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Keller, from Ultima IX
Species: human
Profession: trainer
CollapseUltima IX
Location: Castle Britannia
Transcript: Keller

Keller is a weaponsmaster, specializing in one-handed weapons. He can be found in Castle Britannia during Ultima IX.


The Avatar could meet Keller in the West wing of the castle, where he was loitering alongside his student, Olsen. Should the hero ask him about combat, Keller would prove a font of information, explaining the basics of armour, weapons, and melee training. He would further offer to personally train the Avatar for a fee of 300 gold pieces, and when thus paid, he could impart to the hero knowledge of a one-handed weapon technique known as the "hammer shot."

After a time, Keller could also be consulted about rumors regarding magical arms and armour, and would mention that he had heard tell that the blacksmith in Trinsic who was capable of crafting items out of blackrock.[1]


Keller offered the following training services:

Weapon Type
+ Level
New Technique Cost
One-handed, level 2 Hammer Chop 300


  • Should the Avatar greet Keller rudely, he will lament Lord British's policy against skirmishes in the castle, which prevents him from teaching the hero a lesson.[1]
  • In the fan-made dialogue patch for Ultima IX, Keller will discuss his past experiences with the Wyrmguard and how many of their number came from Pagan, rather than speaking on the basics of combat.
