saved to true


Triggered Noncinematic as Avatar approaches locked room

Set First_Castro_Convo to true
Castro: "What do you think that guy meant when he said that he'd be back for us? Do you think he'll really feed us to his master?"
Felix: "Would you stop bringing that up? It's bad enough being in here for a week with no food."
Felix: "All I know is that I am so hungry I could eat a horse."
Castro: "There aren't any more horses."
Felix: "It's just an expression."
Castro: "I know it's an expression, but you should update it. Maybe say 'I'm so hungry I could eat a giant rat.'"
Felix: "I could eat a giant rat."
Castro: "Well, I'm so hungry I could eat some of Dara's cooking, and ask for seconds!"
Felix: "Wait a minute, why are you complaining? It's your fault we're in here!"
Castro: "My fault?"
Felix: "You told me this Kiran Stone would be easy to find, and that we'd be rich by now."
Felix: "Instead we wound up locked in a smelly room in a dungeon, with nothing to look at but each other. And you're really not that pleasant to look at."
Castro: "Would you rather spend your time with that madman in the winged armor? I'm sure he'd love to have you over for dinner."

Triggered Cinematic when you click on the locked door

Felix: "Who's there? Please help us!"

Triggered Cinematic when you enter the locked room

Castro: "Thank you for freeing us. What can we do to repay you?"
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Bye Avatar: "You needn't do anything for me. Farewell."

Enter Conversation

If Knows_Of_Kiran_Stone is true
Felix: "Thanks again, sir. I can't tell you how good it feels to have that door finally open."
Castro: "Good luck on finding that Kiran Stone. And if you see our friends Thadious or Mourdin, please tell them we're going back to Britain."


Castro: "I'm Castro, and this here's Felix. We live in Britain."
Felix: "Or at least we did live in Britain, until they decided to shove all the poor people away to Paws. What a disgusting swamp!"
Castro: "That's why we decided to risk coming to the dungeon to look for the Kiran Stone. I guess we thought we could buy the right to stay in Britain."
Stone Avatar: "What is this Kiran Stone?"
Bye Avatar: "You needn't do anything for me. Farewell."


Set Knows_Of_Kiran_Stone to true
Castro: "A magic artifact was hidden here in Despise decades ago. The Kiran Stone is the key, and was hidden in four pieces within this dungeon."
Castro: "We don't know for sure what the item is, but we came here hoping it would be valuable. After this past week, though, I don't care about the money anymore."
Castro: "Felix and I are going back to Britain to find something to eat."
Set Castro_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "In the dungeon of Despise, I ran into two characters from Britain who came here looking for a magical artifact they said was worth some money. They told me that to find it, one has to find the four pieces of the Kiran Stone. They were able to tell me that one of these gems is on top of a great pillar, and the other is behind a wall of water."
Where Avatar: "Where might I find the pieces of the stone?"
Bye Avatar: "Thanks for the information. Goodbye."


Castro: "A part of the Kiran Stone lies atop the greatest pillar in the pillar room, and I know I won't be looking for it anymore."
Castro: "Our two friends, Thadious and Mourdin, were also in the dungeon looking for the stone."
Castro: "Each one of us had the location of one of the stones, so if you can find them, you'll find the other two parts of it."
Felix: "All I know is there's supposed to be a piece behind a wall of water."
Felix: "You may not be able to find all four pieces if Thadious and Mourdin have already found theirs, but you never know... they may have left a long time ago."
Set Felix_Activated to true
Activate Felix's third trigger
Stone Avatar: "What is this Kiran Stone?"
Bye Avatar: "Thanks for the information. Goodbye."


If Felix_Activated is false
Activate Felix's third trigger
Castro: "Thank you again, and good luck."


Enter Conversation

If Knows_Of_Kiran_Stone to true
Felix: "Thanks again, sir. I can't tell you how good it feels to have that door finally open."
Castro: "Good luck on finding that Kiran Stone. And if you see our friends Thadious or Mourdin, please tell them we're going back to Britain."


Triggered Noncinematic before being crushed by the wall trap

Thadious: "Help! Stop the walls!! Please! Pull the lever! Help me, please, quickly!!"

Triggered Noncinematic if walls not stopped

Thadious: "*loud screaming*"

Triggered Cinematic if saved

If Thadious is in Area_Thadious_Out
Set First_Thadious_Convo to true
Thadious: "Thank you! You've saved my life, and I am in your debt."
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1
If Knows_Of_Kiran_Stone is true
Stone Avatar: "What can you tell me about the Kiran Stone?"
What Avatar: "What are you doing down here?"
No Debt Avatar: "You owe me no debt. Good day."

Enter Conversation

If Thadious is not in area Area_Thadious_Pit
Thadious: "After that ordeal, I need a moment to rest. I'll find my way out when I have my breath back."


Thadious: "Years ago, the wizard Kiran supposedly hid a family heirloom here in Despise. The Kiran Stone is the key to the artifact. It was divided into four pieces and scattered throughout the dungeon."
Thadious: "I've found one of them, but after this experience, I've lost all interest in exploring dungeons. Please take it, as payment for saving my life."
Remove Kiran Green Stone from Thadious' Inventory
Add Kiran Green Stone to Avatar's Inventory
Thadious: "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to rest a bit and then I'm getting out of here."


Thadious: "Looking for treasure, but I've had enough of that."
Go to Stone

No Debt

Thadious: "Wait, please. You're a good man and I want to give you something."
Go to Stone

Buccaneer's Den[edit]


Triggered Entrance (Cinematic) In Office

If Codex_Quest_Refused is False
Samhayne: "Avatar, come in, come in. I hope your trip was without incident."
Samhayne: "Avatar! You have returned, how nice."
Go to Changed Mind

Enter Conversation

If Codex_Quest_Received is False
Set First_Samhayne_Convo to True
Samhayne: "Let's talk business. Something is very wrong and I think that it has something to do with the large column that has risen up from the ocean."
Samhayne: "Since it first appeared, we've had a problem with whirlpools sucking down ships all along the coast."
Samhayne: "There were a very few at first, but the longer the column has been here, the more whirlpools we have."
Samhayne: "I'm sure you can imagine what this is doing to our shipping business. I've sent some of my best people to investigate the column, but none of them returned."
If Avatar has Katie’s Letter
Letter Avatar: "I have a letter for you."
Why Me Avatar: "Why are you talking to me about this?"
Don't Worry Avatar: "Don't worry, I will deal with all of the columns."
Not Interested Avatar: "I'm not interested."
If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is False
Samhayne: "Avatar, you haven't taken care of our problem yet. I thought that I made myself clear: you will get the Codex once you have rid the seas of the whirlpools."


Samhayne: "Really? Let me see it."
Remove Katie's Letter from the Avatar's Inventory
Add Katie's Letter to Samhayne's Inventory
Set Samhayne_Got_Katies_Letter_C to True
Samhayne: "Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. I'll see to it that it gets handled immediately."
Why Me Avatar: "Why are you talking to me about this?"
Don't Worry Avatar: "Don't worry, I will deal with all of the columns."
Not Interested Avatar: "I'm not interested."

Why Me

Samhayne: "Raven saw you handle the column in Britain, so I figure that you can do the same thing here."
Don't Worry Avatar: "Don't worry, I will deal with all of the columns."
Not Interested Avatar: "I'm not interested." topics

Don't Worry

Samhayne: "Oh, I'm sure that you will. However, I am unwilling to wait for you to get around to our column. I want you to fix our column first."
Why Me Avatar: "Why are you talking to me about this?"
Patience Avatar: "All of the columns will be dealt with in their own time. You just have to be patient!"
Not Interested Avatar: "I'm not interested."

Not Interested

Samhayne: "I had hoped that we could do business together, Avatar."
Avatar: "Why would I do business with you?"
Samhayne: "Very simple: you can provide a service that I need done, and I can pay you with an item that you will need."
Honorable Avatar: "Are you an honorable man?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye Samhayne."


Samhayne: "I'm a businessman. A good one. And, I have something you need."
Avatar: "And what is that?"
Go to Proposition


Samhayne: "I thought that you would say something like that. That's why I have a proposition for you."
Samhayne: "You see, I've run out of patience, well, as far as this matter is concerned."
Proposition Avatar: "What's your proposition?"
Why Me Avatar: "Why are you talking to me about this?"
Leave Avatar: "I don't have time for this. Goodbye."

Leave Avatar:

Samhayne: "I don't think that you want to leave just yet, Avatar. At least not until you've heard what I have to offer."
Proposition Avatar: "What's your proposition?"
Why Me Avatar: "Why are you talking to me about this?"


Samhayne: "The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. The book of all knowledge, past and future."
Avatar: "What about it?"
Samhayne,"I have it. See? It's right here. Quite lovely, isn't it?"
Can't Bribe "You can't bribe me!"
Why Offer Avatar: "Why do you offer it to me?"
Where Avatar: "Where did you get your hands on that book?"


Samhayne: "Oh that's not important, Avatar. I'm a collector. I find things. All that's important is that I have something that you're going to need. Namely, the Codex."
Can't Bribe "You can't bribe me!"
Why Offer Avatar: "Why do you offer it to me?"

Why Offer

Samhayne: "It's really not so much an offer as it is a demand."

Go to Can't Bribe

Can't Bribe

Samhayne: "Look, I don't have your virtues, Avatar. I'm a businessman and I have to do what's good for business."
Samhayne: "Therefore, in return for dealing with our column first, I'll give you the Codex. It's as simple as that."
Samhayne: "There's not much information that I can give you to go on, but rumor has it that there is a woman over in New Magincia that has some knowledge of the column."
Samhayne: "She may be able to provide you with some information that I don't have."
Samhayne: "I'll see you when you return. Good luck Avatar."
Set Codex_Quest_Received to True
Diary: "I met Raven's boss, Samhayne, and he has the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. He says that he'll give the Codex to me if I solve his problems by shutting down the column near New Magincia. I'd have to do it anyway, but I don't like him using the Codex as a bargaining chip."

Changed Mind

Samhayne: "Have you changed you mind about working with the Guild?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes I have."
No Avatar: "No, I still do not wish to work with you."


Set Codex_Quest_Received to True
Go to Proposition


Samhayne: "How sad. Well, my offer still stands. Should you change your mind, you'll know where to find me. Good day."

Unused Dialogue Lines[edit]


Samhayne: "Good, good. But, are you here for fun and games or would you be willing to help us?"
Vapid Avatar: "Vapid entertainment?"
Incentive Avatar: "I'm willing to work but, I need incentive."
Help Avatar: "I will help you."

Vapid (probably)

Samhayne: "How very droll. You amuse me Avatar, but let us get back to business. Now, as I asked, are you willing to help us?"
Incentive Avatar: "I'm willing to work but, I need incentive."
Help Avatar: "I will help you."
No work Avatar: "I don't think that I can work with you. Goodbye."

No Work

Samhayne: "I'm very sorry to hear that Avatar. This column is a very real threat to all of Britannia, not just our shipping business. I encourage you to reconsider my request."
Samhayne: "Should you change your mind, I will be here."
Set Codex_Quest_Refused to True

Unused Line

Samhayne: "There is much we can help each other with, Avatar."


Triggered Noncinematic at Tavern

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is false
Bjorn: "As I was saying... the shipping lines are having a terrible time of it. Three ships have been lost to the whirlpools in the last fortnight alone."
Aneassa: "Yeah, it's 'orrible."
Bjorn: "Yeah,"
Bjorn: "Another drink, eh?"
Aneassa: "So, I've heard that Tristan and his boys went down..."
Bjorn: "Tis a sad thing."
Aneassa: "I've heard that Lord British has been trying to locate the Avatar to solve the problem."
Bjorn: "The Avatar? He hasn't been seen in Britannia in two hundred years! He can't possibly still be alive, can he?"
Aneassa: "Why not? Lord British is older than dirt!"
Bjorn: "Well, if the Avatar does come around, I hope that he can undo this mess."
Aneassa: "Yeah, even New Magincia is withering away."
Bjorn: "How much more can Britannia take?"
Bjorn: "Well, I'm just glad that damned column got took care of. Now we don't have to worry about ships veerin' off course and wreckin' into everything."
Aneassa: "Yep, the Avatar's a sturdy hand. So now that it's safe to navigate again, are you going to peel your backside off of that seat and get back out to sea?"
Bjorn: "Soon enough, Aneassa, soon enough. I'm just workin' on gettin' me sea legs back."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is false
Aneassa: "What can I do for you mate?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is false
New Magincia Avatar: "So what is happening in New Magincia?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is true
Password Avatar: "Do you know the password for the tunnel to New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "What can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
Drinks Avatar: "What have you got to drink around here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
If Drawn_To_Terfin is false
Aneassa: "Well hello, Avatar. We were just talking about you. You did a fine job on that column, mate. What can I do for you?"
If Aneassa_Alt_Drink_Convo_C is true
Drinks2 Avatar: "I think I'd like a drink."
Drinks Avatar: "What have you got to drink around here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
If Aneassa_Knows_Sam_Is_Dead_C is false
Aneassa: "Hello, Avatar. I'm surprised to see you here; I thought that maybe you'd be looking for Samhayne. He disappeared, you know."
Aneassa: "Oh well, what can I get you?"
Aneassa: "Hi there Avatar. We're all still in shock about what happened to Samhayne, but we're getting along."
Aneassa: "I think that Raven will probably take over the Guild. Anyway, what can I get you?"
If Aneassa_Knows_Sam_Is_Dead_C is false
Samhayne Dead Avatar: "I have seen Samhayne."
Drinks2 Avatar: "I think I'd like a drink."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Aneassa: "I can tell you to stay off of the water. As for what's causing 'em, well, that's anybody's guess."
Aneassa: "I serve drinks, mate, I'm not an alchemist. I will tell you this: sailors are a superstitious lot."
Aneassa: "Many of them believe the whirlpools are bein' caused by the ghost ship. Now, you believe whatever you want."
Aneassa: "I believe that it's better to be drinkin' in this tavern than drownin' in some whirlpool."
Bjorn: "I'll drink to that!"
Ghost Avatar: "Ghost ship? What ghost ship?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is false
New Magincia Avatar: "So what is happening in New Magincia?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is true
Password Avatar: "Do you know the password for the tunnel to New Magincia?"
Drinks Avatar: "What have you got to drink around here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Aneassa: "Haven't you heard? Oh, sailors have been coming in here for the last couple of weeks saying that they saw a ghost ship just off of the lighthouse."
Avatar: "Do you think it's real?"
Aneassa: "Oh, I don't know. Could be real, it could be a sailor's superstition, or maybe it's just a hallucination brought on by too much rum!"
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is false
New Magincia Avatar: "So what is happening in New Magincia?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is true
Password Avatar: "Do you know the password for the tunnel to New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "What can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
Drinks Avatar: "What have you got to drink around here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Aneassa: "Tunnel to New Magincia? What are you talking about?"
Avatar: "You know, the tunnel down by the lighthouse."
Aneassa: "Oh, that tunnel. Well, that tunnel doesn't go to New Magincia, it just goes around in circles."
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is false
New Magincia Avatar: "So what is happening in New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "What can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
Drinks Avatar: "What have you got to drink around here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."

New Magincia

Aneassa: "What's happening in New Magincia? Nothing. I mean, literally nothing."
Aneassa: "The place has never been anything more than a haven for shepherds and their flocks, but a few years ago, people started leaving."
Aneassa: "From what I hear, the place is almost empty and is falling into ruin."
Bjorn: "Yeah, it's probably being over run by sheep!"
Where Avatar: "Can you tell me how to get to New Magincia?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is true
Password Avatar: "Do you know the password for the tunnel to New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "What can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
Drinks Avatar: "What have you got to drink around here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Aneassa: "No, sorry; I don't know where it is exactly. Why would you want to go to a boring, run-down place like that, anyway?"
Set Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C to true
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is false
New Magincia Avatar: "So what is happening in New Magincia?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is true
Password Avatar: "Do you know the password for the tunnel to New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "What can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
Drinks Avatar: "What have you got to drink around here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Set Aneassa_Alt_Drink_Convo_C to true
If Silver_Serpent_Freed is false
Aneassa: "Oh, we've got beer, grog, mead... and we've got the special. So, do you want a drink?"
Aneassa: "I've got beer, grog and mead. What'll you have?"
If Silver_Serpent_Freed is false
Special Avatar: "What's the special?"
Yes Avatar: "Sure, I'll have a drink or two."
No Avatar: "No thanks, I've got to go."


If Silver_Serpent_Freed is false
Aneassa: "Alright, what'll it be, grog, mead, or you know, the special?"
Aneassa: "I've got beer, grog and mead. What'll you have?"
If Silver_Serpent_Freed is false
Special2 Avatar: "Give me some of that 'special'."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I'll have a drink or two."
No Avatar: "Nothing thanks, I've got to go."


Aneassa: "Not so loud, mate. I can fix you up with some Serpent's Venom if you'd like."
Avatar: "What is Serpent's Venom?"
Aneassa: "Oh, it's a right good little concoction."
Aneassa: "Not only does it increase your ability to fight, but it also helps you out in the bedroom, if you know what I mean. So, do you want some or not?"
Special2 Avatar: "Sure, I'll try the special."
No Avatar: "No thanks, I've got to go."


Aneassa: "Great!"
Open Buy GUMP with book #428
Go to Anything Else - when closing GUMP


Aneassa: "Alright, what'll it be?"
Open Buy GUMP with book #162
Go to Anything Else - when closing GUMP


Aneassa: "Make up your mind, will ya? I'm tryin' to run a tavern here."

Anything Else

Aneassa: "So, anything else?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is false
New Magincia Avatar: "So what is happening in New Magincia?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is true
Password Avatar: "Do you know the password for the tunnel to New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "What can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
Drinks Avatar: "What have you got to drink around here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."

Samhayne Dead

Aneassa: "You found him? Well, when's he going to be back?"
Avatar: "I'm sorry, Aneassa, but Samhayne is dead."
Aneassa: "What?"
Avatar: "The Guardian had him killed."
Aneassa: "Oh no, what's going to happen to Buccaneer's Den? Oh, this is terrible. Bjorn, did you hear what he just said?"
Bjorn: "Yeah, I can't believe it. We've got to spread the word."
Aneassa: "You're right. I'm sorry Avatar, will you excuse me for a moment?"
Set Aneassa_Knows_Sam_Is_Dead_C to true




Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is false
If Bjorn_No_Money_C is false
If Bjorn_No_Pay_C is false
If Bjorn_No_Tell_C is false
If Bjorn_Knows_Avatar_C is false
Bjorn: "Hello there, mate."
Bjorn: "Greetings there, Avatar."
Name Avatar: "Hello, what's your name?"
New Magincia Avatar: "What can you tell me about New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "Do you know anything about the whirlpools?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bjorn: "Well, Mr. No Name wants to ask me more questions. Want to tell me your name first?"
Avatar Avatar: "Sorry, I'm the Avatar."
No Tell Avatar: "You don't worry about who I am."
Bjorn: "Well, you want to talk to me again, eh? My price ain't changed: 50 gold if ya want the password."
Yes Avatar: "Okay, here's your gold. What's the password?"
No Avatar: "I'm not going to pay you for information!"
Bjorn: "Well, you're back. I hope you got the gold this time."
Yes Avatar: "Okay, here's your gold. What's the password?"
No Avatar: "I'm not going to pay you for information!"
Bjorn: "Greetings, Avatar. Come in for a drink, did ya?"
Drink Avatar: "I might have a drink. I see you're here again."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Bjorn: "My name's Bjorn, and this here is Aneassa, my best friend."
Aneassa: "I'm only his best friend because I won't be his lover."
Bjorn: "No, that's not true! You're my best friend because you're serving me drinks!"
New Magincia Avatar: "What can you tell me about New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "Do you know anything about the whirlpools?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Bjorn: "Yeah, I know that they're dangerous."
Avatar: "Thanks, but can you tell me any more than that?"
Bjorn: "They weren't such a big problem before that damned column showed up."
Bjorn: "I mean, we'd have a whirlpool here and there, but within a few years of that column showin' up, the whirlpools were everywhere."
Bjorn: "It's right dangerous out there, I can tell you."
Aneassa: "Which is why he spends all of his time drinking in here instead of out there earning some money on a ship."
Bjorn: "Just you shut up and get me another beer."
Bjorn: "You'd think she was me wife the way she carries on."
Columns Avatar: "Do you know anything about the columns?"
New Magincia Avatar: "What can you tell me about New Magincia?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Bjorn: "Anybody ever tell you that you ask a lot of questions? Who are you, anyway?"
Avatar Avatar: "Sorry, I'm the Avatar."
Friend Avatar: "Just think of me as a friend."
No Tell Avatar: "You don't worry about who I am."


Set Bjorn_Knows_Avatar_C to true
Bjorn: "Really? The Avatar? Well, alright then; I can't say that I know much about that column out there."
Bjorn: "I think that it's got somethin' to do with them whirlpools, but that's just my sailor's hunch."
New Magincia Avatar: "What can you tell me about New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "Do you know anything about the whirlpools?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Bjorn: "Thanks, but I got all the friends I need. Now if it's all the same to you, I'd like to know who you are."
Avatar Avatar: "Sorry, I'm the Avatar."
No Tell Avatar: "You don't worry about who I am."

No Tell

Bjorn: "You're right, I don't. I don't have to sit here and "answer your questions, either."
Bjorn: "So what were we talkin' about, Aneassa?"
Set Bjorn_No_Name_C to true

New Magincia

Bjorn: "There ain't much to tell; the place is pretty much empty. All them shepherds basically got up and left."
Bjorn: "Not that I blame 'em; place was boring even when there was people there. Nothin' to do but watch sheep. Who wants to do that?"
Name Avatar: "Hello, what's your name?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NM_Avatar_C is true
Password Avatar: "Do you know the password to get through the tunnel?"
Get There Avatar: "Do you know how to get to New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "Do you know anything about the whirlpools?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."

Get There

Bjorn: "No, I know that you can't sail there cause there ain't no place to put in."
Avatar: "Is there any other way to get there?"
Bjorn: "Do I look like a map maker? Go and ask Keagan, maybe he can tell you something. Who would want to go to New Magincia anyway?"
Name Avatar: "Hello, what's your name?"
New Magincia Avatar: "What can you tell me about New Magincia?"
Whirlpools Avatar: "Do you know anything about the whirlpools?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Bjorn: "Not so loud, mate! Most people ain't supposed to know about the password. Yeah, I know it, but information like that'll cost you."
Avatar: "How much?"
Bjorn: "Let's say, 50 gold."
Yes Avatar: "Okay, here's your gold. What's the password?"
No Avatar: "I'm not going to pay you for information!"


If Avatar has at least 50 gold
Remove 50 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Bjorn: "Oh, very nice. Well, I don't exactly have the password, mate, but Raven does."
Bjorn: "Go see her and she can tell you what it is. Thanks very much, goodbye."
Bjorn: "What's this? You ain't got 50 gold on you! Come back and talk to me when you've got the money."
Set Bjorn_No_Money_C to true


Bjorn: "Then we got nothin' more to talk about."
Set Bjorn_No_Pay_C to true


Aneassa: "Again? He never left!"
Bjorn: "Yeah, very funny, Aneassa. I'll be leavin' soon enough now that them whirlpools are gone. I'm just workin' on gettin' my sea legs again."
Aneassa: "You keep drinking and you'll get your sea legs back soon enough."




Triggered Noncinematic when Avatar nears

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is false
Linus: "Aaaah! Aaaah!"
Brutus: "Take your stripes! Take them like a pirate!"
Linus: "Aaaah! Aaaah!"
Brutus: "Take it like a pirate!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is false
Brutus: "What do you want?"
Punish Avatar: "What has he done to deserve this punishment?"
Bye Avatar: "I best stay out of it."
Linus: "Did you witness the crime that was perpetrated against me?!"
Sue Avatar: "Yes"
No Avatar: "No"


Brutus: "He asked too many questions about stuff that was none of his damn business. Want to know anything else?"
Fight Avatar: "I don't much like your tone of voice."
Discipline "There are better ways to discipline a man!"
Bye Avatar: "In that case, by all means... beat him!"


Brutus: "Really? Maybe you'll like my club across your head!"
Set Brutus to attack the Avatar


Brutus: "This is a pirate's den, you moron! And there must be discipline!"
Brutus: "What did you expect, a tea party?!"
Brutus: "Now shove off and mind your own business!"
Free Avatar: "I demand that you release this man!"
Bye Avatar: "Carry on, then, and farewell."


Brutus: "I don't know who you think you are, mate, but I wouldn't let Lord British himself talk to me like that!"
Brutus: "It seems you, too, are in need of discipline!"
Set Brutus to attack the Avatar




Linus: "I was beaten, beaten horribly. Supposedly for insubordination."
Go to Sue


Linus: "I'm going to Yew to sue the black leather pants off the task master who punished me. Everyone who's been subjected to this indignity must be compensated!"
Yew Avatar: "So, you'll take this matter to Yew, the City of Justice?"
Lawless Avatar: "But you are a pirate and everyone knows that pirates are lawless."


Linus: "Yes, I'm going to sue him! Farewell!"


Linus: "You want me to be responsible for my actions? Not a chance!"
Linus: "Farewell!"


NPC not found on map

Enter Conversation

If Gives_BDPirates_Gold is true
Fitz: "We need some more gold!"
Fitz: "We need some gold!"


Enter Conversation

If Gives_BDPirates_Gold is true
Gabe: "Give us some more gold!"
Gabe: "Give us some gold!"


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Herzog: "Oi mate! How fare ya?"
If Weather is bad
Herzog: "I must say, I've had enough of this bad weather!"

Enter Conversation

If Katie_Working_C is true
Herzog: "Greetings! Thanks, mate, for sending that girl Katie around. She's turned out to be a fine hand! Now, are you looking to buy or sell anything?"
Else If Herzog_First_Convo_C is false
Set Herzog_First_Convo_C to true
Herzog: "My name's Herzog, welcome to me shop. Have a look around, maybe you'll find something you need."
Herzog: "Greetings! Come back to look around, eh? In the market to buy or sell anything today?"
If Guild_Accepted is true
Herzog: "I'll give you my special price, seeing as you're a guild member."
Buy Avatar: "Yes. I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #425
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Shop Avatar: "What do you sell here?"
Whirlpool Avatar: "Do you know anything about the whirlpools in the area?"
Bye Avatar: "No, thank you. I'll be going."


Herzog: "I buy and sell all manner of supplies for adventuring and exploring. You've got the look of an adventurer about you; surely you'll find something you need here."
Buy Avatar: "Yes. I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #425
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Whirlpool Avatar: "Do you know anything about the whirlpools in the area?"
Bye Avatar: "No, thank you. I'll be going."


Herzog: "Nothin' except that they've been good for business. They've been killing the shipping business, which has sent people off trying to find out more about them."
Herzog: "Before those folks go off exploring, they stock up for supplies here."
If Katie_Working_C is false
Herzog: "Business has been so good, I'm looking to hire someone to help out around here."
If Katie_Freed_B is true
Help Avatar: "I think that I may know someone who could help you here."
Buy Avatar: "Yes. I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #425
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No, thank you. I'll be going."


Set Katie_Working_C to true
Herzog: "Well, by all means, send them around!"
Buy Avatar: "Yes. I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #425
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Open Buy GUMP with book #175
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP


Open Sell GUMP with book #425
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Herzog,"Anything else for ya?"
Buy Avatar: "Yes. I would like to see a list of your wares."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #425
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Herzog: "Alright, then. Come again soon."


Triggered Noncinematic

If Jade is not in area Area_Buc_Den_Jades_House
Jade: "Hey big boy!"

Enter Conversation and Proximity Enter Cinematic

If Jade is at area Area_Buc_Den_Jades_House
Jade: "Want to party?"
Yes Avatar: "Sure! Let's go!"
No Avatar: "No thanks. I have to go now."




Jade: "Alright, my price is 100 gold. That may sound like a lot, but I promise, I'll take you around the moons. So do you still want to have a good time?"
Yes2 Avatar: "Yeah, I'm game."
No2 Avatar: "On second thought, I'd better not. Goodbye."


Jade: "Hm, cold feet, huh? Alright, but you don't know what you're missing. You know where to find me if you change your mind. Bye."


If Avatar has at least 100 gold
Jade,"Alright then, let's get to it, baby."
Remove 100 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Activate Jade's third trigger
Jade: "Sorry honey, but you don't have enough money. Tell you what. You go out there and find the money, then come on back and see me, okay? Bye bye."

Triggered Cinematic after sex

Jade: "Mmm, baby, that was fun! You take care now, and feel free to come back and see me any time. Bye!"


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Jonah: "Imagine, if you will... a product that makes you rich, smart, healthy, and attractive, that draws friends and adventures, that gives special powers of entrancement and that can make you the envy of all around you!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is false
Jonah: "Hello, friend! How're you doing today?"
Jonah: "Listen, I'll let you in on a secret. I've just come upon a special treasure. Would you like to see it?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, what is it?"
No Avatar: "Not today, thank you."
Pass Avatar: "Excuse me, I've got to go."
Jonah: "You may have this product in your possession for the low, low price of half your gold! Pay in ten easy installments!"
Go to Deal


Jonah: "But friend!"
Jonah: "This is a one time only offer! And, it will change your life!"
Yes Avatar: "Well, in that case..."
Pass Avatar: "I'm not interested and will be on my way."
Pass Avatar: "Excuse me, I've got to go."


Jonah: "Imagine, if you will, a product that makes you rich, smart, healthy, and attractive, that draws friends and adventures, that gives special powers of entrancement and that can slice a simple onion into a lovely design fit for your most elegant party!"
Treasure Avatar: "How have I ever lived without this special treasure?"
Pass Avatar: "Stop there. I don't have time for slick salesmen."
Pass Avatar: "Excuse me, I've got to go."


Jonah: "And what's more, you may have it in your possession for the low, low price of half your gold!"
Deal Avatar: "An unbelievable deal!"
Too Much Avatar: "That's a tad more than I'm willing to part with."
Fool Avatar: "Do you take me for a common fool?!"


Jonah: "But, friend..."
Too Much Avatar: "That's a tad more than I'm willing to part with."
Pass Avatar: "No! Absolutely not!"

Too Much

Jonah: "That's why, for you friend, I'm offering a special discount."
Pass Avatar: "I'll pass this time. Farewell."
Pass Avatar: "No! Absolutely not!"


Jonah: "Just open up your purse and I'll give you the special treasure..."
Here Avatar: "Here you are!"
Pass Avatar: "I'll pass this time. Farewell."


If Avatar has any gold
Remove Half of the Avatar's Gold
Jonah: "Excellent! Here you go, then."
Add Ginwoo to Avatar's Inventory
Avatar: "Actually, it looks like I'm all out of gold right now..."
Jonah: "Well, come back again if you acquire some more money! You won't regret it!"




Enter Conversation

If Katie_Working_C is false
If Samhayne_Got_Katies_Letter_C is false
If Montego is not dead and Katie_Bought_C is false
If Can_Talk_To_Montego is false
Katie: "Please sir, help me! They've.."
Montego: "Hey there! No talking to the merchandise unless you're here to buy. So, are you here to bid or just window shopping?"
Bid Avatar: "I'll bid on her."
No Bid Avatar: "By the virtues; she's a human being, not cattle!"
Go to Can Talk
Katie: "Oh, thank you!"
Katie: "I wanted to thank you for delivering my letter of introduction to Samhayne. He read it, and I'm supposed to be meeting him soon."
Katie: "Thank you so much, you've been so wonderful. Well, I don't want to keep you, I just wanted to say thanks. Goodbye."
Katie: "Avatar! Hello, I was hoping that I would get a chance to talk to you again. Thank you so much for all that you've done for me."
Katie: "I have a job now working with Herzog, and things are looking really good. Oh, thank you again. Bye and good luck!"


Montego: "Very well then, as long as you're here to bid, you can talk to the girl."
Set Can_Talk_To_Katie to true
Go to Can Talk

No Bid

Montego: "Ah, then I take it you're not bidding?"
Avatar: "You take it correctly. This is barbaric! How can you treat people like property?"
Montego: "Look mate, these people sold themselves into servitude to pay off debts. They're here by need or by choice. You don't like it? Shove off!"

Can Talk

Katie: "Please sir, help me. These horrible pirates kidnapped me. I didn't sell myself into service."
Katie: "I came here looking for Samhayne, not to be a slave. Please help me get out of here."
Kidnapped Avatar: "These people kidnapped you?"
Samhayne Avatar: "Why are you looking for Samhayne?"
Lie Avatar: "How do I know that you're telling me the truth?"


Katie: "Yes, they kidnapped me and took all of my belongings! I had no debts. I didn't need to sell myself into service. Oh, please help me sir. If I don't get away from here, they'll sell me as a slave!"
Samhayne Avatar: "Why are you looking for Samhayne?"
Lie Avatar: "How do I know that you're telling me the truth?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I can't get involved with this."


Katie: "I had proof that I came here looking for Samhayne, but those pirates took it."
Proof Avatar: "Where did the pirates take the goods they stole from you?"
Samhayne Avatar: "Why are you looking for Samhayne?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I can't get involved with this."


Katie: "I don't know. It was just some building in town."
Avatar: "Which building is it?"
Katie: "I don't know. I was scared and confused; I don't remember much."
Samhayne Avatar: "Why are you looking for Samhayne?"
Lie Avatar: "How do I know that you're telling me the truth?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I can't get involved with this."


Katie: "Well, my mother knew Samhayne years ago. Just before she died, she gave me a letter of introduction to Samhayne so he would give me a job."
Katie: "But on the way here, these pirates kidnapped me and took all of my belongings."
Set Katie_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I met a girl named Katie who is being sold into slavery by pirates. They claim that she sold herself into servitude to pay off debts, but she says that the pirates kidnapped her. She claims she came here to meet Samhayne and that she has a letter of introduction to prove it. According to Katie, the letter and everything else she had was taken from her inside some building in Buc's Den."
Where Avatar: "Do you know where your belongings are?"
Lie Avatar: "How do I know that you're telling me the truth?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I can't get involved with this."


Katie: "They're in some building in town; they took me there when I got to Buccaneer's Den."
Avatar: "Which building is it?"
Katie: "I don't know. I was scared and confused; I don't remember much."
Katie: "Are you going to help me? Oh please, say yes!"
Help Avatar: "I'll see what I can do to get you out of here."
Lie Avatar: "How do I know that you're telling me the truth?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I can't get involved with this."


Katie: "Oh, thank you! Please hurry, they might sell me to some scoundrel any minute. Thank you!"
Set Letter_Quest_Received to true


Katie: "No! Please help me! Please!"
Montego: "Shut up, you! Don't believe a word that comes out of this one's mouth; she's a liar through and through. I'm sure that you could teach her right, though, if she was yours."


Triggered Noncinematic at shop

Keagan: "Whistling..."

Enter Conversation

If Need_Sea_Chart is false
If Bought_Treasure_Map is false
Keagan: "Oh, hello. How are you today? Have you come to buy a map? I've got one here that is especially suited for the adventurer."
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is true and Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is false
New Magincia1 Avatar: "Could you tell me how to find New Magincia?"
Troubles Avatar: "Can you tell me about the troubles that have been plaguing this area?"
Map Avatar: "Tell me about this map for adventurers."
No Avatar: "No, thank you."
If Keagan_Knows_Avatar is true
Keagan: "Hello! You didn't tell me that you were the Avatar the last time you came in here. Imagine my surprise later when I found out that the Avatar had bought a map from me!"
Keagan: "So, what can I do for you today, Avatar? Was that treasure map that I sold you a success? I hope so, because I have another one if you're interested."
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is true and Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is false
New Magincia2 Avatar: "Could you tell me how to find New Magincia?"
Another Map Avatar: "You have another treasure map?"
Wrong Shop Avatar: "Sorry, I walked into the wrong shop."
If Has_Sea_Chart is false
If Keagan_Knows_Avatar is false
Keagan: "Hello, Avatar!"
Keagan: "Hello, friend."
Keagan: "What may I do for you today?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is true and Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is false
New Magincia3 Avatar: "Could you tell me how to find New Magincia?"
News Avatar: "Do you have any news of the troubles around here?"
Sea Charts Avatar: "Do you have any sea charts of Britannia?"
Wrong Shop Avatar: "Sorry, I walked into the wrong shop."
If Has_Cave_Map is false
If Keagan_Knows_Avatar is false
Keagan: "Hello, Avatar!"
Keagan: "Hello, friend."
Keagan: "What may I do for you today?"
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is true and Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is false
New Magincia4 Avatar: "Could you tell me how to find New Magincia?"
Any More Avatar: "I was just wondering if you had any more maps that may be of use."
Wrong Shop Avatar: "Sorry, I walked into the wrong shop."
If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is false
Keagan: "I'm sorry, but I don't think I have anything else that would be of use to you, Avatar."
Keagan: "Good luck on your journeys."
Keagan: "You know, my job has gotten a lot easier since those whirlpools went away. Trying to chart those things was nearly impossible!"

New Magincia1

Keagan: "Oh yes, New Magincia is east and a little to the south of here. Getting there is a bit tricky, though."
Keagan: "You see, you can't sail there because there are no docks on New Magincia. And of course, swimming is out of the question!"
Keagan: "No, the only way to get there is by way of the tunnel that runs between Buccaneer's Den and New Magincia."
Set Keagan_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Keagan says New Magincia is to the southeast, but that the only way to get there is through a tunnel here in Buccaneer's Den."
Tunnel Avatar: "Could you tell me how to find New Magincia?"
Map Avatar: "Tell me about this map for adventurers."
Bye Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."


Keagan: "Well, I've heard about whirlpools causing some shipwrecks, but I really don't know anything about them. Sorry friend, I'm just a cartographer; I don't know much about the sea."
Map Avatar: "Tell me about this map for adventurers."
Bye Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."


Keagan: "Oh, if you're one for adventure - and you do have that look about you - you'll love this: it's a treasure map. I know, you're thinking that it's some sort of fake."
Keagan: "I can not guarantee that it is authentic, but it came to me from a very good source. Since I can't guarantee the map's authenticity, I'm offering it for only 50 gold."
Keagan: "Are you interested?"
If Avatar has at least 50 gold
Yes Avatar: "Sure, I'll buy the treasure map."
No Avatar: "No, thank you."
Avatar: "I'm afraid I don't have enough money right now."
Go to No


Keagan: "Outstanding!"
Remove 50 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 50 gold to Keagan's Inventory
Add Keagan Map 1 to Avatar's Inventory
Set Bought_Treasure_Map to true
Keagan: "I thank you very much. Good luck!"
If Avatar_Seeking_NewMagincia_C is true and Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C is false
New Magincia1 Avatar: "Could you tell me how to find New Magincia?"
Troubles Avatar: "Can you tell me about the troubles that have been plaguing this area?"
Bye Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."

New Magincia2

Keagan: "Oh yes, New Magincia is east and a little to the south of here. Getting there is a bit tricky, though."
Keagan: "You see, you can't sail there because there are no docks on New Magincia. And of course, swimming is out of the question!"
Keagan: "No, the only way to get there is by way of the tunnel that runs between Buccaneer's Den and New Magincia."
Tunnel Avatar: "Could you tell me how to find New Magincia?"
Another Map Avatar: "You have another treasure map?"
Bye Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."

Another Map

Keagan: "Yes, I do. It's rather odd; I don't usually have treasure maps, but I've gotten several lately. Would you like to buy it? I'll sell it to you for just 150 gold."
If Avatar has at least 150 gold
Yes2 Avatar: "Sure, I'll buy another treasure map."
No Avatar: "No, thank you."
"I'm afraid I don't have enough money right now."
Go to No


Keagan: "Very good!"
Remove 150 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 150 gold to Keagan's Inventory
Add Keagan Map 2 to Avatar's Inventory
Set Bought_Second_Map to true
Keagan: "Thank you, Avatar."

New Magincia3

Keagan: "Oh yes, New Magincia is east and a little to the south of here. Getting there is a bit tricky, though."
Keagan: "You see, you can't sail there because there are no docks on New Magincia. And of course, swimming is out of the question!"
Keagan: "No, the only way to get there is by way of the tunnel that runs between Buccaneer's Den and New Magincia."
Tunnel Avatar: "Could you tell me how to find New Magincia?"
Sea Charts Avatar: "Do you have any sea charts of Britannia?"
Bye Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."


Keagan: "No, sorry. I stay pretty busy with my maps and don't really hear much news."
Sea Charts Avatar: "Do you have any sea charts of Britannia?"
Wrong Shop Avatar: "Sorry, I walked into the wrong shop."

Sea Charts

Keagan: "I have just the thing for you; it will cost you 250 gold."
If Avatar has at least 250 gold
Yes3 Avatar: "Yes, I will take it."
No Avatar: "No thanks, I'll pass."
Avatar: "I don't have that much gold."
Keagan: "Well, I'll be happy to sell it to you, when you get the gold."


Remove 250 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 250 gold to Keagan's Inventory
Add Sea Charts to Avatar's Inventory
Set Has_Sea_Chart to true

New Magincia4

Keagan: "Oh yes, New Magincia is east and a little to the south of here. Getting there is a bit tricky, though."
Keagan: "You see, you can't sail there because there are no docks on New Magincia. And of course, swimming is out of the question!"
Keagan: "No, the only way to get there is by way of the tunnel that runs between Buccaneer's Den and New Magincia."
Tunnel Avatar: "Could you tell me how to find New Magincia?"
Any More Avatar: "I was just wondering if you had any more maps that may be of use."
Bye Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."

Any More

Keagan: "I did get a map in not too long ago. It shows the way to an old cave that some pirates used to use as their hideout."
Keagan: "I really doubt there's anything of use there after all this time, but if you want to take a look anyway, I'll sell you the map for 350 gold."
If Avatar has at least 350 gold
Yes4 Avatar: "Sure, I'll take it."
No Avatar: "No, thank you."
Avatar: "I'm afraid I don't have enough money right now."
Go to No


Remove 350 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 350 gold to Keagan's Inventory
Add Keagan Map 3 to Avatar's Inventory
Set Has_Cave_Map to true
Keagan: "Good luck. Like I said, I doubt you're going to find anything useful with that map."


Keagan: "Oh certainly! After all, I am a cartographer. The tunnel is over by the lighthouse. Be careful, though, this is not an ordinary tunnel."
Set Keagan_Journal_Flag_4 to true
Diary: "Keagan, the cartographer in Buccaneer's Den gave me directions to the tunnel that leads to New Magincia. The tunnel is located near the lighthouse."
Lighthouse Avatar: "Sorry, but where is the lighthouse?"
Extraordinary Avatar: "What extraordinary about the tunnel?"
Bye Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."


Keagan: "Well, you can go into it a little ways, then you come to a fork. Some strange voice will then ask you for a password."
Keagan: "If you don't know the password, you just wander around in a circle and wind up back outside here in Buccaneer's Den."
Keagan: "I have no idea what the password is; it's something that the Guild controls."
Set Avatar_Seeking_NM_Password_C to true
Set Keagan_Journal_Flag_3 to true
Diary: "The tunnel requires a password that the Guild controls. Without it, I'll end up back in Buccaneer's Den."
Lighthouse Avatar: "Sorry, but where is the lighthouse?"
Bye Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."


Keagan: "Oh, I'm sorry, I just assumed you knew that. The lighthouse, and the tunnel, are on the eastern tip of the southern island."
Set Keagan_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Keagan, the cartographer, says that both the tunnel and the lighthouse in Buccaneer's Den are on the eastern tip of the southern island."
Extraordinary Avatar: "What extraordinary about the tunnel?"
Bye Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."


Keagan: "Very well. Have a good day!"
Go to Trinsic


Keagan: "Alright then. Farewell."
Go to Trinsic


If Been_To_Trinsic and Keagan_Talked_About_Trinsic_C are false
Set Keagan_Talked_About_Trinsic_C to true
Keagan: "If you're going to be traveling, I must warn you about Trinsic. My friend, Gerald, just returned from Trinsic; the city of honor they call it."
Keagan: Keagan,"He was appalled by the people's shocking behavior. According to Gerald, they were anything but honorable! Just a word to the wise. Good day!"

Wrong Shop



Enter Conversation

If Brutus_Dead is false
If Linus_Convo_Attempted_C is false
Set Linus_Convo_Attempted_C to true
Brutus: "You can talk to him when I finish here."
Brutus: "You got salt water in your ears? Back off!"
Linus: "Thank you again for saving me."

Triggered Cinematic after killing Brutus

Linus: "Thank you, stranger! Thank you so much! I wasn't even with those pirates. I was captured when they boarded our ship. I was lucky; most of the crew died."
Avatar: "Were there any more captives?"
Linus: "Only one that I know of: they took the captain. I heard some of the pirates talking about them holding the captain in some cave until his ransom was paid."
Avatar: "Alright then, you take care of yourself."
Linus: "I will, and thank you again."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Montego is in area Area_Wrong_Montegos_Cell
If Montego_Told_Stop_Slaving_C is false
Montego: "Hey you, get me out of here."
Montego: "Step up folks, the auction is about to begin! We have a fine selection today: laborers, personal servants, whatever your needs, we can fit the bill!"
Montego: "You sir, how do you like the looks of this fine young girl? She's a winner. She's sure to fill all of your needs, if you get my meaning!"

Triggered Cinematic at Wrong Cell or Enter Conversation

If Montego is in area Area_Wrong_Montegos_Cell
If Montego_Told_Stop_Slaving_C is false
If Did_Not_Free_Montego is false
Montego: "Yeah, hey, please, get me out of here. I'm innocent."
Help Avatar: "I'll be happy to help."
Crime Avatar: "What did you do to get thrown in here?"
WBye Avatar: "Sorry, I've got to go. Farewell."
Montego: "Hey, it's you again. Don't just walk by this time, let me out of here! You hear me? Let me out of here now!"
Help Avatar: "I'll be happy to help."
Crime Avatar: "What did you do to get thrown in here?"
WBye Avatar: "Sorry, I've got to go. Farewell."
Montego: "Hey, thanks again for letting me out of this place."
If Katie_Bought_C is false
If Montego_Told_Stop_Slaving_C is false
Montego: "We have a fine selection today. Why don't you go over there and take a look. I'm sure that she would more than suit your needs."
Buy Avatar: "I will buy this girl."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."
Montego: "Oh, hello there."
Avatar: "I thought that you were going to quit the slave business."
Montego: "I can't do that, it's just too profitable. Sorry, but that's just the way it is."
Montego: "Hey there, looking for more merchandise? I don't have any more sweet little honeys like that last girl, but I'm sure I can find something that will suit your tastes."


Montego: "Very well, her price is set at 3,000 gold. You still want to buy her?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I'll buy her."
No Avatar: "Three thousand? I can't afford that!"


If Avatar has at least 3000 gold
Montego: "Sold! For three thousand gold!"
Set Katie_Freed_B to true
Set Katie_Bought_C to true
Diary: "I managed to free the girl, Katie, who was going to be sold into slavery. I just can't abide the thought of human slavery going on here in Britannia!"
Montego: "Looks like you don't have the cash, mate. Better come back when you've got some money to spend."


Montego: "Then stop wasting my time."




Montego: "Yeah, that's it. Just open it up from your side! Hurry!"
Decrease Avatar's Karma by 1
Montego: "Yes! Thanks, you did me a big favor! See you around."


Montego: "I was thrown in here for slaving, but slavery is legal in Buccaneer's Den."
Montego: "If I'd been slaving in Moonglow or Britain I could understand, but I've never done that. All of my activities are sanctioned by the law."
Montego: "Come on, let me out of here."
Diary: "I found that Montego woman who was selling a young girl in Buccaneer's Den. She claims that she was within the law, since slavery is legal in Buc's Den, and wants me to let her out of her cell."
Help Avatar: "I'll be happy to help."
WBye Avatar: "Sorry, I've got to go. Farewell."


Montego: "Hey, hey! You can't walk away! Get back here and open this door! You hear me? Open this door!"
Set Did_Not_Free_Montego to true


Proximity Enter Cinematic

If Gives_BDPirates_Gold is true
Else If Omar_And_Crew_Aggro_C is true
Go to Bye
Gabe: "Give us some gold!"
Omar: "The world owes us!"
Gabe: "And don't expect us to work! Don't expect us to contribute to your corrupt system!"
Omar: "No! Don't expect us to play your game!"
Gabe: "Give us your gold!"
Go to Enter Conversation

Enter Conversation

If Gives_BDPirates_Gold is true
Omar: "Hey! Give us some more gold!"
Avatar: "This is ridiculous. I'm leaving."
Else If Omar_And_Crew_Aggro_C is true
Go to Bye
Omar: "Hey! Give us some gold!"
Why Avatar: "Why should I give you my gold?"
Okay Avatar: "Alright. Here, have some."
Bye Avatar: "This is ridiculous. I'm leaving."


Gabe: "Because we don't have any!"
Why Don't Avatar: "Why don't you have any?"
Not Mine Avatar: "You can't have mine!"
Okay Avatar: "By all means, then. Here, have some."
Bye Avatar: "This is ridiculous. I'm leaving."

Not Mine

Omar: "You're a pawn of corrupt society!"
Avatar: "Why do you have the right to other people's gold?"
Go to Give Gold

Why Don't

Omar: "Because society is corrupt and we won't contribute to it. But, we have a right to have gold!"
Give Gold Avatar: "Why do you have the right to other people's gold?"
Give Gold Avatar: "Why don't you find a society that isn't corrupt?"
Bye Avatar: "This is ridiculous. I'm leaving."

Give Gold

Gabe: "Are you going to give us your gold or not?!"
Okay Avatar: "Oh, alright."
Bye Avatar: "Not a farthing for the likes of you!"
Bye Avatar: "This is ridiculous. I'm leaving."


Set Gives_BDPirates_Gold to true
Remove all gold in Avatar's Inventory
Omar: "Yeehoo!"
Gabe: "Yeehoo!"


Set Omar_And_Crew_Aggro_C
Set Omar and Gabe to attack the Avatar


Triggered Noncinematic at Guild Boat

If Silver_Serpent_Freed is true
Pearli: "Squawk! Fire the cannon open the cave, squawk!"
Else If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is true
Pearli: "The Avatar saved the day!"
Pearli: "Hey, what's up with the moons?!!"
Pearli (cinematic): "Serpentwyne! Squawk! The guild is hoarding Serpentwyne! Squawk!"
What Avatar: "What?!"
Shut Up Avatar: "Shut up, noisy bird!"


Pearli: "Nothing! Nothing at all!"

Shut Up

Pearli: "*squawk*"


Triggered Noncinematic at Arena

Phineus: "Come one, come all! Place your bets! We have the finest fights in all of Britannia!"

Enter Conversation

If Won_One_Fight is false
If First_Fight_Topics_Complete is false
Set First_Fight_Topics_Complete to true
Phineus: "Hello there. Say, you look like a hale and hearty lad. Care to try your luck in the ring?"
Problems Avatar: "I need to ask you about the problems in Buccaneer's Den."
Maybe Avatar: "Maybe. What do I have to do?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."
Phineus: "Did ya change your mind? Would ya like to give it a try?"
Yes Avatar: "Sure, I'll give it a try."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."
If Won_Two_Fights is false
Phineus: "Hey look, it's the scrapper. You've already won one fight; care to try your luck again?"
Yes Avatar: "Sure, I'll give it a try."
No1 Avatar: "Sorry, I've got important work to do."
If Won_Three_Fights is false
Phineus: "You're back! Care to try for a third win?"
Yes Avatar: "Sure, I'll give it a try."
No1 Avatar: "Sorry, I've got important work to do."
Go to Triggered Cinematic After Third Fight Successful


Phineus: "What problems? I've got no problems; the fight business is booming! There's plenty of money to be made here. Care to give it a try?"
Maybe Avatar: "Maybe. What do I have to do?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Phineus: "It costs 300 gold to get in the ring. You fight whoever is in there. If you win, you get all the glory and experience in hand to hand fighting."
Phineus: "You can quit after one fight, or you can take on challengers. It's as simple as that! The only restriction is that you can't use any weapons in the ring. So, what do you say; care to give it a try?"
Yes Avatar: "Sure, I'll give it a try."
No1 Avatar: "Sorry, I've got important work to do."


If Won_One_Fight is false
If Avatar's Dexterity is at least 2
Go to Dexterous
Go to Not Dexterous
Else If Won_Two_Fights is false
If Avatar's Dexterity is at least 3
Go to Dexterous
Go to Not Dexterous
Else If Won_Three_Fights
If Avatar's Dexterity is 4
Go to Dexterous
Go to Not Dexterous

Not Dexterous

Choose Randomly between the following 2 lines
Phineus: "I'd love to have you fight some more but the next batch of fellows is pretty quick and tough. You'd best do some adventuring and increase your dexterity before coming back."
Phineus: "Well, I can't send you in there 'til you're lighter on your feet. I'd hate to see ya get hurt."


If Won_One_Fight is false
Phineus: "That'll be 300 gold."
If Avatar has at least 300 gold
Pay1 Avatar: "That sounds like a fair price."
No Fight Avatar: "I've changed my mind, farewell."
Go to Not Enough
Else If Won_Two_Fights is false
Phineus: "That'll be 2000 gold."
If Avatar has at least 2000 gold
Pay2 Avatar: "That sounds like a fair price."
No Fight Avatar: "I've changed my mind, farewell."
Go to Not Enough
Else If Won_Three_Fights
Phineus: "That'll be 5000 gold."
If Avatar has at least 5000 gold
Pay3 Avatar: "That sounds like a fair price."
No Fight Avatar: "I've changed my mind, farewell."
Go to Not Enough

Not Enough

Avatar: "I don't have that much gold."
Phineus: "Well, I guess you'll just have to come back when you do."


Phineus: "Excellent! Are you ready?"
Avatar: "As ready as I'm going to be."
Phineus: "Oh, and one more thing: this is bare hand fighting only, no weapons allowed. You'll need to stow your gear. I'll keep it safe for you until the fight is over."
Fight1 Avatar: "Okay, here you go."
No Fight Avatar: "I've changed my mind, farewell."


Remove 300 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Special Trigger 12, remove and store inventory in memory
Phineus: "Step up folks, pay your money to see the newcomer take on all challengers!"
Phineus: "Good luck, kid."
Activate Phineus's second trigger - starts fight

Triggered Cinematic After First Fight Successful

Phineus: "Excellent round! That was mighty impressive there, and it even looks like you learned a new move during that bout. A good swift kick is always useful."
Phineus: "Now, you wanna try another one? I gotta warn ya, the fights tend to get tougher the more you win."
Special Trigger 13, restore inventory
Increase Unarmed Skill by 1
Yes Avatar: "Sure, I'll have another go."
No2 Avatar: "No, I think that I'll stop while I'm ahead."


Phineus: "Great! You know the rules, I'm gonna have to take your gear."
Fight2 Avatar: "Okay, here you go."
No Fight Avatar: "I've changed my mind, farewell."


Remove 2000 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Special Trigger 12, remove and store inventory in memory
Phineus: "Step up folks, pay your money to see the newcomer take on all challengers!"
Phineus: "Good luck."
Activate Phineus's second trigger - starts fight

Triggered Cinematic After Second Fight Successful

Phineus: "Great moves, kid! That head bash you learned oughtta come in handy in a pinch. Be careful though, smashing your head into things can do you some hurt as well."
Special Trigger 13, restore inventory
Increase Unarmed Skill by 1
Yes Avatar: "Sure, I'll have another go."
No2 Avatar: "No, I think that I'll stop while I'm ahead."


Phineus: "Great! I'll take your gear and we can get started."
Fight3 Avatar: "Okay, here you go."
No Fight Avatar: "I've changed my mind, farewell."


Remove 5000 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Special Trigger 12, remove and store inventory in memory
Phineus: "Step up folks, pay your money to see the newcomer take on all challengers!"
Phineus: "Good luck."
Activate Phineus's second trigger - starts fight

Triggered Cinematic After Third Fight Successful

Phineus: "Hey, that was great! That back flip you've learned is a good way to back out of a fight without turning your back on the enemy. I got one problem, though."
Avatar: "What's that?"
Phineus: "No one else will fight ya. Sorry kid, here are your belongings. Take care of yourself, now."
Special Trigger 13, restore inventory
Increase Unarmed Skill by 1

Triggered Cinematic After Fight Failure

Phineus: "Oh well, better luck next time, kid. Do you want to give it another try?"
Activate Phineus's fourth trigger
Yes Avatar: "Sure, I'll have another go."
No3 Avatar: "No, I think I've had enough."

No Fight

Phineus: "That's a shame. You look like a real scrapper. There's no better teacher than the arena to hone your fighting skills. Come back when you're ready."


Phineus: "Alright then. You're welcome to come back later and test your skills."


Phineus: "Oh well, you're welcome to come back and give it a try any time. If you'll excuse me, I've got business to attend to."


Phineus: Phineus: "Oh well, you're a good fighter. You're welcome to come back and give it a try any time. If you'll excuse me, I've got business to attend to."


Phineus: "Alright then, you're welcome to come back any time and try again. Take care of yourself, kid."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Rum_Quest_Received is true and Rum_Quest_Complete is false
Go to Has Rum
If Rum_Quest_Complete is false
Sasha: "If only I had some rum for a final toast to The Rogue and her crew."

Enter Conversation

If Rum_Quest_Received is false
Sasha,"Who are you? Go away!"
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar."
Ship Avatar: "Where is your ship?"
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I'll leave."
If Rum_Quest_Complete is false
Go to Has Rum
Sasha: "To the Rogue and her crew: a better ship and better sailors there never were!"


Sasha: "Go away, Avatar. I want nothing to do with the living. All I want to do is haunt this lighthouse."
Sasha: "Had this lighthouse been working that night, we wouldn't have run aground, and I'd still be alive!"
Ship Avatar: "Where is your ship?"
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I'll leave."


Sasha: "If you want to know where the Rogue is, bring me some rum. I haven't had a drop since I was killed."
You Kid Avatar: "You've got to be kidding."
If Avatar has Rum
Yes Avatar: "I have rum with me now, in fact!"
Get Rum Avatar: "Alright, I'll bring you some rum."

You Kid

Sasha: "No, I'm not! I won't rest until I can toast my ship and crew one last time, and I can't do that until I get some rum."
Sasha: "So, if you want to know where my ship lies, go and fetch me some rum!"
Set Rum_Quest_Received to true

Get Rum

Set Rum_Quest_Received to true
Sasha,"Oh, to taste sweet rum just once more..."

Has Rum

Sasha: "You're back; do you have the rum?"
If Avatar has Rum
Avatar: "Yes, it's right here."
Go to Yes
Avatar: "Sorry friend, I don't. I will go get some."


Sasha: "Oh give it to me!"
Remove Rum from Avatar's Inventory
Add Rum to Sasha's Inventory
Set Rum_Quest_Received to true
Set Rum_Quest_Complete to true
Avatar: "Now tell me where the ship is."
Sasha: "It lies at the bottom of the sea, due north of this lighthouse. But if you go there, treat her with respect: that ship is a graveyard now."
Sasha: "Trust me, you don't want my crew to haunt you for disturbing their rest."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Warrick: "Welcome!"

Enter Conversation

If is false
If Warrick_First_Convo_C is false
Set Warrick_First_Convo_C to true
Warrick: "Avatar! Brother! I see that you are now a member of the guild! Have you come to buy something?"
Buy Avatar: "Let me see what you have to offer."
No Buy Avatar: "No, thanks. I don't need anything right now."
My Success Avatar: "Raven thought it essential to my success in Britannia."
Regret Avatar: "Had I known what Raven was doing I would've stopped her."
Warrick: "Greetings, brother. What may I do for you today? Come to purchase a few items, perhaps?"
Buy Avatar: "Let me see what you have to offer."
No Buy Avatar: "No, thanks. I don't need anything right now."
Bye Avatar: "No, thanks. I don't need anything right now."
Warrick: "I hope you're pleased with yourself."
Discontent Avatar: "Do I sense discontent in your voice, friend?"
Bye Avatar: "Very. Farewell."


Warrick: "Excellent! You'll find that I have quite a varied and eclectic selection."
Open Buy Gump with book #176
Go to Anything Else - when closing GUMP

Anything Else

Warrick: "Very well, will there be anything else for you?"
Buy Avatar: "Let me see what you have to offer."
No Buy Avatar: "No, thanks. I don't need anything right now."

No Buy

Warrick: "Very well, what else can I do for you, now that you have joined the Guild?"
Buy Avatar:
My Success Avatar: "Raven thought it essential to my success in Britannia."
Regret Avatar: "Had I known what Raven was doing I would've stopped her."
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, but I must leave now."


Warrick: "But why, Avatar? Are you a fool?"
Insult Avatar: "I dislike these tattoos."
Bye Avatar: "Let me walk away before a fight begins. Farewell."

My Success

Warrick: "Yes, we're at the top of our field! Being a member will open doors for you, get you into the finest taverns, and attract the most beautiful ladies."
Tavern Avatar: "Do you have a good tavern around here?"
Virtue Avatar: "I've come to Britannia to assist Lord British in re-establishing order and virtue."
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, but I must leave now."


Warrick: "We sure do. A woman named Aneassa runs it. It's a fine tavern."


Warrick: "Why work so hard? Why not enjoy life? Take your boots off? Put your feet up?"
Warrick: "It seems to me that you are rather naïve about the real nature of life."
Insult Avatar: "A feeble justification for illegal activity, I presume."
Bye Avatar: "Perhaps you understand things I do not. Farewell."


Warrick: "You insult the guild, Avatar!"
What is Right Avatar: "I don't mean to insult, but rather, to do what is right. Farewell."
Spurn Avatar: "Take it as you will, but I want nothing to do with you."

What is Right

Warrick: "As you wish, Avatar. You'll have need of us soon enough."


Warrick: "You spurn the guild? You will live to regret it!"


Warrick: "Why wouldn't you sense discontent? Our black-market Serpentwyne operation has been shut down, thanks to your meddling!"
Warrick: "Samhayne must not have understood that you will stop at nothing to promote your pathetic brand of virtue. Be off with you!"




Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Dunston: "What? Who are you? You're not supposed to be here!"
Set Dunston and Aria to attack the Avatar

Triggered Cinematic when Avatar enters

If Aria is not dead
Dunston: "I'm telling you for the last time; we need more venom from that snake, and we need it now!"
Dunston: "There's good money to be made, and I'm not going to lose out because you can't meet the demand!"
Aria: "Look, Dunston. I want to make money as much as you do, but you can't get blood from a stone and you can't treat a Silver Serpent like a milk cow!"
Aria: "I've tried everything that I can think of to get the serpent to produce more venom, but it's not working."
Dunston: "Then I'll get someone who can get venom from that snake, or I'll have you and the snake killed."
Aria: "Oh, that's smart, kill the goose because it's not laying enough golden eggs."
Dunston: "Don't you take that arrogant tone with me, woman! I'll turn you into fish bait without batting an eye. Just you remember that!"
Aria: "I'm sorry, but it's just that I'm under a lot of pressure here, Dunston. Just keeping the serpent contained in the force field is a full time job."
Aria: "Trying to keep it settled and producing venom has been nearly impossible!"
Dunston: "Then you'd better figure out a way to do the impossible. For both of your sakes."


Enter Conversation

If Dunston is not dead
Dunston: "Hey! Get out of here! You're not supposed to be here!"
Set Dunston and Aria to attack the Avatar

Pirate Female[edit]

Enter Conversation

Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
Pirate Female: "Outta me way, land-lubber!"
Pirate Female: "Raping. Pillaging. Yes, the pirates life for me."
Pirate Female: "Can't wait to get me hands on some loot!"

Pirate Male[edit]

Enter Conversation

Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
Pirate Male: "Arrr, matey."
Pirate Male: "Smells to me like there be a fish out of water. Oh, it’s you."
Pirate Male: "Outta gold! Time to sail the seas in search of plunder."

New Magincia/Hythloth[edit]


Triggered (NonCinematic unless indicated)

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is true
If Codex_Read and Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed are true
Katrina: "Come here and say goodbye to me, Avatar."
Katrina: "I knew you would return."
If Vulture_Quest_Received is true
If Vulture_Quest_Complete and Wolf_Quest_Complete are true
If Avatar_Got_Humility_Sigil_C is false
Initiate Cinematic Mode
Avatar: "I've cleared out the wolves and vultures. May I now have the sigil?"
Katrina: "Oh, yes, of course. You have helped me more than you can imagine. I hope, for the sake of all Britannia, that your quest is successful, old friend."
Katrina: "Is there anything else I can do to help you?"
She gives you the Sigil and Avatar_Got_Humility_Sigil_C becomes true
If Knows_Humility_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "Can you tell me the mantra to the Shrine of Humility?"
Shrine Avatar: "Where has the Shrine of Humility gone?"
Bye Avatar: "No thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."
Katrina: "Avatar, thank you again for taking care of the wolves and vultures. The goats seem happier already."
Initiate Cinematic Mode
Katrina: "Have you cleared out the wolves and vultures?"
Avatar: "No, I haven't."
Katrina: "Avatar, unless you are humble enough to help the common folk with their problems, you will surely not be able to use the sigil of Humility. I'm sorry."
If Vulture_Quest_Refused is true
Katrina: "Ah, my prideful friend returns."
Katrina: "Ah, my old friend, the Avatar. I sensed you had returned to Britannia."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is
If Codex_Read and Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed are true
Katrina: "Of all of the people that I've known in my long life, you have had the most cause to be proud, yet you never were."
Katrina: "You have always been the most humble of people, Avatar. I have always admired that in you."
Katrina: "Keep that humility in your heart, and you will always do well. Goodbye, dear friend."
Katrina: "You have done well, Avatar. I can feel the humility being restored to New Magincia. I realize now that even I was affected by the column.
Katrina: "I should never have demanded that you work for me before giving you the sigil."
Katrina: "After all, you were working to save all of Britannia and, in my pride, I have delayed that quest. Accept my apologies and my sincere thanks, Avatar."
If Vulture_Quest_Received and Avatar_Got_Humility_Sigil_C are true
Katrina: "Avatar, thank you again for taking care of the wolves and vultures. The goats seem happier already."
Katrina: "Is there anything else I can do to help you?"
If Knows_Humility_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "Can you tell me the mantra to the Shrine of Humility?"
Shrine Avatar: "Where has the Shrine of Humility gone?"
Bye Avatar: "No thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."
If First_Katrina_Convo is true
If Vulture_Quest_Received is true
If Vulture_Quest_Complete and Wolf_Quest_Complete are true
Katrina: "Thank you for helping me protect my herd. May the virtues be with you, Avatar."
If Knows_Humility_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "Can you tell me the mantra to the Shrine of Humility?"
Shrine Avatar: "Where has the Shrine of Humility gone?"
Bye Avatar: "Certainly, Katrina. Goodbye."
Katrina: "Please, Avatar, you must help me protect my herd. If you clear away the wolves and the vultures, I will give you what you seek."
Katrina: "Have you changed your mind about helping me protect my herd?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I will help you."
No Avatar: "I'm sorry. I cannot help you."
Katrina: "I hope that all is well with you, my friend. No doubt you have returned to quell the evil that stalks the land."
Katrina: "As you can see, I am now the caretaker of what is left of New Magincia. Is there anything that I may do to help?"
Whirlpool Avatar: "Can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
Glyph Avatar: "Where can I find the glyph?"
If Avatar_Got_Humility_Sigil_C and Wolf_Quest_Complete and Vulture_Quest_Complete are false
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know the whereabouts of New Magincia's sigil?"
If Knows_Humility_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "Can you tell me the mantra to the Shrine of Humility?"
Bye Avatar: "No thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."


Katrina: "You should be able to find the glyph in the column which rose out of the dungeon of Hythloth."
Katrina: "The entrance to Hythloth used to be right next to the shrine, but it has been sealed, and the shrine itself has been buried beneath the water."
Katrina: "If you can find the shrine and meditate there, perhaps you will learn the way to get to Hythloth."
Set Katrina_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Katrina has told me I can find the Glyph of Humility in the column that rose out of Hythloth. The entrance to Hythloth is near the shrine, but it's been sealed and the shrine's underwater. She thinks that if I meditate at the shrine, though, I may find the way to Hythloth."
Whirlpool Avatar: "Can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
If Avatar_Got_Humility_Sigil_C and Wolf_Quest_Complete and Vulture_Quest_Complete are false
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know the whereabouts of New Magincia's sigil?"
If Knows_Humility_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "Can you tell me the mantra to the Shrine of Humility?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."


Katrina: "The waters here were once calm and beautiful, long ago. But since the columns destroyed New Magincia, these whirlpools have made travel by water very dangerous."
Katrina: "Even I, more humble than anyone I know, cannot make the shrine of Humility reveal itself, and I have been unable to navigate the whirlpools to find it."
Glyph Avatar: "Where can I find the glyph?"
If Avatar_Got_Humility_Sigil_C and Wolf_Quest_Complete and Vulture_Quest_Complete are false
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know the whereabouts of New Magincia's sigil?"
If Knows_Humility_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "Can you tell me the mantra to the Shrine of Humility?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."


Katrina: "Indeed, my friend. The Mantra is 'Lum'. If you intone this mantra at the corrupted shrine, you may be given some clue as to how to find Hythloth and the glyph."
Set Knows_Humility_Mantra to true
Diary: "Katrina told me the Mantra of Humility is 'Lum'."
Whirlpool Avatar: "Can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
Glyph Avatar: "Where can I find the glyph?"
If Avatar_Got_Humility_Sigil_C and Wolf_Quest_Complete and Vulture_Quest_Complete are false
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know the whereabouts of New Magincia's sigil?"
Shrine2 Avatar:"Where has the Shrine of Humility gone?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."


Katrina: "Yes. I have the Crook of Humility."
Avatar: "May I take it to aid me in my quest?"
Katrina: "I will be happy to give you the sigil, but I must ask you a favor. Without others here to help, my herd has been threatened by vultures and wolves."
Katrina: "Will you help me protect them?"
Set First_Katrina_Convo to true
Diary: "My old friend Katrina has the Sigil of Humility, but she won't give it to me unless I help protect her flock of goats from the wolves and vultures here that are killing them off."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I will help you."
No Avatar: "I'm sorry. I cannot help you."


Katrina: "Thank you so very much, Avatar. I have lost many goats to these foul beasts."
Katrina: "I have heard that if you can find and kill the alpha wolf, the rest of the pack will disperse.
Katrina: "Now, as for the vultures, I'm not sure how to get rid of them. I do know that they don't like fire.
Katrina: "If you would, please, eliminate both the vulture nest and the alpha wolf, I will gladly give you what you seek."
Set Vulture_Quest_Received to true
Diary: "Supposedly, to get rid of the wolves I need to find and kill the alpha wolf, and Katrina told me that vultures particularly dislike fire."
Whirlpool Avatar: "Can you tell me about the whirlpools?"
Glyph Avatar: "Where can I find the glyph?"
If Knows_Humility_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "Can you tell me the mantra to the Shrine of Humility?"
Shrine Avatar: "Where has the Shrine of Humility gone?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."


Katrina: "You are too full of pride to receive the sigil. Farewell, Avatar."
Set Vulture_Quest_Refused to true


Katrina: "As you have surely noticed, the land has changed a great deal since the arrival of the columns. Sadly, the shrine has been affected as well, and lies hidden."
Katrina: "If a truly humble person stands on the promontory to the north, the shrine will be revealed to them."
Set Katrina_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Katrina says the only way to find the shrine is for a truly humble person to stand on the promontory to the north."
Promontory Avatar: "Where is this promontory?"
If Knows_Humility_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "Can you tell me the mantra to the Shrine of Humility?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."


Katrina: "Near the beach to the northwest of my house is a flat stone, where a truly humble person can call forth the shrine."
Set Katrina_Journal_Flag_3 to true
Diary: "The promontory is a flat stone near the beach to the northwest of Katrina's house."
If Knows_Humility_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "Can you tell me the mantra to the Shrine of Humility?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."


Katrina: "Near the beach to the northwest of my house is a flat stone, where a truly humble person can call forth the shrine."
Set Katrina_Journal_Flag_3 to true
Diary: "The promontory is a flat stone near the beach to the northwest of Katrina's house."
If Avatar_Got_Humility_Sigil_C and Wolf_Quest_Complete and Vulture_Quest_Complete are false
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know the whereabouts of New Magincia's sigil?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."


Katrina: "As you have surely noticed, the land has changed a great deal since the arrival of the columns. Sadly, the shrine has been affected as well.
Katrina: "If a truly humble person stands on the promontory to the north, the shrine will be revealed to them."
Set Katrina_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Katrina says the only way to find the shrine is for a truly humble person to stand on the promontory to the north."
Promontory2 Avatar: "Where is this promontory?"
If Avatar_Got_Humility_Sigil_C and Wolf_Quest_Complete and Vulture_Quest_Complete are false
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know the whereabouts of New Magincia's sigil?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, Katrina. Goodbye."


Katrina: "Well, goodbye, Avatar. Please come back to see me if I can be of any assistance."

Shrine of Humility[edit]

Enter Conversation

Shrine of Humility: "Speak now the Mantra of Humility."
Check input for "lum"
If true
Mantra Correct
If false
Mantra Wrong

Mantra Wrong

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is false
Shrine of Humility: "Thou speak not the humble mantra. You lack humility, go and purge yourself of your pride and return when thou hast the mantra."
Shrine of Humility: "This is not the mantra of Humility. Avatar, hast thou so quickly forgotten the sacred mantra with which you restored me?"

Mantra Correct

If Shrine_Humility_Cleansed is true
Shrine of Humility: "Avatar, thou hast restored me. I give my humble thanks."
Shrine of Humility: "Dost thou wish to perform the ritual of restoration?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes"
No Avatar: "No"
Shrine of Humility: "Avatar, humbly do I request thine aid. I am corrupt."
Shrine of Humility: "Please, find and bring to me the sigil and mantra of Humility, and the glyph of pride."
Shrine of Humility: "If thou canst do this, then shall I again be pure."
Activate Shrine of Humility Trigger 3 - play cinematic Maelstrom and teleport Avatar to Ambrosia map


Shrine of Humility: "Then speak the words of restoration."
Check input for "vas mani corp"
If true
Restoration Correct
If false
Restoration Wrong


Shrine of Humility: "Remember well humility, Avatar. Know that pride always goeth before a fall."

Restoration Correct

Initiate Ritual of Restoration

Restoration Wrong

If you have not used up your three attempts to get the words of Restoration correct.
Shrine of Humility: "Thou hast not spoken the words of restoration. Concentrate, and speak again so that thou mayest heal thyself."
Return to Yes
Shrine of Humility: "If you wish to be restored, learn the words of restoration and return to see me."

Shrine Cleansing Cinematic

Shrine of Humility: "Speak now the Mantra of Humility."
Check input for "lum"
If true
See Shrine for Cleansing Cinematic
Set Shrine_Humility_Cleansed to true
If false
Mantra Wrong


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Damon: "What a treat it is for me to have your blood on my hands. I thank you for the gift of your head."
Set Damon to Attack the Avatar



Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

Exferlem: "To not kill me! To go!"

Enter Conversation

If Exferlem_Attacked_C is False
If Dome_Collapsed is False
If First_Exferlem_Convo is False
Exferlem: "Ah, to have made a mistake. To have thought you Winged. To see now you are Wingless. And to be human! To have come to join us, perhaps?"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Fear1 Avatar: "Why do you fear the Winged?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."
Exferlem: "To be busy planning our next attack! To stay out of the way, human."
Exferlem: "To be betrayed by the False Prophet! To have our city destroyed!"
Exferlem: "To kill False Prophet!"
Set Exferlem_Attacked_C to True
Set Exferlem to attack the Avatar


Exferlem: "To know they are jealous, and to not want others to know that we are better! To be treated as slaves!"
Exferlem: "To be thought stupid, and to be told we are not as good as Winged."
Exferlem: "To have seen several Wingless killed by Winged, and to know we will win this civil war! To kill the evil Winged!"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Exferlem: "To be called Exferlem. To be the leader of the Wingless Master Race. To be stronger than the Winged Oppressors!"
Exferlem: "To know that you must be proud to stand now with me. To know this is understandable."
Fear2 Avatar: "Why do you fear the Winged?"
Wise Avatar: "You are truly a wise leader."
Winged Avatar: "But aren't the Winged gargoyles the leaders?"
Bye Avatar: "Quite proud. Farewell."


Exferlem: "To know they are jealous, and to not want others to know that we are better! To be treated as slaves!"
Exferlem: "To be thought stupid, and to be told we are not as good as Winged."
Exferlem: "To have seen several Wingless killed by Winged, and to know we will win this civil war! To kill the evil Winged!"
Wise Avatar: "You are truly a wise leader."
Winged Avatar: "But aren't the Winged gargoyles the leaders?"
Bye Avatar: "Quite proud. Farewell."


Exferlem: "To side with the evil Winged ones? To take for granted my help? To be killed!"
Exferlem: "To kill False Prophet!"
Set Exferlem_Attacked_C to True
Set Exferlem to attack the Avatar


Exferlem: "To know you must be very proud to join us! To see that we are the true master race!"
Fear3 Avatar: "Why do you fear the Winged?"
Ambrosia Avatar: "Can you tell me about Ambrosia?"
If Valkadesh_Spoke_About_Wislem_C is True
Wislem Avatar: "Do you know where I can find Wislem's house?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Exferlem: "To have truly been the drones who built this place of wonder, not the Winged oppressors! To have never recieved credit or thanks for our work."
Exferlem: "To look around and see the firm beams, the solid glass that keeps us safe!"
Set Exferlem_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "A drone named Exferlem claims the dome was built by the drones, and that the winged Gargoyles have never given them proper credit."
Fear3 Avatar: "Why do you fear the Winged?"
If Valkadesh_Spoke_About_Wislem_C is True
Wislem Avatar: "Do you know where I can find Wislem's house?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Exferlem: "To know they are jealous, and to not want others to know that we are better! To be treated as slaves!"
Exferlem: "To be thought stupid, and to be told we are not as good as Winged."
Exferlem: "To have seen several Wingless killed by Winged, and to know we will win this civil war! To kill the evil Winged!"
Ambrosia Avatar: "Can you tell me about Ambrosia?"
If Valkadesh_Spoke_About_Wislem_C is True
Wislem Avatar: "Do you know where I can find Wislem's house?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Exferlem: "Wislem! To die! To be a traitor to the Master Race, and to have killed Deresh. To have my own brother killed by Wislem!"
Exferlem: "To have tried to get the body of my brother, but to not find it. To believe Wislem has taken it into his floating house!"
Exferlem: "To order Wislem to die!"
Set Exferlem_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Set First_Exferlem_Convo to True
Diary: "Exferlem is convinced that Wislem killed his brother Deresh. He hasn't found the body, but believes Wislem took it into his house."
Fear3 Avatar: "Why do you fear the Winged?"
Ambrosia Avatar: "Can you tell me about Ambrosia?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."




Proximity Enter (unused)

Grond: "What? Who goes there? Who's there?"

Enter Conversation

If Grond_First_Convo_C is False
Grond: "Ahoy there. Who are you? I haven't seen another soul since I wound up in this place. I'm Grond, the best shipbuilder in these parts of the world."
Traveler Avatar: "I'm a traveler, just passing through."
How Avatar: "How did you get down here?"
Bye Avatar: "Well, I've got to go. Goodbye."
Grond: "So, did you want to take a look at my magical items?"
Yes_Buy Avatar: "Thanks, I'd like to look at that list."
No_Buy Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested in buying anything."
Bye Avatar: "Well, I've got to go. Goodbye."


Grond: "Well you sure picked a duced odd place to be travelin'. I mean, this here cave ain't much of a vacation spot, although at least the weather's pretty steady here."
How Avatar: "How did you get down here?"
Bye Avatar: "Well, I've got to go. Goodbye."


Grond: "It's the strangest thing: I ain't never fell asleep at the wheel on any watch before."
Grond: "But there I was, tackin' eastward and I started getting real sleepy, like I'd been drugged. Next thing I know, there was this giant column loomin' up ahead of me."
Grond: "I threw the wheel hard to port, but couldn't avoid this great blasted whirlpool that came up out of nowhere. I blacked out at some point, and when I came to, here I was."
Boat Avatar: "How do you plan to get out of here?"
Long Avatar: "How long have you been down here?"
Bye Avatar: "Well, I've got to go. Goodbye."


Grond: "Oh, I figure it's been about half a year. Yep, that'll be about right. I'm building me a boat to get outta here, but I need to hurry up and get it finished 'cause my food stores are startin' to run out."
Boat Avatar: "What are you using to build the boat?"
Bye Avatar: "Well, I've got to go. Goodbye."


Grond: "Rocks. Granted they ain't the best buildin' material for a boat, but you got to make do with what you're given. I got me some magical stuff here that was part of me cargo, but they ain't of no use to me. Can't build a boat with scrolls and potions."
Rocks Avatar: "Rocks? You're going to try to build a boat out of rocks?"
Magic Avatar: "What kind of magical items do you have?"
Bye Avatar: "Well, I've got to go. Goodbye."


Grond: "Well, I grant you that it ain't the best material, but there's nothing else down here. Besides, I'm the best shipwright in these parts of the world!"
Grond: "You don't think that I can build a boat out of rocks?"
Yes Avatar: "I'm sure that it will be a fine boat."
No Avatar: "Not one that will float, no."


Grond: "You're duced right it'll be a fine boat!"


Grond: "Well what do you know? You ain't no shipwright! You're startin' to bother me, so just leave me be."


Set Grond_First_Convo_C to True
Grond: "Tell you what, if you'd like to buy something, take a look at this manifest and let me know what you want."
Yes_Buy Avatar: "Thanks, I'd like to look at that list."
No_Buy Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested in buying anything."
If Avatar has Items on book #347
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."


Grond: "Alright, here you go."
Open Buy Gump with book #224
Do the following when closing GUMP
Grond: "Feel free to come back if you need anythin' else!"


Grond: "Alright, no sweat off my nose."
How Avatar: "How did you get down here?"
Bye Avatar: "Well, I've got to go. Goodbye."


Open Sell Gump with book #347
Do the following when closing GUMP
Grond: "Feel free to come back if you need anythin' else!"


Grond: "Well good luck to ya!"


Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

If Not_Killed_Nameless and Dome_Collapsed are True
NoName: "To have killed evil Valkadesh! To show I good!"
Activate NoName's third trigger - NoName gets killed by falling debris

Enter Conversation

If Dome_Collapsed is False
If Noname is in area Area_Ambrosia_Nameless_Wall
If Nameless_Said_Speech_C is False
Set Nameless_Said_Speech_C to True
NoName: "To jump through my secret wall, not real, to be illusion! To be the only secret wall, my secret wall."
NoName: "To find body I hide! To have boots, to fly! To go now and get boots. To know that I will kill bad Winged Valkadesh."
Diary: "Nameless pointed out an illusionary wall, where he has hidden the drone body. He seems very preoccupied with killing the winged leaders, and especially Valkadesh."
NoName: "To go through wall to boots! I to kill bad Valkadesh!"
NoName: "To thank! To thank! To see Wingless like me!"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Locked Avatar: "Why are you locked in here?"
Bye Avatar: "I have no time for you, child. Farewell."


NoName: "To be too young, to not have a name. To not be given a name, because I bad."
Locked Avatar: "Why do you say you are bad?"
Locked Avatar: "Why are you locked in here?"
Bye Avatar: "I have no time for you, child. Farewell."


NoName: "To be killed by the Winged bad ones soon. To have killed a bad one."
NoName: "To tell me I bad, because to kill the Winged ones and to kill their workers."
Set Nameless_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I've found a young Gargoyle who was locked away, waiting to be put to death for having killed winged Gargoyles and their drone workers."
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Kill Avatar: "Why are you killing other gargoyles?"
Bye Avatar: "I have no time for you, child. Farewell."


NoName: "To kill a worker to fly! To prove that I good! To speak like Winged and to fly with boots! To prove I good and Winged bad!"
Fly Avatar: "You have boots that let you fly?"
Drone Avatar: "You killed a Drone?"
Bye Avatar: "I have no time for you, child. Farewell."


NoName: "To fly, worker have boots! Drones work for Winged ones, so I kill! To fly like Winged ones and kill them!"
NoName: "To prove I good and to deserve a name!"
Fly Avatar: "You have boots that let you fly?"
Bye Avatar: "I have no time for you, child. Farewell."


NoName: "To have boots, but not to fit. To have feet too big. To be sad that feet too big."
NoName: "To give boots to you! To let you fly! To kill the bad ones!"
Gargoyles Avatar: "I would like to see these boots."
Bye Avatar: "I have no time for you, child. Farewell."


NoName: "To kill the flying bad ones! I to kill the ground bad ones! To kill the Winged Gargoyle leaders! To kill also bad Winged Valkadesh!"
NoName: "To prove I good! To follow me to boots."
Set Nameless_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Nameless says he killed the drone to get his levitating boots, but that the boots don't fit him. He told me to follow him and get the boots so I can kill the winged Gargoyles for him, including Valkadesh! I would like to reach those floating houses..."
Activate NoName's second trigger - NoName walks to illusion wall




Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

If Valkadesh_Intro and Dome_Collapsed are False
Valkadesh: "To think it curious that you have come here, human. To know that this is not the safest of places for humans."
Valkadesh: "To realize that not all Gargoyles are as understanding and open minded as I, and that you are in great danger here."
Set Valkadesh_Intro

Enter Conversation

If Dome_Collapsed is False
If Valkadesh is in area Area_Ambrosia_Valkadesh_Home
Set Valkadesh_Home_Convo to True
Valkadesh: "To ask why you have come down here amongst the Gargoyles? To look and marvel at our wonderful dome and superior technology, perhaps?"
Danger Avatar: "Why am I in danger here?"
Columns Avatar: "I'm investigating the columns that are causing problems on the surface."
Hythloth Avatar: "I am looking for Hythloth. Can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."
Valkadesh: "Avatar... to see you are alive... to know that you did not ask to be the destroyer of a race."
Valkadesh: "To plead with you to represent us well, to not let others see how our pride has failed us..."
Activate Valkadesh's fourth trigger


Valkadesh: "To know that you are in danger because you are the Avatar. To know that you are the false prophet spoken of in the Book of Prophecy."
Book Avatar: "What is the Book of Prophecy?"
Columns Avatar: "I'm investigating the columns that are causing problems on the surface."
Hythloth Avatar: "I am looking for Hythloth. Can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Valkadesh: "To remember that the Book of Prophecy is the grand and holy Gargoyle book that tells the prophecy of the Gargoyle people."
Valkadesh: "To know that the book identified you, the Avatar, as the False Prophet."
Valkadesh: "Finally, to know that the book promised that you will bring about the destruction of the Gargoyle race."
Set Valkadesh_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Valkadesh called me 'the False Prophet', and told me of a Book of Prophecy that foretells that the Avatar will destroy the Gargoyle race."
Destroy Avatar: "So you think that I will destroy your race?"
Columns Avatar: "I'm investigating the columns that are causing problems on the surface."
Hythloth Avatar: "I am looking for Hythloth. Can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Valkadesh: "To know that the prophecy will be fulfilled. To know that the book is never wrong."
Valkadesh: "To know that of all of the wonderful things possessed by the Gargoyles, the Book of Prophecy is the greatest."
Valkadesh: "To tell you that many Gargoyles would seek to prevent you from destroying us. But also to know that anything prophesied by the book cannot be changed."
Valkadesh: "To therefore accept the prophecy and mourn the loss of the greatest of civilizations."
No Intention Avatar: "But I do not plan to destroy your people!"
Columns Avatar: "I'm investigating the columns that are causing problems on the surface."
Hythloth Avatar: "I am looking for Hythloth. Can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."

No Intention

Valkadesh: "To be sure that you will, though, because it is the third sign. To remind you that it was prophesied long ago that you would desecrate our most holy shrine."
Valkadesh: "To remind you further that it was prophesied that our most holy artifact, the Codex, would be stolen, and that was done."
Valkadesh: "Then to remember that it was prophesied that the false prophet would descend into the earth, and cause the earth itself to collapse, and that was done."
Valkadesh: "And now, to see you again, means the third sign is near, and what is left of our race will surely be destroyed."
Columns Avatar: "I'm investigating the columns that are causing problems on the surface."
Hythloth Avatar: "I am looking for Hythloth. Can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Valkadesh: "To know and be happy that we Gargoyles do not suffer from such problems. To have superior technology that keeps us safe and unaffected by such trivial things."
Valkadesh: "To be happy that our vast intelligence brought us here to our safe and happy paradise."
No Problems Avatar: "So you've had no problems down here?"
Hythloth Avatar: "I am looking for Hythloth. Can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."

No Problems

Valkadesh: "To admit that not everything is perfect. To tell you that our Queen Zhah is very upset."
Valkadesh: "However, to know that nothing is ever completely perfect, but to come close. To be very proud of my race and our accomplishments."
Angry Avatar: "Why is your queen angry?"
Hythloth Avatar: "I am looking for Hythloth. Can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Valkadesh: "To see that she is angry because the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom has been taken from the void and cannot be viewed. To also be angry about this."
Valkadesh: "To know that the Codex is the holy book of the Gargoyles, not only the humans."
Set Valkadesh_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Valkadesh, an old Gargoyle scholar, explained that that the Gargoyle queen is upset because their holy book, the Codex, has been stolen."
Queen Avatar: "I would like to see your queen."
Danger Avatar: "Why am I in danger here?"
Hythloth Avatar: "I am looking for Hythloth. Can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Valkadesh: "To be amused! To be impossible for a lowly human to have audience with the Queen. To be difficult even for Gargoyles."
Valkadesh: "To be granted an audience, one must possess the Amulet of Singularity, showing that one knows the sacred way of Singularity."
Valkadesh: "To also need the Queen's power cube to open the great chamber doors. To see the Queen indeed!"
Set Valkadesh_Journal_Flag_4 to True
Diary: "I learned from Valkadesh that if I want to see the Queen, I'll need the Amulet of Singularity, and the Queen's Power Cube to open the doors."
Danger Avatar: "Why am I in danger here?"
Hythloth Avatar: "I am looking for Hythloth. Can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Set Valkadesh_Spoke_About_Wislem_C to True
Valkadesh: "To speak to Wislem. To go to his house, but to need to fly because Wislem's house is floating."
Valkadesh: "To be the only one who knows Hythloth."
Set Valkadesh_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "Valkadesh told me the only person who knows how to get to Hythloth is Wislem, but that his workshop floats. I need to find a way to get to that workshop!"
Why Avatar: "Why do you tell me this?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Valkadesh: "To know that you are at risk here. To understand you did not seek to be the destroyer of a race, and to not wish you harmed."
Valkadesh: "To remind you that others in Ambrosia remember the Prophecy. To be careful."
Valkadesh: "To have need to leave now."




Proximity Enter (Cinematic)

If Dome_Collapsed is True and Voresh_Attacked_C is False
Voresh: "To have thought you here to help! To now know that you are False Prophet, come to destroy our people! Agra-lem! To kill!"
Else If Voresh_Attacked_C is True
Voresh: "To kill False Prophet!"
Set Voresh to attack the Avatar

Enter Conversation

If Voresh_Attacked_C is False
If Dome_Collapsed is False
Voresh: "To think you familiar. To question why a Wingless sub-creature has approached me!"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar. I merely seek passage to Hythloth."
Lost Avatar: "I am merely lost, sir, in search of Hythloth."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going now. Farewell."
Voresh: "To have already spoken to you. To be busy now."
Voresh: "To kill False Prophet!"
Set Voresh to attack the Avatar


Go to No Help


Voresh: "To think you lie! To think instead that you came here to marvel at our wonders."
Voresh: "To think perhaps you came seeking knowledge at our magnificent Temple of Singularity."
Voresh: "To feel sorry for such a lowly Wingless creature as you, but to inform you that we will allow you to help us in our righteous cause."
Help Avatar: "What would you like me to do?"
No Help Avatar: "I'm sorry, I cannot help you."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going now. Farewell."

No Help

Voresh: "To not fool the wise Voresh! To be the False Prophet! To have come to destroy the Winged master race! To be a traitor, and to die!"
Set Voresh_Attacked_C to True
Set Voresh to attack the Avatar


Voresh: "To exterminate the Wingless ones, of course!"
Voresh: "To know that you should be proud to receive so great an honor! To take joy in being allowed to join us under our glorious dome, once the Wingless vermin are gone!"
Honor Avatar: "You honor me with your generosity."
No Help Avatar: "I'm sorry, I cannot help you."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going now. Farewell."


Set Voresh_First_Convo_C to True
Voresh: "To be observant, for a Wingless one. To be happy to help one who is so intelligent."
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Dome Avatar: "I would like to hear about the Dome."
Temple Avatar: "Can you tell me about the Temple of Singularity?"
If Valkadesh_Spoke_About_Wislem_C is True
Wislem Avatar: "Could you direct me to Wislem's house?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going now. Farewell."


Voresh: "To be Voresh! To be third assistant to the assistant to the Queen. But to be very important nonetheless!"
Dome Avatar: "I would like to hear about the Dome."
Temple Avatar: "Can you tell me about the Temple of Singularity?"
If Valkadesh_Spoke_About_Wislem_C is True
Wislem Avatar: "Could you direct me to Wislem's house?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going now. Farewell."


Voresh: "Our glorious Dome! To have been built by Wislem, our master inventor. To see the intricate craftsmanship of our beautiful Dome. To last a thousand years!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Temple Avatar: "Can you tell me about the Temple of Singularity?"
If Valkadesh_Spoke_About_Wislem_C is True
Wislem Avatar: "Could you direct me to Wislem's house?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going now. Farewell."


Voresh: "To be the shrine of Gargoyle philosophy. To be the home of the Amulet of Singularity. To be a holy place of wonder and beauty!"
Set Voresh_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "A winged Gargoyle named Voresh said that the Amulet of Singularity is kept in the Temple of Singularity."
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Dome Avatar: "I would like to hear about the Dome."
If Valkadesh_Spoke_About_Wislem_C is True
Wislem Avatar: "Could you direct me to Wislem's house?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going now. Farewell."


Voresh: "Ah, to want to meet the great inventor! To find Wislem almost always in his workshop, to be floating in the southeast part of our glorious city"
Set Voresh_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "A winged Gargoyle named Voresh claims that the dome was built by Wislem, the winged inventor. Voresh tells me that Wislem's workshop is floating in the southeast part of the city."
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Dome Avatar: "I would like to hear about the Dome."
Temple Avatar: "Can you tell me about the Temple of Singularity?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going now. Farewell."




Enter Conversation

If Dome_Collapsed is False
If Wislem_Gave_Statue_Quest_C is False
If Wislem_Statue_Quest_Rejected_C is False
Wislem: "To wonder why you are late! To need help with Queen's Statue! To demand why Queen did not send someone sooner."
Wislem: "To need you to finish my work. To be too important to do manual labor."
Wislem: "To wait a minute, though. To see that you are a human. To think that this is most peculiar."
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Hythloth Avatar: "Can you help me find Hythloth?"
Help Avatar: "What do you need?"
If First_Exferlem_Convo is True
Deresh Avatar: "Did you kill Exferlem's brother Deresh?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."
Wislem: "To insist that you activate the Statue! To demand you leave if you will not!"
Accept Avatar: "I will activate the Statue."
Reject Avatar: "I don't have time to turn on this Statue of yours."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."
Wislem: "To not understand why you did not listen! To have told you to activate the Queen's sculpture."
Wislem: "To know you cannot be as intelligent as Wislem, but to have not thought you this stupid. To finish work!"
Wislem: "To be a fool, Avatar. To know my mistake. To have let our pride kill our people, and to ask for your help."
Wislem: "To know that we are dying. To save a Queen egg. To then find Vasagralem, who is outside the Dome, and to give him the egg. To save the Gargoyle race."
Wislem: "To find Queen's chamber, to save one gargoyle egg, to let the race survive, despite my foolish pride."
Diary: "Wislem is dying, and has finally realized the gargoyles refused to see the imminent destruction of the dome. He asks that I save the race by rescuing a Queen egg from the Queen's chamber and taking it to Vasagralem, who is outside the dome."
Leave Avatar: "How do I leave Ambrosia?"
Chamber Avatar: "How do I get into the Queen's chamber? I don't have the power cube."


Wislem: "To work!! To not be lazy, inferior Wingless one! To answer your questions, only when sculpture activated. To work for me now, and to return to me when you are done!"
Set Wislem_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Wislem insists I work for him, and refuses to tell me how to get to Hythloth until I've taken the Queen's Sculpture Cube, which he gave me, and activated his sculpture of the Queen. He says if I return once I've activated it, he'll answer my question."
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Help Avatar: "What do you need?"
If First_Exferlem_Convo is True
Deresh Avatar: "Did you kill Exferlem's brother Deresh?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Wislem: "Wislem to kill? No, no! To see drone child kill Deresh!"
Wislem: "To know that the drones are ignorant, and not know any better. To know that they can not help themselves, for they are inferior."
Set Wislem_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "I asked Wislem if he killed Exferlem's brother, Deresh. Wislem claims he saw a drone child kill Deresh."
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Hythloth Avatar: "Can you help me find Hythloth?"
Help Avatar: "What do you need?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Wislem: "To turn on Statue! To finish perfect sculpture for Queen!"
Wislem: "To take part in what will be the Gargoyles proudest moment!"
Who2 Avatar: "Who are you?"
Accept Avatar: "I will activate the Statue."
Reject Avatar: "I don't have time to turn on this Statue of yours."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Wislem: "To be named Wislem, to be called Wise One! Wis-lem, wise one! To be too busy to speak to you."
Wislem: "To see you are inferior sub-race, and to demand you work for me! To see you have flying boots, to help me make Ambrosia perfect."
Hythloth Avatar: "Can you help me find Hythloth?"
Help Avatar: "What do you need?"
If First_Exferlem_Convo is True
Deresh Avatar: "Did you kill Exferlem's brother Deresh?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Wislem: "To be named Wislem, to be called Wise One! Wis-lem, wise one! To be too busy to speak to you."
Wislem: "To see you are inferior sub-race, and to demand you work for me! To see you have flying boots, to help me make Ambrosia perfect."
Accept Avatar: "I will activate the Statue."
Reject Avatar: "I don't have time to turn on this Statue of yours."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Set Wislem_Statue_Quest_Rejected_C
Wislem: "To demand you leave here, then! To make clear that you may only return if you will turn on Statue!"


Wislem: "To take power cube, and finish wonderful work."
Add Wislem Power Cube to Avatar's Inventory
Remove Wislem Power Cube from Wislem's Inventory
Set Wislem_Gave_Statue_Quest_C to True
Diary: "Wislem gave me a Sculpture Power Cube and refused to answer my questions until I activate the Queen's sculpture. He says the sculpture is on top of the Queen's chambers in the center of the city."
Sculpture Avatar: "Where is the Queen's Statue?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Wislem: "To not be surprised Wingless ones are inferior. To ask too many questions!"
Wislem: "To find the Statue at the top of the Queen's chamber, to be in the middle of Ambrosia."
Wislem: "To find the Statue, simply look for the wonderful likeness of our beautiful queen."
Wislem: "To not have time to speak to you any more."
Diary: "The Sculpture is on top of the Queen's chamber, in the middle of Ambrosia."


Wislem: "To find teleporter, through Queen's chamber. To need a living gargoyle on teleporter to activate. To need egg to leave, and to save our race. To be so sorry, to be a fool..."
Diary: "Wislem says the way out of Ambrosia is through a teleporter in the Queen's chamber, which requires a living Gargoyle on the teleporter to activate."
Go to Chamber


Wislem: "To find Power Cube. To find in my workshop... to take my crystal to find Cube. To have hidden it there."
Add Wislem_Crystal to Avatar's Inventory
Diary: "To get into the Queen's chamber, I'll need the Queen's Power Cube, which I can find in Wislem's workshop. He says he's hidden it there, and given me a crystal, which must somehow be the key to find it."
Activate Wislem's second trigger - Wislem dies



Queen Zhah[edit]

Proximity Enter (Cinematic Event)

Zhah: "An-bal-sil-fer! To know that one last time shall the False Prophet come, to destroy all that remains of the gargoyle race!"
Zhah: "To not allow you to kill me! To kill me is to kill Gargoyle people!"
Zhah: "To be only one way the prophecy may be averted: to sacrifice the False Prophet!"
Set Zhah to attack the Avatar

Generic Gargoyle Wingless[edit]

Enter Conversation (Noncinematic)

If Dome_Collapsed is False
Generic Gargoyle Wingless: "Ugh. To not speak to you. To be busy."

Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

If Dome_Collapsed is True
Generic Gargoyle Wingless: "To be False Prophet! To kill!"
Set Generic Gargoyle Wingless to attack the Avatar

Generic Gargoyle Winged[edit]

Proximity Enter (Cinematic)

If Dome_Collapsed is False
Generic Gargoyle Winged: "To see a Wingless invader!"
Set Generic Gargoyle Winged to attack the Avatar
Generic Gargoyle Winged: "An-bal-sil-fer! To be the False Prophet! To see the Prophecy come true! To kill one who destroyed our city!"
Set Generic Gargoyle Winged to attack the Avatar



Proximity Enter (Noncinematic unless Indicated)

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is true
Mariah: "Hello Avatar!"
If Batista_Shield_Quest_Done_C is true
Initiate Cinematic Mode
Mariah: "Hello Avatar, I hope that things are going well with your quest. I know that Moonglow is getting better. Still, there is much to be done."
Mariah: "For instance, have you heard about the strange behavior that we've seen in the moons?"
Moon1 Avatar: "Yes, I've heard about the moons. It's most odd.
Moon2 Avatar: "No, I haven't heard anything about the moons. What's happening?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I need to go now, Mariah. Goodbye."

Triggered Cinematic (Basement)

If Mariah_Triggered_C is true
Set Mariah_Triggered_C to true
Mariah: "Avatar? I'm surprised to see you."
Avatar: "Forgive me, Mariah. I was sent to retrieve this shield and was told that you had it."
Avatar: "I looked for you, but didn't see you in your house."
Mariah: "Sent to retrieve my shield? By who?"
Avatar: "By Batista; she said that you were very sick, and that she needed this shield to heal you."
Mariah: "Really? What else did she tell you?"
Avatar: "Well, apparently the two of you are very close friends."
Mariah: "Don't believe a word that woman says, Avatar. She lies as much as everyone else in this town."
Avatar: "I'm only taking the shield to her because I need it to get the Sigil of Honesty."
Mariah: "Well, she does have the Writ of Honesty. Tydus gave it to her when they were lovers."
Mariah: "If you need the shield, it's yours, but be careful; it's a powerful shield that absorbs magic."
Mariah: "Speaking of magic, you still do a bit of magic, don't you?"
Diary: "My old friend Mariah told me that Batista lied to me about her reasons for needing the shield, and warned me that it's a very powerful shield that absorbs magic. She also mentioned that Tydus gave Batista the Writ of Honesty back when they were lovers, so at least I know that Batista really does have the sigil."
Yes Avatar: "Oh yes, I'm not as good as you are, but I still know a few spells."
No Avatar: "No, I prefer the arts of the warrior."
Bye1 Avatar: "I really need to go. May I please just have the shield?"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is true
Mariah: "See? I told you that we would meet again. We have stood together in the face of so many challenges and come through them all as boon companions."
Mariah: "I remember dealing with that corrupt fool Batlin as though it were yesterday."
Mariah: "I wish with my heart that we could go on this final adventure together, but it can not be; we all have our roles to play and they take us to different places."
Mariah: "As you go forward, remember your honesty, it is your greatest attribute."
Miss Avatar: "I'll miss you, Mariah."
Sentimental Avatar: "Don't get too sentimental on me, alright?"
Bye3 Avatar: "Goodbye my friend."
If Batista_Shield_Quest_Done_C is true
Mariah: "Hello Avatar, I hope that things are going well with your quest. I know that Moonglow is getting better. Still, there is much to be done."
Mariah: "For instance, have you heard about the strange behavior that we've seen in the moons?"
Moon1 Avatar: "Yes, I've heard about the moons. It's most odd.
Moon2 Avatar: "No, I haven't heard anything about the moons. What's happening?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I need to go now, Mariah. Goodbye."


Mariah: "Humility is a virtue Avatar, but don't forget truth. You can be as good a mage as anyone and you know it."
Mariah: "Of course, we have also developed a system of rituals since you were last here. Are you familiar with the Restore Ritual?"
RestoreYes Avatar: "Oh yes, I know that one. I use it all of the time."
RestoreNo Avatar: "No, I'm not familiar with that ritual."


Mariah: "Well, even so, I think that you should become familiar with some of the rituals that we have developed since you were here last. Are you familiar with the Restore Ritual?"
RestoreYes Avatar: "Oh yes, I know that one. I use it all of the time."
RestoreNo Avatar: "No, I'm not familiar with that ritual."


Mariah: "Not so quickly Avatar. This is important business. Do you still use the magical arts?"
Yes Avatar: "Oh yes, I'm not as good as you are, but I still know a few spells."
No Avatar: "No, I prefer the arts of the warrior."


Mariah: "Really? Very well then, if you already know it then I won't teach it to you. Well, I know that you have pressing business, so please feel free to take the shield, but be careful."
Mariah: "It could be dangerous in the wrong hands. And be careful of Batista; that one is not to be trusted. Goodbye Avatar."
Activate Mariah's second trigger - she disappears


Mariah: "Well, this is one that you should learn. It's a ritual that restores your health and mana. Believe me, it can be quite useful."
Mariah: "All that you have to do is meditate before a cleansed shrine. Once you have spoken the appropriate mantra for the given shrine, tell the shrine that you wish to perform the Restore Ritual."
Mariah: "The shrine will then ask you for the incantation. Remember this because if you don't know the incantation, you can't perform the ritual. The incantation is 'vas mani corp'."
Mariah: "After you have spoken the incantation, the shrine will instruct you as to what you must do."
Avatar: "Thank you Mariah."
Mariah: "You're quite welcome. Well, I know that you have pressing business, so please feel free to take the shield, but be careful:"
Mariah: "It could be dangerous in the wrong hands. And be careful of Batista; that one is not to be trusted. Goodbye Avatar."
Set Knows_Restoration_Ritual to true
Diary: "Mariah taught me the Restore Ritual. I need to meditate at a cleansed shrine, and speak the appropriate mantra. Then I need to tell the shrine that I wish to perform the Restore Ritual, and give the incantation, which is 'vas mani corp'."
Activate Mariah's second trigger - she disappears


Mariah: "Indeed it is strange. The moons' orbits have always been stable, nothing like this has ever happened!"
Mariah: "I recommend that you use a telescope to keep an eye on them as much as possible."
Bye2 Avatar: "I need to go now, Mariah. Goodbye."


Mariah: "Oh, it's most unusual. The orbits of the moons seem to be changing and the moons are getting closer together."
Mariah: "If they continue at this rate, it's only a matter of time until they collide. Can you imagine what a catastrophe that would be?"
Cause Avatar: "What's causing the problem with the moons?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I need to go now, Mariah. Goodbye."


Mariah: "We don't know yet. Of course, it probably has something to do with the columns, but we don't know for sure."
Mariah: "Lord British may be able to tell you more about it. I know that you can see the moons through his telescope."
Mariah: "You should go and look at them when the sun goes down."
Bye2 Avatar: "I need to go now, Mariah. Goodbye."


Mariah: "Good luck, Avatar."


Mariah: "And I you, old friend. Good luck."


Mariah: "Strong and silent to the end, huh? Well, I'll miss that about you, too. Goodbye friend."


Mariah: "Goodbye and good luck."

Mariah's Ghost[edit]

Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Mariah's Ghost: "Hello, my friend."

Enter Conversation

Avatar: "Mariah! What happened to you?"
Mariah's Ghost: "Don't worry, I'm back to my old self again. Well, to some degree, anyway."
Wyrmguard Avatar: "You had turned into a Wyrmguard."
Sorry Avatar: "I'm so sorry that I killed you, Mariah."


Mariah's Ghost: "I'm ashamed to admit that I was corrupted by the evil that emanated from that column."
Mariah's Ghost: "When you killed me, you released me from the evil that held me in its grip. My soul is at rest now thanks to you."
Mariah's Ghost: "Now, go about your quest, there is much left to do. Don't worry; we'll see one another again. Goodbye, Avatar."


Mariah's Ghost: "Don't be sorry, Avatar. I left you no choice."
Go to Wyrmguard


Her dialogue is all triggered with each being a quick cinematic event.

Triggered Cinematic Event 1

Hairam: "Gypsy! Come here!"

Triggered Cinematic Event 2

Hairam: "I sense the presence of an intruder!"

Triggered Cinematic Event 3

Hairam: "Gypsy, remove this blight from our cavern."

Triggered Cinematic Event 4

Hairam: "And don't forget to watch your diet."

Triggered Cinematic Event 5

Hairam: "Oh! You've destroyed my pet!"

Triggered Cinematic Event 6

Hairam: "The only way you're going to leave this cavern is over my dead body and that's not very likely!"

Triggered Cinematic Event 7

Hairam: "Especially since there are three of us!"


Trigger Enter Noncinematic in her house

If First_Batista_Convo is false
Batista: "Oooh, hello stranger."
If Shield_Quest_Received is false
Batista: "Well, hello Avatar."
Batista: "Hello Avatar!"

Enter Conversation

If First_Batista_Convo is false
Set First_Batista_Convo to true
Batista: "What can I do for you?"
Name Avatar: "Hello, good lady. What is your name?"
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
If Shield_Quest_Received is true
If Batista_Shield_Quest_Done_C is true
If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is true
Batista: "Oh, hi Avatar. Look, I'm terribly sorry about my behavior before. I just really wanted to get back at Tydus and that's why I wanted that shield."
Batista: "I guess it just really clouded my judgment or something because I don't normally act like that. Anyway, I'm terribly sorry. Thanks for understanding. Goodbye."
Batista: "Excuse me, but I'm very busy. Goodbye."
Else If Avatar has Mage Shield object
Batista: "Oh, I see that you have my shield! I knew that you'd be able to get it back! Hand it over, Avatar!"
Batista: "I'll give you the Writ, and then we can get down to more enjoyable business."
Not Give Avatar: "First you must give me the Writ, then I will give you your shield."
If Mariah_Dead is true
Resurrect Avatar: "I'll give it to you, then I want to watch you help Mariah."
Why_Lie Avatar: "Before we go any further, tell me why you lied about Mariah."
Batista: "You have not fulfilled your part of the bargain, Avatar. Find me the shield and I will give you what you seek."
Else If Shield_Quest_Refused_C is true
Batista: "Have you changed your mind about the shield?"
Yes2 Avatar: "Yes, I've decided to get the shield for you."
No2 Avatar: "No, I'm not going to get the shield for you."
Batista: "Hello again."
If Met_Batista is false
Name Avatar: "Hello, good lady. What is your name?"
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Set Met_Batista to true
Batista: "I am Batista and I'm very charmed to meet you, Avatar."
What Avatar: "What makes you think I'm the Avatar?"
How Avatar: "How did you know that I'm the Avatar?"
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."


Batista: "Oh, come now, Avatar. Don't pretend that you're someone else."
Batista: "Who else would be running around Britannia investigating things and trying to solve the world's problems?"
Batista: "I know all about you, Avatar, you can't fool me."
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "Because I make it my business to know about handsome strangers who come into town."
Batista: "Don't worry Avatar, I might be dangerous in my own way, but I won't hurt you!"
Batista: "So what can I do for you?"
Dangerous Avatar: "How are you dangerous?"
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "Well, I do have some certain charms that men find dangerous!"
Batista: "But, of course, as a mage, I am not to be taken lightly."
Mage Avatar: "I suppose most people here in Moonglow are mages."
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "Yes, we are. But you will find that not all mages are equal in their abilities."
Batista: "Some of us are highly skilled and very powerful, while others, such as that oaf Tydus, are rank amateurs."
If Tydus_Dissed_Batista is false
Tydus Who Avatar: "Really? Tydus said that he was a better mage than you!"
Tydus_Better Avatar: "Who is Tydus?"
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."

Tydus Who

Batista: "He is no one of concern. Tydus is a little man who thinks himself greater than he is."
Batista: "He pesters me constantly, and is about to learn a lesson."
Batista: "I do not suffer fools gladly, and Tydus is one fool that I have suffered for too long."
Pester Avatar: "How does he pester you?"
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "Oh, he's in love with me and since I will have nothing to do with him, he is always playing some sort of prank to get my attention."
Batista: "But enough of that worm, Tydus. Let's talk about you, Avatar."
Me Avatar: "Why do you want to talk about me?"
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "Because you're so interesting! Oh, I'm sure that you have all sorts of wonderful stories to tell."
Tell Avatar: "Well, I do have a few stories that I could tell."
No Tell Avatar: "I'd rather not sit here and talk about myself."
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "Really? Well, I'd love to hear them."
Avatar: "Well, this was a long time ago, before you were born."
Avatar: "I was summoned to Britannia by my companions to save Lord British and to rid the world of the Shadow Lords. It all started when..."
Batista: "Really? Well, that's very nice, Avatar. I'm sure that it's a fascinating story, but I just remembered something that I must do. Bye, now!"

No Tell

Batista: "Aw, so modest, just the way a true hero should be! Well, if you don't want to tell me stories about your adventures, then what would you like to talk about?"
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."

Tydus Better

Batista: "He said what? That worm! Why, I'm twice the mage that he will ever be! What else did he say?"
Lovers Avatar: "He told me that you were lovers, but he left you."
Trust Avatar: "He told me not to trust you."
Bye2 Avatar: "I'm sorry, I have to go."


Batista: "He said that he left me? That filthy little liar! I left that little worm because he wasn't man enough for me!"
Batista: "Oh, he makes me mad. Please, let's not talk about Tydus anymore."
Batista: "I'd rather talk about you, Avatar."
Set Batista_Dissed_Tydus to true
Me Avatar: "Why do you want to talk about me?"
Help Avatar: "I'm looking for some information."
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "He told you not to trust me? You must be joking!"
Batista: "Let me tell you something, Avatar; you're more likely to see the moons fall from the sky than to see Tydus tell the truth!"
Lovers Avatar: "He told me that you were lovers, but he left you."
Bye2 Avatar: "I'm sorry, I have to go."


Batista: "I'll help you out any way I can, Avatar."
Sigil Avatar: "I'm looking for the Sigil of Honesty."
Lycaeum Avatar: "Where is the Lycaeum?"
Mantra Avatar: "What is the mantra for the Shrine of Honesty?"


Batista: "Well, handsome, the sigil that you seek is the Writ of Honesty and I possess it. I will give it to you, if you do a small favor for me."
Favor Avatar: "What do you need?"
Lycaeum Avatar: "Where is the Lycaeum?"
Mantra Avatar: "What is the mantra for the Shrine of Honesty?"
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


If Mariah_Dead is true
Batista: "A dear friend of mine, a mage named Mariah, was recently killed, but I can help her if I have a powerful artifact that belonged to her."
Batista: "There is a magical shield in her house that would be the perfect thing. If you could bring me that shield, I will happily give you the writ."
Batista: "A dear friend of mine, a mage named Mariah, is very ill. I can heal her, but only if I have a powerful artifact that belongs to her."
Batista: "There is a magical shield in her house that would be the perfect thing. If you could bring me that shield, I will happily give you the writ."
Activate Batista third trigger - removes barrier to Mariah's Basement Teleporter
Set Batista_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary("A woman named Batista told me she has Moonglow's sigil, and will give it to me if I retrieve a Mage Shield for her from Mariah's house. I get the feeling she isn't telling me everything she knows about the shield, but I need that sigil."
Yes Avatar: "Very well, I'll find the shield for you."
No Avatar: "I will not get the shield for you."
Lycaeum Avatar: "Where is the Lycaeum?"
Mantra Avatar: "What is the mantra for the Shrine of Honesty?"
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "I'm so glad to hear that. Bring the shield back to me, and I will reward you in ways that you could never imagine!"
Batista: "You'd better be on your way then. The sooner you get that shield, the sooner you can get back here."
Set Shield_Quest_Received to true


Batista: "Really? Well then, I suppose we have nothing else to talk about. Let me know if you change your mind."
Set Batista_Shield_Quest_Refused_C to true


Batista: "The Lycaeum? You need to talk to Tydus if you want to go to the Lycaeum."
Sigil Avatar: "I'm looking for the Sigil of Honesty."
Mantra Avatar: "What is the mantra for the Shrine of Honesty?"
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "You don't know the mantra for the Shrine?"
Batista: "Mmmm, I just adore saying the mantra; it's very sensual. You just pucker up your lips and say 'Ooooo'. Now, you try."
Sigil Avatar: "I'm looking for the Sigil of Honesty."
Lycaeum Avatar: "Where is the Lycaeum?"
If Met_Batista is false
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Batista."


Batista: "Goodbye, Avatar."


Batista: "Fine, you go. I've got to conjure up something for that rat, Tydus!"


Batista: "I'm so glad to hear it. Bring the shield back to me, and I will reward you in ways that you could never imagine.!"
Set Shield_Quest_Received to true


Batista: "Then we have nothing to talk about, do we?"

Why Lie

Batista: "What do you mean? I never lied to you!"
Avatar: "I spoke to Mariah: she's quite healthy and you two are not friends."
Batista: "Alright fine; so I told a little lie. Who cares? Everybody tells a small lie now and then Avatar, and you know it, so don't pretend to be so shocked."
Batista: "Aren't you lying to the people of Britannia by making them believe that you can save the world?"
Batista: "You have made them believe in you, made them believe that only you can help them for all these years."
Batista: "Yet the fact remains that even if you manage to defeat the Guardian, you cannot save them from themselves. There will be other 'Guardians,' other evils."
Cant Believe Avatar: "I just can't believe that you lied right in my face."
Shouldnt Avatar: "You shouldn't lie about things Batista, it's just wrong."
Not Trust Avatar: "How can I trust you to give me the writ if you lied about the shield?"

Cant Believe

Batista: "Well don't be so shocked; I was also lying when I acted like I was attracted to you."
Shouldnt Avatar: "You shouldn't lie about things Batista, it's just wrong."
Not Trust Avatar: "How can I trust you to give me the writ if you lied about the shield?"


Batista: "Look, don't lecture me alright? I don't need you telling me how to live. Now, we each have something that the other wants."
Batista: "Let's just do an even exchange and get this over with so you go on with whatever it is you're doing, and I can get back to my work, okay?"
Not Give Avatar: "First you must give me the Writ, then I will give you your shield."
Yes Give Avatar: "Here is your shield, now give me the Writ."

Not Trust

Batista: "We each have something the other wants."
Batista: "Let's just do an even exchange and get this over with so you go on with whatever it is you're doing, and I can get back to my work, okay?"
Not Give Avatar: "First you must give me the Writ, then I will give you your shield."
Yes Give Not Trust Avatar: "Here is your shield, now give me the Writ."


Batista: "Oh, alright, that's fine."
Avatar: "And you'll give me the Writ of Honesty."
Batista: "Yes, of course, just please be a darling and give me the shield."
Delete Mage Shield in Avatar inventory and add Writ of Honesty
Delete Writ of Honesty in Batista inventory and add Mage Shield
Set Batista_Shield_Quest_Done_C
Avatar: "Alright, help her."
Batista: "Ahh, you know what? It's going to take a long time to get things ready and I'm sure that you've got a lot of very important things to do."
Cant Avatar: "You can't really help her, can you?"
Wait Avatar: "That's alright, I can wait."


Batista: "So, what are you saying, Avatar?"
Avatar: "I think you are lying to me, Batista."
Batista: "Everyone lies, Avatar. Aren't you lying to the people of Britannia by making them believe that you can save the world?"
Batista: "You have made them believe in you, made them believe that only you can help them for all these years."
Batista: "Yet the fact remains that even if you manage to defeat the Guardian, you cannot save them from themselves. There will be other 'Guardians,' other evils."
Batista: "Will you continue to be their saviour?"
Batista: "I've got things to do. Goodbye."


Batista: "Alright, look; I can't resurrect her. I just told you that so you would get the shield for me. Sorry, but there you have it."
Batista: "Now that we both have what we want, let's just forget about it and go our ways, alright?"
Cant Believe2 Avatar: "I just can't believe that you lied right in my face."
Shouldnt2 Avatar: "You shouldn't lie about things Batista, it's just wrong."

Cant Believe2

Batista: "Everyone lies, Avatar. Aren't you lying to the people of Britannia by making them believe that you can save the world?"
Batista: "You have made them believe in you, made them believe that only you can help them for all these years."
Batista: "Yet the fact remains that even if you manage to defeat the Guardian, you cannot save them from themselves. There will be other 'Guardians,' other evils."
Batista: "Will you continue to be their saviour?"
Batista: "I've got things to do. Goodbye."


Batista: "Look, don't lecture me alright? I don't need you telling me how to live."
Batista: "Everyone lies, Avatar. Aren't you lying to the people of Britannia by making them believe that you can save the world?"
Batista: "You have made them believe in you, made them believe that only you can help them for all these years."
Batista: "Yet the fact remains that even if you manage to defeat the Guardian, you cannot save them from themselves. There will be other 'Guardians,' other evils."
Batista: "Will you continue to be their saviour?"
Batista: "I've got to get back to my work."

Not Give

Batista: "Oh, so I take it that you don't really need the Writ, is that it? Look, if you really want the sigil, then you've got to give me the shield."
Batista: "No shield, no sigil; so what's it going to be?"
Not Give2 Avatar: "I will not give you the shield."
If Mariah_Dead is true
Resurrect Avatar: "I'll give it to you, then I want to watch you help Mariah."
Why_Lie Avatar: "Before we go any further, tell me why you lied about Mariah."

Not Give2

Batista: "Out then! Come back when you change your mind."

Yes Give

Delete Mage Shield in Avatar inventory and add Writ of Honesty
Delete Writ of Honesty in Batista inventory and add Mage Shield
Set Batista_Shield_Quest_Done_C
Batista: "Thank you very much you sweet, sweet man. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work. Goodbye!"

Yes Give Not Trust

Delete Mage Shield in Avatar inventory and add Writ of Honesty
Delete Writ of Honesty in Batista inventory and add Mage Shield
Set Batista_Shield_Quest_Done_C
Batista: "There, that wasn't so hard now was it? Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do. Goodbye."


Proximity Enter Cinematic

If Duncan_Aggro_C is true
Go to Fight
Else If First_Duncan_Convo is false
Duncan: "Hey, stop right there, you thief!"
Set First_Duncan_Convo to true
Duncan: "There you are, just as Tydus said you'd be! Now, return my dagger to me or I'll carve you into pieces and feed you to the wolves!"
Who Tydus Avatar: "Who's Tydus?"
No Dagger Avatar: "Dagger? Sorry, but I don't have your dagger."
Fight Avatar: "I'll not be spoken to in such a manner! En garde!"
Else (Noncinematic)
Duncan: "Hello, friend."

Who Tydus

Duncan: "Don't play dumb, you know who Tydus is. Everyone knows who Tydus is!"
Duncan: "He told me that a man matching your description and carrying my stolen dagger would come right through here. Now here you are; explain that!"
No Dagger Avatar: "Dagger? Sorry, but I don't have your dagger."
Fight Avatar: "I'll not be spoken to in such a manner! En garde!"

No Dagger

Duncan: "You are a liar and a fool! Prepare to die!"
Inventory Avatar: "Look for yourself; I do not have your dagger."
Fight Avatar: "Very well, so be it!"


Duncan: "You speak the truth."
Duncan: "I humbly apologize, my friend."
Go to Explanation


Set Duncan_Aggro_C to true
Set Duncan to attack the Avatar

Enter Conversation

If Duncan_Aggro_C is true
Go to Fight
Else If Dagger_Quest_Received is true
If Dagger_Quest_Complete is false
If Avatar has Duncan's Dagger
Duncan: "You have found my dagger. Bless you my friend."
Return Dagger Avatar: "It is my pleasure to return your dagger, Duncan."
No Return Avatar: "On second thought, I believe I will keep this dagger for myself."
Duncan: "Have you found my dagger, my friend?"
Avatar: "No, I'm still looking for it."
If One Handed Weapon Skill is 3 or higher
Duncan: "Sorry, but I've taught you all that I know."
Duncan: "There used to be a master swordsman by the name of Sir Will Lett who used an amazing shot that I never could master, but he took it to his grave with him."
Duncan: "What ho! You've returned! It is so very good to see you again."
Duncan: "Now, if you're interested, I can train you a bit in some advanced swordsmanship."
Go to Training
Go to Explanation


Duncan: "I was told by Tydus that the man who stole my dagger would be traveling this way."
Duncan: "I knew that most everyone in Moonglow could not be trusted, but Tydus as well? This is a sad day."
Set Duncan_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A knight named Duncan attacked me, claiming a man named Tydus told him I had stolen his dagger. After I convinced him otherwise, he realized Tydus had misled him, and told me that the people in Moonglow had become very untrustworthy."
No Trust Avatar: "People in Moonglow can't be trusted?"
Tydus Avatar: "Who is Tydus?"
Dagger Avatar: "Why do you seek the dagger?"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."

No Trust

Duncan: "Oh no, not at all. I haven't believed anything that anyone in this town has said in ages, except for Tydus."
Duncan: "I thought that Tydus could be trusted. After all, he's the keeper of the Lycaeum."
Tydus Avatar: "Who is Tydus?"
Dagger Avatar: "Why do you seek the dagger?"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Duncan: "He is a powerful mage who is the keeper of the Lycaeum. He has assumed control of the Lycaeum and will allow no one to consult the Oracle without paying a fee."
Duncan: "You should be wary of this mage."
Set Duncan_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Duncan described Tydus as a powerful mage who has taken control of the Lycaeum, and charges people a fee to consult the Oracle there."
Lycaeum Avatar: "What is the Lycaeum?"
Dagger Avatar: "Why do you seek the dagger?"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Duncan: "The Lycaeum is a great center of knowledge. The Book of Truth and the Oracle are both kept there. I still can't believe that Tydus lied to me like that..."
Set Duncan_Journal_Flag_3 to true
Diary: "Duncan told me that the Lycaeum is a great center of knowledge, where the Book of Truth and the Oracle are both kept."
Oracle Avatar: "And what is the Oracle?"
Dagger Avatar: "Why do you seek the dagger?"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Duncan: "I'm not entirely certain, I've never seen it. From what I understand, the Oracle is an object of great wisdom or magic."
Set to Duncan_Journal_Flag_4 is true
Diary: "The Oracle, as far as Duncan knows, is a magical being of great wisdom."
Dagger Avatar: "Why do you seek the dagger?"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Duncan: "The dagger is a treasured family heirloom, given to me by my father. I would be most appreciative if you would keep a lookout for it."
Tydus Avatar: "Who is Tydus?"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Accept Avatar: "I will search for your dagger, farewell."
Bye Avatar: "I am far too busy. Farewell"


Set Dagger_Quest_Received to true
Diary: "I told Duncan that I would try to find his lost dagger."
Go to Bye


Duncan: "I am Duncan, a traveling fighter skilled in the art of swordplay."
Tydus Avatar: "Who is Tydus?"
Dagger Avatar: "Why do you seek the dagger?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Duncan: "Wait, since I was so rash in my accusation, I would like to offer some recompense by way of advice: Beware of the deceit of the people in Moonglow."
Duncan: "You saw how Tydus fooled me; don't let the same happen to you."

Return Dagger

Delete Duncan's Dagger from Avatar's Inventory
Add Duncan's Dagger to Duncan's Inventory
Set Dagger_Quest_Complete to true
Go to Training

No Return

Duncan: "You will not return my dagger? Then, I must kill you."
Set Duncan_Aggro_C to true
Set Duncan to attack Avatar
Decrease Avatar's Karma/Max Mana by 1


If Avatar's Dexterity is 2 or higher
If Avatar's Two Handed Weapon Skill is 1
Duncan: "To repay you for returning my dagger, I'd like to teach you another two handed sword maneuver."
Avatar: "Thank you, I'd like that."
Duncan: "This particular move is a spin shot. With the spin, the shot delivers a great deal of power to your opponent..."
Activate Duncan's second trigger - training
Duncan: "Excellent! You do learn quickly. Thank you again for returning my dagger, it means a great deal to me. Good luck with that spin shot! Goodbye."
Else If Avatar's Dexterity is 3 or higher
Duncan: "Very well, then. I can teach you a shot with the two handed sword that's helped me out, and it will only cost you 2500 gold. Would you like to learn?"
No Avatar: "I'm sorry, but that's too much money."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, that's a fair price."
Duncan: "You are not yet dexterous enough to learn this new technique. Return when you have gained more experience."
Duncan: "Come back when you are a bit more agile, and I'll teach you a new technique to repay you for returning my dagger."


Duncan: "Well, come back when you can afford it. I assure you that the training is well worth the expense."


If Avatar has more than 2500 gold
Subtract 2500 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 2500 gold to Duncan's Inventory
Duncan: "Alright, this shot starts out with a low fake, and then a high shot to the head..."
Activate Duncan's Second Trigger - training
Duncan: "Very good, you learn quickly."
Duncan: "You certainly seem to be a nice fellow. I wonder why Tydus told me that you would have my dagger?"
Duncan: "Oh, I see that you don't have the money right now. Well, come back when you can afford it, I assure you that the training is well worth the expense."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is false
Janus: "Is that the Avatar? I've heard a story or two about him!"
Linda: "Oh, I've heard that he's quite the lady's man!"
Janus: "Oh, yes, he leaves a trail of broken hearts wherever he goes!"
Linda: "Just think of all of the poor women he has betrayed!"
Janus: "No!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is false
Janus: "Avatar! A pleasant good day to you!"
Hello Avatar: "Greetings ladies. Can you give me directions to the Lycaeum?"
Bye Avatar: "I will leave you to your gossip, ladies."
Janus: "Some time ago, we developed an insatiable appetite for gossip. I don't know what it was, but our tongues were unleashed like wild dogs..."
Linda: "Like wild pigs!"
Janus: "...and we indulged in the most nauseating variety of evil talk..."
Linda: "Evil talk!"
Janus: "...all for the purpose of entertaining ourselves. The more personal, the more sensational, the more exaggerated... the more we loved it!"
Linda: "We loved it!"
Janus: "And we delighted in misleading."
Linda: "Delighted in misleading..."
Janus: "And for this we humbly apologize."
Linda: "We feel better now, though. We realize the havoc that we caused and truly apologize for what we've done."
Janus: "Thank you for restoring our love of honesty. Thank you."


Janus: "Oh! The Lycaeum! It's... uh... over the hill and to the west of a large haystack!"
Linda: "No! It's under the bridge and round the lake and through a field of daises and under a toadstool!"
Direction Avatar: "But, which direction?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, ladies. Farewell."


Janus: "West!"
Linda: "East!"
Bye Avatar: "Women!"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you. I'll find my way."




Enter Conversation

If Journal_Quest_Received is false
Joshua: "Thank you for saving me, Avatar. If you had not come when you did, I would most assuredly be dead. I am forever in your debt."
Not Necessary Avatar: "No thanks are necessary, friend."
You're Lucky Avatar: "You are lucky that I came."
If Returned_Journal is false
If Avatar doesn't have Sage's Journal
Joshua: "Were you able to locate my journal, Avatar?"
Avatar: "No, I have not found the book as yet, but I will keep an eye out for it."
Joshua: "You have found my journal, Avatar. Thank you!"
Delete Sage's Journal from Avatar's inventory
Add Sage's Journal to Joshua's inventory
Joshua: "Please, take these two scrolls as a modest repayment of the vast debt that I owe you, sir."
Add Scroll of Wizard Eye and Scroll of Infernal Armor to Avatar's Inventory
Set Returned_Journal to true
Joshua: "Thank you for your help, Avatar. Good luck on your quest."

Not Necessary

Joshua: "You are generous indeed, sir."
Go to Ruffians

You're Lucky

Joshua: "Yes, I realize that. I know that my son's lies have caused you a great deal of time and trouble, Avatar, and I'm very sorry."
Joshua: "But this time I think that he may have learned a valuable lesson."
Go to Ruffians


Avatar: "Why did these ruffians attack you?"
Joshua: "They ransacked my house and stole my journal."
Joshua: "It contains all of my most valuable research, and although they will not be able to decipher the text, it is important that I get it back."
Joshua: "If it falls into the hands of an evil mage, it could be used to wreak untold havoc. Please, Avatar, if you could, find my journal and return it to me. I doubt they could have gone far."
Set Journal_Quest_Received to true
Diary: "A sage in Moonglow named Joshua has asked me to bring back his stolen journal, saying it could be dangerous in the wrong hands."


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is false
Kyra: "Avatar! You who seek to cleanse this world: leave us be! Things are better now in Britannia than ever before."
Kyra: "We have entered a golden age and your meddling will only bring harm. Go away and leave us alone!"
Kyra: "Avatar, I apologize for having been so rude to you before. I suppose I was just being an old fool."
Kyra: "My husband always used to say that I was heavily influenced by the moons, maybe that is why I acted so strangely. Farewell, Avatar."


Enter Conversation

If Second_Leeland_Convo is false
Leeland: "Stranger! Help me, please!"
If Third_Leeland_Convo is true
Leeland: "I am so sorry that I lied to you. Please, forgive me."

Triggered Cinematic at the North Gate

Leeland: "Stranger! Help me, please!"
Time Avatar: "I don't have time right now."
Who Avatar: "Who are you, boy?"
Father Attack Avatar: "What is it, boy?"




Leeland: "I am the sage's son!"
Go to Father Attack


Leeland: "He is in our home in Moonglow."
Leeland: "Please help us, mister. Please! I don't want my daddy to die!"
Set Leeland_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A young boy just told me his father is being attacked in their home in Moonglow, and has begged me to help!"
Go to Third Trigger

Father Attack

Leeland: "My father is being attacked by a band of murderous thieves!"
Where Avatar: "Where's your father?"
Third Trigger Avatar: "I have a mission to save Britannia. I haven't time to save one man."

Third Trigger

Activate Leeland's Third Trigger - teleport to house

Triggered Cinematic at South Gate

Set Second_Leeland_Convo to true
Leeland: "Please help me!"
Believe Avatar: "I don't know if I should believe you."
Mother Attack Avatar: "What is it now, boy?"


Leeland: "But I'm telling the truth! Honest!"
Leeland: "Please help me, please! I'm so scared!"
Third Trigger Avatar: "I do not believe you. Be off!"
Mother Attack Avatar: "What are you afraid of?"

Mother Attack

Leeland: "There are bad men at my house attacking my mother!"
Leeland: "They're going to hurt her! Please help!"
Set Leeland_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "After claiming he made a mistake earlier, the same child is now begging me to help his mother, who is supposedly being attacked at his house."
Go to Third Trigger

Triggered Cinematic at Cave

Set Third_Leeland_Convo to true
Leeland: "My daddy! My daddy's hurt really bad! Please help me, please!"
Set Leeland_Journal_Flag_3 to true
Diary: "This child is asking me yet again to help his father. He insists he’s telling the truth this time, but I’ve heard that before."
Faith Avatar: "Now, how am I supposed to believe you?"
Third Trigger Avatar: "Oh, alright, but you'd better be telling the truth!"
Fooled Avatar: "I will not be fooled again!"


Leeland: "But I am telling the truth, I swear!"
Third Trigger Avatar: "No, I won't believe you. Take your lies elsewhere."
Third Trigger Avatar: "Oh, alright, but you'd better be telling the truth!"


Leeland: "Please! Please believe me! I'm sorry, please believe me"
Third Trigger Avatar: "Leave me be boy, farewell."
Third Trigger Avatar: "Oh, alright, but you'd better be telling the truth!"

Triggered Cinematic at House

If Third_Leeland_Convo is true
Leeland: "It's my fault! My father's going to die and it's all my fault!"
Leeland: "If I hadn't lied to that man about my parents he'd believe me now, if I asked for help."
If Second_Leeland_Convo is true
Leeland: "Hello, sir."
Avatar: "You again."
Leeland: "I'm really sorry that I got mixed up, sir."
Mixed Up Avatar: "What do you mean you got mixed up?"
Sorry Avatar: "You're sorry, huh?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."
Leeland: "Oh, hi mister."
Avatar: "Hey, you're the boy who told me his father was being attacked."
Leeland: "He was being attacked, it's just that they took him somewhere else, really. He's um, at the healer's now, 'cause they didn't kill him."
Avatar: "Really?"
Leeland: "Uh huh, really."
Avatar: "Alright then, I've got to go. You behave yourself."
Goto Fourth Trigger

Mixed Up

Leeland: "I thought that those were bad men and that they were going to hurt my mom, but I was wrong."
Sorry Avatar: "You're sorry, huh?"
Chase Avatar: "So you sent me off on a wild goose chase."
Fourth Trigger Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Leeland: "I really am, honest. Please don't be mad at me. I feel really dumb 'cause I got all mixed up, but I was afraid after what happened to my father."
Mixed Up Avatar: "What do you mean you got mixed up?"
No Father Avatar: "I don't think that I've seen your dad yet."
Fourth Trigger Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Leeland: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just got mixed up, honest. Please don't be mad. Please?"
Mixed Up Avatar: "What do you mean you got mixed up?"
Sorry Avatar: "You're sorry, huh?"
Fourth Trigger Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."

No Father

Leeland: "Oh, he's around, and he's getting better, too! I promise I won't get mixed up any more!"
Mixed Up Avatar: "What do you mean you got mixed up?"
Sorry Avatar: "You're sorry, huh?"
Fourth Trigger Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."

Fourth Trigger

Activate Leeland's Fourth Trigger - teleport away


Enter Conversation

Linda: "Ohh...Hello, Avatar!"


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is false
Markus: "Look! It's the Avatar!"
Tommy: "You don't know, you've never seen the Avatar. He could just be some stranger."
Markus: "We'll ask him then! Hey mister, you're the Avatar, aren't you?"
Avatar Avatar: "How did you know who I am?"
Information Avatar: "Hello. Can you give me information about this place?"
Tydus Avatar: "Can you tell me where I can find Tydus?"
Markus: "Hey Tommy, it's the Avatar."
Tommy: "Umm, hi Avatar. We're sorry we acted so stupid when we talked to you before."
Markus: "Yeah, we had been told that strangers couldn't be trusted, so we were supposed to lie to them."
Tommy: "Yeah, that way, if people didn't know anything about us, they couldn't hurt us."
Avatar: "Sorry, but that doesn't make much sense guys."
Markus: "We don't think so anymore."
Tommy: "Yeah, we're real sorry, Avatar."
Avatar: "That's alright guys, just remember not to do it again."
Markus: "Thanks! We won't Avatar."
Tommy: "Yeah thanks! Bye!"


Markus: "See? I told you he was the Avatar!"
Markus: "Word gets around pretty fast."
Tommy: "Yeah, we heard that you were here the minute you got in town!"
Information Avatar: "Can you give me some information?"
Tydus Avatar: "Can you tell me where I can find the house of Tydus?"
Bye Avatar: "Well, I must go. Farewell."


Markus: "About what?"
Avatar: "About Moonglow."
Markus: "Sorry, we don't know anything about Moonglow."
Tommy: "Yeah, we're not from there!"
Markus: "Bye Avatar!"


Markus: "Oh, there's no one by the name of Tydus here, is there Tommy?"
Tommy: "Oh no."
Tommy: "No Tydus here! Bye Avatar!"




Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Marna: "Have you heard the news?"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is false
Marna: "Hello Avatar, it is so very good to see you in Britannia. Yes, I know who you are; a benefit of my magical training."
Marna: "I am Marna; I spend most of my time studying magic and other natural phenomenon. I have learned some very interesting things of late."
People Avatar: "What is affecting the people here in Moonglow?"
What Avatar: "What have you been learning?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye Marna."
Marna: "All of Britannia has been thrown into chaos with the arrival of the columns!"
Marna: "Don't tire of our plight Avatar! We need you!"


Marna: "I don't know yet. As soon as I've put the finishing touches on my Karma research, I intend to look into that."
What Avatar: "What have you been learning?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye Marna."


Marna: "I've been studying the effects of Karma on people. It seems that there is good and bad Karma, each of which has its own power."
Marna: "A person will make a choice to follow a certain path in life and that will forever determine which Karma, good or bad, will serve as the source for his power."
Marna: "This Karma directly affects how in tune you are with yourself and thus how much power you have for casting magic."
Marna: "A good person gains Karma as he completes good deeds and loses it as he commits bad ones."
Marna: "It works in the reverse for a person dedicated to evil. The more bad he does, the more powerful he becomes."
Set Marna_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A woman named Marna has given me more information on Karma and its effects. Karma is raised or lowered based on doing good or evil deeds, and a high Karma means more mana."
People Avatar: "What is affecting the people here in Moonglow?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye Marna."


Marna: "Farewell, Avatar."


Triggered Noncinematic at her shop

Phillipa: "Welcome to my shop."

Enter Conversation

Phillipa: "Are you in need of healing or would you like to purchase some of my wares?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to purchase something."
Healing Avatar: "I am in need of healing."
Bye Avatar: "I need of nothing at this time."


Open Buying GUMP using book text 179
End - when closing the GUMP


Phillipa: "Relax then and let me see your wounds."
If the Avatar is wounded
Full Heal the Avatar
Avatar: "Thank you."
Phillipa: "I'm sorry, but you are not in need of healing at this time."


Phillipa: "Farewell."


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is false
Tommy: "Hey, Avatar! Welcome to Yew!"
Tommy: "We are really sorry, Avatar! "We will never lie again!"


Triggered Cinematic at Tydus's home

If Staff_Quest_Received is true and After_Statue_Cave is false
Go to Before Statue Cave
If Avatar has Heartstone
Go to Heartstone

Enter Conversation

If Lyceum_Revealed is true
Tydus: "I am indebted to you for returning my heartstone. You are a man of honesty. May you live a long and prosperous life."
Else If Avatar has Heartstone
Go to Heartstone
If After_Statue_Cave is true
Go to After Statue Cave
If Staff_Quest_Received is true
Go to Before Statue Cave
If First_Tydus_Convo is false
Set First_Tydus_Convo to true
Tydus: "Ah, I've been expecting you, Avatar."
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Why Expected Avatar: "Why were you expecting me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."
Go to Lycaeum


Tydus: "I am Tydus, caretaker of the Lycaeum."
Go to Ask

Why Expected

Tydus: "I am Tydus, caretaker of the Lycaeum."
Tydus: "By consulting the Oracle, I know of my tomorrows before they occur."
Go to Ask


Oracle Avatar: "What exactly is the Oracle?"
If Batista_Dissed_Tydus is true
Batista Avatar: "So you're Tydus. Batista told me about you..."
Duncan Avatar: "Did you set Duncan against me?"
Lycaeum Avatar: "How does one find the Lycaeum?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Tydus: "The Oracle is a a wonderful, very powerful book that answers all questions that are put to it."
Tydus: "Not just anyone may consult the Oracle, no no. Only I, Tydus, may consult the Oracle. It responds only to me."
If Batista_Dissed_Tydus is true
Batista Avatar: "So you're Tydus. Batista told me about you..."
Duncan Avatar: "Did you set Duncan against me?"
Lycaeum Avatar: "How does one find the Lycaeum?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Tydus: "Did she? Well, don't believe a word that lying witch tells you. She's poison, Avatar, pure poison."
Duncan-B Avatar: "Did you set Duncan against me?"
Lovers Avatar: "Batista told me that you were lovers."
Lycaeum Avatar: "How does one find the Lycaeum?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Tydus: "Why no, of course I would do no such thing. Poor Duncan merely misunderstood what I said to him. I told him that you would be along to help me with his dagger."
Tydus: "He must have thought that I said you would have his dagger. A simple mistake, that is all."
Oracle Avatar: "What exactly is the Oracle?"
Lycaeum Avatar: "How does one find the Lycaeum?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Tydus: "Why no, of course I would do no such thing. Poor Duncan merely misunderstood what I said to him. I told him that you would be along to help me with his dagger."
Tydus: "He must have thought that I said you would have his dagger. A simple mistake, that is all."
Lovers Avatar: "Batista told me that you were lovers."
Lycaeum Avatar: "How does one find the Lycaeum?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Tydus: "Oh, am I never to be rid of that woman?"
Tydus: "I will teach her to say such things of me!"
Lie Avatar: "Did you set Duncan against me?"
Lycaeum Avatar: "How does one find the Lycaeum?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Tydus: "Oh heavens no. Duncan is easily confused, you see. I merely told him that you would be the man who would help him find his dagger."
Tydus: "It's an old family heirloom, you see, and it means a lot to Duncan."
If Batista_Dissed_Tydus is true
Tydus: "This city is full of evil, deceitful people Avatar."
Tydus: "This city is full of evil, deceitful people Avatar; people like that witch Batista."
If Batista_Dissed_Tydus is false
Batista Who Avatar: "Who is Batista?"
Lycaeum Avatar: "How does one find the Lycaeum?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."

Batista Who

Tydus: "Batista is a mage here in town. She and I were friends once, but then she became too ambitious with her power. I would rather not talk about it now."
Set Tydus_Dissed_Batista to true
Lycaeum Avatar: "How does one find the Lycaeum?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Tydus: "I know what you seek, Avatar. You seek the mantra of Honesty and you hope that the Oracle will provide you with it."
Tydus: "I can assure you that it will not, but I do not blame you for trying. I have a task in mind; think of it as a small fee."
Tydus: "If you perform this task for me, then I will grant you access to the Oracle."
Fee Avatar: "What is your fee?"
Oracle Available Avatar: "But, isn't the Oracle available to everyone?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Tydus: "If you procure the staff of wisdom, I will reveal the Lycaeum to you and within it, the Oracle."
Set Staff_Quest_Received to true
Diary: "I met Tydus, the self-appointed keeper of the Lycaeum. Despite the fact that it should be open to everyone, he won't let me consult the Oracle until I bring him the Staff of Wisdom."
Find Staff Avatar: "Where will I find the staff of wisdom?"
Another Lie Avatar: "Perhaps this is another lie."
Seek Staff Avatar: "Then I shall seek out the staff. Farewell."

Oracle Available

Tydus: "I am the only mage capable of conferring with the Oracle."
Fee Avatar: "What is your fee?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."

Find Staff

Tydus: "The staff of wisdom is located in a cave, southwest of Moonglow. You will know it by the marble statue which stands at its mouth."
Set Tydus_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Tydus told me that the Staff of Wisdom is located southwest of Moonglow in a cave marked by a marble statue."
Activate Tydus's Third Trigger - Reveals statue cave with camera
Another Lie Avatar: "Perhaps this is another lie."
Seek Staff Avatar: "Then I shall seek out the staff. Farewell."

Another Lie

Tydus: "Once again, I tell you truthfully: to solve the quest you must obtain the staff of wisdom."
Find Staff Avatar: "Where will I find the staff of wisdom?"
Seek Staff Avatar: "Then I shall seek out the staff. Farewell."

Seek Staff

Tydus: "Farewell, Avatar."



Before Statue Cave

Tydus: "Do you have the staff of wisdom?"
Find Staff Avatar: "Where will I find the staff of wisdom?"
Seek Staff Avatar: "Then I shall seek out the staff. Farewell."

After Statue Cave

Tydus: "Avatar! Have you the staff of wisdom?"
Thieves Avatar: "You know that I don't have the staff of wisdom!"
Thieves Avatar: "No, instead I found thieves!"


Tydus: "I apologize for your fruitless venture, Avatar."
Tydus: "Perhaps it resides in a second cave, one to the north that boasts a ruby embedded on a pedestal at its entrance."
Tydus: "Only when you find the staff, will I allow you to enter the Lycaeum."
Set Tydus_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "When confronted about the missing staff, Tydus claimed it was a 'mistake', and told me that the staff must actually be located to the north in a cave marked by a ruby embedded on a pedestal at its entrance."
Activate first Tydus Trigger - Reveals Ruby Cave


Tydus: "Avatar! You're back!"
Tydus: "But, I see you do not have the staff of wisdom. How am I to help you?"
No Staff Avatar: "I don't have the staff, but I do have something better: the Heartstone!"
No Trust Avatar: "I cannot trust you Tydus."

No Staff

Tydus: "Don't tell me that you actually believed anything that demon told you, Avatar!"
Tydus: "Surely you're experienced enough to know that demons are pure evil and can never be trusted."
Tydus: "That, that thing that he gave you is probably some evil artifact that will corrupt you."
Tydus: "You should give it to me, Avatar, and I'll dispose of it before it does you any harm."
Know Demon Avatar: "I didn't say anything about a demon. How did you know that a demon was there?"
Reveal Avatar: "Only after you reveal the Lycaeum!"

No Trust

Tydus: "Then you shall not have access to the Oracle. I'll give you one more chance. What can you offer to quell me?"
No Staff Avatar: "I have your heartstone."
Bye Avatar: "I'll give you nothing! Farewell."

Know Demon

Tydus: "Oh, I uhh, well, that thing there, it's a demon's tool, obviously."
Tydus: "I'm trying to help you Avatar! That thing is evil and you should give it to me! I'll make sure it's destroyed. Please..."
Lying Avatar: "Give it up, Tydus. I've caught you in a lie and we both know it."
Give Heartstone Avatar: "Hmm, this does look pretty evil, I guess I will let you dispose of it."
Reveal Avatar: "Only after you reveal the Lycaeum!"


Tydus: "No I'm not, I umm, that thing, I really need it. I..."
Avatar: "Stop it Tydus, this is pathetic. I know that you need this stone. Reveal the Lycaeum and I'll give it to you."
Tydus: "How can I believe that you'll hand it over?"
Avatar: "Because I'm an honorable man."
Tydus: "Very well, I suppose I don't have a choice."
Go to Reveal2

Give Heartstone

Delete Heartstone from Avatar's Inventory
Add Heartstone to Tydus's Inventory
Tydus: "I'll make good on my promise. Come, I'll show you the Lycaeum."
Set Lyceum_Revealed to true
Diary: "Once Tydus saw I had the Heartstone, he seemed much more willing to bargain, and revealed the Lycaeum and the Oracle."
Activate Fourth Tydus's Trigger


Tydus: "Why should I believe you?"
Avatar: "Because I am a man of honor."
Go to Reveal2


Set Lyceum_Revealed to true
Diary: "Once Tydus saw I had the Heartstone, he seemed much more willing to bargain, and revealed the Lycaeum and the Oracle."
Activate Fourth Tydus's Trigger
Delete Heartstone from Avatar's Inventory
Add Heartstone to Tydus's Inventory
Avatar: "There, you see; some people can be trusted. Goodbye Tydus."


Triggered Cinematic when Avatar enters Lycaeum

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is false
Oracle: "It is he, at last, the Avatar, and with honorable determination he seeks to cleanse this beleaguered city of its foul pollution."
Oracle: "Here is the answer: you will find the mantra written in the heavens, when the day has gone to sleep."
Set Oracle_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I consulted the Oracle and was told that the Mantra of Honesty would be written in the heavens when the day has gone to sleep."
Oracle: "Avatar, your work here is, for the moment, complete. Now, you are needed across the sea."
Oracle: "Know this: the moons of Britannia, once a source of great beauty, now feel the pull of the Guardian's spell."
Set Oracle_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "The Oracle also told me that the moons of Britannia feeling the pull of the Guardian's spell."

Triggered Cinematic when Avatar approaches the Oracle

If Asked_About_Wisdom is false
Oracle: "Ah, the Avatar seeks the book of truth."
Go to Book
If Knows_About_Guardian is false
Go to No
Oracle: "Ah, the Avatar seeks the book of truth."
Go to Book


Oracle: "Answer this question first: are you responsible for the destruction that has recently befallen the land?"
Set Asked_About_Wisdom to true
No Avatar: "No, the Guardian is to blame for the destruction."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, sadly, I am."


Oracle: "The Book of Truth you may not have. You lack the wisdom needed to view the Book. Come back when you have gained this wisdom."
Set Asked_About_Wisdom to true
Set Oracle_Journal_Flag_3 to true
Diary: "When I told the Oracle that the Guardian was responsible for the destruction of Britannia, I was told I lacked the wisdom to view the Book of Truth! But who else could be responsible?"


Oracle: "You have begun to see your true nature. Take the book you seek."
Set Oracle_Journal_Flag_4 to true
Diary: "The Oracle seems to think that somehow I am responsible for Britannia's destruction, and would not give me the Book of Truth until I admitted to this! What could this mean?"
Activate Third Oracle Trigger - Allows you to take Book of Truth

Unused Dialog Lines[edit]

Seek Wisdom

Oracle: "The Avatar comes again to question the Oracle. What knowledge do you seek today, noble Avatar?"
Book Avatar: "I seek the Book of Truth."
Happy Avatar: "What is the secret to happiness?"
Guardian Avatar: "Will I defeat the Guardian?"


Oracle: "That answer lies in your heart."
Book Avatar: "I seek the Book of Truth."
Guardian Avatar: "Will I defeat the Guardian?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you Oracle, farewell."


Oracle: "Your future is determined by your actions in the present."
Book Avatar: "I seek the Book of Truth."
Happy Avatar: "What is the secret to happiness?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you Oracle, farewell."



Topic if you answered wrong the first time, but wasn't implemented

Oracle: "Ah, the Avatar returns. Have you become more enlightened to your true nature? Have you gained the wisdom that you lacked when last you consulted me?"
Oracle: "If so, answer me this question: are you responsible for the destruction that has recently befallen the land?"
No Avatar: "No, the Guardian is to blame for the destruction."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, sadly, I am."

Shrine of Honesty[edit]

Enter Conversation

Shrine of Honesty: "Speak now the Mantra of Honesty."
Check input for "ahm"
If true
Mantra Correct
If false
Mantra Wrong

Mantra Wrong

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is false
Shrine of Honesty: "Thou hast failed. Only those who walk with Honesty may unlock my secrets. Cleanse thy soul of deceit and thou may try again."
Shrine of Honesty: "This is not the mantra of Honesty. Avatar, hast thou so quickly forgotten the sacred mantra with which you restored me?"

Mantra Correct

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is true
Shrine of Honesty: "I am again clean. My thanks be unto thee worthy Avatar. Yet there is much more for thou to do."
Shrine of Honesty: "As I speak, the moons draw ever nearer. Thou must stop their fall, Avatar. Keep honesty always with thee, and thou shalt never stray from thy path."
Shrine of Honesty: "Dost thou wish to perform the ritual of restoration?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes"
No Avatar: "No"
Shrine of Honesty: "Avatar. Moonglow, once known as the city of honesty, has been corrupted by deceit and lies."
Shrine of Honesty: "Thou must return here with the Writ and the Glyph of Deceit, so that I may be cleansed."
Shrine of Honesty: "Only then will Moonglow be purified."
Shrine of Honesty: "I know not the location of the Writ, but the Glyph lies in the depths of the Dungeon of Deceit."
Shrine of Honesty: "Go now and hurry, worthy champion, only thou may cleanse me."


Shrine of Honesty: "Then speak the words of restoration."
Check input for "vas mani corp"
If true
Restoration Correct
If false
Restoration Wrong


Shrine of Honesty: "Walk with honesty, Avatar."

Restoration Correct

Initiate Ritual of Restoration

Restoration Wrong

If you have not used up your three attempts to get the words of Restoration correct.
Shrine of Honesty: "Thou hast not spoken the words of restoration. Concentrate, and speak again so that thou mayest heal thyself."
Return to Yes
Shrine of Honesty: "If you wish to be restored, learn the words of restoration and return to see me."

Shrine Cleansing Cinematic

Shrine of Honesty: "Speak now the Mantra of Honesty."
Check input for "ahm"
If true
See Shrine for Cleansing Cinematic
Set Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed to true
Diary: "I cleansed the Shrine of Honesty today; maybe now the people of Moonglow can return to honesty once again."
If false
Mantra Wrong

Generic Moonglow Female[edit]

Note: NPC not used

If Shrine_Honesty_Cleansed is false
Choose Randomly from the following 2 lines
Moonglow Female: "Have you heard? Lord British is dead! We are finally free of his tyranny!"
Moonglow Female: "Lord British is a tyrant! He and his lackeys are the main reason why Britannia is in such a state of disarray!"
Choose Randomly from the following 2 lines
Moonglow Female: "Sorry for acting the way I did. I shouldn't blame others for our problems."
Moonglow Female: "Honesty has returned to Moonglow!"


Trigger Entrance Cinematic at a Moonglow Cave

If First_Byron_Convo is false
Set First_Byron_Convo to true
Set After_Statue_Cave to true
Byron: "Ello, what 'av we got 'ere then? You look a bit lost, mate."
Byron: "Bad luck turnin' up 'ere, mate, bad luck..."
Set Byron and Richter to attack the Avatar
Set Byron and Richter to attack the Avatar


No dialogue.


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Ella: "You may have gotten by my fellow thieves, but you're not getting past me!"
Set Ella to attack Avatar


Triggered Cinematic in Moonglow Cave

If Randolas_Aggro_C is false
Randolas: "I have been expecting you Avatar. Tell me, how does it feel to play the fool?"
What Avatar: "What do you mean, foul demon?"
Who Avatar: "Who are you, creature?"
Set Randolas_Aggro_C to true
Set Randolas to attack Avatar


Randolas: "You have been on a fool's errand, Avatar."
Randolas: "You see there is no Staff of Wisdom. Tydus sent you here hoping that you would attack me and that I would kill you."
Randolas: "Right now Tydus controls Moonglow. He sees you as a threat to that control and therefore wants you dead."
Randolas: "He already tried to have Duncan kill you, but that didn't work, so he sent you here."
Randolas: "It never occurred to the little fool that I might instead strike a deal with you."
Set Randolas_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Instead of finding the Staff of Wisdom, I found a demon, who seems to have been waiting for me, and claims that Tydus sent me here to be killed!"
Why Avatar: "Why would you offer to help me?"
Enough Avatar: "I've had enough of you! Guard yourself!"
Who Avatar: "Who are you, creature?"


Randolas: "I didn't offer to help you. I offered you a bargain: something that you need for something that I want."
Randolas: "Make no mistake of my intentions, Avatar. I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart."
Randolas: "There is no kindness in my heart."
Enough Avatar: "I've had enough of you! Guard yourself!"
Who Avatar: "Who are you, creature?"


Set Randolas_Aggro_C to true
Set Randolas to attack Avatar


Randolas: "I am the Guardian of the Stone."
Avatar: "What Stone?"
Randolas: "The Heartstone. It is the root of Tydus' power, the embodiment of his soul. He who possesses the Heartstone possesses Tydus."
Randolas: "I was summoned here by Tydus. I fell prey to his deceit and was bound here; made to guard this stone from any that might take it."
Randolas: "I mean to have my freedom, Avatar."
Randolas: "I will help you in your quest, and in so doing, you will help me in mine. You may enter my lair if you agree to drop your weapons and proceed unarmed."
Randolas: "You will have access to the stone, and control of Tydus. Once the stone is removed from this place, I shall be unbound."
Set Randolas_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "The demon claims he was summoned by Tydus and bound here to guard the Heartstone, which he says is the root of Tydus' power. He also says that if I enter his lair unarmed, he is not bound to attack me and can give me the stone, which will free him from here."
Yes Avatar: "Alright, I will grant you my trust."
No Avatar: "No! I am not such easy prey, demon."


Avatar Randolas's first trigger - drops forcefield
Randolas: "You are a lucky man, Avatar, to have placed your trust in a demon and to live to tell about it. Perhaps next time you will not be so lucky."
Activate Randolas's second trigger - teleports Randolas away


Randolas: "All I asked was that you have a little faith."
Randolas: "Now you will see what your lack of faith has brought you. Allow me to send you to the hereafter."
Avatar Randolas's first trigger
Set Randolas_Aggro_C to true
Set Randolas to attack Avatar



Proximity Enter NonCinematic

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is false
Jaana: "Hello Avatar!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is true
Jaana: "Hello, Avatar. Are you ready for the final push?"
Avatar: "I suppose I'd better be."
Jaana: "Just remember that justice must be done. Always keep that in your heart. Goodbye Avatar."
Jaana: "Thank you again for freeing me. Now that I'm back in Yew, I can work to bring justice back to the land."
Thanks Avatar: "You needn't thank me, Jaana."
Yew Avatar: "How are things in Yew?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Jaana."


Jaana: "You're as humble as you are just, Avatar. Of course I must thank you: were it not for you, I would either be dead or still be a Wyrmguard."
Jaana: "I think I would prefer the former to the latter!"
Yew Avatar: "How are things in Yew?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Jaana."


Jaana: "They're getting better. We certainly made a mockery of justice in this town, but we're working on putting things right again."
Thanks Avatar: "You needn't thank me, Jaana."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Jaana."


Jaana: "Farewell Avatar."

Jaana's Ghost[edit]

Enter Conversation

Jaana's Ghost: "Hello, Avatar. It is I, Jaana. I'm glad to see you again as I wish to ask your forgiveness."
Forgive1 Avatar: "Why do you ask for my forgiveness?"
Forgive2 Avatar: "You are forgiven, dear friend."
Forgive3 Avatar: "You should beg for my forgiveness! You attacked me!"


Jaana's Ghost: "I have committed two grievous crimes: I was weak and allowed myself to be turned against the virtues and, while in my unjust state, I attacked you."
Jaana's Ghost: "I am repentant, Avatar, and seek only your forgiveness. I wish that we may once again be friends."
Forgive3 Avatar: "You should beg for my forgiveness! You attacked me!"
Forgive4 Avatar: "You have my forgiveness with the knowledge that we never ceased to be friends."
Not Forgive Avatar: "I can't forgive you for what you have done."


Jaana's Ghost: "You're truly a just and honorable man, Avatar. I know that you still have much to do and will detain you no longer."
Jaana's Ghost: "Please know that you have my eternal gratitude, my friend."


Jaana's Ghost: "Yes, you are right to be angry with me: I allowed myself to be turned away from the virtues and I indeed attacked you."
Jaana's Ghost: "Yet can you not find it within you to forgive me? I am repentant, Avatar, and seek only your forgiveness. I wish that we may once again be friends."
Forgive4 Avatar: "You have my forgiveness with the knowledge that we never ceased to be friends."
Not Forgive Avatar: "I can't forgive you for what you have done."


Jaana's Ghost: "I thank you so very much, Avatar! You don't know how much this means to me, a great weight has been lifted from my heart!"
Jaana's Ghost: "I know that you still have much to do and will detain you no longer. Please know that you have my eternal gratitude, my friend."

Not Forgive

Jaana's Ghost: "Very well, if such is your judgement, I will have to abide by it."
Jaana's Ghost: "Before I leave you, please know that I owe you a debt of gratitude for releasing me from the Guardian's grip. Goodbye, Avatar."
Avatar loses a point of Karma/Max Mana


Triggered Entrance at 'Dock' just outside of Wrong

Vasagralem: "To find entrance to prison under water. To advise you to cleanse the Justice Shrine before returning to Yew."
Vassgralem,"To do so is the only hope for justice in the land. To let you rest assured that I will plead your case before the judge, but to know that you must cleanse the shrine first."
Avatar: "I'll do that. Thanks for letting me know."
Vasagralem: "To meet me at the Court of Justice when you are done."
Set Vasagralem_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Vasagralem says the entrance to the prison is underwater. He also said he would go to court and plead Raven's case, but I'll need to cleanse the shrine before I go back to Yew, or no one will listen to him. When that's done, I should meet him at the Court of Justice."

Proximity Enter

If Vasagralem is in area Area_Yew_Court
If Raven_Trial_Complete is False
If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Vasagralem: "To be happy to greet the Avatar!"
Vasagralem: "To see you have finally fulfilled my people's prophecy, Avatar."
Vasagralem: "To think that you must wish to die. To think you a fool to come before me!"
Avatar: "Vasagralem, please..."
Vasagralem: "To not die yet, though. To know you should live to see your loved ones suffer!"
Vasagralem: "To be in agony! To see in my mind the faces of those who died. To know such pain!"
Vasagralem: "To know that you killed them, Avatar! To know that you killed the Gargoyle race!"
Vasagralem: "To know that they will not be forgotten!"
Egg Avatar: "Vasagralem, please. I have brought you a Queen Egg."
Accusations Avatar: "I'm tiring of these false accusations!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed is False
Vasagralem: "To greet the Avatar, and welcome him back to Britannia."
Name Avatar: "I'm sorry, who are you again?"
Avatar Avatar: "How do you know me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."
If Raven_Name_Cleared is False
If Vasagralem_Sent_To_Wrong is False
If Gave_Vasagralem_Gargoyle_Egg is True
Vasagralem: "To be glad to see you again, Avatar. To help you, if I can."
Go to Post Gargoyle Egg
Vasagralem: "To know that you should go quickly."
Vasagralem: "Avatar! To be so happy to see you safe! To know that your timing is good!"
Avatar: "Indeed, I arrived just in time to hear you summing up. Thank you, my friend."
Vasagralem: "To have no need to thank me. To know that you have preserved my race. To always wish you well. To bid you goodbye for now."


Vasagralem: "To know the Avatar through stories. To know that Lord British has been trying to summon you."
Vassgralem: "To know the Avatar through Gargoyle legends of the False Prophet."
Name Avatar: "I'm sorry, who are you again?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Vasagralem: "To be Vasagralem of the Gargoyles. To be honored to meet you, yet to still be very saddened over my plight."
Gargoyles Avatar: "I'm sorry, but what... I mean, who are the Gargoyles?"
Plight Avatar: "What's wrong, Vasagralem?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Vasagralem: "To be slightly hurt by the Avatar. To wonder if it has been so long that the Avatar does not remember the Gargoyle race."
Vasagralem: "To remind the Avatar that the Gargoyles are a proud race that have lived in Britannia for many generations."
Plight Avatar: "What's wrong, Vasagralem?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Vasagralem: "To have had many bad things happen. To have witnessed pride swell in the Gargoyle race."
Vasagralem: "To have argued with other Gargoyles when they separated themselves by building the dome. To have been banished by my own people."
Vasagralem: "To even have had our Codex lens stolen from us."
Banished Avatar: "Why were you banished? How were you banished?"
Dome Avatar: "What dome are you talking about?"
Lens Avatar: "Do you know who stole the lens?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Vasagralem: "To state that the Gargoyles sought to separate themselves from the 'lesser' human race. To have built the great domed underwater city of Ambrosia."
Vasagralem: "To have seen the Gargoyles wallow in pride over their so called 'great' accomplishment. To advise the Avatar not go there."
Vasagralem: "To warn the Avatar that other Gargoyles now look down on humans."
Banished Avatar: "Why were you banished? How were you banished?"
Lens Avatar: "Do you know who stole the lens?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Vasagralem: "To know that my people have lost respect for their traditions since the columns appeared."
Vassgralem: "To have seen my people become consumed with pride and have disagreed with them over the building of a giant dome over Ambrosia."
Vassgralem: "Finally, to have had the people send myself and my servant Desbet into exile. To be greatly saddened by events, but to persevere."
Set Vasagralem_Journal_Flag_6 to True
Diary: "I met Vasagralem, who was once the leader of the Gargoyles, but he and his servant Desbet were exiled for wanting to maintain contact with humans."
Terrible Avatar: "This is terrible news."
Dome Avatar: "What dome are you talking about?"
Lens Avatar: "Do you know who stole the lens?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Vasagralem: "To agree with you, Avatar, but to hope that things will get better for the Gargoyle people."
Lens Avatar: "Do you know who stole the lens?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Vasagralem: "To know nothing of the lens or what happened to it. To only know that it disappeared some time ago."
Vasagralem: "To be unable to read the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. To know that without the lenses, the Codex appears to be gibberish."
Vasagralem: "To hope that perhaps you can help find the lens."
Set Vasagralem_Journal_Flag_4 to True
Diary: "Vasagralem told me that the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom will answer any question, provided the red and blue lenses are used to view it. He also said that the lens that belongs to the Gargoyles was stolen."
Codex Avatar: "The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom?
Find Avatar: "I will try to find the lens."
Banished 2 Avatar: "Why were you banished? How were you banished?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."

Banished 2

Vasagralem: "To know that my people have lost respect for their traditions since the columns appeared."
Vasagralem: "To have seen my people become consumed with pride and have disagreed with them over the building of a giant dome over Ambrosia."
Vasagralem: "Finally, to have had the people send myself and my servant Desbet into exile. To be greatly saddened by events, but to persevere."
Vasagralem: "To hope that perhaps you can help find the lens."
Codex Avatar: "The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom?
Find Avatar: "I will try to find the lens."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Vasagralem: "To not believe that the Avatar could have forgotten about the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom! To know that the Codex is the Holy Book of my people and yours."
Vasagralem: "To know that the Codex will answer any question asked of it, provided the lenses are used."
Set Vasagralem_Journal_Flag_5 to True
Diary: "Vasagralem says the Codex was important to the Gargoyles as well as the humans. They are highly upset over the loss of the book."
Find Avatar: "I will try to find the lens."
Banished 2 Avatar: "Why were you banished? How were you banished?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Vasagralem: "To be very grateful to you, Avatar. To have hope that things can now improve for the Gargoyle people."


Vasagralem: "To say to me you are innocent? To be disgusted by your lies! To know you have won over Desbet, but to remind you that Desbet is stupid."
Vasagralem: "To know that you cannot fool me as you did him."
Egg Avatar: "Vasagralem, please. I have brought you a Queen Egg."
Bye Avatar: "It is useless speaking to you. Goodbye."




Remove Queen Egg from Avatar's Inventory
Set Gave_Vassgralem_Gargoyle_Egg to True
Vasagralem: "To see the Queen's egg! To remember Desbet spoke of an egg, but to have not understood. To see that he was right: you have saved a Gargoyle Queen!"
Vasagralem: "But to be confused: to see that you vanquished my people but saved one egg?"
Avatar: "I am sorry for your race, but pride was the culprit. Vasagralem, if I had really wanted to destroy your people, would I have brought you a Queen's Egg?"
Vasagralem: "To admit that you make sense. To now begin to understand what Desbet was trying to tell me, and to be devastated. To know that pride destroyed my people."
Vasagralem: "To regret that I could not prevent this calamity."
Vasagralem: "To owe you an apology, Avatar. To have believed you guilty, and to have knowingly blamed your companion in an attempt to repay you for destroying my people."
Vasagralem: "To have been so wrong! How to prove that I am sorry?"
Set Vasagralem_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Now that Vasagralem has also seen the Queen Egg I brought from Ambrosia, he realizes I didn't destroy the Gargoyles. He also has admitted that he used Raven against me, and may help me find her."
Go to Post Gargoyle Egg

Post Gargoyle Egg

If Lenses_Topic_Complete or Sigil_Topic_Complete or Mantra_Topic_Complete is False
If Lenses_Topic_Complete is False
Lenses Avatar: "Have you learned anything about the lenses needed to view the Codex?"
If Sigil_Topic_Complete is False
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know where I might find the Sigil of Justice?"
If Mantra_Topic_Complete is False
Mantra Avatar: "Do you know the Mantra of Justice?"
Bye 2 Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."
Vasagralem: "To be sadly responsible for your friend's plight in the prison. To now wish to help you save her."
Vasagralem: "To meet me outside of Wrong by following the Northern Trail east across the bridge. To show you a secret entrance to the prison."
Avatar: "Thank you. I will meet you there."
Set Vasagralem_Sent_To_Wrong to True
Diary: "Vasagralem told me about a secret entrance to Wrong. He said that I should follow the northern trail east across a bridge. There he will show me a secret entrance."
Activate Vasagralem's fourth Trigger - teleports to near Wrong


Vasagralem: "To have found the red lens after much searching. To happily provide it in thanks for all that you have done. To hope that it serves you well."
Add Red Codex Lens to Avatar's Inventory
Set Lenses_Topic_Complete to True
Diary: "Vasagralem gave me the red codex lens out of gratitude for saving the egg."
Go to Post Gargoyle Egg


Vasagralem: "To not know the mantra, but to advise that you consult the Book of Justice that is housed in the library."
Set Mantra_Topic_Complete to True
Diary: "Vasagralem told me that the Mantra of Justice can be found in the Book of Justice, in the library."
Go to Post Gargoyle Egg


Vasagralem: "To know that the sigil is known as the Quill of Justice. To know that the Book of Justice holds the location of the Quill."
Set Quill_Quest_Received to True
Set Sigil_Topic_Complete to True
Diary: "He also told me that I can find the location of the Quill of Justice in the Book of Justice, in the library."
Go to Post Gargoyle Egg

Bye 2

Vasagralem: "To know that you should come back to me for more answers."


Enter Conversation or Proximity Enter (Cinematic)

If Desbet_Aggro_C is True
Go to Fight
Else If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
If Desbet_Journal_Flag_1 is False
Desbet: "To see the Avatar! To think that he wishes to join my people as they sleep forever!"
Not me Avatar: "I did not cause the destruction of your people!"
Explain Avatar: "It was their own fault, as I can explain."
Go to Egg
Desbet: "To greet Avatar. To be happy that all has worked out. To know that Vasagralem is happy. To have been told by Vasagralem that all is getting better."


Desbet: "To explain? To once have been a friend, but now to lie to me and to tell me Gargoyles killed themselves? To not listen to lies!"
Prove Avatar: "You have to let me prove that what I say is true!"
Fight Avatar: "Alright then, let's fight!"

Not Me

Desbet: "To lie! To have been told by Vasagralem that you killed Gargoyles! To kill you for destroying great Gargoyle city!"
Prove Avatar: "You have to let me prove that what I say is true!"
Fight Avatar: "Alright then, let's fight!"


Set Desbet_Aggro_C to True
Set Desbet to attack the Avatar


Desbet: "To not be smart, but to have been taught by Vasagralem to listen to others, and to not make judgements. To be fair even to you, Avatar, the one who killed my people."
Desbet: "Very well... to give Avatar the chance to prove himself."
Avatar: "Your true enemy isn't me, but the columns that invaded Britannia."
Avatar: "It affected your humble people and twisted their minds, causing their pride to take over their common sense, through no fault of their own."
Avatar: "The dome was beginning to collapse, but the column made them refuse to see the signs."
Avatar: "When Wislem's sculpture of the Queen was activated, it added to the instability and cracked the Dome, flooding the city."
Desbet: "To lie! To know that you wanted Gargoyles dead, and to see that you killed them. To know that without a Queen, Gargoyles now doomed!"
If Avatar doesn't have the Queen Egg
Avatar: "I'm sorry, Desbet, I don't have any proof, but I'm telling the truth."
Desbet: "To be a liar! To kill the lying Avatar!"
Go to Fight
Avatar: "I'm sorry that I could not save your city, but I have brought something that can save your people."
Avatar: "As I left the city, I took a Queen's Egg from her chamber, that another Queen might be born and the gargoyle race can continue."
Desbet: "No! To be possible? To think Avatar tells truth? To see the egg, and to know that now we have new Queen."
Desbet: "Oh, to know my people died because of pride!"
Set Desbet_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Desbet was convinced I had destroyed the Gargoyle city, but was finally swayed after I showed him the Queen Egg."
Raven Avatar: "So you understand that Raven is innocent?"
Egg Avatar: "What do you want me to do with the egg?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Desbet."


Desbet: "To see truth! To see that wrong has been done! To talk to Vasagralem, to tell him what happened."
Desbet: "To know he is smart, and will know what to do."
Set Desbet_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "He also told me that he would talk to Vasagralem about Raven."
Egg Avatar: "What do you want me to do with the egg?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Desbet."


Desbet: "To go and activate the lift so that you may take egg to Vasagralem. To show Vasagralem that all is not lost."
Set Desbet_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "Desbet said he'll activate the lift, and that I should give the egg to Vasagralem."
Activate Desbet's Second Trigger




Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

If Raven_Trial_Complete is False
Elaina: "It's true: that pirate wench was arrested for murder!"
Teresa: "What was the evidence?"
Elaina: "I don't really know, but you can rest assured that if she was accused, then she's guilty!"
Teresa: "Hmm, I wonder if they'll hang her or burn her at the stake?"
Elaina: "I think that they should burn her. That's what a murderer deserves: burning!"

Enter Conversation

If Raven_Trial_Complete is False
Teresa: "Hello there, have you come to see the trial?"
Avatar Avatar: "Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Avatar. What are your names?"
When Avatar: "When is the trial?"
Trial Avatar: "What trial are you talking about?"
If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
Elaina: "Hello again!"
Teresa: "Oh hello. Did you hear the good news? That Rebecca person got just what she deserved!"
Elaina: "Yes, she was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged by the neck until she is dead!"
Teresa: "Oh no dear, she was sentenced to be burned at the stake."
Elaina: "Whatever it was, the point is that she was found guilty."
Teresa: "Yes, guilty, isn't that wonderful?"
Elaina: "Next is that nasty old bowyer."
Set Elaina_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "The women gossiping around Yew seem thrilled that Raven is to be put to death! These people don't care for justice at all!"
Bowyer Avatar: "What's going on with the bowyer?"
Evidence Avatar: "What evidence did the court have to find Raven guilty?"
Bye Avatar: "Excuse me ladies, but I must leave now."
Teresa: "Oh Avatar, we're so sorry for behaving so abominably before."
Elaina: "Yes, very sorry. The whole town had just become vicious."
Teresa: "Yes, we wanted witch hunts, not justice."
Elaina: "We're sorry. We hope that Raven is alright."
Teresa: "Yes, and that you're alright."
Elaina: "Thank you for restoring the shrine and for restoring justice."
Teresa: "Thank you very much Avatar."


Teresa: "I'm Teresa, and this is Elaina"
Elaina: "It's very nice to meet you Avatar."
Teresa: "Are you really the Avatar?"
Elaina: "Oh, you had better be. If you're not and you go around telling people you are the Avatar, you could wind up joining that pirate girl Robbie on the stake."
Teresa: "Her name is Rebecca dear, and I hope that they hang her."
Elaina: "Whatever. The point is that he had better be telling the truth!"
Teresa: "Oh yes, that's absolutely right."
When Avatar: "When is the trial?"
Trial Avatar: "What trial are you talking about?"
Bye Avatar: "Excuse me ladies, but I must leave now."


Elaina: "Oh, they're going to try that pirate wench, Robbie, for murder."
Teresa: "Her name's not Robbie, it's Rebecca."
Elaina: "No, it's Robbie. Rebecca is the woman that was on trial last week."
Teresa: "No, her name was Claire."
Avatar Avatar: "Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Avatar. What are your names?"
When Avatar: "When is the trial?"
Bye Avatar: "Excuse me ladies, but I must leave now."


Elaina: "Later today, and you can bet that I'll be there. I love to see justice served. Oh, I hope they burn her!"
Teresa: "Why do you want her to get burned? It's so ghastly. I'd rather see a good hanging."
Elaina: "Hanging? Ha! Hanging is too humane for someone like that, one quick snap and its over. With a burning, the convict gets to suffer for a while."
Set Elaina_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Some gossiping women referred to a pirate girl's trial, which I assume must be Raven. They said the trial is today!"
Avatar Avatar: "Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Avatar. What are your names?"
Trial Avatar: "What trial are you talking about?"
Bye Avatar: "Excuse me ladies, but I must leave now."


Teresa: "He sells defective equipment."
Elaina: "Yes, so he's being sued."
Teresa: "And you know how dangerous that is!"
Evidence Avatar: "What evidence did the court have to find Raven guilty?"
Bye Avatar: "Excuse me ladies, but I must leave now."


Elaina: "Who?"
Teresa: "I think that he means Rebecca; that pirate girl."
Elaina: "Oh, Robbie! Well she was just very guilty, that's all."
Teresa: "Yes, very guilty."
Bowyer Avatar: "What's going on with the bowyer?"
Bye Avatar: "Excuse me ladies, but I must leave now."


Elaina: "Oh, goodbye."
Teresa: "Yes, goodbye."

Eustus the Vulture[edit]

Triggered Entrance (cinematic)

If Quill_Quest_Received is True and Eustus_Journal_Flag_2 is False
If Failed_Eustus_Test is False
Eustus: "Ah, one comes forth on a quest. A quest for the Quill of Justice, is this not right?"
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Yes1 Avatar: "Yes, I am looking for the quill."
No1 Avatar: "No, I'm not looking for any quill."
Eustus: "Ah, again you come to me in search of the Quill of Justice. Do not feel badly about failing the test the first time."
Eustus: "The measure of a man is not whether he will fail: for sooner or later, we all fail. Rather, the true measure of a man is how he deals with his failure."
Eustus: "Now, will you take the test again?"
Yes2 Avatar: "Yes, I will."
No4 Avatar: "I'll not submit myself to your ridiculous test again!"


Eustus: "So you are inquisitive. Such things are good, but so is a polite demeanor. Pray you, answer my question my good lord."
No Questions Avatar: "I don't have to answer your questions!"
Yes1 Avatar: "Yes, I am looking for the quill."
No1 Avatar: "No, I'm not looking for any quill."

No Questions

Eustus: "Hmm, you are quite right: you do not have to answer my questions, and I, in turn, do not have to give you the Quill of Justice. It is mine to give or not, as I see fit."
Eustus: "And so I choose not to give the quill to you. Pray, think about what you have learned today."


Eustus: "Are you sure? I am an old and wily bird who has seen many things. I know that you have read the great Book of Justice, and I know what is contained within."
Eustus: "Therefore, I ask again, are you not questing for the Quill of Justice?"
Set Eustus_Irritated is False
Yes1 Avatar: "Yes, I am looking for the quill."
No2 Avatar: "Are you deaf? I told you: no, I'm not looking for the quill."


Eustus: "Right. Off you go, then."


Eustus: "Then you know that you must be tested, no? Prove to me that you know and love justice, and the quill shall be yours. Will you agree to this?"
Yes2 Avatar: "Test me however you see fit."
No3 Avatar: "I'll not be tested by you."


If Eustus_Irritated is True
Eustus: "You are becoming bothersome and have shown yourself unworthy of the quill. Farewell."
Eustus: "I suggest that you think upon the gravity of the situation and reconsider your answer."
Set Eustus_Irritated to True
No3 Avatar: "I'll not be tested by you."
Yes2 Avatar: "Test me however you see fit."


Eustus: "Very well, I shall ask you three questions; if you answer them properly, you may have the quill."
Eustus: "First, if a wolf kills a child, is it just for the people to hunt down the wolf and kill it because it is a dangerous animal?"
Kill Wolf Avatar: "Yes, it's just for the people to protect their children."
Not Kill Wolf Avatar: "No, the wolf is merely acting according to nature."

Kill Wolf

Eustus: "Ah, but isn't the wolf merely behaving in the manner according to which it was made by nature? It is unjust to accuse the wolf of being evil, it is merely being a wolf."
Set One_Eustus_Question_Wrong to True
Go to Lose

Not Kill Wolf

Eustus: "Very good. It is unjust to accuse the wolf of being evil, it is merely being a wolf."
Eustus: "Another question: if a man kills your brother, is it just for you to ignore the laws of the land, and avenge your brother by killing his killer?"
Kill Man Avatar: "Yes, it is just. An eye for an eye!"
Not Kill Man Avatar: "No, it isn't."

Kill Man

Eustus: "No, you are wrong. While it is understandable to hate the killer, it is for the people, not one person, to determine justice."
Eustus: "Do not confuse vengeance with justice."
Set One_Eustus_Question_Wrong to True
Go to Lose

Not Kill Man

Eustus: "You are correct. While it is understandable to hate the killer, it is for the people, not one person, to determine justice. People should not confuse vengeance with justice. Now for the third question."
Eustus: "A man accidentally destroys something that belongs to you. Is it just for you to destroy something of his that is of equal value?"
Destroy Avatar: "Yes. If he is at fault, he should pay."
Not Destroy Avatar: "No, that is not justice."


Eustus: "No, you are mistaken. The man must be responsible for his actions, but that does not give you the right to destroy something of his."
Eustus: "Where is the justice in wanton destruction?"
Set One_Eustus_Question_Wrong to True
Go to Lose

Not Destroy

Eustus: "You are quite correct. The man must be responsible for his actions, but that does not give you the right to destroy something of his."
Eustus: "Where is the justice in wanton destruction?"
Eustus: "You have proven that you are wise and understand the ways of justice. You may therefore take from me this, the Quill of Justice."
Eustus: "Use it well and justly. Farewell."
Remove Sigil of Justice from Eustus Inventory
Add Sigil of Justice to Avatar's Inventory
Set Eustus_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "I have proven to Eustus that I understand justice, and he has given me the sigil, the Quill of Justice."


Eustus: "I'm sorry, but you failed to answer the questions correctly. Go and think on the matter of justice a while longer."
Eustus: "When you feel that you have learned more about it, come back and we shall talk again. Farewell."
Set Eustus_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I was denied the Sigil of Justice by a bird! Apparently I don't seem to understand the true meaning of justice, according to him."
Set Failed_Eustus_Test to True


Eustus: "Ah, I see that you have not yet learned how to deal with failure. Goodbye."


Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 1

Grey: "I have heard all evidence. Does anyone have anything further to add?"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 2

Jean Paul: "Your Honor, I swear to you... I am innocent!"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 3

Grey: "That will do."

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 4

Jean Paul: "But, Sir..."

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 5

Grey: "I said that will do! As I was saying, it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jean-Paul, being the tavern keeper, did purposely and with malicious intent allow one of his patrons to become intoxicated with ale."
Grey: "The defendant did not effectively warn the plaintiff that the plaintiff could, under the influence of the defendant's ale, act recklessly and without thought to personal injury."

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 6

Jean Paul: "But, your Honor..."

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 7

Grey: "That will be enough! I find the tavern keeper's actions unconscionable. I find the defendant guilty as charged!"
Grey: "Jean-Paul, keeper of the tavern of Yew, I sentence you to prison to await your fate: death by fire."

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 8

Jean-Paul: "No, it can't be!"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 9

Grey: "Ah, but it is."
Activate Grey's First Trigger

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 10

Grey: "The court is now ready to hear the next case. Who brings this case into court?"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 11

Vasagralem: "To proclaim that I, Vasagralem, do bring forth this case!"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 12

Grey: "Very well, who stands accused, and what are the charges?"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 13

Vasagralem: "To hereby accuse the pirate wench known as Raven of the willful and wanton destruction of the Gargoyle race."
Vasagralem: "To state specifically that she knowingly and intentionally brought down the glorious dome that protected the city of Ambrosia, to drown the inhabitants of the proud Gargoyle city."
Vasagralem: "To further state that to insure the death of the Gargoyle race, Raven did then kill the Gargoyle Queen, thus making the reproduction of Gargoyles impossible."
Vasagralem: "To finally state her most heinous crime, to insure the destruction of future generations of Gargoyles, this Raven did destroy the egg nest."
Vasagralem: "To state that Raven is guilty of all of these crimes and of the destruction of a proud race!"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 14

Grey: "Defendant, you are charged with the crime of genocide; the willful destruction of an entire race. How do you plead?"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 15

Avatar: "Wait a minute, your honor, I have something to say!"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 16

Grey: "Silence! I will not tolerate such outbursts in my court! Now, how does the defendant plead?"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 17

Raven Court: "Does it really matter how I plead?"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 18

Grey: "The defendant will respect this court and enter her plea or she will be harshly punished!"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 19

Raven Court: "Fine, let's get this over with: I plead guilty."

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 20

Avatar: "No! Your honor, she didn't do any of those things. I did them!"

Triggered Cinematic Event at First Trial 21

Grey: "I told you to be quiet! She's obviously guilty. She just said that she is."
Grey: "One more word from you and you will be held in contempt, the punishment for which is death at the stake. Now be quiet!"
Grey: "Raven, this court finds you guilty of the crime of genocide. You are to be burned at the stake until you are dead."
Grey: "You are to be transported to the prison Wrong immediately until such time as your sentence is carried out. Do you have any final words?"
Set Raven_Trial_Complete to True

Triggered Cinemtic Event at First Trial 22

Raven Court: "Yeah, piss on your 'justice'."

Triggered Cinemtic Event at First Trial 23

Grey: "Very well, you've made it easy on this court to order your death. Bailiff, take her away."
Diary: "I can't believe what I've just seen! Raven was accused of destroying the gargoyles in a willful act of genocide, and was taken away to be burned at the stake! How can this be called justice?"
Activate Grey's Fourth Trigger
Activate Vasagralem's Third Trigger

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
Grey: "Did you not understand me when I said that I would hold you in contempt? I mean it! I don't want to hear another word from you!"
Grey: "Hello Avatar. All of us here owe you a debt of gratitude for what you have done. I didn't realize how closely we were all tied to the Shrine until you cleansed it."
Grey: "Now that we have regained our perspective and our focus on true justice, we have a great deal of work to do."
Grey: "There are a lot of innocent people in jail right now, and I need to correct this. So, if you will excuse me, I'll be on my way. Farewell."

Triggered Cinemtic Event at Second Trial

Vasagralem: "To clearly see then Your Honor, that Pride, not the Avatar was the culprit that brought about the destruction of the Gargoyle people."
Vasagralem: "To know that if Raven and the Avatar wished to destroy the Gargoyle people, never would they have brought forth an egg to me."
Vasagralem: "To end my plea by asking Your Honor to clear Raven of all charges brought against her, to clear her name and to clear the Avatar's name."
Vasagralem: "To thank Your Honor for this time in court."
Grey: "Very well, this court has heard the presentation given by Vasagralem and does appreciate the passion and eloquence with which said plea was given."
Grey: "Having heard this plea and examined the evidence given, this court finds that the defendant, Raven is indeed innocent and is to be cleared of all charges."
Grey: "Furthermore, this court apologizes for any distress that it has caused and releases the defendant effective immediately with no stain upon her character."
Grey: "Finally, as I see that the Avatar has entered the court, I wish to apologize both as the judge in this case and simply as a man."
Grey: "I have spent all of my adult life in the pursuit of justice. Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of that pursuit."
Grey: "I wish to thank you Avatar, for showing me the error of my ways and for setting me back on the path of justice."
Grey: "This court is now dismissed."
Set Raven_Name_Cleared to True


Triggered Entrance at Farm in Yew

Harrison: "You! You there!"

Enter Conversation

If Harrison_Aggro_C is True
Go to Fight
Else If Raven_Trial_Complete is False
If Harrison_First_Convo_C is False
Set Harrison_First_Convo_C to True
Harrison: "Are you the one?!"
One Avatar: "Which one?"
Tone Avatar: "You seem to take an accusatory tone."
No Time Avatar: "Excuse me, I have no time for this."
Harrison: "Get off of my land, thief!"
If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
Harrison: "The Avatar, yes? I'm glad to have this opportunity to talk to you. You see, I though that you'd been the one stealing my pumpkins. Now, I realize that it must've been that pirate woman."
Pirate Avatar: "Raven is a pirate, but she wouldn't steal a man's livelihood."
Innocent Avatar: "No, farmer, you are wrong. The pirate woman was innocent."
Bye2 Avatar: "I need to go. Goodbye."
Harrison: "Hello there, Avatar. I just wanted to let you know that I'm very sorry for accusing both you and your friend of stealing my pumpkins."
Harrison: "Stealing is wrong, but I wasn't seeking justice, I was looking for revenge and that's no better."
Harrison: "Look, as a token of my sincerity I want to offer you some vegetables from my garden. Feel free to help yourself to anything you want. Goodbye."

No Time

Harrison: "That's probably because you're the thief that's been stealin' my crops! That's it, I'm takin' you to court!"


Harrison: "Someone's been stealing my pumpkins and when I catch the thief, I'll bring them up on charges!"
Assure Avatar: "I assure you. I am not the culprit."
Fight Avatar: "How dare you accuse me? You'll pay for that with your hide!"
Bye Avatar: "Perhaps I'd best leave. Farewell."


Harrison: "The one who's been stealing my pumpkins! I know it's you!"
Not Steal Avatar: "I didn't steal your pumpkins."
Fight Avatar: "How dare you accuse me? You'll pay for that with your hide!"
Bye Avatar: "Perhaps I'd best leave. Farewell."

Not Steal

Harrison: "Well, someone has..."
Harrison: "And I've heard the man looks something like you!"
Assure Avatar: "I assure you. I am not the culprit."
Fight Avatar: "How dare you accuse me? You'll pay for that with your hide!"
Bye Avatar: "I don't steal pumpkins, you nitwit! Farewell!"


Set Harrison_Aggro_C to True
Set Harrison to attack the Avatar


Harrison: "If you don't remove yourself from these premises, I'll have you arrested... pumpkin thief!"


Harrison: "Good riddance!"


Harrison: "Why wouldn't she? You just said yourself that she's a pirate, didn't you?"
Yes Avatar: "Well, yes, she is a pirate."
No Avatar: "No, I didn't mean it that way."


Harrison: "See there, even you know that she's guilty."
Harrison: "If she's a pirate, then she's guilty of something, and you yourself said she's a pirate. You've convicted her with your own words!"
Harrison: "Now leave me be, I haven't got time for this. I just hope the judge does his duty and finds her guilty!"


Harrison: "Listen to you mince words and try to talk your way out of things. You're acting just as guilty as can be! I haven't got time for this."
Harrison: "I just hope the judge does his duty and finds her guilty!"


Harrison: "But, everyone said that she was guilty."
Proof Avatar: "Just because people say she's guilty doesn't mean that she is. You need proof that she's guilty."
Scapegoat Avatar: "People have been known to scapegoat innocent people, farmer."
Bye2 Avatar: "I need to go. Goodbye."


Harrison: "Perhaps you're right."
Harrison: "But, I do hope the spineless sod who stole my pumpkins eventually gets his just desserts! Farewell."


Harrison: "Well if so many people say she's guilty, that's proof enough for me! I won't tolerate people stealing from me and that's that!"




Triggered Entrance (Noncinematic)

James: "Hail!"

Enter Conversation

If Raven_Trail_Complete is False
James: "My name is James, and welcome to my shop. Say, have you heard about the big trial?"
Big Trial Avatar: "What do you know about it?"
Buy Avatar: "Yes. I'd just like to acquire provisions."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #207
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye, James."
James: "Do you need provisions?"
Buy2 Avatar: "Yes."
Bye2 Avatar: "No."

Big Trial

James: "The murder trial!"
Avatar: "Murder, huh?"
James: "Yes! Apparently some pirate woman named Rachel slaughtered a bunch of children in Britain! Can you believe that? She's going to burn for sure."
Trials Avatar: "Do you often have trials here in Yew?"
Trials2 Avatar: "Do you believe this woman will be dealt with fairly?"
Buy Avatar: "Perhaps I best acquire provisions and go to this trial."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #207
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye, James."


James: "This being the city of justice, we have trials here all of the time, especially here lately."
James: "Still, this murder trial is the biggest one we've had in years."
Trials2 Avatar: "It seems like there are lot of trials in this town."
Buy Avatar: "I would like to acquire provisions."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #207
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye, James."


James: "Well this is the city of justice, that's what we do here. Still, there are some people who will sue over anything."
James: "By the stars, I myself am being sued!"
Sued Avatar: "By whom?"
Trials Avatar: "Do you often have trials here in Yew?"
Buy Avatar: "Perhaps I best acquire provisions and go to this trial."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #207
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye, James."


James: "A fellow in town lost his house to a fire. He claims that the fire was started by a torch that he bought from me."
James: "I think that is ridiculous! How can I be responsible for a torch after it leaves my shop? The blasted thing is supposed to burn!"
James: "But I'm not worried you see, because I'm going to sue the guy that's suing me!"
Avatar: "You're going to sue him?"
James: "Yes, for hurting my business with his frivolous lawsuit!"
Trials Avatar: "Do you often have trials here in Yew?"
Buy Avatar: "Perhaps I best acquire provisions and go to this trial."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #207
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye, James."


If Branding_Scene_Complete is True
James: "Since I see you have the mark of a Guildsman, I'll show you only the finest of provisions."
Open Buy GUMP with book #177
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP


Open Sell GUMP with book #207
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

James: "What else can I do for you?"
Buy Avatar: "Perhaps I best acquire provisions and go to this trial."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #207
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye, James."




Open Buy GUMP with book #177
Go to Bye2


James: "It's most gratifying that the trial was a fair one. Our citizens must be able to rely on the fact that they can get a fair shake in this world."
If time is after 6 pm
James: "Say, have you noticed that the moons seem to be forging new courses lately? Hmm, strange..."


Triggered Entrance

If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
Luc: "Hello, stranger."
Luc: "Hello, Avatar."

Enter Conversation

If Raven_Trial_Complete is False
Luc: "Hail friend! Have you heard the news? Some pirate woman was brought into town to be tried for murder!"
Luc: "Isn't that great? These pirates have been carrying on like they can just do anything that they want. It'll be so good to finally see one of them brought to justice."
Luc: "I hope she gets the stake!"
Set Luc_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "A ranger in Yew named Luc told me a pirate girl was being tried for murder. He must have been talking about Raven!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, friend?"
Pirate Avatar: "Do you know this pirate's name?"
Innocent Avatar: "But what if she's not guilty of anything?"
Bye Avatar: "Sounds exciting. Goodbye."
If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
Luc: "Hey, did you hear the news? That pirate Robin was found guilty! Isn't that great?"
Luc: "I'm so proud to live in a place where justice is still served. I can't wait until the next big trial!"
Luc: "Pardon me, but you're the Avatar, aren't you? I didn't know that before. I'm terribly sorry about all of the trouble we put you and your friend Robin through."
Avatar: "Raven. Her name is Raven."
Luc: "Right, I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry about all of the trouble that we put you and your Raven through."
Luc: "I think that we need to re-think our views of justice in this town. Well, goodbye."


Luc: "Luc! The name's Luc; I'm a ranger here in Yew."
Innocent Avatar: "But what if she's not guilty of anything?"
Pirate Avatar: "Do you know this pirate's name?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Luc: "Oh let's see, they had her name posted up not too long ago, what was it? Ah, it was a bird name of some sort. It was... Robin, maybe?"
Avatar: "Raven?"
Luc: "That's it! Raven! They're going to hang her good, I tell you!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, friend?"
Innocent Avatar: "But what if she's not guilty of anything?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye!"


Luc: "What are you, a softy? All soft on crime? It's people like you that are bringing this land down. Let me tell you something friend, Yew is the town of justice."
Luc: "Around here, we make sure that justice is served. That means that pirate girl is going to get what she deserves."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, friend?"
Pirate Avatar: "Do you know this pirate's name?"
Bye Avatar: "Sounds exciting. Goodbye."


Luc: "Oh, well bye..."


Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

If First_Lucy_Convo is False
Lucy: "Hello, friend."
Lucy: "Hey handsome."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
If First_Lucy_Convo is False
Set First_Lucy_Convo to True
Lucy: "Hi there, my name's Lucy. What can I do for you today, handsome?"
Trial Avatar: "Do you know anything about the trial?"
Drink Avatar: "What do you have to drink?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Lucy."
Lucy: "What can I do for you?"
If Raven_Trial_Complete is True
Lucy: "Did you see Jean Paul's trial? That was something else, huh?"
If Raven_Trial_Complete is False
Trial Avatar: "Do you know anything about the trial?"
Jean Paul Avatar: "What did you think of Jean Paul's trial?"
If Signed_Release_Form is True
Drink2 Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Lucy."
Lucy: "Hello there! Before you order something, I want to let you know that you don't have to sign a waiver to drink anymore."
Lucy: "I don't know what got into us to make us act so foolishly."
No Waiver Avatar: "I don't have to sign a waiver?"
Post Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Lucy."


Lucy: "No, sorry. There are too many trials to keep track of these days."
Lucy: "Look honey, I try to stay away from that stuff whenever I can. The courthouse is on the northeast side of town."
Lucy: "That's about all that I can tell you."
Peiter Avatar: "You brother, Peiter, told me that you could tell me about the trials."
Drink Avatar: "What do you have to drink?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Lucy."


Lucy: "Look honey, I try to stay away from that stuff as much as I can these days. I've got this tavern to take care of, and I don't want to get involved in any trouble, you know?"
Lucy: "If you want to know more about the trials, go down to the courthouse, it's on the northeast side of town. Now, is there anything that I can get you?"
Drink Avatar: "What do you have to drink?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Lucy."


Lucy: "Wait a minute, before we go there, I'll need you to sign this 'Drunkard's Release Form'. It absolves this tavern from any liability if you get drunk and hurt yourself."
Avatar: "You want me to sign what?"
Lucy: "It's just a standard release form so we don't get into trouble if you do something stupid."
Lucy: "Someone who got drunk and hurt himself sued Jean Paul, the man who owns this place. Now we have to have all drinkers sign this release form. So, will you sign?"
Yes Avatar: "It sounds kind of silly, but I'll sign."
No Avatar: "No, I can't sign something like that."


Lucy: "Alright then, just sign here..."
Set Signed_Release_Form to True
Go to Buy


Lucy: "Then you don't get to drink."
Trial Avatar: "Do you know anything about the trial?"
Drink Avatar: "What do you have to drink?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Lucy."

Jean Paul

Lucy: "I think that it's sad that he had to go to jail, but it was his fault. I mean, he knew how drunk his patrons were. He should have been more careful."
Lucy: "He learned a tough lesson, but justice was served. Now, what can I get for you?"
If Signed_Release_Form is True
Drink2 Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Lucy."


Lucy: "Alrighty. Looks like it's a good thing that you signed that waiver! What'll you have?"
Go to Buy


Open Buy GUMP with book #178
Go to Anything Else2 - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Lucy: "Is there anything else that I can get you?"
Drink2 Avatar: "I'd like another drink."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks. Goodbye."

No Waiver

Lucy: "No, we stopped doing that. We're actually expecting people to take personal responsibility for their actions now. So what can I get you?"
Buy2 Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Lucy."


Lucy: "Sure thing."
Open Buy GUMP with book #178
Go to Anything Else2 - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else2

Lucy: "Anything else for you?"
Buy2 Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, Lucy."


Lucy: "Alright, bye-bye."


Triggered Entrance after Raliegh Training

Raliegh: "Very good, very good indeed. You keep working on that and you'll be shooting birds on the fly!"

Proximity Enter

If Raliegh_First_Convo_C is False
Raliegh: "Hello stranger."

Enter Conversation

If Raven_Trial_Complete is False
Set Raliegh_First_Convo_C to True
Raliegh: "Look, if you've come to buy a bow, I can assure you that they work very well. Please don't listen to what is being said about my products."
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Products Avatar: "What's being said about your products?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
Set Raliegh_First_Convo_C to True
Raliegh: "Hello there, how're things? Say, I'm glad that trial is over; now maybe people can calm down."
Raliegh: "They convicted that poor girl just like I said they would, but at least it's over. So, what can I do for you today?"
Train2 Avatar: "I would like some archery training."
Buy Avatar: "I would like to make a purchase."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Set Raliegh_First_Convo_C to True
Raliegh: "Hello there, how're things? Hey, I guess you heard that Raven was found not guilty after all. I told you she didn't do it."
Raliegh: "Now maybe someone can look into those lying mages in Moonglow. Anyway, what can I do for you today?"
Train2 Avatar: "I would like some archery training."
Buy Avatar: "I would like to make a purchase."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Raliegh: "Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Raliegh. I'm the boyer here in Yew. Well, I'm the boyer for now, anyway."
Set Knows_Raliegh to True
Bowyer Avatar: "What do you mean you're the boyer 'for now'?"
Products Avatar: "What's being said about your products?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Raliegh: "With all of the lawsuits and what's being said about my products, business hasn't been good. If I don't wind up in jail, I'll probably leave here soon and go to Britain."
Raliegh: "So if you'd like to buy something, you should do so soon."
Products Avatar: "What's being said about your products?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to make a purchase."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Raliegh: "Oh, lately people have charged me for misrepresentation, claiming that my archery tackle is defective because they can't hit their targets."
Raliegh: "I swear, I test everything that I make and they work."
Raliegh: "Now I'm being dragged into court because someone else can't hit the broad side of the court house."
Raliegh: "People in this town are going crazy over court cases. Look at what's going on with this murder trial."
Raliegh: "And then there are all of the lawsuits. People are getting thrown into jail left and right over frivolous lawsuits."
Raliegh: "In order to keep that from happening any more, I now offer training to people who want to improve their archery skills"
If Knows_Raliegh is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Bowyer Avatar: "What do you mean you're the boyer 'for now'?"
Trial Avatar: "What about the murder trial?"
Test Avatar: "So you test all of your products?"
Train Avatar: "You can train people?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Raliegh: "Everyone is going nuts over this Raven woman who supposedly murdered all of the gargoyles, and they don't have any proof!"
Raliegh: "She's going to be found guilty. It's a real shame because I don't think that she did it."
If Knows_Raliegh is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Bowyer Avatar: "What do you mean you're the boyer 'for now'?"
Raven Avatar: "You don't think that Raven's guilty?"
Test Avatar: "So you test all of your products?"
Train Avatar: "You can train people?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Raliegh: "No, of course not! I'll tell you who probably did it, one of those lousy mages in Moonglow!"
Raliegh: "They're all deceitful liars and you can't trust any of them! They're the ones that ought to burn in this trial, not that Raven girl!"
If Knows_Raliegh is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Bowyer Avatar: "What do you mean you're the boyer 'for now'?"
Test Avatar: "So you test all of your products?"
Train Avatar: "You can train people?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Raliegh: "Yes, of course. You may test them if you'd like. Feel free to go out back and take a few shots."
If Knows_Raliegh is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Bowyer Avatar: "What do you mean you're the boyer 'for now'?"
Train Avatar: "You can train people?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Raliegh: "Excellent, what would you like to buy?"
Open Buy GUMP with book #180
End - upon closing GUMP


Raliegh: "Yes, I can and do. I can teach you my flaming arrow shot for a mere 2000 gold."
Raliegh: "Are you interested in some training?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I am."
No Avatar: "No thanks, that's too expensive."


Raliegh: "I can teach you my flaming arrow shot for a mere 2000 gold."
Raliegh: "Are you interested in some training?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I am."
No Avatar: "No thanks, that's too expensive."




If Avatar has Dexterity greater or equal to level 3
If Trained_Level3_Ranged is False
Raliegh,"Very well, that will be 2000 gold."
If Avatar has at least 2000 gold
Remove 2000 Gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 2000 Gold to Leon's Inventory
Raliegh: "Alright then, let's go out back so we can practice a bit."
Activate Leon's Off Trigger
Avatar: "I don't have 2000 gold."
Raliegh: "I'm sorry. I cannot train you at this time."
Raliegh: "Well, it seems to me that you already know how to use a bow with great skill. There's nothing that I can teach you."
If Raven_Trial_Complete is False
Bowyer Avatar: "What do you mean you're the boyer 'for now'?"
Products Avatar: "What's being said about your products?"
Buy Avatar: "I would like to make a purchase."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Raliegh: "You know, speed and accuracy are crucial with a bow, and right now you're not ready for formal training."
Raliegh: "Go out and practice a little bit. When you're ready, I'll be happy to train you."


Raliegh: "Alright, goodbye."


Proximity Enter

Sven: "Greetings, mate."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
If Raven_Trial_Complete is False
Sven: "If you're looking for a drink in this here place, you're likely to die of thirst!"
Name Avatar: "What's your name, friend?"
If Signed_Release_Form is False
Serve Avatar: "Don't they serve drinks here?"
Serve Avatar: "But they do serve drinks here."
Bye Avatar: "Right. Well, goodbye."
Sven: "Hey, did you hear that the guy who owns this tavern got thrown in jail? Serves him right, don't you think?"
Sven: "Yep, he and that pirate wench got justice alright. As for me, I just want to get another drink!"
Sven: "Do I know you? Oh yeah, you're that fellow that's been coming around asking everybody questions."
Sven: "Can you believe how everybody's running around all of the sudden, reviewing all them court cases, making sure they didn't throw innocent people into jail and whatnot?"
Sven: "If you ask me, people just can't make a decision and stick by it. Speaking of decisions, I've decided to have another drink!"


Sven: "Name's Sven. Good to meetcha."
If Asked_About_Drinks is False
If Signed_Release_Form is False
Serve Avatar: "Don't they serve drinks here?"
Serve Avatar: "But they do serve drinks here."
Bye Avatar: "Right. Well, goodbye."
Pirate Avatar: "What do you know of the pirate?"
Bye Avatar: "Right. Well, goodbye."


Sven: "Only if you sign some damned release form! Me, I don't sign no such papers just to get myself a drink. No wonder the owner of this place was thrown in jail."
Sven: "He's got to be guilty of something! I hope that he and that pirate gal get what's coming to them."
Set Asked_About_Drinks to True
Name Avatar: "What's your name, friend?"
Pirate Avatar: "What do you know of the pirate?"
Bye Avatar: "Right. Well, goodbye."


Sven: "I know that she's a pirate and that she's gonna get hung. That's what we do to pirates in the city of justice!"
Name Avatar: "What's your name, friend?"
Bye Avatar: "Right. Well, goodbye."


Sven: "Alright then, farewell."


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
If Weather is Bad
Teresa: "Not a very nice day for a hanging, is it?"
Teresa: "I think it's a nice day for a hanging!"
Teresa: "Hello Avatar."

Shrine of Justice[edit]

Enter Conversation

Shrine of Justice: "Speak now the Mantra of Justice."
Check input for "beh"
If true
Mantra Correct
If false
Mantra Wrong

Mantra Wrong

If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
Shrine of Justice: "This is not the Mantra of Justice. Thou must discover my mantra to end this evil that is upon me."
Shrine of Justice: "This is not the Mantra of Justice. Avatar, hast thou so quickly forgotten the sacred mantra with which you restored me?"

Mantra Correct

If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is True
Shrine of Justice: "Avatar, thou hast again made Yew the town of justice. Now, once again, all citizens shall receive sweet justice as is their right."
Shrine of Justice: "Dost thou wish to perform the ritual of restoration?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes"
No Avatar: "No"
Shrine of Justice: "Who comes before me? A champion of virtues: the Avatar! It must be plain to thine eyes that all is not well with me."
Shrine of Justice: "I have been broken and corrupted, and thus has justice been perverted in my city of Yew."
Shrine of Justice: "Avatar, do what is just, and end the corruption that grips me, restoring justice to Yew and to all of the land."


Shrine of Justice: "Then speak the words of restoration."
Check input for "vas mani corp"
If true
Restoration Correct
If false
Restoration Wrong


Shrine of Justice: "Go now, and finish thy task. Bring the Guardian and his minions the justice they so deserve."

Restoration Correct

Initiate Ritual of Restoration

Restoration Wrong

If you have not used up your three attempts to get the words of Restoration correct.
Shrine of Justice: "Thou hast not spoken the words of restoration. Concentrate, and speak again so that thou mayest heal thyself."
Return to Yes
Shrine of Justice: "If you wish to be restored, learn the words of restoration and return to see me."

Shrine Cleansing Cinematic

Shrine of Justice: "Speak now the Mantra of Justice."
Check input for "beh"
If true
See Shrine for Cleansing Cinematic
Set Shrine_Justice_Cleansed to true
Diary: "I cleansed the Shrine of Justice today. It really quite a thrilling experience when the cleansing occurs. Not only knowing that a virtue is being restored in the world, but the whole lighting thing is pretty exhilarating."
If false
Mantra Wrong

Generic Yew Female[edit]

Note: NPC not used.

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Justice_Cleansed is False
Choose Randomly from the following 2 lines
Generic Yew Female: "Have you heard about the trial? Pirates murdering innocent creatures! What has Britannia come to?"
Generic Yew Female: "We should hang the whole lot of them!"
Choose Randomly from the following 2 lines
Generic Yew Female: "I can't believe how I acted! To think that I would suggest we hang all the pirates without a trial. Thank you, Avatar, for helping me see the error of my ways."
Generic Yew Female: "Did you hear? The pirate woman was wrongly convicted!"

Generic Yew Male[edit]

Note: NPC not used.

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is False
Choose Randomly from the following 2 lines
Generic Yew Male: "You'd better watch yourself, stranger! You look like a troublemaker, and here in Yew we burn all troublemakers at the stake!"
Generic Yew Male: "I'll be keeping my eyes on you. Be gone before I turn you in to the authorities."
Choose Randomly from the following 2 lines
Generic Yew Male: "I don't know what came over me. I'm generally not so bloodthirsty."
Generic Yew Male: "I should look to myself before judging others."



Triggered Cinematic upon appearance in ante room to column

If Anaaj_Aggro_C is false
Anaaj: "Well, if it isn't Britannia's own little hero, the Avatar. I'm glad that you chose my humble home to visit, Avatar."
Anaaj: "Of all the Wyrmguard that would like to kill you, I have more reason than any!"
Fight Avatar: "If you're looking for a fight, you needn't look any further."
Reason Avatar: "What reason do you have to kill me?"
Help Avatar: "I am not your enemy. Let me help you."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."
Go to Attack


Anaaj: "Really? What do you intend to do?"
Avatar: "Rid Britannia of every last member of the Wyrmguard!"
Go to Attack


Anaaj: "Don't try to play innocent, Avatar. I know the truth about you. The Guardian's power turned me from justice, and it was you that brought the Guardian here!"
Anaaj: "It's because of you. You made me what I am. You're responsible for what I have become!"
Anaaj: "And now that my hate has free reign, I choose to vent it on you!"
Fight Avatar: "If you're looking for a fight, you needn't look any further."
Help Avatar: "I am not your enemy. Let me help you."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Anaaj: "A friend? You were once a friend, but now, now it's different. Things can't go back to the way that they were."
Avatar: "Yes they can, Jaana. That's why I'm here."
Anaaj: "My name is Anaaj! Do you hear me? Anaaj!"
Fight Avatar: "If you're looking for a fight, you needn't look any further."
Reason Avatar: "What reason do you have to kill me?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Goodbye."


Set Anaaj_Aggro_C to true
Set Anaaj to attack the Avatar


Anaaj: "Just like you to run in the face of adversity, Avatar, but you won't get away from me. En garde!"
Go to Attack

Triggered Cinematic immediately after imprisoning Anaaj

If Anaaj_Aggro_C is false
Anaaj: "What the...? Hey, let me out of here!"
No Attack Avatar: "If I let you out, will you promise not to attack me?"
Stay Avatar: "That's not going to happen, Jaana. You're staying right there where you can't hurt anybody."
Bye1 Avatar: "I think you need to stay there a while. Goodbye, Jaana."
Go to Attack

Triggered Cinematic subsequent convo after imprisoning Anaaj

If Anaaj_Aggro_C is false
Anaaj: "Hey, Avatar, let me out of here!"
No Attack Avatar: "If I let you out, will you promise not to attack me?"
Stay Avatar: "That's not going to happen, Jaana. You're staying right there where you can't hurt anybody."
Bye2 Avatar: "I think you need to stay there a while. Goodbye, Jaana."
Go to Attack

No Attack

Anaaj: "Yes, yes, of course. I promise, I won't attack you or do anything mean, just let me out of here. Please, Avatar, it's me Jaana. I need your help."
Activate Anaaj's third trigger
Anaaj,"Ha! What a fool!"
Set Anaaj_Aggro_C to true
Set Anaaj to attack the Avatar


Anaaj: "That's alright, you just look. You'll be back here sooner or later asking me to help you out. That's okay, I can wait."
Set Anaaj_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Yet another of my old friends has sadly been swayed by the Guardian. Jaana, or Anaaj as she calls herself now, claims she's the only way I can get out of this cell. Should I trust a Wyrmguard?"


Anaaj: "Is that right? Well, you left out one little detail, smart guy: I may be in this cell, but how are you going to get out of this room? No wait, let me answer for you: you can't. At least, not without my help."
Open1 Avatar: "Open that portcullis, Jaana."
Find Avatar: "I don't need your help. I'll find a way out."
Bye2 Avatar: "I think you need to stay there a while. Goodbye, Jaana."


Anaaj: "My name is Anaaj! Look, you need me to get out of here just as badly as I need you to get out of this cell. What do you say?"
Open2 Avatar: "Fine, you open the portcullis, and I'll open your cell."
Find Avatar: "I don't need your help. I'll find a way out."
Bye2 Avatar: "I think you need to stay there a while. Goodbye, Jaana."


Anaaj: "No, you open the cell first."
Avatar: "That I won't do. Now you have a choice, open the portcullis and trust me or we sit here and rot. Come on Anaaj, you know that I never lie."
Anaaj: "Alright, but you'd better keep your word."
Activate Anaaj's first trigger
Anaaj: "Now let me out of here!"
Yes Avatar: "Thank you. I'll let you out now."
No Avatar: "On second thought, I think that I'd better leave you in there. Goodbye, Jaana."


Anaaj: "What a fool you are, Avatar."
Go to Attack


Anaaj: "You bastard! You lying bastard! Come back here and let me out! Now!"
Decrease Avatar's Karma by 1


Anaaj: "Damn it, Avatar, let me out of here!"


Anaaj: "Avatar, get back here! You're going to need my help! Did you hear me? You're going to need my help, Avatar!"

Jean Paul[edit]

Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If JeanPaul_Freed_C is false
If Did_Not_Free_John_Paul is false
Jean Paul: "Hey, hey you! You're not a guard. Can you help me?"
Jean Paul: "Hey, please don't just walk by again!"

Enter Conversation and Triggered Cinematic near cell

JeanPaul_Freed_C is false
If Did_Not_Free_John_Paul is false
JeanPaul: "Please? Help me get out of here!"
Door Avatar: "I'd be happy to help you. How do these doors open?"
Crime Avatar: "I don't know, what did you do to get in here?"
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I've got important business."
Jean Paul: "Please, sir, I'm innocent. You've got to let me out of here."
Door Avatar: "I'd be happy to help you. How do these doors open?"
Crime Avatar: "I don't know, what did you do to get in here?"
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I've got important business."
Jean Paul: "Thank you so much for freeing me, sir!"


Jean Paul: "I didn't do anything. I own a tavern in Yew, and one of my customers got drunk and hurt himself."
Jean Paul: "The next thing that I know, I'm arrested for negligence and thrown in here."
Jean Paul: "Yew used to be the city of justice, but there's no justice there now, only a kangaroo court that throws innocent people in jail."
Jean Paul: "Please let me out of here. I promise that I won't be a nuisance or tell anyone who helped me. Please?"
Door Avatar: "I'd be happy to help you. How do these doors open?"
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I've got important business."


Jean Paul: "The doors seem to just open from the outside. This isn't a very sophisticated place."
Jean Paul: "Thank you sir. Thank you so much! I promise not to let anyone know who helped me. Thank you again!"
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1
Set JeanPaul_Freed_C


Jean Paul: "No! Please let me out of here! Please!"
Set Did_Not_Free_John_Paul to true


Enter Conversation and Triggered Cinematic near cell

If Cleo is in area Area_Wrong_Cleo_Cell
If Cleo_Freed_C is false
Cleo: "Please free me. I didn't do it! There is no way I could have done it!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Crime Avatar: "What are you accused of doing?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I've got to go."
Cleo: "Thanks for letting me out!"
Cleo: "Oh, hi, it's you! Look Smith, it's the nice man that let me out of jail. Didn't I tell that he was nice?"
Cleo: "Smith says that he likes your clothes."
Cleo: "Yes, he does have pretty eyes."
Avatar: "So this is Smith?"
Cleo: "Uh huh, he says that Guardian just made up the Elemental Titans in Pagan, whatever that means. Smith is kind of odd sometimes, but he's my best friend!"


Cleo: "Oh, I'm Cleo. Please, help me get out of here!"
Crime Avatar: "What are you accused of doing?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I've got to go."


Cleo: "Oh, I'm Cleo. Please, help me get out of here!"
Smith Avatar: "Where is Smith?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I've got to go."


Cleo: "Killing all of the horses, but I didn't do it! The horses were dead before I was even born. Even my friend Smith knows I didn't kill the horses."
Cleo: "If Smith were here, he would tell you. Please let me out."
Name2 Avatar: "What is your name?"
Smith Avatar: "Where is Smith?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I've got to go."


Cleo: "He's in Paws... well, usually just outside of Paws. Next to a tree... actually, he's in a tree."
Avatar: "He's in a tree?"
Cleo: "Just go to Paws, you'll see him there. Please let me out!"
Cleo_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A prisoner in Wrong mentioned that I might actually find Smith in a tree outside of Paws! Why on earth would I find Iolo's old horse in a tree?"
Yes Avatar: "Okay, I'll let you out."
No Avatar: "No, I think that you need to stay here for a while."


Cleo: "Thank you!"
Set Cleo_Freed_C to true


Cleo: "Don't go! Hey, let me out!"
Set Cleo_Not_Free_Cleo to true



Wrong Guard[edit]

Triggered Noncinematic if Avatar approaches Guard

Choose Randomly between the following 2 lines
Wrong Guard: "You, stop! Come here!"
Wrong Guard: "Prisoner! Stop right where you are!"
Go to Attack

Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Choose Randomly between the following 2 lines
Wrong Guard: "...who does he think he is, acting like he's Lord British or something. I don't care if he's in charge, I'm gonna lay into him one of these days.."
Wrong Guard: "Boy, that gal in cell seventeen sure is cute. I can't wait to get a better look at her..."

Enter Conversation

Choose Randomly between the following 3 lines
Wrong Guard: "Hey you! Who are you? You're not supposed to be down here!"
Wrong Guard: "Trying to escape, huh? Not on my shift!"
If Freed_Wrong_Prisoner is true
Wrong Guard: You must be the one who freed that prisoner!"
Wrong Guard: "What? Another escapee? Stop right there!"
Go to Attack


Set Wrong Guard to attack the Avatar



Triggered Noncinematic

Algar: "Hey there!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Sacrifice Cleansed is false
If Algar_Questions_Refused_C is false
Algar: "You've been asking questions around town, right? Well, if you need to know anything, you should ask me."
Algar: "I can tell you anything that you need to know... for a price, of course."
Pay Avatar: "Ok, I'll pay."
Price Avatar: "For a price?"
Algar: "So, did you change your mind? Willing to pay for a little information?"
If Avatar has less than 20 gold
Avatar: "Sorry, but I don't have the money right now."
Algar: "I'm not answering any questions until you get the money."
Take Avatar: "Alright, 20 gold per answer."
Leave Avatar: "I won't pay money for simple information."
Algar: "Shove off. I got no use for ya."


Algar: "It'll be 20 gold a question."
Set Algar_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I met a man named Algar who claims he can answer all my questions, but he's charging 20 gold per question!"
If Avatar has less than 20 gold
Avatar: "Sorry, but I don't have the money right now."
Algar: "I'm not answering any questions until you get the money."
Go to Take


Algar: "So what do you want to know?"
Go to Questions


Algar: "Yep, for every answer I give you, you give me 20 gold. Take it or leave it."
If Avatar has less than 20 gold
Avatar: "Sorry, but I don't have the money right now."
Algar: "I'm not answering any questions until you get the money."
Take Avatar: "Alright, 20 gold per answer."
Leave Avatar: "I won't pay money for simple information."


Algar: "Suits me. Be on your way, then."
Set Algar_Questions_Refused_C to true


If Cove_Destruction_Question, Great_Leader_Question, Human_Sacrifice_Question, Where_Captive_Question, Gypsy_Camp_Question, Blackrock_Mines_Question, and Haunted_House_Question are true
Algar: "That's all I know. Take off now, I got no use for ya."
Cove Avatar: "Can I ask you some questions about Cove?"
Other Avatar: "Could you tell me about some other things?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


If Avatar has less than 20 gold
Algar: "You still have enough money?"
Avatar: "Actually, no..."
Algar: "No more questions, then! Come back when you have money!"
Algar: "As long as you have the gold."
If Cove_Destruction_Question, Great_Leader_Question, Human_Sacrifice_Question, or Where_Captive_Question are false
If Where_Captive_Question is false
Captive Avatar: "Tell me where the captive is held."
If Human_Sacrifice_Question is false
Sacrifice Avatar: "Tell me about human sacrifice."
If Great_Leader_Question is false
Leader Avatar: "Tell me about the First Citizen."
If Cove_Destruction_Question is false
Cove Destruction Avatar: "Tell me about Cove's destruction in the riots."
Other Avatar: "Could you tell me about some other things?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


If Avatar has less than 20 gold
Algar: "You still have enough money?"
Avatar: "Actually, no..."
Algar: "No more questions, then! Come back when you have money!"
Algar: "Yeah, sure. As long as you pay."
If Gypsy_Camp_Question, Blackrock_Mines_Question, or Haunted_House_Question are false
If Haunted_House_Question is false
Haunted Avatar: "Tell me about the haunted house."
If Blackrock_Mines_Question is false and Avatar_Knows_Blackrock_Mines_C is true
Mines Avatar: "Tell me where the Blackrock Mines are located."
If Gypsy_Camp_Question is false
Gypsy Avatar: "Tell me where the Gypsy Camp is located."
Cove Avatar: "Can I ask you some questions about Cove?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."

Cove Destruction

Algar: "Yeah, Cove was pretty much destroyed by the riots that broke out after that big column thing appeared."
Set to Cove_Destruction_Question to true
Diary: "Algar says Cove was destroyed by riots."
Go to Take Gold


Algar: "The First Citizen? He's the savior of Cove. What more do ya need to know?"
Algar: "And you be careful around him, too. If he sees that you're not a right thinking citizen, he'll put you straight!"
Set Great_Leader_Question to true
Diary: "Algar says Cove was destroyed by riots."
Go to Take Gold


Algar: "The First Citizen has figured out that a human sacrifice will fix the shrine. Ain't that something?"
Set Human_Sacrifice_Question to true
Diary: "Apparently the First Citizen of Cove has decided that the way to cleanse the shrine of Sacrifice is to sacrifice people to it! What can he be thinking?"
Go to Take Gold


Algar: "Any and all prisoners are held up in the First Citizen's headquarters. The security in that place is amazing. There's guards all over the place!"
Set Where_Captive_Question to true
Diary: "Algar says prisoners are held in the First Citizen's headquarters."
Go to Take Gold


Algar: "The Gypsy Camp, oh, that's just north of here a ways. You don't wanna get mixed up with them gypsies, though. Rob you blind, they will."
Set Gypsy_Camp_Question to true
Diary: "The gypsy camp should be to the north."
Go to Take Gold


Algar: "Well that's easy: just get yourself to Minoc. Once there, travel north by northwest. You'll find the Blackrock Mines soon enough."
Algar: "Don't know why you're asking, though; only a fool would want to go in there."
Set Blackrock_Mines_Question to true
Diary: "Algar told me that the Blackrock mines are easily accessible, just north by northwest of Minoc."
Go to Take Gold


Algar: "Ah, people say that place is full of ghosts of people that were killed in the riots. Me, I don't believe in that stuff."
Set Haunted_House_Question to true
Go to Take Gold

Take Gold

Algar: "Now give me my 20 gold."
Avatar: "Alright, here."
Remove 20 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 20 gold to Algar's Inventory
Go to Questions




Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If First_Dayla_Convo is false
Dayla: "Hello, mister."
Dayla: "Hi, mister!"

Enter Conversation

If First_Dayla_Convo is false
Dayla: "Hey, I can't see through you! Since the bad night, the only grown-ups that come up here are the see-through people."
Name Avatar: "What's your name, little girl?"
Night Avatar: "When was the bad night?"
See Through Avatar: "You can see through the other adults?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."
Dayla: "I still haven't found my dolly yet."
If Avatar has Dayla's Doll
Go to Has Doll
Go to No Doll


Dayla: "I'm Dayla, I'm five years old!"
Night Avatar: "When was the bad night?"
See Through Avatar: "You can see through the other adults?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."


Dayla: "That was the night that all of the grown-ups got mad and hurt each other. There were people running around and yelling and burning things and... and smashing things."
Dayla: "I was scared, so I came upstairs and hid under my bed 'cause I was afraid. Nothing happened to my house though. It just got all smoky and then I fell sleep."
Dayla: "But ever since the bad night, I only wake up at night. Why is that?"
Name2 Avatar: "What's your name, little girl?"
Don't Know Avatar: "I don't know why that is, little girl."
See Through Avatar: "You can see through the other adults?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."


Dayla: "I'm Dayla, I'm five years old!"
Don't Know Avatar: "I don't know why that is, little girl."
See Through Avatar: "You can see through the other adults?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."

Don't Know

Set First_Dayla_Convo to true
Dayla: "Well, but you know what?"
Avatar: "No. What?"
Dayla: "Since it's always dark now when I get up, I can't find my dolly! I get lonely without my dolly. The see-through people can't help me find it. Can you help me? Please?"
Set Dayla_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I spoke with Dayla, a ghost of a little girl in Cove who was killed during the riots. She seems frightened and lonely, and has asked me to help find her doll."
If Avatar has Dayla's Doll
Go to Has Doll
Go to No Doll

See Through

Dayla: "Uh huh, I can see right through them! At first I thought that they were like my pretend playmates, but they're not."
Dayla: "They're the only people that don't act scared of me since the bad night."
Dayla: "But they don't like the other people, the bad people. They say that the bad people stole all of their stuff and won't give it back."
Dayla: "The see-through people say the bad people should return all of the things they stole to the tomb, but the bad people won't do it."
Set Dayla_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Dayla, the little ghost, told me that the other ghosts are angry because their belongings were stolen, and that the ghosts want their things brought back to the tomb."
Name3 Avatar: "What's your name, little girl?"
Night Avatar: "When was the bad night?"
Afraid Avatar: "Other people are afraid of you?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."


Dayla: "I'm Dayla, I'm five years old!"
Night Avatar: "When was the bad night?"
Afraid Avatar: "Other people are afraid of you?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."


Dayla: "Uh huh, I don't know why. I used to go out in front of the house and tell the bad people to give back the stuff that they took, but they yelled and ran away."
Dayla: "So now I only stay upstairs. I think that grown-ups are silly sometimes. But anyway, the see-through people are nice to me."
Name Avatar: "What's your name, little girl?"
Night Avatar: "When was the bad night?"
See Through Avatar: "You can see through the other adults?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."

Has Doll

Avatar: "Guess what, little girl?"
Dayla: "What?"
Avatar: "I think I have your doll right here."
Remove Dayla's Doll from Avatar's Inventory
Add Dayla's Doll from Avatar's Inventory
Set Dayla_Was_Given_Doll_C to true
Dayla: "Thank you, mister! Thank you so much! Uh oh, I hear my mommy calling, I've gotta go now. Bye! Thanks!"
Activate Dayla's Trigger - She disappears

No Doll

If Dayla_Doll_Quest_Received_C is true
Yes Avatar: "I'm still looking for your doll, little girl."
No Avatar: "I'm sorry. I don't have time to help you find your dolly."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."
Yes Avatar: "I'm still looking for your doll, little girl."
No Avatar: "I'm sorry. I don't have time to help you find your dolly."
Name4 Avatar: "What's your name, little girl?"
See Through Avatar: "You can see through the other adults?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."


Dayla: "I'm Dayla, I'm five years old!"
Yes Avatar: "I'm still looking for your doll, little girl."
No Avatar: "I'm sorry. I don't have time to help you find your dolly."
See Through Avatar: "You can see through the other adults?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now, little girl. Bye-bye."


Dayla: "Thank you, mister!"
Set Dayla_Doll_Quest_Received_C to true


Dayla: "That's okay. I'll just go and look for her by myself."


Dayla: "Okay, bye-bye!"


Triggered Noncinematic

Irene: "Come to see my wares! I have only the finest!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
If Guild_Accepted is true
Irene: "Oh, and I see the mark of the guild, so I'll show you the finest of the finest!"
Irene: "I'm Irene, and I can buy or sell. Would you like to see what I have?"
Riots Avatar: "What has happened to this town?"
If Raxos_Mentioned_Sacrifice_C is true
Sacrifice Avatar: "Have you heard of the First Citizen's plan for a human sacrifice?"
Pre-Buy Avatar: "I'd like to buy an item."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 344
Pre-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested. Farewell."
Irene: "Hello there, Avatar. Thank you so much for repairing the shrine and showing us the error of our ways. Can I please help you with anything?"
Wrong Avatar: "So you see that you were wrong?"
Post-Buy Avatar: "I'd like to buy an item."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 221
Post-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks. Farewell."


Irene: "Oh yes, isn't that brilliant? I don't know why someone else didn't think of it before."
Irene: "If the shrine of sacrifice is damaged, what better to repair it than the greatest sacrifice that we can make? We're so lucky to have a man like Raxos."
Riots Avatar: "What has happened to this town?"
Pre-Buy Avatar: "I'd like to buy an item."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 344
Pre-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested. Farewell."


Irene: "Terrible things. Hideous rioting and looting broke out when the column appeared. Everyone seemed to lose their minds."
Irene: "Finally Raxos, the First Citizen, brought order to the town. He saved this place, you know."
Irene: "Now, wouldn't you love to buy one of my lovely items here?"
No Avatar: "No, thank you."
Riots2 Avatar: "There were riots here?"
If Raxos_Mentioned_Sacrifice_C is true
Sacrifice Avatar: "Have you heard of the First Citizen's plan for a human sacrifice?"
Raxos Avatar: "Who is Raxos?"
Pre-Buy Avatar: "Alright, I'll buy."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 344
Pre-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested. Farewell."




Irene: "It's hard to believe now, with the streets so peaceful, isn't it? But there were terrible riots in the years before Raxos brought order."
Irene,"People were killing one another, there were fires... it was terrible. Although I did manage to pick up a few nice things here and there from the dead people who didn't need them anymore."
Irene: "Say, you don't have anything that you'd like to give me, do you?"
No Avatar: "No, I do not."
If Raxos_Mentioned_Sacrifice_C is true
Sacrifice Avatar: "Have you heard of the First Citizen's plan for a human sacrifice?"
Raxos Avatar: "Who is Raxos?"
Took Items Avatar: "You took things from dead people?"
Pre-Buy Avatar: "Alright, I'll buy."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 344
Pre-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested. Farewell."

Took Items

Irene: "Yes, but they didn't need those things anymore; they were dead!"
No Avatar: "No, thank you."
If Raxos_Mentioned_Sacrifice_C is true
Sacrifice Avatar: "Have you heard of the First Citizen's plan for a human sacrifice?"
Raxos Avatar: "Who is Raxos?"
Pre-Buy Avatar: "Alright, I'll buy."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 344
Pre-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested. Farewell."


Irene: "Oh, he's the First Citizen. He's the great man who brought order to the city and governs this area."
Irene: "He didn't really want to be in charge, but someone had to take up the reins. He's truly a reluctant hero, and he's a genius."
Irene: "You should go and speak to him. You can learn a great deal from a man like that!"
Set Irene_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Irene seems to think Raxos, the First Citizen, is a genius for his idea about sacrificing people to the shrine. Is everyone here daft?"
No Avatar: "No, thank you."
Riots2 Avatar: "There were riots here?"
Pre-Buy Avatar: "Alright, I'll buy."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 344
Pre-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested. Farewell."


Irene: "Oh yes, a human sacrifice: what on Britannia were we thinking? And what were we thinking when we blindly followed that wretched Raxos? Oh, it was terrible."
Irene: "Now, what may I do for you?"
Post-Buy Avatar: "I'd like to buy an item."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 221
Post-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks. Farewell."


Irene: "Are you certain? You don't know what you're missing! Well, come back when you are in need of something."


Open Buying GUMP using book text 212
Go to Pre-Anything Else - when closing the GUMP


Irene: "Oh, by all means, you're better off selling your things here than you are over in Minoc with those gypsies. Those filthy people will rob you blind!"
Irene: "So, what would you like to sell?"
Open Selling GUMP using book text 344
Go to Pre-Anything Else - when closing the GUMP

Pre-Anything Else

Irene: "Would you like anything else? Look at these beautiful items! Owning any of these will make you the envy of everyone in Britannia!"
Riots Avatar: "What has happened to this town?"
Pre-Buy Avatar: "I'd like to buy an item."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 344
Pre-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested. Farewell."


Open Buying GUMP using book text 214
Go to Post-Anything Else - when closing the GUMP


Open Selling GUMP using book text 221
Go to Post-Anything Else - when closing the GUMP

Post-Anything Else

Irene: "Would you like anything else? Look at these beautiful items! Owning any of these will make you the envy of everyone in Britannia!"
Post-Buy Avatar: "I'd like to buy an item."
If Avatar has item in Sell List 221
Post-Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No thanks, I'm not interested. Farewell."


Triggered Noncinematic at Home

Raxos: "A guest!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
If Raxos_Aggro_C is true
Go to Fight
Else If Raxos_First_Convo_C is false
Set Raxos_First_Convo_C to true
Raxos: "I am Raxos, First Citizen, and leader of the people of Cove. Savior of Britannia, and sole hope for the people."
Freedom Avatar: "Really? What about the people's freedom to choose for themselves?"
Savior Avatar: "How did you come to be the savior of Britannia?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I've gotta go. Goodbye."
Raxos: "I see that you have returned. What do you need?"
Freedom Avatar: "Please remind me why the people don't have the freedom to choose for themselves?"
Savior Avatar: "Can you tell me again how you came to be the savior of Britannia?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I must leave now. Goodbye."
Raxos: "Thank the heavens I ran into you before I left Cove. I need to apologize for the terrible manner in which I behaved."
Bad Avatar: "Yes, you were pretty bad."
No Need Avatar: "There's no need to apologize."
Leave Avatar: "Why are you leaving Cove?"


Raxos: "I have relieved the people of that burden. Life is difficult enough without beleaguering the people with so many demanding choices."
Raxos: "It is a difficult task, but one that I gladly assume for the people."
Rights Avatar: "But what of the people's sacred rights?"
Savior Avatar: "How did you come to be the savior of Britannia?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I've gotta go. Goodbye."


Raxos: "You are beginning to bring up some very dangerous topics, my friend. Such topics lead to trouble and we do not tolerate trouble here in Cove."
Freedom Avatar: "Really? What about the people's freedom to choose for themselves?"
Savior Avatar: "How did you come to be the savior of Britannia?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I've gotta go. Goodbye."


Raxos: "Lord British declared that I am to lead the people out of these dark times! You see, we here in Cove are a master strain of beings."
Raxos: "We're destined to revive the glory that once was Britannia. All right-thinking people will see the truth in my words."
Funny Avatar: "Funny, Lord British didn't mention your appointment to me."
Sanctify Avatar: "Then tell me how to sanctify the shrine."
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I've gotta go. Goodbye."


Raxos: "Why should he have? Who are you that you should be told everything? I'm a man of great importance whereas you are nothing!"
Fight Avatar: "You test me, Raxos. Prepare to fight."
Sanctify Avatar: "Then tell me how to sanctify the shrine."
Bye Avatar: "I will not speak with you any longer."


Set Raxos_Aggro_C to true
Raxos set to attack the Avatar


Raxos: "In my brilliance, I have discovered that the only way to sanctify our shrine is to sacrifice unbelievers who have been caught working against the people of Cove."
Raxos: "Many sacrifices may be required, but I am sure that soon the shrine will be whole again."
Raxos: "It is, after all, the Shrine of Sacrifice. These sacrifices will, therefore, restore the power of the shrine and allow Cove to revisit its halcyon days."
Set Raxos_Mentioned_Sacrifice_C to true
Diary: "Raxos, the First Citizen, believes that the way to sanctify the Shrine of Sacrifice is to sacrifice unbelievers who are working against him. He said many sacrifices will be required, which makes him a very dangerous man!"
Funny Avatar: "Funny that Lord British didn't mention your appointment to me."
Virtuous Act Avatar: "But Raxos, how can you believe that sacrificing a person is a virtuous act?"
Bye Avatar: "Good plan. Farewell."

Virtuous Act

Raxos: "Don't forget to whom you are speaking. I, more than anyone else, know the virtue of sacrifice! I know what is and what is not a virtuous act."
Raxos: "Furthermore, I'll not have you or anyone else spreading dangerous thoughts in my town of Cove! Do you understand?"
Funny Avatar: "Funny that Lord British didn't mention your appointment to me."
Threat Avatar: "Don't threaten me, you little dictator."
Bye3 Avatar: "I understand completely. Good luck with your plan. Goodbye."


Raxos: "How dare you speak to the First Citizen in such a manner? Prepare to die!"
Set Raxos_Aggro_C
Set Raxos to attack the Avatar
Activate Second Raxos trigger


Raxos: "After all that I've done to the people of Cove, I can't stay here. Therefore, I've decided to give my fortune to the people of Cove, and move up into the mountains."
Raxos: "I plan to become a hermit and meditate on the virtues. Perhaps, given time, I can make some amends for the horrible crimes that I committed. Well, goodbye."

No Need

Raxos: "Thank you, but you're simply being kind. I must not only apologize, but also thank you for cleansing the shrine and freeing me of the madness that held me in its grip."
Raxos: "Thanks to you, I have realized the error of my ways."
Bad Avatar: "Yes, you were pretty bad."
Leave Avatar: "Why are you leaving Cove?"


Raxos: "Indeed I was. Now, I must make my apologies and then try to make amends for all that I've done."
Raxos: "Please, take this key and free the prisoner."
Add Minoc Jail Key to the Avatar
No Need Avatar: "There's no need to apologize."
Leave Avatar: "Why are you leaving Cove?"




Raxos: "Very well, you have my permission to leave."


Raxos: "Luck? There is no luck! My plan will succeed because it is what's right!"

Minoc Guard[edit]

Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Guard is in Area_Minoc_Guards
If First_Citizen_Dead and Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed and Minoc_Leader_Guard_Aggro_C are false
If Minoc_Guards_Bribed_C is false
Minoc Guard: "Halt!"
Go to Pissed
If First_Citizen_Dead and Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed are false
Go to Weather
If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
Go to Pissed
Go to Weather

Triggered Cinematic when Minoc_Leader_Guard_Aggro_C is true

Minoc Guard: "I told you; no goin' through there 'til you pay me!"
Go to Attack

Enter Conversation

If Guard is in Area_Minoc_Guards
If Minoc_Leader_Guard_Aggro_C if true
Go to Attack
Else If Minoc_Guard_Not_Bribed_C is true
Minoc Guard: "Oh, so you want to talk to me again? No doubt you still want to speak with the Great Leader."
Minoc Guard: "Well, the price has now gone up to 15 gold. Pay it, or you don't see the Great Leader. Got it?"
Set MinocGuard_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "The guards are now claiming that the price has gone up to 15 gold to see their Great Leader. This is ridiculous!"
If Avatar has greater than or equal to 15
Bribe2 Avatar: "Fifteen gold? Oh, alright, I'll pay it."
Not Enough Avatar: "I do not have fifteen gold."
Step Avatar: "Step aside you great lout. I have no time for you."
No Bribe2 Avatar: "I told you that I will not bribe you!"
Else If Minoc_Guards_Bribed_C is true
If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
Minoc Guard: "What do you want? You've paid up. You're free to talk to the First Citizen, go ahead."
Minoc_Guard: "You may enter. Make sure to show the proper respect to the First Citizen!"
If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
Minoc Guard: "Who are you and what is your business?"
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar and I need to speak to your leader."
Guarding Avatar: "What are you guarding?"
Step Avatar: "Step aside you great lout, I have no time for you."
Minoc Guard: "Who are you and what is your business?"
Avatar2 Avatar: "I'm the Avatar and I need to speak to your leader."
Friend Avatar: "I'm a friend and I need to speak to your leader."
Step2 Avatar: "Step aside you great lout, I have no time for you."
Bye Avatar: "Nevermind, I must go."
Choose Randomly from the following four lines
Minoc Guard: "I can't talk right now, I'm on duty!"
Minoc Guard: "Keep to yourself!"
Minoc Guard: "You there, keep moving!"
Minoc Guard: "Move along."


Minoc Guard: "Right, and I'm Lord British!"
Minoc Guard: "Tell you what, though. For ten gold, I'll let you in to see the Great Leader."
Bribe Avatar: "Ten gold you say? Fine."
No Bribe Avatar: "Are you mad? I will not bribe you!"
Step Avatar: "Step aside you great lout, I have no time for you."


Minoc Guard: "What am I guarding? Why the First Citizen, of course! Are you daft? Have you never heard of the First Citizen?"
Minoc Guard: "He is our great leader who governs here in Cove. Soon he will spread his leadership to all of Britannia!"
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar and I need to speak to your leader."
Step Avatar: "Step aside you great lout, I have no time for you."


Minoc Guard: "Hey, you can't insult me like that!"
Go to Attack


Minoc Guard: "Very well, you may go in and speak to him. Mind you, be respectful."
Set Minoc_Guards_Bribed_C to true


Minoc Guard: "As you say 'friend', I still need your name before you may enter."
Avatar2 Avatar: "I'm the Avatar and I need to speak to your leader."
Step2 Avatar: "Step aside you great lout, I have no time for you."
Bye Avatar: "Nevermind, I must go."


Minoc Guard: "That is a grave insult. I'll ask one more time, who are you?"
Avatar2 Avatar: "I'm the Avatar and I need to speak to your leader."
Friend Avatar: "I'm a friend and I need to speak to your leader."
Bye Avatar: "Nevermind, I must go."


If Avatar has greater than or equal to 10 gold
Minoc Guard: "Outstanding."
Remove 10 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 10 gold to Minoc Guard
Set Minoc_Guards_Bribed_C to true
Minoc Guard: "A pleasure doing business with you. The Great Leader is right behind that door, just go on in and introduce yourself."
Go to Not Enough

No Bribe

Minoc Guard: "Then you don't get to see the Great Leader."
Set Minoc_Guard_Not_Bribed_C to true
Diary: "The guards outside the First Citizen's house are demanding 10 gold just to see him!"


Minoc Guard: "Outstanding."
Remove 15 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Add 15 gold to Minoc Guard
Set Minoc_Guards_Bribed_C to true
Minoc Guard: "A pleasure doing business with you. The Great Leader is right behind that door, just go on in and introduce yourself."

No Bribe2

Minoc Guard: "I'm getting tired of you. It's time for you to go!"
Go to Attack

Not Enough

Minoc Guard: "Then come back when you have enough money!"


Set Minoc_Leader_Guard_Aggro_C to true
Set Minoc Guard to attack the Avatar




If Bad Weather
Choose Randomly from the following 4 lines
Minoc Guard: "I hate this weather. It just makes my bones ache."
Minoc Guard: "My armor's gonna be nothin' but rust n' mildew."
Minoc Guard: "Great, more rain."
Minoc Guard: "I'm never gonna dry out..."
Minoc Guard: "What a beautiful day!"


Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
Minoc Guard: "Halt!"
Minoc Guard: "Stop! You murderer!"
Minoc Guard: "Stop where you are!"
Go to Attack

Shrine of Sacrifice[edit]

Enter Conversation

Shrine of Sacrifice: "Speak now the Mantra of Sacrifice."
Check input for "cah"
If true
Mantra Correct
If false
Mantra Wrong

Mantra Wrong

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
Shrine of Sacrifice: "This is not the mantra of sacrifice that is spoken. Do not suffer from greed."
Shrine of Sacrifice: "Only when thou hast purged thyself of thine impurities, canst thou purge me of mine."
Shrine of Sacrifice: "This is not the mantra of Sacrifice. Avatar, hast thou so quickly forgotten the sacred mantra with which you restored me?"

Mantra Correct

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is true
Shrine of Sacrifice: "Avatar, thou hast freed the people's hearts from the grip of greed. Avarice no longer rules them. May blessing be upon thee, worthy hero."
Shrine of Sacrifice: "Dost thou wish to perform the ritual of restoration?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes"
No Avatar: "No"
Shrine of Sacrifice: "Now, the people of the land covet their neighbor's goods. And why is this?"
Shrine of Sacrifice: "What has caused this travesty to befall the people of Minoc?"
Shrine of Sacrifice: "The Guardian hath twisted me, the Shrine of Sacrifice, and so are the people's hearts twisted."
Shrine of Sacrifice: "Avatar, go amongst the people and find the sigil, for they have it. Find then the evil glyph, then come unto me and cleanse me of this evil."


Shrine of Sacrifice: "Then speak the words of restoration."
Check input for "vas mani corp"
If true
Restoration Correct
If false
Restoration Wrong


Shrine of Sacrifice: "Very well, go forth so that all may see that thou art willing to sacrifice thyself for their good. Thus, they shalt be inspired to give up their covetous ways."

Restoration Correct

Initiate Ritual of Restoration

Restoration Wrong

If you have not used up your three attempts to get the words of Restoration correct.
Shrine of Sacrifice: "Thou hast not spoken the words of restoration. Concentrate, and speak again so that thou mayest heal thyself."
Return to Yes
Shrine of Sacrifice: "If you wish to be restored, learn the words of restoration and return to see me."

Shrine Cleansing Cinematic

Shrine of Sacrifice: "Speak now the Mantra of Sacrifice."
Check input for "cah"
If true
See Shrine for Cleansing Cinematic
Set Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed to true
Diary: "I managed to repair the Shrine of Sacrifice today! It's very satisfying to see one of these shrines go from derelict to it's restored state. They're so beautiful after they've been restored."
If false
Mantra Wrong



Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is true
Julia: "Well, this is goodbye, isn't it? I guess you've figured out that I've harbored an unrequited love of you for some time now."
Julia: "Oh well, it's too late for regret, or for thoughts of what might have been."
Julia: "Just go knowing that I love you, and remember this always: the sacrifice that you have made, that of a normal life, is a noble one."
Julia: "You have done much for the Britannian people, and in your final act as the Avatar, you'll do still more for them."
Thanks Avatar: "Yes, well, thank you for your kindness."
Love Avatar: "Had I only known that you loved me..."
Bye Avatar: "You are a dear friend. Goodbye, Julia."
If Julia_Gone_To_Minoc is true
Julia: "Hello Avatar. I'm glad to see you here. You know, I'm still embarrassed about the way I acted in Covetous."
Julia: "My behavior was quite selfish and I'm very sorry."
Minoc Avatar: "How are things here in Minoc?"
No_Need Avatar: "There's no need to be sorry, Julia. You couldn't help yourself."
MBye Avatar: "I've to go now. Goodbye."


Julia: "Things are difficult these days. Blackthorn's attack on the town nearly destroyed it and the people."
Julia: "I've got a lot of work to do to help the people rebuild. But that's good; I have a rewarding task that brings me peace."
No_Need Avatar: "There's no need to be sorry, Julia. You couldn't help yourself."
MBye Avatar: "I've to go now. Goodbye."


Julia: "Yes, and that is embarrassing as well. I should have been able to resist the Guardian's influence."
Minoc Avatar: "How are things here in Minoc?"
MBye Avatar: "I've to go now. Goodbye."


Julia: "Goodbye, Avatar."


Julia: "Thank you, Avatar. Goodbye."


Julia: "No, I think that it's better this way. You were not meant to settle down. Goodbye, my love."


Julia: "As are you, my dear. As are you, farewell."

Julia's Ghost[edit]

Enter Conversation

Julia's Ghost: "Hello, Avatar. It is good to see you again. As you can see, I am no longer a Wyrmguard."
Julia's Ghost: "I am ashamed that I was corrupted by the Guardian and became so selfish."
Julia's Ghost: "Thank you for freeing me of that evil, dear Avatar. You have important work to do, so I'll detain you no longer. Goodbye."


Enter Conversation

If Alara_Healed is false
Alara: "Oh, thank you. I'd be dead but for you, no?"
Alara: "Not since that nice woman who used to live here have I seen a healing potion. No one around here has such potions, that is certain!"
Alara: "They'll put a curse on you in the blink of an eye, but can they heal? No. Feh!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Woman Avatar: "Who was this healing woman?"
Where Avatar: "Where did you see this healing woman?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I'll be going now."
If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
Alara: "I am sorry, but I cannot talk. Right now I must collect my money from that cheap shop owner, Elena!"
Alara: "That woman, she is crazy if she thinks she can get out of paying back what she owes!"
Alara: "Hey, it's you again. I don't know what you did but all of these greedy people, they act so much nicer now."
Alara: "Even that Elena paid back the money she owed me! That's something, eh?"


Alara: "My name is Alara, you give me a healing potion now, no? I am old and get so sick. You give me a healing potion so I be alright, eh?"
If Avatar has a healing potion
Yes Potion Avatar: "Yes, I can spare a potion for you."
No Potion Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I don't have any more potions."
Woman Avatar: "Who was this healing woman?"
Where Avatar: "Where did you see this healing woman?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I'll be going now."


Alara: "Oh, her name was Julia. She was only decent person in town."
Alara: "She knew how to take care of old woman, not like these selfish people who live here now."
Set Alara_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Alara spoke of Julia, and referred to her as a healing woman. It seems my old friend is still trying to help others as always."
Sigil Avatar: "I need information about the sigil and mantra. Can you help me?"
Where Avatar: "Where did you see this healing woman?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I'll be going now."


Alara: "Always by the waterfall."
Set Alara_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Alara told me I might find Julia at the waterfall."
Sigil Avatar: "I need information about the sigil and mantra. Can you help me?"
Woman Avatar: "Who was this healing woman?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I'll be going now."


Alara: "Sorry, but I know nothing of such things."
Where Avatar: "Where did you see this healing woman?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I'll be going now."

Yes Potion

Set Alara_Healed to true
Remove yellow potion from Avatar's Inventory
Add yellow potion from Alara's Inventory
Alara: "Hey, you give me another potion now, eh? If I have two, I can sell one! You have pity on old woman and give me another potion, no? I need the money."
If Avatar has a healing potion
Yes Potion2 Avatar: "Yes, I can spare another potion for you."
No Potion Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I don't have any more potions."
Woman Avatar: "Who was this healing woman?"
Where Avatar: "Where did you see this healing woman?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I'll be going now."

Yes Potion2

Remove yellow potion from Avatar's Inventory
Add yellow potion from Alara's Inventory
Alara: "Hey, you give me another potion now, eh? If I have several, I can sell some! You have pity on old woman and give me another potion, no? I need the money."
If Avatar has a healing potion
Yes Potion2 Avatar: "Yes, I can spare another potion for you."
No Potion Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I don't have any more potions."
Woman Avatar: "Who was this healing woman?"
Where Avatar: "Where did you see this healing woman?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I'll be going now."

No Potion

Alara: "Sure, what do you care if an old woman gets sick and dies, eh? You think only of yourself! Go away and let me die. Feh!"
Woman Avatar: "Who was this healing woman?"
Where Avatar: "Where did you see this healing woman?"
Bye Avatar: "That's nice. I'll be going now."



Unused Dialogue Lines[edit]

Triggered Noncinematic not used

Alara: "Help me! Help! I am dying! Give me a healing potion!"

Triggered Noncinematic 2 not used

If Avatar has a healing potion
No Heal Avatar: "I have no time for you, woman."
Heal Avatar: "Of course, I will give you a potion."
Avatar: "Sorry, I have nothing that can help you at this time."
Alara: "Sure, what do you care if an old woman dies, eh?"

No Heal

Decrease Avatar's Karma by 1

No Heal

Increase Avatar's Karma by 1


Triggered Noncinematic at shop

If Elena is in area Area_Elenas_Tent
If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
Elena: "Hey mister! Do not linger there in Irina’s door! Come into my shop. You find good things here, no?"
If Weather is bad
Elena: "Come inside, out of the weather."
Elena: "Avatar! I'm having a sale on magic items!"

Enter Conversation

If Elena is in area Area_Elenas_Tent
If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
Elena: "That Irina, she is such a hussy! She thinks that she's the prettiest girl in the camp and she's been spoiled rotten!"
Elena: "All because her father is the Rom Baro!"
Elena: "Hey, be careful there! You break something in here, you buy it!"
Name Avatar: "And who are you?"
Rom Baro Avatar: "What is the Rom Baro?"
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know anything of the sigil and the mantra?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, goodbye."
Elena: "I have lowered the prices of all that I sell. You come and see, no? I will also buy any magic item that you choose to sell!"
Avatar: "You're having a sale?"
Elena: "Yes, after all of the high prices I've charged people over the years, I decided that I should have a sale to help make up for my years of greed."
Elena: "It is the good thing to do, no?"
If Laszlo_Sacrificed is true
Elena: "It's terrible what happened to the Rom Baro, but his act inspires me to be more fair and giving! And, I feel so sorry for his daughter, Irina!"
Post Buy Avatar: "I would like to take a look at your wares."
If Avatar has Items from sell list #222
Post Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye2 Avatar: "Thank you, but I don't care to buy or sell anything. Farewell."
Else (noncinematic)
Elena: "Please come visit me later, at my shop."


Elena: "I am Elena. I buy and sell the magic items. You come and see what I have to sell, no?"
Pre Buy Avatar: "Certainly."
If Avatar has Items from sell list #342
Pre Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Rom Baro Avatar: "What is the Rom Baro?"
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know anything of the sigil and the mantra?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, goodbye."


Elena: "No, but I wish that I did. Oh, I could sell things like that for so much money!"
Sell Sigil Avatar: "You'd sell the sigil?"
Name Avatar: "And who are you?"
Rom Baro Avatar: "What is the Rom Baro?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, goodbye."

Sell Sigil

Elena: "Oh, but you forget that I must make the money just like everyone else. For the right price, I would sell almost anything!"
Name Avatar: "And who are you?"
Rom Baro Avatar: "What is the Rom Baro?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, goodbye."

Rom Baro

Elena: "The Rom Baro is the leader of the gypsy people. That Irina hussy, she is his daughter."
Name Avatar: "And who are you?"
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know anything of the sigil and the mantra?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, goodbye."

Pre Buy

Elena: "I have nothing but the finest goods and always at the best prices!"
Open Buy GUMP with buy list #208
Go to Anything Else upon GUMP closing

Pre Sell

Open Sell GUMP with sell list #342
Go to Anything Else upon GUMP closing

Anything Else

Elena: "Thank you for your business."
Rom Baro Avatar: "What is the Rom Baro?"
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know anything of the sigil and the mantra?"
Bye Avatar: "Thank you, goodbye."


Elena: "Yeah, next time you come here, you buy something!"

Post Buy

Elena: "I have nothing but the finest goods and always at the best prices!"
Open Buy GUMP with buy list #210
Go to Anything Else2 upon GUMP closing

Post Sell

Open Sell GUMP with sell list #222
Go to Anything Else2 upon GUMP closing

Anything Else2

Elena: "Anything else?"
Post Buy Avatar: "I would like to take a look at your wares."
If Avatar has Items from sell list #222
Post Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye2 Avatar: "Thank you, but I don't care to buy or sell anything. Farewell."




Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Laszlo_Sacrificed is false
Irina: "Ah! A beautiful man!"
If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
Irina (cinematic): "My father! My dear father!"
Irina: "Avatar, please wait a moment. I need to talk to you."

Enter Conversation

If Irina is in area Area_Irinas_Shop
If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
If Laszlo_Sacrificed is false
Irina: "The Avatar, no? I love the tall blonde strangers, such mystery!"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Job Avatar: "What do you do?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, miss."
Irina: "Avatar! My dear father the Rom Baro sacrificed his precious life to help you solve your problems!"
Understand Avatar: "Please understand that it was your father's destiny. He saved your people."
Future Avatar: "What will you do?"
Condolences Avatar: "He was a good man. Please accept my condolences."
If Irina_Apologized is false
Irina: "I'm sorry, I'm too tired to read your fortune; however, I must apologize to you."
Why Avatar: "Apologize for what?"
No Need Avatar: "There is no need to apologize, Irina."
Bye2 Avatar: "Thank you. Goodbye."
Irina: "Hello, Avatar. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to talk right now. Goodbye!"
Irina: "Please come by my shop and I'll tell you your fortune."


Irina: "I am Irina, the Rom Baro's daughter."
Irina: "His 'unmarried' daughter!"
Job Avatar: "What do you do?"
Attractive Avatar: "You're quite attractive."
Bye2 Avatar: "Uh oh. Think I'll be going."


Irina: "Thank you."
Go to Job


Irina: "I tell your fortune, no? I can predict the future. I know many things that others do not."
If Avatar has greater than 40 mana
Irina: "For instance, I know that your Karma is very, very high. Ooh, you must be a great magic user, eh? Now, you want fortune told, yes?"
Else If Avatar has greater than or equal to 20 mana
Irina: "For instance, I know that you have the normal Karma for a man."
Irina: "You cast a few spells, but not too many, no? Now, you want fortune told, yes?"
Irina: "For instance, I know that your Karma is very, very low."
Irina: "Ooh, you must be a bad boy, eh? You not cast so much magic, eh? Now, you want you fortune told, yes?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, thank you."
Bye2 Avatar: "No, thank you."


Choose Randomly from the following 10 groups of lines
Group 1
Irina: "Ah, yes. Today, you will be aligned with the forces of strength. You will be stronger than a brute!"
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says I will be stronger than a brute today. Well, let's hope that's true."
Group 2
Irina: "Ah, yes. Today, you will be aligned with the forces of magic, and your spells will be like no other."
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says my spells will be unmatched today. Well, let's hope that's true."
Group 3
Irina: "Ah, yes. Today, you will find that you move with grace and dexterity."
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says I will move with grace and dexterity today. Well, let's hope that's true."
Group 4
Irina: "Ah, yes. Today, your healing powers will be like no other!"
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says my healing powers will be unmatched today. Well, let's hope that's true."
Group 5
Irina: "Ah, yes. Today, your body will never tire. You will be like the mill: always moving but never tiring!"
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says that today, my body will never tire. Well, let's hope that's true."
Group 6
Irina: "Oh, be careful, Avatar. Today, your strength will leave you. You will be weak like baby."
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says that today I will be weak like a baby! Well, let's hope she's wrong."
Group 7
Irina: "Oh, be warned, Avatar. Today, you will fail with magic. Your spells will be like the gentle breeze upon the cliffs over the sea."
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says that today I will fail with magic! Well, let's hope she's wrong."
Group 8
Irina: "Oh, walk carefully, Avatar. Today, your balance and grace will leave you. You will stumble and reel like the drunkard."
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says that today my balance and grace will leave me! Well, let's hope she's wrong."
Group 9
Irina: "Um. Oh. Hum. Avatar, the reading indicates that today you will suffer a loss with the forces of healing."
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says that today my healing skills will suffer! Well, let's hope she's wrong."
Group 10
Irina: "Oh, be sure to rest today, Avatar. Today, your stamina will fail you. You will be exhausted like a fat man on a steep hill."
Diary: "The Rom Baro's unmarried daughter, Irina, claims to have told my fortune. She says that today my stamina will fail me! Well, let's hope she's wrong."
Irina: "You know, Avatar. I've been looking for a husband suitable for the daughter of the Rom Baro. I want... not a boy who delivers the goulash, but the man who will give to me."
Irina: "Yes, who can give me all that I want!"
Irina: "Perhaps you can be that man, no?"
Husband Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I'm not looking to get married."
Sigil Avatar: "Can you tell me where the sigil is and what the mantra might be?"
Fortune Teller Avatar: "How did you come to be a fortune teller?"
Bye2 Avatar: "Thank you. Goodbye."


Irina: "That's okay, you can give me things anyway."
Sigil Avatar: "Can you tell me where the sigil is and what the mantra might be?"
Fortune Teller Avatar: "How did you come to be a fortune teller?"
Bye2 Avatar: "Thank you. Goodbye."

Fortune Teller

Irina: "I was trained by my grandmother, who died many years ago."
Husband Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I'm not looking to get married."
Sigil Avatar: "Can you tell me where the sigil is and what the mantra might be?"
Bye2 Avatar: "Thank you. Goodbye."


Irina: "I know not of such things. Go and ask Morganna. Maybe she can tell you of these things. I can tell you about your future and about love."
Morganna Avatar: "Who is Morganna?"
Husband Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I'm not looking to get married."
Fortune Teller Avatar: "How did you come to be a fortune teller?"
Bye2 Avatar: "Thank you. Goodbye."


Irina: "She's an old woman. Her sight has faded and she can no longer see into the future and read a man's fortunes."
Irina: "She can not do the things for you that I can."
Husband Avatar: "I'm sorry, but I'm not looking to get married."
Fortune Teller Avatar: "How did you come to be a fortune teller?"
Bye2 Avatar: "Thank you. Goodbye."


Irina: "Where are you going so soon? You make sure to come back to Irina. I'll be good to you, you'll see."


Irina: "Ha, I do not wish to listen to your justifications. You are a selfish man!"


Irina: "I will take his place as leader of the gypsies. I have that right as daughter of the Rom Baro."
Set Irina_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Now that her father is gone, Irina will take over as the leader of the Gypsies. I wish her luck."
Condolences Avatar: "He was a good man. Please accept my condolences."
Fortune Avatar: "May I have my fortune told?
Bye2 Avatar: "I am sorry for your loss. Farewell."


Irina: "I do not want your pity, Avatar!"
Future Avatar: "What will you do?"
Fortune Avatar: "May I have my fortune told?
Bye2 Avatar: "I am sorry for your loss. Farewell."


Irina: "No! Absolutely not! I will perform no readings for the one who caused my father's death! Now leave here before I put a curse on you!"

No Need

Irina: "No, Avatar, there is a need."
Go to Why


Irina: "I must apologize for my behavior before. I now understand why my father sacrificed himself. I am still saddened, but I understand."
Irina: "His sacrifice showed me that there is more in life than personal gain and possessions."
Irina: "From now on I will use my abilities to help others. Thank you for what you have done Avatar. Goodbye."
Set Irina_Apologized to true




Triggered Noncinematic Not used

If First_Laszlo_Convo is false
Laszlo: "And who is this? The pale fellow in chainmail?"
If Dissed_Laszlo is false
Laszlo: "Ah, again the Avatar."
Laszlo: "Ah, so the Avatar, he come back to see the Rom Baro."

Enter Conversation

If First_Laszlo_Convo is false
Laszlo: "Ah, you must be the Avatar, no? Morganna foretold your coming and now here you are."
Laszlo: "And what have you brought for me, huh?"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Nothing Avatar: "I have brought nothing for you."
Morganna Avatar: "Who is Morganna?"
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."
If Dissed_Laszlo is true
Laszlo: "So maybe you have a bit more respect, eh?"
Sigil Avatar: "With all due respect, Rom Baro, I come in search of very important items."
Not Bargain Avatar: "I'll not bargain with you."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."
Laszlo: "Do you have it, Avatar? The Blackrock Crystal Ball?"
If the Avatar has the Blackrock Crystal Ball
Avatar: "Yes, I do."
Remove Blackrock Crystal Ball from Avatar's Inventory
Add Blackrock Crystal Ball to Laszlo's Inventory
Laszlo: "Good! Good! How can I reward you for this favor? Gold? No?"
Gold Avatar: "Gold, yes!"
Items Avatar: "Keep your gold, I need the blue lens and the sigil."
Avatar: "No, I don't."
Laszlo: "No? No, you say? And I should help you for nothing? This, I cannot do. I must be given my due, Avatar. I must have what I need, no?"
Laszlo: "I will help you when you bring me the Blackrock Crystal Ball."


Laszlo: "Who am I? I am Laszlo, the Rom Baro, the leader of the Gypsies, that is who I am. You think you are the only one with destiny, Avatar?"
Laszlo: "My fate was foretold when I was born. Myth and legend, fated to the greater glory! Now, what you bring for me, huh?"
Nothing Avatar: "I have brought nothing for you."
Morganna2 Avatar: "Who is Morganna?"
Fate Avatar: "What is this fate that was foretold?"
Sigil Avatar: "With all due respect, Rom Baro, I come in search of very important items."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Laszlo: "Do you not know when you visit the Rom Baro you come with the gifts! Always should you bring gifts to one of great stature!"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Sigil Avatar: "With all due respect, Rom Baro, I come in search of very important items."
Morganna3 Avatar: "Who is Morganna?"
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Laszlo: "She is our oldest and wisest fortune teller. In her old age she does not see as clearly as she once did, but in your coming her telling was true."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Nothing Avatar: "I have brought nothing for you."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Laszlo: "She is our oldest and wisest fortune teller. In her old age she does not see as clearly as she once did, but in your coming her telling was true."
Nothing Avatar: "I have brought nothing for you."
Fate Avatar: "What is this fate that was foretold?"
Sigil Avatar: "With all due respect, Rom Baro, I come in search of very important items."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Laszlo: "She is our oldest and wisest fortune teller. In her old age she does not see as clearly as she once did, but in your coming her telling was true."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Sigil Avatar: "With all due respect, Rom Baro, I come in search of very important items."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Laszlo: "It was foretold at my birth by Morganna that I would save my people from disaster. This is my fate and my destiny."
Set Laszlo_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "The Rom Baro claims it was foretold that he would save his people from disaster."
Sigil Avatar: "With all due respect, Rom Baro, I come in search of very important items."
Not Bargain Avatar: "I'll not bargain with you."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."

Not Bargain

Laszlo: "Look at you, so high and mighty; you have respect for nothing but yourself. You better reconsider and show me some respect, Avatar. Morganna say you need something from the Rom Baro."
Laszlo: "That's why you come here. Now, you sure you don't want to change your mind?"
Fate Avatar: "What is this fate that was foretold?"
Lens Avatar: "Very well, I need the blue lens of the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Laszlo: "Ah, so you come to the Rom Baro asking for many things, but you bring him nothing. Why not just spit into my face, you show me such disrespect."
Laszlo: "Tell you what, you tell me what it is you seek and I tell you what you must bring me for these important things."
Lens Avatar: "Very well. I need the blue codex lens."
Not Bargain Avatar: "I'll not bargain with you."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Laszlo: "And what else?"
Avatar: "The mantra and Sigil of Sacrifice."
Laszlo: "Hmm, you come here, you show me no respect, and now you ask me for these things."
Laszlo: "No, no, no. This I cannot do. Not unless you give to me something that I need for my people."
Laszlo: "You see, my people have suffered very bad things because of this column so near to our camp."
Laszlo: "Tell you what, Avatar; you bring to me this thing that I need, then we can talk about the lens. What you think of that, eh?"
Thing Avatar: "What is it that you need?"
Fate Avatar: "What is this fate that was foretold?"
Not Bargain Avatar: "I'll not bargain with you."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Set First_Laszlo_Convo to true
Laszlo: "What I need is the Blackrock Crystal Ball. This ball predicts the future and is never wrong. You bring me this ball and then we talk about the lens."
Where Avatar: "Where is this crystal ball?"
Fate Avatar: "What is this fate that was foretold?"
Not Bargain Avatar: "I'll not bargain with you."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Laszlo: "Ah, here is the problem: an ancient and powerful lich stole it and holds it in the Blackrock Mines. This will be dangerous, sure, but you are the Avatar, no?"
Set Avatar_Knows_Blackrock_Mines_C to true
Laszlo_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Laszlo, the Rom Baro, says the Blackrock Crystal Ball was taken by an ancient, powerful lich into the Blackrock Mines."
Yes Avatar: "Very well, I'll bring you the crystal ball."
Fate Avatar: "What is this fate that was foretold?"
Not Bargain Avatar: "I'll not bargain with you."
Bye Avatar: "I have no business here. Goodbye."


Laszlo: "Salut! See? We can work an arrangement. You scratch my back and I scratch yours."
Set Dissed_Laszlo to false
Set Laszlo_Journal_Flag_3 to true
Diary: "I've spoken with Laszlo, who is the Rom Baro, the leader of the gypsies. He says he has the blue codex lens and the Sigil of Sacrifice, but he won't give me either until I bring him a crystal ball made out of Blackrock that's somewhere in Covetous."


Laszlo: "You only think you have no business here. Morganna says otherwise and she is never wrong. That's okay, you go now. Maybe you have a little more respect for the Rom Baro when you come back."
Set Dissed_Laszlo to true


Laszlo: "It's been a pleasure doing business with you, Avatar. Farewell."
Add 10 gold to Avatar's Inventory
Avatar: "I would like to ask one final favor of you."
Laszlo: "And what might that be?"
Avatar: "May I ask your crystal ball one question?"
Go to Question


Laszlo: "I'm so sorry, Avatar, but I do not have these things to give you. It is foretold that, if I give away the sigil, I die. Come now, we reach a bargain, no? What else can I offer?"
Question Avatar: "Let me ask your crystal ball a single question."
Cheat Avatar: "You gave me your word. What kind of man are you?"
Cheat Avatar: "I should kill you where you stand, you lying cheat!"


Laszlo: "Please, Avatar, surely there is some thing I can give you!"
Avatar: "Let me ask your crystal ball a single question."
Go to Question


Laszlo: "That I can do!"
Avatar: "What will happen to the Gypsies if they do not help me find the blue lens and the sigil that I need?"
Activate Laszlo's first trigger - plays Armageddon cinematic
Laszlo: "Ah! It is horrible! This cannot be, you must be showing me lies! I cannot give my life because of some lies. Begone!"
Avatar: "You said yourself that the blackrock crystal ball sees the future with clarity. You cannot change your mind because what you are seeing is not what you want to see."
Laszlo: "You are right. It is the blackrock crystal ball, no? How can it be telling me lies? If I do not help you, all is to be destroyed."
Laszlo: "But to save my people I must die; it is exactly as Morganna foretold. This is my choice: to help my people, and die, or to let them die at the Guardian's hand."
Laszlo: "Avatar, help me. Tell me what to do."
Avatar: "I can't tell you what to do, Rom Baro. You must do what is in your heart."
Avatar: "Before you make a decision, ask yourself this question: is this not the city of sacrifice?"
Laszlo: "Ah, you are right: for generations, the Gypsy people have lived by the virtue of sacrifice. This tradition I cannot ignore."
Laszlo: "My people... my beloved people. It was foretold many years ago that I would have the privilege of saving the Gypsies from destruction."
Laszlo: "I am honored to tell you: that time, it has come, and so that you live, I sacrifice my life."
Laszlo: "I give to the Avatar my possessions."
Laszlo: "Here is the key to the chest in my wagon. In this chest you will find what you need."
Add Laszlo Key to Avatar's Inventory
Laszlo: "You must succeed in restoring virtue to Minoc, Avatar. Remember all that the Gypsies have done for you now and in the past. I do not want my sacrifice to be in vain."
Laszlo: "Remember, my people: through sacrifice do you receive the greatest rewards!"
Diary: "After asking the Blackrock Crystal Ball to show the future if I do not succeed, the Rom Baro realized he had no choice but to help me, and has given me the key to the chest in his wagon."
Diary: "After helping me, the Rom Baro died horribly as Blackthorn's curse was fulfilled. I hated to see him die, but the prophecy he spoke of came true. In his sacrifice, he has saved his people, and may have saved all of Britannia if I succeed."
Laszlo (noncinematic): "**Screaming**"
Activate Laszlo's second trigger - fire underneath and death, sets Laszlo_Sacrificed to true


Enter Conversation

If Morganna_Dying_C is false
Morganna: "Why, it is the Avatar, no? Yes, I remember you. We have met once before, but perhaps not in the way you believe."
Morganna: "I see that it is your wish to help us rather than hurt us. For that I will help you."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, kind lady?"
Column Avatar: "Can you tell me where the entrance to the column is?"
Island Avatar: "Your help is greatly appreciated, good woman. Could you tell me what happened on this island?"


Morganna: "My name is Morganna. Long have I lived here and now I await the rest of eternal peace."
Column Avatar: "Can you tell me where the entrance to the column is?"
Island Avatar: "Your help is greatly appreciated, good woman. Could you tell me what happened on this island?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, dear lady."


Morganna: "It is in the Blackrock Mines of Covetous. There you will also find the Blackrock Crystal Ball. This Ball, it reveals the future without error."
Morganna: "You can use the Crystal Ball to show the gypsies what will become of them if they do not change their selfish ways."
Set Avatar_Knows_Blackrock_Mines_C to true
Set Knows_Of_Column to true
Diary: "I should use the Blackrock Crystal Ball to show the Gypsies what will happen if they don't help me. That should change their minds."
If Knows_Sacrifice_Mantra is false
Mantra Avatar: "May I have the mantra to the shrine?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, dear lady."
Go to Knows Mantra


Morganna: "The Guardian and his servile footman, Blackthorn, have corrupted Minoc with the Glyph of Sacrifice! This glyph, it is located at the base of the great column."
Morganna: "As a result, the gypsies have become greedy and selfish. Even the Rom Baro is hoarding all the magic gifts he can lay his hands on!"
Morganna: "Neither will he listen to me as he once did. He does not see the greedy ways that he and his people have adopted."
Morganna: "There is another island, too, where the hand of the Guardian has weighed heavily."
Set Knows_Of_Glyph_Covetous to true
Column Avatar: "Where is the entrance to the column?"
Tell Avatar: "Please tell me about this other island."
Curse Avatar: "Is there any way for me to lift the curse that Blackthorn put on the town?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, dear lady."


Morganna: "No, I fear that there is not."
Tell Avatar: "Please tell me about this other island."
Column Avatar: "Where is the entrance to the column?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, dear lady."


Morganna: "A very spiritual place, the Isle of the Avatar; it has disappeared. Most think that it sunk beneath the waves."
Morganna: "I do not know where the island is, but I do know that you must somehow find it."
Morganna: "Upon this island, high in the mountains, is a sacred place where once the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom resided."
Morganna: "I fear that you will be unable to read the Codex from any other location."
Set Morganna_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Morganna spoke of the Isle of the Avatar, and said that it has been affected by the Guardian so much that people believe it has sunk beneath the waves. She also believes this is the only place where I will be able to read the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom."
Column Avatar: "Where is the entrance to the column?"
Mantra Avatar: "May I have the mantra to the shrine?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, dear lady."


Morganna: "Yes, Avatar, it is 'CAH'. Remember to use this mantra in your meditation and the shrine will be restored, no?"
Set Knows_Sacrifice_Mantra to true
"Today I learned the Mantra of Sacrifice from the old gypsy woman named Morganna. The mantra is 'Cah'. She also told me that I can find the base of the column in the Mines of Covetous."
Go to Knows Mantra

Knows Mantra

Morganna: "Now I have told you all that I can, and I may go to my rest."
Morganna: "But first, I pronounce a curse on Blackthorn! He will die... alone, defeated by a man he betrayed, scorned by his only ally!"
Set Morganna_Dying_C to true
Activate Morganna's first trigger




Triggered Noncinematic Not Used

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
If Weather is bad
Vaclav: "Ah, this rain is good, no?"
Vaclav: "Greetings to you Avatar!"
Vaclav (Cinematic): "Avatar! Come and benefit from my low prices!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is false
Vaclav: "Old Morganna told us that you would come to the camp. I am Vaclav, the smith here; come in and look at my wares!"
Vaclav: "They are much better than the shoddy work in Cove, no?"
Vaclav: "Not only that, but I have the best prices, too!"
Pre Buy Avatar: "Since this is a special sale, I'll buy."
If Avatar has items on sell list #343
Pre Sell Avatar: "I'd like to sell some items."
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know anything about the sigil and the mantra?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."
Vaclav: "What can I do for you today, eh?"
Post Buy Avatar: "I would like buy some items."
If Avatar has items on sell list #225
Post Sell Avatar: "I'd like to sell some items."
Rom Baro Avatar: "How do you feel about Rom Baro's sacrifice?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I don't believe I will buy anything today. Goodbye."


Vaclav: "Are you trying to get me killed?! You must think I am a fool, no?!"
If Vaclav_Sold_Breastplate_C is true
Vaclav: "Seriously, Avatar."
Vaclav: "You consider buying the gypsy breast plate. It is made of the special gypsy steel, much stronger than the normal steel."
Vaclav: "The gypsy steel is woven of moonbeams and forged in righteous fires!"
If Vaclav_Sold_Breastplate_C is true
Breastplate Avatar: "Yes, Vaclav. I will buy it."
Bye Avatar: "No, thank you. Farewell."
Pre Buy Avatar: "Since this is a special sale, I'll buy."
If Avatar has items on sell list #343
Pre Sell Avatar: "I'd like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."


Open Buying GUMP using book text 216
If Avatar has Gypsy Breastplate
Set Vaclav_Sold_Breastplate_C
Vaclav_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I bought a Gypsy Breastplate from Vaclav. It had better be a great piece of armor, considering how much I paid!"

Pre Buy

Open Buying GUMP using book text 216
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Pre Sell

Open Selling GUMP using book text 343
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Vaclav: "My items are the best, no? Surely you want to buy more!"
High Prices Avatar: "These prices seem oddly high, Vaclav."
Pre Buy Avatar: "I'd like to buy something else as well."
If Avatar has items on sell list #343
Pre Sell Avatar: "I'd like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."

High Prices

Vaclav: "It is in Cove that you will find high prices, my friend, not here."
Pre Buy Avatar: "Thank you. I will buy."
If Avatar has items on sell list #343
Pre Sell Avatar: "I'd like to sell some items."
Sigil Avatar: "Do you know anything about the sigil and the mantra?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."




Vaclav: "The Rom Baro, he was a brave man and true leader, no? He sacrificed his life for his people. If it had been me faced with same dilemma, I wonder: would I choose so bravely?"
If Vaclav_Sold_Breastplate_C is true
Vaclav: "Avatar, did I not sell you a gypsy breast plate once?"
Vaclav: "I behaved like a thief. I said many bad things about the craftsmanship of things in Cove, and yet I sold you an item I knew was no good."
Vaclav: "Please, may I offer a gift to make it up to you?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, please."
No Avatar: "No, thank you. I must be going."
Vaclav: "Hey, Avatar, you come and buy something from me today, no?"
Post Buy Avatar: "I would like buy some items."
If Avatar has items on sell list #225
Post Sell Avatar: "I'd like to sell some items."
Bye2 Avatar: "I don't believe I will buy anything today. Goodbye."


Activate Vaclav's second trigger
Avatar: "Thank you. Farewell, Vaclav."


Vaclav: "Suit yourself, Avatar. Goodbye."

Post Buy

Open Buying GUMP using book text 218
Vaclav: "Thank you so much, my friend. You make a good purchase, no?"
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Post Sell

Open Selling GUMP using book text 225
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else2

Vaclav: "Anything else for you?"
Post Buy Avatar: "I would like buy some items."
If Avatar has items on sell list #225
Post Sell Avatar: "I'd like to sell some items."
Bye2 Avatar: "I don't believe I will buy anything today. Goodbye."


Vaclav: "Fine."

Generic Minoc Female[edit]

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is False
Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
Generic Minoc Female: "Stay away from here, stranger!"
Generic Minoc Female: "Leave me alone or I put a curse upon you!"
Generic Minoc Female: "I wonder if Irina has been making more money than I have?"
Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
Generic Minoc Female: "A good day today, no?"
Generic Minoc Female: "Hello, traveler."
Generic Minoc Female: "Good fortunes to you, friend."

Generic Minoc Male[edit]

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Sacrifice_Cleansed is False
Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
Generic Minoc Male: "Stay far away from those lunatics in Cove! They're crazy, no?"
Generic Minoc Male: "Ah, leave me be!"
Generic Minoc Male: "Don't start trouble with gypsies. You live to regret it!"
Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
Generic Minoc Male: "A good day today, no?"
Generic Minoc Male: "Hello, traveler."
Generic Minoc Male: "Ah, hello. Things around here are much better now, no?"



Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Avatar doesn't have Glyph of Sacrifice
If Ailuj_Aggro_C is true and Julia_Fainted is false
Go to Attack
Else If
Set Ailuj_Prox_Triggered_C to true
Ailuj: "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Avatar. So you finally made your way to our little corner of the underworld."

Enter Conversation

If Julia_Fainted is false
If Ailuj_Aggro_C is false
Ailuj: "Won't the Guardian be pleased when I bring your dead carcass before him."
If Knows_About_Julia is false
Name Avatar: "Do I know you?"
No Fear Avatar: "I don't fear the Guardian's thugs."
Guardian1 Avatar: "The Guardian will see me only after I hunt him down!"
Julia Avatar: "Come now, Julia. You don't want to hurt me."
Evil Avatar: "You've turned against Lord British, Julia. For that I will have to kill you."
Guardian2 Avatar: "Think about it, Julia, you know that I will defeat the Guardian."
Go to Attack
If Avatar has Glyph of Sacrifice
Julia: "Avatar, oh thank the Virtues. I thought that I had dreamt it and that you had never been here."
Avatar: "I'm here and I have the glyph from the column."
Julia: "Yes, I think that's what broke the Guardian's hold on me. Once I became a Wyrmguard, I was tied to that column. Removing the glyph from it has weakened its hold on me. I still feel the Guardian's pull, but it is weak enough for me to resist now."
Avatar: "Do you feel alright?"
Julia: "Better than I have in a long time. Don't waste your time trying to nurse-maid me; you have more important things to do."
Julia: "You go and complete your quest. I'll go back to Minoc and do what I can there to help turn things around."
Set Julia_Gone_To_Minoc to true
Set Ailuj_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Julia seems to be more like her old self, and said that removing the glyph from the column broke the Guardian's spell on her. While I go on with my quest, she'll go back to Minoc and try to help out there."
If Talked_About_Love is true
Avatar: "About what you said earlier...about love. I..."
Julia: "Didn't you hear me? You have a quest to finish. Now go!"


Ailuj: "Have you become so self-absorbed that you don't even remember your former companions? It was always you, wasn't it?"
Ailuj: "Always the Avatar, Hero of Britannia. Never a word about those of us who fought by your side, who saved you in battle."
Ailuj: "Since you don't remember me, allow me to remind you: I am Ailuj of the Wyrmguard, once known to you as Julia, one of the eight companions."
Diary: "It seems this foe who wants to kill me is none other than Julia, my old friend. It is so difficult to see my companions twisted this way!"
Julia Avatar: "You don't want to hurt me, Julia. Come, join me again."
Die Avatar: "If you have chosen to serve the Guardian, then you must die."

No Fear

Ailuj: "You don't know who I am, do you Avatar?"
Name Avatar: "You're a Wyrmguard, I know that much."
Name Avatar: "No, should I?"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"


Ailuj: "You've always been so confident, Avatar. It's true that you've never lost before, but this time it's different."
Ailuj: "We're not with you this time, Avatar. You're all alone now and the Guardian is more powerful than you know."
Name Avatar: "Do I know you?"
No Fear Avatar: "I don't fear the Guardian's thugs."
Name Avatar: "What do you mean 'we'?"


Ailuj: "Why would I want to do that? So I can follow you around again? So I can fall in love with you again? Is that what you want?! Well, if it is, you can just forget it. Prepare yourself for a fight, Avatar!"
Diary: "After Julia's mind has been corrupted by the Guardian, I find out NOW that she loved me?"
Love Avatar: "Love? Julia, why didn't you tell me?"
Influence Avatar: "Julia, you must resist the Guardian's influence."
Subdue Avatar: "I do not wish to draw my sword; I only wish to subdue you."


Ailuj: "So, it's a fight you want? You don't know how long I've looked forward to this!"
Go to Attack


Ailuj: "You are so arrogant. All of the time that we adventured together, you took all of the glory, all of the credit. It was always you."
Ailuj: "Always the Avatar, Hero of Britannia. Never a word about those of us who fought by your side, who saved you in battle."
Ailuj: "It's not like that, anymore. The Guardian rewards us well. Certainly more than you ever did."
Julia Avatar: "You don't want to hurt me, Julia. Come, join me again."
Die Avatar: "If you have chosen to serve the Guardian, then you must die."


Ailuj: "Oh, how could you have known? You were always busy saving Britannia, and never had time to think about me. I gave up hoping long ago, Avatar, but lately all the bitterness and resentment has come rushing back."
Ailuj: "I can't control it. These feelings have taken over, it's horrible!"
Avatar: "It's the Guardian that's making you feel that way, Julia. Reject him and embrace the virtues!"
Ailuj: "I want to, Avatar, I do. But the Guardian, he's got a strong hold, I want to do what's right... I do, I..."
Set Talked_About_Love to true
Go to Faint


Ailuj: "But it's so hard, Avatar. I've tried to fight the Guardian, but he got into my mind. How do I fight him?"
Avatar: "Reject him, Julia! Remember Lord British, the companions and all that we have accomplished together. Come on, Julia, you've been through too much to quit now. You can do it!"
Ailuj: "I want to, Avatar, I do. But the Guardian, he's got a strong hold, I want to do what's right... I do, I..."
Go to Faint


Ailuj: "Ha! Give it your best, Avatar!"
Go to Attack


Activate Ailuj's first trigger
Set Julia_Fainted to true


Ailuj: "I can't tell you how I've looked forward to this!"
Go to Attack


Set Ailuj_Aggro_C to true
Set Ailuj to attack the Avatar


Triggered cinematic if attempt you pass Lothar

Lothar: "I told you that none shall pass. Defend yourself!"
Go to Attack

Proximity Enter Cinematic

If Lothar_Aggro_1_C is true
Go to Attack
Else If Lothar_Aggro_2_C is true
Go to Attack2
Else If Ghost_Sword_Quest_Received
Lothar: "You have returned."
If Avatar has Gringolet
Go to Has Sword
Lothar: "Yet, you do not have the Ghost Sword. You must return with Gringolet, if you wish to reach the depths of this place."
If Avatar has Gringolet
Set Ghost_Sword_Quest_Received to true
Go to Has Sword
Lothar: "Halt! None are allowed into the lower depths of the dungeon."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Challenge Avatar: "Step aside or draw steel!"
Bye Avatar: "I seem to be lost. I'll be going now."


Lothar: "I am Lothar, the Sword Wraith."
Lothar: "If you wish to test your mettle, you may step forth and challenge me, but know that many men have done so and yet none have passed."
Quest Avatar: "I am on a most important quest. Let me pass!"
Wraith Avatar: "You are the Sword Wraith?"
Challenge Avatar: "I will challenge you!"


Lothar: "That is of no matter. I am charged with the duty of guarding this lift and so I shall. If you wish to gain access to the lift, you must challenge me."
Lothar: "Otherwise, abandon this place now."
Challenge Avatar: "I will challenge you!"
Wraith Avatar: "You are the Sword Wraith?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, I will go now."


Lothar: "Yes, I was once a man dedicated solely to the art of sword craft, until I was rendered undead by a liche. Now, I continue my sword play, though I am neither alive nor dead."
Challenge Avatar: "I will challenge you!"
Quest Avatar: "I am on a most important quest. Please, let me pass."
Bye Avatar: "Very well, I will go now."


Lothar: "Challenge me at your own peril. There has been but one man born who has the skill and strength to defeat me: the Avatar."
Lothar: "Only the Hero of Britannia could hope to best the Sword Wraith, and then only wielding Gringolet, the Ghost Sword."
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar!"
Sword Avatar: "What is this sword of which you speak?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I think that I'll leave now."


Lothar: "You claim to be the Hero of Britannia? The only swordsman greater than the Sword Wraith? You must prove this boast: go out from this dungeon."
Lothar: "Go to the southwestern reach of this isle and find Gringolet, the Ghost Sword. If you are the Avatar, you will be able to perform this task."
Lothar: "Only the Avatar can wield Gringolet against me. If you are the man you claim to be, you will not shun this task."
Set Ghost_Sword_Quest_Received to true
Diary: "I ran into the Sword Wraith, who is guarding the lift in Covetous, and I can't get to the lower levels of the dungeon until I kill it. It says it wants to be put to rest, but that the only person who can do this is the Avatar (lucky me), and even then I must have a sword called the 'Gringolet,' which is somewhere on the southwest part of the island."


Lothar: "Gringolet is the name of the Ghost Sword, a blade that is dreaded by spirits for its magical power is against us."
Lothar: "Gringolet is a mighty weapon, wielded by the Avatar, it will spell my doom."
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar!"
Confident Avatar: "You must be very confident of yourself to tell me of this blade."
Bye2 Avatar: "I think that I'll leave now."


Lothar: "Not confident, mortal; hopeful. I am a restless spirit who cannot die. I wish to rest, but have been consigned by Khelereth to guard this lift forever."
Lothar: "Only final death can give me release, and that final death can only come from Gringolet."
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar!"
Bye2 Avatar: "I think that I'll leave now."


Lothar: "A wise decision."


Lothar: "No, you may not leave! A challenge has been issued. I stand now to answer that challenge. Prepare yourself mortal!"
Go to Attack2

Has Sword

Lothar: "I see that you have Gringolet with you. So, you are indeed the Avatar. Before we fight, there is something you must know."
Lothar: "Below is a liche named Khelereth. He is an ambitious creature, whom I once served, before he found a new favorite. Beware of this liche, Avatar."
Lothar: "He seeks power and the destruction of all Britannia. He is on the side of the Guardian, though he doesn't know it, and his boon companion will aid him in his conquest."
Diary: "The Sword Wraith warned me about a lich named Khelereth, and said that he is on the side of the Guardian."
Companion Avatar: "Who is his new companion?"
Fight Avatar: "Enough of this talk. Let us fight!"


Lothar: "One you know well, or knew well. Your former companion, Julia, now twisted by the Guardian, has become a Wyrmguard. She serves the Guardian through Khelereth."
Lothar: "She will seek your life, Avatar, but you have it within your power to turn her back to righteousness."
Avatar: "I thank you for the warning, Wraith. You are a noble spirit."
Lothar: "Do not mistake my help for kindness. Revenge against Khelereth is my motive, not kindness for you."
Lothar: I am, however, honorable in terms of combat. Your challenge still stands before me and I must answer."
Lothar: "Though I wish release, I must fight you to the best of my ability. Guard yourself, Avatar."
Set Knows_About_Julia to true
Diary: "I've learned my old friend Julia has unfortunately become the newest companion to Khelereth the lich. She will try to kill me, but it will be possible to spare her. I hope I can do it."
Go to Attack2


Lothar: "You are rash, Avatar. If you fight in this same manner, I will surely defeat you."
Lothar: "I wished to aid you with knowledge, but if you do not wish it, then we will fight."
Go to Attack2


Set Lothar_Aggro_1_C to true
Set Lothar to attack the Avatar


Set Lothar_Aggro_2_C to true
Set Lothar to attack the Avatar


Proximity Enter Cinematic

Khelereth: "What fool of a mortal comes here to his doom?"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
No Harm "I mean no harm."
Wretch Avatar: "My doom? I think not, wretch."


Khelereth: "The Avatar?! Treachery! That fool Lothar purposely let you down here! It is no matter. You will make an excellent addition to my undead army."
Khelereth: "With you fighting in my ranks, I will soon conquer the world!"
Khelereth: "Bring him down, my minions! Make him mine!"
Activate Khelereth's first trigger - spawns zombies, causes Khelereth to go on the attack

No Harm

Khelereth: "Ha! I shall make you a member of my undead army. Once you have joined my legions of undead, you will bring chaos and destruction to Britannia!"
Khelereth: "Bring him down, my minions! Make him mine!"
Activate Khelereth's first trigger - spawns zombies, causes Khelereth to go on the attack


Khelereth: "You impudent fool! How dare you speak to Khelereth in such a manner? I'll not even give you the glory of serving in my undead army. You must die now!"
Khelereth:"Bring him down, my minions!"
Activate Khelereth's first trigger - spawns zombies, causes Khelereth to go on the attack


Triggered Cinematic near Pole with Skully on it

Skully: "You! Yes, you peasant. I've been removed from my grave and cannot rest until I am returned."
Skully: "Do be so good as to assist me. I'm so turned around; the grave could be anywhere!"
Skully: "Take me along with you and examine every grave that you encounter."
Skully: "I'll let you know when you have found mine."
Help Avatar: "Umm, alright. I'll help you."
Go Away Avatar: "Go away! I don't have time for this."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Skully: "Yes, yes, yes... Grab my skull and let's get on with it. I'm in a hurry."
Set Restless_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A spirit has accosted me and demanded that I take its skull with me and place it in its proper grave! I can't believe I'm letting myself be bossed around by a skull."

Go Away

Skully: "Well, you're just going to have to make time, then."
Skully: "You're the first living person that's wandered in here in ages and I'm not letting you get away without helping me."
Skully: "Grab my skull and keep me with you until you have found my grave. The sooner you get started, the sooner I'll be at rest and away from you, so let's go."
Set Restless_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A spirit has accosted me and demanded that I take its skull with me and place it in its proper grave! I can't believe I'm letting myself be bossed around by a skull."


Skully: "Oh, no you don't!"
Skully: "You're the first living person that's wandered in here in ages and I'm not letting you get away without helping me."
Skully: "Grab my skull and keep me with you until you have found my grave. The sooner you get started, the sooner I'll be at rest and away from you, so let's go."
Set Restless_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A spirit has accosted me and demanded that I take its skull with me and place it in its proper grave! I can't believe I'm letting myself be bossed around by a skull."

Triggered Noncinematic by clicking on Wrong Grave 1

Skully: "Ooo! That's definitely not the place for me! Come now, be more careful."

Triggered Noncinematic by clicking on Wrong Grave 2

Skully: "Look at that grave. Does that look like the grave of someone of my status? I don't think so. Let's move on."

Triggered Noncinematic by clicking on Wrong Grave 3

Skully: "Come now; I wouldn't be buried in these graves. They're much too exposed!"

Triggered Noncinematic by clicking on Correct Grave

Skully: "Well, it's about time you found it! Please, place me there quickly so that I may be at rest."
Diary: "I've finally found the correct grave for this restless spirit!"

Triggered Noncinematic after Placing skull

Skully: "I am grateful. While that should be enough for someone like you, I'm going to be extra kind and give you something."
Skully: "Here's a key that may be of some use to you in your journey. Go on now, leave me alone and let me rest."
Skully: "Well, at least the spirit gave me something for my troubles: a key. I certainly hope it's useful, after putting up with him."



Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is True
Dupre: "Avatar! Come here!"

Enter Conversation

If Dupre is in area Area_Ethereal_Void and Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is True
Dupre: "You did it Avatar! When you restored the final shrine, I was given my life back!"
Dupre: "I shall be forever grateful to you my friend. We must return to the physical world by different paths."
Dupre: "Meet me at Lord British's castle, he has a plan for the final defeat of the Guardian. Farewell friend!"
Dupre: "Look at me: as good as new! I'm ready to take on an army of goblins!"
Iolo: "I'm surprised you're not already at the tavern draining the ale kegs!"
Dupre: "Can you believe this old man? You'd think that after having been dead for the last 20 years, he'd show a little respect."
Shamino: "Why? He never did before you died."
Dupre: "In all seriousness, look about you, Avatar."
Dupre: "All of our old companions gathered here in one place and for one purpose."
Dupre: "You did this, Avatar. You did all of this, and when we get rid of the Guardian, Britannia will be healed and whole again."
Dupre: "You've long been a hero, Avatar. Thank you for all that you've done."
Mush Avatar: "Come on now, let's not get too emotional here."
Inspiration Avatar: "Dupre, you're the man whom I've always tried to emulate."
Drink Avatar: "Thanks very much. It's too bad that we don't have time for a drink, eh?"


Dupre: "Thank you friend. Now, I think that we'd better get to work!"


Dupre: "Right. Well, I suppose we'd better get back to work then."


Dupre: "We'll have that drink some other time. We've got more important things to do right now."

Dupre's Ghost[edit]

Triggered Entrance after placing ashes on Shrine (cinematic)

Dupre's Ghost: "Greetings, my old friend. I see that you are well."
Dupre's Ghost: "I also see that you are once again struggling to save Britannia."
Dupre's Ghost: "The Guardian's grip on the land is strong, and it is still possible for him to win this contest."
Dupre's Ghost: "The struggle will be long and arduous, therefore you must remain strong, my friend."
Avatar: "Thank you, Dupre. I will do my best to live up to your example of strength and courage."
Dupre's Ghost: "Do not look to me, friend, look to yourself. You have strength and courage beyond any I've ever known."
Dupre's Ghost: "Now, let us move on. I know that you have sought me out to ask about the Chalice of Honor, the sacred sigil of Trinsic."
Avatar: "Yes, I need to find the chalice."
Dupre's Ghost: "Indeed you do. Go and seek the chalice in the dungeon of Shame. There, in a chamber, behind a crystal barrier will you find the chalice."
Dupre's Ghost: "When you find this barrier, speak the Mantra of Honor, which is 'SUMM', and the barrier will disappear. Then will you have access to the chalice."
Avatar: "Thank you, Dupre. I must now go to the Dungeon of Shame."
Dupre's Ghost: "Indeed you must, friend. Walk with the virtues, Avatar."
Set Dupre_Told_Mantra to True
Set Knows_Honor_Mantra to True
Diary: "Sir Dupre has told me I can find the Chalice of Honor in the dungeon of Shame, behind a crystal barrier. The mantra I will need to enter is 'Summ'. I am relieved to see that Dupre's spirit remains strong after he died in my place so many years ago."

Triggered Entrance upon leaving Chalice Chamber (cinematic)

Dupre's Ghost: "Hello again, old friend. There is trouble with the chalice, is there not?"
Avatar: "Yes, Blackthorn destroyed the chalice. What can I do now?"
Dupre's Ghost: "You are mistaken, Avatar. Blackthorn did not destroy the chalice; he only destroyed its symbol."
Dupre's Ghost: "The Chalice of Honor is not a cup, nor any other physical thing."
Dupre's Ghost: "The Chalice of Honor is the pure embodiment of the honor of the people of Trinsic."
Dupre's Ghost: "Blackthorn destroyed only the symbol of the chalice, a crude physical object that represented the true chalice, which is an idea."
Avatar: "What do I do now?"
Dupre's Ghost: "The honor of the people has been lost, but not destroyed."
Dupre's Ghost: "You must choose another chalice from within this room. Take that chalice back to the people of Trinsic and make them see that their honor is not lost."
Dupre's Ghost: "When the people understand this, the chalice will be imbued with their honor, the honor of the city."
Dupre's Ghost: "This will not be easy, for the people have lost their way, but when it is done, they will again have their sacred symbol of honor."
Avatar: "Very well. I will do this."
Dupre's Ghost: "I know that you will, my friend. Walk with the virtues, Avatar. Goodbye, dear friend."
Dupre's Ghost_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I thought I was doomed; Blackthorne destroyed the Chalice of Honor! But Dupre returned and told me that the sigil is not merely a cup, but the embodiment of honor. He assured me that if I take another chalice back in its place, I can convince the people of Trinsic that their honor isn't lost, and the chalice will become the sigil. I certainly hope he's right!"
Activate Dupre Ghost's Off Trigger - Dupre's Ghost disappears

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Dupre's Ghost: "Hail and well met old friend!"

Enter Conversation

If Iolo's Ghost or Jaana's Ghost or Mariah's Ghost or Julia's Ghost or "Geoffrey's Ghost are in area Area_Ethereal_Void
Dupre's Ghost: "There are other companions here who have lost their lives. We've gathered here to wait for you."
Dupre's Ghost: "Once you have cleansed the shrine, we will all be resurrected to help you in the last step of your quest."
Dupre's Ghost: "Go forth and greet your old friends."
Set DupreGhost_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Dupre told me that once I have cleansed the Shrine of Spirituality, he and my other lost companions will be resurrected. That's very good to hear!"
Dupre's Ghost: "It's good to see you again. Your journey has been long, but it's almost at an end."
Dupre's Ghost: "You've done very well my friend. Once you've cleansed the shrine, I'll be resurrected so I can help you in the last leg of your journey."
Dupre's Ghost: "Let's get to it!"
Set DupreGhost_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Dupre told me that once I have cleansed the Shrine of Spirituality, he will be resurrected. That's very good to hear!"


Triggered Entrance on first visit to Inn (noncinematic)

Emile: "Synnovea, get me another mug of that fine beer, and pour one for yourself, too!"
Synnovea: "You're in high spirits today. Where'd you get the money for all of these drinks?"
Emile: "Oh, I found a pile of gold on the ground earlier."
Synnovea: "Really? I wonder whose it was?"
Emile: "It was Sergio’s. I saw him drop it, but it's mine now!"
Synnovea: "Well, who am I to argue as long as you're buying the drinks?"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If People_Convinced_Honor_Within is False
If Avatar_Retrieved_Chalice is False
If First_Emile_Convo is False
Set First_Emile_Convo to True
Emile: "Welcome to Trinsic. If you don't mind I'll get back to my drink."
Emile: "...mumble...mumble...belch..."
Emile: "Hey, that's a nice looking cup you have there. Why don't you have Synnovea here fill it up with something? Excuse me for a minute."
Emile: "Synnovea, come here, I want to tell you something..."
Emile: "You know Synnovea, I've been taking a hard look at myself lately."
Synnovea: "Really? Have you been seeing double?"
Emile: "Hey, I'm being serious now. You remember when I found that gold that Sergio dropped? Well, I'm starting to feel pretty bad about it."
Emile: "I think that the honorable thing to do would be to tell Sergio about it and pay back that money."
Synnovea: "How are you going to do that?"
Emile: "I don't know yet. Pour me another drink and I'll think about it."
Synnovea: "So, how did things go with Sergio?"
Emile: "Really well. I told him about what happened, admitted my fault, and told him that I would pay the money back."
Synnovea: "How are you going to do that?"
Emile: "I'm going to use the money that I normally spend in here."
Synnovea: "Well done. Just for that, I'll give you a drink on the house."


Triggered Entrance (noncinematic)

If Lindonia is in area Area_Trinsic_Graveyard
Lindonia: "Rest peacefully, dear husband."
Lindonia: "Lucero... Lucero..."

Enter Conversation

If Phase_Spider_Door_Closed is False
If Avatar_Retrieved_Chalice is False
Lindonia: "What do you want?"
Name Avatar: "Hello, what is your name, my lady?"
Sad Avatar: "You seem downcast. Is there something wrong?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Lindonia: "Pardon me, I heard that you found the Chalice of Honor. May I see it? If you really have it, maybe my husband will come out of his depression."
Lindonia: "I should have known: that is not the chalice. That's a nice cup you've got there, but it's not the Chalice of Honor."
Lindonia: "Hello. I understand that you are the one that talked my husband into fighting those phase spiders that killed him."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I did. Please understand, that man needed a paladin, and your husband was the only one left."
No Avatar: "Oh no, that was someone else."


Lindonia: "My name is Lindonia. And who might you be?"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
Friend Avatar: "Just think of me as a friend."
Sad Avatar: "You seem downcast. Is there something wrong?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lindonia: "The Avatar? Really? Well, my husband could learn a few things from you."
Lindonia: "You see, my husband, Lucero, is a paladin, but ever since the Chalice of Honor disappeared, he does nothing but brood and debate the meaning of honor."
Set Lindonia_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met a young woman who seems worried about her husband, Lucero. She says he is a Paladin, and that ever since the Chalice disappeared, all he does is brood over the loss of honor."
Help Avatar: "How can I help?"
Busy Avatar: "Well, I'd love to help, but I'm very busy."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lindonia: "I don't have any friends. I barely even have a husband anymore."
Lindonia: "You see, my husband, Lucero, is a paladin, but ever since the Chalice of Honor disappeared, he does nothing but brood and debate the meaning of honor."
Help Avatar: "How can I help?"
Busy Avatar: "Well, I'd love to help, but I'm very busy."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lindonia: "I am downcast. I'm worried about my husband, Lucero. He's a paladin you see, ever since the Chalice of Honor disappeared, he does nothing but brood and debate the meaning of honor."
Set Lindonia_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met a young woman who seems worried about her husband, Lucero. She says he is a Paladin, and that ever since the Chalice disappeared, all he does is brood over the loss of honor."
Help Avatar: "How can I help?"
Busy Avatar: "Well, I'd love to help, but I'm very busy."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lindonia: "Help? Why do you want to help? What do you want?"
Want to Help Avatar: "Helping people is something that I do."
Nothing Avatar: "I don't want anything. I just want to help."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."

Want to Help

Lindonia: "Do you expect me to believe that?"
Go to Help2


Lindonia: "You want something."
Go to Help2


Lindonia: "People don't help others around here and if they do, they want something in return. Well, you'll find that I don't have anything to give you."
Lindonia: "Oh, it doesn't matter. I've told him a thousand times that losing that chalice didn't mean that he'd lost his honor."
Lindonia: "What could you do to help? Please, just leave me alone."


Lindonia: "Fine, it doesn't really matter anyway, I guess. He'll come around or he won't."
Lindonia: "Goodbye."


Lindonia: "Goodbye."


Lindonia: "Thank you for being honest and honoring my husband with the truth. He was a good man. I wish that he hadn't died, but at least he died a hero. Goodbye."


Lindonia: "I don't know who you are, but you're a coward. My husband died a hero and you dishonor him with your lie."
Reduce Avatar's Karma by 1 point


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If People_Convinced_Honor_Within is False
Lorence: "Say, you're not that strange fellow that's been lurking around, are you?"
Avatar Avatar: "No, I'm the Avatar."
Strange Man Avatar: "Someone's been lurking about?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."
Lorence: "Hello there! I wanted to tell you that my friends and I have been talking a lot about honor lately."
Lorence: "We've realized that honor is something that comes from within a person, you know? So I've decided to go back to work again."
Lorence: "I can't expect my family to honor me if I don't honor them."
Buy Avatar: "I'd like to look at your wares."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."
Lorence: "Greetings, Avatar. I hope that all is well with you; things are certainly getting better around here."
Trinsic Avatar: "How are things getting better?"
Buy Avatar: "I'd like to look at your wares."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."

Strange Man

Lorence: "Oh yeah, some stranger's been lurking about snooping into things for about a fortnight, but now that I've gotten a good look at you, I can tell that you're not him. You're bigger than he is."
Set Lorence_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Lorence, the outfitter in Trinsic, spoke of a man who's been lurking around Trinsic for about a fortnight, apparently looking for something."
Avatar Avatar: "No, I'm the Avatar."
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Lorence: "You're the Avatar? Really? Well, if you are the Avatar, maybe you could look into this stranger that I was talking about."
Set Lorence_Knows_Avatar to True
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Stranger Avatar: "Tell me about this stranger."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Lorence: "Well, I'm afraid that there's not much that I can tell you."
Lorence: "All I know is that I keep seeing this suspicious looking fellow snooping about. He always seems to be looking for something."
Lorence: "When he notices that I've seen him, he darts around a corner or walks away real fast."
Lorence: "Like I said, if you're really the Avatar, maybe you can look around and see what's what."
Buy Avatar: "I'd like to look at your wares."
If Knows_Lorence_Name is False
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Lorence."


Set Knows_Lorence_Name to True
Set Lorence_Not_Working_C to True
Lorence: "Oh, my name's Lorence. I'm the outfitter here. Well, I used to be: I've had enough of working, so I've decided to give it up."
Family Avatar: "How are you going to support your family?"
People Avatar: "What about the people? Don't they need supplies?"
Buy Avatar: "I'd like to look at your wares."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Lorence."


Lorence: "That's their problem. Those kids are over the age of ten; they should be working to support me!"
People Avatar: "What about the people? Don't they need supplies?"
Buy Avatar: "I'd like to look at your wares."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Lorence."


Lorence: "Oh, I suppose they need supplies, but I don't much care. I've got all that I need, and that's all that really matters to me."
Family Avatar: "How are you going to support your family?"
People Avatar: "What about the people? Don't they need supplies?"
Buy Avatar: "I'd like to look at your wares."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Lorence."


If People_Convinced_Honor_Within is False
If Lorence_Not_Working_C is False
Lorence: "Oh, sorry, but I quit work. I don't have any use for it anymore."
Set Lorence_Not_Working_C to True
Family Avatar: "How are you going to support your family?"
People Avatar: "What about the people? Don't they need supplies?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Lorence."
Lorence: "What's the matter, are you deaf? I said that I'm not working anymore. I've got no use for it."
Family Avatar: "How are you going to support your family?"
People Avatar: "What about the people? Don't they need supplies?"
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Lorence."
Lorence: "Certainly, what would you like?"
Open Buy GUMP with book #206
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Lorence: "Can I get anything else for you?"
Buy Avatar: "I'd like to look at your wares."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Lorence: "Honor, Avatar, it's all about honor. The people in town, myself included, have realized that honor is not just looking out for themselves, and it's more than just being polite."
Lorence: "Honor is being the best person that you can be, it's doing what you say you'll do, and it's working to help others."
Lorence: "Yes, I think that this town is going to be alright now."
Buy Avatar: "I'd like to look at your wares."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Lorence: "Farewell."


Triggered Entrance by Lucero's Success Trigger

Dupre's Ghost: "Lucero! Listen to the Avatar, he speaks the truth! Honor is not an outward symbol, it comes only from within."
DupreGhost: "Look inside your heart and you will find that you have lost nothing."
Activate Lucero's Failure Trigger - Dupre's Ghost disappears
Lucero: "By heavens, Dupre's ghost! How can that be unless it is the absolute truth?!"
Lucero: "What need do you have of me? What can I do to help?"
Avatar: "A portal has opened near Virgil’s house and phase spiders have been pouring through it. I need you to seal that portal. Can you do it?"
Lucero: "I can and will. I have sat idly by for far too long. I will arm myself and meet you at the unfortunate man's house."
Set Lucero_Agreed_To_Help_C to True
Diary: "I tried to convince Lucero to do the honorable thing and keep the paladins' vow to Virgil, but it took the convincing of my old friend himself, Sir Dupre, who it seems remains honorable even in death. After seeing Dupre, Lucero agreed to help, and will meet me at Virgil's home."

Triggered Entrance at Virgil's House (noncinematic)

Lucero: "Hail, friend! Guard my back while I seal the portal!"

Triggered Entrance after closing the portal (cinematic)

Lucero: "The lifeblood drains from my body..."

Enter Conversation

If Spider_Quest_Received is False
If Avatar_Retrieved_Chalice is False
Lucero: "Yes, stranger. What do you wish of me?"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Trinsic Avatar: "What can you tell me about Trinsic?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Lucero: "Hello, friend."
Help Avatar: "Why don't I help you restore Trinsic's honor?"
Chalice Avatar: "I have retrieved the Chalice of Honor."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
If Phase_Spider_Door_Closed is False
If Lucero_Agreed_To_Help_C is False
Lucero: "Hello, warrior. What do you wish of Lucero?"
Hero Avatar: "I need the help of a hero. Know you of such a warrior?"
Paladin Avatar: "I need the help of a paladin of Trinsic."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Lucero: "Go quickly, the man is in need. I will meet you at the house."
Lucero: "Is this the Avatar?"
Avatar: "It is."
Lucero: "I have suffered a mortal wound, my friend, and I feel my strength draining away."
Lucero: "But my spirit shall rest peacefully, for you have restored honor to the hearts of the people of my beloved Trinsic."
Avatar: "It is you who brought honor."
Lucero: "Please friend, tell my wife that I love her, and that I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Honor demanded my actions, she'll understand that."
Lucero: "Tell her that I'll await her on the other side."
Activate Lucero's Off Trigger


Lucero: "I am Lucero, one of the last paladins of Trinsic. The order, I fear, is dying because we have lost our honor."
Lucero: "My brother paladins shocked me at first, but I have begun to question my own honor of late."
If Avatar_Looking_For_Dupre_C is True
Ashes2 Avatar: "Do you know where Dupre's ashes are?"
Trinsic Avatar: "What can you tell me about Trinsic?"
Lost Avatar: "How did the paladins lose their honor?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lucero: "I can tell you that it is a mere shell of the great city that it once was."
Lucero: "In the days before Trinsic lost her honor, she was a sight to behold: a strong city, home to the order of the paladins."
Lucero: "Now, Trinsic is but a sad reminder of faded glory. Buildings are falling apart, and the people care nothing for each other, only for themselves. It is a sad state."
If Avatar_Looking_For_Dupre_C is True
Ashes Avatar: "Do you know where Dupre's ashes are?"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Lost Avatar: "How did the paladins lose their honor?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lucero: "We, the paladins of Trinsic, were the guardians of the Chalice that was kept outside of the Bastion. It was our Sigil of Honor and Trinsic's most prized possession."
Lucero: "When it was stolen, many of my brethren lost face and gave up their paladinhood."
Lucero: "Now, I fear that I may be the last paladin of Trinsic and even I question my worthiness."
Lucero: "A few of us set forth to find the Chalice, but most never returned. If only we could find the Chalice again, perhaps then honor would be restored in Trinsic."
Set Lucero_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I spoke with Lucero, one of the last remaining paladins in Trinsic. It appears that ever since their sigil, the Chalice of Honor, was stolen from the Statue in front of the Bastion, the order of the paladins has fallen apart. He believes that the return of the Chalice would mean the return of honor to Trinsic."
If Avatar_Looking_For_Dupre_C is True
Ashes2 Avatar: "Do you know where Dupre's ashes are?"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Honor Avatar: "Does the loss of a chalice truly equal the loss of honor?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lucero: "In this case, yes it does. The chalice was everything to us. It symbolized all that we were and all that we cared about."
Lucero: "If something that important can be taken away, it brings great shame upon you. How can you have honor when living in shame?"
Lucero: "Yes, these are sad days for Trinsic. If only we had the chalice again, then all would be better."
If Avatar_Looking_For_Dupre_C is True
Ashes2 Avatar: "Do you know where Dupre's ashes are?"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Lost Avatar: "How did the paladins lose their honor?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lucero: "No, sorry. I do know that Dupre would never have let something like this happen to Trinsic."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Lost Avatar: "How did the paladins lose their honor?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lucero: "No, sorry. I do know that Dupre would never have let something like this happen to Trinsic."
Lost Avatar: "How did the paladins lose their honor?"
Trinsic Avatar: "What can you tell me about Trinsic?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lucero: "I am sorry. I know of no such warrior. I would really like to help you, but I feel that I am no longer worthy of being called a hero."
Self-Pity Avatar: "Snap out of it, man! Your self-pity sickens me! I need your help now!"
Please Avatar: "Please, Lucero, I truly need your help."
Coward Avatar: "You're right; you're not a paladin, you're a coward. Goodbye!"


Lucero: "I would like to help you, friend. I really would. I just don't know if I'm able to. I don't know if I am still a worthy paladin."
Self-Pity Avatar: "Snap out of it, man! Your self-pity sickens me! I need your help now!"
Please Avatar: "Please, Lucero, I truly need your help."
Coward Avatar: "You're right; you're not a paladin, you're a coward. Goodbye!"


Lucero: "You're right. I am riddled with self doubt; I sicken myself, but what can I do?"
Please Avatar: "Please, Lucero, I truly need your help."
Coward Avatar: "You're right; you're not a paladin, you're a coward. Goodbye!"


Lucero: "Oh, I don't know... I don't think that there's anything that I could do to help."
Self-Pity Avatar: "Snap out of it, man! Your self-pity sickens me! I need your help now!"
Coward Avatar: "You're right; you're not a paladin, you're a coward. Goodbye!"


Lucero: "A coward? No, I'm not a coward, I've merely lost my honor. You need a paladin. How can I be a paladin if I have lost that which gave me honor?"
Honorless Avatar: "Perhaps you're right. Perhaps you have no honor."
Within Avatar: "Don't you see, Lucero? Nothing can give you honor except for yourself."


Lucero: "Yes, sadly, I think that is the case."
Activate Rupert's Success Trigger - makes Dupre's ghost appear


Lucero,"I just don't know, I..."
Activate Rupert's Success Trigger - makes Dupre's ghost appear


Lucero: "Oh, that is very kind, but I don't think that anything can be done. I just, oh, I don't know what to do..."
Chalice Avatar: "I have retrieved the Chalice of Honor."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lucero: "Really? Let me see it!"
Lucero: "I'm sorry, but that's not the Chalice of Honor. This cup is very plain, and there is no aura coming from it. I fear that you have been duped, my friend."
Help Avatar: "Why don't I help you restore Trinsic's honor?"
People Avatar: "This will be the chalice; all it needs is the honor of the people to empower it."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lucero: "As I said, you have been duped. It is to my greater shame that you went and sought the chalice on your own. Had I gone with you, the true chalice may have been found."
Help Avatar: "Why don't I help you restore Trinsic's honor?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."




Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If Marek_Aggro_C is False
Marek: "What do you want?"
Go to Attack
Marek: "Greetings!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If Marek_Aggro_C is False
Marek: "I'm busy here."
Name Avatar: "What's your name?"
Busy Avatar: "You don't look busy."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I'll be on my way."
Go to Attack
Marek: "Say, you're the Avatar, aren't you? You sure turned things around here in Trinsic."
If Marek_Said_Honor_Dead_C is True
Honor Dead Avatar: "Do you still believe that honor is dead?"
Fish Avatar: "Are you still taking Umberto's fish?"
Bye3 Avatar: "Thanks. I have to be on my way."
Trinsic Avatar: "Do you think that honor has been brought back?"
Trinsic Avatar: "Really? How so?"
Bye3 Avatar: "Thanks. I have to be on my way."


Marek: "Everybody in Trinsic knows me. I'm Marek, the best fisherman in town. Say, you're a new face though, aren't you? Who are you?"
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar."
Traveler Avatar: "I'm just a traveler."


Set Marek_Knows_Avatar_C to True
Marek: "Yeah, and I'm Lord British!"
Go to Traveler


Marek: "Hey, you don't want to tell me your name? That's fine."
Marek: "I don't much care who you are or what you're up to as long as you're not causing trouble for me. You see, I've got the best racket going in this town."
Racket Avatar: "What's this racket that you have going?"
Fight Avatar: "What if I do cause trouble for you?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."


Marek: "Well I am, alright?"
Marek: "You wanna make an issue out of it, big man?"
Go to Fight


Marek: "Let me tell you something: if you're looking for a fight, you've found the right man!"
Attack Avatar: "Alright, let's see what you've got!"
No Fight Avatar: "Hey, I'm not looking for a fight."


Set Marek_Aggro_C to True
Marek: "Alright, let's go!"
Subtract Avatar's Karma level by 1 point
Set Marek to attack the Avatar

No Fight

Marek: "Smart man. Now, where were we?"
Increase the Avatar's Karma level by 1 point
If Marek_Knows_Avatar_C is False
If Marek_Said_Honor_Dead_C is False
Name Avatar: "What's your name?"
Busy Avatar: "You don't look busy."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I'll be on my way."
Umberto2 Avatar: "Who's Umberto?"
Fight Avatar: "What if I do cause trouble for you?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."
Racket Avatar: "What's this racket that you have going?"
Fight Avatar: "What if I do cause trouble for you?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."


Marek: "I don't normally talk about this, but since you're not from around here, I might as well."
Marek: "You see, everybody around here thinks that I'm the best fisherman in town 'cause my catches are always the biggest and the best."
Marek: "They think that I'm up before the sun, out there working my tail off, when the truth is, I just take most of Umberto's catch!"
Marek: "I work half the day, and I get twice the fish!"
Umberto Avatar: "Who's Umberto?"
Honor Avatar: "That doesn't sound very honorable."
Bye2 Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."


Set Marek_Said_Honor_Dead_C to True
Marek: "So? Who cares about honor? Honor is dead, my friend. All I care about is looking out for Number One, got it?"
Marek: "I got me a sweet deal here, I've got everybody fooled, and I'm making a lot of money without a lot of work. That's all good and that's all I care about."
Marek: "Now watch that you don't go and tell people and start making trouble for me, understand?"
Umberto2 Avatar: "Who's Umberto?"
Fight Avatar: "What if I do cause trouble for you?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."


Marek: "Oh, he's a little pipsqueak down the beach a ways. We had a little competition going for a while to see who could catch the most fish."
Marek: "He was winning 'cause I don't get up as early as he does. Anyway, I figured, why work for all that fish when I can just thump Umberto and take half his catch?"
Marek: "Since then, I've been taking half his catch every day."
Honor Avatar: "That doesn't sound very honorable."
Bye2 Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."


Marek: "Oh, he's a little pipsqueak down the beach a ways. We had a little competition going for a while to see who could catch the most fish."
Marek: "He was winning 'cause I don't get up as early as he does. Anyway, I figured, why work for all that fish when I can just thump Umberto and take half his catch?"
Marek: "Since then, I've been taking half his catch every day."
Fight Avatar: "What if I do cause trouble for you?"
Bye2 Avatar: "I've got to go. Farewell."


Marek,"Good idea."


Marek,"Yeah, whatever."


Marek: "Things are just better. I think, well, I guess honor has been restored, you know? I know that I'm feeling better about myself."
Marek: "I used to steal the other fisherman's catch, but I don't do that anymore."
Marek: "I don't think that just working for a living is any great accomplishment of honor, but it's better than what I was doing."
Marek: "To tell you the truth, it's a lot of work and I don't like it much, but at least I can look myself in the mirror, you know?"
Marek: "Well, anyway, I've got to get back to work. Take care of yourself."

Honor Dead

Marek: "No, I don't. Well, I guess not. Look, I don't really know that much about honor, alright?"
Marek: "All I know is that I'm not shirking my responsibilities or stealing from Umberto anymore. I still don't like the little worm, but I'm not stealing from him anymore."
Marek: "I'm getting up early, I'm working hard, and to be really honest, I don't like it all that much. But I can look at myself in the mirror, you know?"
Marek: "Once you fixed up that shrine, all I felt was shame. Who'd have ever thought that?"
Marek: "Oh well, I've gotta work now, but at least I can stand up straight and not be ashamed of myself."
Marek: "Well, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta get back to work. Goodbye."


Marek: "No, I'm not taking Umberto's fish. I still don't like the little worm very much, but I'm not taking his catch any more."
Marek: "I'm getting up early, I'm working hard, and to be really honest, I don't like it all that much."
Marek: "But I can look at myself in the mirror, you know? Once you fixed up that shrine, all I felt was shame. Who'd have ever thought that?"
Marek: "Oh well, at least I can stand up straight and not be ashamed of myself. Well, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta get back to work now. Goodbye."


Marek: "Yeah, alright. Take care."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
Myrea: "Is this the Avatar?"
Myrea: "Good savior..."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If Myrea_First_Convo_C is False
Set Myrea_First_Convo_C to True
Myrea: "Good savior of Britannia, you must assuredly have heard the news that Trinsic has come to wallow in dishonor."
Myrea: "Please help the people restore honor to themselves and the city."
Myrea: "Hello, Avatar. What is it that you seek here?"
If Avatar_Looking_For_Dupre_C is True
Dupre Avatar: "Do you know how I may be able to contact Dupre?"
Name Avatar: "Who are you, dear lady?"
Honor Avatar: "How have the people lost their honor?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Myrea: "I am most pleased to inform you that the people of Trinsic have again embraced the honor that resides deep within their souls and soar with grace upon the winds of daily challenge."
Myrea: "Thank you, Avatar. Thank you."


Myrea: "I am Myrea, the keeper of the Shrine of Honor. I know many things, Avatar. I know that it is your destiny to show the people of Trinsic what lies within them all."
If Avatar_Looking_For_Dupre_C is True
Dupre Avatar: "Do you know how I may be able to contact Dupre?"
Honor Avatar: "How have the people lost their honor?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Myrea: "The shrine became corrupt and fractured. In following, the people lost their honor. No longer are their deeds bound to their words."
Myrea: "No longer are commitments kept or responsibilities met. People and families look outward for blame, not inward for strength."
Myrea: "Help them, Avatar; they need your example."
If Avatar_Looking_For_Dupre_C is True
Dupre Avatar: "Do you know how I may be able to contact Dupre?"
Name Avatar: "Who are you, dear lady?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Myrea: "Yes, seek out Sir Dupre's remains in the fortress of the paladins."
Myrea: "Take his remains to the Shrine of Honor, and place them there upon the shrine."
Myrea: "When this is so done, Dupre will come forth and speak with you."
Myrea: "Rest assured that Dupre will give you guidance on your quest. Go now, Avatar. Go and restore honor to the city of Honor."
Set Myrea_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I spoke with Myrea, the keeper of the Shrine of Honor, who told me how I can contact Dupre. I need to find his remains in the fortress of the Paladins and take them to the Shrine of Honor. If I place his remains on the shrine, he will give me guidance."


Myrea: "Farewell, good hero."


Triggered Entrance following training

Avatar: "My thanks, warrior; you have taught me a valuable skill."
Raphael: "My pleasure, friend. Use what I have taught you wisely."
Increased Staff Skill by 1

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Staff Skill is greater than or equal to Level 3
Raphael: "Ah, you have returned, my friend."
Raphael: "Greetings, warrior! I'm impressed that you were able to make it here!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If Staff Skill is less than level 3
Raphael: "Have you come here for staff training?"
If Raphael_Name_Known_C is True
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lord?"
Impressed Avatar: "Why are you impressed that I was able to make it here?"
Training Avatar: "Yes, I would like some training."
Bye Avatar: "Umm... goodbye."
Raphael: "I'm sorry, I cannot offer you any more training. I've taught you all that I know."
Raphael: "Hello there! Guess what: the people in town agreed to help me rebuild a bridge to connect my home to the city."
Raphael: "All I had to do was start the work myself and just be willing to do it. Isn't that something? So what can I do for you?"
If Raphael_Name_Known_C is True
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lord?"
If Staff Skill is less than Level 3
Training Avatar: "I would like some training."
Bye Avatar: "Umm... goodbye."


Raphael: "My name is Raphael. Would you like some training?"
Impressed Avatar: "Why are you impressed that I was able to make it here?"
Training Avatar: "Yes, I would like some training."
Bye Avatar: "Umm... goodbye."


Raphael: "Well, the bridges and docks are all run down and broken. That leaves me awfully isolated, because almost no one can make it over here."
Raphael: "I've told the people in town to fix the bridge, but do they do it? Oh no, they couldn't be bothered to do that!"
If Raphael_Name_Known_C is True
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lord?"
Fix Avatar: "Why don't you fix the bridge?"
Training Avatar: "Yes, I would like some training."
Bye Avatar: "Umm... goodbye."


Raphael: "Why should I have to fix the bridge? I'm the victim here! It's difficult being isolated out here. That's why I'm impressed with you getting here."
If Raphael_Name_Known_C is True
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lord?"
Training Avatar: "Yes, I would like some training."
Bye Avatar: "Umm... goodbye."


If Avatar has Dexterity greater or equal to level 2 and Staff Skill is greater or equal to 2
Raphael: "Very well. I believe that a teacher must work hands on with his student, so prepare yourself! Also, I do charge 2500 gold for the training."
Set Raphael_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Raphael in Trinsic will teach me a sweeping move with the Staff that will knock an opponent off their feet, if I pay him 2500 gold and have the proper experience and training."
If the Avatar has less than 2500 gold
Avatar: "I'm afraid I don't have enough money right now."
Raphael: "That's alright. I'll be happy to train you once you get the money."
If Raphael_Name_Known_C is True
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lord?"
Impressed Avatar: "Why are you impressed that I was able to make it here?"
Bye Avatar: "Umm... goodbye."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I would like to be trained."
No Avatar: "I haven't the time for that now. I must be going."
Raphael: "Return to me when you have gained more experience and I shall teach you my skill."


Remove 2500 gold from Avatar's Inventory
Raphael: "Very well, then. This move is the sweep move. You swing your staff in a broad arc at your opponent's legs."
Raphael: "If done properly, you'll knock your opponent to the ground and gain an immediate advantage."
Activate Raphael's Off Trigger


Raphael: "Alright then. When you are ready, return to me and I shall teach you my skill."



Unused Dialogue Line[edit]

An unimplemented line that should occur with name if the Avatar has been trained. Of course you can't access the Name topic without changing a variable.

Raphael: "My name is Raphael. It's been good working with you. You're a fine student, and I hope that this training helps you out some time. Farewell!"


Triggered Entrance (cinematic)

Rupert: "Hello, welcome to my shop!"

Enter Conversation

If First_Rupert_Convo or Rupert_Making_Sword is False
Set First_Rupert_Convo to True
Rupert: "How are you today? I thought that I knew all of the paladins around here. Do you need some weapons made, or are you looking to buy some goods?"
Paladin Avatar: "What's a paladin?"
Wares Avatar: "What do you sell here?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #202
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."
If Rupert_Made_Sword_C is False
Go to Sword
Buy Avatar: "May I see your items list?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #202
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."


Rupert: "Why, Trinsic is the home of the paladins! They're heroic paragons of chivalry!"
Wares Avatar: "What do you sell here?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #202
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."


Rupert: "Oh, I'm a smith, but since I like to work with various materials, I sell a variety of items."
Materials Avatar: "What other materials do you work in?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #202
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."


Rupert: "Oh, anything I can get my hands on, really. I work in metal, wood, and I do some stone carving."
Rupert: "I just like working with new materials, the more exotic, the better."
If Knows_About_Blackrocksword is True
Blackrock Avatar: "Have you ever worked in Blackrock before?"
Buy Avatar: "May I see your items list?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #202
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."


Rupert: "No I haven't, but I have seen Blackrock before. I'm pretty certain that I could make something out of it. What did you have in mind?"
Avatar: "I want a Blackrock sword."
Rupert: "I tell you what, you bring me, oh, three good sized chunks of Blackrock, and I think that I could make a sword for you."
Set Rupert_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Rupert, the blacksmith in Trinsic, is willing to make me a Blackrock Sword if I can bring him three good sized pieces of Blackrock."
If the Avatar has at least 3 chunks of blackrock
Avatar: "I have the Blackrock."
Rupert: "Let me look at that. Hmm, it'll be tough to work with, but I think that I can do it."
Rupert: "It's going to take a lot of time, though, so it'll be pretty expensive."
Rupert: "I can do this for you for 7,000 gold pieces. How's that sound?"
If the Avatar has at least 7000 gold
Yes Avatar: "Sounds good."
Not Enough Avatar: "I don't have enough money right now."
No Avatar: "I don't think that I want to spend that much money."
Avatar: "Alright, I'll do that."
Rupert: "Is there anything else that I can do for you?"
Buy Avatar: "May I see your items list?"
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."


Subtract 7000 Gold from the Avatar's Inventory
Subtract 3 blackrock chunks from the Avatar's Inventory
Rupert: "Alright, come back tomorrow morning, and I'll have the sword ready for you."
Rupert,"I'll have to get started on it right away, but I should have it done. See you in the morning."
Set Rupert_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Well, I've given Rupert the payment for the Blackrock sword, and he told me to come back for it in the morning. I'm looking forward to seeing this sword worth 7,000 gold!"
Set Rupert_Making_Sword to True

Not Enough

Rupert: "Alright, well, let me know when you have enough gold. Is there anything else that I can help you with?"
Set Rupert_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "Rupert can make a sword out of the Blackrock, but he says it will be difficult, so he's going to charge me 7,000 gold! That's quite an expensive sword."
Buy Avatar: "May I see your items list?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #202
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."


Rupert: "Alright, well, let me know if you change your mind. Is there anything else that I can help you with?"
Buy Avatar: "May I see your items list?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #202
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."


If any time
If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If Rupert_Cheat_Avatar_C is False
Rupert: "I suppose you've come for you sword, huh?"
Avatar: "Well, yes."
Rupert: "I figured as much. You come here, give me split, brittle blackrock and want me to make a sword out of it. It was impossible to make a sword out of that slag!"
Rupert: "I spent all night working on that thing and have nothing to show for it."
Set Rupert_Cheated_Avatar_C to True
Cheat Avatar: "You cheat!"
Refund Avatar: "Give me my money and I'll try elsewhere."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."
Rupert: "I don't know what you want, but you're not welcome around here."
If Rupert_Cheated_Avatar_C is False
Rupert: "Hello! Look, I have your sword! It took me most of the night, but I got it done. Here you go. What do you think?"
Add Blackrock Sword to Avatar's Inventory
Set Rupert_Made_Sword_C to True
Rupert: "Um, hello Avatar. Look, I'm really sorry about what I did to you. It wasn't fair and it wasn't honorable."
Avatar: "Yes, taking someone's money and not fulfilling a commitment is not honorable."
Rupert: "That's why I want to make amends. I've made your sword, and I want to refund 2,000 gold pieces as a way of saying that I'm sorry."
Add Blackrock Sword to the Avatar's Inventory
Add 2000 Gold to the Avatar's Inventory
Set Rupert_Made_Sword_C to True
Avatar: "Thank you Rupert."
Rupert: "No, thank you Avatar. Thank you for bringing honor back to Trinsic. Well, now that's done, is there anything else that you need?"
Rupert: "Hi there. I'm working on the sword, but it's not done yet. Come back in the morning, okay?"


Rupert: "Certainly!"
Open Buy GUMP with book #201
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP


Open Sell GUMP with book #202
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Rupert: "Anything else for you?"
If Rubert_Made_Sword_C is False and Rubert_Making_Sword is True
Sword Avatar: "Is my sword ready?"
Buy Avatar: "May I see your items list?"
If Avatar has items on Sell List #202
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."


Rupert: "It's not my fault that you gave me defective materials!"
Refund Avatar: "Give me my money and I'll try elsewhere."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Rupert: "After I spent all night working on that slag? Never! I spent several hours of my valuable time and must be compensated for my efforts."
Rupert: "You're not getting a farthing back from me. Now go away and bother someone else!"



Unused Dialogue Lines[edit]


Rupert: "You might be interested in knowing that a high level staff trainer lives in a house on the south end of town."
Set Rupert_Journal_Flag_4 to True
Diary: "Rupert mentioned that a high level staff trainer lives here in Trinsic, in a house on the south end of town."

Unused Line

Rupert: "Be cautious. A shifty-looking fellow has been lurking about."
Set Rupert_Journal_Flag_5 to True
Diary: "He also warned me that a shifty-looking fellow has been seen lurking around Trinsic. I'd better keep an eye out while I'm here."


Triggered Entrance (cinematic)

Sergio: "Whistling..."

Enter Conversation

Sergio: "Hello, I'm Sergio. How may I help you?"
Practice Avatar: "I need to practice my skills with the bow and arrow."
Buy Avatar: "I need goods."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #204
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I must be going."


If Sergio is in area Area_Trinsic_Boyer_Shop
If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If People_Convinced_Honor_Within is False or Sergio_Confessed_C is True
Sergio: "That's a good idea with all of the monsters running about. Just yesterday, I saw a little girl get attacked right out there in the street."
Sergio: "You are free to use my target range, if you wish."
Help Avatar: "Did you try to do anything to save the girl?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Go to Confession
Sergio: "You are free to use my target range, if you wish."
Sergio: "Well, you're welcome to use my range during business hours. Farewell, friend."


Sergio: "No, those monsters weren't doing anything to me."
Buy Avatar: "I need goods."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #204
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


If Sergio is in area Area_Trinsic_Boyer_Shop
Sergio,"Of course."
Open Buy GUMP with book #203
If People_Convinced_Honor_Within is True and Sergio_Confessed_C is False
Go to Confession - upon closing GUMP
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP
Sergio: "I'd be happy to sell you anything that you need, but you'll have to come visit me in my shop during work hours. Goodbye."


Open Sell GUMP with book #204
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Sergio: "Will there be anything else?"
Practice Avatar: "I need to practice my skills with the bow and arrow."
Buy Avatar: "I need goods."
If Avatar has items on Sell List #204
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Sergio: "I must confess to you, Avatar. At first I thought your deeds here in Trinsic were foolish."
Sergio: "I thought honor was a thing bestowed by others, like a garment one puts on to impress the world."
Sergio: "But now I realize that honor is something that emerges from within. It is a gift one gives to one's self."
Sergio: "When man upholds his honor, he earns the respect of his fellows. Thank you for opening my eyes."
Sergio: "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to do my share to get rid of these monsters."
Set Sergio_Confessed_C to True
Activate Sergio's Off Trigger





Synnovea: "Hello!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If People_Convinced_Honor_Within is False
If Avatar_Retrieved_Chalice is False
Synnovea: "Sorry, but the inn's closed."
Name Avatar: "What's your name?"
Closed Avatar: "Why is the inn closed?"
Drink Avatar: "What about a drink?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Synnovea: "You again, huh? Sorry, the place is still closed."
Emile: "What about that man that's staying in one of the rooms?"
Synnovea: "Him? He was such a pest, I finally let him have a room. Besides, I'm charging him triple the cost of the room and he doesn't know it!"
Synnovea: "You know, I'm starting to have second thoughts about charging that man triple the room price."
Emile: "Is he paying it?"
Synnovea: "Yes, but still, I just don't feel like it's right."
Synnovea: "Greetings! I'm very sorry for having been rude when you came in here before. In order to make it up to you, the first drink is on me."
Synnovea: "After that you've got to pay for yourself or talk Emile here into buying for you."
Emile: "Hey, I gave back that gold, remember?"
Open Avatar: "Have you opened the tavern?"
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Room Avatar: "I'd like a room."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Synnovea: "I'm Synnovea, this is Emile."
Emile: "Hello."
Synnovea: "So anyway..."
Closed Avatar: "Why is the inn closed?"
Drink Avatar: "What about a drink?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Synnovea: "There hasn't been much business. Besides, I'd rather sit here and visit with my friend than deal with people who are always asking me for things."
Name Avatar: "What's your name?"
Drink Avatar: "What about a drink?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Synnovea: "Inn, tavern; the whole place is closed. Sorry."
Name Avatar: "What's your name?"
Closed Avatar: "Why is the inn closed?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Synnovea: "Yep! I realized that nothing was happening in my life and that I was wasting it by doing nothing, so I opened up again."
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Room Avatar: "I'd like a room."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Synnovea: "Great, it just so happens I have one available. That'll be 150 gold pieces."
If the Avatar has less than 150 gold
Avatar: "I'm afraid I don't have enough money right now. Maybe some other time."
Go to Anything Else
Room2 Avatar: "Alright, sounds good!"
Anything Else Avatar: "On second thought, no thanks."


Synnovea: "Here's your key. Enjoy your stay."
Delete 150 Gold from the Avatar's Inventory
Add Trinsic Inn Key with Trigger ID 253 to the Avatar's Inventory
Go to Anything Else


Open Buy GUMP with book #205
Go to Anything Else - upon closing GUMP

Anything Else

Synnovea: "Can I get anything else for you?"
Drink Avatar: "I'd like a drink."
Room Avatar: "I'd like a room."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."




Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
Umberto: "Umm, hello."
Umberto: "Hello!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
Umberto,"May I help you?"
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Job Avatar: "May I ask what you do?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Umberto: "Avatar, right? I had no idea who you were the first time that I saw you."
Umberto: "Everyone in town is talking about how you restored the shrine, and thus restored honor in Trinsic. It must be true, because I know that I feel different."
Umberto: "I had a problem with another fisherman; maybe I told you about that. But anyway, I talked to him and we worked things out."
Umberto: "I feel so much better about myself and about life."
Avatar: "Maybe the changes in your life were your own doing."
Umberto: "Maybe, but even if they were, I was at least inspired by your actions. Thank you, thank you, Avatar, and good luck on your journeys."


Umberto: "Oh, my name is Umberto. Umm, Marek didn't send you over here, did he?"
Marek Avatar: "Who's Marek?"
Nervous Avatar: "You seem kind of nervous."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Umberto: "Oh, I'm a fisherman. I fish. That's about it, really."
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Umberto: "Oh, well, Marek is another fisherman, a big fisherman. So, Marek didn't send you here?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, Marek sent me to get you!"
No Avatar: "No, Marek didn't send me here."


Umberto: "Nervous? Me? Ha, ah... Well, that Marek has me a little nervous, yes. Um, did he send you here?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, Marek sent me to get you!"
No Avatar: "No, Marek didn't send me here."


Umberto: "Um, well, I've already given him his share of my catch, what more does he want? Don't hurt me, I won't cause any trouble!"
Share Avatar: "Do you give him your fish?"
Pathetic Avatar: "Look at how you snivel; you're pathetic!"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Umberto: "Oh good. I thought that he sent you to collect more of my catch and I don't have any more. Oh thank heavens, I thought that you were going to beat me up."
Share Avatar: "Do you give him your fish?"
Pathetic Avatar: "Look at how you snivel; you're pathetic!"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Umberto: "I know, but I can't help it. I'm sorry, look, I don't want any trouble, please just leave me alone."
Share Avatar: "Do you give him your fish?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Umberto: "Um, yes, some of them. He takes about half of my catch every day, then he goes and sells them along with whatever he catches."
Umberto: "Everyone thinks that he's the best fisherman in town because his catches are so much larger than mine. Um, I get him back, though."
Honor Avatar: "How can you let him do that? Don't you have any honor?"
Back Avatar: "How do you get him back?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Umberto: "Well, yes, sort of. I know this sounds bad, but it's better than getting beat up! Besides, I save my honor 'cause I get back at him."
Back Avatar: "How do you get him back?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Umberto: "Well, we agreed to stay in our own fishing spots, but when I go out early in the morning, before Marek wakes up, I go and I fish in his spot."
Umberto: "So then, I'm catching the fish that he's supposed to catch."
Umberto: "So really, when he's stealing my fish, he's really stealing his own fish and half of what I'm getting is really his fish. You see? I get back at him."
Avatar: "Oh yeah, you're really teaching him a lesson."
Umberto: "Only don't tell him, okay? Or he... he'll come down here and he'll beat me up."


Umberto: "Oh, bye."


Triggered Entrance at Bastion Entrance (Cinematic)

If Faced_Bastion_Ghosts is False
Vidos: "Hold there, friend. I warn you, do not enter the Bastion, for it is haunted by restless spirits."
If Dupre_Ghost_Raised is False
Vidos: "I see that you made it out alive! I'm glad that you're safe, but don't get your hopes up about getting rid of those ghosts."
Vidos: "They come back every night regardless of what happens. I'm telling you, they raise a fearful noise. Oh well, see you around, Avatar."
If Chalice_Empowered is False
Vidos: "Greetings, Avatar! I say, you must have done something that none of the rest of us have been able to do. The ghosts seem to have calmed down. I don't hear them at night anymore. I thank you, Avatar."
Vidos: "I never believed in the power of the Chalice of Honor, but you and Lucero have proved it to us."
Vidos: "Take the Chalice with you, Avatar; you may need it."
Vidos: "You've shown us that honor comes from within, and we no longer need the Chalice to remind us of that."
Set People_Convinced_Honor_Within to True

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If Avatar_Retrieved_Chalice is False
Avatar: "What is the problem here?"
Vidos: "Since the theft of the Chalice of Honor from the statue over there, the Bastion has been haunted by the spirits of paladins long dead."
Vidos: "They shout and scream that the city has lost its honor and they have attacked the few citizens that were brave enough to enter."
Set Vidos_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "A guard at the Bastion in Trinsic warned me that since the Chalice of Honor has been stolen from its rightful place, ghosts have haunted the Bastion, screaming about Trinsic having lost its honor."
Enter Avatar: "May I enter?"
No Fear Avatar: "I'm not afraid of ghosts!"
Help Avatar: "Did you help those the ghosts attacked?"
Bye Avatar: "I want no part of this. I'm leaving."
If People_Convinced_Honor_Within is False
Vidos: "Greetings, Avatar! I know that you have performed many noble deeds, but why did you waste your time on that useless cup?"
Vidos: "Everyone knows that it is meaningless."
Cup Avatar: "What do you mean? The cup is the symbol of honor!"
Right Avatar: "You're right. I don't know what I was thinking."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."
Vidos: "You know, I've been thinking about my job as a guard, and I haven't been doing a very good job of it. Look at the state of the Bastion, of the whole city!"
Vidos: "Maybe if I start keeping this place in a better state, others will follow. Who knows, maybe I could make a difference."
Vidos: "Thanks very much for reminding us of our honor, Avatar. I know that I've learned a lot."
Vidos: "I'm going to be looking out for people from now on, not just watching what happens. You take care of yourself, Avatar."


Vidos: "If you are truly foolish enough to want to go in there, then feel free."

No Fear

Vidos: "Very well, but we'll see how you feel once you've come out... if you do come out."


Vidos: "Of course not. That's not part of my job!"
Enter Avatar: "May I enter?"
No Fear Avatar: "I'm not afraid of ghosts!"
Bye Avatar: "I want no part of this. I'm leaving."


Vidos: "I'm glad you agree. There was another fellow, showed up the other day and wanted to see the Paladins. This man just wouldn't shut up about honor."
Vidos: "If anyone argued with him, he'd just harangue them until they gave up or went deaf. I bet he's still over at the inn talking about honor."
Set Vidos_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "The guard also mentioned a man who's been asking around Trinsic about the Paladins, and talking endlessly about honor. Supposedly I can find him at the inn."
Place Sigil Avatar: "How do I place the sigil in the statue?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."


Vidos: "Honor, huh? Maybe honor meant something a hundred years ago, but it doesn't mean much now. You sound just like the fellow who came around here the other day asking about the Paladins."
Vidos: "He wouldn't stop talking about honor. I bet he's still over there at the inn talking everyone's ear off about honor."
Place Sigil Avatar: "How do I place the sigil in the statue?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."

Place Sigil

Vidos: "Well, that's not the sigil, but to place it; you must set it at the foot of the statue. But I tell you, that isn't the Chalice of Honor. It's just a cup!"
Set Vidos_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "The guard at the Bastion told me that to place the Chalice, I only need to set it at the base of the Statue."
Cup Avatar: "What do you mean? The cup is the symbol of honor!"
Right Avatar: "You're right. I don't know what I was thinking."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."




Proximity Enter

If Avatar_Retrieved_Chalice is True
Virgil: "Won't someone help me?"
Else If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is True
Virgil: "Hello."

Triggered Entrance during phase spider fight (cinematic)

Virgil: "The spiders... they're everywhere! Look out!"

Enter Conversation

If Spider_Quest_Received is False
Virgil: "I have a serious problem: phase spiders have found their way through the portal and are invading my home!"
Virgil: "I would close the portal myself, but only paladins are equipped to do so. My family fought for Trinsic long ago and was promised assistance in times of need, but no one will honor the debt."
Virgil: "Please help convince one of the paladins to honor their word and help me."
Set Virgil_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "A man named Virgil asked for my help. A portal has opened outside his home and phase spiders are pouring out of it! He was promised help by the Paladins, but none of them will honor the debt. If I can find a Paladin to seal the portal, maybe his home can be saved."
Yes Avatar: "I will seek help. At least one of the paladins must retain feelings of honor."
No Avatar: "I cannot help you. Goodbye."
If Phase_Spider_Door_Closed is False
Virgil: "Thank you! Please hurry and find a paladin before I lose everything!"
Virgil: "Thank you both. Your bravery and honor are unmatched. It is a tragedy to see what has befallen Lucero, but the tale of his deeds will live on."


Virgil: "Thank you, Avatar. I will return home and do what I can. When you find help, please meet me at my house. It's on the small island to the southeast of town."
Set Spider_Quest_Received to True
Diary: "Virgil told me his house is on the small island to the southeast of town."




Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Lucian: "It's a sad, sad thing..."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
Lucian: "I apologize for my brother's harsh words and actions, Avatar. Yes, I recognize you."
Lucian: "I was alive when last you were in Britannia, and well do I remember you. Unfortunately, my old companions did not."
Lucian: "They have decided to punish the people of Trinsic for abandoning the honor that was so important to us."
Lucian: "Since I know you to be the Avatar, I ask you to reawaken the honor that I know lies within the hearts of the people of Trinsic."
Lucian: "Do this for our memory, Avatar. Do it for Britannia!"
Yes Avatar: "I will do all that I can. Have you any advice, honorable ghost?"
No Avatar: "I'm sorry, but it's not my problem, sad ghost. Farewell."
Lucian: "Thank you for what you have done, Avatar. The other ghosts are at peace now that honor has been restored. Go with honor, Avatar."


Lucian: "Yes, I do. Learn the Mantra of Honor. It is lost to all who still live in Britannia."
Lucian: "In order to learn this mantra, speak to one who carries it with him beyond the grave. Seek Sir Dupre."
Go to Fade


Lucian: "Oh, but it is your problem, Avatar. It is your destiny to return Britannia to its former state."
Lucian: "Listen well, for this task is not only for the good of Britannia, but for your benefit as well."
Lucian: "Learn the Mantra of Honor. It is lost to all who still live in Britannia."
Lucian: "In order to learn this mantra, speak to one who carries it with him beyond the grave. Seek Sir Dupre."
Go to Fade


Activate Lucian's Off Trigger
Avatar: "Wait! Don't go yet! Where do I find Dupre? How do I speak to him?"
Lucian: "Find one who serves honor. This servant will guide you and help you speak to the dead knight that you seek."
Activate Lucian's Success Trigger
Set Avatar_Looking_For_Dupre_C to True
Diary: "In the Bastion of Trinsic, I met a ghost named Lucian who has advised me to learn the Mantra of Honor from Sir Dupre. He has said that if I can find one who serves honor, they will be able to help me speak with Dupre from beyond the grave."


Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Amande: "Dishonorable fool! Flee before we destroy you! You are not fit to enter this place."
Amande: "You were foolish enough to lose your honor. Will you be foolish enough to lose your life as well?"
Set Amande to attack the Avatar

Enter Conversation



Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Salvador: "Who are you to come here? You living weaklings; you are the ones who lost the Chalice of Honor."
Salvador: "When the Chalice was lost, so was Trinsic's honor! You must pay for this loss!"
Set Salvador to attack the Avatar

Enter Conversation


Generic Trinsic Female[edit]

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If Time is less or equal to 5 pm
Randomly Choose from the following 3 lines:
Generic Trinsic Female: "I warn you, stay away!"
Generic Trinsic Female: "Move along"
Generic Trinsic Female: "There's nothing to see here."
Randomly Choose from the following 2 lines:
Generic Trinsic Female: "Go home, it's not safe out here after dark."
Generic Trinsic Female: "Go on home, now."
If Time is less or equal to 5 pm
Randomly Choose from the following 3 lines:
Generic Trinsic Female: "Good day to you, sir."
Generic Trinsic Female: "Welcome to Trinsic!"
Generic Trinsic Female: "Hello citizen."
Randomly Choose from the following 2 lines:
Generic Trinsic Female: "Aren't the stars lovely?"
Generic Trinsic Female: "Good evening."

Generic Trinsic Male[edit]

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is False
If the Weather is good
Randomly Choose from the following 4 lines:
Generic Trinsic Male: "Off with you, stranger."
Generic Trinsic Male: "Leave me alone."
Generic Trinsic Male: "Step aside."
Generic Trinsic Male: "When are those paladins going to do something about the monsters?"
Randomly Choose from the following 2 lines:
Generic Trinsic Male: "Darn rain, soaked my new tunic."
Generic Trinsic Male: "Great, more rain..."
If the Weather is good
Randomly Choose from the following 3 lines:
Generic Trinsic Male: "Hello, friend!"
Generic Trinsic Male: "Have a fine day!"
Generic Trinsic Male: "Isn't Trinsic grand?"
Randomly Choose from the following 2 lines:
Generic Trinsic Male: "Ah, the rain is very cleansing don't you think?"
Generic Trinsic Male: "This rain will be good for the farmers."

Shrine of Honor[edit]

Enter Conversation

Shrine of Honor: "Speak now the Mantra of Honor."
Check input for "summ"
If true
Mantra Correct
If false
Mantra Wrong

Mantra Wrong

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is false
Shrine of Honor: "Thou knowest not of honor. Go and find what Britannia has lost. When thou hast found it, then canst thou restore its broken shrine."
Shrine of Honor: "This is not the mantra of Honor. Avatar, hast thou so quickly forgotten the sacred mantra with which you restored me?"

Mantra Correct

If Shrine_Honor_Cleansed is true
Shrine of Honor: "Ah, the one who restored honor to Trinsic. May thine entrance and egress be blessed from this time hence."
Shrine of Honor: "Dost thou wish to perform the ritual of restoration?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes"
No Avatar: "No"
If Dupre_Ashes_Placed is True
Shrine of Honor: "Thou hast brought before me the ashes of an honorable hero. Dost thou wish to speak with this hero, or hast thou come before me to meditate on Honor?"
Meditate Avatar: "I came to meditate."
Speak Avatar: "I wish to speak to Dupre."
Go to Meditate


Shrine of Honor: "Avatar, servant of the virtues, prove thine honor and restore me to my former state. Then shalt Trinsic again become the city of honor."
Shrine of Honor: "Gather the sigil, the glyph, and the Mantra, then come again before me and cleanse me of the foulness that is upon me. Farewell, Avatar."


Shrine of Honor: "Speak now the words of the ritual of Spirit Speak. If you are truly with Honor, the hero will come before you."


Shrine of Honor: "Then speak the words of restoration."
Check input for "vas mani corp"
If true
Restoration Correct
If false
Restoration Wrong


Shrine of Honor: "Go with honor, Avatar."

Restoration Correct

Initiate Ritual of Restoration

Restoration Wrong

If you have not used up your three attempts to get the words of Restoration correct.
Shrine of Honor: "Thou hast not spoken the words of restoration. Concentrate, and speak again so that thou mayest heal thyself."
Return to Yes
Shrine of Honor: "If you wish to be restored, learn the words of restoration and return to see me."

Shrine Cleansing Cinematic

Shrine of Honor: "Speak now the Mantra of Honor."
Check input for "summ"
If true
See Shrine for Cleansing Cinematic
Set Shrine_Honor_Cleansed to True
Diary: "I have cleansed the Shrine of Honor! Perhaps the few remaining Paladins can now reform the order the way it once was."
If false
Mantra Wrong

Unused Dialogue Lines[edit]

Wrong Spirit Speak Incantation

Shrine of Honor: "You lack focus, Avatar."
Try Again Avatar: "May I try again?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Shrine of Honor: "You know not of Honor. Go and find what Britannia has lost. Then canst thou speak to the hero that thou seek."


Proximity Enter

Eve: "Well, well, well. The great Avatar has finally come into my dungeon. I had thought that perhaps one of my brothers or sisters would have killed you by now, but I see that is not the case."
Eve: "All the better, for now I'll get to kill you. The other Wyrmguard you have faced were soft, Avatar. After all, most of them were once your companions."
Eve: "Now you face a true Wyrmguard. A Wyrmguard who will send you to your miserable death!"
Set Eve to attack the Avatar

Enter Conversation



Proximity Enter

Landis: "Who are you? How dare you trespass into my camp!"
Set Landis to attack the Avatar

Enter Conversation




Proximity Enter NonCinematic

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is true
Geoffrey: "Avatar, please come here. I need to talk to you."

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is true
Geoffrey: "Well met, Avatar. I want you to know that meeting the Guardian toe to toe is an act of unprecedented valor. You are to be commended."
Geoffrey: "Well, I've said enough, go bravely my friend."
Geoffrey: "Hail and well met, my friend! You'll be glad to know that valor has returned to our hearts and the order of knights has begun to rebuild from the ruin it had become."
Geoffrey: "We have you to thank for that, Avatar! I must go now, but I believe we shall meet again in our fight against the evils that still plague this land. Go bravely!"

Geoffrey's Ghost[edit]

Enter Conversation

Geoffrey's Ghost: "Greetings, Avatar. I see that you've made great progress on your quest since you killed me in Destard."
Sorry Avatar: "I'm sorry about what happened, Geoffrey."
Deserved Avatar: "You deserved to be killed, you snivelling coward."
Hurry Avatar: "Yes, I have made progress, but I'm in a hurry right now."


Geoffrey's Ghost: "Please, let no such words pass between warriors. I succumbed to evil and so became a coward. That is past."
Geoffrey's Ghost: "I have been released from the evil and have found peace in the spiritual world. My thanks to you for sending me here."
Geoffrey's Ghost: "I'll delay your quest no longer, Avatar. Farewell."


Geoffrey's Ghost: "It is true that I succumbed to evil and so became a coward. That is past."
Geoffrey's Ghost: "I have been released from the evil and have found peace in the spiritual world. My thanks to you for sending me here. I'll delay your quest no longer, Avatar. Farewell."
Avatar loses one point of Karma/Max Mana


Geoffrey's Ghost: "Then by all means, I'll detain you no further."


Enter Conversation

If Meranthon_Healing_Complete is False
If Liselle_First_Convo_C is False
Liselle: "Oh! You startled me! Who are you? Why are you here? Please don't hurt us!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Avatar Avatar: "It's alright, I'm the Avatar. I'd like to help."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Liselle: "Avatar, my husband needs your help!"
If Demons_Slain is False
Liselle: "Meranthon..."
If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is False
Liselle: "Avatar, I know you have done your best, and I thank you. I am relieved to be rid of the horrible demons, but my lot is still a sad one."
Liselle: "With my beloved Meranthon gone, I just don't know what I'll do."


Liselle: "My name is Liselle. Please, my husband is very ill, don't hurt us."
Set Liselle_Name_Known_C to True
Avatar Avatar: "It's alright, I'm the Avatar. I'd like to help."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Set Liselle_First_Convo_C to True
Liselle: "Really? The Avatar? I've heard about you! Oh thank heavens you've come. We are in a terrible plight!"
Liselle: "My husband is very ill and I'm afraid he will soon die!"
Liselle: "There are demons threatening the fortress, the knights can do nothing to help us and I fear that all will soon be lost!"
If Liselle_Name_Known_C is False
Name 2 Avatar: "Wait, slow down and tell me your name."
Knights Avatar: "Why can't the knights do something about the demons?"
Husband Avatar: "Please tell me about your husband."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."

Name 2

Set Liselle_Name_Known_C to True
Liselle: "I'm terribly sorry, my name is Liselle. Oh, please help us, Avatar."
Knights Avatar: "Why can't the knights do something about the demons?"
Husband Avatar: "Please tell me about your husband."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Liselle: "They're too afraid of the demons. They're cowards, you know; the whole lot of them!"
If Liselle_Name_Known_C is False
Name 2 Avatar: "Wait, slow down and tell me your name."
Husband Avatar: "Please tell me about your husband."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Liselle: "Oh it's terrible, he was attacked by a demon and is now very sick. I... I just don't know what to do. Oh please help. Please help him Avatar!"
Where Attacked Avatar: "Where was your husband when he was attacked?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."

Where Attacked

Liselle: "Oh, I'm not sure. He was outside of the volcano."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."




Triggered Entrance (Cinematic Event) - After Avatar Starts Healing Meranthon

Meranthon: "**screams of agony**"
Liselle: "No, I must do something! I can't bear to watch him suffer!"

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic) - After Liselle Heals Meranthon

Liselle: "He is healing! Thank you, Avatar, for convincing me not to renounce my courage!"
Liselle: "But I fear that unless the demons are slain, my work here will never cease. Go in luck, Avatar."
Meranthon: "I felt myself slipping away, despite her efforts. Thank you, Avatar, for giving her the strength and courage to save me."
Set Meranthon_Healing_Complete to True
Activate Meranthon's Third Trigger

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic Event)

Guardian: "You may think you have won here, but let me remind you that my power is greater than yours. All the good you do can be just as easily undone."
Guardian: "See for yourself, Avatar, and learn."

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic Event)

Meranthon: "Ugh... *gasp*... help..."

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic)

Liselle: "No! No, he was healing! It can't be! Oh, Meranthon..."
Liselle: "Avatar, I beg you to find this creature, and make it regret ever having come here to Britannia!"
Liselle: "Oh, Meranthon..."
Diary: "After Meranthon was healed, the Guardian himself killed him! This must stop. I will make him pay."
Activate Meranthon's Second Trigger

Enter Conversation

If First_Meranthon_Convo is False
Go to First Conversation
If Tome_Quest_Received is False
Go to First Conversation
If Meranthon_Healing_Complete is False
Liselle: "Avatar! You must help me! He is dying!"
Avatar: "Liselle, you're the healer. You can help him."
Liselle: "No, don't you understand? I can't do that anymore. I killed the last man that I worked on. I don't want to kill my husband too!"
Avatar: "You didn't kill that man, Liselle, he just died. I know that it hurts, but you can't save everyone."
Avatar: "More importantly, you can't let one failure shatter your confidence. Don't be afraid, Liselle; you can do it."
Liselle: "Please, Avatar, this man is my husband. I cannot bear to hurt him. You have healing magic. Please, will you try to help him?"
Help Avatar: "I will try."
No Help Avatar: "I'm sorry, I cannot."
Liselle: "He is nearly healed. Thank you, Avatar, for helping me save my beloved husband. Were it not for you, I surely would not have had the courage to try."
Meranthon: "Good health to you, Avatar."
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1

First Conversation

If Tome_Quest_Refused is False
Meranthon: "Who's there?"
Avatar: "It is I, my lord, the Avatar."
Meranthon: "I am relieved to see you, Avatar."
Set First_Meranthon_Convo to True
Name Avatar: "Who are you, my lord?"
Relieved Avatar: "You are relieved to see me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going, farewell."
Meranthon: "Avatar, you must seek the Tome...to save Valoria. Tell me, have you changed your mind?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I will seek the book."
No Avatar: "I am far too busy. Farewell."


Meranthon: "I am Meranthon. I once traveled with an order of mages so that I may learn the secret of defeating the demons."
Meranthon: "I brought back with me the Tome of Demonology, but it was lost when I was attacked."
Where Avatar: "You were attacked?"
Relieved Avatar: "You are relieved to see me?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going, farewell."


Meranthon: "Yes... I must tell you...about the Tome of Demonology... you must find it."
Meranthon: "Within it, you will find the secret to defeating the demons that have beset Valoria."
Set Meranthon_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "A dying mage named Meranthon told me about a book called the Tome of Demonology. This book supposedly contains the secret to defeating the demons around Valoria."
Name Avatar: "Who are you, my lord?"
Where Avatar: "Where can I find this Tome?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going, farewell."


Meranthon: "I was ambushed by a terrible creature that lives... in the Glade."
Meranthon: "I tried to flee, but was attacked near the Glade at the bottom of the volcano, on the east side of the island."
Meranthon: "This is where I lost the Tome. I was barely able to make it back here with my life."
Meranthon: "I had hoped to go back and retrieve the Tome, but it is too dangerous for me. I couldn't face that demon spawn again. I believe you could do it."
Meranthon: "Seek this holy book! Its secrets are sealed to all but he who is destined to destroy the Demon Triumvirate. We can only hope that is you, Avatar."
Diary: "Meranthon told me that the book was lost when he was attacked by a creature that lives in a glade on the east side of the island, at the bottom of the volcano."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I will seek the book."
No Avatar: "I am far too busy. Farewell."


Set Tome_Quest_Received to True
Meranthon: "Thank you. May the virtues be with you, Avatar."


Set Tome_Quest_Refused to True
Meranthon: "You must...seek this book, Avatar. It is the only way..."




Set Agrees_To_Heal_Meranthon to True

No Help

Liselle: "I curse you for your lack of sympathy!"
Set Refuses_To_Heal_Meranthon to True

Old Jak[edit]

Triggered Entrance - After Training

OldJak: "You learn quickly, Avatar. I hope the training helps you in your travels!"

Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is False
If Demons_Slain is False
OldJak: "Greetings there, Avatar. I understand that you've come here to help us. We sure do appreciate it."
OldJak: "I'd be right there with you if I was a few years younger. Good luck to you, my boy."
OldJak: "Would you like to take a look at my wares?"
If One Handed Weapon Skill is 2
OldJak: "I can train you as well, if you'd like."
Go to Shop
If One Handed Weapon Skill is 3 or greater
OldJak: "Well, I can breathe a little easier now that those demons are gone. I hope the training helped you out, Avatar! Did you need to buy anything else?"
Go to Shop
OldJak: "Well, I can breathe a little easier now that those demons are gone. You know, in repayment, I'd be happy to give you a discount on training, if you're interested."
Go to Shop
OldJak: "I knew you would be the one to set things right, Avatar! Bless you, my boy. We are in your debt."
OldJak: "Would you like to take a look at my wares?"
Go to Shop


If One Handed Weapon Skill is 2
Training Avatar: "I would like some training."
Buy Avatar: "Yes, I am interested in your wares."
If Avatar has Items from sell list #348
Sell Avatar: "I would like to sell some items."
Bye Avatar: "No, thank you. I will be going now."


If Demons_Slain is False
OldJak: "It'll be 2000 gold. I may be old, but I'll wager I've got some skills you haven't seen."
If the Avatar has less than 2000 gold
No Avatar: "I'm afraid I don't have enough money right now."
Yes Avatar: "Sounds fair to me."
No Avatar: "Thanks, but not right now."
OldJak: "Well, as I was saying, since you took care of those demons for us, I'll give you a discount on the training. How about, say, 1500 gold?"
If the Avatar has less than 1500 gold
No Avatar: "I'm afraid I don't have enough money right now."
Yes Cheap Avatar: "Sounds fair to me."
No Avatar: "Thanks, but not right now."


OldJak: "Alright, then. Would you like something else?"
Go to Shop


If Dexterity is less than 2
OldJak: "Avatar, you are not yet dexterous enough to train with me. Please return when your abilities have increased."
Remove 2000 gold from Avatar's Inventory
OldJak: "Very well, let's begin. This shot that I'm going to show you is a side stroke to the ribs."
OldJak: "If your opponent's guard is up high on his left side, you can do a great deal of damage with this shot."
Activate Old Jak's Second Trigger

Yes Cheap

If Dexterity is less than 2
OldJak: "Avatar, you are not yet dexterous enough to train with me. Please return when your abilities have increased."
Remove 1500 gold from Avatar's Inventory
OldJak: "Very well, let's begin. This shot that I'm going to show you is a side stroke to the ribs."
OldJak: "If your opponent's guard is up high on his left side, you can do a great deal of damage with this shot."
Activate Old Jak's Second Trigger

Anything Else

OldJak: "Anything else, then?"
Go to Shop


Open Sell GUMP with sell list #348
Go to Anything Else upon GUMP closing


Open Sell GUMP with sell list #223
Go to Anything Else upon GUMP closing



Sergeant Lambert[edit]

Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) at Valoria Gate

If Demons_Slain is False
If Artos_Agreed_To_Fight or Lambert_Agreed_To_Fight are False
Lambert: "Um... halt! Wh...who's there?"
Lambert: "Avatar, you should not be here!"
Lambert: "Avatar!"
Go to Enter Conversation

Triggered Entrance After Gate is Opened

Lambert: "Maybe I am a trusting fool, but we need your help. Both my brother Reynald and my Commander have been gone for some time now."
Lambert: "I suspect that Commander Hays may have wisely fled Valoria when the demons came, but my brother was foolhardy and would never have left without me."
Lambert: "I fear he is in trouble. Have you seen him, Avatar?"
Set Lambert_Journal_Flag_4 to True
If Reynald_Spoken_To_C is False
Diary: "Lambert went on to tell me that his brother, Reynald, and his commander are missing."
Diary: "Lambert went on to tell me that his brother, Reynald, and his commander are missing. Reynald was the dying knight that I spoke to earlier who asked me to give his shield to his brother."
If Avatar has Sir Reynald's Shield
Avatar: "I am sad to say that I have seen your brother. He was wounded while fighting against the evil creatures that roam here, and I was unable to save him."
Avatar: "He died as a warrior; his last words bade me bring you this shield."
Set Gave_Reynald_Shield to True
Remove Sir Reynald's Shield from Avatar's Inventory
Add Sir Reynald's Shield to Lambert's Inventory
Lambert: "No! My brother!"
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1
Set Lambert_Journal_Flag_5 to True
Diary: "Sadly, I've found that the man I met on the beach was Sgt. Lambert's brother, and have passed on the shield. Lambert also mentioned that his Commander was missing."
Avatar: "I have not seen him, but I will be sure to remain vigilant."

Triggered Entrance during Reynald Ghost Scene

Sir Reynald's Ghost: "Dear brother, listen to me!"
Lambert: "What is this? What assails my eyes and ears?"
Sir Reynald's Ghost: "It is me, your own kin!"
Lambert: "Dear brother, how I have missed you! What will you have of me, Reynald?"
Sir Reynald's Ghost: "Listen to me, Lambert. Heroism comes not from a weapon, but from the heart. I know your heart, brother, and it is the heart of a hero."
Sir Reynald's Ghost: "You can overcome these odds, brother, and defeat those who have taken my life. I ask you now, avenge me, brother!"
Lambert: "Had I not seen it myself, I would never have believed it! Avatar, I tell you... now, I pledge on my honor and the honor of my dear brother that I will face this evil with you!"
Lambert: "I will meet the demon who lives in the southwest, while you confront the demon who has taken the shrine."
Set Lambert_Journal_Flag_6 to True
If Artos_Agreed_To_Fight is False
Lambert: "But Avatar, we will need one more man, for there are three demons to face."
Diary: "I've managed to talk Lambert into helping me fight the Demon Triumvirate. Now I just need one more person to help."
Diary: "I've managed to talk Lambert into helping me fight the Demon Triumvirate. Since Artos has also agreed to fight the demons, I now have the help that I need!"
Activate Sir Reynald's Ghost's First Trigger
Set Lambert_Agreed_To_Fight to True

Enter Conversation

If DragonHead_Quest_Received is False
If DragonHead_Quest_Refused is False
Lambert: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
SirEris: "Liar! What would the minion of Lord British be doing here? No sane person would come here!"
SirEris: "This man is obviously working for the demons, and he's trying to infiltrate us!"
Lambert: "But, Eris, if he is indeed the Avatar, then we desperately need his help. We should at least give him the chance to prove himself."
Activate Lambert's Second Trigger
Lambert: "We'll make him bring us a red dragon's head to prove his courage. No one but the true savior of Britannia could take on a dragon!"
Set Lambert_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "The guard at the gate of Valoria told me I need to bring him the head of a red dragon before I can even enter Valoria!"
Yes Avatar: "Very well, I'll do it."
No Avatar: "I needn't prove myself to you!"
Lambert: "You're back again? Don't tell me you've changed your mind and decided to take the quest after all?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I will bring you a dragon's head."
No 2 Avatar: "No! Now let me in!"
If Avatar_Gave_Reynald_Shield is False
If Has_Dragon_Head_Convo is False
Lambert: "He has returned alive! Did you actually bring a red dragon's head?"
If Avatar has DragonHead
Set Has_Dragon_Head_Convo to True
Avatar: "Yes, I did."
Remove DragonHead from Avatar's Inventory
Lambert: "You did? But no one could kill a dragon! You must be the genuine Avatar!"
SirEris: "Lambert, he's obviously working with the enemy to fool us! No one could kill a red dragon. It's impossible!"
SirEris: "They can kill you with one glare from their eyes, haven't you heard? I want no part of this!"
Activate Sir Eris' Fourth Trigger - goes to the barracks
Lambert: "Say what you will, but he has proven himself a hero."
Lambert: "Enter, Avatar, for I believe."
Activate Lambert's Fourth Trigger - Lambert opens gate
Avatar: "No."
Eris: "You see? He is not the valiant warrior he claims! Go now, and don't come back unless you have the dragon's head!"
Where Avatar: "Can you tell me where to find a red dragon?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."
Lambert: "I'm sorry, Avatar, but I am still worried about my brother. Have you found him yet, by any chance?"
Set Lambert_Brother_Convo to True
If Avatar has Sir Reynald's Shield
Avatar: "I am sad to say that I have seen your brother. He was wounded while fighting against the evil creatures that roam here, and I was unable to save him."
Avatar: "He died as a warrior; his last words bade me bring you this shield."
Set Gave_Reynald_Shield to True
Remove Sir Reynald's Shield from Avatar's Inventory
Add Sir Reynald's Shield to Lambert's Inventory
Lambert: "No! My brother!"
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1
Set Lambert_Journal_Flag_5 to True
Diary: "Sadly, I've found that the man I met on the beach was Sgt. Lambert's brother, and have passed on the shield. Lambert also mentioned that his Commander was missing."
Avatar: "I have not seen him, but I will be sure to remain vigilant."
If Betrayer_Scene_Done or Tome_Read is False
If Betrayer_Scene_Done is False
Lambert: "You honor me by returning my brother's shield. I only regret that I will never be able to live up to his legacy."
Lambert: "Avatar, these demons have now taken my own brother, possibly my Commander, and now my comrade."
Lambert: "I should have seen the signs that the demons had gotten into Eris's mind... should have seen the signs."
If Demons_Slain is False
If Lambert_Agreed_To_Fight is False
Lambert: "How can I further assist you, Avatar?"
Avatar: "You are a brave man, and I must appeal to you to join me in fighting the Demon Triumvirate."
Lambert: "Unlike my brother, I am no soldier, but rather a common man. I cannot help you."
Avatar: "On the contrary, soldier, I see that you are well equipped for battle."
Lambert: "But I have not the necessary skill!"
Activate Lambert's First Trigger - starts scene with Reynald
Lambert: "I will fight this demon. You must face the beast who haunts the shrine."
If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is False
Lambert: "Avatar, I must thank you! I can't believe that we beat those demons. It seems that the situation here may be improving, but only time will tell."
Lambert: "My most humble thanks for your aid and faith, Avatar. We defeated those enemies most handily!"
Avatar: "What shall you do now, hero?"
Lambert: "So as to follow in my brother's footsteps, I plan to train to be a Knight of Valor."
Avatar: "That is a noble sentiment, sergeant."
If Raven_Killed_Hays is True
Avatar: "But I am afraid that I must again be the bearer of bad news, as I now know what became of your Commander. He tried to steal my companion's ship and she was forced to kill him."
Lambert: "It is a sad thing, to see what that wretched column did to our Fortress of Valor and the noble men that it housed."
Lambert: "Commander Hays was a good man, Avatar, until his mind was twisted by the evil that has consumed Britannia."
Lambert: "Thank you again for freeing us of that evil and allowing us to think clearly once more."
Avatar: "Have you heard news of your Commander?"
Lambert: "Since his flight, we have not seen him. It is possible he has left the island, but I fear the worst."
Avatar: "A pity. I hope you find news of him soon. Go in valor, Sergeant Lambert."


Lambert: "I knew that no one could be that brave. Now go and leave us!"
Set DragonHead_Quest_Refused to True

No 2

Lambert: "Why should I? Eris must have been right about you. Now get out of here!"


Lambert: "You will? Are you craz.. I mean, very well, then. If you can bring back the head of a red dragon, you will be allowed entrance to Valoria."
Set DragonHead_Quest_Received to True
Set Signal_Fire_At_Docks to True
Where Avatar: "Can you tell me where to find a red dragon?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Lambert: "There are tales of a red dragon that lives in the depths of Destard. It's north of here by ship, but you値l never get in. The entrance is blocked by a huge boulder."
Set Lambert_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "I'm told there may be a red dragon in Destard, which is north of here by ship. The main entrance is blocked by a boulder, though."
Boulder Avatar: "Can the boulder be moved?"
Alternate Avatar: "Is there another way into the dungeon?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Lambert: "Yes, by the word of power."
Lambert: "The problem is that the man who knew the word, Sir Drake, used the word of power to seal off the dungeon so the vile creatures there would be trapped inside."
Lambert: "Of course, he too was trapped inside when he did this."
Alternate Avatar: "Is there another way into the dungeon?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Farewell."


Lambert: "I have heard that the only other entrance has been frozen over by ice."
Lambert: "I guess you could melt it, but if I were you, I'll just forget it and go back to Britain where it's safer."
Set Lambert_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "Sgt. Lambert said that the only other possible entrance to Destard is frozen over with ice. I may have to melt it."



Sir Artos[edit]

Enter Conversation

If Demons_Slain is False
If Artos_Agreed_To_Fight or Lambert_Agreed_To_Fight is False
If Betrayer_Scene_Done is False
Set First_SirArtos_Convo to True
Sir Artos: "Art thou the Avatar? What irony... the Knight of Britannia in the abode of one whose courage has faded in the face of adversity!"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Faded Avatar: "What has befallen you, friend?"
Bye Avatar: "I will leave you to your solitude."
If Tome_Read is False
Sir Artos: "I fear, Avatar, that unless you are able to help us rid our fortress of the demons, our lives and even our sanity will be forfeit."
Sir Artos: "I trained with Sir Eris back in my younger days, and it is a sad thing to see what has become of him."
Avatar: "Come with me, Sir Artos. I have faith in your ability, and I need you to help me fight the demons."
Sir Artos: "I would not be the valued companion you seek, but rather a burden, for my heart is filled with fear."
Avatar: "Everyone feels fear! It is normal to fear, but it is cowardice not to face that fear."
Sir Artos: "Enough!"
Avatar: "You're nothing but a coward!"
Sir Artos: "Now you anger me!"
Avatar: "Do not crumble, Sir Artos! Use your anger against those who have taken your honor and your faith!"
Avatar: "Help me to defeat the demons, and you will defeat your own demons as well. Otherwise, wallow in your shame and cowardice."
Sir Artos: "Desist! You have enraged me to the point that I must now fight! I will prove you wrong, Avatar, but do not think we are finished. No one calls me a coward without paying the price!"
Set Artos_Agreed_To_Fight to True
Set Artos_Journal_Flag_1 to True
If Lambert_Agreed_To_Fight is False
Sir Artos: "I will help you, but do not forget that we still need another person to fight the third demon."
Diary: "Artos has agreed to help me fight the demons! Now I just need one more person to help me fight the demons."
Diary: "Artos has agreed to help me fight the demons! I now have both of the men I need to defeat them. Things are looking up here in Valoria!"
Sir Artos (noncinematic): "Avatar? Dost thou now doubt my ability? I have vowed to battle this demon! I suggest you go to the shrine and defeat the demon that awaits thee."
If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is False
Sir Artos (noncinematic): "Avatar! Greetings! We have unfinished business."
Sir Artos: "I may not be the smartest of men, but I understand that you provoked my anger to save me from my own self-doubt."
Sir Artos: "Were it not for you, I would still be paralyzed in the clutches of unreasoning fear. I am honored to call you trusted friend."
Avatar,: "You were brave, Sir Artos. I am honored to be called friend."
Sir Artos: "Listen closely, for I will tell you the secret mantra that can be used to call upon the spirit of the Shrine of Valor."
Sir Artos: "It is 'RA'. Use this mantra and the Dagger of Valor to cleanse the shrine."
Avatar: "Thank you, sir."
Set Knows_Valor_Mantra to True
Diary: "I learned the Mantra of Valor from Sir Artos today. It is 'Ra'."
Sir Artos: "And one more thing, Avatar. As a gesture of respect, the Knights of Valoria offer you the Sigil of Valor. May its magic aid you in your righteous cause."
Sir Artos: "Carry it in courage, Avatar."
Avatar: "But what will become of the Valorian Knights without the sigil?"
Sir Artos: "Better for us to allow you to use it for good deeds than for it to remain locked in here while the world is crushed into darkness. Go well, Avatar."
Sir Artos: "Avatar, thou art indeed a true savior! Were it not for your help, we would all still be cowering like babes in these walls."
Sir Artos: "I find myself shamed to think of the way I shrunk from adversity, when I was needed most. Be assured it will not happen again."
Sir Artos: "I have appointed myself Sergeant Lambert's new trainer, and together we shall rebuild the legacy of the Valorian Knights."
Sir Artos: "Go in courage, Avatar, and know that we are grateful."


Sir Artos: "My name is Artos. I was once counted among the most valorous of knights."
Sir Artos: "There was a time when I never felt fear in battle, when I always emerged in triumph."
Sir Artos: "Alas, those days are but a memory."
Faded Avatar: "What has befallen you, friend?"
Battle Avatar: "Who were you doing battle against?"
Bye Avatar: "I will leave you to your solitude."


Sir Artos: "Fear, sir. It paralyzed me, then caused me to flee the battle. In doing so, I left my companions to die alone and in agony."
Sir Artos: "Surely you understand why I am so overcome with shame over what I've done."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Battle Avatar: "Who were you doing battle against?"
Bye Avatar: "I will leave you to your solitude."


Sir Artos: "We were bested by the demons that even now plague Valoria. Through defeat, my valor has been stripped away and my honor forsaken."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Faded Avatar: "What has befallen you, friend?"
Bye Avatar: "I will leave you to your solitude."



Sir Eris[edit]

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic Event) Demon Scene Eris 1

Sir Eris: "I am here!"

Triggered Entrance (Cinematic Event) Demon Scene Eris 2

SirEris: "Here it is! Here is the sigil! Now, go! Do with it what you will, but keep your end of the deal and leave us now! I have fulfilled my part."

Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

If Valoria_Gates_Open is True
SirEris: "So you're the Avatar? You must be awfully brave to go and do the things that you do."

Enter Conversation

If First_Eris_Convo or First_SirArtos_Convo or First_Meranthon_Convo is False
Set First_Eris_Convo to True
Sir Eris: "You think that the demons will allow themselves to be defeated by us? Ha!"
Demons Avatar: "What demons are you talking about?"
Help Avatar: "I'm here to help you defeat the demons."
Dark Forces Avatar: "Your mind has been swayed by dark forces, sir knight."


Sir Eris: "The demons that have taken over. The demons that want our Dagger of Valor, that's who!"
Dagger Avatar: "What is the Dagger of Valor?"
Help 2 Avatar: "I'm here to help you defeat the demons."
Bye Avatar: "I obviously can't allay your fears, sir knight. Farewell."


Sir Eris: "You don't understand. Those demons are invincible! I don't care how strong you are, you can't beat them."
Sir Eris: "Many knights have tried and they all died horribly! I'm not gonna to face them. I just want out of here!"
Sir Eris: "We've been protecting the Dagger of Valor from those demons for years, and for what? We should just give them the sigil and maybe we'd at least survive."
Demons Avatar: "What demons are you talking about?"
Fight Avatar: "Certainly we can combine our efforts to defeat these demons!"
Dark Forces Avatar: "Your mind has been swayed by dark forces, sir knight."
Bye Avatar: "I obviously can't allay your fears, sir knight. Farewell."

Help 2

Sir Eris: "You don't understand. Those demons are invincible! I don't care how strong you are, you can't beat them."
Sir Eris: "Many knights have tried and they all died horribly! I'm not gonna to face them. I just want out of here!"
Sir Eris: "We've been protecting the Dagger of Valor from those demons for years, and for what? We should just give them the sigil and maybe we'd at least survive."
Demons Avatar: "What demons are you talking about?"
Fight Avatar: "Certainly we can combine our efforts to defeat these demons!"
Dark Forces Avatar: "Your mind has been swayed by dark forces, sir knight."
Dagger Avatar: "What is the Dagger of Valor?"
Bye Avatar: "I obviously can't allay your fears, sir knight. Farewell."


Sir Eris: "It's our sigil of valor. The demons want it for some reason, I don't know why. It would probably be best for us to just go ahead and give it to them."
Sir Eris: "Maybe then they'd go away and leave us alone."
Where Avatar: "Where is this dagger?"
Demons Avatar: "What demons are you talking about?"
Help Avatar: "I'm here to help you defeat the demons."
Bye Avatar: "I obviously can't allay your fears, sir knight. Farewell."


Sir Eris: "It's protected within the volcano, and only a Valorian Knight has the power to call it out, which is why the demons need us."
Sir Eris: "They know it represents virtue, and they hate that. They won't stop until they get it!"
Demons Avatar: "What demons are you talking about?"
Help Avatar: "I'm here to help you defeat the demons."
Bye Avatar: "I obviously can't allay your fears, sir knight. Farewell."

Dark Forces

Sir Eris: "No it hasn't! You just don't know what you're talking about. Believe me, I've seen what those demons can do and I'm telling you that they can't be defeated."
Sir Eris: "It's hopeless! Please don't try to get me out there, please!"
Demons Avatar: "What demons are you talking about?"
Fight Avatar: "Certainly we can combine our efforts to defeat these demons!"
Bye Avatar: "I obviously can't allay your fears, sir knight. Farewell."


Sir Eris: "You don't seem to understand. It is hopeless against them! Our greatest fighter, Commander Hays, has already fled the certain death that awaits us here."
Sir Eris: "If we do not follow him, we are all destined to die here and there is nothing we can do about it."
Sir Eris: "If you're smart you'll find a good place to hide in case those demons show up around here. Better yet, if you want to help us, get us out of here."
Dark Forces Avatar: "Your mind has been swayed by dark forces, sir knight."
Demons Avatar: "What demons are you talking about?"
Bye Avatar: "I obviously can't allay your fears, sir knight. Farewell."



Sir Reynald[edit]

Proximity Enter

SirReynald: "Argghhh! Who's there? Demons! Too many of them, couldn't hold them off!"
SirReynald: "Kind friend, take my... take my shield. Give to my brother, tell him to be brave. Be valorous. Fight demons, must kill demons! Ahhh!"
Set Reynald_Spoken_To_C to True
If Lambert_Brother_Convo is false
Set Reynald_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "A dying knight gave me his shield and asked that I give it to his brother. The only problem is that the knight died before I could find out who his brother was."
Set Reynald_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "I met a dying knight who gave me his shield and asked that I give it to his brother. I wonder if he could have meant Sgt. Lambert."
Give Avatar Sir Reynald Shield
Activate Reynald's First Trigger

Sir Reynald's Ghost[edit]

All Dialogue Found in Lambert's Scripted Conversations.


Enter Conversation

If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is False
If Yastar_Bone_Quest_Received_C is False
Yastar: "Who's that? Is that you I hear, Avatar?"
How Avatar: "How do you know who I am?"
Bye Avatar: "I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll be going."
If Yastar_Bone_Quest_Done_C is False
If the Avatar has nightshade, ginseng, spider’s silk, and three skulls
Yastar: "Ah, you've returned! That will do just fine. Now take those bones, and follow the stones outside my door to the pit. That will take you to the ritual location."
Yastar: "Place the bones on the circle, and you will get your bone armor."
Avatar: "Don't you have to do the ritual yourself?"
Yastar: "I'm not going out there! It's dangerous! You go, and I'll watch from here."
Avatar: "What about the reagents I collected?"
Yastar: "Consider those my payment. They're used for some of my other spells, but I haven't wanted to risk going out there and collecting them myself."
Avatar: "Thank you, sir. Farewell."
Set Yastar_Bone_Quest_Done_C To True
Remove 1 nightshade, spider's silks and ginseng from the Avatar's inventory
Activate Yastar's Second Trigger - allows access to ritual chamber
Yastar: "Have you gathered the components yet?"
Avatar: "Not yet."
Yastar: "Well, come back once you do. There is a list of what you need on the table."
Yastar: "I hope you like the armor, Avatar. You'll need everything you can get to survive around here."
Yastar: "Avatar! Thanks to you, I can collect my own reagents now, without fear of being attacked by those disgusting undead."
Yastar: "After being afraid of them for so long, I believe I will dedicate myself henceforth to the research of undead and ways to defeat them. I owe you a debt, Avatar."


Yastar: "You've been in the history books eight times before this and you think your name hasn't gotten around?"
Yastar: "I would think you'd be used to people knowing who you are by now. I'm Yastar. I've been creating bone armor and researching magic here for years."
Yastar: "What is it you need?"
Armor Avatar: "So you can create armor?"
Bye Avatar: "I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll be going."


Yastar: "I can, for a certain price. What is it you need?"
Bone Armor Avatar: "I would like some bone armor made."
Bye Avatar: "I need nothing, sir. Thank you."

Bone Armor

Yastar: "I can make bone armor for you, but I'll need something to make it worthwhile. You'll have to bring me the components."
Yastar: "If you need it, there's a list of what I require there on the table."
Diary: "Yastar has a note that lists the items needed to create some pieces of bone armor, and will help me if I bring the components to him."
Set Yastar_Bone_Quest_Received_C to True



Shrine of Valor[edit]

Enter Conversation

Shrine of Valor: "Speak now the Mantra of Valor."
Check input for "ra"
If true
Mantra Correct
If false
Mantra Wrong

Mantra Wrong

If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is false
Shrine of Valor: "Thou doth speak not the valorous Mantra. Go out and seek the words that shall cleanse me."
Shrine of Valor: "This is not the mantra of Valor. Avatar, hast thou so quickly forgotten the sacred mantra with which you restored me?"

Mantra Correct

If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is true
Shrine of Valor: "Avatar, thou hast restored valor to the land. Let thine acts shine forth as an example to all."
Shrine of Valor: "Dost thou wish to perform the ritual of restoration?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes"
No Avatar: "No"
Shrine of Valor: "Who comes before me? 'Tis the Avatar, the champion of virtues. Only this virtue is no more."
Shrine of Valor: "Valor is corrupted and no longer to be found in the town of Valoria. You can set things to right, Avatar."
Shrine of Valor: "Find and bring the sigil and the glyph, then meditate before me speaking the mantra. Then shalt I again be whole and right. Show thy valor and do for me this task."


Shrine of Valor: "Then speak the words of restoration."
Check input for "vas mani corp"
If true
Restoration Correct
If false
Restoration Wrong


Shrine of Valor: "Very well, go forth and let thy valor inspire all of Britannia to overthrow the evil that dwells throughout."

Restoration Correct

Initiate Ritual of Restoration

Restoration Wrong

If you have not used up your three attempts to get the words of Restoration correct.
Shrine of Valor: "Thou hast not spoken the words of restoration. Concentrate, and speak again so that thou mayest heal thyself."
Return to Yes
Shrine of Valor: "If you wish to be restored, learn the words of restoration and return to see me."

Shrine Cleansing Cinematic

Shrine of Valor: "Speak now the Mantra of Valor."
Check input for "ra"
If true
See Shrine for Cleansing Cinematic
Set Shrine_Valor_Cleansed to true
If false
Mantra Wrong

Daemon Triumvirate[edit]

Triggered Entrance in Valoria (noncinematic) 1

If First_Eris_Convo and First_SirArtos_Convo and First_Meranthon_Convo are True
Demon Triumvirate: "Where is he? Where is Eris?"
Activate Demon Triumvirate's First Trigger

Triggered Entrance in Valoria (noncinematic) 2

If First_Eris_Convo and First_SirArtos_Convo and First_Meranthon_Convo are True
Demon Triumvirate: "Do what you have promised, Eris, and I will let you live."
Activate Demon Triumvirate's Third Trigger

Triggered Entrance in Valoria (noncinematic) 3

If First_Eris_Convo and First_SirArtos_Convo and First_Meranthon_Convo are True
Demon Triumvirate: "I did not believe it would be so easy, but you, Eris, are a fool!"
Demon Triumvirate: "Where are your heroes now, Valorian Knights? Remain cowering in your burrows, for I and my brothers now possess your treasured sigil of Valor!"
Set Betrayer_Scene_Done to True

Enter Conversation

Go to Attack


Set DemonTrium_Aggro_C to True
Set DemonTrium to attack the Avatar

Unused/Unobserved Dialogue Lines[edit]

Triggered Entrance Unused 103

If DemonTrium_Aggro_C is False
If Shrine_Valor_Cleansed is False
Demon Triumvirate: "Ha, ha, ha. What a pitiful dupe you really are!"
Demon Triumvirate: "Don't you know that I cannot be killed? Ha, ha, ha, ha!"
Demon Triumvirate: "The Guardian will reward me richly for your mangled hide! I look forward to sucking the marrow from your bones, Avatar!"
Demon Triumvirate: "What is this?!"
Demon Triumvirate: "What is this?! If you are here with me, who is attacking my brothers?!"
Go to Attack
If Demons_Slain is True
Sir Eris: "Avatar."
Go to Attack

Generic Demon Triumvirate[edit]

Proximity Enter (noncinematic)

Generic Demon Triumvirate: "You pitiful mortal fool! Do you really believe you can hurt me? I will dance on your disemboweled carcass!"

Triggered Entrance (noncinematic) - Unused

Generic Demon Triumvirate: "Oh, no! This cannot be!! Nooo....!!!"



Enter Proximity Noncinematic

If Yerffoeg_Coward_C is false
Yerffoeg: "Well, what have we here? The Avatar!"
If Yerffoeg_Aggro_C is true
Go to Attack

Enter Conversation

If Yerffoeg_Coward_C is false
If Yerffoeg_Aggro_C is true
Go to Attack
Else If Geoffrey_Spared is false
Yerffoeg: "Ha! I can't wait to bring your head back to the Guardian!"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
No Fight Avatar: "I have no wish to fight you."
Fight Avatar: "If you think that you can take my head, come try to get it!"
Geoffrey: "I have behaved shamefully and I beg your forgiveness."
No Need Avatar: "There is no need to ask for forgiveness, Geoffrey."
Help Avatar: "How can I help you, my friend?"
Coward Avatar: "You turned into a coward Geoffrey!"
Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
Yerffoeg: "Wait! Stop! Please don't hurt me!"
Yerffoeg: "I don't want to fight you. Just leave me alone!"
Yerffoeg: "Just go away. Don't hurt me!"


Yerffoeg: "I'm the Wyrmguard that's going to take your life. That's all you need to know, 'hero'!"
No Fight Avatar: "I have no wish to fight you."
Fight Avatar: "If you think that you can take my head, come try to get it!"

No Fight

Yerffoeg: "No doubt, because you see your death staring back at you! Prepare yourself, 'hero'; death is at hand!"
Go to Attack


Yerffoeg: "I will take your head! I will! Prepare yourself, 'hero'; your death is at hand!"
Fight2 Avatar: "I hear you talk, but I see no action. Come on, take one step forward and I'll cut you down."
No Fight "I have no wish to fight you."


Yerffoeg: "You'll just stay right where you are if you know what's good for you."
Yerffoeg: "If you make a single move toward me, I'll call all of the Wyrmguard here and we'll kill you where you stand!"
Avatar: "That's it, I've had enough of you. Draw your weapon!"
Yerffoeg: "No! No! Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll be quiet, just please don't hurt me."
Set Yerffoeg_Coward_C to true
Kill Avatar: "You started this; now I'm going to finish it!"
Pathetic Avatar: "Fine, just stay there and quiver, you pathetic coward."


Yerffoeg: "Thank you, thank you! Yes, I'll stay here; just please don't hurt me."
Set Geoffrey_Spared to true


Yerffoeg: "No! Please, no!"
Go to Attack


Set Yerffoeg_Aggro_C to true
Set Yerffoeg to attack the Avatar

No Need

Geoffrey: "You're kind, but wrong. Somehow, something from the Guardian got into my mind and corrupted me. It sapped me of my courage."
Geoffrey: "I even renounced my sovereign lord, Lord British. I have behaved shamefully, but I have you to thank for my redemption."
Geoffrey: "Something that you have done has released me from the evil that had me in its grip."
Column Avatar: "It wasn't your fault, Geoffrey. The column corrupted you."
Help Avatar: "How can I help you, my friend?"
Coward Avatar: "You turned into a coward Geoffrey!"


Geoffrey: "Be that as it may, my actions will haunt me forever. Now I must go back to Lord British, tell him of my actions, and hope that he will accept me again. Thank you, Avatar. Goodbye."


Geoffrey: "You've already helped me, and for that I thank you. Now I must go back to Lord British, tell him of my actions, and hope that he will accept me again. Thank you, Avatar. Goodbye."


Geoffrey: "Yes, I know. Believe me, my actions will haunt me forever. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go back to Lord British, tell him of my actions, and hope that he will accept me again. Goodbye."


Triggered Cinematic in cave

Talornia (Noncinematic): "Ah, I've been expecting you Avatar."
Talornia: "The Guardian warned me that you would come nosing around my lair, and here you are. Tell me, what did you expect to do once you found me?"
Talornia: "Surely you don't think that you can defeat me! You are very brave, but very foolish, Avatar: you didn't even have the sense to bring an army!"
Talornia: "I'm not sure if I find that admirable or amusing. Either way, it was a very large mistake on your part and one for which you will pay dearly."
Fight Avatar: "I'll tell you what I expect to do; I expect to kill you."
Guardian Avatar: "Are you working for the Guardian?"
Bye Avatar: "Umm, I'm not the Avatar, and I'm very sorry to have disturbed you. Goodbye."


Talornia: "Well that settles it: I definitely find you amusing. Your confidence is amazing, Avatar, but confidence is not enough."
Talornia: "There is a certain quality about you, though. It would be a shame to have to kill you. Perhaps we can work something out, Avatar."
No Talk Avatar: "Are you going to just stand there and talk, or are we going to fight?"
Kill Avatar: "No, for the sake of Britannia, I intend to kill you where you stand!"

No Talk

Talornia: "What? I'll not take such impudence from a human! You die now, Avatar!"
Go to Attack


Talornia: "Oh come now, Avatar; you needn't be so rigid. Think for a moment, I have the Wyrmguard in my palm. They do as I say. After all, what choice do they have?"
Talornia: "The might of my dragons, combined with your strength and skill could conquer anything, even the Guardian."
Talornia: "And I know what you're thinking, forget Lord British; he is a dead man who just doesn't know that he's dead yet. You can't stand against the Guardian and me."
Talornia: "Join me and together we'll topple the Guardian. Think, Avatar, it's your only option and you know it."
Right Avatar: "Hmm, maybe you're right..."
Attack Avatar: "I'll not be seduced by a serpent. Guard yourself, wyrm!"


Talornia: "Not for the Guardian, with the Guardian! And only because it suits me to do so. It has allowed me to bide my time and weigh my options."
Talornia: "Now that you're here, I have a proposition for you."
Fight2 Avatar: "I've heard enough from you, vile creature. Prepare for death!"
Proposition Avatar: "What is your proposition?"
Bye Avatar: "On second thought, I think I just want to leave. Goodbye."


Talornia: "Your confidence is amazing, Avatar, but confidence is not enough."
Talornia: "I had hoped to make an ally of you; how sad that I must kill you instead."
Go to Attack


Talornia: "Think for a moment: I have the Wyrmguard in my palm. They do as I say. After all, what choice do they have?"
Talornia: "The might of my dragons combined with your strength and skill could conquer anything, even the Guardian."
Talornia: "And I know what you're thinking; forget Lord British. He is a dead man who just doesn't know that he's dead yet. You can't stand against me and the Guardian."
Talornia: "Join me, and together we'll topple the Guardian and rule Britannia. Think, Avatar; it's your only option and you know it."
Diary: "Talornia the Dragon told me that she has been working with the Guardian, and even offered to join forces with me against the Guardian. But where would that leave me later? I have a feeling Talornia's gratitude would not last long."
Right Avatar: "Hmm, maybe you're right..."
Attack Avatar: "I'll not be seduced by a serpent. Guard yourself, wyrm!"


Talornia: "You know that I'm right. I offer you salvation and great power. Lord British and the Guardian can only offer you death."
Talornia: "Come, approach, lay down your sword and join me Avatar."
Join Avatar: "Yes, I'll do it."
Attack Avatar: "I'll not be seduced by a serpent. Guard yourself, wyrm!"


Talornia: "Oh, Avatar, I expected better of you. I had hoped to make an ally of you, but now I see that you are a coward. I must kill you where you stand."
Go to Attack


Set Talornia to attack the Avatar


Set Avatar_Helping_Talornia_C to true

Triggered Noncinematic 1 if Avatar chooses to Join

Talornia: "I knew that you'd come to see the wisdom of my proposition."

Triggered Noncinematic 2 if Avatar chooses to Join

Talornia: "Come closer, Avatar."

Triggered Noncinematic 3 if Avatar chooses to Join

Talornia: "You are supposed to be so virtuous and so righteous, yet you were no harder to seduce than any other human."

Triggered Noncinematic 4 if Avatar chooses to Join

Talornia: "You are all weak of mind as well as body! Isn't it sad that only now you realize the mistake that you made by seeking me out?"

Triggered Noncinematic 5 if Avatar chooses to Join

Talornia: "You'll have an eternity to regret your decision."

Triggered Noncinematic 6 if Avatar chooses to Join

Talornia: "Farewell, great Avatar!"
Activate Talornia's First trigger - Armageddon clip and end of game


Triggered Noninematic Near Column in Destard

If First_Adreanna_Convo is false
Adreanna: "Hello, sir. How good it is to see another person!"
If Destard_Dragon_Quest_Complete is false
Adreanna: "Hello again."
Adreanna (Cinematic): "Hello, Avatar. I was hoping that you would return. I wanted to thank you for helping us, as now we are finally free to leave this place. Good luck on your journeys. Farewell."
Activate Adreanna's first trigger - she disappears

Enter Conversation

If Destard_Dragon_Quest_Received is false
Set First_Adreanna_Convo to true
Adreanna: "I see that you have managed thus far to escape the dragon. If only my comrades and I had been so fortunate."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, sad spirit?"
Party Avatar: "What happened to your party?"
Dragon Avatar: "Where is the dragon?"
If Gave_Adreanna_Journal is false
Adreanna: "Ah friend, I see that you have returned. Yet the dragon still lives and we are still trapped in this horrid place!"
Adreanna: "Have you at least brought some news of my husband?"
If Avatar has Darim Journal
Avatar: "Yes, I found this journal."
Remove Darim's Journal from Avatar's Inventory
Add Darim's Journal to Adreanna's Inventory
Adreanna: "I can see here that Darim did indeed die from the dragon's assault. This grieves me deeply, yet at last I know what happened to my dear one."
Adreanna: "I thank you for bringing this to me and giving me some peace. I know that once the dragon is dead, Darim and I may rest together."
Adreanna: "As a token of my appreciation, take from me this piece of the magic eggshell. May it aid you in your quest. My thanks, dear friend."
Remove Dragon EggShell from Adreanna's Inventory
Add Dragon Eggshell to Avatar's Inventory
Set Gave_Adreanna_Journal to true
Diary: "I returned Darim's journal to Adreanna, which unfortunately confirmed that Darim was killed by the dragon, just as Adreanna was. In gratitude, she gave me a piece of the magic eggshell that I need."
Avatar: "Not yet."
Adreanna: "Please do not give up your search. I must know what became of my dear one. My thanks to you, friend."
If Destard_Dragon_Quest_Complete is false
Adreanna: "Thank you, Avatar, for bringing me news of my dear husband. Now if only my soul could ascend from this place, I would be with my dear Darim."


Adreanna: "My name is Adreanna. I hailed from the village of Dawn. And who might you be?"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
Friend Avatar: "Just a friend."


Adreanna: "Really? Are you truly serious? I never thought that I should ever meet the Avatar!"
Adreanna: "Well, if you are the Avatar, perhaps you can help release my spirit and those of my companions from the curse of the dragon."
Adreanna: "Our souls have been bound to this place until the dragon is slain. We beg you to help us, Avatar."
Set Adreanna_Knows_Avatar to true
Party Avatar: "What happened to your party?"
Dragon Avatar: "Where is the dragon?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."


Adreanna: "Well, if you are a true friend, perhaps you can help release my spirit and those of my companions from the curse of the dragon."
Adreanna: "Our souls have been bound to this place until the dragon is slain. We beg you to help us, friend."
Party Avatar: "What happened to your party?"
Dragon Avatar: "Where is the dragon?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."


Adreanna: "It rests in a cave north of the lava pit. But be wary, the entrance to its den is blocked by a wall of fire."
Adreanna: "You'll need the pieces of the eggshell to get past the barrier."
Set Adreanna_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A spirit named Adreanna told me that once the dragon is slain, she and the other spirits here will finally be free to leave. The dragon is located in a cave north of the lava pit, but a wall of fire blocks the entrance to the cave. In order to get past the wall of fire, I'll need to find the pieces of an eggshell."
Eggshell Avatar: "What eggshell are you talking about?"
Party Avatar: "What happened to your party?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."


Adreanna: "It's a magic eggshell. According to legend, this was the shell of Talornia's firstborn."
Adreanna: "Its magic properties were used by the cult to make the barrier to her lair."
Adreanna: "After it was made, the eggshell was shattered into 5 pieces and scattered around the dungeon."
Adreanna: "Only by placing the pieces on the correct stones in the lava pit can the barrier be destroyed."
Set Adreanna_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Adreanna said the five pieces of the eggshell are scattered around the dungeon. She also said that according to legend, the eggshell was of Talornia's firstborn, and its magical properties were used to create the barrier to her lair."
Party Avatar: "What happened to your party?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."


Adreanna: "I believe that all of us were killed by the dragon. Though I have found the rest of the spirits in our party, I have not yet found my dear husband, Darim."
Adreanna: "I hope that he lives, yet I'm afraid that he did not make it. We came down here many years ago to kill the dragon because it was attacking our town."
Adreanna: "We decided that it was better to try to kill the dragon than submit to it as others would have it."
Submit Avatar: "Who tried to submit to the dragon?"
Dragon Avatar: "Where is the dragon?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."


Adreanna: "There was a man named Xarnthal who was convinced that, should we worship the dragon, it would not only spare us from its attacks, but would also protect us."
Adreanna: "The town was split; many people joined Xarnthal's cult, but we preferred to fight. I still believe that our cause was right."
Adreanna: "We may even have succeeded had it not been for Xarnthal's interference. I still cannot believe how the town tore itself apart."
Dawn Avatar: "The town tore itself apart?"
Xarnthal Avatar: "How did Xarnthal interfere with your mission?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."


Adreanna: "Yes, the town was split over what to do about the dragon. Xarnthal and his cult caused a great deal of strife over it. There were times when the two sides almost came to blows."
Xarnthal Avatar: "How did Xarnthal interfere with your mission?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go now."


Adreanna: "He told the dragon of our plan. We had hoped to catch the dragon unaware, but that was made impossible. If that were not enough, Xarnthal's cult helped the dragon to perform a ritual that bound us to this place."
Adreanna: "Because of this, all of us who came to destroy the dragon may not rest, but are doomed to haunt this dungeon until the dragon is killed."
Adreanna: "You are a brave and stalwart soul, this I can tell. Perhaps you may help us."
Help Avatar: "How may I help you?"
No Avatar: "I don't think that I have time for this."


Adreanna: "If you can slay the dragon, you will relieve us from the dragon's curse and allow our souls to rest."
Adreanna: "I also ask that you bring me some evidence of what happened to my husband.";
Adreanna: "I hope that he yet lives, but I fear that he does not. I only want to know what has happened to him."
Adreanna: "Please bring me some proof of my husband's fate. Will you do these things?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, poor lady, I'll do whatever I can for you."
No Avatar: "I'm terribly sorry, but I'm very busy right now. I must be gone."


Adreanna: "Bless you, dear friend! Be very careful and stout of heart, for the dragon is strong and devious. And please try to bring back some news of my dear husband. Farewell."
Set Destard_Dragon_Quest_Received
Diary: "Adreanna asked me to find some evidence of what became of her husband Darim. I told her that I would try to find something for her."


Adreanna: "Oh please, I beg you to reconsider. You cannot imagine what a torture it is to wander this place forever."
Adreanna: "Please, we must be allowed to rest and I must know what happened to my soulmate."
If Adreanna_Knows_Avatar is true
Adreanna: "After all, you are the Avatar. Please, I beg you, help us!"
Adreanna: "After all, you said that you are a friend. Please, I beg you, help us."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, you are right, I will help you."
Yes Avatar: "I'm very busy, but if I happen across Darim's journal, I'll bring it back to you."




Triggered Noncinematic when Avatar enters Giant Rat room

Bane: "Help! Please help me! Get these rats off me! Argh!"

Triggered Cinematic when Avatar kills Giant Rats

If Bane_Was_Freed_C is false
Bane: "Help! Please, I have been left in here to die!"
What Avatar: "What have you done to deserve this?"
Bye Avatar: "Sorry, I don't have time to help you."


Bane: "Done? Done?! I've done nothing to deserve this! I simply grew too old to serve the dragon anymore, so one of those accursed Wyrmguards chained me up in here."
Bane: "He left the key somewhere in here out of my reach."
Serve Avatar: "In what manner did you serve the dragon?"
Key Avatar: "The key is in here?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Bane: "The Wyrmguards have enslaved a number of people who mine this dungeon for gems for the dragon. In return, the selfish beast gives up young dragons to be trained by the Wyrmguard."
Bane: "Have you ever heard of such a travesty? They left me here to die because I was too feeble to dig anymore."
Set Told_About_Serving_Dragon to true
Diary: "A prisoner named Bane, who once served the dragon, tells me that the Wyrmguard have enslaved people and forced them to mine gems for the dragon. In return, the dragon gives up its young to be trained by the Wyrmguard."
Key Avatar: "The key is in here?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Bane: "Yes, a scoundrel named Dartane dropped the key somewhere in here and laughed about me never being able to get at it. Oh, if only I had been brave enough in my youth to defy those brutes!"
Bane: "I may have died, but at least I would have died with dignity. Please, see if you can find the key to release me. If I can get out of here, I may be able to spend my remaining days as a man."
Set Bane_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Apparently someone named Dartane dropped the key to Bane's shackles inside his cell, telling Bane he would never find it. What a cruel joke!"
Look Avatar: "I'll look for the key."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Bane: "Oh, thank you! It really shouldn't take but a moment."
Set Destard_Key_Quest_Received to true


Bane: "Please don't leave yet! The key to my chains is somewhere here in my room. It won't take long for you to find it. Please help!"
If Told_About_Serving_Dragon is false
Serve Avatar: "In what manner did you serve the dragon?"
Look Avatar: "I'll look for the key."
No Avatar: "I said no. I don't have time."


Bane: "You are as cruel as the scum who placed me here! Begone, wretch!"
Decrease Avatar's Karma by 1

Enter Conversation

If Destard_Key_Quest_Received is true and Bane_Was_Freed_C is false
Bane: "Did you find the key?"
If Avatar doesn't have Destard Key
Avatar: "Not yet."
Bane: "Oh please, continue to look. I know that it's here somewhere."
Avatar: "Yes, I did. Wait just a moment and I'll set you free."
Set Bane_Was_Freed_C to true
Bane: "Thank you so much for your help! When I reach the surface, I shall dedicate my life to encouraging others to take charge of their lives and to stand up against the Wyrmguard!"
Bane: "As for you, be careful: any of the Wyrmguard here will likely attack you on sight. Farewell!"
Increase Avatar's Karma by 1
Else If Bane_Was_Freed_C is true
Bane: "I know that you have important things to do, so you go on about your business, young man. I'll make my way to the surface by myself."


Enter Conversation

If Dartane_Aggro_C is true
Go to Attack

Enter Proximity Cinematic

If Dartane_Aggro_C is false
Dartane: "Halt! Who are you and what are you doing down here?"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar and I go where I like."
No One Avatar: "I am no one of importance. You needn't bother with me."
Go to Attack


Dartane: "Well, Avatar, I am Dartane of the Wyrmguard, the most feared warrior in all of Britannia!"
Wyrmguard Avatar: "What the hell are the Wyrmguard doing down here?"
Bye Avatar: Well, in that case, I'll just be leaving. Goodbye."

No One

Dartane: "Ha! I could tell that you were a coward the moment that I clapped eyes upon you. Don't worry, it's never a bother for a Wyrmguard to kill the likes of you!"
Wyrmguard Avatar: "What the hell are the Wyrmguard doing down here?"
Bye Avatar: Well, in that case, I'll just be leaving. Goodbye."


Dartane: "You dare speak to me like that? Well, perhaps you intend to die a hero. I haven't had much sport of late; killing you is exactly what I need!"
Go to Attack


Dartane: "Wait! Turn around, coward. I don't mind stabbing someone in the back, mind you. I just prefer to see the look upon a man's face when I kill him. Prepare yourself for death!"
Go to Attack


Set Dartane_Aggro_C to true
Set Dartane to attack the Avatar


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Molly: "You. I know not who you are, but you should leave this place now."

Enter Conversation

If First_Molly_Convo is false
Molly: "You must leave this area now and not disturb the resting spirits."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Dawn Avatar: "What has happened here?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, then. Goodbye."
If Destard_Dragon_Dead is false
Molly: "Please, out of respect for the dead, leave this place."
Molly: "Thank you for having killed the dragon that destroyed my village. I heard its death cry even here outside of the dungeon."
Molly: "You have avenged the spirits of all those taken by the horrible creature. Thank you, brave sir."


Molly: "My name is Molly, and I am one of the few people left alive in this forsaken place. You should respect their deaths and leave."
Dawn Avatar: "What has happened here?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, then. Goodbye."


Molly: "The town was destroyed by that hideous dragon, Talornia. As you can see, what was once a fine town is now a cemetery."
Molly: "We would rebuild, but there is not a single man left alive. All of the men and most of the woman have been killed or enslaved by the great beast."
Set Molly_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "A woman named Molly told me that her town was destroyed by a dragon named Talornia, and all of the men were killed or enslaved so the town can't be rebuilt."
Name2 Avatar: "Who are you?"
Killed Avatar: "How were they killed?"
Enslaved Avatar: "How were they enslaved?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, then. Goodbye."


Molly: "My name is Molly, and I am one of the few people left alive in the this forsaken place. You should respect their deaths and leave."
Killed Avatar: "How were they killed?"
Enslaved Avatar: "How were they enslaved?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, then. Goodbye."


Molly: "A cowardly fool of a man named Xarnthal tried to form a cult that would worship the dragon and abate her attacks upon the town."
Molly: "After the dragon came out and announced the death of the raiding party, she took all of Xarnthal's cult into the dungeon."
Molly: "Those poor, wretched souls; forever enslaved by Talornia."
Set Molly_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Molly spoke of a man named Xarnthal who formed a cult to worship the dragon, hoping it would stop her attacks on the town. After the dragon killed all the other men in the town, she came out and took the all of the cult back in with her."
Name2 Avatar: "Who are you?"
Killed Avatar: "How were they killed?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, then. Goodbye."


Set First_Molly_Convo to true
Molly: "Those who weren't killed went into the dungeon with the intent to slay the dragon and they never came back."
Molly: "Some time later, the dragon came out of the dungeon boasting of how she slew all those that had set upon her. The reaction of the loved ones that were left behind was sadder still."
Name2 Avatar: "Who are you?"
Reaction Avatar: "What was their reaction?"
Enslaved Avatar: "How were they enslaved?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, then. Goodbye."


Molly: "Most of them simply sat in mourning, waiting for their loved ones to return. When no one came back, many of them simply died of starvation and neglect. It is all too terrible."
Name2 Avatar: "Who are you?"
Killed Avatar: "How were they killed?"
Enslaved Avatar: "How were they enslaved?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, then. Goodbye."


Molly: "Goodbye."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Saphera_Aggro_C is false
Saphera: "You are not welcome here, Avatar."
Go to Attack

Enter Conversation

If Saphera_Aggro_C is true
Go to Attack
Else If First_Saphera_Convo is false
Saphera: "This is a sacred place of worship. Do you know who I am?"
Name Avatar: "No, lady, who are you?"
Scullery Maid Avatar: "One of Lord British's scullery maids?"
Don't Care Avatar: "I don't care who you are."
If Destard_Dragon_Dead is false
Saphera: "Go away, Avatar. I have much to do."
Saphera: "You killed Talornia! You must die! You will suffer eternal damnation for your wickedness!"
Go to Attack

Scullery Maid

Saphera: "That was not amusing. You are not amusing. Neither are you a man of respect or of manners. If you wish to remain here you will be polite and respectful!"
Name Avatar: "No, lady, who are you?"
Don't Care Avatar: "I don't care who you are."

Don't Care

Saphera: "That was not amusing. You are not amusing. Neither are you a man of respect or of manners. If you wish to remain here you will be polite and respectful!"
Saphera: "Now, I ask you again: Do you know who I am?"
Name Avatar: "No, lady, who are you?"
Scullery Maid Avatar: "One of Lord British's scullery maids?"


Saphera: "I am Saphera, the new leader of the cult of the mighty dragon, Talornia, which was founded by the great Xarnthal."
Xarnthal Avatar: "Who is Xarnthal?"
Talornia Avatar: "What is Talornia?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, I'll be going now."


Set First_Saphera_Convo to true
Saphera: "He was the great and wise man who saved many people by forming the cult of Talornia."
Saphera: "He recognized her omnipotent power and chose to serve her rather than to fight her."
Saphera: "He is now gone and is buried in the mystic tomb that shall protect him, should anyone be foolish enough to disturb his rest. Now that he is gone, I continue his work."
Work Avatar: "What work are you continuing?"
Talornia Avatar: "What is Talornia?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, I'll be going now."


Saphera: "Oh, we are making great breakthroughs in magic, especially in the art of summoning powerful creatures. We are continually increasing our knowledge and power."
Saphera: "Talornia is pleased with us and has promised to reward us soon."
Xarnthal Avatar: "Who is Xarnthal?"
Talornia Avatar: "What is Talornia?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, I'll be going now."


Set First_Saphera_Convo to true
Saphera: "She is the great dragon who lives in these caverns. She must be served and obeyed, for her blessings are many and great, but her wrath is terrible!"
Saphera: "Believe in her, Avatar, or be consumed in her fire!"
Wyrmguard Avatar: "Are you in league with the Wyrmguard?"
Xarnthal Avatar: "Who is Xarnthal?"
Bye Avatar: "Very well, I'll be going now."


Saphera: "Like the Wyrmguard, we serve the great dragon, but we are not a part of them. However, unlike the Wyrmguard, we are not brainwashed fools who believe in the Guardian."
Saphera: "Talornia knows that we are her true servants and in the end, she will favor us. Tell me, Avatar; what are your intended plans for the great dragon?"
Serve Avatar: "Oh, I intend to serve her as best I can."
Kill Avatar: "I intend to kill her."


Saphera: "Good. Seek her then and see what she has for you. Perhaps you are to become one of us."
Set Saphera_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Saphera, a member of the Xarnthal's dragon-worshipping cult, actually suggested that I go speak to Talornia and become one of her followers. What a ridiculous thought!"


Saphera: "What? Blasphemer! You must die!"
Go to Attack


Saphera: "Yes, go. I have much to do."


Set Saphera_Aggro_C to true
Set Saphera to attack the Avatar

Cult Member[edit]

Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Choose Randomly from the following 6 lines
Cult Member: "Long live the great Talornia!"
Cult Member: "Leave at once, unless you plan on dying soon."
Cult Member: "Go away, unbeliever!"
Cult Member: "Worship great Talornia!"
Cult Member: "All praise the great serpent!"
Cult Member: "Stay away from here!"


Enter Conversation

If Destard_Dragon_Dead is false
Generic Miner: "Don't mind me, I'm just doin' my job here."
Wyrmguard Avatar: "Are there any Wyrmguard around here?"
Job Avatar: "What is your job?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Generic Miner: "Thank you! Thank you for killing that cursed dragon. Now that she's gone, I can get out of here."
Generic Miner: "I'm not afraid of the Wyrmguard anymore. You've shown us what can be done with a little bit of courage!"


Generic Miner: "I expect so. They're usually around here. They're the only thing that keeps most of us here. If a miner tries to escape, the Wyrmguard hunts 'em down and kills 'em."
Job Avatar: "What is your job?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Generic Miner: "I'm a miner. We spend most of our time down here mining jewels for Talornia. She can't get enough of 'em. You find first rate gems down here, no doubt."
Wyrmguard Avatar: "Are there any Wyrmguard around here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Generic Miner: "Goodbye, sir."

Skara Brae[edit]


Proximity Enter

If Shamino_Resurrected is True
Shamino: "Thank you old friend. I knew that I could depend on you."

Enter Conversation'

If Shamino_Resurrected is True
If Knows_About_Guardian is False
Shamino: "Thank you, my friend. I was beginning to fear that I wasn't going to make it back into this world."
Shamino: "I need to tell you some important information that I learned about the Guardian and about Lord British while I was on my spirit quest."
Lord British Avatar: "What do you need to tell me about Lord British?"
Guardian Avatar: "What about the Guardian?"
Drink Avatar: "We'll have time for that later, my friend. Let's have a drink first!"
If Malchir_Summoned is False
Shamino: "Avatar! I am glad that you have returned."
Go to Lord British
If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is True
Shamino: "Well, dear friend, this is it: our roads must part."
Shamino: "Don't forget that I owe you my life: lo those many years ago when the Shadow Lords appeared and pierced me with that magic arrow, you saved me then."
Shamino: "I don't know where we'll come out at the end of this, but if you ever have need of me, call and I'll be there."
Shamino: "If I have to cross worlds to come to your aid, I will. Remember your spirituality and you will succeed."


Shamino: "Who do you think you are? Dupre? There's a lot of serious work to be done, old friend, and we need to get to it."
Lord British Avatar: "What do you need to tell me about Lord British?"
Guardian Avatar: "What about the Guardian?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Bye."


Shamino: "This is troubling news, friend, and I beg you to listen with an open mind."
Shamino: "The Guardian is not simply some evil being from out of the wastes of the void. He's specifically tied to Britannia and to you."
Avatar: "Tied to me? What exactly are you trying to say?"
Shamino: "The Guardian is part of you, or at least he was once part of you."
Shamino: "The Guardian is the result of what happened when you became the Avatar: the evil side of you was stripped away, and eventually it coalesced into the Guardian."
Avatar: "So you're telling me that the Guardian is my evil twin?"
Shamino: "I wouldn't say that he's your twin, but he is, or was, a part of you."
Diary: "I learned some very troubling news from Shamino. He says that the Guardian is actually a part of me that was stripped away when I became the Avatar all those years ago. How can I accept the fact that the Oracle was right, and that Britannia is being destroyed because of something that came from me?"
How Avatar: "How can that be true?"
How Avatar: "I don't believe a word of this."
How Avatar: "I'm having trouble dealing with this idea, Shamino."


Shamino: "I know that it's not a pleasant idea, but think about it: when you became the Avatar, the evil side of you was stripped away."
Shamino: "All of that negative energy had to go somewhere, didn't it? This isn't a verdict against you, Avatar."
Shamino: "If anything, it's a validation of your being the Avatar, or a fault in the concept of a person being all things good to a people."
Shamino: "In any case, the Guardian is out there, and he needs to be defeated. Then there's the matter of where Lord British has gone."
Set Knows_About_Guardian to True
Lord British Avatar: "What do you need to tell me about Lord British?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Bye."

Lord British

Shamino: "Lord British has gone off to the Abyss to confront Blackthorn. This is the first time that the old fellow has left his castle in years and I think that what he's doing is very dangerous."
Fine Avatar: "Don't worry about the old boy, he'll be fine."
Follow Avatar: "Don't worry, I'll follow him and make sure that no harm comes to him."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Bye."


Shamino: "Well, I disagree and I think you need to go into the Abyss and make sure nothing happens to your liege lord."
Follow Avatar: "Don't worry, I'll follow him and make sure that no harm comes to him."
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go. Bye."


Shamino: "There is, however, one problem with that: when Lord British used the gate ritual to travel to the Abyss, he sealed it off to anyone else."
Shamino: "I only know of one way to defeat the gate ritual that Lord British performed, but I'm not certain that we should use it."
Gate Avatar: "I'll use the gate ritual myself."
Physical Avatar: "Are there any physical means to get around the ritual?"
Defeat Avatar: "How can we defeat Lord British's ritual?"


Shamino: "It won't work, Avatar. You don't have that strength of magic. Only one thing that I know of does, and I don't know that it should be used."
Physical Avatar: "Are there any physical means to get around the ritual?"
Defeat Avatar: "How can we defeat Lord British's ritual?"


Shamino: "Unfortunately no. There's only one way that I know to defeat the ritual, and I am loath to use it."
Gate Avatar: "I'll use the gate ritual myself."
Defeat Avatar: "How can we defeat Lord British's ritual?"


Shamino: "The gate ritual sealed the Abyss to beings who live outside of it."
Shamino: "If you could summon a creature native to the Abyss that possesses magic, that creature should be able to defeat the ritual."
Shamino: "But that means summoning a great demon. Is it right that we use such a force of evil, even if it aids us in our quest?"
Avatar: "We may do as we please so long as no others are harmed by our actions. I'll summon this creature, but will be sure to bind it so that it can't get free and harm anyone."
Diary: "Shamino has discovered a problem: when Lord British used the Gate Ritual to travel to the Abyss, he sealed it off to anyone else. There is one other way to get there, but it requires summoning a demon native to the Abyss who can bypass the Gate Ritual. I can only cast this ritual from the Isle of the Avatar, near the lost entrance to the dungeon."
If Knows_About_Guardian is False
Shamino: "There is one more thing I must tell you first."
Shamino: "This is troubling news, friend, and I beg you to listen with an open mind."
Shamino: "The Guardian is not simply some evil being from out of the wastes of the void. He's specifically tied to Britannia and to you."
Avatar: "Tied to me? What exactly are you trying to say?"
Shamino: "The Guardian is part of you, or at least he was once part of you."
Shamino: "The Guardian is the result of what happened when you became the Avatar: the evil side of you was stripped away, and eventually it coalesced into the Guardian."
Avatar: "So you're telling me that the Guardian is my evil twin?"
Shamino: "I wouldn't say that he's your twin, but he is, or was, a part of you."
Diary: "I learned some very troubling news from Shamino. He says that the Guardian is actually a part of me that was stripped away when I became the Avatar all those years ago. How can I accept the fact that the Oracle was right, and that Britannia is being destroyed because of something that came from me?"
How 2 Avatar: "How can that be true?"
How 2 Avatar: "I don't believe a word of this."
How 2 Avatar: "I'm having trouble dealing with this idea, Shamino."
Go to Summon

How 2

Shamino: "I know that it's not a pleasant idea, but think about it: when you became the Avatar, the evil side of you was stripped away."
Shamino: "All of that negative energy had to go somewhere, didn't it? This isn't a verdict against you, Avatar."
Shamino: "If anything, it's a validation of your being the Avatar, or a fault in the concept of a person being all things good to a people."
Shamino: "In any case, the Guardian is out there, and he needs to be defeated. Then there's the matter of where Lord British has gone."
Set Knows_About_Guardian
Shamino: "This is all I can tell you about the Guardian. Now, you should go and summon the creature from the Abyss. Good luck, my friend."
Go to Summon


If Knows_About_Guardian is False
Shamino: "Wait! Before you go, I must tell you something."
Go to How
If Malchir_Summoned is False
Shamino: "I have more to impart upon you. Please, return to speak with me when you are ready."
Shamino: "Very well, may fortune favor you, Avatar."


Set Malchir_Summoned to True
Activate Conversation for Malchir

Triggered Entrance After Malchir

Shamino: "Very well, you know the ritual, but it must be cast from the Isle of the Avatar, and then only near the lost entrance to the dungeon."
Shamino: "You have it within yourself to find the Isle, my friend. Just look deeply within yourself, and you'll find the island."
Diary: "Find the Isle of the Avatar, and summon a fire demon to bypass LB's blockage of the Abyss. Be sure to perform the ritual at ritual area near the dungeon entrance."
Activate Shamino's First Trigger - shows Isle of Avatar and Clearing of Fog

Shamino's Voice[edit]

Proximity Enter

If First_Shamino_Convo is False
Set First_Shamino_Convo is True
Shamino Voice: "Avatar! It is I, Shamino. I'm glad to see that you have returned to Britannia. I fear that I will need your help to do the same."
Avatar: "Shamino! Where are you?"
Shamino Voice: "I've been trapped in the spirit realm. Until I'm able to return to Britannia in physical form, I have to speak to you through these stones of spirituality."
Shamino Voice: "You will find them throughout the land. Speaking to you in this manner is very draining, so I'll be brief. A great deal has happened since you were last here."
Shamino Voice: "You're probably aware of the columns that have appeared."
Shamino Voice: "When they first came out of the ground, I felt that there was something very sinister about them so I undertook a spiritual quest to learn more."
Shamino Voice: "I learned that a magical force of great power deliberately created the columns."
Shamino Voice: "There are eight columns, Avatar, and they are twisting the eight sacred virtues. They have turned compassion into hatred, justice into injustice, and so on."
Shamino Voice: "The people of the cities that represent the virtues have been corrupted by the column's influence. It's not their fault, Avatar."
Shamino Voice: "They're still good people, they just need your help to restore their ways."
Shamino Voice: "I must leave now, my friend. The tether that binds me to this world grows threadbare. There is more that I need to tell you, but it must wait."
Avatar: "Shamino! Wait, I need to ask you some questions!"
Shamino Voice: "We'll talk again, Avatar. Farewell."
Diary: "I have found my old friend Shamino, but he is trapped in the spirit realm and can only speak to me through Stones of Spirituality. Shamino told me he took a spiritual quest to investigate the columns. He found that they were created deliberately by a vast force, twisting the virtues and the minds of the citizens, to make them believe they are being virtuous while actually upholding the opposite of the virtues. He says it's not their fault, but that they are all being manipulated."
If Second_Shamino_Convo is False
Set Second_Shamino_Convo to True
Shamino Voice: "Hello, Avatar. It's Shamino again."
Avatar: "Hello, friend. So tell me, how did you get trapped in the spirit realm?"
Shamino Voice: "As I told you, I undertook a spiritual quest to learn more about the columns that are corrupting Britannia."
Shamino Voice: "The Guardian learned of my quest and cast a spell has kept me from returning to my body."
Shamino Voice: "I need you to break that spell so I may return to Britannia."
Avatar: "What do I need to do?"
Shamino Voice: "I need for you to perform a ritual that will open the barrier between the physical and spiritual worlds. This ritual requires the Bell of Courage, Book of Truth, and Candle of Love."
Shamino Voice: "I will explain the ritual to you once you've retrieved the three items. Look for them in their traditional homes of Serpent's Hold, Empath Abbey, and the Lycaeum. Goodbye, Avatar."
Diary: "Shamino spoke with me again, and told me the Guardian trapped him in the spirit realm. To get him out, I'll need to perform a ritual that will open the barrier between the worlds. This ritual will require the Bell of Courage, the Book of Truth, and the Candle of Love, which he says I can find in Serpent's Hold, the Lycaeum, and Empath Abbey."
If Third_Shamino_Convo is False
Set Third_Shamino_Convo to True
Shamino Voice: "Avatar, it is good to be able to speak with you again."
Avatar: "You sound tired Shamino."
Shamino Voice: "I am very weary. The longer I am away from the physical world, the more difficult it is to stay in touch with it."
Shamino Voice: "Listen carefully, if you are to free me from this world, you must enter into the Well of Souls on the isle of Skara Brae."
Shamino Voice: "There you will find my body. In order to gain entry to the well, you must find an Ankh of Spirituality."
Shamino Voice: "I know that Lord British used to keep one in his castle. I've heard that he keeps the Ankh in a safe place in his bedroom."
Shamino Voice: "When you have cleansed the rest of the shrines, come and find me. Goodbye."
Diary: "Shamino appeared again, and told me I will need to find an Ankh of Spirituality to get into the Well of Souls in Skara Brae, which is where I can find his body. He thinks that LB keeps an Ankh in his bedroom. He also said to come back and find him when I have cleansed the rest of the shrines."
If the Avatar has the Bell of Courage, Book of Truth, and Candle of Love
Shamino Voice: "I knew that you would make it. Please hurry, the ethereal link between my astral being and body is growing weaker."
Shamino Voice: "If you don't re-establish the link, I will be lost forever."
Avatar: "Tell me what I need to do."
Shamino Voice: "First, you must consult the sacred statue here on the isle of Skara Brae. The statue will tell you the Mantra of Spirituality."
Shamino Voice: "Once you have learned the mantra, come back here and perform the Ritual of Return."
Shamino Voice: "The ritual is simple: set the Bell, Book and Candle around me in a triangle."
Shamino Voice: "Then, open the book and read the passage that you find therein, light the candle, and ring the bell. Once you have done that, speak the Mantra of Spirituality."
Shamino Voice: "Once the sacred mantra has been spoken, I will be brought back into the physical world."
Set Shaminovoice_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "I am finally close to freeing Shamino! First I must consult the sacred statue on the isle of Skara Brae to learn the Mantra of Spirituality. Then I need to perform the Ritual of Return by placing the Bell, Book, and Candle around Shamino in a triangle. Then I must open the Book, read the passage, light the Candle, and ring the Bell. Finally, I need to speak the Mantra of Spirituality."
Shamino Voice: "Hello, Avatar. I see that you have not yet found the Bell, Book, and Candle. Talk amongst some of the souls who are trapped within this well."
Shamino Voice: "They may be able to help you find the artifacts that you need. Please hurry, friend. I'm weakening."
Set Shaminovoice_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Shamino is weakening, so I must hurry. He suggested that the trapped souls here in the Well can help me find what I need to save him."


Triggered Entrance on Sentinel's Hand

Sentinel: "You stand in the palm of my hand and are a worthy hero. Therefore, before you go, receive from me this blessing. The Mantra of Spirituality: 'OM'."
Sentinel: "Use the mantra well and wisely, and may you always walk with Spirituality."
Set Knows_Spirituality_Mantra to True
Diary: "The Sentinel gave me the Mantra of Spirituality, which is 'Om'."

Proximity Enter (Cinematic)

If Sentinel_Said_Step_Hand_C is false
Sentinel: "Greetings, worthy Avatar. I am the ever-watchful Sentinel of Skara Brae. Prior to the destruction brought by the columns, it was I who watched over and protected the island of Skara Brae and its people."
Sentinel: "I know you to be worthy and good. Although I no longer can protect this place, I see all that happens. How may I serve you, worthy Avatar?"
Shamino Avatar: "Do you know anything about Shamino?"
Skara Brae Avatar: "What has happened to Skara Brae?"
Bye Avatar: "My thanks to you. I must leave now."
Sentinel: "May blessings be upon you, worthy Avatar."


Sentinel: "I know Shamino well, for he is the champion of Spirituality. I know that Shamino entered into the Temple of Souls some years ago and has not emerged."
Sentinel: "I know that he is in danger, but from what I cannot say. You must hurry to him, Avatar, his life force is weakening."
Set Sentinel_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "The Sentinel of Skara Brae told me that Shamino entered into the Temple of Souls years ago and never returned. The Sentinel warned me that Shamino's life force is weakening, so I need to hurry!"
Temple Avatar: "What can you tell me of the Temple of Souls?"
Skara Brae Avatar: "What has happened to Skara Brae?"
Bye Avatar: "My thanks to you. I must leave now."

Skara Brae

Sentinel: "The Guardian loosed his anger and laid waste to Skara Brae."
Temple Avatar: "What can you tell me of the Temple of Souls?"
Shamino Avatar: "Do you know anything about Shamino?"
Bye Avatar: "My thanks to you. I must leave now."


Sentinel: "The Temple of Souls is a portal to the nether world. There, spirits roam, searching for what they lost in life."
Shamino Avatar: "Do you know anything about Shamino?"
Skara Brae Avatar: "What has happened to Skara Brae?"
Bye Avatar: "My thanks to you. I must leave now."


Sentinel: "Before you continue on your quest, Avatar, stand in the palm of my hand and there receive a blessing."
Set Sentinel_Said_Step_Hand_C to True


Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

Calan: "Greetings my lord."

Enter Conversation

Calan: "Please, can you help me find my way out of this place?"
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Why Here Avatar: "Why are you here?"
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry, I must go."


Calan: "In life, my name was Calan."
Why Here Avatar: "Why are you here?"
Bye1 Avatar: "I'm sorry, I must go."


Calan: "Very well."

Why Here Avatar:

Calan: "I don't know. I sense that I was sent here to find something that I lost, or learn something that I didn't know."
Calan: "It's odd and difficult to explain, but I have been wandering here for a very long time searching for a way out."
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Job Avatar: "What did you do in life?"
No Help Avatar: "I can't help you."


Calan: "I was a thief, but it was okay because I only stole from people who could afford it."
Calan: "It's okay to steal from the rich, it doesn't hurt anyone. Besides, I had to feed my children."
False Avatar: "That's not true, stealing is wrong."
True Avatar: "That's true, stealing from rich people doesn't hurt anyone. Goodbye."


Calan: "Well, that's what I've always thought. Farewell."


Calan: "How is it wrong?"
Lying Avatar: "For one thing, you're lying to yourself."
Kids Avatar: "You're teaching your children to become criminals."
Responsibility Avatar: "You must be responsible for yourself, not prey on others."


If Told_Of_Kids and Told_Of_Responsibility are True
Go to Breakthrough
Calan: "Well, perhaps it was a bit of justification on my part, but no one really got hurt."
Set Told_Of_Lying to True
Kids Avatar: "You're teaching your children to become criminals."
Responsibility Avatar: "You must be responsible for yourself, not prey on others."


If Told_Of_Lying and Told_Of_Responsibility are True
Go to Breakthrough
Calan: "Oh, I never really thought of that. I wouldn't want my children to turn out like I did."
Calan: "I always wanted better for them."
Set Told_Of_Kids to True
Lying Avatar: "For one thing, you're lying to yourself."
Responsibility Avatar: "You must be responsible for yourself, not prey on others."


If Told_Of_Kids and Told_Of_Lying are True
Go to Breakthrough
Calan: "Well, I realize that, I guess. It's just that, well, life was very difficult, and this was the easiest way for me."
Set Told_Of_Responsibility to True
Lying Avatar: "For one thing, you're lying to yourself."
Kids Avatar: "You're teaching your children to become criminals."


Calan: "You're right. I think that I've known this all along but didn't want to admit it to myself."
Calan: "Perhaps that is why I was always afraid to consult the Book of Truth. I didn't want to know the truth."
Set Looking_For_Book_Truth to True
Glad Avatar: "I'm glad that you've come around."
Book Avatar: "Do you know where the Book of Truth is?"
Bye2 Avatar: "Very well then, goodbye."


Calan: "Yes, I feel that my search is at an end."
Book Avatar: "Do you know where the Book of Truth is?"
Bye2 Avatar: "Very well then, goodbye."


Calan: "Oh yes, if you want to find the Book of Truth, you must consult the Oracle in the Lycaeum, which is in Moonglow."
Calan: "Be careful, though; the Oracle asks questions that require you to face unpleasant truths about yourself."
Set Calan_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "A spirit named Calan told me that if I want to find the Book of Truth, I must consult the Oracle in the Lycaeum in Moonglow."
Glad Avatar: "I'm glad that you've come around."
Bye2 Avatar: "Very well then, goodbye."


Calan: "Thank you! I can finally ascend from this place! Goodbye."
Activate Calan's first trigger


Proximity Enter

If the Avatar has Elizabeth's baby
(Cinematic) Elizabeth: "My baby! You have my baby girl!"
Remove Elizabeth's baby from Avatar's Inventory
Add Elizabeth's baby to Elizabeth's Inventory
Elizabeth: "Oh my goodness, I am so happy to have her again and to hold her again! Why didn't I feel this way when we both lived?"
Elizabeth: "Oh, to feel her spirit so close to mine. To hold her to me, a void has been filled! I feel whole now. Oh, thank you, kind sir!"
Avatar: "What you feel is love."
Elizabeth: "I never felt this when I was alive. I never understood it until I lost my baby and you brought her back to me."
Elizabeth: "Now I understand the reverence that the people gave to the Candle of Love."
Set Sent_To_Empath_Abbey to True
Candle Avatar: "You know of the Candle of Love?"
Happy Avatar: "Well, I'm very happy for you. Goodbye."
Sad Avatar: "It's so sad that you could not feel love. Oh well, goodbye."
(Noncinematic) Elizabeth: "What living spirit is this that comes here?"

Enter Conversation

If Baby_Quest_Received is False
Elizabeth: "Are you filled with grief? Is that why you roam amongst the lost souls?"
Name Avatar: "Good spirit, what is your name?"
Avatar Avatar: "No, I am the Avatar, I am on a quest to save Britannia."
Grieve Avatar: "Why do you grieve, sad spirit?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."
If the Avatar has Elizabeth's baby
Go to Proximity Enter
Elizabeth: "Please, find my baby, and return her to me."


Elizabeth: "I was known as Elizabeth."
Grieve Avatar: "Lady, why do you grieve?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye, lady."


Elizabeth: "I wish you luck then, but you have come to a place of desolation; a place from which we cannot ascend."
Elizabeth: "A place that torments me day and night."
Name Avatar: "Good spirit, what is your name?"
Grieve Avatar: "Lady, why do you grieve?"
Torment Avatar: "What torments you?"
Leave Avatar: "Why can't you leave this place?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Elizabeth: "I grieve because I lost my baby girl. I neglected her when she was alive. I felt not love for her and cared only for my pleasure."
Elizabeth: "When she died due to my neglect, I was overwrought with grief, yet I didn't know why I was so saddened."
Elizabeth: "Finally, in despair, I took my own life, and yet I grieve. And with that grief remains the riddle: why do I grieve?"
Elizabeth: "Why am I so sad? I do not understand. All that I know is that I cannot leave the place that torments me so."
Name Avatar: "Good spirit, what is your name?"
Torment Avatar: "Are you tormented by your loss?"
Love Avatar: "Perhaps you grieve because you loved your daughter."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Elizabeth: "I am tormented by my baby's cries. Her cries fill me with grief. I want only to find her, and yet I know not why."
Set Hears_Baby to True
Name Avatar: "Good spirit, what is your name?"
Grieve Avatar: "Lady, why do you grieve?"
Love Avatar: "Perhaps you grieve because you loved your daughter."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Elizabeth: "I was told that I cannot ascend until I come to know myself. Yet, I don't know what that means."
Name Avatar: "Good spirit, what is your name?"
Avatar Avatar: "No, I am the Avatar, I am on a quest to save Britannia."
Grieve Avatar: "Lady, why do you grieve?"
Torment Avatar: "What torments you?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Elizabeth: "Love? What is love? Why do people talk of it? Tell me what love is."
Rose Avatar: "Oh, well, love is like a rose. It smells sweet, but is barbed and painful."
Wonderful Avatar: "Love is a wonderful thing. It's the greatest of things."
Baby Avatar: "I can't tell you what love is, but perhaps your baby could."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Elizabeth: "So I would feel love for a baby because of a flower? You make no sense."
Wonderful 2 Avatar: "Love is a wonderful thing. It's the greatest of things."
Baby Avatar: "I can't tell you what love is, but perhaps your baby could."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Elizabeth: "I do not believe you. If love were a wonderful thing, it would not cause me such pain."
Rose 2 Avatar: "Oh, well, love is like a rose. It smells sweet, but is barbed and painful."
Baby Avatar: "I can't tell you what love is, but perhaps your baby could."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."

Rose 2

Elizabeth: "So I would feel love for a baby because of a flower? You make no sense."
Baby Avatar: "I can't tell you what love is, but perhaps your baby could."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."

Wonderful 2

Elizabeth: "I do not believe you. If love were a wonderful thing, it would not cause me such pain."
Baby Avatar: "I can't tell you what love is, but perhaps your baby could."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going."


Elizabeth: "How can a baby show me what love is?"
Bring Avatar: "I'll bring her to you and then you'll see."
Bye 2 Avatar: "I'm getting depressed. I must leave you."


Elizabeth: "Yes, please bring me my baby. I want to have her back."
Set Baby_Quest_Received to True

Bye 2

Elizabeth: "Please sir, should you find my baby, please bring her to me. I want her back with me."
Yes Avatar: "I will search for your baby, dear lady."
Bye Avatar: "I'm sorry. I have more important things to do."


Elizabeth: "Oh, thank you, kind sir."
Set Baby_Quest_Received to True
Diary: "Elizabeth, a distraught soul in the Well of Souls, asked me to find her baby for her. I hope I can find it."




Elizabeth: "I know that the secret of the Candle is guarded by the monks who reside in the Cathedral."
Elizabeth: "I really don't know any more than that, but the monks should be able to help you."
Elizabeth: "Thank you and goodbye, kind sir. Now I may finally leave this place."
Diary: "After reuniting Elizabeth with her child, she told me that I can find the Candle of Love in Empath Abbey. That will surely help!"
Activate Elizabeth's second trigger


Elizabeth: "Thank you. Now I can finally leave this place."
Activate Elizabeth's second trigger


Elizabeth: "Indeed, you are right. But now I do love and I thank you. Now I can leave this place!"
Activate Elizabeth's second trigger


Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

Mathis: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Enter Conversation

Mathis: "Don't hurt me!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, gentle spirit?"
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar."
Friend Avatar: "Fear not, I'm a friend."
Hurt Avatar: "Why would I want to hurt you?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"


Mathis: "I'm Mathis. I wanted to be Mathis the Mage, but alas, I died before I could learn the magic arts."
Set Knows_Mathis to True
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar."
Friend Avatar: "Fear not, I'm a friend."
Hurt Avatar: "Why would I want to hurt you?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"


Mathis: "Oh wonderful, another 'brave' warrior. You're here to torment me for certain!"
If Knows_Mathis is True
Name Avatar: "What is your name, gentle spirit?"
Friend Avatar: "Fear not, I'm a friend."
Hurt Avatar: "Why would I want to hurt you?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"


Mathis: "Because I'm not a warrior like the rest of the boys. I never wanted to be a warrior; I wanted to go to Moonglow and study magic."
Mathis: "So the other boys bullied me and hurt me. I spent all of my life afraid and it is no better here!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name, gentle spirit?"
Avatar Avatar: "I'm the Avatar."
Friend Avatar: "Fear not, I'm a friend."
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"


Mathis: "A friend? I don't believe you. I've never had a friend before because I didn't want to be a warrior. They said that I was a coward."
Mathis: "And what's the use in being brave, anyway? I've seen brave boys go off to their Holmgang before and never come back."
Mathis: "That's why when I was sent on my Holmgang, I fled the village and never went back!"
Holmgang Avatar: "What is a Holmgang?"
Village Avatar: "Where is your village?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"
If Knows_Mathis is True
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Mathis."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Mathis: "It's just to the northwest of Yew."
Set Mathis_Village_Convo_C to True
Set Mathis_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Mathis says his village is just to the northwest of Yew."
Holmgang Avatar: "What is a Holmgang?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"
If Knows_Mathis is True
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Mathis."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Mathis: "It's a stupid test of bravery that's supposed to mark a boy's transition into manhood. Each boy's Holmgang is different."
Mathis: "Mine was particularly dangerous, so when I was sent off, I just ran away."
Mathis: "I didn't want to go back, and I don't understand what's so important about courage. I just left and tried to go to Moonglow."
Yours Avatar: "What was your Holmgang?"
Village 2 Avatar: "Where is your village?"
Death Avatar: "How did you die?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"
If Knows_Mathis is True
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Mathis."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."

Village 2

Mathis: "It's just to the northwest of Yew."
Set Mathis_Village_Convo_C to True
Yours Avatar: "What was your Holmgang?"
Death Avatar: "How did you die?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"
If Knows_Mathis is True
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Mathis."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Mathis: "I was attacked and killed by wolves on my way to Moonglow."
Yours Avatar: "What was your Holmgang?"
Village 2 Avatar: "Where is your village?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"
If Knows_Mathis is True
Bye Avatar: "Farewell, Mathis."
Bye Avatar: "Farewell."


Mathis: "You know how each goblin tribe has its own war totem, and they won't fight without it? Well, the elders sent me to go into the goblin camp, and steal their war totem."
Mathis: "Can you believe that? It was certain death! They tried to tell me that I could slip past the goblin sentries at night, but I wasn't having any of that."
Mathis: "I did the smart thing, which is more important than doing the brave thing any day! I can tell you that courage is just not that important."
Set Mathis_Journal_Flag_2 to True
Diary: "For this rite of passage, Mathis was supposed to sneak into a goblin camp and steal their war totem so the tribe wouldn't fight anymore. Instead, Mathis ran away from the village entirely. He seems to think this was the smart thing to do."
Set Mathis_Village_Convo_C to True
Coward Avatar: "You are a wretched coward!"
Nightvision Avatar: "Didn't you know that goblins have very poor night vision?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"
Courage Avatar: "But courage is important."


Mathis: "See! You're just like the rest of them! Don't hit me!"
Nightvision Avatar: "Didn't you know that goblins have very poor night vision?"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"
Courage Avatar: "But courage is important."


Mathis: "That's what they tried to tell me, but I wasn't about to take any chances!"
Coward Avatar: "You are a wretched coward!"
If Mathis_Village_Visited_E is True
Destroyed Avatar: "Did you know that your village was destroyed by goblins?"
Courage Avatar: "But courage is important."


Mathis: "It is? Why? What's so important about courage? You just tell me that."
Man Avatar: "Because a man simply must be courageous."
Heroes Avatar: "Because the people need heroes!"
Just Is Avatar: "It just is."


Mathis: "Well I disagree. I say that a real man is educated, not a barbarous warrior. You just go back to my village and see what kind of people live there and you'll understand."
Set Mathis_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "A soul named Mathis, who considers courage a worthless ideal, told me he ran away when his village elders sent him out on some rite of passage. I told him he was wrong to have left, and he challenged me to go to his village to see how his actions had no effects on the place."
Set Sent_To_Village to True


Mathis: "Heroes? Ha! My heroes are learned men. I challenge you to go back to my village and find any heroes there."
Set Mathis_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "A soul named Mathis, who considers courage a worthless ideal, told me he ran away when his village elders sent him out on some rite of passage. I told him he was wrong to have left, and he challenged me to go to his village to see how his actions had no effects on the place."
Set Sent_To_Village to True

Just Is

Mathis: "That's an intelligent response. I challenge you to go back to my village and see what kinds of people live there and you'll understand what I've been talking about."
Set Mathis_Journal_Flag_3 to True
Diary: "A soul named Mathis, who considers courage a worthless ideal, told me he ran away when his village elders sent him out on some rite of passage. I told him he was wrong to have left, and he challenged me to go to his village to see how his actions had no effects on the place."
Set Sent_To_Village to True


Mathis: "Farewell."


Mathis: "What?"
Avatar: "Your village was destroyed by goblins. Had you stolen their totem, like you were sent to do, the goblins would not have attacked your village."
Mathis: "Did anyone survive?"
Continue Avatar: "No."
Understand Avatar: "Do you now understand that there is a place for courage as well as education?"
Coward 2 Avatar: "If you weren't such a coward, your village would still be there!"
Fool Avatar: "Now do you see the importance of courage, you fool?"


Mathis: "Yes, yes I do."
Go to Continue


Mathis: "You're right, I am a fool."
Go to Continue

Coward 2

Mathis: "You're right, I was a coward."
Go to Continue


Mathis: "All of this time I thought myself so superior. Now everyone is dead, because of me! Had I not been afraid, the village would have been spared."
Mathis: "I should have been brave enough to go through with my Holmgang. I now understand why I couldn't leave this place."
Mathis: "I was there to finally learn the lesson that I could not learn in life."
Mathis: "Oh, if I were alive, I would make the pilgrimage to the Bell of Courage like so many of my village did."
Bell Avatar: "You know where the Bell of Courage is?"
Nice Avatar: "Well, that's nice. I'm glad that I could help. Goodbye."
Too Late Avatar: "Well, it's too late now, isn't it? Goodbye, coward."


Mathis: "Yes, thank you for helping me understand."
Activate Mathis's First Trigger

Too Late

Mathis: "Indeed it is. At least I finally learned the importance of courage."
Activate Mathis's First Trigger


Mathis: "Yes, it's in the sunken ruins of Serpent's Hold, just southeast of the coast of Trinsic."
Mathis: "You should go there and see it sometime. Would you do that for me, since I can not?"
Mathis: "I must ascend from this place now and rest. If you go, beware; an evil arch-mage is said to lurk there. Thank you and farewell."
Set Looking_For_Bell_Courage to True
Diary: "After hearing what happened to his village, Mathis seems repentant, and he told me that I can find the Bell of Courage in the sunken ruins of Serpent's Hold, just southeast of the coast of Trinsic. He warned me, though, that an evil arch-mage is said to lurk there."
Activate Mathis's First Trigger

Unused Dialogue Lines[edit]

Mathis: "You haven't gone to my village, have you? How can you argue with me if you don't understand what I'm talking about?"


Enter Conversation

Malchir: "Who are you? Who has summoned me here? Why have you disturbed me?"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar. I summoned you and you will do as I bid!"
Help Avatar: "Greetings, restless spirit. I summoned you because I need your help."
Forgive Avatar: "Please forgive me for disturbing your rest, but I must beg a favor."


Go to Avatar


Go to Avatar


Malchir: "What?! The Avatar? You're the one who caused Pyros to destroy me!"
Shamino: "Have you lost your mind? We need his help; you can't anger him like that!"
Know Avatar: "I'm the Avatar, remember? I know what I'm doing."
Agreed Avatar: "You're right, I should be more tactful."


Shamino: "I know that you are the Avatar, but please, be more tactful."
Avatar: "Don't worry."
Avatar: "Now, I need your help, and you will co-operate, do you understand?"
Malchir: "What a fool you are! Knowing that you will have failed because I didn't help you will ease my endless suffering some little bit."
Malchir: "That is not much, but it is something. Goodbye, Avatar!"
Activate Malchir's Second Trigger


Shamino: "Yes, you should. Now try again."
Avatar: "Please forgive me for disturbing your rest, Malchir, but I must beg a favor."
Malchir: "Why would I want to help you? You are the person responsible for my death and the torture that I've endured since."
Malchir: "If it were within my power, I would strike you down where you stand!"
World Avatar: "Please, I need your help. This world depends on it."
Going To Avatar: "Look, you're gonna help me and that's that!"
Torture Avatar: "Torture? What torture have you suffered?"

Going To

Malchir: "Oh, you humor me, Avatar, you really do. You can not force me into anything."
Malchir: "Knowing that you have failed because I didn't help you will be a comfort to me while I endure my tortures. Goodbye Avatar."
Shamino: "I can't believe it: we're lost. There's nothing we can do now, all because of your pride. We're doomed."
Activate Malchir's Second Trigger


Malchir: "What do I care? You've already ruined my world. Why should I help you save another one? Now leave me alone!"
Going To 2 Avatar: "Look, you're gonna help me and that's that!"
Torture Avatar: "Torture? What torture have you suffered?"


Malchir: "Do you think that Pyros' flames stopped burning me once my body was dead? Well they haven't!"
Malchir: "I've been burning in those flames from the moment that Pyros dispatched me. Since that time the only thing that I've felt aside from the flames is my hatred of you."
Malchir: "And now you want me to help you?"
Shamino: "Good spirit, you burn not from Pyros' flames, but from your own hatred of the Avatar."
Malchir: "Who are you? What do you know of me and my pain?"
Shamino Talk 1 Avatar: "Go on, Shamino; talk to him."
Avatar Talk 1 Avatar: "Let me handle this, Shamino."

Going To 2

Go to Avatar Talk 1

Avatar Talk 1

Shamino: "With all due respect, Avatar, I think that I should try to talk to him. He's quite angry with you and we need his help."
Shamino Talk Avatar: "Alright, you talk to him."
Avatar Talk 2 Avatar: "I said I'll handle it."

Avatar Talk 2

Avatar: "Now Malchir, as I said, I desperately need your help. I..."
Malchir: "Good. Knowing that will ease my suffering some little bit. Goodbye, Avatar!"
Activate Malchir's Second Trigger

Shamino Talk

Shamino: "Thank you. Malchir, I do not know you, but I know a great deal of spirituality and the ethereal world."
Shamino: "I know that Pyros' flames can not reach you in that world. The flame that burns you comes not from Pyros, but from your hatred of the Avatar."
Shamino: "Release that anger and you will be freed of your pain."
Malchir: "Hmm, I can feel a strong knowledge of spirituality within you. Perhaps you are right, but how do I free myself of the hate that has sustained me for so long?"
Shamino: "Help us. Give us the ritual that will summon Pyros. In doing so, your act of forgiveness will free you of your hatred and pain."
Malchir: "I see the truth in your words. Very well, I will help you. If you wish to summon Pyros, do the following and do not deviate one bit from what I tell you:"
Malchir: "Place a Demon Skull, Sulphurous Ash, Spider Silk and Blackrock into the center of a pentagram."
Malchir: "After this is done, place a red candle in the center of the pentagram and light it."
Malchir: "The reagents will be consumed, and Pyros will appear."
Shamino: "Thank you, gentle spirit."
Malchir: "No, my thanks go to you. Already, I feel the flames subside as the hate leaves me. Finally, I am at peace. Farewell."
Set Malchir_Convo_Complete to True
Diary: Malchir has told me that to summon Pyros, I need to place a Demon Skull, Sulphurous Ash, Spider Silk and Blackrock into the center of a pentagram. Then I need to place a red candle in the center of the pentagram and light it.

Shrine of Spirituality[edit]

Enter Conversation

Shrine of Spirituality: "Speak now the Mantra of Spirituality."
Check input for "om"
If true
Mantra Correct
If false
Mantra Wrong

Mantra Wrong

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is false
Shrine of Spirituality: "Thou dost lack Spirituality. Go forth and seek the Mantra."
Shrine of Spirituality: "This is not the mantra of Spirituality. Avatar, hast thou so quickly forgotten the sacred mantra with which you restored me?"

Mantra Correct

If Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed is true
Shrine of Spirituality: "Blessings unto thee Avatar, for thou hast cleansed me. Again am I in balance and harmony. Thy quest is nearly at an end, Avatar."
Shrine of Spirituality: "As thou prepare to rid the land of the Guardian, remember to remain in harmony, for such is the way of spirituality."
Shrine of Spirituality: "Dost thou wish to perform the ritual of restoration?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes"
No Avatar: "No"
Shrine of Spirituality: "Avatar, thou must know that I have been corrupted. Like so many people in Britannia, the Guardian's evil hath fouled me."
Shrine of Spirituality: "Thou dost know what to do: purge me of the corruption so that I may be whole again."


Shrine of Spirituality: "Then speak the words of restoration."
Check input for "vas mani corp"
If true
Restoration Correct
If false
Restoration Wrong


Shrine of Spirituality: "Very well, go back into the world but reject worldly things so that all may see the spirituality that lives within thee."
Shrine of Spirituality: "Thus shalt they be inspired to give up their worldly ways and live to serve their brethren."

Restoration Correct

Initiate Ritual of Restoration

Restoration Wrong

If you have not used up your three attempts to get the words of Restoration correct.
Shrine of Spirituality: "Thou hast not spoken the words of restoration. Concentrate, and speak again so that thou mayest heal thyself."
Return to Yes
Shrine of Spirituality: "If you wish to be restored, learn the words of restoration and return to see me."

Shrine Cleansing Cinematic

Shrine of Spirituality: "Speak now the Mantra of Spirituality."
Check input for "om"
If true
See Shrine for Cleansing Cinematic
Set Shrine_Spirituality_Cleansed to true
Diary: "I've cleansed the Shrine of Spirituality. Now all that remains is to bring an end to the Guardian!"
If false
Mantra Wrong

Serpent's Hold[edit]


Enter Conversation

If Lyssa_First_Convo_C is true
If One-Handed Training is less than 4
Lyssa: "Hello Avatar! Did you come back for more training?"
Yes Avatar: "Yes, thank you, I would like to learn from you."
No Avatar: "No thanks, I've got to go."
Lyssa: "I have taught you all I know. Go with courage Avatar."
Lyssa: "At last, a worthy protector has come to take custody of the bell! I'm so glad that it was you, Avatar."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Protector Avatar: "You need a worthy protector for the bell?"
Bell Avatar: "Is the Bell of Courage in here?"


Lyssa: "I am Lyssa, protector of the Bell of Courage."
Protector Avatar: "You need a worthy protector for the bell?"
Bell Avatar: "Is the Bell of Courage in here?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Set Lyssa_First_Convo_C to true
Lyssa: "Yes, though I am skilled with a sword, and would have fought the arch-mage if he made his way in here, I fear that I would stand little chance against such a foe."
Lyssa: "You, however, are skilled in both weaponry and magic and are a better protector of the bell than I."
Lyssa: "Please, take the bell and keep it safe from evil. It may help you as well, as it is a powerful token of good."
Lyssa: "I may also be able to help you."
Set Lyssa_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Lyssa, the protector of the Bell of Courage, has asked me to take the Bell of Courage with me and use it for good."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Help Avatar: "How can you help me?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lyssa: "Oh, yes indeed. This has been the resting-place of the bell for many years."
Lyssa: "It has quite an ingenious system of protection: when the evil arch-mage neared the Bell Room, the retaining wall came down, thus sealing off the room."
Lyssa: "The other protectors fled as the evil approached, but I chose to stay and defend the Bell."
Name Avatar: "What is your name, my lady?"
Protector Avatar: "You need a worthy protector for the bell?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Lyssa: "As I mentioned, I am quite skilled with a sword. In fact, before the calamity, I was the local trainer. If you'd like, I may be able to help you improve your swordsmanship."
Set Lyssa_Journal_Flag_2 to true
Diary: "Lyssa used to be the trainer here before the calamity that destroyed Serpent's Hold. She's offered to teach me a new move with the sword, if I have the experience."
Yes Avatar: "Yes, thank you, I would like to learn from you."
No Avatar: "No thanks, I've got to go."


If Dexterity is 4 and One-handed training is 3
Lyssa: "Alright, let me describe this move before I show it to you. Everyone knows that the shield is for defense, right? Well, it can also be used offensively."
Lyssa: "If you step forward and bash your opponent with the face of your shield, you can knock them off balance for a moment, allowing you to throw a follow up blow."
Activate Lyssa's trigger and increase One-handed training by one
Lyssa: "So there you have it. Use that move well and it can be very effective. Goodbye."
Lyssa: "Hmm, you have to be very dexterous to make the move work for you, and you just don't seem to have that dexterity yet."
Lyssa: "Tell you what, come back and see me when you've got better coordination, okay?"


Lyssa: "Very well, I will be here if you require such training in the future. Goodbye, Avatar."


If Avatar has the Bell of Courage
Lyssa: "Farewell!"
Lyssa: "Don't forget to take the bell with you."
Diary: "Lyssa, the protector of the Bell of Courage, has asked me to take the Bell of Courage with me and use it for good."
Protector Avatar: "You need a worthy protector for the bell?"
Bell Avatar: "Is the Bell of Courage in here?"
Thanks Avatar: "Thank you, Lyssa."




Triggered Cinematic when Avatar enters poisoned floor room in Serpent's Hold

If Groldek_Aggro_C is false
Groldek: "Avatar, Blackthorn told me that you may eventually turn up here. I see that his Wyrmguard were unable to defeat you."
Groldek: "It's not a surprise; they are highly overrated. You will find that I, however, am far more formidable than they."
Groldek: "Leave or stay Avatar, it matters not to me. Only know that if you stay, you die."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Stay Avatar: "Your days are at an end, swine!"
Go Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll just leave now."
Go to Fight


Groldek: "I am Groldek, the arch-mage. My magical abilities far surpass any you've encountered before, Avatar. If you are wise, you will turn and leave immediately."
Stay Avatar: "Your days are at an end, swine!"
Go Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll just leave now."


Groldek: "I had rather hoped that you would choose to stay. Now I may test your skills before I kill you. Oh, Avatar, your pain is going to be exquisite."
Go to Fight


Groldek: "Ha! I knew that you would turn coward when confronted with a real adversary! Honestly, I don't know how a worm such as you could have caused so much trouble."
Go to Fight


Set Groldek_Aggro_C to true
Set Groldek to attack the Avatar



Triggered Entrance upon the Avatar's first Terfin visit (cinematic event)

Guardian: "Hello Avatar, I'm glad you're here. Both you and your associate are about to learn the penalty for interfering with my work."
Initiate Cinematic Camera
Samhayne: "Avatar, tell my daughter that I love her."
Avatar: "Your daughter?"
Samhayne: "Raven. She..."
Guardian: "How very touching. There, now that he has been dealt with, I have some business with you, Avatar."
Diary: "Samhayne was killed by the Guardian, and I was helpless to save him. Before he died, Samhayne told me that Raven is his daughter! Now I have to not only tell Raven that Samhayne is dead, but that he's her father, too. This will not be easy."
Guardian: "Blackthorn, you may leave us now. I would like to speak privately with our friend."
Blackthorn: "But my lord, I..."
Guardian: "I said leave us!"
Blackthorn: "Yes, my lord."
Guardian: "He truly is a worm, isn't he? Oh well, I still need him for a while yet, then I can get rid of him."
Guardian: "Now, come over here, Avatar, I have something to teach you."
Set the Guardian to attack the Avatar

Triggered Entrance after some fighting 1 (noncinematic)

Guardian: "Do you understand yet? Do you see that you can't hurt me?"
Guardian: "All of your energy, all of the damage that you would inflict upon me, is reflected back onto yourself."
Guardian: "It's futile, Avatar; you can't hurt me. You can't win!"
Set the Guardian to attack the Avatar

Triggered Entrance after some fighting 2 (noncinematic)

Guardian: "Are you beginning to see the futility of resisting me, Avatar?"
Guardian: "Why do you struggle so if you can't win? None can stand against me, surely you know that by now."
Guardian: "Take for example your friends in Skara Brae: it's true that they have managed to avoid the effects of my columns, but that is of no matter."
Guardian: "If I can not turn a thing, I can at least destroy it. If I can't deprive the people of Skara Brae of their spirituality, I will deprive them of their lives!"
Initiate Skara Brae Destruction Movie

Triggered Entrance after the movie (noncinematic)

Guardian: "Now, think about that as you ponder your future, 'hero'. Your quest is pointless. You can not, and will not, win. Think about it, Avatar. We will meet again."
Guardian teleports Avatar back to Terfin docks
Diary: "I can't believe what I just saw! The Guardian showed me an image of Skara Brae being destroyed in his mirror. I can only pray that it was a ruse..."

Triggered Entrance during Valoria healing scene (Cinematic Event)

Guardian: "Haven't you learned yet, Avatar? All the good work that is done, I can undo."

Triggered Entrance following Killigan Confrontation scene

Guardian: "I will not tolerate disloyalty, Killigan."
Killigan dies
Guardian: "Let everyone know that this is what awaits any who would betray me."

Triggered Entrance after establishing Barrier of Life (Cinematic Event)

Guardian: "What's happening? What have you done?"
Avatar: "I brought you here to finish you off, Guardian."
Guardian: "You still haven't learned have you? Anything that you do to me happens to you as well. You and I are one; we're connected!"
Guardian: "The only difference is that you are weak, and you care. I will dominate because I don't care!"
Guardian: "All of Britannia and anything else that I choose will be mine to use and destroy as I see fit!"
Set the Guardian to attack the Avatar

Triggered Entrance after scene of Rune placement (cinematic event)

Avatar: "Right now, even as we speak, your columns are being cleansed. They're being turned so they nurture the virtues rather than corrupt them."
Guardian: "That means nothing. Your friends are too late! This is all too late! It is impossible to defeat me now!"

Triggered Entrance after Moons miss (cinematic event)

Avatar: "Too late you say? The moons didn't collide. Their orbits are no longer decaying. Face it Guardian; everything that you set in motion, we have reversed."
Guardian: "No! That's impossible! Your friends have only temporarily forestalled their fate."
Guardian: "Once you are mine, my power will be limitless and I will destroy this world!"

Unused Dialogue Lines[edit]

Note: the following two Triggered Entrances are disembodied and may not be used in the game, instead replaced by similiar lines within Hawkwind's dialog for easier initation within the game. Triggered Entrance after exiting Stonegate (noncinematic)

Guardian: "Welcome back, Avatar. Wait until you see what I have done to your beloved land. You and I will have some fun together here in Britannia."

Triggered Entrance at several places throughout Britannia (noncinematic)

"Ha, ha, ha, ha,..."

Triggered Entrance upon bad deeds

Note: I'm guessing these should be randomly accompanied whenever the Avatar does something that causes a karma, but I've heard them during a game.

Randomly Choose from the Following 7 Lines:
Guardian: "Was that a wise decision Avatar?"
Guardian: "Oh Avatar, I expected better from you!"
Guardian: "Are these the actions of a hero?"
Guardian: "What would Lord British think of his Avatar now?"
Guardian: "Are you sure that you meant to do that Avatar?"
Guardian: "Avatar, you grow closer to me by the second. Your deeds serve you well."
Guardian: "Good, Avatar. You will make an excellent addition to my Wyrmguard."

Triggered Entrance upon good deeds

Note: I'm guessing these should be randomly accompanied whenever the Avatar does something that causes a karma, but I've heard them during a game.

Randomly Choose from the Following 7 Lines:
Guardian: "Don't let your success go to your head, Avatar."
Guardian: "Avatar, why must you prolong the inevitable? Britannia is mine."
Guardian: "Avatar, you seem very persistent. It's a shame you are doomed to fail."
Guardian: "Avatar, why do you waste your time on these people? They are not worth your efforts."
Guardian: "You haven't been able to beat me yet. Why do you think you can now?"
Guardian: "You are a worthy adversary, Avatar, but the game is mine."
Guardian: "Come, Avatar. I will enjoy watching you fall to me, just as did your companions."

Triggered Entrance probably following Armageddon initiation (cinematic event)

Avatar: "How wrong you are, Guardian. How very wrong."
Guardian: "No, you cannot. Do you not know the consequences? Stop it! Avatar, please, stop it!"


Triggered Entrance at Minoc Camp (Cinematic Event)

Blackthorn: "I'm growing tired of you gypsy scum. I will ask you one last time: where is the lens?"
Laszlo: "I already told you I don't know where the lens is."
Blackthorn: "Very well, I warned you that it is unwise to try my patience. Perhaps this demonstration of that fact will jog your memory."
Activate Blackthorn's Off Trigger - Blackthorn throws around fireballs
Blackthorn: "Now, tell me where the lens is, or your daughter is next."
Irina: "Da! Tell what he wants to know!"
Laszlo: "I tell you, I ah, I don't know."
Blackthorn: "Avatar! I should have known that you would turn up. This doesn't concern you, Avatar."
Avatar: "Oh, yes it does! Everything about this land concerns me."
Blackthorn: "Very well, you wouldn't help me, but I'll make certain that you won't help him either."
Blackthorn: "You gypsies are a superstitious breed, well believe this: I pronounce a curse upon this village."
Blackthorn: "Anyone here who helps the Avatar in his quest will be consumed in flames!"
Blackthorn: "Mal flam lek! Mal flamrand krump! Anid flam!"
Diary: "I arrived in Minoc just in time to see Blackthorn attacking the gypsies, looking for the blue codex lens. He pronounced a curse on the people before he left, saying that anyone who helped me would die. Does he actually have that kind of power?"
Blackthorn: "As for you, I'll meet with you when conditions are more advantageous."
Activate Blackthorn's Off Trigger - Blackthorn teleports away

Triggered Entrance in Chalice Chamber of Shame (Cinematic Event)

Blackthorn: "Hello, Avatar."
Avatar: "Blackthorn!"
Initiate Conversation Mode
Blackthorn: "Wait a moment, hero. I didn't come here to fight you. As you can see, I have something that you need."
Blackthorn: "As it turns out, you have something that I need as well, namely the red and blue lenses. Therefore, I propose a trade: the lenses for the chalice."
Trade Avatar: "Alright, since I don't have any choice. Here, take the lenses."
Lenses Avatar: "Why do you want the lenses?"
No Avatar: "No deal. You won't get anything from me, Blackthorn."
Absolutely No Avatar: "Are you out of your mind? You're not getting the lenses."


Blackthorn: "You are such a fool, Avatar, so easily deceived. You have just given me everything that I need! Goodbye, Avatar!"
Activate Blackthorn's Success Trigger - end of the world


Blackthorn: "The pursuit of knowledge, that's all. The Codex is the key to understanding the world. Knowledge, Avatar, that is all that I seek."
Blackthorn: "Come now, give me the lenses, I'll give you the chalice and we can both be on our way. It's the only way that you'll get the chalice."
Trade Avatar: "Alright, since I don't have any choice. Here, take the lenses."
No Avatar: "No deal. You won't get anything from me, Blackthorn."
Absolutely No Avatar: "Are you out of your mind? You're not getting the lenses."


Blackthorn: "Come now, Avatar, be reasonable. You need this chalice, while I merely want the lenses. Who will suffer the most from your stubbornness?"
Trade Avatar: "Alright, since I don't have any choice. Here, take the lenses."
Lenses Avatar: "Why do you want the lenses?"
Absolutely No Avatar: "Are you out of your mind? You're not getting the lenses."

Absolutely No

Activate Blackthorn's Failure Trigger -destroys the Chalice

Triggered Entrance after chalice destroyed (cinematic event)

Blackthorn: "Very well, see what your stubborn refusal has earned you! Let's see how you succeed in your quest now!"
Blackthorn: "You'll never cleanse the Shrine of Honor without the sigil. You've failed, Avatar! Do you hear me? Failed!"
Avatar: "We'll see who's failed, Blackthorn!"


Proximity Enter noncinematic

Agmar: "Blackthorn! I knew that you'd come back, you dirty, back-stabbing lout!"

Enter Conversation

If Agmar_Aggro_C is false
Agmar: "You've made a big mistake, my friend. I've been waiting for a long time to get at you and here you are!"
Avatar Avatar: "You are confused, friend. I am the Avatar."
Not Blackthorn Avatar: "Excuse me, but I'm not Blackthorn."
Bye Avatar: "I think that there's been a mistake. I'll just leave now."
Go to Attack


Agmar: "Ha! That's the biggest lie you've told yet!"
Agmar: "You'll stop at nothing to save your skin, you lying, cheating dog!"
Agmar: "Well, you may have turned the Guardian against me, but now my time for revenge has come!"
Avatar2 Avatar: "Listen, I am the Avatar. AV-A-TAR!!"
Bye Avatar: "I think that there's been a mistake. I'll just leave now."


Agmar: "So, you think that you can mock me as well as cheat me? Once I've killed you, I'm going back to the Guardian."
Agmar: "Once he finds out what you did, he'll take me back and then, someday, Britannia will be mine! Now, all I have to do is kill you!"
Go to Attack

Not Blackthorn

Agmar: "Oh, ho! I knew that you'd say something like that, you yellow coward!"
Agmar: "Well, you don't have the Guardian here to protect you now, do you?"
Agmar: "The Guardian... how could he be fooled by you? I was once his favorite."
Agmar: "Britannia was to be mine, then you came along and turned him against me!"
Avatar Avatar: "You are confused, friend. I am the Avatar."
Crazy Avatar: "You're mad as a hatter, aren't you?"
Bye Avatar: "I think that there's been a mistake. I'll just leave now."


Agmar: "Mad? Mad, am I? I'll show you mad, you lying heap of rat dung! I've got something special for you!"
Go to Attack


Agmar: "You're not going anywhere, Blackthorn! I've been waiting for this moment for years! Vengeance will be mine!"
Go to Attack


Set Agmar_Aggro_C to true
Set Agmar to attack the Avatar


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

If Told_About_Gold is false
Ciara: "Well, what have we here?"
Ciara: "Oh, you're back!"

Enter Conversation

If Accepted_Key_Quest is false
Ciara: "So, are you another treasure hunter?"
Ciara: "No, by the looks of you, my guess is that you're a big strong hero who's just down here to kill monsters."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Treasure Avatar: "Treasure hunter?"
Quest Avatar: "I'm not here to just kill monsters. I'm on a quest."
If Ciara_Key_Quest_Done_C is false
Go to Find Key
Ciara: "I'll have to talk to you later. I'm going to check out that treasure room right now!"


Ciara: "No, you go first. Tell me your name and I'll tell you mine!"
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
Not Important Avatar: "My name isn't important."

Not Important

Ciara: "Oh, now don't be shy. Are you a criminal? Come on, you can tell me your name. I won't tell a soul, I promise."
Avatar Avatar: "I am the Avatar."
No Avatar: "I don't want to tell you my name."


Ciara: "Well then, I have no more to say to you. Goodbye."


Ciara: "The Avatar, eh? I guess I was right about you being a hero. My name is Ciara, and it's very nice to meet you, Avatar."
Set Knows_Ciara_Name
Quest Avatar: "I'm not here to just kill monsters. I'm on a quest."
Why Here Avatar: "What are you doing down here?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."

Why Here

Ciara: "I'm looking for treasure! I know it's dangerous and all, but I've heard tell of a room in this place that is loaded with gold and gems."
Ciara: "I would only need a little of that and I'd be set for life! Say, you wouldn't mind helping a lady out just a little bit, would you?"
If Knows_Ciara_Name is false
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Busy Avatar: "I'm very busy, Ciara..."
Help Avatar: "How can I help you?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Ciara: "Yes, some of these dungeons are full of treasure. Don't tell me that you didn't know that. It's dangerous and all, but if you find a good pile of treasure, you're set for life!"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Quest Avatar: "I'm not here to just kill monsters. I'm on a quest."


Ciara: "Of course you are, dear. I'm sure that it's a very important quest too, but how about helping me out a little, hmm?"
If Knows_Ciara_Name is false
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Busy Avatar: "I'm very busy, Ciara..."
Treasure Avatar: "Treasure hunter?"
Help Avatar: "How can I help you?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Ciara: "Oh, fine, too busy to help a lady, I see."
Avatar: "It's not that; it's just that I have very important things to do."
Ciara: "And helping a lady isn't important? Fine. That's just fine. See if I care."
Help Avatar: "Okay, what can I do to help you?"
No Time Avatar: "I don't have time for this nonsense. Goodbye."

No Time

Ciara: "Fine. Go then!"
Set No_Help_Ciara to true


Ciara: "Well, it's like this: I've been down here for an ogre's age looking for a treasure room. So far, all that I've found is a strange red cube."
Ciara: "I think that I've found the room that the treasure is in, but the door is locked and I haven't been able to find the key."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Cube Avatar: "Tell me about the cube that you found."
Room Avatar: "You're looking for a treasure room?"
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Ciara: "Oh yes, it's said to be piled high with gold and gems."
Ciara: "Some pirates or maybe even a dragon probably hoarded it away."
Ciara: "It's been down here for years. Say, I don't suppose you've gotten into that room have you?"
Set Told_About_Gold to true
If Found_Treasure_Room to false
Avatar: "No, I haven't. But, as I said, I'm not treasure hunting. I'm..."
Ciara: "...on a quest. Yes, I know."
Ciara: "I'd be most appreciative if you could keep an eye out for that key. I ran into a crazy old mage and I think that he has the key."
Ciara: "I've looked everywhere else for it. But when I try to talk to that old loon he tries to attack me."
Ciara: "Won't you please help?"
Set Ciara_Mentioned_Mage_C to true
Diary: "Ciara thinks that some crazy old mage has the key she's looking for, but she says he attacks her every time she tries to talk to him."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
Treasure Avatar: "Treasure hunter?"
Cube Avatar: "Tell me about the cube that you found."
Yes Help Avatar: "I'll try to look for the key."
No Help Avatar: "I'm busy. Look for your own treasure."
Avatar: "Yes, I think that I have found that room."
Avatar: "It is located in the southwest part of the dungeon."
Go to Find Key


Ciara: "It's not much, really, but I've never seen anything like it. I figure that, if I can't find the treasure room, I might be able to use this cube for something."
If Knows_About_Cube is false
Avatar: "Yes, that is odd..."
Ciara: "Tell you what though, handsome... You get me the key to that treasure room, and I'll give you this cube."
Avatar: "That's one of the power cubes needed to power down the barrier!"
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
If Knows About Cube is false
Yes Help Avatar: "I'll try to look for the key."
No Help Avatar: "I'm busy. Look for your own treasure."
Give Cube Avatar: "Give me that cube. I need it now!"
If Knows_Ciara_Name is true
Need Cube Avatar: "Ciara, I need that cube for my quest."
Need Cube Avatar: "I need that cube for my quest."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."

Yes Help

Ciara: "Thank you very much. I promise that I'll give you a nice reward if you can bring me that key. Goodbye, now."
Set Accepted_Key_Quest to true

No Help

Ciara: "A fine man you are! You won't even help a lady in need. Well, don't look to me should you need any help!"
Yes Help Avatar: "I'll try to look for the key."
You Help Avatar: "How could you help me?"

You Help

Ciara: "I don't know, but what comes around goes around, Avatar. Who knows, maybe you'll need this cube that I've got. Wouldn't that be ironic!"

Need Cube

Ciara: "Tell you what, handsome... You get me the key to that treasure room, and I'll happily give you the cube. Until then, the cube is mine. End of story."
Set Accepted_Key_Quest to true

Give Cube

Ciara: "My how forceful you are."
Ciara: "Tell you what, handsome... You get me the key to that treasure room, and I'll happily give you the cube. Until then, the cube is mine. End of story."
Yes Help Avatar: "I'll try to look for the key."
Bye Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."


Ciara: "Make sure that you come back and visit me."

Find Key

Ciara: "Did you find the key to the treasure room?"
If Ciara_Mentioned_Mage_C is true
Where Mage Avatar: "I couldn't find the mage."
If Avatar has treasure room key
Yes Avatar: "Yes, I have the key."
No Avatar: "No, I haven't found it yet."
Name Avatar: "Who are you?"
No Avatar: "I must be going. Goodbye."

Where Mage

Ciara: "Well, the last time I saw him, he was in his room. It's located in the northwest part of the dungeon, on the second floor. When you do find him, please get that key for me."
Set Ciara_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "According to Ciara, the mage should be in his room, in the northwest part of the dungeon, on the second floor."


Ciara: "Then hand it over!"
Remove Treasure Key from Avatar's Inventory
Add Treasure Key to Ciara's Inventory
Ciara: "A deal's a deal, here's your cube. Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm off to the treasure room!"
Remove Power Cube from Ciara's Inventory
Add Power Cube to Avatar's Inventory
Set Ciara_Key_Quest_Done_C to true
Diary: "I gave Ciara the key to the treasure room that she was looking for. In return, she gave me the red power cube!"


Ciara: "Well, I'd really appreciate it if you'd keep looking. Bye now."


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Maria: "Who's that? Who's there?"

Enter Conversation

Maria: "Who are you? Are you one of them?"
Avatar Avatar: "It's alright. I'm the Avatar, and I'm here to help."
Who Avatar: "One of who?"
Wrong Avatar: "What's wrong?"


Maria: "The hero? Oh, Avatar, please help me. They did horrible things to me. Please do as I ask, please."
Anything Avatar: "I'll do anything you wish."
Need Avatar: "What do you need?"
Bye Avatar: "I've got to go."


Maria: "The gargoyles. They said that they were devoted to the Guardian, and that they were killing every human they encounter."
Maria: "They said that they were doing the Guardian's work."
Avatar Avatar: "It's alright. I'm the Avatar, and I'm here to help."
Need Avatar: "What do you need?"


Maria: "They beat me. They poisoned me."
Avatar Avatar: "It's alright. I'm the Avatar, and I'm here to help."
Who Avatar: "Who beat you? Who did this?"


Maria: "Thank you."
Maria: "I want you to kill me. Please, put me out of my misery. They gave me a poison that will kill me. I'm in so much pain, I pass out."
Maria: "When I do, those gargoyle faces are there again, beating me, clawing me... Oh, please. Make it all go away, please, kill me!"
Maria: "Release me from all of this pain! I want to go home..."
Set Maria_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I have seen a horrible sight: a young girl, beaten and poisoned by Gargoyles working for the Guardian. She says the Gargoyles are there in her dreams, and the pain is slow and terrible, and she wants to die. But can I kill a young girl?"
You Sure Avatar: "Are you sure you want me to do this?"
Kill Avatar: "Alright, prepare yourself."
Can't Avatar: "I can't kill you!"


Maria: "I want you to kill me. Please, put me out of my misery, Avatar. They gave me a poison that will kill me. I'm in so much pain, I pass out."
Maria: "When I do, those gargoyle faces are there again, beating me, clawing me... Oh, please. Make it all go away, please, kill me!"
Maria: "Release me from all of this pain! I want to go home..."
Set Maria_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I have seen a horrible sight: a young girl, beaten and poisoned by Gargoyles working for the Guardian. She says the Gargoyles are there in her dreams, and the pain is slow and terrible, and she wants to die. But can I kill a young girl?"
You Sure Avatar: "Are you sure you want me to do this?"
Kill Avatar: "Alright, prepare yourself."
Can't Avatar: "I can't kill you!"

You Sure

Maria: "Yes, the pain and the nightmares are unbearable. Oh, please just release me. Please..."


Maria: "Thank you."
Guardian's Voice: "My, my, Avatar. Has it come to this? The mighty Avatar killing children? How far have you fallen, Avatar? How petty you are, preying on the weak."
Guardian's Voice; "You should set your sights higher, Avatar. Aim for an opponent worthy of your skill, rather than little children."


Maria: "Please. I'm in constant pain. I can't take it anymore. Please, release me from this agony."
Set Maria_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I have seen a horrible sight: a young girl, beaten and poisoned by Gargoyles working for the Guardian. She says the Gargoyles are there in her dreams, and the pain is slow and terrible, and she wants to die. But can I kill a young girl?"
Final No Avatar: "No. Absolutely not. I cannot kill you."
Kill Avatar: "Alright, prepare yourself."
Cure Avatar: "We can find a cure for this poison."


Maria: "No, there is no cure. There is nothing that can be done. If you don't kill me, I'll lie here in agony."
Maria: "I'll grow worse, but it will take me days to die. Please, release me now! Please!!"
Set Maria_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "I have seen a horrible sight: a young girl, beaten and poisoned by Gargoyles working for the Guardian. She says the Gargoyles are there in her dreams, and the pain is slow and terrible, and she wants to die. But can I kill a young girl?"
Final No Avatar: "No. Absolutely not. I cannot kill you."
Kill Avatar: "Alright, prepare yourself."


Maria: "But you're a hero. You're supposed to help me. Please! Please!"
Avatar: "I'm sorry. I can't do it."
Guardian's Voice: "Avatar, you call yourself a hero, yet you cannot help that poor girl. What a weakling you are. How pathetic. You disgust me, Avatar."



Miscellaneous NPCs[edit]


Triggered Conversation after Training

Increase the Avatar's Staff Skill by 1
Bakura: "That's it, you got it. I've taken more opponents with that move than with anything else. Have fun with it."
Bakura: "Now leave me in peace. I still don't like visitors."

Proximity Enter (Cinematic) or Enter Conversation

If Bakura_Aggro_C is True
Go to Threaten
Else If Met_Bakura is False
Bakura: "Stop right where you are!"
Bakura: "I don't know who you are or what you're doing here, but you're not welcome. So just turn around and get out of here!"
Avatar Avatar: "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm the Avatar!"
No Fear Avatar: "You have nothing to fear, my friend."
No Harm Avatar: "I mean no harm, my friend."
Not Intrude Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you alone."
If Britannian_Star_Quest_Received is False
Bakura: "You again? What are you doing here? Get out of here before I knock you out!"
Threaten Avatar: "I'll teach you to threaten me, you dog!"
Train Avatar: "Do you ever train people in staff fighting?"
Not Intrude Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you alone."
If Avatar's Staff Skill is less than 4
Bakura: "So you're back. Do you have the gem that I sent you after?"
If the Avatar doesn't have the Britannian Star
Avatar: "No, I haven't found it yet."
Bakura: "Then get out of here. I don't want to see you again until you've found the Star, got it? I'm a hermit, do I have to spell it out for you? I don't want company!"
Avatar: "Yes, it's right here."
Bakura: "Really? Hand it over!"
Avatar: "Before I do, I want you to tell me what this gem does."
Bakura: "I don't care what you want."
Avatar: "Then you're not getting the stone."
Bakura: "Fine, it increases the damage you do when you strike your opponent. Now hand it over."
Yes Avatar: "Alright, but then you'll train me in staff, right?"
No Avatar: "Increases damage, huh? On second thought, I think that I'll keep this gem."
Bakura: "Look, I trained you like I said I would. Now get out of here!"


Bakura: "I don't care if you're Lord British, I came here to get away from people. Now, get out of here before I crack your skull!"
Set Told_Bakura_Name to True
No Fear Avatar: "You have nothing to fear, my friend."
No Harm Avatar: "I mean no harm, my friend."
Threaten Avatar: "I'll teach you to threaten me, you dog!"
Not Intrude Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you alone."

No Fear

Bakura: "You're damn right I don't. You think that I'm afraid of you? Ha! The arrogance! Get out of here while you can still walk!"
No Harm Avatar: "I mean no harm, my friend."
Threaten Avatar: "I'll teach you to threaten me, you dog!"
Not Intrude Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you alone."

No Harm

Bakura: "Yeah, well, just the same, I'd prefer for you to keep your distance. I came here to get away from people and I like it that way."
People Avatar: "So why don't you like people?"
Skill Avatar: "I couldn't help but notice your skill with the staff."
Not Intrude Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you alone."


Set Bakura_Aggro_C to True
Set Bakura to attack the Avatar

Not Intrude

Bakura: "Well then get going!"
Set Met_Bakura to True


Bakura: "You're getting kind of nosey there, aren't you? What do you do for a living? You just travel around asking people a bunch of questions that aren't any of your business?"
Bakura: "What kind of a person does that?"
Avatar2 Avatar: "Well, actually, I'm the Avatar."
Skill Avatar: "I couldn't help but notice your skill with the staff."
Not Intrude Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you alone."


If Told_Bakura_Name is True
Set Told_Bakura_Name to True
Bakura: "I don't care if you're Lord British, I came here to get away from people. Now, get out of here before I crack your skull!"
No Fear Avatar: "You have nothing to fear, my friend."
No Harm Avatar: "I mean no harm, my friend."
Threaten Avatar: "I'll teach you to threaten me, you dog!"
Not Intrude Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you alone."
Bakura: "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, I don't want to know who you are, and I don't care. I just want you to go away, okay?"
Skill Avatar: "I couldn't help but notice your skill with the staff."
Not Intrude Avatar: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you alone."


Bakura: "Yeah, I'm good with a staff; haven't been beaten with it yet. What of it?"
Train Avatar: "Do you ever train people in staff fighting?"
Beaten Avatar: "Never been beaten, eh? I can beat you with it!"
Nothing Avatar: "Oh, nothing. I was just noticing, that's all."


Bakura: "Then let's see you try!"
Go to Threaten


Bakura: "I don't have the time or the interest to put up with you. Now get out of here!"
Set Met_Bakura to True


Bakura: "You want me to train you, huh? What will you give me in return?"
Avatar: "I'll pay in gold."
Bakura: "I'm a hermit, you moron, what can I do with gold? Tell you what, you're an adventurer, right?"
Avatar: "Right."
Bakura: "Go and find me the Britannian Star, bring it back to me, and I'll train you. How's that?"
Set Bakura_Journal_Flag_1 to True
Diary: "Bakura is a rather rude fellow, but he has finally agreed to train me in the Staff if I will bring him a magic gem called the Britannian Star, and if my skill is high enough."
Star Avatar: "What's the Britannian Star?"
Where Avatar: "Where can I find the Britannian Star?"
Nevermind Avatar: "On second thought, just nevermind. I'm leaving."


Bakura: "It's a magical gem, and it's the only thing in this world that I would value other than my privacy."
Search Avatar: "Fine, I'll go look for the gem."
Where Avatar: "Where can I find the Britannian Star?"
Nevermind Avatar: "On second thought, just nevermind. I'm leaving."


Bakura: "Well if I knew that, I'd have the damn thing, wouldn't I?"
Search Avatar: "Fine, I'll go look for the gem."
Star Avatar: "What's the Britannian Star?"
Nevermind Avatar: "On second thought, just nevermind. I'm leaving."


Bakura: "Suits me just fine."
Set Met_Bakura to True


Bakura: "Great, you can start looking right now. Goodbye."
Set Met_Bakura to True
Set Britannian_Star_Quest_Received to True


Bakura: "Yeah, yeah, I'll train you."
If Avatar's Staff Skill is 4 or greater
Bakura: "I've taught you all I can. Now go away and leave me alone!"
If the Avatar's Dexterity is 4 or greater and the Avatar's Staff Skill is 3 or greater
Remove Britannian Star from the Avatar's Inventory
Add Britannian Star to Bakura's Inventory
Bakura: "This move involves spinning the staff to block stabbing or thrusting blows from your opponent. It's saved my life a few times, I can tell you."
Activate Bakura's second trigger
If the Avatar's Staff Skill is 3 or greater
Bakura: "Okay, the staff is one of the most complex weapon forms in fighting."
Bakura: "It takes a lot of speed and agility: speed and agility that you don't have yet."
Bakura: "You go off and practice for a while, maybe train under some lesser teachers, come back and I'll train you."
Bakura: "Okay, the staff is one of the most complex weapon forms in fighting."
Bakura: "It takes a lot of skill: skill that you don't have yet."
Bakura: "You go off and practice for a while, maybe train under some lesser teachers, come back and I'll train you."


Bakura: "You rat! We had a deal, now give me that gem!"
Go to Threaten


Enter Conversation

If Sent_To_Empath_Abbey is false
Brock: "Greetings, my son. How may I help you?"
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Place Avatar: "What is this place?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."
Brock: "Greetings, my son. How may I serve you?"
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Place Avatar: "What is this place?"
Love Avatar: "Can you tell me about love?"
Candle Avatar: "I've come in search of the Candle of Love."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Brock: "My name is Brock. I am a monk here in the abbey. How may I help you, my son?"
Place Avatar: "What is this place?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Brock: "This is what is left of Empath Abbey. Before the cathedral in Britain was built, the abbey was the great monument to love in the world."
Brock: "Unfortunately, the abbey was destroyed when the columns arose. I couldn't bear to leave the old place, and so I stayed when the other monks fled to the safety of Britain."
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Love Avatar: "Can you tell me about love?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Brock: "Love is the most wonderful of things, my son. But I cannot explain what love is any more than I can explain why the sun rises or the moons set."
Brock: "Love comes from within and is different for everyone. Open your heart, and there you will find love."
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Place Avatar: "What is this place?"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Brock: "Only the pure of heart may have access to the Candle of Love. There is a test, a most dangerous test, that one must undergo to determine if you are indeed pure."
Tell Avatar: "Please brother, tell me about this test."
No Test Avatar: "Test? I'm the Avatar, I don't need to be tested!"
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Brock: "Very well. Up the valley, at the Temple of Love, there are three braziers. When all of the braziers have been lit, the Flame of Love will appear."
Brock: "Any person that is pure of heart will be able to stand in the flame and survive unscathed."
Brock: "The Candle of Love will then be revealed. If, however, a person is not pure, they will perish in the flame."
Brock: "Now you must only ask yourself: are you truly pure of heart?"
Set Brock_Journal_Flag_1 to true
Diary: "Brother Brock in Empath Abbey told me that to find the Candle of Love, I must light the three braziers and then stand in the Flame of Love. This could be dangerous, though... the candle is revealed only to the pure of heart, while others are consumed in flames!"
Name Avatar: "What is your name?"
Place Avatar: "What is this place?"
Love Avatar: "Can you tell me about love?"
Candle Avatar: "I've come in search of the Candle of Love."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."

No Test

Brock: "Your actions alone indicate that you would fail the test. Your heart is not pure, it is clouded with pride and anger."
No Test Avatar: "I'm sorry for my outburst, brother. Please tell me about this test."
Bye Avatar: "Goodbye."


Brock: "Farewell, my son."


Proximity Enter (Noncinematic)

If Colando_Aggro_C is False
Colando: "I see you've come at last!"
Set Colando to attack the Avatar

Enter Conversation

If Colando_Aggro_C is false
Colando: "You're too late, Avatar: Britannia is ours! My master will be most pleased with me when I bring you to him."
Who Avatar: "Who are you?"
Master Avatar: "Who is your master?"
Out Way Avatar: "Get out of my way while you still live."


Colando: "I am Colando of the Wyrmguard, and I am going to use your capture to gain rank in the guard!"
Master Avatar: "Who is your master?"
Out Way Avatar: "Get out of my way while you still live."


Colando: "His name is Lord Blackthorn. Don't worry, you'll be meeting him soon enough!"
Set Colando_Aggro_C to True
Set Colando to attack the Avatar

Out Way

Colando: "So it's a fight that you want? Excellent! I can't wait to kill you!"
Set Colando_Aggro_C to True
Set Colando to attack the Avatar


Enter Conversation (Noncinematic)

If Rand is in area Area_Britain_Tavern
Choose randomly from the following 3 lines:
Rand: "Fresh biscuits and a cold brew. What more could a man desire?"
Rand: "A man can never have too many biscuits."
Rand: "If I drink much more my teeth will be floating."
Else If Rand is in area Area_BucsDenTavern
Choose randomly from the following 3 lines:
Rand: "Sometimes it's just good to buy a biscuit."
Rand: "Jade in the morning, Jade in the evening, Jade at drinking time."
Rand: "Here's to the creator of this fine beverage, and to the trees I water."
Else If Rand is in area Area_YewTavern
Choose randomly from the following 3 lines:
Rand: "I already signed your damn paper, now bring me a drink."
Rand: "Here's to the trees in which you live, and may my water never fall on your head."
Rand: "I like head, but not so much on my ale..."
Else If Rand is in area Area_TrinsicTavern
Choose randomly from the following 2 lines:
Rand: "I know I've seen your blurry image before. You are either following me, or you love cold, tasty beverages just as much as I do."
Rand: "Here's to you, here's to me, if I drink much more I'm going to... Damn, what rhymes with me?"
Else If Rand is in area Area_WellsBar
Choose randomly from the following 4 lines:
Rand: "Here's to the creator of this fine beverage, and to the trees I water."
Rand: "If I drink much more my teeth will be floating."
Rand: "I know I've seen your blurry image before. You are either following me, or you love cold, tasty beverages just as much as I do."
Rand: "Here's to you, here's to me, if I drink much more I'm going to... Damn, what rhymes with me?"


Enter Conversation and Proximity Enter Cinematic

Stephen: "Hey, mister! Hey, mister, give me some money!"
Why Avatar: "Why should I give you money?"
Wrong Avatar: "What's wrong, little boy?"
If Stephen_Was_Met_C is true
Met Before Avatar: "Haven't I met you before?"

Met Before

Stephen: "Oh, no, I don't think so. That must have been someone else. Now, about that money..."
Why Avatar: "Why should I give you money?"
Wrong Avatar: "What's wrong, little boy?"


Stephen: "'Cause I need it to eat, you big, stinky jerk! What kind of Avatar are you anyway? I don't even believe you're the Avatar."
Stephen: "I think you're just a big idiot!"
Not Nice Avatar: "That kind of talk isn't nice, little boy."
Avatar Avatar: "How did you know that I'm the Avatar?"
Bye Avatar: "Right; goodbye, kid."


Stephen: "I already told you, stupid. I need money! Money! Money! Now gimme money!"
Stephen: "You have to do what I say cause I'm a little kid and if you don't, I'm gonna scream and cry!"
Give Avatar: "Alright, here's 20 gold."
Not Give Avatar: "You're a little brat and I'm not going to give you any money."
Bye Avatar: "Right; goodbye, kid."

Not Nice

Stephen: "I don't care! I need some money and you have to give it to me!"
Stephen: "You have to do what I say cause I'm a little kid and if you don't, I'm gonna scream and cry!"
Give Avatar: "Alright, here's 20 gold."
Not Give Avatar: "You're a little brat and I'm not going to give you any money."
Bye Avatar: "Right; goodbye, kid."


Stephen: "Everybody knows you're the Avatar cause you're running around everywhere tryin' to fix stuff. Duh!"
Stephen: "I know who you are, but you don't know who I am! You don't know who I am! You don't know who I am! Ha, ha!"
Stephen: "Now, be virtuous and give me some money. Gimme money, gimme money!"
Give Avatar: "Alright, here's 20 gold."
Not Give Avatar: "You're a little brat and I'm not going to give you any money."
Bye Avatar: "Right; goodbye, kid."


Stephen: "Ha, ha! What a stupid wimp! You'll give your money to anybody just cause you're a stupid wimp! Ha, ha! What a dumb stupid-head!"
Go to Attack

Not Give

Stephen: "Hey, you can't talk to me like that cause I'm a little kid! You're mean and I'm gonna tell everybody! Meanie!"
Stephen: "I'll teach you to be mean to a poor little kid!"
Go to Attack


Stephen: "Hey, you're not being nice. You're supposed to be nice to me cause I'm a little kid! I'll show you to be mean to a kid!"
Go to Attack


Set Stephen_Was_Met_C to true
Set Stephen to attack the Avatar


Cleansing Cinematic

Activate Shrine's Success Trigger - Shrine Cleansing Trigger
Maintain external camera
Shrine: "Avatar, thou hast earned an advancement."
If the Avatar's Dexterity, Strength, and Intelligence are at least level 4
Add 20 points to the Avatar's Karma
Go to All Choices
Else If the Avatar's Dexterity and Strength are at least level 4
Go to Intelligence
Else If the Avatar's Strength and Intelligence are at least level 4
Go to Dexterity
Else If the Avatar's Dexterity and Intelligence are at least level 4
Go to Strength
Shrine: "In what attribute wilt thou advance?"
If Avatar's Strength is less than 4
Strength Avatar: "Strength"
If Avatar's Dexterity is less than 4
Dexterity Avatar: "Dexterity"
If Avatar's Intelligence is less than 4
Intelligence Avatar: "Intelligence"


Increase the Avatar's Strength by 1
Go to All Choices


Increase the Avatar's Dexterity by 1
Go to All Choices


Increase the Avatar's Intelligence by 1
Go to All Choices

All Choices

Set Usecode1 Flag on object to True - changes appearance I think
Add 10 points to the Avatar's Max Mana
Add 10 points to the Avatar's Max Health
Restore Avatar's Health and Mana to Full
Return to Shrine Cleansing Cinematic for Shrine of <Virtue>

Circle of Stones[edit]

Triggered Entrance after placing Orb of the Moons inside Circle

Circle of Stones: "Enter the mantra of the shrine you would like to travel to."
Check Input for any of these: "mu", "lum", "ahm", "beh", "cah", "summ", "ra", "om"
If True
If Shrine Cleansed
Moongate Opens that will teleport to map and location defined by input
Circle of Stones: "That path is clear, Avatar. Be careful on your journey."
Circle of Stones: "I'm sorry. That path is not clear."
If False
Circle of Stones: "I'm sorry, I do not understand what you are saying."


Triggered Entrance at New Magincia

Questions: "Halt, Matey!"
Questions: "What's the password?"
If input is "keelhaul"
Go to Correct
Go to Wrong

Triggered Entrance at Shame Barrier

Questions: "Welcome."
Questions: "Speak now the Mantra of Honor."
If input is "summ"
If Dupre_Told_Mantra is true
Go to Correct
Questions: "That is indeed the Mantra of Honor. However, before you can progress, you must speak to Dupre."
Go to Wrong
Go to Wrong

Triggered Entrance at Destard Entrance

Questions: "Hold, traveler."
Questions: "Speak now the Word Of Power."
If input is "inopia"
Go to Correct
Go to Wrong

Triggered Entrance to create Barrier of Life

Questions: "Magus."
Questions: "Speak now the magic words of Life."
If input is "sanct vas grav in mani an corp"
Go to Correct
Go to Wrong

Triggered Entrance to cast Armageddon

Questions: "Magus."
Questions: "Speak now the magic words of Armageddon."
If input is "vas kal an mani in corp hur tym"
Go to Correct
Go to Wrong

Triggered at Wrong

Questions: "You found your things!"
Go to Correct


Activate Questions' third trigger


Activate Questions' fourth trigger

Generic NPCs[edit]

Peasant Female[edit]

Proximity Enter

Choose randomly from the following 4 lines:
"Hello, sir."
"Safe travels to thee."
If it is after 5 pm
"Good evening."
"Good day."
If it is after 5 pm
"A good evening to you, sir."
"A good day to you, sir."

Enter Conversation

Choose randomly from the following 3 lines:
"I'm sorry. I'm far too busy to chat right now."
If it is stormy
"Hello there. How about this weather?"
"Hello. Pleasant weather we're having."
If Shrine_Compassion_Cleansed
"Well, hello there, Avatar."
"I'm sorry, but I don't talk to strange men."

Triggered in Court Scene Noncinematic

"Good riddance! I could have told you that vamp was dangerous. Did you see her clothes?"

Triggered in Court Scene Noncinematic

"Thank goodness our courts have rid the city of that trash!"

Peasant Male[edit]

Proxmity Enter Noncinematic

Choose randomly from the following 3 lines:
"Hail to thee!"
If it is past 5 pm
"Good evening, sir."
"Good day, sir."

Enter Conversation

Choose randomly from the following 4 lines
"Greetings! Say, do you think it looks like rain? I was considering washing my ox-cart this afternoon. Well, no matter. It will surely rain right after I wash it. Well, good day to you."
"Sorry, can't talk right now."
"Please don't bother me right now."
If weather is stormy
"Good day."
"Hello. Nice weather we're having."

Triggered at Court Scene Noncinematic

"Justice has been served. They deserve to rot for their crimes!"

Child Female[edit]

Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Choose randomly from the following 8 lines:
"Have you seen my doll?"
"Wanna come to my tea party?"
"Lets play house."
"Who are you?"
"What are you doing here?"
"La la, la la la!"
"Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down."
"Where's my mommy?"

Enter Conversation (Noncinematic)

Choose randomly from the following 11 lines:
"Mommy told me not to talk to strangers!"
"You smell funny."
"Hey mister."
"Girls can be adventurers too!"
"Mariah is my hero!"
"When I grow up, I want to marry you!"
"I sure hope they don't cart ME off to Paws!"
"Go away!"
"You scare me!"
"Don't hurt me!"

Child Male[edit]

Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Choose randomly from the following 10 lines:
"Hey, who are you?"
"Where are you going?"
"Come here!"
"Hey, do you see my toy anywhere?"
"Where'd go?"
"What's that?"
"Why are you here?"
"Where did my dog go?"
"Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down."

Enter Conversation (Noncinematic)

Choose randomly from the following 14 lines:
"I bet my daddy can beat you up!"
"You look like the guardian."
"When I grow up, I want to be just like you."
"I don't think I like you."
"You don't scare me."
"I can jump higher than you."
"Cool armor mister!"
"Can I play with your weapons."
"My dad said he killed a dragon once."
"My dad says you arn't good enough to finish your quest."
"I'm hungry."
"Go away."
"I'm calling my parents if you don't go away!"
"Girls are icky."

Traveler Female[edit]

Enter Conversation

If Weather is bad
Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
World Traveler Female: "It's getting a little cold out. I hope the rain lets up soon."
World Traveler Female: "Have you ever seen the sky so dark? These storms are just awful!"
World Traveler Female: "Oaf! You almost splashed me!"
Else If time is after 5 pm and before 6 am
World Traveler Female: "I'd be careful traveling at night if I were you. These monsters thrive in the dark."
Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
World Traveler Female: "Hail, friend! A fine day, eh?"
World Traveler Female: "Traveling was a lot easier when we still had horses!"
World Traveler Female: "Careful, it's not safe out today."
World Traveler Female: "Hurry up! You don't want to miss the trial, do you?"
Group 5
World Traveler Female: "Damn it's cold up here! Maybe I should start a fire."
World Traveler Female: "It sure gets cold on this trail."
World Traveler Female: "Stick to the roads... unless you don't mind looking for danger. I'd go back to Britain if I were you."
World Traveler Female: "What a beautiful day! I love the smell of the sea air!"

Traveler Male[edit]

Enter Conversation

If Weather is bad
Choose Randomly from the following 3 lines
World Traveler Male: "This rain makes traveling difficult."
World Traveler Male: "This weather is a pain in the neck!"
World Traveler Male: "When is this rain going to stop?"
World Traveler Male: "Wouldn't you know it, I left my rain cloak at home!"
Else If time is after 5 pm and before 6 am
Choose Randomly from the following 2 lines
World Traveler Male: "Just look at those moons."
World Traveler Male: "Have you ever see so many stars?"
Choose Randomly from the following 13 lines
World Traveler Male: "Good day, traveler."
World Traveler Male: "Watch the roads; they're ripe with monsters."
World Traveler Male: "Don't venture too far from the roads, there are a lot of monsters out there!"
World Traveler Male: "Hey there, watch out for bandits out this way."
World Traveler Male: "Be careful if you're headed to Paws. That place is full of disease!"
World Traveler Male: "Brr! I should have worn some thicker knickers!"
World Traveler Male: "Damn, it's cold."
World Traveler Male: "Greetings! Cold enough for ya?"
World Traveler Male: "Greetings, friend. You'd best be careful of Ice Hounds up here."
World Traveler Male: "Be careful: I spotted a couple of Ice Hounds not far from here."
World Traveler Male: "Be careful. It's just not safe out here!"
World Traveler Male: "I'd stay out of those dungeons if I were you. Those places are just too dangerous."
World Traveler Male: "Careful friend, there are monsters everywhere!"


Proximity Enter Noncinematic

Choose Randomly from the following 6 lines
Wyrmguard: "What the? The Avatar? What fortune!"
Wyrmguard: "Death to the Avatar!"
Wyrmguard: "Prepare for death, Avatar!"
Wyrmguard: "Your meddling days are over, 'hero'!"
Wyrmguard: "Come along quietly, Avatar, and I'll promise to kill you quickly."
Wyrmguard: "You're mine, Avatar!"

Transcripts and In-Game Text
Complete Transcripts Ultima IIIUltima IV (by subject) ☥ Ultima VUltima VISavage EmpireMartian DreamsUltima IX
Ports Ultima III (NES)Ultima III (FM Towns)Ultima VII (SNES)
Other Ultima VI voiceUltima VI signs/scrolls/booksMartian Dreams booksUltima VII books
Ultima VII signs/scrolls/plaquesSerpent Isle booksUltima VIII booksUltima IX books