Old Jak

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Old Jak
Old Jak, from Ultima IX
Species: human
CollapseUltima IX
Location: Valoria
Transcript: Old Jak

Old Jak is a former fighter of Valoria, whose fighting days, especially after losing one arm, are long past.


The Avatar met him in his shop in Ultima IX, where he, obviously not shivering in fear like most of the others in the city, offered the Avatar his goods. He also offered training in the third single-handed weapon technique of Slashing for 2000 gold pieces. [1]

Valoria Shop[edit]

Prices in Ultima IX were as follows:[2]

Original Version
Provisions Cost
Potions Cost
Spell Scrolls Cost
Weapons Cost
Bandages 10 UIX blackpotion.gif Invisibility 500 U9Sc-Day.png Daylight 600 U92-HandedAxeIcon.png Two-handed axe 300
U9Torch.png Torch 5 UIX orangepotion.gif Mana recovery 200 U9Sc-SearingRain.png Searing Rain 3000 U9BladedStaffIcon.png Bladed staff 405
UIX yellowpotion.gif Heal 150 U9BroadswordIcon.png Broadsword 205
U9FireSwordIcon.png Fire sword 3000

Economy Patch Version
Food and
Provisions Cost
Potions Cost
Other Magic
Weapons Cost
Armor Cost
U9Bread.png Bread 3 Bandages 10 UIX blackpotion.gif Invisibility 300 U9Sc-Day.png Daylight scroll 600 U92-HandedAxeIcon.png Two-handed axe 800 U9-ChainArmsIcon.png Chain arms 400
Fish 6 U9Torch.png Torch 4 UIX orangepotion.gif Mana recovery 72 U9Sc-SearingRain.png Searing Rain scroll 3000 U9BladedStaffIcon.png Bladed staff 1005 U9-ChainChestIcon.png Chain chest 800
RumU9.png Rum 10 Lanternicon.png Lantern 22 UIX yellowpotion.gif Heal 55 U9-GinsengIcon.png Ginseng 12 U9BroadswordIcon.png Broadsword 705 U9-ChainGauntletsIcon.png Chain gauntlets 300
WineU9.png Wine 7 U9Bag.png Magic bag 654 UIX redpotion.gif Cure 30 U9-GarlicIcon.png Garlic 5 U9FireSwordIcon.png Fire sword 1400 U9-PlateChesticon.png Plate chest 3200
Onion 2 U9Sextant.png Sextant 800 UIX bluepotion.gif Water breathing 72 U9-SAIcon.png Sulfurous ash 25 U92-HandedSwordIcon.png Claymore 960 U9-PlateGauntletsIcon.png Plate gauntlets 950
FlaskU9.png Empty flask 3 UIX whitepotion.gif Infernal armor 270 U9FlamingOilIcon.png Oil flask 4 U9-PlateHelmIcon.png Plate helm 1010


Old Jak offered the following training services:

Weapon Type + Level New Technique Cost
One-handed, level 3 Slashing 2000


  1. Old Jak. Quill Dragon’s Ultima IX transcriptUltima IX.
  2. McCubbin, Chris et al. "Merchant Prices". Ultima IX Strategy Guide (Ultima IX). Prima Publishing: 1999. Pages 22–39.