Joshua (U9)

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Joshua, from Ultima IX
Species: human
Profession: mage
CollapseUltima IX
Location: Moonglow
Transcript: Joshua

This article is about an NPC in Ultima IX. For other uses, see Joshua (disambiguation).

Joshua is a mage of Moonglow in Ultima IX.


After being alerted by Leeland, Joshua's son, the Avatar discovered him during an attack on his house by thieves.[1] Joshua, who was well aware of his son's mischievous lies, hoped that this incident would correct that.[2] He then asked for help in recovering his journal, which Joshua declared to be very valuable, but also very dangerous in the wrong hands.[3]

The Avatar found it and learned that Joshua was researching the unstable orbits of Britannia's moons. Returning it to its owner, Joshua graciously gave the Avatar two powerful spell scrolls in return.[4]


  • The full text from his journal can be read below:
My Journal
Something in the moons is causing the people of Moonglow to act quite unnaturally. They have all become liars. I even find myself falling into the same pit of deceit that governs them. Lately I have noticed that my son Leeland is acting the same. He has neglected his studies of the magical arts, and has instead found entertainment in leading wayward travellers on wild goose chases. I'm not sure what I should do about all of this.
Upon extensive study of the Moons from my telescope, I have noticed that they are indeed moving closer at a rate unparalleled for their normal behavior this time of year. Thus I have concluded that something dire is about to happen to our beloved town, and quite possible, Britannia.
I went to that fool Tydus in hopes that he could answer my inquiry into the matter, and wouldn't you know, that fool actually had the gall to think he could charge me for his services. As if he was the one who owns the Oracle! He's claiming now that the Oracle specially requested that he act as a liason [sic] when an answer is needed. The Oracle is available to everyone!
I will continue my studies....


  1. LeelandCodexUltima IX. "Father Attack".
  2. JoshuaCodexUltima IX. "You're Lucky".
  3. JoshuaCodexUltima IX. "You're Lucky, Ruffians".
  4. JoshuaCodexUltima IX.