Ultima Underworld II transcript

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This is a cryptic, semi-preformatted transcript taken from Paul Carr's web site for Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds. The headings are based on file names found in a zip file.


Appears to be a listing of messages the game gives you about events as they occur.

e:\uc\uw2\data\strings.pak: 136 string blocks.

block: 0001; 512 strings.
0: Hey, its all the game strings
1: Yow
2: The key does not fit.\n
3: There is no lock on that.\n
4: The key locks the lock.\n
5: The key unlocks the lock.\n
6: That is already open.\n
7: Use key on...\n
8: What lock would you like to try to pick?\n
9: You copy the map scrap to your map.\n
10: You do not have your map.\n
11: You are not yet ready to cast another spell.\n
12: not
13: Welcome to the Underworld.\n
14: There are hostile creatures near!\n
15: You make camp.\n
16: You go to sleep.\n
17: You are starving.\n
18: You feel rested.\n
19: Your sleep is uneasy.\n
20: You can't go to sleep here!\n
21: Your sleep is interrupted!\n
22: You unroll your sleeping bag and crawl inside.\n
23: You climb into the bed.\n
24: Your dreams are vivid, showing a shifting colored scene...\n
25: You awaken after a night of extremely lifelike dreams...\n
26: It looks to be that of 
27: They look to be those of 
28: You are not ready to advance.\n
29: That is not a mantra.\n
30: Knowledge and understanding fill you.\n
31: You cannot advance any further in that skill.\n
32: You have advanced greatly in 
33: You have advanced in 
34: None of your skills improved.\n
36: You feel a faint tingling sensation.\n
38: You cannot advance in 
39: The watch reads 
40: to the North
41: to the Northeast
42: to the East
43: to the Southeast
44: to the South
45: to the Southwest
46: to the West
47: to the Northwest
48: far far below you
49: far far below you
50: far below you
51: far below you
52: below you
53: below you
54: underneath you
56: above you
57: above you
58: above you
59: far above you
60: far above you
61: far far above you
62: far far above you
63: You detect a creature 
64: You detect a few creatures 
65: You detect the activity of many creatures 
66: You detect no monster activity.\n
67:  is currently active.\n
68: You are currently 
69: It is the 
70:  day of your quest.\n
71: It has been an uncountable number of days since the castle was sealed off.\n
72: You guess that it is currently 
73: You are in 
74: an alternate dimension
75: Britannia
76: The Prison Tower
77: Killorn Keep
78: the Ice Caverns
79: Talorus
80: the Scintillus Academy Final Exam
81: the Tomb of Praecor Loth
82: the Pits of Carnage
83: the Ethereal Void
84: night
85: night
86: dawn
87: early morning
88: morning
89: late morning
90: mid-day
91: afternoon
92: late afternoon
93: early evening
94: evening
95: night
96: .\n
97: barely
98: mildly
99: badly
100: seriously
101: critically
102: Your current vitality is 
103: Your current mana points are 
104: You are 
105:  poisoned.\n
106: That is too far away to take.\n
107: You cannot reach that.\n
108: That is too heavy for you to pick up.\n
109: You cannot pick that up.\n
110: You detect no traps.\n
111: You found a trap! Do you wish to try to disarm it?\n
112: You catch a lovely fish.\n
113: No luck this time.\n
114: You cannot fish there. Perhaps somewhere else.\n
115: You feel a nibble, but the fish gets away.\n
116:  and 
117: starving
118: famished
119: very hungry
120: hungry
121: mildly hungry
122: fed
123: well fed
124: full
125: stuffed
126: fatigued
127: very tired
128: drowsy
129: awake
130: rested
131: wide awake
132: You can only use those individually. Take one from this group if you wish to use it.\n
133: Your lockpicking attempt failed.\n
134: You broke your pick.\n
135: You succeed in picking the lock.\n
136: That is not locked.\n
137: Lights may only be used if equipped.\n
138: That light is already used up.\n
139: With a loud <SNAP!>, the wand cracks.\n
140: You are too full to eat that now.\n
141: You are unable to remove the stopper.\n
142: You unroll your map.\n
146: It seems to have no effect.\n
147: The fountain is dry.\n
148: You thoughtfully give the bones a final resting place.\n
149: The rock breaks into smaller pieces.\n
150: Sorry.. your object list is corrupted.  Please report this.\nWould you like to continue anyway? 
151:  is nearly done\n
152:  is unstable\n
153:  is stable\n
154: You destroy the 
155: You damage the 
156: You cannot repair that.\n
157: Your attempt has no effect on the 
158: You partially repair the 
159: You fully repair the 
160: The noise you made has attracted attention!\n
161: Congratulations! You've reached experience level 
162: The bowl does not contain the correct ingredients.\n
163: You mix the ingredients into a stew.\n
164: You need a bowl to mix the ingredients.\n
165: Enscribed upon the scroll is your map.\n
166: You cannot use that.\n
167: Why is this being printed?\n
168: You see nothing.\n
169: Nothing to get.\n
170: You cannot talk to that.\n
171: Using the pole you trigger the switch.\n
172: The pole cannot be used on that.\n
173: Impossible, you are between worlds.\n
174: You cannot select options partway through an action.\n
175: No save game there.\n
176: Restore Game Complete.\n
177: \4Restore Game Failed.\n\0
178: \4Save Game Failed.\n\0
179: \6Save Game Succeeded.\n\0
180: \4Save Game Aborted.\n\0
181: Restoring Game 
182: Saving Game 
183: \6     Please enter a save file description:\n
184: Error: Bad save file
185: ...
186: You see a bridge.\n
187:  tasted putrid.\n
188:  tasted a little rancid.\n
189:  tasted kind of bland.\n
190:  tasted pretty good.\n
191:  tasted great.\n
192: You cannot use oil on that.\n
193: You think it is a bad idea to add oil to the lit lantern.\n
194: Adding oil, you refuel the lantern.\n
195: The lantern is already full.\n
196: Dousing a cloth with oil and applying it to the wood, you make a torch.\n
197: You think it is a bad idea to add oil to the lit torch.\n
198: You refresh the torch.\n
199: The torch is unused.\n
200: You are unable to use that from here.\n
201: You cannot barter a container. Instead, remove the contents you want to trade.\n
202: A level 
203: freed Castle British
204: after 
205:  days imprisoned within the Jewel.
207: Sorry, you have no 
208:  is too full.\n
209: You press the button.\n
210: You press the button.\n
211: You press the button.\n
212: You flip the switch.\n
213: You flip the switch.\n
214: You pull the lever.\n
215: You pull the chain.\n
216: You pull the chain.\n
217: The button returns to its original state.\n
218: The button returns to its original state.\n
219: The button returns to its original state.\n
220: You flip the switch.\n
221: You flip the switch.\n
222: You push the lever.\n
223: You return the chain to its original position.\n
224: You return the chain to its original position.\n
225: You are not experienced enough to cast spells of that circle.\n
226: You do not have enough mana to cast the spell.\n
227: The incantation failed.\n
228: Casting was not successful.\n
229: The spell backfires.\n
230: You attempt to use the wand.\n
231: You think it will be 
232:  to repair the 
233: \nMake an attempt? 
234: trivial
235: simple
236: possible
237: hard
238: very difficult
239: The leeches remove the poison as well as some of your skin and blood.\n
240:  is angered by your action.\n
241:  is annoyed by your action.\n
242:  notes your action.\n
243: Your vision distorts and you feel light headed.\n
244: You manage to finish eating the leeches. Barely.\n
245: You eat the candle, but doubt that it was good for you.\n
246: Munch, munch...\n
247: The mushroom causes your head to spin, and your vision to blur.\n
248: The plant is plain tasting but nourishing.\n
251: Although you have to eat around the thorny flowers, the plant is quite good.\n
252: The water refreshes you.\n
253: You drink the wine.\n
254: You drink the dark ale.\n
255: You quaff the potion in one gulp.\n
256: As the alcohol hits you, you stumble and collapse into sleep.\n
257: The drink makes you feel a little better for now.\n
258: You wake feeling somewhat unstable but better.\n
259: You found a trap! Do you wish to try to disarm it? 
260: Your Rune of Warding has been set off 
261: Your hands are full.\n
262: You can only put runes in the rune bag.\n
263: That item does not fit.\n
264: The waters of the fountain renew your strength.\n
265: You play the instrument. (Use 0-9 to play, or ESC to return to game)\n
266: You put the instrument away.\n
267: You play the instrument.\n
268: That is too heavy to take.\n
269: There is no space to drop that.\n
270: You need more space to fire that weapon.\n
271: There is not enough room to release that spell.\n
272: awakens . . .
273: You reenter the Underworld . . .
274: There is no place to put that.\n
275: You gain a sudden awareness of your surroundings.\n
276: You see 
277: a_batskull
278: a_hellhound
279: a_Mr. Jaws
280: a_spiral
281: a_fish
282: a_lightning bolt
283: a_skull-face
284: an_eyeball
286: The spell unlocks the lock.\n
287: The spell has no discernable effect.\n
288: \6    Save Game Descriptions
289: The moonstone is not available.\n
290: The cauldron is empty.\n
291: Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds v
292: You are healed.\n
293: There is no room to create that.\n
294: A rending sound fills the air.\n
296: asleep
297: You cannot save or restore games in the demo version.\n
298: Your position is revealed unto you.\n
299: That creature does not bleed.\n
300: You cannot enchant that.\n
301: You have enchanted the 
302: That is not a rune.\n
303: The spell repairs the 
304: You have detected a trap.\n
305: You detect no traps.\n
306: There is no suitable space.\n
307: You feel much better.\n
308: You feel well fed.\n
309: This creature is 
310: This powerful creature is 
311: This undead creature is 
312: This powerful undead creature is 
313: Its current vitality is 
314: It can fly.\n
315: It can swim.\n
316: It uses poisonous attacks.\n
317: It is resistant to: 
318: Your attempt to enchant the 
319:  destroys it in a blaze of fire!\n
320: You lack sufficient experience to enchant the 
321:  any further.\n
322: The spell has no noticeable effect.\n
323: That is not a moonstone.\n
324: It can use 
325: You detect 
326: Magic
327: Physical Attacks
328: Fire
329: Poison
330: Cold
331: Missiles
332: The thick oil permeates the mud.\n
333: The oily mud coats your skin.\n
334: The oily mud bakes on your skin.\n
335: The baked mud hardens into a clear glaze.\n
336: The air-daemon is absorbed into your body, and remains there, a faint but detectable presence awaiting release.\n
338: The key gem fuses with the larger gem, and the face lights up.\n
339: You feel a faint vibration run through the gem.\n
340: The gem seems to shake slightly as this happens.\n
341: The room trembles; clods of earth fall from the ceiling, and the water is disturbed.\n
342: There is a low rumble in the room.\n
343: The room shakes; waves wash up and down in the pond\n
344: You stumble slightly, as the room shakes about.\n
345: There is a booming, cracking sound, and you hear startled bats fluttering about.\n
346: The gem shakes and recolors, and begins to flash.\n
347: The key gem remains inert in your hand.\n
348: That face of the gem remains opaque, and you are bounced back.\n
349:  is the current selection 
350: +123456789A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E1234567+9F123456789G123456789H123456789I123456789J123456789K123456789L123456789M123456789
351: N1234+6789O123456789P123456789Q123456789R123456789S123456789T123456789U123456789V123456789W123456789X123456789Y123456789Z
352: You "read" the crystal's signature: 
353: You try to wind the mighty horn, but your lungs fail you.\n
354: You make some noise, but somehow the horn's power does not seem to be at its fullest.\n
355: You feel your limbs stiffen.  You are unable to move.\n
356: cool 
357: warm 
358: Your bumbling attempts have set off the 
359: Unable to defuse trap.\n
360:  was successfully disarmed.\n
361: You regain awareness in the cavern containing the pulsating blackrock gem.\n
362: \4The cursed object causes you much pain.\n\0
363: You may eat after you finish speaking.\n
364: Centering joystick....centered.\nPush joystick away and to right, press button....\n
365: Aborted.\n
366: ok\nPull joystick towards and to left, press button....\n
367: \n
368:  is locked.\n
369: The air daemon is released, and then rends you.\n
370:  a denizen of the area
371:  a worm
372:  a slug
373:  a bat
374:  a rat
375:  a spider
376:  a goblin
377:  a skeleton
378:  a daemon
379:  a mongbat
380:  a dragonfly
381:  a trilkhun
382:  a lurker
383:  a brain creature
384:  a headless
385:  a troll
386:  a yeti
387:  a white worm
388:  a snow cat
389:  an ice golem
390:  an elemental
391:  a golem
392:  a ghost
393:  a liche
394:  a spectre
395:  a reaper
396:  an ooze
397:  a gazer
398:  a human
411: first
412: second
413: third
414: fourth
415: fifth
416: sixth
417: seventh
418: eighth
419: ninth
420: tenth
421: eleventh
422: twelth
423: thirteenth
424: fourteenth
425: fifteenth
426: sixteenth
427: seventeenth
428: eighteenth
429: nineteenth
430: twentieth
431: twenty-first
432: twenty-second
433: twenty-third
434: twenty-fourth
435: twenty-fifth
436: twenty-sixth
437: twenty-seventh
438: twenty-eighth
439: twenty-ninth
440: thirtieth
441: thirty-first
442: thirty-second
443: thirty-third
444: thirty-fourth
445: thirty-fifth
446: thirty-sixth
447: thirty-seventh
448: thirty-eighth
449: thirty-ninth
450: fortieth
451: forty-first
452: forty-second
453: forty-third
454: forty-fourth
455: forty-fifth
456: forty-sixth
457: forty-seventh
458: forty-eighth
459: forty-ninth
460: fiftieth
461: fifty-first
462: fifty-second
463: fifty-third
464: fifty-fourth
465: fifty-fifth
466: fifty-sixth
467: fifty-seventh
468: fifty-eighth
469: fifty-ninth
470: sixtieth
471: sixty-first
472: sixty-second
473: sixty-third
474: sixty-fourth
475: sixty-fifth
476: sixty-sixth
477: sixty-seventh
478: sixty-eighth
479: sixty-ninth
480: seventieth
481: seventy-first
482: seventy-second
483: seventy-third
484: seventy-fourth
485: seventy-fifth
486: seventy-sixth
487: seventy-seventh
488: seventy-eighth
489: seventy-ninth
490: eightieth
491: eighty-first
492: eighty-second
493: eighty-third
494: eighty-fourth
495: eighty-fifth
496: eighty-sixth
497: eighty-seventh
498: eighty-eighth
499: eighty-ninth
500: ninetieth
501: ninety-first
502: ninety-second
503: ninety-third
504: ninety-fourth
505: ninety-fifth
506: ninety-sixth
507: ninety-seventh
508: ninety-eighth
509: ninety-ninth
510: hundredth
511: uncountable

block: 0002; 512 strings.
1: Choose character sex:
2: Select handedness:
3: Pick a class:
4: Pick a skill:
6: Select difficulty:
7: Name: 
8: Keep this character?
9: Male
10: Female
11: Right
12: Left
13: Standard
14: Easy
15: Yes
16: No
17: Str:
18: Dex:
19: Int:
20: Vit:
21: Mana:
22: Exp:
23: Fighter
24: Mage
25: Bard
26: Tinker
27: Druid
28: Paladin
29: Ranger
30: Shepherd
31: Attack
32: Defense
33: Barehand
34: Sword
35: Axe
36: Mace
37: Missile
38: Mana
39: Lore
40: Casting
41: Traps
42: Search
43: Track
44: Stealth
45: Repair
46: Charisma
47: Picklock
48: Acrobat
49: Appraise
50: Swimming
55: AXE
56: MACE
58: MANA
59: LORE
73: NO
75: MU AHM
76: OM CAH
131: Skill Pt

block: 0003; 512 strings.
0: The pages are blank.
1: "On the Properties of Runestones." Second Edition annotated by the mage Nystul
2: "Key to the Black Gate" by Anton of New Magincia
3: "Mysteries of the Abyss," being a chronicle of the hubris of Tyball, and of his defeat by the Avatar in the Great Stygian Abyss.
4: "Collected historical plays of Raymundo of Britain"
5: "101 Avatar jokes," by Chuckles the Jester (autographed by the author)
6: This book appears to contain magic formulas, and contains references to the Guardian and his servants. However, much of it is written in an obscure scripts, which you are unable to decipher. The first page identifies it as the property of Mors Gotha.
7: Dear Avatar,\n  Greetings, old friend!  I hope this letter finds thee in good health. 'Tis now almost a year since thy defeat of the Guardian...
8: Avatar -- \n  Please come to the throne room as soon as possible.  Lord British shall be holding a meeting to discuss our options in this sudden crisis.  \n -- Miranda 
10: Harry -- \n I'm not going to be able to get you that slug repellent until Thursday, so I hope you can hold on until then.  In the meantime, I'd stop storing food in your office.\n -Sabo 
12: Sabo, have you seen what's going on with the moving platform system? One of the main elevators is jammed, and I don't even want to talk about the ones near the castle ladder.  Also, I'm having more problems with giant slugs in my office.  Is there anything you can do? \n - Harry 
14: "Mages' Digest" (issue 1018)
15: "The Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum 
16: "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman 
17: "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith 
18: "Pale Fire" by Vladimir Nabokov 
19: "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss 
20: "Swords Against Death" by Fritz Leiber 
21: "Neuromancer" by William Gibson
22: "Something Under the Bed is Drooling" by Bill Watterson
23: "At the Mountains of Madness" by H.P. Lovecraft
24: "Sex" by Madonna 
25: No practical application found yet for this spell.\n May be too undignified for use by most wizards.\n  I prefer the more difficult "Slow Fall" spell.
32: Borne:\n  Somewhere in the environs of your tower there is a gem of a hard black material. On your life, find it and keep it safe from theft. This matter is of the highest importance.\n      -G
33: Food Delivery Voucher: Delivery of twenty (20) stalks sourweed, fifteen (15) loaves poori bread, ... etc.
34: Avatar,\n Do not omit in thy travels to speak with a mage named Zoranthus -- thou shalt find him in a prison of his own. .\n            - Bishop
35: The Guardian is most displeased with your apparent lack of progress.  I will be sending you the runes Rel, Sanct and Ylem to speed up your production rate. -- M.G.
37: Make sure you remember to move the gem into the oubliette, and then set up the trap as I directed.  Screw this one up, Relk, and I'll have your skull  made into a tankard.  - M.G.
38: Avatar,\nI dare not remain in the keep any longer -- the situation is too dangerous. Mors Gotha has arrived with her murderers; be wary of her, for she may discern thy true nature. The spellbook she carries may be of great  interest to thee.  Good luck; I hope we shall meet again one day.\n\n         Altara 
40: We have found the entrance to the cave which we believe to contain the lost city of Anodunos, long frozen by our first ice age.  Presently, we are searching for a place to camp which is safe from the many hostile ice creatures here.
41: . . .have frozen over, only the Filanium deposits to the southeast are still viable.  To make matters worse, a tribe of Yeti has. . . 
42: Rune Order Form:\n\n Resist Blows: Bet, In, Sanct \n Lesser Heal: In, Bet, Mani \n Locate: Bet, Wis, Ex \n Speed: Rel, Tym, Por
44: ...worms are much tougher than we first thought.  The snow cats are less dangerous, although one of them almost got Ripkin when she fell through the ice.  Worst of all are the snowball-throwing Yeti, which...
45: Instru. . .m control \n Manipu. . .auses th. . .ze to chan. . .wo step process.  To get the ke. . .ake sure the leve. . .ch and chain are all. . .To rea. . .oor, lower the. . .nd switch, and pres. . .walk through the force f. . .to maze. . .stroy this note aft. . .else we'll both hang. \n\n Much of this note is smudged and unreadable. 
46: ...an extremely curious herb, it seems like the legendary mandrake to thrive only on gravesites.  Its effects are entirely singular, in my experience...\n   (the rest of the note is faded and unreadable)
47: This latest discovery is quite exciting.  No longer having an active metabolism, it is useless to me, but I must write to Dr. Kintobor.  The spice acts as a mild sedative when chewed, and its effects are actuated when the subject subsequently sleeps.  It (the entry stops here)
48: 3 roots Mandrake, 4 clumps blood moss, 3 bunches dream-spice, 10 cloves garlic.
49: Avatar,\n My sources tell me Mors Gotha is moving closer to our dimensional neighborhood. Seek her out -- she carries a spellbook of great value to thee. Be warned, though -- she is a dangerous opponent. I should know.\n            - Bishop
66: 2/13/31  On the verge of making a breakthrough in magically-induced heat reduction.  The proper runic formula is either An Flam Rel, or In An Flam.  I shall first try An Flam Rel, which, although a combination of greater risk, should result in a greater reduction of heat. 
96: "I muzt align a bi-phazal kontroller with a skup pattern matrikz in a Delgnizator.\n" "What ozillation frekenzy will produze ekzor rezonanze?"\n "And how may I engage Skup-interlok?"
97: For Avatar:\n Controller Crystal M4Y8
98: For Eloemosynator 
99: "Haz produktion inkreazed thiz cykle?"\n "Theze Runez have great Virtue."
100: "I will chooze the blak rok."\n "I will chooze the white rok."
101: "How many Vorz are rekired to operate the Fleddlezonger?"
102: "The alien bird iz very nize."\n "It swallowz fish and slidez on ize."
103: "Uija ja Es. Dbu'a aflsfu nfaabhf."
104: "You are sweating like a pig."\n "Korregtion: pigz don't sweat."
105: "I have failed in my funktion."\n "Your termination iz now imminent."
106: "Guezz what?" "What?" "That'z what!" "Thiz iz not efficient behavior.\n"
107: "How many Vorz doez it take to skup a lightsphere?"\n "None -- Vorz cannot skup, dinglenoggen!
108: "Guardian iz efficiency Talorified. \n "Yez.  I muzt agree."
109: "I muzt make the Vorz more agrezzive."
110: "Your aura haz stopped glozifying."
111: "Have you heard of theze thingz called doorz?"\n "Yez. They are very strange.
129: 3529 
130: Istrik -- B+\nJashou -- C+\nPerrin -- F (dead)\nOdraanj -- A-\nRavenna -- dead\nMirre -- B\nLodrah -- B-\nElster -- incomplete
131: All items are property of the academy.  Please leave them for the next student.
132: This is partially a test in the judicious use of mana.  You will not be allowed to regain mana after the first section.
133: Instructions to students:\nAnyone caught cheating on the exam will be ensorcelled and expelled.
135: Elster -- I hope your thesis is going well, and good luck on that exam! \n love, mom
136: Rovilar,\n  The council has voted on the matter of the secure vault. They think it would be safest to build it in the Ethereal Void, and to put up obstacles that require magical training, in addition to an ordinary key.  They'd like to see plans next week, and if all goes well expect it finished in a month.
137: Kalarion,\n  I have taken care of the Vas and Tym runes you sent me. They should be fairly safe.\n          Signed, Rovilar
138: Larkin, \n  This is now the fifth straight day that I have detected an interdimensional disturbance in the ether.  Judging from the proportional increases, I am now surer than ever that something monstrously powerful is fast approaching our planet.  The council has thus far refused to acknowledge the import of my observations, but I am convinced that we are potentially in grave danger.  Could you place me on the agenda for the next council meeting?  Thanks.\n          -Devrow 
160: 160
192: "Greater than the lowly imp are a variety of daemons. The Hordling is the soldier of Hell. Mightier than it is the pestilent, dim-witted Despoiler. Few indeed meet the dreaded void Destroyer and live."
193: On Chromatographic Alchemy:  As far as current research allows, only certain very specific solutions can hold particular magical effects.  Fortuitously, these may be distinguished by color.  E.g., yellow for healing, red for curing of poison, purple for protection, brown for speed, and black for invisibility.  A clear solution is required for mana restoring potions, but certain other potations can also be so suspended.
194: 194
202: 202
210: 210
220: 220
224: 224
225: Ethereal effects of various spells: Locate - none.  Map Area - none. Roaming Sight - none. Create Food - normal. Tremor - very strange.
240: Foolish thief!  "All that glitters is not gold."\n                            Gotcha,\n                            Morphius

block: 0004; 512 strings.
0: a_hand axe
1: a_battle axe
2: an_axe
3: a_dagger
4: a_shortsword
5: a_longsword
6: a_broadsword
7: a_cudgel
8: a_light mace
9: a_mace
10: a_jewelled dagger
11: a_jeweled axe
12: a_black sword
13: a_jeweled sword
14: a_jeweled mace
15: a_fist
16: a_sling stone
17: a_crossbow bolt
18: an_arrow
19: a_skull
20: a_fireball
21: a_lightning bolt
22: acid
23: a_magic arrow
24: a_sling
25: a_bow
26: a_crossbow
27: a_homing dart
28: a_snowball
29: a_fireball
30: a_satellite
31: a_jeweled bow
32: a_leather vest
33: a_mail shirt
34: a_breastplate
35: leather leggings&pairs of leather leggings
36: mail leggings&pairs of mail leggings
37: plate leggings&pairs of plate leggings
38: leather gloves&pairs of leather gloves
39: chain gauntlets&pairs of chain gauntlets
40: plate gauntlets&pairs of plate gauntlets
41: leather boots&pairs of leather boots
42: chain boots&pairs of chain boots
43: plate boots&pairs of plate boots
44: a_leather cap
45: a_chain cowl
46: a_helmet
47: a_pair of swamp boots&pairs of swamp boots
48: a_crown
49: a_crown
50: a_crown
51: fraznium gauntlets&pairs of fraznium gauntlets
52: a_fraznium circlet
53: a_Guardian signet ring
54: a_strange artifact
55: a_copper ring
56: a_gold ring
57: a_silver ring
58: a_red ring
59: a_tower shield
60: a_wooden shield
61: a_small shield
62: a_buckler
63: a_jeweled shield
64: a_rotworm
65: a_cave bat
66: a_vampire bat
67: a_giant tan rat
68: a_giant grey rat
69: a_flesh slug
70: an_acid slug
71: a_mongbat
72: a_skeleton
73: a_goblin
74: a_goblin
75: an_imp
76: a_giant spider
77: a_lurker
78: a_bloodworm
79: a_stickman
80: a_white worm
81: a_snow cat
82: a_yeti&yeti
83: a_headless&headlesses
84: a_Talorid
85: a_ghost
86: a_wolf spider
87: a_trilkhun&trilkhai
88: a_brain creature
89: a_deep lurker
90: a_dread spider
91: a_human
92: a_great troll
93: a_spectre
94: a_hordling
95: an_earth golem
96: a_fire elemental
97: an_ice golem
98: a_dire ghost
99: a_reaper
100: a_despoiler
101: a_metal golem
102: a_haunt
103: a_dire reaper
104: a_destroyer
105: a_liche
106: a_liche
107: a_liche
108: a_human
109: a_vorz
110: a_fighter
111: a_gazer
112: a_human
113: a_human
114: a_human
115: a_human
116: a_human
117: a_human
118: a_human
119: a_human
120: a_human
121: a_human
122: a_human
123: a_human
126: a_human
127: an_adventurer
128: a_sack
129: an_open sack
130: a_pack
131: an_open pack
132: a_box&boxes
133: an_open box&open boxes
134: a_pouch&pouches
135: an_open pouch&pouches
136: a_map case
137: an_open map case
138: a_gold coffer
139: an_open gold coffer
140: a_key ring
141: a_quiver
142: a_bowl
143: a_rune bag
144: a_lantern
145: a_torch&torches
146: a_candle
147: a_light-sphere
148: a_lit lantern
149: a_lit torch
150: a_lit candle
151: a_lit light-sphere
152: a_wand
153: a_wand
154: a_wand
155: a_wand
156: a_broken wand
157: a_broken wand
158: a_broken wand
159: a_broken wand
160: a_coin
161: a_storage crystal
162: a_ruby&rubies
163: a_red gem
164: a_small blue gem
165: a_large blue gem
166: a_sapphire
167: an_emerald
168: a_black pearl
169: a_goblet
170: a_sceptre
171: a_black stone
172: a_white stone
173: a_grey stone
174: a_delgnigzator
175: a_pocketwatch&pocketwatches
176: a_piece of meat&pieces of meat
177: a_piece of meat&pieces of meat
178: a_piece of cheese&pieces of cheese
179: an_apple
180: an_ear of corn&ears of corn
181: a_loaf of bread&loaves of bread
182: a_fish&fish
183: some_popcorn&bunches of popcorn
184: a_pastry&pastries
185: a_mushroom
186: a_honeycomb
187: a_bottle of ale&bottles of ale
188: a_bottle of water&bottles of water
189: a_bottle of wine&bottles of wine
190: some_meat-on-a-stick&pieces of meat-on-a-stick
191: a_nutritious wafer
192: a_plant
193: some_grass&bunches of grass
194: a_skull
195: a_skull
196: a_bone
197: a_bone
198: a_pile of bones&piles of bones
199: a_broken dagger
200: a_broken sword
201: a_broken axe
202: a_broken mace
203: a_broken shield
204: a_piece of wood&pieces of wood
205: a_piece of wood&pieces of wood
206: a_plant
207: a_plant
208: a_pile of debris&piles of debris
209: a_pile of debris&piles of debris
210: a_lump of wax&lumps of wax
211: a_stalactite
212: a_plant
213: an_icicle
214: a_pile of debris&piles of debris
215: an_anvil
216: a_pole
217: a_plant
218: a_plant
219: some_rubble&piles of rubble
220: a_pile of wood chips&piles of wood chips
221: a_pile of bones&piles of bones
222: a_blood stain
223: a_blood stain
224: a_runestone
225: a_black potion
226: a_purple potion
227: a_yellow potion
228: a_green potion
229: a_red potion
230: a_colorless potion
231: a_brown potion
232: an_An stone
233: a_Bet stone
234: a_Corp stone
235: a_Des stone
236: an_Ex stone
237: a_Flam stone
238: a_Grav stone
239: a_Hur stone
240: an_In stone
241: a_Jux stone
242: a_Kal stone
243: a_Lor stone
244: a_Mani stone
245: a_Nox stone
246: an_Ort stone
247: a_Por stone
248: a_Quas stone
249: a_Rel stone
250: a_Sanct stone
251: a_Tym stone
252: an_Uus stone
253: a_Vas stone
254: a_Wis stone
255: a_Ylem stone
256: a_curious implement
257: a_lockpick
258: a_key
259: a_key
260: a_key
261: a_key
262: a_key
263: a_key
264: a_key
265: a_key
266: a_key
267: a_key
268: a_key
269: a_key
270: a_key
271: a_lock
272: an_eyeball
273: a_horn
274: a_pearl-tipped rod&pearl-tipped rods
275: a_black eggshell&black eggshells
276: a_plant
277: a_serpent statue&serpent statues
278: a_bottle
279: an_amethyst rod&amethyst rods
280: a_blackrock gem
281: a_blackrock gem
282: a_blackrock gem
283: a_blackrock gem
284: a_blackrock gem
285: a_blackrock gem
286: a_blackrock gem
287: a_blackrock gem
288: a_spell
289: a_bedroll
290: an_orb
291: a_mandolin
292: a_flute
293: some_leeches&bunches of leeches
294: a_moonstone
295: a_force field
296: a_rock hammer
297: a_resilient sphere
298: a_campfire
299: a_fishing pole
300: some_thread&pieces of thread
301: an_oil flask
302: a_fountain
303: a_banner
304: a_book
305: a_book
306: a_book
307: a_book
308: a_scroll
309: a_scroll
310: a_scroll
311: a_scroll
312: a_book
313: a_bit of a map
314: a_map
315: a_dead plant
316: a_dead plant
317: a_bottle
318: a_stick
319: a_resilient sphere
320: a_door
321: a_door
322: a_door
323: a_door
324: a_door
325: a_door
326: a_portcullis&portcullises
327: a_secret door
328: an_open door
329: an_open door
330: an_open door
331: an_open door
332: an_open door
333: an_open door
334: an_open portcullis
335: a_secret door
336: a_bench&benches
337: an_arrow
338: a_crossbow bolt
339: a_large boulder
340: a_large boulder
341: a_boulder
342: a_small boulder
343: a_shrine
344: a_table
345: a_beam
346: a_moongate
347: a_barrel
348: a_chair
349: a_chest
350: a_nightstand
351: a_lotus turbo esprit
352: a_pillar
353: a_lever
354: a_switch&switches
355: a_painting
356: a_bridge
357: a_gravestone
358: some_writing
359: a_bed
360: a_large blackrock gem
361: a_shelf
365: force field
366: special tmap obj
367: special tmap obj
368: a_button
369: a_button
370: a_button
371: a_switch
372: a_switch
373: a_lever
374: a_pull chain
375: a_pull chain
376: a_button
377: a_button
378: a_button
379: a_switch
380: a_switch
381: a_lever
382: a_pull chain
383: a_pull chain
384: a_damage trap
385: a_teleport trap
386: a_arrow trap
387: a_hack trap
388: a_special effects trap
389: a_change terrain trap
390: a_spelltrap
391: a_create object trap
392: a_door trap
393: a_ward trap
394: a_skill trap
395: a_delete object trap
396: an_inventory trap
397: a_set variable trap
398: a_check variable trap
399: a_null trap
400: a_text string trap
401: an_experience trap
402: a_jump trap
403: a_change from trap
404: a_change to trap
405: an_oscillator trap
406: a_proximity trap
407: a_pit trap
408: a_bridge trap
414: a_flam rune
415: a_tym rune
416: a_move trigger
417: a_pick up trigger
418: a_use trigger
419: a_look trigger
420: a_pressure trigger
421: a_pressure release trigger
422: an_enter trigger
423: an_exit trigger
424: an_unlock trigger
425: a_timer trigger
426: an_open trigger
427: a_close trigger
428: a_scheduled trigger
432: a_move trigger
433: a_pick up trigger
434: a_use trigger
435: a_look trigger
436: a_pressure trigger
437: a_pressure release trigger
438: an_enter trigger
439: an_exit trigger
440: an_unlock trigger
441: a_timer trigger
442: an_open trigger
443: a_close trigger
444: a_scheduled trigger
448: some_blood
449: a_mist cloud
450: an_explosion
451: an_explosion
452: an_explosion
453: lightning
454: a_splash&splashes
455: some_spacey twinkles
456: some_smoke
457: a_fountain
458: some_frost
459: a_flash
460: lightning
461: a_wisp
462: a_vapor trail
463: a_moving door

block: 0005; 512 strings.
0: broken
1: badly damaged
2: damaged
3: sturdy
4: massive
5: massive
6: ruined
7: badly worn
8: worn
9: servicable
10: excellent
11: excellent
12: shredded
13: tattered
14: brittle
15: ragged
16: smooth
17: smooth
18: worm-infested
19: rotten
20: smelly
21: day-old
22: almost fresh
23: fresh
24: mold-covered
25: moldy
26: stale
27: day-old
28: almost fresh
29: fresh
30: broken
31: battered
32: dented
33: undamaged
34: new
35: new
36: ruined
37: marred
38: scratched
39: unblemished
40: flawless
41: flawless
42: ruined
43: marred
44: tarnished
45: undamaged
46: perfect
47: perfect
48: tiny
49: small
50: medium sized
51: large
52: very large
53: huge
54: unreadable
55: tattered
56: dog-eared
57: undamaged
58: new
59: new
60: burned out
61: nearly spent
62: half burned
63: somewhat used
64: hardly used
65: unused
66: empty
67: nearly empty
68: half full
69: nearly full
70: full
71: full
72: broken
73: cracked
74: worn
75: slightly worn
76: new
77: new
78: ruined
79: badly worn
80: worn
81: servicable
82: excellent
83: excellent
84: cracked
85: battered
86: chipped
87: scuffed
88: smooth
89: perfect
96: hostile
97: upset
98: peaceful
99: friendly
101: The key is worn and tarnished from heavy use.\n
102: The key feels unnaturally heavy.\n
103: This key is set with several gaudy gems, which appear to be false.\n
104: The key bears an unreadable inscription.\n
105: The key is engraved with wavy lines and crude fishes.\n
106: The handle of this key is carved into the form of a raving daemonic figure.\n
107: The initials "A.S.G." are scratched into the handle of this key.\n
108: The key's handle is knurled for easy gripping.\n
109: The key appears to have been stained by a corrosive liquid.\n
110: The key is slightly bent near the handle.\n
111: There is a shimmer of slimy residue on this key.\n
117: The metal handle of this key is stamped with a grinning face.\n
118: The key feels unnaturally cold to the touch.\n
119: The key is inscribed with a silver serpent.
120: The key bears deep scratches, as if someone had tried to destroy it at one time.\n
121: The key is encrusted with salt.\n
122: The key appears to have been partially melted.
123: Crude runes are scrawled on this key.\n
125: This key attracts small metal objects to itself.\n
127: This key has been coated with a strange resin, which is now beginning to flake off.\n
128: The key is made of a dark metal dotted with tiny flecks of gold.\n

block: 0006; 512 strings.
0: Darkness
1: Burning Match
2: Candlelight
3: Light
4: Magic Lantern
5: Night Vision
6: Daylight
7: Sunlight
17: Leap
18: Slow Fall
19: Levitate
20: Water Walk
21: Fly
22: Bouncing
34: Resist Blows
35: Thick Skin
37: Iron Flesh
49: Curse
50: Stealth
51: Conceal
52: Invisibilty
53: Missile Protection
54: Flameproof
55: Poison Resistance
56: Magic Protection
57: Greater Magic Protection
58: Valor
59: Poison Weapon
64: Lesser Heal
65: Lesser Heal
66: Lesser Heal
67: Lesser Heal
68: Heal
69: Heal
70: Heal
71: Heal
72: Enhanced Heal
73: Enhanced Heal
74: Enhanced Heal
75: Enhanced Heal
76: Greater Heal
77: Greater Heal
78: Greater Heal
79: Greater Heal
81: Magic Arrow
82: Electrical Bolt
83: Fireball
84: Acid Spit
85: Deadly Seeker
86: Snowballs
97: Reveal
98: Sheet Lightning
99: Mass Confusion
100: Flame Wind
101: Mass Paralyze
102: Shockwave
103: Frost
112: Bleeding
113: Cause Fear
114: Smite Undead
115: Charm
116: Poison
117: Paralyze
118: Smite Foe
119: Study Monster
120: Dispel Rune
121: Mending
122: Remove Trap
123: Name Enchantment
124: Open
125: Detect Trap
126: Enchantment
127: Gate Travel
129: Create Food
130: Rune Of Flame
131: Rune Of Stasis
132: Summon Monster
133: Summon Demon
144: Cursed
145: Cursed
146: Cursed
147: Cursed
148: Cursed
149: Cursed
150: Cursed
151: Cursed
152: Cursed
153: Cursed
154: Cursed
155: Cursed
156: Cursed
157: Cursed
158: Cursed
159: Cursed
160: Increase Mana
161: Increase Mana
162: Increase Mana
163: Increase Mana
164: Mana Boost
165: Mana Boost
166: Mana Boost
167: Mana Boost
168: Regain Mana
169: Regain Mana
170: Regain Mana
171: Regain Mana
172: Restore Mana
173: Restore Mana
174: Restore Mana
175: Restore Mana
176: Speed
177: Portal
178: Restoration
179: Locate
182: Cure Poison
183: Roaming Sight
184: Telekinesis
185: Tremor
186: Gate Travel
187: Freeze Time
188: Armageddon
189: Dispel Hunger
190: Regeneration
191: Mana Regeneration
208: Altara
210: Mind Blast
211: Basilisk Oil
212: Hallucination
213: Hallucination
214: Regeneration
215: Map Area
216: Acid Spit
220: Increase Mana
221: Mana Boost
222: Regain Mana
223: Restore Mana
256: Create Food
257: Luck
258: Magic Arrow
259: Resist Blows
260: Detect Trap
261: Light
262: Bouncing
263: Locate
264: Cause Fear
265: Valor
266: Deadly Seeker
267: Lesser Heal
268: Rune of Flame
269: Slow Fall
270: Leaping
271: Dispel Hunger
272: Bleeding
273: Cure Poison
274: Dispel Rune
275: Lightning
276: Night Vision
277: Repel Undead
278: Speed
279: Water Walk
280: Frost
281: Heal
282: Poison Weapon
283: Remove Trap
284: Flameproof
285: Thick Skin
286: Study Monster
287: Missile Protection
288: Levitate
289: Fireball
290: Name Enchantment
291: Open
292: Smite Undead
293: Rune of Stasis
294: Mending
295: Telekinesis
296: Charm
297: Sheet Lightning
298: Daylight
299: Gate Travel
300: Greater Heal
301: Invisibility
302: Map Area
303: Paralyze
304: Mass Confusion
305: Enchantment
306: Reveal
307: Shockwave
308: Summon Demon
309: Tremor
310: Portal
311: Magic Satellite
312: Flame Wind
313: Fly
314: Freeze Time
315: Iron Flesh
316: Restoration
317: Roaming Sight
318: Smite Foe
319: Armageddon
320: Mass Paralyze
321: Acid
322: Local Teleport
323: Mana Boost
324: Restore Mana
328: Snowballs
384: Leap
385: Slow Fall
386: Levitate
387: Water Walk
388: Fly
389: Bounce
390: Luck
391: Stealth
392: Conceal
393: Invisibility
394: Missile Protection
395: Flameproof
399: Valor
400: Poison Weapon
401: Freeze Time
402: Roaming Sight
403: Speed
404: Telekinesis
405: Resist Blows
406: Thick Skin
407: Light
408: Iron Flesh
409: Night Vision
410: Daylight
448: Minor Accuracy
449: Major Accuracy
450: Great Accuracy
451: Unsurpassed Accuracy
452: Minor Damage
453: Major Damage
454: Great Damage
455: Unsurpassed Damage
456: LifeStealer
457: Undead Bane
458: Fire Doom
459: Stone Strike
460: Unknown Special
461: Entry
462: Unknown Special
463: Unknown Special
464: Minor Protection
465: Protection
466: Additional Protection
467: Major Protection
468: Great Protection
469: Very Great Protection
470: Tremendous Protection
471: Unsurpassed Protection
472: Minor Toughness
473: Toughness
474: Additional Toughness
475: Major Toughness
476: Great Toughness
477: Very Great Toughness
478: Tremendous Toughness
479: Unsurpassed Toughness

block: 0007; 512 strings.
0: You cannot talk to that!\n
1: You get no response.\n
2:  that I am getting 
3: ...I guess
4: ...I think maybe
5: ...I think
6: ...I'm pretty sure
7: ...I know
8: a terrible deal...
9: a very bad deal...
10: a bad deal...
11: a poor deal...
12: an even deal...
13: a good deal...
14: a very good deal...
15: a great deal...
16: an excellent deal...
17: goblin guard
18: goblin
19: Borne
20: Garg
21: goblin armorer
22: Bishop
23: Marcus
24: Felix
25: goblin guard
26: goblin guard
27: Freemis
28: goblin guard
29: goblin guard
30: goblin guard
31: goblin guard
32: Milenus
33: Janar
40: Molloy
41: Helena
42: Trystero
43: Trystero
44: Reef
45: Lethe
46: Morphius
47: Lord Umbria
48: Praecor Loth
50: Silanus
56: guard
57: Lobar
58: Kintara
59: Ogri
60: Mystell
61: Altara
62: Jerry the Rat
63: Mors Gotha
64: wisp
65: Relk
66: Lord Thibris
67: soldier
68: Chirl
69: Blackie
70: Josie
71: Beauty
72: Aron
73: Bishay
76: guard
88: Mokpo
89: Beatrice
90: Sentinel 868
91: guard
96: Mokpo
97: Prinx
98: Mystell
100: Iolo
101: Blog
102: Rawstag
104: Elster
107: Janus
112: Zoranthus
113: Zogith
114: Zaria
115: Dorstag
116: Krilner
117: Blog
118: warrior
119: Jospur
120: soldier
121: Merzan
144: Fissif
145: guard
146: Nystul
147: Charles
148: Dupre
149: Geoffrey
150: Iolo
151: Julia
152: Miranda
153: Nanna
154: Nell
155: Nelson
156: Patterson
157: Lady Tory
158: Lord British
159: Feridwyn
161: The Listener
162: The Dripper
163: Rogwump
164: The Guardian
165: guard
168: Bliy Skup Ductosnore
169: Vorz Ductosnore
170: Bliy Skup Ductosnore
171: Data Integrator
172: Historian
173: Futurian
174: Eloemosynator
175: Dialogician
176: Runekeeper
184: Syria
256: a_bolt of lightning
257: an_eyeball
258: a_gruesome bat
259: a_bizarre fish
260: a_spiral
261: a_hellhound
262: a_skull
263: a_mouth

block: 0008; 512 strings.
0: Something indecipherable
64: Avatar's Quarters
66: experiments in progress -- please keep gates closed 
67:  PRISON - Unauthorized Entry Forbidden 
100: Caution!  Animal training area.
101: Security Corridor.  Standard Procedure.
102: Armoury: Authorized Goblins Only
103: Captain's Quarters 
104: Danger -- Do not enter without armed escort. 
105: Smithy 
106: Kitchen
149: Main Floodgate Control
150: Dam Control Access
152: Blog House and Rocks 
172: Section One: Lateral Reasoning
173: Section Two: Equilibrium and Non-local Causality
174: Section Three: Psychokinesis and Terraforming
175: Section Four: Spatial Reasoning
176: Section Five: Effects and Constraints
177: Section Six: Risk Avoidance
178: Section Seven: Nonreversible Processes
179: Section Eight
180: Exit
181: Section Two, Part Two: Synchronization
182: Please leave your #2 test wand for the next student.
183: Recycle Now!
184: 3 : 5 : 2 : 9 
185: Exit to Exam Level One
186: Secure vault.  For your safety, please keep out.
187: Southeast Tower
188: Northwest Tower
189: Please check your familiar here
190: Mages found cheating on the exam will be subject to suspension, expulsion or polymorph
191: This pad will teleport you back to the pre-examination staging area. Students who choose this option may retake the exam following a two-week waiting period.
192: Here lies Molloy, faithful tailor.
193: Reef: R.I.P.
194: Trystero - Beloved servant.
195: Here lies Jaemz, eternally at rest.
196: Dugg: he has found a long-awaited rest.
197: Ostin, lovable court jester.
198: Mahk, loyal page.  R.I.P.
199: Teej, carriage-maker.
200: Here lie the mortal remains of Gehreg, loving h sband and fath r.
201: Dahler, royal gardener, hereunder plant d.
202: Here lies Warinn, chief of s rvants.
203: Here lies Felis, royal physician.
204: Poll, dead at age 54.
205: The final r.sting place of Korrigan, captain of the guard.
206: Here lies Brand.  His life was virtuous.
207: Here lies Helena, beloved wife of Praecor Loth, in rest eternal.
208: Drain Control.
210: The King is Dead, and Long may he Reign.
213: Let Trespassers Beware, for their efforts are Anticipated and Foredoomed. 
214: Let this Tomb Stand here in Frozen Solitude to mark the Final Extent of His Retreat.
215: Ever Vigilant
216: Find thee the map, once whole,\n By my hand now eight times parted.\n Else face death, a land,\n Seldom traveled, seldom charted.
217: Let Only the Strong Enter
224: Arena of Air
225: Arena of Earth
226: Arena of Fire
227: Arena of Water
229: The stairway down lies to the north, if you'd risk it.
230: You'd do best to go back the way you came...
231: Thy journey is doomed! Turn back while you can.
232: Naught of value lies east.
233: Here lies Doric. He'll sing no more.
240: Bl y Skup Chamber\n  Ductosnore only
245: The Shrine of Spirituality
248: The Si
249: gil Of
250: ing
280: Beware... Evil Dead Beyond
281: This be my death curse\n carved in stone on thou who reads it\n I am now dead
282: Grak is a corpseworm
283: Antimagic negates antimagic
285: Heimdaarn\nHe who journeyed from afar
286: Thost the Fi t
289: Thulsoom th Mad\nSurvivor of the Third Age
293: At last!  Now, all that is left is to conquer the maze...
316: Thou canst not defeat the Drakhri!
352: The gravestone reads: 
353: The tombstone reads: 
368: The plaque reads: 
369: The plaque reads: 
370: An ancient rune: 
371: An ancient rune: 
372: The sign reads: 
373: The sign reads: 
374: The sign reads: 
375: The sign reads: 
376: The writing reads: 
377: The writing reads: 
378: An ancient rune: 
379: An ancient rune: 
380: The writing reads: 
381: The runes read: 
382: The runes read: 
383: The writing reads: 
384: a_wall
385: a_door
386: an_altar
387: stairs leading up
388: stairs leading down
389: a_pipe
390: a_grating
391: a_drain
392: a_princess chained to a wall
393: a_window
394: a_tapestry
508: You have a vision of a cup.\n
509: You have a vision of a cup.\n
510: You have a vision of a cup.\n
511: You don't see a vision this time.\n

block: 0009; 512 strings.
1: Peering into the crystal ball, a vision of a strange world appears. Bizarre creatures float through space. A green path, flanked by a black void on either side, runs off into the distance. Somehow you know the path leads to Britannia.\n
2: Welcome to the Underworld...\n
3: The doors are securely locked.\n
4: You awaken in jail.\n
64: You are sucked through the pipe...\n
65: You hear a rumbling sound to the west!\n
66: The chest fires a spike into your hand.\n
67: You find a hidden button.\n
68: You find a hidden switch.\n
69: You find a hidden panel.\n
70: Here lieth Praecor Loth, Protector of his State, Soul of his People, Along with his Beloved Familie, and his Companions Three.\n
71: Praecor Loth is Dead.  Let All Mourn the Occasion of his Passing, this 23rd day of Starsend, in the 28th year of his reign, on the 572nd day of this Accursed War.\n
128: The oily mud coats your skin.\n
129: You hear the faint, distant scraping of stone on stone.\n
130: You hear the sound of scraping stone on stone.\n
192: You can't seem to open it from this side.\n
193: The lock seems to have been purposefully jammed.\n
320: The doors do not budge.\n
321: Suddenly, tiny needles spring out of the lock mechanism!\n
322: A strange tenacious oil creeps off the key and partway up your arm.\n
323: You feel a faint tingling sensation.\n
384: You see yourself striving against the forces of Mondain and Minax in the lands of ancient Sosaria.\n
385: You see yourself climbing to the peak of Olympus Mons on the planet Mars.\n
386: You see yourself in the Deep Forest, speaking with the peace-loving simian race of Emps.\n
387: You see yourself peering into a crystal ball.\n
388: You see yourself winding a great war horn in the throne room of Castle British.\n
389: You see yourself sailing through majestic pillars cropping up out of the sea, on a voyage of discovery.\n
390: You see the obscure form of an old and dear friend, as he sacrifices his life for the good of all.\n
391: You see nothing.\n

block: 000a; 512 strings.
0: stairs down
1: stairs up
2: a downwards slope
3: an upwards slope
4: spiral stairs down
5: spiral stairs up
6: a ladder down
7: a ladder up
8: a stone wall
9: a window
12: a stone wall
13: an ankh banner
14: a banner
15: a grating
16: blackness
17: a cracked stone wall
18: a cracked, mossy stone wall
19: a cracked, bloodstained stone wall
20: a waterfall
21: a stone wall
22: a stone wall
23: a stone wall
24: a natural stone wall
25: a natural stone wall
26: a drain
27: a mossy natural stone wall
28: a weed-choked drain
29: a vine-covered mossy stone wall
30: a waterfall
31: a slime-covered stone wall
32: a wood panelled wall
33: a wood panelled wall
34: a wood panelled wall
35: a wood panelled wall
36: a cave-in
37: a cave-in
38: a collapsed stairway
39: a collapsed passageway
40: a sandstone wall
41: a sandstone wall
42: a sandstone wall
43: ornamental crossed spears
44: a banner of the Guardian
45: a stone wall
46: a banner
47: ornamental crossed swords
48: an ice wall
49: a smooth ice wall
50: a cracked ice wall
51: an ice wall with a river channel melted through
52: a waterfall
53: an ice wall
54: an ice wall
55: an ice wall
56: a green substance
57: a strange substance
58: a blue substance
59: a strange substance
60: a lavafall
61: a red substance
62: a grey substance
63: a volcanic rock wall
64: a red brick wall
65: a log wall
66: a red brick wall
67: a red brick wall
68: a red brick wall
69: an aged wood wall
70: an aged wood wall
71: an aged wood wall
72: a green stone wall
73: a green stone wall
74: a window
75: a green stone wall with manacles
76: a bloodstained green stone wall
77: a bloodstained green stone wall with manacles
78: a green stone wall with graffiti
79: a patriotic banner
80: a stone wall
81: a cavern wall
82: a cavern wall
83: a drain
84: a stone wall
85: a stone wall
86: a stone wall
87: a stone wall
88: a marble wall
89: a marble wall
90: a marble wall
91: a marble wall
92: a marble wall
93: a marble wall
94: a marble wall
95: a stone wall
96: a massive double door
97: a massive double door
98: a massive double door
99: a blue substance
100: a cracked ice wall
101: a marble wall
102: a fireplace
103: blackness
104: an irregular stone wall
105: an irregular stone wall
107: a tile wall
108: a grating
112: an ankh banner
113: an ankh banner
114: a rough-hewn wall
115: a stone wall
116: a brass wall
117: an etched brass wall
118: an etched brass wall
119: an etched brass wall
120: an ankh
121: a waterfall
122: a pentagram
123: a drain
124: a stone wall
125: a stone wall
126: a stone wall
127: a stone wall
128: a stone wall
129: a stone wall
130: a stone wall
131: a stone wall
132: a stone wall
133: a stone wall
134: a stone wall
135: a stone wall
136: a stone wall
137: a stone wall
138: a stone wall
140: a stone wall
142: a stone wall
143: a brick wall
144: a graffito
145: a graffito
146: a graffito
147: a graffito
148: a graffito
149: a graffito
150: a graffito
151: a graffito
152: the wall
153: a blackrock wall
154: the Guardian
155: the Guardian
156: the Guardian
157: the Guardian
158: the Guardian
159: the Guardian
160: a marble wall
161: a marble wall
164: a blue bullseye
165: a purple fluid
166: a bullseye
167: a trap door
168: outer space
169: a blue and purple ethereal wall
170: a gold wall
171: a ladder
172: a slick purple wall
173: a stained-glass window
174: a stained-glass window
175: a silver serpent ornament
176: a dirt wall
177: a lava wall
178: a stone wall with rivulets of lava
179: a rug
180: mud
181: a swamp
182: a swamp
183: a swamp
184: water
185: water
186: water
187: water
188: water
189: water
190: a stone wall
191: a stone wall with puddles
192: water
193: mud
194: water
195: water
196: a shore
197: a shore
198: a shore
199: a shore
200: a puddle
201: a dirt wall
202: dirt and flagstones
203: dirt and flagstones
204: dirt and flagstones
205: dirt and flagstones
206: a puddle on flagstones
207: a stone wall
208: sand
209: gravel
210: a slick blue wall
211: a rug
212: a rug
213: a rug
214: a bed of straw
215: an ice wall
216: a pressure plate
217: a pressure plate
218: a marble wall
219: a marble wall
220: a pressure plate
221: a pressure plate
222: a stone wall
223: a stone wall
224: an ice floe
225: a rug
226: a rug
227: a rug
228: mud
229: mud
230: mud
231: mud
232: an arrow pointing down
233: an arrow pointing right
234: an arrow pointing up
235: an arrow pointing left
236: a pentagram
237: a pentagram
238: a pentagram
239: a pentagram
240: a glowing red wall
241: a glowing red wall
242: a glowing yellow wall
243: a glowing green wall
244: a glowing green wall
245: a glowing blue wall
246: a black wall
247: a glowing purple wall
248: a glowing white wall
249: a colored disk
250: a glowing orange wall
251: a glowing yellow wall
252: a stone wall
253: a stone wall
254: a stone wall
255: a sandstone floor
256: a dusty stone floor
257: a dusty stone floor
258: a stone tile floor
259: a glowing yellow path
260: a glowing orange path
261: a colored disk
262: a glowing white path
263: a glowing purple path
264: a black path
265: a glowing blue path
266: a glowing green path
267: a glowing green path
268: a glowing yellow path
269: a glowing red path
270: a glowing red path
271: a pentagram
272: a pentagram
273: a pentagram
274: a pentagram
275: an arrow pointing west
276: an arrow pointing south
277: an arrow pointing east
278: an arrow pointing north
279: mud
280: mud
281: mud
282: mud
283: a rug
284: a rug
285: a purple carpet
286: an ice floe
287: a stone floor
288: a stone floor
289: a pressure plate
290: a pressure plate
291: a granite floor
292: a marble floor
293: a pressure plate
294: a pressure plate
295: a snow-covered floor
296: a bed of straw
297: a rug
298: a rug
299: a rug
300: a slick blue floor
301: gravel
302: sand
303: flagstones
304: a puddle on flagstones
305: dirt and flagstones
306: dirt and flagstones
307: dirt and flagstones
308: dirt and flagstones
309: dirt
310: a puddle
311: a shore
312: a shore
313: a shore
314: a shore
315: water
316: muddy water
317: watery mud
318: muddy water
319: a wet stone floor
320: a stone floor
321: a whirlpool
322: water
323: water
324: water
325: water
326: water
327: swamp water
328: a swamp
329: a swamp
330: mud
331: a rug
332: rivulets of lava
333: lava
334: dirt
335: a strange pattern
336: a stained-glass window
337: a stained-glass window
338: a slick purple path
339: a ladder
340: a yellow floor
341: a glowing blue and purple floor
342: outer space
343: a trapdoor
344: a bullseye
345: a purple fluid
346: a repulsor circle
350: a marble floor
351: The Guardian
352: The Guardian
353: The Guardian
354: The Guardian
355: The Guardian
356: The Guardian
357: blackrock
359: graffiti
360: graffiti
361: graffiti
362: graffiti
363: graffiti
364: graffiti
365: graffiti
366: graffiti
367: brick
368: a stone floor
370: a stone floor
372: a stone floor
373: a stone floor
374: a stone floor
375: a stone floor
376: a stone floor
377: a stone floor
378: a stone floor
379: a stone floor
380: a stone floor
381: a stone floor
382: a stone floor
383: a stone floor
384: a stone floor
385: a stone floor
386: a stone floor
387: a drain
388: a pentagram
389: a waterfall
390: an ankh
391: an etched brass floor
392: an etched brass floor
393: an etched brass floor
394: a brass floor
396: a rough-hewn floor
403: a tile floor
405: an irregular stone floor
406: an irregular stone floor
407: blackness
409: a marble floor
410: a cracked ice floor
411: a blue substance
412: a hatch
413: a hatch
414: a hatch
415: a dilapidated stone floor
416: a marble floor
417: a marble floor
418: a marble floor
419: a marble floor
420: a marble floor
421: a marble floor
422: a marble floor
423: a stone floor
424: a stone floor
425: a stone floor
426: a stone floor
427: a drain
428: a stone floor
429: a stone floor
430: a stone floor
431: a green stone floor
432: a green stone floor
433: a green stone floor
434: a green stone floor
435: a green stone floor
436: a green stone floor
437: a green stone floor
438: a green stone floor
439: an aged wood floor
440: an aged wood floor
441: an aged wood floor
442: a red brick floor
443: a red brick floor
444: a red brick floor
445: a log floor
446: a red brick floor
447: a volcanic rock floor
448: a grey substance
449: a red substance
450: lava
451: a strange substance
452: a blue substance
453: a strange substance
454: a green tile floor
455: a dirty snow-covered floor
456: an ice floor
457: an ice floor
458: a stream
459: an ice floor with a river channel melted through
460: a cracked ice floor
461: a smooth ice floor
462: an ice floor
463: a strange pattern
469: a sandstone floor
470: a sandstone floor
475: a wood panelled floor
476: a wood panelled floor
477: a wood panelled floor
478: a wood panelled floor
479: a slime-covered stone floor
480: a stream
481: a vine-covered mossy stone floor
482: a weed-choked drain
483: a mossy natural stone floor
484: a drain
485: a natural stone floor
486: a natural stone floor
487: a stone floor
488: a stone floor
489: a stone floor
490: water
491: a cracked, bloodstained stone floor
492: a cracked, mossy stone floor
493: a cracked stone floor
494: blackness
495: a grate
496: a banner
497: a banner
498: a stone floor
499: earth and grass
501: a grating
502: a stone floor
511: the ceiling

block: 0018; 512 strings.
0:  for level 
1: Dungeon Report as of 
2: \nListing of critters\n
3: Critter summary\n
4:  critters on the level\n
5: \nListing of anim objects\n
6: Animation object summary\n
7:  animation objects on the level\n
8: \nListing of book/scroll objects\n
9: book scroll object summary\n
10:  book objects on the level\n
11: : chain is over eight deep, looks suspicious\n
12:  is the number of animcount objects according to anim_o\n
13:  X, Y l: _______Name_____ ___Goal__ A L _Whoami _HP/MHP HIP\n
14: generating a report\n
15: report is done\n
16: \nListing of rune objects\n
17: rune object summary\n
18:  runes on the level\n
19: ***ERROR:
20: Animcounts disagree, This is probably BAD\n
21: Anim __#_ ___l _X _Y\n
22:  Hostile Non-Loner!
23: \nInfo on Locks doors and such\n
24: => Lock summary\n
25: at level 0, what is this?\n
26:  UnLocked
27:  Locked
28:  Not Reset
29:  Reset
30: \n
31: \nChecking for invalid mobile elements\n
32:  in an Invalid Position\n
33: No problems detected in Mobile Object Positions\n
34:  Mobile Objects are not creatures\n
35:  Mobile Objects are in invalid positions\n
37:  total traps.\n==== TRIGGERS ====
38:  total triggers.\n
39: \n  TrapErr: too many trigers?
40: \n  TrapErr: no triggers?
41:     TrapErr: doesnt point to a trap\n
42: => 
43:     TrapErr:  bad terrain\n
44:     TrapErr:  no del trap obj\n
45:     TrapErr:  no text strnum 
46: ==== TRAPS ====
47:  Pumped!
48:  Wimpy!
49: \nWritings on Walls and Graves\n
50:  is Mobile\n
51:  is a Flying Creature on the ground.\n
52: \nSpecial Items, quest items, etc.\n
53: \nMap Analysis\n
54:  impassable diagonal\n
55:  crossing slopes\n
56: \nDoor Checking\n
57:  door on a slope\n
58:  door in an odd position (theta/pos)\n
59:  door opens out of its square\n
60:  door(s) were in invalid/bad positions\n
61: Oi! The doors were fine\n
62: \nWeapon and Armor Lists\n
63:  with magic powers\n
64: \nChecking for objects that should not be in dungeons\n
65:  adventurers bones.  Died while building the level, eh?\n
66:  object with illegal ObjIID.  What is this?\n
67:  Its a major quest item\n
68:  active spell
69:  passive spell
70: \nFull Object Summary\n
71: \nListing of all objects on level....\n
72:  Transient!
73: \nFurniture\n
74: \nList of all Magic Items\n
75:  with no spell
76: \nTreasure Listing\n
77: Total Value of all treasure on level is 
78:  count 
79:  value 
80: A non-clear texture map.\n
81: Monster Generator Chance 
82:  No Magic Properties.\n
83: \nChecking for empty magic items.\n
84: \nListing of all doors.\n
85:  Tough 0 Dr 
86:  Tough 1 Dr 
87:  Tough 1 Dr 
88:  Tough 2 Dr 
89:  Tough 2 Dr 
90:  Tough 3 Dr 
91:  Portcullis 
92:  SecretDoor 
93: Not Locked
94:  door spiked
95: \nChests and such\n
96:  Passive not active...\n
97: \nChecking Link field settings.\n
98:  Not Home
99:  Not in correct position
100: \nChecking for items of quality zero\n
101: \nChecking for long lists of items\n  X  Y  Obj Lvl\n
102: \nChecking the timer lists\n
103: Timer List Summary: 
104:  timer objects in world 
105:  in internal data\n
106:  conflict between real timers and internal timers\n
107:  cant get correct level real texture data\n
108: \nChecking fountains.\n
109: A fountain that won't work.  Anim obj must have other obj in next field.\n
110: \nChecking for objects embedded in the ground\n
111: Potion alert -- 
112: : non-ultima spell value 
113: : spell object linked to potion object.\n
114: : damage trap linked to non-green potion.\n
115: : non-magical potion.\n
500: blnkmap.byt
501: chargen.byt
502: cnvscr.byt
503: cnvscr.byt
504: main.byt
505: opscr.byt
506: pres1.byt
507: pres2.byt
508: win1.byt
509: win2.byt
510: win2.byt

block: 0c00; 13 strings.
0: Dear Avatar,\nGreetings, my old friend!
1: I hope this letter finds thee in good health
2: 'Tis now almost a year since thy defeat of the Guardian.
3: In that time we have repaired much of the damage done in the Guardian's assault.
4: But though the task is great,
5: The time has come to take pleasure in what we have accomplished.
6: On the Anniversary of thy triumph,
7: We shall hold the Festival of Rebuilding at my castle in Britain.
8: There we shall honor thy victory, and relive past adventures.
9: I shall be honored if thou dost attend.
10: Ever thy friend,\nLord British
11: Britannia sleeps in peace.
12: But the next morning_._._._.

block: 0c02; 8 strings.
0: Again thou hast bested the Guardian.
1: Thou hast shattered \nthe curse of the obsidian jewel,
2: by the power of thy strong \nhands and quick mind,
3: and it hath passed from us, \nlike a feverish dream.
4: We are at peace again, Avatar, \nand we must return
5: to the task of rebuilding \nour nation.
6: Come! 'Tis time we breathed once more
7: the sweet air of Britannia.

block: 0c04; 1 strings.
0: Perhaps thou seest\nthy future here.

block: 0c05; 1 strings.
0: Perhaps thy world might find\npeace such as this.

block: 0c06; 1 strings.
0: Thus, all who oppose me.

block: 0c07; 1 strings.
0: This world is mine.\nDo you like what you see?

block: 0c18; 4 strings.
0: Greetings, Avatar!
1: My friends and I are embarking on a little vacation.
2: I hear the beaches near Cove are nice.
3: Wish thou wert here...!

block: 0c19; 2 strings.
0: My troops encountered thy friend, Lord Draxinusom.
1: I shall send thy regards...

block: 0c1a; 1 strings.
0: I am making many new friends in Britannia.

block: 0c1b; 2 strings.
0: I shall be with thee shortly, Avatar.
1: Don't go away_._._._.

block: 0c1c; 1 strings.
0: I have won another to my cause.

block: 0c1d; 1 strings.
0: Thy feeble wrigglings amuse me.

block: 0c1e; 1 strings.
0: Think what power could be thine.

block: 0c20; 4 strings.
0: Yes, British,\nhasten to thy vain struggle
1: But know this --
2: all who choose to serve me\nshall be spared.
3: All others\nshall rot within these walls.

block: 0c28; 1 strings.
0: Perhaps thou seest\nthy future here.

block: 0c29; 1 strings.
0: Perhaps thy world might find\npeace such as this.

block: 0c2a; 1 strings.
0: Thus, all who oppose me.

block: 0c2b; 1 strings.
0: This world is mine.\nDo you like what you see?

block: 0e00; 113 strings.
1: "Then we shall increaze orbomite shipmentz to your zektor."
2: "That would be most ekzellent."
3: "Have the alt flay rodz been behaving properly?"
4: ...
5: Look, an alien kreature wishez to speak with uz.
6: But dialog iz for two, and that would make three!
7: I have a notion. Let uz kontinue our work, and speak with the kreature in between, thuz inventing "trialog".
8: A splendid notion! You are most klever.
9: I am Dialogician.
10: I am Dialogician.
11: I am Avatar.
12: What is a Dialogician?
13: Can you help me with something?
14: Farewell, wordy ones.
15: My, how formal!
16: When it is nezezzary for Taloridz to speak with each other, they often lak the ability to think of the proper thingz to say.
17: Yez, zo we provide them with phrazez and zentenzez to suit their needz.
18: Our storage room iz full of them. Feel free to try out a few.
19: The thingz we zay to each other, thoze are linez of dialog we are tezting out between each other, before providing them to otherz.
20: Indeed, that iz why there are two of uz. Letz try out zome more linez now.
21: Do your kind really need this done for them?
22: That's interesting.
23: How do you know which sentence to give them?
24: Yez, more and more Taloridz are bekoming zo well adapted to their funktionz that they have no mental rezourzez left for thingz zuch az being artikulate.
25: All the more for uz to do that way!
26: No, no, no, that iz not very good at all.
27: Better would be, perhapz, "I thank you for sharing zuch fazinating information with me!"
28: Yez, the way you zaid it waz much too short.
29: Ah, knowing that iz mozt important part of being Dialogician.
30: To be prezize, if we didn't know, we'd be zomething else entirely.
31: That kould mean "Is there zome thing, any thing at all, we kould help you with?"
32: To that, we would zurely anzer in the affirmative.
33: Or you might have zome spezifik thing in mind.
34: Then we would have to know which thing it waz.
35: Yez, zome thingz we kan help with, while otherz we kannot.
36: Can you help me find a magic gem?
37: If you were me, what would you say to you?
38: I need help talking to the Data Integrator.
39: Can you help me speak with the Eleoemosynator?
40: No, most certainly not.
41: To be prezize, we kannot provide the slightezt azziztanze with zuch matterz.
42: Good kestion! I might zay "How are you zo blezzed az to be Dialogician?"
43: While I might say "How many granulez are in freemik pulzony?"
44: I see.
45: How are you so blessed as to be Dialogician?
46: How many granules are in freemik pulzony?
47: Zome are lukky enough to be skupped for the mozt spezial funktionz, I zuppoze.
48: Yez, how many are there?
49: Why, 602, I believe.
50: Oh, how interezting.
51: Ah, now it happenz we have a skroll with juzt the zentenzez you need for that.
52: Indeed, Futurian told uz it would be uzeful to prepare zuch a skroll.
53: Glad to know you have it.
54: It waz our pleazure to prepare it.
55: May I have the scroll, please?
56: Yez, having azertained that we kan help you, the nekzt step iz to inkire az to whether we will. kite korrect of you.
57: And in fakt, az it iz our funktion to provide such skrollz, we will give it to you.
58: Here you are.
59: I am grateful for the assistance.
60: Thank you most kindly.
61: To fulfill one'z funktion is to be fulfilled.
62: To be precise: When one iz filled, one feelz funky.
63: I don't think that iz kite right.
64: No, I muzt work on that line some more.
65: Yez, we kan help with that.
66: With that we kould be mozt helpful.
67: Will you help me with this, then?
68: That's very reassuring to know.
69: No, not at thiz time.
70: In other wordz, we kould help, but we will not.
71: Your reazzuranze is our finezt reward.
72: "Farewell", I said.
73: Oh, excuse us.
74: Yes, indeed, farewell strange kreature.
75: "No, zurely Eloemosynator could not have done such a thing."
76: "But I tell you, that iz ekzaktly what tranzpired."
77: "Tell me, iz it a very painful prozezz?"
78: "Yez, but only the firzt few timez."
79: "The coleus have grown kite rapidly thiz zykle."
80: "I do what little I kan to enkourage their growth."
81: "Cycle 17, sub-sector 3, parts 223a and 227b."
82: "87 percent, retro-kotient 3.14159."
83: "Zurely no more effizient method kan be found."
84: "Ask Guardian; if there iz a better way, Guardian will know."
85: "If you fold it thuzly, thiz part becomez the tail."
86: "I lack the dekzterity for zuch manipulationz."
87: "I zeek Philozophizt."
88: "That funktion no longer ekziztz. Were you skupped at the dawn of time?"
89: "Kan you manufakture a frobulus?"
90: "Yes. But tell me, what iz a frobulus?"
91: "I will be rezykled zoon."
92: "Kongratulationz on zerving your funktion well."
93: "What kolorz are rekired at thiz time?"
94: "Blak, zilver, and gold."
95: "Thiz iz the new method I have devized."
96: "It iz zomewhat ineffizient, but klever nonthelezz."
97: "I enkountered a referenze to 'art'. What iz 'art'?"
98: "It iz a thing from the pazt. Zeek Historian."
99: "Waz magik gem dealt with properly?"
100: "Guardian took it to an appropriate plaze."
101: "I would like to vizit another dimenzion zomeday."
102: "Zuch thoughtz are premature. Get your gnoz out of the fribbery."
103: "Iz the interzektion of theze kategoriez an ill-formed zet?"
104: "That kestion iz not zolvable in polynomial time."
105: "If kozmoz were shaped that way, korioliz effect would work differently."
106: "Perhapz korioliz theory needz to be modified alzo."
107: "The zubjekt I kame to dizkuzz is no longer relevant."
108: "Then I need zay nothing to you at all. Goodbye."
109: "It should be moved zome diztanze to the zouth."
110: "I believe you are korrekt. What diztanze would be optimum?"
111: "What kestion kontainz the word 'armadillo' for no apparent reazon?"
112: "What kestion kontainz the word 'armadillo' for no apparent reazon?"

block: 0e01; 113 strings.
1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
31: him
32: her
33: sir
34: ma'am
35: The goblin guards eye you suspiciously.
36: Halt, intruder! Thou comest here with weapon drawn -- seekest thou to die?!
37: Nay, to kill!
38: I must apologize, sir. I had been cleaning it, and forgot it was in my hand.
39: Halt, stranger! I hope thou knowest the password, for we know the rebels are all through these hills.
40: I am no rebel! Who didst say I was a rebel!?
41: What rebels? What hills? Where am I?
42: I know it.
43: I do not know it.
44: Password!? I need no stinking password!!
45: Why dost thou linger here? Be on thy way.
46: I need thee to open the portcullis again.
47: I shall be off.
48: I cannot open the inner door. Where is the key?
49: Very well.
50: Why dost thou remain here, intruder?
51: Only to kill thee, unlucky ones.
52: I now remember the password.
53: I bear supplies for the kitchen -- stand aside!
54: Let us be calm. I come merely to chat with thee, my friend.
55: Tell us then, what is it?
56: It is...
57: I forget.
58: \1@SS1\0
59: So thou hast entered the prison tower without knowing the password? Thou art a fool!
60: Well, then, why should I not kill thee for trespassing?
61: Thou shalt fall before my Avatar-like might.
62: I am merely delivering supplies to the kitchen, sir.
63: Stand aside, and I will reward thee for thy prudence.
64: Where is thy delivery voucher?
65: Here it is.
66: I'm afraid they didn't give me one.
67: Do not try any jokes with me, humie -- come back when thou hast found it.
68: I shall return.
69: Wait! I have it here!
70: 'Tis a poor likeness, but I find no fault in it.
71: This? This is no voucher!
72: This will put a stop to thy hijinks!
73: Well? Which one is it?
74: Hee hee hee! No, thou shalt not pass.
75: Look here what I have for thee, and thou might reconsider.
76: Indeed I shall -- hinder me at your peril!
77: We shall see who is in peril! Kill @GS34, comrades!
78: You may pass, then, stranger.\p
79: Be seeing thee.
80: Thou dost play with us?  Thou shalt die!
81: Avatar? Whate'er thou art, thou art an arrogant fool. Dispose of @GS34!
82: All right, this is enough. It ain't right, but on a guard's pay I ain't got no choice. If anyone finds out about this, thou shalt die like a dog. Is that clear?
83: I shall take my chances.
84: Certainly. I have as much to lose as thee.
85: Look, I just need gold -- can't take these other goods!
86: Thou must pay me more -- I shall be killed if this is discovered.
87: How about this, then?
88: That's all I have.
89: Thou hadst thy chance.
90: I am tired of this foolishness.
91: Well? Show me what you have, quickly!
92: Consider this, then.
93: No, I shall not insult thy integrity.
94: Good luck to thee, then!
95: Then thou shalt leave here or die.
96: He calls to the nearby group of guards.
97: Hey! This one's a rebel! Kill @GS34!
98: The guards stiffen, half coming to attention.
99: Please remain calm, @GS35. I meant only to warn thee of the danger involved in coming here, and asked if thou didst know the password.
100: What art thou playing at? No one comes to the prison tower by accident, stranger, so I bid thee, give us the password at once, or face the consequences.
101: That is not it.
102: There is no special key -- just follow standard security procedure!
103: O'course, if you've got the cash, I suppose I could...update thee on just what that procedure is.
104: Certainly not!
105: Er...how much?
106: Good luck to thee, then!
107: Let's see what y'got!
108: I'm only explainin' this once -- the inner door ain't gonna open while you got the outer open. Only one door gets open at a time. Got it?
109: Yup.
110: Could you give that to me again?
111: Just remember, only one door opens at a time.
112: Now, thou had best be on thy way!

block: 0e02; 3 strings.
1: HEY! Canst not a guy take a shower hereabouts?
2: Sorry!

block: 0e03; 110 strings.
1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
31: Thy plan has been put into effect -- Bishop is dead. I arranged for my guards to discover him, and no one suspects a thing. As long as we stick together, no one shall know of our failure! Is it agreed?
32: Thou hadst best be on thy way. I place my trust in thee.
33: Aye, my friend. We shall stand or fall together.
34: My friend, I am beginning to have second thoughts...
35: I have already given the order -- he dies tonight. 'Til then, 'tis best we not be seen together.
36: I wish thee luck.
37: My friend, I am beginning to have second thoughts...
38: Hast thou keys to any of the other cells?
39: Hast thou found a black jewel in the tower?
40: Lorca Batan! Thou'rt here already?
41: My name isn't "Lorca," it's "@GS12," and don't you forget it!
42: The trade winds favored my voyage. 'Tis great to be here!
43: Back so soon! Hast thou had any success with Bishop?
44: 'Tis of no use -- he will not talk.
45: Hast thou keys to any of the other cells?
46: Nay, I had merely stopped to relieve myself.
47: Hast thou found a black jewel in the tower?
48: 'Tis a relief that thou hast come -- thy "friend" upstairs has given us no end of trouble.
49: What friend is that?
50: What exactly is the matter?
51: The Guard-Captain looks at you strangely.
52: I mean Bishop, of course! Did they not tell thee? 
53: Nay -- I departed home in a great hurry.
54: Of course, of course. I merely misunderstood thee.
55: You goddamn humies all look alike! Guards, there's a rebel come in here after Bishop!
56: Of course thou hast heard the "legend" among the humies (pardon the term!) -- the man raised from birth to oppose the Guardian, the invincible warrior, master strategist, rebel leader, all that drivel. A broken people, clinging to pipedreams!
57: Is there no truth to what they say?
58: So why the big deal?
59: Who are these rebels?
60: Well, I tell thee this -- we tracked him through the mountains for four days, with no food and little rest, and still, at the last, 3 full squads fell to his magic and his blade before we brought him down! Never have I seen such fury, in man or goblin!
61: But what am I here for, now that he is captured?
62: Surely thou canst not admire a rebel human!
63: Indeed, thou art right. What was I thinking?
64: Dost thou play the fool, Lorca? I am speaking of those misfits who resist the Guardian's Peace!
65: Yes, of course.
66: Peace? Yes, I suppose slavery is a kind of peace!
67: Even in captivity, he has resisted our interrogator's finest efforts. If we had his knowledge of rebel tactics, we could end this war within a year, crush the last human...er, rebel resistance. As it is, he just sits there smugly, waiting for his friends to break in and rescue him.
68: I tell thee, he is like a rock -- we cannot move him!
69: I shall crack him like a walnut, my friend.
70: He sounds too tough. Maybe you should just let him go.
71: Are the resistance really on their way?
72: What exactly are we talking about, here?
73: 'Tis a certainty! He knows it, and I know it too! We are too isolated here. They may be here any day.
74: Are all the rebels human?
75: I shall endeavour to finish him off quickly.
76: I would have thought your men would have finished him quickly, then.
77: I must know what he is thinking! I thought perhaps one of his own people might break him down.
78: Oh, yes! Indeed. Off we go, then, eh?
79: Can't you do deal with him yourself?
80: How revolting! Am I to torture this man?
81: The results of thy visit are eagerly awaited in the capital. These gauntlets shall get thee through the forcefield, and the password is "@SS1"; the guard will let thee through.
82: On my way!
83: Wait...
84: He stares hard at you.
85: Thou art not Lorca Batan at all, art thou? No, thou dost not talk or act or smell like him! Who art thou? An imposter from the Resistance! Guard!!
86: What do you mean? If he is not made to talk, the Guardian's regent will have our heads! What will we do?
87: I know not. 'Tis thy problem, not mine.
88: Let us kill him, then claim he committed suicide rather than talk.
89: Do not worry, the Guardian shall be merciful with us.
90: Indeed! And mongbats shall fly out of my butt! Thanks a lot, friend Batan.
91: He turns away in disgust.
92: Lorca! Thou'rt a genius -- I knew I could count on thee. I shall have my men take care of it tonight.
93: You would fail in thy mission, and then leave me to be executed? No, I think not. I shall say rather that Bishop overpowered thee in his cell -- by the time, we got there, 'twas all over. I shall make this quick and painless, my friend.
94: Well, why dost thou remain here? Make haste, man, for the regent himself awaits the outcome of thy efforts. This past week he hath spoken to me daily!
95: We are in this too deep! Thou hast left me no choice.
96: Borne draws his sword.
97: Prepare thyself.
98: Our fates our joined, now, Lorca. Now return to the capital, and issue thy report to the Regent. I place my trust in thee.
99: A mysterious letter arrived from the capitol, saying I should expect a gem to appear in, of all places, Bishop's cell. And there it was! I am a soldier, and a good one, and I like to stay clear of sorcerous doings! Know ye aught of the matter?
100: Nay, only that I must collect it from thee now.
101: Aye, I am well versed in the arts arcane. May I have it?
102: I am more than glad to give it up, Lorca. I wish only to be left out of the Guardian's magical conflicts! I thank thee, and good luck in thy work.
103: I thank thee, Borne. Farewell.
104: They are not here -- Janar has them. But why dost thou want to open the other cells?
105: I was just curious to see who else was here.
106: 'Tis an order from the Guardian -- do not question it!
107: I thought they might have more information on the Rebellion.
108: I am sorry, but these prisoners are some of the most dangerous in the empire -- I cannot let thee in for such a reason.
109: Thou'rt right, of course. Go ask Janar for them, and give him the codeword, "beacon."

block: 0e04; 101 strings.
1: Hey! You let me out! Who you?
2: I am @GS8, the Avatar!
3: I am @GS8, a traveler.
4: Hey @GS8, letter come for you! From . . . from Bishop! That his name!
5: Hey @GS8, I got letter for you! From... forget who it from! Some guy bring it, say leave it for you.
6: Hey friend! You like new house?
7: THIS is your new house?
8: Aren't there some goblins living here?
9: When you go, me say, "Hallo gobbies! You in my house, and now is time for cleaning in spring!" Soon no gobbies no more. 'Cept for shiny bit at top, where me no can go.
10: I must go now, Garg. You take care!
11: Is it not dangerous here? More goblins might come.
12: Say -- can you teach me to fight like that?
13: No worry -- if too many gobs, me just lock door.
14: Well, good luck, Garg.
15: If thou dost need help, try looking in the basement.
16: Good idea. Me bored, think I left some gobbies there.
17: Hey @GS8, you back!
18: That's right. Can you teach me about unarmed fighting?
19: Yes, but I'm in a hurry.
20: The troll glares at you dully.
21: Who you?
22: I am @GS8.
23: A friend.
24: An adventurer.
25: Garg no talk to dead people!!
26: What now?
27: Look, I'm sorry we quarreled. I really want to help you.
28: What's your name?
29: Hah! Me feel better now! Soon some gobs get hurt!
30: Me Garg. Gobbies wet pants when hear name Garg. You know why?
31: No.
32: Guardian, he come, bring his gobs. Guardian make plague, kill herds we live on, then gobs take our lands. Me Garg, me get mad, talk to other trolls, they do what me say. We find gobs, make them die, but always more come, too many for us even.\m When trolls dead, they bring me here.
33: Would you like a chance to see more goblins die?
34: Why did they bring you here?
35: Make me talk 'bout plans, 'bout Bishop. Ha! Joke on them, try to get knowledge from Garg! Me even stupider than they are!
36: Indeed, thou hast the advantage of them there. What will you do now?
37: I can help you get your revenge.
38: When they come next, will kill them, kill all 'til they come with crossbows, then me die.
39: Can I help you somehow?
40: Yeah? Who @GS8? Feeder? Killer? Who?
41: I am a friend.
42: I'm going to get you out of here.
43: Who do you want me to be?
44: Me have one wish? You leave now, leave door open 'hind you.
45: I can do that.
46: Sorry, I can't afford to blow my cover here.
47: Me not know you! How you friend?
48: Well, we could probably BE friends if we talked to each other.
49: Look, we both hate the Guardian, right? That makes us friends, in a way.
50: Huh! Adventure in jail! Some fun!
51: No, really! I'm here to rescue you!
52: I didn't come here to be made fun of. I'm leaving!
53: Ha! You leave door open too long! I leave now!
54: Garg have bet-ter idea -- you leave door o-pen -- I leave now! 
55: For the first time, the troll shows a flicker of interest.
56: You get me out?
57: No, I'm just teasing you in your misery.
58: You're free to go! 
59: No matter, you no stop me now!
60: No matter, me cheer up soon, when door open and you dead!
61: Me thank thee. Time to smash some gobbies!
62: Don't you need a weapon for that?
63: Have fun.
64: Wait! Can't you just take them prisoner?
65: Pri-son-er? Gobs no make good pets -- Garg try this be-fore!
66: 'S'okay, friend. Hands fine for just gobs!
67: Garg ducks out through the door of his cell. You hear loud cries, and the sound of armored goblins hitting the floor.
68: Thanks!
69: Garg ducks out through the door of his cell. You hear loud cries, and the sound of armored goblins hitting the floor.
70: You come back, visit, ok?
71: I will.
72: Perhaps.
73: Garg look forward . . . er, if he remember!
74: You take now, or maybe me lose later.
75: Thanks, Garg.
76: Here you go.
77: Garg just leave here for now.
78: Oops, Garg encased in solid rock!
79: While, I am here, couldst thou train me?
80: I must be going now.
81: You take now, or maybe me lose later.
82: Thanks, Garg.
83: Here you go.
84: Garg just leave here for now.
85: Oops, Garg encased in solid rock!
86: While, I am here, couldst thou train me?
87: I must be going now.
88: Sure. Me teach you fight Garg way -- using weapons is cheating!
89: Okay, let's go!
90: No thanks -- I like my way of fighting.
91: Garg gives you some pointers on unarmed fighting -- his methods are crude but undeniably effective.
92: This fun! You go some more?
93: Okay!
94: No thanks -- some other time.
95: You try to follow Garg's moves, but at the moment you can't quite understand what he's doing.
96: Oh-oh! I think we stop now!
97: Garg shrugs his giant shoulders.
98: Me guess weapons okay for small people, like @GS8.
99: You Garg friend for sure now!
100: Garg ducks out through the door of his cell. You hear loud cries, and the sound of armored goblins hitting the floor.

block: 0e05; 114 strings.
1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: I make thee this offer.
23: I demand that thou givest me these items.
24: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
25: I do not wish to barter any further.
26: Farewell.
27: I accept thy offer.
28: No, I do not like this deal.
29: Thou canst not be serious.
30: I am weary of this haggling.
31: Is this some kind of a joke?
32: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
33: Yes, I must.
34: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
35: I know not what items you mean.
36: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
37: No! Thou shalt not take them!
38: swordfish
39: melanoma
40: silhouette
41: cyclone
42: harbinger
43: meander
44: quicksilver
45: shibboleth
46: fisticuffs
47: An irritable goblin looks up from his work.
48: son
49: ma'am
50: Don't tell me, let me guess! I suppose this time you want them all made out of gold! Or ice! Or roast beef!
51: What are you talking about?
52: Who art thou?
53: Never mind, I don't think I want to talk to you.
54: Fine!
55: I guess the joke's on me, now. Captain just came in, says they don't need the damn gauntlets any more, anyway!
56: I am pleased to see thee again! Thanks to thee, soon they shall have more gauntlets than they know what to do with!
57: Farewell, then.
58: Canst thou lend me a pair of thy gauntlets?
59: Wouldst thou care to barter with me?
60: Nay, I can only spare thee the one pair.
61: Eh? Why hast thou returned? Perhaps thou'rt here to taunt me in my frustration?
62: Indeed! 'Tis great sport!
63: Nay, I have come to help thee.
64: May I have a pair of these gauntlets?
65: Bah! I curse the day I was posted here!
66: Really? Thou dost not jest? What canst thou do?
67: What exactly is the problem?
68: For starters, thou couldst get a haircut!
69: I'm talking about these infernal fraznium gauntlets! 'Tis like trying to forge links of wax, or resin! And no doubt THOU art come from the capital to demand gauntlets of buttered toast!
70: Why do you make these fraznium gauntlets?
71: I know how I would make them.
72: I haven't the slightest idea! The security here is so tight, I don't even know where I am! All I know is, I'm a goblin in a room making gauntlets out of fraznium, because the Guardian wants it that way.
73: Sounds grim.
74: If it were me, I know how I would do it.
75: Why, thank thee!
76: He turns back to his work.
77: I am the prison armorer! Was this not obvious? And who art thou?
78: 'Tis none of thy business.
79: I am @GS8.
80: I am @GS8, the Avatar.
81: Well, how extraordinary! And hast thou come to rescue me from my hideous tortures?
82: What art thou talking about?
83: Not exactly...
84: No, I didn't really expect thee to.
85: Yes! It is!
86: He reflects for a moment.
87: Hmm. No, I suppose it isn't.
88: He turns back to his work.
89: Well, then how?
90: I'd hire some poor fool like thyself!
91: I'd just make iron gauntlets with a fraznium coating.
92: What wilt thou give me if I tell thee?
93: Well, what wouldst thou like?
94: Hast thou any...gold?
95: Dost thou know...the password?
96: I've changed my mind -- I will take thy gold.
97: Well, I can't tell thee that, @GS33. Well, look, don't tell a soul I told thee. And tell me thy idea first.
98: Could one not make them from ordinary iron, and then put on a thin fraznium coating?
99: Yes...yes, I suppose that could work! I won't ask how thou didst think of that. Oh, the password? It's "@SS1," but don't tell anyone I told thee! Now begone, thou dost make me nervous!
100: I have here 10 gold pieces. Will that be enough?
101: I say thee nay.
102: 'Tis a deal.
103: Here thou art. 'Tis all I have.
104: Could one not make them from ordinary iron, and then put on a fraznium coating?
105: I changed my mind -- I don't feel like telling thee anything. Thanks for the gold, though.
106: Try to trick me, wilt thou, human? This shall teach thee!
107: He stares into space for a moment, repeating your words to himself.
108: Wh... it just might work, actually. Yes. Yes, I thank thee, and no doubt the Guardian does, too!
109: Obviously, thou and the Guardian have much in common!
110: He turns back to his work.
111: What? Now thou dost want a pair from me, when a single pair takes three weeks to make? Get thee gone, humie!
112: Certainly -- I know not why you might want a pair, but you are welcome to take this one.
113: I thank thee.

block: 0e06; 95 strings.
1: A dignified man in rags greets you courteously.
2: Who art thou? A human? And what was that terrible din on the floor below?
3: I have freed a troll, who is slaughtering the goblins.
4: I am @GS8, the Avatar, and I am here to free thee.
5: I presume thou art my newest interrogator? My old one was quite worn out.
6: I am no torturer!
7: Why, no, I am @GS8, Avatar of the Eight Virtues. Who art thou?
8: Well? Hast thou reconsidered?
9: Aye. I have brought thee the gauntlets.
10: Nay, I came only to gloat over thy misery.
11: Look thy fill.
12: He stares at you, until you are forced to look away.
13: Hast thou retrieved the gauntlets?
14: Here they are.
15: Nay, 'twas too dangerous.
16: Nay, I have changed my mind.
17: Have you retrieved the gauntlets yet?
18: Here they are.
19: Nay, 'twas too dangerous.
20: Nay, I changed my mind.
21: You must accept the risk. Without me, the resistance can never succeed. Go, quickly!
22: On my way!
23: Nay, I'll be killed!
24: Listen -- if thou dost not fetch me those gauntlets, even as weak as I am, I will kill thee and take thine. My importance to history leaves me no other choice.
25: I will get them.
26: Come on and try it, then!
27: @GS8, Avatar of Britannia, stands ready to meet thy attack.
28: THE Avatar? Oh. Excuse me.
29: I am disappointed, Avatar. I will remain here until thou seest where thy duty lies. Do not be overlong.
30: Then who art thou? Some other mewling servant to the goblin race? My executioner, perhaps? Who art thou, thou craven dog?!
31: Who art thou, to speak thus to the Avatar!
32: I am here to rescue thee, and would appreciate a bit more courtesy.
33: Thou art Britannia's Avatar?
34: My rescuer? Excellent! Why, this is unanticipated! Who sent thee? Art thou from the resistance?
35: Indeed, sir. We could not carry on without thee!
36: Actually, not. It was kind of an accident, really. See, there was this gem...
37: Nay, sir, I am @GS8, the Avatar.
38: Never mind that.
39: Give me a set of gauntlets, quickly, and I shall be off!
40: Here you go, sir.
41: Uh-oh. I forgot to bring an extra set.
42: Thou blundering nincompoop! Go back and get them!
43: At once, sir!
44: Nay, 'tis too dangerous!
45: Nay, I like not thy tone.
46: 'Tis an honor! I am Bishop, leader of the human resistance on this world. I regret I do not meet thee under more auspicious circumstances.
47: Thou hast heard of me?
48: How goeth the war on this plane?
49: Save thy courtesy -- I shall not rescue a tyrant such as thyself.
50: A foe such as the Guardian does not always allow one to adhere to the niceties of virtue. I shall be here if thou dost reconsider.
51: Poorly, since the dirty gobs struck their deal with the Guardian. He aids them, and in return they pledged to rule this world on his behalf. Though we beat them in the field, our crops die with no rain, plague rots our cattle from within.
52: My own world is also afflicted by his castings.
53: I would join thy fight, but ...
54: I understand.
55: Thy name is known and honored among those who battle the Guardian on the many planes of reality.
56: Are there then many who do so?
57: Are many planes under attack?
58: Who knows? 'Tis likely the planes are infinite, and so, it seems is the Guardian's greed for them. His power, though, is immense but finite -- lately it seems he has been withdrawing his power from this plane to invade another close by it.
59: Indeed, my own reality is under sorcerous attack, and we are in dire need of aid.
60: What dost thou mean, "close by?"
61: My first loyalty must be to my own world, and I must press my own war here.
62: Necessity compels -- I will not free thee unless you fight for Britannia.
63: Still, all who oppose the Guardian must work together.
64: Avatar, it seems thy legends lie. I must take thy gauntlets by force. I grieve only that Britannia had no better protector in its time of need.
65: Although I have no means of travelling the planes myself, I have been in contact with many like myself, who champion their own realities against the incursions of the Red Titan.
66: How dost thou contact them?
67: Who are they, that I might know them, if somehow we should meet.
68: There is a certain symmetry among the many realities. Communication is easier among planes or places or even buildings that resemble one other, in their geographies or inhabitants or destinies.
69: Whom dost thou speak to on these other planes?
70: 'Tis past time we should be going.
71: For their sake, I fear to speak their names in this place. For the moment, I shall say only that thou shouldst look for a sorcerous lady in a fortress high above a desert. I cannot say more, for time is short, and I fear the Guardian has ears in this prison.
72: Indeed, I must be gone from here. Once free of this field, I shall be able to rejoin my troops by mystic means.
73: I shall give thee a pair of gauntlets, which will allow thee to move through the field.
74: Wait here, and I will bring you a pair of their gauntlets!
75: Thank thee, but art thou sure thou hast another pair? If not, thou wouldst be trapped forever.
76: I have a spare pair.
77: Thou hast a good point. I shall be right back.
78: I shall not forget this.
79: He strides out through the field, and vanishes.
80: Where are they? Give them to me, quickly!
81: Sorry, here they are.
82: I will fetch them. Just a moment!
83: A word, Avatar! I see thou dost carry the black gem! Dost thou know its nature?
84: Aye, I know it.
85: Nay.
86: Nor I! It appeared in my cell, @SI1 days ago. 'Tis of great value, though, enough so that 6 armed guards risked entering my cell to take it from me. I sense the Guardian's sorcery in it, though I know not what part it plays in his designs.
87: Then I need not stress its importance to thee, and to the fate of thy world!
88: A word, Avatar! @SI1 days ago, a strange black jewel, the size of my thumb, appeared here. Not long after, 6 guards (for so do they fear me) appeared and demanded it of me. I sensed the Guardian's sorcery in it, though I know not what part it plays in his designs. Thou shouldst seek it here, it may be of use to thee. Quickly now, we must hurry!
89: Do not be long!
90: Just a moment! Weak as I am, I must fly from here at once. If thou dost have time, thou shouldst retrieve from the commander a small blackrock gem. It materialized in my cell not @SI1 days ago, and is likely of importance.
91: Ah, thou hast encountered Garg! My sources informed me of his defeat, but I did not know he still lived. This shall upset the goblins no end. But who art thou?
92: I am @GS8, Avatar of Britannia.
93: Nay, tell me first, who art thou?
94: I recognize thee now -- thou art the Avatar!

block: 0e07; 3 strings.
1: He stares at you grimly, spreads his hands, and opens his mouth. You see now that his tongue has been cut out.
2: He shakes his head, and turns away.

block: 0e08; 109 strings.
1: sir
2: ma'am
3: Hurry, stranger! Since the ogre slew the goblins, all we slaves are free! If thou dost know what is good for thee, thou wilt flee to the hills and meet up with the rebellion -- 'tis our chance to have revenge!
4: Gleefully, he hurries out.
5: Felix is packing his bags.
6: Thou hast done all thou didst promise, and more, @GS8! Thou hast earned this reward, and my gratitude.
7: That troll hath freed us all! Marcus and I are off to the north, to see what remains of our kinfolk! Should we not meet again, I wish thee well!
8: The ogre thou didst free has slain Freemis, and I have my vengeance and my freedom both! Here, thou dost deserve this, and my gratitude.
9: And now Marcus and I are off to the north, to see what remains of our kinfolk! Should we not meet again, I wish thee well!
10: Well, @SS1, I thank thee for freeing the ogre -- I am off to the north to see what remains of my kinfolk! Should we not meet again, I wish thee well!
11: You see a man dressed in the tatters of what was once fine clothing.
12: Who art thou, and how comest another human here?
13: I am @GS8, here on important business.
14: I am the Avatar, and I travel where virtue guides me.
15: I have come to slay all the goblins I can find!
16: Be quiet, slave.
17: Hast thou succeeded in killing Freemis?
18: Aye.
19: Nay, not yet.
20: He will not speak with you.
21: So, thou hast returned. Did thy business go well?
22: I have been nowhere, merely exploring.
23: Indeed, I made my show of loyalty and now depart.
24: Indeed, I have slain many goblins!
25: I am in some trouble -- do not say that thou hast seen me!
26: The goblins' business? How very nice for thee!
27: Stay thy wrath! I am forced to be their servant, just as thou art.
28: The gobs are as good a master as any.
29: I see. And what does virtue guide thee to do here?
30: I shall free the innocent, and slay the guilty.
31: I shall punish the evil and reward the good.
32: I know not, until I understand the situation better.
33: I see. Then know this, and then do what thou must.
34: Art thou not ashamed to serve willingly the sworn enemies of our race?
35: I serve them not -- they have mistaken me for their servant.
36: Why not?
37: His knuckles whiten on a carving knife, and he glares at you with barely-contained rage.
38: We may both serve the goblins now, but it is you alone who are a traitor. Pray we do not meet sometime when thou art less well-armored.
39: I apologize. 'Tis rare to see a brother human in these parts.
40: How didst thou come to be here?
41: 'Tis thought a fine joke among their race, to be served by the former leaders of ours!
42: Who wert thou, before you fell to thy current station?
43: Somehow, we shall make them pay!
44: But what is this place?
45: How may I help thee now?
46: Aye, brother, someday the Resistance shall arrive!
47: But I have weapons here, now. Together we can fight, clear the tower...
48: Is there nothing I can do for thee now?
49: But thou must be gone from here now! The guards return every twenty minutes! Perhaps I shall see thee again!
50: Aye, perhaps.
51: I shall return for certain!
52: But...would it not be better to wait for some more organized force? I mean, tactically speaking?
53: Surely there is something we can do now.
54: Better for a coward, you mean.
55: But thou couldst poison their food, steal keys while they slept, or something...
56: Enough! I am one man against a score or more of the gobs. I can do nothing! Now off with ye, and godspeed!
57: My name is Felix. I was once Prince of Fyrna in the north, and my men and I were among the first to fall, plague-weakened, starved, to the goblin armies. It pleased them to make a slave of an aristocrat, but I know not how my men fared.
58: But what is this place?
59: Are all humans enslaved as thou art?
60: What may I do to help thee?
61: Aye, all that I know of, or penned and bred for food. All save Bishop's resistance, and even that may be a myth.
62: Tell me more about Bishop.
63: Is there aught I may do to help thee?
64: Truthfully, I know not. Some sort of important prison. Some say it holds a captive demon, others say 'tis Bishop himself.
65: What dost thou know about Bishop?
66: Is there aught I may do to help thee?
67: Who might tell me more?
68: If one human can win this war, 'tis he! They say he fears nothing, and cannot be beaten in the field. It is said he is allied with darker powers even than the goblins are!
69: What may I do for thee, now?
70: Then how was he defeated?
71: The rotten gobs have a Titan backing them -- they say it's the Guardian, and they've promised him something in return for blighting our cattle and crops!
72: The Guardian? Who can tell me more about this?
73: Is there any way I can help thee, now?
74: You need only continue thy path upwards, to discover all. Above us lives Borne, the captain of the guards, and above him are the cells.
75: Thou wouldst talk differently if thou hadst been at Fyrna that day!
76: Good luck to thee, friend. Should you travel in the north, tell them there that I still live!
77: You may count on me, my friend.
78: Depressing, is it not?
79: Indeed. I am leaving.
80: May I do something to aid thee?
81: Thou must kill Freemis!
82: Aye, I shall.
83: Who is Freemis?
84: But I already HAVE killed him.
85: He led the company of goblins that captured me and Marcus, my best knight. Later, he made me watch as they mutilated him. If you killed him, I would give thee my most prized possession.
86: What is that?
87: No payment is necessary.
88: It is a cornucopia -- a basket of food which refills itself! I have used it sparingly, and it should last thee some time. I had it with me when the gobs caught me, and they never guessed its value! Now it is the last of my family's wealth.
89: Yeah, yeah, thanks.
90: I am no one's hired killer.
91: The bastard lives on the floor below us, in the barracks -- I see him every day! I would dearly love to see thee destroy him!
92: Then I shall seek my own vengeance, whatever it may cost me.
93: Then thou hast won vengeance for me, and for Marcus as well. Take thou this, then. It means little compared to what thou hast done for us.
94: Thou liest! He has just this minute left the room! I cannot believe thou wouldst deceive a fellow human for profit.
95: I wish thee luck.
96: You have slain the goblins -- then thou'rt with the resistance?
97: In a sense -- the Guardian is my enemy.
98: Nay, I am the Avatar -- 'twas merely my duty.
99: Nay, I merely enjoy seeing things die.
100: Thank the gods thou hast come! I had thought I would end my days cooking rat-meat for the gobs. But tell me -- are Marcus and I truly free to go?
101: Nay, there are still a few goblins afoot in this tower.
102: Indeed -- 'tis safe for thee to leave now.
103: It matters little now -- my fighting arm was once feared among the goblin ranks, and it shall be so again! Come, Marcus -- 'tis long past time we had quit this tower, and journeyed north again! Farewell and thanks, stranger!
104: 'Tis long past time we were gone from here! Come, Marcus, we shall journey north again, and see what remains of the family estate! Farewell, stranger, and my thanks! If thou'rt ever abroad in the northlands, look for me -- my name is Felix!
105: Thy duty? Well, I shall not question thee! Are Marcus and I truly free to go?
106: Flee, Marcus! 'Tis a madman!
107: Together, they sprint out the door.
108: From afar, you hear shouts and a clash of arms as they encounter a wayward goblin sentry.

block: 0e09; 61 strings.
1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
31: sir
32: ma'am
33: A goblin guard gazes at you coldly.
34: What dost thou want?
35: Open the door or die, gobby.
36: Open the door, please.
37: Other...
38: Excuse me, I'm lost.
39: \1@SS1\0
40: There you go, @GS33.
41: deco morono
42: What do I look like, a dwarf?
43: xyzzy
44: In a hollow voice, the goblin says, "Fool!"
45: Number One
46: You are Number Six!
47: What's the password?
48: Um, I don't know.
49: Other...
50: I don't know, but you will tell me or you will die.
51: \1@SS1\0
52: There you go, @GS33.
53: deco morono
54: What do I look like, a dwarf?
55: xyzzy
56: In a hollow voice, the goblin says, "Fool!"
57: He gives you a suspicious glance.
58: That is not the password, human. If thou art lost or confused, thou shouldst speak to Borne, the captain of the guards.
59: Those who fight for the Guardian do not fear death.
60: You'd better check in with Borne, the captain, then, @GS33.

block: 0e0a; 46 strings.
1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: I make thee this offer.
23: I demand that thou givest me these items.
24: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
25: I do not wish to barter any further.
26: Farewell.
27: I accept thy offer.
28: No, I do not like this deal.
29: Thou canst not be serious.
30: I am weary of this haggling.
31: Is this some kind of a joke?
32: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
33: Yes, I must.
34: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
35: I know not what items you mean.
36: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
37: No! Thou shalt not take them!
38: sir
39: ma'am
40: Please try not to touch anything, @GS33. The armory is a restricted area.
41: And what if I do?
42: Where are the prisoners kept?
43: Wouldst thou care to exchange goods?
44: I was just looking.
45: I suppose I might. What dost thou propose?

block: 0e0b; 71 strings.
1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: man
23: woman
24: Art thou drawn? Seekest thou a fight here, humie?
25: Nay.
26: Aye, gobbie, with thee.
27: What wouldst thou with me, humie?
28: Where are the prisoners kept?
29: My name is @GS8, goblet - use it any time.
30: Where is thy leader, goblin?
31: Why dost thou make an issue of species?
32: He turns a pale green, and stares at you.
33: Where are the prisoners kept?
34: Nay, never mind.
35: Why, 'tis the ape-@GS35, come back again!
36: Aye, to teach thee some respect!
37: No, I guess I would rather not speak with thee.
38: To speak to thee of the virtues of thy race, goblin.
39: What's that thou sayest? Where do the servants live? Oh, thy rooms are on the next floor, humie. My regards to Felix!
40: I, a servant? I shall make THEE kneel, goblet!
41: I shall inquire elsewhere.
42: Spare me thy whinings, dog.
43: @GS8! A fine name for a pet!
44: A pet, am I, dog? Am I, lizard? Draw thy weapon!
45: I see I waste my time, speaking to such as thee.
46: Oh, it bites! Oh, it hurts us, it does!
47: That does it! Soon thou shalt be food for the rats!
48: I tire of this.
49: Aye, will you, filth?
50: Aye, now begone!
51: Nay, human, 'twas but in fun! Art thou crazy?
52: None shall insult me and live!
53: Next time, be not so free with thy tongue.
54: He turns to run.
55: He mutters under his breath,
56: These humans are crazy!
57: He stretches lazily on his bunk.
58: Is it not clear, humie? Thy race was made to serve mine! 'Tis the will of the Guardian, else why would he send us plenty, and blight thy lands with plague and famine?
59: All who deal with the Guardian are his slaves, lackwit.
60: Perhaps thou art right.
61: Then thou art the slave of a slave, lackwit, and I suggest that thou watch thy loose tongue, in the future.
62: I am not a slave, I am a free @GS35!
63: I shall, then.
64: Enough! I shall hear no more! Prepare to die!
65: He laughs loudly.
66: On the seventh floor. And, I think, one on the fifth. May I go now?
67: Aye.
68: Nay. Where is thy leader?
69: On the fifth floor. Now may I go?
70: Aye.

block: 0e0c; 9 strings.
1: Is that hair, or has grass taken root on thy head?
2: Hey Freemis, who let the ape in?
3: boy
4: girl
5: Hurry up with my food, monkey-@SS1!
6: Hey, humie, tell your friends in the kitchen to hurry up!
7: Beware, human lest we think up any new and funnier insults!
8: The goblins laugh.

block: 0e0d; 10 strings.
1: Is that hair, or has grass taken root on thy head?
2: Hey Freemis, who let the ape in?
3: boy
4: girl
5: Hurry up with my food, monkey-@SS1!
6: Hey, humie, tell your friends in the kitchen to hurry up!
7: And tell Marcus not to be so free with his tongue!
8: Beware, human, lest we think up any new and funnier insults!
9: The goblins laugh.

block: 0e0e; 16 strings.
1: Do not mind them.
2: Come, what art thou looking for?
3: A weapon, to avenge mine honor!
4: A way upstairs.
5: The Guardian, to avenge those who are dying in Britannia!
6: Nothing, thank thee, save to be on my way.
7: Do not give way to anger here, human -- they will kill thee!
8: Thank thee for the advice -- now stand back!
9: Thou art right -- I shall bide my time.
10: I warn thee, keep thy temper!
11: 'Tis back the way you came. Thou hadst better hurry -- ever since Freemis's lover was killed outside Fyrna, he has had no self-control!
12: Thank thee!
13: We shall see.
14: I do not understand thee, fellow. Seek the Guardian? What dost thou mean?
15: Never mind!

block: 0e0f; 62 strings.
1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
31: Sir
32: Ma'am
33: him
34: her
35: Halt! Stranger, why hast thou drawn thy weapon?
36: To kill thee!
37: I must apologize, sir. I had been cleaning it, and forgot it was in my hand.
38: May I help thee, @SS1?
39: No thanks.
40: Where may I find the prisoners?
41: Where may I find thy Captain?
42: Carry on then, @SS1.
43: That's one floor up, @SS1.
44: That's one floor down, @SS1.
45: Halt, stranger! Thou art in a secure area! What wouldst thou here?
46: I must pass here.
47: I am here to see the prisoner, Bishop.
48: I bear supplies for the kitchen.
49: Let me through, or die!
50: What is the password?
51: I know not.
52: In the Guardian's name, let me by!
53: It is...
54: \1@SS1\0
55: Okay. Go ahead.
56: Thou'rt badly lost -- the kitchen is on the third floor. Thou shouldst not be here.
57: He shakes his head.
58: You shall not pass here.
59: Kill @GS35!
60: That ain't it, humie. I suggest that thou go have a talk with the captain on the fifth floor, and straighten yerself out!
61: Enough foolin' around. Let's gut this humie!

block: 0e10; 33 strings.
1: A older goblin male looks up at you with relief.
2: At last, thou art here. I thought I had been forgotten.
3: Who art thou?
4: Forgotten by who?
5: It depends. Art thou my rescuer?
6: Aye.
7: Aye, if thou art a foe of the Guardian.
8: Say no more of whom thou art - 'tis best that I know not, in case I am captured. I, however, may speak freely. I am Milenus, and once I was the Regent's most trusted advisor in military affairs.  However, I was also the most valuable spy the Resistance had.
9: It seems one of these is no longer the case.
10: How could you betray your own people?
11: My people had long since betrayed themselves! Ever since our shamans learned of the realities beyond our own, and began to deal with the Red Titan, we have been losing our sovereignty. He has empowered us to conquer this world, but we now rule it in his name, not our own.
12: Thou art wiser than most of thy race, Milenus.
13: So thou didst side with the humans in this war?
14: Our leaders were seduced by the feeling of routing thine armies and looting thy cities, and have struck an unwise bargain.
15: They shall be made to pay for their crimes!
16: I assume they were not pleased by your ideas on the subject.
17: Indeed they shall, though not by thy hand. Someday soon they shall seek to disobey the Guardian in some matter, and that day they shall know the nature of their "alliance."
18: Indeed. Go, then, and battle the Guardian on this world, as I do on mine.
19: But in aiding the humans, dost thou not aid the destruction of thy race?
20: If the humans do not triumph here, we shall all fall under the rule of the Guardian. I have no great love for Bishop and his fighters, but I believe they can be made to see reason, and to allow our races to coexist freely.
21: I hope thou art right. I wish thee luck.
22: Opposing the Guardian is worth any risk, any price.
23: 'Tis easy for thee to say! When you fight the Guardian, THOU art a hero to thy people. My reward is the contempt of both goblins and humans.
24: It seems I must be going. I wish thee well, whoever thou art.
25: Farewell.
26: Wait! It may be dangerous out there!
27: I worked as a spy for ten years. Thinkest thou I learned nothing?
28: He steps into the corridor, then quickly darts out of sight.
29: One day, I was at work in the Regent's palace as usual, when a stranger came in, leading behind him a great cat, like no other I had seen before. It sniffed each of us up and down, and when it came to me it stopped and made a high, keening sound. Without a word I was seized and led away, with no explanation.
30: So thy treachery was discovered!
31: Thou art free again, now.
32: Thy leaders shall pay for their crimes.

block: 0e11; 94 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: boy
18: lady
19: Ho there, human, art thou hungry? Thou'rt in the right place!
20: What place is that?
21: Hast thou food to offer?
22: Thou art a bit more cheery than thy fellows below!
23: I have come for thy keys!
24: What can I do for thee, human?
25: I must ask thee for thy keys.
26: Wouldst thou barter with me?
27: Nothing, thanks.
28: Well, I'm on duty, but I suppose I could look at thy stuff. But none of thy lip this time!
29: Ho there, my @GS33, hast thou filled thy belly?
30: No.
31: Aye.
32: Actually, I wondered if thou wouldst barter with me.
33: May I have thy keys?
34: Remember, thou art welcome to all thou canst find -- I will keep mum!
35: Nay, nay, look in the kitchen, take what thou wouldst! Don't worry, I won't tell, and I'll bet Marcus won't, either! HA HA HA!
36: HA HA HA!
37: Is the kitchen nearby?
38: Who is Marcus?
39: I always enjoy taking my shift, here!
40: Oh, thou wilt like him. A bit solemn, perhaps, but likable. And Felix is a bit of sour apple.
41: Who are these people?
42: Why will they give me food?
43: We're in the kitchen, friend, my favorite place to be! You see, I'm a distant cousin to the Regent, and so I make sure the captain posts me here as often as possible.
44: Who is the Regent?
45: Why post a guard to the kitchen?
46: The servants are...well, they are like you, they are...friends to the goblin race, but somehow not quite such...close friends as thou dost seem to be. Dost thou take my meaning?
47: Aye.
48: Nay, I am sorry. Could you explain it again?
49: Why am I different from them?
50: Well, thou dost walk armed in this Tower, and surely there are few humans who would be permitted this. Dost thou take my meaning?
51: Well, thou dost walk free and unsupervised in the Tower, and surely there are few humans that would be permitted this. Dost thou take my meaning?
52: Aye.
53: Nay, could you explain it more directly?
54: Why do you assume I have permission?
55: Well, of course you must, else thou art..I mean, you have permission, do you not?
56: Yes, of course.
57: Nay.
58: HA HA HA, thou hadst me going there a moment, human, indeed thou didst!
59: Tell me more of this "Regent."
60: Indeed I did! Well, I must be going.
61: I will see thee later, human.
62: You mean... thou art... oh.
63: He glances behind him, looking for a place to run.
64: I hate to put it crudely, but... you might call them, not so much slaves, as... subordinate allies, you might say. Yes, I think that will do nicely.
65: You keep slaves? That is a disgusting abomination!
66: I understand. Well, I must be going.
67: I understand, it is a necessary measure.
68: Our king, of course! He is called the Regent, because technically he rules in the Guardian's name, but the Titan has promised to allow us considerable autonomy.
69: Thou art a fool to trust the Guardian!
70: How pleasant of him!
71: I would not call me that, if I were you! I am, after all, the Regent's cousin -- a word from me, and thou couldst find thyself working in the kitchen alongside Marcus.  And now, thou had best run along.
72: Goodbye.
73: I see we understand each other. 'Tis a pity, so few humans are able to swallow their nationalistic pride and take part in the reshaping of our world! It is to be hoped that soon more of you will join us.
74: I will hear no more. Draw thy weapon, goblin, and face thy death.
75: Indeed. My countrymen are fools.
76: Janar turns pale and readies his sword.
77: 'Tis true, 'tis true.  This war is a very sad thing.
78: Janar looks pensive for a moment.
79: Well! Enough sentimental talk. Wilt thou have some food?
80: Aye, and thank thee.
81: Nay, I have no stomach for it, now.
82: Thou wilt find it in the kitchen, to the east! I shall be seeing thee.
83: Drop in any time for more, I'll be here! HA! HA! HA!
84: Got work to do, eh? Well, regulations say I've got to ask you for the codeword.
85: Sure, it is...
86: How about, "Death to the Regent, freedom for all human beings."
87: Sorry, I don't know it.
88: \1@SS1\0
89: beacon
90: Here you go.
91: Say hi to Garg for me!
92: Sorry -- no keys for thee!
93: Why, certainly! 'Tis rare enough that merchants visit this tower.

block: 0e12; 25 strings.
1: And what would ye be wanting, human?
2: I wish to go through these doors!
3: Nothing, thank thee.
4: Where are we?
5: You again, human? What is it?
6: Thy captain says to let me out.
7: Nothing, thanks.
8: Not without an order from the captain, humie! 'Til then, thou'rt a prisoner!
9: Nay, I insist.
10: I will see thy captain, then.
11: Aye, Borne's on the fifth floor!
12: Insist all you like, humie, 'twill do thee no good!
13: My sword says differently!
14: Never mind, then.
15: Help!! It's a breakout!
16: He lifts his sword.
17: I've heard nothing from the Captain, human, and 'til I do, thou shalt not pass.
18: Nay, I insist.
19: I will see thy captain, then.
20: As you like.
21: Ye're in the Guardian's Prison Tower, human, and that's where you'll stay, 'til I hear otherwise!
22: Give me the keys, or I kill thee.
23: Than I shall speak to thy superiors.
24: Aye, go on, do!

block: 0e13; 62 strings.
1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
31: Sir
32: Ma'am
33: him
34: her
35: Halt! Stranger, why hast thou drawn thy weapon?
36: To kill thee!
37: I must apologize, sir. I had been cleaning it, and forgot it was in my hand.
38: May I help thee, @SS1?
39: No thanks.
40: Where may I find the prisoners?
41: Where may I find thy Captain?
42: Carry on then, @SS1.
43: That's one floor up, @SS1.
44: That's one floor down, @SS1.
45: Halt, stranger! Thou art in a secure area! What wouldst thou here?
46: I must pass here.
47: I am here to see the prisoner, Bishop.
48: I bear supplies for the kitchen.
49: Let me through, or die!
50: What is the password?
51: I know not.
52: In the Guardian's name, let me by!
53: It is...
54: \1@SS1\0
55: Okay. Go ahead.
56: Thou'rt badly lost! The kitchen is on the third floor. Thou shouldst not be here.
57: He shakes his head.
58: You shall not pass here.
59: Kill @GS35!
60: That ain't it, humie. I suggest that thou go have a talk with the captain on the fifth floor, and straighten yerself out!
61: Enough foolin' around. Let's gut this humie!

block: 0e18; 37 strings.
1: man
2: woman
3: A stranger... a living @GS34! Why come here, to a tomb?
4: I seek to save Britannia!
5: I am @GS8, an adventurer.
6: I am the Avatar.
7: So thou dost return, you who live.
8: I would like to hear about the funeral.
9: I seek nothing more from thee.
10: How long has it been, since we were laid here? A month, a year? My memory has cracked and broken in that time, I remember little save the funeral.
11: What funeral was this?
12: Seems like centuries, from the looks of things.
13: Centuries? Surely 'twas just a month or two ago that we buried Praecor Loth here, and I followed soon after. It cannot be much longer, else how could I remember that day so clearly?
14: Tell me of that day.
15: Thou art simply an addled ghost.
16: Britannia? I know it not, though I may have, once. My memories scatter in this long cold, I can recall little save the funeral, when they laid Praecor Loth here. I was alive, then.
17: How did you come to be here, in this state?
18: What do you remember of the funeral?
19: I know not, unless it be the strange spell the Company laid on this place, at the funeral.
20: What happened at the funeral?
21: It seems you know very little.
22: Her attention seems to wander from the present time.
23: A grand day, 'twas, though sad -- the dead king laid out in all his splendor. I do recall as the slaves bore him down into the tomb, the Three stood weeping, 'round by the liche-gate, and Lethe led the sorcerous chant that rose higher and higher in pitch, 'til some feared to listen, and dogs and horses fled the noise, 'til the chant seemed to swallow sound itself, and the ceremony finished in silent words and silent weeping.
24: This must have been a mighty spell.
25: Art thou one of these "Three"?
26: Aye, the Three held power as no other, though in time they too must have fallen. I was i' the earth by then, and know nothing more.
27: I thank thee for thy story.
28: 'Tis not much to know.
29: I am merely Molloy, the king's tailor, and like the rest of his household I was buried with him when he died. I was handy with a needle, but I claim no great powers of mind.
30: Canst thou tell me where he lies?
31: Thank thee, I need no more from thee.
32: Farewell.
33: I know little, as I cannot move far from this place. He will be above this place somewhere, suitably guarded. 'Tis death to seek him, thou canst be sure.
34: Thank thee for the warning.
35: I do not fear the dead.
36: Then perhaps thou art truly a @GS34 of power.

block: 0e19; 75 strings.
1: Thou art not a shade, nor a verminous creature, nor one of Lord Umbria's hybrid grotesques, nor yet one of the soulless automata that walk these halls unthinking.
2: Who art thou?
3: I seek the resting-place of Praecor Loth.
4: I am @GS8, an adventurer.
5: I am @GS8, Avatar of Britannia.
6: She does not appear to notice you.
7: So, the thief would speak with me again!
8: I am no thief -- I am @GS8, the Avatar!
9: Indeed, he would.
10: If thou wouldst speak, speak to the Company of Three!
11: So, @GS8, did you not pass the Three?
12: Aye, I destroyed them, and met thy husband.
13: Nay, they were too powerful for me.
14: I have not yet attempted to do so.
15: I would learn more of thy past.
16: A common tomb-thief!
17: She sighs.
18: I had hoped that if any made it this far, 'twould be a better class of person.
19: I am no tomb-robber! I am @GS8, the Avatar!
20: Thou art a snob, and I shall speak to thee no more!
21: Ah, well, if nothing else, the Company of Three shall teach thee manners.
22: An avatar!
23: Know, then, that I was Helena, wife to Praecor Loth, though in death we lie apart. And that though dead these seven long centuries, I still seek thine aid.
24: How may I help thee?
25: Art thou not beyond my help?
26: Look about thee! We do not lie quietly in these tombs -- the power of the Three hath stayed Death's hand a moment, and in that space of time we guttering shadows walk a while, and think of days past.
27: What happened to bring this about?
28: What were your lives like?
29: How may I help thee?
30: Her image brightens a moment in anger.
31: 'Twas the Three! Praecor Loth was the best of them, and they could not stand to let him die. They told the others that by following him thus into the grave they would protect his power from the Guardian's thieves, but in truth they preferred to follow him here rather than live leaderless. 'Tis loyalty, of a sort.
32: Who were these "Three?"
33: Who was Praecor Loth, to inspire this loyalty?
34: To us, he was the fulfillment of every virtue a hero might have. It seemed there was nothing he could not do, no way in which he could fail us. When he fell so suddenly, it shattered our spirit.
35: How may I help thee, and him as well?
36: What can such a being need from me?
37: Speak with my husband! Go where he lies, past the Company of Three.
38: What does he need of me?
39: Who is this Company?
40: Only let him speak with one who is alive. Then he shall see through the snares and deceptions they have bound him in.  He was a good man, and shall know his course, I feel sure.
41: I shall do this.
42: I shall not risk my life for a corpse!
43: Thou thinkest me a corpse? Then this is a corpse's curse, @GS8. Go to thy grave a coward!
44: You feel a cold wind enter the chamber, and your fighting arm goes numb.
45: Beyond this room wait the Three, in their ragged imitation of life. Their power is second to none in this world -- show them no mercy.
46: What can I expect of them?
47: I shall not fear a team of withered corpses!
48: So be it, then.
49: Of Lethe and Lord Umbria, I know little. Of Morphius, one may expect his usual battery of thieves' tricks -- a poisoned blade, and hidden snares and passages. Thou wouldst do well to hurry, before he senses thy presence in this place.
50: I shall be off, then.
51: I shall delay, and build up my might, before attempting this.
52: I certainly shall not fault thee for it -- the bones of those who came before thee shall litter thy path.
53: Thou hast my thanks, and the thanks of all those here who are kept from their rest. And aye, thou shalt have thy reward, a greater one than canst expect. Go now, brave one, with my blessing.
54: Leaving Helena, your body feels suddenly lighter, your heart braver, than before.
55: In life, Lethe, Morphius, and Lord Umbria fought at Praecor Loth's side, rode with him, did great deeds for the realm, before the Guardian came, and before the Final War. And aye, before his passion for the wanton Lethe o'ercame all reason.
56: What became of them?
57: Did the Guardian triumph in this world?
58: The Guardian's forces pressed on and on, driving us back, and when Loth died his empire died with him. Morphius fell back to his old killing ways, Lord Umbria sought salvation in the darkest arts, and the bitch-queen Lethe grew wilder and wilder in her wicked lusts.
59: Did all, then, perish?
60: What became of thee?
61: As our lines fell back, he sought to keep me safe, by sending me further and further north. Not long after word came that he had fallen, I took my own life amid the frozen tundra.
62: 'Tis a sad story, my lady. What may I do to bring thee peace?
63: Has the kingdom fallen, then?
64: Aye, all that remains of the realm you may find between these walls. Thou'rt now in the very court of Praecor Loth.
65: How may I serve thee now, my lady?
66: What became of thee, Helena?
67: As our lines fell back, he sought to keep me safe, by sending me further and further north. Not long after word came that he had fallen, I took my own life amid the frozen tundra.
68: What remains to be done?
69: Then go back and tell him the truth! Too long have we been held here in the name of the deception of Praecor Loth!
70: Then no one in this world can match their strength. Perhaps one day you shall have sufficient skill.
71: Aye, someday I shall return.
72: Nay, I was merely resting between battles!
73: If you like -- 'tis no shame to be bested by such as they. I wish thee well.
74: I wish thee good fortune.

block: 0e1a; 33 strings.
1: sir
2: lady
3: Begging your pardon, @SS1, but hast thou seen my bones?
4: There are bones aplenty in this place -- how might I recognize thine?
5: Thou art very careless to lose thine own body!
6: But @SS1, 'twas not my fault!
7: I have no time for the incorporeal!
8: I have them right here!
9: Hast thou found my bones yet? I'm getting so... wiggly!
10: Indeed thou art. Not to worry, I've got them here.
11: No, but I shall keep looking.
12: Splendid! Give them here, please.
13: Please hurry!
14: They are long and white, and, if I may say so, very finely shaped! And, last I saw them, they were carrying a jeweled axe. I feel so... vague without them!
15: But how didst thou lose them?
16: Where might they be found?
17: I lost them in the time of the last intrusion, several centuries ago -- dost thou recall? The surfacer mages had driven the Three back almost to the second level, until Lethe brought the ceiling down on them. In the resulting crash, I was knocked senseless -- when I awoke, I lacked my infrastructure! Terrible inconvenience, don't you know!
18: I can imagine.
19: I shall find them for thee.
20: Find them for me, won't you? You may keep anything they may be carrying when you find them.
21: I shall.
22: Nay, I shall not.
23: I thank thee! Keep anything the bones may have collected on their own, won't you?
24: It shall be my pleasure.
25: Very well, then. I shall search elsewhere!
26: Sorry, I don't have them.
27: Here they are.
28: But...I do not see them here!
29: Sorry, here they are.
30: I apologize. I will bring them soon.
31: Good luck in thy search!
32: Ahhh. Thank thee, I feel much better now!

block: 0e1b; 20 strings.
1: Ahhhhh! 'Tis now a pleasure to stroll through the tombs!
2: I am glad to hear it. I shall speak with thee later!
3: Thy necropolis is most pleasingly decorated!
4: Canst thou offer me any advice about the tombs?
5: Greetings, my friend!
6: Greetings! I must press on, now.
7: Can you tell me any more about the tombs?
8: Help! These tombs are dangerous!
9: Indeed!
10: The only advice I might offer the living is to depart at speed! Many of the dead are disturbed here, and there is little to eat here.  The plants that grow here offer little nourishment, and provoke strange visions in sleep!
11: Thank thee. I shall depart at once.
12: Nevertheless, I shall press on.
13: This would be wise of thee!
14: Well, if thou dost chance to see Praecor Loth, do send my regards. And take care not to lose thy bones!
15: Farewell!
16: Like most everyone else, I stay near where I was originally buried. I do remember some nice architecture on the first level, and some exquisite statuary... oh, but that was destroyed in the Guardian's last attack. I'm afraid I haven't been of much help.
17: On the contrary, thou hast helped me greatly.
18: 'Tis not thine own fault. I shall see thee anon.
19: Thou art quite the nicest fellow I have yet encountered in this place! Fare thee well.

block: 0e1c; 13 strings.
1: A spirit flies around and around the room.
2: Ah, gods, he is slain!
3: Who? Who is slain?
4: So? EVERYONE here is dead!
5: The king is dead! I saw it! I was the one to see it!
6: Who art thou?
7: How did he die?
8: 'Twas so sudden -- he was distracted -- his lieutenant arriving with news -- he turned his head -- an arrow struck him in the ear -- I do not believe he even felt it happen...
9: Who art thou?
10: When did this happen?
11: He is slain! I was there...!
12: The spirit flees into the darkness.

block: 0e1d; 34 strings.
1: Who has awakened me? A mortal, I see. Then this is it -- you have bested Morphius? And Lord Umbria?
2: Aye, I have destroyed them.
3: Nay, I merely evaded them.
4: I see! So the thief is finally losing his touch! And now, intruder, since thou hast come so far to see me, wouldst thou learn who I once was?
5: Then they are at rest, anyways. And now, I am the only one left to maintain the vigil -- the Company of One. Thief, wouldst thou learn who I was?
6: Aye.
7: Nay, I care not.
8: I was Lethe. They called me Praecor Loth's "general," but that was only a title -- Praecor spotted me one day in an arena fight, and brought me to the palace. From then on I was his private killer, his... mistress, and in death, his guardian.
9: Helena bids thee let me pass.
10: I must pass here.
11: Sounds nice. What happened?
12: So! The thief returns. Have you decided to try passing me?
13: Yes.
14: Nay.
15: Helena, that bore! Must she always interfere? I buried her far from here, but still she seeks to keep me from him!
16: Helena wishes what is best for her husband.
17: I came of my own accord. She did not send me.
18: Get out! Get out, thief! Can't I live with him just a little longer? Why must you take him away? I know he... he wasn't supposed to be killed, but this way is almost as good. He doesn't have to be dead, even though he wasn't... wasn't supposed to...
19: She trails off, almost seeming to weep.
20: Supposed to what? What has happened?
21: Cease thy childish prattle and fight!
22: Do not worry, Lethe, I will not disturb thee. You may keep your pretense of life.
23: Why expect courtesy from the Guardian's slave?
24: We were going to win! He was going to live, to win, not this, not the Guardian driving us north, killing us as we marched! Why did we lose and have to go north and sleep in blankets and build the tomb here, in the frozen lands?
25: Lethe, I shall enter the crypt. Now.
26: Lethe, you're dead now, and that happened a long time ago.
27: Do not worry, Lethe, I will not disturb thee. You may keep your pretense of life.
28: Am I to believe a thief? The Guardian rules the world above, and ever he sends his servants questing below, for Praecor Loth's horn. And ever they die.
29: Yes, leave us, please. We must remain together. Tell your master to send his emissaries no more.
30: No, I will not give in. At the least, it will be a pleasure to kill for him again.
31: Then die confused and ignorant, thief!
32: Please, don't tell him what happened. Lord Umbria said it would work to go and be dead like this. Lord Umbria said we could be with him always like this. But it wasn't right, and I think he knows, I think he knows...
33: What is left of her body crumbles into dust.

block: 0e1e; 55 strings.
1: sir
2: lady
3: boy
4: girl
5: Set a thief to catch a thief, eh, @GS8?
6: I am no thief -- I am the Avatar!
7: I am afraid I do not know thee, sir.
8: How didst thou know my name?
9: Helena bid me visit her husband.
10: So, the thief returns!
11: I am no thief, but I must pass here.
12: I see thou art not prepared to listen to reason.
13: Helena bid me speak with thy husband.
14: 'Tis my business to know, @GS33. And are we not in the same business?
15: What business is that?
16: I am a hero, and thou art a monster!
17: But we are both thieves, are we not?
18: I am, or once was, Morphius, by trade a thief, assassin, cracksman, forger, corsair, racketeer, and spy, and now in death a guard in this graveyard!
19: Surely, as one thief to another, we might be able to work something out...
20: I seek to pass this door, Morphius.
21: No deals, @GS8.
22: If you were to... he might...
23: No, I shall keep you out, surfacer. The Guardian shall not have the treasure of Praecor Loth -- I owe him that much, at any rate.
24: Who was this Praecor Loth to thee?
25: What debt would keep a dead thief here?
26: Praecor Loth met me and pulled me from the gutter. I had skills, yes, but I thought them good for nothing but finding me money to spend, and women when I was lonely. He taught me to fight, and taught me things to fight for. I was already a good thief, the best, really, but with him I became a hero. Now at last I am paying that debt, these seven centuries.
27: So why threaten me?
28: But Praecor Loth is dead! How canst thou pay a debt now?
29: Helena says thou hast deceived him.
30: Helena is a liar, and thou art a slave to the Guardian!
31: Not dead, not dead! He lives, his soul is alive in his tomb! As long as no one disturbs him, he shall be fine, just as he always was!
32: Perhaps I should meet him for myself.
33: "Fine?" Fine for a corpse, you mean!
34: Now look, errand-@GS34, thou knowest the rules. You may stay here and die, as thy fellows have for 700 years, or you may run back to your master and bid him disturb us no more!
35: I shall stay and fight thee.
36: I shall depart.
37: Art thou sure? Thy fellows, lying 'round thee, might advise thee differently.
38: Thanks for the warning. Now, let us fight!
39: Thou hast a point. Perhaps I should be going...
40: So be it!
41: An avatar? Do be serious! Thou'rt nothing more than the Guardian's errand-@GS34, the sort I have been slaying here for generations!
42: No, really, I am the Avatar!
43: Thou'rt a pigheaded corpse, figuratively speaking.
44: Thou'rt merely the hundredth in a series of pawns the Guardian has been moving against us for centuries. We have lost this world to him, and now seek simply to preserve our master as he was, and to protect his treasures.
45: It seems he has been dead some time now -- perhaps he should be laid to rest.
46: I tell thee, the Guardian did not send me!
47: He must not leave us, for without him we are nothing! WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING TO TAKE HIM AWAY FROM US?!
48: Guardian, thy stories grow more and more tiresome through the years! Why must thy messengers always tell the same lies?
49: Thou hast chosen wisely.
50: Say rather, "I am not prepared to listen to the Guardian's lies."
51: Thou art a persistent thief, which is the most dangerous kind of all. I must kill thee, but you may take it as a compliment.
52: Thou art well-informed, for a stranger to our house, but that shall not save thee. Again I ask thee, will you stay and die, or leave this place forever?
53: I will leave.
54: I will pass through here.

block: 0e1f; 41 strings.
1: A mortal! Then Morphius has fallen. Know that thou art the first in seven centuries to pass the first gate; I would know, then, why thou hast gone to such trouble to die in the second of the three antechambers to Praecor Loth's crypt.
2: I seek the treasure of Praecor Loth.
3: I seek salvation for the people of Britannia!
4: Helena bid me visit her husband.
5: Back again! Have you found your courage, thief?
6: I was not afraid, only resting for battle!
7: BANZAI!!!
8: Why must thou stop me from reaching the crypt?
9: Dost thou, vermin? Aye, so did all the corpses that came before thee! Now flee, and tell thy master we tire of his attentions! The tomb of a great man should not be troubled by such intrusions!
10: I shall go.
11: You misunderstand! I come on behalf of all Britannia!
12: What was so great about this man?
13: Britannia... ah, yes, I recall it, Mondain's home! Distasteful man. Wonderful scholar, though, and such a charming wife. Shame about his father. Now why would the Guardian send a slave with such an absurd lie?
14: It is no lie -- we are in peril!
15: Thou art a narrowminded fool!
16: Silence! Thou hast violated a sacred place. Will you leave it now, or must I destroy thee?
17: I will leave thee in peace.
18: I will not be stayed from my mission.
19: What is so sacred about this place?
20: Really, now, do come off it, idiot! Does the Guardian think I am a fool? Now, in the name of Praecor Loth, scuttle back to your master!
21: Just who WAS Praecor Loth?
23: Insult me, will you, you rotting corpse?
24: Helena is a liar, and has no understanding of heroism!
25: Praecor Loth stands for what was... IS best in us, the true nobility of the Three! Since the accident, things have not been... well, Praecor Loth would agree, if he knew what had happened, that this is for the best.
26: If he knew what?
27: Never mind that.
28: Why keep such a great hero locked away from the world?
29: Helena disagrees.
30: I tell thee, Helena knows nothing of our way!
31: Now I bid thee, leave, here, now, or thou shalt certainly be destroyed. In my time here I have mastered many forbidden practices, and, believe me, to take a life is a trivial matter to me.
32: I find thee overconfident. Come, let us do battle.
33: I believe thee. Perhaps I should go now.
34: Lord Umbria nods, and you hear noises in the dark around him.
35: Farewell.
36: No one must see him! If you... no, I shall drive thee from this place!
37: I had hoped thy death might take place with some decorum. It would seem not. Halato Akalabeth!
38: It matters not to me -- I am beyond such petty concerns. Prepare thyself for death.
39: Let us begin.
40: Wait! Stop! I changed my mind!

block: 0e20; 63 strings.
1: Welcome, stranger! I am pleased -- very pleased -- that thou hast come. It has been so long since anyone has visited our humble court. Please, stay awhile here, and be at ease. I am Praecor Loth, King of Rhiannon.
2: And I am @GS8, Avatar of Britannia.
3: Hast thou heard of a being called "The Guardian?"
4: I am @GS8. Helena sent me to speak with thee.
5: Art thou not...dead?
6: Have you changed your mind? Will you do as I ask?
7: Aye.
8: Nay.
9: As you wish.
10: Welcome once again to my court, @GS8.
11: Stay awhile, and tell me why thou hast come here.
12: Please, sir, what I told you is the truth.
13: I bear news from thy wife.
14: Hast thou heard of a being called "The Guardian?"
15: I must go now.
16: So soon? Well, if you must. It is so lonely here! I wish thee well, and bid thee know that thou hast always a place at my court.
17: Farewell.
18: Dead? What dost thou mean? No, of course I am not dead. Who told thee such a thing?
19: I know not. 'Twas merely a rumor.
20: 'Twas Helena, thy wife.
21: Why, look at thee! Thou'rt a ghost!
22: Another rumor! Some people will believe anything they are told!
23: My lovely wife! How is Helena? She is... they tell me she is indisposed? How did she seem to you?
24: Sir, she bid me aid thee.
25: She is fine, my lord.
26: Er... she's dead, isn't she?
27: Excellent!
28: Dead, Helena? Why of course not, she has merely been ill, these past... I cannot remember how long. But I am assured she is fine, and will soon be well again. My dear Helena!
29: Why, yes, we'd been having some trouble with the... Guardian, wasn't it? But now, I remember, wait, it seems that was a long time ago... didn't... it must be over now, surely. And peace reigns again in my realm!
30: No, your majesty, the Guardian conquered your world long ago.
31: Of course, your majesty!
32: He gives a hollow laugh.
33: Surely, you must be joking, @GS8! We, I'm sure of it... the fighting at Rhyna... was I... wounded? I can't remember! We did defeat his armies, didn't we? We must have!
34: He grows agitated, and his image seems to lose its sharpness in the air.
35: Do not alarm yourself, majesty, I was only joking.
36: No, your majesty, you were killed, and your forces were driven into the tundra and scattered.
37: Er, how is your wife, Helena?
38: No, I won, I...wait, what is this place...this stone, is this my palace? I don't recognize this room! Where am I?
39: Don't worry, sir, you're home at your palace, you're safe!
40: This is not your palace, majesty, this is your tomb.
41: And Helena? My companions? Where are they? Are they near?
42: They are dead, sir. They are at peace.
43: Sir, I apologize, my jests are in poor taste. Your friends are just outside!
44: I... I had known that things were somehow... not right, but... I was deceived, the Three deceived me, didn't they? Doubtless they thought themselves kind. I am so tired, but first, there is one thing I must tell thee.
45: I am listening.
46: Nay, go and die now.
47: Do as you will, then. I must not sleep, not until another comes, who may bear the horn.
48: Wait, I shall do what you ask.
49: Farewell, then.
50: In my war against the Guardian, I carried a mighty battle-horn, whose blast could shatter buildings and turn back great armies.\m 'Twas my greatest weapon in battle, once, but to wield it requires great strength in the lungs -- few can attain such strength, save by sorcerous means.\m
51: In the proper hands, its power is enormous. Someone such as thyself, strong and unafraid of the truth, must wield it when I am gone. I trust you to do so, now...
52: His image begins to fade.
53: Oh! I feel now as if I were dissolving in warm water... it is so restful... and I feel my long saga... has ended.
54: He fades into the air, and you feel a faint trembling begin beneath your feet.
55: HA HA HA HA HA! Oh, you had me going, @GS8, I swear, I did believe every word of it! Helena, did you... oh, she is gone, yes, I remember it now! But indeed, Avatar, thou art a jester of formidable talent!
56: 'Twas no jest, your majesty, I spoke the truth.
57: Aye, sir, it was quite a joke.
58: You say the Guardian conquered...why, it's absurd!
59: I was... killed, you say? No, how can...
60: What do you mean? My wife, my friends are dead?
61: Thy friends are at peace, now.
62: Nay, sir, it is nothing.

block: 0e21; 43 strings.
1: Hail, brave comrade! 'Tis a long time since one of our own hath ventured here below.
2: Who art thou?
3: How long has it been?
4: Knowst thou aught of this place?
5: How camest thou here below?
6: Maybe a hundred years, since last the Guardian found  one who would brave these dangers! And that one fell to the  metal man on the first level. Pounded quite flat, he was.
7: And what brought him and thee down here?
8: And what art thou called?
9: Dost thou know thy way around here?
10: Why, I was called Silanus, like you a good servant  in the Guardian's army, 'til I volunteered to come here below, hoping to win His favor by bringing the horn back to the surface.
11: What horn is this?
12: Why did the Guardian want this horn?
13: I do not serve the Guardian!
14: Nor do I, now -- I bear thee no ill-will. Such things seem less to me now, than they did.
15: Why did the Guardian desire this horn?
16: What horn was this that thou didst seek?
17: Why, the Horn of Praecor Loth!
18: A blast from that horn could shake castle to its foundations, or stun an army in its tracks. Only one man could wind it, and  that was Loth himself.
19: Who was this Praecor Loth?
20: Knowst thou where I can find this thing?
21: The horn lies with its master!
22: I saw him, once, across a battlefield -- tall and straight as a great pine, he was, and when he raised the horn to his lips all of us would turn away and cower from the blast!  With the Three fighting at his side, he seemed invincible!
23: Who were the "Three"?
24: What happened to him?
25: Where can I find him?
26: His companions! A tall, thin, one, with a crooked smile and a  blade that whipped about him like a snake! Then a shorter man, a wizard who commanded a company of terrible dark creatures. And there was the woman who grinned and snarled as she killed, but so beautiful she made grizzled veterans stare.
27: How camest thou to thy death?
28: Where can I find Praecor Loth?
29: How was it that he died?
30: 'Tis said an arrow took him in its flight, shot by that young Thibris, a favorite of the Guardian.
31: Canst thou tell me where to find Praecor Loth?
32: I must press onward, now.
33: I reached almost the full extent of this building! I crossed  through a maze on the third floor, more by luck than by my wits. But afterwards my luck ran out -- a skeleton nicked me  with its sword, and from the poison in its blade I fell sick and died.
34: Where can I find Praecor Loth?
35: I must press onward, now.
36: He lies on the highest level of this structure, but 'tween him and thee stand terrible machines of slaughter -- fire and moving floors, and worse! 'Tis said there was once a map of these danger, but that it was split into pieces  and hidden in the tomb.
37: I shall search for it.
38: I shall press on without it.
39: This would be wise.
40: 'Twould serve thee best to turn back now, but if thou wouldst press on, I wish thee well.
41: But first let me advise thee: I had once a key,  which the Guardian entrusted to me when I set out. I lost it as I wandered here, delirious from the poison that killed me.
42: Better figure out where that key goes -- someplace a thief could get to!

block: 0e22; 62 strings.
1: Hail, brave comrade! 'Tis a long time since one of our own hath ventured here below.
2: Who art thou?
3: How long has it been?
4: Knowst thou aught of this place?
5: How camest thou here below?
6: What brings thee back here, surfacer?
7: Tell me again where this key is.
8: Nothing, thanks. I must be going.
9: Tell me again of Praecor Loth.
10: Who art thou?
11: Maybe a hundred years, since last the Guardian found one who would brave these dangers! And that one fell to the metal man on the first level. Pounded quite flat, he was.
12: And yet you braved these dangers yourself.
13: And what brought him and thee down here?
14: And what art thou called?
15: Dost thou know thy way around here?
16: I prepared well for the perils herein. According to the Guardian's guidance, I equipped myself with various potions; a poison antidote, a flameproofing, and an iron flesh. All were purchased at high price from the most reputable merchants.  Yet when I found myself poisoned, some agent had spoiled my curative, and I fell.
17: Where are these items now?
18: How did you fall?
19: What did you seek in these halls?
20: I fear all were lost when I stumbled into the water, else I would not begrudge them to you.  They are useless to me, now.
21: Why, I was called Silanus, like you a good servant in the Guardian's army, 'til I volunteered to come here below, hoping to win His favor by bringing the horn back to the surface.
22: What horn is this?
23: And so doing, sealed your doom, it seems.
24: Why did the Guardian want this horn?
25: I do not serve the Guardian!
26: Strange! Thou dost wear his sign upon thy hand!
27: Nor do I, now -- I bear thee no ill-will. Such things seem less to me now, than they did.
28: Why did the Guardian desire this horn?
29: What can you tell me of the dangers yet to come?
30: What horn was this that thou didst seek?
31: Why, the Horn of Praecor Loth!
32: A blast from that horn could shake a castle to its foundations, or stun an army in its tracks. Only one man could wind it, and that was Loth himself.
33: Who was this Praecor Loth?
34: Knowst thou where I can find this thing?
35: The horn lies with its master!
36: I saw him, once, across a battlefield -- tall and straight as a great pine, he was, and when he raised the horn to his lips all of us would turn away and cower from the blast! With the Three fighting at his side, he seemed invincible!
37: Who were the "Three"?
38: What happened to him?
39: Where can I find him?
40: His companions! A tall, thin, one, with a crooked smile and a blade that whipped about him like a snake! Then a shorter man, a wizard who commanded a company of terrible dark creatures. And there was the woman who grinned and snarled as she killed, but so beautiful she made grizzled veterans stare.
41: How camest thou to thy death?
42: Where can I find Praecor Loth?
43: How was it that he died?
44: 'Tis said an arrow took him in its flight, shot by that young Thibris, a favorite of the Guardian.
45: Canst thou tell me where to find Praecor Loth?
46: I must press onward, now.
47: I reached almost the full extent of this building! I crossed through a maze on the third floor, more by luck than by my wits. But afterwards my luck ran out -- a skeleton nicked me with its sword, and from the poison in its blade I fell sick and died.
48: Where can I find Praecor Loth?
49: I must press onward, now.
50: Who art thou?
51: He lies on the highest level of this structure, but 'tween him and thee stand terrible machines of slaughter -- fire and moving floors, and worse! 'Tis said there was once a map of these dangers, but that it was split into pieces and hidden in the tomb.
52: I shall search for it.
53: I shall press on without it.
54: This would be wise.
55: 'Twould serve thee best to turn back now, but if thou wouldst press on, I wish thee well.
56: Well, I see by thy ring thou dost serve the same master I once did.
57: Let me offer thee some advice! When I set out, the Guardian entrusted to me a key that would have allowed me to pass two of Loth's three guardian-liches, had I lived so long. I lost it as I wandered here, delirious from the poison that killed me.
58: Where is it?
59: How did the Guardian get it?
60: 'Twas a war prize, looted from the slaughter of Loth's ministers!
61: It lies somewhere in the northeastern quarter of that maze. I remember falling into water, just after evading a pit that opened under my feet. I swam a little to the west, then hit a hidden switch by accident, which opened a hidden door. I crawled inside and died there. I hope this helps thee.

block: 0e23; 2 strings.
1: Another surfacer leaves the light of the warm star's gaze, and journeys inside into black stone and earth! Why hast thou come so far?

block: 0e28; 44 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: sir
19: ma'am
20: I heard of thy training accident with Captain Relk, @SS5! He was no favorite among the Guard, I tell thee that! Why, the beatings he used to give out...
21: At any rate, I wish thee to know that we of the guard bear thee no ill will -- such accidents will happen. Relk never did pull his punches much in a sparring match, 'tis true. 'Twill be an easier regime under Lobar!
22: Welcome to Killorn Keep, @SS5! 'Tis a very exciting time, here!
23: What's going on?
24: Thou dost seem more alert than usual.
25: The invasion! Troops have been arriving daily by airship!
26: Who are you invading?
27: How many troops are here?
28: Do you know exactly when the invasion will start?
29: I know not, @SS5. I have been told nothing, and even the soldiers themselves know little of their mission.
30: Where might I find these soldiers?
31: Thank thee -- I must go.
32: Why, right here, in the barracks!
33: You'll find 'em in the barracks, @SS5. Good luck!
34: Now that the invasion's starting, we're finally seeing some real action!
35: Eyes glazed with boredom, the guard recites in a monotone,
36: Welcome, traveler, to fabulous Killorn Keep, Marvel of the Northern Wasteland, testament to the great Guardian's power and wisdom. Yes, you won't believe your eyes. The keep actually hovers 1257 feet above the sands of the Krain desert, maintaining our military supremacy in this area. We invite you to refresh yourself at our pub to your northeast.
37: Where am I?
38: Who art thou?
39: Wouldst thou care to barter with me?
40: Thanks very much.
41: If you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints, please address them to Mystell, whose office lies to the northwest.
42: Enjoy your stay.
43: Why not? Little else to do, in this wretched keep!

block: 0e29; 151 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: A drunken young man in a guard's uniform hails you loudly.
3: Ho, there, stranger! Sit and have a drink with me.
4: Aye, gladly! I am @GS8.
5: Nay, no thanks.
6: I, the Avatar, shall drink with thee!
7: Well, I was angry with you, but I'm not sure I'll make an issue of it, if you'll apologize. What do you say?
8: Of course, I apologize if I offended thee!
9: Nay, I meant what I said!
10: And I am sorry I was so quick to anger!
11: Well, sorry to hear it -- henceforth we are no longer friends! Thou'rt a stranger to me!
12: Why're you bothering me again?
13: I'm sorry I was rude -- let us talk for a while.
14: Thou art a fool, and I do not require thy admiration.
15: Well, I reckon we could talk a little, anyway.
16: 'Tis good to see thee again.
17: May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
18: Indeed, but I cannot tarry.
19: Let us speak of the eight virtues.
20: Suit thyself!
21: May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
22: Indeed, but I cannot tarry.
23: Let us speak of the eight virtues.
24: He cuts you off.
25: Nay, tell me not thy name, stranger, and I shall withhold mine -- I would speak freely with thee, without fear of being informed upon! I serve under Relk these days, so I've had enough o' that.
26: What wouldst thou like to say?
27: Thou art a canny thinker, for a drunkard.
28: You would speak treason?
29: But surely others who know thee will overhear!
30: 'Tis no matter -- those who know me are too much in fear of my sword to speak against me!
31: Are you so fearsome as all that?
32: Why fear a drunkard's sword?
33: Very well, then, let us speak freely.
34: Aye, treason! Why not? I've no more truck with the Eight Virtues -- Drunkenness is my One Virtue now, and I its Avatar. He's taken all the others from me!
35: Drunkenness is no virtue!
36: How can one steal virtues?
37: Who has taken thy virtues?
38: The Guardian! The red bastard with the dental problem!
39: Indeed, excellence in all things has been my downfall! I was once a scholar of philosophy, before I was discovered to be a man of greatness.
40: I see. And of what did thy greatness consist?
41: A great drunkard, it would seem!
42: Speak to me of thy philosophy.
43: Well, I won't bore thee with the story of my life again, but I think thou dost understand my sentiments on the subject!
44: May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
45: Indeed, but I cannot tarry.
46: Let us speak of the eight virtues.
47: Nay, tell me of thy past again.
48: I shall teach thee the reason why I drink. 'Tis a long tale -- wouldst thou hear it?
49: Aye, tell me.
50: Nay, I would hear more of thy philosophy.
51: Nay, I have no interest in the ramblings of a drunkard.
52: Nay, I must leave thee now.
53: If you must...
54: He seems offended.
55: Th'way I figure it, what's a virtue when it's made a law? Obedience, 's all it is! 'Course obedience is the third virtue anyway, so whassit matter?
56: What are the rest of the virtues?
57: Thou art a clever fellow.
58: The Guardian's virtues, of which I am clearly a living embodiment, are: Sobriety, punctuality, obedience, vigilance, conformity, efficiency, silence, and diligence! Bit of a colorless crew, eh?
59: Why, virtue is the very reason of my existence!
60: I prefer drunkenness.
61: Thank thee for the information. I must go.
62: I don't think you mean the kind of virtue we deal in around here.
63: What is the matter with upholding virtue?
64: I think thou'rt right.
65: Well, thou'rt a lucky fellow!
66: To make my point, I'll have to say my name: Lobar! Know it?
67: Nay.
68: Aye, methinks I heard it once.
69: I should expect so!
70: What, hast thou spent thy whole life in the Styx?
71: I won the Empire's duelling competition for four years straight. Remember me now? This was five years ago. I was 20 years old, the talk of the capitol! They called me "the Young Mors Gotha." God, I was fast, then!
72: What happened?
73: Who is Mors Gotha?
74: The Guardian's pet killer. Met her once, long time ago, even beat her once in a sparring match! Didn't care for her much, but she could handle a blade!
75: Tell me more of thy story.
76: I started getting the "inner voice," the one they say comes to favored servants of the Guardian. You know it? He wanted me to kill people for him. I dunno why -- removing dissidents, I guess, or maybe just to show off that he had an unbeatable fencer in his pocket.
77: I have heard of this voice.
78: Why didst thou not take his offer?
79: It turns out he can do more than talk -- made it rough for me for a while. Still does, when I'm sober -- drinking's the only thing that holds him off! If I own one thing in this world, it's my swordarm. I'm the best there is, and I worked to get that way, and I'll be damned if that Red Bastard will make me his toy.
80: 'Tis a brave thing thou'rt doing, to rebel against the Guardian!
81: Go to! Surely thou shouldst just follow orders, else thou art wasting thy talent!
82: Aye, and costly.
83: I am sorry. May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
84: I understand. I'm afraid I cannot tarry.
85: If thou wilt, please tell me of the Guardian's eight virtues.
86: I understand thy sentiments.
87: Surely the rewards would be worth it!
88: Dost thou? 'Tis rare that I find one who understands the worth of such things, particularly since I've been exiled to this backwater! May we, then, be friends?
89: I would be glad of it. Wouldst thou teach me to use the sword?
90: I am honored. I shall see thee anon.
91: Friends with a has-been drunkard? I think not.
92: Of course. Please tell me of this keep.
93: A stranger such as thyself must be wary of Mystell! If thou hast no good reason to be aboard, she will almost certainly suspect thee as a spy. She already has a campaign going against that stuck-up mage Altara!
94: May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
95: I must go now, but I shall heed thy advice.
96: Let us speak of the eight virtues.
97: Who is Altara?
98: Some sorceress the Guardian brought in here from the capitol a while back. Not a real social type.
99: Lobar's voice goes suddenly, dangerously, soft.
100: You sure of that?
101: Aye!
102: Nay, I spoke hastily.
103: I thought so. I shall leave thee to reflect on thy words awhile.
104: He turns back to his drink.
105: Thou hast disappointed me.
106: He turns his back.
107: I shall see thee later. 'Tis a small Keep!
108: Thou must find thyself a blade, first!
109: I shall return with one.
110: Indeed, I could use the exercise. Draw now, and thou shalt learn from thy better!
111: You and Lobar fight to a draw.
112: There is nothing more I can teach thee, thou art mighty in the way of swords.
113: You find yourself breaking a sweat -- his speed is unbelievable, and you profit greatly from his lessons.
114: Wouldst thou go again?
115: Aye, let us keep on!
116: Nay, that is enough for now.
117: Lobar shows you some new moves, but you cannot quite follow what he is teaching.
118: Right now you need combat experience, not sparring.
119: Very well. I shall return.
120: Ho there, friend. It seems great things are afoot in these parts!
121: What hast thou heard of this disturbance?
122: I have noticed unusual happenings.
123: Hast thou seen Altara lately?
124: I must be going now.
125: I must train with thee.
126: Why, look in the barracks, my friend! 'Tis crawling with soldiers newly arrived. I have heard Mors Gotha herself is here to oversee the operation.
127: What operation?
128: Mors Gotha? Where is she?
129: I know not -- the Gotha Squad has no time to drink with us lowly guardsmen. Hah! Wait'll I ask one to spar! From the equipment I've seen come in, I'd guess it's some kind of siege operation, but I've no idea where they're bound. The nomads don't build castles!
130: Thank thee -- I shall go question them myself.
131: Wouldst thou train me?
132: Hast thou seen Altara lately?
133: I wish you luck, but they're a hard-headed crew -- they usually only talk to their own!
134: You might bluff'em with that ring you've got on, though -- I'd ask you where you got it, but I might not like the answer!
135: The black-haired sorceress?
136: I heard you two were spending a lot of time together.
137: I heard a rumor you two were something of an item, but hey -- I won't pry!
138: I haven't seen her around for a while. She keeps to herself a lot, you know. What else is on your mind?
139: Precious little -- these new soldiers are a secretive bunch. I've seen some seige equipment come in, but nobody'll answer any of my questions!
140: You'd think they'd give me some respect, now that I'm Captain of the Guards!
141: Thank thee -- I shall go question them myself.
142: Wouldst thou train me?
143: I must be going now.
144: Hast thou seen Altara lately?
145: I don't want to start any rumors or anything, but I'd swear I saw Mors Gotha coming in incognito, carrying that spellbook she never lets out of her sight. She takes all her meals in her office, so I can't be sure. I only ever saw her once, after all!
146: I heard of thy duel with Relk, my friend -- he was never well-liked here, and was ever quick to strike the first blow. I believe thou needst not fear reprisal.
147: I am very sorry, but he attacked me first!
148: 'Twas but a training accident, I swear!
149: Think nothing of it! Thou hast earned me a promotion, and eased the lives of many people here!
150: Well, I hope I shall see the later.

block: 0e2a; 69 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: I make thee this offer.
3: I demand that thou givest me these items.
4: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
5: I do not wish to barter any further.
6: Farewell.
7: I accept thy offer.
8: No, I do not like this deal.
9: Thou canst not be serious.
10: I am weary of this haggling.
11: Is this some kind of a joke?
12: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
13: Yes, I must.
14: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
15: I know not what items you mean.
16: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
17: No! Thou shalt not take them!
18: Stay and talk with me a moment, traveler, for I see by thy clothing thou art from a far-off land, as am I.
19: I shall be leaving soon, and will pass onward through this deserted land. Thus passes my life...
20: Ah, @GS8, thou hast come to see me again!
21: I shall be leaving soon, and will pass onward through this deserted land. Thus passes my life...
22: I heard of thy scrap with the Captain of the Guards -- he was always quick to fight! And thou art mightier than thou dost appear.
23: Where art thou from?
24: What has brought thee so far?
25: What is this place?
26: I'm afraid I have no time to speak with thee.
27: I hail from the land of Javra, though it has been years since I have seen that place. 'Tis beyond the Tuay Mountains, far from this desert place. And tell me, who art thou?
28: I am @GS8, Avatar of Britannia.
29: I am @GS8, a traveler like yourself.
30: I am @GS8, and I am sworn to destroy the Guardian.
31: Britannia? 'Tis strange, I have never heard of such a place.
32: HA HA HA! Thou'rt truly the life of the party, @GS8!
33: Ah, 'tis a hard life we lead, never staying long in one land. 'Tis fitting we meet in Killorn Keep, for our home is a moving place, never settled, always shifting over a harsh landscape.
34: Whither art thou bound, Kintara?
35: What dost thou mean, "a moving place"?
36: Kintara, do not whine to me of thy troubles.
37: Thou'rt right, I must think of my future!
38: I am bound for Mashan, to receive a shipment of Shalathian dream-spice -- wouldst thou hear of the wondrous effects of this drug?
39: Aye, tell me of it.
40: Nay, I keep my mind and body pure.
41: Thou dost misunderstand -- 'tis no mere muddling of the mind or senses!
42: 'Tis said a small measure of it, prepared properly, can bring thee dreams of the other worlds that lie next to our own! Many who take the drug speak of visions of a strange and beautiful Shrine!
43: 'Tis an old wives' tale, surely!
44: What a wondrous thing!
45: I only wish I had some to offer thee!
46: In the meantime, may I interest you in these boots of fire resistance? Fashioned of authentic dragon skin!
47: Aye, how much are they?
48: No, thank thee.
49: Well, it depends on what thou canst offer me.
50: Thou'rt most likely correct. I can only hope my customers are more gullible than thyself!
51: I wish thee luck.
52: Thou art a scoundrel and a fraud! I bid thee good day.
53: Knowest thou not where thou art? Ah, but I suppose thou didst arrive by magical means, as many do in this place. Thou'rt in Killorn Keep, a castle which wanders the Northeastern Wasteland, suspended half a league above the desert!
54: What holds it there?
55: Why create a flying castle?
56: Who can fathom the ways of the Guardian? Perhaps it is to cow the filthy desert nomads into submission.
57: She shrugs, and turns her eyes upwards.
58: The Guardian only knows! I have traveled far, and seen much of this world, but still I am far from having an understanding of His ways. Of the Keep, I know only that there are rooms which one is forbidden to enter.
59: What rooms are these?
60: Why are they forbidden?
61: Who might tell me more of these things?
62: She begins to edge away from you.
63: Please, it is best not to speak of such things!
64: I must. It is very important!
65: Please excuse me, we will speak of something else.
66: Thank you -- one never knows who might be listening in these halls! What else can we talk about?
67: If you must speak to someone, you might inquire of Ogri -- he knows many hidden things... but please, what else can we speak of?
68: Then I shall speak with thee later.

block: 0e2b; 90 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Master
3: Mistress
4: You see an ancient man, dressed in the garb of a servant.
5: Greetings, young @GS33. 'Tis good to see thee, and good to see the banner hanging once again in the Great Hall.
6: I am glad to hear it.
7: I would hear thy secret again, if I may.
8: Canst thou train me in the ancient lore?
9: So thou hast slain the mighty Relk, hast thou? Murder is a very serious thing...
10: It was an accident, I swear!
11: He struck first -- I merely defended myself!
12: Aye, what of it?
13: To kill without remorse is a terrible thing. And yet...
14: 'Tis well known he was an evil man.
15: Such a commotion! 'Tis like the ancient days of Killorn... But what was it thou wert wanting, @GS33?
16: Ah, thou hast returned. What wouldst thou, @GS33?
17: Wouldst thou speak to me of something, @GS33?
18: Who art thou?
19: Who is thy leader?
20: What canst thou tell me of the keep?
21: I have brought back the banner of Killorn.
22: Canst thou train me in the ancient lore?
23: Excuse me, I must be going.
24: A very good day to thee, young @GS33!
25: A good day to you, young @GS33.
26: I am Ogri, son of Irgo, and I serve whoever holds power in Killorn Keep, as my father did, and my father's father before him, since the first day stone was laid on stone at Killorn, these centuries past.
27: The venerable Lord Thibris is king here, @GS33. He is a kind man, a great warrior in his day. He was much grieved to hear that the banner had been lost.
28: What banner is this?
29: What is thy job here?
30: Know thou aught of the keep itself?
31: The keep is an old, old place, far older than most suspect. 'Twas built by my ancestors, for purposes that have been all but forgotten in time...
32: Why does it fly?
33: Of what purposes do you speak?
34: Pshaw! 'Tis but an old building.
35: As you like, @GS33.
36: It flies because the Guardian wishes it to fly, I suppose. But it must be very heavy, and he who lifts it so very, very old, and tired...
37: Who lifts it?
38: Was it originally built to fly?
39: Lifting it is the Guardian's problem, not mine!
40: You are right, this is not thy concern.
41: I... cannot tell thee that, young @GS33. I may not speak of that... individual.  Perhaps we should discuss something else.
42: There are some things those of my family may not speak of. Only this: the Keep was not built to keep something out, oh no. No, it keeps something in. That is all.
43: 'Tis interesting. May I do anything for thee, in return for thy information?
44: Thank thee, for the advice, sir.
45: Thou'rt merely telling stories, old man!
46: As you like, @GS33.
47: The lost banner of Killorn! In my great-great-grandfather's time, castle's Lord fell in battle against the demon Praecor Loth, and with him was lost the Keep's emblem, the blue eagle. If in thy travels thou shouldst hear word of it, 'twould give an old man some small joy to see it returned.
48: I shall do what I can.
49: And what canst thou offer me in return?
50: Look after thine own banner, senile fool.
51: He totters off, muttering fierce-sounding curses in an ancient, consonant-heavy language.
52: I am old, @GS33, and my father was old before me, and he knew this castle when it still stood in the ground. He told me of many secrets in this castle, many twistings and twinings, which might prove of interest to one such as thee.
53: What meanest thou, "one such as thee?"
54: What secrets are these?
55: I mean only, "one such as thyself," @GS33. I am old, but I am not blind. Excuse me, I must going.
56: Oh, twinings, twistings, curlings, whirlings...
57: He chuckles and wanders off into the dark.
58: It would mean much to me, @GS33. Ah, that blue, like the ocean...
59: You have? Let me see it!
60: It is here.
61: I do not have it with me. I will fetch it.
62: Please, do, I long to see it!
63: Please, show it to me!
64: Sorry, here it is.
65: I'm sorry, I must have left it somewhere.
66: The Killorn Standard! Killorn's blue is home again!
67: He hugs it to himself, and sings a brief snatch of song, doubtless some long-forgotten anthem of Killorn.
68: Stranger, I am a humble servant, and possess nothing to reward thee with, save a few secrets. Wouldst thou hear a secret?
69: Aye.
70: Nay, of what use is that to me?
71: Of more use than thou might think.
72: There are few who remember the Keep's true nature. At its heart, in a room where no one enters, sit two strange creatures, who, though they have no hands or arms, support the entire weight of the keep by their own will. If they were to stop, even for a moment, this entire keep would come crashing out of the sky!.
73: And where is this room?
74: How may I enter the room?
75: The room's down below the old barracks area somewhere - I no longer recall exactly where.
76: Will I need a key to get in?
77: Thank thee. This is indeed a marvel!
78: The key is hidden in a barrel in one of the storerooms.
79: Where may I find this room?
80: Thank thee. This is indeed a marvel.
81: Indeed, there is none like it in the world.
82: I have learned much in my long years, young @GS33, and gladly will I teach thee!
83: Ogri's knowledge of the ancient past is astounding -- even though his world is different from yours, you learn much from him.
84: Wouldst like to learn more, young @GS33?
85: Aye, please!
86: No, thank thee.
87: What else can I help thee with?
88: Ogri is clearly very wise, but you cannot seem to keep your attention focused on his words.
89: I see that your mind is wandering, @GS33 -- perhaps there is important business you need to attend to?

block: 0e2c; 114 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: I greet thee, Traveler, and welcome thee to Killorn Keep. I am Mystell. For reasons of security, I must now ask thee several questions. Art thou willing to answer them?
3: Aye.
4: Nay.
5: The people are saying Relk's death was some sort of accident, and Thibris believes them. I cannot prosecute thee, but neither do I believe their words.
6: But it was an accident. He tripped, see, and...
7: 'Twas self-defense, Mystell.
8: Thou canst prove nothing.
9: He deserved it, the bastard.
10: Do not make bold with me, @GS40!
11: Thou'rt under suspicion here. If I catch thee doing anything further, thou shalt suffer for it, mark my words!
12: Just don't bother me any more! Thou hast cost me enough.
13: But...
14: You bloated idiot! That dagger was just an ordinary piece of metal! I am in disgrace, my career is in the toilet! Get out of my sight!
15: Sorry!
16: But what about my money?
17: The Guardian offers no reward for failure, spy. Now begone!
18: I am still waiting for word from the Guardian! When I receive my reward, thou shalt receive thine.
19: Well, my friend, hast thou any "news" for me?
20: Nothing yet, ma'am.
21: Yes! I have this magic dagger as proof she is a traitor.
22: Yes, the woman has confided her dissident views to me.
23: What do you have? Let me see!
24: Here it is -- should be all the proof you need.
25: Heck! I don't have it with me.
26: Well, @GS40, hast thou reconsidered my proposition?
27: Yes, let me hear of it.
28: No, never mind.
29: Well, @GS40, let us resume the questioning. I shall ask thee again.
30: Please allow me to rephrase the question. Thou canst answer the questions, or be executed on the spot as a spy. You may as well set about answering them, and if, later, you are displeased with your decision, well, then we can see about executing you.
31: To begin with, what is thy name?
32: @GS8.
33: @GS8, Avatar of Britannia and sworn enemy of the Guardian.
34: Abraham Lincoln.
35: Abraham
36: Next question.
37: Ha, ha, ha! Excellent, my dear @GS40, I see thou hast a sense of humor!
38: Now, the next question.
39: What country dost thou come from?
40: Siberia.
41: Britannia.
42: Excuse me, I am feeling ill. May I answer these questions later?
43: Javra, beyond the Tuay Mountains.
44: Javra. I see.
45: She peers at you suspiciously.
46: With a heroic display of coughing and gagging, you convince Mystell that you must leave her office immediately.
47: Enough. I see that thou art not willing to cooperate with me. Please allow my guards to pierce thy body with their swords.
48: My patience is not without its limits, stranger. Thou art warned.
49: This is not an acceptable answer. I have never heard of this country, and it is certainly not on our trading route! I warn thee, do not attempt to offer me false or imaginary answers. Go and consider thy options, but do not tarry overlong.
50: What country art thou bound for?
51: Montana.
52: Foobaria.
53: Excuse me, I am feeling a little ill. May I answer these questions later?
54: Mashan, for trading purposes.
55: I have only one further question for you, by means of which I wish to verify thy loyalty to our one, true, Guardian.
56: What, then, is the seventh of the Eight Virtues?
57: Spirituality.
58: Excuse me, I must go meditate on the profundity of this question.
59: Honour.
60: Silence.
61: Spirituality? What art thou thinking? People cannot work when their minds are full of otherworldly nonsense! Go now, and return when thou hast learned more of the way of the Guardian.
62: Do not take too long.
63: Honour? 'Tis but another name for the prideful squabbling of school children! Clearly thou knowest not the meaning of virtue. Go, and learn of it.
64: Excellent! I see that thou hast studied well the way of our master. Now that I have ascertained thy loyalty, I have a proposition to make to you. I have need of one who is a stranger to the keep, one who I can trust with some private information. Wilt thou hear of it?
65: Aye.
66: Nay.
67: Well, so be it. Return if thou dost change thy mind.
68: It is a delicate matter. I would like you to speak with a resident of the Keep, the sorceress Altara, and sound her out on certain topics -- I have reason to suspect she is an enemy of our Guardian. If thou canst find proof, I shall give thee thirty gold pieces.
69: What topics are these?
70: I refuse -- spying and deception are not virtuous.
71: What is in it for thee?
72: Service to the Guardian is ALWAYS virtuous. Now come, what sayest thou?
73: Tell me more.
74: Nay.
75: Altara once seemed destined for the Guardian's High Council -- why has she come to a backwater like Killorn? Her reasons for being here don't add up at all! If I could uncover proof of her treachery, I might receive a promotion, perhaps even a position in the capitol! Wilt thou do this for me?
76: I shall do it. Where is the money?
77: No, thank thee.
78: I understand thy decision. Enjoy thy stay in the Keep.
79: Money will come with proof, @GS40. Now go, it is not well we should be seen together.
80: Keep trying, @GS40! If she can be made to trust you, I'm sure you will be able to obtain some proof. Remember, the Guardian is depending on you.
81: I'll do my best.
82: I knew that, @GS40, that's not the point. We need proof of her vile revolutionary activities, or we cannot act. Go back and finish what you started, Avatar. And be quick about!
83: I will do it.
84: I like not this business.
85: But thou likest the reward, dost thou not? Thirty in gold? Now go!
86: Well? Hand it over!
87: Sorry, here it is.
88: I apologize. I will bring it soon.
89: Well, run and fetch it, idiot!
90: I shall relay this directly to the Guardian! Thou hast done well, my servant!
91: This invasion is a disaster!
92: What invasion?
93: What's the matter?
94: A disaster for whom?
95: For me, of course! That Gotha woman walked in and took over the whole keep, just like that! The nerve!
96: Gotha? You mean Mors Gotha?
97: Where can I find her?
98: Titan's Teeth! You're not supposed to know anything about this. Look, don't tell anyone anything, all right? I must go salvage my career!
99: The top secret invasion, of course!
100: Mors Gotha's taken over the entire Keep. I'm powerless again. It's as if the Guardian never intended to promote me out of this backwater at all!
101: Perhaps this is the case.
102: Thou art a fool to have any faith in the Guardian.
103: Have faith! The Guardian shall favor thee yet.
104: Fah! Much help thou art! Now excuse me, I must go salvage my career!
105: Nay, the Guardian knows merit when he sees it. Someday he shall recognize my worth. 'Tis but another test, just another test...
106: She wanders off, distracted, mumbling.
107: Yes, thou'rt right, @GS40. I must merely wait out this madwoman's stay a bit longer. I swear, if she requisitions any more sticks of meat...
108: She wanders off, cursing to herself.
109: Will Mors Gotha and her siege army never leave!?
110: Exactly why is Mors Gotha here?
111: Why does this trouble you so much?
112: I shall leave thee to thy grumbling.
113: Thank thee. I appreciate it.

block: 0e2d; 279 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: man
19: woman
20: The hooded woman looks up from her work.
21: Hello there.
22: Hello, I am @GS8.
23: Sorry, wrong room.
24: I must ask thee some questions.
25: I am @GS8, the Avatar.
26: What do you want?
27: Look, can we talk?
28: I have done what you asked.
29: I don't talk to traitors, @GS8. If you really hate the Guardian, come here carrying Relk's head, or not at all.
30: I will do it.
31: Okay, who's Relk?
32: I'm not your hired killer, Altara.
33: Of course not -- you belong to the Guardian, don't you?
34: I've got the head.
35: You ran straight to Mystell with that dagger, didn't you? If thou hadst not slain Relk, I would think thou wert a spy for Guardian himself! Come, what hast thou to say for thyself?
36: I know not. I am sorry.
37: I thought I was doing the right thing!
38: Indeed, this may cost me greatly.
39: Aye, for the Guardian, perhaps!
40: As thou art my only ally, I shall give thee another chance! I have fashioned another dagger. Take it, and do not fail me again!
41: I shall not.
42: You ran straight to Mystell with that dagger, didn't you? It will do them little good, but now at least I know thou canst not be trusted.
43: I cannot deny it. I am sorry.
44: What makes you think that?
45: No! It's a lie!
46: I had hoped to find an ally, in this fight, @GS8, but it is not to be thee. Please get out of my sight.
47: Wait! Give me another chance, and I will prove myself.
48: May I help thee, stranger?
49: Look, Miss, you don't understand. I'm the Avatar!
50: Mystell spoke to me of thee.
51: I seek magical training!
52: Do you know . . .
53: I am afraid I have no time to take on an apprentice, currently. Perhaps you could try again in a year or two.
54: Thou hast done a very dangerous thing, Avatar! Relk was not well-liked here, but he was a favorite of the Guardian's, and his death shall not go unnoticed.
55: Indeed, I believe Relk suspected my true identity.
56: It is possible that the Guardian is already observing my movements.
57: Dead men tell no tales, Altara!
58: Then we are doubly in peril! Remember, my life is at stake as well as thine, @GS8!
59: I shall endeavour to be more careful.
60: Thou canst find refuge on my world, if necessary.
61: Aye, please do so -- thou canst not merely slay where thou dost like! But come, what brings thee here, today?
62: Nay, Avatar, I shall not abandon my world so easily! I will stay and die, rather than leave the Guardian to rule here, and that is final. But come, we have work to do!
63: No tales? Who told thee such nonsense? Come, do not waste my time, but tell me what brings thee here today.
64: How may I help thee, Avatar?
65: I am Altara, sorceress resident of Killorn Keep.
66: I am the Avatar of Britannia.
67: Do you know . . .
68: Mystell has mentioned you.
69: \1@SS1\0
70: Bishop
71: Er...yes.
72: I see. And art thou a friend of hers?
73: Aye, I found her a sincere and likable person.
74: Nay, I found her a cold and suspicious sort.
75: Nay, she bears thee ill will.
76: Thou'rt a good judge of character, @GS8, for I am well aware that she doth enjoy spying on me, and on poor drunken Lobar, too. Now what may I do for thee?
77: Art thou a foe of the Guardian?
78: I am new to this world, and need assistance.
79: She looks slightly confused.
80: I... see. I am Altara, sorceress of Killorn Keep. Thou'rt some sort... of foreign dignitary?
81: That is correct.
82: I have journeyed here from another world.
83: I am a foe of the Guardian.
84: I seek to uphold the Eight virtues.
85: Don't we all? We are all the Guardian's devoted servants, are we not?
86: Nay, I am an Avatar of Virtue!
87: Perhaps there is some confusion. I am from Britannia.
88: I am like you, a foe of the Guardian!
89: And may I ask what business thou hast coming here?
90: I just wandered in by accident.
91: Canst thou train me in the ways of magic?
92: I have some questions to ask.
93: I'm afraid I am too busy.
94: I'm afraid I have no time for questions. If you need some information, I'm sure Mystell would be happy to help thee.
95: Another...
96: She snatches a blue lens from a nearby table, holds it before her eye, and gasps.
97: 'Tis true! Why have you come here, stranger?
98: I wander the planes, searching for a way to save my people, whom the Guardian has imprisoned.
99: 'Twas an accident.
100: I am at war with the Guardian.
101: 'Twas no accident, stranger! Thinkest thou I am a fool?
102: She fixes you with a suspicious glance.
103: Well, I have no time to waste on "accidents!"
104: Hush! Mystell is ever spying upon me -- doubtless, she approached thee on the subject, too!
105: She runs to close the outer door.
106: Before his death, Bishop told me you might come.
107: Bishop told me you might come.
108: What do you intend? Are you going to call the guards?
109: No, I will not call the guards.
110: How dost thou know Bishop?
111: You might say, we are in a similar line of work.
112: Wilt thou help me?
113: However I can.
114: I am no friend to the Guardian, either. I once sought to organize an independent political movement, a group that would promote causes not specifically authorized by the High Council.
115: That was foolish!
116: 'Twas a noble goal.
117: What happened?
118: She nods.
119: I admit it.
120: The Council's policy debates are a sham, @GS8. The Guardian brooks no dissent among his subjects. We were betrayed, and those of us too valuable to kill were exiled to the four corners of the empire. Thus I was posted to this desert keep, ever observed by Mystell and her craven ilk.
121: I would like to help thee oppose the Guardian.
122: Canst thou help me in my fight?
123: Why were you too valuable?
124: Perhaps. But first, I would learn of thine own quarrel with the Titan.
125: You tell her of Britannia's plight.
126: I am a sorceress of some small ability. The Guardian values my research on extraplanar phenomena.
127: Canst thou help me against the Guardian?
128: The Listener is dead.
129: Canst thou offer me further help?
130: I have collected the components of the staff!
131: Is there more we may do together in our battle?
132: Tell me of thy research.
133: Canst thou offer me training in the magical arts?
134: @SS1
135: I must go now.
136: Transactions among the many worlds are more common than thou might think. All sorts of things -- teleport storms, major acts of magic, special plants and animals -- can bridge the gaps between realities.
137: What are teleport storms?
138: How do magical acts affect the planes?
139: What sorts of plants and animals?
140: It is not known. Some sort of transitory localized disturbance, maybe a bit like turbulence in water. It moves objects and people arbitrary distances, both between and within worlds.
141: Tell me more about the planes.
142: Enough scholarship for now.
143: What wouldst thou hear of now?
144: There is a kind of resonance between planes which lie close to one another. Powerful and violent magics, such as the Guardian is so fond of, cause gateways to open between realities, where the same magic repeats itself more faintly, like an echo.
145: Tell me more about the planes.
146: Enough scholarship for now.
147: What wouldst thou hear of now?
148: In this matter I know only rumors. Certain plants are mentioned in ancient texts, which when eaten cast one into other worlds, in one's dreams. They speak of some kind of "Spiritual Shrine" associated with this phenomenon . . . but my recollection of the work is hazy.
149: Tell me more about the planes.
150: Enough scholarship for now.
151: What wouldst thou hear of now?
152: Goodbye.
153: She turns back to her work.
154: Of course, @GS8. Wouldst thou improve thy casting skill, or learn to increase thy store of mana?
155: Please help me work on my casting gestures.
156: I need to be able to hold more power!
157: I need no training today.
158: Certainly.
159: Altara's knowledge of the mystic arts is formidable, and you learn much from her in a short time.
160: Your casting skill seems to have reached a plateau -- you are unable to improve.
161: I will help thee.
162: She teaches you mental disciplines, which enable you to draw more fully on your mystic resources.
163: You find yourself unable to extend your ability.
164: Shall I teach thee more?
165: Aye, let us keep on!
166: Nay, that is enough for now.
167: She retrieves a dagger from a locked chest.
168: You understand, 'tis a great risk for one in my position to trust thee with this. Listen well -- I was a long while in the Guardian's service, and I know his methods. There will be an observer in thy castle, some magical creature lurking in the sewers and tunnels there.
169: Where will it be?
170: How can I destroy it?
171: By now it has burrowed deep into the rock foundation of thy fortress, its ear to the stone, listening to all that transpires there. It will stay near a body of water, and surround itself with walls of fire.
172: I shall slay it.
173: Altara, I think thou'rt overly nervous.
174: Keep this dagger with thee! This shall bring thee through any fire-walls it puts in thy path. And though other weapons may wound it, only this blade can deal the killing blow.
175: I see thou'rt heavily encumbered I will leave it for thee here.
176: Perhaps thou shouldst come back for it later.
177: Please, find and destroy the listener-imp lurking beneath thy fortress -- I can sense that he is still in place, within his icy burrow. Remember, only this dagger can gain you entrance to his lair and kill him!
178: @GS8, thou hast come to me as a friend and ally, and I have trusted thee thus far. Wilt thou do this for me, and for thyself?
179: Aye.
180: Nay.
181: Mark me, if thou wilt not work with me in this matter, both of us shall fail in our ambition. Return if thou dost change thy mind.
182: She smiles.
183: Thank thee, @GS8. We shall make a good team in this.
184: Farewell.
185: So thou hast disposed of the Guardian's watcher? Then thou art trustworthy after all! 'Tis well, as I have need of an ally who can travel the planes.
186: What may I do for thee?
187: I am offended that thou dost not trust me.
188: Past experience has shown me that few people, if any, are trustworthy. My previous naivete proved most... expensive.
189: She shows you a black pearl.
190: I have almost succeeded in placing a powerful enchantment in this pearl. It lacks only two rare elements, the egg of a dread spider, and an amethyst rod. Once complete, it will become a powerful weapon in this fight.
191: I will obtain the components.
192: Go to! I am not here to be thy errand-runner.
193: Here, take the pearl with thee, and bring it back with the components.
194: Hm. I see thou'rt heavily encumbered. I will leave it for thee here.
195: Perhaps thou shouldst come back for it later.
196: You must assemble all parts of the sceptre before we can continue.
197: Before you go -- I have noticed that thou dost practice runic magic. Wilt thou take these with thee, @GS8, as my gift?
198: May good fortune go with thee!
199: Excellent! And now, if thou wouldst hand them to me . . .
200: She holds out her hand.
201: Thank thee.
202: She reads a prepared scroll over three objects, and they flow and fuse together in a way that your eye cannot follow. When it is finished, a new object has formed.
203: Now, listen carefully. I have sensed that the Guardian has cast a powerful spell over your world. Is this not the case?
204: Yes, it is.
205: When the Guardian cast his spell, he opened cracks between the worlds, cracks that led to the sites of similar spells on other worlds -- these are his places of power. His lines of energy are strung thus in a web throughout the multiverse. This staff can cut those lines.
206: What must I do with it?
207: How does it work?
208: On each world, you must find his place of power, some vile sorcerous engine or a ruin blighted by his magic, and touch the staff to the earth. It cannot cancel his magic, but it can prevent him from drawing energy from a plane, and using that energy to power his spell.
209: I shall do this.
210: How shall I find these places?
211: No, 'tis too dangerous.
212: Excellent! At last, I have an ally of courage!
213: 'Tis good that thou asked, @GS8! I have recently perfected a new spell, which I call "Enchantment." It will recharge a magical artifact's energies, or lend magical potency to any weapon or armor!
214: What are this spell's runes?
215: It must be a very difficult spell!
216: Aye -- none but the greatest mages may cast it!
217: Its runes are VAS ORT YLEM -- may it serve thee well!
218: Has VAS ORT YLEM been of use to thee?
219: Aye.
220: Nay.
221: Good! Beware, though -- a magical item can only hold a certain measure of energy -- too much may destroy it!
222: Well, keep it in reserve -- 'tis a powerful spell!
223: For the moment, you must continue isolating thy plane from the Guardian's lines of power.
224: Here they are.
225: I do not have them.
226: Then please return with them as soon as possible. I may be discovered at any time.
227: Where are they? I must have all three.
228: On each world, thou shalt find some who know its past, its story. They shall tell thee of the Guardian's work there, where his power on that world lies -- thou mayst judge for thyself what sort of "Guardian" he is!
229: I shall do it.
230: Nay, I shall be killed!
231: Excellent! At last, I have an ally of courage!
232: Avatar, I took thee for a brave @GS36. It would seem I was mistaken.
233: Wait! I changed my mind, I shall do it.
234: I have no wish to die.
235: Excellent! At last, I have an ally of courage!
236: I am sure thy fellow Britannians feel the same way!
237: @GS8, thou hast done it, though I scarcely believed it possible. The Guardian can no longer draw magical energy from the planes surrounding thine own. His spell there must be growing feeble indeed!
238: All Britannia owes thee thanks, Altara.
239: What more needs to be done?
240: We can do no more here. Though you have weakened the Guardian's power on thine own plane, the spell he cast retains its original structure -- you must apply a disruptive force to it to destroy it. That I cannot help thee with -- you must seek that force somewhere among the many worlds thou hast access to.
241: I thank thee, Altara.
242: I shall.
243: I wish thee luck, Avatar.
244: I blush to accept thy thanks, Avatar, as I have spent the hours sitting home in my laboratory, while thou didst brave the dangers of this labyrinth of worlds. Thou'rt a brave soul, @GS8, and I wish thee good fortune in thy travels.
245: You want another chance? After what you did to me? If that dagger had been worth anything, I would be dead now! You want a chance, you can bring me Relk the security chief's head on a platter, that's what you can do!
246: But...
247: I will do it, then.
248: She slams the door in your face.
249: Altara raises an eyebrow.
250: Oh, really? Thou hast brought to me Relk's head? Show it to me, then!
251: Here it is.
252: Nay, I do not have it.
253: Well, where is it then?
254: I'm afraid I do not have it.
255: Wait! I have it here!
256: What . . . is this? A head, but . . . not his! Please get this out of here. This is disgusting!
257: What . . . is this? Heads, but . . . none of them his! Please get these out of here. This is disgusting!
258: What do you mean? I...I mean, I was joking, you...didn't really...
259: She sees what you are carrying.
260: Th-that's it, isn't it? Y-you are for real, aren't you? Look, we don't have much time.
261: I have no time for this silly game. Get the head, or leave me alone.
262: I will get it for you, never fear.
263: You must believe me, I am not a traitor!
264: Goodbye.
265: Then return when thou dost!
266: He and Mystell are the Guardian's watchdogs around here. Unlike Mystell, he's probably being groomed for some command position. If anybody, drunk or sober, says the wrong thing, he's the one who reports it back to the capital. If you want me to believe you're not the stooge you act like, go get his head.
267: I am in thy debt.
268: I have what I need. I must be on my way, now!
269: Thou'rt welcome!
270: Please take whatever thou dost need.
271: Farewell.
272: I knew thou wouldst see the right path.
273: I see thou'rt heavily encumbered -- I will leave it for thee here.
274: Perhaps thou shouldst come back for it later.
275: Art thou sure? Thy world shall benefit more than mine, if this can be completed.
276: I shall complete the quest.
277: I shall not do it.
278: Then return if thou dost change thy mind.  I warn thee, Avatar, thou art denying thyself a powerful advantage.

block: 0e2e; 38 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: OW! I'm Jerry the Rat, now cut it out!!!
18: Yeah, Relk's dead, boo hoo.
19: I'm Jerry the Rat. What the fuck do you want?
20: Uh, never mind.
21: Please Spew Wildly.
22: Charming feller, aren't ye?
23: Wanna go up some levels?
24: Sure.
25: I say thee nay.
26: Tough luck, sucker.
27: Presto.
28: Oh, yeah, take this spooge oil.  You'll need it.
29: Okay.  Thanks.
30: Oh, and while you're here, take all my stuff.
31: Farewell.
32: I could use these things.
33: No thanks.  I just couldn't.
34: Fair enough.
35: Wait.  Which things?
36: Look here, you pointless piece of Garbage, I can't believe you would every be so bleeding useless as to bother asking me to do this, i mean, seriously, I'm an Artist, i cant just do this, It hurts, you understand me, it HURTS... i cant just live in thrall to your petty demands and needs, what about me, the rat. Think about it.  Everyone comes up and says... oh look, jerry the fucking rat, what a bore.  But from where i crawl, i think, this really sucks, what a pain, all these pointless people coming by
37: and wasting my time.  If i had my way, i'd kill Lord British,buy EA, sell them off to get an airplane, fly to havana and crash it into a cheap mexican food place so i could have a few good tacos before it all ends, ya know.

block: 0e2f; 99 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Guardian? Guardian!!?
3: A red moongate appears behind her, and moves to engulf her.
4: At the last instant, she hesitates.
5: Wait, wait! I need that spellboo-
6: She is swallowed up.
7: Guardian? Guardian, get me out of here!
8: She coughs blood.
9: God DAMN it.
10: So, Avatar -- for surely, 'tis thee -- how dost thou like thy handiwork?
11: She gestures at the ruins of Killorn Keep, around her. The smell of decaying flesh is in the air.
12: Well?
13: 'Twas necessary for these to die, if virtue is to triumph.
14: I grieve at my mistake -- I should not have done this.
15: Who art thou?
16: This is your doing isn't it, Avatar? Thou hast driven me from this place, but soon I shall take the battle to the halls of Castle British itself! In the meantime, I suggest that you make a hasty exit from this dimension, before we reach the ground!
17: She vanishes.
18: Yes? What is it?
19: I am the Avatar, and I am here to kill thee.
20: I bear thee a message from the Guardian.
21: Excuse me -- I didn't mean to intrude.
22: Who art thou?
23: I gave thee one chance, Avatar. One only.
24: Spare me thy deceptions.
25: Do not move.
26: Didst thou think I would not know thee, Avatar? I knew thou wert abroad among the planes -- thy arrival here was inevitable.
27: Yes? And what of it?
28: And now thou shalt die.
29: Who art thou?
30: Ever since you smashed the Black Gate I have been anticipating this encounter. Did you know I've never been defeated in the Guardian's service?
31: Aye.
32: Nay.
33: What about your match with Lobar?
34: I hope I have not upset thee.
35: Thou hast one chance to beg for thy life. If thou dost wish it, I shall disarm thee and thou mayst surrender. What sayest thou?
36: You insult me at your peril.
37: I tire of this posturing. If we are to do battle, let us begin.
38: I beg thee for my life.
39: She laughs long and loudly.
40: @GS8, you disappoint me -- I had thought thee an opponent worth honoring. Thou didst cost the Guardian too much pride to be allowed to live.
41: You see, @GS8? We are not that different after all! Thou wert e'er as bloodthirsty as I, if not more so.
42: That is a lie! I fight only for virtue, not for the pleasure of it.
43: Believe what thou wilt. Now die, evil one.
44: How canst thou think we are alike?
45: And how many hast thou slain in thy questing? Thou dost kill to gain thine ends, just as do I.
46: Poor, poor Avatar! Thou'rt caught between thy master's virtues and thine own bloodlust. Perhaps thou shouldst join me, and serve a more . . . entertaining master.
47: I have heard enough talk.
48: 'Tis not wrong to kill in the cause of virtue, but I do not enjoy it.
49: How canst thou suggest such a thing?
50: Yes, I suppose thou must think so.
51: She yawns.
52: Then let's get down to business.
53: She draws her sword.
54: That runt got lucky! I've had enough o'this!
55: As you wish, Avatar.
56: Why, I am Mors Gotha.
57: What art thou doing here?
58: And now I shall slay thee.
59: I am here to invade thy world, through the blackrock gate. Wouldst thou join me?
60: Of course not. I shall destroy thee unless thou dost refrain from this.
61: How canst thou ask such a thing?
62: Because in all the many worlds, thou art the person most like myself.
63: 'Tis a lie!
64: Tell me more.
65: How can this be?
66: Now, now, Avatar.
67: We are twins, you and I! We champion the great Causes in life. Thou art not of the common rabble, Avatar, nor am I!
68: I am no better than my countrymen, nor do I claim to be.
69: I see thy point.
70: Do not be naive, Avatar!
71: We have nothing to do with the mass of men, we two. We walk across the many worlds; by our actions, entire nations crash down or are saved from death. We two are the only ones to see the grandeur, the full scope of this war. And yet you choose to be bound to your rustic Britannia, your feeble Lord British! Why?
72: Power has no meaning or value, without virtue.
73: I know not. Perhaps thou art right.
74: I shall not betray my lord.
75: Perhaps I await a better offer.
76: Thou art a petty thinker, Avatar! I had thought thee more than this.
77: She spits on the ground.
78: Guards! Help me dispose of this waste!
79: Join us, then! Come with me to serve our Guardian! Together, we shall walk the sands of a hundred worlds; a thousand monarchs shall bend their knees before us; and the pleasures, Avatar . . . 'tis not to believed! Thou hast only to say yes, to me.
80: Yes, I shall join thee.
81: No, I shall not join.
82: Thou hast only to give over thy weapon, Avatar, a sign of thy decision, and we shall away, off to the palace of the Guardian, in the Pagan world.
83: Here thou art.
84: Nay, 'tis merely a base trick!
85: Thou hast only to give over thy runebag, Avatar, a sign of thy decision, and we shall away, off to the palace of the Guardian, in the Pagan world.
86: Here thou art.
87: Nay, 'tis merely a base trick!
88: So, @GS8, thy heart is not so given over to virtue as thou didst think! Thy commitment to Virtue is every bit as hollow as I had suspected.  But didst thou really think I would share my position with thee?
89: Laughing, she draws her sword.
90: That's the spirit, @GS8!
91: She tucks it away in her belt, then looks at you and shakes her head.
92: But power is not a thing to be shared, Avatar. 'Tis a pity, but 'tis true.
93: She draws her sword.
94: Come, Avatar, 'tis no great thing to ask.
95: Here thou art.
96: Nay, I will not do it.
97: Enough of thy games.
98: Please, Avatar. Surely such a thing poses little risk to thee -- 'tis merely a sign that thou'rt in earnest.

block: 0e30; 48 strings.
1: "I" am informed that "thou" art a being known as "Avatar." And yet, you resonate at an unusual frequency for one with "your" creature-designation. Excuse me -- in "thy" terms, one would say "thou" art not ordinarily found on this "plane."
2: What sort of being art thou?
3: What wouldst thou with me, wisp?
4: I greet thee, "Avatar." Should "I" seek further trades with "thee," "thou" shalt be contacted.
5: Dost "thou" have a "question" for "us"?
6: Hast "thou" determined the "fate" of "Bishop?"
7: I "greet" thee, "Avatar." Hast thou returned to trade with "me"?
8: Aye.
9: Nay.
10: Beings of "my" sort are commonly designated "wisps" by your species. We are beings of pure energy.
11: What do beings of pure energy do?
12: I don't understand -- how can a creature be made of pure energy?
13: It is as much a mystery to us that a sentient creature can be made of matter!
14: Well, what may I do for thee?
15: I take that as an insult.
16: This is unfortunate, but it is no concern of ours.
17: We want information.
18: You won't get it!
19: Certainly -- what wouldst thou learn of?
20: "We" trade amongst the sentient "species" for information. I am informed that you, "Avatar," have "travelled" to many areas whose energy-properties have become dangerous to us, due to the presence of "he" who is known as "The Guardian." Will you trade with us for information about such places?
21: Certainly. What dost thou wish to know?
22: Nay -- I would not risk the information falling into improper hands.
23: "Thou" hast visited the "place" wherein is "imprisoned" the one called "Bishop." His role in certain affairs has become disproportionately large.
24: What affairs are these?
25: What dost thou wish to know?
26: "Thou" shouldst not presume upon our limited "acquaintance," "Avatar."
27: We wish to know of his fate following his imprisonment.
28: He has been executed.
29: He has escaped his prison.
30: I do not know. I assume he is still confined.
31: I will not tell thee.
32: "I" thank "thee," although this datum indicates that "wisps" shall be barred from obtaining data on that "world" for some "time" to come.
33: "I" thank "thee." Perhaps soon we shall again be obtaining data from that "plane."
34: This datum is inconsistent with other data which have been placed at my disposal, and therefore I conclude that it is erroneous. Please investigate the matter more fully, if thou dost wish to trade.
35: May I offer thee information in return?
36: How can I destroy the blackrock gem surrounding Castle British?
37: Can you assist me in navigating the Ethereal Void?
38: Can you tell me of the history of the Trilkhai?
39: I need no information from thee at this time.
40: Then perhaps "thou" shalt have some "thing" to ask "me" at a later "time."
41: Our data do not show a single "factor" capable of removing the gem. Dost thou have another question to ask?
42: From the point of "view" of material "entities" such as "thyself," the void presents a landscape which is constantly metamorphosing -- to "us" it seems very different. I would be of little help to thee in this. Dost thou have another question to ask?
43: The Trilkhai were once a powerful group of anthropomorphic "felines." Since their catastrophic "loss" to a group of humanoids, they have since devolved "past" the point of "tool-using."
44: It has been "productive" trading information with "thee."
45: "Please" return if "thou" art willing to trade.
46: "We" understand that "thou" hast certain "interests" apart from the acquisition and distribution of information. However, "we" are not obliged to "honor" them.
47: Thou shouldst return if thou dost learn more.

block: 0e31; 52 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: A well-groomed young man in armor greets you.
3: I am pleased to meet thee, @GS8. I am Relk, captain of the Guards. Do come visit me in my quarters in the southwest some time -- I am sure we have much to discuss.
4: What would you like to discuss with me?
5: I have heard thou hast been seen carrying a black gem. Care to tell me about it?
6: How dost thou know my name?
7: Welcome to my quarters, @GS8... or should I say, "Avatar?"
8: How dost thou know who I am?
9: Thou wert seen carrying a black jewel. Canst thou tell me about it?
10: He begins to laugh.
11: Did you really think your coming was not foretold?\m
12: He raises his voice.
13: See, Guardian, see how well I serve you! It is not Lobar who deserves the blessing of thy voice, but I, Relk!\m
14: I shall show thee, Master, thou wert right to inform me of the Britannian's coming! See how well thou hast chosen!
15: He appears very nervous.
16: I have, er... heard that thou'rt... uh, wise in the way of virtue. Is this not so?
17: Indeed.
18: Nay, I know little of the virtues.
19: Than I shall teach thee of it. I shall expect thee.
20: He hurries away.
21: Than we shall speak on that subject. Until later.
22: He hurries away.
23: 'Tis a small keep, Av... er, @GS8. Do come see me.
24: He hurries away.
25: Uh... what dost thou mean, a black gem?
26: Oh, never mind.
27: Someone saw you carrying a black gem. Now where did you get it?
28: Oh, THAT gem! 'Twas nothing, merely a gift from my... sister.
29: Oh. Sorry to have bothered thee.
30: Then why did you throw it in the oubliette?
31: Tell me what it was, or I shall kill thee!
32: How dost thou know these things! Did Nocticle Sartre send thee? 'Twas a top secret assignment from the Guardian himself!
33: Tell me everything!
34: Nocticle Sartre? What is that?
35: Had I known thou wert so well-informed, I would have killed thee long before this. 'Tis almost as if thou didst spy on me, there in the engine room. Come, we shall settle the matter now.
36: He draws his sword.
37: him
38: her
39: You would threaten an officer of the Guardian's realm? I warn thee, @GS8, do not start anything with me!
40: Thou didst misunderstand me! I was merely... jesting.
41: If guards come, I shall kill them. Now talk.
42: Thou hast a queer way of jesting, @GS8!
43: Guards...GUARDS!
44: No guards are forthcoming.
45: Lazy provincials . . . ! In any case, I shall teach thee what it means to threaten me! In the meantime, I shall tell thee -- I retrieved that gem from the engine room, on a SPECIAL SECRET MISSION from the GUARDIAN HIMSELF! And THOU HAST INTERFERED! I have no choice but to destroy thee utterly! Er . . . not that I mind, or anything.
46: Nay, I insist. How dost thou know of such a thing?
47: Josie told me.
48: 'Tis common knowledge.
49: I cannot tell thee.
50: Art thou mad? A talking cat?
51: Do not attempt to deceive me. Thou art a spy, fool, and soon thou shalt die for it!

block: 0e32; 57 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: son
3: daughter
4: Greetings, my @SS5!
5: What is this place?
6: Who art thou?
7: Ah, my @SS5, thou hast come to see me again!
8: Tell me again of thy glorious past!
9: Tell me again of Killorn Keep.
10: Excuse me, I must go.
11: I am Lord Thibris, Master of this Keep.
12: And what keep is this?
13: Why this is Killorn Keep! A fine posting for an old soldier, I must say! A mile in the air, striking fear into the desert nomads. Very fine!
14: Wert thou a soldier for the Guardian?
15: Who are these nomads?
16: What keeps the Keep in the air?
17: Well, er... I never thought about it much. 'Tis the Guardian's work, and it doesn't do to ask many questions, I've found!
18: What sort of life is it, serving the Guardian?
19: Hast thou fought many campaigns for the Guardian?
20: Oh, doubtless some scruffy rabble, not worth the trouble of enslaving.
21: It seems thou dost like working for the Guardian.
22: Thou art a soldier for the Guardian, it seems.
23: And a fine one, too! I served him well, in many commands, and on many worlds!
24: Tell me of some of thy past triumphs.
25: What is it like to work for the Guardian?
26: Oho! Thou hast hit on my favorite subject! Wouldst thou hear of my work on the Praecor Loth campaign? 'Twas centuries ago, but I remember it as if it were this morning!
27: I never tire of this story! Though 'twas centuries ago, I still remember it as my greatest triumph!
28: Who was Praecor Loth?
29: Nay, I have no time for this.
30: Centuries ago? How is this possible?
31: Oh, some barbarian king or other. 'Tis of no import now! The Guardian offered him peace, but he would not take it, and so I was sent to bring him down. 'Twas in the early battles there that the Killorn Banner was lost. Such a pity!
32: What banner was this?
33: And did you succeed?
34: Why didn't the Guardian just leave him alone?
35: And deprive another world of the Guardian's peace? Art thou mad?
36: I drove him a thousand miles north of his capital, 'til he died and was buried in a great tomb carved into a cliff. His greatest treasure still rests there, a horn of extraordinary power!
37: What was special about the horn?
38: Why did you not just dig it out?
39: It must have been a great victory.
40: Why, the sound that came from it could shatter buildings! None could wield it but Praecor Loth himself, but the Guardian hoped to harness its power somehow.
41: Well, you know, we tried that, but they built the tomb very cleverly. There was supposed to be a map, divided in eight parts, hidden in the tomb, and it showed the way through a deadly maze. Most of my servants wouldn't enter the tomb at all, though. They feared the dead, the superstitious fools!
42: Ah, yes.
43: He wipes a teary eye.
44: 'Twas a great day for the Guardian, then. Such a speech he gave!
45: Well, I must go.
46: What was it like working under the Guardian?
47: Well, yes, er, it seems that on different worlds time runs differently... or perhaps I just age differently, or something. I never quite understood.
48: I understand, my @SS5. Go in peace, and never forget the six, er, eight virtues, especially the third one, er...
49: Well anyway, never forget them!
50: 'Tis fabulous -- I remember in the final days of the Praecor Loth campaign, he came to us, freezing in our camp on the tundra, and gave us a wonderful display of magical fireworks! Two thirds of us came back with frostbite, but I tell thee, there was not a word of complaint!
51: Tell me of the Loth campaign.
52: Well, I must be going.
53: Farewell, @GS8, and er... don't be a Stranger!
54: The Blue Banner of Killorn, the ancestral emblem of this place! In those days, there was still a Lord Killorn, who rode into battle with his standard.
55: Didst thou succeed in thy campaign?
56: Why bother destroying Praecor Loth?

block: 0e33; 97 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: Well, MG told us to just scout around for the first wave, but I reckon I'm gonna be the first in my squadron to rack up a kill in the Britannia operation!
19: I don't know what you're doin', pokin' around these ruins, but you'd best clear out pretty fast!
20: Don't worry. I'm, er . . . assigned to be here!
21: Sorry. I'm just a traveler passing through, thought I'd investigate. What's going on?
22: He gives you a suspicious look, but then spots your signet ring.
23: Oh. Excuse me!
24: Carry on then, soldier.
25: What canst thou tell me about this operation?
26: He gives you a suspicious once-over.
27: You are, are you? Well, I don't talk to nobody who ain't wearin' the ring! Move along!
28: A traveler, huh? Well, you're wearin' the ring, so I guess you're okay!
29: He gives you a quick, suspicious inspection.
30: I suggest you keep travelling, and don't ask questions. Anybody not wearing the ring is a suspicious character, far as I'm concerned!
31: You again? What is it?
32: Canst thou tell me about this operation?
33: Nothing, thanks.
34: If you say so.
35: I insist that thou tell me what thou'rt doing here!
36: Nothing. Farewell.
37: Tell it to Mors Gotha, stranger! Now move along before I run you through!
38: You know Gotha don't like us soldier-types to waste time chattin'. Whaddya want?
39: You again?  What now?
40: This is a fine fighting outfit!
41: Thou dost seem a sorry excuse for a soldier.
42: Oh, nothing. I am sorry to bother thee.
43: Aye, we're the real muscle of the army, Mors Gotha's own guard. Wherever it is we're goin', the locals are gonna be awfully sorry to see us!
44: Canst thou tell me about the invasion?
45: Wouldst thou care to barter?
46: I can imagine!  Now I must go.
47: Who is Mors Gotha?
48: You don't know?  Yer either an idiot or an ignoramus! Until you get some sense, you'd better get yer butt outta here!
49: Hey, watch yer tongue, bud! If we look a bit ragged, it's 'cause of the stinkin' rations we're on. They cut us down to two portions of meat-on-a-stick per day! You'd think whoever kept this castle in the air could conjure up more food! But then, what does a soldier know about magic?
50: Goodbye.
51: Art thou on thy way to an invasion?
52: A lunkhead like thee wouldst not know much!
53: That mouth a' yers is gonna get you killed some day. Now get outta here!
54: Well, ordinarily that kinda thing is classified, but what the hell! You're a nice guy, you ain't no spy.
55: He gives you a sharp look, then spots the signet ring on your hand.
56: I gotta tell ya, they've kept us soldiers mostly in the dark on this one, but anyone with half a brain can't help noticin' and hearin' some things.
57: What canst thou tell me?
58: I must be going.
59: Sorry, but that's classified info, as you should know.
60: Tell me of the invasion or face my wrath!
61: Thy threats are as hollow as thy head! Be off!
62: I beg thy pardon. I shall be going now.
63: Craziest mission I've seen yet -- we're all fitted out for a siege operation, but here we are inside a castle already, floating a league in the air, over a goddamn desert, with no other castle within 500 miles of here. Sorcery here somewhere, bet your ass.
64: I hear the Guardian got in somehow and took out all the enemy mages. Nothing like fighting with a Titan on your side, I'll tell ya!
65: The defenders are 100% sealed up in there, some kinda blackrock casting. Some guys are sayin' we'll just be goin' in and cleanin' up.
66: I heard they've found a way in through the basement. We'll be going in as soon as the rest of the troops get here.
67: Nothing like workin' under Gotha. Like voodoo, her touch. 'Less yer in the forward units, o'course -- she does like to have a few rookies in front to spring the traps.
68: I hear they hadda herd in a few extra -- whaddayacallem -- brain creatures to hold up the extra weight in the castle.
69: Mors Gotha's promised us that this invasion's gonna be cake, which means lots of plunder to be had, I'm thinkin'. Hope we'll be allowed to pick our own!
70: I heard that they bottled up the enemy inside their fortress, but that they got some sort of hero-type in there with 'em. Still, with Gotha and the Guardian on our side, I ain't worried.
71: Even with the crack troops we got in here already, we're waitin' on the whole rest of the army! This is gonna be one hell of a siege, I'll tell ya. Can't wait to land this thing and get on with it!
72: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
73: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
74: Canst thou tell me more
75: What else canst thou tell me
76: Canst thou think of anything else
77: @SS2?
78: I thank thee for thy time.
79: Sure! Though there ain't much I c'n offer ya, on a soldier's pay.
80: Well, they ain't tellin' us grunts too much, but here's what the grapevine's sayin'.
81: Craziest mission I've seen yet -- we're all fitted out for a siege operation, but here we are inside a wreck of a castle in the middle of a goddamn desert, with no other castle within 500 miles of here. Sorcery here somewhere, bet your ass.
82: I hear the Guardian got in somehow and took out all the enemy mages. Nothing like fighting with a Titan on your side, I'll tell ya!
83: The defenders are 100% sealed up in there, some kinda blackrock casting. Some guys are sayin' we'll just be goin' in and cleanin' up.
84: I heard they've found a way in through the basement. We'll be going in as soon as the rest of the troops get here.
85: Nothing like workin' under Gotha. Like voodoo, her touch. 'Less yer in the forward units, o'course -- she does like to have a few rookies in front to spring the traps.
86: Somethin' horrible happened here -- corpses everywhere, anyone can see that. Nobody's sayin' what, though.
87: Mors Gotha's promised us that this invasion's gonna be cake, which means lots of plunder to be had, I'm thinkin'. Hope we'll be allowed to pick our own!
88: I heard that they bottled up the enemy inside their fortress, but that they got some sort of hero-type in there with 'em. Still, with Gotha and the Guardian on our side, I ain't worried.
89: Even with the crack troops we got in here already, we're waitin' on the whole rest of the army! This is gonna be one hell of a siege, I'll tell ya. Wish to hell I knew what we're doin' in the middle of this desert!
90: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
91: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
92: Canst thou tell me more
93: What else canst thou tell me
94: Canst thou think of anything else
95: @SS3?
96: I thank thee for thy time.

block: 0e34; 59 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: Yeah? What is it?
19: Who are you?
20: What's your job here?
21: What're all these cats doing here?
22: Say, did you know the Trilkhai are telepaths?
23: Yeah? What's up?
24: Wouldst thou care to barter with me?
25: Tell me more about the Trilkhai.
26: Say, did you know the Trilkhai are telepaths?
27: Never mind.
28: Name's Chirl. I keep the stables here.
29: Chirl? Doesn't that rhyme with "girl?"
30: Where are all the horses?
31: Do you like your job?
32: Hey! That's not funny!
33: Where are all the horses?
34: Do you like your job?
35: He looks grim.
36: Do you have any idea what a hairball from a 400-pound cat looks like?
37: You have my sympathy.
38: Cats? What do you mean?
39: The Trilks, y'know?
40: The Trilks are good for carryin' stuff, 'n' they're smart. Guardian likes us to breed 'em. They say he takes shipments of 'em for himself, dunno why.
41: They look pretty dangerous.
42: How smart are they?
43: Thanks for the info, buddy.
44: The Trilkhai aren't much fun to take care of, that's for sure. Smart, though, fer animals. Always do what you tell'em. Any one of'em could gut you in a second, no trouble, but it's like they don't even know they have claws.
45: What are they used for?
46: Thanks for the info, pal.
47: Just how smart are they?
48: Yeah, sure.
49: Horses? What do you mean? This is where we keep the Trilkhai.
50: Just animals, y'know. What's the big deal?
51: Nothing, I guess.
52: Thanks for the info, anyway.
53: Don't you know that they're intelligent telepaths?
54: Wuddoowai look like -- a tour guide? Go ask Mystell if you wanna know something.
55: A voice speaks in your mind: Beware, human, lest we are found out.
56: Wuddayoo, whacked? Giddaddaheeya!
57: The voice says: We are fortunate with this one.
58: Well, I reckon I might!

block: 0e35; 48 strings.
1: A deep, resonant voice speaks inside your mind.
2: ...@GS8? I... see... in your mind that you can be trusted. That you are not from this world. That you are an... Avatar.
3: Yes, that is correct.
4: Who are you?
5: We have need of a... helper. But I see thou dost know nothing of our situation.
6: The humans named us "Trilkhai." They do not know that we are able to communicate in this way.
7: Why don't you tell them?
8: Why speak to me?
9: They might become afraid of us, and destroy us. It is safer that they think of us as animals.
10: Then why entrust thy secret to me?
11: Surely it is a great hardship to live as slaves!
12: Our legends tell of a great war with the humans, in which our race was conquered, and suffered great devastation. None of us would have that happen again.
13: What was the cause of the war?
14: Then why speak of it to me?
15: I see that thou hast virtues that will prevent thee from betraying us. We must risk this, as many of us have need of a human agent in the keep.
16: I will help thee where I can.
17: This is a dangerous secret. We shall see.
18: I know not -- doubtless some trivial vanity. I must ask thee now, wilt thou help us? Quickly, before someone sees thee talking to a cat!
19: I shall.
20: I am unsure.
21: Think on it, @GS8. Let thy virtue guide thee in this!
22: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
23: Human! What hast thou done?
24: Human, I am the oldest among us here, and I have heard many stories of our race's past, wild tales of Trilkhai who flew among the stars, and hurled fire at the humans. I would learn if thou hast met any being who has knowledge of this.
25: I have heard something of this.
26: I have heard of none.
27: I have heard of none, but I shall look.
28: Hast thou found anyone that can speak of our past?
29: Aye, I have.
30: Nay, I have found nothing.
31: Hello again, @GS8.
32: Would you tell me again what you saw Mystell do?
33: I bid thee good day.
34: Well, human, Hast thou found anyone that can speak of our past?
35: Yes, I have spoken with one who knows of your past.
36: Nay, I have found nothing.
37: If thou couldst learn the truth, it would be of great service to our race!
38: You tell Blackie of the wisp's story.
39: 'Twas all true! Perhaps now I can begin to rally our people.
40: Since thou hast told me a tale, I shall tell thee one.
41: I have heard in Lord Thibris' thoughts that a woman named Mors Gotha is on her way her, and that soldiers accompany her. He thinks they plan to invade a fortress near here, and yet . . . the desert nomads do not build castles!
42: The spellbook Mors Gotha has brought with her is very important -- I hear her thinking of it often. It contains some spell having to do with...blackrock? I have never heard of such a substance.
43: Thou hast angered many people by your defeat of Mors Gotha. They are especially concerned with the disposition of the spellbook she carried. Be warned -- they intend to retrieve it from thee, if they can.
44: 'Tis a strange tale. I shall inquire about this matter.
45: This is grave news, indeed!
46: Methinks he shall tell thee little. Still, I wish thee success.
47: I hope it helps thee.

block: 0e36; 52 strings.
1: A deep, resonant voice speaks inside your mind.
2: ...@GS8? I... see... in your mind that you can be trusted. That you are not from this world. That you are an... Avatar.
3: Yes, that is correct.
4: Who are you?
5: We have need of a... helper. But I see thou dost know nothing of our situation.
6: The humans named us "Trilkhai." They do not know that we are able to communicate in this way.
7: Why don't you tell them?
8: Why speak to me?
9: They might become afraid of us, and destroy us. It is safer that they think of us as animals.
10: Then why entrust thy secret to me?
11: Surely it is a great hardship to live as slaves!
12: Our legends tell of a great war with the humans, in which our race was conquered, and suffered great devastation. None of us would have that happen again.
13: What was the cause of the war?
14: Then why speak of it to me?
15: I see that thou hast virtues that will prevent thee from betraying us. We must risk this, as many of us have need of a human agent in the keep.
16: I will help thee where I can.
17: This is a dangerous secret. We shall see.
18: I know not -- doubtless some trivial vanity. I must ask thee now, wilt thou help us? Quickly, before someone sees thee talking to a cat!
19: I shall.
20: I am unsure.
21: Think on it, @GS8. Let thy virtue guide thee in this!
22: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
23: Help! What's happening?
24: mister
25: ma'am
26: A voice speaks to you, but you cannot place its source.
27: Shhh...! Go to talk to she who they named Blackie!
28: Please, @GS33, I lack for little myself, but wouldst thou bring me some water? I'm very thirsty!
29: Of course. I have some here.
30: I shall return with some.
31: Nay, I have better things to do!
32: Please, I'd really like some!
33: Hi there! Thanks for the water, I'm not thirsty any more.
34: Oh. Well, then I'll see thee later.
35: Hast thou brought me water?
36: Nay, I shall fetch thee some.
37: Nay, get your own water.
38: Yes, here it is.
39: Oh, thank thee!
40: Please hurry back!
41: Thou art a mean person!
42: I thank thee, @GS8!
43: But where is it?
44: Here you are.
45: 'Tis not here after all. I shall fetch it.
46: Oh! I was going to tell thee that Relk doesn't like thee, but I guess thou... thou didst kill him. Never mind.
47: Now I must tell you something. I heard Relk thinking about thee! He doesn't like thee at all, and he made some kind of trap to catch thee in, if you go to look for a black jewel he put in the oubliette! I don't understand what it means, but thou shouldst stay away from him!
48: I have never met him, but thanks for the warning.
49: He was acting a bit funny, actually.
50: Oh, don't worry about Relk.
51: Please be careful!

block: 0e37; 28 strings.
1: A deep, resonant voice speaks inside your mind.
2: ...@GS8? I... see... in your mind that you can be trusted. That you are not from this world. That you are an... Avatar.
3: Yes, that is correct.
4: Who are you?
5: We have need of a... helper. But I see thou dost know nothing of our situation.
6: The humans named us "Trilkhai." They do not know that we are able to communicate in this way.
7: Why don't you tell them?
8: Why speak to me?
9: They might become afraid of us, and destroy us. It is safer that they think of us as animals.
10: Then why entrust thy secret to me?
11: Surely it is a great hardship to live as slaves!
12: Our legends tell of a great war with the humans, in which our race was conquered, and suffered great devastation. None of us would have that happen again.
13: What was the cause of the war?
14: Then why speak of it to me?
15: I see that thou hast virtues that will prevent thee from betraying us. We must risk this, as many of us have need of a human agent in the keep.
16: I will help thee where I can.
17: This is a dangerous secret. We shall see.
18: I know not -- doubtless some trivial vanity. I must ask thee now, wilt thou help us? Quickly, before someone sees thee talking to a cat!
19: I shall.
20: I am unsure.
21: Think on it, @GS8. Let thy virtue guide thee in this!
22: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
23: Human! What hast thou done?
24: Words form unbidden within your mind.
25: Shhh! Speak to the one they named Blackie!
26: Thank you! Josie's much happier now. Go in peace, Avatar.
27: For myself, I have nothing to ask of thee. Please see to my fellows -- she that they have named Josie is very thirsty.

block: 0e38; 39 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: Ah, 'tis good to see a familiar face! Would you care to make a purchase, my good friend?
19: Yes. What hast thou to sell?
20: No, but perhaps later.
21: Greetings, friend! I bid thee welcome to glorious Killorn Keep, the castle which soars among the clouds.  Thou dost seem to be a well-worn traveller -- I would wager that thou hast been off on adventures of late.
22: Thou art correct. I am on a quest to save my world!
23: Adventures are my business, good sir.
24: No, I am merely a traveller.
25: Thou hast come to the right place then, friend. Thou will be a happier soul for having found me! Here thou may purchase many items, items which could tip the scales of success on your quest. Might thou be interested?
26: Indeed I would be.
27: No thank you. Perhaps another time.
28: Well, no matter. Thou still will not be sorry to have visited Aron, merchant-extraordinaire! I have for sale here a great variety of items, to benefit both the quiet traveller and the bold adventurer.  Art thou interested?
29: Yes, I wouldst hear more.
30: No, but perhaps I shall return when my need is greater.
31: Thou shouldst know, my good friend, that my stock has been painstakingly gathered from all corners of the world, so that I may better serve such deserving customers as thyself. Aron the merchant does not disappoint!
32: I am sure he does not!
33: What dost thou have for sale?
34: I do not wish to make a purchase just now.
35: My stock includes hand-crafted arms and armaments, delicious foodstuffs, and provisions of the highest quality. I can even offer you items of a magical nature, shouldst thou have a full enough purse.  Wouldst thou care to make a purchase?
36: Yes, let us get down to business.
37: No. I shall return if I need anything.
38: Come back soon, my most excellent friend! Thou shall not find better service anywhere!

block: 0e39; 45 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: So thou hast come back, huh? What dost thou want this time?
19: I wouldst like to make a purchase.
20: Nothing. Nothing at all. Never mind.
21: Oh, how grand! Another rotten customer! I suppose you'll be wanting to buy one of my valuable pieces of merchandise, right?
22: There is no need to be rude! Art thou a merchant?
23: How dare you address me so! I am leaving at once!
24: Yes, that's right. Art thou going to sell me something?
25: No, I am Mors Gotha's mother. Cretin!  Of course I am a merchant!  Art thou blind, or dost thou have the brain of a sponge?
26: I need not stand here and take such abuses! Good day!
27: Couldst thou take a break from thine insults to barter?
28: Your lack of manners, sir, is astounding.
29: I suppose thou dost think I enjoy this stinking job! My grandfather was a merchant here in the Keep, as was my father after him. I was all but forced into this vile profession, selling all manner of junk to persons like yourself.
30: I am interested in your wares. Tell me of this junk.
31: I am sorry that thou art unhappy here.
32: That is no excuse to vent thy spleen on thy customers!
33: I've got some food, I think, though 'tis moldy, likely as not. I've some weapons from my father's old stock, and maybe some armor, though I cannot vouch for the quality.  I may even have some magical items -- to be honest, it has been long since I have taken a proper inventory.
34: I am surprised that thou art still in business!
35: Excuse me, but I think I shall go elsewhere.
36: I am still interested in making a purchase.
37: Well, if thou dost insist, I suppose we can barter. Are you sure this is your desire?
38: Yes.
39: No.  Your apathy has convinced me to go elsewhere.
40: Begone then. I did not ask for thy company in the first place!
41: Think thee that I have any interest in thy worthless opinions? Get thee from my sight!
42: That makes two of us. Thou hast no interest in my wares, dost thou?
43: No, I shall leave you alone, as you seem to wish.
44: I would indeed like to buy something from thee.

block: 0e3a; 3 strings.
1: Hssst! Do not speak to us here, lest you call attention to us. Speak to us only in the stables. Chirl is too dimwitted  to suspect anything.
2: Human! Do not speak to us here! Come to the stables, and speak to the one they call Blackie.

block: 0e3b; 5 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Human! What hast thou done?
3: Hssst! Do not speak to us here, lest you call attention to us. Speak to us only in the stables. Chirl is too dimwitted to suspect anything.
4: Human! Do not speak to us here! Come to the stables, and speak to the one they call Blackie.

block: 0e3c; 14 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Halt! Who is it that would enter Killorn Keep?
3: Yes? How may I help thee?
4: Where may I find Mystell's office?
5: Thank you, I need no help.
6: What law is this?
7: It lies to the northwest -- turn left at the throne room, then right. 'Tis the door at the end of the corridor.
8: Fool! Know you not the Guardian's Laws? I suggest that thou seek some education!
9: I am a traveller.
10: I am @GS8, the Avatar.
11: Then thou shouldst speak to Mystell at once, stranger. Be prepared to inform her of your name, place of origin, and current destination!
12: He pauses a moment, and studies your clothing, which seems garish and out of place here.
13: 'Tis possible thou wilt undergo a loyalty test, as well. See that thou art well-versed in His Law!

block: 0e3f; 2 strings.
1: Deep within the bowels of the Ethereal Void, goblin captain A. I. Crunchowicz awakens. He has only a shortsword and a leather helmet. In his future lie glorious deeds, or a bloody and ignominious death!

block: 0e40; 34 strings.
1: The strange-looking man jabbers excitedly at you in an unknown tongue.
2: Do you speak English?
3: I am @GS8, the Avatar.
4: The man shakes his head, and seems to realize he is not being understood, and instead begins patting himself on the head.
5: That's not very helpful.
6: Keep trying.
7: Look, I've got better things to do.
8: After a while, he stops patting himself on the head, and emphatically points to his left eye.
9: I'm afraid I don't see the connection.
10: Please continue.
11: The man abandons the eye, and begins flapping his arms up and down vigorously, leaping into the air.
12: I see what you mean. I'll be right back.
13: This isn't helping me any.
14: Is this what you want?
15: The man recognizes you and smiles, then shakes his head and holds up hands.
16: I've got some more eyeballs for you here.
17: Nice to see you again.
18: He nods his head, smiles, and departs.
19: The man repeats his routine, first patting his head, then pointing to his eye, then flapping his wings. He then waits for a response.
20: Is this what you wanted?
21: I'm not getting anywhere with this, sorry.
22: The man seems to detect your affirmative tone. He shakes your hand and nods his head up and down, then bows and leaves.
23: After a while, he detects your lack of comprehension, and leaves, nonplused.
24: He shakes his head, and points at each of his eyes in turn, then abruptly shakes your hand,  bows, and departs.
25: Bye.
26: He takes the eyeball from you with extravagant gestures of delight.
27: Clearly well-satisfied, the mage tucks both eyeballs into a waiting pouch, and in turn presents  you with a scroll.
28: Seeing you are heavily encumbered, the mage leans down and places the scroll at your feet.
29: He then departs, chortling to himself.
30: See you later.
31: He shakes his head in mute incomprehension.
32: Sorry, perhaps it is this you want.
33: Oh well, I'll try again later.

block: 0e48; 118 strings.
1: man
2: woman
3: he
4: she
5: Hm? A @GS33? But of course @GS34's not real, thank the gods for that!
6: Real? Of course I'm real!
7: Hello there, I am @GS8.
8: Who are you?
9: Mokpo has fashioned himself a cape and boots of yeti fur, and looks healthier than you have seen him before.
10: 'Tis good to see thee again! My hunting is going well! I have pushed the yeti back into their own section of the caves again!
11: 'Tis excellent news! I shall go and explore the caves they once infested.
12: But what of the "real" world?
13: Mokpo speaks aloud to himself. In one hand, he clutches the dream-root. He does not appear to notice you.
14: I see a pyramid. I race up and down it, until every block becomes the same color, the color of a place I have seen.  At length, I find it becomes a new color...
15: He falls silent.
16: Oh, it's you again. Hello.
17: I've brought you the drug you wanted.
18: I'll be back soon to bring you the drug.
19: What's going on?
20: Goddamn you, give me the drug!
21: I have some here -- I shall give it thee.
22: I shall fetch some for thee.
23: No, better you should learn to live in thine own world.
24: The @GS33 again! Will this never end?
25: I would hear more from thee of the real world.
26: Tell me of the yeti.
27: I have found something that can help thee visit thy world.
28: Never mind -- I shall not bother thee.
29: You tell him of the dreaming-drug you have discovered.
30: Where is the drug? I must have it! I can't live without it!
31: I have some here -- I shall give it thee.
32: I shall fetch some for thee.
33: No, better you should learn to live in thine own world.
34: I am Mokpo the Mad, as if that mattered, for thou art just another shade, another pointless vision.
35: Hey, I'm real!
36: Why don't you believe what you see?
37: Real? You? This world, this travesty of stone and ice, dirt and cold water? This mock-up, peopled with brutal apes? Don't make me laugh!
38: Is nothing real, then?
39: Why don't you think it's real?
40: It's not so bad, here.
41: What apes are these?
42: The only warm creatures in all this darkness. I slew one once, caught it sleeping. The meat fed me a month, its fur warmed me 'til I lost it in a cave-in. It matters not, 'tis all illusion.
43: Why are the yeti hostile?
44: Illusion? Art thou sure?
45: Oh yeah, and you alone can see the truth, right?
46: Something's stirred them up of late -- doubtless they've found some new bauble to fight each other for. Fools, to believe there is anything of value here!
47: Is there nothing of worth here? Is it that bad?
48: What IS valuable then, O Great Philosopher!
49: As if I needed a reason! But I have proof, if you want it -- this solid-seeming stone is all a facade -- a mere flip of a lever, touch of a button, it changes, morphs, vanishes! Look in the maze, and thou shalt see!
50: What maze?
51: I shall believe it when I see it!
52: Believe? Believe nothing that thou canst see here!
53: He laughs.
54: Simpleton! It's ALL maze in this shadow-world. A toy maze of sharp stones and vicious monkeys, for some mad child-god's amusement.
55: I see. And thou art privy to some higher knowledge?
56: Thou art a grim and deluded fellow. I shall speak to thee no more.
57: Not so bad? The nights I've spent here, shivering on the damp, fearing every minute to see that flash of white, the yeti running in the darkness. If I thought that were real, well...
58: But it IS real. I swear it!
59: What are these yeti you speak of?
60: Well what is real, then?
61: Ever since I came here I've been seeing it, a few minutes, a few hours at a time... I've seen what is real!
62: What did you see?
63: You are mistaking hallucinations for reality, sir -- a common error!
64: No, it is thou who art mistaken!
65: I can see what's real! If you could see it... shining colors, fabulous beasts, vast plains of light, great pillars reaching up into the blackness. It's so wonderful -- nothing could be more real!
66: Why not go live there, then?
67: Tell me more of this world... the REAL world!
68: You are mad and deluded!
69: It never stays! Five minutes, an hour, three hours I wander there, then I return here, banished from the true world! Exiled to this... tawdry illusion. Of late the visions have become ever shorter, ever rarer. 'Tis bitter!
70: Tell me more of what it is like there.
71: Instead of wandering in rags, why not try and improve thy life here? Build a fire...
72: Why bother, when the real world is so close at hand? Why play games in this illusory hell! 'Tis not worth it! I could build a fire, but the yeti would see it and kill me. 'Tis nothing but peril and frustration!
73: I give up. Thou wilt not face reality.
74: Who are the yeti?
75: Thou art right. Tell me more of thy world.
76: His eyes unfocus, and he seems to be in a trance.
77: I see it before me now! An endless walkway glowing blue! I leap, and am thrown high into the air... the scene fades... now a golden maze... I scramble up on top of the walls. Now I see the goal...!
78: Fire! A glorious, infernal city, fountains spraying blood, winged demons swoop, I battle through them, and win a deadly sceptre...
79: It fades, and I return here. 'Tis ever thus.
80: He comes out of it.
81: I cannot achieve the vision right now.
82: Thank thee for sharing thy world with me.
83: Thou art a pathetic, deluded fool.
84: Now thou canst face reality again, like a man.
85: Are all thy visions as short as this?
86: Bah! Why do I waste my words on a shadow? 'Tis pointless.
87: Me? A shadow? I shall teach thee of my solidity!
88: I hope thou dost find the way to thy heaven.
89: Fare thee well... that is, if such formalities can mean aught to a shadow!
90: NO! NO! I must have it!
91: He dissolves into tears.
92: Bah! 'Tis probably a lie anyway!
93: Please, I must have it!
94: Wait, I have it right here.
95: I'm sorry, I don't have it with me.
96: No, I changed my mind -- thou shouldst not have this.
97: Drool runs down his chin as he crams the root into his mouth. Soon his eyes glaze over, and he begins to speak.
98: A violet world, I make an enormous leap, now another, now I am sliding, some sort of ramp... AAAHHHH!! 'Tis him! No escape, I must...!
99: He becomes calmer, and now speaks in a monotone.
100: Now I am in an old place...very old.
101: He lapses into unconsciousness.
102: I... I... I don't think so. I've... become interested in something I'm... doing in... this world.
103: Are you sure? It will return you to your world, whenever you want it!
104: I am astonished! What are you doing?
105: Then thou'rt no further use to me. I'll be off.
106: He stares at you in disgust.
107: I've begun h-hunting the yeti! It turns out, with a little... ingenuity they can be killed easily. It makes my life here... easier.
108: So, dost thou admit I was right? That this is the real world?
109: Well, if thou dost want the drug later, I shall have it.
110: It is... difficult to say, at this point. It may be a bit more... interesting than I had previously thought. I am not prepared to say more than that, at this point.
111: I shall see thee later, then.
112: Farewell, Avatar.
113: He thinks a moment.
114: Well... no, thou'rt right! What was I thinking! I must return to the real world at once. Please, give me the drug!
115: He sighs.
116: My visions have ceased utterly, I'm afraid. Whatever mystic talent I had has disappeared. 'Tis fortunate I now have my hunting to distract me. I suppose I'd better get to work on it again.
117: Farewell, Mokpo.

block: 0e49; 93 strings.
1: man
2: woman
3: Avatar, I thank thee! I feel the Guardian's influence leaving this place -- it is no longer sacred to him! And so, I too may leave; I need no longer watch over my city, as I thought I might do for all eternity. You have brought me peace, Avatar.
4: A sudden wind rises in the still caves. The sound of the wind gradually resolves into words.
5: Who art thou? A living @GS33? What brought thee to this place?
6: I found the way in by chance.
7: I am fighting to save my people from death.
8: I am battling the Guardian.
9: I am @GS8. Who art thou?
10: Greetings! Hast thou taken a liking to our fair city?
11: It has its charms. Tell me again of its history.
12: I may be able to banish the Guardian's presence from this place.
13: Tell me again of your city's economy.
14: Our greatest asset was our supply of filanium.
15: Greetings, again. What may I do for thee?
16: Tell me this city's story.
17: What is this place?
18: Who art thou?
19: I am merely passing through.
20: Remain as long as you like. I shall not bar thy way.
21: Thank thee. I shall not bother thee.
22: What is this place?
23: Who art thou?
24: Then I pity thee, for surely thou art lost.
25: I have beaten him before -- it can be done!
26: Hast thou dealt with Guardian?
27: I have not time for this defeatist talk.
28: Then I wish thee better luck than I had, for 'tis a fight I lost long ago. Perhaps thou art a wiser @GS33 than I was.
29: What happened to thee?
30: Who art thou?
31: I must go then. I have no time for fools.
32: Thou didst battle the Guardian, and won? 'Tis impossible.
33: Thinkst thou so? One need only disbelieve his lies.
34: He is indeed powerful!
35: How dost thou know of him.
36: Perhaps thou art right.
37: This was once the city of Anodunos.
38: What happened to it?
39: And who art thou?
40: What do I care? 'Tis just a ruin.
41: I am Beatrice. When there was a city here, I ruled it.
42: What became of it?
43: Did the Guardian do all this?
44: She nods.
45: How didst thou come to thy present state?
46: She sighs.
47: Aye, I suppose thou art right.
48: She wanders off.
49: 'Tis an ancient story, and a long one. Surely thou art not interested.
50: Nay, tell me.
51: Thou art right. Another time, perhaps.
52: Fare thee well.
53: Anodunos was once a great city-state, a trading center of the southern continent, famed for its rich filanium deposits. We were losing a war with the northern city-states, and our sorcerers sought aid from the being called the Guardian.
54: I know him well -- a mighty and implacable foe.
55: So we learned.
56: Is it he who is responsible for this devastation?
57: Let me guess -- he double-crossed you.
58: What is filanium?
59: Thou shalt learn.
60: He won our war for us -- made us lords of this world for a time. But he demanded things in return -- first supplies, then weapons, finally soldiers and slaves. Too late, we understood the nature of our ally.
61: My world is threatened with a similar fate.
62: Surely you rebelled -- fought back?
63: Eventually we refused his demands, but by that time we had helped him gain too much power on our world. He crushed our nation utterly, as you may see.
64: 'Tis a sad tale.
65: I must ask -- how exactly did he attack you?
66: Take care thou dost not repeat it.
67: I must go now, and continue my fight.
68: I must ask -- how exactly did he attack you?
69: I still remember the day the city fell; at midday the fountain in the town square froze in an instant. We all stared. The next minute we felt the cold air flowing outwards; eventually, the entire continent had frozen under.
70: What became of thee?
71: Thou hast given me the information I needed. I must now depart.
72: After the city fell, I... remained, somehow, nursing the last city-dwellers into death, as the glaciers came, then the yeti. Since that time I have wandered the cold and silent streets. I know not how long it has been.
73: Is there anything I can do to help thee?
74: 'Tis a sad tale!
75: Filanium is a rare mineral used in many medical and alchemical preparations. The mud in this area is particularly rich in it -- many bathed there, believing it a health measure.
76: Tell me more of the city's history.
77: Where can this mud be found?
78: 'Tis far, far to the southeast of here, on the other side of the river, across what was once a smooth lake -- but beware the yeti who have made their home there.
79: Tell me more of the city's history.
80: Thank thee -- that is all I wished to know.
81: Ever since the city fell, I have had a feeling of the Guardian's presence here -- as if he were somehow feeding, drawing some sort of sustenance from the power of the city. It maddens me to think of it.
82: Hm. I know not what you mean.
83: I shall remedy this evil if I can.
84: I thank thee -- 'tis a long time since I met with any kindness in this place. Perhaps if the Guardian were banished from this place, I might find rest at last.
85: Perhaps it's just a feeling -- I am not learned in the ways of magic.
86: I must be going now -- I shall look into it.
87: Tell me again where I might find the filanium mud.
88: Tell me again of the Guardian's spell here.
89: Oh... my! So it wasn't just a feeling after all! Yes... I know it now -- it is His presence keeping me here. I am present here in order to oppose him!
90: I shall end his presence here shortly.
91: Now, tell me again the history of your city's destruction.
92: Oh, thank thee! Thank thee!

block: 0e4a; 18 strings.
1: Halt!  This area is restricted.  You are not authorized to enter.
2: I'm sorry.  I will leave now.
3: How do you know?
4: Who are you?
5: Why is it restricted?
6: You may not!  Leave immediately or I will be required to use force!
7: Enough questions!  Leave immediately or I will be required to use force!
8: Who are you?
9: Who is allowed through the door?
10: What is beyond the door?
11: I must pass through this door!
12: Anodunos is the city I serve.
13: Beyond lie the controls to the dam in the reservoir of Anodunos.
14: Anodunos?
15: How do the controls work?
16: I am ordered to only allow the two operators of the dam controls to pass, and they may only pass together, as each operator only knows half the combination to the controls.
17: I am Sentinel Construct 868.  My duty is to protect the controls to the dam.

block: 0e4b; 24 strings.
1: mister
2: missy
3: man
4: woman
5: A stocky guard bars your way.
6: I dunno how you got here, @SS1, but I'm under orders from the Guardian himself to keep everybody outta here, all the time.
7: Step aside -- I'm under orders from the Guardian.
8: I understand. I shall leave here now.
9: Then thou shalt die at thy post.
10: The guard looks up suspiciously.
11: Why hast thou returned? Was my warning not enough?
12: I will not heed thee -- stand aside or be killed!
13: Nay, my mistake.
14: Mark me! No one passes here, ever -- if thou wert meant to pass, the Guardian himself would have contacted me. Now, begone.
15: Nay, I shall pass here by force, then.
16: I shall depart.
17: Thou hast made a grave mistake! But so be it -- thou hast challenged me, now face thy doom!
18: I warn thee again -- I am more than I seem, and it will go ill with thee if thou dost fight me.
19: Nevertheless -- you must let me pass, or I shall force my way through.
20: Thou dost give me pause for thought. Perhaps I shall not bother thee.
21: So be it!
22: He nods.
23: That would be wise of thee.

block: 0e50; 76 strings.
1: sir
2: lady
3: Who art thou? I seem to remember thee from somewhere...
4: I am @GS8, and I know thee! Thou'rt Mokpo the Mad!
5: Nay, I know thee not. I am @GS8.
6: Greetings, @GS33! How dost thou find my realm, now?
7: 'Tis marvelous and beautiful!
8: 'Tis a grotesque horror!
9: Canst thou tell me its nature?
10: Indeed, thou hast it now! Explore as long as thou wouldst like.
11: Mokpo the Mad? I sometimes dream of one with that name. A nightmare!
12: What was thy dream?
13: 'Twas no dream! Thou art Mokpo himself!
14: I am being chased by apes is so cold and damp, and I am weak with hunger! I wake filled with fear!
15: But I have met thee there! That is thy Real Self.
16: To find thyself here? This place seems little better.
17: @GS33, thou dost offend me! This is my home! But allow me to introduce myself...
18: I? That wretch? Nay, 'tis impossible! He is just a dream I have sometimes. My name is Mokpo the Mighty, fearless adventurer!
19: Come again?
20: Yet I have met thee before, in another guise, I swear it!
21: Yet it seems I met you, once before... perhaps in a dream?
22: Hmmm... what was the dream?
23: Thou'rt imagining things!
24: I know not. Who art thou, stranger?
25: No doubt. 'Tis easy to think such things with dreams.
26: Who art thou, then?
27: What is this place we are in?
28: What is this place we are in?
29: I am Mokpo the Mighty, and I welcome thee to this world! 'Tis beautiful, is it not? And the inhabitants, so friendly!
30: Err... yes, I suppose so.
31: Beautiful? 'Tis a horror!
32: What is this place?
33: Friendly? Art thou kidding?
34: 'Tis an odd question, @GS33, for I know not the answer myself. Each color has its own character and challenges -- if thou shouldst pass through realms of four colors, perhaps thou shalt find a fifth!
35: And what is in this fifth realm?
36: What are these challenges?
37: I have not ventured through the colored realms in much time, so 'tis difficult to say. Know this, though that the Void is not as other realms.
38: How so?
39: It does indeed seem passing strange.
40: It seems normal enough to me.
41: 'Twill be of little use to thee to make haste with thy feet, or to seek advancement in any single direction -- daring and a quick wit are what shall bear thee through this place! Simply defeat the challenges that are offered thee, and thou shalt arrive whereever it is thou seekest.
42: Where shall I go, then?
43: I thank thee for thy advice.
44: I have yet to reach the place myself. They say the Time Lord was imprisoned there by the Guardian, in a place called the Shrine of Spirituality.
45: How may one reach that place?
46: I will set out at once.
47: Beware, @GS33!
48: Nay, worry not! Some of them are perhaps a bit testy, but surely that may be forgiven them.
49: They seem minded to kill me!
50: I suppose a mighty warrior like myself has little to fear.
51: That's the spirit!
52: Thou dost show little appreciation for the wonders of the grotesque, @GS33. Thou shouldst educate thyself.
53: I am so glad thou dost think so! Ever since the Time Lord won free of his cage, there have been few willing to stay long in my realm.
54: I can see why!
55: Who was the Time Lord?
56: Where was the Time Lord's cage?
57: He was the Guardian's guest in my realm. He stayed for a while in the Shrine of Spirituality, but then departed abruptly! Quite rude, I thought him.
58: Where is the Shrine of Spirituality?
59: Does the Guardian live here?
60: Around here somewhere, but this Realm is not always as I remember it. I do know that it has a color, but that there is no path of its color to walk!
61: I thank thee. Is there aught else to know of this place?
62: I will seek it at once.
63: While thou art here, be sure to visit the Red Hell -- 'tis quite a sight, if thou'rt not afraid to shed thy blood. Else perhaps the Cerulean Plains might be more to thy liking.
64: Hell? Thou'rt mad, 'tis death to venture into hell.
65: I will make a point of it!
66: I shall investigate these Plains.
67: How does one get to this hell?
68: Do so! It has been quite pleasant, these last few centuries. Follow the blue path, then.
69: Your pardon, @GS33. I knew not that thou wert a coward. Please excuse me.
70: The door is before thee, friend, although it does not always lead to the same place...
71: There are many paths to that place -- seek ye a pyramid, with a moongate at its summit. Thou wilt have to pass throught it a full four times, but 'twill be worth thy while. It often lies past the Glare of the Guardian, in an ancient realm.
72: The Guardian? Is that villain here!?!
73: I thank thee, Mokpo.
74: My Realm has many inhabitants, traveler. I do not play favorites between them.
75: I shall leave thee to explore!

block: 0e51; 37 strings.
1: The strange-looking man jabbers excitedly at you in an unknown tongue.
2: Do you speak English?
3: I am @GS8, the Avatar.
4: The man seems to realize he is not being understood, and begins pointing to his head.
5: That's not very helpful.
6: Keep trying.
7: Look, I've got better things to do.
8: Next, he points to his left eye.
9: I'm afraid I don't see the connection.
10: Please continue.
11: The man abandons the eye, and begins flapping his arms up and down vigorously, leaping into the air.
12: I see what you mean. I'll be right back.
13: This isn't helping me any.
14: Is this what you want?
15: The man recognizes you and smiles at you eagerly.
16: I've got some more eyeballs for thee here.
17: Nice to see thee again.
18: He nods his head, smiles, and departs.
19: The man repeats his routine, first patting his head, then pointing to his eye, then flapping his wings. He then waits for a response.
20: Is this what you wanted?
21: I'm not getting anywhere with this, sorry.
22: The man seems to detect your affirmative tone. He shakes your hand and nods his head up and down, then bows and leaves.
23: After a while, he detects your lack of comprehension, and leaves, nonplused.
24: He shakes his head, and points at each of his eyes in turn, then abruptly shakes your hand, bows, and departs.
25: 'Bye.
27: s
28: He takes the eyeball@SS5 from you with extravagant gestures of delight.\n
29: Clearly well-satisfied, the mage tucks the second eyeball into a waiting pouch, and in turn presents you with a scroll.
30: Seeing you are heavily encumbered, the mage leans down and places the scroll at your feet.
31: He then vanishes, chortling to himself.
32: Farewell.
33: He then bows to you and walks happily away.
34: He shakes his head in mute incomprehension.
35: Sorry, perhaps it is this you want.
36: Oh well, I'll try again later.

block: 0e52; 10 strings.
1: Have you seen him? He must be here somewhere!
2: Who?
3: What art THOU doing in this place?
4: The Guardian! He haunts my dreams!
5: What makes you say he is here?
6: How didst thou get here?
7: I come here every night, when I sleep! The Guardian has sent me here, I know it! "Seek ye the Sigil," he said to me, "Seek ye the White Gates!" Now each night I dream of this horrible place. I must hurry on -- if he sees me tarrying with thee, who knows what he might do!
8: He appeared to me as I slept, and intoned "Seek ye the Sigil! Seek ye the White Gates!" Now each night I dream of this horrid place! I must hurry on, lest he see that I am tarrying.
9: She hurries off.

block: 0e53; 3 strings.
1: Ha ha ha!! Thou art trapped like a rat! Even the Time Lord couldn't escape that cage! Ha ha ha ha ha!
2: Don't call on me for help! I'm not one to mess with the Guardian's work!

block: 0e54; 35 strings.
1: Avatar! What art thou doing here?
2: I might ask the same of thee!
3: I thought thou wert confined to the castle.
4: Why... I am here every night!
5: But... is it not dangerous for thee to come here?
6: But this place hath only lately been opened to me!
7: Do not be silly! What hath a man to fear in his dreams?
8: But... am I dreaming?
9: Wait... thou art not asleep!!
10: Why, I have dreamed of this place nightly, for years -- 'tis indeed a strange domain, and I can never recall it upon waking...
11: Hast thou seen a mystic gem here?
12: Hast thou seen a magic sceptre here?
13: I seek the Sigil of Binding.
14: What? Art thou asleep?
15: There is much to see here . . . . For many years I have striven to reach the Shrine, but in vain!
16: What shrine is this?
17: What prevented thee?
18: Why, the Shrine of Spirituality! Some say one may only enter inside it in one's dreams.
19: This is a vast and treacherous realm. I have yet to overcome its dangers. If only I were one of those who dreamed they could fly . . .
20: But I am! I am in the castle!
21: What?
22: But this is not the castle!
23: Avatar, thou art the oddest dream I have ever had. I am asleep in my bed -- art thou not asleep, too?
24: Aye, I think I must be asleep!
25: Nay, I have arrived here fully conscious!
26: Then am I in thy dream, or thy in mine? And what sort of place have we dreamed up?
27: Hast thou seen a mystic gem here?
28: Hast thou seen a magic sceptre here?
29: I seek the Sigil of Binding.
30: Hast thou explored this place?
31: Truly, this is a marvel. 'Tis a pity I never remember my dreams when awake!
32: I cannot stay long  . . . Hark! I hear the morning bell ringing -- I must fly from here! Seek ye the pyramid, and beyond it, the Shrine of Spirituality!
33: I cannot stay long  . . . Hark! I hear the morning bell ringing -- I must fly from here! Vanquish the Red Destroyer -- he has the sceptre you seek!
34: I cannot stay long  . . . Hark! I hear the morning bell ringing -- I must fly from here! Seek ye the white gates, if thou wouldst find the Sigil!

block: 0e55; 64 strings.
1: Hey! Blog know you! Blog meet you when a-wake, now you here in dream! Fun-ny!
2: Blog dream hu-man come talk to him. That fun-ny!
3: Can you help me find my way around here?
4: How do you know you're dreaming?
5: You have some sense of humor, friend.
6: I will leave you now.
7: Next time, you dream you talk to me, ok?
8: That no-thing. You want hear real good joke?
9: Aye.
10: Nay.
11: Too bad for you. You miss joke. Blog go fight yak in-stead!
12: Why is Blog like pine tree?
13: I don't know, why?
14: Oh, I know the answer to that one.
15: It be-cause... Uh oh, Blog for-get! For-get fun-ny part of joke! Oh well.
16: Good for you! It real fun-ny joke, huh? Blog hear from imp in Shrine of Spi-rit . . . uh, Blog forget where!
17: How did you get to the shrine?
18: What is this shrine?
19: Blog find gold moon-gate. You find too, you go there, Blog think. But you take care, struc-ture of Void is sto-chas-tic!
20: Blog find gem there, like gem you have! But gem too shi-ny. Make game hard, so me leave.
21: Be-cause Blog not this smart a-wake! Blog just use big words like cin-na-mon, and al-ways win game of White Rock Black Rock! Must be dream, that nev-er hap-pen!
22: Why were you talking about cinnamon?
23: Shouldn't you wake up now?
24: Would you like to play the game some more?
25: Blog not know what it mean, but Blog say that word! Say lots more words too, you bet!
26: Blog not have to wake up, Flip do that! Till then, Blog like to have dream!
27: Well then, shall we play some White Rock Black Rock?
28: Who is this "Flip"?
29: Flip is imp of dawn. He make you wake up when dream get too good! Uh oh, too much fun, soon Blog might start to wake up!
30: Ok! You go first! You want fish, or move to lim-bo?
31: I'll take the fish.
32: I'll move to limbo.
33: I pick the White Rock.
34: Hur hur hur! You lose! Blog win a-gain, must be dream for sure!
35: Blog squash peas! You in tough spot now!
36: I'll pass my turn.
37: I didn't know there were peas in this game!
38: I stand on one foot and quack.
39: Oh, you get free turn! Pick Nam-by, Pam-by, or Bam-bi!
40: Namby.
41: Pamby.
42: Bambi.
43: This is silly!
44: Oh, that smart! Blog count fin-gers. Now your turn a-gain.
45: I count my toes.
46: My umbrella has been misplaced.
47: I've been to Earth. Have you?
48: Then Blog eat squash in-stead. Hey, Blog win! This great dream or what?
49: Blog for-get what come next. You know?
50: No.
51: Yes.
52: Last chance round! How man-y?
53: Five.
54: Three, sir!
55: How many what?
56: If Blog live here, Blog be home by now! Wow, Blog win a-gain! Blog have real good time now!
57: Okay, you do wrong thing now, you win!
58: I draw my sword.
59: I thumb my nose at you.
60: I sniff the fish.
61: I do nothing. I refuse to play any more.
62: Hey, you win! Uh oh, Blog start wa-king up now!
63: Blog dream this place all the time! Climb co-lor moun-tain four times. Then go through gold gate. Or may-be o-ther way 'round? First fight dae-mons, though. Then maze. Or maze, then dae-mons? Or wait? When was purple sli-dy part? Blog forget!

block: 0e56; 29 strings.
1: Hello, friend Rodriguez!  How you?
2: Not so well, Rawstag.  Britannia is in peril!
3: I am fine.
4: Do I know you?
5: My name is not Rodriguez.  It is @GS8.
6: You SAD? Me sorry. Maybe you dream of somewhere make you happy.  Dream hard enough, can dream of anywhere you want! Me dream of this place.\m
7: Me happy, me dream of red gems almost all time now.  Me like it here. Plenty red gems, plenty wine to drink, plenty apples and bats to eat!
8: That's wonderful!
9: I wouldn't eat the bats if I were you, Rawstag.
10: Say, could I have some more bat?
11: What have you been doing since the destruction of the colony in the Abyss?
12: Haw, haw!  Bats tasty!  You try?
13: No, thank you.
14: Yes, I'd love some!
15: Here you go.  Plenty more where that came from!
16: Thank you.  Farewell.
17: What have you been doing since the destruction of the colony in the Abyss?
18: Me thought me told you already.  But me always happy to shoot breeze with friend A-va-tar.
19: Me very young troll when me meet you.  Now me very old, powerful troll, more powerful maybe than old Sethar Strongarm!  Me leader of big tribe of trolls 'cause me so smart! Say, you not get old too!  Why not?
20: The flow of time is different on my world and thine. I'm afraid that in only a short time away my friends must miss me for a long time indeed.
21: I don't know.
22: Oh.  Me think maybe time flow different in 'tween Bri-tan-nia and your world!  That make sense, right?
23: By the way, you like some bat?
24: OK. You want bat, you come back!
25: Farewell.
26: Rodriguez not remember? Me meet Rodriguez in Sty-gi-an Abyss! Me very happy in Abyss. Me live there until you make Sty-gi-an Abyss blow up (no hard feelings, Rodriguez).
27: Yes, life good. Me see you again later, @GS8.
28: Whatever you say, Rodriguez. How you doing?

block: 0e58; 98 strings.
1: Hello again, @GS8. Art thou having second thoughts about the exam?
2: Aye, it seems not worth the risk.
3: Do not rush me! I am gathering strength before facing the challenge.
4: Tell me again about this place.
5: Before you stands a young but weary mage. As you approach, his expression shows a small amount of surprise and a large amount of relief.
6: At last! I suppose thou art a professor -- thou certainly are not a student, dressed like that. You know, then, that the signal button does not work?
7: I am neither a professor nor a student. I am @GS8, the Avatar.
8: Signal button?
9: I feel I am at a disadvantage here. Who art thou?
10: Well then, it seems that we shall both sink in the same boat.
11: You'll need all of it, my friend.
12: The mage pauses and gives you a sly look. Clearly he finds your claim suspect.
13: Of course thou art. My name is Elster, class of 607. Or, uh, I would have been, had I passed the exam.
14: So you failed it, then?
15: What exam?
16: What does the signal button do?
17: Uh, well, no.
18: He seems somewhat embarrassed.
19: When it came right down to it, I, uh, chose to postpone my examination.  This is only the pre-exam staging area.
20: What is the examination for?
21: Then why art thou still here?
22: Is the examination difficult?
23: It is the final exam for the Scintillus Academy of Magic. Only those who have successfully completed nine years at the Academy may take the final exam and earn their Bachelor of Magery.
24: Why didst thou choose to delay thy examination?
25: But you decided not to take it...
26: Bachelor of Magery?  Dost thou mean a B.M.?
27: Elster looks around quickly before answering.
28: Because I do not believe I wouldst survive.  The final exam is a series of mazes and deathtraps, which has claimed some of even the best students.  And, to be honest, I am not one of the best students.
29: How long hast thou been here?
30: Can you tell me anything about the exam?
31: Well, I must be going now.
32: I have been waiting in this blasted waiting room for sixty-three years now; that button on the wall is supposed to summon a faculty member, but 'tis obviously broken.  I am troubled that no one has come to check on me.  I fear that some disaster may have befallen the Academy up there on the surface.
33: Is there not any way out of here?
34: I certainly hope not!
35: The only way out is to take the exam.  I know that some day soon I shouldst take the plunge, but the thought fills me with such dread that for now I am content to stay and wait to be rescued.
36: Goodbye, and good luck to thee.
37: Thou art a coward, Elster. Sixty-three years is too long to wait!
38: I thank thee, @GS8. If thou art as fit as thou dost seem, then perhaps the exam shall not prove so difficult for thee.
39: Dost thou not know? Thou must be a stranger to the Academy. I am called Elster. What is thy name?
40: I am @GS8, the Avatar.
41: @GS8.
42: I am no one of consequence... a stranger, as thou sayest. Where are we?
43: Elster looks at you for a moment with obvious skepticism.
44: Well, Avatar, the signal button is supposed to summon a faculty member to release students who have chosen to... take the exam another time.  Unfortunately, the button seems to be broken, and no one has come to fix it or check on me in the last sixty-three years.
45: Have you taken the exam?
46: I hope that someone rescues thee. Now I must go.
47: Sixty-three years!
48: I suppose sixty-three years is not that long to wait -- not when I shall likely live to see many thousands of years.  Nevertheless, I have long since grown impatient with this situation.
49: Ah, please excuse my lack of manners. It has just been so long since last I beheld a human face. I am Elster, nearly the class of 607.  What is thy name?
50: I am @GS8, Avatar of Britannia.
51: My name is @GS8. Actually, I am a stranger here.
52: You may call me @GS8. What art thou doing here?
53: 'Tis a pleasure to meet thee, @GS8.
54: What is this room?
55: What is the signal button?
56: Tell me about the Academy.
57: We are in the pre-exam staging area, an antechamber to the examination rooms themselves. I myself have decided to postpone taking the exam, but unfortunately I am stuck here.
58: Why art thou detained?
59: What is this exam you speak of?
60: I am sorry that thou art stuck, but I must continue my quest.
61: That button on the wall is supposed to call a faculty member down here to let me out. The final exam at the Scintillus Academy of Magic is taken on a volunteer basis, and I have decided not to volunteer just yet.
62: Why didst thou choose to postpone thy examination?
63: How long hast thou been waiting?
64: Canst thou leave on thine own?
65: I have been here in the staging area for sixty-three years. That is not as long as thou may think -- my people live well into the thousands -- but 'tis long enough! I sometimes fear that some disaster has occured up on the surface. Perhaps the Academy has burned to the ground!
66: Is there no other way out of here?
67: I hope that has not happened!
68: Why, the final examination of the Scintillus Academy of Magic!
69: Tell me more.
70: 'Tis a test full of unspeakable dangers, or so I have heard. Students who complete nine years of study at the Academy are given the option to take the final exam. Of those who so choose, some pass and are awarded their degrees as Full Mages. The less fortunate are mailed home to their families in large envelopes.
71: Have you taken the exam?
72: You mentioned a button...
73: The Scintillus Academy of Magic is the only one of its kind on the planet. It is extremely difficult to gain admission.
74: Elster pauses to glow with pride.
75: Students who pass the final exam are granted Full Mage status and may practice their craft publicly thereafter. The prestige is enormous.
76: Hast thou passed the final exam?
77: This is all very interesting, but I have better things to do.
78: No, I have not. I am exercising my option to defer the exam to a later date.
79: Why?
80: Is the exam difficult?
81: So this is where you wait in the meantime.
82: There is no need to be rude, @GS8. Go about thy business then.
83: Elster glowers.
84: I am here because no one has come to release me. That button on the wall is supposed to bring assistance.  This is the final examination for the Scintillus Academy of Magic -- only those who have completed nine years of undergraduate study at the Academy may take the final and earn their Bachelor of Magery.
85: Difficult? I have heard it said that it is the most difficult test on the planet! However, the graduates who have passed it are forbidden to discuss it afterward.
86: We undergrads are told nothing of the exam, save that it is difficult and deadly.  Although...
87: His voice drops to a whisper.
88: ...I once briefly overheard two graduates discussing it. 'Count over from the red squares,' I think is what they said. I have no idea what that means, of course.
89: Please continue.
90: I thank thee for the information. Now I must be off!
91: Goodbye, @GS8. If thou dost decide to take the exam thyself, and have the good fortune to survive, then perhaps thou will find someone to tell of my plight. Farewell.
92: No, the button is the only means of exit, aside from the exam area itself.
93: Elster does not seem amused.
94: 'Tis an old and tired jest you make. I wouldst have thought the Avatar to possess more of a refined wit.
95: I thank thee for thy concern.  Alas that I am stranded here!
96: Elster sighs sadly.
97: Thou art correct. Sixty years, and I have not been able to summon the courage to step through that door. Thou shouldst try the exam yourself, @GS8. Surely thou art a braver soul than I.

block: 0e60; 111 strings.
1: Who disturbs my studies? But hold, I sense thou art a traveller from another dimension.
2: Nay, thou art mistaken.
3: I think not. The signs are unmistakable. 
4: Indeed, 'tis true. How didst thou know?
5: I have dealt with other planes myself, through my magic. 
6: I have come here from fair Britannia.
7: Indeed! I have heard of that realm. 
8: But tell me, what dost thou here?
9: I strive to defeat the guardian.
10: I seek a mystic gem.
11: I might ask thee the same.
12: Truly? Mayhap 'tis time I took action myself.
13: What can thou do to help?
14: Dost thou oppose the Guardian as well?
15: Of that I am currently uncertain. Although I have mastered many powerful enchantments, and possess much knowledge, it has been long since I considered applying my work and wisdom to matters of consequence.
16: Thou canst find that above, in the possession of those who dwell on the uppermost level of these pits. What they do is of no concern to me.
17: Why dost thou dwell here alone?
18: What, then, is thy concern?
19: Canst thou help me at all?
20: I have sought out this place that I might conduct my magical research without disturbances. Indeed -- the Guardian's magical seal prevents all but the most powerful from entering or leaving the Pits. But methinks I have spent too much time pursuing obscure knowledge, when there are things that must be done.
21: I have spent my time trying to further my knowledge of the mystic arts. But I have been neglecting the practical in favor of the esoteric. 
22: I know that the Guardian has conquered other worlds than mine. He must be stopped before his power grows too great.
23: Ah, @GS8, welcome back. How can I help thee?
24: What was thy world like before the Guardian came?
25: Perhaps we may work together against the Guardian.
26: Hast found use for the sceptre of deadly seeker I brought thee?
27: What dost thou know of other dimensions?
28: I must bid thee farewell for now.
29: Until we meet again, Avatar.
30: May I have thy djinn-bottle?
31: I lost the first elemental. Hast thou any others?
32: Ours has always been a land where prowess at arms is highly respected. Yet duels were seldom to the death, and slavery almost unheard of, until the Guardian came. He has slowly warped our people, twisted our realm into a harsher, more violent place, and the worst of this new breed are sent to the Pits.
33: What are the Pits of Carnage?
34: What did the Guardian gain from all this?
35: Many aspire now to join the Guardian's elite forces in their raids on other dimensions. Though the toll in human life is often high, the survivors have brought home the richest of spoils, and live like kings. Some would slay their own brothers for a chance to join in the plunder.
36: 'Tis barbaric!
37: But what are these "Pits"?
38: I have no stomach for living amongst those who have lost all knowledge of simple human kindness. I have been in hiding, but my time has not been entirely wasted. My powers have grown enough that I may prove able to oppose the Guardian effectively, in my dimension at least.
39: The people of the Pits were too vicious to integrate into life aboveground, even after the changes began. The Guardian placed a mighty seal on these caverns, and now the worst criminals of our world are thrown in, to live or die as they may.
40: What does the Guardian gain from these changes?
41: What are THOU doing here, then?
42: It gladdens my heart that one of mine experiments has at long last a practical application. I would give the bottle to thee, for our shared cause... And yet, I perceive that the balance would be best served were we to make an exchange.
43: Balance? Of what dost thou speak?
44: What then, must I bring thee?
45: The cosmic balance shifts every time there is any exchange or interaction between planes. But there's no time to discuss such nuances now. 
46: But...
47: Very well. Continue.
48: Not long ago, a colleague of mine disappeared while making a study of dreaming -- he had with him a Sceptre of the Deadly Seeker, and I would dearly like to have news of him, and the Sceptre returned. If in thy interplanar wanderings thou canst find news of him and locate the sceptre, in return I shall give to you the Djinn bottle.
49: 'Tis a deal, then.
50: When I find the sceptre, I will return.
51: Where might I find such a thing?
52: 'Tis not to be found in this world, to be sure. But as thou canst travel the planes, thou should be able to find me one and bring it here. 
53: Is there anything else thou wouldst know?
54: In truth, I myself have journeyed to other planes, though more oft I use my magic to view them from here, or speak with their denizens.
55: Dost thou know of the Guardian's plans in other realms?
56: How many different dimensions are there?
57: Canst help me journey 'twixt the planes?
58: Indeed, the Guardian has conquered many worlds already. He bends the wills of those he conquers, forcing them to devote their resources to his ends. Some worlds supply armies, while others produce supplies or feed his magical energies. And yet few have joined together to oppose him, and I fear soon he will be too powerful for any to oppose.
59: Ah, you might as well ask how many grains of sand on a beach, or how many times one could take a quantity of liquid and divide it in half! It may be that the planes are of finite number, but if they are, it is a number that is beyond our ability to know.
60: Would that I could, my friend. But the astral projection method I employ can only transport mine own self. Perhaps there's some other way I can help thee?
61: I must wait for the planets to reach the proper conjunction before casting my spell. But I promise thee, 'twill be most effective, thanks to thy kind assistance. Hast thou fared well in thy questing?
62: Not so well, I'm afraid.
63: I am sorry to hear that, my friend.
64: Yes, quite well.
65: Good! I am glad to hear it.
66: 'Twould help if thou couldst repeat thy advice.
67: Once more, then. Thou must mix filanium-rich mud with basilisk oil, then coat a vessel in the mixture, and then immerse it in firey lava (the hotter, the better!). If thou personally are serving as the vessel, then thou must imbibe a potion of Iron Flesh. Lastly, thou shouldst only release the daemon by smashing the bottle at the Sigil of Binding on the Astral Plane -- to do so elsewhere would be disastrous!
68: I shall heed thy warning!
69: And what would happen if I were to contain the air-daemon myself?
70: 'Tis not easy to predict! Most likely, the daemon would remain inside thee, until thou didst choose to let it out, at which point it would erupt outward in a tremendous burst of energy!
71: Hast thou found the sceptre I need?
72: Nay, not yet.
73: I hope thou canst find it soon.
74: Aye, here it is.
75: Well, art thou going to hand it to me or not?
76: Yes, here.
77: My mistake, I have it not.
78: Remember, 'tis urgent!
79: Deadly Seeker
80: Hmmm.  I'm afraid this is just @SS6. You can keep it.
81: Hast thou anything else to show me?
82: Aye, look at this.
83: Nay.
84: Excellent! Now I will help thee as well. Here, take this bottle -- it contains within it the elemental.  Take great care in preserving it! The manufacture of a Djinn bottle is no trivial task.
85: Don't be silly, Avatar, you are carrying it with thee right now! Kindly do not waste my time with unnecessary requests.
86: Certainly, Avatar -- in the course of my research I have amassed quite a bestiary. I can certainly spare thee another.
87: Tell me once more of the bottle-making rituals.
88: I thank thee. May we both meet with success!
89: Unfortunately, all of my efforts of late have been used in the rather obscure pursuit of Djinn entrapment. I have succeeded in entrapping a daemon of the air inside a magical container!
90: That seems an interesting project.
91: What is the point of doing such a thing?
92: 'Tis a fascinating area of study. Such a vessel as mine has been enchanted to hold magical beings.  There is a series of rituals that must be performed, for otherwise the daemon could easily escape.  And I, for one, would not like to be in the vicinity of an escaped air-daemon.  The Djinn do not take kindly to imprisonment!
93: How are the rituals accomplished?
94: I'm sure thou hast learned many strange things.
95: Indeed.
96: First, of course, thou must have a container. Then one must coat it thoroughly with mud rich in the rare element Filanium, first mixing the mud with basilisk oil.  There used to be a great supply of this mud, in the city of Anodunos, but since that metropolis was destroyed Filanium has been hard to come by.
97: What would be done after that?
98: That is fascinating, but I must be on my way...
99: Caught up in his explanation, Zoranthus ignores you.
100: The next step is the firing of the vessel.  I would suggest immersion in lava as the best way to ensure success.
101: And then, what is next?
102: I thank you for sharing your knowledge.  Goodbye.
103: Wait!  I am almost finished!
104: While it is necessary to perform these rituals when creating a Djinn bottle, keep in mind that they are largely symbolic rites. In practice, anything can be used as a vessel. Indeed, I have heard of sorcerers binding a daemon into the human body itself, and releasing its power in a single tremendous burst.
105: Thank thee for thy insights.
106: I am sorry, but I must leave.
107: One thing more!  If thou doth ever have the necessity of releasing an elemental from its bottle, thou shouldst seek out the Sigil of Binding, a shrine located in the Ethereal Void.  There thou shouldst smash the bottle, releasing the Djinn.  If thou didst free the creature elsewhere, it would surely destroy thee!
108: May I have thy captured air-daemon? I would like to try such an experiment on myself.
109: Goodbye.
110: My apologies for keeping you. I do have a tendency to ramble on about my studies. Farewell!

block: 0e61; 78 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: Greetings, stranger.
18: Hello again.
19: Art thou a mage?
20: Wouldst thou barter with me?
21: Dost thou know Zaria?
22: Hast thou slain many with thy magic?
23: Farewell.
24: Indeed I am, but not much of one, I fear. I'd fare better in battle if I were as learned as Zaria.
25: She is a very powerful mage. She strikes down her foes in the Arena with fire and lightning before they can get close enough to lay a finger on her. Would that I had mastered such enchantments!
26: She sounds quite formidable.
27: Hast thou considered becoming her student?
28: What spells knowest thou?
29: Indeed, before thou didst best Dorstag, she rivalled him for rulership of the Pits, though she feared his deadly  aim with a crossbow.
30: Aye, she is ranked second highest in the Arena, behind only Dorstag himself. If she doth find the nerve to face his crossbow, mayhap we'll have a new top dog down here.
31: Indeed, I have asked her if she might teach me more of the mystic arts. But none would help another down here, unless it be through the service rendered by slave unto master, or for payment in gold, and where would I find gold? I have not even enough food to eat!
32: 'Tis a grim place indeed, then.
33: Perhaps I can help thee.
34: At least I still live. As long as one lives, there is yet hope!
35: Wouldst thou help me with my spellcasting? 'Tis beyond belief,and yet... If thou couldst bring me a Flam rune, I would be eternally in thy debt!
36: Here, thou canst have this one.
37: I am sorry, I have none to spare.
38: Thank thee! This will help immensely! I cannot think how to repay thee properly, unless... Ah! I have only recently developed a new spell, which I have kept secret from all! Wouldst thou hear of it?
39: Aye.
40: Nay, I know enough spells already.
41: Well, do not say I did not try to help thee!
42: It increases one's prowess in combat. I call it "valor," and its runes are Quas An Corp.
43: I thank thee, Zogith.
44: Surely, thou art mistaken. I see no Flam rune.
45: Excuse me. Here it is.
46: I am sorry. I have no rune for thee.
47: Very well.
48: 'Tis no surprise. I thank thee for thy kind thoughts, at least.
49: Few that serve in battle. I know Magic Arrow and Resist Blows, but few spells of the higher circles. I know how to cast a Fireball, but have not the Flam rune that is required for it!
50: Indeed, thou hast a problem.
51: Mayhap thou might find one on the lower levels.
52: I have an extra. Here, take it.
53: I try to avoid provoking people. Many are wary enough of magic to leave me alone, at least.
54: Nay, whatever treasures may rest below can stay where they are! Fierce monsters dwell there, and few would care to explore their territory. Dorstag took a party down there once, but I doubt he'll ever try that again.
55: Really?
56: How so?
57: Why, they were all killed except for him! I hear a giant troll in the deepest cavern did them in. But that's old news around here. 'Tis said a creature born of dark sorcery lurks down there now.
58: What have you heard about it?
59: Well, don't say I told thee, but something has formed there, something born of the blood of thirteen bold warriors and wizards fallen into the muck, who then rose up into something that looked like a tree, but was not. But come, let's talk of something else.
60: Alas, I am like Zoranthus -- I spent too much of my time studying lesser spells and those not useful in combat. I wish I could fight with my magic as well as Zaria does!
61: Thou shouldst learn some new spells.
62: Who is Zoranthus?
63: Perhaps the Arena of Air would be safest for thee.
64: 'Tis indeed a problem, in as violent a place as this.
65: Would that I could! But down here one is lucky to find enough food to stay alive. What few books might find their way down here are more likely to be used for building fires than aught else.
66: Of course! 'Twill be harder for my foes to reach me, giving me more chance to attack them with my small magicks. Thou art clever! Allow me to repay thy advice with a little of mine own.
67: All right.
68: Very well.
69: If you insist.
70: I was never brave enough to steal from Dorstag and his crew, but surely thou who didst best him can do this! Just before his chambers, on the northern wall, there is a secret door! Behind it lies the chamber where he hid his treasure...
71: I am not brave enough to steal from Dorstag, but I think you might be. Just before his chambers, on the northern wall, there is a secret door! Behind it lies the chamber where he hides his treasure...
72: Thank thee!
73: Perhaps I will investigate this.
74: That is interesting.
75: Is there anything else thou wouldst speak of?
76: They say Zoranthus was once the most promising mage of his generation -- he graduated from the Scintillus Academy at 16!  But he dropped out, shut himself away to study his private projects.  Some say he now lives down here, in the lower levels of the Pits, but who knows? None have the courage to venture below.
77: Surely, though I have precious little to my name!

block: 0e62; 68 strings.
1: Go ahead, run! You're not even worth making a slave of!
2: I'll be back to fight another day!
3: Just think twice before you go to sleep, you swine.
4: (Grumble)
5: Please reconsider, master!
6: Ha! Perhaps I'll ask you to lick my boots some day.
7: I choose the Arena of Earth.
8: I choose the Arena of Air.
9: I choose the Arena of Fire.
10: I choose the Arena of Water.
11: man
12: woman
13: So, 'tis the @SS3 who beat the famous Dorstag!
14: Well, I see we have a newcomer to the Pits.
15: Again you come to disturb my studies?
16: 'Tis strange to see a mage down here.
17: What knowest thou of Dorstag?
18: Dost thou fight in the Arenas, milady?
19: I must be on my way. Farewell.
20: Indeed, Dorstag's reign is no more.
21: Indeed, those who master the mystic arts are the mightiest of those above. We seldom need prove ourselves in combat, and rarely is a spellcaster condemned to such a place as this. Zoranthus and I are the only ones I know of, save that would-be blunderer Zogith!
22: Who is Zoranthus?
23: How didst thou come here?
24: Hast thou no manner of escape?
25: Why are mages so mighty?
26: A master sorcerer in his time, but an eccentric, no feeling for true power, always caught up in his trivial academic researches! He dwells somewhere on the second level, but I have little interest in him.
27: Why, we mages are a breed apart! The dirty fighters are constantly squabbling of food and trinkets, while I need never eat at all, not since I acquired the QUAS, MANI, and YLEM runes!
28: I have passed the doors sealed by the Guardian's own hand -- there is no return, and therefore what is past is of no consequence now. Besides, 'tis my own concern, and none of thine.
29: As you wish.
30: I beg thy pardon.
31: All that is left for me is to rule this festering hole. My powers certainly entitle me to that much, at least. But it seems I have yet to earn more than a grudging respect.
32: How so?
33: 'Tis hard to believe.
34: Though the power of my magic has slain many in the Arena, still the brutes think less of me because I am a woman. I know what they say of me behind my back, and I'll silence their wagging tongues if I must slay a thousand more! Leave me now, that I might return to my studies.
35: He rules the Pits, at present, for none here hath bested him in combat.
36: Well, then, I shall be the first to do so!
37: Have you not challenged him, then?
38: Is it true he carries a black gem?
39: That may be so. 'Tis no concern of mine.
40: When the time comes, I and I alone shall slay Dorstag, and rule these pits as my own. 'Tis less than my due, but 'tis the best that I can hope for, now.
41: Why hast thou not challenged him yet?
42: How shalt thou defeat him?
43: His skill with that crossbow of his is practically legendary... I must practice the incantation GRAV SANCT POR until I have mastered it thoroughly. Then I will be ready to face him in battle.
44: Thou wouldst imply I'd not do battle because I am a woman? Truly, thou art almost as base as the rest down here. I say almost, for at least thou art bold enough to insult me to my face, where none other dost dare!
45: I see. Thou doth talk much, but fight little.
46: My mistake. Do me the honor, then - I challenge thee!
47: I humbly apologize for offending thee.
48: Such rudeness sets my ears ablaze! I'll see thee die for it - and cut out thy black tongue afterwards to boot. I challenge thee to Arena Combat, thou lowly worm!
49: I accept.
50: I decline.
51: As it is my challenge, then, choose thy Arena.
52: Very well, then. I shall strike thee down on this very spot instead!
53: I accept. Thou art bold, and may even provide a modicum of challenge. As it is thy challenge, I choose the Arena of Air for our combat.
54: For a moment I thought thee bold, to come insult me within mine own chambers. But I see thou art naught but a coward. Leave my sight, for thou art not worthy of my attention.
55: At last, an end to his ceaseless boasting! 'Tis a relief, though now 'tis thee I must beat, if I am to rule the pits.
56: Though shalt have thy chance -- I challenge thee to fight me in the arena!
57: There is no need to fight -- I shall soon depart his place.
58: Thy cause is lost -- truly I am invincible.
59: A pity -- I had hoped one day to prove myself my strength against Dorstag's killer. And yet, 'tis my right to rule here, and I shall accept it gracefully.  Fare thee well, warrior!
60: Thou'rt a worse braggart than Dorstag was, and I refuse to live under thy rule! The time has come for me to rule this place, or die trying.
61: She takes a deep breath, and lets it out.
62: Avatar, I challenge thee to trial by arena combat.
63: I accept.
64: I decline
65: There is no need for us to fight -- I shall soon be leaving this plane.
66: What? The Avatar, a coward? Well, I shall bring thee down on this very spot, and the arena be damned!
67: Well, then. Choose the arena thou wouldst fight in.

block: 0e63; 71 strings.
1: Go ahead, run! You're not even worth making a slave of!
2: I'll be back to fight another day!
3: Just think twice before you go to sleep, you swine.
4: (Grumble)
5: Please reconsider, master!
6: Ha! Perhaps I'll ask you to lick my boots some day.
7: I choose the Arena of Earth.
8: I choose the Arena of Air.
9: I choose the Arena of Fire.
10: I choose the Arena of Water.
11: Look who it ain't! Hyah hyah hyah! I heard o' you!
12: Well, well, a newcomer to the Pits of Carnage. I'd say you must be, anyhow, or you'd know I'm the toughest man here, and I don't even speak to those that haven't won a fight in the Arenas. Get out of here, and I won't kill you for your mistake this time...
13: So, come to pay your respects, have you?
14: What, you again?
15: Art thou the ruler of this place?
16: Dost thou have a magical gem?
17: I have heard of thy prowess in battle.
18: Can thou tell me of the lower levels?
19: Arrrr, that's a good'un! We don't have no kings down 'ere. I'll tell you, though, when I tell a bloke to do something, he does it! 'Cause nobody can beat me in a fight, and everyone knows it.
20: Indeed, thou art truly a mighty warrior!
21: Nobody? I believe I shall put this to the test!
22: Then who was it scarred thy face?
23: You mean me lucky gem? The bloke that found it wouldn't give it to me when I told him, so I had to cleave his skull open for it. What's it to you?
24: Only thou couldst deserve such a fine jewel.
25: I need that gem to save my land and thine.
26: Give me the gem, or I shall take it by force!
27: Say, you're not bad at flatterin'. Win a few more duels, an' maybe I'll think about letting you be one of my bodyguards someday.
28: This place ain't in no danger I know about. Plenty o' fightin', and the winners get the best of everything, just like it should be. I may be stuck in this dark hole, but at least I'm top dog down 'ere.
29: Ha! My men'll cut you down like a mutt before ya lay a finger on me. Get lost before you stop sounding funny an' start ta get annoying.
30: Aye, but who hasn't? It's only because I'm so good with me crossbow, Patatrac, that my sword doesn't drown in blood. I've never lost a fight, ye know. Never.
31: Then how didst thou get that scar?
32: How dost thou come to be down here, then?
33: I would be honored to duel with thee someday.
34: Prepare for thy first loss. I challenge thee!
35: Nobody talks about that, understand? Get out of my sight and don't ever ask me that again.
36: If the Duke hadn't sent his men to jump me when I was asleep, an' if there hadn't been ten of them, I'd be up above still. But it don't matter what any of us was before. What's down here is all we'll ever have -- 'cept for the folks like you what get tossed down here every now and then.
37: I was not thrown down here as thou wert.
38: I am a traveller from another world.
39: I will find a way to escape from here!
40: Ha ha! You must have been a jester, up above! There ain't no way out o' here once ya fall through them doors, not with the Guardian's seal on'em! Come tell me more jokes sometime, and maybe I'll give you a little food.
41: You? Don't make me laugh. Yer not worth my time to fight.
42: Feeling cocky, eh? Well, I don't bother dueling these days except with important people. I decline your challenge. Ask me again if you ever amount to anything.
43: Aye, that's where I toss people that bother me with too many questions! Ha ha ha ha!
44: It's the poor fool who wants to take my lucky gem away from me! Come to try begging, have you?
45: Suddenly, the giant form of Blog the troll storms into the room.
46: @GS8 Blog friend!  You better give Blog gem!\m
47: Dorstag's hand drifts up to touch the scar on his face.
48: You! I... I...
49: With shaking hands, Dorstag passes Blog the gem, and then turns tail.
50: So, I hear yer the one that beat Zaria. You must be tougher than I thought. Maybe you're worth fighting a duel with after all.
51: So, I hear yer a pretty tough fella! Gar! Maybe I'll hafta pulverize ya in person, after all!
52: Art saying thou wouldst challenge me?
53: I see I have earned thy respect.
54: I challenge thee to Arena combat!
55: Come, then. If you challenge me, I give you my word I'll accept this time.
56: Very well, I challenge thee!
57: Nay, perhaps another time.
58: Thou hast no stomach to issue the challenge thyself?
59: But I might scar thy other cheek!
60: Very well, I accept! And since you've given me the choice, I'll face you in the Arena of Fire!
61: I can see you don't know how to behave honorably, when dealing with real men.
62: What!?! You dare make fun of my scar? I won't stand for it!  I challenge you to face me in the Arena!
63: Then it is my choice of Arena.
64: Methinks thy temper has cost thee.
65: Allright. You tricked me into letting you have the choice of Arenas -- but I'll gut you like a pig regardless!
66: Oh, it's you again... the troll-lover!  Just let me catch you in the arena sometime without your boyfriend around to protect you!  We'll see who has the last laugh.
67: I don't want to humiliate you, Dorstag. I did what I had to do.
68: Is that a challenge, then?
69: And I suppose the last thing I'll ever hear is the sound of wings when pigs fly. Don't bother me.
70: Yeah, well, don't we all.

block: 0e64; 62 strings.
1: I surrender! Aye, you have beaten me in fair combat, and by our customs, you may now claim me as your slave! I promise, master, I will serve thee well!
2: Who art thou? How didst thou appear? Did Dorstag's mages send thee? Or Zaria? It matters not, I suppose, now that my hiding place is discovered, but please, I beg of thee, bold warrior, do not slay me!
3: What sayest thou?
4: Thou has naught to fear from me.
5: I know I am the poorest warrior here, nay, the poorest anywhere, unfit to appear in the Arenas. And yet, if you let me live, I swear I'll find some way to be useful for thee. Wilt thou take me as thy slave?
6: I am not the sort who wouldst keep slaves.
7: How could thou even ask such a thing?
8: Very well, if thou dost truly wish it.
9: Then I have no hope, save that a lucky blow from my dagger may yet save me from untimely death!
10: Oh, truly thou art the most generous and benevolent master one could ever wish for! I will serve thee as best I can, as long as breath remains within me! Tell me, how may I serve thee first?
11: Oh greatest of all warriors, slayer of the evil Dorstag, how may I respond to thy least whim?
12: Master, thou hast returned! What may I do for thee?
13: How else might I serve thee?
14: Tell me thy name.
15: Tell me of this world.
16: I seek a magical gem.
17: I must go now. I will speak with thee more anon.
18: Spare me thy fawning praise.
19: My name is "Krilner the Coward."
20: I see.
21: Surely just "Krilner" wouldst suffice.
22: When I arrived here and had to fight in the Arenas, the first warrior I faced said it would amuse him to spare my life if I would swear an oath to always give my name thusly. I'd as soon not chance his wrath by doing otherwise... But surely my problems are beneath your concern. What else wouldst thou know of?
23: Truly, art thou from another world than this? But indeed, I am yours to command, and I shall tell whate'er thou dost ask. Ours is a world of violence, where a man's worth (or a woman's, for that matter) is judged solely upon prowess in combat.
24: 'Tis barbarism thou dost describe!
25: Is there no law here?
26: One must always be prepared to defend oneself here.  'Tis considered more proper to challenge a foe first, after which etiquette permits one to simply attack them on the spot if they refuse.  But the only "law" is that which one man may enforce upon another on the point of his sword.
27: How, then, might I avoid being attacked?
28: Tell me of this underground complex.
29: How has thou survived so long in such a place?
30: I have heard enough of such matters, thank thee.
31: People here enjoy being the first to spot a newcomer to the Pits, especially one who seems weak. They'll kill thee for thy food and weapons as soon as look at thee, if they doubt thy prowess. After two or three victories in the Arenas, thy name will spread, and thou wilt be treated the same as any other.
32: Thanks for the advice.
33: I shall undoubtedly be victorious!
34: Until then, walk always with thy weapon in hand. If thou doth seem prepared for battle, 'tis more likely they will challenge thee rather than attacking outright.
35: Thou know not of the Pits of Carnage? Mothers frighten their children with tales of this place... There is but little more law above than here below, that little being the whim of the Guardian. He has ever ruled our land, for he is immortal, and his magic is too strong for any to defeat him in combat. These Pits are the most notorious prison in the land, and the entrance is sealed by his own hand!
36: I see.
37: Tell me more.
38: A savage lot, we have down here -- they've built four Arenas down here for ritual combat. Perhaps if thou dost do well in battle, thou canst earn a place of respect, and partake of what small luxuries are to be had down here...And I will stay by your side, as faithful advisor!
39: Nay, I will be leaving this place soon.
40: Ha! Would that such a thing were possible...
41: Perhaps.
42: Time will reveal all. What else would thou know of?
43: You presume much, methinks.
44: I humbly beg your pardon, master! Please, let me aid thee more that I might earn thy forgiveness!
45: In truth, master, it has not been easy. I was born a weakling in a world of warriors, with neither the skill nor the stomach for battle. I was fortunate that the first who fought me down here saw fit to spare my life. Since then I have hidden in this small chamber, scavenging what small scraps of food I might.
46: It must be the gem Dorstag carries thou dost speak of. He laid claim to it as soon as it was found, for he is the mightiest warrior here, and none dare deny him anything. You'd best give up hope of acquiring anything he covets.
47: How so? Is he truly so mighty?
48: Tell me more of this Dorstag.
49: None has ever defeated Dorstag in battle! His skill with the crossbow is legendary. He's beaten many in the Arenas, but only keeps the strongest warriors for his slaves. With all the bodyguards he keeps, you could never hope to attack him in his quarters. If you must fight him, challenge him to an Arena duel.  Will there be anything else, master?
50: Dorstag refused to accept my challenge. How else may I defeat him?
51: There is one way. Zaria is, perhaps, the second most feared adversary down here, for her magical powers are very great. She has not dared challenge Dorstag yet. If thou were to defeat her, Dorstag might consider thee a threat to his power, and be forced to face thee in the arena.
52: I have more questions to ask thee.
53: I will answer them as best I might.
54: Farewell, master. Oh, and if any wouldst slay me, thou wilt seek to protect thy property, wilt thou not?
55: Of course!
56: Truly, thou art kind and generous!
57: Perhaps. We shall see.
58: Oh thank you, master, for even considering it!
59: Nay, thou must fend for thyself!
60: I beg thy pardon for my presumption. I will strive to serve thee more humbly.
61: Oh, greatest of all masters, please forgive thy humble servant!

block: 0e65; 163 strings.
1: Me like it here! May-be me find some hu-mans, play game!
2: Oh, is you! Who you?
3: I am a traveller from Britannia.
4: Just someone exploring these catacombs.
5: I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition!
6: Huh? You talk fast. Say again slow!
7: Good day.
8: Hello, troll.
9: Sorry.
10: My apologies. Is this an improvement?
11: My name Blog. Blog good troll, you bet!
12: Glad to hear it.
13: You're quite a troll, indeed!
14: What do you do down here?
15: Blog like to col-lect rocks, like to play game!  You know how to play game?
16: Nay, I don't know how.
17: Aye, for sure.
18: What game do you speak of?
19: Oh. That bad. How we play game then?
20: You could tell me how to play.
21: Oh, you real smart -- that good i-dea!
22: I don't know.
23: You not know. Me not know. Hey, you just like me!
24: I guess I can't play.
25: Poor you, life dull with no game.
26: You want to play game now?
27: Yes.
28: No.
29: Oh, you want to play la-ter. O. K.
30: What game? The game, Blog ask if you know how to play it.
31: Well, I...
32: But which...
33: Oh, Blog know now - you make joke! Ha ha ha, fun-ny joke! You act like you not know game! If you want to play, Blog have rocks for game.
34: I need help getting a gem.
35: Tell me of this game you play.
36: Why do you have all these rocks?
37: It has been a pleasure talking to thee.
38: Let's play White-rock Black-rock.
39: You come back, we play game!
40: If friend of Blog need help, Blog help friend. You not friend. Blog not e-ven know what gem look like.
41: Never mind, just thought I'd ask.
42: Gems are like bright colored rocks.
43: You ask Blog things, Blog tell you things - is like new kind of game!
44: Oh, Blog find bright rocks once in box. Box have lock, Blog pull real hard to o-pen. Full of bright rocks. Too shi-ny to play game with, so Blog throw them all a-way.
45: Okay. You Blog friend, Blog help friend. Take a-ny rock in room!
46: Thank you, Blog.
47: You wel-come.
48: No, I was looking for a specific gem.
49: Pa-ci-fic? Where Blog find that kind?
50: I don't know where it is.
51: Someone must have found it before I did.
52: A man named Dorstag has it.
53: If you not know, Blog must tell you. Too bad Blog not know. How can Blog tell what Blog not know?
54: You go ask for shi-ny rock. If they not give, Blog come help friend! Go now, Blog think this im-por-tant!
55: Play game with rocks, so Blog like rocks! Get lots of rocks. Too big to play game with. Blog put small rocks there, big rocks there, not-big not-small rocks there! Is good, yes?
56: Yes, very good.
57: Where did you get so many fine rocks?
58: I have a rock you could use for your game.
59: Wouldn't most trolls rather fight?
60: You like rocks just like Blog! Now you go get rocks to keep too, Blog know it!
61: Blog go to many lands, but Blog not bring rocks from most. Not fit through di-men-sion-al in-ter-face. Walls here made of rocks. Blog break rocks loose with hands. Blog strong!
62: Give Blog rock, Blog tell you if it good rock!
63: Here thou art.
64: Blog like fight too! But when Blog fight, some get hurt real bad. So Blog on-ly fight if they fight Blog first.
65: This good rock! Same as game rocks but dif-fer-ent! Some day Blog think real hard, think up new game to play with all three! You big friend of Blog now!
66: Hey! That nice rock for game! You want play game?
67: Sure, Blog.
68: No thanks. Some other time, maybe.
69: Rrrr.
70: That no good for game! You keep.
71: How about this one?
72: I am sorry. I have no rock for thee.
73: Oh well. Blog use same rocks as be-fore.
74: Game of White-Rock Black-Rock! Great fun! Too bad bats and spi-ders too dumb to play, or Blog play all the time! They good to eat, though.
75: Is that all you eat?
76: Let's play White-Rock Black-Rock!
77: What are the rules of this game?
78: You know, there are other games than this.
79: Blog eat what Blog can find. Find good stuff some times. Blog try eat rock once, not taste good!
80: Game not hard! One of us play, must pick rock. Must pick good to win. If you win, me lose. If you lose, me win! You got that?
81: Surely.
82: Aye, Blog.
83: Seems simple so far.
84: If pick white rock, then win! Good to pick white rock!
85: Ok, I think I understand.
86: Is that all there is to it?
87: But wait - here trick-y part! If pick black rock, then lose! Must try not to pick black rock! Now Blog done teach you rules.
88: Ok, let's play!
89: Sounds like quite a game.
90: Thank thee for teaching me.
91: And you memorized all those rules?
92: It e-ven more fun than big big fight!
93: Blog smart, you know. Blog e-ven win game some times!
94: No, that true? Blog must think hard, how that can be. You go now, let Blog think hard!
95: Good good, we play game now!
96: Blog play so much, it more fair if you go first.
97: Blog let you go first this time.
98: Blog think too hard. This time you pick rock.
99: Who go now? Oh yes, you go.
100: Not think it Blog turn now. You take turn.
101: Who go last? Blog not know. You go now.
102: Blog hold rocks, so you pick.
103: I pick this rock!
104: OOOooooooo.  Look grey rock!  Be-yoo-ti-ful!  Me have?
105: Sure thing.
106: No, I want to keep it.
107: You no fun at all.  Me no play with you.
108: Wait, you no fool Blog! There no rock there! You go find rock, then we play.
109: No fair, you not pick both rocks! Try a-gain!
110: Wow, you luck-y or what?
111: Hey, you win a-gain! How you do that?
112: You play this game be-fore, right?
113: How you pick white rock so good?
114: If Blog not see you pick, Blog think you cheat!
115: You pick good, must be smart like Blog!
116: Ha! You not pick so good next game!
117: White rock - that mean you win, right?
118: Oh, that same rock Blog would pick too!
119: You play too good for Blog.
120: Blog wish Blog could pick like that!
121: Ha, ha! Game more hard than you think!
122: Not feel bad, game is hard to learn.
123: You lose, so what Blog do? Oh, Blog win!
124: Ho, ho! Blog let you go first lots!
125: Play game more, some day you win like Blog!
126: Blog have fun when you play game!
127: He, he! You pick wrong rock!
128: Oh, that same rock Blog would pick too!
129: Wait! Blog fig-ure out mean-ing of life! It... It... No, Blog for-get now. Oh well.
130: You lose, Blog win! Life good.
131: Blog like play-ing with you!
132: This great fun! You like too?
133: Yes, I do like this game!
134: No, sir, I don't like it.
135: You play more! Soon you like!
136: You like? Me like too!
137: Hey, Blog like play game with you, Blog have big fun. You big friend Blog now! You need help, Blog be friend for you too!
138: Blog pick black rock. Oh no, Blog lose again!
139: Blog pick black rock. Oops, why Blog do that?
140: Blog pick white - no, black - no, white - pick black! Oh darn, Blog lose!
141: Blog pick black rock. Ha ha, me make you win!
142: Blog pick black rock. Blog hate when that happen!
143: Blog try to pick rock you would. Oops, got black rock!
144: Blog pick white rock. See, me tell you Blog smart!
145: Blog close eyes this time. Hey, lucky Blog, pick white rock!
146: Blog pick white rock. Blog so hap-py!
147: Blog pick white rock. Ho ho, Blog use stra-te-gy!
148: Blog pick white rock. Blog have too much fun now!
149: Blog pick white rock. But what it mean in big scheme of things?
150: You want play game again?
151: Yes, I'd be glad to.
152: No thanks, I'd rather not.
153: Perhaps some other time.
154: Oh, just play one more game, okay?
155: Oh, allright.
156: No.
157: Well, you play more some time! Blog like to play game!
158: No time bet-ter than right now... So we play a-gain now!
159: Oh, friend back!
160: Oh, you back!
161: Here, friend, take gem. Good luck with rest of ad-ven-tures!
162: Thank you, Blog.  You are my true friend.

block: 0e66; 164 strings.
1: Go ahead, run! You're not even worth making a slave of!
2: I'll be back to fight another day!
3: Just think twice before you go to sleep, you swine.
4: (Grumble)
5: Please reconsider, master!
6: Ha! Perhaps I'll ask you to lick my boots some day.
7: I choose the Arena of Earth.
8: I choose the Arena of Air.
9: I choose the Arena of Fire.
10: I choose the Arena of Water.
11: Well, what have we here? A newcomer to the Pits, I fancy!
12: Indeed, I am new here.
13: Just as I thought! 
14: Nay, thou art mistaken.
15: Nay, there are few of us down here, and we all know each other. You're a newcomer. 
16: And 'tis lucky for me I found you first! Whatever food and equipment you've brought with ye, well, I fancy it'll be mine. No need to slay you in the Arena -- I think I'll just do it here, and Dorstag'll never take his cut!
17: The warrior readies a weapon.
18: Hail, warrior.
19: Good day to thee.
20: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
21: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
22: And who are you to say hail to me? 
23: Could be day or night, for all we can tell -- and there's precious little good about it! 
24: Aye, if thy question is about how long thou hast left to live, my sword has an answer for that!
25: That's more than I can say for you. 
26: You annoy me, and I've a notion to separate your head from your body. I challenge you to fight me in the Arena!
27: I decline thy challenge.
28: I accept thy challenge.
29: I accept thy challenge, thou oaf!
30: Then methinks I'll just strike thee dead right here and save some time!
31: The battle-scarred veteran fixes you with an arrogant stare.
32: Hail, warrior.
33: Good day to thee.
34: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
35: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
36: Pfah.
37: Bah. Good for you, maybe.
38: Listen, stranger, people do better if they mind their own business down here, get it?
39: Hah. If that's meant as flattery, I've heard better!
40: Thy manners could stand some improvement.
41: What knowest thou of Dorstag?
42: Tell me of the Arenas.
43: What manner of place is this?
44: And who's going to teach me? Thou?
45: Nay, but someone should.
46: Aye, indeed, I think I will!
47: Well, methinks I'll teach ye how to address thy betters. I challenge ye to mortal combat in the Arena!
48: Art thou challenging me to a duel?
49: That I am!
50: Nay, 'tis not what I meant.
51: Well then, coward, I challenge thee instead!
52: He's the head man down here. What's it to ya?
53: Nothing. I'll be on my way now.
54: You know, it really wouldn't hurt thee to be polite.
55: You lookin' for a fight with me? That'll give ya the chance to see the Arena first hand! 'Course it'll be the last thing you'll ever see...
56: Nay, I meant no offense. Farewell.
57: Nay, I'd rather not duel thee.
58: Very well, I challenge thee to a duel!
59: Well, if you wish to take the coward's choice, so be it.
60: Never heard of the Pits of Carnage before they threw ya down here? Ha, that's a rich one! Best watch yer step down here, or you might lose your feet! And don't think o' goin' back the way ye came -- the Guardian's magic sealed the doors ye came through!
61: What doors did I come through?
62: How did he lock them?
63: Thou hast a lively sense of humor!
64: Gar! Begone, won't ya?
65: Did ya hit yer 'ead fallin' in? The trap doors to th' north! It's a new life for ya now -- nobody breaks the Guardian's seal!  Thou'rt never seein' daylight again, not in this world, mate!
66: What do I know about it? It's Guardian-magic, and all I know is, no one who passes that door comes out again in this lifetime!
67: The warrior sizes you up with a casual glance.
68: Hail, warrior.
69: Good day to thee.
70: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
71: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
72: Hail.
73: Well, I suppose I've seen worse.
74: Well, perhaps if you happen to ask any I feel like answering.
75: Gotta be tough down here just to have food to eat an' a place to sleep.
76: Hast thou had a hard day?
77: What knowest thou of Dorstag?
78: Tell me of the Arenas.
79: What manner of place is this?
80: A hard day? You want to know if I've had a hard day? I've lost everything I ever owned, been thrown in this stinking prison for the rest of my life, I sleep in the dirt and eat slugs and leeches, and I have to fight for those, and you want to know if I've had a hard day? No, all the days down here are just jolly, mate!
81: Thou shouldst know -- art thou not the one that got the better of him?
82: I knows you don't cross him, not if you want to live long down 'ere. He's the toughest fighter in the whole place, and he gets his cut of any loot anybody finds.
83: Don't know much, do ya? We settle everything by fighting in the four Arenas, just like they do up above. And when there's nothing to settle, we fight just to fill the time!
84: I see.
85: Perhaps you could offer me some training.
86: I would challenge thee to a fight, then!
87: One other thing...
88: Yes, what is it?
89: What, you mean the Pits? Oh, the Pits of Carnage ain't much of a place, but you'd best learn to call it home now, 'cause the Guardian's magic locked the doors ye came through! And if ya go wandering down them stairs, well...  Better to spill your blood on the Arena floor than let them creatures have it!
90: What kind of creatures are down there?
91: Thou dost speak like a coward!
92: I shall take thine advice.
93: Gar! Sayest thou so? Then meet me in the arena! What is thy choice?
94: Some say there's a mighty mage named Zoranthus down there, to the southwest, who eats human flesh, and has fireballs for eyes! Then again, there's them that says there are walking trees there too, so who can trust'em?
95: The warrior immediately assumes a ready stance, and keeps a respectable distance away from you.
96: Hail, warrior.
97: Good day to thee.
98: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
99: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
100: Hail to thee!
101: Well met.
102: Thy prowess hast earned thee as much.
103: Thou hast done well in the arena thyself.
104: Tis a pleasure to hear a civil tongue at last.
105: What knowest thou of Dorstag?
106: Dost thou know of a magical gem?
107: Wouldst care to do battle in the Arena?
108: Well, thou hast made a name for thyself in combat. Such prowess is the only true measure of a person's worth.
109: He was the mightiest warrior in the Pits. Was until ye came along, that is. 
110: He's a mighty warrior. Any that would challenge him had best be wary of his crossbow, he's an excellent shot. And don't ask him about his scar -- he doesn't take kindly to such talk. 
111: Aye, someone found such a thing near the fountain not long ago. Of course Dorstag took it from him. He gets the best of everything. 
112: Wouldst ask anything else, then? Or perhaps I could show thee some fighting tricks I've picked up. Myself, I'm good with the mace and axe.
113: Aye, I've another question.
114: I'd be pleased to train with thee.
115: Nay, thou hath been most helpful.
116: The warrior greets you with a respectful nod.
117: Hail, warrior.
118: Good day to thee.
119: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
120: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
121: Hail, mighty Avatar!
122: Thanks for thy good wishes.
123: Indeed, whatever thou might care to know.
124: Surely not as mighty as thee!
125: Hast thou any news to tell?
126: Canst tell me of the caverns below?
127: Wouldst care to do battle in the Arena?
128: I must be on my way. Farewell.
129: Thou art the biggest news we've had in a long time. Watching thee fight, well... It all but brings tears to one's eyes.
130: 'Tis said fierce beasts dwell below. None of us has been down there since Dorstag led an expedition -- he was the only one to make it back. Some say there's a crazy man name Zoranthus who lives down there somewhere, in the middle of a maze. I don't believe 'em, though!
131: Nay, I fear thou art too great a warrior for the likes of me to face. I beg your pardon for declining.
132: I accept! And I'll choose the Arena of Earth to fight in.
133: I'll accept that challenge, and face ye in the Arena of Water!
134: Very well. We'll see if you're nimble enough for the Arena of Air!
135: Then if you're bold enough, we'll face each other in the Arena of Fire!
136: Allright, then, where'll ya fight?
137: Well, I suppose I could help ya, but it'll cost 10 gold. Or as much in supplies, or gems, or whatever ya got. I usually work with the axe and mace when I'm training.
138: I'll just charge thee a few gold, or some small trinket. There's no free lunch down here, ye know.
139: Here then, take this.
140: Nay, I'd rather not spend my gold just now.
141: I'll take that, but it's not enough.
142: Take this too, then.
143: I'll give thee no more.
144: Take what? I don't see anything there.
145: Sorry, have this, then.
146: I've changed my mind about paying thee.
147: Then I guess there'll be no training today.
148: Well, I'm good with axe and mace both. Which one do ya want to learn about?
149: Teach me to fight with axe.
150: I wouldst learn the mace, if you please.
151: I've changed my mind. Keep the money, but I do not wish to train.
152: The warrior shows you some new techniques for axe-fighting.
153: That should help out the next time you get in a scrap!
154: No, ya haven't got it. You need to go out and do some more fighting before yer ready to learn this stuff.
155: The warrior demonstrates some things with his mace, and has you try them as well.
156: There, you've got the hang of it.
157: No, ya haven't got it. You need to go out and do some more fighting before yer ready to learn this stuff.
158: Would you like to train some more?
159: Aye, take this in payment.
160: Nay, I've had enough for now.
161: Guess I'll see you around sometime.
162: Suit th'self.
163: The warrior walks off, grinning and swinging a newly-filled sack of goods.

block: 0e67; 79 strings.
1: He sighs.
2: All right, @GS8. How many will ye be killin' today?
3: Ho there. Jospur's my name! Come to chance your life against a few coins? Many's them that do, sooner or later.
4: You again! I refuse to do business with thee! 'Tis simply a waste of my money.
5: I thought I told thee, I'll not lose any more money to thee!
6: As you wish, Jospur.
7: Thinkst thou so? Then I shall simply spread the word thou art a liar and a cheat!
8: Okay, okay, let us do business, then! But 'tis naught but throwing my money away!
9: Oh, 'tis THEE again. I am honor-bound to take thy money, but, Guardian knows, thou shalt be my financial ruin! Come, what wouldst thou with me, today?
10: Hullo again, still alive I see! Perhaps you've come to make a wager today?
11: What sort of wagering do you do?
12: You must know this place well.
13: I think I'll try my luck.
14: I beg your pardon, but I must be leaving.
15: Well, if you feel a bit bolder, or desperate for money, or just plain tired of living, you can always find me here!
16: Well, surely. But you don't think I'm the sort to gossip, surely! It's not just bad for business -- down here talking about folks the wrong way can earn you a dagger between your ribs while you sleep.
17: I just wanted to know about the lower levels.
18: But couldn't you tell me just a bit about Zaria?
19: Nay, I'd never ask thee to gossip.
20: Well, that's hardly a fit place for anyone with sense to venture. Not that it's so great up here, mind you, but still...\m
21: They never throw enough food down here, to make sure we have to fight for it. So sometimes a fool will go down looking to slay some dinner. Usually ends up being dinner instead. Better to take your chances with one of my wagers, I say.
22: You should know as much about her as anyone. You're the one that finally beat her, after all.
23: Oh, I get the idea. Well, don't get your hopes up. She'd rather kill than kiss. And with her magic, few have much chance against her in a fight. Better to take on 2 or 3 regular fellows in a fair fight, I'd say.
24: Why don't you go ask her yourself? She doesn't think much of me, maybe you could get her to be more talkative than I could.
25: That's wise. Better to let a sword do your talking. Or a few gold coins, if you're lucky enough to have them!
26: Well, here's how I work it. A bold warrior, such as yourself, gives me five gold coins. Then I arrange a fight in the arena against two opponents or more. Anyone tough enough to come back to me alive, I pay off their bet.
27: That's barbaric!
28: How much do you pay, then?
29: Is that an insult or a compliment? Anyway, life is rough, and there ain't enough food to go around. So with me a fellow down on his luck at least has a chance.
30: I shouldn't offer you the same odds as everyone else. You'll be the ruin of me! Still, I guess I'd best not get on your bad side, tough as you are. Same bet, same payoff, you know the routine.
31: You beat two foes, I pay you 8 gold. Three foes is worth 12, four's worth 20, and if anyone ever beat five men, I'd pay 'em 40 or 50, I guess. Nobody's ever lasted long at those odds, though.
32: Very well, then.
33: Your payoffs are terrible!
34: Anything else you'd like to know? I haven't got all day to stand around jabbering, after all.
35: A fellows got to keep body and soul together somehow. And you know, a lot of those that come to me haven't got much choice...
36: Ah, good, you're a sporting type! How many do you feel bold enough to face, then?
37: Perhaps I could defeat two foes.
38: I'll challenge three warriors.
39: I can best four strong men!
40: Send out five, and I'll slay them all!
41: Very prudent, keeping your risks small. 
42: If it's three you want, then three you'll get.
43: This is liable to be costly - for me!
44: You are a bold one, aren't you?
45: 'Tis no easy task to find five warriors foolish enought to fight thee, @GS8, but I shall try. Guardian knows, there's fools enough in the Pits o'Carnage!
46: Total carnage! I love it!
47: man
48: woman
49: Ah, I understand. Well, it is truly the most glorious death a @SS1 could ask for.
50: Now then, there is the small matter of the five gold pieces?
51: Here they are.
52: I've changed my mind. I don't want to fight.
53: What a relief! I keep my money after all!
54: Since the odds are against you, it's your choice where to fight.
55: I choose the Arena of Earth.
56: I choose the Arena of Air.
57: I choose the Arena of Fire.
58: I choose the Arena of Water.
59: Well fought, @GS8! That's @GI33 gold you've won, then.
60: For that much money, I could offer you some meat instead. Food's worth its weight in gold down here, you know.
61: I'll take the gold, if you please.
62: Thanks, I'll take the meat.
63: Here you are, then. See you around.
64: Here you go. Don't eat it all in one place! Harf harf...
65: You've done it again! Amazing...
66: You're still alive? After facing five? Why, this is unheard of!
67: That'll be 40 gold, then, and you've certainly earned it.
68: Indeed I have.
69: I believe the payoff is 50.
70: Oh, of course. I was just joking about the 40. Wouldn't want you to get upset, now...
71: I only take gold coins, I'm afraid.
72: The fee is five, take it or leave it.
73: Here you are, then.
74: That's all I have.
75: Come on, let's see those coins!
76: Here you go.
77: No, I'll not pay thee.
78: Well, I don't run a charity, you know. Come back when you have some real money!

block: 0e68; 99 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: I don't know what you're doin', pokin' around these ruins, but you'd best clear out pretty fast!
19: Don't worry. I'm, er . . . assigned to be here!
20: Sorry. I'm just a traveler passing through, thought I'd investigate. What's going on?
21: He gives you a suspicious look, but then spots your signet ring.
22: Oh. Excuse me!
23: Carry on then, soldier.
24: What canst thou tell me about this operation?
25: He gives you a suspicious once-over.
26: You are, are you? Well, I don't talk to nobody who ain't wearin' the ring! Move along!
27: A traveler, huh? Well, you're wearin' the ring, so I guess you're okay!
28: He gives you a quick, suspicious inspection.
29: I suggest you keep travelling, and don't ask questions. Anybody not wearing the ring is a suspicious character, far as I'm concerned!
30: You again? What is it?
31: Canst thou tell me about this operation?
32: Nothing, thanks.
33: If you say so.
34: I insist that thou tell me what thou'rt doing here!
35: Nothing. Farewell.
36: Tell it to Mors Gotha, stranger! Now move along before I run you through!
37: Yeah, what is it?
38: Oh, it's you again.
39: This is a fine fighting outfit!
40: Thou dost seem a sorry excuse for a soldier.
41: Care to barter, warrior?
42: Oh, nothing. I am sorry to bother thee.
43: You bet yer ass it is!  Fightin' men don't come any tougher 'n meaner 'n us. When we land this thing, it's gonna be a slaughter!
44: Canst thou tell me anything about the invasion?
45: I canst imagine!  Now I must go.
46: Thou dost indeed seem tough.
47: Art thou truly that formidable?
48: Mors Gotha don't pick her soldiers for their looks, pal. We're leadin' this invasion 'cause we've never lost a battle. This one comin' up ain't gonna change that, neither!
49: Who is Mors Gotha?
50: Wouldst thou care to barter?
51: Will you tell me about the invasion?
52: Goodbye.
53: I shoulda known you were a jester! Who is Mors Gotha? You'd better crawl back to the rock you've been under and stay outta the way!
54: Yeah? Well, who asked you, anyway?
55: Some o' th' new guys are complainin' about the rations, but most of us have seen leaner times than this! Two sticks o' meat per day is a feast compared to what I've seen on other campaigns.
56: Canst thou talk to me of the invasion?
57: Good luck to thee in the battle ahead.
58: Well, I reckon it's not harm if I tell you a little o' what we got going, between friends 'n' all.
59: We soldiers don't get told much, but sure, I guess I could.
60: What canst thou tell me?
61: I must be going.
62: Hey, you know we're not s'posed to talk about that!
63: I beg thy pardon. I shall be going now.
64: Craziest mission I've seen yet -- we're all fitted out for a siege operation, but here we are inside a castle already, floating a league in the air, over a goddamn desert, with no other castle within 500 miles of here. Sorcery here somewhere, bet your ass.
65: I hear the Guardian got in somehow and took out all the enemy mages. Nothing like fighting with a Titan on your side, I'll tell ya!
66: The defenders are 100% sealed up in there, some kinda blackrock casting. Some guys are sayin' we'll just be goin' in and cleanin' up.
67: I heard they've found a way in through the basement. We'll be going in as soon as the rest of the troops get here.
68: Nothing like workin' under Gotha. Like voodoo, her touch. 'Less yer in the forward units, o'course -- she does like to have a few rookies in front to spring the traps.
69: I hear they hadda herd in a few extra -- whaddayacallem -- brain creatures to hold up the extra weight in the castle.
70: Mors Gotha's promised us that this invasion's gonna be cake, which means lots of plunder to be had, I'm thinkin'. Hope we'll be allowed to pick our own!
71: I heard that they bottled up the enemy inside their fortress, but that they got some sort of hero-type in there with 'em. Still, with Gotha and the Guardian on our side, I ain't worried.
72: Even with the crack troops we got in here alraedy, we're waitin' on the whole rest of the army! This is gonna be one hell of a siege, I'll tell ya. Can't wait to land this thing and get on with it!
73: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
74: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
75: Canst thou tell me more
76: What else canst thou tell me
77: Canst thou think of anything else
78: @SS2?
79: I thank thee for your time.
80: Well, I'll take a look at what ye got, anyways.
81: Would I? Ain't nobody can beat me in a barter!
82: Well, they ain't tellin' us grunts too much, but here's what the grapevine's sayin'.
83: Craziest mission I've seen yet -- we're all fitted out for a siege operation, but here we are inside a wreck of a castle in the middle of a goddamn desert, with no other castle within 500 miles of here. Sorcery here somewhere, bet your ass.
84: I hear the Guardian got in somehow and took out all the enemy mages. Nothing like fighting with a Titan on your side, I'll tell ya!
85: The defenders are 100% sealed up in there, some kinda blackrock casting. Some guys are sayin' we'll just be goin' in and cleanin' up.
86: I heard they've found a way in through the basement. We'll be going in as soon as the rest of the troops get here.
87: Nothing like workin' under Gotha. Like voodoo, her touch. 'Less yer in the forward units, o'course -- she does like to have a few rookies in front to spring the traps.
88: Somethin' horrible happened here -- corpses everywhere, anyone can see that. Nobody's sayin' what, though.
89: Mors Gotha's promised us that this invasion's gonna be cake, which means lots of plunder to be had, I'm thinkin'. Hope we'll be allowed to pick our own!
90: I heard that they bottled up the enemy inside their fortress, but that they got some sort of hero-type in there with 'em. Still, with Gotha and the Guardian on our side, I ain't worried.
91: Even with the crack troops we got in here already, we're waitin' on the whole rest of the army! This is gonna be one hell of a siege, I'll tell ya. Wish to hell I knew what we're doin' in the middle of this desert!
92: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
93: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
94: Canst thou tell me more
95: What else canst thou tell me
96: Canst thou think of anything else
97: @SS3?
98: I thank thee for thy time.

block: 0e69; 148 strings.
1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Welcome, welcome! I am Merzan, seller of a plethora of wondrous small magicks and enchantments! I can even sell you a spell or two, if you've skill in runic magic. Perhaps I have the charm you're looking for today?
3: Aye, what have you for sale?
4: Nay, perhaps another time.
5: What spells do you have?
6: You are a charming fellow, but what I seek is information.
7: fellow
8: lady
9: Patience, patience, my dear @GS71!  Trust me, your potion is in the works! This kind of quality can't be rushed, you know.
10: Ah, my dear @GS71, how pleasant to see thee again!
11: Hast thou completed the potion I ordered from thee?
12: I would like to hear of thy spells.
13: I would like to purchase something from thee.
14: And thee as well. I shall speak with thee later.
15: Indeed. I shall keep thy potion for thee, for when thou dost require it.
16: Ah, @GS8, glad to see you again! Are the fairies dancing, or is that a jingle I hear in your coinpouch? Perhaps you've come to make a purchase?
17: Aye, indeed I have.
18: You must be hearing things. I have no gold today.
19: I wish to hear of thy spells.
20: In truth, I've come to ask thee a question.
21: Well then, you must have brought payment in gems today, am I right?
22: Thou art most astute. I have gems aplenty.
23: Nay, I have no more gems than gold.
24: Perhaps some precious items, then? A small trinket, at least?
25: Indeed, I do have a few trifles to trade.
26: I'm afraid I have nothing of any value whatsoever.
27: You'll have my sympathy today, then, which comes for free. But you must excuse me... I just remembered a most pressing engagement I must attend to now! Do drop by again when your fortune has been more fortunate!
28: Oh, I see. You're one of those questing types, no doubt, here to ask me where the Mystic Blade of Rognak is or some such nonsense... Well, I'm here to buy and sell, not to answer silly questions!
29: Would you like to buy something from me, then?
30: Where is this "Mystic Blade of Rognak"?
31: Isn't business hard under the Guardian's rule?
32: Where do you find all the magic you sell?
33: Actually, I want to ask about forms of payment.
34: What items do you have for sale today?
35: Well, actually, I'd much rather sell you something!
36: You know, I really haven't got the faintest idea.
37: One ruler's much the same as another, as long as none tries to keep me from selling my wares. And none of them has yet!
38: Ah, now if I told you that, what would you need me for? Why, you might even go into competition with me!
39: Well why didn't you say so before? I'm always happy to talk about payment! I'll always take gold coins, of course. Or pearls, emeralds, rubies, or any other gems you might find. And if you've a fine golden goblet or scepter to trade, well, I wouldn't turn that away either.
40: Well, do drop in any time you're of a mind to be separated from some of your money!
41: Well, I have some tasty potions for sale! Or I can recharge a wand for you, or identify a tricky item. What's your pleasure?
42: Tell me about your potions.
43: I have an item to identify.
44: Could you recharge something for me?
45: I must be going now.
46: Perhaps you'd like something else?
47: I presume you'd rather hear about my more expensive concoctions first, yes?
48: Nay, I have precious little coin to spend.
49: If it pleases you, yes.
50: Is my potion of Flameproof ready yet?
51: Actually, I had something a little special in mind.
52: Oh, now that is a pity. But "few" is better than "none," I always say.
53: Really? Well, I think you'll find that if I haven't got it, it can't be got!  What did you have in mind?
54: \1@GS72\0
55: iron flesh
56: ironflesh
57: flameproof
58: resist fire
59: cure poison
60: greater heal
61: restore mana
62: invisibility
63: lesser heal
64: mana boost
65: resist blows
66: Hmmmm.  It is my sad duty to inform you that if I'm not to be made a liar, @GS72 can't be got. But surely you need something from among my sizeable and high-quality stock!
67: Shhhhhhh!  Not so loud.  Now, I do happen to have the very thing you're looking for, on a special order for Relk, the captain of the guard.
68: Now, normally trade in such an item is closely restricted. I'd wager that only Mors Gotha herself could easily obtain one.  Of course, money talks, eh?
69: However, if you offer me the right price for this little item, I can probably do something for you. Business is business, after all!
70: I should say about @GI34 gold pieces would do the trick.
71: Aahh. Now, that is a bit of a problem. Flameproofing potions are fairly simple to concoct, but the process requires a great deal of water. And that, my friend, is something that is in very short supply in Killorn Keep. I should say as much as ten bottles of water would be required.
72: For some reason, you seem to have this precious commodity in abundance, though.  Would you like me to order you another potion?
73: Yes, please do.
74: No, thank you.
75: Now, I've still got @GI68 bottles left over, but I'll need more.
76: As a matter of fact, I have some water right here.
77: 'Tis indeed a pity. Perhaps some other time.
78: Really?  Well then, I'd be glad to accomodate you!  But first, I'll need the water.
79: Well, if you can get me enough water, we've got a deal!
80: Good, good! Just @GI73 bottles to go!
81: Splendid! I'll start making your potion right away! Just give me 15 minutes.
82: Farewell.
83: Yes, your potion is ready. I'll let you have it for just @GI34 gold pieces. Fair enough?
84: Splendid! I have potions of Greater Heal for @GI39 gold, Restore Mana for @GI40, or if you're in a spending mood, a lovely potion of Invisibility is a steal at just @GI41!
85: I'd like a potion of Greater Heal.
86: A Restore Mana potion, please.
87: I'll take the Invisibility potion.
88: What do you have that costs a little less?
89: Less costly? Well, the customer's always right, I suppose.
90: I have potions of Lesser Heal for @GI39 gold, and Mana Boost for @GI40. But perhaps you're expecting to encounter some ruffians? I'll sell you a potion of Resist Blows for @GI41!
91: Sell me the Lesser Heal potion, please.
92: I'll take Mana Boost today.
93: Resist Blows is just what I was looking for.
94: I don't think I'll buy a potion today.
95: No sale? Sad words indeed... And yet, perhaps you'd rather avail yourself of some of my other services?
96: Excellent! That'll be @GI34 gold, then.
97: Well, I'll be around later if you can find the money.
98: For @GI34 gold, I can identify anything you want! Show me the item in question...
99: Here, please identify this.
100: I've changed my mind.
101: Yes, that will be no trouble. And now the @GI34 gold?
102: That is @GS70. Can I identify another item for you?
103: Yes, canst thou identify this?
104: No, that is all.
105: I'm sorry, but I can't lower my price.
106: Come on now, where is it?
107: Please, only one item at a time!
108: Certainly! I'll charge thee @GI34 gold, and charge thy wand enough for 5 more uses. Where is the wand thou would have me charge?
109: Here it is.
110: I've changed my mind.
111: Ha, that's rich! (Just like me!) If that's a wand, I'm a seahorse! Really, now, have you got a wand for me to charge?
112: Come now, don't be shy.  Where is it?
113: Please, please, one thing at a time!
114: Oh, I'd like to help you, now, but that one's broken past my ability to repair. 
115: Yes, I can recharge that. Let's just see your @GI34 in gold and valuables, and we're all set.
116: He performs a brief incantation.
117: There you go, may it serve you well!
118: I'm sorry, but I have to make a profit, you know. Perhaps you'd rather consider something less expensive?
119: Well, now, you'd best understand, I can't sell ye any actual runes, but I can tip thee off to the ins and outs of a few out-of-the-way spells not many mages know of! Still interested?
120: Aye.
121: Nay, I need to master the spells I already know!
122: I understand, sir! Dost thou still wish to do business?
123: Now, I'd best not tell thee what I went through to obtain this knowledge...
124: He gives a theatrical shudder.
125: So I shall be firm with thee -- I sell these spells at a cost of @GI34 gold apiece, never less. Art thou still interested?
126: Aye, let us do business.
127: Nay! That is too expensive for me!
128: I quite understand -- perhaps thou wouldst be interested in something a bit easier on the purse?
129: Excellent! I see thou art a true adventurer, not some bourgeois penny-pincher! I have some spells that might be useful in thy line of work. One is a hex to ward off the dead that walk -- the other is a rune to catch and paralyze unwary intruders! Wilt thou buy?
130: Aye, I wish to buy Repel Undead.
131: Aye, I wish to buy the Rune of Stasis.
132: Nay, these spells do not suit my needs.
133: Ah, well, I do try my best! But perhaps I might possess something else thou wouldst wish to buy!
134: An excellent selection! For @GI34 gold, it shall be thine.
135: The runes are AN KAL CORP -- Negate the Summoning of the Dead! Be sure to make a note of it -- thou wouldst not want to forget at the wrong time!
136: He also hands you a set of diagrams outlining the casting motions -- you estimate that this is a spell of the Third Circle.
137: Ah, 'tis the more difficult of the two! But for @GI34 gold, the power may be thine!
138: The runes are In Tym Jux -- Create a Time Trap! Make sure thou dost remember!
139: He passes you a parchment diagramming the proper casting motions -- it seems to be a spell of the Fifth Circle.
140: Ah, well. Perhaps something in a lower price range?
141: Here thou art.
142: I'm afraid that I have none.
143: Well? Hast thou changed thy mind?
144: Here thou art.
145: Excuse me, I must consider this deal.
146: I cannot afford thy price.
147: That won't do! There had better be more on its way!

block: 0e80; 152 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: Mister
18: Ma'am
19: Cor! Leave it, won't you? Serves me roight for tryin' to rob the castle, 'n' gettin' caught. Last time I take a dare from Erik Blackhand!
20: Who art thou?
21: Were you really trying to rob the castle?
22: Name's Fissif, thief extra-ordinaire, 'cept when a bleedin' gem appears over my escape route!
23: I suppose you'll be wantin' yer pocketwatch back, then, Avatar! Well, here ye go.
24: And off to jail fer poor old Fissif, I s'pose.
25: Okay, okay, y'dinna have ta get so rough, I'll go off to jail wi'ye. 'S not like I 'aven't been before!
26: Sulking, he limps off towards the upstairs ladder.
27: Cor! Wot does 'is Majesty want now?
28: I'm afraid I must arrest thee, thief.
29: Nothing, thanks. Perhaps I shall see thee later.
30: And where would I be goin' then?
31: Fissif enjoys a hearty laugh at your expense.
33: Eventually he is able to speak.
34: And what virtue wert thou upholding that thou didst arrive here, "Avatar?"
35: I don't wish to speak with thee right now.
36: While we're here, could you at least offer me some training?
37: I beg thy pardon, your Avatahness!!
38: Psst! @GS33! Canst thou tell me wot's goin' on, then?
39: Who art thou? An intruder in Castle British?
40: The Guardian has trapped us all in the castle.
41: Do you live in the sewers?
42: Well, it's a fair cop!
43: Fissif sneers sarcastically.
44: Well, well! If it isn't the Avatar, come to visit! 'Ow nice o'ye!
45: I need thee to train me.
46: I wish to barter with thee.
47: I just stopped in to check on thee. I must be going.
48: Cor! If it ain't one thing, it's another!
49: Cor! Fissif's comin' up in the world! The Avatah would like 'is help!
50: The bleedin' red blighter again, eh? Should've known 'e'd be 'round again, after I saw those Fellowship types moving in around Buccaneer's Den! They said 'twas just a reunion, but I suspected they was up to somethin'.
51: How didst thou come here from Buccaneer's Den?
52: Art thou a member of the Fellowship?
53: Not me, no @GS33! Can't stand all that preaching! Besides, any bloke wot's got eyes c'n see they're on the losing team, roight?
54: What team art thou on, then?
55: Dost thou know thy way through these sewers?
56: Just my own, I suppose.
57: I hates ta tell a stranger the plain truth, but me situation's a bit desperate. My name's Fissif, an' I came up here about @SI1 days ago through the tunnel from Buccaneer's Den, to see what could be... acquired under cover of the festivities.
58: You mean, you're a thief here to plunder the castle.
59: I see. And what didst thou acquire?
60: What happened then?
61: Dost thou know thy way around the sewers?
62: I found the Avatar's pocketwatch in a bunch o'junk in a closet. I 'ad me the key t'the armory, too, but I lost it in a scuffle with th'green giant! By the way, what did thou sayest thy name was?
63: 'Twas about 4:15 in the morning, and I was just making me way down through the basement to the tunnel, when the bloody ground started shaking, knocked me off my feet! When I got up and went downstairs, this black stuff was blocking the cave mouth!
64: I'm afraid I must arrest thee now.
65: Wait. How didst thou know what time it was?
66: Oy got a right to this pocketwatch oy stole, seein' that some bloomin' idiot left it out f'me tatake! Would've 'ad me th'key to th'armoury, too, if Oy'adn't lost it inna fight wi'that reaper! An'oo art thou to be putting on airs? Anyone'd think yer the bleedin' Avatah 'r sumthin'!
67: Actually, I am @GS8, the Avatar, incarnation of the eight virtues, and eight times the saviour of Britannia.
68: Oh.
69: Then I s'pose thou wilt be wanting thy pocketwatch back again.
70: Yes, that would be nice.
71: Perhaps I should be getting along, then.
72: He begins edging toward the nearest exit.
73: And where art thou going in such a hurry?
74: First, canst thou tell me more about the sewers?
75: Stay right where thou art, thief. Thou art under arrest.
76: Oh, things to do. Oy've got rats to kill and eat, fetid water to sip, that sort o' thing. Oy'm a busy man!
77: Not so fast, Fissif. I mean to arrest thee.
78: Enjoy thyself.
79: He leaves hastily.
80: Arrest? And why should I come with thee to jail? We are all in the Guardian's jail, anyway!
81: If thou dost not, I shall kill thee where thou standest.
82: If thou dost remain below, thou shalt starve or die of disease.
83: Thou hast a point. 'S not as if I 'aven't done time before.
84: Resigned, Fissif heads for the nearest ladder.
85: He takes a step backward, and slowly sizes you up.
86: Thou dost look a bit out of shape, @GS8. I believe I shall take my chances with thee.
87: So be it.
88: Dost thou think to succeed where the Triad of Evil failed?
89: Well, odds are I'll still be here, if thou dost wish to return.
90: Well, 'twill cost thee something, I'll tell thee that. 3 in gold. What say thee?
91: 'Tis robbery, but I'll pay.
92: No thank thee, I shall get along without thy help.
93: Canst thou teach me to pick locks?
94: Canst thou teach me to move with stealth?
95: Canst thou teach me to disarm traps?
96: Canst thou teach me to fall safely?
97: Oho! The Avatah wants to pick locks, does he? Thou dost wish to stoop to usin' trickery, dost thou? 'Tis not very virtuous of thee, but I suppose I might show thee a thing or two.
98: Fissif shows you a few more ins and outs of lockpicking.
99: You are unable to grasp Fissif's points.
100: 'Tis no use! Thou shouldst go out and pick a few locks in the real world, then I shall explain more to thee!.
101: Well, that's it for thee today, chum!
102: I see! The Avatah wishes to learn a bit of thievery, does it? Well, let's just see...
103: Fissif is an apt teacher, and acquaints you with the fine points of stealthy movement.
104: You are unable to grasp Fissif's points.
105: Nay, nay! Go out and try a few things, first, then come see more.
106: Well, that's it for thee today, chum!
107: Stealing somebody's precious goodies, are we? Well, just let Fissif tell thee how to go about it...
108: Fissif explains some of his system for beating traps.
109: You can't really see what Fissif is trying to explain.
110: Thou hadst better go and look at a few real traps, first.
111: Well, that's it for thee today, chum!
112: Taking a few knocks, are we?  Let me give you a few tips, then.
113: Fissif gives you a few pointers on jumping and landing safely.
114: Fissif tries to explain some acrobatics to you, but gets nowhere.
115: 'Tis of no use, thou'rt a hopeless klutz! If thou wouldst like, we shall give it another try later.
116: Well, that's it for thee today, chum!
117: Wouldst thou learn anything else, while thou art here?
118: No thanks, that is all for today.
119: Yes, please...
120: Ah, that's the stuff! Now, to business.
121: Cor! Just gold, please. Oy'm sick o'hagglin' with fences!
122: Oy said "ten," di'n'Oy?
123: Here you are, then.
124: That's all I have.
125: Enough o'this, Avatah. Oy'm willin' ta train thee, but no more o'these silly games.
126: That's it, then, let's 'ave it on the table.
127: Consider this, then.
128: No, I shall not pay thee.
129: Suit th'self, then, Avatah!
130: Nah, nah, wot'm'I, crazy? I came'ere through th'tunnel from the Den!
131: Den? What den? Do we have a den?
132: How did you get there from here?
133: Bucc'neer's Den, o'course!
134: 'Ere f'r a bit o' sightseein', are ye? Well, Fissif'l 'elp yew out a bit! Stay away from the 'eadlesses next door, that'l do fer a start. If ye're lookin' for a short cut downstairs, ye can jump a few platforms, 'n'op down the rabbit'ole.
135: The rabbit hole?
136: Thank thee.
137: Thou shalt see! Just watch for the big duck pond, 'n keep to your left!
138: Thank thee -- I see thou art very familiar with the area.
139: I can find things on my own, thank thee.
140: I know m'way 'round'ere, I does! 'N soon's I get back out, I'll make me a nice piece o'change from this pocketwatch! Stole it right from the Avatar's quarters, I did, 'n'none the wiser! By th'way, what didst thou say thy name was?
141: I s'pose I could -- got a fine selection o'lockpicks'n'such right'ere!
142: 'Ere f'r a bit o' sightseein', are ye? Well, Fissif'l 'elp yew out a bit! Stay away from the 'eadlesses next door, that'l do fer a start. If ye're lookin' for a short cut downstairs, ye can jump a few platforms, 'n'op down the rabbit'ole.
143: The rabbit hole?
144: Thank thee.
145: Thou shalt see! Just watch for the big duck pond, 'n keep to your left!
146: Thank thee -- I see thou art very familiar with the area.
147: I can find my way there, thanks.
148: I know m'way 'round'ere, I does!
149: He turns to leave.
150: Righto, then! I know when I ain't needed!
151: He turns to leave.

block: 0e81; 20 strings.
1: sir
2: ma'am
3: What . . . stay where thou art, @GS8! What is it that has happened?
4: Stay thy hand - I merely accomplished the ends of Justice.
5: Patterson has murdered Nelson, and Tory as well.
6: Forgive my tone, @SS1. 'Twas . . . a shock, to see this.
7: Then this was merely . . . justice.
8: He gives a shaky salute.
9: I shall inform Lord British of what has happened.
10: Good morning, @SS1.
11: Good afternoon, @SS1.
12: Good evening, @SS1.
13: How goes the watch?
14: How art thou?
15: And the same to thee.
16: A bit of trouble with these invading soldiers, @SS1.
17: All quiet, @SS1.
18: Fine, @SS1.
19: He continues on his rounds.

block: 0e82; 252 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: man
7: woman
8: If thou wilt wait a moment, Avatar, I think Lord British is about to commence his speech.
9: Avatar, we have very little time! Art thou ready to begin?
10: Aye, Nystul. It is time.
11: As Nystul begins reading from the Book of Mors Gotha, you raise the Horn of Praecor Loth to your lips. You feel the daemon's strength surge within you and a mighty, ringing blast issues from the horn, and echoes through the chamber, shaking Castle British to its very foundations.\m
12: We cannot begin the ceremony with Mors Gotha rampaging loose in the castle! She must be stopped, Avatar!
13: Avatar, where is the horn of Praecor Loth? We must have it if we can hope to destroy the gem now!
14: Avatar, what's going on? I was in the kitchen just now, and Charles absolutely refused to bring me bread from the storeroom! I simply can't work unless I have enough food.
15: I will speak to Lord British about it.
16: Thou wilt have to endure hardships with the rest of us, Nystul.
17: But Avatar, I am not a young @SS7 like thee, I cannot survive so easily without sustenance.
18: I beg thee, settle the matter quickly.
19: Please, Avatar, I am so weak now. Speak to the servants, settle the matter peaceably!
20: Hast thou brought Mors Gotha's book with thee?
21: Aye, here it is.
22: Nay.
23: Please, fetch it for me... I must see it!
24: Hast thou found the time and place?
25: Yes.
26: No.
27: You must keep looking, then -- someone must know!
28: Dost thou know the time?
29: Yes.
30: No.
31: Then you must keep looking, then -- someone must know!
32: Ah, @GS8, 'tis quite a mess we are in. Come, what may I do for thee?
33: Avatar, I am glad thou hast come to see me!
34: What brings thee to see me, Avatar?
35: What wouldst thou say to me?
36: What hast thou been thinking, lately?
37: What hast thou been doing since last we worked together?
38: Hast thou time to teach me more of the mystic arts?
39: Please, repeat to me some of thy past speculations.
40: Excuse me, I must go now.
41: I have a gem for thee to treat.
42: I see there is no use talking to thee anymore right now.
43: If there is nothing more, @GS8, I must return to my work.
44: I shall speak to thee later, then.
45: Wait, @GS25, there is more we must speak of.
46: What wouldst thou like to talk about, then?
47: We must hurry and accomplish the ritual before it is too late!
48: Thy airy prisoner is trapped, much as we are, but when he emerges, it shall be with the force of a hurricane!
49: The book thou didst bring me shall prove essential to our escape -- with it, I shall be able to weaken the spell holding the gem in place.
50: The Horn of Praecor Loth may help us shatter the gem, though I can scarcely believe 'tis real and not a legend.
51: Now that thou hast retrieved all eight of the Key Gems, the spell maintaining the black jewel has nearly broken.
52: The Guardian's spell-casting lacks subtlety. His huge expenditures of power may cause aftershocks, "echoes" of the spell's original intent.
53: The tunnels below the castle are countless centuries old -- the mysteries they contain may be useful to us.
54: 'Tis evident that the violence of the Guardian's spell hath breached the dimensional walls.
55: That tiny gem must have something to do with the symmetry common to the Guardian's magic. Thou shouldst look at the relevant passages in "A Safe Passage Through Britannia."
56: It is has become apparent that the gem is linking us to other worlds places in the multiverse where the Guardian has flexed his sorcerous muscles.
57: I can think of nothing else thou wouldst be interested in.
58: Since last we met, I have been hard at work restoring the study of magic in Britannia to its former level. Some of my research is documented in "A Safe Passage Through Britannia" -- thou shouldst take a look, as it touches on some of thine own experiences in the Stygian Abyss.
59: @GS8, I see thou art joining us in this unexpectedly protracted reunion! Listen, I wish to discuss with thee my thoughts on our situation.
60: Ah, Avatar, I have been meaning to speak with thee.
61: Avatar, this is the most extraordinary thing I have ever heard of!
62: Avatar, I am interested to hear of thy latest findings.
63: I have had a new idea concerning thy interplanar vagrancy.
64: Avatar, the time of the ritual is almost at hand!
65: Nystul sees you, and begins to split his sides with laughter.
66: HA HA HA, thou hast made a djinn-bottle of thyself, Avatar!
67: So, 'tis true -- thou hast obtained the Horn of Praecor Loth, a thing out of legend!
68: You've done it, Avatar!  We're almost there!
69: Of course -- I always have time to teach thee.
70: I would like to increase my mana store.
71: I'd like to work on my casting skill.
72: No, never mind. I have no need of training right now.
73: Certainly.
74: With Nystul's aid, you increase the amount of mystic energy your body can retain.
75: Your work with Nystul proves unproductive.
76: I'm afraid that for the moment this is all you will be able to hold.
77: Ah yes, the subtlety in working runic magic lies in the hand motions. Let me instruct thee...
78: Under Nystul's masterful eye, your skill in spellcasting quickly increases.
79: Despite Nystul's best efforts, you are unable to improve.
80: Hmmm. Thou shouldst perhaps take a break, try thy hand at exploring for awhile, and then perhaps we will try again.
81: Wouldst thou like to learn more?
82: Yes, please teach me more!
83: No, thank thee.
84: 'Tis a staggeringly huge spell -- I had not thought even the Guardian could create such an enormous amount of blackrock -- but 'tis also a very crude casting, no subtlety about it. If I had the book it was cast from, I'd swear I could reverse it!
85: What dost thou mean, a crude spell?
86: What is blackrock?
87: I am sorry thy sense of aesthetics has been offended, Nystul.
88: He sighs.
89: 'Tis the curse of true mastery, I suppose, to be sensitive to such things.
90: 'Tis as if the caster had so much power he thought there was no need to work skillfully. As it is, the ether has been violently disrupted, and I should not be surprised if there were aftershocks and side effects in our own and other realities.
91: What kind of "aftershocks?"
92: Other realities? What dost thou mean?
93: Probably. But I must be going.
94: 'Tis hard to predict -- possibly some sort of "echo" effect, wherein the spell effect might replicate itself on a smaller scale, like an echo repeating and dying away. 'Tis common in his castings. I shouldn't wonder if we see some smaller replica of the gem, just as we saw in his assault a year ago.
95: And you think this effect might extend to worlds beyond our own?
96: Just what is blackrock, anyway?
97: You sorcerers are given to fanciful talk -- I shall believe it if I see it.
98: The same ether surrounds and permeates all the realities. An etherstorm this size might have far-reaching effects. Such things are hard to estimate.
99: What kind of "effects" would these be?
100: Just what is blackrock, anyway?
101: I have heard all I need, for now.
102: I know not, save that it blocks the flow of the ether, and thus we can cast only the simplest spells within the castle.
103: This is grim news, indeed.
104: Earlier thou didst mention some sort of "aftershocks" from the Guardian's spell...?
105: Well, I am curious: how goes thy exploration of the castle?
106: I am still making a study of the ground floor.
107: I have begun exploring the depths below the castle.
108: It is important that you become thoroughly acquainted with it. However, do not omit to survey the area beneath it -- some of the caves and tunnels were built centuries ago. Perhaps the depths hold mysteries worth investigating.
109: I shall take thy advice.
110: I am not certain -- there is much to be seen in the aboveground castle.
111: That is true; but I beg thee, Avatar, do not forget what I have told thee.
112: That is wise of thee -- some of the tunnels 'neath Lord British's castle are thousands of years old. Who knows what might be found there?
113: She was so beautiful! Why did this have to happen to her?
114: Some say her empathic powers made her a traitor's target.
115: When we find the traitor, we shall ask him... or her!
116: I'm an old man, @GS8! It should have been me.
117: Aye, when we catch the traitor...
118: You catch a glimpse of something you have never seen before in Nystul's eyes -- a bloodthirsty hatred.
119: Nelson, my colleague, the gentle one. He would never even have thought to suspect Patterson! Never again shall I be able to trust our people...
120: Well... it is most extraordinary, is it not? Miranda tells me thou hast travelled to a place outside of Britannia -- that the violence of the Guardian's interdimensional magic has cracked the very walls between the worlds!
121: How can this be?
122: But why did I arrive in that plane in particular?
123: As yet, I know not, but 'tis possible the effect will worsen, extending to two or even three more planes of existence.
124: I know not. 'tis possible a certain symmetry exists among the planes.  Was the plane you visited connected to the Guardian in some way?
125: Yes.
126: No.
127: Hmmm... 'tis as I thought. I must ponder this matter further. I wish I had that spellbook!
128: Hmmm... 'tis a mystery. I wish I had that spellbook!
129: I have been thinking about that black jewel thou didst bring back from the prison tower. 'Tis clear that these gems form a part of the Guardian's magic -- the spell is more intricate than I had first thought. Thou shouldst collect more of these, if you find them.
130: I shall go and do that.
131: Why should they be so important?
132: The Guardian's spell has generated a certain symmetry -- an enormous faceted jewel surrounds the castle, a smaller one appears in the basement's center, then you find a tiny one in the Tower. Perhaps a disruption of this symmetry would weaken the spell.
133: I thank thee for the advice, but... this all seems a bit abstract.
134: Why should symmetry be a part of the Guardian's magic?
135: I have had enough of thy longwinded magician's talk. In future, I shall put my trust in cold steel.
136: Remember, @GS8, this is magic of the deepest kind, not just a bit of swordplay. Here such principles as beauty and resonance command great power.
137: Why should symmetry apply to the towers and arches of Castle British? There is strength in balanced and precise construction -- if we shift the building blocks of the spell, we might be able to bring it tumbling down!
138: Just think -- on each of the planes thou hast traveled on, the Guardian hath in the past accomplished some prodigious work of sorcery! Coincidence, my dear Avatar? I think not!
139: Well, what of it?
140: I am not sure whether this is true, but go on.
141: There must be some connection between the dimensions where the Guardian has unleashed his most powerful sorcery! That is why we have become connected to them. If I had the original spell with which it was cast, perhaps I could reverse this connection, dissipate along those connections the power that maintains the gem!
142: Seriously, Avatar, 'twill someday prove useful to us -- when thou dost choose to release thy captive, 'twill issue from thy lips with great force.
143: Avatar, I heard thou didst bring home an arcane book from abroad -- may I look at it?
144: Of course.
145: No, I do not have it.
146: Please bring it to me immediately. It may be extremely important to our survival.
147: Thank thee, Avatar. This may prove most important.
148: Where is it? Dost thou have it with thee?
149: Aye, here it is!
150: Nay, I must fetch it.
151: Please hurry -- It is most vital!
152: With the text of this spell in my hands, I shall be able to unravel the Guardian's spell like a clever knot!
153: Thou hast the Horn of Praecor Loth with thee -- make sure thou dost keep it  safe, for we shall need it soon!
154: Make sure thou dost retrieve Praecor Loth's horn, and keep it in a safe place, Avatar -- we shall need it soon!
155: Aha! This is the very thing we need! With this in my hands, I shall unravel the Guardian's spell as if it were a clever knot! Thou hast done well, Avatar. I shall require a little solitude now, to study this tome.
156: With the elemental within thee, thou now hast the means to blow the Horn of Praecor Loth! If we can but weaken the spell holding the gem in place, perhaps even blackrock shall fall before its might.
157: 'Tis said that with this weapon Praecor Loth did lord it over a hundred battlefields, but that none but he could wield the weapon. If we are to enlist its force to shatter the gem, we must find some way to blow it.
158: What I mean, thou hast found all the gems! Feel how the gem quivers at the touch, and hums strange harmonies! The spell that supports it is bent and twisted, its geometry warped from its shape. With its lines of magical support severed, all we need do is strike the shattering blow.
159: We need know only two more things -- what was the place and time of the original casting, when the Guardian's agent performed the ceremony to bring the dark jewel down on us?
160: Where did it happen?
161: I know not.
162: Other...
163: \1@SS1\0
164: throne
165: Yes, the throne room. My calculations agree with thee there.
166: Nay, my calculations say this is impossible.
167: Thou must go and ask those left in the castle -- someone must have seen or heard something!
168: And now, what time of night was it?
169: I know not.
170: Other...
171: \1@SS1\0
172: 4
173: four
174: Four o'clock in the morning, yes, in the throne room as dawn broke. My calculations are complete! Now we may... what's that noise?
175: Nay, my calculations say this is impossible.
176: Thou must go and ask those left in the castle -- someone must have seen or heard something!
177: him
178: her
179: Suddenly you hear running footsteps, and a distant shouting. Julia bursts into the room, her sword bloody, her chest heaving, a gash running down her right shin.
180: A... Avatar... I... soldiers are pouring out of the gem, an army of them! If thou hast any hope of saving...
181: She breaks off and now stares into the corridor, shocked.
182: Julia, what is it?
183: Where are they coming from? What soldiers?
184: A voice from the corridor outside replies.
185: You hear a familiar voice from the corridor.
186: MY soldiers.
187: A figure who could only be Mors Gotha herself steps through the doorway.
188: Mors Gotha steps into the doorway.
189: Led me right to @SS1, Julia.
190: From behind you, Nystul calls out, "Julia, you must get me to the throne room!" Mors Gotha chuckles as she watches them leave. Then she turns to look you in the eye.
191: Let's go.
192: So, the small gem thou didst find merged with the larger! This bodes well for us!
193: How so?
194: Why did the gems merge?
195: The Guardian is a careless spellcaster! The tiny gem in the other world is an echo in the ether, just like the Gateway Gem, an echo of the first, enormous sphere he placed on our world.
196: How can this help us?
197: I don't understand.
198: 'Tis a subtle point, I grant thee!
199: As these echoes come together, they begin to build into a shout, which may bring this gem tumbling right down around our ears!
200: Hast thou had any ideas yet, Avatar? I do sense strongly the presence of the Guardian's magic!
201: Of course! I found this...
202: Nay, I know not what it might be.
203: Well, Avatar! I sense thou dost carry some element of Guardian's spellcraft with thee! What is it thou hast found?
204: I know not what thou dost mean.
205: Perhaps this is what you mean.
206: May I examine it?
207: Nystul holds out a gnarled hand.
208: Certainly.
209: I am not sure what thou'rt looking for.
210: It should bear some relation to other aspects of the Guardian's spell -- I cannot tell thee more. Dost thou have some thing like that?
211: I think so. What about this?
212: Nay, I can think of nothing.
213: Avatar, that's disgusting!
214: There is nothing of the Guardian's here! Hast thou anything else to show me?
215: I can only examine one at a time, Avatar! Please choose one.
216: No, that is not the item I am seeking. Perhaps thou hast another that might be the one?
217: Hmmm... thou dost definitely have some important artifact on thy person, but this is not it. Perhaps thou shouldst take a close look at the contents of thy pockets, and then speak with me again.
218: But Avatar, I have already treated this gem!
219: Aha! Thou hast it!
220: Nystul examines the jewel closely. He holds it in his left hand, closes his eyes, and mutters several strange words.
221: He hands the gem back to you, now slightly warm to the touch.
222: Thou shouldst bring this down to the larger gem in the sewers, and experiment. There might be some... interesting effects.
223: I shall.
224: What kind of effects?
225: The Guardian's spell placed this jewel on a plane under his sorcerous dominion -- returning it to its source in Britannia may help upset his spell -- throw the balance of his designs into disorder.
226: Go, then, and try it.
227: Do so -- it may put a tangle in the Guardian's carefully spun web!
228: May I examine it?
229: Nystul holds out a gnarled hand.
230: Certainly.
231: I'm afraid I do not have it with me.
232: Avatar, that's disgusting!
233: There is nothing of the Guardian's here! Hast thou anything else to show me?
234: I can only examine one item at a time, Avatar! Please choose one.
235: No, that is not the item I am seeking. Perhaps thou hast another that might be the one?
236: I must see the jewel to treat it, Avatar.
237: But Avatar, I have already treated this gem!
238: Nystul performs a gesture and incantation.
239: He hands the gem, now heated by his magic, back to you.
240: There! 'Tis the last one!
241: Try this now, then!
242: Hast thou any others thou wouldst have me treat?
243: Aye.
244: Nay.
245: Avatar, I have been thinking -- in thy travels, thou hast encountered a number of servants of the Guardian, is that not so?
246: Indeed.
247: Aye, and what of it?
248: Perhaps one of them might have a copy of the spell the Guardian used in Britannia!
249: I shall keep watch for one.
250: What good would that do us?
251: If I can find a copy of that spell and gain some understanding of it, I may be able to reverse the mystic processes that keep the gem's structure stable. If only I knew when it had been cast . . .

block: 0e83; 120 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Excuse me, @GS8, I want to hear what Lord British has to say!
7: What dost thou want of me, Avatar? Quick, start the ceremony, before we are overwhelmed!
8: Now that Lord British has agreed to act on our proposals, we have called off the strike.
9: What is it, Avatar?
10: 'Tis good to see thee, Avatar.
11: Yes? May I help thee?
12: What is it, Charles?
13: What hast occupied thee of late, @GS25?
14: What hast thou been doing for the past year?
15: I must leave thee now.
16: Will there be anything else?
17: No thank thee, Charles.
18: Yes, there is more I must ask of thee.
19: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
20: Whatever it is thou needest, Avatar, thou wilt have to go elsewhere for it.  We members of the 'Domestic Management' are on strike.
21: 'Domestic Management?'
22: On strike? 'Tis outrageous!
23: Aren't you taking this a bit far?
24: That is our new title. Nanna thought of it, and 'tis certainly an improvement over 'servants.' 'Servants' are only a step away from 'slaves,' after all.
25: But that is what thou art! A servant!
26: Methinks that thou art overreacting.
27: I see thy point.
28: The outrage is the way we have always allowed ourselves to be treated. We only ask for respect and equality.
29: The servants have always been respected!
30: That seems only fair.
31: This hardly seems like the best time for such measures!
32: If thou were treated as a second-class citizen, thou might not think so.
33: But why strike now, when cooperation is essential for survival?
34: What is that you want, exactly?
35: This uprising cannot be tolerated!
36: We are not trying to hinder anyone by going on strike, Avatar. We are trying to make a statement. Lord British will soon realize how much he relies on us, and how much he takes us for granted. Surely he will accede to our modest demands.
37: What are thy demands?
38: Lord British will never be blackmailed!
39: This is a perfect time to demonstrate how vital we to are the function of the castle. I am sure that Lord British will not hesitate to grant us the status we deserve.
40: I cannot agree. We must all work together in this crisis.
41: I hope he doth see matters that way.
42: We would like to be called 'Domestic Management,' rather than 'servants,' for one thing. We would like more say in how the affairs of this castle are run -- especially considering that we do so much of the work! In general, we wish to be afforded the status that we deserve.
43: That is ridiculous!
44: That sounds reasonable. I hope that thou doth resolve this soon with Lord British.
45: I find thy attitude insulting.
46: Unless thou wilt address me as 'Domestic Management,' I shall not speak with thee.
47: It seems we have little left to discuss.
48: 'Tis not blackmail, Avatar. 'Tis justice.
49: Thou art of course entitled to thine opinions, @GS8.
50: Charles splutters for a moment, obviously upset.
51: Avatar, given our situation, 'tis, 'tis hard enough already to keep the kitchen running smoothly!
52: What is the matter?
53: Charles, calm thyself and speak slowly!
54: Has something happened in the kitchen?
55: Charles closes his eyes, and appears to relax a bit.
56: It's that buffoon, Patterson!  Just now he upset an entire barrel of flour. The kitchen looks like a snowstorm! Can't we just keep the man out of the place?
57: Patterson is only trying to be helpful.
58: I'm sure that if thou asked nicely, he would stay out from underfoot.
59: We must all try to keep our tempers in this crisis.
60: Charles frowns.
61: The man would be more helpful were he locked in a broom closet!
62: Thou art no doubt correct, Avatar. If I see him in the kitchen again, I shall ask him.
63: Charles sighs.
64: I apologize for mine outburst, @GS8. But 'tis difficult to remain calm with that bumbler making a mess of things. I'm afraid I scolded him for the flour, but perhaps he has learned a lesson.
65: Avatar, we would have a chance of surviving this imprisonment, except for one thing.
66: What is that?
67: Water! There is food here to last for months, but unless we think of something soon, we shall all die of thirst within the week.
68: I hadn't thought of that.
69: Dost not the castle have a well?
70: Hast thou any ideas?
71: Soon it shall be a problem on all of our minds. We should make finding a source of water our highest priority!
72: Aye, it does, but this accursed gem that traps us has also cut off the well! There is no other source of water here that I can think of.
73: Nay, I have not been able to think of anything. If only magic would function properly here, Lord British could create all the water we need! But I understand that is impossible.
74: I have heard that thou hast found a river in another dimension. Avatar, thou hast done it! Thou hast found us a source of water!  Now we shall need someone to carry it to the castle. Hast thou talked with Dupre?
75: Yes.
76: No.
77: Good! Now thou canst turn thy attentions to getting us out of this black prison.
78: He hath been itching for something to do ever since the gem appeared. Methinks he is ideally suited for the job. Thou shouldst ask him if he wishes to accept the responsibility.
79: There have been three cases of food poisoning reported to me this morning! 'Tis most strange, since I fetched the food from the store-room myself. I know it was fresh.
80: Dost thou know the cause?
81: Perhaps thou shouldst check the food more carefully.
82: Dost thou think these cases suspicious?
83: Nay, these poisonings make no sense. Not knowing how long we may be trapped here, I have been extremely careful about preserving our food supply.
84: Do not tell me how to do my job, @GS8! I have taken the utmost care in maintaining our stock of food. I tell thee, the food was fresh when I brought it from the store-room.
85: Canst thou keep a secret, Avatar?
86: Yes.
87: No.
88: Well, @GS8, I think that Feridwyn may be the man behind the food poisonings, and perhaps more. I have no solid evidence... yet... but he makes me very nervous! Keep thine eyes on him.
89: Never mind, then.
90: We shall all mourn the loss of Lady Tory. She was a kindly woman, who often took time to talk with the servants.
91: 'Twas that unusual?
92: Didst thou hear how she died?
93: Hast thou any suspicions?
94: Most of the nobles here do not generally converse with the castle staff. 'Tis not out of malice, methinks, but simply because it doth not occur to them that we are capable of intelligent conversation! Lady Tory treated us the same as she did the Lords and Ladies, even Lord British.
95: Perhaps others have learned from her example.
96: Who would have killed her, do you think?
97: Aye, and from what I hear, 'twas a gruesome stabbing! Apparently the killer was an incompetent, and had to stab her many times before she died. It chills my blood to think upon the deed. Be careful, Avatar. The murderer is still at large.
98: Feridwyn is at the top of my list of suspects, Avatar. He is distant and arrogant, and often rude to me. I'd not have guessed he was the murdering type, but 'twould not surprise me greatly. I am not so certain that he has abandoned all ties with the treacherous Fellowship.
99: Not that I have noticed, I'm afraid. But we continue to look forward to the day when we are treated as equals in the castle.
100: To think, 'twas Patterson all along. I should have known he was the traitor.
101: He was driven to madness by the Guardian, the poor man.
102: Many of us now owe Feridwyn an apology.
103: Didst thou know Nelson well?
104: 'Tis no excuse, if thou doth ask me! The Guardian has been harassing all of us, but only Patterson succumbed.  He was a cowardly dolt, and much evil has come from his cowardice.
105: Thou dost not need to rub it in, Avatar. I made an error in judgement, I confess.  But I still do not trust Feridwyn! We have no assurances that he was not also involved.
106: No, I did not  Nelson always seemed to me an unfriendly man, who had time only for his studies. He never paid much attention to the servants. Don't misunderstand me -- I am shocked and dismayed by his death -- but we were not friends.
107: Look, Avatar, this may be important.
108: Avatar, look what I have found!
109: What is it, Charles?
110: I have no time for thee right now.
111: Have it thine own way, Avatar!
112: 'Tis a key! 'Twas in a locked chest in an old storeroom. It looks very old, perhaps from the days of Minax!
113: Thank thee, Charles, this a great discovery!
114: Whatever it opened is probably just junk now.
115: I hope it helps thee!
116: He looks disappointed.
117: Well, you might as well take it anyway.
118: 'Tis not so important, but did I mention what I found with the key? Some old document about a battle with a sorcerer, whose body was never found. It all crumbled when I tried to pick it up!
119: It hath been a quiet year here at the castle.  Bennie and Boots have retired from the staff, so more of the duties now fall to me. My sister Nell has married that... artist, Caroccio.  I'm not entirely sure I approve, but she is happy with him.

block: 0e84; 125 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: I will speak with thee in a moment, Avatar. First, though, let us hear what Lord British counsels.
7: Quickly, Avatar, let us begin! Our guards cannot hold them for long!
8: Ah, Avatar! 'Tis good to have thee here in this crisis. But I must speak with thee at once, in private!
9: Good day, Avatar! What's on thy mind?
10: Yes, my friend?
11: What is it, @GS25?
12: What is on thy mind, friend @GS25?
13: What hast thou been doing since we trounced the Guardian a year ago?
14: Hast thou time to spar with me?
15: Pardon me, but I must be going.
16: What else have we to speak of?
17: Nothing right now -- I shall see thee later, my friend.
18: There is one thing more.
19: After we thwarted the Guardian last time, I resumed my survey of Britannia's taverns. I was at the Friendly Knave in Moonglow, trying out a new ale they have there, when I received the invitation to Lord British's festival. Of course I sailed for the castle at once -- my survey is hard work, and I thought this would be a fine vacation. @GS8, the Guardian shall owe me for every hour of revelry I am missing!
20: Of course! I could do with the practice, myself! I've been working on the mace and axe, these days.
21: Let us spar with the axe, then.
22: By all means, let us try our hands at the mace.
23: I have no need to work on those, at the moment.
24: Dupre is as accomplished a warrior as ever, and you learn much from him.
25: You spar a while with Dupre, but you seem to have reached a plateau in your axe skills.
26: Perhaps thou art having an off day, Avatar.
27: The mighty Dupre wields the mace with his customary ease -- he shows you a few new tricks.
28: It is not a good day for you with the mace, and you feel unimproved.
29: I seem to have the advantage of thee, today, @GS8.
30: Shall we go another round?
31: Yes, let us continue.
32: No, thank thee.
33: Dupre wasn't kidding about keeping up his swordsmanship! He shows you a few moves you've never even seen before.
34: Dupre's sword-hand moves to fast for you -- you can't pick up much from him.
35: I seem to have the advantage of thee, today, @GS8.
36: man
37: woman
38: Do not linger here, Avatar, but hurry to investigate! If we are to escape here at all, it must be done quickly.
39: Do not tell the others, @GS8, but I have made a horrible discovery!
40: What is it?
41: Is our situation not difficult enough?
42: Thou dost not know the worst.
43: Iolo and I walked down into the sewers, and a bit below -- a plague of monsters has erupted! I do not know where they are coming from, but the matter bears investigation!
44: I shall look into it at once!
45: Truly, I am loath to descend into the sewers.
46: Avatar, shame on thee! The men and women of the castle are depending on thee!
47: Take thou this key to the sewers, if thou shouldst recover the courage I admire thee for!
48: I was merely jesting, Dupre. I shall descend at once.
49: If I must.
50: Thou art a brave @SS1, @GS8. I admire thee, though I do not envy thy responsibilities here. Take thou then this key to the sewers!
51: I shall descend at once.
52: If I must.
53: I hear thou hast found a river!  Dost thou realize what this means? We have a water supply! Now perhaps Miranda will ease the rationing of alcohol.
54: Yes, 'tis good that we shall not now die of thirst!
55: That rationing must have been difficult for thee.
56: I have just now returned from the ice caverns, Avatar. Even after visiting there myself, I can scarcely believe this other world is real!
57: Didst thou think I was lying?
58: 'Tis indeed a marvel!
59: He laughs.
60: Nay, Avatar -- 'twould be folly to doubt THY word.
61: 'Tis indeed a shame, that should we destroy this gem, I shall never again have a chance to voyage between the worlds.
62: Someone, though, will still need to bring the water back from the ice caves, a dangerous task at best. Methinks I will volunteer!
63: Aye, @GS8, it hit me where I live!
64: Dupre chuckles and pats his belly.
65: I can think of no one better for such a vital task.
66: Who else, to provide the castle with drink?
67: Good luck to the both of us then, @GS8.
68: By the Serpent, Avatar! Standing around in this castle is driving me crazy!
69: Thou shouldst see Miranda -- perhaps there is some way thou couldst help out?
70: Thou shouldst try to relax.
71: I have done so, perhaps a dozen times already! I am no good at organizing supplies, or calming the mayor. If only she'd give me permission to venture through the gem, as thou dost . . .
72: Aye, thou'rt right -- 'tis fruitless, and I only upset the others. Oh, for a comfortable pub, and a drink!
73: Now that thou hast found a source of water, we are spared at least one grim fate!
74: Avatar, there has been foul murder here in the castle! 'Tis outrageous! 'Tis calamitous! 'Tis...
75: Yes, I have heard of the tragedy.
76: Surely you jest! Who has died?
77: Murder? Hast the killer been found?
78: Whoever the agent, I hold the Guardian responsible! Some day soon there must be reckoning with that red miscreant.
79: 'Twas the Lady Tory -- she was stabbed in her quarters!
80: Nay, the villain was most careful. 'Twas the Lady Tory who was killed -- I'll wager there's a spy in our midst who feared that Tory's empathy would ferret them out. Such a monstrous deed!
81: Lady Tory's murder will not go unavenged. You have my word on that, @GS8!
82: Two murders now, and a third dead as well. 'Tis a sad thing that such griefs should be visited upon the castle.
83: We should have suspected Patterson.
84: Wert thou good friends with Nelson?
85: At least now there shouldst be no more killings.
86: Who can say, of such things? I thought him merely a coward. And the result is, our debt of vengeance to the Guardian has grown again.
87: Nay, I hardly knew him at all. He seemed to me a likable fellow, but shy.  He spent most of his hours in the library. Always there was a book in his hand, and never a drink.
88: One would hope not. But if the Guardian had one pawn in our midst, can we be certain that there are no more?
89: That bloke Patterson, he certainly is a strange one.
90: Why dost thou say so?
91: I'd agree with that!
92: Does he seem suspicious to you?
93: I offered to share with him the last of my whiskey, just to cheer him up, and he refused! Canst thou imagine?
94: Suspicious? No, I'd not say that. Anxious is more like it. Patterson is a coward, and being trapped in here by the Guardian is just fuelling his cowardice.
95: My task of bringing water from the ice-caves is going extremely well.
96: Have the Yeti proved troublesome in thy efforts?
97: We are all grateful for the service.
98: They were an annoyance at first, but I have since taught them that 'tis safer to let me be! I have saved some of the pelts, if thou dost wish to see them later.
99: I am jealous of thee, @GS8! Thou dost get to explore new dimensions whilst I lug buckets of water back and forth. 'Tis mundane labor for a knight, but necessary. I am happy to do it.
100: I left some lifting equipment hidden in the ice-caves, and now all of it is missing! As if carrying all of that water isn't toil enough...
101: Dost thou know who stole it?
102: Perhaps the Yeti who live there have taken thy things.
103: Nay, I've no idea who the robber is...
104: There are no signs that Yeti were anywhere near the place where I kept the equipment...
105: I fear that the mysterious castle thief has been venturing into the other planes.
106: Look at thee... @GS8, the human bottle! After we have settled with the Guardian, we should fill thee with ale and keep thee locked in the pantry!
107: Ah, Dupre, 'tis good to see that thou hast not changed!
108: This is not the time for jokes, my friend.
109: Take care that the mud stays caked to thee. Should it start to flake, Nell with have thy hide for making a mess of her castle!
110: Ah, Avatar, 'tis the times of trouble when one's sense of humor is most valuable.
111: The Guardian has been harassing me in my sleep. 'Tis most annoying.
112: What does he say to thee?
113: Do not listen to his lies.
114: He hath made a variety of threats on my person, which of course are empty. Once he offered me a brewery of mine own, were I to betray thee and Lord British. Canst thou imagine? Only one brewery!
115: Surely thou wouldst not betray us for all the world's ale!
116: Methinks the Guardian doth not understand true loyalty.
117: 'Twas only a jest, Avatar. Of course not!
118: Ah, there I think thou hast found the Guardian's weakness. He is only served through fear, so his servants are those who lack true courage. Such a ruler can never hope for victory.
119: I will not. He offers me threats and bribes, but behind both I sense his deception. If thou dost ask me, he still smarts from our part in his previous defeat.
120: The sewers grow more and more dangerous with each trip I make. I have just now met with a pair of dread spiders -- and to think I thought them a myth!
121: Art thou all right?
122: Dost thou require an escort?
123: Aye, worry not! The dreads left our encounter shy a few legs, though!
124: Nay, nay, @GS8! I shall bear my own weight, as thou must bear thine!

block: 0e85; 95 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Abide a moment, Avatar. Let us both first hear the words of a wiser man than we.
7: Avatar, we are being forced back into the throne room! Please, if thou hast some magic to try, now is the time!
8: Ah, @GS8, 'tis good thou art here -- perhaps we shall fight back to back again, as in the time when thou sought to become the Avatar.
9: Avatar! I was just thinking of thee.
10: Ah, @GS8, kind of thee to drop in on me.
11: What is it, @GS25?
12: How hast thou been, @GS25?
13: How hast thou fared this past year?
14: I would fain spar with thee.
15: Pardon me, @GS25, I must be going.
16: May I help thee with anything else?
17: No, thank thee, Geoffrey.
18: Yes, there is something.
19: What is it, then?
20: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
21: I have lived here at the castle, serving Lord British as Captain of the Guard.  This past year has been a quiet one, so I have had very few vital tasks to perform. I confess that, in my spare time, I have become something of a philosopher. Exercising the mind, I have found, is every bit as tiring as exercising the body!
22: In a way, 'tis a relief to be in action again. To confront danger in the realm's defense, 'tis a strange sort of exhilaration, and I have not felt it for a long time.
23: I have heard that thou hast ventured into another world! Your discovery makes this blackrock prison seems less menacing.
24: Why is that?
25: I think so also.
26: I find it makes our situation darker.
27: Few things have a more profoundly negative effect on the spirit than hopeless confinement. Your discovery of this gem makes our plight seem not so hopeless.
28: Ah, but now we know our imprisonment is not complete.
29: A dagger is missing from the armoury, @GS8. Didst thou borrow it?
30: Nay, I did not.
31: Has someone stolen a dagger?
32: No. I wouldst have asked thee first, of course!
33: Well, someone has taken it. I have asked nearly everyone, and no one knows anything about it. 'Tis most strange.
34: 'Twould appear so. I had left it out on a bench to be sharpened -- 'twas a dull blade -- and returned with a whetstone to find it missing. I find the thought of a thief running about the castle to be most disturbing.
35: I know, Avatar. But I have asked everyone in the castle, and none can account for it.
36: Keep thine eyes open, Geoffrey.
37: Perhaps thou shouldst make an inventory of castle arms.
38: If I find out anything, I shall let thee know.
39: I shall do so, @GS8.
40: I appreciate thine aid, @GS8.
41: That Syria is certainly, well . . . she is a most extraordinary woman.
42: Has she been to see thee?
43: Why dost thou think so?
44: I cannot but agree.
45: She came to me seeking a training partner, but I am afraid I could be of little use to her.
46: Why not?
47: Indeed, she is an arrogant one.
48: Nay, thou'rt right, but 'twas not the reason!
49: There was simply nothing I could teach her! My fighting methods are fine for beating down a goblin's club, or hewing through some brigand's ring mail, but they cannot compare with her! In seconds, she had taken the blade from my hand, and dropped me flat on my back!
50: Next to her, I looked to be a rank beginner! I am handy with a sword, compared to any goblin or brigand in the land, but Syria . . . she is a master of the blade.
51: With the water thou hast found, we could withstand a siege for quite some time.
52: Dost thou think that is likely?
53: I hope it does not come to that!
54: Clearly the Guardian has trapped us here to keep our leadership from the rest of Britannia. If the war outside goes badly, we should expect the Guardian's armies to lay siege to this castle. The few of us here would not survive. We must find a way out of here before then!
55: I have heard the news about Lady Tory. We must all be doubly wary, Avatar, now that we know there is an enemy among us.
56: Aye, we should trust no one!
57: Dost thou suspect anyone, Geoffrey?
58: Thou shouldst keep a close watch on the armoury.
59: I didst not say that, @GS8.  We must exercise caution, but avoid falling prey to paranoia. 'Tis my philosophy that if we lose our heads, the rest of us will surely follow.
60: Nay, I do not. With no evidence, 'twould be dangerous and foolhardy to make accusations.
61: I think that the murder was done by whoever stole the blunted dagger from the armoury earlier. I have heard that the wounds on Lady Tory were inflicted with a dull-edged blade.
62: The murder was committed with a dagger stolen fron the armoury. Thou wouldst be wise to guard thine own possessions!
63: Thine efforts in collecting these gems are having a definite effect, @GS8.
64: Soon we shall be free of this accursed blackrock!
65: How canst thou tell?
66: I hope my progress is lifting morale here in the castle.
67: Surely it is!
68: We can hear the great gem weaken, creaking like the timbers of a ship in a storm.
69: I have heard that thou hast passed an examination on an alien world. Is this true?
70: Yes, 'tis so.
71: Aye, and 'twas a difficult test!
72: No, I have not.
73: Methinks that there is a parallel here... in my philosophy, smaller events are often symbols of larger ones. Perhaps, as thou hast passed this test, so thou art passing a greater test of courage whereby thou wilt defeat the Guardian!
74: Thy insight is most appreciated.
75: That is a stretch, my friend.
76: I thank thee, Avatar. My thoughts are always at thy disposal.
77: Perhaps 'tis true. I do have a tendency to apply my philosophies to everything.
78: Oh. I guess the rumor was false.
79: 'Tis always an honor to train the Avatar, @GS8. What wouldst thou care to learn?
80: Excellent! What shall we work on now?
81: Will thou teach me to fight more agressively?
82: Couldst thou teach me to better protect myself from foes?
83: Nothing today, thank thee.
84: Pay close attention, Avatar.
85: Geoffrey is an excellent teacher, reacquainting you with old techniques and helping you develop new ones as well.
86: Geoffrey's advanced lessons do not seem to be helping you.
87: Thou dost need to practice what thou hast already learned, Avatar.
88: Come, let us spar.
89: Geoffrey teaches you how to better defend yourself against a variety of weapons.
90: Geoffrey's advanced lessons do not seem to be helping you.
91: Thou dost need to practice what thou hast already learned, Avatar.
92: Shall we go another round?
93: Yes, let us continue.
94: No, thank thee.

block: 0e86; 109 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Just a moment, Avatar. 'Twere best we let Lord British speak first.
7: Now is the time, @GS8!
8: I am glad to see my old companion again, now that we are in this fix.
9: 'Tis good to speak with thee again.
10: Yes, my friend?
11: What is it, @GS25?
12: What news, @GS25?
13: What of thy year since we smashed the Black Gate?
14: Iolo, wouldst thou train me?
15: If you'll excuse me, Iolo, I must return to my work.
16: Now, is there aught else thou wouldst speak to me about?
17: Nay. Goodbye for now.
18: Yes, my friend.
19: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
20: 'Twas most relaxing, @GS8. I spent much of my time at Iolo's South -- business is booming! If I did not miss Gwenno so much, it would have been most enjoyable.
21: Hast thou any news of Gwenno?
22: Well, at least thou hast a great deal of money.
23: None at all, I'm afraid, since she left on her voyage of exploration. Why did she not ask me to go along? 'Tis most disheartening.
24: He sighs.
25: My friend, I find such things are little consolation.
26: Of course! 'Tis always a pleasure to work with thee, my friend. I can teach thee missile weapons. I have also noticed that I am a much better swimmer than thee. Or perhaps thou wouldst like some skill in appraising craftsmanship?
27: I would fain improve my marksmanship.
28: Aye, thou art right. Teach me to swim.
29: I would like to learn to judge an item's quality.
30: I shall return when I have the time.
31: Iolo is indeed a master of missile combat -- you learn much from him.
32: Somehow, you are unable to hit the mark.
33: Thy concentration seems a bit off today, @GS8.
34: With a minimum of patronizing, Iolo gives you some tips on swimming.
35: Iolo attempts to demonstrate some new strokes, but succeeds only in looking silly.
36: Iolo gives you a few lessons on how to spot good workmanship.
37: Iolo explains some of the fine points of wood and metal-working, but it doesn't sink in.
38: Wouldst thou like to continue, or stop for the moment?
39: By all means, let us continue.
40: Let us call it a day.
41: There is little to say, my friend. 'Tis a fine mess we are in this time, is it not?
42: Thou art right, Iolo, I see little hope for us.
43: Doubtless we shall pull through, friend. When have we failed before?
44: Iolo lowers his voice.
45: Thou shouldst not be so gloomy, @GS8. 'Tis true the situation is grim, but remember! The others look to thee to keep their spirits up.
46: He raises his voice again, so that others can hear him.
47: 'Tis true, my friend! We may be thankful for this prison, inasmuch as we are safe on the inside, while the rest are trapped outside with Chuckles the Jester!
48: He drops his voice to a whisper again.
49: But really, Avatar, the situation is darker than most here suspect.
50: What meanest thou?
51: Don't tell me! I don't want to hear it!
52: Courage, Avatar!
53: Dupre and I took a look down in the sewers when the gem first came up -- 'tis crawling with monstrous vermin! The sewers were never safe, but now they are horrific! I believe he has the key, shouldst thou care to take a look for thyself.
54: Hast thou seen the monsters in the sewer yet?
55: Aye.
56: Nay.
57: I'd swear they are getting worse! We can only hope that someone does not discover them and start a panic!
58: I hear thou didst journey from the basement to another world. Dost thou think, perhaps, that that world might have its own Virtues, its own Avatar?
59: 'Tis possible, Iolo -- I did not think to ask.
60: Bishop was its defender, but he seemed more concerned with victory than Virtue.
61: Hmmm... methinks we ought not lose sight of either in our struggle.
62: More worlds! Avatar, thou art a very cosmopolitan of the cosmos! If this keeps up, thou shalt soon leave Britannia and thy native Earth behind, in favor of some more felicitous reality!
63: I would not abandon my new home so quickly!
64: I would be a fool to do so, as the Guardian would surely pursue me where'er I went.
65: The Guardian's influence has touched all the worlds within our reach, Iolo. There is no place we can run.
66: Thou'rt right, my friend, though there are some fools within the castle who say we might do best to run for it. I shall quiet them with this advice.
67: Rightly spoken! This shall silence those in the castle who doubt thee!
68: Avatar, I know not what to say... Nelson was such a gentle man. I am glad, though, that thou wert not gentle in avenging him.
69: I am sorry about Patterson, but 'twas the only way.
70: Indeed -- Patterson died like the traitor he was!
71: I regret my actions -- Patterson was not evil, only frightened for his life.
72: I agree -- there is a time for compassion and humility, but here thou didst rightly choose Honor and Justice.
73: So saith Honor and Justice, perhaps. But though Virtue often leads one into battle, an Avatar must never lose sight of Compassion and Humility.
74: Perhaps thou'rt right, Avatar, but I believe thou didst right in upholding the Virtues of Valor, Honor, and Justice.
75: Avatar! I have had the strangest dream!
76: Tell me of it.
77: I have not time for thy nocturnal fantasies, Iolo.
78: No, really...
79: The Guardian spoke to me of my wife Gwenno -- he showed me a picture of her in a frozen wasteland -- he said she was in danger, and that he could help her, if I cooperated against you.
80: And what did you reply?
81: Did you learn anything?
82: Nay, only what I have told thee.
83: What was thy reply?
84: No doubt 'twas one of the Guardian's lies.
85: @GS8, thou dost insult me! I would never betray thee, not even for Gwenno's sake, for I know she would rather die than see me dishonored!
86: We can only hope, Avatar...
87: 'Twas a narrow escape for Mayor Patterson, this morning!
88: What happened?
89: Did Julia finally behead him for his incompetence?
90: I was searching for an underground storeroom, when I heard his cries. He had been set upon by an enormous spider, which for some ungodly reason had crawled up from the depths. What on earth had the fellow been doing down there, I wonder?
91: I cannot believe it -- Tory, struck down in the very midst of the castle! I can't believe one of us would do such a thing.
92: Frightened people are easy to manipulate, Iolo. One of us could have turned traitor.
93: What else could it be?
94: 'Tis impossible! How could they walk among us as a friend, after doing such a deed. No, 'twas something crept up from the caverns, I am sure of it!
95: One of these creatures from your other worlds, Avatar! Surely the Guardian has many allies on those planes.
96: Thou'rt right -- he has many agents on the other worlds.
97: I still suspect one of us. Be on thy guard.
98: I shall, but I still cannot believe it's one of our own.
99: Thou art rarely in the castle these days, Avatar. Thy affairs in other worlds are keeping thee very busy!
100: Indeed! What news of the castle?
101: I rely on thee to keep an eye on things while I am gone, Iolo.
102: There is little to say. None of us have slept easy since Tory's death, and the monsters are growing worse.
103: I am working as fast as I can. Meanwhile, you must keep up morale in the castle.
104: Thou dost remind me of the urgency of the situation! I must be off.
105: Godspeed, Avatar!
106: I will do whatever is in my power, @GS8. Still, between me and thee, Avatar, I worry -- what dangers may lie beyond the holes in that gem? What if the gem opened onto an ocean floor, or a world full of poisonous gases?
107: Remember thine own counsel, Iolo, and do not mention such ideas to the others.
108: If such a thing happens, than we shall face it. If not, 'tis best to worry about the dangers we do know.

block: 0e87; 88 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Shhh! I want to hear what Lord British has to say!
7: Patterson was the one, but I still think that Feridwyn is a suspicious. What does he do all day, by himself in that room...?
8: Do it, Avatar, come on!
9: I had heard thou wert about, old friend.
10: Avatar, I've been looking all over for thee!
11: What can I do for thee, @GS8?
12: Please, explain exactly what thou dost mean.
13: What is on thy mind, Julia?
14: Tell me of thy year in Britannia.
15: I have need of thy prowess as an artisan.
16: I would speak to thee of thy experiences here in the castle.
17: Excuse me, Julia, I must go.
18: If there is nothing more, @GS8, I must go now.
19: I shall speak to thee later, then.
20: Wait, @GS25, there is more we must speak of.
21: What wouldst thou like to talk about, then?
22: Well, there was the time I got so angry with Mayor Patterson, when he broke those arrows I gave him to fix.
23: I still think Feridwyn is a killer. I wouldn't go near the man, if I were you. And why else would he spend all his time by himself?
24: I can't remember anything else important.
25: After travelling across Britannia and back with thee, well, I just couldn't go back to that "rustic village tinker" act I'd been doing the past few years. So since then I've been walking through Northern Britannia, watching the Reconstruction happen.
26: Sometimes I wish Patterson weren't quite so eager to help out!
27: This will not stand, I swear it!
28: I'm trying to teach him to repair weapons, but it's just useless! This morning (if you can call it morning in this godforsaken darkness) he ruined a whole batch of arrows!
29: Patience, Julia. He is trying.
30: Perhaps he should try his skills elsewhere.
31: 'Tis a mystery to me that he was elected Mayor of Britain, even with all the Guardian's sorcery on his side!
32: Perhaps he should go swimming with the lurkers!
33: Avatar, if you don't find out who the traitor is, I will! I swear to you, it's that cold bastard Feridwyn. If he gives me one excuse, I'll cut his throat!
34: I shall speak with him right away.
35: Should we not wait before throwing around such accusations?
36: Yes, see that thou dost!
37: She sighs.
38: Sometimes, Avatar, thy good nature becomes tiresome!
39: Between me and thee, I am glad thou art here, @GS8. We've worked together, fought side by side -- I know I can count on thee!
40: Surely thou wouldst not question the others' loyalty, @GS25!
41: 'Tis good to work with thee again, too, Julia.
42: Nay, but there are some here, like Iolo and Dupre, who I can rely upon. People like Feridwyn, Syria, I know not of!
43: We must be careful of the others. Feridwyn, for instance, and Syria -- who are they? They happened to come to the festival, but how can we know they are reliable?
44: I agree, Julia. The Companions must stick together.
45: Of course they are reliable! Are you suggesting one of them might side with the Guardian?
46: I know they are our friends, but who can tell what people will do when threatened with death?
47: @GS8, I heard thou hast journeyed to another world! How I wish I could go with thee, but Miranda says 'tis best we remain in the castle for now.
48: She's right -- unless we remain together and organized, we have little hope of survival.
49: Perhaps thou shouldst be allowed to explore a bit.
50: Perhaps I shall! I do long for my old adventuring days, as when we faced the Stygian Abyss together.
51: She laughs.
52: 'Twas most discourteous of thee to return without me!
53: She sighs.
54: I suppose thou'rt right.
55: Avatar, thou dost not know what it is like to spend thy nights here. This castle is becoming like some haunted tomb!
56: Cheer up, Julia. There may yet be aid waiting for us on other planes.
57: Hast thou found any clues to real danger?
58: I will try to share thine optimism, @GS8.
59: Some nights, lying awake I can hear footsteps walking through the secret passage. Somebody in here can't sleep, and it's no wonder.
60: Thank the Serpent thou didst find the ice caves. Dupre says we'll have all the water we need, soon.
61: Sorry, @GS8...it's just I'm so distracted.
62: What's the matter, Julia?
63: Thou shouldst keep thy mind on our safety!
64: The Guardian won't even leave my thoughts alone! He keeps nagging at me! We're never giving up, do you hear me Guardian? @GS8's getting us out of here!
65: A booming laugh resounds throughout the chamber.
66: Just you wait!
67: That's easy for you to say! You don't have to sit here in the castle, polishing armor, waiting for god-knows-what to come boiling up out of the sewers! At least you get to do something!
68: I was just thinking about Patterson. For a while, I actually felt sorry for the man. I mean, he seemed so unhinged, near the end... I don't envy your job, not at all.
69: I think the spell really is weakening -- at night I hear the gem creak and groan, as if it were being strained somehow.
70: To be certain, Avatar! What shall I instruct thee in today?
71: I should like to learn about disarming traps.
72: Teach me to pick locks!
73: I wish to learn about mending items.
74: Nothing, thanks -- I need no training.
75: Julia explains some basic principles of trap and trigger systems.
76: Julia tries to explain how traps work, but the knowledge doesn't penetrate.
77: Let us try again later, when thou hast worked on a few real traps.
78: Art thou not straying a little way from the straight and narrow, Avatar? But no matter, I shall teach thee what I know.
79: She briefly tutors thee on lockpicking.
80: Julia's complex explanations are lost on you.
81: Thou shouldst try opening a few real locks, and then let us talk again.
82: Julia teaches you a bit more about craftsmanship.
83: She tries to explain about how weapons are repaired, but you cannot quite follow.
84: We will try again later, when thou hast more experience in these matters.
85: Wouldst like to learn more?
86: Yes, please teach me more!
87: No, thank thee.

block: 0e88; 118 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: sir
7: ma'am
8: I will speak with thee in a moment, Avatar. Let us both first consult with Lord British.
9: All is in readiness, Avatar. Give the word, and Nystul will begin the incantation.
10: Killorn Keep
11: the Guardian's keep
12: Avatar, is it true thou didst say that in @SS11 they live peacefully under the Guardian?
13: Aye, and 'tis true!
14: Nay, I never said that.
15: Well, I would ask thee not to praise the Guardian so generously, in the future. 'Tis hard enough as it is keep our people from being tempted by the Guardian's offer.
16: I don't know where such rumors start, then! I am worried about our morale.
17: Hello, Avatar.
18: Avatar! Good, I have been expecting thee.
19: Good to see thee again, @GS8.
20: You recount for Miranda your latest experiences, and she records them carefully, to distribute to other members of the castle.
21: She seems surprised to see you again so soon.
22: And what of the horn of Praecor Loth? Dost thou have it?
23: Aye.
24: That is good. I'm sure it is very important.
25: Nay.
26: Perhaps thou shouldst find it.  I'm sure it is very important.
27: What is the situation in the castle?
28: What is the current situation in the castle?
29: What hast thou been doing since I last visited Britain?
30: Miranda, canst thou tell me where the Guardian's lines of power have been cut?
31: Excuse me, Miranda, I must go.
32: Is there aught else thou wishest to know?
33: Not right now, thank thee.
34: Yes, there is.
35: What wouldst thou like to know?
36: If thou hast not made a point of visiting Charles, please do so. He seemed most pleased about something!
37: And do not forget -- Nystul wishes thee to be watchful for something which might tell us more about the casting of this spell on our castle.
38: Farewell, then. Do be careful!
39: Be sure and let me know if thou dost learn anything new.
40: Good luck to thee!
41: Do not neglect to keep me informed, Avatar -- the others depend on me for news!
42: Remember to visit me often, @GS8 -- I may have news!
43: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
44: Well, Lord British put me in charge of Britannia's environmental problems, starting with Lock Lake, and I've started an organization of women who want a larger role in Britannian society. But who knows if all that will matter now?
45: Avatar! 'Tis good to see thee!
46: Well, I'm setting up our "War Room" in the Great Hall, where I'll keep track of all the events related to our battle against the Guardian. Make sure to come to me often to get the latest news, and inform me of thy progress.
47: I shall.
48: Nay, I prefer to work on my own.
49: Please, Avatar -- we need to know everything you discover, and thou wilt need to know what progress others in the castle have made.
50: Which reminds me! Both Nystul and Nelson asked me to send thee to see them.
51: Nystul said he had some advice for thee.
52: I will go see him.
53: More magical gibberish, I expect.
54: Avatar! Next to thee, Nystul is our greatest asset in this fight!
55: The others are quite anxious to hear of thy progress!
56: Oh, and Mayor Patterson was looking for thee -- he seemed quite anxious to speak with thee.
57: Avatar, thy news is extraordinary! Perhaps this other world might hold the key to our escape.
58: Perhaps. Yet this other world did not strike me as more hospitable than our own.
59: Perhaps -- or perhaps still more worlds might open to us.
60: It must have been a gloomy place, indeed!
61: I am sure Nystul would be well able to advise thee in this.
62: The castle has been quiet recently, save for the servants, who have become increasingly rude and irritable.
63: Perhaps I should speak to them myself.
64: 'Tis a difficult time for all of us!
65: Indeed, and yet it behooves all of us to work together, and not complain over trivialities, as Nanna has been doing!
66: I am sure they would listen to you, Avatar. Thou shouldst speak to Nanna first.
67: Oh! And if thou hast not already done so, thou shouldst take that gem thou didst find to Nystul -- 'tis an intriguing artifact, and I am sure he would be fascinated to take a look at it.
68: To be frank, Avatar, I am most concerned about our water supply! Even if we shut off the fountain in the courtyard, we are still going to have to conserve as much as possible.
69: How are the castle personnel doing?
70: What else has been happening?
71: Our people are doing all right, so far.
72: Come to think of it, Feridwyn seems to have something on his mind, and Sir Dupre has been so restless lately! He is always drawing his sword and sheathing it again!  Perhaps thou couldst find some way for him to help thee.
73: Well, it seems Nystul had something to say to thee, and Patterson has seemed rather anxious lately -- thou shouldst talk to him.
74: A guard appears.
75: Er...Lady Miranda?\m
76: Yes? What is it, Jenner? I am having an important discussion with the Avatar!\m
77: I hardly know how to say this... but Lady Tory...\m
78: Yes? Out with it!\m
79: Julia just found her, @GS105. I...she's been killed.\m
80: How did this happen?
81: Who is responsible for this?
82: Er, it seems she was stabbed, @GS105. In her room.\m
83: I don't know, @GS105. No one knows anything.\m
84: @GS8, thou hadst better go at once and investigate this. I shall inform the others.
85: I have told the others the news, Avatar. I don't believe there is anything we can do at the moment. Clearly though, someone has struck at the only one among us who might have detected a traitor.
86: @GS8, thou shouldst go see Nelson at once!
87: Why? What is the matter?
88: I am too busy!
89: Please, Avatar, this is extremely important to him!
90: He has been pacing through the castle like a madman, muttering aloud! I think he is on the verge of a discovery that might change the entire situation!
91: I shall see him at once.
92: Surely this can wait!
93: Avatar, thou must cooperate with the others in the castle, or we shall never get out of here!
94: Please do!
95: Miranda speaks in a dazed monotone.
96: I am sorry. At least thou hast avenged our betrayal -- I am certain we need fear no more traitors in THIS castle. I pity him, that is all.
97: Yes -- I have been looking everywhere for thee! Nystul is in a hysterical state -- he says thou must see him at once!
98: At night I hear the black jewel creak and groan, as if under great strain -- I feel thine efforts are having some strong effect.
99: Thou shouldst see Nystul at once about thine encounter with Mors Gotha -- I am sure he will be most interested.
100: 'Tis quite a story thou hast told, Avatar. Perhaps thou shouldst share it with Nystul -- he may have heard of this "Praecor Loth."
101: Just now I heard a great commotion over at the servants' quarters -- it seems Charles has made some sort of discovery in the storerooms -- he is most proud of himself!
102: Avatar, thou hast done much on our behalf, but it may not be enough!
103: Why not?
104: I feel confident I shall soon succeed in freeing us.
105: The gem is certainly weakening, but Nystul tells me we have not quite obtained the power necessary to destroy it! And meanwhile, I have been having terrible dreams! If Lord Draxinusom is not victorious, we may emerge to find the Guardian's troops on our doorstep!
106: The Ethereal Void.
107: The Pits of Carnage.
108: The Tomb of Praecor Loth.
109: The Scintillus Academy Final Exam.
110: Talorus.
111: Ice Caverns.
112: Killorn Keep.
113: The Prison Tower.
114: The Guardian can no longer draw power from these places:
115: @SS1SI10\n
116: Why, 'tis all the known planes of reality!
117: The Guardian can no longer draw power from @SS1C1.

block: 0e89; 135 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Is it true thou canst shatter the gem, Avatar?
7: Aye, and I shall in a moment.
8: I am not sure, but Nystul and I shall try.
9: 'Tis a miracle!
10: Please, try what thou canst! If the Guardian's soldiers are not stopped soon, all shall be lost!
11: In a minute, in a minute! We must go hear what Lord British is saying!
12: Please, @GS8, the soldiers are almost upon us. Begin the ceremony!
13: @GS8, I have heard of Lord British's decision regarding the domestic management. Thou hast struck a mighty blow for the working people of Britannia!
14: What is it, Avatar?
15: YES?
16: How may I help thee, Avatar?
17: What can I do for thee?
18: What may I do for thee, Nanna?
19: What hast occupied thee of late, @GS25?
20: What hast thou been doing for the past year?
21: Excuse me, @GS25, I must return to my work.
22: Will that be all, @GS8?
23: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
24: Nay, there is more I must ask of thee.
25: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
26: Avatar, I must speak to thee at once!
27: Lord British's behavior is becoming more and more offensive! "Servants, take an inventory"! No "please," no "thank you," no mention of "far-famed organizational powers!" I wonder what he thinks he would do without us!
28: I am sure Lord British holds the servants in great esteem.
29: Look, @GS25, in this time of crisis we must all pull together.
30: Hmf!
31: Pull together? I spend all day searching the storerooms, shooing away rats, while he sits on his throne looking noble, staring into the middle distance! I suppose that's what you call pulling together!
32: Avatar, what do heroes such as thee DO all day?
33: Well, we slay monsters and solve puzzles.
34: We explore unknown territory.
35: We save the lives of people like thee.
36: Today I counted, inspected, and stored 73 separate items of food, chased 2 giant rats out of the cellars with just a broom, served two meals to the entire castle, and kept Patterson out of trouble the entire day, mostly. I suppose they'll never name an island after me, though.
37: She sighs.
38: Oh. Well, I suppose thou'rt doing thy part, at any rate.
39: She turns and walks off, lost in thought.
40: We are on strike, Avatar. There is nothing I can do for thee.
41: Fine. Goodbye.
42: Thou art being ridiculous! Cease this foolishness at once!
43: I have spoken to Lord British, but he is . . . thinking.
44: Wait! I have reconsidered what thou hast said.
45: Then I suppose we lowly servants (and that includes thee, Avatar, in case thou wert not aware of it) must await his decision! Until then, the strike continues!
46: If thou hast nothing new to say, then neither have I.
47: Hast thou?  Wilt thou take our demands to Lord British?
48: Yes. The serv... the Domestic Management deserves to be heard.
49: Nay, I shall not.
50: Excellent! If Lord British will grant our requests, I shall call off the strike.
51: Then we have little more to discuss.
52: Thine efforts on our behalf have opened the door to real social change in Britannia!
53: I find it insulting that we 'servants' are treated with so little respect. Lord British has become accustomed to ordering us about like animals!
54: I think that thou dost overstate the case.
55: Oh, stop thy complaining.
56: What wouldst thou have Lord British do?
57: Thou art just like the rest of the nobility! Thou hast no idea what 'tis like to be a member of the working classes. We enjoy none of the privileges and benefits afforded to those of noble rank. And in the past year, the situation has worsened, both in the castle and in Britannia at large.
58: What privileges dost thou desire?
59: Thou shouldst spend less time worrying about such things.
60: Thou might be surprised, Avatar, at how quickly things here would degenerate without the castle 'servants.' Given what we do, we deserve social equality!
61: How dost thou define 'equality?'
62: What exactly dost thou want, then?
63: First off, we should not be called 'servants.' 'Tis a demeaning term, and overused here in the castle.  We should be given the title of 'Domestic Management.'
64: Surely thou art kidding!
65: That seems reasonable.
66: And why should I be kidding?
67: Aren't we all 'servants,' in truth?  Lord British himself hath taken an oath to serve the people of Britannia -- should we not call him a 'servant,' then? The word implies that we are not entitled to basic human dignity! It should be discarded.
68: That is a fair argument.
69: Is that all thou dost want?
70: That seemeth a bit silly, Nanna.
71: 'Tis not silly, and 'tis not all.
72: More importantly, we desire a voice in the decisions that affect life here in the castle. We toil here every day, working just as hard as the nobles, if not harder. And yet we are never consulted on issues of day-to-day management. 'Tis like we are but children here!
73: 'Tis not possible for everyone to have a say in everything.
74: Your arguments are persuasive, Nanna.
75: Is there something I can do to help thee?
76: Is it not? In an environment such as this, methinks it is not just possible, but a moral imperative!
77: Avatar, wouldst thou take our grievances to Lord British? Thou art one of his most trusted friends, and he wouldst take thee seriously.  We only ask for a leveling of the unfair class structure that is so exemplified by life in the castle. Wilt thou do it?
78: I am afraid I must refuse. Thou art asking too much.
79: I sympathize with thee, but I think thou hast chosen a bad time to approach Lord British.
80: I would be happy to talk with him on thy behalf.
81: Nanna draws a deep breath.
82: We shall soon see what is too much!  As of this moment, I declare the Domestic Management of Castle British to be on strike!
83: I am sorry thou dost feel that way. Although I regret what we must do, I feel in my deepest heart that 'tis necessary. I hereby declare the Domestic Management of Castle British to be on strike!
84: I knew that thou wouldst understand our situation, @GS8. Thou art truly a champion of the working class!
85: Patterson was fetching supplies for me, and spilled a whole bushel of apples down the stairs. Nearly half of them are badly bruised. What are we going to do with him?
86: Be patient with him, Nanna. He is only trying to help.
87: Perhaps thou shouldst suggest that he provide help elsewhere.
88: Patterson should be locked away!
89: He did volunteer for the job, so perhaps I'd best not complain. But usually he tries too hard to be helpful, and makes a nuisance of himself instead.
90: I'm not sure I'd wish his 'help' on anyone else!
91: For all his experience as mayor, he is quite useless for more practical tasks. A typical specimen of the ruling class!
92: I'd not be so extreme as that, Avatar. But we would be better off if he'd simply stay out of the way.
93: Grrrr . . . that Lord British! Could he be more condescending!?!
94: The Guardian has been attempting to sway my loyalties away from thee and Lord British!
95: What hath been the nature of his persuasions?
96: Thou must fight against his influences!
97: Oh, do not worry. There is no danger of him convincing me.
98: He hath promised me a world where the workers have equal representation in all levels of government, if only I wouldst be loyal to him.
99: I wouldst think that thou might find that tempting.
100: 'Tis but a lie. The Guardian would surely make thee a slave.
101: The Guardian seeks to lure us each with our own desires.
102: He hath misjudged what I desire, then.
103: I have no intention of giving into that red scoundrel.
104: My true desire is to see Britannia's social order change, but from within, and willingly. I do not simply want equality and an end to class structure. I wish that all people, nobles and peasants alike, should first understand the need for that change, and then strive themselves to achieve it.
105: Avatar, hast thou heard the horrible news? Lady Tory has been murdered!
106: Yes, I have heard.
107: Lady Tory murdered?  No, I didst not know!
108: Nanna's face is wet with tears.
109: How could something like that happen here? And to Lady Tory, who was such a kindly woman. 'Tis not fair that such a thing should happen! Not fair!
110: Nanna, thou must calm thyself!
111: 'Tis indeed a terrible loss.
112: Hast thou heard who might have comitted the crime?
113: She was stabbed in her room, stabbed several times!
114: Nanna tries to control her weeping.
115: I am sorry, Avatar. I know I should be strong, but 'twas such a frightful scene. I saw her body with mine own eyes. There was so much, so much blood...
116: She turns away from you, sobbing.
117: Oh, it is, it is!
118: Nanna turns from you, sobbing.
119: No, I have heard nothing. Now we are trapped here in the castle with a killer! What shall we do, @GS8? What shall we do?
120: Nanna begins to weep uncontrollably, and turns away from you.
121: Avatar, many of us have heard strange noises coming from the gem. Nystul says that it is weakening, thanks to thine efforts. Is this true?
122: Yes; as I collect the small gems, the great gem falters.
123: If Nystul says so, then 'tis probably true.
124: I know not.
125: Such things are beyond me, I'm afraid. But Nystul's words are encouraging, even if I do not understand them all.
126: @GS8, thou art caked in mud! Is it necessary for thee to tromp about the castle like that?
127: I am sorry, but 'tis indeed necessary.
128: The mud allows me to contain an elemental within myself.
129: No, but I enjoy being filthy.
130: Just you mind where thou dost sit, Avatar. This is a castle, not a pig-pen.
131: An ele-what?  Nay, do not bother to explain. I wouldst probably not understand. Just try thy best not to make the castle as dirty as thyself.
132: Avatar, thou dost have a strange sense of humor.
133: So it has come to this, has it? We are killing our own! I care not who the traitor was -- I know only that two more of us are dead, and I know not why!
134: Oh, not much. I have retained my position as head of the Royal Nursery, keeping watch over the little ones of the castle. Boots came back last week and took the children on a field trip to Paws -- I do hope they are all right!

block: 0e8a; 72 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Avatar, thou shouldst hurry to the throne room. We must decide what on earth we're going to do!
7: They're coming, Avatar. Whatever thou hast to do, do it now, Avatar!
8: I have heard that Lord British has granted our requests! We owe thee many thanks for helping us.
9: Oh Avatar -- I am so glad thou art here with us. Er, I mean, not for thy sake, you understand, but it gives me hope.
10: How may I help thee, Avatar?
11: Yes? May I help thee?
12: What hast occupied thee of late, @GS25?
13: What hast thou been doing for the past year?
14: Canst thou think of anything which might tell us more about our situation?
15: Please excuse me, @GS25, I am in a hurry.
16: Will that be all, @GS8?
17: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
18: Nay, there is more I must ask of thee.
19: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
20: Hello, @GS8. I must warn thee that the Domestic Management is still on strike!
21: Could this not have waited for a better time?
22: The very notion of a strike in the castle is preposterous!
23: Thou art truly serious about this, art thou not?
24: If time is important, then Lord British should grant us our requests without delay! All we ask for is fairness.
25: This is no longer funny, Nell.
26: What wouldst thou have Lord British do?
27: I have no time to deal with this nonsense.
28: Given our lack of influence here, a strike is our only option.
29: We are very serious, Avatar. The unfair class division in the castle has for too long been taken for granted. If we succeed here in changing the attitude of the nobility toward the working class, perhaps others elsewhere will take notice. Like Nanna says, this new way of thinking is a spectre haunting Britannia!
30: Aren't thou getting carried away with all of this?
31: I am impressed with thine eloquence.
32: A spectre? Where? I shall slay it!
33: @GS8, I come from a long line of 'servants.' I have always been happy having taken up my family's profession, but in this past year I have I have come to realize that we are not treated with nearly the respect we dost deserve. I have listened often to Nanna, and I agree with her views. We have no choice but to strike.
34: 'Twas never funny, @GS8. We do not enjoy being on strike. We do it because we must.
35: Thou hast probably already spoken of this with Nanna. It is not so important to me that we be called 'Domestic Management,' but I agree that we should have more control over the way this castle is run. Until that happens, we shall continue to strike.
36: 'Tis a metaphor, Avatar.
37: I am glad thou art here with us, Avatar. If there is a way to escape this... this gem, I am sure thou wilt find it. But I worry so about my darling Caroccio, outside with our son. Shouldst anything happen to them, I would perish with grief.
38: The gem that surrounds the castle has been making the most terrifying noises! If it should crack, dost thou think we would be injured?
39: Methinks we would be safe here on the inside.
40: Since Nystul has not raised such a concern, I wouldst say no.
41: I hope not!
42: They scare me nearly as much as the chanting I heard before. Oh! The chanting! Did I forget to tell thee?
43: Nay, thou didst tell me.
44: Good! I hope it helps thee.
45: What chanting?
46: You have indeed forgotten! What exactly didst thou hear?
47: I have told thee the only thing I can think of -- that strange voice, a man's voice, chanting in some awful language in the throne room. 'Twas perhaps four in the morning.
48: Thou hast asked me that enough times, Avatar! I tell thee, all I know of is the chanting in the throne room, that morning at perhaps the fourth bell!
49: Truly, Avatar, thou dost seem to obsess on this subject. Ask someone else, can't thou?
50: 'Twas the night before this hideous gem formed around us.  At four o'clock in the morning I was awakened by a voice in the throne room. I was too scared to investigate, but it sounded like someone chanting in a very low voice. I was going to tell thee, but then the gem appeared, and that awful Guardian spoke to us, and I forgot all about it until now.
51: I swear someone in the castle is hoarding food! Seven whole loaves of bread disappeared last night!
52: Thou shouldst put a lock on the store-room door.
53: Dost thou have any idea about who has taken them?
54: Are we in danger of running out of food?
55: 'Twould be a shame if it has come to that. Can we not even trust each other in this crisis?
56: 'Tis hard to imagine that any of us would steal food, Avatar.
57: No, we have food enough to last for many months. That only makes it stranger that someone would be stealing from the store-room.
58: I have heard of Lady Tory's death. I wouldst prefer not to talk about it.
59: As you wish.
60: Hast thou heard any details of the crime?
61: I heard it was... that she was... oh, @GS8, 'tis such a horrible crime!  Lady Tory was a friend to everyone, and now she is... she is...
62: Nell bursts into tears.
63: Nell looks at you sadly.
64: @GS8, 'tis a cruel irony that the two most gentle people in the castle should be Patterson's two victims.
65: They are more the Guardian's victims than Patterson's.
66: At least they will be the last.
67: How art thou taking the deaths?
68: 'Tis not much of a comfort, Avatar.
69: Art thou sure? If we do not escape from the castle soon, I fear we shall all end up dead!
70: When Lady Tory was killed I was extremely distressed, but Nelson's slaying has turned my grief to anger. I wish there was more we could do against this Guardian.
71: This last year was wonderful -- I have married my darling Carrocio!  Lord British even allowed the ceremony to be held here in the castle. My brother Charles grumbled a bit, of course, but deep down I think he was as pleased as I.

block: 0e8b; 111 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Ah, Avatar, I was just thinking... oh, just a moment. Perhaps Lord British has something to say to us.
7: Nelson seems dazed. Blood is trickling from a wound on his neck, running down his shirt. He looks  down at it, then back up at you.
8: I say, Avatar . . . I was just telling Patterson about a new way of tunnelling through blackrock, when . . . there seems to have been some sort of misunderstanding . . .
9: He collapses at your feet.
10: Avatar! I am quite relieved thou art here.
11: There you are, Avatar. I was just looking for thee.
12: Yes, @GS8? What may I do for thee?
13: What is it, @GS25?
14: What hast occupied thee of late, @GS25?
15: What hast thou been doing since I saw thee in Moonglow?
16: I would study with thee a brief time.
17: If I may, I would like to hear thy thoughts so far on the current situation.
18: 'Tis good to speak with thee, Nelson, but I must hurry off.
19: Will that be all, @GS8?
20: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
21: Nay, there is more I must discuss with thee.
22: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
23: The logic of the Guardian's previous creations dictates that some smaller version of the blackrock gem must have formed within the castle grounds.
24: Well, I did notice that the gem resonates very strongly to certain musical notes.
25: Ah, @GS8, I long to know more of the worlds that lie through that gem!
26: It seemed clear to me that Lady Tory was killed intentionally, and not just by some animal or brutal humanoid.
27: I'm dead now, so I can't say this.
28: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
29: I have remained in that fair city, as head of the Lycaeum. My studies there have kept me well occupied and quite content.  I heard that your friend Dupre had visited the city recently, but he prefered to frequent the Friendly Knave, and did not visit me in the Lycaeum.
30: 'Tis good to see thee here, Avatar.
31: I have noticed something odd.
32: Avatar, I have heard the news!
33: @GS8, I suppose thou hast heard the news.
34: Hello, @GS8. Mayor Patterson was just visiting me. I have some important research I must share with thee at once!
35: Of course, Nelson. What is it?
36: Just a minute -- I have another question for thee.
37: It must wait, Avatar -- this is too important!
38: Hello, @GS8. Mayor Patterson was just visiting me. I have some important research I must share with thee at once!
39: Of course, Nelson. What is it?
40: Just a minute -- I have another question for thee.
41: It must wait, Avatar -- this is too important!
42: Of course! I find the ancient lore endlessly fascinating, and I would love to teach thee. Also, in my archaeological work I have developed an efficient method of searching small areas. Which would thou like to learn of?
43: Let us discuss lore, then.
44: Please, teach me to search out what is hidden.
45: I shall return when I have the time.
46: Nelson's knowledge is encyclopedic, and in a short time you learn much.
47: Nelson talks for a long time, but you find your attention straying.
48: Perhaps thou hast other things on thy mind, Avatar.
49: Nelson's observations on the subject are quite canny.  You learn a great deal.
50: Nelson seems to know what he's talking about, but you don't quite get the point.
51: Perhaps we should discuss this some other time, Avatar.
52: Wouldst thou like to study more?
53: Yes, let us continue.
54: No, thank thee.
55: We are in quite a fix, aren't we? But then, I suppose that is a specialty of thine!
56: Thou art right -- I shall get us out of this!
57: One never gets used to such things, Nelson.
58: Well, I have been thinking -- all of the Guardian's blackrock structures have had smaller copies of themselves inside -- it would be worthwhile searching for something similar within the castle.
59: But where would such a thing be?
60: What use would that be to us?
61: I cannot say for certain, but a year ago, thou didst find such a thing did help thee in breaking the Guardian's power. Dost thou recall? Thou didst enter within each of the smaller shapes, to  attain thy goal.
62: 'Tis hard to say. It may have been hidden, or it may contain its own defences, in some interior space. 'Tis probably not in the castle proper, though, but rather nearer the base of the sphere, in the sewers.
63: Hast thou observed anything of the black gem's structural properties?
64: No. I have more important things to think about than architecture.
65: No, please tell me of thy observations.
66: Hmm... well, 'tis a very stable structure, very sound. I did notice some interesting acoustical properties. Listen!
67: He hums a single note loudly, in a pleasing tenor. When he leaves off, you can hear the gem resonating faintly to the same note. It holds for a long time, then dies away.
68: Extraordinary, is it not?
69: Yes, well, I suppose thou dost.
70: I mean, that thou didst find a gem, that took thee to a building in another world! Just think of what this discovery means!
71: Er, what does it mean?
72: Canst thou tell me anything about other worlds?
73: There are legends of events of other worlds, just think if we could learn their truth firsthand! The Battle of Rhyna, the Homeland of the Daemons -- any one of these things could lie through that gem!
74: Why not come with me and see?
75: I am more concerned with survival, thank thee.
76: No thank thee! Miranda is right -- a scholar like myself should stay in the library, out of danger. But be sure and visit me, and tell me of thy discoveries!
77: Ah, @GS8, thou hast not the poet's heart! Still, to a hero such as thyself, perhaps such things seem commonplace.
78: I can hardly believe it -- I was so fond of her, @GS8. Tell me -- was it some... thing that crawled up out of the gem, or... dost thou think it could have been one of us?
79: I know not.
80: Aye, methinks one of us hath turned traitor.
81: Nay, likely something from one of the other worlds.
82: If I may be of any assistance... I mean, I am a scholar, not a monster-killer, but still... I would fain be allowed to help in this matter.
83: I shall call on thee if I need thee.
84: 'Tis unlikely, but I shall keep thee in mind.
85: 'Tis hard to imagine, Avatar. Surely, no one of us could have done that... And yet, if there were a traitor in the castle, the empath would be his or her first target.
86: 'Tis a relief to hear thee say that. And yet, 'twas not one of the verminous sewer-creatures that did that. It strikes me that the killing was no random act of malice or hunger, but a deliberate attempt to remove the empath from our midst.
87: man
88: woman
89: You see, @GS8, I was reading in the library, and . . .\n
90: Yes, @GS8, but there was something I wished to discuss with thee . . .\m
91: Please, Mayor Patterson, this is of the utmost importance. I was reading some of Batal Thaam's early texts concerning blackrock -- thou hast heard of Batal Thaam?
92: Aye.
93: Nay.
94: She was one of the earliest sorcerers to develop a sense of the ether around us. Also a veteran of the Brujerian uprising -- 'tis a fascinating story, thou shouldst read it sometime...\m
95: Nelson, this does not seem terribly urgent after all. Perhaps the Avatar and I have something to discuss...?\m
96: Mayor Patterson, please! Now Batal Thaam also wrote specifically on the creation of blackrock, and its effects on the ether. But also, on how the ether can be made to have an effect on blackrock itself.\m
97: Avatar, must we endure these abstract theories? There is work to be done!
98: Shhh. This sounds important.
99: Nelson, he may have a point. What is the gist of the matter?
100: Thank you, @GS8.
101: Avatar, please, a little patience.
102: Now it seems that Thaam had discovered a means of manip...\m
103: Nelson, why are we bothering with this?\m
104: ...manipulating blackrock through a simple spell, which would allow one to perceive and act on...\m
105: I don't think thou shouldst speak of such...\m
106: ...act on the ether, and therefore on the blackrock itself,...\m
107: Nelson.\m
108: 'Twas a runic spell, using the runes...\m
109: I'm sorry, Nelson.\m
110: In a flash, Patterson draws a dagger from his belt and stabs Nelson through the back of the neck. Nelson stiffens and falls, and the dagger falls from Patterson's hand.

block: 0e8c; 102 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Avatar, a pleasure to see thee again! Let us have a talk, you and I, after Lord British finishes his little speech. For now, we should hasten there.
7: Driven to his knees, Patterson cries out.
8: Oh G... Guardian, save me, I served you... I did it all... why... do you not aid me now?
9: Somehow, he manages to stand again.
10: Stop staring at me, you... you hated me in life, anyway, false friends, now you may hate me worse in death. If you ever get out of here... tell Judith I am sorry!
11: I'm sorry, Avatar -- he's going to kill us all, and I can't... let myself go that way.
12: Oh, @GS8! Nelson and I were just . . . er . . . talking about an . . . idea he had . . .
13: I am so happy to see thee here! I mean... not because thou art inside here but... er, you understand.
14: @GS8! What a pleasure to see thee!
15: Avatar! What a surprise, a real treat!
16: How are things, @GS25?
17: What hast thou been doing since I saw thee last year?
18: Patterson, canst thou train me to have more charisma?
19: Excuse me, Patterson, I must leave thee.
20: Will that be all, @GS8?
21: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
22: There is more I must discuss with thee.
23: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
24: Always a pleasure, @GS8.
25: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
26: Surely I will help thee! Not for nothing did I serve as mayor of Britannia's largest town. I shall give thee a few pointers about dealing with people! But it will take some time -- hast thou a moment to spare?
27: I will stay and train.
28: I do not have the time to train with thee.
29: Patterson's tips are surprisingly insightful.
30: Patterson tries to explain how he works with people, but you are unable to see his point of view.
31: Wouldst thou speak some more on this subject?
32: Surely -- I find this very educational.
33: No thank thee -- perhaps another time.
34: Of course -- come to me any time.
35: Well, Avatar, I shall not soon forget our last encounter! Thou didst teach me a lesson in honesty that was long past due, and though it hurts my pride, I must thank thee for it. Adultery is an ugly sin, but an easy one to fall into. Ah, 'tis a relief to be living without lies again.
36: I hope thy wife was understanding.
37: Think nothing of it -- 'twas my duty as an Avatar.
38: Thou wert a scoundrel, Patterson, and I hope thou hast mended thy ways.
39: Though we separated for a time, I am glad to tell thee Judith and I are together once again!
40: 'Tis a relief to hear that, Patterson. I wish thee well.
41: If thou art not deserving of her trust, thou shalt hear from me again!
42: Again, I thank thee.
43: I am glad to have a chance to speak with thee. I just wanted to say, I have always been a great admirer of thine, and 'tis good to be working with thee. If there is anything I can do to help out...
44: No, thank thee.
45: I need thee to help keep up people's morale -- thou art good at that!
46: Perhaps thou shouldst assist Miranda in the war room.
47: Just stay out of my way, Patterson.
48: Er...
49: Well, thou hast only to call on me, and I shall be ready!
50: Thank thee, Avatar! I shall do as thou sayest.
51: Is it true thou hast found some sort of gateway, in the sewers?
52: Aye, but it leads only to another prison.
53: Aye, perhaps it is the key to our salvation.
54: 'Tis always the way with me! We've a saying in the town of Britain, when, for instance, you buy an ox and it falls dead the next day: "'Tis Patterson's luck has found ye!"
55: I would not count on it, Avatar -- I am more concerned about what will come through the gate to find us!
56: man
57: woman
58: I have heard thou hast begun exploring beneath the castle -- surely there is naught there but a few rotten supplies, musty tunnels... I'm sure the libraries would prove more productive.
59: I am not so sure... perhaps some hidden exit tunnel?
60: There are many mysteries in the depths -- perhaps one such might lead to our escape.
61: Thou art right -- perhaps some ancient tome will shed light on the situation.
62: Perhaps thou art right...but I fear the gem has sealed us in for good.
63: I see that thou art a @SS1 of deep insight! I am sure thy scholarly investigations will save us all!
64: He shrugs.
65: Do what seems best to thee!
66: I had quite a scare this morning, as Iolo may have told thee!
67: What happened?
68: What had Iolo to do with this?
69: Why, he played the part of my rescuer!
70: A spider had me cornered in the basement, a real brute the size of a dog! Iolo found me and drove it off, thank the serpent.
71: Thou wert very lucky!
72: What wert thou doing in the basement?
73: I was hoping to find some wine or ale, to calm down Dupre -- he has been so nervous lately.
74: 'Tis disheartening, Avatar -- I try to help the others out, but it never seems to come out right! Now it seems like the whole castle is avoiding me. 'Tis strange to feel so alone, when trapped in a castle with a score of other humans.
75: Well, thou knowest I am thy friend, Patterson.
76: I pity thee, Patterson.
77: Really, I must be going!
78: Well, I guess I shall see thee later, @GS8...
79: I am glad to hear thee say that, @GS8. Very glad.
80: He is silent for a moment.
81: Yes, 'tis a common sentiment 'round here.
82: Avatar! I have seen a most extraordinary thing! I was wandering through a basement storeroom, when I came upon an ancient scroll, which spoke of a secret cache of Filanium on Talorus, "near the lava pits!" Could this be of any help to thee?
83: Aye, a great deal!
84: No, sorry.
85: At last I am of some use!
86: I have heard of thy discovery of a peaceful world, ruled by a regent of the Guardian! Is it possible... dost thou think we, too... oh, never mind, I shouldn't say it!
87: Nay, what hast thou to propose?
88: As you wish, 'tis forgotten.
89: What I mean to say... perhaps to live under the Guardian would not... be that bad?
90: Thou hast only to look at what he did to Britannia, to know what it would be like under his rule.
91: The inhabitants did seem at peace, in a sense, but certainly discontented.
92: I see. Perhaps thou art right.
93: What has happened, @GS8, I can't think about it... I just can't think about it!
94: He hides his face.
95: Avatar, dost thou think we will ever get out of here?
96: Aye, do not worry thyself, Patterson!
97: I am not so sure! At night I have awful dreams . . . even if we do get out of here, what if his men have conquered Britannia?
98: We have no proof that the Guardian's visions are real.
99: I have seen them, too. We can only hope...
100: You're right! I had not thought of that!
101: Yes... I suppose we can just hope.

block: 0e8d; 85 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: I think it best that we listen to what Lord British has to say -- perhaps he will have a calming effect on the group.
7: @GS8! For all our sakes, it is good that thou art here.
8: Hello again, @GS8, I was just looking for thee.
9: Hello there, @GS8.
10: So ho, @GS25.
11: I would know thy thoughts, Lady Tory.
12: How has the past year been for thee?
13: Lady, canst thou train me to be a more charismatic leader?
14: If I may, I would like to hear thy thoughts so far on the current situation.
15: Excuse me, Lady, I must be going.
16: Will that be all, @GS8?
17: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
18: Nay, there is more I must discuss with thee.
19: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
20: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
21: Of course, @GS8. Let us talk for a while. But this will take some time -- wilt thou stay, or dost thou have to hurry off?
22: I will stay and train.
23: I do not have the time to train with thee.
24: The Lady's empathic insights are very helpful.
25: Lady Tory attempts to explain how she perceives other people's feelings, but you find her point of view alien to your own.
26: Wouldst thou speak some more on this subject?
27: Indeed! I find this very fascinating.
28: No thank thee -- perhaps another time.
29: I am always available to talk with, @GS8.
30: Oh, Avatar, wilt the Guardian not leave our minds to ourselves? Each night his horrible visage invades my dreams.
31: Are thy nightmares growing worse?
32: Remember that they art only dreams, which cannot harm thee.
33: Many here have received such unwanted visitations.
34: His voice, that awful voice, speaks to me in my sleep. Recently it has been one message, over and over again. 'Lady Tory,' it says, 'even in the darkness of thy innermost thoughts, my eyes shall be watching you.'
35: Do thy best to ignore it -- we must all stay sane to survive.
36: Soon we will be free from this gem, and your nightmares will cease.
37: My dreams are more vivid than thine own, @GS8, due to the nature of my empathic abilities. Still, thou art correct. They are naught but dreams, which means the Guardian is still unable to affect us directly. For that we should be thankful.
38: I know that they have. Several people have come to me recently for counsel. The Guardian seems to know what we each most fear -- and what we most desire -- and uses that to influence us in our dreams.
39: How art thou dealing with these dreams thyself?
40: 'Tis good that we have an empath with us!
41: I shouldst put my own distress aside, I know. There are others in the castle without my mental training who are in great need of my skills.
42: My nightmares doth continue, Avatar, but I am doing what I can to ignore them. Others need mine aid too much for me to succumb to the Guardian's whisperings.
43: Avatar, I am sensing very strong emotions from Feridwyn.
44: Canst thou be more specific?
45: I have long suspected that he was up to no good!
46: From Feridwyn? Art thou certain?
47: 'Tis strange, but though he greatly fears what others may think of him, I can detect no guilt in him at all.
48: Why is that strange?
49: What dost thou think it means?
50: Do you trust Feridwyn?
51: He has either committed an evil act without remorse, or he is afraid of being falsely accused. Which, I cannot tell. To be honest with thee, Avatar, I do not trust the man.
52: Truthfully, I do not know what to think. I hesitate to judge Feridwyn harshly without proof, and yet his emotions are so extremely defensive!
53: What can you tell from his emotions?
54: Keep an eye on him, Lady Tory.
55: I am still keeping my mind on Feridwyn.  He remains suspicious, though I have no proof that he has done wrong.
56: Trapped in here as we are, I sense rising fear and anxiety in nearly everyone.
57: Thou must do what thou canst to prevent panic.
58: 'Tis understandable, Lady Tory.
59: We must not give into fear. 'Tis the Guardian's chief weapon!
60: But I also sense that they have great confidence in thee, @GS8.
61: She pauses.
62: As do I, Avatar.
63: Now that we will not die of thirst, some of the tension in the castle has been lifted.
64: We must still find a means to escape!
65: It shows that the Guardian is not infallable.
66: What is thy general sense of emotion in the castle?
67: The people worry about what the Guardian has planned for us.
68: Aye, 'tis true.
69: I suppose that is so, but 'tis only a minor comfort.
70: I am sensing particularly great anxiety and turmoil in Patterson.
71: Canst thou divine the cause?
72: Perhaps thou shouldst speak with him.
73: His behavior has seemed strange of late.
74: Nay, there is too much confusion in his mind.
75: I have tried, several times.
76: Patterson claims that he has received no taunts from the Guardian, but I am sure he is lying. I suspect that the Guardian has been particularly cruel to him. 'Twould be wise for me to speak with him again.
77: I tried to talk with Patterson again, but 'twas useless. Why, he even made a pass at me!
78: Art thou joking?
79: Dost thou sense anything new in him?
80: No, 'tis no jest! 'Tis a shame I had no interest in responding, but I hope I was kind to him.
81: I still can detect no specific emotions in the man. His mind is a tangle of confusion. He seems to have taken a liking to thee, @GS8 -- perhaps thou can help him.
82: I will do what I can.
83: I wish the man would just leave me alone!
84: I have spent this past year at Serpent's Hold, serving as counsellor and raising my son.  I am still in debt to thee for saving him from those accursed harpies! But now, I fear again for his safety. I left him in the care of trusted servants at Serpent's Hold, and now that there is war in Britannia, the Hold will be in an uproar. I can only hope that the Guardian has not singled out my home for a special assault.

block: 0e8e; 116 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Greetings, Avatar! Shall we begin this meeting?
7: By all means, my lord.
8: Not just yet. I have something I must attend to, first.
9: Please, Avatar, these are matters of utmost importance!\m
10: I need not tell you, citizens of Britannia, that we are near our darkest hour. The gem that surrounds our castle is made of blackrock, a substance impervious to all physical force, which stifles magical workings within its boundaries. The Guardian has this day struck Britannia a fearsome blow, and we may be sure that he will not rest idle. Doubtless, even now he is preparing an assault on the entire nation of Britannia!\m
11: Lord British! Cannot Lord Draxinusom of the gargoyles rally our people against the invader?\m
12: He will do what he can, certainly, but I know not whether the humans of Britannia shall follow a gargoyle leader.\m
13: Patterson arrives in a hurry, gasping for breath.
14: Well, w-what can we do, then?\m
15: Somehow, we must find a way to breach the gem. Now, to work! Servants, take an inventory of the castle storerooms! Nystul, Nelson, we shall have need of thy far-famed scholarly powers -- you must determine how the jewel was created, and how it may be destroyed. You others, warriors, and especially you, Avatar, eight times our savior, you must search the castle, above and below, for some means of escape.\m
16: Miranda, I place thee in charge of the escape effort. Thou shouldst use the Great Hall as thy headquarters. Avatar, be sure and report to her all that thou dost learn in thy search, and heed her advice in all things.
17: All Britannia...
18: He breaks off, sensing an otherworldly intruder.
19: If thou dost need me, I shall be here in my quarters.
20: If I am not here, I shall be in my quarters.
21: Avatar, the time to act is now! If the gem is not shattered, the Guardian's soldiers shall flood the castle in a few moments. This spell you and Nystul have prepared must not fail.
22: Please, Avatar -- I must have solitude if I am to  come to any decision in this matter. I trust Miranda to handle any difficulties that may come up meanwhile.
23: Greetings, Avatar. In this dark time, 'tis good to see an old companion I can trust!
24: Avatar, 'tis well that thou hast come.
25: Yes, @GS8? What may I do for thee?
26: Please explain more fully sir.
27: Tell me, then, what hath occupied thine attention lately?
28: Tell me of the Reconstruction, my lord.
29: I would speak to thee of thy experiences here in the castle.
30: I have need of thy healing powers.
31: Your pardon, sir, I must leave thee.
32: If there is nothing more, @GS8, I must go now.
33: I shall speak to thee later, then.
34: Wait, @GS25, there is more we must speak of.
35: What wouldst thou like to talk about, then?
36: It has indeed been a hard year for us, Avatar. As thou didst travel the land, doubtless thou didst bear witness to the Guardian's subtle devastation of our land. 'Twill be a few more years yet before Britannia is once again a land fit for heroes to walk.
37: But thou art unwounded! 'Twere best I save my power for a time of need.
38: Of course, Avatar.
39: He performs a gesture of healing, but nothing happens.
40: He repeats the gesture.
41: I am sorry, Avatar, but it appears that black jewel has nullifed my powers of healing. Thou wilt have to heal thyself naturally.
42: Well, Avatar, I am sorry now I did invite thee to this doomed affair. The Guardian's threats are indeed dire!
43: I would not have my friends face danger alone!
44: 'Tis not thy fault -- who could have known?
45: He laughs.
46: Thou'rt right! Thou dost merely gravitate towards peril, like one of Brion's mystic lodestones towards iron! 'Tis a natural process, I am sure.
47: He laughs.
48: Thou'rt right! I was a fool to think I could keep thee out of danger, for thou'rt e'er plunging thyself in the thick of it!
49: Listen, thou shouldst speak with Dupre! He mentioned he had seen something which might relate to our current plight!
50: Avatar, I hear thou hast begun exploring the Undercastle. 'Tis a vast area, and even I do not know its full extent. Be sure to alert Miranda to all of thy movements, lest thou shouldst become lost within its vast extent.
51: I knew my hopes would be justified! Trust the Avatar to take a sealed castle, and discover in it a door to another world. Well done, my friend!
52: Stricken with grief, Lord British turns his face away from you.
53: Please, Avatar, I would rather not speak with anyone right now.
54: All right, I shall go.
55: What is the matter?
56: I cannot accept it! A woman murdered, within the walls of my own castle! If I cannot protect an innocent woman here, how can I protect an entire people?
57: Your Highness, thou canst not hold thyself responsible for everything.
58: I shall avenge her, my lord, thou canst depend on it.
59: He sighs.
60: I suppose thou art right. But mark me, now that the deed is done there shall be justice. I shall have the killer, or rule this land no more!
61: Aye. Though we failed in offering her protection, we may still offer vengeance. I shall count on thee, Avatar. Do not fail.
62: I heard the... news about Mayor Patterson. I fear that part of the blame for Nelson's death is mine -- I should never have trusted him after his association with the Fellowship. And yet... after his encounter with you he seemed a changed man, and I believe he really was.
63: I think thou art right.
64: A cur like Patterson can never change.
65: No, I think thou art mistaken.
66: It took the Guardian to find his fear, and his lust for power and status, and twist him into something else. Patterson was not a strong man, and the Guardian knew where to push him.
67: Avatar, grant me the truth from thine own lips. Thou hast WHAT inside thy body?
68: Why, nothing, Lord British.
69: An elemental of air, my lord.
70: 'Tis a relief. There certainly are strange rumors afoot in this castle.
71: Surely, @GS8, this is thy strangest adventure ever!
72: Avatar, something strange is going on. Just now, I asked Nanna to bring me some ale, and she stalked off without a word!
73: My lord, I am here to demand a leveling of the class system in Britannia.
74: Nanna has declared the servants on strike, sir!
75: My lord, the servants are unhappy with their place in the castle..
76: What precisely are they asking for?
77: To be treated with respect, to be referred to as "Domestic Management," and to have a voice in castle decisions.
78: Their demands are subtle, but 'tis clear they ultimately seek to overthrow thee.
79: Nanna... was she not once a member of the Guardian's Fellowship?
80: Aye, but I think her concerns are legitimate nonetheless.
81: Yes, thou hast it! She has thrown in her lot with the Guardian.
82: Perhaps so, but I was certain Nanna could be trusted. Perhaps she is in fact sincere. I must think on this.
83: @GS112
84: So, Avatar, hast thou come to any new conclusions about our class problems?
85: I think the servants should be beaten!
86: I think thou shouldst accede to their demands, which are quite reasonable.
87: I am uncertain -- caving in to their demands sets an unpleasant precedent.
88: Avatar, I am most disappointed -- thou showest thyself a fool! One cannot govern people as if one were driving oxen!
89: I see some justice in thy words, Avatar, although 'tis not easy to change the longstanding order of a society.
90: 'Tis true. Yet in this instance the wrath of the aggrieved may well be just, and therefore I cannot ignore or suppress it.
91: He sighs.
92: I have made my decision.
93: 'Tis a reform too long in coming -- the ordering of our society is an ancient one, and it carries with it many evils which have long gone unrecognized. I shall inform them myself that I find their demands, and their anger, understandable and justified.
94: I must have time, Avatar, to think on the past, and the way of life I have established in Britannia, and whether or not I have been just in my actions.
95: @GS112
96: Avatar, thou shouldst speak with Nystul at once -- it is almost time to begin our attack on the Guardian's spell!
97: I shall speak with him at once.
98: I have a few things to take care of yet.
99: Hurry, then! I can think of nothing more urgent than this.
100: In the meantime, I have instructed the guards to be watchful for this "Mors Gotha" you have described.
101: Avatar, I am sorry to see that the shock of the Guardian's assault has gotten the better of thee. I think it best that thou shouldst remain here for the duration of the coming crisis. This time, Britannia will have to undertake its own defense.
102: Lord British gazes at you sternly.
103: Avatar? I would speak with thee.
104: What wouldst thou speak of?
105: I suspect I know what thou art here about.
106: I do not wish to speak to thee.
107: As the situation stands, thou hast not a choice.
108: I suspect thou art right.
109: Avatar, I and thou know that the burden of protecting a nation is a great one. However, the next time thou dost find the pressure too much to bear, I suggest that thou find some occupation besides brawling with thy friends!
110: I am sorry, Your Lordship. I did indeed lose my head.
111: Nay, I shall spend my time how I like.
112: Now come, thou hast been forgiven. Now let us begin the fight anew!
113: Try to be more civil in the future, though -- this is all we ask.
114: Then I am afraid thou shalt spend it here, and we must continue the fight without thee.
115: Avatar, I have had enough. I sentence thee to remain in this cell for the duration of the Guardian's assault, if not longer. In that time, I suggest thou dost meditate on the path of virtue, and where it was thou didst lose thy way from it.

block: 0e8f; 74 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: I think Lord British has something he wishes to say. Thou shouldst hasten to the throne room.
7: Well, Avatar, if thou hast any final tricks up thy sleeve, now is the time to play them!
8: So thou art here as well.
9: I had been meaning to speak to thee, Avatar.
10: Yes, @GS8? What may I do for thee?
11: What is it, @GS25?
12: What is on thy mind, @GS25?
13: How didst thou spend the previous year, @GS25?
14: If I may, I would like to hear thy thoughts so far on the current situation.
15: Excuse me, Feridwyn -- I must go.
16: Art thou finished, Avatar?
17: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
18: Nay, there is more I must discuss with thee.
19: Yes, Avatar?
20: I can think of nothing more.
21: Avatar, canst we not do something about Patterson?  He is without doubt the most inane fellow I have encountered in my life!
22: Just ignore him and he'll go away.
23: Has he been bothering thee?
24: He means well, Feridwyn.
25: Is that how the Avatar deals with problems?  Ignore them and hope they vanish by themselves?  If that is thy philosophy, 'tis amazing that thou hast been so successful in the past.
26: He hath been a constant pest, and methinks not only to me. Many others have been complaining about him.  If his behavior continues, I shall have stern words for the man.
27: I dost not care if he means well, @GS8.  Thou dost know what they say of good intentions.
28: Do not be too harsh with him.
29: I agree with thee.  Something should be done about him.
30: Thine opinions are of little value to me.
31: I shall be as harsh as I like, if he continues to pester me.
32: Aye, and done soon.
33: Feridwyn graces you with a cold smile.
34: The feeling is mutual, Avatar.
35: Well, @GS8, once again thy visit has coincided with calamity.  I cannot say I am surprised.
36: If thou wilt not be civil, do not speak to me.
37: I shall do my best to end this crisis, as should we all.
38: Trouble does seem to follow me about.
39: Civility, like respect, should be earned, Avatar.
40: I shall do my part, do not worry.
41: Yes, it does.  History tells us that thou hast always been a harbinger of ill tidings.
42: I am greatly saddened by Lady Tory's death.  She was a good woman.
43: We must all be wary, now that we know a traitor walks among us.
44: Dost thou know anything about the murder?
45: Where wert thou at the time of the killing?
46: I am always wary, @GS8.
47: Nay, I know nothing of it.
48: Art thou accusing me, Avatar?
49: No, I was merely wondering.
50: Thou art a prime suspect, Feridwyn!
51: I was in alone in my room when I heard the shouts of the guards. I am as innocent as thou.
52: If thou hast any evidence, then come out and make the accusation, but I assure thee that I am guilty of nothing.  I am aware that many are talking of me behind my back, and I would be lying to say it dost not bother me.  @GS8, you of all people should know the dangers of groundless speculation.
53: Avatar, we both know that I have little love for thee. However, for the sake of the others you should know that the Guardian spoke to me last night.
54: What didst he say to thee?
55: Feridwyn, I care not about what he hath said in thy dreams.
56: I think that thou shouldst hear this.
57: He tried to get me to convince thee that thou wouldst best be served by exploring the dungeons of Killorn Keep. I wouldst not attempt it though... it is no doubt some trickery on his part. He was unwise to think that I wouldst betray Britannia.
58: So thou hast discovered a river in another world. 'Tis most fortunate for us, that we shall not perish of thirst. Wert thou searching for water, or didst thou stumble across it accidentally?
59: 'Twas sheer luck that I found water there, Feridwyn.
60: Doth it matter?  We should just be thankful to have found it.
61: I was indeed searching for it!  I have saved us all!
62: I thought as much.  Good fortune seems to be thy constant companion.
63: No, it matters not.  I was simply curious.
64: Thy modesty is overwhelming, Avatar.
65: All of this time, Patterson was under the Guardian's influence. Hopefully this tragedy will at least quell the unfounded suspicions that so many here have of me.
66: We all owe you our apologies, Feridwyn.
67: Is that all thou dost care about? Thine own reputation?
68: I am still not convinced of thine innocence.
69: I will accept them all, starting with thine, but for now thou had best return to your task of freeing us from the Guardian's cage.
70: @GS8, thy dislike for me is ill-disguised. The deaths of Lady Tory and Nelson, and even of Patterson, have afflicted me with ample grief. But I have also had to bear the weight of a dozen unfair judgements, which is not an easy burden to carry. Now leave me, and return to your tasks.
71: Then thou art a fool, Avatar.  I need not stay and listen to further paranoid accusations.
72: Enough have died here already, solely because there was a frightened, vicious fool in our midst. Thou art said to be a hero -- now go about thy heroic business.
73: The dissolution of the Fellowship didst not change my desire to aid the poor and needy of Britannia. I have continued to run the shelter in Paws, though we are in great need of more funding from Lord British. I fear that soon we may lack the means to offer even the meager services that we currently provide.

block: 0e90; 76 strings.
1: Greetings! My people are grateful for thy deeds.  Was it not thou who rid the shores of goblin-eating worms?
2: Yes, I suppose I did.
3: It must have been someone else.
4: But we have seen with our own eyes! We have witnessed you in mighty combat with the green monsters!
5: Wormslayer
6: @GS8 Wormslayer
7: Henceforth, thou shalt be called among my people @GS37. Wouldst thou accept a token of our esteem?
8: Certainly.
9: The deed was its own reward.
10: We are a humble people, but please take this fish.
11: My thanks.
12: We shalt not forget thy aid.
13: Hello again, human.
14: @GS37, I must thank thee for the help thou hast given us! Were it not for thee, the monsters of this sewer would doubtless have overwhelmed us by now!
15: I am glad to have helped thee.
16: Thy gratitude is unnecessary.
17: Wouldst thou learn more of the art of tracking?
18: Yes, indeed.
19: No, thank thee. Canst thou tell me more about the sewers?
20: I must be going.
21: Avatar
22: 'Tis a human! There are not many of thy type down here, human.
23: Who are you?
24: These are Britannia's sewers! Explain your presence here!
25: Have you seen other humans here?
26: I'll just be on my way.
27: We are the Moglop goblin tribe. Who art thou?
28: I am @GS8. Are there many of you here?
29: I'm the one asking questions! What are you doing here?
30: What dost thou live on down here?
31: I am the Avatar of Britannia.
32: Only a few of us were trapped in here by the black stone.
33: Our tribe lives on the surface, many miles from here. We come here from time to time to hunt and fish, and to escape the endless petty warfare between other goblin tribes. Now, though, we are trapped here now by the black stone.  The only other way out is through the castle, and we would not take such a risk.
34: I'll talk to thee another time.
35: Thou shouldst not be here -- you are trespassers!
36: 'Tis a pleasant surprise to find peaceful goblins.
37: Art thou familiar with these sewers?
38: Until the black stone is gone, we live here.
39: If these tunnels belong to Lord British, why have we never seen him here?
40: We have seen one other. He says his name is Fussip, or something like that. We goblins and he are not friends. He is a scoundrel and a thief.
41: What art thou doing down here?
42: Goodbye.
43: We have been coming here for decades, and no one has ever told us to leave. I'd be more inclined to say that thou art the one trespassing.
44: Thou art rude as well, I see. I should slay the lot of you.
45: What dost thou live on, living underground?
46: My apologies, sir. Thou art of course welcome here.
47: Excuse me, but I am needed elsewhere.
48: And it is just as rare to find civilized humans.
49: Aye, 'tis true!
50: Farewell, friend goblin.
51: Thou art worse than the other human, Fussip. If thou dost become violent, be warned that we will defend ourselves.
52: The Moglop goblin tribe thanks thee. Good day.
53: Take care of thyself, human. Parts of these sewers can be dangerous!
54: are
55: were
56: We know there is a large cavern to the northeast, and a great pool within it. We once tried to fish there, but the shores of the lake @GS38 home to dangerous carnivorous worms.
57: Dost thou know more?
58: I thank thee for the information.
59: We have seen a small island in the center of the lake, but none of us have visited it. I am afraid that is all we know of the area.
60: In our visits underground, we of the Moglop have become expert hunters and trackers. How else could we survive in the barren stone caves of the underworld?
61: Canst thou train me in tracking?
62: What brought thee to this place?
63: Certainly -- 'tis rare enough to find a human who bears us no ill will!
64: The goblin's knowledge of underground and woodland tracking is formidable -- you learn much.
65: The goblin's lesson moves very quickly, and you are unable to grasp his ideas.
66: Perhaps thou shouldst spend more time in the underworld -- 'twill grow easier, I assure thee.
67: Wouldst thou learn more from me?
68: Aye.
69: Nay, I must be going.
70: Rogwump, the Dripper and I have agreed that we should give over to thee one of the secrets of our tribe. Over a century ago, a human appeared near our home in the rocky Serpents Spine. Half-starved, he was, and there were wounds on him which seemed to have been made by arrows!
71: Who was this man?
72: I hope thou didst ai him.
73: What has this to do with me?
74: Before he died, he gasped out a single word to those who found him: "Pagan!" We know not what this might mean, or where he came from -- our trackers traced his spoor to the foot of a sheer wall of stone. He carried this with him, though.
75: Take it, for it seems to belong more to thy destiny, that of a warrior who walks among the dimensions, than to ours. Perhaps someday it shall serve a purpose for thee.

block: 0e92; 43 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: What, you again? Phlaah!
18: Hraaawk! Hey, what do you want?
19: What are you goblins doing down here?
20: Do you know your way around this place?
21: Is something wrong with your throat?
22: I'll just be on my way.
23: Oh sure, go do what you want. You humans have it easy! Hwagggh!
24: Aaaak ptoo! Can't find our way back home. Gotta fill our time down here with somethin' besides eating and sleeping.
25: That's nice. I'd best be going now.
26: And how exactly do you fill your time?
27: Well, phah! I've taken up coughing, hacking, and spitting. If we ever get out of here, I'll win next season's spitting contest for sure.
28: I can spit a good twenty yards, want to see?
29: No thanks, 'twould put me off my appetite.
30: Nay. Didst know it is the Guardian that imprisons us?
31: Aye, that I would like to see.
32: Sensitive type, are ya? Well, I guess you are just a human. Phlaagh!
33: Guardian? Ptooooey! Can't say I ever heard of 'im.
34: I'll bet you would. Too bad I'm not going to show you! Harf harf harf harf!
35: Oh, not too much. Plenty of fish right here, and I don't have to walk far to find some fine much if I need any. Phauugh!
36: Hak hak hak! Well, I do have a bit of a cold. But not much of one.
37: Perhaps thou should drink some alcohol.
38: I'm sorry you're not feeling well.
39: I hope you get well soon.
40: Well, it might not do my throat much good. Akkkkkh phlah! But it sure would hit the spot!
41: What'll ya take in trade?
42: Are you kidding? If I get sick enough, I can spit some really thick ones! Bwaaach phwah!

block: 0e93; 57 strings.
1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: Oh, hello, @GS8.
18: Have you always lived down here?
19: What do you goblins eat?
20: You're awfully polite for a goblin.
21: Farewell to thee, Rogwump.
22: No, my tribe is from the surface. But several of us got trapped down here. I just wish there were more different things to eat!
23: Why came you here to begin with?
24: What dost thou eat, then?
25: If my quest succeeds, thou shalt return home.
26: You'd be surprised what kinds o' things wash down here in the sewers. An' if the humans above don't want 'em no more, then it's fair game for us goblins, right?
27: That's fair enough.
28: You shouldn't stray so close to human dwellings.
29: Ah, I knew you were a decent one. You've got that look about you.
30: And do humans show any hesitation about coming near goblin dwellings? No, nor any other place they feel like going!
31: Can it be true? Oh, I only wish I could offer you some help! But all I could give you are some fish. We have those in plenty, but I doubt they'd help much with a quest!
32: Fish, fish, nothing but fish! I can't stand 'em any more! And you know, I used to love to eat fish?
33: I didn't mean to upset you.
34: What kind of fish are there down here?
35: Perhaps thou wouldst care to barter...
36: Oh, I'll be all right. But if I sprout gills and swim out of here afore that black wall comes down, don't be suprised!
37: Bass, mostly. They're pretty easy to bag. But you know what?
38: No, what?
39: Come, tell me!
40: I saw a flying fish last week. Figured I'd catch it, have a meal that tasted a little different. Wouldn't take any bait I could find, though.
41: Really?
42: So what did you do?
43: Found myself a nice, shiny looking glass, and held it over the water. Fish comes flying out, jumping at its reflection, and bashed its brains out! And you know what else?
44: What?
45: IT TASTED JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER FISH! I can't stand it any more! Weeds, I'll find some nice weeds to eat, that's it!
46: I will leave thee now.
47: Perhaps thou wouldst care to barter.
48: And you're very peaceful for a human! Most of 'em come at us swinging a sword when they see us, you know.
49: Hello! I like to be properly introduced 'fore I talk to someone. Who are you?
50: No time for that now, I have important questions.
51: What makes you think I care to tell you?
52: I am @GS8, Avatar of Britannia.
53: Well, when I asked who you were, that was an important question to me. So we're even!
54: You don't have to tell me anything. But I don't have to talk to you either, if I don't want to.
55: Well met. I am Rogwump, Goblin of the Sewers.
56: Would I! Thou dost know how to take a hint!

block: 0e95; 22 strings.
1: sir
2: ma'am
3: By the Serpent! What has happened, Avatar?
4: It seems Patterson had turned traitor.
5: 'Tis horrible! I do not wish to explain.
6: So, 'twas he! And Nelson . . . slain?
7: I must know -- who has slain who, here, @GS8?
8: I have slain Patterson, who murdered Nelson.
9: Patterson was the murderer all along. The rest you may gather for yourself.
10: She turns pale.
11: I . . . I shall inform Miranda.
12: Good morning, @SS1.
13: Good afternoon, @SS1.
14: Good evening, @SS1.
15: How goes the watch?
16: How art thou?
17: And the same to thee.
18: A bit of trouble with these invading soldiers, @SS1.
19: All quiet, @SS1.
20: Fine, @SS1.
21: She continues on her rounds.

block: 0e98; 62 strings.
1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Ductosnore. Zay, I remember you. Kome to hear about Ductosnore dutiez again?
22: Aye.
23: Nay.
24: Well, nize to zee you. Kome bak any time.
25: I am Ductosnore. It haz no akkurate tranzlation in your lang-age.
26: What kind of place is this?
27: I seek a magical gem.
28: What does a Ductosnore do?
29: In fakt, I am not juzt any Ductosnore. I am Bliy Skup Ductosnore. Only one there iz.
30: Please tell me more.
31: That's fine, but can you tell me...
32: I need to know about...
33: You know, few ever kome to talk with me. It has been zeveral hundred of your "yearz" zinze the lazt zuch okkassion.  That iz too bad, for my funktion rekires large mental kapazity, thuz I am kapable of lengthy and interesting konverzation.
34: I see.
35: How interesting.
36: Yes, but I...
37: I'm zure you would like to hear about my funktion. It iz one of the mozt fazkinating and important in all Taloruz.
38: Aye.
39: Surely.
40: No thanks.
41: Skup Chamberz are uzed to produze new Taloridz to replaze thoze that expire through akzident or age. The prozezz kombinez meanz magikal, mekanikal, and biologikal.
42: I see.
43: Please go on.
44: Before leaving the Skup Chamber, the new Talorid haz all the knowledge rekired for itz funktion enkoded into it as well. All thiz iz zupervized by a Ductosnore.
45: Mmmmhmmm.
46: But the Bliy Skup Chamber iz spezial! It kontrolz the bazik programming of all other Skup Chambers, containz mazter patternz for all typez of Taloridz. Zo you zee my funktion iz very important.
47: Uh huh.
48: I have zuffizient knowledge of all patternz to repair any flawz in Skup Chamber programming. Thuz my expanded mental kapazitiez.
49: Aye.
50: ExcusemebutIreallyneedtoaskyouaquestion.
51: Hmmmm? Now, what waz I zaying? Oh yez.
52: Now that Guardian haz helped reduze komplexity of Talorid enkoding by eliminating unneeded karakteriztics, I have much ekzess kapazity left over for other uzez.
53: Uh huh.
54: Before we had three different zexes, far more patternz to know. And many Taloridz had ekzezz and unezezary kapabilitiez. Still, I am glad to have mine.
55: I see.
56: I have developed a zenze of humor. Perhapz you kan appreziate it, being a strange kreature from another world az you are. You zee, thiz door leadz to the Bliy Skup Chamber. But many yearz ago, the "I" fell down from the zign. But inztead of putting it bak, I left it on the floor az a joke. Iz that not funny?
57: Well...
58: Nay, not really.
59: Aye, indeed!
60: I had thought you a being of ekzess mental kapazity like myzelf. It iz a pity I waz miztaken. You had bezt return to your funktion now.
61: I am glad you think zo. Kome back in a few hundred yearz when I have had time to think up another joke.

block: 0e99; 52 strings.
1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Vorz Ductosnore.
22: What are Vorz for?
23: How are Vorz made?
24: Why do the Vorz attack me?
25: Goodbye.
26: Before you go... Iz it true you zeek to know more about Eloemosynator?
27: Nay, I do not.
28: Ah, my miztake then. 
29: Aye, indeed!
30: Yez, I thought zo. Thank you for konfirming it. 
31: Be zeeing you.
32: Vorz are skupped for a variety of taskz. They perform most phyzikal labor on Taloruz, for one thing. They are alzo very effektive kourierz. Their funktion is to free Taloridz for more important thingz.
33: I see.
34: What sort of important things?
35: What elze kan I help you with?
36: You would have to azk one who doez zuch thingz. I just skup Vorz.
37: Now that iz an interezting zubjekt. The prozezz is zimilar to the way Taloridz are skupped, but much zimpler. Vorz are mucs zimpler kreaturez, after all.
38: Do tell.
39: Thiz Skup Chamber iz kontrolled by a zingle Delgnizator - over there, on that wall. By konnekting different information krystalz to it, I modify the patternz, enkoding Vorz for whatever funktionz may be rekired.
40: Thank you for the explanation.
41: You are welkome.
42: Among other funktionz, Vorz are skupped to neutralize harmful ekzternal entitiez, much like white blood zellz. Are you a harmful alien?
43: I never intended to be harmful.
44: No, I am not.
45: Yes, I am.
46: Well, you muzt be anyway. Elze why would Vorz attak you?
47: I am confuzed now. Thiz data kontradiktz data that Guardian told me. I muzt zeek Data Integrator at firzt oppportunity and rezolve thiz.
48: Then I muzt skup many more Vorz, before you do harm to Taloruz.
49: Thou wouldst seek my death, then?
50: And I will slay all you can skup!
51: I muzt perform my funktion, and you muzt perform yourz. That iz way of thingz, even for lowly Vorz. Nothing to grow upzet over.

block: 0e9a; 30 strings.
1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Ductosnore. And am very buzy! Do you need zomething?
22: Why are you so busy?
23: I skupped you to save your people!
24: You should seek the Futurian.
25: I'll leave you to your work now.
26: Nothing iz az my funktion indikatez it should be! All are skupped now by strange new patternz. I muzt restore old patternz to Bliy Skup Chamber, much work to do.
27: I zuppoze you muzt oppoze Guardian, then. Zeemz not all alienz are bad alienz. Thank you for your azziztanze.
28: Yez, Historian kan tell me how thingz were in better timez, then Futurian kan tell me how to help make them zo again.
29: Zo much to do... Where to begin, where to begin!

block: 0e9b; 66 strings.
1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Data Integrator.
22: Perhapz Dialogicianz might help you phraze thiz more precizely.
23: What does a Data Integrator do?
24: Perhaps you can explain something to me.
25: I need help with some information crystals.
26: Thanks for your time.
27: There are many zourzez of information, zome komplementary, zome kontradiktory. When a Talorid haz only one pieze of information to akt on, the kourse iz klear. When there are two or more, they kome to me.
28: Very interesting.
29: Uzually my funktion iz in dealing with the kombination of information kryztalz. Of kourze I alzo anzer zimple kestions, az I am doing for you now.
30: Ekzplaining iz indeed part of my funktion.
31: Are your titles names, or job descriptions?
32: How can I read an information crystal?
33: What do your people seek from life?
34: Who I am, what I am, and what I do, to me all theze thingz are one, all the zame. Zo it iz with all of uz.
35: One doez not akzezz the information direktly. The kryztalz are uzed to enkode patternz into machinery, zuch az that in the Skup Chamberz. Other machinez kopy patternz from one krystal into another, or manipulate patternz from one or more krystalz to produze a kryztal with a new pattern.
36: Imagine an ant hill where each ant haz bekome az a zingle nerve zell in a giant brain. Kould any ant tell you what the brain wants? And yet, if any would know what shall bekome of uz, it would be Futurian. Zeek Futurian.
37: That iz my spezialty. But you muzt state your rekirementz with utmozt prezizion.
38: I need to know where to find a certain crystal.
39: I must combine two crystals together.
40: I have to reprogram the Bliy Skup Chamber with a Delgnizator.
41: Never mind.
42: I have no idea which krystalz are stored where. They who zeek me do zo after they have krystalz they need to uze. Librarian kould help you, but there is no Librarian in thiz komplekz.
43: Not nearly prezize enough! There are zo many wayz to kombine the information in two kryztalz, you must tell me how they are to be kombined!
44: No, that rekest iz too imprezize. I kannot help you unlezz you kan be more spezifik.
45: I'm trying to create a new Ductosnore using the pattern from an information crystal.
46: Well, thanks anyway.
47: Even with proper krystalz, they kan be uzed zo many different wayz! Dependz on how you want patternz interpreted. Muzt be more spezifik.
48: I do what I kan.
49: Az you wish.
50: "I muzt align a bi-phazal kontroller with a skup pattern matrikz in a Delgnizator."
51: "What ozillation frekenzy will produze ekzor rezonanze?"
52: "And how may I engage Skup-interlok?
53: Huh?
54: The information krystal should be plazed in the purple input hopper. Then plaze the Delgnizator in the zentral blue zirkle. The kontroller krystal kan be aktivate in a number of different wayz, depending on the dezired rezult.
55: "I muzt align a bi-phazal kontroller with a skup pattern matrikz in a Delgnizator."
56: "What ozillation frekenzy will produze ekzor rezonanze?"
57: "And how may I engage Skup-interlok?
58: Huh?
59: In thiz caze, ekzor rezonanze will okkur at 617 gigamoogz. Thiz kan be achieved by plazing the kontroller krystal in the yellow input hopper.
60: "I muzt align a bi-phazal kontroller with a skup pattern matrikz in a Delgnizator."
61: "What ozillation frekenzy will produze ekzor rezonanze?"
62: "And how may I engage Skup-interlok?
63: When all the komponentz are in plaze, pull the facilitator chain in the korner of the chamber.
64: Thanks, you've been most helpful.
65: Zay, if you do all thiz, it should really shake thingz up. The konzekenzez are more komplekz than I kan integrate. I hope Futurian haz worked thiz out zuffiziently. Good luk in any kaze!

block: 0e9c; 92 strings.
1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Historian.
22: Tell me of your world's past.
23: What is that strange protrusion you have?
24: I need your help.
25: I must be going now.
26: Yez, you must zee to prezent and future while I dwell here adrift in memoriez of the past. Go then.
27: After many millenia, the akkumulation of small imperfektionz kauzes a Talorid to show outward zigns such as thiz. Before long I will be zent to the lava pits to have my komponentz reklaimed, and a new Historian will be skupped to replaze me. Zeveral more protruzionz may manifest before then, however.
28: Oh, I see.
29: I'm sorry to hear that.
30: That's awful! Is there no other way?
31: In timez past, all Taloridz kontinued to funktion until they ekzpired. But Guardian haz taught uz many ways to increaze effizienzy. There have been many changez, thiz is one of them. What waz yesterday, iz today. What will be tomorrow, only Futurian knows.
32: That iz our way now, in theze times of great effizienzy. And yet, I know of older ways, kinder ways we uzed to follow. But I kan only tell of theze ways, it iz for others to akt on that knowledge.
33: To tell of the past is my funktion. Otherz know nothing of what happened before their skupping, zo Historian must make sure it iz not lost. Each new Historian abzorbz knowledge from the one before.
34: I see.
35: Do go on.
36: Zinze you are not of thiz world, I should tell you of our kind first. Our past goez bak far indeed. Just az antz work together in koloniez az one complekz organizm, we Taloridz are evolving toward perfekt zyntheziz into one great zingle being.
37: How fascinating!
38: If you say so...
39: You might think the individual would loze identity, loze what made each of uz spezial. But thiz was not zo, not before he came. Life waz richer az individualz grew more koordinated. Each purzued individual goalz, had hopez and fearz as before. But alzo there were higher goalz, of benefit to all. Lezz pollution, end to war, ekzploration of other dimenzions.
40: How did things change?
41: Who came? What did he do?
42: Guardian came, ekzplained hiz funktion waz to improve zyztems, increaze effizienzy. Made many zuggestionz, ways to increaze produktion of materialz. All were uzed, all worked kite well. But he haz kome to be allowed too much freedom to change our zyztem. He is not of uz, is not Talorid.
43: What else has he done here?
44: We are too kompartmentalized now, each knowing only of their own funktion. I think Guardian arranged thiz to weaken uz. Now Guardian kan do az he pleazez. Many of the things we produze now are of no uze to Taloridz, but thoze that make them do not kestion what they are for. Few bezidez myzelf have enough information to zuzpect that Guardian is evil.
45: Can't you do anything to stop him?
46: Does he suspect you oppose him?
47: I will help you defeat the Guardian!
48: My sympathy for your predicament.
49: It iz not my role to akt, but to inform thoze that kan of what haz gone before. And in time I will be replazed by new Historian, skupped to zee things Guardian'z way.
50: Perhapz. But change komez slowly on Taloruz. If it iz a zentury or two before I go to the lava, how much kan I akkomplish in that time? Guardian iz not worried.
51: You are mozt kind.
52: Oh? With what do you rekire azzistanze?
53: I seek a magical gem.
54: You must help me defeat the Guardian!
55: What is an Eloemosynator?
56: I have knowledge of the gem you zeek. But you are not Talorid. If you do zomething to help uz, I will give you the information in return.
57: Then I shall free you from the Guardian!
58: If you won't help, then I must go.
59: I can think of no way to help.
60: If you are not a helpful kreature, I imagine you'll be eaten by Vorz eventually. Too bad, as I find your converzation interesting.
61: Eloemosynator iz most anzient and rezpekted funktion any Talorid kan have.
62: I am Historian, not you. You have already spoken of defeating Guardian, this iz part of history now. It iz my funktion to speak of it, yours iz to go and do it!
63: Kan zuch a think be pozzible? And yet, if it kan, I must do whatever I might to azzist you. Let me think. What in the past might aid you in thiz?
64: Take your time.
65: I'm sure you'll think of something.
66: Ah, I have it. Several zyklez ago, Guardian modified the programming of the Bliy Skup Chamber. Our kind had three zexez, just az yours haz two. But now we have only one, in the name of greater effizienzy.
67: That's too bad.
68: How will this help me?
69: Guardian'z kontrol of our deztiny is zentered on the Bliy Skup Chamber, for through the patterns we are made with, Guardian kan determine our goalz.
70: Aye, I understand.
71: Please continue.
72: To maintain hiz kontrol, Guardian had Ductosnore skupped that would zee things Guardian'z way. Normal Ductosnore would not operate Bliy Skup Chamber in zuch a manner. Az Historian, I know where information krystal with original Ductosnore pattern iz.
73: Where is it?
74: It was zent down to the lava pit for rezykling a thouzand of your "yearz" ago.
75: That's terrible!
76: Then we'll have to succeed without it.
77: Fortunately, the konveyor only movez an inch or two per year. You should be able to find the kryztal amongst the debris to the north of the lava. Iz kryztal E0Y2.
78: Thank you. I'll set out at once.
79: What should I do when I've found it?
80: That I kannot zay. I only know the past, and Taloruz haz never been rezkued from alien fiend by brave hero before. Only one thing for Historian to zay when zomeone zeekz advize for that which haz never happened before.
81: Yes?
82: And what would that be?
83: Zeek the Futurian. That which you will do liez in the future, and that iz Futurian'z domain.\m
84: I wish you luk, Avatar, for hope ridez on your shoulderz. There waz a time when we knew love, and beauty and laughter. I do not know what theze things are, but I would have my people feel them again.\m
85: Now pleaze go. I grow weary and must rezt.
86: Avatar, you have done it! The new Ductosnore kan restore the old patternz, and free Taloruz from Guardian. I muzt do zomething for you in ekzchange.
87: If you insist.
88: Guardian uzed powerful magik to make lava pit below. Zervez az power zource for uz. Few know thiz, but at zenter, where spell waz kast, iz small island in middle of lava. There liez gem you zeek.
89: How can I get there?
90: There waz onze a method uzed to teleport Vorz to any dezired lokation. It iz no longer uzed, az it iz not effizient. But az Historian, I still know it. I will zend you to the gem now.
91: "And thuz did Avatar, the strange kreature from another world, set Taloruz on the path to liberation."

block: 0e9d; 96 strings.
1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: There are matters for you to discuss with Historian. after that, you will come talk to me again.
22: I am Futurian. 
23: I knew you would come to speak with me again.
24: I presume you'll be wanting to ask about how a new Ductosnore can be skupped with the old patterns.
25: Aye, Historian sent me.
26: No, I don't.
27: Oh, perhaps not now, but eventually you will. Good day.
28: You play an important role in the future of Talorus. Normally my guidance is given to my own kind, but in this case it is quite appropriate for me to help you.
29: I'm glad to hear it.
30: What must I do?
31: There are three things you will take with you to the Bliy Skup Chamber. First, the information crystal the Historian told you of, with the old Ductosnore pattern. Second, a crystal with the proper program to encode this pattern into the Skup Chamber control mechanisms. This crystal awaits you in the chamber behind me.
32: How did you come to have it here?
33: And what is the third thing?
34: As Futurian, part of my function is to keep my Necessity Chamber supplied with various items that individuals who come to me will be requiring at some point in the future.
35: I see.
36: What if I take something meant for someone else?
37: Then one of two things will occur. Either you will return the item before the individual it was placed for comes for it, or you will eventually make use of the item yourself -- possibly many years in the future. Or, actually, it is possible you will convey it to someone who will use it themselves. But we digress.
38: Yes, you were saying?
39: The third item you will take with you is a Delgnizator. These items, along with some form of weapon, will prove sufficient.
40: What is a Delgnizator?
41: Why will I need a weapon?
42: It is a device designed to serve as part of the control system for a Skup Chamber. You will need it for the reprogramming after you kill Bliy Skup Ductosnore.
43: After I what?
44: Why would I kill him?
45: The death of Bliy Skup Ductosnore is the only way to gain access to the Bliy Skup Chamber, and to trigger the production of a new Ductosnore.
46: Normally only Ductosnore can open the Chamber doors. But upon death, the chamber begins to produce a new Ductosnore automatically. In addition, the chamber doors open, in case there is some\m
47: malfunction to be repaired. Otherwise we might be stuck with no Ductosnore, and no way to produce one. But Futurians past anticipated such problems and made allowances.
48: What else must I do?
49: I am sorry, but I will not slay unprovoked.
50: Your decision to slay Bliy Skup Ductosnore is a key junction between two different futures. In one, Guardian controls Talorus uncontested. In the other, my people begin to struggle for freedom. You will make your choice when the time comes.
51: If you say so.
52: I will do my best.
53: The last thing you must know is how to utilize the Delgnizator. The Data Integrator possesses this knowledge; you will acquire it there.
54: I see.
55: There is one other thing you do not strictly need to be informed of. But as your actions will serve to benefit Talorus in the long run, I will warn you.
56: Warn me of what?
57: Shortly before you came here, I informed Guardian that your actions would prove detrimental to Guardian's goals. Guardian will increase Vorz production, and modify Vorz encoding to make them attack you. You will experience the first of these attacks fairly soon.
58: Why did you do that to me?
59: Whose side are you on, anyway?
60: Couldn't you have prevented this somehow?
61: Thanks for warning me, at least.
62: To have lied to Guardian would have led to my demise. In some situations, this would not be inappropriate. But my presence will be important following your actions in the Bliy Skup Chamber, so sacrificing myself was not indicated.
63: If you say so...
64: If there had been a good way to avoid it, I would have known of it. This is the way things were destined to transpire.
65: I have said all that is needful at this time. Now you shall go and do what you are destined to do.
66: Thank you very much.
67: Before I go -- how is it that you speak my language so much better than other Talorids?
68: In the future, Talorus has much greater contact with other dimensions, including yours. This eventually leads to greater mastery of alien languages. As Futurian, naturally, I am already attuned to that future state.
69: Do you actually know the future for certain?
70: How will I stop the Vorz from attacking me?
71: How will I get help from the Data Integrator?
72: Will I ever find out what the Eloemosynator does?
73: I will be on my way now.
74: I search through patterns of potentialities to find "the thread which shines most brightly." We have a word for this, but it has no direct translation in your language. Perhaps "destiny" is closest.
75: I see.
76: But do you know for sure?
77: As well as you might see, at least.
78: If our kind could smile, such a question could warrant no other response. If you ever learn how time truly functions, you could come ask me that again. But of course, you wouldn't need to.
79: I already told you that you will obtain a Delgnizator. As you will be removing it from the Skup Chamber where Vorz are produced, this will also terminate the production of hostile Vorz. Thus, the previous information I provided you was sufficient to deal with this issue as well.
80: You will use the scroll supplied by the Dialogicians for that purpose.
81: No, I'm afraid not. For each of us, some things will remain ever mysterious.
82: I suppose so.
83: I don't really care anyway.
84: What, even for thee?
85: Indeed, none can know everything.
86: One does well to let go gracefully of desires that can never be fulfilled.
87: Yes, for I gaze so far into the future, I only have room for small fragments of memories of the past. Most of what I experience is forgotten within a few days time.
88: Yes, you will.
89: The new Ductosnore has been created.
90: How will I find the gem I need?
91: What holds the future for Talorus?
92: Farewell, Futurian.
93: You have done well. Great changes lie ahead for Talorus.
94: You will speak with Historian again.
95: There is much conflict ahead, a complex, tangled clash of conflicting goals and ideas. It will take a long time to resolve. And beyond that? Well, perhaps some things are too far into the future to focus on...

block: 0e9e; 39 strings.
1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Eloemosynator.
22: I have a question for you.
23: What is your function?
24: Farewell.
25: That which dizkonnektz in one plaze will rekonnekt in another.
26: There iz komplekzity. In zwirling eddiez of order and chaoz, strandz of information arize spontaneouzly. Zomtimez higher level patternz emerge. By analyzing theze, the obzerver bekomez part of the pattern. Do you komprehend?
27: Aye.
28: Nay.
29: May your understanding grow with the pazzing zyklez.
30: Your knowledge liez elzewhere, then.
31: I have no kestion to ask you.
32: What do you know of the Guardian?
33: Who can help me find what I seek?
34: Are you just trying to confuse me?
35: Goodbye.
36: Funktion kode "Guardian" iz uzed to refer to ekztremely denze information pattern which iz lokal ekztenzion of ekztra-dimensional conglomerazion.
37: Without proper konstraintz upon data, zearch time rizez ekzponenzially. One muzt uze limitz that kalify an achievable objektive, but one that still haz value. And yet, thoze limitz themzelvez are data which one muzt zeek, leading to potenzial infinite regrezz.
38: Kaoz iz a natural state, juzt az much zo az order. There iz no need to zeek one over the other.

block: 0e9f; 115 strings.
1: "Then we shall increaze orbomite shipmentz to your zektor.\n"
2: "That would be most ekzellent."\n
3: "Have the alt flay rodz been behaving properly?"\m
4: ...\m
5: Look, an alien kreature wishez to speak with uz.
6: But dialog iz for two, and that would make three!\m
7: I have a notion. Let uz kontinue our work, and speak with the kreature in between, thuz inventing "trialog".
8: A splendid notion! You are most klever.\m
9: I am Dialogician.\n
10: I am Dialogician.\n
11: \m
12: I am Avatar.
13: What is a Dialogician?
14: Can you help me with something?
15: Farewell, wordy ones.
16: My, how formal!
17: When it is nezezzary for Taloridz to speak with each other, they often lak the ability to think of the proper thingz to say.
18: Yez, zo we provide them with phrazez and zentenzez to suit their needz.
19: Our storage room iz full of them. Feel free to try out a few.\m
20: The thingz we zay to each other, thoze are linez of dialog we are tezting out between each other, before providing them to otherz.
21: Indeed, that iz why there are two of uz. Letz try out zome more linez now.\m
22: Do your kind really need this done for them?
23: That's interesting.
24: How do you know which sentence to give them?
25: Yez, more and more Taloridz are bekoming zo well adapted to their funktionz that they have no mental rezourzez left for thingz zuch az being artikulate.
26: All the more for uz to do that way!
27: No, no, no, that iz not very good at all.
28: Better would be, perhapz, "I thank you for sharing zuch fazinating information with me!"
29: Yez, the way you zaid it waz much too short.
30: Ah, knowing that iz mozt important part of being Dialogician.
31: To be prezize, if we didn't know, we'd be zomething else entirely.
32: That kould mean "Is there zome thing, any thing at all, we kould help you with?"
33: To that, we would zurely anzer in the affirmative.\m
34: Or you might have zome spezifik thing in mind.\m
35: Then we would have to know which thing it waz.\m
36: Yez, zome thingz we kan help with, while otherz we kannot.\m
37: Can you help me find a magic gem?
38: If you were me, what would you say to you?
39: I need help talking to the Data Integrator.
40: Can you help me speak with the Eleoemosynator?
41: No, most certainly not.
42: To be prezize, we kannot provide the slightezt azziztanze with zuch matterz.
43: Good kestion! I might zay "How are you zo blezzed az to be Dialogician?"\m
44: While I might say "How many granulez are in freemik pulzony?"
45: I see.
46: How are you so blessed as to be Dialogician?
47: How many granules are in freemik pulzony?
48: Zome are lukky enough to be skupped for the mozt spezial funktionz, I zuppoze.
49: Yez, how many are there?\n
50: Why, 602, I believe.\n
51: Oh, how interezting.
52: Ah, now it happenz we have a skroll with juzt the zentenzez you need for that.
53: Indeed, Futurian told uz it would be uzeful to prepare zuch a skroll.\m
54: Glad to know you have it.
55: It waz our pleazure to prepare it.
56: May I have the scroll, please?
57: Yez, having azertained that we kan help you, the nekzt step iz to inkire az to whether we will. kite korrect of you.
58: And in fakt, az it iz our funktion to provide such skrollz, we will give it to you.\m
59: Here you are.
60: I am grateful for the assistance.
61: Thank you most kindly.
62: To fulfill one'z funktion is to be fulfilled.\m
63: To be precise: When one iz filled, one feelz funky.\n
64: I don't think that iz kite right.\n
65: No, I muzt work on that line some more.\n
66: Yez, we kan help with that.\m
67: With that we kould be mozt helpful.
68: Will you help me with this, then?
69: That's very reassuring to know.
70: No, not at thiz time.\m
71: In other wordz, we kould help, but we will not.
72: Your reazzuranze is our finezt reward.
73: "Farewell," I said.
75: Oh, excuse us.
76: Yes, indeed, farewell strange kreature.
77: "No, zurely Eloemosynator could not have done such a thing."\n
78: "But I tell you, that iz ekzaktly what tranzpired."\m
79: "Tell me, iz it a very painful prozezz?"\n
80: "Yez, but only the firzt few timez."\m
81: "The coleus have grown kite rapidly thiz zykle."\n
82: "I do what little I kan to enkourage their growth."\m
83: "Zycle 17, zub-zector 3, parts 223a and 227b."\n
84: "87 percent, retro-kotient 3.14159."\m
85: "Zurely no more effizient method kan be found."\n
86: "Ask Guardian; if there iz a better way, Guardian will know."\m
87: "If you fold it thuzly, thiz part becomez the tail."\n
88: "I lack the dekzterity for zuch manipulationz."\m
89: "I zeek Philozophizt."\n
90: "That funktion no longer ekziztz. Were you skupped at the dawn of time?"\m
91: "Kan you manufakture a frobulus?"\n
92: "Yes. But tell me, what iz a frobulus?"\m
93: "I will be rezykled zoon."\n
94: "Kongratulationz on zerving your funktion well."\m
95: "What kolorz are rekired at thiz time?"\n
96: "Blak, zilver, and gold."\m
97: "Thiz iz the new method I have devized."\n
98: "It iz zomewhat ineffizient, but klever nonthelezz."\m
99: "I enkountered a referenze to 'art'. What iz 'art'?"\n
100: "It iz a thing from the pazt. Zeek Historian."\m
101: "Waz magik gem dealt with properly?"\n
102: "Guardian took it to an appropriate plaze."\m
103: "I would like to vizit another dimenzion zomeday."\n
104: "Zuch thoughtz are premature. Get your gnoz out of the fribbery."\m
105: "Iz the interzektion of theze kategoriez an ill-formed zet?"\n
106: "That kestion iz not zolvable in polynomial time."\m
107: "If kozmoz were shaped that way, korioliz effect would work differently."\n
108: "Perhapz korioliz theory needz to be modified alzo."\m
109: "The zubjekt I kame to dizkuzz is no longer relevant."\n
110: "Then I need zay nothing to you at all. Goodbye."\m
111: "It should be moved zome diztanze to the zouth."\n
112: "I believe you are korrekt. What diztanze would be optimum?"\m
113: "What kestion kontainz the word 'armadillo' for no apparent reazon?"\n
114: "What kestion kontainz the word 'armadillo' for no apparent reazon?"\m

block: 0ea0; 44 strings.
1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Runekeeper.
22: What kind of place is this?
23: I seek a magical gem.
24: Tell me of these runes.
25: Goodbye.
26: For that, you should speak to Hiztorian.
27: I know of no such thing. Zeek Eloemosynator.
28: Thiz area iz rich in the nezezzitiez for produktion of theze runez. Thiz chamber haz been allokated for the prozezz. I enzure that rune produktion, storage and tranzfer prozeed unimpeded.
29: How are the runes made?
30: What are the runes used for?
31: I only skan knowledge from krystalz that is needed to repair malfunktions. I do not understand the entire prozezz.
32: That knowledge liez outzide my funktion. My role is to enzure that a steady zupply iz available, no more.
33: Where are the runes transferred to?
34: Can you make other kinds of runes?
35: Would it be all right if I took a rune?
36: Thank you for answering my questions.
37: Entity known az "Guardian" teleports them elzwhere. "Guardian" helped eztablish kurrent rune produktion prozedurez.
38: Might he not be misusing these runes?
39: Why do you need to produce runes at all?
40: Are you sure this is a good idea?
41: Prozedurez were modified. Prozedurez are only modified to improve effizienzy for the benefit of all.
42: I waz enkoded for zupervizion of thiz rune-type. Other rune-type would rekire different enkoding.
43: "All right"? Tranzferz of materialz and information from one lokation to another are only performed for the benefit of all. I do not underztand the kestion.

block: 0ea8; 95 strings.
1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Where is this Mors Gotha? I must face her!
7: Kill me then, since you can. I'm sick of a world where a mastery of the fighting arts makes you either a mealy-mouthed preacher of empty virtues, or a school teacher!
8: Just a minute, @GS8. We'd best listen to what British has to say.
9: Well, Avatar, it seems thou art trapped with the rest of us!
10: Ah, Avatar. Good of thee to visit me.
11: Yes? What may I do for thee?
12: Blah blah blah?
13: What is on thy mind, @GS25?
14: What has become of thee, this past year?
15: Wouldst thou train me, Master @GS25?
16: Please excuse me, @GS25.
17: What else may I do for thee, @GS8?
18: Nothing, thank thee.
19: There is one more thing, @GS25.
20: What is it?
21: I confess, Avatar, for a long time I hated thee. 'Twas a cruel thing, to learn that my Master De Snel, who had attained such perfection in the fighting arts, had turned from the path of honor! 'Twas a terrible blow to the entire academy, the Library of Scars!
22: 'Twas indeed a shame.
23: He got what he deserved.
24: Refresh my memory -- what became of the man?
25: Why, @GS8! When thou didst confront him with the evidence of his crimes, he drew on thee! 'Twas a splendid duel, by all accounts.
26: At least he died with honor, in single combat with thee.
27: Indeed. Thou didst dispense justice with dispatch and resolve.
28: What has become of thee since?
29: What of the Library of Scars, in this past year?
30: I have been appointed headmaster of the Library of Scars! Indeed, I am known there now as Master Syria! 'Tis an honor, save that now I can find none to face me in combat.
31: Why, congratulations!
32: I must leave thee, now.
33: And what of thy other friends, there.
34: That worm, Sprellic, is no longer causing us trouble. Vokes found some occasion to knock him sprawling in his own inn! Little other news -- a few new additions to the Library of Scars, that is all.
35: I thought thou wouldst never ask! My blade rusts in its sheath, confined to the castle as I am! Shall we fence, then? Or shall I teach thee the art of unarmed fighting?
36: By all means, teach me of the blade!
37: Let us spar unarmed.
38: Not right now. Perhaps later.
39: After sparring with you for a few minutes, Syria lowers her sword.
40: Thou'rt the mightiest fighter I have ever seen! There is nothing more I can teach thee now.
41: Syria's knowledge of the blade is daunting -- you learn much from her.
42: She hurries you through several unfamiliar drills, and you find it difficult to learn much.
43: I can teach thee no more, Avatar -- thou art lacking in true combat experience!
44: Syria's stronger than she looks. You take a few bruises, but your strength and striking speed improve.
45: Her style of fighting is undeniably effective, but for the moment you can't figure it out.
46: Enough! This is all we can do in a classroom -- thou shouldst go out and fight a few matches for blood!
47: Wouldst thou like to continue, or stop for the moment?
48: By all means, let us continue.
49: Let us call it a day.
50: It seems I shall have a chance to see the famous Avatar in action. I shall be curious to know whether there is any truth to the tales of thy boldness and cunning.
51: Doubtless some of it has been exaggerated in the telling.
52: I have indeed endured many perils! Mine has been a full life.
53: Such a shame! I had so looked forward to watching a hero in action.
54: Excellent! I shall expect a dazzling performance, Avatar.
55: Is it true that thou hast ventured to another world?
56: Aye.
57: It is hard to tell. Certainly I was SOMEWHERE.
58: I truly hope so. Britannia has been so boring, of late! If only I had been born back in the days of the evil Mondain!
59: How canst thou say such a thing?
60: I was there -- 'twas a difficult time to be alive.
61: Say what thou wilt, but I am tired of a world where a mastery of the fighting arts makes one either a preacher of virtue (no offense, Avatar), or a school teacher!
62: I hear that whelp, Charles, has found something to excite him, down in the basement. Probably found a few more mushy old apples!
63: @GS8, speak to Dupre, won't thou? He seems so restless, waving his sword about the way he does! If he is not more careful I shall duel him -- 'twould fascinate me to take on the famous Sir Dupre!
64: Watch thy step, Syria. He is possessed of a temper!
65: I am sure he would spar with thee, if thou wouldst ask him.
66: I have no wish to spar with anyone, Avatar! 'Tis so dull, if there is no blood at stake.
67: My dear @GS8, I certainly hope so!
68: Syria laughs.
69: I have just been to see thy trainer, Geoffrey! Who taught that man to handle a blade? He looked like a man waving a flag, or a feather duster!
70: Syria, Geoffrey is a worthy fighting man!
71: Perhaps Geoffrey's methods are a bit outdated.
72: I do not question his loyalty, or his sense of honor, Avatar, but really! He has all the grace of an Iron Golem!
73: Outdated? His fighting style looks as old . . . well, as old as thee, @GS8! The man would be laughed out of the Library of Scars!
74: I suppose thou hast heard of the revolting matter of Tory's death! 'Twas revolting, a killing devoid of honor or finesse!
75: Thou dost seem to show little compassion in this matter, Syria.
76: I cannot but agree. The matter turns my stomach.
77: I apologize, Avatar. It has become my way, having so often confronted death in my life. It is one of the things I have lost, in my devotion to my craft.
78: She spits.
79: I do not often feel disgust, Avatar, but I confess I share thy feelings in this matter.
80: Hast thou any idea who is responsible?
81: I shall leave thee now.
82: If only we could be sure this would not be repeated.
83: As such matters have become my profession, let me offer thee some advice -- I do not think anyone in the castle could have carried this out. They are good people, and unused to killing -- if one of them had done this, it would show in their face. Likely, 'twas some servant of the Guardian, crawling up through the sewers in the night.
84: I heard news of thy scrap with Patterson. Hard luck, there. And yet, it bothers me that in the castle they are calling him a coward!
85: And so he was!
86: I am not responsible for what they say.
87: How canst thou sympathize with such a man?
88: But this is unjust, Avatar.
89: Patterson was a poor fighter, surely. But think of the courage it took to walk among us with that secret inside him. And then to face thee, the mightiest warrior in the realm, in single combat, unarmed! It is my belief that few among us would have the courage to attempt such odds.
90: @GS8, the Guardian came to me with a similar offer, and I confess I was tempted -- perhaps Britannia has become too gentle a nation for me. I might have been happier in a world with no Avatar and no Lord British, where youth and strength meant more than a list of virtues!
91: I, too, miss the earlier days, Syria.
92: I cannot agree with thee -- there was so much suffering in the old days!
93: Ah, well. I suppose there is no going back.
94: I know. Perhaps it is not such a bad thing that thee and thy kind rule this world now.


Appears to be a substring of "uw2code.txt" but may contain differences.

e:\uc\uw2\data\strings.pak: 136 string blocks.

block: 0001; 512 strings.
0: Hey, its all the game strings
1: Yow
2: The key does not fit.\n
3: There is no lock on that.\n
4: The key locks the lock.\n
5: The key unlocks the lock.\n
6: That is already open.\n
7: Use key on...\n
8: What lock would you like to try to pick?\n
9: You copy the map scrap to your map.\n
10: You do not have your map.\n
11: You are not yet ready to cast another spell.\n
12: not
13: Welcome to the Underworld.\n
14: There are hostile creatures near!\n
15: You make camp.\n
16: You go to sleep.\n
17: You are starving.\n
18: You feel rested.\n
19: Your sleep is uneasy.\n
20: You can't go to sleep here!\n
21: Your sleep is interrupted!\n
22: You unroll your sleeping bag and crawl inside.\n
23: You climb into the bed.\n
24: Your dreams are vivid, showing a shifting colored scene...\n
25: You awaken after a night of extremely lifelike dreams...\n
26: It looks to be that of 
27: They look to be those of 
28: You are not ready to advance.\n
29: That is not a mantra.\n
30: Knowledge and understanding fill you.\n
31: You cannot advance any further in that skill.\n
32: You have advanced greatly in 
33: You have advanced in 
34: None of your skills improved.\n
36: You feel a faint tingling sensation.\n
38: You cannot advance in 
39: The watch reads 
40: to the North
41: to the Northeast
42: to the East
43: to the Southeast
44: to the South
45: to the Southwest
46: to the West
47: to the Northwest
48: far far below you
49: far far below you
50: far below you
51: far below you
52: below you
53: below you
54: underneath you
56: above you
57: above you
58: above you
59: far above you
60: far above you
61: far far above you
62: far far above you
63: You detect a creature 
64: You detect a few creatures 
65: You detect the activity of many creatures 
66: You detect no monster activity.\n
67:  is currently active.\n
68: You are currently 
69: It is the 
70:  day of your quest.\n
71: It has been an uncountable number of days since the castle was sealed off.\n
72: You guess that it is currently 
73: You are in 
74: an alternate dimension
75: Britannia
76: The Prison Tower
77: Killorn Keep
78: the Ice Caverns
79: Talorus
80: the Scintillus Academy Final Exam
81: the Tomb of Praecor Loth
82: the Pits of Carnage
83: the Ethereal Void
84: night
85: night
86: dawn
87: early morning
88: morning
89: late morning
90: mid-day
91: afternoon
92: late afternoon
93: early evening
94: evening
95: night
96: .\n
97: barely
98: mildly
99: badly
100: seriously
101: critically
102: Your current vitality is 
103: Your current mana points are 
104: You are 
105:  poisoned.\n
106: That is too far away to take.\n
107: You cannot reach that.\n
108: That is too heavy for you to pick up.\n
109: You cannot pick that up.\n
110: You detect no traps.\n
111: You found a trap! Do you wish to try to disarm it?\n
112: You catch a lovely fish.\n
113: No luck this time.\n
114: You cannot fish there. Perhaps somewhere else.\n
115: You feel a nibble, but the fish gets away.\n
116:  and 
117: starving
118: famished
119: very hungry
120: hungry
121: mildly hungry
122: fed
123: well fed
124: full
125: stuffed
126: fatigued
127: very tired
128: drowsy
129: awake
130: rested
131: wide awake
132: You can only use those individually. Take one from this group if you wish to use it.\n
133: Your lockpicking attempt failed.\n
134: You broke your pick.\n
135: You succeed in picking the lock.\n
136: That is not locked.\n
137: Lights may only be used if equipped.\n
138: That light is already used up.\n
139: With a loud <SNAP!>, the wand cracks.\n
140: You are too full to eat that now.\n
141: You are unable to remove the stopper.\n
142: You unroll your map.\n
146: It seems to have no effect.\n
147: The fountain is dry.\n
148: You thoughtfully give the bones a final resting place.\n
149: The rock breaks into smaller pieces.\n
150: Sorry.. your object list is corrupted.  Please report this.\nWould you like to continue anyway? 
151:  is nearly done\n
152:  is unstable\n
153:  is stable\n
154: You destroy the 
155: You damage the 
156: You cannot repair that.\n
157: Your attempt has no effect on the 
158: You partially repair the 
159: You fully repair the 
160: The noise you made has attracted attention!\n
161: Congratulations! You've reached experience level 
162: The bowl does not contain the correct ingredients.\n
163: You mix the ingredients into a stew.\n
164: You need a bowl to mix the ingredients.\n
165: Enscribed upon the scroll is your map.\n
166: You cannot use that.\n
167: Why is this being printed?\n
168: You see nothing.\n
169: Nothing to get.\n
170: You cannot talk to that.\n
171: Using the pole you trigger the switch.\n
172: The pole cannot be used on that.\n
173: Impossible, you are between worlds.\n
174: You cannot select options partway through an action.\n
175: No save game there.\n
176: Restore Game Complete.\n
177: \4Restore Game Failed.\n\0
178: \4Save Game Failed.\n\0
179: \6Save Game Succeeded.\n\0
180: \4Save Game Aborted.\n\0
181: Restoring Game 
182: Saving Game 
183: \6     Please enter a save file description:\n
184: Error: Bad save file
185: ...
186: You see a bridge.\n
187:  tasted putrid.\n
188:  tasted a little rancid.\n
189:  tasted kind of bland.\n
190:  tasted pretty good.\n
191:  tasted great.\n
192: You cannot use oil on that.\n
193: You think it is a bad idea to add oil to the lit lantern.\n
194: Adding oil, you refuel the lantern.\n
195: The lantern is already full.\n
196: Dousing a cloth with oil and applying it to the wood, you make a torch.\n
197: You think it is a bad idea to add oil to the lit torch.\n
198: You refresh the torch.\n
199: The torch is unused.\n
200: You are unable to use that from here.\n
201: You cannot barter a container. Instead, remove the contents you want to trade.\n
202: A level 
203: freed Castle British
204: after 
205:  days imprisoned within the Jewel.
207: Sorry, you have no 
208:  is too full.\n
209: You press the button.\n
210: You press the button.\n
211: You press the button.\n
212: You flip the switch.\n
213: You flip the switch.\n
214: You pull the lever.\n
215: You pull the chain.\n
216: You pull the chain.\n
217: The button returns to its original state.\n
218: The button returns to its original state.\n
219: The button returns to its original state.\n
220: You flip the switch.\n
221: You flip the switch.\n
222: You push the lever.\n
223: You return the chain to its original position.\n
224: You return the chain to its original position.\n
225: You are not experienced enough to cast spells of that circle.\n
226: You do not have enough mana to cast the spell.\n
227: The incantation failed.\n
228: Casting was not successful.\n
229: The spell backfires.\n
230: You attempt to use the wand.\n
231: You think it will be 
232:  to repair the 
233: \nMake an attempt? 
234: trivial
235: simple
236: possible
237: hard
238: very difficult
239: The leeches remove the poison as well as some of your skin and blood.\n
240:  is angered by your action.\n
241:  is annoyed by your action.\n
242:  notes your action.\n
243: Your vision distorts and you feel light headed.\n
244: You manage to finish eating the leeches. Barely.\n
245: You eat the candle, but doubt that it was good for you.\n
246: Munch, munch...\n
247: The mushroom causes your head to spin, and your vision to blur.\n
248: The plant is plain tasting but nourishing.\n
251: Although you have to eat around the thorny flowers, the plant is quite good.\n
252: The water refreshes you.\n
253: You drink the wine.\n
254: You drink the dark ale.\n
255: You quaff the potion in one gulp.\n
256: As the alcohol hits you, you stumble and collapse into sleep.\n
257: The drink makes you feel a little better for now.\n
258: You wake feeling somewhat unstable but better.\n
259: You found a trap! Do you wish to try to disarm it? 
260: Your Rune of Warding has been set off 
261: Your hands are full.\n
262: You can only put runes in the rune bag.\n
263: That item does not fit.\n
264: The waters of the fountain renew your strength.\n
265: You play the instrument. (Use 0-9 to play, or ESC to return to game)\n
266: You put the instrument away.\n
267: You play the instrument.\n
268: That is too heavy to take.\n
269: There is no space to drop that.\n
270: You need more space to fire that weapon.\n
271: There is not enough room to release that spell.\n
272: awakens . . .
273: You reenter the Underworld . . .
274: There is no place to put that.\n
275: You gain a sudden awareness of your surroundings.\n
276: You see 
277: a_batskull
278: a_hellhound
279: a_Mr. Jaws
280: a_spiral
281: a_fish
282: a_lightning bolt
283: a_skull-face
284: an_eyeball
286: The spell unlocks the lock.\n
287: The spell has no discernable effect.\n
288: \6    Save Game Descriptions
289: The moonstone is not available.\n
290: The cauldron is empty.\n
291: Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds v
292: You are healed.\n
293: There is no room to create that.\n
294: A rending sound fills the air.\n
296: asleep
297: You cannot save or restore games in the demo version.\n
298: Your position is revealed unto you.\n
299: That creature does not bleed.\n
300: You cannot enchant that.\n
301: You have enchanted the 
302: That is not a rune.\n
303: The spell repairs the 
304: You have detected a trap.\n
305: You detect no traps.\n
306: There is no suitable space.\n
307: You feel much better.\n
308: You feel well fed.\n
309: This creature is 
310: This powerful creature is 
311: This undead creature is 
312: This powerful undead creature is 
313: Its current vitality is 
314: It can fly.\n
315: It can swim.\n
316: It uses poisonous attacks.\n
317: It is resistant to: 
318: Your attempt to enchant the 
319:  destroys it in a blaze of fire!\n
320: You lack sufficient experience to enchant the 
321:  any further.\n
322: The spell has no noticeable effect.\n
323: That is not a moonstone.\n
324: It can use 
325: You detect 
326: Magic
327: Physical Attacks
328: Fire
329: Poison
330: Cold
331: Missiles
332: The thick oil permeates the mud.\n
333: The oily mud coats your skin.\n
334: The oily mud bakes on your skin.\n
335: The baked mud hardens into a clear glaze.\n
336: The air-daemon is absorbed into your body, and remains there, a faint but detectable presence awaiting release.\n
338: The key gem fuses with the larger gem, and the face lights up.\n
339: You feel a faint vibration run through the gem.\n
340: The gem seems to shake slightly as this happens.\n
341: The room trembles; clods of earth fall from the ceiling, and the water is disturbed.\n
342: There is a low rumble in the room.\n
343: The room shakes; waves wash up and down in the pond\n
344: You stumble slightly, as the room shakes about.\n
345: There is a booming, cracking sound, and you hear startled bats fluttering about.\n
346: The gem shakes and recolors, and begins to flash.\n
347: The key gem remains inert in your hand.\n
348: That face of the gem remains opaque, and you are bounced back.\n
349:  is the current selection 
350: +123456789A123456789B123456789C123456789D123456789E1234567+9F123456789G123456789H123456789I123456789J123456789K123456789L123456789M123456789
351: N1234+6789O123456789P123456789Q123456789R123456789S123456789T123456789U123456789V123456789W123456789X123456789Y123456789Z
352: You "read" the crystal's signature: 
353: You try to wind the mighty horn, but your lungs fail you.\n
354: You make some noise, but somehow the horn's power does not seem to be at its fullest.\n
355: You feel your limbs stiffen.  You are unable to move.\n
356: cool 
357: warm 
358: Your bumbling attempts have set off the 
359: Unable to defuse trap.\n
360:  was successfully disarmed.\n
361: You regain awareness in the cavern containing the pulsating blackrock gem.\n
362: \4The cursed object causes you much pain.\n\0
363: You may eat after you finish speaking.\n
364: Centering joystick....centered.\nPush joystick away and to right, press button....\n
365: Aborted.\n
366: ok\nPull joystick towards and to left, press button....\n
367: \n
368:  is locked.\n
369: The air daemon is released, and then rends you.\n
370:  a denizen of the area
371:  a worm
372:  a slug
373:  a bat
374:  a rat
375:  a spider
376:  a goblin
377:  a skeleton
378:  a daemon
379:  a mongbat
380:  a dragonfly
381:  a trilkhun
382:  a lurker
383:  a brain creature
384:  a headless
385:  a troll
386:  a yeti
387:  a white worm
388:  a snow cat
389:  an ice golem
390:  an elemental
391:  a golem
392:  a ghost
393:  a liche
394:  a spectre
395:  a reaper
396:  an ooze
397:  a gazer
398:  a human
411: first
412: second
413: third
414: fourth
415: fifth
416: sixth
417: seventh
418: eighth
419: ninth
420: tenth
421: eleventh
422: twelth
423: thirteenth
424: fourteenth
425: fifteenth
426: sixteenth
427: seventeenth
428: eighteenth
429: nineteenth
430: twentieth
431: twenty-first
432: twenty-second
433: twenty-third
434: twenty-fourth
435: twenty-fifth
436: twenty-sixth
437: twenty-seventh
438: twenty-eighth
439: twenty-ninth
440: thirtieth
441: thirty-first
442: thirty-second
443: thirty-third
444: thirty-fourth
445: thirty-fifth
446: thirty-sixth
447: thirty-seventh
448: thirty-eighth
449: thirty-ninth
450: fortieth
451: forty-first
452: forty-second
453: forty-third
454: forty-fourth
455: forty-fifth
456: forty-sixth
457: forty-seventh
458: forty-eighth
459: forty-ninth
460: fiftieth
461: fifty-first
462: fifty-second
463: fifty-third
464: fifty-fourth
465: fifty-fifth
466: fifty-sixth
467: fifty-seventh
468: fifty-eighth
469: fifty-ninth
470: sixtieth
471: sixty-first
472: sixty-second
473: sixty-third
474: sixty-fourth
475: sixty-fifth
476: sixty-sixth
477: sixty-seventh
478: sixty-eighth
479: sixty-ninth
480: seventieth
481: seventy-first
482: seventy-second
483: seventy-third
484: seventy-fourth
485: seventy-fifth
486: seventy-sixth
487: seventy-seventh
488: seventy-eighth
489: seventy-ninth
490: eightieth
491: eighty-first
492: eighty-second
493: eighty-third
494: eighty-fourth
495: eighty-fifth
496: eighty-sixth
497: eighty-seventh
498: eighty-eighth
499: eighty-ninth
500: ninetieth
501: ninety-first
502: ninety-second
503: ninety-third
504: ninety-fourth
505: ninety-fifth
506: ninety-sixth
507: ninety-seventh
508: ninety-eighth
509: ninety-ninth
510: hundredth
511: uncountable

block: 0002; 512 strings.
1: Choose character sex:
2: Select handedness:
3: Pick a class:
4: Pick a skill:
6: Select difficulty:
7: Name: 
8: Keep this character?
9: Male
10: Female
11: Right
12: Left
13: Standard
14: Easy
15: Yes
16: No
17: Str:
18: Dex:
19: Int:
20: Vit:
21: Mana:
22: Exp:
23: Fighter
24: Mage
25: Bard
26: Tinker
27: Druid
28: Paladin
29: Ranger
30: Shepherd
31: Attack
32: Defense
33: Barehand
34: Sword
35: Axe
36: Mace
37: Missile
38: Mana
39: Lore
40: Casting
41: Traps
42: Search
43: Track
44: Stealth
45: Repair
46: Charisma
47: Picklock
48: Acrobat
49: Appraise
50: Swimming
55: AXE
56: MACE
58: MANA
59: LORE
73: NO
75: MU AHM
76: OM CAH
131: Skill Pt

block: 0004; 512 strings.
0: a_hand axe
1: a_battle axe
2: an_axe
3: a_dagger
4: a_shortsword
5: a_longsword
6: a_broadsword
7: a_cudgel
8: a_light mace
9: a_mace
10: a_jewelled dagger
11: a_jeweled axe
12: a_black sword
13: a_jeweled sword
14: a_jeweled mace
15: a_fist
16: a_sling stone
17: a_crossbow bolt
18: an_arrow
19: a_skull
20: a_fireball
21: a_lightning bolt
22: acid
23: a_magic arrow
24: a_sling
25: a_bow
26: a_crossbow
27: a_homing dart
28: a_snowball
29: a_fireball
30: a_satellite
31: a_jeweled bow
32: a_leather vest
33: a_mail shirt
34: a_breastplate
35: leather leggings&pairs of leather leggings
36: mail leggings&pairs of mail leggings
37: plate leggings&pairs of plate leggings
38: leather gloves&pairs of leather gloves
39: chain gauntlets&pairs of chain gauntlets
40: plate gauntlets&pairs of plate gauntlets
41: leather boots&pairs of leather boots
42: chain boots&pairs of chain boots
43: plate boots&pairs of plate boots
44: a_leather cap
45: a_chain cowl
46: a_helmet
47: a_pair of swamp boots&pairs of swamp boots
48: a_crown
49: a_crown
50: a_crown
51: fraznium gauntlets&pairs of fraznium gauntlets
52: a_fraznium circlet
53: a_Guardian signet ring
54: a_strange artifact
55: a_copper ring
56: a_gold ring
57: a_silver ring
58: a_red ring
59: a_tower shield
60: a_wooden shield
61: a_small shield
62: a_buckler
63: a_jeweled shield
64: a_rotworm
65: a_cave bat
66: a_vampire bat
67: a_giant tan rat
68: a_giant grey rat
69: a_flesh slug
70: an_acid slug
71: a_mongbat
72: a_skeleton
73: a_goblin
74: a_goblin
75: an_imp
76: a_giant spider
77: a_lurker
78: a_bloodworm
79: a_stickman
80: a_white worm
81: a_snow cat
82: a_yeti&yeti
83: a_headless&headlesses
84: a_Talorid
85: a_ghost
86: a_wolf spider
87: a_trilkhun&trilkhai
88: a_brain creature
89: a_deep lurker
90: a_dread spider
91: a_human
92: a_great troll
93: a_spectre
94: a_hordling
95: an_earth golem
96: a_fire elemental
97: an_ice golem
98: a_dire ghost
99: a_reaper
100: a_despoiler
101: a_metal golem
102: a_haunt
103: a_dire reaper
104: a_destroyer
105: a_liche
106: a_liche
107: a_liche
108: a_human
109: a_vorz
110: a_fighter
111: a_gazer
112: a_human
113: a_human
114: a_human
115: a_human
116: a_human
117: a_human
118: a_human
119: a_human
120: a_human
121: a_human
122: a_human
123: a_human
126: a_human
127: an_adventurer
128: a_sack
129: an_open sack
130: a_pack
131: an_open pack
132: a_box&boxes
133: an_open box&open boxes
134: a_pouch&pouches
135: an_open pouch&pouches
136: a_map case
137: an_open map case
138: a_gold coffer
139: an_open gold coffer
140: a_key ring
141: a_quiver
142: a_bowl
143: a_rune bag
144: a_lantern
145: a_torch&torches
146: a_candle
147: a_light-sphere
148: a_lit lantern
149: a_lit torch
150: a_lit candle
151: a_lit light-sphere
152: a_wand
153: a_wand
154: a_wand
155: a_wand
156: a_broken wand
157: a_broken wand
158: a_broken wand
159: a_broken wand
160: a_coin
161: a_storage crystal
162: a_ruby&rubies
163: a_red gem
164: a_small blue gem
165: a_large blue gem
166: a_sapphire
167: an_emerald
168: a_black pearl
169: a_goblet
170: a_sceptre
171: a_black stone
172: a_white stone
173: a_grey stone
174: a_delgnigzator
175: a_pocketwatch&pocketwatches
176: a_piece of meat&pieces of meat
177: a_piece of meat&pieces of meat
178: a_piece of cheese&pieces of cheese
179: an_apple
180: an_ear of corn&ears of corn
181: a_loaf of bread&loaves of bread
182: a_fish&fish
183: some_popcorn&bunches of popcorn
184: a_pastry&pastries
185: a_mushroom
186: a_honeycomb
187: a_bottle of ale&bottles of ale
188: a_bottle of water&bottles of water
189: a_bottle of wine&bottles of wine
190: some_meat-on-a-stick&pieces of meat-on-a-stick
191: a_nutritious wafer
192: a_plant
193: some_grass&bunches of grass
194: a_skull
195: a_skull
196: a_bone
197: a_bone
198: a_pile of bones&piles of bones
199: a_broken dagger
200: a_broken sword
201: a_broken axe
202: a_broken mace
203: a_broken shield
204: a_piece of wood&pieces of wood
205: a_piece of wood&pieces of wood
206: a_plant
207: a_plant
208: a_pile of debris&piles of debris
209: a_pile of debris&piles of debris
210: a_lump of wax&lumps of wax
211: a_stalactite
212: a_plant
213: an_icicle
214: a_pile of debris&piles of debris
215: an_anvil
216: a_pole
217: a_plant
218: a_plant
219: some_rubble&piles of rubble
220: a_pile of wood chips&piles of wood chips
221: a_pile of bones&piles of bones
222: a_blood stain
223: a_blood stain
224: a_runestone
225: a_black potion
226: a_purple potion
227: a_yellow potion
228: a_green potion
229: a_red potion
230: a_colorless potion
231: a_brown potion
232: an_An stone
233: a_Bet stone
234: a_Corp stone
235: a_Des stone
236: an_Ex stone
237: a_Flam stone
238: a_Grav stone
239: a_Hur stone
240: an_In stone
241: a_Jux stone
242: a_Kal stone
243: a_Lor stone
244: a_Mani stone
245: a_Nox stone
246: an_Ort stone
247: a_Por stone
248: a_Quas stone
249: a_Rel stone
250: a_Sanct stone
251: a_Tym stone
252: an_Uus stone
253: a_Vas stone
254: a_Wis stone
255: a_Ylem stone
256: a_curious implement
257: a_lockpick
258: a_key
259: a_key
260: a_key
261: a_key
262: a_key
263: a_key
264: a_key
265: a_key
266: a_key
267: a_key
268: a_key
269: a_key
270: a_key
271: a_lock
272: an_eyeball
273: a_horn
274: a_pearl-tipped rod&pearl-tipped rods
275: a_black eggshell&black eggshells
276: a_plant
277: a_serpent statue&serpent statues
278: a_bottle
279: an_amethyst rod&amethyst rods
280: a_blackrock gem
281: a_blackrock gem
282: a_blackrock gem
283: a_blackrock gem
284: a_blackrock gem
285: a_blackrock gem
286: a_blackrock gem
287: a_blackrock gem
288: a_spell
289: a_bedroll
290: an_orb
291: a_mandolin
292: a_flute
293: some_leeches&bunches of leeches
294: a_moonstone
295: a_force field
296: a_rock hammer
297: a_resilient sphere
298: a_campfire
299: a_fishing pole
300: some_thread&pieces of thread
301: an_oil flask
302: a_fountain
303: a_banner
304: a_book
305: a_book
306: a_book
307: a_book
308: a_scroll
309: a_scroll
310: a_scroll
311: a_scroll
312: a_book
313: a_bit of a map
314: a_map
315: a_dead plant
316: a_dead plant
317: a_bottle
318: a_stick
319: a_resilient sphere
320: a_door
321: a_door
322: a_door
323: a_door
324: a_door
325: a_door
326: a_portcullis&portcullises
327: a_secret door
328: an_open door
329: an_open door
330: an_open door
331: an_open door
332: an_open door
333: an_open door
334: an_open portcullis
335: a_secret door
336: a_bench&benches
337: an_arrow
338: a_crossbow bolt
339: a_large boulder
340: a_large boulder
341: a_boulder
342: a_small boulder
343: a_shrine
344: a_table
345: a_beam
346: a_moongate
347: a_barrel
348: a_chair
349: a_chest
350: a_nightstand
351: a_lotus turbo esprit
352: a_pillar
353: a_lever
354: a_switch&switches
355: a_painting
356: a_bridge
357: a_gravestone
358: some_writing
359: a_bed
360: a_large blackrock gem
361: a_shelf
365: force field
366: special tmap obj
367: special tmap obj
368: a_button
369: a_button
370: a_button
371: a_switch
372: a_switch
373: a_lever
374: a_pull chain
375: a_pull chain
376: a_button
377: a_button
378: a_button
379: a_switch
380: a_switch
381: a_lever
382: a_pull chain
383: a_pull chain
384: a_damage trap
385: a_teleport trap
386: a_arrow trap
387: a_hack trap
388: a_special effects trap
389: a_change terrain trap
390: a_spelltrap
391: a_create object trap
392: a_door trap
393: a_ward trap
394: a_skill trap
395: a_delete object trap
396: an_inventory trap
397: a_set variable trap
398: a_check variable trap
399: a_null trap
400: a_text string trap
401: an_experience trap
402: a_jump trap
403: a_change from trap
404: a_change to trap
405: an_oscillator trap
406: a_proximity trap
407: a_pit trap
408: a_bridge trap
414: a_flam rune
415: a_tym rune
416: a_move trigger
417: a_pick up trigger
418: a_use trigger
419: a_look trigger
420: a_pressure trigger
421: a_pressure release trigger
422: an_enter trigger
423: an_exit trigger
424: an_unlock trigger
425: a_timer trigger
426: an_open trigger
427: a_close trigger
428: a_scheduled trigger
432: a_move trigger
433: a_pick up trigger
434: a_use trigger
435: a_look trigger
436: a_pressure trigger
437: a_pressure release trigger
438: an_enter trigger
439: an_exit trigger
440: an_unlock trigger
441: a_timer trigger
442: an_open trigger
443: a_close trigger
444: a_scheduled trigger
448: some_blood
449: a_mist cloud
450: an_explosion
451: an_explosion
452: an_explosion
453: lightning
454: a_splash&splashes
455: some_spacey twinkles
456: some_smoke
457: a_fountain
458: some_frost
459: a_flash
460: lightning
461: a_wisp
462: a_vapor trail
463: a_moving door

block: 0005; 512 strings.
0: broken
1: badly damaged
2: damaged
3: sturdy
4: massive
5: massive
6: ruined
7: badly worn
8: worn
9: servicable
10: excellent
11: excellent
12: shredded
13: tattered
14: brittle
15: ragged
16: smooth
17: smooth
18: worm-infested
19: rotten
20: smelly
21: day-old
22: almost fresh
23: fresh
24: mold-covered
25: moldy
26: stale
27: day-old
28: almost fresh
29: fresh
30: broken
31: battered
32: dented
33: undamaged
34: new
35: new
36: ruined
37: marred
38: scratched
39: unblemished
40: flawless
41: flawless
42: ruined
43: marred
44: tarnished
45: undamaged
46: perfect
47: perfect
48: tiny
49: small
50: medium sized
51: large
52: very large
53: huge
54: unreadable
55: tattered
56: dog-eared
57: undamaged
58: new
59: new
60: burned out
61: nearly spent
62: half burned
63: somewhat used
64: hardly used
65: unused
66: empty
67: nearly empty
68: half full
69: nearly full
70: full
71: full
72: broken
73: cracked
74: worn
75: slightly worn
76: new
77: new
78: ruined
79: badly worn
80: worn
81: servicable
82: excellent
83: excellent
84: cracked
85: battered
86: chipped
87: scuffed
88: smooth
89: perfect
96: hostile
97: upset
98: peaceful
99: friendly
101: The key is worn and tarnished from heavy use.\n
102: The key feels unnaturally heavy.\n
103: This key is set with several gaudy gems, which appear to be false.\n
104: The key bears an unreadable inscription.\n
105: The key is engraved with wavy lines and crude fishes.\n
106: The handle of this key is carved into the form of a raving daemonic figure.\n
107: The initials "A.S.G." are scratched into the handle of this key.\n
108: The key's handle is knurled for easy gripping.\n
109: The key appears to have been stained by a corrosive liquid.\n
110: The key is slightly bent near the handle.\n
111: There is a shimmer of slimy residue on this key.\n
117: The metal handle of this key is stamped with a grinning face.\n
118: The key feels unnaturally cold to the touch.\n
119: The key is inscribed with a silver serpent.
120: The key bears deep scratches, as if someone had tried to destroy it at one time.\n
121: The key is encrusted with salt.\n
122: The key appears to have been partially melted.
123: Crude runes are scrawled on this key.\n
125: This key attracts small metal objects to itself.\n
127: This key has been coated with a strange resin, which is now beginning to flake off.\n
128: The key is made of a dark metal dotted with tiny flecks of gold.\n

block: 0006; 512 strings.
0: Darkness
1: Burning Match
2: Candlelight
3: Light
4: Magic Lantern
5: Night Vision
6: Daylight
7: Sunlight
17: Leap
18: Slow Fall
19: Levitate
20: Water Walk
21: Fly
22: Bouncing
34: Resist Blows
35: Thick Skin
37: Iron Flesh
49: Curse
50: Stealth
51: Conceal
52: Invisibilty
53: Missile Protection
54: Flameproof
55: Poison Resistance
56: Magic Protection
57: Greater Magic Protection
58: Valor
59: Poison Weapon
64: Lesser Heal
65: Lesser Heal
66: Lesser Heal
67: Lesser Heal
68: Heal
69: Heal
70: Heal
71: Heal
72: Enhanced Heal
73: Enhanced Heal
74: Enhanced Heal
75: Enhanced Heal
76: Greater Heal
77: Greater Heal
78: Greater Heal
79: Greater Heal
81: Magic Arrow
82: Electrical Bolt
83: Fireball
84: Acid Spit
85: Deadly Seeker
86: Snowballs
97: Reveal
98: Sheet Lightning
99: Mass Confusion
100: Flame Wind
101: Mass Paralyze
102: Shockwave
103: Frost
112: Bleeding
113: Cause Fear
114: Smite Undead
115: Charm
116: Poison
117: Paralyze
118: Smite Foe
119: Study Monster
120: Dispel Rune
121: Mending
122: Remove Trap
123: Name Enchantment
124: Open
125: Detect Trap
126: Enchantment
127: Gate Travel
129: Create Food
130: Rune Of Flame
131: Rune Of Stasis
132: Summon Monster
133: Summon Demon
144: Cursed
145: Cursed
146: Cursed
147: Cursed
148: Cursed
149: Cursed
150: Cursed
151: Cursed
152: Cursed
153: Cursed
154: Cursed
155: Cursed
156: Cursed
157: Cursed
158: Cursed
159: Cursed
160: Increase Mana
161: Increase Mana
162: Increase Mana
163: Increase Mana
164: Mana Boost
165: Mana Boost
166: Mana Boost
167: Mana Boost
168: Regain Mana
169: Regain Mana
170: Regain Mana
171: Regain Mana
172: Restore Mana
173: Restore Mana
174: Restore Mana
175: Restore Mana
176: Speed
177: Portal
178: Restoration
179: Locate
182: Cure Poison
183: Roaming Sight
184: Telekinesis
185: Tremor
186: Gate Travel
187: Freeze Time
188: Armageddon
189: Dispel Hunger
190: Regeneration
191: Mana Regeneration
208: Altara
210: Mind Blast
211: Basilisk Oil
212: Hallucination
213: Hallucination
214: Regeneration
215: Map Area
216: Acid Spit
220: Increase Mana
221: Mana Boost
222: Regain Mana
223: Restore Mana
256: Create Food
257: Luck
258: Magic Arrow
259: Resist Blows
260: Detect Trap
261: Light
262: Bouncing
263: Locate
264: Cause Fear
265: Valor
266: Deadly Seeker
267: Lesser Heal
268: Rune of Flame
269: Slow Fall
270: Leaping
271: Dispel Hunger
272: Bleeding
273: Cure Poison
274: Dispel Rune
275: Lightning
276: Night Vision
277: Repel Undead
278: Speed
279: Water Walk
280: Frost
281: Heal
282: Poison Weapon
283: Remove Trap
284: Flameproof
285: Thick Skin
286: Study Monster
287: Missile Protection
288: Levitate
289: Fireball
290: Name Enchantment
291: Open
292: Smite Undead
293: Rune of Stasis
294: Mending
295: Telekinesis
296: Charm
297: Sheet Lightning
298: Daylight
299: Gate Travel
300: Greater Heal
301: Invisibility
302: Map Area
303: Paralyze
304: Mass Confusion
305: Enchantment
306: Reveal
307: Shockwave
308: Summon Demon
309: Tremor
310: Portal
311: Magic Satellite
312: Flame Wind
313: Fly
314: Freeze Time
315: Iron Flesh
316: Restoration
317: Roaming Sight
318: Smite Foe
319: Armageddon
320: Mass Paralyze
321: Acid
322: Local Teleport
323: Mana Boost
324: Restore Mana
328: Snowballs
384: Leap
385: Slow Fall
386: Levitate
387: Water Walk
388: Fly
389: Bounce
390: Luck
391: Stealth
392: Conceal
393: Invisibility
394: Missile Protection
395: Flameproof
399: Valor
400: Poison Weapon
401: Freeze Time
402: Roaming Sight
403: Speed
404: Telekinesis
405: Resist Blows
406: Thick Skin
407: Light
408: Iron Flesh
409: Night Vision
410: Daylight
448: Minor Accuracy
449: Major Accuracy
450: Great Accuracy
451: Unsurpassed Accuracy
452: Minor Damage
453: Major Damage
454: Great Damage
455: Unsurpassed Damage
456: LifeStealer
457: Undead Bane
458: Fire Doom
459: Stone Strike
460: Unknown Special
461: Entry
462: Unknown Special
463: Unknown Special
464: Minor Protection
465: Protection
466: Additional Protection
467: Major Protection
468: Great Protection
469: Very Great Protection
470: Tremendous Protection
471: Unsurpassed Protection
472: Minor Toughness
473: Toughness
474: Additional Toughness
475: Major Toughness
476: Great Toughness
477: Very Great Toughness
478: Tremendous Toughness
479: Unsurpassed Toughness

block: 0007; 512 strings.
0: You cannot talk to that!\n
1: You get no response.\n
2:  that I am getting 
3: ...I guess
4: ...I think maybe
5: ...I think
6: ...I'm pretty sure
7: ...I know
8: a terrible deal...
9: a very bad deal...
10: a bad deal...
11: a poor deal...
12: an even deal...
13: a good deal...
14: a very good deal...
15: a great deal...
16: an excellent deal...
17: goblin guard
18: goblin
19: Borne
20: Garg
21: goblin armorer
22: Bishop
23: Marcus
24: Felix
25: goblin guard
26: goblin guard
27: Freemis
28: goblin guard
29: goblin guard
30: goblin guard
31: goblin guard
32: Milenus
33: Janar
40: Molloy
41: Helena
42: Trystero
43: Trystero
44: Reef
45: Lethe
46: Morphius
47: Lord Umbria
48: Praecor Loth
50: Silanus
56: guard
57: Lobar
58: Kintara
59: Ogri
60: Mystell
61: Altara
62: Jerry the Rat
63: Mors Gotha
64: wisp
65: Relk
66: Lord Thibris
67: soldier
68: Chirl
69: Blackie
70: Josie
71: Beauty
72: Aron
73: Bishay
76: guard
88: Mokpo
89: Beatrice
90: Sentinel 868
91: guard
96: Mokpo
97: Prinx
98: Mystell
100: Iolo
101: Blog
102: Rawstag
104: Elster
107: Janus
112: Zoranthus
113: Zogith
114: Zaria
115: Dorstag
116: Krilner
117: Blog
118: warrior
119: Jospur
120: soldier
121: Merzan
144: Fissif
145: guard
146: Nystul
147: Charles
148: Dupre
149: Geoffrey
150: Iolo
151: Julia
152: Miranda
153: Nanna
154: Nell
155: Nelson
156: Patterson
157: Lady Tory
158: Lord British
159: Feridwyn
161: The Listener
162: The Dripper
163: Rogwump
164: The Guardian
165: guard
168: Bliy Skup Ductosnore
169: Vorz Ductosnore
170: Bliy Skup Ductosnore
171: Data Integrator
172: Historian
173: Futurian
174: Eloemosynator
175: Dialogician
176: Runekeeper
184: Syria
256: a_bolt of lightning
257: an_eyeball
258: a_gruesome bat
259: a_bizarre fish
260: a_spiral
261: a_hellhound
262: a_skull
263: a_mouth

block: 0008; 512 strings.
0: Something indecipherable
64: Avatar's Quarters
66: experiments in progress -- please keep gates closed 
67:  PRISON - Unauthorized Entry Forbidden 
100: Caution!  Animal training area.
101: Security Corridor.  Standard Procedure.
102: Armoury: Authorized Goblins Only
103: Captain's Quarters 
104: Danger -- Do not enter without armed escort. 
105: Smithy 
106: Kitchen
149: Main Floodgate Control
150: Dam Control Access
152: Blog House and Rocks 
172: Section One: Lateral Reasoning
173: Section Two: Equilibrium and Non-local Causality
174: Section Three: Psychokinesis and Terraforming
175: Section Four: Spatial Reasoning
176: Section Five: Effects and Constraints
177: Section Six: Risk Avoidance
178: Section Seven: Nonreversible Processes
179: Section Eight
180: Exit
181: Section Two, Part Two: Synchronization
182: Please leave your #2 test wand for the next student.
183: Recycle Now!
184: 3 : 5 : 2 : 9 
185: Exit to Exam Level One
186: Secure vault.  For your safety, please keep out.
187: Southeast Tower
188: Northwest Tower
189: Please check your familiar here
190: Mages found cheating on the exam will be subject to suspension, expulsion or polymorph
191: This pad will teleport you back to the pre-examination staging area. Students who choose this option may retake the exam following a two-week waiting period.
192: Here lies Molloy, faithful tailor.
193: Reef: R.I.P.
194: Trystero - Beloved servant.
195: Here lies Jaemz, eternally at rest.
196: Dugg: he has found a long-awaited rest.
197: Ostin, lovable court jester.
198: Mahk, loyal page.  R.I.P.
199: Teej, carriage-maker.
200: Here lie the mortal remains of Gehreg, loving h sband and fath r.
201: Dahler, royal gardener, hereunder plant d.
202: Here lies Warinn, chief of s rvants.
203: Here lies Felis, royal physician.
204: Poll, dead at age 54.
205: The final r.sting place of Korrigan, captain of the guard.
206: Here lies Brand.  His life was virtuous.
207: Here lies Helena, beloved wife of Praecor Loth, in rest eternal.
208: Drain Control.
210: The King is Dead, and Long may he Reign.
213: Let Trespassers Beware, for their efforts are Anticipated and Foredoomed. 
214: Let this Tomb Stand here in Frozen Solitude to mark the Final Extent of His Retreat.
215: Ever Vigilant
216: Find thee the map, once whole,\n By my hand now eight times parted.\n Else face death, a land,\n Seldom traveled, seldom charted.
217: Let Only the Strong Enter
224: Arena of Air
225: Arena of Earth
226: Arena of Fire
227: Arena of Water
229: The stairway down lies to the north, if you'd risk it.
230: You'd do best to go back the way you came...
231: Thy journey is doomed! Turn back while you can.
232: Naught of value lies east.
233: Here lies Doric. He'll sing no more.
240: Bl y Skup Chamber\n  Ductosnore only
245: The Shrine of Spirituality
248: The Si
249: gil Of
250: ing
280: Beware... Evil Dead Beyond
281: This be my death curse\n carved in stone on thou who reads it\n I am now dead
282: Grak is a corpseworm
283: Antimagic negates antimagic
285: Heimdaarn\nHe who journeyed from afar
286: Thost the Fi t
289: Thulsoom th Mad\nSurvivor of the Third Age
293: At last!  Now, all that is left is to conquer the maze...
316: Thou canst not defeat the Drakhri!
352: The gravestone reads: 
353: The tombstone reads: 
368: The plaque reads: 
369: The plaque reads: 
370: An ancient rune: 
371: An ancient rune: 
372: The sign reads: 
373: The sign reads: 
374: The sign reads: 
375: The sign reads: 
376: The writing reads: 
377: The writing reads: 
378: An ancient rune: 
379: An ancient rune: 
380: The writing reads: 
381: The runes read: 
382: The runes read: 
383: The writing reads: 
384: a_wall
385: a_door
386: an_altar
387: stairs leading up
388: stairs leading down
389: a_pipe
390: a_grating
391: a_drain
392: a_princess chained to a wall
393: a_window
394: a_tapestry
508: You have a vision of a cup.\n
509: You have a vision of a cup.\n
510: You have a vision of a cup.\n
511: You don't see a vision this time.\n

block: 0009; 512 strings.
1: Peering into the crystal ball, a vision of a strange world appears. Bizarre creatures float through space. A green path, flanked by a black void on either side, runs off into the distance. Somehow you know the path leads to Britannia.\n
2: Welcome to the Underworld...\n
3: The doors are securely locked.\n
4: You awaken in jail.\n
64: You are sucked through the pipe...\n
65: You hear a rumbling sound to the west!\n
66: The chest fires a spike into your hand.\n
67: You find a hidden button.\n
68: You find a hidden switch.\n
69: You find a hidden panel.\n
70: Here lieth Praecor Loth, Protector of his State, Soul of his People, Along with his Beloved Familie, and his Companions Three.\n
71: Praecor Loth is Dead.  Let All Mourn the Occasion of his Passing, this 23rd day of Starsend, in the 28th year of his reign, on the 572nd day of this Accursed War.\n
128: The oily mud coats your skin.\n
129: You hear the faint, distant scraping of stone on stone.\n
130: You hear the sound of scraping stone on stone.\n
192: You can't seem to open it from this side.\n
193: The lock seems to have been purposefully jammed.\n
320: The doors do not budge.\n
321: Suddenly, tiny needles spring out of the lock mechanism!\n
322: A strange tenacious oil creeps off the key and partway up your arm.\n
323: You feel a faint tingling sensation.\n
384: You see yourself striving against the forces of Mondain and Minax in the lands of ancient Sosaria.\n
385: You see yourself climbing to the peak of Olympus Mons on the planet Mars.\n
386: You see yourself in the Deep Forest, speaking with the peace-loving simian race of Emps.\n
387: You see yourself peering into a crystal ball.\n
388: You see yourself winding a great war horn in the throne room of Castle British.\n
389: You see yourself sailing through majestic pillars cropping up out of the sea, on a voyage of discovery.\n
390: You see the obscure form of an old and dear friend, as he sacrifices his life for the good of all.\n
391: You see nothing.\n

block: 000a; 512 strings.
0: stairs down
1: stairs up
2: a downwards slope
3: an upwards slope
4: spiral stairs down
5: spiral stairs up
6: a ladder down
7: a ladder up
8: a stone wall
9: a window
12: a stone wall
13: an ankh banner
14: a banner
15: a grating
16: blackness
17: a cracked stone wall
18: a cracked, mossy stone wall
19: a cracked, bloodstained stone wall
20: a waterfall
21: a stone wall
22: a stone wall
23: a stone wall
24: a natural stone wall
25: a natural stone wall
26: a drain
27: a mossy natural stone wall
28: a weed-choked drain
29: a vine-covered mossy stone wall
30: a waterfall
31: a slime-covered stone wall
32: a wood panelled wall
33: a wood panelled wall
34: a wood panelled wall
35: a wood panelled wall
36: a cave-in
37: a cave-in
38: a collapsed stairway
39: a collapsed passageway
40: a sandstone wall
41: a sandstone wall
42: a sandstone wall
43: ornamental crossed spears
44: a banner of the Guardian
45: a stone wall
46: a banner
47: ornamental crossed swords
48: an ice wall
49: a smooth ice wall
50: a cracked ice wall
51: an ice wall with a river channel melted through
52: a waterfall
53: an ice wall
54: an ice wall
55: an ice wall
56: a green substance
57: a strange substance
58: a blue substance
59: a strange substance
60: a lavafall
61: a red substance
62: a grey substance
63: a volcanic rock wall
64: a red brick wall
65: a log wall
66: a red brick wall
67: a red brick wall
68: a red brick wall
69: an aged wood wall
70: an aged wood wall
71: an aged wood wall
72: a green stone wall
73: a green stone wall
74: a window
75: a green stone wall with manacles
76: a bloodstained green stone wall
77: a bloodstained green stone wall with manacles
78: a green stone wall with graffiti
79: a patriotic banner
80: a stone wall
81: a cavern wall
82: a cavern wall
83: a drain
84: a stone wall
85: a stone wall
86: a stone wall
87: a stone wall
88: a marble wall
89: a marble wall
90: a marble wall
91: a marble wall
92: a marble wall
93: a marble wall
94: a marble wall
95: a stone wall
96: a massive double door
97: a massive double door
98: a massive double door
99: a blue substance
100: a cracked ice wall
101: a marble wall
102: a fireplace
103: blackness
104: an irregular stone wall
105: an irregular stone wall
107: a tile wall
108: a grating
112: an ankh banner
113: an ankh banner
114: a rough-hewn wall
115: a stone wall
116: a brass wall
117: an etched brass wall
118: an etched brass wall
119: an etched brass wall
120: an ankh
121: a waterfall
122: a pentagram
123: a drain
124: a stone wall
125: a stone wall
126: a stone wall
127: a stone wall
128: a stone wall
129: a stone wall
130: a stone wall
131: a stone wall
132: a stone wall
133: a stone wall
134: a stone wall
135: a stone wall
136: a stone wall
137: a stone wall
138: a stone wall
140: a stone wall
142: a stone wall
143: a brick wall
144: a graffito
145: a graffito
146: a graffito
147: a graffito
148: a graffito
149: a graffito
150: a graffito
151: a graffito
152: the wall
153: a blackrock wall
154: the Guardian
155: the Guardian
156: the Guardian
157: the Guardian
158: the Guardian
159: the Guardian
160: a marble wall
161: a marble wall
164: a blue bullseye
165: a purple fluid
166: a bullseye
167: a trap door
168: outer space
169: a blue and purple ethereal wall
170: a gold wall
171: a ladder
172: a slick purple wall
173: a stained-glass window
174: a stained-glass window
175: a silver serpent ornament
176: a dirt wall
177: a lava wall
178: a stone wall with rivulets of lava
179: a rug
180: mud
181: a swamp
182: a swamp
183: a swamp
184: water
185: water
186: water
187: water
188: water
189: water
190: a stone wall
191: a stone wall with puddles
192: water
193: mud
194: water
195: water
196: a shore
197: a shore
198: a shore
199: a shore
200: a puddle
201: a dirt wall
202: dirt and flagstones
203: dirt and flagstones
204: dirt and flagstones
205: dirt and flagstones
206: a puddle on flagstones
207: a stone wall
208: sand
209: gravel
210: a slick blue wall
211: a rug
212: a rug
213: a rug
214: a bed of straw
215: an ice wall
216: a pressure plate
217: a pressure plate
218: a marble wall
219: a marble wall
220: a pressure plate
221: a pressure plate
222: a stone wall
223: a stone wall
224: an ice floe
225: a rug
226: a rug
227: a rug
228: mud
229: mud
230: mud
231: mud
232: an arrow pointing down
233: an arrow pointing right
234: an arrow pointing up
235: an arrow pointing left
236: a pentagram
237: a pentagram
238: a pentagram
239: a pentagram
240: a glowing red wall
241: a glowing red wall
242: a glowing yellow wall
243: a glowing green wall
244: a glowing green wall
245: a glowing blue wall
246: a black wall
247: a glowing purple wall
248: a glowing white wall
249: a colored disk
250: a glowing orange wall
251: a glowing yellow wall
252: a stone wall
253: a stone wall
254: a stone wall
255: a sandstone floor
256: a dusty stone floor
257: a dusty stone floor
258: a stone tile floor
259: a glowing yellow path
260: a glowing orange path
261: a colored disk
262: a glowing white path
263: a glowing purple path
264: a black path
265: a glowing blue path
266: a glowing green path
267: a glowing green path
268: a glowing yellow path
269: a glowing red path
270: a glowing red path
271: a pentagram
272: a pentagram
273: a pentagram
274: a pentagram
275: an arrow pointing west
276: an arrow pointing south
277: an arrow pointing east
278: an arrow pointing north
279: mud
280: mud
281: mud
282: mud
283: a rug
284: a rug
285: a purple carpet
286: an ice floe
287: a stone floor
288: a stone floor
289: a pressure plate
290: a pressure plate
291: a granite floor
292: a marble floor
293: a pressure plate
294: a pressure plate
295: a snow-covered floor
296: a bed of straw
297: a rug
298: a rug
299: a rug
300: a slick blue floor
301: gravel
302: sand
303: flagstones
304: a puddle on flagstones
305: dirt and flagstones
306: dirt and flagstones
307: dirt and flagstones
308: dirt and flagstones
309: dirt
310: a puddle
311: a shore
312: a shore
313: a shore
314: a shore
315: water
316: muddy water
317: watery mud
318: muddy water
319: a wet stone floor
320: a stone floor
321: a whirlpool
322: water
323: water
324: water
325: water
326: water
327: swamp water
328: a swamp
329: a swamp
330: mud
331: a rug
332: rivulets of lava
333: lava
334: dirt
335: a strange pattern
336: a stained-glass window
337: a stained-glass window
338: a slick purple path
339: a ladder
340: a yellow floor
341: a glowing blue and purple floor
342: outer space
343: a trapdoor
344: a bullseye
345: a purple fluid
346: a repulsor circle
350: a marble floor
351: The Guardian
352: The Guardian
353: The Guardian
354: The Guardian
355: The Guardian
356: The Guardian
357: blackrock
359: graffiti
360: graffiti
361: graffiti
362: graffiti
363: graffiti
364: graffiti
365: graffiti
366: graffiti
367: brick
368: a stone floor
370: a stone floor
372: a stone floor
373: a stone floor
374: a stone floor
375: a stone floor
376: a stone floor
377: a stone floor
378: a stone floor
379: a stone floor
380: a stone floor
381: a stone floor
382: a stone floor
383: a stone floor
384: a stone floor
385: a stone floor
386: a stone floor
387: a drain
388: a pentagram
389: a waterfall
390: an ankh
391: an etched brass floor
392: an etched brass floor
393: an etched brass floor
394: a brass floor
396: a rough-hewn floor
403: a tile floor
405: an irregular stone floor
406: an irregular stone floor
407: blackness
409: a marble floor
410: a cracked ice floor
411: a blue substance
412: a hatch
413: a hatch
414: a hatch
415: a dilapidated stone floor
416: a marble floor
417: a marble floor
418: a marble floor
419: a marble floor
420: a marble floor
421: a marble floor
422: a marble floor
423: a stone floor
424: a stone floor
425: a stone floor
426: a stone floor
427: a drain
428: a stone floor
429: a stone floor
430: a stone floor
431: a green stone floor
432: a green stone floor
433: a green stone floor
434: a green stone floor
435: a green stone floor
436: a green stone floor
437: a green stone floor
438: a green stone floor
439: an aged wood floor
440: an aged wood floor
441: an aged wood floor
442: a red brick floor
443: a red brick floor
444: a red brick floor
445: a log floor
446: a red brick floor
447: a volcanic rock floor
448: a grey substance
449: a red substance
450: lava
451: a strange substance
452: a blue substance
453: a strange substance
454: a green tile floor
455: a dirty snow-covered floor
456: an ice floor
457: an ice floor
458: a stream
459: an ice floor with a river channel melted through
460: a cracked ice floor
461: a smooth ice floor
462: an ice floor
463: a strange pattern
469: a sandstone floor
470: a sandstone floor
475: a wood panelled floor
476: a wood panelled floor
477: a wood panelled floor
478: a wood panelled floor
479: a slime-covered stone floor
480: a stream
481: a vine-covered mossy stone floor
482: a weed-choked drain
483: a mossy natural stone floor
484: a drain
485: a natural stone floor
486: a natural stone floor
487: a stone floor
488: a stone floor
489: a stone floor
490: water
491: a cracked, bloodstained stone floor
492: a cracked, mossy stone floor
493: a cracked stone floor
494: blackness
495: a grate
496: a banner
497: a banner
498: a stone floor
499: earth and grass
501: a grating
502: a stone floor
511: the ceiling

block: 0018; 512 strings.
0:  for level 
1: Dungeon Report as of 
2: \nListing of critters\n
3: Critter summary\n
4:  critters on the level\n
5: \nListing of anim objects\n
6: Animation object summary\n
7:  animation objects on the level\n
8: \nListing of book/scroll objects\n
9: book scroll object summary\n
10:  book objects on the level\n
11: : chain is over eight deep, looks suspicious\n
12:  is the number of animcount objects according to anim_o\n
13:  X, Y l: _______Name_____ ___Goal__ A L _Whoami _HP/MHP HIP\n
14: generating a report\n
15: report is done\n
16: \nListing of rune objects\n
17: rune object summary\n
18:  runes on the level\n
19: ***ERROR:
20: Animcounts disagree, This is probably BAD\n
21: Anim __#_ ___l _X _Y\n
22:  Hostile Non-Loner!
23: \nInfo on Locks doors and such\n
24: => Lock summary\n
25: at level 0, what is this?\n
26:  UnLocked
27:  Locked
28:  Not Reset
29:  Reset
30: \n
31: \nChecking for invalid mobile elements\n
32:  in an Invalid Position\n
33: No problems detected in Mobile Object Positions\n
34:  Mobile Objects are not creatures\n
35:  Mobile Objects are in invalid positions\n
37:  total traps.\n==== TRIGGERS ====
38:  total triggers.\n
39: \n  TrapErr: too many trigers?
40: \n  TrapErr: no triggers?
41:     TrapErr: doesnt point to a trap\n
42: => 
43:     TrapErr:  bad terrain\n
44:     TrapErr:  no del trap obj\n
45:     TrapErr:  no text strnum 
46: ==== TRAPS ====
47:  Pumped!
48:  Wimpy!
49: \nWritings on Walls and Graves\n
50:  is Mobile\n
51:  is a Flying Creature on the ground.\n
52: \nSpecial Items, quest items, etc.\n
53: \nMap Analysis\n
54:  impassable diagonal\n
55:  crossing slopes\n
56: \nDoor Checking\n
57:  door on a slope\n
58:  door in an odd position (theta/pos)\n
59:  door opens out of its square\n
60:  door(s) were in invalid/bad positions\n
61: Oi! The doors were fine\n
62: \nWeapon and Armor Lists\n
63:  with magic powers\n
64: \nChecking for objects that should not be in dungeons\n
65:  adventurers bones.  Died while building the level, eh?\n
66:  object with illegal ObjIID.  What is this?\n
67:  Its a major quest item\n
68:  active spell
69:  passive spell
70: \nFull Object Summary\n
71: \nListing of all objects on level....\n
72:  Transient!
73: \nFurniture\n
74: \nList of all Magic Items\n
75:  with no spell
76: \nTreasure Listing\n
77: Total Value of all treasure on level is 
78:  count 
79:  value 
80: A non-clear texture map.\n
81: Monster Generator Chance 
82:  No Magic Properties.\n
83: \nChecking for empty magic items.\n
84: \nListing of all doors.\n
85:  Tough 0 Dr 
86:  Tough 1 Dr 
87:  Tough 1 Dr 
88:  Tough 2 Dr 
89:  Tough 2 Dr 
90:  Tough 3 Dr 
91:  Portcullis 
92:  SecretDoor 
93: Not Locked
94:  door spiked
95: \nChests and such\n
96:  Passive not active...\n
97: \nChecking Link field settings.\n
98:  Not Home
99:  Not in correct position
100: \nChecking for items of quality zero\n
101: \nChecking for long lists of items\n  X  Y  Obj Lvl\n
102: \nChecking the timer lists\n
103: Timer List Summary: 
104:  timer objects in world 
105:  in internal data\n
106:  conflict between real timers and internal timers\n
107:  cant get correct level real texture data\n
108: \nChecking fountains.\n
109: A fountain that won't work.  Anim obj must have other obj in next field.\n
110: \nChecking for objects embedded in the ground\n
111: Potion alert -- 
112: : non-ultima spell value 
113: : spell object linked to potion object.\n
114: : damage trap linked to non-green potion.\n
115: : non-magical potion.\n
500: blnkmap.byt
501: chargen.byt
502: cnvscr.byt
503: cnvscr.byt
504: main.byt
505: opscr.byt
506: pres1.byt
507: pres2.byt
508: win1.byt
509: win2.byt
510: win2.byt




The pages are blank.

"On the Properties of Runestones." Second Edition annotated by the mage Nystul

"Key to the Black Gate" by Anton of New Magincia

"Mysteries of the Abyss," being a chronicle of the hubris of Tyball, and of his defeat by the Avatar in the Great Stygian Abyss.

"Collected historical plays of Raymundo of Britain"

"101 Avatar jokes," by Chuckles the Jester (autographed by the author)

This book appears to contain magic formulas, and contains references to the Guardian and his servants. However, much of it is written in an obscure scripts, which you are unable to decipher. The first page identifies it as the property of Mors Gotha.

Dear Avatar,\n  Greetings, old friend!  I hope this letter finds thee in good health. 'Tis now almost a year since thy defeat of the Guardian...

Avatar -- \n  Please come to the throne room as soon as possible.  Lord British shall be holding a meeting to discuss our options in this sudden crisis.  \n -- Miranda 

Harry -- \n I'm not going to be able to get you that slug repellent until Thursday, so I hope you can hold on until then.  In the meantime, I'd stop storing food in your office.\n -Sabo 

Sabo, have you seen what's going on with the moving platform system? One of the main elevators is jammed, and I don't even want to talk about the ones near the castle ladder.  Also, I'm having more problems with giant slugs in my office.  Is there anything you can do? \n - Harry 

"Mages' Digest" (issue 1018)

"The Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum 

"The Princess Bride" by William Goldman 

"The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith 

"Pale Fire" by Vladimir Nabokov 

"Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss 

"Swords Against Death" by Fritz Leiber 

"Neuromancer" by William Gibson

"Something Under the Bed is Drooling" by Bill Watterson

"At the Mountains of Madness" by H.P. Lovecraft

"Sex" by Madonna 

No practical application found yet for this spell.\n May be too undignified for use by most wizards.\n  I prefer the more difficult "Slow Fall" spell.


Borne:\n  Somewhere in the environs of your tower there is a gem of a hard black material. On your life, find it and keep it safe from theft. This matter is of the highest importance.\n      -G

Food Delivery Voucher: Delivery of twenty (20) stalks sourweed, fifteen (15) loaves poori bread, ... etc.

Avatar,\n Do not omit in thy travels to speak with a mage named Zoranthus -- thou shalt find him in a prison of his own. .\n            - Bishop

The Guardian is most displeased with your apparent lack of progress.  I will be sending you the runes Rel, Sanct and Ylem to speed up your production rate. -- M.G.

Make sure you remember to move the gem into the oubliette, and then set up the trap as I directed.  Screw this one up, Relk, and I'll have your skull  made into a tankard.  - M.G.

Avatar,\nI dare not remain in the keep any longer -- the situation is too dangerous. Mors Gotha has arrived with her murderers; be wary of her, for she may discern thy true nature. The spellbook she carries may be of great  interest to thee.  Good luck; I hope we shall meet again one day.\n\n         Altara 

We have found the entrance to the cave which we believe to contain the lost city of Anodunos, long frozen by our first ice age.  Presently, we are searching for a place to camp which is safe from the many hostile ice creatures here.

. . .have frozen over, only the Filanium deposits to the southeast are still viable.  To make matters worse, a tribe of Yeti has. . . 

Rune Order Form:\n\n Resist Blows: Bet, In, Sanct \n Lesser Heal: In, Bet, Mani \n Locate: Bet, Wis, Ex \n Speed: Rel, Tym, Por

...worms are much tougher than we first thought.  The snow cats are less dangerous, although one of them almost got Ripkin when she fell through the ice.  Worst of all are the snowball-throwing Yeti, which...

Instru. . .m control \n Manipu. . .auses th. . .ze to chan. . .wo step process.  To get the ke. . .ake sure the leve. . .ch and chain are all. . .To rea. . .oor, lower the. . .nd switch, and pres. . .walk through the force f. . .to maze. . .stroy this note aft. . .else we'll both hang. \n\n Much of this note is smudged and unreadable. 

...an extremely curious herb, it seems like the legendary mandrake to thrive only on gravesites.  Its effects are entirely singular, in my experience...\n   (the rest of the note is faded and unreadable)

This latest discovery is quite exciting.  No longer having an active metabolism, it is useless to me, but I must write to Dr. Kintobor.  The spice acts as a mild sedative when chewed, and its effects are actuated when the subject subsequently sleeps.  It (the entry stops here)

3 roots Mandrake, 4 clumps blood moss, 3 bunches dream-spice, 10 cloves garlic.

Avatar,\n My sources tell me Mors Gotha is moving closer to our dimensional neighborhood. Seek her out -- she carries a spellbook of great value to thee. Be warned, though -- she is a dangerous opponent. I should know.\n            - Bishop


2/13/31  On the verge of making a breakthrough in magically-induced heat reduction.  The proper runic formula is either An Flam Rel, or In An Flam.  I shall first try An Flam Rel, which, although a combination of greater risk, should result in a greater reduction of heat. 


"I muzt align a bi-phazal kontroller with a skup pattern matrikz in a Delgnizator.\n" "What ozillation frekenzy will produze ekzor rezonanze?"\n "And how may I engage Skup-interlok?"

For Avatar:\n Controller Crystal M4Y8

For Eloemosynator 

"Haz produktion inkreazed thiz cykle?"\n "Theze Runez have great Virtue."

"I will chooze the blak rok."\n "I will chooze the white rok."

"How many Vorz are rekired to operate the Fleddlezonger?"

"The alien bird iz very nize."\n "It swallowz fish and slidez on ize."

"Uija ja Es. Dbu'a aflsfu nfaabhf."

"You are sweating like a pig."\n "Korregtion: pigz don't sweat."

"I have failed in my funktion."\n "Your termination iz now imminent."

"Guezz what?" "What?" "That'z what!" "Thiz iz not efficient behavior.\n"

"How many Vorz doez it take to skup a lightsphere?"\n "None -- Vorz cannot skup, dinglenoggen!

"Guardian iz efficiency Talorified. \n "Yez.  I muzt agree."

"I muzt make the Vorz more agrezzive."

"Your aura haz stopped glozifying."

"Have you heard of theze thingz called doorz?"\n "Yez. They are very strange.



Istrik -- B+\nJashou -- C+\nPerrin -- F (dead)\nOdraanj -- A-\nRavenna -- dead\nMirre -- B\nLodrah -- B-\nElster -- incomplete

All items are property of the academy.  Please leave them for the next student.

This is partially a test in the judicious use of mana.  You will not be allowed to regain mana after the first section.

Instructions to students:\nAnyone caught cheating on the exam will be ensorcelled and expelled.

Elster -- I hope your thesis is going well, and good luck on that exam! \n love, mom

Rovilar,\n  The council has voted on the matter of the secure vault. They think it would be safest to build it in the Ethereal Void, and to put up obstacles that require magical training, in addition to an ordinary key.  They'd like to see plans next week, and if all goes well expect it finished in a month.

Kalarion,\n  I have taken care of the Vas and Tym runes you sent me. They should be fairly safe.\n          Signed, Rovilar

Larkin, \n  This is now the fifth straight day that I have detected an interdimensional disturbance in the ether.  Judging from the proportional increases, I am now surer than ever that something monstrously powerful is fast approaching our planet.  The council has thus far refused to acknowledge the import of my observations, but I am convinced that we are potentially in grave danger.  Could you place me on the agenda for the next council meeting?  Thanks.\n          -Devrow 

#Probably not a book; 160 is the string number

160: 160


"Greater than the lowly imp are a variety of daemons. The Hordling is the soldier of Hell. Mightier than it is the pestilent, dim-witted Despoiler. Few indeed meet the dreaded void Destroyer and live."

On Chromatographic Alchemy:  As far as current research allows, only certain very specific solutions can hold particular magical effects.  Fortuitously, these may be distinguished by color.  E.g., yellow for healing, red for curing of poison, purple for protection, brown for speed, and black for invisibility.  A clear solution is required for mana restoring potions, but certain other potations can also be so suspended.

194: 194

202: 202

210: 210

220: 220

224: 224


Ethereal effects of various spells: Locate - none.  Map Area - none. Roaming Sight - none. Create Food - normal. Tremor - very strange.


Foolish thief!  "All that glitters is not gold."\n                            Gotcha,\n                            Morphius



Dear Avatar,\nGreetings, my old friend!
I hope this letter finds thee in good health
'Tis now almost a year since thy defeat of the Guardian.
In that time we have repaired much of the damage done in the Guardian's assault.
But though the task is great,
The time has come to take pleasure in what we have accomplished.
On the Anniversary of thy triumph,
We shall hold the Festival of Rebuilding at my castle in Britain.
There we shall honor thy victory, and relive past adventures.
I shall be honored if thou dost attend.
Ever thy friend,\nLord British
Britannia sleeps in peace.
But the next morning_._._._.


Again thou hast bested the Guardian.
Thou hast shattered \nthe curse of the obsidian jewel,
by the power of thy strong \nhands and quick mind,
and it hath passed from us, \nlike a feverish dream.
We are at peace again, Avatar, \nand we must return
to the task of rebuilding \nour nation.
Come! 'Tis time we breathed once more
the sweet air of Britannia.


Perhaps thou seest\nthy future here.

Perhaps thy world might find\npeace such as this.

Thus, all who oppose me.

This world is mine.\nDo you like what you see?

Greetings, Avatar!
My friends and I are embarking on a little vacation.
I hear the beaches near Cove are nice.
Wish thou wert here...!

My troops encountered thy friend, Lord Draxinusom.
I shall send thy regards...

I am making many new friends in Britannia.

I shall be with thee shortly, Avatar.
Don't go away_._._._.

I have won another to my cause.

Thy feeble wrigglings amuse me.

Think what power could be thine.

Yes, British,\nhasten to thy vain struggle
But know this --
all who choose to serve me\nshall be spared.
All others\nshall rot within these walls.

Perhaps thou seest\nthy future here.

Perhaps thy world might find\npeace such as this.

Thus, all who oppose me.

This world is mine.\nDo you like what you see?

Pits of Carnage[edit]

Proving grounds.


1: Who disturbs my studies? But hold, I sense thou art a traveller from another dimension.
2: Nay, thou art mistaken.
3: I think not. The signs are unmistakable. 
4: Indeed, 'tis true. How didst thou know?
5: I have dealt with other planes myself, through my magic. 
6: I have come here from fair Britannia.
7: Indeed! I have heard of that realm. 
8: But tell me, what dost thou here?
9: I strive to defeat the guardian.
10: I seek a mystic gem.
11: I might ask thee the same.
12: Truly? Mayhap 'tis time I took action myself.
13: What can thou do to help?
14: Dost thou oppose the Guardian as well?
15: Of that I am currently uncertain. Although I have mastered many powerful enchantments, and possess much knowledge, it has been long since I considered applying my work and wisdom to matters of consequence.
16: Thou canst find that above, in the possession of those who dwell on the uppermost level of these pits. What they do is of no concern to me.
17: Why dost thou dwell here alone?
18: What, then, is thy concern?
19: Canst thou help me at all?
20: I have sought out this place that I might conduct my magical research without disturbances. Indeed -- the Guardian's magical seal prevents all but the most powerful from entering or leaving the Pits. But methinks I have spent too much time pursuing obscure knowledge, when there are things that must be done.
21: I have spent my time trying to further my knowledge of the mystic arts. But I have been neglecting the practical in favor of the esoteric. 
22: I know that the Guardian has conquered other worlds than mine. He must be stopped before his power grows too great.
23: Ah, @GS8, welcome back. How can I help thee?
24: What was thy world like before the Guardian came?
25: Perhaps we may work together against the Guardian.
26: Hast found use for the sceptre of deadly seeker I brought thee?
27: What dost thou know of other dimensions?
28: I must bid thee farewell for now.
29: Until we meet again, Avatar.
30: May I have thy djinn-bottle?
31: I lost the first elemental. Hast thou any others?
32: Ours has always been a land where prowess at arms is highly respected. Yet duels were seldom to the death, and slavery almost unheard of, until the Guardian came. He has slowly warped our people, twisted our realm into a harsher, more violent place, and the worst of this new breed are sent to the Pits.
33: What are the Pits of Carnage?
34: What did the Guardian gain from all this?
35: Many aspire now to join the Guardian's elite forces in their raids on other dimensions. Though the toll in human life is often high, the survivors have brought home the richest of spoils, and live like kings. Some would slay their own brothers for a chance to join in the plunder.
36: 'Tis barbaric!
37: But what are these "Pits"?
38: I have no stomach for living amongst those who have lost all knowledge of simple human kindness. I have been in hiding, but my time has not been entirely wasted. My powers have grown enough that I may prove able to oppose the Guardian effectively, in my dimension at least.
39: The people of the Pits were too vicious to integrate into life aboveground, even after the changes began. The Guardian placed a mighty seal on these caverns, and now the worst criminals of our world are thrown in, to live or die as they may.
40: What does the Guardian gain from these changes?
41: What are THOU doing here, then?
42: It gladdens my heart that one of mine experiments has at long last a practical application. I would give the bottle to thee, for our shared cause... And yet, I perceive that the balance would be best served were we to make an exchange.
43: Balance? Of what dost thou speak?
44: What then, must I bring thee?
45: The cosmic balance shifts every time there is any exchange or interaction between planes. But there's no time to discuss such nuances now. 
46: But...
47: Very well. Continue.
48: Not long ago, a colleague of mine disappeared while making a study of dreaming -- he had with him a Sceptre of the Deadly Seeker, and I would dearly like to have news of him, and the Sceptre returned. If in thy interplanar wanderings thou canst find news of him and locate the sceptre, in return I shall give to you the Djinn bottle.
49: 'Tis a deal, then.
50: When I find the sceptre, I will return.
51: Where might I find such a thing?
52: 'Tis not to be found in this world, to be sure. But as thou canst travel the planes, thou should be able to find me one and bring it here. 
53: Is there anything else thou wouldst know?
54: In truth, I myself have journeyed to other planes, though more oft I use my magic to view them from here, or speak with their denizens.
55: Dost thou know of the Guardian's plans in other realms?
56: How many different dimensions are there?
57: Canst help me journey 'twixt the planes?
58: Indeed, the Guardian has conquered many worlds already. He bends the wills of those he conquers, forcing them to devote their resources to his ends. Some worlds supply armies, while others produce supplies or feed his magical energies. And yet few have joined together to oppose him, and I fear soon he will be too powerful for any to oppose.
59: Ah, you might as well ask how many grains of sand on a beach, or how many times one could take a quantity of liquid and divide it in half! It may be that the planes are of finite number, but if they are, it is a number that is beyond our ability to know.
60: Would that I could, my friend. But the astral projection method I employ can only transport mine own self. Perhaps there's some other way I can help thee?
61: I must wait for the planets to reach the proper conjunction before casting my spell. But I promise thee, 'twill be most effective, thanks to thy kind assistance. Hast thou fared well in thy questing?
62: Not so well, I'm afraid.
63: I am sorry to hear that, my friend.
64: Yes, quite well.
65: Good! I am glad to hear it.
66: 'Twould help if thou couldst repeat thy advice.
67: Once more, then. Thou must mix filanium-rich mud with basilisk oil, then coat a vessel in the mixture, and then immerse it in firey lava (the hotter, the better!). If thou personally are serving as the vessel, then thou must imbibe a potion of Iron Flesh. Lastly, thou shouldst only release the daemon by smashing the bottle at the Sigil of Binding on the Astral Plane -- to do so elsewhere would be disastrous!
68: I shall heed thy warning!
69: And what would happen if I were to contain the air-daemon myself?
70: 'Tis not easy to predict! Most likely, the daemon would remain inside thee, until thou didst choose to let it out, at which point it would erupt outward in a tremendous burst of energy!
71: Hast thou found the sceptre I need?
72: Nay, not yet.
73: I hope thou canst find it soon.
74: Aye, here it is.
75: Well, art thou going to hand it to me or not?
76: Yes, here.
77: My mistake, I have it not.
78: Remember, 'tis urgent!
79: Deadly Seeker
80: Hmmm.  I'm afraid this is just @SS6. You can keep it.
81: Hast thou anything else to show me?
82: Aye, look at this.
83: Nay.
84: Excellent! Now I will help thee as well. Here, take this bottle -- it contains within it the elemental.  Take great care in preserving it! The manufacture of a Djinn bottle is no trivial task.
85: Don't be silly, Avatar, you are carrying it with thee right now! Kindly do not waste my time with unnecessary requests.
86: Certainly, Avatar -- in the course of my research I have amassed quite a bestiary. I can certainly spare thee another.
87: Tell me once more of the bottle-making rituals.
88: I thank thee. May we both meet with success!
89: Unfortunately, all of my efforts of late have been used in the rather obscure pursuit of Djinn entrapment. I have succeeded in entrapping a daemon of the air inside a magical container!
90: That seems an interesting project.
91: What is the point of doing such a thing?
92: 'Tis a fascinating area of study. Such a vessel as mine has been enchanted to hold magical beings.  There is a series of rituals that must be performed, for otherwise the daemon could easily escape.  And I, for one, would not like to be in the vicinity of an escaped air-daemon.  The Djinn do not take kindly to imprisonment!
93: How are the rituals accomplished?
94: I'm sure thou hast learned many strange things.
95: Indeed.
96: First, of course, thou must have a container. Then one must coat it thoroughly with mud rich in the rare element Filanium, first mixing the mud with basilisk oil.  There used to be a great supply of this mud, in the city of Anodunos, but since that metropolis was destroyed Filanium has been hard to come by.
97: What would be done after that?
98: That is fascinating, but I must be on my way...
99: Caught up in his explanation, Zoranthus ignores you.
100: The next step is the firing of the vessel.  I would suggest immersion in lava as the best way to ensure success.
101: And then, what is next?
102: I thank you for sharing your knowledge.  Goodbye.
103: Wait!  I am almost finished!
104: While it is necessary to perform these rituals when creating a Djinn bottle, keep in mind that they are largely symbolic rites. In practice, anything can be used as a vessel. Indeed, I have heard of sorcerers binding a daemon into the human body itself, and releasing its power in a single tremendous burst.
105: Thank thee for thy insights.
106: I am sorry, but I must leave.
107: One thing more!  If thou doth ever have the necessity of releasing an elemental from its bottle, thou shouldst seek out the Sigil of Binding, a shrine located in the Ethereal Void.  There thou shouldst smash the bottle, releasing the Djinn.  If thou didst free the creature elsewhere, it would surely destroy thee!
108: May I have thy captured air-daemon? I would like to try such an experiment on myself.
109: Goodbye.
110: My apologies for keeping you. I do have a tendency to ramble on about my studies. Farewell!


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: Greetings, stranger.
18: Hello again.
19: Art thou a mage?
20: Wouldst thou barter with me?
21: Dost thou know Zaria?
22: Hast thou slain many with thy magic?
23: Farewell.
24: Indeed I am, but not much of one, I fear. I'd fare better in battle if I were as learned as Zaria.
25: She is a very powerful mage. She strikes down her foes in the Arena with fire and lightning before they can get close enough to lay a finger on her. Would that I had mastered such enchantments!
26: She sounds quite formidable.
27: Hast thou considered becoming her student?
28: What spells knowest thou?
29: Indeed, before thou didst best Dorstag, she rivalled him for rulership of the Pits, though she feared his deadly  aim with a crossbow.
30: Aye, she is ranked second highest in the Arena, behind only Dorstag himself. If she doth find the nerve to face his crossbow, mayhap we'll have a new top dog down here.
31: Indeed, I have asked her if she might teach me more of the mystic arts. But none would help another down here, unless it be through the service rendered by slave unto master, or for payment in gold, and where would I find gold? I have not even enough food to eat!
32: 'Tis a grim place indeed, then.
33: Perhaps I can help thee.
34: At least I still live. As long as one lives, there is yet hope!
35: Wouldst thou help me with my spellcasting? 'Tis beyond belief,and yet... If thou couldst bring me a Flam rune, I would be eternally in thy debt!
36: Here, thou canst have this one.
37: I am sorry, I have none to spare.
38: Thank thee! This will help immensely! I cannot think how to repay thee properly, unless... Ah! I have only recently developed a new spell, which I have kept secret from all! Wouldst thou hear of it?
39: Aye.
40: Nay, I know enough spells already.
41: Well, do not say I did not try to help thee!
42: It increases one's prowess in combat. I call it "valor," and its runes are Quas An Corp.
43: I thank thee, Zogith.
44: Surely, thou art mistaken. I see no Flam rune.
45: Excuse me. Here it is.
46: I am sorry. I have no rune for thee.
47: Very well.
48: 'Tis no surprise. I thank thee for thy kind thoughts, at least.
49: Few that serve in battle. I know Magic Arrow and Resist Blows, but few spells of the higher circles. I know how to cast a Fireball, but have not the Flam rune that is required for it!
50: Indeed, thou hast a problem.
51: Mayhap thou might find one on the lower levels.
52: I have an extra. Here, take it.
53: I try to avoid provoking people. Many are wary enough of magic to leave me alone, at least.
54: Nay, whatever treasures may rest below can stay where they are! Fierce monsters dwell there, and few would care to explore their territory. Dorstag took a party down there once, but I doubt he'll ever try that again.
55: Really?
56: How so?
57: Why, they were all killed except for him! I hear a giant troll in the deepest cavern did them in. But that's old news around here. 'Tis said a creature born of dark sorcery lurks down there now.
58: What have you heard about it?
59: Well, don't say I told thee, but something has formed there, something born of the blood of thirteen bold warriors and wizards fallen into the muck, who then rose up into something that looked like a tree, but was not. But come, let's talk of something else.
60: Alas, I am like Zoranthus -- I spent too much of my time studying lesser spells and those not useful in combat. I wish I could fight with my magic as well as Zaria does!
61: Thou shouldst learn some new spells.
62: Who is Zoranthus?
63: Perhaps the Arena of Air would be safest for thee.
64: 'Tis indeed a problem, in as violent a place as this.
65: Would that I could! But down here one is lucky to find enough food to stay alive. What few books might find their way down here are more likely to be used for building fires than aught else.
66: Of course! 'Twill be harder for my foes to reach me, giving me more chance to attack them with my small magicks. Thou art clever! Allow me to repay thy advice with a little of mine own.
67: All right.
68: Very well.
69: If you insist.
70: I was never brave enough to steal from Dorstag and his crew, but surely thou who didst best him can do this! Just before his chambers, on the northern wall, there is a secret door! Behind it lies the chamber where he hid his treasure...
71: I am not brave enough to steal from Dorstag, but I think you might be. Just before his chambers, on the northern wall, there is a secret door! Behind it lies the chamber where he hides his treasure...
72: Thank thee!
73: Perhaps I will investigate this.
74: That is interesting.
75: Is there anything else thou wouldst speak of?
76: They say Zoranthus was once the most promising mage of his generation -- he graduated from the Scintillus Academy at 16!  But he dropped out, shut himself away to study his private projects.  Some say he now lives down here, in the lower levels of the Pits, but who knows? None have the courage to venture below.
77: Surely, though I have precious little to my name!


1: Go ahead, run! You're not even worth making a slave of!
2: I'll be back to fight another day!
3: Just think twice before you go to sleep, you swine.
4: (Grumble)
5: Please reconsider, master!
6: Ha! Perhaps I'll ask you to lick my boots some day.
7: I choose the Arena of Earth.
8: I choose the Arena of Air.
9: I choose the Arena of Fire.
10: I choose the Arena of Water.
11: man
12: woman
13: So, 'tis the @SS3 who beat the famous Dorstag!
14: Well, I see we have a newcomer to the Pits.
15: Again you come to disturb my studies?
16: 'Tis strange to see a mage down here.
17: What knowest thou of Dorstag?
18: Dost thou fight in the Arenas, milady?
19: I must be on my way. Farewell.
20: Indeed, Dorstag's reign is no more.
21: Indeed, those who master the mystic arts are the mightiest of those above. We seldom need prove ourselves in combat, and rarely is a spellcaster condemned to such a place as this. Zoranthus and I are the only ones I know of, save that would-be blunderer Zogith!
22: Who is Zoranthus?
23: How didst thou come here?
24: Hast thou no manner of escape?
25: Why are mages so mighty?
26: A master sorcerer in his time, but an eccentric, no feeling for true power, always caught up in his trivial academic researches! He dwells somewhere on the second level, but I have little interest in him.
27: Why, we mages are a breed apart! The dirty fighters are constantly squabbling of food and trinkets, while I need never eat at all, not since I acquired the QUAS, MANI, and YLEM runes!
28: I have passed the doors sealed by the Guardian's own hand -- there is no return, and therefore what is past is of no consequence now. Besides, 'tis my own concern, and none of thine.
29: As you wish.
30: I beg thy pardon.
31: All that is left for me is to rule this festering hole. My powers certainly entitle me to that much, at least. But it seems I have yet to earn more than a grudging respect.
32: How so?
33: 'Tis hard to believe.
34: Though the power of my magic has slain many in the Arena, still the brutes think less of me because I am a woman. I know what they say of me behind my back, and I'll silence their wagging tongues if I must slay a thousand more! Leave me now, that I might return to my studies.
35: He rules the Pits, at present, for none here hath bested him in combat.
36: Well, then, I shall be the first to do so!
37: Have you not challenged him, then?
38: Is it true he carries a black gem?
39: That may be so. 'Tis no concern of mine.
40: When the time comes, I and I alone shall slay Dorstag, and rule these pits as my own. 'Tis less than my due, but 'tis the best that I can hope for, now.
41: Why hast thou not challenged him yet?
42: How shalt thou defeat him?
43: His skill with that crossbow of his is practically legendary... I must practice the incantation GRAV SANCT POR until I have mastered it thoroughly. Then I will be ready to face him in battle.
44: Thou wouldst imply I'd not do battle because I am a woman? Truly, thou art almost as base as the rest down here. I say almost, for at least thou art bold enough to insult me to my face, where none other dost dare!
45: I see. Thou doth talk much, but fight little.
46: My mistake. Do me the honor, then - I challenge thee!
47: I humbly apologize for offending thee.
48: Such rudeness sets my ears ablaze! I'll see thee die for it - and cut out thy black tongue afterwards to boot. I challenge thee to Arena Combat, thou lowly worm!
49: I accept.
50: I decline.
51: As it is my challenge, then, choose thy Arena.
52: Very well, then. I shall strike thee down on this very spot instead!
53: I accept. Thou art bold, and may even provide a modicum of challenge. As it is thy challenge, I choose the Arena of Air for our combat.
54: For a moment I thought thee bold, to come insult me within mine own chambers. But I see thou art naught but a coward. Leave my sight, for thou art not worthy of my attention.
55: At last, an end to his ceaseless boasting! 'Tis a relief, though now 'tis thee I must beat, if I am to rule the pits.
56: Though shalt have thy chance -- I challenge thee to fight me in the arena!
57: There is no need to fight -- I shall soon depart his place.
58: Thy cause is lost -- truly I am invincible.
59: A pity -- I had hoped one day to prove myself my strength against Dorstag's killer. And yet, 'tis my right to rule here, and I shall accept it gracefully.  Fare thee well, warrior!
60: Thou'rt a worse braggart than Dorstag was, and I refuse to live under thy rule! The time has come for me to rule this place, or die trying.
61: She takes a deep breath, and lets it out.
62: Avatar, I challenge thee to trial by arena combat.
63: I accept.
64: I decline
65: There is no need for us to fight -- I shall soon be leaving this plane.
66: What? The Avatar, a coward? Well, I shall bring thee down on this very spot, and the arena be damned!
67: Well, then. Choose the arena thou wouldst fight in.


1: Go ahead, run! You're not even worth making a slave of!
2: I'll be back to fight another day!
3: Just think twice before you go to sleep, you swine.
4: (Grumble)
5: Please reconsider, master!
6: Ha! Perhaps I'll ask you to lick my boots some day.
7: I choose the Arena of Earth.
8: I choose the Arena of Air.
9: I choose the Arena of Fire.
10: I choose the Arena of Water.
11: Look who it ain't! Hyah hyah hyah! I heard o' you!
12: Well, well, a newcomer to the Pits of Carnage. I'd say you must be, anyhow, or you'd know I'm the toughest man here, and I don't even speak to those that haven't won a fight in the Arenas. Get out of here, and I won't kill you for your mistake this time...
13: So, come to pay your respects, have you?
14: What, you again?
15: Art thou the ruler of this place?
16: Dost thou have a magical gem?
17: I have heard of thy prowess in battle.
18: Can thou tell me of the lower levels?
19: Arrrr, that's a good'un! We don't have no kings down 'ere. I'll tell you, though, when I tell a bloke to do something, he does it! 'Cause nobody can beat me in a fight, and everyone knows it.
20: Indeed, thou art truly a mighty warrior!
21: Nobody? I believe I shall put this to the test!
22: Then who was it scarred thy face?
23: You mean me lucky gem? The bloke that found it wouldn't give it to me when I told him, so I had to cleave his skull open for it. What's it to you?
24: Only thou couldst deserve such a fine jewel.
25: I need that gem to save my land and thine.
26: Give me the gem, or I shall take it by force!
27: Say, you're not bad at flatterin'. Win a few more duels, an' maybe I'll think about letting you be one of my bodyguards someday.
28: This place ain't in no danger I know about. Plenty o' fightin', and the winners get the best of everything, just like it should be. I may be stuck in this dark hole, but at least I'm top dog down 'ere.
29: Ha! My men'll cut you down like a mutt before ya lay a finger on me. Get lost before you stop sounding funny an' start ta get annoying.
30: Aye, but who hasn't? It's only because I'm so good with me crossbow, Patatrac, that my sword doesn't drown in blood. I've never lost a fight, ye know. Never.
31: Then how didst thou get that scar?
32: How dost thou come to be down here, then?
33: I would be honored to duel with thee someday.
34: Prepare for thy first loss. I challenge thee!
35: Nobody talks about that, understand? Get out of my sight and don't ever ask me that again.
36: If the Duke hadn't sent his men to jump me when I was asleep, an' if there hadn't been ten of them, I'd be up above still. But it don't matter what any of us was before. What's down here is all we'll ever have -- 'cept for the folks like you what get tossed down here every now and then.
37: I was not thrown down here as thou wert.
38: I am a traveller from another world.
39: I will find a way to escape from here!
40: Ha ha! You must have been a jester, up above! There ain't no way out o' here once ya fall through them doors, not with the Guardian's seal on'em! Come tell me more jokes sometime, and maybe I'll give you a little food.
41: You? Don't make me laugh. Yer not worth my time to fight.
42: Feeling cocky, eh? Well, I don't bother dueling these days except with important people. I decline your challenge. Ask me again if you ever amount to anything.
43: Aye, that's where I toss people that bother me with too many questions! Ha ha ha ha!
44: It's the poor fool who wants to take my lucky gem away from me! Come to try begging, have you?
45: Suddenly, the giant form of Blog the troll storms into the room.
46: @GS8 Blog friend!  You better give Blog gem!\m
47: Dorstag's hand drifts up to touch the scar on his face.
48: You! I... I...
49: With shaking hands, Dorstag passes Blog the gem, and then turns tail.
50: So, I hear yer the one that beat Zaria. You must be tougher than I thought. Maybe you're worth fighting a duel with after all.
51: So, I hear yer a pretty tough fella! Gar! Maybe I'll hafta pulverize ya in person, after all!
52: Art saying thou wouldst challenge me?
53: I see I have earned thy respect.
54: I challenge thee to Arena combat!
55: Come, then. If you challenge me, I give you my word I'll accept this time.
56: Very well, I challenge thee!
57: Nay, perhaps another time.
58: Thou hast no stomach to issue the challenge thyself?
59: But I might scar thy other cheek!
60: Very well, I accept! And since you've given me the choice, I'll face you in the Arena of Fire!
61: I can see you don't know how to behave honorably, when dealing with real men.
62: What!?! You dare make fun of my scar? I won't stand for it!  I challenge you to face me in the Arena!
63: Then it is my choice of Arena.
64: Methinks thy temper has cost thee.
65: Allright. You tricked me into letting you have the choice of Arenas -- but I'll gut you like a pig regardless!
66: Oh, it's you again... the troll-lover!  Just let me catch you in the arena sometime without your boyfriend around to protect you!  We'll see who has the last laugh.
67: I don't want to humiliate you, Dorstag. I did what I had to do.
68: Is that a challenge, then?
69: And I suppose the last thing I'll ever hear is the sound of wings when pigs fly. Don't bother me.
70: Yeah, well, don't we all.


1: I surrender! Aye, you have beaten me in fair combat, and by our customs, you may now claim me as your slave! I promise, master, I will serve thee well!
2: Who art thou? How didst thou appear? Did Dorstag's mages send thee? Or Zaria? It matters not, I suppose, now that my hiding place is discovered, but please, I beg of thee, bold warrior, do not slay me!
3: What sayest thou?
4: Thou has naught to fear from me.
5: I know I am the poorest warrior here, nay, the poorest anywhere, unfit to appear in the Arenas. And yet, if you let me live, I swear I'll find some way to be useful for thee. Wilt thou take me as thy slave?
6: I am not the sort who wouldst keep slaves.
7: How could thou even ask such a thing?
8: Very well, if thou dost truly wish it.
9: Then I have no hope, save that a lucky blow from my dagger may yet save me from untimely death!
10: Oh, truly thou art the most generous and benevolent master one could ever wish for! I will serve thee as best I can, as long as breath remains within me! Tell me, how may I serve thee first?
11: Oh greatest of all warriors, slayer of the evil Dorstag, how may I respond to thy least whim?
12: Master, thou hast returned! What may I do for thee?
13: How else might I serve thee?
14: Tell me thy name.
15: Tell me of this world.
16: I seek a magical gem.
17: I must go now. I will speak with thee more anon.
18: Spare me thy fawning praise.
19: My name is "Krilner the Coward."
20: I see.
21: Surely just "Krilner" wouldst suffice.
22: When I arrived here and had to fight in the Arenas, the first warrior I faced said it would amuse him to spare my life if I would swear an oath to always give my name thusly. I'd as soon not chance his wrath by doing otherwise... But surely my problems are beneath your concern. What else wouldst thou know of?
23: Truly, art thou from another world than this? But indeed, I am yours to command, and I shall tell whate'er thou dost ask. Ours is a world of violence, where a man's worth (or a woman's, for that matter) is judged solely upon prowess in combat.
24: 'Tis barbarism thou dost describe!
25: Is there no law here?
26: One must always be prepared to defend oneself here.  'Tis considered more proper to challenge a foe first, after which etiquette permits one to simply attack them on the spot if they refuse.  But the only "law" is that which one man may enforce upon another on the point of his sword.
27: How, then, might I avoid being attacked?
28: Tell me of this underground complex.
29: How has thou survived so long in such a place?
30: I have heard enough of such matters, thank thee.
31: People here enjoy being the first to spot a newcomer to the Pits, especially one who seems weak. They'll kill thee for thy food and weapons as soon as look at thee, if they doubt thy prowess. After two or three victories in the Arenas, thy name will spread, and thou wilt be treated the same as any other.
32: Thanks for the advice.
33: I shall undoubtedly be victorious!
34: Until then, walk always with thy weapon in hand. If thou doth seem prepared for battle, 'tis more likely they will challenge thee rather than attacking outright.
35: Thou know not of the Pits of Carnage? Mothers frighten their children with tales of this place... There is but little more law above than here below, that little being the whim of the Guardian. He has ever ruled our land, for he is immortal, and his magic is too strong for any to defeat him in combat. These Pits are the most notorious prison in the land, and the entrance is sealed by his own hand!
36: I see.
37: Tell me more.
38: A savage lot, we have down here -- they've built four Arenas down here for ritual combat. Perhaps if thou dost do well in battle, thou canst earn a place of respect, and partake of what small luxuries are to be had down here...And I will stay by your side, as faithful advisor!
39: Nay, I will be leaving this place soon.
40: Ha! Would that such a thing were possible...
41: Perhaps.
42: Time will reveal all. What else would thou know of?
43: You presume much, methinks.
44: I humbly beg your pardon, master! Please, let me aid thee more that I might earn thy forgiveness!
45: In truth, master, it has not been easy. I was born a weakling in a world of warriors, with neither the skill nor the stomach for battle. I was fortunate that the first who fought me down here saw fit to spare my life. Since then I have hidden in this small chamber, scavenging what small scraps of food I might.
46: It must be the gem Dorstag carries thou dost speak of. He laid claim to it as soon as it was found, for he is the mightiest warrior here, and none dare deny him anything. You'd best give up hope of acquiring anything he covets.
47: How so? Is he truly so mighty?
48: Tell me more of this Dorstag.
49: None has ever defeated Dorstag in battle! His skill with the crossbow is legendary. He's beaten many in the Arenas, but only keeps the strongest warriors for his slaves. With all the bodyguards he keeps, you could never hope to attack him in his quarters. If you must fight him, challenge him to an Arena duel.  Will there be anything else, master?
50: Dorstag refused to accept my challenge. How else may I defeat him?
51: There is one way. Zaria is, perhaps, the second most feared adversary down here, for her magical powers are very great. She has not dared challenge Dorstag yet. If thou were to defeat her, Dorstag might consider thee a threat to his power, and be forced to face thee in the arena.
52: I have more questions to ask thee.
53: I will answer them as best I might.
54: Farewell, master. Oh, and if any wouldst slay me, thou wilt seek to protect thy property, wilt thou not?
55: Of course!
56: Truly, thou art kind and generous!
57: Perhaps. We shall see.
58: Oh thank you, master, for even considering it!
59: Nay, thou must fend for thyself!
60: I beg thy pardon for my presumption. I will strive to serve thee more humbly.
61: Oh, greatest of all masters, please forgive thy humble servant!

### BLOG

1: Me like it here! May-be me find some hu-mans, play game!
2: Oh, is you! Who you?
3: I am a traveller from Britannia.
4: Just someone exploring these catacombs.
5: I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition!
6: Huh? You talk fast. Say again slow!
7: Good day.
8: Hello, troll.
9: Sorry.
10: My apologies. Is this an improvement?
11: My name Blog. Blog good troll, you bet!
12: Glad to hear it.
13: You're quite a troll, indeed!
14: What do you do down here?
15: Blog like to col-lect rocks, like to play game!  You know how to play game?
16: Nay, I don't know how.
17: Aye, for sure.
18: What game do you speak of?
19: Oh. That bad. How we play game then?
20: You could tell me how to play.
21: Oh, you real smart -- that good i-dea!
22: I don't know.
23: You not know. Me not know. Hey, you just like me!
24: I guess I can't play.
25: Poor you, life dull with no game.
26: You want to play game now?
27: Yes.
28: No.
29: Oh, you want to play la-ter. O. K.
30: What game? The game, Blog ask if you know how to play it.
31: Well, I...
32: But which...
33: Oh, Blog know now - you make joke! Ha ha ha, fun-ny joke! You act like you not know game! If you want to play, Blog have rocks for game.
34: I need help getting a gem.
35: Tell me of this game you play.
36: Why do you have all these rocks?
37: It has been a pleasure talking to thee.
38: Let's play White-rock Black-rock.
39: You come back, we play game!
40: If friend of Blog need help, Blog help friend. You not friend. Blog not e-ven know what gem look like.
41: Never mind, just thought I'd ask.
42: Gems are like bright colored rocks.
43: You ask Blog things, Blog tell you things - is like new kind of game!
44: Oh, Blog find bright rocks once in box. Box have lock, Blog pull real hard to o-pen. Full of bright rocks. Too shi-ny to play game with, so Blog throw them all a-way.
45: Okay. You Blog friend, Blog help friend. Take a-ny rock in room!
46: Thank you, Blog.
47: You wel-come.
48: No, I was looking for a specific gem.
49: Pa-ci-fic? Where Blog find that kind?
50: I don't know where it is.
51: Someone must have found it before I did.
52: A man named Dorstag has it.
53: If you not know, Blog must tell you. Too bad Blog not know. How can Blog tell what Blog not know?
54: You go ask for shi-ny rock. If they not give, Blog come help friend! Go now, Blog think this im-por-tant!
55: Play game with rocks, so Blog like rocks! Get lots of rocks. Too big to play game with. Blog put small rocks there, big rocks there, not-big not-small rocks there! Is good, yes?
56: Yes, very good.
57: Where did you get so many fine rocks?
58: I have a rock you could use for your game.
59: Wouldn't most trolls rather fight?
60: You like rocks just like Blog! Now you go get rocks to keep too, Blog know it!
61: Blog go to many lands, but Blog not bring rocks from most. Not fit through di-men-sion-al in-ter-face. Walls here made of rocks. Blog break rocks loose with hands. Blog strong!
62: Give Blog rock, Blog tell you if it good rock!
63: Here thou art.
64: Blog like fight too! But when Blog fight, some get hurt real bad. So Blog on-ly fight if they fight Blog first.
65: This good rock! Same as game rocks but dif-fer-ent! Some day Blog think real hard, think up new game to play with all three! You big friend of Blog now!
66: Hey! That nice rock for game! You want play game?
67: Sure, Blog.
68: No thanks. Some other time, maybe.
69: Rrrr.
70: That no good for game! You keep.
71: How about this one?
72: I am sorry. I have no rock for thee.
73: Oh well. Blog use same rocks as be-fore.
74: Game of White-Rock Black-Rock! Great fun! Too bad bats and spi-ders too dumb to play, or Blog play all the time! They good to eat, though.
75: Is that all you eat?
76: Let's play White-Rock Black-Rock!
77: What are the rules of this game?
78: You know, there are other games than this.
79: Blog eat what Blog can find. Find good stuff some times. Blog try eat rock once, not taste good!
80: Game not hard! One of us play, must pick rock. Must pick good to win. If you win, me lose. If you lose, me win! You got that?
81: Surely.
82: Aye, Blog.
83: Seems simple so far.
84: If pick white rock, then win! Good to pick white rock!
85: Ok, I think I understand.
86: Is that all there is to it?
87: But wait - here trick-y part! If pick black rock, then lose! Must try not to pick black rock! Now Blog done teach you rules.
88: Ok, let's play!
89: Sounds like quite a game.
90: Thank thee for teaching me.
91: And you memorized all those rules?
92: It e-ven more fun than big big fight!
93: Blog smart, you know. Blog e-ven win game some times!
94: No, that true? Blog must think hard, how that can be. You go now, let Blog think hard!
95: Good good, we play game now!
96: Blog play so much, it more fair if you go first.
97: Blog let you go first this time.
98: Blog think too hard. This time you pick rock.
99: Who go now? Oh yes, you go.
100: Not think it Blog turn now. You take turn.
101: Who go last? Blog not know. You go now.
102: Blog hold rocks, so you pick.
103: I pick this rock!
104: OOOooooooo.  Look grey rock!  Be-yoo-ti-ful!  Me have?
105: Sure thing.
106: No, I want to keep it.
107: You no fun at all.  Me no play with you.
108: Wait, you no fool Blog! There no rock there! You go find rock, then we play.
109: No fair, you not pick both rocks! Try a-gain!
110: Wow, you luck-y or what?
111: Hey, you win a-gain! How you do that?
112: You play this game be-fore, right?
113: How you pick white rock so good?
114: If Blog not see you pick, Blog think you cheat!
115: You pick good, must be smart like Blog!
116: Ha! You not pick so good next game!
117: White rock - that mean you win, right?
118: Oh, that same rock Blog would pick too!
119: You play too good for Blog.
120: Blog wish Blog could pick like that!
121: Ha, ha! Game more hard than you think!
122: Not feel bad, game is hard to learn.
123: You lose, so what Blog do? Oh, Blog win!
124: Ho, ho! Blog let you go first lots!
125: Play game more, some day you win like Blog!
126: Blog have fun when you play game!
127: He, he! You pick wrong rock!
128: Oh, that same rock Blog would pick too!
129: Wait! Blog fig-ure out mean-ing of life! It... It... No, Blog for-get now. Oh well.
130: You lose, Blog win! Life good.
131: Blog like play-ing with you!
132: This great fun! You like too?
133: Yes, I do like this game!
134: No, sir, I don't like it.
135: You play more! Soon you like!
136: You like? Me like too!
137: Hey, Blog like play game with you, Blog have big fun. You big friend Blog now! You need help, Blog be friend for you too!
138: Blog pick black rock. Oh no, Blog lose again!
139: Blog pick black rock. Oops, why Blog do that?
140: Blog pick white - no, black - no, white - pick black! Oh darn, Blog lose!
141: Blog pick black rock. Ha ha, me make you win!
142: Blog pick black rock. Blog hate when that happen!
143: Blog try to pick rock you would. Oops, got black rock!
144: Blog pick white rock. See, me tell you Blog smart!
145: Blog close eyes this time. Hey, lucky Blog, pick white rock!
146: Blog pick white rock. Blog so hap-py!
147: Blog pick white rock. Ho ho, Blog use stra-te-gy!
148: Blog pick white rock. Blog have too much fun now!
149: Blog pick white rock. But what it mean in big scheme of things?
150: You want play game again?
151: Yes, I'd be glad to.
152: No thanks, I'd rather not.
153: Perhaps some other time.
154: Oh, just play one more game, okay?
155: Oh, allright.
156: No.
157: Well, you play more some time! Blog like to play game!
158: No time bet-ter than right now... So we play a-gain now!
159: Oh, friend back!
160: Oh, you back!
161: Here, friend, take gem. Good luck with rest of ad-ven-tures!
162: Thank you, Blog.  You are my true friend.


1: Go ahead, run! You're not even worth making a slave of!
2: I'll be back to fight another day!
3: Just think twice before you go to sleep, you swine.
4: (Grumble)
5: Please reconsider, master!
6: Ha! Perhaps I'll ask you to lick my boots some day.
7: I choose the Arena of Earth.
8: I choose the Arena of Air.
9: I choose the Arena of Fire.
10: I choose the Arena of Water.
11: Well, what have we here? A newcomer to the Pits, I fancy!
12: Indeed, I am new here.
13: Just as I thought! 
14: Nay, thou art mistaken.
15: Nay, there are few of us down here, and we all know each other. You're a newcomer. 
16: And 'tis lucky for me I found you first! Whatever food and equipment you've brought with ye, well, I fancy it'll be mine. No need to slay you in the Arena -- I think I'll just do it here, and Dorstag'll never take his cut!
17: The warrior readies a weapon.
18: Hail, warrior.
19: Good day to thee.
20: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
21: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
22: And who are you to say hail to me? 
23: Could be day or night, for all we can tell -- and there's precious little good about it! 
24: Aye, if thy question is about how long thou hast left to live, my sword has an answer for that!
25: That's more than I can say for you. 
26: You annoy me, and I've a notion to separate your head from your body. I challenge you to fight me in the Arena!
27: I decline thy challenge.
28: I accept thy challenge.
29: I accept thy challenge, thou oaf!
30: Then methinks I'll just strike thee dead right here and save some time!
31: The battle-scarred veteran fixes you with an arrogant stare.
32: Hail, warrior.
33: Good day to thee.
34: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
35: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
36: Pfah.
37: Bah. Good for you, maybe.
38: Listen, stranger, people do better if they mind their own business down here, get it?
39: Hah. If that's meant as flattery, I've heard better!
40: Thy manners could stand some improvement.
41: What knowest thou of Dorstag?
42: Tell me of the Arenas.
43: What manner of place is this?
44: And who's going to teach me? Thou?
45: Nay, but someone should.
46: Aye, indeed, I think I will!
47: Well, methinks I'll teach ye how to address thy betters. I challenge ye to mortal combat in the Arena!
48: Art thou challenging me to a duel?
49: That I am!
50: Nay, 'tis not what I meant.
51: Well then, coward, I challenge thee instead!
52: He's the head man down here. What's it to ya?
53: Nothing. I'll be on my way now.
54: You know, it really wouldn't hurt thee to be polite.
55: You lookin' for a fight with me? That'll give ya the chance to see the Arena first hand! 'Course it'll be the last thing you'll ever see...
56: Nay, I meant no offense. Farewell.
57: Nay, I'd rather not duel thee.
58: Very well, I challenge thee to a duel!
59: Well, if you wish to take the coward's choice, so be it.
60: Never heard of the Pits of Carnage before they threw ya down here? Ha, that's a rich one! Best watch yer step down here, or you might lose your feet! And don't think o' goin' back the way ye came -- the Guardian's magic sealed the doors ye came through!
61: What doors did I come through?
62: How did he lock them?
63: Thou hast a lively sense of humor!
64: Gar! Begone, won't ya?
65: Did ya hit yer 'ead fallin' in? The trap doors to th' north! It's a new life for ya now -- nobody breaks the Guardian's seal!  Thou'rt never seein' daylight again, not in this world, mate!
66: What do I know about it? It's Guardian-magic, and all I know is, no one who passes that door comes out again in this lifetime!
67: The warrior sizes you up with a casual glance.
68: Hail, warrior.
69: Good day to thee.
70: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
71: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
72: Hail.
73: Well, I suppose I've seen worse.
74: Well, perhaps if you happen to ask any I feel like answering.
75: Gotta be tough down here just to have food to eat an' a place to sleep.
76: Hast thou had a hard day?
77: What knowest thou of Dorstag?
78: Tell me of the Arenas.
79: What manner of place is this?
80: A hard day? You want to know if I've had a hard day? I've lost everything I ever owned, been thrown in this stinking prison for the rest of my life, I sleep in the dirt and eat slugs and leeches, and I have to fight for those, and you want to know if I've had a hard day? No, all the days down here are just jolly, mate!
81: Thou shouldst know -- art thou not the one that got the better of him?
82: I knows you don't cross him, not if you want to live long down 'ere. He's the toughest fighter in the whole place, and he gets his cut of any loot anybody finds.
83: Don't know much, do ya? We settle everything by fighting in the four Arenas, just like they do up above. And when there's nothing to settle, we fight just to fill the time!
84: I see.
85: Perhaps you could offer me some training.
86: I would challenge thee to a fight, then!
87: One other thing...
88: Yes, what is it?
89: What, you mean the Pits? Oh, the Pits of Carnage ain't much of a place, but you'd best learn to call it home now, 'cause the Guardian's magic locked the doors ye came through! And if ya go wandering down them stairs, well...  Better to spill your blood on the Arena floor than let them creatures have it!
90: What kind of creatures are down there?
91: Thou dost speak like a coward!
92: I shall take thine advice.
93: Gar! Sayest thou so? Then meet me in the arena! What is thy choice?
94: Some say there's a mighty mage named Zoranthus down there, to the southwest, who eats human flesh, and has fireballs for eyes! Then again, there's them that says there are walking trees there too, so who can trust'em?
95: The warrior immediately assumes a ready stance, and keeps a respectable distance away from you.
96: Hail, warrior.
97: Good day to thee.
98: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
99: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
100: Hail to thee!
101: Well met.
102: Thy prowess hast earned thee as much.
103: Thou hast done well in the arena thyself.
104: Tis a pleasure to hear a civil tongue at last.
105: What knowest thou of Dorstag?
106: Dost thou know of a magical gem?
107: Wouldst care to do battle in the Arena?
108: Well, thou hast made a name for thyself in combat. Such prowess is the only true measure of a person's worth.
109: He was the mightiest warrior in the Pits. Was until ye came along, that is. 
110: He's a mighty warrior. Any that would challenge him had best be wary of his crossbow, he's an excellent shot. And don't ask him about his scar -- he doesn't take kindly to such talk. 
111: Aye, someone found such a thing near the fountain not long ago. Of course Dorstag took it from him. He gets the best of everything. 
112: Wouldst ask anything else, then? Or perhaps I could show thee some fighting tricks I've picked up. Myself, I'm good with the mace and axe.
113: Aye, I've another question.
114: I'd be pleased to train with thee.
115: Nay, thou hath been most helpful.
116: The warrior greets you with a respectful nod.
117: Hail, warrior.
118: Good day to thee.
119: Canst thou answer some questions for me?
120: Thou dost look to be mighty indeed.
121: Hail, mighty Avatar!
122: Thanks for thy good wishes.
123: Indeed, whatever thou might care to know.
124: Surely not as mighty as thee!
125: Hast thou any news to tell?
126: Canst tell me of the caverns below?
127: Wouldst care to do battle in the Arena?
128: I must be on my way. Farewell.
129: Thou art the biggest news we've had in a long time. Watching thee fight, well... It all but brings tears to one's eyes.
130: 'Tis said fierce beasts dwell below. None of us has been down there since Dorstag led an expedition -- he was the only one to make it back. Some say there's a crazy man name Zoranthus who lives down there somewhere, in the middle of a maze. I don't believe 'em, though!
131: Nay, I fear thou art too great a warrior for the likes of me to face. I beg your pardon for declining.
132: I accept! And I'll choose the Arena of Earth to fight in.
133: I'll accept that challenge, and face ye in the Arena of Water!
134: Very well. We'll see if you're nimble enough for the Arena of Air!
135: Then if you're bold enough, we'll face each other in the Arena of Fire!
136: Allright, then, where'll ya fight?
137: Well, I suppose I could help ya, but it'll cost 10 gold. Or as much in supplies, or gems, or whatever ya got. I usually work with the axe and mace when I'm training.
138: I'll just charge thee a few gold, or some small trinket. There's no free lunch down here, ye know.
139: Here then, take this.
140: Nay, I'd rather not spend my gold just now.
141: I'll take that, but it's not enough.
142: Take this too, then.
143: I'll give thee no more.
144: Take what? I don't see anything there.
145: Sorry, have this, then.
146: I've changed my mind about paying thee.
147: Then I guess there'll be no training today.
148: Well, I'm good with axe and mace both. Which one do ya want to learn about?
149: Teach me to fight with axe.
150: I wouldst learn the mace, if you please.
151: I've changed my mind. Keep the money, but I do not wish to train.
152: The warrior shows you some new techniques for axe-fighting.
153: That should help out the next time you get in a scrap!
154: No, ya haven't got it. You need to go out and do some more fighting before yer ready to learn this stuff.
155: The warrior demonstrates some things with his mace, and has you try them as well.
156: There, you've got the hang of it.
157: No, ya haven't got it. You need to go out and do some more fighting before yer ready to learn this stuff.
158: Would you like to train some more?
159: Aye, take this in payment.
160: Nay, I've had enough for now.
161: Guess I'll see you around sometime.
162: Suit th'self.
163: The warrior walks off, grinning and swinging a newly-filled sack of goods.


1: He sighs.
2: All right, @GS8. How many will ye be killin' today?
3: Ho there. Jospur's my name! Come to chance your life against a few coins? Many's them that do, sooner or later.
4: You again! I refuse to do business with thee! 'Tis simply a waste of my money.
5: I thought I told thee, I'll not lose any more money to thee!
6: As you wish, Jospur.
7: Thinkst thou so? Then I shall simply spread the word thou art a liar and a cheat!
8: Okay, okay, let us do business, then! But 'tis naught but throwing my money away!
9: Oh, 'tis THEE again. I am honor-bound to take thy money, but, Guardian knows, thou shalt be my financial ruin! Come, what wouldst thou with me, today?
10: Hullo again, still alive I see! Perhaps you've come to make a wager today?
11: What sort of wagering do you do?
12: You must know this place well.
13: I think I'll try my luck.
14: I beg your pardon, but I must be leaving.
15: Well, if you feel a bit bolder, or desperate for money, or just plain tired of living, you can always find me here!
16: Well, surely. But you don't think I'm the sort to gossip, surely! It's not just bad for business -- down here talking about folks the wrong way can earn you a dagger between your ribs while you sleep.
17: I just wanted to know about the lower levels.
18: But couldn't you tell me just a bit about Zaria?
19: Nay, I'd never ask thee to gossip.
20: Well, that's hardly a fit place for anyone with sense to venture. Not that it's so great up here, mind you, but still...\m
21: They never throw enough food down here, to make sure we have to fight for it. So sometimes a fool will go down looking to slay some dinner. Usually ends up being dinner instead. Better to take your chances with one of my wagers, I say.
22: You should know as much about her as anyone. You're the one that finally beat her, after all.
23: Oh, I get the idea. Well, don't get your hopes up. She'd rather kill than kiss. And with her magic, few have much chance against her in a fight. Better to take on 2 or 3 regular fellows in a fair fight, I'd say.
24: Why don't you go ask her yourself? She doesn't think much of me, maybe you could get her to be more talkative than I could.
25: That's wise. Better to let a sword do your talking. Or a few gold coins, if you're lucky enough to have them!
26: Well, here's how I work it. A bold warrior, such as yourself, gives me five gold coins. Then I arrange a fight in the arena against two opponents or more. Anyone tough enough to come back to me alive, I pay off their bet.
27: That's barbaric!
28: How much do you pay, then?
29: Is that an insult or a compliment? Anyway, life is rough, and there ain't enough food to go around. So with me a fellow down on his luck at least has a chance.
30: I shouldn't offer you the same odds as everyone else. You'll be the ruin of me! Still, I guess I'd best not get on your bad side, tough as you are. Same bet, same payoff, you know the routine.
31: You beat two foes, I pay you 8 gold. Three foes is worth 12, four's worth 20, and if anyone ever beat five men, I'd pay 'em 40 or 50, I guess. Nobody's ever lasted long at those odds, though.
32: Very well, then.
33: Your payoffs are terrible!
34: Anything else you'd like to know? I haven't got all day to stand around jabbering, after all.
35: A fellows got to keep body and soul together somehow. And you know, a lot of those that come to me haven't got much choice...
36: Ah, good, you're a sporting type! How many do you feel bold enough to face, then?
37: Perhaps I could defeat two foes.
38: I'll challenge three warriors.
39: I can best four strong men!
40: Send out five, and I'll slay them all!
41: Very prudent, keeping your risks small. 
42: If it's three you want, then three you'll get.
43: This is liable to be costly - for me!
44: You are a bold one, aren't you?
45: 'Tis no easy task to find five warriors foolish enought to fight thee, @GS8, but I shall try. Guardian knows, there's fools enough in the Pits o'Carnage!
46: Total carnage! I love it!
47: man
48: woman
49: Ah, I understand. Well, it is truly the most glorious death a @SS1 could ask for.
50: Now then, there is the small matter of the five gold pieces?
51: Here they are.
52: I've changed my mind. I don't want to fight.
53: What a relief! I keep my money after all!
54: Since the odds are against you, it's your choice where to fight.
55: I choose the Arena of Earth.
56: I choose the Arena of Air.
57: I choose the Arena of Fire.
58: I choose the Arena of Water.
59: Well fought, @GS8! That's @GI33 gold you've won, then.
60: For that much money, I could offer you some meat instead. Food's worth its weight in gold down here, you know.
61: I'll take the gold, if you please.
62: Thanks, I'll take the meat.
63: Here you are, then. See you around.
64: Here you go. Don't eat it all in one place! Harf harf...
65: You've done it again! Amazing...
66: You're still alive? After facing five? Why, this is unheard of!
67: That'll be 40 gold, then, and you've certainly earned it.
68: Indeed I have.
69: I believe the payoff is 50.
70: Oh, of course. I was just joking about the 40. Wouldn't want you to get upset, now...
71: I only take gold coins, I'm afraid.
72: The fee is five, take it or leave it.
73: Here you are, then.
74: That's all I have.
75: Come on, let's see those coins!
76: Here you go.
77: No, I'll not pay thee.
78: Well, I don't run a charity, you know. Come back when you have some real money!


Where you find the skups.


1: "Then we shall increaze orbomite shipmentz to your zektor."
2: "That would be most ekzellent."
3: "Have the alt flay rodz been behaving properly?"
4: ...
5: Look, an alien kreature wishez to speak with uz.
6: But dialog iz for two, and that would make three!
7: I have a notion. Let uz kontinue our work, and speak with the kreature in between, thuz inventing "trialog".
8: A splendid notion! You are most klever.
9: I am Dialogician.
10: I am Dialogician.
11: I am Avatar.
12: What is a Dialogician?
13: Can you help me with something?
14: Farewell, wordy ones.
15: My, how formal!
16: When it is nezezzary for Taloridz to speak with each other, they often lak the ability to think of the proper thingz to say.
17: Yez, zo we provide them with phrazez and zentenzez to suit their needz.
18: Our storage room iz full of them. Feel free to try out a few.
19: The thingz we zay to each other, thoze are linez of dialog we are tezting out between each other, before providing them to otherz.
20: Indeed, that iz why there are two of uz. Letz try out zome more linez now.
21: Do your kind really need this done for them?
22: That's interesting.
23: How do you know which sentence to give them?
24: Yez, more and more Taloridz are bekoming zo well adapted to their funktionz that they have no mental rezourzez left for thingz zuch az being artikulate.
25: All the more for uz to do that way!
26: No, no, no, that iz not very good at all.
27: Better would be, perhapz, "I thank you for sharing zuch fazinating information with me!"
28: Yez, the way you zaid it waz much too short.
29: Ah, knowing that iz mozt important part of being Dialogician.
30: To be prezize, if we didn't know, we'd be zomething else entirely.
31: That kould mean "Is there zome thing, any thing at all, we kould help you with?"
32: To that, we would zurely anzer in the affirmative.
33: Or you might have zome spezifik thing in mind.
34: Then we would have to know which thing it waz.
35: Yez, zome thingz we kan help with, while otherz we kannot.
36: Can you help me find a magic gem?
37: If you were me, what would you say to you?
38: I need help talking to the Data Integrator.
39: Can you help me speak with the Eleoemosynator?
40: No, most certainly not.
41: To be prezize, we kannot provide the slightezt azziztanze with zuch matterz.
42: Good kestion! I might zay "How are you zo blezzed az to be Dialogician?"
43: While I might say "How many granulez are in freemik pulzony?"
44: I see.
45: How are you so blessed as to be Dialogician?
46: How many granules are in freemik pulzony?
47: Zome are lukky enough to be skupped for the mozt spezial funktionz, I zuppoze.
48: Yez, how many are there?
49: Why, 602, I believe.
50: Oh, how interezting.
51: Ah, now it happenz we have a skroll with juzt the zentenzez you need for that.
52: Indeed, Futurian told uz it would be uzeful to prepare zuch a skroll.
53: Glad to know you have it.
54: It waz our pleazure to prepare it.
55: May I have the scroll, please?
56: Yez, having azertained that we kan help you, the nekzt step iz to inkire az to whether we will. kite korrect of you.
57: And in fakt, az it iz our funktion to provide such skrollz, we will give it to you.
58: Here you are.
59: I am grateful for the assistance.
60: Thank you most kindly.
61: To fulfill one'z funktion is to be fulfilled.
62: To be precise: When one iz filled, one feelz funky.
63: I don't think that iz kite right.
64: No, I muzt work on that line some more.
65: Yez, we kan help with that.
66: With that we kould be mozt helpful.
67: Will you help me with this, then?
68: That's very reassuring to know.
69: No, not at thiz time.
70: In other wordz, we kould help, but we will not.
71: Your reazzuranze is our finezt reward.
72: "Farewell", I said.
73: Oh, excuse us.
74: Yes, indeed, farewell strange kreature.
75: "No, zurely Eloemosynator could not have done such a thing."
76: "But I tell you, that iz ekzaktly what tranzpired."
77: "Tell me, iz it a very painful prozezz?"
78: "Yez, but only the firzt few timez."
79: "The coleus have grown kite rapidly thiz zykle."
80: "I do what little I kan to enkourage their growth."
81: "Cycle 17, sub-sector 3, parts 223a and 227b."
82: "87 percent, retro-kotient 3.14159."
83: "Zurely no more effizient method kan be found."
84: "Ask Guardian; if there iz a better way, Guardian will know."
85: "If you fold it thuzly, thiz part becomez the tail."
86: "I lack the dekzterity for zuch manipulationz."
87: "I zeek Philozophizt."
88: "That funktion no longer ekziztz. Were you skupped at the dawn of time?"
89: "Kan you manufakture a frobulus?"
90: "Yes. But tell me, what iz a frobulus?"
91: "I will be rezykled zoon."
92: "Kongratulationz on zerving your funktion well."
93: "What kolorz are rekired at thiz time?"
94: "Blak, zilver, and gold."
95: "Thiz iz the new method I have devized."
96: "It iz zomewhat ineffizient, but klever nonthelezz."
97: "I enkountered a referenze to 'art'. What iz 'art'?"
98: "It iz a thing from the pazt. Zeek Historian."
99: "Waz magik gem dealt with properly?"
100: "Guardian took it to an appropriate plaze."
101: "I would like to vizit another dimenzion zomeday."
102: "Zuch thoughtz are premature. Get your gnoz out of the fribbery."
103: "Iz the interzektion of theze kategoriez an ill-formed zet?"
104: "That kestion iz not zolvable in polynomial time."
105: "If kozmoz were shaped that way, korioliz effect would work differently."
106: "Perhapz korioliz theory needz to be modified alzo."
107: "The zubjekt I kame to dizkuzz is no longer relevant."
108: "Then I need zay nothing to you at all. Goodbye."
109: "It should be moved zome diztanze to the zouth."
110: "I believe you are korrekt. What diztanze would be optimum?"
111: "What kestion kontainz the word 'armadillo' for no apparent reazon?"
112: "What kestion kontainz the word 'armadillo' for no apparent reazon?"


1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Ductosnore. Zay, I remember you. Kome to hear about Ductosnore dutiez again?
22: Aye.
23: Nay.
24: Well, nize to zee you. Kome bak any time.
25: I am Ductosnore. It haz no akkurate tranzlation in your lang-age.
26: What kind of place is this?
27: I seek a magical gem.
28: What does a Ductosnore do?
29: In fakt, I am not juzt any Ductosnore. I am Bliy Skup Ductosnore. Only one there iz.
30: Please tell me more.
31: That's fine, but can you tell me...
32: I need to know about...
33: You know, few ever kome to talk with me. It has been zeveral hundred of your "yearz" zinze the lazt zuch okkassion.  That iz too bad, for my funktion rekires large mental kapazity, thuz I am kapable of lengthy and interesting konverzation.
34: I see.
35: How interesting.
36: Yes, but I...
37: I'm zure you would like to hear about my funktion. It iz one of the mozt fazkinating and important in all Taloruz.
38: Aye.
39: Surely.
40: No thanks.
41: Skup Chamberz are uzed to produze new Taloridz to replaze thoze that expire through akzident or age. The prozezz kombinez meanz magikal, mekanikal, and biologikal.
42: I see.
43: Please go on.
44: Before leaving the Skup Chamber, the new Talorid haz all the knowledge rekired for itz funktion enkoded into it as well. All thiz iz zupervized by a Ductosnore.
45: Mmmmhmmm.
46: But the Bliy Skup Chamber iz spezial! It kontrolz the bazik programming of all other Skup Chambers, containz mazter patternz for all typez of Taloridz. Zo you zee my funktion iz very important.
47: Uh huh.
48: I have zuffizient knowledge of all patternz to repair any flawz in Skup Chamber programming. Thuz my expanded mental kapazitiez.
49: Aye.
50: ExcusemebutIreallyneedtoaskyouaquestion.
51: Hmmmm? Now, what waz I zaying? Oh yez.
52: Now that Guardian haz helped reduze komplexity of Talorid enkoding by eliminating unneeded karakteriztics, I have much ekzess kapazity left over for other uzez.
53: Uh huh.
54: Before we had three different zexes, far more patternz to know. And many Taloridz had ekzezz and unezezary kapabilitiez. Still, I am glad to have mine.
55: I see.
56: I have developed a zenze of humor. Perhapz you kan appreziate it, being a strange kreature from another world az you are. You zee, thiz door leadz to the Bliy Skup Chamber. But many yearz ago, the "I" fell down from the zign. But inztead of putting it bak, I left it on the floor az a joke. Iz that not funny?
57: Well...
58: Nay, not really.
59: Aye, indeed!
60: I had thought you a being of ekzess mental kapazity like myzelf. It iz a pity I waz miztaken. You had bezt return to your funktion now.
61: I am glad you think zo. Kome back in a few hundred yearz when I have had time to think up another joke.


1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Vorz Ductosnore.
22: What are Vorz for?
23: How are Vorz made?
24: Why do the Vorz attack me?
25: Goodbye.
26: Before you go... Iz it true you zeek to know more about Eloemosynator?
27: Nay, I do not.
28: Ah, my miztake then. 
29: Aye, indeed!
30: Yez, I thought zo. Thank you for konfirming it. 
31: Be zeeing you.
32: Vorz are skupped for a variety of taskz. They perform most phyzikal labor on Taloruz, for one thing. They are alzo very effektive kourierz. Their funktion is to free Taloridz for more important thingz.
33: I see.
34: What sort of important things?
35: What elze kan I help you with?
36: You would have to azk one who doez zuch thingz. I just skup Vorz.
37: Now that iz an interezting zubjekt. The prozezz is zimilar to the way Taloridz are skupped, but much zimpler. Vorz are mucs zimpler kreaturez, after all.
38: Do tell.
39: Thiz Skup Chamber iz kontrolled by a zingle Delgnizator - over there, on that wall. By konnekting different information krystalz to it, I modify the patternz, enkoding Vorz for whatever funktionz may be rekired.
40: Thank you for the explanation.
41: You are welkome.
42: Among other funktionz, Vorz are skupped to neutralize harmful ekzternal entitiez, much like white blood zellz. Are you a harmful alien?
43: I never intended to be harmful.
44: No, I am not.
45: Yes, I am.
46: Well, you muzt be anyway. Elze why would Vorz attak you?
47: I am confuzed now. Thiz data kontradiktz data that Guardian told me. I muzt zeek Data Integrator at firzt oppportunity and rezolve thiz.
48: Then I muzt skup many more Vorz, before you do harm to Taloruz.
49: Thou wouldst seek my death, then?
50: And I will slay all you can skup!
51: I muzt perform my funktion, and you muzt perform yourz. That iz way of thingz, even for lowly Vorz. Nothing to grow upzet over.


1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Ductosnore. And am very buzy! Do you need zomething?
22: Why are you so busy?
23: I skupped you to save your people!
24: You should seek the Futurian.
25: I'll leave you to your work now.
26: Nothing iz az my funktion indikatez it should be! All are skupped now by strange new patternz. I muzt restore old patternz to Bliy Skup Chamber, much work to do.
27: I zuppoze you muzt oppoze Guardian, then. Zeemz not all alienz are bad alienz. Thank you for your azziztanze.
28: Yez, Historian kan tell me how thingz were in better timez, then Futurian kan tell me how to help make them zo again.
29: Zo much to do... Where to begin, where to begin!


1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Data Integrator.
22: Perhapz Dialogicianz might help you phraze thiz more precizely.
23: What does a Data Integrator do?
24: Perhaps you can explain something to me.
25: I need help with some information crystals.
26: Thanks for your time.
27: There are many zourzez of information, zome komplementary, zome kontradiktory. When a Talorid haz only one pieze of information to akt on, the kourse iz klear. When there are two or more, they kome to me.
28: Very interesting.
29: Uzually my funktion iz in dealing with the kombination of information kryztalz. Of kourze I alzo anzer zimple kestions, az I am doing for you now.
30: Ekzplaining iz indeed part of my funktion.
31: Are your titles names, or job descriptions?
32: How can I read an information crystal?
33: What do your people seek from life?
34: Who I am, what I am, and what I do, to me all theze thingz are one, all the zame. Zo it iz with all of uz.
35: One doez not akzezz the information direktly. The kryztalz are uzed to enkode patternz into machinery, zuch az that in the Skup Chamberz. Other machinez kopy patternz from one krystal into another, or manipulate patternz from one or more krystalz to produze a kryztal with a new pattern.
36: Imagine an ant hill where each ant haz bekome az a zingle nerve zell in a giant brain. Kould any ant tell you what the brain wants? And yet, if any would know what shall bekome of uz, it would be Futurian. Zeek Futurian.
37: That iz my spezialty. But you muzt state your rekirementz with utmozt prezizion.
38: I need to know where to find a certain crystal.
39: I must combine two crystals together.
40: I have to reprogram the Bliy Skup Chamber with a Delgnizator.
41: Never mind.
42: I have no idea which krystalz are stored where. They who zeek me do zo after they have krystalz they need to uze. Librarian kould help you, but there is no Librarian in thiz komplekz.
43: Not nearly prezize enough! There are zo many wayz to kombine the information in two kryztalz, you must tell me how they are to be kombined!
44: No, that rekest iz too imprezize. I kannot help you unlezz you kan be more spezifik.
45: I'm trying to create a new Ductosnore using the pattern from an information crystal.
46: Well, thanks anyway.
47: Even with proper krystalz, they kan be uzed zo many different wayz! Dependz on how you want patternz interpreted. Muzt be more spezifik.
48: I do what I kan.
49: Az you wish.
50: "I muzt align a bi-phazal kontroller with a skup pattern matrikz in a Delgnizator."
51: "What ozillation frekenzy will produze ekzor rezonanze?"
52: "And how may I engage Skup-interlok?
53: Huh?
54: The information krystal should be plazed in the purple input hopper. Then plaze the Delgnizator in the zentral blue zirkle. The kontroller krystal kan be aktivate in a number of different wayz, depending on the dezired rezult.
55: "I muzt align a bi-phazal kontroller with a skup pattern matrikz in a Delgnizator."
56: "What ozillation frekenzy will produze ekzor rezonanze?"
57: "And how may I engage Skup-interlok?
58: Huh?
59: In thiz caze, ekzor rezonanze will okkur at 617 gigamoogz. Thiz kan be achieved by plazing the kontroller krystal in the yellow input hopper.
60: "I muzt align a bi-phazal kontroller with a skup pattern matrikz in a Delgnizator."
61: "What ozillation frekenzy will produze ekzor rezonanze?"
62: "And how may I engage Skup-interlok?
63: When all the komponentz are in plaze, pull the facilitator chain in the korner of the chamber.
64: Thanks, you've been most helpful.
65: Zay, if you do all thiz, it should really shake thingz up. The konzekenzez are more komplekz than I kan integrate. I hope Futurian haz worked thiz out zuffiziently. Good luk in any kaze!


1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Historian.
22: Tell me of your world's past.
23: What is that strange protrusion you have?
24: I need your help.
25: I must be going now.
26: Yez, you must zee to prezent and future while I dwell here adrift in memoriez of the past. Go then.
27: After many millenia, the akkumulation of small imperfektionz kauzes a Talorid to show outward zigns such as thiz. Before long I will be zent to the lava pits to have my komponentz reklaimed, and a new Historian will be skupped to replaze me. Zeveral more protruzionz may manifest before then, however.
28: Oh, I see.
29: I'm sorry to hear that.
30: That's awful! Is there no other way?
31: In timez past, all Taloridz kontinued to funktion until they ekzpired. But Guardian haz taught uz many ways to increaze effizienzy. There have been many changez, thiz is one of them. What waz yesterday, iz today. What will be tomorrow, only Futurian knows.
32: That iz our way now, in theze times of great effizienzy. And yet, I know of older ways, kinder ways we uzed to follow. But I kan only tell of theze ways, it iz for others to akt on that knowledge.
33: To tell of the past is my funktion. Otherz know nothing of what happened before their skupping, zo Historian must make sure it iz not lost. Each new Historian abzorbz knowledge from the one before.
34: I see.
35: Do go on.
36: Zinze you are not of thiz world, I should tell you of our kind first. Our past goez bak far indeed. Just az antz work together in koloniez az one complekz organizm, we Taloridz are evolving toward perfekt zyntheziz into one great zingle being.
37: How fascinating!
38: If you say so...
39: You might think the individual would loze identity, loze what made each of uz spezial. But thiz was not zo, not before he came. Life waz richer az individualz grew more koordinated. Each purzued individual goalz, had hopez and fearz as before. But alzo there were higher goalz, of benefit to all. Lezz pollution, end to war, ekzploration of other dimenzions.
40: How did things change?
41: Who came? What did he do?
42: Guardian came, ekzplained hiz funktion waz to improve zyztems, increaze effizienzy. Made many zuggestionz, ways to increaze produktion of materialz. All were uzed, all worked kite well. But he haz kome to be allowed too much freedom to change our zyztem. He is not of uz, is not Talorid.
43: What else has he done here?
44: We are too kompartmentalized now, each knowing only of their own funktion. I think Guardian arranged thiz to weaken uz. Now Guardian kan do az he pleazez. Many of the things we produze now are of no uze to Taloridz, but thoze that make them do not kestion what they are for. Few bezidez myzelf have enough information to zuzpect that Guardian is evil.
45: Can't you do anything to stop him?
46: Does he suspect you oppose him?
47: I will help you defeat the Guardian!
48: My sympathy for your predicament.
49: It iz not my role to akt, but to inform thoze that kan of what haz gone before. And in time I will be replazed by new Historian, skupped to zee things Guardian'z way.
50: Perhapz. But change komez slowly on Taloruz. If it iz a zentury or two before I go to the lava, how much kan I akkomplish in that time? Guardian iz not worried.
51: You are mozt kind.
52: Oh? With what do you rekire azzistanze?
53: I seek a magical gem.
54: You must help me defeat the Guardian!
55: What is an Eloemosynator?
56: I have knowledge of the gem you zeek. But you are not Talorid. If you do zomething to help uz, I will give you the information in return.
57: Then I shall free you from the Guardian!
58: If you won't help, then I must go.
59: I can think of no way to help.
60: If you are not a helpful kreature, I imagine you'll be eaten by Vorz eventually. Too bad, as I find your converzation interesting.
61: Eloemosynator iz most anzient and rezpekted funktion any Talorid kan have.
62: I am Historian, not you. You have already spoken of defeating Guardian, this iz part of history now. It iz my funktion to speak of it, yours iz to go and do it!
63: Kan zuch a think be pozzible? And yet, if it kan, I must do whatever I might to azzist you. Let me think. What in the past might aid you in thiz?
64: Take your time.
65: I'm sure you'll think of something.
66: Ah, I have it. Several zyklez ago, Guardian modified the programming of the Bliy Skup Chamber. Our kind had three zexez, just az yours haz two. But now we have only one, in the name of greater effizienzy.
67: That's too bad.
68: How will this help me?
69: Guardian'z kontrol of our deztiny is zentered on the Bliy Skup Chamber, for through the patterns we are made with, Guardian kan determine our goalz.
70: Aye, I understand.
71: Please continue.
72: To maintain hiz kontrol, Guardian had Ductosnore skupped that would zee things Guardian'z way. Normal Ductosnore would not operate Bliy Skup Chamber in zuch a manner. Az Historian, I know where information krystal with original Ductosnore pattern iz.
73: Where is it?
74: It was zent down to the lava pit for rezykling a thouzand of your "yearz" ago.
75: That's terrible!
76: Then we'll have to succeed without it.
77: Fortunately, the konveyor only movez an inch or two per year. You should be able to find the kryztal amongst the debris to the north of the lava. Iz kryztal E0Y2.
78: Thank you. I'll set out at once.
79: What should I do when I've found it?
80: That I kannot zay. I only know the past, and Taloruz haz never been rezkued from alien fiend by brave hero before. Only one thing for Historian to zay when zomeone zeekz advize for that which haz never happened before.
81: Yes?
82: And what would that be?
83: Zeek the Futurian. That which you will do liez in the future, and that iz Futurian'z domain.\m
84: I wish you luk, Avatar, for hope ridez on your shoulderz. There waz a time when we knew love, and beauty and laughter. I do not know what theze things are, but I would have my people feel them again.\m
85: Now pleaze go. I grow weary and must rezt.
86: Avatar, you have done it! The new Ductosnore kan restore the old patternz, and free Taloruz from Guardian. I muzt do zomething for you in ekzchange.
87: If you insist.
88: Guardian uzed powerful magik to make lava pit below. Zervez az power zource for uz. Few know thiz, but at zenter, where spell waz kast, iz small island in middle of lava. There liez gem you zeek.
89: How can I get there?
90: There waz onze a method uzed to teleport Vorz to any dezired lokation. It iz no longer uzed, az it iz not effizient. But az Historian, I still know it. I will zend you to the gem now.
91: "And thuz did Avatar, the strange kreature from another world, set Taloruz on the path to liberation."


1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: There are matters for you to discuss with Historian. after that, you will come talk to me again.
22: I am Futurian. 
23: I knew you would come to speak with me again.
24: I presume you'll be wanting to ask about how a new Ductosnore can be skupped with the old patterns.
25: Aye, Historian sent me.
26: No, I don't.
27: Oh, perhaps not now, but eventually you will. Good day.
28: You play an important role in the future of Talorus. Normally my guidance is given to my own kind, but in this case it is quite appropriate for me to help you.
29: I'm glad to hear it.
30: What must I do?
31: There are three things you will take with you to the Bliy Skup Chamber. First, the information crystal the Historian told you of, with the old Ductosnore pattern. Second, a crystal with the proper program to encode this pattern into the Skup Chamber control mechanisms. This crystal awaits you in the chamber behind me.
32: How did you come to have it here?
33: And what is the third thing?
34: As Futurian, part of my function is to keep my Necessity Chamber supplied with various items that individuals who come to me will be requiring at some point in the future.
35: I see.
36: What if I take something meant for someone else?
37: Then one of two things will occur. Either you will return the item before the individual it was placed for comes for it, or you will eventually make use of the item yourself -- possibly many years in the future. Or, actually, it is possible you will convey it to someone who will use it themselves. But we digress.
38: Yes, you were saying?
39: The third item you will take with you is a Delgnizator. These items, along with some form of weapon, will prove sufficient.
40: What is a Delgnizator?
41: Why will I need a weapon?
42: It is a device designed to serve as part of the control system for a Skup Chamber. You will need it for the reprogramming after you kill Bliy Skup Ductosnore.
43: After I what?
44: Why would I kill him?
45: The death of Bliy Skup Ductosnore is the only way to gain access to the Bliy Skup Chamber, and to trigger the production of a new Ductosnore.
46: Normally only Ductosnore can open the Chamber doors. But upon death, the chamber begins to produce a new Ductosnore automatically. In addition, the chamber doors open, in case there is some\m
47: malfunction to be repaired. Otherwise we might be stuck with no Ductosnore, and no way to produce one. But Futurians past anticipated such problems and made allowances.
48: What else must I do?
49: I am sorry, but I will not slay unprovoked.
50: Your decision to slay Bliy Skup Ductosnore is a key junction between two different futures. In one, Guardian controls Talorus uncontested. In the other, my people begin to struggle for freedom. You will make your choice when the time comes.
51: If you say so.
52: I will do my best.
53: The last thing you must know is how to utilize the Delgnizator. The Data Integrator possesses this knowledge; you will acquire it there.
54: I see.
55: There is one other thing you do not strictly need to be informed of. But as your actions will serve to benefit Talorus in the long run, I will warn you.
56: Warn me of what?
57: Shortly before you came here, I informed Guardian that your actions would prove detrimental to Guardian's goals. Guardian will increase Vorz production, and modify Vorz encoding to make them attack you. You will experience the first of these attacks fairly soon.
58: Why did you do that to me?
59: Whose side are you on, anyway?
60: Couldn't you have prevented this somehow?
61: Thanks for warning me, at least.
62: To have lied to Guardian would have led to my demise. In some situations, this would not be inappropriate. But my presence will be important following your actions in the Bliy Skup Chamber, so sacrificing myself was not indicated.
63: If you say so...
64: If there had been a good way to avoid it, I would have known of it. This is the way things were destined to transpire.
65: I have said all that is needful at this time. Now you shall go and do what you are destined to do.
66: Thank you very much.
67: Before I go -- how is it that you speak my language so much better than other Talorids?
68: In the future, Talorus has much greater contact with other dimensions, including yours. This eventually leads to greater mastery of alien languages. As Futurian, naturally, I am already attuned to that future state.
69: Do you actually know the future for certain?
70: How will I stop the Vorz from attacking me?
71: How will I get help from the Data Integrator?
72: Will I ever find out what the Eloemosynator does?
73: I will be on my way now.
74: I search through patterns of potentialities to find "the thread which shines most brightly." We have a word for this, but it has no direct translation in your language. Perhaps "destiny" is closest.
75: I see.
76: But do you know for sure?
77: As well as you might see, at least.
78: If our kind could smile, such a question could warrant no other response. If you ever learn how time truly functions, you could come ask me that again. But of course, you wouldn't need to.
79: I already told you that you will obtain a Delgnizator. As you will be removing it from the Skup Chamber where Vorz are produced, this will also terminate the production of hostile Vorz. Thus, the previous information I provided you was sufficient to deal with this issue as well.
80: You will use the scroll supplied by the Dialogicians for that purpose.
81: No, I'm afraid not. For each of us, some things will remain ever mysterious.
82: I suppose so.
83: I don't really care anyway.
84: What, even for thee?
85: Indeed, none can know everything.
86: One does well to let go gracefully of desires that can never be fulfilled.
87: Yes, for I gaze so far into the future, I only have room for small fragments of memories of the past. Most of what I experience is forgotten within a few days time.
88: Yes, you will.
89: The new Ductosnore has been created.
90: How will I find the gem I need?
91: What holds the future for Talorus?
92: Farewell, Futurian.
93: You have done well. Great changes lie ahead for Talorus.
94: You will speak with Historian again.
95: There is much conflict ahead, a complex, tangled clash of conflicting goals and ideas. It will take a long time to resolve. And beyond that? Well, perhaps some things are too far into the future to focus on...


1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Eloemosynator.
22: I have a question for you.
23: What is your function?
24: Farewell.
25: That which dizkonnektz in one plaze will rekonnekt in another.
26: There iz komplekzity. In zwirling eddiez of order and chaoz, strandz of information arize spontaneouzly. Zomtimez higher level patternz emerge. By analyzing theze, the obzerver bekomez part of the pattern. Do you komprehend?
27: Aye.
28: Nay.
29: May your understanding grow with the pazzing zyklez.
30: Your knowledge liez elzewhere, then.
31: I have no kestion to ask you.
32: What do you know of the Guardian?
33: Who can help me find what I seek?
34: Are you just trying to confuse me?
35: Goodbye.
36: Funktion kode "Guardian" iz uzed to refer to ekztremely denze information pattern which iz lokal ekztenzion of ekztra-dimensional conglomerazion.
37: Without proper konstraintz upon data, zearch time rizez ekzponenzially. One muzt uze limitz that kalify an achievable objektive, but one that still haz value. And yet, thoze limitz themzelvez are data which one muzt zeek, leading to potenzial infinite regrezz.
38: Kaoz iz a natural state, juzt az much zo az order. There iz no need to zeek one over the other.


1: "Then we shall increaze orbomite shipmentz to your zektor.\n"
2: "That would be most ekzellent."\n
3: "Have the alt flay rodz been behaving properly?"\m
4: ...\m
5: Look, an alien kreature wishez to speak with uz.
6: But dialog iz for two, and that would make three!\m
7: I have a notion. Let uz kontinue our work, and speak with the kreature in between, thuz inventing "trialog".
8: A splendid notion! You are most klever.\m
9: I am Dialogician.\n
10: I am Dialogician.\n
11: \m
12: I am Avatar.
13: What is a Dialogician?
14: Can you help me with something?
15: Farewell, wordy ones.
16: My, how formal!
17: When it is nezezzary for Taloridz to speak with each other, they often lak the ability to think of the proper thingz to say.
18: Yez, zo we provide them with phrazez and zentenzez to suit their needz.
19: Our storage room iz full of them. Feel free to try out a few.\m
20: The thingz we zay to each other, thoze are linez of dialog we are tezting out between each other, before providing them to otherz.
21: Indeed, that iz why there are two of uz. Letz try out zome more linez now.\m
22: Do your kind really need this done for them?
23: That's interesting.
24: How do you know which sentence to give them?
25: Yez, more and more Taloridz are bekoming zo well adapted to their funktionz that they have no mental rezourzez left for thingz zuch az being artikulate.
26: All the more for uz to do that way!
27: No, no, no, that iz not very good at all.
28: Better would be, perhapz, "I thank you for sharing zuch fazinating information with me!"
29: Yez, the way you zaid it waz much too short.
30: Ah, knowing that iz mozt important part of being Dialogician.
31: To be prezize, if we didn't know, we'd be zomething else entirely.
32: That kould mean "Is there zome thing, any thing at all, we kould help you with?"
33: To that, we would zurely anzer in the affirmative.\m
34: Or you might have zome spezifik thing in mind.\m
35: Then we would have to know which thing it waz.\m
36: Yez, zome thingz we kan help with, while otherz we kannot.\m
37: Can you help me find a magic gem?
38: If you were me, what would you say to you?
39: I need help talking to the Data Integrator.
40: Can you help me speak with the Eleoemosynator?
41: No, most certainly not.
42: To be prezize, we kannot provide the slightezt azziztanze with zuch matterz.
43: Good kestion! I might zay "How are you zo blezzed az to be Dialogician?"\m
44: While I might say "How many granulez are in freemik pulzony?"
45: I see.
46: How are you so blessed as to be Dialogician?
47: How many granules are in freemik pulzony?
48: Zome are lukky enough to be skupped for the mozt spezial funktionz, I zuppoze.
49: Yez, how many are there?\n
50: Why, 602, I believe.\n
51: Oh, how interezting.
52: Ah, now it happenz we have a skroll with juzt the zentenzez you need for that.
53: Indeed, Futurian told uz it would be uzeful to prepare zuch a skroll.\m
54: Glad to know you have it.
55: It waz our pleazure to prepare it.
56: May I have the scroll, please?
57: Yez, having azertained that we kan help you, the nekzt step iz to inkire az to whether we will. kite korrect of you.
58: And in fakt, az it iz our funktion to provide such skrollz, we will give it to you.\m
59: Here you are.
60: I am grateful for the assistance.
61: Thank you most kindly.
62: To fulfill one'z funktion is to be fulfilled.\m
63: To be precise: When one iz filled, one feelz funky.\n
64: I don't think that iz kite right.\n
65: No, I muzt work on that line some more.\n
66: Yez, we kan help with that.\m
67: With that we kould be mozt helpful.
68: Will you help me with this, then?
69: That's very reassuring to know.
70: No, not at thiz time.\m
71: In other wordz, we kould help, but we will not.
72: Your reazzuranze is our finezt reward.
73: "Farewell," I said.
75: Oh, excuse us.
76: Yes, indeed, farewell strange kreature.
77: "No, zurely Eloemosynator could not have done such a thing."\n
78: "But I tell you, that iz ekzaktly what tranzpired."\m
79: "Tell me, iz it a very painful prozezz?"\n
80: "Yez, but only the firzt few timez."\m
81: "The coleus have grown kite rapidly thiz zykle."\n
82: "I do what little I kan to enkourage their growth."\m
83: "Zycle 17, zub-zector 3, parts 223a and 227b."\n
84: "87 percent, retro-kotient 3.14159."\m
85: "Zurely no more effizient method kan be found."\n
86: "Ask Guardian; if there iz a better way, Guardian will know."\m
87: "If you fold it thuzly, thiz part becomez the tail."\n
88: "I lack the dekzterity for zuch manipulationz."\m
89: "I zeek Philozophizt."\n
90: "That funktion no longer ekziztz. Were you skupped at the dawn of time?"\m
91: "Kan you manufakture a frobulus?"\n
92: "Yes. But tell me, what iz a frobulus?"\m
93: "I will be rezykled zoon."\n
94: "Kongratulationz on zerving your funktion well."\m
95: "What kolorz are rekired at thiz time?"\n
96: "Blak, zilver, and gold."\m
97: "Thiz iz the new method I have devized."\n
98: "It iz zomewhat ineffizient, but klever nonthelezz."\m
99: "I enkountered a referenze to 'art'. What iz 'art'?"\n
100: "It iz a thing from the pazt. Zeek Historian."\m
101: "Waz magik gem dealt with properly?"\n
102: "Guardian took it to an appropriate plaze."\m
103: "I would like to vizit another dimenzion zomeday."\n
104: "Zuch thoughtz are premature. Get your gnoz out of the fribbery."\m
105: "Iz the interzektion of theze kategoriez an ill-formed zet?"\n
106: "That kestion iz not zolvable in polynomial time."\m
107: "If kozmoz were shaped that way, korioliz effect would work differently."\n
108: "Perhapz korioliz theory needz to be modified alzo."\m
109: "The zubjekt I kame to dizkuzz is no longer relevant."\n
110: "Then I need zay nothing to you at all. Goodbye."\m
111: "It should be moved zome diztanze to the zouth."\n
112: "I believe you are korrekt. What diztanze would be optimum?"\m
113: "What kestion kontainz the word 'armadillo' for no apparent reazon?"\n
114: "What kestion kontainz the word 'armadillo' for no apparent reazon?"\m


1: xkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxk...
2: I beg your pardon?
3: Hello?
4: What did you say?
5: zlpnzlzlpnzlzlzlzlpnzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl...
6: Can you understand me?
7: I cannot understand you.
8: What language do you speak?
9: Pi Gmzjoh Gjti, xf ibsemz lofx zf.
10: What did you say?
11: Can you understand me?
12: This is hopeless.
13: I hav now azzimilated your language throo telepathy. Kommunication iz now pozzible.
14: The Talorid emits a euphonious hum.
15: Who are you?
16: What are you?
17: I am @GS8.
18: I am Avatar.
19: You muzt state your funktion kode.
20: That iz not a valid funktion kode.
21: I am Runekeeper.
22: What kind of place is this?
23: I seek a magical gem.
24: Tell me of these runes.
25: Goodbye.
26: For that, you should speak to Hiztorian.
27: I know of no such thing. Zeek Eloemosynator.
28: Thiz area iz rich in the nezezzitiez for produktion of theze runez. Thiz chamber haz been allokated for the prozezz. I enzure that rune produktion, storage and tranzfer prozeed unimpeded.
29: How are the runes made?
30: What are the runes used for?
31: I only skan knowledge from krystalz that is needed to repair malfunktions. I do not understand the entire prozezz.
32: That knowledge liez outzide my funktion. My role is to enzure that a steady zupply iz available, no more.
33: Where are the runes transferred to?
34: Can you make other kinds of runes?
35: Would it be all right if I took a rune?
36: Thank you for answering my questions.
37: Entity known az "Guardian" teleports them elzwhere. "Guardian" helped eztablish kurrent rune produktion prozedurez.
38: Might he not be misusing these runes?
39: Why do you need to produce runes at all?
40: Are you sure this is a good idea?
41: Prozedurez were modified. Prozedurez are only modified to improve effizienzy for the benefit of all.
42: I waz enkoded for zupervizion of thiz rune-type. Other rune-type would rekire different enkoding.
43: "All right"? Tranzferz of materialz and information from one lokation to another are only performed for the benefit of all. I do not underztand the kestion.

Ice Planet[edit]

AKA Anodunos.


1: man
2: woman
3: he
4: she
5: Hm? A man/woman? But of course he/she's not real, thank the gods for that!
6: Real? Of course I'm real!
7: Hello there, I am %PCNAME.
8: Who are you?
9: Mokpo has fashioned himself a cape and boots of yeti fur, and looks healthier than you have seen him before.
10: 'Tis good to see thee again! My hunting is going well! I have pushed the yeti back into their own section of the caves again!
11: 'Tis excellent news! I shall go and explore the caves they once infested.
12: But what of the "real" world?
13: Mokpo speaks aloud to himself. In one hand, he clutches the dream-root. He does not appear to notice you.
14: I see a pyramid. I race up and down it, until every block becomes the same color, the color of a place I have seen.  At length, I find it becomes a new color...
15: He falls silent.
16: Oh, it's you again. Hello.
17: I've brought you the drug you wanted.
18: I'll be back soon to bring you the drug.
19: What's going on?
20: Goddamn you, give me the drug!
21: I have some here -- I shall give it thee.
22: I shall fetch some for thee.
23: No, better you should learn to live in thine own world.
24: The man/woman again! Will this never end?
25: I would hear more from thee of the real world.
26: Tell me of the yeti.
27: I have found something that can help thee visit thy world.
28: Never mind -- I shall not bother thee.
29: You tell him of the dreaming-drug you have discovered.
30: Where is the drug? I must have it! I can't live without it!
31: I have some here -- I shall give it thee.
32: I shall fetch some for thee.
33: No, better you should learn to live in thine own world.
34: I am Mokpo the Mad, as if that mattered, for thou art just another shade, another pointless vision.
35: Hey, I'm real!
36: Why don't you believe what you see?
37: Real? You? This world, this travesty of stone and ice, dirt and cold water? This mock-up, peopled with brutal apes? Don't make me laugh!
38: Is nothing real, then?
39: Why don't you think it's real?
40: It's not so bad, here.
41: What apes are these?
42: The only warm creatures in all this darkness. I slew one once, caught it sleeping. The meat fed me a month, its fur warmed me 'til I lost it in a cave-in. It matters not, 'tis all illusion.
43: Why are the yeti hostile?
44: Illusion? Art thou sure?
45: Oh yeah, and you alone can see the truth, right?
46: Something's stirred them up of late -- doubtless they've found some new bauble to fight each other for. Fools, to believe there is anything of value here!
47: Is there nothing of worth here? Is it that bad?
48: What IS valuable then, O Great Philosopher!
49: As if I needed a reason! But I have proof, if you want it -- this solid-seeming stone is all a facade -- a mere flip of a lever, touch of a button, it changes, morphs, vanishes! Look in the maze, and thou shalt see!
50: What maze?
51: I shall believe it when I see it!
52: Believe? Believe nothing that thou canst see here!
53: He laughs.
54: Simpleton! It's ALL maze in this shadow-world. A toy maze of sharp stones and vicious monkeys, for some mad child-god's amusement.
55: I see. And thou art privy to some higher knowledge?
56: Thou art a grim and deluded fellow. I shall speak to thee no more.
57: Not so bad? The nights I've spent here, shivering on the damp, fearing every minute to see that flash of white, the yeti running in the darkness. If I thought that were real, well...
58: But it IS real. I swear it!
59: What are these yeti you speak of?
60: Well what is real, then?
61: Ever since I came here I've been seeing it, a few minutes, a few hours at a time... I've seen what is real!
62: What did you see?
63: You are mistaking hallucinations for reality, sir -- a common error!
64: No, it is thou who art mistaken!
65: I can see what's real! If you could see it... shining colors, fabulous beasts, vast plains of light, great pillars reaching up into the blackness. It's so wonderful -- nothing could be more real!
66: Why not go live there, then?
67: Tell me more of this world... the REAL world!
68: You are mad and deluded!
69: It never stays! Five minutes, an hour, three hours I wander there, then I return here, banished from the true world! Exiled to this... tawdry illusion. Of late the visions have become ever shorter, ever rarer. 'Tis bitter!
70: Tell me more of what it is like there.
71: Instead of wandering in rags, why not try and improve thy life here? Build a fire...
72: Why bother, when the real world is so close at hand? Why play games in this illusory hell! 'Tis not worth it! I could build a fire, but the yeti would see it and kill me. 'Tis nothing but peril and frustration!
73: I give up. Thou wilt not face reality.
74: Who are the yeti?
75: Thou art right. Tell me more of thy world.
76: His eyes unfocus, and he seems to be in a trance.
77: I see it before me now! An endless walkway glowing blue! I leap, and am thrown high into the air... the scene fades... now a golden maze... I scramble up on top of the walls. Now I see the goal...!
78: Fire! A glorious, infernal city, fountains spraying blood, winged demons swoop, I battle through them, and win a deadly sceptre...
79: It fades, and I return here. 'Tis ever thus.
80: He comes out of it.
81: I cannot achieve the vision right now.
82: Thank thee for sharing thy world with me.
83: Thou art a pathetic, deluded fool.
84: Now thou canst face reality again, like a man.
85: Are all thy visions as short as this?
86: Bah! Why do I waste my words on a shadow? 'Tis pointless.
87: Me? A shadow? I shall teach thee of my solidity!
88: I hope thou dost find the way to thy heaven.
89: Fare thee well... that is, if such formalities can mean aught to a shadow!
90: NO! NO! I must have it!
91: He dissolves into tears.
92: Bah! 'Tis probably a lie anyway!
93: Please, I must have it!
94: Wait, I have it right here.
95: I'm sorry, I don't have it with me.
96: No, I changed my mind -- thou shouldst not have this.
97: Drool runs down his chin as he crams the root into his mouth. Soon his eyes glaze over, and he begins to speak.
98: A violet world, I make an enormous leap, now another, now I am sliding, some sort of ramp... AAAHHHH!! 'Tis him! No escape, I must...!
99: He becomes calmer, and now speaks in a monotone.
100: Now I am in an old place...very old.
101: He lapses into unconsciousness.
102: I... I... I don't think so. I've... become interested in something I'm... doing in... this world.
103: Are you sure? It will return you to your world, whenever you want it!
104: I am astonished! What are you doing?
105: Then thou'rt no further use to me. I'll be off.
106: He stares at you in disgust.
107: I've begun h-hunting the yeti! It turns out, with a little... ingenuity they can be killed easily. It makes my life here... easier.
108: So, dost thou admit I was right? That this is the real world?
109: Well, if thou dost want the drug later, I shall have it.
110: It is... difficult to say, at this point. It may be a bit more... interesting than I had previously thought. I am not prepared to say more than that, at this point.
111: I shall see thee later, then.
112: Farewell, Avatar.
113: He thinks a moment.
114: Well... no, thou'rt right! What was I thinking! I must return to the real world at once. Please, give me the drug!
115: He sighs.
116: My visions have ceased utterly, I'm afraid. Whatever mystic talent I had has disappeared. 'Tis fortunate I now have my hunting to distract me. I suppose I'd better get to work on it again.
117: Farewell, Mokpo.


1: man
2: woman
3: Avatar, I thank thee! I feel the Guardian's influence leaving this place -- it is no longer sacred to him! And so, I too may leave; I need no longer watch over my city, as I thought I might do for all eternity. You have brought me peace, Avatar.
4: A sudden wind rises in the still caves. The sound of the wind gradually resolves into words.
5: Who art thou? A living man/woman? What brought thee to this place?
6: I found the way in by chance.
7: I am fighting to save my people from death.
8: I am battling the Guardian.
9: I am #PlayerName. Who art thou?
10: Greetings! Hast thou taken a liking to our fair city?
11: It has its charms. Tell me again of its history.
12: I may be able to banish the Guardian's presence from this place.
13: Tell me again of your city's economy.
14: Our greatest asset was our supply of filanium.
15: Greetings, again. What may I do for thee?
16: Tell me this city's story.
17: What is this place?
18: Who art thou?
19: I am merely passing through.
20: Remain as long as you like. I shall not bar thy way.
21: Thank thee. I shall not bother thee.
22: What is this place?
23: Who art thou?
24: Then I pity thee, for surely thou art lost.
25: I have beaten him before -- it can be done!
26: Hast thou dealt with Guardian?
27: I have not time for this defeatist talk.
28: Then I wish thee better luck than I had, for 'tis a fight I lost long ago. Perhaps thou art a wiser man/woman than I was.
29: What happened to thee?
30: Who art thou?
31: I must go then. I have no time for fools.
32: Thou didst battle the Guardian, and won? 'Tis impossible.
33: Thinkst thou so? One need only disbelieve his lies.
34: He is indeed powerful!
35: How dost thou know of him.
36: Perhaps thou art right.
37: This was once the city of Anodunos.
38: What happened to it?
39: And who art thou?
40: What do I care? 'Tis just a ruin.
41: I am Beatrice. When there was a city here, I ruled it.
42: What became of it?
43: Did the Guardian do all this?
44: She nods.
45: How didst thou come to thy present state?
46: She sighs.
47: Aye, I suppose thou art right.
48: She wanders off.
49: 'Tis an ancient story, and a long one. Surely thou art not interested.
50: Nay, tell me.
51: Thou art right. Another time, perhaps.
52: Fare thee well.
53: Anodunos was once a great city-state, a trading center of the southern continent, famed for its rich filanium deposits. We were losing a war with the northern city-states, and our sorcerers sought aid from the being called the Guardian.
54: I know him well -- a mighty and implacable foe.
55: So we learned.
56: Is it he who is responsible for this devastation?
57: Let me guess -- he double-crossed you.
58: What is filanium?
59: Thou shalt learn.
60: He won our war for us -- made us lords of this world for a time. But he demanded things in return -- first supplies, then weapons, finally soldiers and slaves. Too late, we understood the nature of our ally.
61: My world is threatened with a similar fate.
62: Surely you rebelled -- fought back?
63: Eventually we refused his demands, but by that time we had helped him gain too much power on our world. He crushed our nation utterly, as you may see.
64: 'Tis a sad tale.
65: I must ask -- how exactly did he attack you?
66: Take care thou dost not repeat it.
67: I must go now, and continue my fight.
68: I must ask -- how exactly did he attack you?
69: I still remember the day the city fell; at midday the fountain in the town square froze in an instant. We all stared. The next minute we felt the cold air flowing outwards; eventually, the entire continent had frozen under.
70: What became of thee?
71: Thou hast given me the information I needed. I must now depart.
72: After the city fell, I... remained, somehow, nursing the last city-dwellers into death, as the glaciers came, then the yeti. Since that time I have wandered the cold and silent streets. I know not how long it has been.
73: Is there anything I can do to help thee?
74: 'Tis a sad tale!
75: Filanium is a rare mineral used in many medical and alchemical preparations. The mud in this area is particularly rich in it -- many bathed there, believing it a health measure.
76: Tell me more of the city's history.
77: Where can this mud be found?
78: 'Tis far, far to the southeast of here, on the other side of the river, across what was once a smooth lake -- but beware the yeti who have made their home there.
79: Tell me more of the city's history.
80: Thank thee -- that is all I wished to know.
81: Ever since the city fell, I have had a feeling of the Guardian's presence here -- as if he were somehow feeding, drawing some sort of sustenance from the power of the city. It maddens me to think of it.
82: Hm. I know not what you mean.
83: I shall remedy this evil if I can.
84: I thank thee -- 'tis a long time since I met with any kindness in this place. Perhaps if the Guardian were banished from this place, I might find rest at last.
85: Perhaps it's just a feeling -- I am not learned in the ways of magic.
86: I must be going now -- I shall look into it.
87: Tell me again where I might find the filanium mud.
88: Tell me again of the Guardian's spell here.
89: Oh... my! So it wasn't just a feeling after all! Yes... I know it now -- it is His presence keeping me here. I am present here in order to oppose him!
90: I shall end his presence here shortly.
91: Now, tell me again the history of your city's destruction.
92: Oh, thank thee! Thank thee!


1: Halt!  This area is restricted.  You are not authorized to enter.
2: I'm sorry.  I will leave now.
3: How do you know?
4: Who are you?
5: Why is it restricted?
6: You may not!  Leave immediately or I will be required to use force!
7: Enough questions!  Leave immediately or I will be required to use force!
8: Who are you?
9: Who is allowed through the door?
10: What is beyond the door?
11: I must pass through this door!
12: Anodunos is the city I serve.
13: Beyond lie the controls to the dam in the reservoir of Anodunos.
14: Anodunos?
15: How do the controls work?
16: I am ordered to only allow the two operators of the dam controls to pass, and they may only pass together, as each operator only knows half the combination to the controls.
17: I am Sentinel Construct 868.  My duty is to protect the controls to the dam.

Prison Tower[edit]

AKA Tarna.


The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
35: The goblin guards eye you suspiciously.
36: Halt, intruder! Thou comest here with weapon drawn -- seekest thou to die?!
37: Nay, to kill!
38: I must apologize, sir. I had been cleaning it, and forgot it was in my hand.
39: Halt, stranger! I hope thou knowest the password, for we know the rebels are all through these hills.
40: I am no rebel! Who didst say I was a rebel!?
41: What rebels? What hills? Where am I?
42: I know it.
43: I do not know it.
44: Password!? I need no stinking password!!
45: Why dost thou linger here? Be on thy way.
46: I need thee to open the portcullis again.
47: I shall be off.
48: I cannot open the inner door. Where is the key?
49: Very well.
50: Why dost thou remain here, intruder?
51: Only to kill thee, unlucky ones.
52: I now remember the password.
53: I bear supplies for the kitchen -- stand aside!
54: Let us be calm. I come merely to chat with thee, my friend.
55: Tell us then, what is it?
56: It is...
57: I forget.
58: \1@SS1\0
59: So thou hast entered the prison tower without knowing the password? Thou art a fool!
60: Well, then, why should I not kill thee for trespassing?
61: Thou shalt fall before my Avatar-like might.
62: I am merely delivering supplies to the kitchen, sir.
63: Stand aside, and I will reward thee for thy prudence.
64: Where is thy delivery voucher?
65: Here it is.
66: I'm afraid they didn't give me one.
67: Do not try any jokes with me, humie -- come back when thou hast found it.
68: I shall return.
69: Wait! I have it here!
70: 'Tis a poor likeness, but I find no fault in it.
71: This? This is no voucher!
72: This will put a stop to thy hijinks!
73: Well? Which one is it?
74: Hee hee hee! No, thou shalt not pass.
75: Look here what I have for thee, and thou might reconsider.
76: Indeed I shall -- hinder me at your peril!
77: We shall see who is in peril! Kill him/her, comrades!
78: You may pass, then, stranger.\p
79: Be seeing thee.
80: Thou dost play with us?  Thou shalt die!
81: Avatar? Whate'er thou art, thou art an arrogant fool. Dispose of him/her!
82: All right, this is enough. It ain't right, but on a guard's pay I ain't got no choice. If anyone finds out about this, thou shalt die like a dog. Is that clear?
83: I shall take my chances.
84: Certainly. I have as much to lose as thee.
85: Look, I just need gold -- can't take these other goods!
86: Thou must pay me more -- I shall be killed if this is discovered.
87: How about this, then?
88: That's all I have.
89: Thou hadst thy chance.
90: I am tired of this foolishness.
91: Well? Show me what you have, quickly!
92: Consider this, then.
93: No, I shall not insult thy integrity.
94: Good luck to thee, then!
95: Then thou shalt leave here or die.
96: He calls to the nearby group of guards.
97: Hey! This one's a rebel! Kill him/her!
98: The guards stiffen, half coming to attention.
99: Please remain calm, sir/ma'am. I meant only to warn thee of the danger involved in coming here, and asked if thou didst know the password.
100: What art thou playing at? No one comes to the prison tower by accident, stranger, so I bid thee, give us the password at once, or face the consequences.
101: That is not it.
102: There is no special key -- just follow standard security procedure!
103: O'course, if you've got the cash, I suppose I could...update thee on just what that procedure is.
104: Certainly not!
105: Er...how much?
106: Good luck to thee, then!
107: Let's see what y'got!
108: I'm only explainin' this once -- the inner door ain't gonna open while you got the outer open. Only one door gets open at a time. Got it?
109: Yup.
110: Could you give that to me again?
111: Just remember, only one door opens at a time.
112: Now, thou had best be on thy way!


HEY! Canst not a guy take a shower hereabouts?
	- Sorry!


The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
31: Thy plan has been put into effect -- Bishop is dead. I arranged for my guards to discover him, and no one suspects a thing. As long as we stick together, no one shall know of our failure! Is it agreed?
32: Thou hadst best be on thy way. I place my trust in thee.
33: Aye, my friend. We shall stand or fall together.
34: My friend, I am beginning to have second thoughts...
35: I have already given the order -- he dies tonight. 'Til then, 'tis best we not be seen together.
36: I wish thee luck.
37: My friend, I am beginning to have second thoughts...
38: Hast thou keys to any of the other cells?
39: Hast thou found a black jewel in the tower?
40: Lorca Batan! Thou'rt here already?
41: My name isn't "Lorca," it's "@GS12," and don't you forget it!
42: The trade winds favored my voyage. 'Tis great to be here!
43: Back so soon! Hast thou had any success with Bishop?
44: 'Tis of no use -- he will not talk.
45: Hast thou keys to any of the other cells?
46: Nay, I had merely stopped to relieve myself.
47: Hast thou found a black jewel in the tower?
48: 'Tis a relief that thou hast come -- thy "friend" upstairs has given us no end of trouble.
49: What friend is that?
50: What exactly is the matter?
51: The Guard-Captain looks at you strangely.
52: I mean Bishop, of course! Did they not tell thee? 
53: Nay -- I departed home in a great hurry.
54: Of course, of course. I merely misunderstood thee.
55: You goddamn humies all look alike! Guards, there's a rebel come in here after Bishop!
56: Of course thou hast heard the "legend" among the humies (pardon the term!) -- the man raised from birth to oppose the Guardian, the invincible warrior, master strategist, rebel leader, all that drivel. A broken people, clinging to pipedreams!
57: Is there no truth to what they say?
58: So why the big deal?
59: Who are these rebels?
60: Well, I tell thee this -- we tracked him through the mountains for four days, with no food and little rest, and still, at the last, 3 full squads fell to his magic and his blade before we brought him down! Never have I seen such fury, in man or goblin!
61: But what am I here for, now that he is captured?
62: Surely thou canst not admire a rebel human!
63: Indeed, thou art right. What was I thinking?
64: Dost thou play the fool, Lorca? I am speaking of those misfits who resist the Guardian's Peace!
65: Yes, of course.
66: Peace? Yes, I suppose slavery is a kind of peace!
67: Even in captivity, he has resisted our interrogator's finest efforts. If we had his knowledge of rebel tactics, we could end this war within a year, crush the last human...er, rebel resistance. As it is, he just sits there smugly, waiting for his friends to break in and rescue him.
68: I tell thee, he is like a rock -- we cannot move him!
69: I shall crack him like a walnut, my friend.
70: He sounds too tough. Maybe you should just let him go.
71: Are the resistance really on their way?
72: What exactly are we talking about, here?
73: 'Tis a certainty! He knows it, and I know it too! We are too isolated here. They may be here any day.
74: Are all the rebels human?
75: I shall endeavour to finish him off quickly.
76: I would have thought your men would have finished him quickly, then.
77: I must know what he is thinking! I thought perhaps one of his own people might break him down.
78: Oh, yes! Indeed. Off we go, then, eh?
79: Can't you do deal with him yourself?
80: How revolting! Am I to torture this man?
81: The results of thy visit are eagerly awaited in the capital. These gauntlets shall get thee through the forcefield, and the password is "@SS1"; the guard will let thee through.
82: On my way!
83: Wait...
84: He stares hard at you.
85: Thou art not Lorca Batan at all, art thou? No, thou dost not talk or act or smell like him! Who art thou? An imposter from the Resistance! Guard!!
86: What do you mean? If he is not made to talk, the Guardian's regent will have our heads! What will we do?
87: I know not. 'Tis thy problem, not mine.
88: Let us kill him, then claim he committed suicide rather than talk.
89: Do not worry, the Guardian shall be merciful with us.
90: Indeed! And mongbats shall fly out of my butt! Thanks a lot, friend Batan.
91: He turns away in disgust.
92: Lorca! Thou'rt a genius -- I knew I could count on thee. I shall have my men take care of it tonight.
93: You would fail in thy mission, and then leave me to be executed? No, I think not. I shall say rather that Bishop overpowered thee in his cell -- by the time, we got there, 'twas all over. I shall make this quick and painless, my friend.
94: Well, why dost thou remain here? Make haste, man, for the regent himself awaits the outcome of thy efforts. This past week he hath spoken to me daily!
95: We are in this too deep! Thou hast left me no choice.
96: Borne draws his sword.
97: Prepare thyself.
98: Our fates our joined, now, Lorca. Now return to the capital, and issue thy report to the Regent. I place my trust in thee.
99: A mysterious letter arrived from the capitol, saying I should expect a gem to appear in, of all places, Bishop's cell. And there it was! I am a soldier, and a good one, and I like to stay clear of sorcerous doings! Know ye aught of the matter?
100: Nay, only that I must collect it from thee now.
101: Aye, I am well versed in the arts arcane. May I have it?
102: I am more than glad to give it up, Lorca. I wish only to be left out of the Guardian's magical conflicts! I thank thee, and good luck in thy work.
103: I thank thee, Borne. Farewell.
104: They are not here -- Janar has them. But why dost thou want to open the other cells?
105: I was just curious to see who else was here.
106: 'Tis an order from the Guardian -- do not question it!
107: I thought they might have more information on the Rebellion.
108: I am sorry, but these prisoners are some of the most dangerous in the empire -- I cannot let thee in for such a reason.
109: Thou'rt right, of course. Go ask Janar for them, and give him the codeword, "beacon."

### GARG

Hey! You let me out! Who you?
2: I am %PCNAME, the Avatar!
3: I am %PCNAME, a traveler.
4: Hey %PCNAME, letter come for you! From . . . from Bishop! That his name!
5: Hey %PCNAME, I got letter for you! From... forget who it from! Some guy bring it, say leave it for you.
6: Hey friend! You like new house?
7: THIS is your new house?
8: Aren't there some goblins living here?
9: When you go, me say, "Hallo gobbies! You in my house, and now is time for cleaning in spring!" Soon no gobbies no more. 'Cept for shiny bit at top, where me no can go.
10: I must go now, Garg. You take care!
11: Is it not dangerous here? More goblins might come.
12: Say -- can you teach me to fight like that?
13: No worry -- if too many gobs, me just lock door.
14: Well, good luck, Garg.
15: If thou dost need help, try looking in the basement.
16: Good idea. Me bored, think I left some gobbies there.
17: Hey %PCNAME, you back!
18: That's right. Can you teach me about unarmed fighting?
19: Yes, but I'm in a hurry.
20: The troll glares at you dully.
21: Who you?
22: I am %PCNAME.
23: A friend.
24: An adventurer.
25: Garg no talk to dead people!!
26: What now?
27: Look, I'm sorry we quarreled. I really want to help you.
28: What's your name?
29: Hah! Me feel better now! Soon some gobs get hurt!
30: Me Garg. Gobbies wet pants when hear name Garg. You know why?
31: No.
32: Guardian, he come, bring his gobs. Guardian make plague, kill herds we live on, then gobs take our lands. Me Garg, me get mad, talk to other trolls, they do what me say. We find gobs, make them die, but always more come, too many for us even.\m When trolls dead, they bring me here.
33: Would you like a chance to see more goblins die?
34: Why did they bring you here?
35: Make me talk 'bout plans, 'bout Bishop. Ha! Joke on them, try to get knowledge from Garg! Me even stupider than they are!
36: Indeed, thou hast the advantage of them there. What will you do now?
37: I can help you get your revenge.
38: When they come next, will kill them, kill all 'til they come with crossbows, then me die.
39: Can I help you somehow?
40: Yeah? Who %PCNAME? Feeder? Killer? Who?
41: I am a friend.
42: I'm going to get you out of here.
43: Who do you want me to be?
44: Me have one wish? You leave now, leave door open 'hind you.
45: I can do that.
46: Sorry, I can't afford to blow my cover here.
47: Me not know you! How you friend?
48: Well, we could probably BE friends if we talked to each other.
49: Look, we both hate the Guardian, right? That makes us friends, in a way.
50: Huh! Adventure in jail! Some fun!
51: No, really! I'm here to rescue you!
52: I didn't come here to be made fun of. I'm leaving!
53: Ha! You leave door open too long! I leave now!
54: Garg have bet-ter idea -- you leave door o-pen -- I leave now! 
55: For the first time, the troll shows a flicker of interest.
56: You get me out?
57: No, I'm just teasing you in your misery.
58: You're free to go! 
59: No matter, you no stop me now!
60: No matter, me cheer up soon, when door open and you dead!
61: Me thank thee. Time to smash some gobbies!
62: Don't you need a weapon for that?
63: Have fun.
64: Wait! Can't you just take them prisoner?
65: Pri-son-er? Gobs no make good pets -- Garg try this be-fore!
66: 'S'okay, friend. Hands fine for just gobs!
67: Garg ducks out through the door of his cell. You hear loud cries, and the sound of armored goblins hitting the floor.
68: Thanks!
69: Garg ducks out through the door of his cell. You hear loud cries, and the sound of armored goblins hitting the floor.
70: You come back, visit, ok?
71: I will.
72: Perhaps.
73: Garg look forward . . . er, if he remember!
74: You take now, or maybe me lose later.
75: Thanks, Garg.
76: Here you go.
77: Garg just leave here for now.
78: Oops, Garg encased in solid rock!
79: While, I am here, couldst thou train me?
80: I must be going now.
81: You take now, or maybe me lose later.
82: Thanks, Garg.
83: Here you go.
84: Garg just leave here for now.
85: Oops, Garg encased in solid rock!
86: While, I am here, couldst thou train me?
87: I must be going now.
88: Sure. Me teach you fight Garg way -- using weapons is cheating!
89: Okay, let's go!
90: No thanks -- I like my way of fighting.
91: Garg gives you some pointers on unarmed fighting -- his methods are crude but undeniably effective.
92: This fun! You go some more?
93: Okay!
94: No thanks -- some other time.
95: You try to follow Garg's moves, but at the moment you can't quite understand what he's doing.
96: Oh-oh! I think we stop now!
97: Garg shrugs his giant shoulders.
98: Me guess weapons okay for small people, like %PCNAME.
99: You Garg friend for sure now!
100: Garg ducks out through the door of his cell. You hear loud cries, and the sound of armored goblins hitting the floor.


The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: I make thee this offer.
23: I demand that thou givest me these items.
24: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
25: I do not wish to barter any further.
26: Farewell.
27: I accept thy offer.
28: No, I do not like this deal.
29: Thou canst not be serious.
30: I am weary of this haggling.
31: Is this some kind of a joke?
32: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
33: Yes, I must.
34: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
35: I know not what items you mean.
36: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
37: No! Thou shalt not take them!
38: swordfish
39: melanoma
40: silhouette
41: cyclone
42: harbinger
43: meander
44: quicksilver
45: shibboleth
46: fisticuffs
47: An irritable goblin looks up from his work.
48: son
49: ma'am
50: Don't tell me, let me guess! I suppose this time you want them all made out of gold! Or ice! Or roast beef!
51: What are you talking about?
52: Who art thou?
53: Never mind, I don't think I want to talk to you.
54: Fine!
55: I guess the joke's on me, now. Captain just came in, says they don't need the damn gauntlets any more, anyway!
56: I am pleased to see thee again! Thanks to thee, soon they shall have more gauntlets than they know what to do with!
57: Farewell, then.
58: Canst thou lend me a pair of thy gauntlets?
59: Wouldst thou care to barter with me?
60: Nay, I can only spare thee the one pair.
61: Eh? Why hast thou returned? Perhaps thou'rt here to taunt me in my frustration?
62: Indeed! 'Tis great sport!
63: Nay, I have come to help thee.
64: May I have a pair of these gauntlets?
65: Bah! I curse the day I was posted here!
66: Really? Thou dost not jest? What canst thou do?
67: What exactly is the problem?
68: For starters, thou couldst get a haircut!
69: I'm talking about these infernal fraznium gauntlets! 'Tis like trying to forge links of wax, or resin! And no doubt THOU art come from the capital to demand gauntlets of buttered toast!
70: Why do you make these fraznium gauntlets?
71: I know how I would make them.
72: I haven't the slightest idea! The security here is so tight, I don't even know where I am! All I know is, I'm a goblin in a room making gauntlets out of fraznium, because the Guardian wants it that way.
73: Sounds grim.
74: If it were me, I know how I would do it.
75: Why, thank thee!
76: He turns back to his work.
77: I am the prison armorer! Was this not obvious? And who art thou?
78: 'Tis none of thy business.
79: I am %PCNAME.
80: I am %PCNAME, the Avatar.
81: Well, how extraordinary! And hast thou come to rescue me from my hideous tortures?
82: What art thou talking about?
83: Not exactly...
84: No, I didn't really expect thee to.
85: Yes! It is!
86: He reflects for a moment.
87: Hmm. No, I suppose it isn't.
88: He turns back to his work.
89: Well, then how?
90: I'd hire some poor fool like thyself!
91: I'd just make iron gauntlets with a fraznium coating.
92: What wilt thou give me if I tell thee?
93: Well, what wouldst thou like?
94: Hast thou any...gold?
95: Dost thou know...the password?
96: I've changed my mind -- I will take thy gold.
97: Well, I can't tell thee that, @GS33. Well, look, don't tell a soul I told thee. And tell me thy idea first.
98: Could one not make them from ordinary iron, and then put on a thin fraznium coating?
99: Yes...yes, I suppose that could work! I won't ask how thou didst think of that. Oh, the password? It's "@SS1," but don't tell anyone I told thee! Now begone, thou dost make me nervous!
100: I have here 10 gold pieces. Will that be enough?
101: I say thee nay.
102: 'Tis a deal.
103: Here thou art. 'Tis all I have.
104: Could one not make them from ordinary iron, and then put on a fraznium coating?
105: I changed my mind -- I don't feel like telling thee anything. Thanks for the gold, though.
106: Try to trick me, wilt thou, human? This shall teach thee!
107: He stares into space for a moment, repeating your words to himself.
108: Wh... it just might work, actually. Yes. Yes, I thank thee, and no doubt the Guardian does, too!
109: Obviously, thou and the Guardian have much in common!
110: He turns back to his work.
111: What? Now thou dost want a pair from me, when a single pair takes three weeks to make? Get thee gone, humie!
112: Certainly -- I know not why you might want a pair, but you are welcome to take this one.
113: I thank thee.


A dignified man in rags greets you courteously.
2: Who art thou? A human? And what was that terrible din on the floor below?
3: I have freed a troll, who is slaughtering the goblins.
4: I am %PCNAME, the Avatar, and I am here to free thee.
5: I presume thou art my newest interrogator? My old one was quite worn out.
6: I am no torturer!
7: Why, no, I am %PCNAME, Avatar of the Eight Virtues. Who art thou?
8: Well? Hast thou reconsidered?
9: Aye. I have brought thee the gauntlets.
10: Nay, I came only to gloat over thy misery.
11: Look thy fill.
12: He stares at you, until you are forced to look away.
13: Hast thou retrieved the gauntlets?
14: Here they are.
15: Nay, 'twas too dangerous.
16: Nay, I have changed my mind.
17: Have you retrieved the gauntlets yet?
18: Here they are.
19: Nay, 'twas too dangerous.
20: Nay, I changed my mind.
21: You must accept the risk. Without me, the resistance can never succeed. Go, quickly!
22: On my way!
23: Nay, I'll be killed!
24: Listen -- if thou dost not fetch me those gauntlets, even as weak as I am, I will kill thee and take thine. My importance to history leaves me no other choice.
25: I will get them.
26: Come on and try it, then!
27: %PCNAME, Avatar of Britannia, stands ready to meet thy attack.
28: THE Avatar? Oh. Excuse me.
29: I am disappointed, Avatar. I will remain here until thou seest where thy duty lies. Do not be overlong.
30: Then who art thou? Some other mewling servant to the goblin race? My executioner, perhaps? Who art thou, thou craven dog?!
31: Who art thou, to speak thus to the Avatar!
32: I am here to rescue thee, and would appreciate a bit more courtesy.
33: Thou art Britannia's Avatar?
34: My rescuer? Excellent! Why, this is unanticipated! Who sent thee? Art thou from the resistance?
35: Indeed, sir. We could not carry on without thee!
36: Actually, not. It was kind of an accident, really. See, there was this gem...
37: Nay, sir, I am %PCNAME, the Avatar.
38: Never mind that.
39: Give me a set of gauntlets, quickly, and I shall be off!
40: Here you go, sir.
41: Uh-oh. I forgot to bring an extra set.
42: Thou blundering nincompoop! Go back and get them!
43: At once, sir!
44: Nay, 'tis too dangerous!
45: Nay, I like not thy tone.
46: 'Tis an honor! I am Bishop, leader of the human resistance on this world. I regret I do not meet thee under more auspicious circumstances.
47: Thou hast heard of me?
48: How goeth the war on this plane?
49: Save thy courtesy -- I shall not rescue a tyrant such as thyself.
50: A foe such as the Guardian does not always allow one to adhere to the niceties of virtue. I shall be here if thou dost reconsider.
51: Poorly, since the dirty gobs struck their deal with the Guardian. He aids them, and in return they pledged to rule this world on his behalf. Though we beat them in the field, our crops die with no rain, plague rots our cattle from within.
52: My own world is also afflicted by his castings.
53: I would join thy fight, but ...
54: I understand.
55: Thy name is known and honored among those who battle the Guardian on the many planes of reality.
56: Are there then many who do so?
57: Are many planes under attack?
58: Who knows? 'Tis likely the planes are infinite, and so, it seems is the Guardian's greed for them. His power, though, is immense but finite -- lately it seems he has been withdrawing his power from this plane to invade another close by it.
59: Indeed, my own reality is under sorcerous attack, and we are in dire need of aid.
60: What dost thou mean, "close by?"
61: My first loyalty must be to my own world, and I must press my own war here.
62: Necessity compels -- I will not free thee unless you fight for Britannia.
63: Still, all who oppose the Guardian must work together.
64: Avatar, it seems thy legends lie. I must take thy gauntlets by force. I grieve only that Britannia had no better protector in its time of need.
65: Although I have no means of travelling the planes myself, I have been in contact with many like myself, who champion their own realities against the incursions of the Red Titan.
66: How dost thou contact them?
67: Who are they, that I might know them, if somehow we should meet.
68: There is a certain symmetry among the many realities. Communication is easier among planes or places or even buildings that resemble one other, in their geographies or inhabitants or destinies.
69: Whom dost thou speak to on these other planes?
70: 'Tis past time we should be going.
71: For their sake, I fear to speak their names in this place. For the moment, I shall say only that thou shouldst look for a sorcerous lady in a fortress high above a desert. I cannot say more, for time is short, and I fear the Guardian has ears in this prison.
72: Indeed, I must be gone from here. Once free of this field, I shall be able to rejoin my troops by mystic means.
73: I shall give thee a pair of gauntlets, which will allow thee to move through the field.
74: Wait here, and I will bring you a pair of their gauntlets!
75: Thank thee, but art thou sure thou hast another pair? If not, thou wouldst be trapped forever.
76: I have a spare pair.
77: Thou hast a good point. I shall be right back.
78: I shall not forget this.
79: He strides out through the field, and vanishes.
80: Where are they? Give them to me, quickly!
81: Sorry, here they are.
82: I will fetch them. Just a moment!
83: A word, Avatar! I see thou dost carry the black gem! Dost thou know its nature?
84: Aye, I know it.
85: Nay.
86: Nor I! It appeared in my cell, @SI1 days ago. 'Tis of great value, though, enough so that 6 armed guards risked entering my cell to take it from me. I sense the Guardian's sorcery in it, though I know not what part it plays in his designs.
87: Then I need not stress its importance to thee, and to the fate of thy world!
88: A word, Avatar! @SI1 days ago, a strange black jewel, the size of my thumb, appeared here. Not long after, 6 guards (for so do they fear me) appeared and demanded it of me. I sensed the Guardian's sorcery in it, though I know not what part it plays in his designs. Thou shouldst seek it here, it may be of use to thee. Quickly now, we must hurry!
89: Do not be long!
90: Just a moment! Weak as I am, I must fly from here at once. If thou dost have time, thou shouldst retrieve from the commander a small blackrock gem. It materialized in my cell not @SI1 days ago, and is likely of importance.
91: Ah, thou hast encountered Garg! My sources informed me of his defeat, but I did not know he still lived. This shall upset the goblins no end. But who art thou?
92: I am %PCNAME, Avatar of Britannia.
93: Nay, tell me first, who art thou?
94: I recognize thee now -- thou art the Avatar!


He stares at you grimly, spreads his hands, and opens his mouth. You see now that his tongue has been cut out.
He shakes his head, and turns away.


3: Hurry, stranger! Since the ogre slew the goblins, all we slaves are free! If thou dost know what is good for thee, thou wilt flee to the hills and meet up with the rebellion -- 'tis our chance to have revenge!
4: Gleefully, he hurries out.
5: Felix is packing his bags.
6: Thou hast done all thou didst promise, and more, %PCNAME! Thou hast earned this reward, and my gratitude.
7: That troll hath freed us all! Marcus and I are off to the north, to see what remains of our kinfolk! Should we not meet again, I wish thee well!
8: The ogre thou didst free has slain Freemis, and I have my vengeance and my freedom both! Here, thou dost deserve this, and my gratitude.
9: And now Marcus and I are off to the north, to see what remains of our kinfolk! Should we not meet again, I wish thee well!
10: Well, sir/ma'am, I thank thee for freeing the ogre -- I am off to the north to see what remains of my kinfolk! Should we not meet again, I wish thee well!
11: You see a man dressed in the tatters of what was once fine clothing.
12: Who art thou, and how comest another human here?
13: I am %PCNAME, here on important business.
14: I am the Avatar, and I travel where virtue guides me.
15: I have come to slay all the goblins I can find!
16: Be quiet, slave.
17: Hast thou succeeded in killing Freemis?
18: Aye.
19: Nay, not yet.
20: He will not speak with you.
21: So, thou hast returned. Did thy business go well?
22: I have been nowhere, merely exploring.
23: Indeed, I made my show of loyalty and now depart.
24: Indeed, I have slain many goblins!
25: I am in some trouble -- do not say that thou hast seen me!
26: The goblins' business? How very nice for thee!
27: Stay thy wrath! I am forced to be their servant, just as thou art.
28: The gobs are as good a master as any.
29: I see. And what does virtue guide thee to do here?
30: I shall free the innocent, and slay the guilty.
31: I shall punish the evil and reward the good.
32: I know not, until I understand the situation better.
33: I see. Then know this, and then do what thou must.
34: Art thou not ashamed to serve willingly the sworn enemies of our race?
35: I serve them not -- they have mistaken me for their servant.
36: Why not?
37: His knuckles whiten on a carving knife, and he glares at you with barely-contained rage.
38: We may both serve the goblins now, but it is you alone who are a traitor. Pray we do not meet sometime when thou art less well-armored.
39: I apologize. 'Tis rare to see a brother human in these parts.
40: How didst thou come to be here?
41: 'Tis thought a fine joke among their race, to be served by the former leaders of ours!
42: Who wert thou, before you fell to thy current station?
43: Somehow, we shall make them pay!
44: But what is this place?
45: How may I help thee now?
46: Aye, brother, someday the Resistance shall arrive!
47: But I have weapons here, now. Together we can fight, clear the tower...
48: Is there nothing I can do for thee now?
49: But thou must be gone from here now! The guards return every twenty minutes! Perhaps I shall see thee again!
50: Aye, perhaps.
51: I shall return for certain!
52: But...would it not be better to wait for some more organized force? I mean, tactically speaking?
53: Surely there is something we can do now.
54: Better for a coward, you mean.
55: But thou couldst poison their food, steal keys while they slept, or something...
56: Enough! I am one man against a score or more of the gobs. I can do nothing! Now off with ye, and godspeed!
57: My name is Felix. I was once Prince of Fyrna in the north, and my men and I were among the first to fall, plague-weakened, starved, to the goblin armies. It pleased them to make a slave of an aristocrat, but I know not how my men fared.
58: But what is this place?
59: Are all humans enslaved as thou art?
60: What may I do to help thee?
61: Aye, all that I know of, or penned and bred for food. All save Bishop's resistance, and even that may be a myth.
62: Tell me more about Bishop.
63: Is there aught I may do to help thee?
64: Truthfully, I know not. Some sort of important prison. Some say it holds a captive demon, others say 'tis Bishop himself.
65: What dost thou know about Bishop?
66: Is there aught I may do to help thee?
67: Who might tell me more?
68: If one human can win this war, 'tis he! They say he fears nothing, and cannot be beaten in the field. It is said he is allied with darker powers even than the goblins are!
69: What may I do for thee, now?
70: Then how was he defeated?
71: The rotten gobs have a Titan backing them -- they say it's the Guardian, and they've promised him something in return for blighting our cattle and crops!
72: The Guardian? Who can tell me more about this?
73: Is there any way I can help thee, now?
74: You need only continue thy path upwards, to discover all. Above us lives Borne, the captain of the guards, and above him are the cells.
75: Thou wouldst talk differently if thou hadst been at Fyrna that day!
76: Good luck to thee, friend. Should you travel in the north, tell them there that I still live!
77: You may count on me, my friend.
78: Depressing, is it not?
79: Indeed. I am leaving.
80: May I do something to aid thee?
81: Thou must kill Freemis!
82: Aye, I shall.
83: Who is Freemis?
84: But I already HAVE killed him.
85: He led the company of goblins that captured me and Marcus, my best knight. Later, he made me watch as they mutilated him. If you killed him, I would give thee my most prized possession.
86: What is that?
87: No payment is necessary.
88: It is a cornucopia -- a basket of food which refills itself! I have used it sparingly, and it should last thee some time. I had it with me when the gobs caught me, and they never guessed its value! Now it is the last of my family's wealth.
89: Yeah, yeah, thanks.
90: I am no one's hired killer.
91: The bastard lives on the floor below us, in the barracks -- I see him every day! I would dearly love to see thee destroy him!
92: Then I shall seek my own vengeance, whatever it may cost me.
93: Then thou hast won vengeance for me, and for Marcus as well. Take thou this, then. It means little compared to what thou hast done for us.
94: Thou liest! He has just this minute left the room! I cannot believe thou wouldst deceive a fellow human for profit.
95: I wish thee luck.
96: You have slain the goblins -- then thou'rt with the resistance?
97: In a sense -- the Guardian is my enemy.
98: Nay, I am the Avatar -- 'twas merely my duty.
99: Nay, I merely enjoy seeing things die.
100: Thank the gods thou hast come! I had thought I would end my days cooking rat-meat for the gobs. But tell me -- are Marcus and I truly free to go?
101: Nay, there are still a few goblins afoot in this tower.
102: Indeed -- 'tis safe for thee to leave now.
103: It matters little now -- my fighting arm was once feared among the goblin ranks, and it shall be so again! Come, Marcus -- 'tis long past time we had quit this tower, and journeyed north again! Farewell and thanks, stranger!
104: 'Tis long past time we were gone from here! Come, Marcus, we shall journey north again, and see what remains of the family estate! Farewell, stranger, and my thanks! If thou'rt ever abroad in the northlands, look for me -- my name is Felix!
105: Thy duty? Well, I shall not question thee! Are Marcus and I truly free to go?
106: Flee, Marcus! 'Tis a madman!
107: Together, they sprint out the door.
108: From afar, you hear shouts and a clash of arms as they encounter a wayward goblin sentry.


1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
31: sir
32: ma'am
33: A goblin guard gazes at you coldly.
34: What dost thou want?
35: Open the door or die, gobby.
36: Open the door, please.
37: Other...
38: Excuse me, I'm lost.
39: \1@SS1\0
40: There you go, @GS33.
41: deco morono
42: What do I look like, a dwarf?
43: xyzzy
44: In a hollow voice, the goblin says, "Fool!"
45: Number One
46: You are Number Six!
47: What's the password?
48: Um, I don't know.
49: Other...
50: I don't know, but you will tell me or you will die.
51: \1@SS1\0
52: There you go, @GS33.
53: deco morono
54: What do I look like, a dwarf?
55: xyzzy
56: In a hollow voice, the goblin says, "Fool!"
57: He gives you a suspicious glance.
58: That is not the password, human. If thou art lost or confused, thou shouldst speak to Borne, the captain of the guards.
59: Those who fight for the Guardian do not fear death.
60: You'd better check in with Borne, the captain, then, @GS33.


1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: I make thee this offer.
23: I demand that thou givest me these items.
24: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
25: I do not wish to barter any further.
26: Farewell.
27: I accept thy offer.
28: No, I do not like this deal.
29: Thou canst not be serious.
30: I am weary of this haggling.
31: Is this some kind of a joke?
32: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
33: Yes, I must.
34: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
35: I know not what items you mean.
36: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
37: No! Thou shalt not take them!
38: sir
39: ma'am
40: Please try not to touch anything, @GS33. The armory is a restricted area.
41: And what if I do?
42: Where are the prisoners kept?
43: Wouldst thou care to exchange goods?
44: I was just looking.
45: I suppose I might. What dost thou propose?


1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
24: Art thou drawn? Seekest thou a fight here, humie?
25: Nay.
26: Aye, gobbie, with thee.
27: What wouldst thou with me, humie?
28: Where are the prisoners kept?
29: My name is %PCNAME, goblet - use it any time.
30: Where is thy leader, goblin?
31: Why dost thou make an issue of species?
32: He turns a pale green, and stares at you.
33: Where are the prisoners kept?
34: Nay, never mind.
35: Why, 'tis the ape-man/woman, come back again!
36: Aye, to teach thee some respect!
37: No, I guess I would rather not speak with thee.
38: To speak to thee of the virtues of thy race, goblin.
39: What's that thou sayest? Where do the servants live? Oh, thy rooms are on the next floor, humie. My regards to Felix!
40: I, a servant? I shall make THEE kneel, goblet!
41: I shall inquire elsewhere.
42: Spare me thy whinings, dog.
43: %PCNAME! A fine name for a pet!
44: A pet, am I, dog? Am I, lizard? Draw thy weapon!
45: I see I waste my time, speaking to such as thee.
46: Oh, it bites! Oh, it hurts us, it does!
47: That does it! Soon thou shalt be food for the rats!
48: I tire of this.
49: Aye, will you, filth?
50: Aye, now begone!
51: Nay, human, 'twas but in fun! Art thou crazy?
52: None shall insult me and live!
53: Next time, be not so free with thy tongue.
54: He turns to run.
55: He mutters under his breath,
56: These humans are crazy!
57: He stretches lazily on his bunk.
58: Is it not clear, humie? Thy race was made to serve mine! 'Tis the will of the Guardian, else why would he send us plenty, and blight thy lands with plague and famine?
59: All who deal with the Guardian are his slaves, lackwit.
60: Perhaps thou art right.
61: Then thou art the slave of a slave, lackwit, and I suggest that thou watch thy loose tongue, in the future.
62: I am not a slave, I am a free man/woman!
63: I shall, then.
64: Enough! I shall hear no more! Prepare to die!
65: He laughs loudly.
66: On the seventh floor. And, I think, one on the fifth. May I go now?
67: Aye.
68: Nay. Where is thy leader?
69: On the fifth floor. Now may I go?
70: Aye.


Is that hair, or has grass taken root on thy head?
Hey Freemis, who let the ape in?
Hurry up with my food, monkey-boy/girl!
Hey, humie, tell your friends in the kitchen to hurry up!
Beware, human lest we think up any new and funnier insults!
The goblins laugh.


Is that hair, or has grass taken root on thy head?
Hey Freemis, who let the ape in?
Hurry up with my food, monkey-boy/girl!
Hey, humie, tell your friends in the kitchen to hurry up!
And tell Marcus not to be so free with his tongue!
Beware, human, lest we think up any new and funnier insults!
The goblins laugh.


Do not mind them.
Come, what art thou looking for?
	- A weapon, to avenge mine honor!
		Do not give way to anger here, human -- they will kill thee!
			- Thank thee for the advice -- now stand back!
				I warn thee, keep thy temper!
			- Thou art right -- I shall bide my time.
	- A way upstairs.
		'Tis back the way you came. Thou hadst better hurry -- ever since Freemis's lover was killed outside Fyrna, he has had no self-control!
			- Thank thee!
			- We shall see.
	- The Guardian, to avenge those who are dying in Britannia!
		I do not understand thee, fellow. Seek the Guardian? What dost thou mean?
			- Never mind!
	- Nothing, thank thee, save to be on my way.


1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
31: Sir
32: Ma'am
33: him
34: her
35: Halt! Stranger, why hast thou drawn thy weapon?
36: To kill thee!
37: I must apologize, sir. I had been cleaning it, and forgot it was in my hand.
38: May I help thee, @SS1?
39: No thanks.
40: Where may I find the prisoners?
41: Where may I find thy Captain?
42: Carry on then, @SS1.
43: That's one floor up, @SS1.
44: That's one floor down, @SS1.
45: Halt, stranger! Thou art in a secure area! What wouldst thou here?
46: I must pass here.
47: I am here to see the prisoner, Bishop.
48: I bear supplies for the kitchen.
49: Let me through, or die!
50: What is the password?
51: I know not.
52: In the Guardian's name, let me by!
53: It is...
54: \1@SS1\0
55: Okay. Go ahead.
56: Thou'rt badly lost -- the kitchen is on the third floor. Thou shouldst not be here.
57: He shakes his head.
58: You shall not pass here.
59: Kill @GS35!
60: That ain't it, humie. I suggest that thou go have a talk with the captain on the fifth floor, and straighten yerself out!
61: Enough foolin' around. Let's gut this humie!


A older goblin male looks up at you with relief.
At last, thou art here. I thought I had been forgotten.
	- Who art thou?
		It depends. Art thou my rescuer?
			- Aye.
			- Aye, if thou art a foe of the Guardian.
	- Forgotten by who?
Say no more of whom thou art - 'tis best that I know not, in case I am captured. I, however, may speak freely. I am Milenus, and once I was the Regent's most trusted advisor in military affairs.  However, I was also the most valuable spy the Resistance had.
	- It seems one of these is no longer the case.
	- How could you betray your own people?
		My people had long since betrayed themselves! Ever since our shamans learned of the realities beyond our own, and began to deal with the Red Titan, we have been losing our sovereignty. He has empowered us to conquer this world, but we now rule it in his name, not our own.
			- Thou art wiser than most of thy race, Milenus.
			- So thou didst side with the humans in this war?
				Our leaders were seduced by the feeling of routing thine armies and looting thy cities, and have struck an unwise bargain.
					- They shall be made to pay for their crimes!
						Indeed they shall, though not by thy hand. Someday soon they shall seek to disobey the Guardian in some matter, and that day they shall know the nature of their "alliance."
							- Indeed. Go, then, and battle the Guardian on this world, as I do on mine.
							- But in aiding the humans, dost thou not aid the destruction of thy race?
								If the humans do not triumph here, we shall all fall under the rule of the Guardian. I have no great love for Bishop and his fighters, but I believe they can be made to see reason, and to allow our races to coexist freely.
									- I hope thou art right. I wish thee luck.
									- Opposing the Guardian is worth any risk, any price.
										'Tis easy for thee to say! When you fight the Guardian, THOU art a hero to thy people. My reward is the contempt of both goblins and humans.
					- I assume they were not pleased by your ideas on the subject.
It seems I must be going. I wish thee well, whoever thou art.
	- Farewell.
	- Wait! It may be dangerous out there!
		I worked as a spy for ten years. Thinkest thou I learned nothing?
		He steps into the corridor, then quickly darts out of sight.
One day, I was at work in the Regent's palace as usual, when a stranger came in, leading behind him a great cat, like no other I had seen before. It sniffed each of us up and down, and when it came to me it stopped and made a high, keening sound. Without a word I was seized and led away, with no explanation.
	- So thy treachery was discovered!
	- Thou art free again, now.
	- Thy leaders shall pay for their crimes.


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: boy
18: lady
19: Ho there, human, art thou hungry? Thou'rt in the right place!
20: What place is that?
21: Hast thou food to offer?
22: Thou art a bit more cheery than thy fellows below!
23: I have come for thy keys!
24: What can I do for thee, human?
25: I must ask thee for thy keys.
26: Wouldst thou barter with me?
27: Nothing, thanks.
28: Well, I'm on duty, but I suppose I could look at thy stuff. But none of thy lip this time!
29: Ho there, my @GS33, hast thou filled thy belly?
30: No.
31: Aye.
32: Actually, I wondered if thou wouldst barter with me.
33: May I have thy keys?
34: Remember, thou art welcome to all thou canst find -- I will keep mum!
35: Nay, nay, look in the kitchen, take what thou wouldst! Don't worry, I won't tell, and I'll bet Marcus won't, either! HA HA HA!
36: HA HA HA!
37: Is the kitchen nearby?
38: Who is Marcus?
39: I always enjoy taking my shift, here!
40: Oh, thou wilt like him. A bit solemn, perhaps, but likable. And Felix is a bit of sour apple.
41: Who are these people?
42: Why will they give me food?
43: We're in the kitchen, friend, my favorite place to be! You see, I'm a distant cousin to the Regent, and so I make sure the captain posts me here as often as possible.
44: Who is the Regent?
45: Why post a guard to the kitchen?
46: The servants are...well, they are like you, they are...friends to the goblin race, but somehow not quite such...close friends as thou dost seem to be. Dost thou take my meaning?
47: Aye.
48: Nay, I am sorry. Could you explain it again?
49: Why am I different from them?
50: Well, thou dost walk armed in this Tower, and surely there are few humans who would be permitted this. Dost thou take my meaning?
51: Well, thou dost walk free and unsupervised in the Tower, and surely there are few humans that would be permitted this. Dost thou take my meaning?
52: Aye.
53: Nay, could you explain it more directly?
54: Why do you assume I have permission?
55: Well, of course you must, else thou art..I mean, you have permission, do you not?
56: Yes, of course.
57: Nay.
58: HA HA HA, thou hadst me going there a moment, human, indeed thou didst!
59: Tell me more of this "Regent."
60: Indeed I did! Well, I must be going.
61: I will see thee later, human.
62: You mean... thou art... oh.
63: He glances behind him, looking for a place to run.
64: I hate to put it crudely, but... you might call them, not so much slaves, as... subordinate allies, you might say. Yes, I think that will do nicely.
65: You keep slaves? That is a disgusting abomination!
66: I understand. Well, I must be going.
67: I understand, it is a necessary measure.
68: Our king, of course! He is called the Regent, because technically he rules in the Guardian's name, but the Titan has promised to allow us considerable autonomy.
69: Thou art a fool to trust the Guardian!
70: How pleasant of him!
71: I would not call me that, if I were you! I am, after all, the Regent's cousin -- a word from me, and thou couldst find thyself working in the kitchen alongside Marcus.  And now, thou had best run along.
72: Goodbye.
73: I see we understand each other. 'Tis a pity, so few humans are able to swallow their nationalistic pride and take part in the reshaping of our world! It is to be hoped that soon more of you will join us.
74: I will hear no more. Draw thy weapon, goblin, and face thy death.
75: Indeed. My countrymen are fools.
76: Janar turns pale and readies his sword.
77: 'Tis true, 'tis true.  This war is a very sad thing.
78: Janar looks pensive for a moment.
79: Well! Enough sentimental talk. Wilt thou have some food?
80: Aye, and thank thee.
81: Nay, I have no stomach for it, now.
82: Thou wilt find it in the kitchen, to the east! I shall be seeing thee.
83: Drop in any time for more, I'll be here! HA! HA! HA!
84: Got work to do, eh? Well, regulations say I've got to ask you for the codeword.
85: Sure, it is...
86: How about, "Death to the Regent, freedom for all human beings."
87: Sorry, I don't know it.
88: \1@SS1\0
89: beacon
90: Here you go.
91: Say hi to Garg for me!
92: Sorry -- no keys for thee!
93: Why, certainly! 'Tis rare enough that merchants visit this tower.


1: And what would ye be wanting, human?
2: I wish to go through these doors!
3: Nothing, thank thee.
4: Where are we?
5: You again, human? What is it?
6: Thy captain says to let me out.
7: Nothing, thanks.
8: Not without an order from the captain, humie! 'Til then, thou'rt a prisoner!
9: Nay, I insist.
10: I will see thy captain, then.
11: Aye, Borne's on the fifth floor!
12: Insist all you like, humie, 'twill do thee no good!
13: My sword says differently!
14: Never mind, then.
15: Help!! It's a breakout!
16: He lifts his sword.
17: I've heard nothing from the Captain, human, and 'til I do, thou shalt not pass.
18: Nay, I insist.
19: I will see thy captain, then.
20: As you like.
21: Ye're in the Guardian's Prison Tower, human, and that's where you'll stay, 'til I hear otherwise!
22: Give me the keys, or I kill thee.
23: Than I shall speak to thy superiors.
24: Aye, go on, do!


1: The goblin is weak with terror.
2: Help us! Oh, by the Titan, human, thou must help us! That thing is loose in the tower, it is killing us!
3: Yes?
4: Stand aside! Thou shalt not stay me from my duty!
5: May I pass here?
6: What duty hast thou here? The tower is empty now!
7: What dost thou mean?
8: Yet thine evil remains, and must be destroyed!
9: Go where thou wilt! Since Bishop took his own life, there is nothing to guard, and no reason to stop thee.
10: Whatever thou sayest.
11: Surely. Be on thy way.
12: I thank thee.
13: What? Why dost thou not stop me?
14: Listen, I don't want any trouble here, but thou had best mind thy manners.
15: Thou didst misunderstand me -- I meant no quarrel.
16: Manners? I shall teach thee manners! Draw thy weapon!
17: All right, but watch thy step in the future.
18: No offense taken.
19: So be it, fool!
20: The guard glares at you, then walks away.
21: You had better talk to the captain about that.
22: swordfish
23: melanoma
24: silhouette
25: cyclone
26: harbinger
27: meander
28: quicksilver
29: shibboleth
30: fisticuffs
31: Sir
32: Ma'am
33: him
34: her
35: Halt! Stranger, why hast thou drawn thy weapon?
36: To kill thee!
37: I must apologize, sir. I had been cleaning it, and forgot it was in my hand.
38: May I help thee, @SS1?
39: No thanks.
40: Where may I find the prisoners?
41: Where may I find thy Captain?
42: Carry on then, @SS1.
43: That's one floor up, @SS1.
44: That's one floor down, @SS1.
45: Halt, stranger! Thou art in a secure area! What wouldst thou here?
46: I must pass here.
47: I am here to see the prisoner, Bishop.
48: I bear supplies for the kitchen.
49: Let me through, or die!
50: What is the password?
51: I know not.
52: In the Guardian's name, let me by!
53: It is...
54: \1@SS1\0
55: Okay. Go ahead.
56: Thou'rt badly lost! The kitchen is on the third floor. Thou shouldst not be here.
57: He shakes his head.
58: You shall not pass here.
59: Kill @GS35!
60: That ain't it, humie. I suggest that thou go have a talk with the captain on the fifth floor, and straighten yerself out!
61: Enough foolin' around. Let's gut this humie!


Castle Britannia.


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: Mister
18: Ma'am
19: Cor! Leave it, won't you? Serves me roight for tryin' to rob the castle, 'n' gettin' caught. Last time I take a dare from Erik Blackhand!
- Who art thou?
- Were you really trying to rob the castle?
Name's Fissif, thief extra-ordinaire, 'cept when a bleedin' gem appears over my escape route!
I suppose you'll be wantin' yer pocketwatch back, then, Avatar! Well, here ye go.
And off to jail fer poor old Fissif, I s'pose.
Okay, okay, y'dinna have ta get so rough, I'll go off to jail wi'ye. 'S not like I 'aven't been before!
Sulking, he limps off towards the upstairs ladder.
Cor! Wot does 'is Majesty want now?
- I'm afraid I must arrest thee, thief.
- Nothing, thanks. Perhaps I shall see thee later.
And where would I be goin' then?
Fissif enjoys a hearty laugh at your expense.
Eventually he is able to speak.
And what virtue wert thou upholding that thou didst arrive here, "Avatar?"
- I don't wish to speak with thee right now.
- While we're here, could you at least offer me some training?
I beg thy pardon, your Avatahness!!
Psst! @GS33! Canst thou tell me wot's goin' on, then?
- Who art thou? An intruder in Castle British?
- The Guardian has trapped us all in the castle.
- Do you live in the sewers?
Well, it's a fair cop!
Fissif sneers sarcastically.
Well, well! If it isn't the Avatar, come to visit! 'Ow nice o'ye!
- I need thee to train me.
- I wish to barter with thee.
- I just stopped in to check on thee. I must be going.
Cor! If it ain't one thing, it's another!
Cor! Fissif's comin' up in the world! The Avatah would like 'is help!
The bleedin' red blighter again, eh? Should've known 'e'd be 'round again, after I saw those Fellowship types moving in around Buccaneer's Den! They said 'twas just a reunion, but I suspected they was up to somethin'.
- How didst thou come here from Buccaneer's Den?
- Art thou a member of the Fellowship?
	Not me, no @GS33! Can't stand all that preaching! Besides, any bloke wot's got eyes c'n see they're on the losing team, roight?
		- What team art thou on, then?
			Just my own, I suppose.
- Dost thou know thy way through these sewers?
I hates ta tell a stranger the plain truth, but me situation's a bit desperate. My name's Fissif, an' I came up here about @SI1 days ago through the tunnel from Buccaneer's Den, to see what could be... acquired under cover of the festivities.
	- You mean, you're a thief here to plunder the castle.
	- I see. And what didst thou acquire?
		I found the Avatar's pocketwatch in a bunch o'junk in a closet. I 'ad me the key t'the armory, too, but I lost it in a scuffle with th'green giant! By the way, what did thou sayest thy name was?
	- What happened then?
		'Twas about 4:15 in the morning, and I was just making me way down through the basement to the tunnel, when the bloody ground started shaking, knocked me off my feet! When I got up and went downstairs, this black stuff was blocking the cave mouth!
			- Wait. How didst thou know what time it was?
				Oy got a right to this pocketwatch oy stole, seein' that some bloomin' idiot left it out f'me tatake! Would've 'ad me th'key to th'armoury, too, if Oy'adn't lost it inna fight wi'that reaper! An'oo art thou to be putting on airs? Anyone'd think yer the bleedin' Avatah 'r sumthin'!
	- Dost thou know thy way around the sewers?
- I'm afraid I must arrest thee now.
- Actually, I am %PCNAME, the Avatar, incarnation of the eight virtues, and eight times the saviour of Britannia.
	Then I s'pose thou wilt be wanting thy pocketwatch back again.
		- Yes, that would be nice.
Perhaps I should be getting along, then.
He begins edging toward the nearest exit.
	- And where art thou going in such a hurry?
		Oh, things to do. Oy've got rats to kill and eat, fetid water to sip, that sort o' thing. Oy'm a busy man!
			- Not so fast, Fissif. I mean to arrest thee.
			- Enjoy thyself.
				He leaves hastily.
	- First, canst thou tell me more about the sewers?
	- Stay right where thou art, thief. Thou art under arrest.
Arrest? And why should I come with thee to jail? We are all in the Guardian's jail, anyway!
	- If thou dost not, I shall kill thee where thou standest.
		He takes a step backward, and slowly sizes you up.
		Thou dost look a bit out of shape, %PCNAME. I believe I shall take my chances with thee.
			- So be it.
			- Dost thou think to succeed where the Triad of Evil failed?
	- If thou dost remain below, thou shalt starve or die of disease.
		Thou hast a point. 'S not as if I 'aven't done time before.
		Resigned, Fissif heads for the nearest ladder.
Well, odds are I'll still be here, if thou dost wish to return.

Well, 'twill cost thee something, I'll tell thee that. 3 in gold. What say thee?
	- No thank thee, I shall get along without thy help.
	- 'Tis robbery, but I'll pay.
		- Canst thou teach me to pick locks?
			Oho! The Avatah wants to pick locks, does he? Thou dost wish to stoop to usin' trickery, dost thou? 'Tis not very virtuous of thee, but I suppose I might show thee a thing or two.
			Fissif shows you a few more ins and outs of lockpicking.
			(no experience)
				You are unable to grasp Fissif's points.
				'Tis no use! Thou shouldst go out and pick a few locks in the real world, then I shall explain more to thee!.
				Well, that's it for thee today, chum!
		- Canst thou teach me to move with stealth?
			I see! The Avatah wishes to learn a bit of thievery, does it? Well, let's just see...
			Fissif is an apt teacher, and acquaints you with the fine points of stealthy movement.
			(no experience)
				You are unable to grasp Fissif's points.
				Nay, nay! Go out and try a few things, first, then come see more.
				Well, that's it for thee today, chum!
		- Canst thou teach me to disarm traps?
			Stealing somebody's precious goodies, are we? Well, just let Fissif tell thee how to go about it...
			Fissif explains some of his system for beating traps.
			(no experience)
				You can't really see what Fissif is trying to explain.
				Thou hadst better go and look at a few real traps, first.
				Well, that's it for thee today, chum!
		- Canst thou teach me to fall safely?
			Taking a few knocks, are we?  Let me give you a few tips, then.
			Fissif gives you a few pointers on jumping and landing safely.
			(no experience)
				Fissif tries to explain some acrobatics to you, but gets nowhere.
				'Tis of no use, thou'rt a hopeless klutz! If thou wouldst like, we shall give it another try later.
				Well, that's it for thee today, chum!
	Wouldst thou learn anything else, while thou art here?
		- No thanks, that is all for today.
		- Yes, please...
Ah, that's the stuff! Now, to business.
Cor! Just gold, please. Oy'm sick o'hagglin' with fences!
Oy said "ten," di'n'Oy?
- Here you are, then.
- That's all I have.
Enough o'this, Avatah. Oy'm willin' ta train thee, but no more o'these silly games.
That's it, then, let's 'ave it on the table.
- Consider this, then.
- No, I shall not pay thee.
	Suit th'self, then, Avatah!
Nah, nah, wot'm'I, crazy? I came'ere through th'tunnel from the Den!
- Den? What den? Do we have a den?
	Bucc'neer's Den, o'course!
- How did you get there from here?
	'Ere f'r a bit o' sightseein', are ye? Well, Fissif'l 'elp yew out a bit! Stay away from the 'eadlesses next door, that'l do fer a start. If ye're lookin' for a short cut downstairs, ye can jump a few platforms, 'n'op down the rabbit'ole.
		- The rabbit hole?
			Thou shalt see! Just watch for the big duck pond, 'n keep to your left!
				- Thank thee -- I see thou art very familiar with the area.
				- I can find things on my own, thank thee.
		- Thank thee.
I know m'way 'round'ere, I does! 'N soon's I get back out, I'll make me a nice piece o'change from this pocketwatch! Stole it right from the Avatar's quarters, I did, 'n'none the wiser! By th'way, what didst thou say thy name was?
I s'pose I could -- got a fine selection o'lockpicks'n'such right'ere!
'Ere f'r a bit o' sightseein', are ye? Well, Fissif'l 'elp yew out a bit! Stay away from the 'eadlesses next door, that'l do fer a start. If ye're lookin' for a short cut downstairs, ye can jump a few platforms, 'n'op down the rabbit'ole.
	- The rabbit hole?
		Thou shalt see! Just watch for the big duck pond, 'n keep to your left!
			- Thank thee -- I see thou art very familiar with the area.
			- I can find my way there, thanks.
	- Thank thee.
I know m'way 'round'ere, I does!
He turns to leave.
Righto, then! I know when I ain't needed!
He turns to leave.


What . . . stay where thou art, %PCNAME! What is it that has happened?
	- Stay thy hand - I merely accomplished the ends of Justice.
	- Patterson has murdered Nelson, and Tory as well.
Forgive my tone, sir/ma'am. 'Twas . . . a shock, to see this.
Then this was merely . . . justice.
He gives a shaky salute.
I shall inform Lord British of what has happened.

Good morning, sir/ma'am.
Good afternoon, sir/ma'am.
Good evening, sir/ma'am.
	- How goes the watch?
		A bit of trouble with these invading soldiers, sir/ma'am.
		All quiet, sir/ma'am.
	- How art thou?
		Fine, sir/ma'am.
	- And the same to thee.
He continues on his rounds.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
8: If thou wilt wait a moment, Avatar, I think Lord British is about to commence his speech.
9: Avatar, we have very little time! Art thou ready to begin?
10: Aye, Nystul. It is time.
11: As Nystul begins reading from the Book of Mors Gotha, you raise the Horn of Praecor Loth to your lips. You feel the daemon's strength surge within you and a mighty, ringing blast issues from the horn, and echoes through the chamber, shaking Castle British to its very foundations.\m
12: We cannot begin the ceremony with Mors Gotha rampaging loose in the castle! She must be stopped, Avatar!
13: Avatar, where is the horn of Praecor Loth? We must have it if we can hope to destroy the gem now!
14: Avatar, what's going on? I was in the kitchen just now, and Charles absolutely refused to bring me bread from the storeroom! I simply can't work unless I have enough food.
15: I will speak to Lord British about it.
16: Thou wilt have to endure hardships with the rest of us, Nystul.
17: But Avatar, I am not a young man/woman like thee, I cannot survive so easily without sustenance.
18: I beg thee, settle the matter quickly.
19: Please, Avatar, I am so weak now. Speak to the servants, settle the matter peaceably!
20: Hast thou brought Mors Gotha's book with thee?
21: Aye, here it is.
22: Nay.
23: Please, fetch it for me... I must see it!
24: Hast thou found the time and place?
25: Yes.
26: No.
27: You must keep looking, then -- someone must know!
28: Dost thou know the time?
29: Yes.
30: No.
31: Then you must keep looking, then -- someone must know!
32: Ah, %PCNAME, 'tis quite a mess we are in. Come, what may I do for thee?
33: Avatar, I am glad thou hast come to see me!
34: What brings thee to see me, Avatar?
35: What wouldst thou say to me?
36: What hast thou been thinking, lately?
37: What hast thou been doing since last we worked together?
38: Hast thou time to teach me more of the mystic arts?
39: Please, repeat to me some of thy past speculations.
40: Excuse me, I must go now.
41: I have a gem for thee to treat.
42: I see there is no use talking to thee anymore right now.
43: If there is nothing more, %PCNAME, I must return to my work.
44: I shall speak to thee later, then.
45: Wait, @GS25, there is more we must speak of.
46: What wouldst thou like to talk about, then?
47: We must hurry and accomplish the ritual before it is too late!
48: Thy airy prisoner is trapped, much as we are, but when he emerges, it shall be with the force of a hurricane!
49: The book thou didst bring me shall prove essential to our escape -- with it, I shall be able to weaken the spell holding the gem in place.
50: The Horn of Praecor Loth may help us shatter the gem, though I can scarcely believe 'tis real and not a legend.
51: Now that thou hast retrieved all eight of the Key Gems, the spell maintaining the black jewel has nearly broken.
52: The Guardian's spell-casting lacks subtlety. His huge expenditures of power may cause aftershocks, "echoes" of the spell's original intent.
53: The tunnels below the castle are countless centuries old -- the mysteries they contain may be useful to us.
54: 'Tis evident that the violence of the Guardian's spell hath breached the dimensional walls.
55: That tiny gem must have something to do with the symmetry common to the Guardian's magic. Thou shouldst look at the relevant passages in "A Safe Passage Through Britannia."
56: It is has become apparent that the gem is linking us to other worlds places in the multiverse where the Guardian has flexed his sorcerous muscles.
57: I can think of nothing else thou wouldst be interested in.
58: Since last we met, I have been hard at work restoring the study of magic in Britannia to its former level. Some of my research is documented in "A Safe Passage Through Britannia" -- thou shouldst take a look, as it touches on some of thine own experiences in the Stygian Abyss.
59: %PCNAME, I see thou art joining us in this unexpectedly protracted reunion! Listen, I wish to discuss with thee my thoughts on our situation.
60: Ah, Avatar, I have been meaning to speak with thee.
61: Avatar, this is the most extraordinary thing I have ever heard of!
62: Avatar, I am interested to hear of thy latest findings.
63: I have had a new idea concerning thy interplanar vagrancy.
64: Avatar, the time of the ritual is almost at hand!
65: Nystul sees you, and begins to split his sides with laughter.
66: HA HA HA, thou hast made a djinn-bottle of thyself, Avatar!
67: So, 'tis true -- thou hast obtained the Horn of Praecor Loth, a thing out of legend!
68: You've done it, Avatar!  We're almost there!
69: Of course -- I always have time to teach thee.
70: I would like to increase my mana store.
71: I'd like to work on my casting skill.
72: No, never mind. I have no need of training right now.
73: Certainly.
74: With Nystul's aid, you increase the amount of mystic energy your body can retain.
75: Your work with Nystul proves unproductive.
76: I'm afraid that for the moment this is all you will be able to hold.
77: Ah yes, the subtlety in working runic magic lies in the hand motions. Let me instruct thee...
78: Under Nystul's masterful eye, your skill in spellcasting quickly increases.
79: Despite Nystul's best efforts, you are unable to improve.
80: Hmmm. Thou shouldst perhaps take a break, try thy hand at exploring for awhile, and then perhaps we will try again.
81: Wouldst thou like to learn more?
82: Yes, please teach me more!
83: No, thank thee.
84: 'Tis a staggeringly huge spell -- I had not thought even the Guardian could create such an enormous amount of blackrock -- but 'tis also a very crude casting, no subtlety about it. If I had the book it was cast from, I'd swear I could reverse it!
85: What dost thou mean, a crude spell?
86: What is blackrock?
87: I am sorry thy sense of aesthetics has been offended, Nystul.
88: He sighs.
89: 'Tis the curse of true mastery, I suppose, to be sensitive to such things.
90: 'Tis as if the caster had so much power he thought there was no need to work skillfully. As it is, the ether has been violently disrupted, and I should not be surprised if there were aftershocks and side effects in our own and other realities.
91: What kind of "aftershocks?"
92: Other realities? What dost thou mean?
93: Probably. But I must be going.
94: 'Tis hard to predict -- possibly some sort of "echo" effect, wherein the spell effect might replicate itself on a smaller scale, like an echo repeating and dying away. 'Tis common in his castings. I shouldn't wonder if we see some smaller replica of the gem, just as we saw in his assault a year ago.
95: And you think this effect might extend to worlds beyond our own?
96: Just what is blackrock, anyway?
97: You sorcerers are given to fanciful talk -- I shall believe it if I see it.
98: The same ether surrounds and permeates all the realities. An etherstorm this size might have far-reaching effects. Such things are hard to estimate.
99: What kind of "effects" would these be?
100: Just what is blackrock, anyway?
101: I have heard all I need, for now.
102: I know not, save that it blocks the flow of the ether, and thus we can cast only the simplest spells within the castle.
103: This is grim news, indeed.
104: Earlier thou didst mention some sort of "aftershocks" from the Guardian's spell...?
105: Well, I am curious: how goes thy exploration of the castle?
106: I am still making a study of the ground floor.
107: I have begun exploring the depths below the castle.
108: It is important that you become thoroughly acquainted with it. However, do not omit to survey the area beneath it -- some of the caves and tunnels were built centuries ago. Perhaps the depths hold mysteries worth investigating.
109: I shall take thy advice.
110: I am not certain -- there is much to be seen in the aboveground castle.
111: That is true; but I beg thee, Avatar, do not forget what I have told thee.
112: That is wise of thee -- some of the tunnels 'neath Lord British's castle are thousands of years old. Who knows what might be found there?
113: She was so beautiful! Why did this have to happen to her?
114: Some say her empathic powers made her a traitor's target.
115: When we find the traitor, we shall ask him... or her!
116: I'm an old man, %PCNAME! It should have been me.
117: Aye, when we catch the traitor...
118: You catch a glimpse of something you have never seen before in Nystul's eyes -- a bloodthirsty hatred.
119: Nelson, my colleague, the gentle one. He would never even have thought to suspect Patterson! Never again shall I be able to trust our people...
120: Well... it is most extraordinary, is it not? Miranda tells me thou hast travelled to a place outside of Britannia -- that the violence of the Guardian's interdimensional magic has cracked the very walls between the worlds!
121: How can this be?
122: But why did I arrive in that plane in particular?
123: As yet, I know not, but 'tis possible the effect will worsen, extending to two or even three more planes of existence.
124: I know not. 'tis possible a certain symmetry exists among the planes.  Was the plane you visited connected to the Guardian in some way?
125: Yes.
126: No.
127: Hmmm... 'tis as I thought. I must ponder this matter further. I wish I had that spellbook!
128: Hmmm... 'tis a mystery. I wish I had that spellbook!
129: I have been thinking about that black jewel thou didst bring back from the prison tower. 'Tis clear that these gems form a part of the Guardian's magic -- the spell is more intricate than I had first thought. Thou shouldst collect more of these, if you find them.
130: I shall go and do that.
131: Why should they be so important?
132: The Guardian's spell has generated a certain symmetry -- an enormous faceted jewel surrounds the castle, a smaller one appears in the basement's center, then you find a tiny one in the Tower. Perhaps a disruption of this symmetry would weaken the spell.
133: I thank thee for the advice, but... this all seems a bit abstract.
134: Why should symmetry be a part of the Guardian's magic?
135: I have had enough of thy longwinded magician's talk. In future, I shall put my trust in cold steel.
136: Remember, %PCNAME, this is magic of the deepest kind, not just a bit of swordplay. Here such principles as beauty and resonance command great power.
137: Why should symmetry apply to the towers and arches of Castle British? There is strength in balanced and precise construction -- if we shift the building blocks of the spell, we might be able to bring it tumbling down!
138: Just think -- on each of the planes thou hast traveled on, the Guardian hath in the past accomplished some prodigious work of sorcery! Coincidence, my dear Avatar? I think not!
139: Well, what of it?
140: I am not sure whether this is true, but go on.
141: There must be some connection between the dimensions where the Guardian has unleashed his most powerful sorcery! That is why we have become connected to them. If I had the original spell with which it was cast, perhaps I could reverse this connection, dissipate along those connections the power that maintains the gem!
142: Seriously, Avatar, 'twill someday prove useful to us -- when thou dost choose to release thy captive, 'twill issue from thy lips with great force.
143: Avatar, I heard thou didst bring home an arcane book from abroad -- may I look at it?
144: Of course.
145: No, I do not have it.
146: Please bring it to me immediately. It may be extremely important to our survival.
147: Thank thee, Avatar. This may prove most important.
148: Where is it? Dost thou have it with thee?
149: Aye, here it is!
150: Nay, I must fetch it.
151: Please hurry -- It is most vital!
152: With the text of this spell in my hands, I shall be able to unravel the Guardian's spell like a clever knot!
153: Thou hast the Horn of Praecor Loth with thee -- make sure thou dost keep it  safe, for we shall need it soon!
154: Make sure thou dost retrieve Praecor Loth's horn, and keep it in a safe place, Avatar -- we shall need it soon!
155: Aha! This is the very thing we need! With this in my hands, I shall unravel the Guardian's spell as if it were a clever knot! Thou hast done well, Avatar. I shall require a little solitude now, to study this tome.
156: With the elemental within thee, thou now hast the means to blow the Horn of Praecor Loth! If we can but weaken the spell holding the gem in place, perhaps even blackrock shall fall before its might.
157: 'Tis said that with this weapon Praecor Loth did lord it over a hundred battlefields, but that none but he could wield the weapon. If we are to enlist its force to shatter the gem, we must find some way to blow it.
158: What I mean, thou hast found all the gems! Feel how the gem quivers at the touch, and hums strange harmonies! The spell that supports it is bent and twisted, its geometry warped from its shape. With its lines of magical support severed, all we need do is strike the shattering blow.
159: We need know only two more things -- what was the place and time of the original casting, when the Guardian's agent performed the ceremony to bring the dark jewel down on us?
160: Where did it happen?
161: I know not.
162: Other...
163: \1him/her\0
164: throne
165: Yes, the throne room. My calculations agree with thee there.
166: Nay, my calculations say this is impossible.
167: Thou must go and ask those left in the castle -- someone must have seen or heard something!
168: And now, what time of night was it?
169: I know not.
170: Other...
171: \1him/her\0
172: 4
173: four
174: Four o'clock in the morning, yes, in the throne room as dawn broke. My calculations are complete! Now we may... what's that noise?
175: Nay, my calculations say this is impossible.
176: Thou must go and ask those left in the castle -- someone must have seen or heard something!
179: Suddenly you hear running footsteps, and a distant shouting. Julia bursts into the room, her sword bloody, her chest heaving, a gash running down her right shin.
180: A... Avatar... I... soldiers are pouring out of the gem, an army of them! If thou hast any hope of saving...
181: She breaks off and now stares into the corridor, shocked.
182: Julia, what is it?
183: Where are they coming from? What soldiers?
184: A voice from the corridor outside replies.
185: You hear a familiar voice from the corridor.
186: MY soldiers.
187: A figure who could only be Mors Gotha herself steps through the doorway.
188: Mors Gotha steps into the doorway.
189: Led me right to him/her, Julia.
190: From behind you, Nystul calls out, "Julia, you must get me to the throne room!" Mors Gotha chuckles as she watches them leave. Then she turns to look you in the eye.
191: Let's go.
192: So, the small gem thou didst find merged with the larger! This bodes well for us!
193: How so?
194: Why did the gems merge?
195: The Guardian is a careless spellcaster! The tiny gem in the other world is an echo in the ether, just like the Gateway Gem, an echo of the first, enormous sphere he placed on our world.
196: How can this help us?
197: I don't understand.
198: 'Tis a subtle point, I grant thee!
199: As these echoes come together, they begin to build into a shout, which may bring this gem tumbling right down around our ears!
200: Hast thou had any ideas yet, Avatar? I do sense strongly the presence of the Guardian's magic!
201: Of course! I found this...
202: Nay, I know not what it might be.
203: Well, Avatar! I sense thou dost carry some element of Guardian's spellcraft with thee! What is it thou hast found?
204: I know not what thou dost mean.
205: Perhaps this is what you mean.
206: May I examine it?
207: Nystul holds out a gnarled hand.
208: Certainly.
209: I am not sure what thou'rt looking for.
210: It should bear some relation to other aspects of the Guardian's spell -- I cannot tell thee more. Dost thou have some thing like that?
211: I think so. What about this?
212: Nay, I can think of nothing.
213: Avatar, that's disgusting!
214: There is nothing of the Guardian's here! Hast thou anything else to show me?
215: I can only examine one at a time, Avatar! Please choose one.
216: No, that is not the item I am seeking. Perhaps thou hast another that might be the one?
217: Hmmm... thou dost definitely have some important artifact on thy person, but this is not it. Perhaps thou shouldst take a close look at the contents of thy pockets, and then speak with me again.
218: But Avatar, I have already treated this gem!
219: Aha! Thou hast it!
220: Nystul examines the jewel closely. He holds it in his left hand, closes his eyes, and mutters several strange words.
221: He hands the gem back to you, now slightly warm to the touch.
222: Thou shouldst bring this down to the larger gem in the sewers, and experiment. There might be some... interesting effects.
223: I shall.
224: What kind of effects?
225: The Guardian's spell placed this jewel on a plane under his sorcerous dominion -- returning it to its source in Britannia may help upset his spell -- throw the balance of his designs into disorder.
226: Go, then, and try it.
227: Do so -- it may put a tangle in the Guardian's carefully spun web!
228: May I examine it?
229: Nystul holds out a gnarled hand.
230: Certainly.
231: I'm afraid I do not have it with me.
232: Avatar, that's disgusting!
233: There is nothing of the Guardian's here! Hast thou anything else to show me?
234: I can only examine one item at a time, Avatar! Please choose one.
235: No, that is not the item I am seeking. Perhaps thou hast another that might be the one?
236: I must see the jewel to treat it, Avatar.
237: But Avatar, I have already treated this gem!
238: Nystul performs a gesture and incantation.
239: He hands the gem, now heated by his magic, back to you.
240: There! 'Tis the last one!
241: Try this now, then!
242: Hast thou any others thou wouldst have me treat?
243: Aye.
244: Nay.
245: Avatar, I have been thinking -- in thy travels, thou hast encountered a number of servants of the Guardian, is that not so?
246: Indeed.
247: Aye, and what of it?
248: Perhaps one of them might have a copy of the spell the Guardian used in Britannia!
249: I shall keep watch for one.
250: What good would that do us?
251: If I can find a copy of that spell and gain some understanding of it, I may be able to reverse the mystic processes that keep the gem's structure stable. If only I knew when it had been cast . . .


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Excuse me, %PCNAME, I want to hear what Lord British has to say!
7: What dost thou want of me, Avatar? Quick, start the ceremony, before we are overwhelmed!
8: Now that Lord British has agreed to act on our proposals, we have called off the strike.
9: What is it, Avatar?
10: 'Tis good to see thee, Avatar.
11: Yes? May I help thee?
12: What is it, Charles?
13: What hast occupied thee of late, @GS25?
14: What hast thou been doing for the past year?
15: I must leave thee now.
16: Will there be anything else?
17: No thank thee, Charles.
18: Yes, there is more I must ask of thee.
19: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
20: Whatever it is thou needest, Avatar, thou wilt have to go elsewhere for it.  We members of the 'Domestic Management' are on strike.
21: 'Domestic Management?'
22: On strike? 'Tis outrageous!
23: Aren't you taking this a bit far?
24: That is our new title. Nanna thought of it, and 'tis certainly an improvement over 'servants.' 'Servants' are only a step away from 'slaves,' after all.
25: But that is what thou art! A servant!
26: Methinks that thou art overreacting.
27: I see thy point.
28: The outrage is the way we have always allowed ourselves to be treated. We only ask for respect and equality.
29: The servants have always been respected!
30: That seems only fair.
31: This hardly seems like the best time for such measures!
32: If thou were treated as a second-class citizen, thou might not think so.
33: But why strike now, when cooperation is essential for survival?
34: What is that you want, exactly?
35: This uprising cannot be tolerated!
36: We are not trying to hinder anyone by going on strike, Avatar. We are trying to make a statement. Lord British will soon realize how much he relies on us, and how much he takes us for granted. Surely he will accede to our modest demands.
37: What are thy demands?
38: Lord British will never be blackmailed!
39: This is a perfect time to demonstrate how vital we to are the function of the castle. I am sure that Lord British will not hesitate to grant us the status we deserve.
40: I cannot agree. We must all work together in this crisis.
41: I hope he doth see matters that way.
42: We would like to be called 'Domestic Management,' rather than 'servants,' for one thing. We would like more say in how the affairs of this castle are run -- especially considering that we do so much of the work! In general, we wish to be afforded the status that we deserve.
43: That is ridiculous!
44: That sounds reasonable. I hope that thou doth resolve this soon with Lord British.
45: I find thy attitude insulting.
46: Unless thou wilt address me as 'Domestic Management,' I shall not speak with thee.
47: It seems we have little left to discuss.
48: 'Tis not blackmail, Avatar. 'Tis justice.
49: Thou art of course entitled to thine opinions, %PCNAME.
50: Charles splutters for a moment, obviously upset.
51: Avatar, given our situation, 'tis, 'tis hard enough already to keep the kitchen running smoothly!
52: What is the matter?
53: Charles, calm thyself and speak slowly!
54: Has something happened in the kitchen?
55: Charles closes his eyes, and appears to relax a bit.
56: It's that buffoon, Patterson!  Just now he upset an entire barrel of flour. The kitchen looks like a snowstorm! Can't we just keep the man out of the place?
57: Patterson is only trying to be helpful.
58: I'm sure that if thou asked nicely, he would stay out from underfoot.
59: We must all try to keep our tempers in this crisis.
60: Charles frowns.
61: The man would be more helpful were he locked in a broom closet!
62: Thou art no doubt correct, Avatar. If I see him in the kitchen again, I shall ask him.
63: Charles sighs.
64: I apologize for mine outburst, %PCNAME. But 'tis difficult to remain calm with that bumbler making a mess of things. I'm afraid I scolded him for the flour, but perhaps he has learned a lesson.
65: Avatar, we would have a chance of surviving this imprisonment, except for one thing.
66: What is that?
67: Water! There is food here to last for months, but unless we think of something soon, we shall all die of thirst within the week.
68: I hadn't thought of that.
69: Dost not the castle have a well?
70: Hast thou any ideas?
71: Soon it shall be a problem on all of our minds. We should make finding a source of water our highest priority!
72: Aye, it does, but this accursed gem that traps us has also cut off the well! There is no other source of water here that I can think of.
73: Nay, I have not been able to think of anything. If only magic would function properly here, Lord British could create all the water we need! But I understand that is impossible.
74: I have heard that thou hast found a river in another dimension. Avatar, thou hast done it! Thou hast found us a source of water!  Now we shall need someone to carry it to the castle. Hast thou talked with Dupre?
75: Yes.
76: No.
77: Good! Now thou canst turn thy attentions to getting us out of this black prison.
78: He hath been itching for something to do ever since the gem appeared. Methinks he is ideally suited for the job. Thou shouldst ask him if he wishes to accept the responsibility.
79: There have been three cases of food poisoning reported to me this morning! 'Tis most strange, since I fetched the food from the store-room myself. I know it was fresh.
80: Dost thou know the cause?
81: Perhaps thou shouldst check the food more carefully.
82: Dost thou think these cases suspicious?
83: Nay, these poisonings make no sense. Not knowing how long we may be trapped here, I have been extremely careful about preserving our food supply.
84: Do not tell me how to do my job, %PCNAME! I have taken the utmost care in maintaining our stock of food. I tell thee, the food was fresh when I brought it from the store-room.
85: Canst thou keep a secret, Avatar?
86: Yes.
87: No.
88: Well, %PCNAME, I think that Feridwyn may be the man behind the food poisonings, and perhaps more. I have no solid evidence... yet... but he makes me very nervous! Keep thine eyes on him.
89: Never mind, then.
90: We shall all mourn the loss of Lady Tory. She was a kindly woman, who often took time to talk with the servants.
91: 'Twas that unusual?
92: Didst thou hear how she died?
93: Hast thou any suspicions?
94: Most of the nobles here do not generally converse with the castle staff. 'Tis not out of malice, methinks, but simply because it doth not occur to them that we are capable of intelligent conversation! Lady Tory treated us the same as she did the Lords and Ladies, even Lord British.
95: Perhaps others have learned from her example.
96: Who would have killed her, do you think?
97: Aye, and from what I hear, 'twas a gruesome stabbing! Apparently the killer was an incompetent, and had to stab her many times before she died. It chills my blood to think upon the deed. Be careful, Avatar. The murderer is still at large.
98: Feridwyn is at the top of my list of suspects, Avatar. He is distant and arrogant, and often rude to me. I'd not have guessed he was the murdering type, but 'twould not surprise me greatly. I am not so certain that he has abandoned all ties with the treacherous Fellowship.
99: Not that I have noticed, I'm afraid. But we continue to look forward to the day when we are treated as equals in the castle.
100: To think, 'twas Patterson all along. I should have known he was the traitor.
101: He was driven to madness by the Guardian, the poor man.
102: Many of us now owe Feridwyn an apology.
103: Didst thou know Nelson well?
104: 'Tis no excuse, if thou doth ask me! The Guardian has been harassing all of us, but only Patterson succumbed.  He was a cowardly dolt, and much evil has come from his cowardice.
105: Thou dost not need to rub it in, Avatar. I made an error in judgement, I confess.  But I still do not trust Feridwyn! We have no assurances that he was not also involved.
106: No, I did not  Nelson always seemed to me an unfriendly man, who had time only for his studies. He never paid much attention to the servants. Don't misunderstand me -- I am shocked and dismayed by his death -- but we were not friends.
107: Look, Avatar, this may be important.
108: Avatar, look what I have found!
109: What is it, Charles?
110: I have no time for thee right now.
111: Have it thine own way, Avatar!
112: 'Tis a key! 'Twas in a locked chest in an old storeroom. It looks very old, perhaps from the days of Minax!
113: Thank thee, Charles, this a great discovery!
114: Whatever it opened is probably just junk now.
115: I hope it helps thee!
116: He looks disappointed.
117: Well, you might as well take it anyway.
118: 'Tis not so important, but did I mention what I found with the key? Some old document about a battle with a sorcerer, whose body was never found. It all crumbled when I tried to pick it up!
119: It hath been a quiet year here at the castle.  Bennie and Boots have retired from the staff, so more of the duties now fall to me. My sister Nell has married that... artist, Caroccio.  I'm not entirely sure I approve, but she is happy with him.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: I will speak with thee in a moment, Avatar. First, though, let us hear what Lord British counsels.
7: Quickly, Avatar, let us begin! Our guards cannot hold them for long!
8: Ah, Avatar! 'Tis good to have thee here in this crisis. But I must speak with thee at once, in private!
9: Good day, Avatar! What's on thy mind?
10: Yes, my friend?
11: What is it, @GS25?
12: What is on thy mind, friend @GS25?
13: What hast thou been doing since we trounced the Guardian a year ago?
14: Hast thou time to spar with me?
15: Pardon me, but I must be going.
16: What else have we to speak of?
17: Nothing right now -- I shall see thee later, my friend.
18: There is one thing more.
19: After we thwarted the Guardian last time, I resumed my survey of Britannia's taverns. I was at the Friendly Knave in Moonglow, trying out a new ale they have there, when I received the invitation to Lord British's festival. Of course I sailed for the castle at once -- my survey is hard work, and I thought this would be a fine vacation. %PCNAME, the Guardian shall owe me for every hour of revelry I am missing!
20: Of course! I could do with the practice, myself! I've been working on the mace and axe, these days.
21: Let us spar with the axe, then.
22: By all means, let us try our hands at the mace.
23: I have no need to work on those, at the moment.
24: Dupre is as accomplished a warrior as ever, and you learn much from him.
25: You spar a while with Dupre, but you seem to have reached a plateau in your axe skills.
26: Perhaps thou art having an off day, Avatar.
27: The mighty Dupre wields the mace with his customary ease -- he shows you a few new tricks.
28: It is not a good day for you with the mace, and you feel unimproved.
29: I seem to have the advantage of thee, today, %PCNAME.
30: Shall we go another round?
31: Yes, let us continue.
32: No, thank thee.
33: Dupre wasn't kidding about keeping up his swordsmanship! He shows you a few moves you've never even seen before.
34: Dupre's sword-hand moves to fast for you -- you can't pick up much from him.
35: I seem to have the advantage of thee, today, %PCNAME.
36: man
37: woman
38: Do not linger here, Avatar, but hurry to investigate! If we are to escape here at all, it must be done quickly.
39: Do not tell the others, %PCNAME, but I have made a horrible discovery!
40: What is it?
41: Is our situation not difficult enough?
42: Thou dost not know the worst.
43: Iolo and I walked down into the sewers, and a bit below -- a plague of monsters has erupted! I do not know where they are coming from, but the matter bears investigation!
44: I shall look into it at once!
45: Truly, I am loath to descend into the sewers.
46: Avatar, shame on thee! The men and women of the castle are depending on thee!
47: Take thou this key to the sewers, if thou shouldst recover the courage I admire thee for!
48: I was merely jesting, Dupre. I shall descend at once.
49: If I must.
50: Thou art a brave @SS1, %PCNAME. I admire thee, though I do not envy thy responsibilities here. Take thou then this key to the sewers!
51: I shall descend at once.
52: If I must.
53: I hear thou hast found a river!  Dost thou realize what this means? We have a water supply! Now perhaps Miranda will ease the rationing of alcohol.
54: Yes, 'tis good that we shall not now die of thirst!
55: That rationing must have been difficult for thee.
56: I have just now returned from the ice caverns, Avatar. Even after visiting there myself, I can scarcely believe this other world is real!
57: Didst thou think I was lying?
58: 'Tis indeed a marvel!
59: He laughs.
60: Nay, Avatar -- 'twould be folly to doubt THY word.
61: 'Tis indeed a shame, that should we destroy this gem, I shall never again have a chance to voyage between the worlds.
62: Someone, though, will still need to bring the water back from the ice caves, a dangerous task at best. Methinks I will volunteer!
63: Aye, %PCNAME, it hit me where I live!
64: Dupre chuckles and pats his belly.
65: I can think of no one better for such a vital task.
66: Who else, to provide the castle with drink?
67: Good luck to the both of us then, %PCNAME.
68: By the Serpent, Avatar! Standing around in this castle is driving me crazy!
69: Thou shouldst see Miranda -- perhaps there is some way thou couldst help out?
70: Thou shouldst try to relax.
71: I have done so, perhaps a dozen times already! I am no good at organizing supplies, or calming the mayor. If only she'd give me permission to venture through the gem, as thou dost . . .
72: Aye, thou'rt right -- 'tis fruitless, and I only upset the others. Oh, for a comfortable pub, and a drink!
73: Now that thou hast found a source of water, we are spared at least one grim fate!
74: Avatar, there has been foul murder here in the castle! 'Tis outrageous! 'Tis calamitous! 'Tis...
75: Yes, I have heard of the tragedy.
76: Surely you jest! Who has died?
77: Murder? Hast the killer been found?
78: Whoever the agent, I hold the Guardian responsible! Some day soon there must be reckoning with that red miscreant.
79: 'Twas the Lady Tory -- she was stabbed in her quarters!
80: Nay, the villain was most careful. 'Twas the Lady Tory who was killed -- I'll wager there's a spy in our midst who feared that Tory's empathy would ferret them out. Such a monstrous deed!
81: Lady Tory's murder will not go unavenged. You have my word on that, %PCNAME!
82: Two murders now, and a third dead as well. 'Tis a sad thing that such griefs should be visited upon the castle.
83: We should have suspected Patterson.
84: Wert thou good friends with Nelson?
85: At least now there shouldst be no more killings.
86: Who can say, of such things? I thought him merely a coward. And the result is, our debt of vengeance to the Guardian has grown again.
87: Nay, I hardly knew him at all. He seemed to me a likable fellow, but shy.  He spent most of his hours in the library. Always there was a book in his hand, and never a drink.
88: One would hope not. But if the Guardian had one pawn in our midst, can we be certain that there are no more?
89: That bloke Patterson, he certainly is a strange one.
90: Why dost thou say so?
91: I'd agree with that!
92: Does he seem suspicious to you?
93: I offered to share with him the last of my whiskey, just to cheer him up, and he refused! Canst thou imagine?
94: Suspicious? No, I'd not say that. Anxious is more like it. Patterson is a coward, and being trapped in here by the Guardian is just fuelling his cowardice.
95: My task of bringing water from the ice-caves is going extremely well.
96: Have the Yeti proved troublesome in thy efforts?
97: We are all grateful for the service.
98: They were an annoyance at first, but I have since taught them that 'tis safer to let me be! I have saved some of the pelts, if thou dost wish to see them later.
99: I am jealous of thee, %PCNAME! Thou dost get to explore new dimensions whilst I lug buckets of water back and forth. 'Tis mundane labor for a knight, but necessary. I am happy to do it.
100: I left some lifting equipment hidden in the ice-caves, and now all of it is missing! As if carrying all of that water isn't toil enough...
101: Dost thou know who stole it?
102: Perhaps the Yeti who live there have taken thy things.
103: Nay, I've no idea who the robber is...
104: There are no signs that Yeti were anywhere near the place where I kept the equipment...
105: I fear that the mysterious castle thief has been venturing into the other planes.
106: Look at thee... %PCNAME, the human bottle! After we have settled with the Guardian, we should fill thee with ale and keep thee locked in the pantry!
107: Ah, Dupre, 'tis good to see that thou hast not changed!
108: This is not the time for jokes, my friend.
109: Take care that the mud stays caked to thee. Should it start to flake, Nell with have thy hide for making a mess of her castle!
110: Ah, Avatar, 'tis the times of trouble when one's sense of humor is most valuable.
111: The Guardian has been harassing me in my sleep. 'Tis most annoying.
112: What does he say to thee?
113: Do not listen to his lies.
114: He hath made a variety of threats on my person, which of course are empty. Once he offered me a brewery of mine own, were I to betray thee and Lord British. Canst thou imagine? Only one brewery!
115: Surely thou wouldst not betray us for all the world's ale!
116: Methinks the Guardian doth not understand true loyalty.
117: 'Twas only a jest, Avatar. Of course not!
118: Ah, there I think thou hast found the Guardian's weakness. He is only served through fear, so his servants are those who lack true courage. Such a ruler can never hope for victory.
119: I will not. He offers me threats and bribes, but behind both I sense his deception. If thou dost ask me, he still smarts from our part in his previous defeat.
120: The sewers grow more and more dangerous with each trip I make. I have just now met with a pair of dread spiders -- and to think I thought them a myth!
121: Art thou all right?
122: Dost thou require an escort?
123: Aye, worry not! The dreads left our encounter shy a few legs, though!
124: Nay, nay, %PCNAME! I shall bear my own weight, as thou must bear thine!


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Abide a moment, Avatar. Let us both first hear the words of a wiser man than we.
7: Avatar, we are being forced back into the throne room! Please, if thou hast some magic to try, now is the time!
8: Ah, %PCNAME, 'tis good thou art here -- perhaps we shall fight back to back again, as in the time when thou sought to become the Avatar.
9: Avatar! I was just thinking of thee.
10: Ah, %PCNAME, kind of thee to drop in on me.
11: What is it, @GS25?
12: How hast thou been, @GS25?
13: How hast thou fared this past year?
14: I would fain spar with thee.
15: Pardon me, @GS25, I must be going.
16: May I help thee with anything else?
17: No, thank thee, Geoffrey.
18: Yes, there is something.
19: What is it, then?
20: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
21: I have lived here at the castle, serving Lord British as Captain of the Guard.  This past year has been a quiet one, so I have had very few vital tasks to perform. I confess that, in my spare time, I have become something of a philosopher. Exercising the mind, I have found, is every bit as tiring as exercising the body!
22: In a way, 'tis a relief to be in action again. To confront danger in the realm's defense, 'tis a strange sort of exhilaration, and I have not felt it for a long time.
23: I have heard that thou hast ventured into another world! Your discovery makes this blackrock prison seems less menacing.
24: Why is that?
25: I think so also.
26: I find it makes our situation darker.
27: Few things have a more profoundly negative effect on the spirit than hopeless confinement. Your discovery of this gem makes our plight seem not so hopeless.
28: Ah, but now we know our imprisonment is not complete.
29: A dagger is missing from the armoury, %PCNAME. Didst thou borrow it?
30: Nay, I did not.
31: Has someone stolen a dagger?
32: No. I wouldst have asked thee first, of course!
33: Well, someone has taken it. I have asked nearly everyone, and no one knows anything about it. 'Tis most strange.
34: 'Twould appear so. I had left it out on a bench to be sharpened -- 'twas a dull blade -- and returned with a whetstone to find it missing. I find the thought of a thief running about the castle to be most disturbing.
35: I know, Avatar. But I have asked everyone in the castle, and none can account for it.
36: Keep thine eyes open, Geoffrey.
37: Perhaps thou shouldst make an inventory of castle arms.
38: If I find out anything, I shall let thee know.
39: I shall do so, %PCNAME.
40: I appreciate thine aid, %PCNAME.
41: That Syria is certainly, well . . . she is a most extraordinary woman.
42: Has she been to see thee?
43: Why dost thou think so?
44: I cannot but agree.
45: She came to me seeking a training partner, but I am afraid I could be of little use to her.
46: Why not?
47: Indeed, she is an arrogant one.
48: Nay, thou'rt right, but 'twas not the reason!
49: There was simply nothing I could teach her! My fighting methods are fine for beating down a goblin's club, or hewing through some brigand's ring mail, but they cannot compare with her! In seconds, she had taken the blade from my hand, and dropped me flat on my back!
50: Next to her, I looked to be a rank beginner! I am handy with a sword, compared to any goblin or brigand in the land, but Syria . . . she is a master of the blade.
51: With the water thou hast found, we could withstand a siege for quite some time.
52: Dost thou think that is likely?
53: I hope it does not come to that!
54: Clearly the Guardian has trapped us here to keep our leadership from the rest of Britannia. If the war outside goes badly, we should expect the Guardian's armies to lay siege to this castle. The few of us here would not survive. We must find a way out of here before then!
55: I have heard the news about Lady Tory. We must all be doubly wary, Avatar, now that we know there is an enemy among us.
56: Aye, we should trust no one!
57: Dost thou suspect anyone, Geoffrey?
58: Thou shouldst keep a close watch on the armoury.
59: I didst not say that, %PCNAME.  We must exercise caution, but avoid falling prey to paranoia. 'Tis my philosophy that if we lose our heads, the rest of us will surely follow.
60: Nay, I do not. With no evidence, 'twould be dangerous and foolhardy to make accusations.
61: I think that the murder was done by whoever stole the blunted dagger from the armoury earlier. I have heard that the wounds on Lady Tory were inflicted with a dull-edged blade.
62: The murder was committed with a dagger stolen fron the armoury. Thou wouldst be wise to guard thine own possessions!
63: Thine efforts in collecting these gems are having a definite effect, %PCNAME.
64: Soon we shall be free of this accursed blackrock!
65: How canst thou tell?
66: I hope my progress is lifting morale here in the castle.
67: Surely it is!
68: We can hear the great gem weaken, creaking like the timbers of a ship in a storm.
69: I have heard that thou hast passed an examination on an alien world. Is this true?
70: Yes, 'tis so.
71: Aye, and 'twas a difficult test!
72: No, I have not.
73: Methinks that there is a parallel here... in my philosophy, smaller events are often symbols of larger ones. Perhaps, as thou hast passed this test, so thou art passing a greater test of courage whereby thou wilt defeat the Guardian!
74: Thy insight is most appreciated.
75: That is a stretch, my friend.
76: I thank thee, Avatar. My thoughts are always at thy disposal.
77: Perhaps 'tis true. I do have a tendency to apply my philosophies to everything.
78: Oh. I guess the rumor was false.
79: 'Tis always an honor to train the Avatar, %PCNAME. What wouldst thou care to learn?
80: Excellent! What shall we work on now?
81: Will thou teach me to fight more agressively?
82: Couldst thou teach me to better protect myself from foes?
83: Nothing today, thank thee.
84: Pay close attention, Avatar.
85: Geoffrey is an excellent teacher, reacquainting you with old techniques and helping you develop new ones as well.
86: Geoffrey's advanced lessons do not seem to be helping you.
87: Thou dost need to practice what thou hast already learned, Avatar.
88: Come, let us spar.
89: Geoffrey teaches you how to better defend yourself against a variety of weapons.
90: Geoffrey's advanced lessons do not seem to be helping you.
91: Thou dost need to practice what thou hast already learned, Avatar.
92: Shall we go another round?
93: Yes, let us continue.
94: No, thank thee.

### IOLO

1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, @GS25, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Just a moment, Avatar. 'Twere best we let Lord British speak first.
7: Now is the time, %PCNAME!
8: I am glad to see my old companion again, now that we are in this fix.
9: 'Tis good to speak with thee again.
10: Yes, my friend?
11: What is it, @GS25?
12: What news, @GS25?
13: What of thy year since we smashed the Black Gate?
14: Iolo, wouldst thou train me?
15: If you'll excuse me, Iolo, I must return to my work.
16: Now, is there aught else thou wouldst speak to me about?
17: Nay. Goodbye for now.
18: Yes, my friend.
19: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
20: 'Twas most relaxing, %PCNAME. I spent much of my time at Iolo's South -- business is booming! If I did not miss Gwenno so much, it would have been most enjoyable.
21: Hast thou any news of Gwenno?
22: Well, at least thou hast a great deal of money.
23: None at all, I'm afraid, since she left on her voyage of exploration. Why did she not ask me to go along? 'Tis most disheartening.
24: He sighs.
25: My friend, I find such things are little consolation.
26: Of course! 'Tis always a pleasure to work with thee, my friend. I can teach thee missile weapons. I have also noticed that I am a much better swimmer than thee. Or perhaps thou wouldst like some skill in appraising craftsmanship?
27: I would fain improve my marksmanship.
28: Aye, thou art right. Teach me to swim.
29: I would like to learn to judge an item's quality.
30: I shall return when I have the time.
31: Iolo is indeed a master of missile combat -- you learn much from him.
32: Somehow, you are unable to hit the mark.
33: Thy concentration seems a bit off today, %PCNAME.
34: With a minimum of patronizing, Iolo gives you some tips on swimming.
35: Iolo attempts to demonstrate some new strokes, but succeeds only in looking silly.
36: Iolo gives you a few lessons on how to spot good workmanship.
37: Iolo explains some of the fine points of wood and metal-working, but it doesn't sink in.
38: Wouldst thou like to continue, or stop for the moment?
39: By all means, let us continue.
40: Let us call it a day.
41: There is little to say, my friend. 'Tis a fine mess we are in this time, is it not?
42: Thou art right, Iolo, I see little hope for us.
43: Doubtless we shall pull through, friend. When have we failed before?
44: Iolo lowers his voice.
45: Thou shouldst not be so gloomy, %PCNAME. 'Tis true the situation is grim, but remember! The others look to thee to keep their spirits up.
46: He raises his voice again, so that others can hear him.
47: 'Tis true, my friend! We may be thankful for this prison, inasmuch as we are safe on the inside, while the rest are trapped outside with Chuckles the Jester!
48: He drops his voice to a whisper again.
49: But really, Avatar, the situation is darker than most here suspect.
50: What meanest thou?
51: Don't tell me! I don't want to hear it!
52: Courage, Avatar!
53: Dupre and I took a look down in the sewers when the gem first came up -- 'tis crawling with monstrous vermin! The sewers were never safe, but now they are horrific! I believe he has the key, shouldst thou care to take a look for thyself.
54: Hast thou seen the monsters in the sewer yet?
55: Aye.
56: Nay.
57: I'd swear they are getting worse! We can only hope that someone does not discover them and start a panic!
58: I hear thou didst journey from the basement to another world. Dost thou think, perhaps, that that world might have its own Virtues, its own Avatar?
59: 'Tis possible, Iolo -- I did not think to ask.
60: Bishop was its defender, but he seemed more concerned with victory than Virtue.
61: Hmmm... methinks we ought not lose sight of either in our struggle.
62: More worlds! Avatar, thou art a very cosmopolitan of the cosmos! If this keeps up, thou shalt soon leave Britannia and thy native Earth behind, in favor of some more felicitous reality!
63: I would not abandon my new home so quickly!
64: I would be a fool to do so, as the Guardian would surely pursue me where'er I went.
65: The Guardian's influence has touched all the worlds within our reach, Iolo. There is no place we can run.
66: Thou'rt right, my friend, though there are some fools within the castle who say we might do best to run for it. I shall quiet them with this advice.
67: Rightly spoken! This shall silence those in the castle who doubt thee!
68: Avatar, I know not what to say... Nelson was such a gentle man. I am glad, though, that thou wert not gentle in avenging him.
69: I am sorry about Patterson, but 'twas the only way.
70: Indeed -- Patterson died like the traitor he was!
71: I regret my actions -- Patterson was not evil, only frightened for his life.
72: I agree -- there is a time for compassion and humility, but here thou didst rightly choose Honor and Justice.
73: So saith Honor and Justice, perhaps. But though Virtue often leads one into battle, an Avatar must never lose sight of Compassion and Humility.
74: Perhaps thou'rt right, Avatar, but I believe thou didst right in upholding the Virtues of Valor, Honor, and Justice.
75: Avatar! I have had the strangest dream!
76: Tell me of it.
77: I have not time for thy nocturnal fantasies, Iolo.
78: No, really...
79: The Guardian spoke to me of my wife Gwenno -- he showed me a picture of her in a frozen wasteland -- he said she was in danger, and that he could help her, if I cooperated against you.
80: And what did you reply?
81: Did you learn anything?
82: Nay, only what I have told thee.
83: What was thy reply?
84: No doubt 'twas one of the Guardian's lies.
85: %PCNAME, thou dost insult me! I would never betray thee, not even for Gwenno's sake, for I know she would rather die than see me dishonored!
86: We can only hope, Avatar...
87: 'Twas a narrow escape for Mayor Patterson, this morning!
88: What happened?
89: Did Julia finally behead him for his incompetence?
90: I was searching for an underground storeroom, when I heard his cries. He had been set upon by an enormous spider, which for some ungodly reason had crawled up from the depths. What on earth had the fellow been doing down there, I wonder?
91: I cannot believe it -- Tory, struck down in the very midst of the castle! I can't believe one of us would do such a thing.
92: Frightened people are easy to manipulate, Iolo. One of us could have turned traitor.
93: What else could it be?
94: 'Tis impossible! How could they walk among us as a friend, after doing such a deed. No, 'twas something crept up from the caverns, I am sure of it!
95: One of these creatures from your other worlds, Avatar! Surely the Guardian has many allies on those planes.
96: Thou'rt right -- he has many agents on the other worlds.
97: I still suspect one of us. Be on thy guard.
98: I shall, but I still cannot believe it's one of our own.
99: Thou art rarely in the castle these days, Avatar. Thy affairs in other worlds are keeping thee very busy!
100: Indeed! What news of the castle?
101: I rely on thee to keep an eye on things while I am gone, Iolo.
102: There is little to say. None of us have slept easy since Tory's death, and the monsters are growing worse.
103: I am working as fast as I can. Meanwhile, you must keep up morale in the castle.
104: Thou dost remind me of the urgency of the situation! I must be off.
105: Godspeed, Avatar!
106: I will do whatever is in my power, %PCNAME. Still, between me and thee, Avatar, I worry -- what dangers may lie beyond the holes in that gem? What if the gem opened onto an ocean floor, or a world full of poisonous gases?
107: Remember thine own counsel, Iolo, and do not mention such ideas to the others.
108: If such a thing happens, than we shall face it. If not, 'tis best to worry about the dangers we do know.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Julia, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Shhh! I want to hear what Lord British has to say!
7: Patterson was the one, but I still think that Feridwyn is a suspicious. What does he do all day, by himself in that room...?
8: Do it, Avatar, come on!
9: I had heard thou wert about, old friend.
10: Avatar, I've been looking all over for thee!
11: What can I do for thee, %PCNAME?
12: Please, explain exactly what thou dost mean.
13: What is on thy mind, Julia?
14: Tell me of thy year in Britannia.
15: I have need of thy prowess as an artisan.
16: I would speak to thee of thy experiences here in the castle.
17: Excuse me, Julia, I must go.
18: If there is nothing more, %PCNAME, I must go now.
19: I shall speak to thee later, then.
20: Wait, Julia, there is more we must speak of.
21: What wouldst thou like to talk about, then?
22: Well, there was the time I got so angry with Mayor Patterson, when he broke those arrows I gave him to fix.
23: I still think Feridwyn is a killer. I wouldn't go near the man, if I were you. And why else would he spend all his time by himself?
24: I can't remember anything else important.
25: After travelling across Britannia and back with thee, well, I just couldn't go back to that "rustic village tinker" act I'd been doing the past few years. So since then I've been walking through Northern Britannia, watching the Reconstruction happen.
26: Sometimes I wish Patterson weren't quite so eager to help out!
27: This will not stand, I swear it!
28: I'm trying to teach him to repair weapons, but it's just useless! This morning (if you can call it morning in this godforsaken darkness) he ruined a whole batch of arrows!
29: Patience, Julia. He is trying.
30: Perhaps he should try his skills elsewhere.
31: 'Tis a mystery to me that he was elected Mayor of Britain, even with all the Guardian's sorcery on his side!
32: Perhaps he should go swimming with the lurkers!
33: Avatar, if you don't find out who the traitor is, I will! I swear to you, it's that cold bastard Feridwyn. If he gives me one excuse, I'll cut his throat!
34: I shall speak with him right away.
35: Should we not wait before throwing around such accusations?
36: Yes, see that thou dost!
37: She sighs.
38: Sometimes, Avatar, thy good nature becomes tiresome!
39: Between me and thee, I am glad thou art here, %PCNAME. We've worked together, fought side by side -- I know I can count on thee!
40: Surely thou wouldst not question the others' loyalty, Julia!
41: 'Tis good to work with thee again, too, Julia.
42: Nay, but there are some here, like Iolo and Dupre, who I can rely upon. People like Feridwyn, Syria, I know not of!
43: We must be careful of the others. Feridwyn, for instance, and Syria -- who are they? They happened to come to the festival, but how can we know they are reliable?
44: I agree, Julia. The Companions must stick together.
45: Of course they are reliable! Are you suggesting one of them might side with the Guardian?
46: I know they are our friends, but who can tell what people will do when threatened with death?
47: %PCNAME, I heard thou hast journeyed to another world! How I wish I could go with thee, but Miranda says 'tis best we remain in the castle for now.
48: She's right -- unless we remain together and organized, we have little hope of survival.
49: Perhaps thou shouldst be allowed to explore a bit.
50: Perhaps I shall! I do long for my old adventuring days, as when we faced the Stygian Abyss together.
51: She laughs.
52: 'Twas most discourteous of thee to return without me!
53: She sighs.
54: I suppose thou'rt right.
55: Avatar, thou dost not know what it is like to spend thy nights here. This castle is becoming like some haunted tomb!
56: Cheer up, Julia. There may yet be aid waiting for us on other planes.
57: Hast thou found any clues to real danger?
58: I will try to share thine optimism, %PCNAME.
59: Some nights, lying awake I can hear footsteps walking through the secret passage. Somebody in here can't sleep, and it's no wonder.
60: Thank the Serpent thou didst find the ice caves. Dupre says we'll have all the water we need, soon.
61: Sorry, %PCNAME...it's just I'm so distracted.
62: What's the matter, Julia?
63: Thou shouldst keep thy mind on our safety!
64: The Guardian won't even leave my thoughts alone! He keeps nagging at me! We're never giving up, do you hear me Guardian? %PCNAME's getting us out of here!
65: A booming laugh resounds throughout the chamber.
66: Just you wait!
67: That's easy for you to say! You don't have to sit here in the castle, polishing armor, waiting for god-knows-what to come boiling up out of the sewers! At least you get to do something!
68: I was just thinking about Patterson. For a while, I actually felt sorry for the man. I mean, he seemed so unhinged, near the end... I don't envy your job, not at all.
69: I think the spell really is weakening -- at night I hear the gem creak and groan, as if it were being strained somehow.
70: To be certain, Avatar! What shall I instruct thee in today?
71: I should like to learn about disarming traps.
72: Teach me to pick locks!
73: I wish to learn about mending items.
74: Nothing, thanks -- I need no training.
75: Julia explains some basic principles of trap and trigger systems.
76: Julia tries to explain how traps work, but the knowledge doesn't penetrate.
77: Let us try again later, when thou hast worked on a few real traps.
78: Art thou not straying a little way from the straight and narrow, Avatar? But no matter, I shall teach thee what I know.
79: She briefly tutors thee on lockpicking.
80: Julia's complex explanations are lost on you.
81: Thou shouldst try opening a few real locks, and then let us talk again.
82: Julia teaches you a bit more about craftsmanship.
83: She tries to explain about how weapons are repaired, but you cannot quite follow.
84: We will try again later, when thou hast more experience in these matters.
85: Wouldst like to learn more?
86: Yes, please teach me more!
87: No, thank thee.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Miranda, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: sir
7: ma'am
8: I will speak with thee in a moment, Avatar. Let us both first consult with Lord British.
9: All is in readiness, Avatar. Give the word, and Nystul will begin the incantation.
10: Killorn Keep
11: the Guardian's keep
12: Avatar, is it true thou didst say that in @SS11 they live peacefully under the Guardian?
13: Aye, and 'tis true!
14: Nay, I never said that.
15: Well, I would ask thee not to praise the Guardian so generously, in the future. 'Tis hard enough as it is keep our people from being tempted by the Guardian's offer.
16: I don't know where such rumors start, then! I am worried about our morale.
17: Hello, Avatar.
18: Avatar! Good, I have been expecting thee.
19: Good to see thee again, %PCNAME.
20: You recount for Miranda your latest experiences, and she records them carefully, to distribute to other members of the castle.
21: She seems surprised to see you again so soon.
22: And what of the horn of Praecor Loth? Dost thou have it?
23: Aye.
24: That is good. I'm sure it is very important.
25: Nay.
26: Perhaps thou shouldst find it.  I'm sure it is very important.
27: What is the situation in the castle?
28: What is the current situation in the castle?
29: What hast thou been doing since I last visited Britain?
30: Miranda, canst thou tell me where the Guardian's lines of power have been cut?
31: Excuse me, Miranda, I must go.
32: Is there aught else thou wishest to know?
33: Not right now, thank thee.
34: Yes, there is.
35: What wouldst thou like to know?
36: If thou hast not made a point of visiting Charles, please do so. He seemed most pleased about something!
37: And do not forget -- Nystul wishes thee to be watchful for something which might tell us more about the casting of this spell on our castle.
38: Farewell, then. Do be careful!
39: Be sure and let me know if thou dost learn anything new.
40: Good luck to thee!
41: Do not neglect to keep me informed, Avatar -- the others depend on me for news!
42: Remember to visit me often, %PCNAME -- I may have news!
43: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
44: Well, Lord British put me in charge of Britannia's environmental problems, starting with Lock Lake, and I've started an organization of women who want a larger role in Britannian society. But who knows if all that will matter now?
45: Avatar! 'Tis good to see thee!
46: Well, I'm setting up our "War Room" in the Great Hall, where I'll keep track of all the events related to our battle against the Guardian. Make sure to come to me often to get the latest news, and inform me of thy progress.
47: I shall.
48: Nay, I prefer to work on my own.
49: Please, Avatar -- we need to know everything you discover, and thou wilt need to know what progress others in the castle have made.
50: Which reminds me! Both Nystul and Nelson asked me to send thee to see them.
51: Nystul said he had some advice for thee.
52: I will go see him.
53: More magical gibberish, I expect.
54: Avatar! Next to thee, Nystul is our greatest asset in this fight!
55: The others are quite anxious to hear of thy progress!
56: Oh, and Mayor Patterson was looking for thee -- he seemed quite anxious to speak with thee.
57: Avatar, thy news is extraordinary! Perhaps this other world might hold the key to our escape.
58: Perhaps. Yet this other world did not strike me as more hospitable than our own.
59: Perhaps -- or perhaps still more worlds might open to us.
60: It must have been a gloomy place, indeed!
61: I am sure Nystul would be well able to advise thee in this.
62: The castle has been quiet recently, save for the servants, who have become increasingly rude and irritable.
63: Perhaps I should speak to them myself.
64: 'Tis a difficult time for all of us!
65: Indeed, and yet it behooves all of us to work together, and not complain over trivialities, as Nanna has been doing!
66: I am sure they would listen to you, Avatar. Thou shouldst speak to Nanna first.
67: Oh! And if thou hast not already done so, thou shouldst take that gem thou didst find to Nystul -- 'tis an intriguing artifact, and I am sure he would be fascinated to take a look at it.
68: To be frank, Avatar, I am most concerned about our water supply! Even if we shut off the fountain in the courtyard, we are still going to have to conserve as much as possible.
69: How are the castle personnel doing?
70: What else has been happening?
71: Our people are doing all right, so far.
72: Come to think of it, Feridwyn seems to have something on his mind, and Sir Dupre has been so restless lately! He is always drawing his sword and sheathing it again!  Perhaps thou couldst find some way for him to help thee.
73: Well, it seems Nystul had something to say to thee, and Patterson has seemed rather anxious lately -- thou shouldst talk to him.
74: A guard appears.
75: Er...Lady Miranda?\m
76: Yes? What is it, Jenner? I am having an important discussion with the Avatar!\m
77: I hardly know how to say this... but Lady Tory...\m
78: Yes? Out with it!\m
79: Julia just found her, @GS105. I...she's been killed.\m
80: How did this happen?
81: Who is responsible for this?
82: Er, it seems she was stabbed, @GS105. In her room.\m
83: I don't know, @GS105. No one knows anything.\m
84: %PCNAME, thou hadst better go at once and investigate this. I shall inform the others.
85: I have told the others the news, Avatar. I don't believe there is anything we can do at the moment. Clearly though, someone has struck at the only one among us who might have detected a traitor.
86: %PCNAME, thou shouldst go see Nelson at once!
87: Why? What is the matter?
88: I am too busy!
89: Please, Avatar, this is extremely important to him!
90: He has been pacing through the castle like a madman, muttering aloud! I think he is on the verge of a discovery that might change the entire situation!
91: I shall see him at once.
92: Surely this can wait!
93: Avatar, thou must cooperate with the others in the castle, or we shall never get out of here!
94: Please do!
95: Miranda speaks in a dazed monotone.
96: I am sorry. At least thou hast avenged our betrayal -- I am certain we need fear no more traitors in THIS castle. I pity him, that is all.
97: Yes -- I have been looking everywhere for thee! Nystul is in a hysterical state -- he says thou must see him at once!
98: At night I hear the black jewel creak and groan, as if under great strain -- I feel thine efforts are having some strong effect.
99: Thou shouldst see Nystul at once about thine encounter with Mors Gotha -- I am sure he will be most interested.
100: 'Tis quite a story thou hast told, Avatar. Perhaps thou shouldst share it with Nystul -- he may have heard of this "Praecor Loth."
101: Just now I heard a great commotion over at the servants' quarters -- it seems Charles has made some sort of discovery in the storerooms -- he is most proud of himself!
102: Avatar, thou hast done much on our behalf, but it may not be enough!
103: Why not?
104: I feel confident I shall soon succeed in freeing us.
105: The gem is certainly weakening, but Nystul tells me we have not quite obtained the power necessary to destroy it! And meanwhile, I have been having terrible dreams! If Lord Draxinusom is not victorious, we may emerge to find the Guardian's troops on our doorstep!
106: The Ethereal Void.
107: The Pits of Carnage.
108: The Tomb of Praecor Loth.
109: The Scintillus Academy Final Exam.
110: Talorus.
111: Ice Caverns.
112: Killorn Keep.
113: The Prison Tower.
114: The Guardian can no longer draw power from these places:
115: @SS1SI10\n
116: Why, 'tis all the known planes of reality!
117: The Guardian can no longer draw power from @SS1C1.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Nanna, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Is it true thou canst shatter the gem, Avatar?
7: Aye, and I shall in a moment.
8: I am not sure, but Nystul and I shall try.
9: 'Tis a miracle!
10: Please, try what thou canst! If the Guardian's soldiers are not stopped soon, all shall be lost!
11: In a minute, in a minute! We must go hear what Lord British is saying!
12: Please, %PCNAME, the soldiers are almost upon us. Begin the ceremony!
13: %PCNAME, I have heard of Lord British's decision regarding the domestic management. Thou hast struck a mighty blow for the working people of Britannia!
14: What is it, Avatar?
15: YES?
16: How may I help thee, Avatar?
17: What can I do for thee?
18: What may I do for thee, Nanna?
19: What hast occupied thee of late, Nanna?
20: What hast thou been doing for the past year?
21: Excuse me, Nanna, I must return to my work.
22: Will that be all, %PCNAME?
23: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
24: Nay, there is more I must ask of thee.
25: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
26: Avatar, I must speak to thee at once!
27: Lord British's behavior is becoming more and more offensive! "Servants, take an inventory"! No "please," no "thank you," no mention of "far-famed organizational powers!" I wonder what he thinks he would do without us!
28: I am sure Lord British holds the servants in great esteem.
29: Look, Nanna, in this time of crisis we must all pull together.
30: Hmf!
31: Pull together? I spend all day searching the storerooms, shooing away rats, while he sits on his throne looking noble, staring into the middle distance! I suppose that's what you call pulling together!
32: Avatar, what do heroes such as thee DO all day?
33: Well, we slay monsters and solve puzzles.
34: We explore unknown territory.
35: We save the lives of people like thee.
36: Today I counted, inspected, and stored 73 separate items of food, chased 2 giant rats out of the cellars with just a broom, served two meals to the entire castle, and kept Patterson out of trouble the entire day, mostly. I suppose they'll never name an island after me, though.
37: She sighs.
38: Oh. Well, I suppose thou'rt doing thy part, at any rate.
39: She turns and walks off, lost in thought.
40: We are on strike, Avatar. There is nothing I can do for thee.
41: Fine. Goodbye.
42: Thou art being ridiculous! Cease this foolishness at once!
43: I have spoken to Lord British, but he is . . . thinking.
44: Wait! I have reconsidered what thou hast said.
45: Then I suppose we lowly servants (and that includes thee, Avatar, in case thou wert not aware of it) must await his decision! Until then, the strike continues!
46: If thou hast nothing new to say, then neither have I.
47: Hast thou?  Wilt thou take our demands to Lord British?
48: Yes. The serv... the Domestic Management deserves to be heard.
49: Nay, I shall not.
50: Excellent! If Lord British will grant our requests, I shall call off the strike.
51: Then we have little more to discuss.
52: Thine efforts on our behalf have opened the door to real social change in Britannia!
53: I find it insulting that we 'servants' are treated with so little respect. Lord British has become accustomed to ordering us about like animals!
54: I think that thou dost overstate the case.
55: Oh, stop thy complaining.
56: What wouldst thou have Lord British do?
57: Thou art just like the rest of the nobility! Thou hast no idea what 'tis like to be a member of the working classes. We enjoy none of the privileges and benefits afforded to those of noble rank. And in the past year, the situation has worsened, both in the castle and in Britannia at large.
58: What privileges dost thou desire?
59: Thou shouldst spend less time worrying about such things.
60: Thou might be surprised, Avatar, at how quickly things here would degenerate without the castle 'servants.' Given what we do, we deserve social equality!
61: How dost thou define 'equality?'
62: What exactly dost thou want, then?
63: First off, we should not be called 'servants.' 'Tis a demeaning term, and overused here in the castle.  We should be given the title of 'Domestic Management.'
64: Surely thou art kidding!
65: That seems reasonable.
66: And why should I be kidding?
67: Aren't we all 'servants,' in truth?  Lord British himself hath taken an oath to serve the people of Britannia -- should we not call him a 'servant,' then? The word implies that we are not entitled to basic human dignity! It should be discarded.
68: That is a fair argument.
69: Is that all thou dost want?
70: That seemeth a bit silly, Nanna.
71: 'Tis not silly, and 'tis not all.
72: More importantly, we desire a voice in the decisions that affect life here in the castle. We toil here every day, working just as hard as the nobles, if not harder. And yet we are never consulted on issues of day-to-day management. 'Tis like we are but children here!
73: 'Tis not possible for everyone to have a say in everything.
74: Your arguments are persuasive, Nanna.
75: Is there something I can do to help thee?
76: Is it not? In an environment such as this, methinks it is not just possible, but a moral imperative!
77: Avatar, wouldst thou take our grievances to Lord British? Thou art one of his most trusted friends, and he wouldst take thee seriously.  We only ask for a leveling of the unfair class structure that is so exemplified by life in the castle. Wilt thou do it?
78: I am afraid I must refuse. Thou art asking too much.
79: I sympathize with thee, but I think thou hast chosen a bad time to approach Lord British.
80: I would be happy to talk with him on thy behalf.
81: Nanna draws a deep breath.
82: We shall soon see what is too much!  As of this moment, I declare the Domestic Management of Castle British to be on strike!
83: I am sorry thou dost feel that way. Although I regret what we must do, I feel in my deepest heart that 'tis necessary. I hereby declare the Domestic Management of Castle British to be on strike!
84: I knew that thou wouldst understand our situation, %PCNAME. Thou art truly a champion of the working class!
85: Patterson was fetching supplies for me, and spilled a whole bushel of apples down the stairs. Nearly half of them are badly bruised. What are we going to do with him?
86: Be patient with him, Nanna. He is only trying to help.
87: Perhaps thou shouldst suggest that he provide help elsewhere.
88: Patterson should be locked away!
89: He did volunteer for the job, so perhaps I'd best not complain. But usually he tries too hard to be helpful, and makes a nuisance of himself instead.
90: I'm not sure I'd wish his 'help' on anyone else!
91: For all his experience as mayor, he is quite useless for more practical tasks. A typical specimen of the ruling class!
92: I'd not be so extreme as that, Avatar. But we would be better off if he'd simply stay out of the way.
93: Grrrr . . . that Lord British! Could he be more condescending!?!
94: The Guardian has been attempting to sway my loyalties away from thee and Lord British!
95: What hath been the nature of his persuasions?
96: Thou must fight against his influences!
97: Oh, do not worry. There is no danger of him convincing me.
98: He hath promised me a world where the workers have equal representation in all levels of government, if only I wouldst be loyal to him.
99: I wouldst think that thou might find that tempting.
100: 'Tis but a lie. The Guardian would surely make thee a slave.
101: The Guardian seeks to lure us each with our own desires.
102: He hath misjudged what I desire, then.
103: I have no intention of giving into that red scoundrel.
104: My true desire is to see Britannia's social order change, but from within, and willingly. I do not simply want equality and an end to class structure. I wish that all people, nobles and peasants alike, should first understand the need for that change, and then strive themselves to achieve it.
105: Avatar, hast thou heard the horrible news? Lady Tory has been murdered!
106: Yes, I have heard.
107: Lady Tory murdered?  No, I didst not know!
108: Nanna's face is wet with tears.
109: How could something like that happen here? And to Lady Tory, who was such a kindly woman. 'Tis not fair that such a thing should happen! Not fair!
110: Nanna, thou must calm thyself!
111: 'Tis indeed a terrible loss.
112: Hast thou heard who might have comitted the crime?
113: She was stabbed in her room, stabbed several times!
114: Nanna tries to control her weeping.
115: I am sorry, Avatar. I know I should be strong, but 'twas such a frightful scene. I saw her body with mine own eyes. There was so much, so much blood...
116: She turns away from you, sobbing.
117: Oh, it is, it is!
118: Nanna turns from you, sobbing.
119: No, I have heard nothing. Now we are trapped here in the castle with a killer! What shall we do, %PCNAME? What shall we do?
120: Nanna begins to weep uncontrollably, and turns away from you.
121: Avatar, many of us have heard strange noises coming from the gem. Nystul says that it is weakening, thanks to thine efforts. Is this true?
122: Yes; as I collect the small gems, the great gem falters.
123: If Nystul says so, then 'tis probably true.
124: I know not.
125: Such things are beyond me, I'm afraid. But Nystul's words are encouraging, even if I do not understand them all.
126: %PCNAME, thou art caked in mud! Is it necessary for thee to tromp about the castle like that?
127: I am sorry, but 'tis indeed necessary.
128: The mud allows me to contain an elemental within myself.
129: No, but I enjoy being filthy.
130: Just you mind where thou dost sit, Avatar. This is a castle, not a pig-pen.
131: An ele-what?  Nay, do not bother to explain. I wouldst probably not understand. Just try thy best not to make the castle as dirty as thyself.
132: Avatar, thou dost have a strange sense of humor.
133: So it has come to this, has it? We are killing our own! I care not who the traitor was -- I know only that two more of us are dead, and I know not why!
134: Oh, not much. I have retained my position as head of the Royal Nursery, keeping watch over the little ones of the castle. Boots came back last week and took the children on a field trip to Paws -- I do hope they are all right!

### NELL

1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Nell, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Avatar, thou shouldst hurry to the throne room. We must decide what on earth we're going to do!
7: They're coming, Avatar. Whatever thou hast to do, do it now, Avatar!
8: I have heard that Lord British has granted our requests! We owe thee many thanks for helping us.
9: Oh Avatar -- I am so glad thou art here with us. Er, I mean, not for thy sake, you understand, but it gives me hope.
10: How may I help thee, Avatar?
11: Yes? May I help thee?
12: What hast occupied thee of late, Nell?
13: What hast thou been doing for the past year?
14: Canst thou think of anything which might tell us more about our situation?
15: Please excuse me, Nell, I am in a hurry.
16: Will that be all, %PCNAME?
17: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
18: Nay, there is more I must ask of thee.
19: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
20: Hello, %PCNAME. I must warn thee that the Domestic Management is still on strike!
21: Could this not have waited for a better time?
22: The very notion of a strike in the castle is preposterous!
23: Thou art truly serious about this, art thou not?
24: If time is important, then Lord British should grant us our requests without delay! All we ask for is fairness.
25: This is no longer funny, Nell.
26: What wouldst thou have Lord British do?
27: I have no time to deal with this nonsense.
28: Given our lack of influence here, a strike is our only option.
29: We are very serious, Avatar. The unfair class division in the castle has for too long been taken for granted. If we succeed here in changing the attitude of the nobility toward the working class, perhaps others elsewhere will take notice. Like Nanna says, this new way of thinking is a spectre haunting Britannia!
30: Aren't thou getting carried away with all of this?
31: I am impressed with thine eloquence.
32: A spectre? Where? I shall slay it!
33: %PCNAME, I come from a long line of 'servants.' I have always been happy having taken up my family's profession, but in this past year I have I have come to realize that we are not treated with nearly the respect we dost deserve. I have listened often to Nanna, and I agree with her views. We have no choice but to strike.
34: 'Twas never funny, %PCNAME. We do not enjoy being on strike. We do it because we must.
35: Thou hast probably already spoken of this with Nanna. It is not so important to me that we be called 'Domestic Management,' but I agree that we should have more control over the way this castle is run. Until that happens, we shall continue to strike.
36: 'Tis a metaphor, Avatar.
37: I am glad thou art here with us, Avatar. If there is a way to escape this... this gem, I am sure thou wilt find it. But I worry so about my darling Caroccio, outside with our son. Shouldst anything happen to them, I would perish with grief.
38: The gem that surrounds the castle has been making the most terrifying noises! If it should crack, dost thou think we would be injured?
39: Methinks we would be safe here on the inside.
40: Since Nystul has not raised such a concern, I wouldst say no.
41: I hope not!
42: They scare me nearly as much as the chanting I heard before. Oh! The chanting! Did I forget to tell thee?
43: Nay, thou didst tell me.
44: Good! I hope it helps thee.
45: What chanting?
46: You have indeed forgotten! What exactly didst thou hear?
47: I have told thee the only thing I can think of -- that strange voice, a man's voice, chanting in some awful language in the throne room. 'Twas perhaps four in the morning.
48: Thou hast asked me that enough times, Avatar! I tell thee, all I know of is the chanting in the throne room, that morning at perhaps the fourth bell!
49: Truly, Avatar, thou dost seem to obsess on this subject. Ask someone else, can't thou?
50: 'Twas the night before this hideous gem formed around us.  At four o'clock in the morning I was awakened by a voice in the throne room. I was too scared to investigate, but it sounded like someone chanting in a very low voice. I was going to tell thee, but then the gem appeared, and that awful Guardian spoke to us, and I forgot all about it until now.
51: I swear someone in the castle is hoarding food! Seven whole loaves of bread disappeared last night!
52: Thou shouldst put a lock on the store-room door.
53: Dost thou have any idea about who has taken them?
54: Are we in danger of running out of food?
55: 'Twould be a shame if it has come to that. Can we not even trust each other in this crisis?
56: 'Tis hard to imagine that any of us would steal food, Avatar.
57: No, we have food enough to last for many months. That only makes it stranger that someone would be stealing from the store-room.
58: I have heard of Lady Tory's death. I wouldst prefer not to talk about it.
59: As you wish.
60: Hast thou heard any details of the crime?
61: I heard it was... that she was... oh, %PCNAME, 'tis such a horrible crime!  Lady Tory was a friend to everyone, and now she is... she is...
62: Nell bursts into tears.
63: Nell looks at you sadly.
64: %PCNAME, 'tis a cruel irony that the two most gentle people in the castle should be Patterson's two victims.
65: They are more the Guardian's victims than Patterson's.
66: At least they will be the last.
67: How art thou taking the deaths?
68: 'Tis not much of a comfort, Avatar.
69: Art thou sure? If we do not escape from the castle soon, I fear we shall all end up dead!
70: When Lady Tory was killed I was extremely distressed, but Nelson's slaying has turned my grief to anger. I wish there was more we could do against this Guardian.
71: This last year was wonderful -- I have married my darling Carrocio!  Lord British even allowed the ceremony to be held here in the castle. My brother Charles grumbled a bit, of course, but deep down I think he was as pleased as I.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Nelson, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Ah, Avatar, I was just thinking... oh, just a moment. Perhaps Lord British has something to say to us.
7: Nelson seems dazed. Blood is trickling from a wound on his neck, running down his shirt. He looks  down at it, then back up at you.
8: I say, Avatar . . . I was just telling Patterson about a new way of tunnelling through blackrock, when . . . there seems to have been some sort of misunderstanding . . .
9: He collapses at your feet.
10: Avatar! I am quite relieved thou art here.
11: There you are, Avatar. I was just looking for thee.
12: Yes, %PCNAME? What may I do for thee?
13: What is it, Nelson?
14: What hast occupied thee of late, Nelson?
15: What hast thou been doing since I saw thee in Moonglow?
16: I would study with thee a brief time.
17: If I may, I would like to hear thy thoughts so far on the current situation.
18: 'Tis good to speak with thee, Nelson, but I must hurry off.
19: Will that be all, %PCNAME?
20: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
21: Nay, there is more I must discuss with thee.
22: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
23: The logic of the Guardian's previous creations dictates that some smaller version of the blackrock gem must have formed within the castle grounds.
24: Well, I did notice that the gem resonates very strongly to certain musical notes.
25: Ah, %PCNAME, I long to know more of the worlds that lie through that gem!
26: It seemed clear to me that Lady Tory was killed intentionally, and not just by some animal or brutal humanoid.
27: I'm dead now, so I can't say this.
28: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
29: I have remained in that fair city, as head of the Lycaeum. My studies there have kept me well occupied and quite content.  I heard that your friend Dupre had visited the city recently, but he prefered to frequent the Friendly Knave, and did not visit me in the Lycaeum.
30: 'Tis good to see thee here, Avatar.
31: I have noticed something odd.
32: Avatar, I have heard the news!
33: %PCNAME, I suppose thou hast heard the news.
34: Hello, %PCNAME. Mayor Patterson was just visiting me. I have some important research I must share with thee at once!
35: Of course, Nelson. What is it?
36: Just a minute -- I have another question for thee.
37: It must wait, Avatar -- this is too important!
38: Hello, %PCNAME. Mayor Patterson was just visiting me. I have some important research I must share with thee at once!
39: Of course, Nelson. What is it?
40: Just a minute -- I have another question for thee.
41: It must wait, Avatar -- this is too important!
42: Of course! I find the ancient lore endlessly fascinating, and I would love to teach thee. Also, in my archaeological work I have developed an efficient method of searching small areas. Which would thou like to learn of?
43: Let us discuss lore, then.
44: Please, teach me to search out what is hidden.
45: I shall return when I have the time.
46: Nelson's knowledge is encyclopedic, and in a short time you learn much.
47: Nelson talks for a long time, but you find your attention straying.
48: Perhaps thou hast other things on thy mind, Avatar.
49: Nelson's observations on the subject are quite canny.  You learn a great deal.
50: Nelson seems to know what he's talking about, but you don't quite get the point.
51: Perhaps we should discuss this some other time, Avatar.
52: Wouldst thou like to study more?
53: Yes, let us continue.
54: No, thank thee.
55: We are in quite a fix, aren't we? But then, I suppose that is a specialty of thine!
56: Thou art right -- I shall get us out of this!
57: One never gets used to such things, Nelson.
58: Well, I have been thinking -- all of the Guardian's blackrock structures have had smaller copies of themselves inside -- it would be worthwhile searching for something similar within the castle.
59: But where would such a thing be?
60: What use would that be to us?
61: I cannot say for certain, but a year ago, thou didst find such a thing did help thee in breaking the Guardian's power. Dost thou recall? Thou didst enter within each of the smaller shapes, to  attain thy goal.
62: 'Tis hard to say. It may have been hidden, or it may contain its own defences, in some interior space. 'Tis probably not in the castle proper, though, but rather nearer the base of the sphere, in the sewers.
63: Hast thou observed anything of the black gem's structural properties?
64: No. I have more important things to think about than architecture.
65: No, please tell me of thy observations.
66: Hmm... well, 'tis a very stable structure, very sound. I did notice some interesting acoustical properties. Listen!
67: He hums a single note loudly, in a pleasing tenor. When he leaves off, you can hear the gem resonating faintly to the same note. It holds for a long time, then dies away.
68: Extraordinary, is it not?
69: Yes, well, I suppose thou dost.
70: I mean, that thou didst find a gem, that took thee to a building in another world! Just think of what this discovery means!
71: Er, what does it mean?
72: Canst thou tell me anything about other worlds?
73: There are legends of events of other worlds, just think if we could learn their truth firsthand! The Battle of Rhyna, the Homeland of the Daemons -- any one of these things could lie through that gem!
74: Why not come with me and see?
75: I am more concerned with survival, thank thee.
76: No thank thee! Miranda is right -- a scholar like myself should stay in the library, out of danger. But be sure and visit me, and tell me of thy discoveries!
77: Ah, %PCNAME, thou hast not the poet's heart! Still, to a hero such as thyself, perhaps such things seem commonplace.
78: I can hardly believe it -- I was so fond of her, %PCNAME. Tell me -- was it some... thing that crawled up out of the gem, or... dost thou think it could have been one of us?
79: I know not.
80: Aye, methinks one of us hath turned traitor.
81: Nay, likely something from one of the other worlds.
82: If I may be of any assistance... I mean, I am a scholar, not a monster-killer, but still... I would fain be allowed to help in this matter.
83: I shall call on thee if I need thee.
84: 'Tis unlikely, but I shall keep thee in mind.
85: 'Tis hard to imagine, Avatar. Surely, no one of us could have done that... And yet, if there were a traitor in the castle, the empath would be his or her first target.
86: 'Tis a relief to hear thee say that. And yet, 'twas not one of the verminous sewer-creatures that did that. It strikes me that the killing was no random act of malice or hunger, but a deliberate attempt to remove the empath from our midst.
87: man
88: woman
89: You see, %PCNAME, I was reading in the library, and . . .\n
90: Yes, %PCNAME, but there was something I wished to discuss with thee . . .\m
91: Please, Mayor Patterson, this is of the utmost importance. I was reading some of Batal Thaam's early texts concerning blackrock -- thou hast heard of Batal Thaam?
92: Aye.
93: Nay.
94: She was one of the earliest sorcerers to develop a sense of the ether around us. Also a veteran of the Brujerian uprising -- 'tis a fascinating story, thou shouldst read it sometime...\m
95: Nelson, this does not seem terribly urgent after all. Perhaps the Avatar and I have something to discuss...?\m
96: Mayor Patterson, please! Now Batal Thaam also wrote specifically on the creation of blackrock, and its effects on the ether. But also, on how the ether can be made to have an effect on blackrock itself.\m
97: Avatar, must we endure these abstract theories? There is work to be done!
98: Shhh. This sounds important.
99: Nelson, he may have a point. What is the gist of the matter?
100: Thank you, %PCNAME.
101: Avatar, please, a little patience.
102: Now it seems that Thaam had discovered a means of manip...\m
103: Nelson, why are we bothering with this?\m
104: ...manipulating blackrock through a simple spell, which would allow one to perceive and act on...\m
105: I don't think thou shouldst speak of such...\m
106: ...act on the ether, and therefore on the blackrock itself,...\m
107: Nelson.\m
108: 'Twas a runic spell, using the runes...\m
109: I'm sorry, Nelson.\m
110: In a flash, Patterson draws a dagger from his belt and stabs Nelson through the back of the neck. Nelson stiffens and falls, and the dagger falls from Patterson's hand.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Patterson, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Avatar, a pleasure to see thee again! Let us have a talk, you and I, after Lord British finishes his little speech. For now, we should hasten there.
7: Driven to his knees, Patterson cries out.
8: Oh G... Guardian, save me, I served you... I did it all... why... do you not aid me now?
9: Somehow, he manages to stand again.
10: Stop staring at me, you... you hated me in life, anyway, false friends, now you may hate me worse in death. If you ever get out of here... tell Judith I am sorry!
11: I'm sorry, Avatar -- he's going to kill us all, and I can't... let myself go that way.
12: Oh, %PCNAME! Nelson and I were just . . . er . . . talking about an . . . idea he had . . .
13: I am so happy to see thee here! I mean... not because thou art inside here but... er, you understand.
14: %PCNAME! What a pleasure to see thee!
15: Avatar! What a surprise, a real treat!
16: How are things, Patterson?
17: What hast thou been doing since I saw thee last year?
18: Patterson, canst thou train me to have more charisma?
19: Excuse me, Patterson, I must leave thee.
20: Will that be all, %PCNAME?
21: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
22: There is more I must discuss with thee.
23: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
24: Always a pleasure, %PCNAME.
25: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
26: Surely I will help thee! Not for nothing did I serve as mayor of Britannia's largest town. I shall give thee a few pointers about dealing with people! But it will take some time -- hast thou a moment to spare?
27: I will stay and train.
28: I do not have the time to train with thee.
29: Patterson's tips are surprisingly insightful.
30: Patterson tries to explain how he works with people, but you are unable to see his point of view.
31: Wouldst thou speak some more on this subject?
32: Surely -- I find this very educational.
33: No thank thee -- perhaps another time.
34: Of course -- come to me any time.
35: Well, Avatar, I shall not soon forget our last encounter! Thou didst teach me a lesson in honesty that was long past due, and though it hurts my pride, I must thank thee for it. Adultery is an ugly sin, but an easy one to fall into. Ah, 'tis a relief to be living without lies again.
36: I hope thy wife was understanding.
37: Think nothing of it -- 'twas my duty as an Avatar.
38: Thou wert a scoundrel, Patterson, and I hope thou hast mended thy ways.
39: Though we separated for a time, I am glad to tell thee Judith and I are together once again!
40: 'Tis a relief to hear that, Patterson. I wish thee well.
41: If thou art not deserving of her trust, thou shalt hear from me again!
42: Again, I thank thee.
43: I am glad to have a chance to speak with thee. I just wanted to say, I have always been a great admirer of thine, and 'tis good to be working with thee. If there is anything I can do to help out...
44: No, thank thee.
45: I need thee to help keep up people's morale -- thou art good at that!
46: Perhaps thou shouldst assist Miranda in the war room.
47: Just stay out of my way, Patterson.
48: Er...
49: Well, thou hast only to call on me, and I shall be ready!
50: Thank thee, Avatar! I shall do as thou sayest.
51: Is it true thou hast found some sort of gateway, in the sewers?
52: Aye, but it leads only to another prison.
53: Aye, perhaps it is the key to our salvation.
54: 'Tis always the way with me! We've a saying in the town of Britain, when, for instance, you buy an ox and it falls dead the next day: "'Tis Patterson's luck has found ye!"
55: I would not count on it, Avatar -- I am more concerned about what will come through the gate to find us!
56: man
57: woman
58: I have heard thou hast begun exploring beneath the castle -- surely there is naught there but a few rotten supplies, musty tunnels... I'm sure the libraries would prove more productive.
59: I am not so sure... perhaps some hidden exit tunnel?
60: There are many mysteries in the depths -- perhaps one such might lead to our escape.
61: Thou art right -- perhaps some ancient tome will shed light on the situation.
62: Perhaps thou art right...but I fear the gem has sealed us in for good.
63: I see that thou art a man/woman of deep insight! I am sure thy scholarly investigations will save us all!
64: He shrugs.
65: Do what seems best to thee!
66: I had quite a scare this morning, as Iolo may have told thee!
67: What happened?
68: What had Iolo to do with this?
69: Why, he played the part of my rescuer!
70: A spider had me cornered in the basement, a real brute the size of a dog! Iolo found me and drove it off, thank the serpent.
71: Thou wert very lucky!
72: What wert thou doing in the basement?
73: I was hoping to find some wine or ale, to calm down Dupre -- he has been so nervous lately.
74: 'Tis disheartening, Avatar -- I try to help the others out, but it never seems to come out right! Now it seems like the whole castle is avoiding me. 'Tis strange to feel so alone, when trapped in a castle with a score of other humans.
75: Well, thou knowest I am thy friend, Patterson.
76: I pity thee, Patterson.
77: Really, I must be going!
78: Well, I guess I shall see thee later, %PCNAME...
79: I am glad to hear thee say that, %PCNAME. Very glad.
80: He is silent for a moment.
81: Yes, 'tis a common sentiment 'round here.
82: Avatar! I have seen a most extraordinary thing! I was wandering through a basement storeroom, when I came upon an ancient scroll, which spoke of a secret cache of Filanium on Talorus, "near the lava pits!" Could this be of any help to thee?
83: Aye, a great deal!
84: No, sorry.
85: At last I am of some use!
86: I have heard of thy discovery of a peaceful world, ruled by a regent of the Guardian! Is it possible... dost thou think we, too... oh, never mind, I shouldn't say it!
87: Nay, what hast thou to propose?
88: As you wish, 'tis forgotten.
89: What I mean to say... perhaps to live under the Guardian would not... be that bad?
90: Thou hast only to look at what he did to Britannia, to know what it would be like under his rule.
91: The inhabitants did seem at peace, in a sense, but certainly discontented.
92: I see. Perhaps thou art right.
93: What has happened, %PCNAME, I can't think about it... I just can't think about it!
94: He hides his face.
95: Avatar, dost thou think we will ever get out of here?
96: Aye, do not worry thyself, Patterson!
97: I am not so sure! At night I have awful dreams . . . even if we do get out of here, what if his men have conquered Britannia?
98: We have no proof that the Guardian's visions are real.
99: I have seen them, too. We can only hope...
100: You're right! I had not thought of that!
101: Yes... I suppose we can just hope.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Lady Tory, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: I think it best that we listen to what Lord British has to say -- perhaps he will have a calming effect on the group.
7: %PCNAME! For all our sakes, it is good that thou art here.
8: Hello again, %PCNAME, I was just looking for thee.
9: Hello there, %PCNAME.
10: So ho, Lady Tory.
11: I would know thy thoughts, Lady Tory.
12: How has the past year been for thee?
13: Lady, canst thou train me to be a more charismatic leader?
14: If I may, I would like to hear thy thoughts so far on the current situation.
15: Excuse me, Lady, I must be going.
16: Will that be all, %PCNAME?
17: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
18: Nay, there is more I must discuss with thee.
19: Of course. What hast thou in mind?
20: That is all for the moment. I shall have more to say later.
21: Of course, %PCNAME. Let us talk for a while. But this will take some time -- wilt thou stay, or dost thou have to hurry off?
22: I will stay and train.
23: I do not have the time to train with thee.
24: The Lady's empathic insights are very helpful.
25: Lady Tory attempts to explain how she perceives other people's feelings, but you find her point of view alien to your own.
26: Wouldst thou speak some more on this subject?
27: Indeed! I find this very fascinating.
28: No thank thee -- perhaps another time.
29: I am always available to talk with, %PCNAME.
30: Oh, Avatar, wilt the Guardian not leave our minds to ourselves? Each night his horrible visage invades my dreams.
31: Are thy nightmares growing worse?
32: Remember that they art only dreams, which cannot harm thee.
33: Many here have received such unwanted visitations.
34: His voice, that awful voice, speaks to me in my sleep. Recently it has been one message, over and over again. 'Lady Tory,' it says, 'even in the darkness of thy innermost thoughts, my eyes shall be watching you.'
35: Do thy best to ignore it -- we must all stay sane to survive.
36: Soon we will be free from this gem, and your nightmares will cease.
37: My dreams are more vivid than thine own, %PCNAME, due to the nature of my empathic abilities. Still, thou art correct. They are naught but dreams, which means the Guardian is still unable to affect us directly. For that we should be thankful.
38: I know that they have. Several people have come to me recently for counsel. The Guardian seems to know what we each most fear -- and what we most desire -- and uses that to influence us in our dreams.
39: How art thou dealing with these dreams thyself?
40: 'Tis good that we have an empath with us!
41: I shouldst put my own distress aside, I know. There are others in the castle without my mental training who are in great need of my skills.
42: My nightmares doth continue, Avatar, but I am doing what I can to ignore them. Others need mine aid too much for me to succumb to the Guardian's whisperings.
43: Avatar, I am sensing very strong emotions from Feridwyn.
44: Canst thou be more specific?
45: I have long suspected that he was up to no good!
46: From Feridwyn? Art thou certain?
47: 'Tis strange, but though he greatly fears what others may think of him, I can detect no guilt in him at all.
48: Why is that strange?
49: What dost thou think it means?
50: Do you trust Feridwyn?
51: He has either committed an evil act without remorse, or he is afraid of being falsely accused. Which, I cannot tell. To be honest with thee, Avatar, I do not trust the man.
52: Truthfully, I do not know what to think. I hesitate to judge Feridwyn harshly without proof, and yet his emotions are so extremely defensive!
53: What can you tell from his emotions?
54: Keep an eye on him, Lady Tory.
55: I am still keeping my mind on Feridwyn.  He remains suspicious, though I have no proof that he has done wrong.
56: Trapped in here as we are, I sense rising fear and anxiety in nearly everyone.
57: Thou must do what thou canst to prevent panic.
58: 'Tis understandable, Lady Tory.
59: We must not give into fear. 'Tis the Guardian's chief weapon!
60: But I also sense that they have great confidence in thee, %PCNAME.
61: She pauses.
62: As do I, Avatar.
63: Now that we will not die of thirst, some of the tension in the castle has been lifted.
64: We must still find a means to escape!
65: It shows that the Guardian is not infallable.
66: What is thy general sense of emotion in the castle?
67: The people worry about what the Guardian has planned for us.
68: Aye, 'tis true.
69: I suppose that is so, but 'tis only a minor comfort.
70: I am sensing particularly great anxiety and turmoil in Patterson.
71: Canst thou divine the cause?
72: Perhaps thou shouldst speak with him.
73: His behavior has seemed strange of late.
74: Nay, there is too much confusion in his mind.
75: I have tried, several times.
76: Patterson claims that he has received no taunts from the Guardian, but I am sure he is lying. I suspect that the Guardian has been particularly cruel to him. 'Twould be wise for me to speak with him again.
77: I tried to talk with Patterson again, but 'twas useless. Why, he even made a pass at me!
78: Art thou joking?
79: Dost thou sense anything new in him?
80: No, 'tis no jest! 'Tis a shame I had no interest in responding, but I hope I was kind to him.
81: I still can detect no specific emotions in the man. His mind is a tangle of confusion. He seems to have taken a liking to thee, %PCNAME -- perhaps thou can help him.
82: I will do what I can.
83: I wish the man would just leave me alone!
84: I have spent this past year at Serpent's Hold, serving as counsellor and raising my son.  I am still in debt to thee for saving him from those accursed harpies! But now, I fear again for his safety. I left him in the care of trusted servants at Serpent's Hold, and now that there is war in Britannia, the Hold will be in an uproar. I can only hope that the Guardian has not singled out my home for a special assault.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Lord British, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Greetings, Avatar! Shall we begin this meeting?
7: By all means, my lord.
8: Not just yet. I have something I must attend to, first.
9: Please, Avatar, these are matters of utmost importance!\m
10: I need not tell you, citizens of Britannia, that we are near our darkest hour. The gem that surrounds our castle is made of blackrock, a substance impervious to all physical force, which stifles magical workings within its boundaries. The Guardian has this day struck Britannia a fearsome blow, and we may be sure that he will not rest idle. Doubtless, even now he is preparing an assault on the entire nation of Britannia!\m
11: Lord British! Cannot Lord Draxinusom of the gargoyles rally our people against the invader?\m
12: He will do what he can, certainly, but I know not whether the humans of Britannia shall follow a gargoyle leader.\m
13: Patterson arrives in a hurry, gasping for breath.
14: Well, w-what can we do, then?\m
15: Somehow, we must find a way to breach the gem. Now, to work! Servants, take an inventory of the castle storerooms! Nystul, Nelson, we shall have need of thy far-famed scholarly powers -- you must determine how the jewel was created, and how it may be destroyed. You others, warriors, and especially you, Avatar, eight times our savior, you must search the castle, above and below, for some means of escape.\m
16: Miranda, I place thee in charge of the escape effort. Thou shouldst use the Great Hall as thy headquarters. Avatar, be sure and report to her all that thou dost learn in thy search, and heed her advice in all things.
17: All Britannia...
18: He breaks off, sensing an otherworldly intruder.
19: If thou dost need me, I shall be here in my quarters.
20: If I am not here, I shall be in my quarters.
21: Avatar, the time to act is now! If the gem is not shattered, the Guardian's soldiers shall flood the castle in a few moments. This spell you and Nystul have prepared must not fail.
22: Please, Avatar -- I must have solitude if I am to  come to any decision in this matter. I trust Miranda to handle any difficulties that may come up meanwhile.
23: Greetings, Avatar. In this dark time, 'tis good to see an old companion I can trust!
24: Avatar, 'tis well that thou hast come.
25: Yes, %PCNAME? What may I do for thee?
26: Please explain more fully sir.
27: Tell me, then, what hath occupied thine attention lately?
28: Tell me of the Reconstruction, my lord.
29: I would speak to thee of thy experiences here in the castle.
30: I have need of thy healing powers.
31: Your pardon, sir, I must leave thee.
32: If there is nothing more, %PCNAME, I must go now.
33: I shall speak to thee later, then.
34: Wait, Lord British, there is more we must speak of.
35: What wouldst thou like to talk about, then?
36: It has indeed been a hard year for us, Avatar. As thou didst travel the land, doubtless thou didst bear witness to the Guardian's subtle devastation of our land. 'Twill be a few more years yet before Britannia is once again a land fit for heroes to walk.
37: But thou art unwounded! 'Twere best I save my power for a time of need.
38: Of course, Avatar.
39: He performs a gesture of healing, but nothing happens.
40: He repeats the gesture.
41: I am sorry, Avatar, but it appears that black jewel has nullifed my powers of healing. Thou wilt have to heal thyself naturally.
42: Well, Avatar, I am sorry now I did invite thee to this doomed affair. The Guardian's threats are indeed dire!
43: I would not have my friends face danger alone!
44: 'Tis not thy fault -- who could have known?
45: He laughs.
46: Thou'rt right! Thou dost merely gravitate towards peril, like one of Brion's mystic lodestones towards iron! 'Tis a natural process, I am sure.
47: He laughs.
48: Thou'rt right! I was a fool to think I could keep thee out of danger, for thou'rt e'er plunging thyself in the thick of it!
49: Listen, thou shouldst speak with Dupre! He mentioned he had seen something which might relate to our current plight!
50: Avatar, I hear thou hast begun exploring the Undercastle. 'Tis a vast area, and even I do not know its full extent. Be sure to alert Miranda to all of thy movements, lest thou shouldst become lost within its vast extent.
51: I knew my hopes would be justified! Trust the Avatar to take a sealed castle, and discover in it a door to another world. Well done, my friend!
52: Stricken with grief, Lord British turns his face away from you.
53: Please, Avatar, I would rather not speak with anyone right now.
54: All right, I shall go.
55: What is the matter?
56: I cannot accept it! A woman murdered, within the walls of my own castle! If I cannot protect an innocent woman here, how can I protect an entire people?
57: Your Highness, thou canst not hold thyself responsible for everything.
58: I shall avenge her, my lord, thou canst depend on it.
59: He sighs.
60: I suppose thou art right. But mark me, now that the deed is done there shall be justice. I shall have the killer, or rule this land no more!
61: Aye. Though we failed in offering her protection, we may still offer vengeance. I shall count on thee, Avatar. Do not fail.
62: I heard the... news about Mayor Patterson. I fear that part of the blame for Nelson's death is mine -- I should never have trusted him after his association with the Fellowship. And yet... after his encounter with you he seemed a changed man, and I believe he really was.
63: I think thou art right.
64: A cur like Patterson can never change.
65: No, I think thou art mistaken.
66: It took the Guardian to find his fear, and his lust for power and status, and twist him into something else. Patterson was not a strong man, and the Guardian knew where to push him.
67: Avatar, grant me the truth from thine own lips. Thou hast WHAT inside thy body?
68: Why, nothing, Lord British.
69: An elemental of air, my lord.
70: 'Tis a relief. There certainly are strange rumors afoot in this castle.
71: Surely, %PCNAME, this is thy strangest adventure ever!
72: Avatar, something strange is going on. Just now, I asked Nanna to bring me some ale, and she stalked off without a word!
73: My lord, I am here to demand a leveling of the class system in Britannia.
74: Nanna has declared the servants on strike, sir!
75: My lord, the servants are unhappy with their place in the castle..
76: What precisely are they asking for?
77: To be treated with respect, to be referred to as "Domestic Management," and to have a voice in castle decisions.
78: Their demands are subtle, but 'tis clear they ultimately seek to overthrow thee.
79: Nanna... was she not once a member of the Guardian's Fellowship?
80: Aye, but I think her concerns are legitimate nonetheless.
81: Yes, thou hast it! She has thrown in her lot with the Guardian.
82: Perhaps so, but I was certain Nanna could be trusted. Perhaps she is in fact sincere. I must think on this.
83: @GS112
84: So, Avatar, hast thou come to any new conclusions about our class problems?
85: I think the servants should be beaten!
86: I think thou shouldst accede to their demands, which are quite reasonable.
87: I am uncertain -- caving in to their demands sets an unpleasant precedent.
88: Avatar, I am most disappointed -- thou showest thyself a fool! One cannot govern people as if one were driving oxen!
89: I see some justice in thy words, Avatar, although 'tis not easy to change the longstanding order of a society.
90: 'Tis true. Yet in this instance the wrath of the aggrieved may well be just, and therefore I cannot ignore or suppress it.
91: He sighs.
92: I have made my decision.
93: 'Tis a reform too long in coming -- the ordering of our society is an ancient one, and it carries with it many evils which have long gone unrecognized. I shall inform them myself that I find their demands, and their anger, understandable and justified.
94: I must have time, Avatar, to think on the past, and the way of life I have established in Britannia, and whether or not I have been just in my actions.
95: @GS112
96: Avatar, thou shouldst speak with Nystul at once -- it is almost time to begin our attack on the Guardian's spell!
97: I shall speak with him at once.
98: I have a few things to take care of yet.
99: Hurry, then! I can think of nothing more urgent than this.
100: In the meantime, I have instructed the guards to be watchful for this "Mors Gotha" you have described.
101: Avatar, I am sorry to see that the shock of the Guardian's assault has gotten the better of thee. I think it best that thou shouldst remain here for the duration of the coming crisis. This time, Britannia will have to undertake its own defense.
102: Lord British gazes at you sternly.
103: Avatar? I would speak with thee.
104: What wouldst thou speak of?
105: I suspect I know what thou art here about.
106: I do not wish to speak to thee.
107: As the situation stands, thou hast not a choice.
108: I suspect thou art right.
109: Avatar, I and thou know that the burden of protecting a nation is a great one. However, the next time thou dost find the pressure too much to bear, I suggest that thou find some occupation besides brawling with thy friends!
110: I am sorry, Your Lordship. I did indeed lose my head.
111: Nay, I shall spend my time how I like.
112: Now come, thou hast been forgiven. Now let us begin the fight anew!
113: Try to be more civil in the future, though -- this is all we ask.
114: Then I am afraid thou shalt spend it here, and we must continue the fight without thee.
115: Avatar, I have had enough. I sentence thee to remain in this cell for the duration of the Guardian's assault, if not longer. In that time, I suggest thou dost meditate on the path of virtue, and where it was thou didst lose thy way from it.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Feridwyn, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: I think Lord British has something he wishes to say. Thou shouldst hasten to the throne room.
7: Well, Avatar, if thou hast any final tricks up thy sleeve, now is the time to play them!
8: So thou art here as well.
9: I had been meaning to speak to thee, Avatar.
10: Yes, %PCNAME? What may I do for thee?
11: What is it, Feridwyn?
12: What is on thy mind, Feridwyn?
13: How didst thou spend the previous year, Feridwyn?
14: If I may, I would like to hear thy thoughts so far on the current situation.
15: Excuse me, Feridwyn -- I must go.
16: Art thou finished, Avatar?
17: Yes. I shall speak with thee again, later.
18: Nay, there is more I must discuss with thee.
19: Yes, Avatar?
20: I can think of nothing more.
21: Avatar, canst we not do something about Patterson?  He is without doubt the most inane fellow I have encountered in my life!
22: Just ignore him and he'll go away.
23: Has he been bothering thee?
24: He means well, Feridwyn.
25: Is that how the Avatar deals with problems?  Ignore them and hope they vanish by themselves?  If that is thy philosophy, 'tis amazing that thou hast been so successful in the past.
26: He hath been a constant pest, and methinks not only to me. Many others have been complaining about him.  If his behavior continues, I shall have stern words for the man.
27: I dost not care if he means well, %PCNAME.  Thou dost know what they say of good intentions.
28: Do not be too harsh with him.
29: I agree with thee.  Something should be done about him.
30: Thine opinions are of little value to me.
31: I shall be as harsh as I like, if he continues to pester me.
32: Aye, and done soon.
33: Feridwyn graces you with a cold smile.
34: The feeling is mutual, Avatar.
35: Well, %PCNAME, once again thy visit has coincided with calamity.  I cannot say I am surprised.
36: If thou wilt not be civil, do not speak to me.
37: I shall do my best to end this crisis, as should we all.
38: Trouble does seem to follow me about.
39: Civility, like respect, should be earned, Avatar.
40: I shall do my part, do not worry.
41: Yes, it does.  History tells us that thou hast always been a harbinger of ill tidings.
42: I am greatly saddened by Lady Tory's death.  She was a good woman.
43: We must all be wary, now that we know a traitor walks among us.
44: Dost thou know anything about the murder?
45: Where wert thou at the time of the killing?
46: I am always wary, %PCNAME.
47: Nay, I know nothing of it.
48: Art thou accusing me, Avatar?
49: No, I was merely wondering.
50: Thou art a prime suspect, Feridwyn!
51: I was in alone in my room when I heard the shouts of the guards. I am as innocent as thou.
52: If thou hast any evidence, then come out and make the accusation, but I assure thee that I am guilty of nothing.  I am aware that many are talking of me behind my back, and I would be lying to say it dost not bother me.  %PCNAME, you of all people should know the dangers of groundless speculation.
53: Avatar, we both know that I have little love for thee. However, for the sake of the others you should know that the Guardian spoke to me last night.
54: What didst he say to thee?
55: Feridwyn, I care not about what he hath said in thy dreams.
56: I think that thou shouldst hear this.
57: He tried to get me to convince thee that thou wouldst best be served by exploring the dungeons of Killorn Keep. I wouldst not attempt it though... it is no doubt some trickery on his part. He was unwise to think that I wouldst betray Britannia.
58: So thou hast discovered a river in another world. 'Tis most fortunate for us, that we shall not perish of thirst. Wert thou searching for water, or didst thou stumble across it accidentally?
59: 'Twas sheer luck that I found water there, Feridwyn.
60: Doth it matter?  We should just be thankful to have found it.
61: I was indeed searching for it!  I have saved us all!
62: I thought as much.  Good fortune seems to be thy constant companion.
63: No, it matters not.  I was simply curious.
64: Thy modesty is overwhelming, Avatar.
65: All of this time, Patterson was under the Guardian's influence. Hopefully this tragedy will at least quell the unfounded suspicions that so many here have of me.
66: We all owe you our apologies, Feridwyn.
67: Is that all thou dost care about? Thine own reputation?
68: I am still not convinced of thine innocence.
69: I will accept them all, starting with thine, but for now thou had best return to your task of freeing us from the Guardian's cage.
70: %PCNAME, thy dislike for me is ill-disguised. The deaths of Lady Tory and Nelson, and even of Patterson, have afflicted me with ample grief. But I have also had to bear the weight of a dozen unfair judgements, which is not an easy burden to carry. Now leave me, and return to your tasks.
71: Then thou art a fool, Avatar.  I need not stay and listen to further paranoid accusations.
72: Enough have died here already, solely because there was a frightened, vicious fool in our midst. Thou art said to be a hero -- now go about thy heroic business.
73: The dissolution of the Fellowship didst not change my desire to aid the poor and needy of Britannia. I have continued to run the shelter in Paws, though we are in great need of more funding from Lord British. I fear that soon we may lack the means to offer even the meager services that we currently provide.


1: Greetings! My people are grateful for thy deeds.  Was it not thou who rid the shores of goblin-eating worms?
2: Yes, I suppose I did.
3: It must have been someone else.
4: But we have seen with our own eyes! We have witnessed you in mighty combat with the green monsters!
5: Wormslayer
6: %PCNAME Wormslayer
7: Henceforth, thou shalt be called among my people @GS37. Wouldst thou accept a token of our esteem?
8: Certainly.
9: The deed was its own reward.
10: We are a humble people, but please take this fish.
11: My thanks.
12: We shalt not forget thy aid.
13: Hello again, human.
14: @GS37, I must thank thee for the help thou hast given us! Were it not for thee, the monsters of this sewer would doubtless have overwhelmed us by now!
15: I am glad to have helped thee.
16: Thy gratitude is unnecessary.
17: Wouldst thou learn more of the art of tracking?
18: Yes, indeed.
19: No, thank thee. Canst thou tell me more about the sewers?
20: I must be going.
21: Avatar
22: 'Tis a human! There are not many of thy type down here, human.
23: Who are you?
24: These are Britannia's sewers! Explain your presence here!
25: Have you seen other humans here?
26: I'll just be on my way.
27: We are the Moglop goblin tribe. Who art thou?
28: I am %PCNAME. Are there many of you here?
29: I'm the one asking questions! What are you doing here?
30: What dost thou live on down here?
31: I am the Avatar of Britannia.
32: Only a few of us were trapped in here by the black stone.
33: Our tribe lives on the surface, many miles from here. We come here from time to time to hunt and fish, and to escape the endless petty warfare between other goblin tribes. Now, though, we are trapped here now by the black stone.  The only other way out is through the castle, and we would not take such a risk.
34: I'll talk to thee another time.
35: Thou shouldst not be here -- you are trespassers!
36: 'Tis a pleasant surprise to find peaceful goblins.
37: Art thou familiar with these sewers?
38: Until the black stone is gone, we live here.
39: If these tunnels belong to Lord British, why have we never seen him here?
40: We have seen one other. He says his name is Fussip, or something like that. We goblins and he are not friends. He is a scoundrel and a thief.
41: What art thou doing down here?
42: Goodbye.
43: We have been coming here for decades, and no one has ever told us to leave. I'd be more inclined to say that thou art the one trespassing.
44: Thou art rude as well, I see. I should slay the lot of you.
45: What dost thou live on, living underground?
46: My apologies, sir. Thou art of course welcome here.
47: Excuse me, but I am needed elsewhere.
48: And it is just as rare to find civilized humans.
49: Aye, 'tis true!
50: Farewell, friend goblin.
51: Thou art worse than the other human, Fussip. If thou dost become violent, be warned that we will defend ourselves.
52: The Moglop goblin tribe thanks thee. Good day.
53: Take care of thyself, human. Parts of these sewers can be dangerous!
54: are
55: were
56: We know there is a large cavern to the northeast, and a great pool within it. We once tried to fish there, but the shores of the lake are/were home to dangerous carnivorous worms.
57: Dost thou know more?
58: I thank thee for the information.
59: We have seen a small island in the center of the lake, but none of us have visited it. I am afraid that is all we know of the area.
60: In our visits underground, we of the Moglop have become expert hunters and trackers. How else could we survive in the barren stone caves of the underworld?
61: Canst thou train me in tracking?
62: What brought thee to this place?
63: Certainly -- 'tis rare enough to find a human who bears us no ill will!
64: The goblin's knowledge of underground and woodland tracking is formidable -- you learn much.
65: The goblin's lesson moves very quickly, and you are unable to grasp his ideas.
66: Perhaps thou shouldst spend more time in the underworld -- 'twill grow easier, I assure thee.
67: Wouldst thou learn more from me?
68: Aye.
69: Nay, I must be going.
70: Rogwump, the Dripper and I have agreed that we should give over to thee one of the secrets of our tribe. Over a century ago, a human appeared near our home in the rocky Serpents Spine. Half-starved, he was, and there were wounds on him which seemed to have been made by arrows!
71: Who was this man?
72: I hope thou didst ai him.
73: What has this to do with me?
74: Before he died, he gasped out a single word to those who found him: "Pagan!" We know not what this might mean, or where he came from -- our trackers traced his spoor to the foot of a sheer wall of stone. He carried this with him, though.
75: Take it, for it seems to belong more to thy destiny, that of a warrior who walks among the dimensions, than to ours. Perhaps someday it shall serve a purpose for thee.


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: What, you again? Phlaah!
18: Hraaawk! Hey, what do you want?
19: What are you goblins doing down here?
20: Do you know your way around this place?
21: Is something wrong with your throat?
22: I'll just be on my way.
23: Oh sure, go do what you want. You humans have it easy! Hwagggh!
24: Aaaak ptoo! Can't find our way back home. Gotta fill our time down here with somethin' besides eating and sleeping.
25: That's nice. I'd best be going now.
26: And how exactly do you fill your time?
27: Well, phah! I've taken up coughing, hacking, and spitting. If we ever get out of here, I'll win next season's spitting contest for sure.
28: I can spit a good twenty yards, want to see?
29: No thanks, 'twould put me off my appetite.
30: Nay. Didst know it is the Guardian that imprisons us?
31: Aye, that I would like to see.
32: Sensitive type, are ya? Well, I guess you are just a human. Phlaagh!
33: Guardian? Ptooooey! Can't say I ever heard of 'im.
34: I'll bet you would. Too bad I'm not going to show you! Harf harf harf harf!
35: Oh, not too much. Plenty of fish right here, and I don't have to walk far to find some fine much if I need any. Phauugh!
36: Hak hak hak! Well, I do have a bit of a cold. But not much of one.
37: Perhaps thou should drink some alcohol.
38: I'm sorry you're not feeling well.
39: I hope you get well soon.
40: Well, it might not do my throat much good. Akkkkkh phlah! But it sure would hit the spot!
41: What'll ya take in trade?
42: Are you kidding? If I get sick enough, I can spit some really thick ones! Bwaaach phwah!


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: Oh, hello, %PCNAME.
18: Have you always lived down here?
19: What do you goblins eat?
20: You're awfully polite for a goblin.
21: Farewell to thee, Rogwump.
22: No, my tribe is from the surface. But several of us got trapped down here. I just wish there were more different things to eat!
23: Why came you here to begin with?
24: What dost thou eat, then?
25: If my quest succeeds, thou shalt return home.
26: You'd be surprised what kinds o' things wash down here in the sewers. An' if the humans above don't want 'em no more, then it's fair game for us goblins, right?
27: That's fair enough.
28: You shouldn't stray so close to human dwellings.
29: Ah, I knew you were a decent one. You've got that look about you.
30: And do humans show any hesitation about coming near goblin dwellings? No, nor any other place they feel like going!
31: Can it be true? Oh, I only wish I could offer you some help! But all I could give you are some fish. We have those in plenty, but I doubt they'd help much with a quest!
32: Fish, fish, nothing but fish! I can't stand 'em any more! And you know, I used to love to eat fish?
33: I didn't mean to upset you.
34: What kind of fish are there down here?
35: Perhaps thou wouldst care to barter...
36: Oh, I'll be all right. But if I sprout gills and swim out of here afore that black wall comes down, don't be suprised!
37: Bass, mostly. They're pretty easy to bag. But you know what?
38: No, what?
39: Come, tell me!
40: I saw a flying fish last week. Figured I'd catch it, have a meal that tasted a little different. Wouldn't take any bait I could find, though.
41: Really?
42: So what did you do?
43: Found myself a nice, shiny looking glass, and held it over the water. Fish comes flying out, jumping at its reflection, and bashed its brains out! And you know what else?
44: What?
45: IT TASTED JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER FISH! I can't stand it any more! Weeds, I'll find some nice weeds to eat, that's it!
46: I will leave thee now.
47: Perhaps thou wouldst care to barter.
48: And you're very peaceful for a human! Most of 'em come at us swinging a sword when they see us, you know.
49: Hello! I like to be properly introduced 'fore I talk to someone. Who are you?
50: No time for that now, I have important questions.
51: What makes you think I care to tell you?
52: I am %PCNAME, Avatar of Britannia.
53: Well, when I asked who you were, that was an important question to me. So we're even!
54: You don't have to tell me anything. But I don't have to talk to you either, if I don't want to.
55: Well met. I am Rogwump, Goblin of the Sewers.
56: Would I! Thou dost know how to take a hint!


By the Serpent! What has happened, Avatar?
	- It seems Patterson had turned traitor.
		So, 'twas he! And Nelson . . . slain?
	- 'Tis horrible! I do not wish to explain.
		I must know -- who has slain who, here, %PCNAME?
			- I have slain Patterson, who murdered Nelson.
			- Patterson was the murderer all along. The rest you may gather for yourself.
She turns pale.
I . . . I shall inform Miranda.

Good morning, sir/ma'am.
Good afternoon, sir/ma'am.
Good evening, sir/ma'am.
	- How goes the watch?
		A bit of trouble with these invading soldiers, sir/ma'am.
		All quiet, sir/ma'am.
	- How art thou?
		Fine, sir/ma'am.
	- And the same to thee.
		She continues on her rounds.


1: @GS102
2: Well...
3: @GS70SI1
4: I thank thee, Syria, that is enough.
5: What else dost thou know?
6: Where is this Mors Gotha? I must face her!
7: Kill me then, since you can. I'm sick of a world where a mastery of the fighting arts makes you either a mealy-mouthed preacher of empty virtues, or a school teacher!
8: Just a minute, %PCNAME. We'd best listen to what British has to say.
9: Well, Avatar, it seems thou art trapped with the rest of us!
10: Ah, Avatar. Good of thee to visit me.
11: Yes? What may I do for thee?
12: Blah blah blah?
13: What is on thy mind, Syria?
14: What has become of thee, this past year?
15: Wouldst thou train me, Master Syria?
16: Please excuse me, Syria.
17: What else may I do for thee, %PCNAME?
18: Nothing, thank thee.
19: There is one more thing, Syria.
20: What is it?
21: I confess, Avatar, for a long time I hated thee. 'Twas a cruel thing, to learn that my Master De Snel, who had attained such perfection in the fighting arts, had turned from the path of honor! 'Twas a terrible blow to the entire academy, the Library of Scars!
22: 'Twas indeed a shame.
23: He got what he deserved.
24: Refresh my memory -- what became of the man?
25: Why, %PCNAME! When thou didst confront him with the evidence of his crimes, he drew on thee! 'Twas a splendid duel, by all accounts.
26: At least he died with honor, in single combat with thee.
27: Indeed. Thou didst dispense justice with dispatch and resolve.
28: What has become of thee since?
29: What of the Library of Scars, in this past year?
30: I have been appointed headmaster of the Library of Scars! Indeed, I am known there now as Master Syria! 'Tis an honor, save that now I can find none to face me in combat.
31: Why, congratulations!
32: I must leave thee, now.
33: And what of thy other friends, there.
34: That worm, Sprellic, is no longer causing us trouble. Vokes found some occasion to knock him sprawling in his own inn! Little other news -- a few new additions to the Library of Scars, that is all.
35: I thought thou wouldst never ask! My blade rusts in its sheath, confined to the castle as I am! Shall we fence, then? Or shall I teach thee the art of unarmed fighting?
36: By all means, teach me of the blade!
37: Let us spar unarmed.
38: Not right now. Perhaps later.
39: After sparring with you for a few minutes, Syria lowers her sword.
40: Thou'rt the mightiest fighter I have ever seen! There is nothing more I can teach thee now.
41: Syria's knowledge of the blade is daunting -- you learn much from her.
42: She hurries you through several unfamiliar drills, and you find it difficult to learn much.
43: I can teach thee no more, Avatar -- thou art lacking in true combat experience!
44: Syria's stronger than she looks. You take a few bruises, but your strength and striking speed improve.
45: Her style of fighting is undeniably effective, but for the moment you can't figure it out.
46: Enough! This is all we can do in a classroom -- thou shouldst go out and fight a few matches for blood!
47: Wouldst thou like to continue, or stop for the moment?
48: By all means, let us continue.
49: Let us call it a day.
50: It seems I shall have a chance to see the famous Avatar in action. I shall be curious to know whether there is any truth to the tales of thy boldness and cunning.
51: Doubtless some of it has been exaggerated in the telling.
52: I have indeed endured many perils! Mine has been a full life.
53: Such a shame! I had so looked forward to watching a hero in action.
54: Excellent! I shall expect a dazzling performance, Avatar.
55: Is it true that thou hast ventured to another world?
56: Aye.
57: It is hard to tell. Certainly I was SOMEWHERE.
58: I truly hope so. Britannia has been so boring, of late! If only I had been born back in the days of the evil Mondain!
59: How canst thou say such a thing?
60: I was there -- 'twas a difficult time to be alive.
61: Say what thou wilt, but I am tired of a world where a mastery of the fighting arts makes one either a preacher of virtue (no offense, Avatar), or a school teacher!
62: I hear that whelp, Charles, has found something to excite him, down in the basement. Probably found a few more mushy old apples!
63: %PCNAME, speak to Dupre, won't thou? He seems so restless, waving his sword about the way he does! If he is not more careful I shall duel him -- 'twould fascinate me to take on the famous Sir Dupre!
64: Watch thy step, Syria. He is possessed of a temper!
65: I am sure he would spar with thee, if thou wouldst ask him.
66: I have no wish to spar with anyone, Avatar! 'Tis so dull, if there is no blood at stake.
67: My dear %PCNAME, I certainly hope so!
68: Syria laughs.
69: I have just been to see thy trainer, Geoffrey! Who taught that man to handle a blade? He looked like a man waving a flag, or a feather duster!
70: Syria, Geoffrey is a worthy fighting man!
71: Perhaps Geoffrey's methods are a bit outdated.
72: I do not question his loyalty, or his sense of honor, Avatar, but really! He has all the grace of an Iron Golem!
73: Outdated? His fighting style looks as old . . . well, as old as thee, %PCNAME! The man would be laughed out of the Library of Scars!
74: I suppose thou hast heard of the revolting matter of Tory's death! 'Twas revolting, a killing devoid of honor or finesse!
75: Thou dost seem to show little compassion in this matter, Syria.
76: I cannot but agree. The matter turns my stomach.
77: I apologize, Avatar. It has become my way, having so often confronted death in my life. It is one of the things I have lost, in my devotion to my craft.
78: She spits.
79: I do not often feel disgust, Avatar, but I confess I share thy feelings in this matter.
80: Hast thou any idea who is responsible?
81: I shall leave thee now.
82: If only we could be sure this would not be repeated.
83: As such matters have become my profession, let me offer thee some advice -- I do not think anyone in the castle could have carried this out. They are good people, and unused to killing -- if one of them had done this, it would show in their face. Likely, 'twas some servant of the Guardian, crawling up through the sewers in the night.
84: I heard news of thy scrap with Patterson. Hard luck, there. And yet, it bothers me that in the castle they are calling him a coward!
85: And so he was!
86: I am not responsible for what they say.
87: How canst thou sympathize with such a man?
88: But this is unjust, Avatar.
89: Patterson was a poor fighter, surely. But think of the courage it took to walk among us with that secret inside him. And then to face thee, the mightiest warrior in the realm, in single combat, unarmed! It is my belief that few among us would have the courage to attempt such odds.
90: %PCNAME, the Guardian came to me with a similar offer, and I confess I was tempted -- perhaps Britannia has become too gentle a nation for me. I might have been happier in a world with no Avatar and no Lord British, where youth and strength meant more than a list of virtues!
91: I, too, miss the earlier days, Syria.
92: I cannot agree with thee -- there was so much suffering in the old days!
93: Ah, well. I suppose there is no going back.
94: I know. Perhaps it is not such a bad thing that thee and thy kind rule this world now.

Killorn Keep[edit]

Killorn Keep.


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
20: I heard of thy training accident with Captain Relk, sir/ma'am! He was no favorite among the Guard, I tell thee that! Why, the beatings he used to give out...
21: At any rate, I wish thee to know that we of the guard bear thee no ill will -- such accidents will happen. Relk never did pull his punches much in a sparring match, 'tis true. 'Twill be an easier regime under Lobar!
22: Welcome to Killorn Keep, sir/ma'am! 'Tis a very exciting time, here!
23: What's going on?
24: Thou dost seem more alert than usual.
25: The invasion! Troops have been arriving daily by airship!
26: Who are you invading?
27: How many troops are here?
28: Do you know exactly when the invasion will start?
29: I know not, sir/ma'am. I have been told nothing, and even the soldiers themselves know little of their mission.
30: Where might I find these soldiers?
31: Thank thee -- I must go.
32: Why, right here, in the barracks!
33: You'll find 'em in the barracks, sir/ma'am. Good luck!
34: Now that the invasion's starting, we're finally seeing some real action!
35: Eyes glazed with boredom, the guard recites in a monotone,
36: Welcome, traveler, to fabulous Killorn Keep, Marvel of the Northern Wasteland, testament to the great Guardian's power and wisdom. Yes, you won't believe your eyes. The keep actually hovers 1257 feet above the sands of the Krain desert, maintaining our military supremacy in this area. We invite you to refresh yourself at our pub to your northeast.
37: Where am I?
38: Who art thou?
39: Wouldst thou care to barter with me?
40: Thanks very much.
41: If you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints, please address them to Mystell, whose office lies to the northwest.
42: Enjoy your stay.
43: Why not? Little else to do, in this wretched keep!


	The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
	A drunken young man in a guard's uniform hails you loudly.
	Ho, there, stranger! Sit and have a drink with me.
		- Aye, gladly! I am %PCNAME.
		- Nay, no thanks.
		- I, the Avatar, shall drink with thee!
			He cuts you off.
			Nay, tell me not thy name, stranger, and I shall withhold mine -- I would speak freely with thee, without fear of being informed upon! I serve under Relk these days, so I've had enough o' that.
				- What wouldst thou like to say?
				- Thou art a canny thinker, for a drunkard.
				- You would speak treason?
					Aye, treason! Why not? I've no more truck with the Eight Virtues -- Drunkenness is my One Virtue now, and I its Avatar. He's taken all the others from me!
						- Drunkenness is no virtue!
						- How can one steal virtues?
						- Who has taken thy virtues?
							The Guardian! The red bastard with the dental problem!
				- But surely others who know thee will overhear!
					'Tis no matter -- those who know me are too much in fear of my sword to speak against me!
						- Are you so fearsome as all that?
							Indeed, excellence in all things has been my downfall! I was once a scholar of philosophy, before I was discovered to be a man of greatness.
								- I see. And of what did thy greatness consist?
								- A great drunkard, it would seem!
								- Speak to me of thy philosophy.
						- Why fear a drunkard's sword?
						- Very well, then, let us speak freely.
	Well, I was angry with you, but I'm not sure I'll make an issue of it, if you'll apologize. What do you say?
		Of course, I apologize if I offended thee!
			And I am sorry I was so quick to anger!
		Nay, I meant what I said!
			Well, sorry to hear it -- henceforth we are no longer friends! Thou'rt a stranger to me!
	Why're you bothering me again?
		I'm sorry I was rude -- let us talk for a while.
			Well, I reckon we could talk a little, anyway.
		Thou art a fool, and I do not require thy admiration.
	'Tis good to see thee again.

- May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
18: Indeed, but I cannot tarry.
- Let us speak of the eight virtues.
20: Suit thyself!
- May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
22: Indeed, but I cannot tarry.
- Let us speak of the eight virtues.
43: Well, I won't bore thee with the story of my life again, but I think thou dost understand my sentiments on the subject!
- May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
45: Indeed, but I cannot tarry.
- Let us speak of the eight virtues.
- Nay, tell me of thy past again.
48: I shall teach thee the reason why I drink. 'Tis a long tale -- wouldst thou hear it?
- Aye, tell me.
- Nay, I would hear more of thy philosophy.
- Nay, I have no interest in the ramblings of a drunkard.
- Nay, I must leave thee now.
- If you must...
54: He seems offended.
55: Th'way I figure it, what's a virtue when it's made a law? Obedience, 's all it is! 'Course obedience is the third virtue anyway, so whassit matter?
- What are the rest of the virtues?
- Thou art a clever fellow.
58: The Guardian's virtues, of which I am clearly a living embodiment, are: Sobriety, punctuality, obedience, vigilance, conformity, efficiency, silence, and diligence! Bit of a colorless crew, eh?
- Why, virtue is the very reason of my existence!
- I prefer drunkenness.
- Thank thee for the information. I must go.
62: I don't think you mean the kind of virtue we deal in around here.
- What is the matter with upholding virtue?
- I think thou'rt right.
65: Well, thou'rt a lucky fellow!
To make my point, I'll have to say my name: Lobar! Know it?
	- Nay.
		What, hast thou spent thy whole life in the Styx?
		I won the Empire's duelling competition for four years straight. Remember me now? This was five years ago. I was 20 years old, the talk of the capitol! They called me "the Young Mors Gotha." God, I was fast, then!
			- What happened?
				I started getting the "inner voice," the one they say comes to favored servants of the Guardian. You know it? He wanted me to kill people for him. I dunno why -- removing dissidents, I guess, or maybe just to show off that he had an unbeatable fencer in his pocket.
					- I have heard of this voice.
						It turns out he can do more than talk -- made it rough for me for a while. Still does, when I'm sober -- drinking's the only thing that holds him off! If I own one thing in this world, it's my swordarm. I'm the best there is, and I worked to get that way, and I'll be damned if that Red Bastard will make me his toy.
							- 'Tis a brave thing thou'rt doing, to rebel against the Guardian!
								Aye, and costly.
							- Go to! Surely thou shouldst just follow orders, else thou art wasting thy talent!
					- Why didst thou not take his offer?
			- Who is Mors Gotha?
				The Guardian's pet killer. Met her once, long time ago, even beat her once in a sparring match! Didn't care for her much, but she could handle a blade!
	- Aye, methinks I heard it once.
		I should expect so!
			- Tell me more of thy story.
83: I am sorry. May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
84: I understand. I'm afraid I cannot tarry.
85: If thou wilt, please tell me of the Guardian's eight virtues.
- I understand thy sentiments.
	Dost thou? 'Tis rare that I find one who understands the worth of such things, particularly since I've been exiled to this backwater! May we, then, be friends?
		- I would be glad of it. Wouldst thou teach me to use the sword?
		- I am honored. I shall see thee anon.
		- Friends with a has-been drunkard? I think not.
		- Of course. Please tell me of this keep.
			A stranger such as thyself must be wary of Mystell! If thou hast no good reason to be aboard, she will almost certainly suspect thee as a spy. She already has a campaign going against that stuck-up mage Altara!
				- Who is Altara?
					Some sorceress the Guardian brought in here from the capitol a while back. Not a real social type.
87: Surely the rewards would be worth it!
94: May I ask thee to train me in swordplay?
95: I must go now, but I shall heed thy advice.
96: Let us speak of the eight virtues.
99: Lobar's voice goes suddenly, dangerously, soft.
100: You sure of that?
101: Aye!
102: Nay, I spoke hastily.
103: I thought so. I shall leave thee to reflect on thy words awhile.
104: He turns back to his drink.
105: Thou hast disappointed me.
106: He turns his back.
107: I shall see thee later. 'Tis a small Keep!
108: Thou must find thyself a blade, first!
109: I shall return with one.
110: Indeed, I could use the exercise. Draw now, and thou shalt learn from thy better!
111: You and Lobar fight to a draw.
112: There is nothing more I can teach thee, thou art mighty in the way of swords.
113: You find yourself breaking a sweat -- his speed is unbelievable, and you profit greatly from his lessons.
114: Wouldst thou go again?
115: Aye, let us keep on!
116: Nay, that is enough for now.
117: Lobar shows you some new moves, but you cannot quite follow what he is teaching.
118: Right now you need combat experience, not sparring.
119: Very well. I shall return.

	Ho there, friend. It seems great things are afoot in these parts!
		- What hast thou heard of this disturbance?
			Why, look in the barracks, my friend! 'Tis crawling with soldiers newly arrived. I have heard Mors Gotha herself is here to oversee the operation.
				- What operation?
					- I know not -- the Gotha Squad has no time to drink with us lowly guardsmen. Hah! Wait'll I ask one to spar! From the equipment I've seen come in, I'd guess it's some kind of siege operation, but I've no idea where they're bound. The nomads don't build castles!
						- Thank thee -- I shall go question them myself.
							I wish you luck, but they're a hard-headed crew -- they usually only talk to their own!
							You might bluff'em with that ring you've got on, though -- I'd ask you where you got it, but I might not like the answer!
				- Mors Gotha? Where is she?
		- I have noticed unusual happenings.
			I don't want to start any rumors or anything, but I'd swear I saw Mors Gotha coming in incognito, carrying that spellbook she never lets out of her sight. She takes all her meals in her office, so I can't be sure. I only ever saw her once, after all!
		- Hast thou seen Altara lately?
			The black-haired sorceress?
			I heard you two were spending a lot of time together.
			I heard a rumor you two were something of an item, but hey -- I won't pry!
			I haven't seen her around for a while. She keeps to herself a lot, you know. What else is on your mind?
		- I must be going now.
- I must train with thee.
- Wouldst thou train me?
139: Precious little -- these new soldiers are a secretive bunch. I've seen some seige equipment come in, but nobody'll answer any of my questions!
140: You'd think they'd give me some respect, now that I'm Captain of the Guards!
141: Thank thee -- I shall go question them myself.
142: Wouldst thou train me?
143: I must be going now.
I heard of thy duel with Relk, my friend -- he was never well-liked here, and was ever quick to strike the first blow. I believe thou needst not fear reprisal.
	- I am very sorry, but he attacked me first!
	- 'Twas but a training accident, I swear!
		Think nothing of it! Thou hast earned me a promotion, and eased the lives of many people here!
150: Well, I hope I shall see the later.


1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: I make thee this offer.
3: I demand that thou givest me these items.
4: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
5: I do not wish to barter any further.
6: Farewell.
7: I accept thy offer.
8: No, I do not like this deal.
9: Thou canst not be serious.
10: I am weary of this haggling.
11: Is this some kind of a joke?
12: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
13: Yes, I must.
14: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
15: I know not what items you mean.
16: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
17: No! Thou shalt not take them!
18: Stay and talk with me a moment, traveler, for I see by thy clothing thou art from a far-off land, as am I.
19: I shall be leaving soon, and will pass onward through this deserted land. Thus passes my life...
20: Ah, %PCNAME, thou hast come to see me again!
21: I shall be leaving soon, and will pass onward through this deserted land. Thus passes my life...
22: I heard of thy scrap with the Captain of the Guards -- he was always quick to fight! And thou art mightier than thou dost appear.
23: Where art thou from?
24: What has brought thee so far?
25: What is this place?
26: I'm afraid I have no time to speak with thee.
27: I hail from the land of Javra, though it has been years since I have seen that place. 'Tis beyond the Tuay Mountains, far from this desert place. And tell me, who art thou?
28: I am %PCNAME, Avatar of Britannia.
29: I am %PCNAME, a traveler like yourself.
30: I am %PCNAME, and I am sworn to destroy the Guardian.
31: Britannia? 'Tis strange, I have never heard of such a place.
32: HA HA HA! Thou'rt truly the life of the party, %PCNAME!
33: Ah, 'tis a hard life we lead, never staying long in one land. 'Tis fitting we meet in Killorn Keep, for our home is a moving place, never settled, always shifting over a harsh landscape.
34: Whither art thou bound, Kintara?
35: What dost thou mean, "a moving place"?
36: Kintara, do not whine to me of thy troubles.
37: Thou'rt right, I must think of my future!
38: I am bound for Mashan, to receive a shipment of Shalathian dream-spice -- wouldst thou hear of the wondrous effects of this drug?
39: Aye, tell me of it.
40: Nay, I keep my mind and body pure.
41: Thou dost misunderstand -- 'tis no mere muddling of the mind or senses!
42: 'Tis said a small measure of it, prepared properly, can bring thee dreams of the other worlds that lie next to our own! Many who take the drug speak of visions of a strange and beautiful Shrine!
43: 'Tis an old wives' tale, surely!
44: What a wondrous thing!
45: I only wish I had some to offer thee!
46: In the meantime, may I interest you in these boots of fire resistance? Fashioned of authentic dragon skin!
47: Aye, how much are they?
48: No, thank thee.
49: Well, it depends on what thou canst offer me.
50: Thou'rt most likely correct. I can only hope my customers are more gullible than thyself!
51: I wish thee luck.
52: Thou art a scoundrel and a fraud! I bid thee good day.
53: Knowest thou not where thou art? Ah, but I suppose thou didst arrive by magical means, as many do in this place. Thou'rt in Killorn Keep, a castle which wanders the Northeastern Wasteland, suspended half a league above the desert!
54: What holds it there?
55: Why create a flying castle?
56: Who can fathom the ways of the Guardian? Perhaps it is to cow the filthy desert nomads into submission.
57: She shrugs, and turns her eyes upwards.
58: The Guardian only knows! I have traveled far, and seen much of this world, but still I am far from having an understanding of His ways. Of the Keep, I know only that there are rooms which one is forbidden to enter.
59: What rooms are these?
60: Why are they forbidden?
61: Who might tell me more of these things?
62: She begins to edge away from you.
63: Please, it is best not to speak of such things!
64: I must. It is very important!
65: Please excuse me, we will speak of something else.
66: Thank you -- one never knows who might be listening in these halls! What else can we talk about?
67: If you must speak to someone, you might inquire of Ogri -- he knows many hidden things... but please, what else can we speak of?
68: Then I shall speak with thee later.

### OGRI

1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Master
3: Mistress
4: You see an ancient man, dressed in the garb of a servant.
5: Greetings, young Master/Mistress. 'Tis good to see thee, and good to see the banner hanging once again in the Great Hall.
6: I am glad to hear it.
7: I would hear thy secret again, if I may.
8: Canst thou train me in the ancient lore?
9: So thou hast slain the mighty Relk, hast thou? Murder is a very serious thing...
10: It was an accident, I swear!
11: He struck first -- I merely defended myself!
12: Aye, what of it?
13: To kill without remorse is a terrible thing. And yet...
14: 'Tis well known he was an evil man.
15: Such a commotion! 'Tis like the ancient days of Killorn... But what was it thou wert wanting, Master/Mistress?
16: Ah, thou hast returned. What wouldst thou, Master/Mistress?
17: Wouldst thou speak to me of something, Master/Mistress?
18: Who art thou?
19: Who is thy leader?
20: What canst thou tell me of the keep?
21: I have brought back the banner of Killorn.
22: Canst thou train me in the ancient lore?
23: Excuse me, I must be going.
24: A very good day to thee, young Master/Mistress!
25: A good day to you, young Master/Mistress.
26: I am Ogri, son of Irgo, and I serve whoever holds power in Killorn Keep, as my father did, and my father's father before him, since the first day stone was laid on stone at Killorn, these centuries past.
27: The venerable Lord Thibris is king here, Master/Mistress. He is a kind man, a great warrior in his day. He was much grieved to hear that the banner had been lost.
28: What banner is this?
29: What is thy job here?
30: Know thou aught of the keep itself?
31: The keep is an old, old place, far older than most suspect. 'Twas built by my ancestors, for purposes that have been all but forgotten in time...
32: Why does it fly?
33: Of what purposes do you speak?
34: Pshaw! 'Tis but an old building.
35: As you like, Master/Mistress.
36: It flies because the Guardian wishes it to fly, I suppose. But it must be very heavy, and he who lifts it so very, very old, and tired...
37: Who lifts it?
38: Was it originally built to fly?
39: Lifting it is the Guardian's problem, not mine!
40: You are right, this is not thy concern.
41: I... cannot tell thee that, young Master/Mistress. I may not speak of that... individual.  Perhaps we should discuss something else.
42: There are some things those of my family may not speak of. Only this: the Keep was not built to keep something out, oh no. No, it keeps something in. That is all.
43: 'Tis interesting. May I do anything for thee, in return for thy information?
44: Thank thee, for the advice, sir.
45: Thou'rt merely telling stories, old man!
46: As you like, Master/Mistress.
47: The lost banner of Killorn! In my great-great-grandfather's time, castle's Lord fell in battle against the demon Praecor Loth, and with him was lost the Keep's emblem, the blue eagle. If in thy travels thou shouldst hear word of it, 'twould give an old man some small joy to see it returned.
48: I shall do what I can.
49: And what canst thou offer me in return?
50: Look after thine own banner, senile fool.
51: He totters off, muttering fierce-sounding curses in an ancient, consonant-heavy language.
52: I am old, Master/Mistress, and my father was old before me, and he knew this castle when it still stood in the ground. He told me of many secrets in this castle, many twistings and twinings, which might prove of interest to one such as thee.
53: What meanest thou, "one such as thee?"
54: What secrets are these?
55: I mean only, "one such as thyself," Master/Mistress. I am old, but I am not blind. Excuse me, I must going.
56: Oh, twinings, twistings, curlings, whirlings...
57: He chuckles and wanders off into the dark.
58: It would mean much to me, Master/Mistress. Ah, that blue, like the ocean...
59: You have? Let me see it!
60: It is here.
61: I do not have it with me. I will fetch it.
62: Please, do, I long to see it!
63: Please, show it to me!
64: Sorry, here it is.
65: I'm sorry, I must have left it somewhere.
66: The Killorn Standard! Killorn's blue is home again!
67: He hugs it to himself, and sings a brief snatch of song, doubtless some long-forgotten anthem of Killorn.
68: Stranger, I am a humble servant, and possess nothing to reward thee with, save a few secrets. Wouldst thou hear a secret?
69: Aye.
70: Nay, of what use is that to me?
71: Of more use than thou might think.
72: There are few who remember the Keep's true nature. At its heart, in a room where no one enters, sit two strange creatures, who, though they have no hands or arms, support the entire weight of the keep by their own will. If they were to stop, even for a moment, this entire keep would come crashing out of the sky!.
73: And where is this room?
74: How may I enter the room?
75: The room's down below the old barracks area somewhere - I no longer recall exactly where.
76: Will I need a key to get in?
77: Thank thee. This is indeed a marvel!
78: The key is hidden in a barrel in one of the storerooms.
79: Where may I find this room?
80: Thank thee. This is indeed a marvel.
81: Indeed, there is none like it in the world.
82: I have learned much in my long years, young Master/Mistress, and gladly will I teach thee!
83: Ogri's knowledge of the ancient past is astounding -- even though his world is different from yours, you learn much from him.
84: Wouldst like to learn more, young Master/Mistress?
85: Aye, please!
86: No, thank thee.
87: What else can I help thee with?
88: Ogri is clearly very wise, but you cannot seem to keep your attention focused on his words.
89: I see that your mind is wandering, Master/Mistress -- perhaps there is important business you need to attend to?


1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: I greet thee, Traveler, and welcome thee to Killorn Keep. I am Mystell. For reasons of security, I must now ask thee several questions. Art thou willing to answer them?
3: Aye.
4: Nay.
5: The people are saying Relk's death was some sort of accident, and Thibris believes them. I cannot prosecute thee, but neither do I believe their words.
6: But it was an accident. He tripped, see, and...
7: 'Twas self-defense, Mystell.
8: Thou canst prove nothing.
9: He deserved it, the bastard.
10: Do not make bold with me, @GS40!
11: Thou'rt under suspicion here. If I catch thee doing anything further, thou shalt suffer for it, mark my words!
12: Just don't bother me any more! Thou hast cost me enough.
13: But...
14: You bloated idiot! That dagger was just an ordinary piece of metal! I am in disgrace, my career is in the toilet! Get out of my sight!
15: Sorry!
16: But what about my money?
17: The Guardian offers no reward for failure, spy. Now begone!
18: I am still waiting for word from the Guardian! When I receive my reward, thou shalt receive thine.
19: Well, my friend, hast thou any "news" for me?
20: Nothing yet, ma'am.
21: Yes! I have this magic dagger as proof she is a traitor.
22: Yes, the woman has confided her dissident views to me.
23: What do you have? Let me see!
24: Here it is -- should be all the proof you need.
25: Heck! I don't have it with me.
26: Well, @GS40, hast thou reconsidered my proposition?
27: Yes, let me hear of it.
28: No, never mind.
29: Well, @GS40, let us resume the questioning. I shall ask thee again.
30: Please allow me to rephrase the question. Thou canst answer the questions, or be executed on the spot as a spy. You may as well set about answering them, and if, later, you are displeased with your decision, well, then we can see about executing you.
31: To begin with, what is thy name?
32: %PCNAME.
33: %PCNAME, Avatar of Britannia and sworn enemy of the Guardian.
34: Abraham Lincoln.
35: Abraham
36: Next question.
37: Ha, ha, ha! Excellent, my dear @GS40, I see thou hast a sense of humor!
38: Now, the next question.
39: What country dost thou come from?
40: Siberia.
41: Britannia.
42: Excuse me, I am feeling ill. May I answer these questions later?
43: Javra, beyond the Tuay Mountains.
44: Javra. I see.
45: She peers at you suspiciously.
46: With a heroic display of coughing and gagging, you convince Mystell that you must leave her office immediately.
47: Enough. I see that thou art not willing to cooperate with me. Please allow my guards to pierce thy body with their swords.
48: My patience is not without its limits, stranger. Thou art warned.
49: This is not an acceptable answer. I have never heard of this country, and it is certainly not on our trading route! I warn thee, do not attempt to offer me false or imaginary answers. Go and consider thy options, but do not tarry overlong.
50: What country art thou bound for?
51: Montana.
52: Foobaria.
53: Excuse me, I am feeling a little ill. May I answer these questions later?
54: Mashan, for trading purposes.
55: I have only one further question for you, by means of which I wish to verify thy loyalty to our one, true, Guardian.
56: What, then, is the seventh of the Eight Virtues?
57: Spirituality.
58: Excuse me, I must go meditate on the profundity of this question.
59: Honour.
60: Silence.
61: Spirituality? What art thou thinking? People cannot work when their minds are full of otherworldly nonsense! Go now, and return when thou hast learned more of the way of the Guardian.
62: Do not take too long.
63: Honour? 'Tis but another name for the prideful squabbling of school children! Clearly thou knowest not the meaning of virtue. Go, and learn of it.
64: Excellent! I see that thou hast studied well the way of our master. Now that I have ascertained thy loyalty, I have a proposition to make to you. I have need of one who is a stranger to the keep, one who I can trust with some private information. Wilt thou hear of it?
65: Aye.
66: Nay.
67: Well, so be it. Return if thou dost change thy mind.
68: It is a delicate matter. I would like you to speak with a resident of the Keep, the sorceress Altara, and sound her out on certain topics -- I have reason to suspect she is an enemy of our Guardian. If thou canst find proof, I shall give thee thirty gold pieces.
69: What topics are these?
70: I refuse -- spying and deception are not virtuous.
71: What is in it for thee?
72: Service to the Guardian is ALWAYS virtuous. Now come, what sayest thou?
73: Tell me more.
74: Nay.
75: Altara once seemed destined for the Guardian's High Council -- why has she come to a backwater like Killorn? Her reasons for being here don't add up at all! If I could uncover proof of her treachery, I might receive a promotion, perhaps even a position in the capitol! Wilt thou do this for me?
76: I shall do it. Where is the money?
77: No, thank thee.
78: I understand thy decision. Enjoy thy stay in the Keep.
79: Money will come with proof, @GS40. Now go, it is not well we should be seen together.
80: Keep trying, @GS40! If she can be made to trust you, I'm sure you will be able to obtain some proof. Remember, the Guardian is depending on you.
81: I'll do my best.
82: I knew that, @GS40, that's not the point. We need proof of her vile revolutionary activities, or we cannot act. Go back and finish what you started, Avatar. And be quick about!
83: I will do it.
84: I like not this business.
85: But thou likest the reward, dost thou not? Thirty in gold? Now go!
86: Well? Hand it over!
87: Sorry, here it is.
88: I apologize. I will bring it soon.
89: Well, run and fetch it, idiot!
90: I shall relay this directly to the Guardian! Thou hast done well, my servant!
This invasion is a disaster!
	- What invasion?
		The top secret invasion, of course!
	- What's the matter?
		Mors Gotha's taken over the entire Keep. I'm powerless again. It's as if the Guardian never intended to promote me out of this backwater at all!
			- Perhaps this is the case.
				Fah! Much help thou art! Now excuse me, I must go salvage my career!
			- Thou art a fool to have any faith in the Guardian.
				Nay, the Guardian knows merit when he sees it. Someday he shall recognize my worth. 'Tis but another test, just another test...
				She wanders off, distracted, mumbling.
			- Have faith! The Guardian shall favor thee yet.
				Yes, thou'rt right, @GS40. I must merely wait out this madwoman's stay a bit longer. I swear, if she requisitions any more sticks of meat...
				She wanders off, cursing to herself.
	- A disaster for whom?
		For me, of course! That Gotha woman walked in and took over the whole keep, just like that! The nerve!
			- Gotha? You mean Mors Gotha?
				Titan's Teeth! You're not supposed to know anything about this. Look, don't tell anyone anything, all right? I must go salvage my career!
			- Where can I find her?
Will Mors Gotha and her siege army never leave!?
	- Exactly why is Mors Gotha here?
	- Why does this trouble you so much?
	- I shall leave thee to thy grumbling.
		Thank thee. I appreciate it.


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: man
19: woman

	The hooded woman looks up from her work.
	Hello there.
		- Hello, I am %PCNAME.
		- Sorry, wrong room.
		- I must ask thee some questions.
		- I am %PCNAME, the Avatar.
26: What do you want?
27: Look, can we talk?
28: I have done what you asked.
29: I don't talk to traitors, %PCNAME. If you really hate the Guardian, come here carrying Relk's head, or not at all.
30: I will do it.
31: Okay, who's Relk?
32: I'm not your hired killer, Altara.
33: Of course not -- you belong to the Guardian, don't you?
34: I've got the head.
You ran straight to Mystell with that dagger, didn't you? If thou hadst not slain Relk, I would think thou wert a spy for Guardian himself! Come, what hast thou to say for thyself?
	- I know not. I am sorry.
		Indeed, this may cost me greatly.
	- I thought I was doing the right thing!
		Aye, for the Guardian, perhaps!
You ran straight to Mystell with that dagger, didn't you? It will do them little good, but now at least I know thou canst not be trusted.
	- I cannot deny it. I am sorry.
	- What makes you think that?
	- No! It's a lie!
I had hoped to find an ally, in this fight, %PCNAME, but it is not to be thee. Please get out of my sight.
	- Wait! Give me another chance, and I will prove myself.
		As thou art my only ally, I shall give thee another chance! I have fashioned another dagger. Take it, and do not fail me again!
			- I shall not.
May I help thee, stranger?
	- Look, Miss, you don't understand. I'm the Avatar!
	- Mystell spoke to me of thee.
	- I seek magical training!
	- Do you know . . .
53: I am afraid I have no time to take on an apprentice, currently. Perhaps you could try again in a year or two.
54: Thou hast done a very dangerous thing, Avatar! Relk was not well-liked here, but he was a favorite of the Guardian's, and his death shall not go unnoticed.
55: Indeed, I believe Relk suspected my true identity.
56: It is possible that the Guardian is already observing my movements.
57: Dead men tell no tales, Altara!
58: Then we are doubly in peril! Remember, my life is at stake as well as thine, %PCNAME!
59: I shall endeavour to be more careful.
60: Thou canst find refuge on my world, if necessary.
61: Aye, please do so -- thou canst not merely slay where thou dost like! But come, what brings thee here, today?
62: Nay, Avatar, I shall not abandon my world so easily! I will stay and die, rather than leave the Guardian to rule here, and that is final. But come, we have work to do!
63: No tales? Who told thee such nonsense? Come, do not waste my time, but tell me what brings thee here today.
64: How may I help thee, Avatar?
65: I am Altara, sorceress resident of Killorn Keep.
66: I am the Avatar of Britannia.
67: Do you know . . .
68: Mystell has mentioned you.
69: \1@SS1\0
70: Bishop
71: Er...yes.
72: I see. And art thou a friend of hers?
73: Aye, I found her a sincere and likable person.
74: Nay, I found her a cold and suspicious sort.
75: Nay, she bears thee ill will.
76: Thou'rt a good judge of character, %PCNAME, for I am well aware that she doth enjoy spying on me, and on poor drunken Lobar, too. Now what may I do for thee?
77: Art thou a foe of the Guardian?
78: I am new to this world, and need assistance.
79: She looks slightly confused.
80: I... see. I am Altara, sorceress of Killorn Keep. Thou'rt some sort... of foreign dignitary?
81: That is correct.
82: I have journeyed here from another world.
83: I am a foe of the Guardian.
84: I seek to uphold the Eight virtues.
85: Don't we all? We are all the Guardian's devoted servants, are we not?
86: Nay, I am an Avatar of Virtue!
87: Perhaps there is some confusion. I am from Britannia.
88: I am like you, a foe of the Guardian!
89: And may I ask what business thou hast coming here?
90: I just wandered in by accident.
91: Canst thou train me in the ways of magic?
92: I have some questions to ask.
93: I'm afraid I am too busy.
94: I'm afraid I have no time for questions. If you need some information, I'm sure Mystell would be happy to help thee.
95: Another...
96: She snatches a blue lens from a nearby table, holds it before her eye, and gasps.
97: 'Tis true! Why have you come here, stranger?
98: I wander the planes, searching for a way to save my people, whom the Guardian has imprisoned.
99: 'Twas an accident.
100: I am at war with the Guardian.
101: 'Twas no accident, stranger! Thinkest thou I am a fool?
102: She fixes you with a suspicious glance.
103: Well, I have no time to waste on "accidents!"
104: Hush! Mystell is ever spying upon me -- doubtless, she approached thee on the subject, too!
105: She runs to close the outer door.
106: Before his death, Bishop told me you might come.
107: Bishop told me you might come.
108: What do you intend? Are you going to call the guards?
109: No, I will not call the guards.
110: How dost thou know Bishop?
111: You might say, we are in a similar line of work.
112: Wilt thou help me?
113: However I can.
114: I am no friend to the Guardian, either. I once sought to organize an independent political movement, a group that would promote causes not specifically authorized by the High Council.
115: That was foolish!
116: 'Twas a noble goal.
117: What happened?
118: She nods.
119: I admit it.
120: The Council's policy debates are a sham, %PCNAME. The Guardian brooks no dissent among his subjects. We were betrayed, and those of us too valuable to kill were exiled to the four corners of the empire. Thus I was posted to this desert keep, ever observed by Mystell and her craven ilk.
121: I would like to help thee oppose the Guardian.
122: Canst thou help me in my fight?
123: Why were you too valuable?
124: Perhaps. But first, I would learn of thine own quarrel with the Titan.
125: You tell her of Britannia's plight.
126: I am a sorceress of some small ability. The Guardian values my research on extraplanar phenomena.
127: Canst thou help me against the Guardian?
128: The Listener is dead.
129: Canst thou offer me further help?
130: I have collected the components of the staff!
131: Is there more we may do together in our battle?
132: Tell me of thy research.
133: Canst thou offer me training in the magical arts?
134: @SS1
135: I must go now.
136: Transactions among the many worlds are more common than thou might think. All sorts of things -- teleport storms, major acts of magic, special plants and animals -- can bridge the gaps between realities.
137: What are teleport storms?
138: How do magical acts affect the planes?
139: What sorts of plants and animals?
140: It is not known. Some sort of transitory localized disturbance, maybe a bit like turbulence in water. It moves objects and people arbitrary distances, both between and within worlds.
141: Tell me more about the planes.
142: Enough scholarship for now.
143: What wouldst thou hear of now?
144: There is a kind of resonance between planes which lie close to one another. Powerful and violent magics, such as the Guardian is so fond of, cause gateways to open between realities, where the same magic repeats itself more faintly, like an echo.
145: Tell me more about the planes.
146: Enough scholarship for now.
147: What wouldst thou hear of now?
148: In this matter I know only rumors. Certain plants are mentioned in ancient texts, which when eaten cast one into other worlds, in one's dreams. They speak of some kind of "Spiritual Shrine" associated with this phenomenon . . . but my recollection of the work is hazy.
149: Tell me more about the planes.
150: Enough scholarship for now.
151: What wouldst thou hear of now?
152: Goodbye.
153: She turns back to her work.
154: Of course, %PCNAME. Wouldst thou improve thy casting skill, or learn to increase thy store of mana?
155: Please help me work on my casting gestures.
156: I need to be able to hold more power!
157: I need no training today.
158: Certainly.
159: Altara's knowledge of the mystic arts is formidable, and you learn much from her in a short time.
160: Your casting skill seems to have reached a plateau -- you are unable to improve.
161: I will help thee.
162: She teaches you mental disciplines, which enable you to draw more fully on your mystic resources.
163: You find yourself unable to extend your ability.
164: Shall I teach thee more?
165: Aye, let us keep on!
166: Nay, that is enough for now.
167: She retrieves a dagger from a locked chest.
168: You understand, 'tis a great risk for one in my position to trust thee with this. Listen well -- I was a long while in the Guardian's service, and I know his methods. There will be an observer in thy castle, some magical creature lurking in the sewers and tunnels there.
169: Where will it be?
170: How can I destroy it?
171: By now it has burrowed deep into the rock foundation of thy fortress, its ear to the stone, listening to all that transpires there. It will stay near a body of water, and surround itself with walls of fire.
172: I shall slay it.
173: Altara, I think thou'rt overly nervous.
174: Keep this dagger with thee! This shall bring thee through any fire-walls it puts in thy path. And though other weapons may wound it, only this blade can deal the killing blow.
175: I see thou'rt heavily encumbered I will leave it for thee here.
176: Perhaps thou shouldst come back for it later.
177: Please, find and destroy the listener-imp lurking beneath thy fortress -- I can sense that he is still in place, within his icy burrow. Remember, only this dagger can gain you entrance to his lair and kill him!
178: %PCNAME, thou hast come to me as a friend and ally, and I have trusted thee thus far. Wilt thou do this for me, and for thyself?
179: Aye.
180: Nay.
181: Mark me, if thou wilt not work with me in this matter, both of us shall fail in our ambition. Return if thou dost change thy mind.
182: She smiles.
183: Thank thee, %PCNAME. We shall make a good team in this.
184: Farewell.
185: So thou hast disposed of the Guardian's watcher? Then thou art trustworthy after all! 'Tis well, as I have need of an ally who can travel the planes.
186: What may I do for thee?
187: I am offended that thou dost not trust me.
188: Past experience has shown me that few people, if any, are trustworthy. My previous naivete proved most... expensive.
189: She shows you a black pearl.
190: I have almost succeeded in placing a powerful enchantment in this pearl. It lacks only two rare elements, the egg of a dread spider, and an amethyst rod. Once complete, it will become a powerful weapon in this fight.
191: I will obtain the components.
192: Go to! I am not here to be thy errand-runner.
193: Here, take the pearl with thee, and bring it back with the components.
194: Hm. I see thou'rt heavily encumbered. I will leave it for thee here.
195: Perhaps thou shouldst come back for it later.
196: You must assemble all parts of the sceptre before we can continue.
197: Before you go -- I have noticed that thou dost practice runic magic. Wilt thou take these with thee, %PCNAME, as my gift?
198: May good fortune go with thee!
199: Excellent! And now, if thou wouldst hand them to me . . .
200: She holds out her hand.
201: Thank thee.
202: She reads a prepared scroll over three objects, and they flow and fuse together in a way that your eye cannot follow. When it is finished, a new object has formed.
203: Now, listen carefully. I have sensed that the Guardian has cast a powerful spell over your world. Is this not the case?
204: Yes, it is.
205: When the Guardian cast his spell, he opened cracks between the worlds, cracks that led to the sites of similar spells on other worlds -- these are his places of power. His lines of energy are strung thus in a web throughout the multiverse. This staff can cut those lines.
206: What must I do with it?
207: How does it work?
208: On each world, you must find his place of power, some vile sorcerous engine or a ruin blighted by his magic, and touch the staff to the earth. It cannot cancel his magic, but it can prevent him from drawing energy from a plane, and using that energy to power his spell.
209: I shall do this.
210: How shall I find these places?
211: No, 'tis too dangerous.
212: Excellent! At last, I have an ally of courage!
213: 'Tis good that thou asked, %PCNAME! I have recently perfected a new spell, which I call "Enchantment." It will recharge a magical artifact's energies, or lend magical potency to any weapon or armor!
214: What are this spell's runes?
215: It must be a very difficult spell!
216: Aye -- none but the greatest mages may cast it!
217: Its runes are VAS ORT YLEM -- may it serve thee well!
218: Has VAS ORT YLEM been of use to thee?
219: Aye.
220: Nay.
221: Good! Beware, though -- a magical item can only hold a certain measure of energy -- too much may destroy it!
222: Well, keep it in reserve -- 'tis a powerful spell!
223: For the moment, you must continue isolating thy plane from the Guardian's lines of power.
224: Here they are.
225: I do not have them.
226: Then please return with them as soon as possible. I may be discovered at any time.
227: Where are they? I must have all three.
228: On each world, thou shalt find some who know its past, its story. They shall tell thee of the Guardian's work there, where his power on that world lies -- thou mayst judge for thyself what sort of "Guardian" he is!
229: I shall do it.
230: Nay, I shall be killed!
231: Excellent! At last, I have an ally of courage!
232: Avatar, I took thee for a brave @GS36. It would seem I was mistaken.
233: Wait! I changed my mind, I shall do it.
234: I have no wish to die.
235: Excellent! At last, I have an ally of courage!
236: I am sure thy fellow Britannians feel the same way!
237: %PCNAME, thou hast done it, though I scarcely believed it possible. The Guardian can no longer draw magical energy from the planes surrounding thine own. His spell there must be growing feeble indeed!
238: All Britannia owes thee thanks, Altara.
239: What more needs to be done?
240: We can do no more here. Though you have weakened the Guardian's power on thine own plane, the spell he cast retains its original structure -- you must apply a disruptive force to it to destroy it. That I cannot help thee with -- you must seek that force somewhere among the many worlds thou hast access to.
241: I thank thee, Altara.
242: I shall.
243: I wish thee luck, Avatar.
244: I blush to accept thy thanks, Avatar, as I have spent the hours sitting home in my laboratory, while thou didst brave the dangers of this labyrinth of worlds. Thou'rt a brave soul, %PCNAME, and I wish thee good fortune in thy travels.
245: You want another chance? After what you did to me? If that dagger had been worth anything, I would be dead now! You want a chance, you can bring me Relk the security chief's head on a platter, that's what you can do!
246: But...
247: I will do it, then.
248: She slams the door in your face.
249: Altara raises an eyebrow.
250: Oh, really? Thou hast brought to me Relk's head? Show it to me, then!
251: Here it is.
252: Nay, I do not have it.
253: Well, where is it then?
254: I'm afraid I do not have it.
255: Wait! I have it here!
256: What . . . is this? A head, but . . . not his! Please get this out of here. This is disgusting!
257: What . . . is this? Heads, but . . . none of them his! Please get these out of here. This is disgusting!
258: What do you mean? I...I mean, I was joking, you...didn't really...
259: She sees what you are carrying.
260: Th-that's it, isn't it? Y-you are for real, aren't you? Look, we don't have much time.
261: I have no time for this silly game. Get the head, or leave me alone.
262: I will get it for you, never fear.
263: You must believe me, I am not a traitor!
264: Goodbye.
265: Then return when thou dost!
266: He and Mystell are the Guardian's watchdogs around here. Unlike Mystell, he's probably being groomed for some command position. If anybody, drunk or sober, says the wrong thing, he's the one who reports it back to the capital. If you want me to believe you're not the stooge you act like, go get his head.
267: I am in thy debt.
268: I have what I need. I must be on my way, now!
269: Thou'rt welcome!
270: Please take whatever thou dost need.
271: Farewell.
272: I knew thou wouldst see the right path.
273: I see thou'rt heavily encumbered -- I will leave it for thee here.
274: Perhaps thou shouldst come back for it later.
275: Art thou sure? Thy world shall benefit more than mine, if this can be completed.
276: I shall complete the quest.
277: I shall not do it.
278: Then return if thou dost change thy mind.  I warn thee, Avatar, thou art denying thyself a powerful advantage.


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: OW! I'm Jerry the Rat, now cut it out!!!
18: Yeah, Relk's dead, boo hoo.
19: I'm Jerry the Rat. What the fuck do you want?
20: Uh, never mind.
21: Please Spew Wildly.
22: Charming feller, aren't ye?
23: Wanna go up some levels?
24: Sure.
25: I say thee nay.
26: Tough luck, sucker.
27: Presto.
28: Oh, yeah, take this spooge oil.  You'll need it.
29: Okay.  Thanks.
30: Oh, and while you're here, take all my stuff.
31: Farewell.
32: I could use these things.
33: No thanks.  I just couldn't.
34: Fair enough.
35: Wait.  Which things?
36: Look here, you pointless piece of Garbage, I can't believe you would every be so bleeding useless as to bother asking me to do this, i mean, seriously, I'm an Artist, i cant just do this, It hurts, you understand me, it HURTS... i cant just live in thrall to your petty demands and needs, what about me, the rat. Think about it.  Everyone comes up and says... oh look, jerry the fucking rat, what a bore.  But from where i crawl, i think, this really sucks, what a pain, all these pointless people coming by
37: and wasting my time.  If i had my way, i'd kill Lord British,buy EA, sell them off to get an airplane, fly to havana and crash it into a cheap mexican food place so i could have a few good tacos before it all ends, ya know.


1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Guardian? Guardian!!?
3: A red moongate appears behind her, and moves to engulf her.
4: At the last instant, she hesitates.
5: Wait, wait! I need that spellboo-
6: She is swallowed up.
7: Guardian? Guardian, get me out of here!
8: She coughs blood.
9: God DAMN it.
10: So, Avatar -- for surely, 'tis thee -- how dost thou like thy handiwork?
11: She gestures at the ruins of Killorn Keep, around her. The smell of decaying flesh is in the air.
12: Well?
13: 'Twas necessary for these to die, if virtue is to triumph.
14: I grieve at my mistake -- I should not have done this.
15: Who art thou?
16: This is your doing isn't it, Avatar? Thou hast driven me from this place, but soon I shall take the battle to the halls of Castle British itself! In the meantime, I suggest that you make a hasty exit from this dimension, before we reach the ground!
17: She vanishes.
18: Yes? What is it?
19: I am the Avatar, and I am here to kill thee.
20: I bear thee a message from the Guardian.
21: Excuse me -- I didn't mean to intrude.
22: Who art thou?
23: I gave thee one chance, Avatar. One only.
24: Spare me thy deceptions.
25: Do not move.
26: Didst thou think I would not know thee, Avatar? I knew thou wert abroad among the planes -- thy arrival here was inevitable.
27: Yes? And what of it?
28: And now thou shalt die.
29: Who art thou?
30: Ever since you smashed the Black Gate I have been anticipating this encounter. Did you know I've never been defeated in the Guardian's service?
31: Aye.
32: Nay.
33: What about your match with Lobar?
34: I hope I have not upset thee.
35: Thou hast one chance to beg for thy life. If thou dost wish it, I shall disarm thee and thou mayst surrender. What sayest thou?
36: You insult me at your peril.
37: I tire of this posturing. If we are to do battle, let us begin.
38: I beg thee for my life.
39: She laughs long and loudly.
40: %PCNAME, you disappoint me -- I had thought thee an opponent worth honoring. Thou didst cost the Guardian too much pride to be allowed to live.
41: You see, %PCNAME? We are not that different after all! Thou wert e'er as bloodthirsty as I, if not more so.
42: That is a lie! I fight only for virtue, not for the pleasure of it.
43: Believe what thou wilt. Now die, evil one.
44: How canst thou think we are alike?
45: And how many hast thou slain in thy questing? Thou dost kill to gain thine ends, just as do I.
46: Poor, poor Avatar! Thou'rt caught between thy master's virtues and thine own bloodlust. Perhaps thou shouldst join me, and serve a more . . . entertaining master.
47: I have heard enough talk.
48: 'Tis not wrong to kill in the cause of virtue, but I do not enjoy it.
49: How canst thou suggest such a thing?
50: Yes, I suppose thou must think so.
51: She yawns.
52: Then let's get down to business.
53: She draws her sword.
54: That runt got lucky! I've had enough o'this!
55: As you wish, Avatar.
56: Why, I am Mors Gotha.
57: What art thou doing here?
58: And now I shall slay thee.
59: I am here to invade thy world, through the blackrock gate. Wouldst thou join me?
60: Of course not. I shall destroy thee unless thou dost refrain from this.
61: How canst thou ask such a thing?
62: Because in all the many worlds, thou art the person most like myself.
63: 'Tis a lie!
64: Tell me more.
65: How can this be?
66: Now, now, Avatar.
67: We are twins, you and I! We champion the great Causes in life. Thou art not of the common rabble, Avatar, nor am I!
68: I am no better than my countrymen, nor do I claim to be.
69: I see thy point.
70: Do not be naive, Avatar!
71: We have nothing to do with the mass of men, we two. We walk across the many worlds; by our actions, entire nations crash down or are saved from death. We two are the only ones to see the grandeur, the full scope of this war. And yet you choose to be bound to your rustic Britannia, your feeble Lord British! Why?
72: Power has no meaning or value, without virtue.
73: I know not. Perhaps thou art right.
74: I shall not betray my lord.
75: Perhaps I await a better offer.
76: Thou art a petty thinker, Avatar! I had thought thee more than this.
77: She spits on the ground.
78: Guards! Help me dispose of this waste!
79: Join us, then! Come with me to serve our Guardian! Together, we shall walk the sands of a hundred worlds; a thousand monarchs shall bend their knees before us; and the pleasures, Avatar . . . 'tis not to believed! Thou hast only to say yes, to me.
80: Yes, I shall join thee.
81: No, I shall not join.
82: Thou hast only to give over thy weapon, Avatar, a sign of thy decision, and we shall away, off to the palace of the Guardian, in the Pagan world.
83: Here thou art.
84: Nay, 'tis merely a base trick!
85: Thou hast only to give over thy runebag, Avatar, a sign of thy decision, and we shall away, off to the palace of the Guardian, in the Pagan world.
86: Here thou art.
87: Nay, 'tis merely a base trick!
88: So, %PCNAME, thy heart is not so given over to virtue as thou didst think! Thy commitment to Virtue is every bit as hollow as I had suspected.  But didst thou really think I would share my position with thee?
89: Laughing, she draws her sword.
90: That's the spirit, %PCNAME!
91: She tucks it away in her belt, then looks at you and shakes her head.
92: But power is not a thing to be shared, Avatar. 'Tis a pity, but 'tis true.
93: She draws her sword.
94: Come, Avatar, 'tis no great thing to ask.
95: Here thou art.
96: Nay, I will not do it.
97: Enough of thy games.
98: Please, Avatar. Surely such a thing poses little risk to thee -- 'tis merely a sign that thou'rt in earnest.

### RELK

1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: A well-groomed young man in armor greets you.
3: I am pleased to meet thee, %PCNAME. I am Relk, captain of the Guards. Do come visit me in my quarters in the southwest some time -- I am sure we have much to discuss.
4: What would you like to discuss with me?
5: I have heard thou hast been seen carrying a black gem. Care to tell me about it?
6: How dost thou know my name?
7: Welcome to my quarters, %PCNAME... or should I say, "Avatar?"
8: How dost thou know who I am?
9: Thou wert seen carrying a black jewel. Canst thou tell me about it?
10: He begins to laugh.
11: Did you really think your coming was not foretold?\m
12: He raises his voice.
13: See, Guardian, see how well I serve you! It is not Lobar who deserves the blessing of thy voice, but I, Relk!\m
14: I shall show thee, Master, thou wert right to inform me of the Britannian's coming! See how well thou hast chosen!
15: He appears very nervous.
16: I have, er... heard that thou'rt... uh, wise in the way of virtue. Is this not so?
17: Indeed.
18: Nay, I know little of the virtues.
19: Than I shall teach thee of it. I shall expect thee.
20: He hurries away.
21: Than we shall speak on that subject. Until later.
22: He hurries away.
23: 'Tis a small keep, Av... er, %PCNAME. Do come see me.
24: He hurries away.
25: Uh... what dost thou mean, a black gem?
26: Oh, never mind.
27: Someone saw you carrying a black gem. Now where did you get it?
28: Oh, THAT gem! 'Twas nothing, merely a gift from my... sister.
29: Oh. Sorry to have bothered thee.
30: Then why did you throw it in the oubliette?
31: Tell me what it was, or I shall kill thee!
32: How dost thou know these things! Did Nocticle Sartre send thee? 'Twas a top secret assignment from the Guardian himself!
33: Tell me everything!
34: Nocticle Sartre? What is that?
35: Had I known thou wert so well-informed, I would have killed thee long before this. 'Tis almost as if thou didst spy on me, there in the engine room. Come, we shall settle the matter now.
36: He draws his sword.
37: him
38: her
39: You would threaten an officer of the Guardian's realm? I warn thee, %PCNAME, do not start anything with me!
40: Thou didst misunderstand me! I was merely... jesting.
41: If guards come, I shall kill them. Now talk.
42: Thou hast a queer way of jesting, %PCNAME!
43: Guards...GUARDS!
44: No guards are forthcoming.
45: Lazy provincials . . . ! In any case, I shall teach thee what it means to threaten me! In the meantime, I shall tell thee -- I retrieved that gem from the engine room, on a SPECIAL SECRET MISSION from the GUARDIAN HIMSELF! And THOU HAST INTERFERED! I have no choice but to destroy thee utterly! Er . . . not that I mind, or anything.
46: Nay, I insist. How dost thou know of such a thing?
47: Josie told me.
48: 'Tis common knowledge.
49: I cannot tell thee.
50: Art thou mad? A talking cat?
51: Do not attempt to deceive me. Thou art a spy, fool, and soon thou shalt die for it!


1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: son
3: daughter
4: Greetings, my son/daughter!
5: What is this place?
6: Who art thou?
7: Ah, my son/daughter, thou hast come to see me again!
8: Tell me again of thy glorious past!
9: Tell me again of Killorn Keep.
10: Excuse me, I must go.
11: I am Lord Thibris, Master of this Keep.
12: And what keep is this?
13: Why this is Killorn Keep! A fine posting for an old soldier, I must say! A mile in the air, striking fear into the desert nomads. Very fine!
14: Wert thou a soldier for the Guardian?
15: Who are these nomads?
16: What keeps the Keep in the air?
17: Well, er... I never thought about it much. 'Tis the Guardian's work, and it doesn't do to ask many questions, I've found!
18: What sort of life is it, serving the Guardian?
19: Hast thou fought many campaigns for the Guardian?
20: Oh, doubtless some scruffy rabble, not worth the trouble of enslaving.
21: It seems thou dost like working for the Guardian.
22: Thou art a soldier for the Guardian, it seems.
23: And a fine one, too! I served him well, in many commands, and on many worlds!
24: Tell me of some of thy past triumphs.
25: What is it like to work for the Guardian?
26: Oho! Thou hast hit on my favorite subject! Wouldst thou hear of my work on the Praecor Loth campaign? 'Twas centuries ago, but I remember it as if it were this morning!
27: I never tire of this story! Though 'twas centuries ago, I still remember it as my greatest triumph!
28: Who was Praecor Loth?
29: Nay, I have no time for this.
30: Centuries ago? How is this possible?
31: Oh, some barbarian king or other. 'Tis of no import now! The Guardian offered him peace, but he would not take it, and so I was sent to bring him down. 'Twas in the early battles there that the Killorn Banner was lost. Such a pity!
32: What banner was this?
33: And did you succeed?
34: Why didn't the Guardian just leave him alone?
35: And deprive another world of the Guardian's peace? Art thou mad?
36: I drove him a thousand miles north of his capital, 'til he died and was buried in a great tomb carved into a cliff. His greatest treasure still rests there, a horn of extraordinary power!
37: What was special about the horn?
38: Why did you not just dig it out?
39: It must have been a great victory.
40: Why, the sound that came from it could shatter buildings! None could wield it but Praecor Loth himself, but the Guardian hoped to harness its power somehow.
41: Well, you know, we tried that, but they built the tomb very cleverly. There was supposed to be a map, divided in eight parts, hidden in the tomb, and it showed the way through a deadly maze. Most of my servants wouldn't enter the tomb at all, though. They feared the dead, the superstitious fools!
42: Ah, yes.
43: He wipes a teary eye.
44: 'Twas a great day for the Guardian, then. Such a speech he gave!
45: Well, I must go.
46: What was it like working under the Guardian?
47: Well, yes, er, it seems that on different worlds time runs differently... or perhaps I just age differently, or something. I never quite understood.
48: I understand, my son/daughter. Go in peace, and never forget the six, er, eight virtues, especially the third one, er...
49: Well anyway, never forget them!
50: 'Tis fabulous -- I remember in the final days of the Praecor Loth campaign, he came to us, freezing in our camp on the tundra, and gave us a wonderful display of magical fireworks! Two thirds of us came back with frostbite, but I tell thee, there was not a word of complaint!
51: Tell me of the Loth campaign.
52: Well, I must be going.
53: Farewell, %PCNAME, and er... don't be a Stranger!
54: The Blue Banner of Killorn, the ancestral emblem of this place! In those days, there was still a Lord Killorn, who rode into battle with his standard.
55: Didst thou succeed in thy campaign?
56: Why bother destroying Praecor Loth?


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: Well, MG told us to just scout around for the first wave, but I reckon I'm gonna be the first in my squadron to rack up a kill in the Britannia operation!
19: I don't know what you're doin', pokin' around these ruins, but you'd best clear out pretty fast!
20: Don't worry. I'm, er . . . assigned to be here!
21: Sorry. I'm just a traveler passing through, thought I'd investigate. What's going on?
22: He gives you a suspicious look, but then spots your signet ring.
23: Oh. Excuse me!
24: Carry on then, soldier.
25: What canst thou tell me about this operation?
26: He gives you a suspicious once-over.
27: You are, are you? Well, I don't talk to nobody who ain't wearin' the ring! Move along!
28: A traveler, huh? Well, you're wearin' the ring, so I guess you're okay!
29: He gives you a quick, suspicious inspection.
30: I suggest you keep travelling, and don't ask questions. Anybody not wearing the ring is a suspicious character, far as I'm concerned!
31: You again? What is it?
32: Canst thou tell me about this operation?
33: Nothing, thanks.
34: If you say so.
35: I insist that thou tell me what thou'rt doing here!
36: Nothing. Farewell.
37: Tell it to Mors Gotha, stranger! Now move along before I run you through!
38: You know Gotha don't like us soldier-types to waste time chattin'. Whaddya want?
39: You again?  What now?
40: This is a fine fighting outfit!
41: Thou dost seem a sorry excuse for a soldier.
42: Oh, nothing. I am sorry to bother thee.
43: Aye, we're the real muscle of the army, Mors Gotha's own guard. Wherever it is we're goin', the locals are gonna be awfully sorry to see us!
44: Canst thou tell me about the invasion?
45: Wouldst thou care to barter?
46: I can imagine!  Now I must go.
47: Who is Mors Gotha?
48: You don't know?  Yer either an idiot or an ignoramus! Until you get some sense, you'd better get yer butt outta here!
49: Hey, watch yer tongue, bud! If we look a bit ragged, it's 'cause of the stinkin' rations we're on. They cut us down to two portions of meat-on-a-stick per day! You'd think whoever kept this castle in the air could conjure up more food! But then, what does a soldier know about magic?
50: Goodbye.
51: Art thou on thy way to an invasion?
52: A lunkhead like thee wouldst not know much!
53: That mouth a' yers is gonna get you killed some day. Now get outta here!
54: Well, ordinarily that kinda thing is classified, but what the hell! You're a nice guy, you ain't no spy.
55: He gives you a sharp look, then spots the signet ring on your hand.
56: I gotta tell ya, they've kept us soldiers mostly in the dark on this one, but anyone with half a brain can't help noticin' and hearin' some things.
57: What canst thou tell me?
58: I must be going.
59: Sorry, but that's classified info, as you should know.
60: Tell me of the invasion or face my wrath!
61: Thy threats are as hollow as thy head! Be off!
62: I beg thy pardon. I shall be going now.
63: Craziest mission I've seen yet -- we're all fitted out for a siege operation, but here we are inside a castle already, floating a league in the air, over a goddamn desert, with no other castle within 500 miles of here. Sorcery here somewhere, bet your ass.
64: I hear the Guardian got in somehow and took out all the enemy mages. Nothing like fighting with a Titan on your side, I'll tell ya!
65: The defenders are 100% sealed up in there, some kinda blackrock casting. Some guys are sayin' we'll just be goin' in and cleanin' up.
66: I heard they've found a way in through the basement. We'll be going in as soon as the rest of the troops get here.
67: Nothing like workin' under Gotha. Like voodoo, her touch. 'Less yer in the forward units, o'course -- she does like to have a few rookies in front to spring the traps.
68: I hear they hadda herd in a few extra -- whaddayacallem -- brain creatures to hold up the extra weight in the castle.
69: Mors Gotha's promised us that this invasion's gonna be cake, which means lots of plunder to be had, I'm thinkin'. Hope we'll be allowed to pick our own!
70: I heard that they bottled up the enemy inside their fortress, but that they got some sort of hero-type in there with 'em. Still, with Gotha and the Guardian on our side, I ain't worried.
71: Even with the crack troops we got in here already, we're waitin' on the whole rest of the army! This is gonna be one hell of a siege, I'll tell ya. Can't wait to land this thing and get on with it!
72: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
73: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
74: Canst thou tell me more
75: What else canst thou tell me
76: Canst thou think of anything else
77: @SS2?
78: I thank thee for thy time.
79: Sure! Though there ain't much I c'n offer ya, on a soldier's pay.
80: Well, they ain't tellin' us grunts too much, but here's what the grapevine's sayin'.
81: Craziest mission I've seen yet -- we're all fitted out for a siege operation, but here we are inside a wreck of a castle in the middle of a goddamn desert, with no other castle within 500 miles of here. Sorcery here somewhere, bet your ass.
82: I hear the Guardian got in somehow and took out all the enemy mages. Nothing like fighting with a Titan on your side, I'll tell ya!
83: The defenders are 100% sealed up in there, some kinda blackrock casting. Some guys are sayin' we'll just be goin' in and cleanin' up.
84: I heard they've found a way in through the basement. We'll be going in as soon as the rest of the troops get here.
85: Nothing like workin' under Gotha. Like voodoo, her touch. 'Less yer in the forward units, o'course -- she does like to have a few rookies in front to spring the traps.
86: Somethin' horrible happened here -- corpses everywhere, anyone can see that. Nobody's sayin' what, though.
87: Mors Gotha's promised us that this invasion's gonna be cake, which means lots of plunder to be had, I'm thinkin'. Hope we'll be allowed to pick our own!
88: I heard that they bottled up the enemy inside their fortress, but that they got some sort of hero-type in there with 'em. Still, with Gotha and the Guardian on our side, I ain't worried.
89: Even with the crack troops we got in here already, we're waitin' on the whole rest of the army! This is gonna be one hell of a siege, I'll tell ya. Wish to hell I knew what we're doin' in the middle of this desert!
90: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
91: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
92: Canst thou tell me more
93: What else canst thou tell me
94: Canst thou think of anything else
95: @SS3?
96: I thank thee for thy time.


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: Yeah? What is it?
19: Who are you?
20: What's your job here?
21: What're all these cats doing here?
22: Say, did you know the Trilkhai are telepaths?
23: Yeah? What's up?
24: Wouldst thou care to barter with me?
25: Tell me more about the Trilkhai.
26: Say, did you know the Trilkhai are telepaths?
27: Never mind.
28: Name's Chirl. I keep the stables here.
29: Chirl? Doesn't that rhyme with "girl?"
30: Where are all the horses?
31: Do you like your job?
32: Hey! That's not funny!
33: Where are all the horses?
34: Do you like your job?
35: He looks grim.
36: Do you have any idea what a hairball from a 400-pound cat looks like?
37: You have my sympathy.
38: Cats? What do you mean?
39: The Trilks, y'know?
40: The Trilks are good for carryin' stuff, 'n' they're smart. Guardian likes us to breed 'em. They say he takes shipments of 'em for himself, dunno why.
41: They look pretty dangerous.
42: How smart are they?
43: Thanks for the info, buddy.
44: The Trilkhai aren't much fun to take care of, that's for sure. Smart, though, fer animals. Always do what you tell'em. Any one of'em could gut you in a second, no trouble, but it's like they don't even know they have claws.
45: What are they used for?
46: Thanks for the info, pal.
47: Just how smart are they?
48: Yeah, sure.
49: Horses? What do you mean? This is where we keep the Trilkhai.
50: Just animals, y'know. What's the big deal?
51: Nothing, I guess.
52: Thanks for the info, anyway.
53: Don't you know that they're intelligent telepaths?
54: Wuddoowai look like -- a tour guide? Go ask Mystell if you wanna know something.
55: A voice speaks in your mind: Beware, human, lest we are found out.
56: Wuddayoo, whacked? Giddaddaheeya!
57: The voice says: We are fortunate with this one.
58: Well, I reckon I might!


1: A deep, resonant voice speaks inside your mind.
2: ...%PCNAME? I... see... in your mind that you can be trusted. That you are not from this world. That you are an... Avatar.
3: Yes, that is correct.
4: Who are you?
5: We have need of a... helper. But I see thou dost know nothing of our situation.
6: The humans named us "Trilkhai." They do not know that we are able to communicate in this way.
7: Why don't you tell them?
8: Why speak to me?
9: They might become afraid of us, and destroy us. It is safer that they think of us as animals.
10: Then why entrust thy secret to me?
11: Surely it is a great hardship to live as slaves!
12: Our legends tell of a great war with the humans, in which our race was conquered, and suffered great devastation. None of us would have that happen again.
13: What was the cause of the war?
14: Then why speak of it to me?
15: I see that thou hast virtues that will prevent thee from betraying us. We must risk this, as many of us have need of a human agent in the keep.
16: I will help thee where I can.
17: This is a dangerous secret. We shall see.
18: I know not -- doubtless some trivial vanity. I must ask thee now, wilt thou help us? Quickly, before someone sees thee talking to a cat!
19: I shall.
20: I am unsure.
21: Think on it, %PCNAME. Let thy virtue guide thee in this!
22: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
23: Human! What hast thou done?
24: Human, I am the oldest among us here, and I have heard many stories of our race's past, wild tales of Trilkhai who flew among the stars, and hurled fire at the humans. I would learn if thou hast met any being who has knowledge of this.
25: I have heard something of this.
26: I have heard of none.
27: I have heard of none, but I shall look.
28: Hast thou found anyone that can speak of our past?
29: Aye, I have.
30: Nay, I have found nothing.
31: Hello again, %PCNAME.
32: Would you tell me again what you saw Mystell do?
33: I bid thee good day.
34: Well, human, Hast thou found anyone that can speak of our past?
35: Yes, I have spoken with one who knows of your past.
36: Nay, I have found nothing.
37: If thou couldst learn the truth, it would be of great service to our race!
38: You tell Blackie of the wisp's story.
39: 'Twas all true! Perhaps now I can begin to rally our people.
40: Since thou hast told me a tale, I shall tell thee one.
41: I have heard in Lord Thibris' thoughts that a woman named Mors Gotha is on her way her, and that soldiers accompany her. He thinks they plan to invade a fortress near here, and yet . . . the desert nomads do not build castles!
42: The spellbook Mors Gotha has brought with her is very important -- I hear her thinking of it often. It contains some spell having to do with...blackrock? I have never heard of such a substance.
43: Thou hast angered many people by your defeat of Mors Gotha. They are especially concerned with the disposition of the spellbook she carried. Be warned -- they intend to retrieve it from thee, if they can.
44: 'Tis a strange tale. I shall inquire about this matter.
45: This is grave news, indeed!
46: Methinks he shall tell thee little. Still, I wish thee success.
47: I hope it helps thee.


1: A deep, resonant voice speaks inside your mind.
2: ...%PCNAME? I... see... in your mind that you can be trusted. That you are not from this world. That you are an... Avatar.
3: Yes, that is correct.
4: Who are you?
5: We have need of a... helper. But I see thou dost know nothing of our situation.
6: The humans named us "Trilkhai." They do not know that we are able to communicate in this way.
7: Why don't you tell them?
8: Why speak to me?
9: They might become afraid of us, and destroy us. It is safer that they think of us as animals.
10: Then why entrust thy secret to me?
11: Surely it is a great hardship to live as slaves!
12: Our legends tell of a great war with the humans, in which our race was conquered, and suffered great devastation. None of us would have that happen again.
13: What was the cause of the war?
14: Then why speak of it to me?
15: I see that thou hast virtues that will prevent thee from betraying us. We must risk this, as many of us have need of a human agent in the keep.
16: I will help thee where I can.
17: This is a dangerous secret. We shall see.
18: I know not -- doubtless some trivial vanity. I must ask thee now, wilt thou help us? Quickly, before someone sees thee talking to a cat!
19: I shall.
20: I am unsure.
21: Think on it, %PCNAME. Let thy virtue guide thee in this!
22: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
23: Help! What's happening?
24: mister
25: ma'am
26: A voice speaks to you, but you cannot place its source.
27: Shhh...! Go to talk to she who they named Blackie!
28: Please, @GS33, I lack for little myself, but wouldst thou bring me some water? I'm very thirsty!
29: Of course. I have some here.
30: I shall return with some.
31: Nay, I have better things to do!
32: Please, I'd really like some!
33: Hi there! Thanks for the water, I'm not thirsty any more.
34: Oh. Well, then I'll see thee later.
35: Hast thou brought me water?
36: Nay, I shall fetch thee some.
37: Nay, get your own water.
38: Yes, here it is.
39: Oh, thank thee!
40: Please hurry back!
41: Thou art a mean person!
42: I thank thee, %PCNAME!
43: But where is it?
44: Here you are.
45: 'Tis not here after all. I shall fetch it.
46: Oh! I was going to tell thee that Relk doesn't like thee, but I guess thou... thou didst kill him. Never mind.
47: Now I must tell you something. I heard Relk thinking about thee! He doesn't like thee at all, and he made some kind of trap to catch thee in, if you go to look for a black jewel he put in the oubliette! I don't understand what it means, but thou shouldst stay away from him!
48: I have never met him, but thanks for the warning.
49: He was acting a bit funny, actually.
50: Oh, don't worry about Relk.
51: Please be careful!


1: A deep, resonant voice speaks inside your mind.
2: ...%PCNAME? I... see... in your mind that you can be trusted. That you are not from this world. That you are an... Avatar.
3: Yes, that is correct.
4: Who are you?
5: We have need of a... helper. But I see thou dost know nothing of our situation.
6: The humans named us "Trilkhai." They do not know that we are able to communicate in this way.
7: Why don't you tell them?
8: Why speak to me?
9: They might become afraid of us, and destroy us. It is safer that they think of us as animals.
10: Then why entrust thy secret to me?
11: Surely it is a great hardship to live as slaves!
12: Our legends tell of a great war with the humans, in which our race was conquered, and suffered great devastation. None of us would have that happen again.
13: What was the cause of the war?
14: Then why speak of it to me?
15: I see that thou hast virtues that will prevent thee from betraying us. We must risk this, as many of us have need of a human agent in the keep.
16: I will help thee where I can.
17: This is a dangerous secret. We shall see.
18: I know not -- doubtless some trivial vanity. I must ask thee now, wilt thou help us? Quickly, before someone sees thee talking to a cat!
19: I shall.
20: I am unsure.
21: Think on it, %PCNAME. Let thy virtue guide thee in this!
22: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
23: Human! What hast thou done?
24: Words form unbidden within your mind.
25: Shhh! Speak to the one they named Blackie!
26: Thank you! Josie's much happier now. Go in peace, Avatar.
27: For myself, I have nothing to ask of thee. Please see to my fellows -- she that they have named Josie is very thirsty.

### ARON

1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: Ah, 'tis good to see a familiar face! Would you care to make a purchase, my good friend?
19: Yes. What hast thou to sell?
20: No, but perhaps later.
21: Greetings, friend! I bid thee welcome to glorious Killorn Keep, the castle which soars among the clouds.  Thou dost seem to be a well-worn traveller -- I would wager that thou hast been off on adventures of late.
22: Thou art correct. I am on a quest to save my world!
23: Adventures are my business, good sir.
24: No, I am merely a traveller.
25: Thou hast come to the right place then, friend. Thou will be a happier soul for having found me! Here thou may purchase many items, items which could tip the scales of success on your quest. Might thou be interested?
26: Indeed I would be.
27: No thank you. Perhaps another time.
28: Well, no matter. Thou still will not be sorry to have visited Aron, merchant-extraordinaire! I have for sale here a great variety of items, to benefit both the quiet traveller and the bold adventurer.  Art thou interested?
29: Yes, I wouldst hear more.
30: No, but perhaps I shall return when my need is greater.
31: Thou shouldst know, my good friend, that my stock has been painstakingly gathered from all corners of the world, so that I may better serve such deserving customers as thyself. Aron the merchant does not disappoint!
32: I am sure he does not!
33: What dost thou have for sale?
34: I do not wish to make a purchase just now.
35: My stock includes hand-crafted arms and armaments, delicious foodstuffs, and provisions of the highest quality. I can even offer you items of a magical nature, shouldst thou have a full enough purse.  Wouldst thou care to make a purchase?
36: Yes, let us get down to business.
37: No. I shall return if I need anything.
38: Come back soon, my most excellent friend! Thou shall not find better service anywhere!


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: So thou hast come back, huh? What dost thou want this time?
19: I wouldst like to make a purchase.
20: Nothing. Nothing at all. Never mind.
21: Oh, how grand! Another rotten customer! I suppose you'll be wanting to buy one of my valuable pieces of merchandise, right?
22: There is no need to be rude! Art thou a merchant?
23: How dare you address me so! I am leaving at once!
24: Yes, that's right. Art thou going to sell me something?
25: No, I am Mors Gotha's mother. Cretin!  Of course I am a merchant!  Art thou blind, or dost thou have the brain of a sponge?
26: I need not stand here and take such abuses! Good day!
27: Couldst thou take a break from thine insults to barter?
28: Your lack of manners, sir, is astounding.
29: I suppose thou dost think I enjoy this stinking job! My grandfather was a merchant here in the Keep, as was my father after him. I was all but forced into this vile profession, selling all manner of junk to persons like yourself.
30: I am interested in your wares. Tell me of this junk.
31: I am sorry that thou art unhappy here.
32: That is no excuse to vent thy spleen on thy customers!
33: I've got some food, I think, though 'tis moldy, likely as not. I've some weapons from my father's old stock, and maybe some armor, though I cannot vouch for the quality.  I may even have some magical items -- to be honest, it has been long since I have taken a proper inventory.
34: I am surprised that thou art still in business!
35: Excuse me, but I think I shall go elsewhere.
36: I am still interested in making a purchase.
37: Well, if thou dost insist, I suppose we can barter. Are you sure this is your desire?
38: Yes.
39: No.  Your apathy has convinced me to go elsewhere.
40: Begone then. I did not ask for thy company in the first place!
41: Think thee that I have any interest in thy worthless opinions? Get thee from my sight!
42: That makes two of us. Thou hast no interest in my wares, dost thou?
43: No, I shall leave you alone, as you seem to wish.
44: I would indeed like to buy something from thee.


1: Hssst! Do not speak to us here, lest you call attention to us. Speak to us only in the stables. Chirl is too dimwitted  to suspect anything.
2: Human! Do not speak to us here! Come to the stables, and speak to the one they call Blackie.


1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Human! What hast thou done?
3: Hssst! Do not speak to us here, lest you call attention to us. Speak to us only in the stables. Chirl is too dimwitted to suspect anything.
4: Human! Do not speak to us here! Come to the stables, and speak to the one they call Blackie.


1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Halt! Who is it that would enter Killorn Keep?
3: Yes? How may I help thee?
4: Where may I find Mystell's office?
5: Thank you, I need no help.
6: What law is this?
7: It lies to the northwest -- turn left at the throne room, then right. 'Tis the door at the end of the corridor.
8: Fool! Know you not the Guardian's Laws? I suggest that thou seek some education!
9: I am a traveller.
10: I am %PCNAME, the Avatar.
11: Then thou shouldst speak to Mystell at once, stranger. Be prepared to inform her of your name, place of origin, and current destination!
12: He pauses a moment, and studies your clothing, which seems garish and out of place here.
13: 'Tis possible thou wilt undergo a loyalty test, as well. See that thou art well-versed in His Law!


1: I make thee this offer.
2: I demand that thou givest me these items.
3: Excuse me, I must take to time to consider this deal.
4: I do not wish to barter any further.
5: Farewell.
6: I accept thy offer.
7: No, I do not like this deal.
8: Thou canst not be serious.
9: I am weary of this haggling.
10: Is this some kind of a joke?
11: Art thou going to take my belongings by force?
12: Yes, I must.
13: No, thou dost misunderstand me.
14: I know not what items you mean.
15: If thou dost insist, thou canst have them.
16: No! Thou shalt not take them!
17: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
18: I don't know what you're doin', pokin' around these ruins, but you'd best clear out pretty fast!
19: Don't worry. I'm, er . . . assigned to be here!
20: Sorry. I'm just a traveler passing through, thought I'd investigate. What's going on?
21: He gives you a suspicious look, but then spots your signet ring.
22: Oh. Excuse me!
23: Carry on then, soldier.
24: What canst thou tell me about this operation?
25: He gives you a suspicious once-over.
26: You are, are you? Well, I don't talk to nobody who ain't wearin' the ring! Move along!
27: A traveler, huh? Well, you're wearin' the ring, so I guess you're okay!
28: He gives you a quick, suspicious inspection.
29: I suggest you keep travelling, and don't ask questions. Anybody not wearing the ring is a suspicious character, far as I'm concerned!
30: You again? What is it?
31: Canst thou tell me about this operation?
32: Nothing, thanks.
33: If you say so.
34: I insist that thou tell me what thou'rt doing here!
35: Nothing. Farewell.
36: Tell it to Mors Gotha, stranger! Now move along before I run you through!
37: Yeah, what is it?
38: Oh, it's you again.
39: This is a fine fighting outfit!
40: Thou dost seem a sorry excuse for a soldier.
41: Care to barter, warrior?
42: Oh, nothing. I am sorry to bother thee.
43: You bet yer ass it is!  Fightin' men don't come any tougher 'n meaner 'n us. When we land this thing, it's gonna be a slaughter!
44: Canst thou tell me anything about the invasion?
45: I canst imagine!  Now I must go.
46: Thou dost indeed seem tough.
47: Art thou truly that formidable?
48: Mors Gotha don't pick her soldiers for their looks, pal. We're leadin' this invasion 'cause we've never lost a battle. This one comin' up ain't gonna change that, neither!
49: Who is Mors Gotha?
50: Wouldst thou care to barter?
51: Will you tell me about the invasion?
52: Goodbye.
53: I shoulda known you were a jester! Who is Mors Gotha? You'd better crawl back to the rock you've been under and stay outta the way!
54: Yeah? Well, who asked you, anyway?
55: Some o' th' new guys are complainin' about the rations, but most of us have seen leaner times than this! Two sticks o' meat per day is a feast compared to what I've seen on other campaigns.
56: Canst thou talk to me of the invasion?
57: Good luck to thee in the battle ahead.
58: Well, I reckon it's not harm if I tell you a little o' what we got going, between friends 'n' all.
59: We soldiers don't get told much, but sure, I guess I could.
60: What canst thou tell me?
61: I must be going.
62: Hey, you know we're not s'posed to talk about that!
63: I beg thy pardon. I shall be going now.
64: Craziest mission I've seen yet -- we're all fitted out for a siege operation, but here we are inside a castle already, floating a league in the air, over a goddamn desert, with no other castle within 500 miles of here. Sorcery here somewhere, bet your ass.
65: I hear the Guardian got in somehow and took out all the enemy mages. Nothing like fighting with a Titan on your side, I'll tell ya!
66: The defenders are 100% sealed up in there, some kinda blackrock casting. Some guys are sayin' we'll just be goin' in and cleanin' up.
67: I heard they've found a way in through the basement. We'll be going in as soon as the rest of the troops get here.
68: Nothing like workin' under Gotha. Like voodoo, her touch. 'Less yer in the forward units, o'course -- she does like to have a few rookies in front to spring the traps.
69: I hear they hadda herd in a few extra -- whaddayacallem -- brain creatures to hold up the extra weight in the castle.
70: Mors Gotha's promised us that this invasion's gonna be cake, which means lots of plunder to be had, I'm thinkin'. Hope we'll be allowed to pick our own!
71: I heard that they bottled up the enemy inside their fortress, but that they got some sort of hero-type in there with 'em. Still, with Gotha and the Guardian on our side, I ain't worried.
72: Even with the crack troops we got in here alraedy, we're waitin' on the whole rest of the army! This is gonna be one hell of a siege, I'll tell ya. Can't wait to land this thing and get on with it!
73: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
74: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
75: Canst thou tell me more
76: What else canst thou tell me
77: Canst thou think of anything else
78: @SS2?
79: I thank thee for your time.
80: Well, I'll take a look at what ye got, anyways.
81: Would I? Ain't nobody can beat me in a barter!
82: Well, they ain't tellin' us grunts too much, but here's what the grapevine's sayin'.
83: Craziest mission I've seen yet -- we're all fitted out for a siege operation, but here we are inside a wreck of a castle in the middle of a goddamn desert, with no other castle within 500 miles of here. Sorcery here somewhere, bet your ass.
84: I hear the Guardian got in somehow and took out all the enemy mages. Nothing like fighting with a Titan on your side, I'll tell ya!
85: The defenders are 100% sealed up in there, some kinda blackrock casting. Some guys are sayin' we'll just be goin' in and cleanin' up.
86: I heard they've found a way in through the basement. We'll be going in as soon as the rest of the troops get here.
87: Nothing like workin' under Gotha. Like voodoo, her touch. 'Less yer in the forward units, o'course -- she does like to have a few rookies in front to spring the traps.
88: Somethin' horrible happened here -- corpses everywhere, anyone can see that. Nobody's sayin' what, though.
89: Mors Gotha's promised us that this invasion's gonna be cake, which means lots of plunder to be had, I'm thinkin'. Hope we'll be allowed to pick our own!
90: I heard that they bottled up the enemy inside their fortress, but that they got some sort of hero-type in there with 'em. Still, with Gotha and the Guardian on our side, I ain't worried.
91: Even with the crack troops we got in here already, we're waitin' on the whole rest of the army! This is gonna be one hell of a siege, I'll tell ya. Wish to hell I knew what we're doin' in the middle of this desert!
92: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
93: I think you should be on yer way, pal.
94: Canst thou tell me more
95: What else canst thou tell me
96: Canst thou think of anything else
97: @SS3?
98: I thank thee for thy time.


1: The Keep's going down! Make thy peace with the Guardian, for now we die!
2: Welcome, welcome! I am Merzan, seller of a plethora of wondrous small magicks and enchantments! I can even sell you a spell or two, if you've skill in runic magic. Perhaps I have the charm you're looking for today?
3: Aye, what have you for sale?
4: Nay, perhaps another time.
5: What spells do you have?
6: You are a charming fellow, but what I seek is information.
7: fellow
8: lady
9: Patience, patience, my dear @GS71!  Trust me, your potion is in the works! This kind of quality can't be rushed, you know.
10: Ah, my dear @GS71, how pleasant to see thee again!
11: Hast thou completed the potion I ordered from thee?
12: I would like to hear of thy spells.
13: I would like to purchase something from thee.
14: And thee as well. I shall speak with thee later.
15: Indeed. I shall keep thy potion for thee, for when thou dost require it.
16: Ah, %PCNAME, glad to see you again! Are the fairies dancing, or is that a jingle I hear in your coinpouch? Perhaps you've come to make a purchase?
17: Aye, indeed I have.
18: You must be hearing things. I have no gold today.
19: I wish to hear of thy spells.
20: In truth, I've come to ask thee a question.
21: Well then, you must have brought payment in gems today, am I right?
22: Thou art most astute. I have gems aplenty.
23: Nay, I have no more gems than gold.
24: Perhaps some precious items, then? A small trinket, at least?
25: Indeed, I do have a few trifles to trade.
26: I'm afraid I have nothing of any value whatsoever.
27: You'll have my sympathy today, then, which comes for free. But you must excuse me... I just remembered a most pressing engagement I must attend to now! Do drop by again when your fortune has been more fortunate!
28: Oh, I see. You're one of those questing types, no doubt, here to ask me where the Mystic Blade of Rognak is or some such nonsense... Well, I'm here to buy and sell, not to answer silly questions!
29: Would you like to buy something from me, then?
30: Where is this "Mystic Blade of Rognak"?
31: Isn't business hard under the Guardian's rule?
32: Where do you find all the magic you sell?
33: Actually, I want to ask about forms of payment.
34: What items do you have for sale today?
35: Well, actually, I'd much rather sell you something!
36: You know, I really haven't got the faintest idea.
37: One ruler's much the same as another, as long as none tries to keep me from selling my wares. And none of them has yet!
38: Ah, now if I told you that, what would you need me for? Why, you might even go into competition with me!
39: Well why didn't you say so before? I'm always happy to talk about payment! I'll always take gold coins, of course. Or pearls, emeralds, rubies, or any other gems you might find. And if you've a fine golden goblet or scepter to trade, well, I wouldn't turn that away either.
40: Well, do drop in any time you're of a mind to be separated from some of your money!
41: Well, I have some tasty potions for sale! Or I can recharge a wand for you, or identify a tricky item. What's your pleasure?
42: Tell me about your potions.
43: I have an item to identify.
44: Could you recharge something for me?
45: I must be going now.
46: Perhaps you'd like something else?
47: I presume you'd rather hear about my more expensive concoctions first, yes?
48: Nay, I have precious little coin to spend.
49: If it pleases you, yes.
50: Is my potion of Flameproof ready yet?
51: Actually, I had something a little special in mind.
52: Oh, now that is a pity. But "few" is better than "none," I always say.
53: Really? Well, I think you'll find that if I haven't got it, it can't be got!  What did you have in mind?
54: \1@GS72\0
55: iron flesh
56: ironflesh
57: flameproof
58: resist fire
59: cure poison
60: greater heal
61: restore mana
62: invisibility
63: lesser heal
64: mana boost
65: resist blows
66: Hmmmm.  It is my sad duty to inform you that if I'm not to be made a liar, @GS72 can't be got. But surely you need something from among my sizeable and high-quality stock!
67: Shhhhhhh!  Not so loud.  Now, I do happen to have the very thing you're looking for, on a special order for Relk, the captain of the guard.
68: Now, normally trade in such an item is closely restricted. I'd wager that only Mors Gotha herself could easily obtain one.  Of course, money talks, eh?
69: However, if you offer me the right price for this little item, I can probably do something for you. Business is business, after all!
70: I should say about @GI34 gold pieces would do the trick.
71: Aahh. Now, that is a bit of a problem. Flameproofing potions are fairly simple to concoct, but the process requires a great deal of water. And that, my friend, is something that is in very short supply in Killorn Keep. I should say as much as ten bottles of water would be required.
72: For some reason, you seem to have this precious commodity in abundance, though.  Would you like me to order you another potion?
73: Yes, please do.
74: No, thank you.
75: Now, I've still got @GI68 bottles left over, but I'll need more.
76: As a matter of fact, I have some water right here.
77: 'Tis indeed a pity. Perhaps some other time.
78: Really?  Well then, I'd be glad to accomodate you!  But first, I'll need the water.
79: Well, if you can get me enough water, we've got a deal!
80: Good, good! Just @GI73 bottles to go!
81: Splendid! I'll start making your potion right away! Just give me 15 minutes.
82: Farewell.
83: Yes, your potion is ready. I'll let you have it for just @GI34 gold pieces. Fair enough?
84: Splendid! I have potions of Greater Heal for @GI39 gold, Restore Mana for @GI40, or if you're in a spending mood, a lovely potion of Invisibility is a steal at just @GI41!
85: I'd like a potion of Greater Heal.
86: A Restore Mana potion, please.
87: I'll take the Invisibility potion.
88: What do you have that costs a little less?
89: Less costly? Well, the customer's always right, I suppose.
90: I have potions of Lesser Heal for @GI39 gold, and Mana Boost for @GI40. But perhaps you're expecting to encounter some ruffians? I'll sell you a potion of Resist Blows for @GI41!
91: Sell me the Lesser Heal potion, please.
92: I'll take Mana Boost today.
93: Resist Blows is just what I was looking for.
94: I don't think I'll buy a potion today.
95: No sale? Sad words indeed... And yet, perhaps you'd rather avail yourself of some of my other services?
96: Excellent! That'll be @GI34 gold, then.
97: Well, I'll be around later if you can find the money.
98: For @GI34 gold, I can identify anything you want! Show me the item in question...
99: Here, please identify this.
100: I've changed my mind.
101: Yes, that will be no trouble. And now the @GI34 gold?
102: That is @GS70. Can I identify another item for you?
103: Yes, canst thou identify this?
104: No, that is all.
105: I'm sorry, but I can't lower my price.
106: Come on now, where is it?
107: Please, only one item at a time!
108: Certainly! I'll charge thee @GI34 gold, and charge thy wand enough for 5 more uses. Where is the wand thou would have me charge?
109: Here it is.
110: I've changed my mind.
111: Ha, that's rich! (Just like me!) If that's a wand, I'm a seahorse! Really, now, have you got a wand for me to charge?
112: Come now, don't be shy.  Where is it?
113: Please, please, one thing at a time!
114: Oh, I'd like to help you, now, but that one's broken past my ability to repair. 
115: Yes, I can recharge that. Let's just see your @GI34 in gold and valuables, and we're all set.
116: He performs a brief incantation.
117: There you go, may it serve you well!
118: I'm sorry, but I have to make a profit, you know. Perhaps you'd rather consider something less expensive?
119: Well, now, you'd best understand, I can't sell ye any actual runes, but I can tip thee off to the ins and outs of a few out-of-the-way spells not many mages know of! Still interested?
120: Aye.
121: Nay, I need to master the spells I already know!
122: I understand, sir! Dost thou still wish to do business?
123: Now, I'd best not tell thee what I went through to obtain this knowledge...
124: He gives a theatrical shudder.
125: So I shall be firm with thee -- I sell these spells at a cost of @GI34 gold apiece, never less. Art thou still interested?
126: Aye, let us do business.
127: Nay! That is too expensive for me!
128: I quite understand -- perhaps thou wouldst be interested in something a bit easier on the purse?
129: Excellent! I see thou art a true adventurer, not some bourgeois penny-pincher! I have some spells that might be useful in thy line of work. One is a hex to ward off the dead that walk -- the other is a rune to catch and paralyze unwary intruders! Wilt thou buy?
130: Aye, I wish to buy Repel Undead.
131: Aye, I wish to buy the Rune of Stasis.
132: Nay, these spells do not suit my needs.
133: Ah, well, I do try my best! But perhaps I might possess something else thou wouldst wish to buy!
134: An excellent selection! For @GI34 gold, it shall be thine.
135: The runes are AN KAL CORP -- Negate the Summoning of the Dead! Be sure to make a note of it -- thou wouldst not want to forget at the wrong time!
136: He also hands you a set of diagrams outlining the casting motions -- you estimate that this is a spell of the Third Circle.
137: Ah, 'tis the more difficult of the two! But for @GI34 gold, the power may be thine!
138: The runes are In Tym Jux -- Create a Time Trap! Make sure thou dost remember!
139: He passes you a parchment diagramming the proper casting motions -- it seems to be a spell of the Fifth Circle.
140: Ah, well. Perhaps something in a lower price range?
141: Here thou art.
142: I'm afraid that I have none.
143: Well? Hast thou changed thy mind?
144: Here thou art.
145: Excuse me, I must consider this deal.
146: I cannot afford thy price.
147: That won't do! There had better be more on its way!

Ethereal Void[edit]

Ethereal Void.

### WISP

1: "I" am informed that "thou" art a being known as "Avatar." And yet, you resonate at an unusual frequency for one with "your" creature-designation. Excuse me -- in "thy" terms, one would say "thou" art not ordinarily found on this "plane."
2: What sort of being art thou?
3: What wouldst thou with me, wisp?
4: I greet thee, "Avatar." Should "I" seek further trades with "thee," "thou" shalt be contacted.
5: Dost "thou" have a "question" for "us"?
6: Hast "thou" determined the "fate" of "Bishop?"
7: I "greet" thee, "Avatar." Hast thou returned to trade with "me"?
8: Aye.
9: Nay.
10: Beings of "my" sort are commonly designated "wisps" by your species. We are beings of pure energy.
11: What do beings of pure energy do?
12: I don't understand -- how can a creature be made of pure energy?
13: It is as much a mystery to us that a sentient creature can be made of matter!
14: Well, what may I do for thee?
15: I take that as an insult.
16: This is unfortunate, but it is no concern of ours.
17: We want information.
18: You won't get it!
19: Certainly -- what wouldst thou learn of?
20: "We" trade amongst the sentient "species" for information. I am informed that you, "Avatar," have "travelled" to many areas whose energy-properties have become dangerous to us, due to the presence of "he" who is known as "The Guardian." Will you trade with us for information about such places?
21: Certainly. What dost thou wish to know?
22: Nay -- I would not risk the information falling into improper hands.
23: "Thou" hast visited the "place" wherein is "imprisoned" the one called "Bishop." His role in certain affairs has become disproportionately large.
24: What affairs are these?
25: What dost thou wish to know?
26: "Thou" shouldst not presume upon our limited "acquaintance," "Avatar."
27: We wish to know of his fate following his imprisonment.
28: He has been executed.
29: He has escaped his prison.
30: I do not know. I assume he is still confined.
31: I will not tell thee.
32: "I" thank "thee," although this datum indicates that "wisps" shall be barred from obtaining data on that "world" for some "time" to come.
33: "I" thank "thee." Perhaps soon we shall again be obtaining data from that "plane."
34: This datum is inconsistent with other data which have been placed at my disposal, and therefore I conclude that it is erroneous. Please investigate the matter more fully, if thou dost wish to trade.
35: May I offer thee information in return?
36: How can I destroy the blackrock gem surrounding Castle British?
37: Can you assist me in navigating the Ethereal Void?
38: Can you tell me of the history of the Trilkhai?
39: I need no information from thee at this time.
40: Then perhaps "thou" shalt have some "thing" to ask "me" at a later "time."
41: Our data do not show a single "factor" capable of removing the gem. Dost thou have another question to ask?
42: From the point of "view" of material "entities" such as "thyself," the void presents a landscape which is constantly metamorphosing -- to "us" it seems very different. I would be of little help to thee in this. Dost thou have another question to ask?
43: The Trilkhai were once a powerful group of anthropomorphic "felines." Since their catastrophic "loss" to a group of humanoids, they have since devolved "past" the point of "tool-using."
44: It has been "productive" trading information with "thee."
45: "Please" return if "thou" art willing to trade.
46: "We" understand that "thou" hast certain "interests" apart from the acquisition and distribution of information. However, "we" are not obliged to "honor" them.
47: Thou shouldst return if thou dost learn more.


1: sir
2: lady
3: Who art thou? I seem to remember thee from somewhere...
4: I am @GS8, and I know thee! Thou'rt Mokpo the Mad!
5: Nay, I know thee not. I am @GS8.
6: Greetings, @GS33! How dost thou find my realm, now?
7: 'Tis marvelous and beautiful!
8: 'Tis a grotesque horror!
9: Canst thou tell me its nature?
10: Indeed, thou hast it now! Explore as long as thou wouldst like.
11: Mokpo the Mad? I sometimes dream of one with that name. A nightmare!
12: What was thy dream?
13: 'Twas no dream! Thou art Mokpo himself!
14: I am being chased by apes is so cold and damp, and I am weak with hunger! I wake filled with fear!
15: But I have met thee there! That is thy Real Self.
16: To find thyself here? This place seems little better.
17: @GS33, thou dost offend me! This is my home! But allow me to introduce myself...
18: I? That wretch? Nay, 'tis impossible! He is just a dream I have sometimes. My name is Mokpo the Mighty, fearless adventurer!
19: Come again?
20: Yet I have met thee before, in another guise, I swear it!
21: Yet it seems I met you, once before... perhaps in a dream?
22: Hmmm... what was the dream?
23: Thou'rt imagining things!
24: I know not. Who art thou, stranger?
25: No doubt. 'Tis easy to think such things with dreams.
26: Who art thou, then?
27: What is this place we are in?
28: What is this place we are in?
29: I am Mokpo the Mighty, and I welcome thee to this world! 'Tis beautiful, is it not? And the inhabitants, so friendly!
30: Err... yes, I suppose so.
31: Beautiful? 'Tis a horror!
32: What is this place?
33: Friendly? Art thou kidding?
34: 'Tis an odd question, @GS33, for I know not the answer myself. Each color has its own character and challenges -- if thou shouldst pass through realms of four colors, perhaps thou shalt find a fifth!
35: And what is in this fifth realm?
36: What are these challenges?
37: I have not ventured through the colored realms in much time, so 'tis difficult to say. Know this, though that the Void is not as other realms.
38: How so?
39: It does indeed seem passing strange.
40: It seems normal enough to me.
41: 'Twill be of little use to thee to make haste with thy feet, or to seek advancement in any single direction -- daring and a quick wit are what shall bear thee through this place! Simply defeat the challenges that are offered thee, and thou shalt arrive whereever it is thou seekest.
42: Where shall I go, then?
43: I thank thee for thy advice.
44: I have yet to reach the place myself. They say the Time Lord was imprisoned there by the Guardian, in a place called the Shrine of Spirituality.
45: How may one reach that place?
46: I will set out at once.
47: Beware, @GS33!
48: Nay, worry not! Some of them are perhaps a bit testy, but surely that may be forgiven them.
49: They seem minded to kill me!
50: I suppose a mighty warrior like myself has little to fear.
51: That's the spirit!
52: Thou dost show little appreciation for the wonders of the grotesque, @GS33. Thou shouldst educate thyself.
53: I am so glad thou dost think so! Ever since the Time Lord won free of his cage, there have been few willing to stay long in my realm.
54: I can see why!
55: Who was the Time Lord?
56: Where was the Time Lord's cage?
57: He was the Guardian's guest in my realm. He stayed for a while in the Shrine of Spirituality, but then departed abruptly! Quite rude, I thought him.
58: Where is the Shrine of Spirituality?
59: Does the Guardian live here?
60: Around here somewhere, but this Realm is not always as I remember it. I do know that it has a color, but that there is no path of its color to walk!
61: I thank thee. Is there aught else to know of this place?
62: I will seek it at once.
63: While thou art here, be sure to visit the Red Hell -- 'tis quite a sight, if thou'rt not afraid to shed thy blood. Else perhaps the Cerulean Plains might be more to thy liking.
64: Hell? Thou'rt mad, 'tis death to venture into hell.
65: I will make a point of it!
66: I shall investigate these Plains.
67: How does one get to this hell?
68: Do so! It has been quite pleasant, these last few centuries. Follow the blue path, then.
69: Your pardon, @GS33. I knew not that thou wert a coward. Please excuse me.
70: The door is before thee, friend, although it does not always lead to the same place...
71: There are many paths to that place -- seek ye a pyramid, with a moongate at its summit. Thou wilt have to pass throught it a full four times, but 'twill be worth thy while. It often lies past the Glare of the Guardian, in an ancient realm.
72: The Guardian? Is that villain here!?!
73: I thank thee, Mokpo.
74: My Realm has many inhabitants, traveler. I do not play favorites between them.
75: I shall leave thee to explore!


1: The strange-looking man jabbers excitedly at you in an unknown tongue.
2: Do you speak English?
3: I am @GS8, the Avatar.
4: The man seems to realize he is not being understood, and begins pointing to his head.
5: That's not very helpful.
6: Keep trying.
7: Look, I've got better things to do.
8: Next, he points to his left eye.
9: I'm afraid I don't see the connection.
10: Please continue.
11: The man abandons the eye, and begins flapping his arms up and down vigorously, leaping into the air.
12: I see what you mean. I'll be right back.
13: This isn't helping me any.
14: Is this what you want?
15: The man recognizes you and smiles at you eagerly.
16: I've got some more eyeballs for thee here.
17: Nice to see thee again.
18: He nods his head, smiles, and departs.
19: The man repeats his routine, first patting his head, then pointing to his eye, then flapping his wings. He then waits for a response.
20: Is this what you wanted?
21: I'm not getting anywhere with this, sorry.
22: The man seems to detect your affirmative tone. He shakes your hand and nods his head up and down, then bows and leaves.
23: After a while, he detects your lack of comprehension, and leaves, nonplused.
24: He shakes his head, and points at each of his eyes in turn, then abruptly shakes your hand, bows, and departs.
25: 'Bye.
27: s
28: He takes the eyeball@SS5 from you with extravagant gestures of delight.\n
29: Clearly well-satisfied, the mage tucks the second eyeball into a waiting pouch, and in turn presents you with a scroll.
30: Seeing you are heavily encumbered, the mage leans down and places the scroll at your feet.
31: He then vanishes, chortling to himself.
32: Farewell.
33: He then bows to you and walks happily away.
34: He shakes his head in mute incomprehension.
35: Sorry, perhaps it is this you want.
36: Oh well, I'll try again later.


1: Have you seen him? He must be here somewhere!
2: Who?
3: What art THOU doing in this place?
4: The Guardian! He haunts my dreams!
5: What makes you say he is here?
6: How didst thou get here?
7: I come here every night, when I sleep! The Guardian has sent me here, I know it! "Seek ye the Sigil," he said to me, "Seek ye the White Gates!" Now each night I dream of this horrible place. I must hurry on -- if he sees me tarrying with thee, who knows what he might do!
8: He appeared to me as I slept, and intoned "Seek ye the Sigil! Seek ye the White Gates!" Now each night I dream of this horrid place! I must hurry on, lest he see that I am tarrying.
9: She hurries off.

### IMP

1: Ha ha ha!! Thou art trapped like a rat! Even the Time Lord couldn't escape that cage! Ha ha ha ha ha!
2: Don't call on me for help! I'm not one to mess with the Guardian's work!

### IOLO

1: Avatar! What art thou doing here?
2: I might ask the same of thee!
3: I thought thou wert confined to the castle.
4: Why... I am here every night!
5: But... is it not dangerous for thee to come here?
6: But this place hath only lately been opened to me!
7: Do not be silly! What hath a man to fear in his dreams?
8: But... am I dreaming?
9: Wait... thou art not asleep!!
10: Why, I have dreamed of this place nightly, for years -- 'tis indeed a strange domain, and I can never recall it upon waking...
11: Hast thou seen a mystic gem here?
12: Hast thou seen a magic sceptre here?
13: I seek the Sigil of Binding.
14: What? Art thou asleep?
15: There is much to see here . . . . For many years I have striven to reach the Shrine, but in vain!
16: What shrine is this?
17: What prevented thee?
18: Why, the Shrine of Spirituality! Some say one may only enter inside it in one's dreams.
19: This is a vast and treacherous realm. I have yet to overcome its dangers. If only I were one of those who dreamed they could fly . . .
20: But I am! I am in the castle!
21: What?
22: But this is not the castle!
23: Avatar, thou art the oddest dream I have ever had. I am asleep in my bed -- art thou not asleep, too?
24: Aye, I think I must be asleep!
25: Nay, I have arrived here fully conscious!
26: Then am I in thy dream, or thy in mine? And what sort of place have we dreamed up?
27: Hast thou seen a mystic gem here?
28: Hast thou seen a magic sceptre here?
29: I seek the Sigil of Binding.
30: Hast thou explored this place?
31: Truly, this is a marvel. 'Tis a pity I never remember my dreams when awake!
32: I cannot stay long  . . . Hark! I hear the morning bell ringing -- I must fly from here! Seek ye the pyramid, and beyond it, the Shrine of Spirituality!
33: I cannot stay long  . . . Hark! I hear the morning bell ringing -- I must fly from here! Vanquish the Red Destroyer -- he has the sceptre you seek!
34: I cannot stay long  . . . Hark! I hear the morning bell ringing -- I must fly from here! Seek ye the white gates, if thou wouldst find the Sigil!

### BLOG

1: Hey! Blog know you! Blog meet you when a-wake, now you here in dream! Fun-ny!
2: Blog dream hu-man come talk to him. That fun-ny!
3: Can you help me find my way around here?
4: How do you know you're dreaming?
5: You have some sense of humor, friend.
6: I will leave you now.
7: Next time, you dream you talk to me, ok?
8: That no-thing. You want hear real good joke?
9: Aye.
10: Nay.
11: Too bad for you. You miss joke. Blog go fight yak in-stead!
12: Why is Blog like pine tree?
13: I don't know, why?
14: Oh, I know the answer to that one.
15: It be-cause... Uh oh, Blog for-get! For-get fun-ny part of joke! Oh well.
16: Good for you! It real fun-ny joke, huh? Blog hear from imp in Shrine of Spi-rit . . . uh, Blog forget where!
17: How did you get to the shrine?
18: What is this shrine?
19: Blog find gold moon-gate. You find too, you go there, Blog think. But you take care, struc-ture of Void is sto-chas-tic!
20: Blog find gem there, like gem you have! But gem too shi-ny. Make game hard, so me leave.
21: Be-cause Blog not this smart a-wake! Blog just use big words like cin-na-mon, and al-ways win game of White Rock Black Rock! Must be dream, that nev-er hap-pen!
22: Why were you talking about cinnamon?
23: Shouldn't you wake up now?
24: Would you like to play the game some more?
25: Blog not know what it mean, but Blog say that word! Say lots more words too, you bet!
26: Blog not have to wake up, Flip do that! Till then, Blog like to have dream!
27: Well then, shall we play some White Rock Black Rock?
28: Who is this "Flip"?
29: Flip is imp of dawn. He make you wake up when dream get too good! Uh oh, too much fun, soon Blog might start to wake up!
30: Ok! You go first! You want fish, or move to lim-bo?
31: I'll take the fish.
32: I'll move to limbo.
33: I pick the White Rock.
34: Hur hur hur! You lose! Blog win a-gain, must be dream for sure!
35: Blog squash peas! You in tough spot now!
36: I'll pass my turn.
37: I didn't know there were peas in this game!
38: I stand on one foot and quack.
39: Oh, you get free turn! Pick Nam-by, Pam-by, or Bam-bi!
40: Namby.
41: Pamby.
42: Bambi.
43: This is silly!
44: Oh, that smart! Blog count fin-gers. Now your turn a-gain.
45: I count my toes.
46: My umbrella has been misplaced.
47: I've been to Earth. Have you?
48: Then Blog eat squash in-stead. Hey, Blog win! This great dream or what?
49: Blog for-get what come next. You know?
50: No.
51: Yes.
52: Last chance round! How man-y?
53: Five.
54: Three, sir!
55: How many what?
56: If Blog live here, Blog be home by now! Wow, Blog win a-gain! Blog have real good time now!
57: Okay, you do wrong thing now, you win!
58: I draw my sword.
59: I thumb my nose at you.
60: I sniff the fish.
61: I do nothing. I refuse to play any more.
62: Hey, you win! Uh oh, Blog start wa-king up now!
63: Blog dream this place all the time! Climb co-lor moun-tain four times. Then go through gold gate. Or may-be o-ther way 'round? First fight dae-mons, though. Then maze. Or maze, then dae-mons? Or wait? When was purple sli-dy part? Blog forget!


1: Hello, friend Rodriguez!  How you?
2: Not so well, Rawstag.  Britannia is in peril!
3: I am fine.
4: Do I know you?
5: My name is not Rodriguez.  It is @GS8.
6: You SAD? Me sorry. Maybe you dream of somewhere make you happy.  Dream hard enough, can dream of anywhere you want! Me dream of this place.\m
7: Me happy, me dream of red gems almost all time now.  Me like it here. Plenty red gems, plenty wine to drink, plenty apples and bats to eat!
8: That's wonderful!
9: I wouldn't eat the bats if I were you, Rawstag.
10: Say, could I have some more bat?
11: What have you been doing since the destruction of the colony in the Abyss?
12: Haw, haw!  Bats tasty!  You try?
13: No, thank you.
14: Yes, I'd love some!
15: Here you go.  Plenty more where that came from!
16: Thank you.  Farewell.
17: What have you been doing since the destruction of the colony in the Abyss?
18: Me thought me told you already.  But me always happy to shoot breeze with friend A-va-tar.
19: Me very young troll when me meet you.  Now me very old, powerful troll, more powerful maybe than old Sethar Strongarm!  Me leader of big tribe of trolls 'cause me so smart! Say, you not get old too!  Why not?
20: The flow of time is different on my world and thine. I'm afraid that in only a short time away my friends must miss me for a long time indeed.
21: I don't know.
22: Oh.  Me think maybe time flow different in 'tween Bri-tan-nia and your world!  That make sense, right?
23: By the way, you like some bat?
24: OK. You want bat, you come back!
25: Farewell.
26: Rodriguez not remember? Me meet Rodriguez in Sty-gi-an Abyss! Me very happy in Abyss. Me live there until you make Sty-gi-an Abyss blow up (no hard feelings, Rodriguez).
27: Yes, life good. Me see you again later, @GS8.
28: Whatever you say, Rodriguez. How you doing?


Apparently miscellaneous portions of dialogue that belong in other files.



1: Another surfacer leaves the light of the warm star's gaze, and journeys inside into black stone and earth! Why hast thou come so far?


### UHUH....

1: Deep within the bowels of the Ethereal Void, goblin captain A. I. Crunchowicz awakens. He has only a shortsword and a leather helmet. In his future lie glorious deeds, or a bloody and ignominious death!


1: The strange-looking man jabbers excitedly at you in an unknown tongue.
2: Do you speak English?
3: I am @GS8, the Avatar.
4: The man shakes his head, and seems to realize he is not being understood, and instead begins patting himself on the head.
5: That's not very helpful.
6: Keep trying.
7: Look, I've got better things to do.
8: After a while, he stops patting himself on the head, and emphatically points to his left eye.
9: I'm afraid I don't see the connection.
10: Please continue.
11: The man abandons the eye, and begins flapping his arms up and down vigorously, leaping into the air.
12: I see what you mean. I'll be right back.
13: This isn't helping me any.
14: Is this what you want?
15: The man recognizes you and smiles, then shakes his head and holds up hands.
16: I've got some more eyeballs for you here.
17: Nice to see you again.
18: He nods his head, smiles, and departs.
19: The man repeats his routine, first patting his head, then pointing to his eye, then flapping his wings. He then waits for a response.
20: Is this what you wanted?
21: I'm not getting anywhere with this, sorry.
22: The man seems to detect your affirmative tone. He shakes your hand and nods his head up and down, then bows and leaves.
23: After a while, he detects your lack of comprehension, and leaves, nonplused.
24: He shakes his head, and points at each of his eyes in turn, then abruptly shakes your hand,  bows, and departs.
25: Bye.
26: He takes the eyeball from you with extravagant gestures of delight.
27: Clearly well-satisfied, the mage tucks both eyeballs into a waiting pouch, and in turn presents  you with a scroll.
28: Seeing you are heavily encumbered, the mage leans down and places the scroll at your feet.
29: He then departs, chortling to himself.
30: See you later.
31: He shakes his head in mute incomprehension.
32: Sorry, perhaps it is this you want.
33: Oh well, I'll try again later.



1: mister
2: missy
3: man
4: woman
5: A stocky guard bars your way.
6: I dunno how you got here, @SS1, but I'm under orders from the Guardian himself to keep everybody outta here, all the time.
7: Step aside -- I'm under orders from the Guardian.
8: I understand. I shall leave here now.
9: Then thou shalt die at thy post.
10: The guard looks up suspiciously.
11: Why hast thou returned? Was my warning not enough?
12: I will not heed thee -- stand aside or be killed!
13: Nay, my mistake.
14: Mark me! No one passes here, ever -- if thou wert meant to pass, the Guardian himself would have contacted me. Now, begone.
15: Nay, I shall pass here by force, then.
16: I shall depart.
17: Thou hast made a grave mistake! But so be it -- thou hast challenged me, now face thy doom!
18: I warn thee again -- I am more than I seem, and it will go ill with thee if thou dost fight me.
19: Nevertheless -- you must let me pass, or I shall force my way through.
20: Thou dost give me pause for thought. Perhaps I shall not bother thee.
21: So be it!
22: He nods.
23: That would be wise of thee.


Scintillus Academy[edit]

Scintillus Academy.


1: Hello again, @GS8. Art thou having second thoughts about the exam?
2: Aye, it seems not worth the risk.
3: Do not rush me! I am gathering strength before facing the challenge.
4: Tell me again about this place.
5: Before you stands a young but weary mage. As you approach, his expression shows a small amount of surprise and a large amount of relief.
6: At last! I suppose thou art a professor -- thou certainly are not a student, dressed like that. You know, then, that the signal button does not work?
7: I am neither a professor nor a student. I am @GS8, the Avatar.
8: Signal button?
9: I feel I am at a disadvantage here. Who art thou?
10: Well then, it seems that we shall both sink in the same boat.
11: You'll need all of it, my friend.
12: The mage pauses and gives you a sly look. Clearly he finds your claim suspect.
13: Of course thou art. My name is Elster, class of 607. Or, uh, I would have been, had I passed the exam.
14: So you failed it, then?
15: What exam?
16: What does the signal button do?
17: Uh, well, no.
18: He seems somewhat embarrassed.
19: When it came right down to it, I, uh, chose to postpone my examination.  This is only the pre-exam staging area.
20: What is the examination for?
21: Then why art thou still here?
22: Is the examination difficult?
23: It is the final exam for the Scintillus Academy of Magic. Only those who have successfully completed nine years at the Academy may take the final exam and earn their Bachelor of Magery.
24: Why didst thou choose to delay thy examination?
25: But you decided not to take it...
26: Bachelor of Magery?  Dost thou mean a B.M.?
27: Elster looks around quickly before answering.
28: Because I do not believe I wouldst survive.  The final exam is a series of mazes and deathtraps, which has claimed some of even the best students.  And, to be honest, I am not one of the best students.
29: How long hast thou been here?
30: Can you tell me anything about the exam?
31: Well, I must be going now.
32: I have been waiting in this blasted waiting room for sixty-three years now; that button on the wall is supposed to summon a faculty member, but 'tis obviously broken.  I am troubled that no one has come to check on me.  I fear that some disaster may have befallen the Academy up there on the surface.
33: Is there not any way out of here?
34: I certainly hope not!
35: The only way out is to take the exam.  I know that some day soon I shouldst take the plunge, but the thought fills me with such dread that for now I am content to stay and wait to be rescued.
36: Goodbye, and good luck to thee.
37: Thou art a coward, Elster. Sixty-three years is too long to wait!
38: I thank thee, @GS8. If thou art as fit as thou dost seem, then perhaps the exam shall not prove so difficult for thee.
39: Dost thou not know? Thou must be a stranger to the Academy. I am called Elster. What is thy name?
40: I am @GS8, the Avatar.
41: @GS8.
42: I am no one of consequence... a stranger, as thou sayest. Where are we?
43: Elster looks at you for a moment with obvious skepticism.
44: Well, Avatar, the signal button is supposed to summon a faculty member to release students who have chosen to... take the exam another time.  Unfortunately, the button seems to be broken, and no one has come to fix it or check on me in the last sixty-three years.
45: Have you taken the exam?
46: I hope that someone rescues thee. Now I must go.
47: Sixty-three years!
48: I suppose sixty-three years is not that long to wait -- not when I shall likely live to see many thousands of years.  Nevertheless, I have long since grown impatient with this situation.
49: Ah, please excuse my lack of manners. It has just been so long since last I beheld a human face. I am Elster, nearly the class of 607.  What is thy name?
50: I am @GS8, Avatar of Britannia.
51: My name is @GS8. Actually, I am a stranger here.
52: You may call me @GS8. What art thou doing here?
53: 'Tis a pleasure to meet thee, @GS8.
54: What is this room?
55: What is the signal button?
56: Tell me about the Academy.
57: We are in the pre-exam staging area, an antechamber to the examination rooms themselves. I myself have decided to postpone taking the exam, but unfortunately I am stuck here.
58: Why art thou detained?
59: What is this exam you speak of?
60: I am sorry that thou art stuck, but I must continue my quest.
61: That button on the wall is supposed to call a faculty member down here to let me out. The final exam at the Scintillus Academy of Magic is taken on a volunteer basis, and I have decided not to volunteer just yet.
62: Why didst thou choose to postpone thy examination?
63: How long hast thou been waiting?
64: Canst thou leave on thine own?
65: I have been here in the staging area for sixty-three years. That is not as long as thou may think -- my people live well into the thousands -- but 'tis long enough! I sometimes fear that some disaster has occured up on the surface. Perhaps the Academy has burned to the ground!
66: Is there no other way out of here?
67: I hope that has not happened!
68: Why, the final examination of the Scintillus Academy of Magic!
69: Tell me more.
70: 'Tis a test full of unspeakable dangers, or so I have heard. Students who complete nine years of study at the Academy are given the option to take the final exam. Of those who so choose, some pass and are awarded their degrees as Full Mages. The less fortunate are mailed home to their families in large envelopes.
71: Have you taken the exam?
72: You mentioned a button...
73: The Scintillus Academy of Magic is the only one of its kind on the planet. It is extremely difficult to gain admission.
74: Elster pauses to glow with pride.
75: Students who pass the final exam are granted Full Mage status and may practice their craft publicly thereafter. The prestige is enormous.
76: Hast thou passed the final exam?
77: This is all very interesting, but I have better things to do.
78: No, I have not. I am exercising my option to defer the exam to a later date.
79: Why?
80: Is the exam difficult?
81: So this is where you wait in the meantime.
82: There is no need to be rude, @GS8. Go about thy business then.
83: Elster glowers.
84: I am here because no one has come to release me. That button on the wall is supposed to bring assistance.  This is the final examination for the Scintillus Academy of Magic -- only those who have completed nine years of undergraduate study at the Academy may take the final and earn their Bachelor of Magery.
85: Difficult? I have heard it said that it is the most difficult test on the planet! However, the graduates who have passed it are forbidden to discuss it afterward.
86: We undergrads are told nothing of the exam, save that it is difficult and deadly.  Although...
87: His voice drops to a whisper.
88: ...I once briefly overheard two graduates discussing it. 'Count over from the red squares,' I think is what they said. I have no idea what that means, of course.
89: Please continue.
90: I thank thee for the information. Now I must be off!
91: Goodbye, @GS8. If thou dost decide to take the exam thyself, and have the good fortune to survive, then perhaps thou will find someone to tell of my plight. Farewell.
92: No, the button is the only means of exit, aside from the exam area itself.
93: Elster does not seem amused.
94: 'Tis an old and tired jest you make. I wouldst have thought the Avatar to possess more of a refined wit.
95: I thank thee for thy concern.  Alas that I am stranded here!
96: Elster sighs sadly.
97: Thou art correct. Sixty years, and I have not been able to summon the courage to step through that door. Thou shouldst try the exam yourself, @GS8. Surely thou art a braver soul than I.

Loth's Tomb[edit]

Tomb of Praecor Loth.


1: man
2: woman
3: A stranger... a living @GS34! Why come here, to a tomb?
4: I seek to save Britannia!
5: I am @GS8, an adventurer.
6: I am the Avatar.
7: So thou dost return, you who live.
8: I would like to hear about the funeral.
9: I seek nothing more from thee.
10: How long has it been, since we were laid here? A month, a year? My memory has cracked and broken in that time, I remember little save the funeral.
11: What funeral was this?
12: Seems like centuries, from the looks of things.
13: Centuries? Surely 'twas just a month or two ago that we buried Praecor Loth here, and I followed soon after. It cannot be much longer, else how could I remember that day so clearly?
14: Tell me of that day.
15: Thou art simply an addled ghost.
16: Britannia? I know it not, though I may have, once. My memories scatter in this long cold, I can recall little save the funeral, when they laid Praecor Loth here. I was alive, then.
17: How did you come to be here, in this state?
18: What do you remember of the funeral?
19: I know not, unless it be the strange spell the Company laid on this place, at the funeral.
20: What happened at the funeral?
21: It seems you know very little.
22: Her attention seems to wander from the present time.
23: A grand day, 'twas, though sad -- the dead king laid out in all his splendor. I do recall as the slaves bore him down into the tomb, the Three stood weeping, 'round by the liche-gate, and Lethe led the sorcerous chant that rose higher and higher in pitch, 'til some feared to listen, and dogs and horses fled the noise, 'til the chant seemed to swallow sound itself, and the ceremony finished in silent words and silent weeping.
24: This must have been a mighty spell.
25: Art thou one of these "Three"?
26: Aye, the Three held power as no other, though in time they too must have fallen. I was i' the earth by then, and know nothing more.
27: I thank thee for thy story.
28: 'Tis not much to know.
29: I am merely Molloy, the king's tailor, and like the rest of his household I was buried with him when he died. I was handy with a needle, but I claim no great powers of mind.
30: Canst thou tell me where he lies?
31: Thank thee, I need no more from thee.
32: Farewell.
33: I know little, as I cannot move far from this place. He will be above this place somewhere, suitably guarded. 'Tis death to seek him, thou canst be sure.
34: Thank thee for the warning.
35: I do not fear the dead.
36: Then perhaps thou art truly a @GS34 of power.


1: Thou art not a shade, nor a verminous creature, nor one of Lord Umbria's hybrid grotesques, nor yet one of the soulless automata that walk these halls unthinking.
2: Who art thou?
3: I seek the resting-place of Praecor Loth.
4: I am @GS8, an adventurer.
5: I am @GS8, Avatar of Britannia.
6: She does not appear to notice you.
7: So, the thief would speak with me again!
8: I am no thief -- I am @GS8, the Avatar!
9: Indeed, he would.
10: If thou wouldst speak, speak to the Company of Three!
11: So, @GS8, did you not pass the Three?
12: Aye, I destroyed them, and met thy husband.
13: Nay, they were too powerful for me.
14: I have not yet attempted to do so.
15: I would learn more of thy past.
16: A common tomb-thief!
17: She sighs.
18: I had hoped that if any made it this far, 'twould be a better class of person.
19: I am no tomb-robber! I am @GS8, the Avatar!
20: Thou art a snob, and I shall speak to thee no more!
21: Ah, well, if nothing else, the Company of Three shall teach thee manners.
22: An avatar!
23: Know, then, that I was Helena, wife to Praecor Loth, though in death we lie apart. And that though dead these seven long centuries, I still seek thine aid.
24: How may I help thee?
25: Art thou not beyond my help?
26: Look about thee! We do not lie quietly in these tombs -- the power of the Three hath stayed Death's hand a moment, and in that space of time we guttering shadows walk a while, and think of days past.
27: What happened to bring this about?
28: What were your lives like?
29: How may I help thee?
30: Her image brightens a moment in anger.
31: 'Twas the Three! Praecor Loth was the best of them, and they could not stand to let him die. They told the others that by following him thus into the grave they would protect his power from the Guardian's thieves, but in truth they preferred to follow him here rather than live leaderless. 'Tis loyalty, of a sort.
32: Who were these "Three?"
33: Who was Praecor Loth, to inspire this loyalty?
34: To us, he was the fulfillment of every virtue a hero might have. It seemed there was nothing he could not do, no way in which he could fail us. When he fell so suddenly, it shattered our spirit.
35: How may I help thee, and him as well?
36: What can such a being need from me?
37: Speak with my husband! Go where he lies, past the Company of Three.
38: What does he need of me?
39: Who is this Company?
40: Only let him speak with one who is alive. Then he shall see through the snares and deceptions they have bound him in.  He was a good man, and shall know his course, I feel sure.
41: I shall do this.
42: I shall not risk my life for a corpse!
43: Thou thinkest me a corpse? Then this is a corpse's curse, @GS8. Go to thy grave a coward!
44: You feel a cold wind enter the chamber, and your fighting arm goes numb.
45: Beyond this room wait the Three, in their ragged imitation of life. Their power is second to none in this world -- show them no mercy.
46: What can I expect of them?
47: I shall not fear a team of withered corpses!
48: So be it, then.
49: Of Lethe and Lord Umbria, I know little. Of Morphius, one may expect his usual battery of thieves' tricks -- a poisoned blade, and hidden snares and passages. Thou wouldst do well to hurry, before he senses thy presence in this place.
50: I shall be off, then.
51: I shall delay, and build up my might, before attempting this.
52: I certainly shall not fault thee for it -- the bones of those who came before thee shall litter thy path.
53: Thou hast my thanks, and the thanks of all those here who are kept from their rest. And aye, thou shalt have thy reward, a greater one than canst expect. Go now, brave one, with my blessing.
54: Leaving Helena, your body feels suddenly lighter, your heart braver, than before.
55: In life, Lethe, Morphius, and Lord Umbria fought at Praecor Loth's side, rode with him, did great deeds for the realm, before the Guardian came, and before the Final War. And aye, before his passion for the wanton Lethe o'ercame all reason.
56: What became of them?
57: Did the Guardian triumph in this world?
58: The Guardian's forces pressed on and on, driving us back, and when Loth died his empire died with him. Morphius fell back to his old killing ways, Lord Umbria sought salvation in the darkest arts, and the bitch-queen Lethe grew wilder and wilder in her wicked lusts.
59: Did all, then, perish?
60: What became of thee?
61: As our lines fell back, he sought to keep me safe, by sending me further and further north. Not long after word came that he had fallen, I took my own life amid the frozen tundra.
62: 'Tis a sad story, my lady. What may I do to bring thee peace?
63: Has the kingdom fallen, then?
64: Aye, all that remains of the realm you may find between these walls. Thou'rt now in the very court of Praecor Loth.
65: How may I serve thee now, my lady?
66: What became of thee, Helena?
67: As our lines fell back, he sought to keep me safe, by sending me further and further north. Not long after word came that he had fallen, I took my own life amid the frozen tundra.
68: What remains to be done?
69: Then go back and tell him the truth! Too long have we been held here in the name of the deception of Praecor Loth!
70: Then no one in this world can match their strength. Perhaps one day you shall have sufficient skill.
71: Aye, someday I shall return.
72: Nay, I was merely resting between battles!
73: If you like -- 'tis no shame to be bested by such as they. I wish thee well.
74: I wish thee good fortune.

### TRYSTERO (boneless)

1: sir
2: lady
3: Begging your pardon, @SS1, but hast thou seen my bones?
4: There are bones aplenty in this place -- how might I recognize thine?
5: Thou art very careless to lose thine own body!
6: But @SS1, 'twas not my fault!
7: I have no time for the incorporeal!
8: I have them right here!
9: Hast thou found my bones yet? I'm getting so... wiggly!
10: Indeed thou art. Not to worry, I've got them here.
11: No, but I shall keep looking.
12: Splendid! Give them here, please.
13: Please hurry!
14: They are long and white, and, if I may say so, very finely shaped! And, last I saw them, they were carrying a jeweled axe. I feel so... vague without them!
15: But how didst thou lose them?
16: Where might they be found?
17: I lost them in the time of the last intrusion, several centuries ago -- dost thou recall? The surfacer mages had driven the Three back almost to the second level, until Lethe brought the ceiling down on them. In the resulting crash, I was knocked senseless -- when I awoke, I lacked my infrastructure! Terrible inconvenience, don't you know!
18: I can imagine.
19: I shall find them for thee.
20: Find them for me, won't you? You may keep anything they may be carrying when you find them.
21: I shall.
22: Nay, I shall not.
23: I thank thee! Keep anything the bones may have collected on their own, won't you?
24: It shall be my pleasure.
25: Very well, then. I shall search elsewhere!
26: Sorry, I don't have them.
27: Here they are.
28: But...I do not see them here!
29: Sorry, here they are.
30: I apologize. I will bring them soon.
31: Good luck in thy search!
32: Ahhh. Thank thee, I feel much better now!

### TRYSTERO (boned)

1: Ahhhhh! 'Tis now a pleasure to stroll through the tombs!
2: I am glad to hear it. I shall speak with thee later!
3: Thy necropolis is most pleasingly decorated!
4: Canst thou offer me any advice about the tombs?
5: Greetings, my friend!
6: Greetings! I must press on, now.
7: Can you tell me any more about the tombs?
8: Help! These tombs are dangerous!
9: Indeed!
10: The only advice I might offer the living is to depart at speed! Many of the dead are disturbed here, and there is little to eat here.  The plants that grow here offer little nourishment, and provoke strange visions in sleep!
11: Thank thee. I shall depart at once.
12: Nevertheless, I shall press on.
13: This would be wise of thee!
14: Well, if thou dost chance to see Praecor Loth, do send my regards. And take care not to lose thy bones!
15: Farewell!
16: Like most everyone else, I stay near where I was originally buried. I do remember some nice architecture on the first level, and some exquisite statuary... oh, but that was destroyed in the Guardian's last attack. I'm afraid I haven't been of much help.
17: On the contrary, thou hast helped me greatly.
18: 'Tis not thine own fault. I shall see thee anon.
19: Thou art quite the nicest fellow I have yet encountered in this place! Fare thee well.

### REEF

1: A spirit flies around and around the room.
2: Ah, gods, he is slain!
3: Who? Who is slain?
4: So? EVERYONE here is dead!
5: The king is dead! I saw it! I was the one to see it!
6: Who art thou?
7: How did he die?
8: 'Twas so sudden -- he was distracted -- his lieutenant arriving with news -- he turned his head -- an arrow struck him in the ear -- I do not believe he even felt it happen...
9: Who art thou?
10: When did this happen?
11: He is slain! I was there...!
12: The spirit flees into the darkness.


1: Who has awakened me? A mortal, I see. Then this is it -- you have bested Morphius? And Lord Umbria?
2: Aye, I have destroyed them.
3: Nay, I merely evaded them.
4: I see! So the thief is finally losing his touch! And now, intruder, since thou hast come so far to see me, wouldst thou learn who I once was?
5: Then they are at rest, anyways. And now, I am the only one left to maintain the vigil -- the Company of One. Thief, wouldst thou learn who I was?
6: Aye.
7: Nay, I care not.
8: I was Lethe. They called me Praecor Loth's "general," but that was only a title -- Praecor spotted me one day in an arena fight, and brought me to the palace. From then on I was his private killer, his... mistress, and in death, his guardian.
9: Helena bids thee let me pass.
10: I must pass here.
11: Sounds nice. What happened?
12: So! The thief returns. Have you decided to try passing me?
13: Yes.
14: Nay.
15: Helena, that bore! Must she always interfere? I buried her far from here, but still she seeks to keep me from him!
16: Helena wishes what is best for her husband.
17: I came of my own accord. She did not send me.
18: Get out! Get out, thief! Can't I live with him just a little longer? Why must you take him away? I know he... he wasn't supposed to be killed, but this way is almost as good. He doesn't have to be dead, even though he wasn't... wasn't supposed to...
19: She trails off, almost seeming to weep.
20: Supposed to what? What has happened?
21: Cease thy childish prattle and fight!
22: Do not worry, Lethe, I will not disturb thee. You may keep your pretense of life.
23: Why expect courtesy from the Guardian's slave?
24: We were going to win! He was going to live, to win, not this, not the Guardian driving us north, killing us as we marched! Why did we lose and have to go north and sleep in blankets and build the tomb here, in the frozen lands?
25: Lethe, I shall enter the crypt. Now.
26: Lethe, you're dead now, and that happened a long time ago.
27: Do not worry, Lethe, I will not disturb thee. You may keep your pretense of life.
28: Am I to believe a thief? The Guardian rules the world above, and ever he sends his servants questing below, for Praecor Loth's horn. And ever they die.
29: Yes, leave us, please. We must remain together. Tell your master to send his emissaries no more.
30: No, I will not give in. At the least, it will be a pleasure to kill for him again.
31: Then die confused and ignorant, thief!
32: Please, don't tell him what happened. Lord Umbria said it would work to go and be dead like this. Lord Umbria said we could be with him always like this. But it wasn't right, and I think he knows, I think he knows...
33: What is left of her body crumbles into dust.


1: sir
2: lady
3: boy
4: girl
5: Set a thief to catch a thief, eh, @GS8?
6: I am no thief -- I am the Avatar!
7: I am afraid I do not know thee, sir.
8: How didst thou know my name?
9: Helena bid me visit her husband.
10: So, the thief returns!
11: I am no thief, but I must pass here.
12: I see thou art not prepared to listen to reason.
13: Helena bid me speak with thy husband.
14: 'Tis my business to know, @GS33. And are we not in the same business?
15: What business is that?
16: I am a hero, and thou art a monster!
17: But we are both thieves, are we not?
18: I am, or once was, Morphius, by trade a thief, assassin, cracksman, forger, corsair, racketeer, and spy, and now in death a guard in this graveyard!
19: Surely, as one thief to another, we might be able to work something out...
20: I seek to pass this door, Morphius.
21: No deals, @GS8.
22: If you were to... he might...
23: No, I shall keep you out, surfacer. The Guardian shall not have the treasure of Praecor Loth -- I owe him that much, at any rate.
24: Who was this Praecor Loth to thee?
25: What debt would keep a dead thief here?
26: Praecor Loth met me and pulled me from the gutter. I had skills, yes, but I thought them good for nothing but finding me money to spend, and women when I was lonely. He taught me to fight, and taught me things to fight for. I was already a good thief, the best, really, but with him I became a hero. Now at last I am paying that debt, these seven centuries.
27: So why threaten me?
28: But Praecor Loth is dead! How canst thou pay a debt now?
29: Helena says thou hast deceived him.
30: Helena is a liar, and thou art a slave to the Guardian!
31: Not dead, not dead! He lives, his soul is alive in his tomb! As long as no one disturbs him, he shall be fine, just as he always was!
32: Perhaps I should meet him for myself.
33: "Fine?" Fine for a corpse, you mean!
34: Now look, errand-@GS34, thou knowest the rules. You may stay here and die, as thy fellows have for 700 years, or you may run back to your master and bid him disturb us no more!
35: I shall stay and fight thee.
36: I shall depart.
37: Art thou sure? Thy fellows, lying 'round thee, might advise thee differently.
38: Thanks for the warning. Now, let us fight!
39: Thou hast a point. Perhaps I should be going...
40: So be it!
41: An avatar? Do be serious! Thou'rt nothing more than the Guardian's errand-@GS34, the sort I have been slaying here for generations!
42: No, really, I am the Avatar!
43: Thou'rt a pigheaded corpse, figuratively speaking.
44: Thou'rt merely the hundredth in a series of pawns the Guardian has been moving against us for centuries. We have lost this world to him, and now seek simply to preserve our master as he was, and to protect his treasures.
45: It seems he has been dead some time now -- perhaps he should be laid to rest.
46: I tell thee, the Guardian did not send me!
47: He must not leave us, for without him we are nothing! WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING TO TAKE HIM AWAY FROM US?!
48: Guardian, thy stories grow more and more tiresome through the years! Why must thy messengers always tell the same lies?
49: Thou hast chosen wisely.
50: Say rather, "I am not prepared to listen to the Guardian's lies."
51: Thou art a persistent thief, which is the most dangerous kind of all. I must kill thee, but you may take it as a compliment.
52: Thou art well-informed, for a stranger to our house, but that shall not save thee. Again I ask thee, will you stay and die, or leave this place forever?
53: I will leave.
54: I will pass through here.


1: A mortal! Then Morphius has fallen. Know that thou art the first in seven centuries to pass the first gate; I would know, then, why thou hast gone to such trouble to die in the second of the three antechambers to Praecor Loth's crypt.
2: I seek the treasure of Praecor Loth.
3: I seek salvation for the people of Britannia!
4: Helena bid me visit her husband.
5: Back again! Have you found your courage, thief?
6: I was not afraid, only resting for battle!
7: BANZAI!!!
8: Why must thou stop me from reaching the crypt?
9: Dost thou, vermin? Aye, so did all the corpses that came before thee! Now flee, and tell thy master we tire of his attentions! The tomb of a great man should not be troubled by such intrusions!
10: I shall go.
11: You misunderstand! I come on behalf of all Britannia!
12: What was so great about this man?
13: Britannia... ah, yes, I recall it, Mondain's home! Distasteful man. Wonderful scholar, though, and such a charming wife. Shame about his father. Now why would the Guardian send a slave with such an absurd lie?
14: It is no lie -- we are in peril!
15: Thou art a narrowminded fool!
16: Silence! Thou hast violated a sacred place. Will you leave it now, or must I destroy thee?
17: I will leave thee in peace.
18: I will not be stayed from my mission.
19: What is so sacred about this place?
20: Really, now, do come off it, idiot! Does the Guardian think I am a fool? Now, in the name of Praecor Loth, scuttle back to your master!
21: Just who WAS Praecor Loth?
23: Insult me, will you, you rotting corpse?
24: Helena is a liar, and has no understanding of heroism!
25: Praecor Loth stands for what was... IS best in us, the true nobility of the Three! Since the accident, things have not been... well, Praecor Loth would agree, if he knew what had happened, that this is for the best.
26: If he knew what?
27: Never mind that.
28: Why keep such a great hero locked away from the world?
29: Helena disagrees.
30: I tell thee, Helena knows nothing of our way!
31: Now I bid thee, leave, here, now, or thou shalt certainly be destroyed. In my time here I have mastered many forbidden practices, and, believe me, to take a life is a trivial matter to me.
32: I find thee overconfident. Come, let us do battle.
33: I believe thee. Perhaps I should go now.
34: Lord Umbria nods, and you hear noises in the dark around him.
35: Farewell.
36: No one must see him! If you... no, I shall drive thee from this place!
37: I had hoped thy death might take place with some decorum. It would seem not. Halato Akalabeth!
38: It matters not to me -- I am beyond such petty concerns. Prepare thyself for death.
39: Let us begin.
40: Wait! Stop! I changed my mind!


1: Welcome, stranger! I am pleased -- very pleased -- that thou hast come. It has been so long since anyone has visited our humble court. Please, stay awhile here, and be at ease. I am Praecor Loth, King of Rhiannon.
2: And I am @GS8, Avatar of Britannia.
3: Hast thou heard of a being called "The Guardian?"
4: I am @GS8. Helena sent me to speak with thee.
5: Art thou not...dead?
6: Have you changed your mind? Will you do as I ask?
7: Aye.
8: Nay.
9: As you wish.
10: Welcome once again to my court, @GS8.
11: Stay awhile, and tell me why thou hast come here.
12: Please, sir, what I told you is the truth.
13: I bear news from thy wife.
14: Hast thou heard of a being called "The Guardian?"
15: I must go now.
16: So soon? Well, if you must. It is so lonely here! I wish thee well, and bid thee know that thou hast always a place at my court.
17: Farewell.
18: Dead? What dost thou mean? No, of course I am not dead. Who told thee such a thing?
19: I know not. 'Twas merely a rumor.
20: 'Twas Helena, thy wife.
21: Why, look at thee! Thou'rt a ghost!
22: Another rumor! Some people will believe anything they are told!
23: My lovely wife! How is Helena? She is... they tell me she is indisposed? How did she seem to you?
24: Sir, she bid me aid thee.
25: She is fine, my lord.
26: Er... she's dead, isn't she?
27: Excellent!
28: Dead, Helena? Why of course not, she has merely been ill, these past... I cannot remember how long. But I am assured she is fine, and will soon be well again. My dear Helena!
29: Why, yes, we'd been having some trouble with the... Guardian, wasn't it? But now, I remember, wait, it seems that was a long time ago... didn't... it must be over now, surely. And peace reigns again in my realm!
30: No, your majesty, the Guardian conquered your world long ago.
31: Of course, your majesty!
32: He gives a hollow laugh.
33: Surely, you must be joking, @GS8! We, I'm sure of it... the fighting at Rhyna... was I... wounded? I can't remember! We did defeat his armies, didn't we? We must have!
34: He grows agitated, and his image seems to lose its sharpness in the air.
35: Do not alarm yourself, majesty, I was only joking.
36: No, your majesty, you were killed, and your forces were driven into the tundra and scattered.
37: Er, how is your wife, Helena?
38: No, I won, I...wait, what is this place...this stone, is this my palace? I don't recognize this room! Where am I?
39: Don't worry, sir, you're home at your palace, you're safe!
40: This is not your palace, majesty, this is your tomb.
41: And Helena? My companions? Where are they? Are they near?
42: They are dead, sir. They are at peace.
43: Sir, I apologize, my jests are in poor taste. Your friends are just outside!
44: I... I had known that things were somehow... not right, but... I was deceived, the Three deceived me, didn't they? Doubtless they thought themselves kind. I am so tired, but first, there is one thing I must tell thee.
45: I am listening.
46: Nay, go and die now.
47: Do as you will, then. I must not sleep, not until another comes, who may bear the horn.
48: Wait, I shall do what you ask.
49: Farewell, then.
50: In my war against the Guardian, I carried a mighty battle-horn, whose blast could shatter buildings and turn back great armies.\m 'Twas my greatest weapon in battle, once, but to wield it requires great strength in the lungs -- few can attain such strength, save by sorcerous means.\m
51: In the proper hands, its power is enormous. Someone such as thyself, strong and unafraid of the truth, must wield it when I am gone. I trust you to do so, now...
52: His image begins to fade.
53: Oh! I feel now as if I were dissolving in warm water... it is so restful... and I feel my long saga... has ended.
54: He fades into the air, and you feel a faint trembling begin beneath your feet.
55: HA HA HA HA HA! Oh, you had me going, @GS8, I swear, I did believe every word of it! Helena, did you... oh, she is gone, yes, I remember it now! But indeed, Avatar, thou art a jester of formidable talent!
56: 'Twas no jest, your majesty, I spoke the truth.
57: Aye, sir, it was quite a joke.
58: You say the Guardian conquered...why, it's absurd!
59: I was... killed, you say? No, how can...
60: What do you mean? My wife, my friends are dead?
61: Thy friends are at peace, now.
62: Nay, sir, it is nothing.


1: Hail, brave comrade! 'Tis a long time since one of our own hath ventured here below.
2: Who art thou?
3: How long has it been?
4: Knowst thou aught of this place?
5: How camest thou here below?
6: Maybe a hundred years, since last the Guardian found  one who would brave these dangers! And that one fell to the  metal man on the first level. Pounded quite flat, he was.
7: And what brought him and thee down here?
8: And what art thou called?
9: Dost thou know thy way around here?
10: Why, I was called Silanus, like you a good servant  in the Guardian's army, 'til I volunteered to come here below, hoping to win His favor by bringing the horn back to the surface.
11: What horn is this?
12: Why did the Guardian want this horn?
13: I do not serve the Guardian!
14: Nor do I, now -- I bear thee no ill-will. Such things seem less to me now, than they did.
15: Why did the Guardian desire this horn?
16: What horn was this that thou didst seek?
17: Why, the Horn of Praecor Loth!
18: A blast from that horn could shake castle to its foundations, or stun an army in its tracks. Only one man could wind it, and  that was Loth himself.
19: Who was this Praecor Loth?
20: Knowst thou where I can find this thing?
21: The horn lies with its master!
22: I saw him, once, across a battlefield -- tall and straight as a great pine, he was, and when he raised the horn to his lips all of us would turn away and cower from the blast!  With the Three fighting at his side, he seemed invincible!
23: Who were the "Three"?
24: What happened to him?
25: Where can I find him?
26: His companions! A tall, thin, one, with a crooked smile and a  blade that whipped about him like a snake! Then a shorter man, a wizard who commanded a company of terrible dark creatures. And there was the woman who grinned and snarled as she killed, but so beautiful she made grizzled veterans stare.
27: How camest thou to thy death?
28: Where can I find Praecor Loth?
29: How was it that he died?
30: 'Tis said an arrow took him in its flight, shot by that young Thibris, a favorite of the Guardian.
31: Canst thou tell me where to find Praecor Loth?
32: I must press onward, now.
33: I reached almost the full extent of this building! I crossed  through a maze on the third floor, more by luck than by my wits. But afterwards my luck ran out -- a skeleton nicked me  with its sword, and from the poison in its blade I fell sick and died.
34: Where can I find Praecor Loth?
35: I must press onward, now.
36: He lies on the highest level of this structure, but 'tween him and thee stand terrible machines of slaughter -- fire and moving floors, and worse! 'Tis said there was once a map of these danger, but that it was split into pieces  and hidden in the tomb.
37: I shall search for it.
38: I shall press on without it.
39: This would be wise.
40: 'Twould serve thee best to turn back now, but if thou wouldst press on, I wish thee well.
41: But first let me advise thee: I had once a key,  which the Guardian entrusted to me when I set out. I lost it as I wandered here, delirious from the poison that killed me.
42: Better figure out where that key goes -- someplace a thief could get to!


1: Hail, brave comrade! 'Tis a long time since one of our own hath ventured here below.
2: Who art thou?
3: How long has it been?
4: Knowst thou aught of this place?
5: How camest thou here below?
6: What brings thee back here, surfacer?
7: Tell me again where this key is.
8: Nothing, thanks. I must be going.
9: Tell me again of Praecor Loth.
10: Who art thou?
11: Maybe a hundred years, since last the Guardian found one who would brave these dangers! And that one fell to the metal man on the first level. Pounded quite flat, he was.
12: And yet you braved these dangers yourself.
13: And what brought him and thee down here?
14: And what art thou called?
15: Dost thou know thy way around here?
16: I prepared well for the perils herein. According to the Guardian's guidance, I equipped myself with various potions; a poison antidote, a flameproofing, and an iron flesh. All were purchased at high price from the most reputable merchants.  Yet when I found myself poisoned, some agent had spoiled my curative, and I fell.
17: Where are these items now?
18: How did you fall?
19: What did you seek in these halls?
20: I fear all were lost when I stumbled into the water, else I would not begrudge them to you.  They are useless to me, now.
21: Why, I was called Silanus, like you a good servant in the Guardian's army, 'til I volunteered to come here below, hoping to win His favor by bringing the horn back to the surface.
22: What horn is this?
23: And so doing, sealed your doom, it seems.
24: Why did the Guardian want this horn?
25: I do not serve the Guardian!
26: Strange! Thou dost wear his sign upon thy hand!
27: Nor do I, now -- I bear thee no ill-will. Such things seem less to me now, than they did.
28: Why did the Guardian desire this horn?
29: What can you tell me of the dangers yet to come?
30: What horn was this that thou didst seek?
31: Why, the Horn of Praecor Loth!
32: A blast from that horn could shake a castle to its foundations, or stun an army in its tracks. Only one man could wind it, and that was Loth himself.
33: Who was this Praecor Loth?
34: Knowst thou where I can find this thing?
35: The horn lies with its master!
36: I saw him, once, across a battlefield -- tall and straight as a great pine, he was, and when he raised the horn to his lips all of us would turn away and cower from the blast! With the Three fighting at his side, he seemed invincible!
37: Who were the "Three"?
38: What happened to him?
39: Where can I find him?
40: His companions! A tall, thin, one, with a crooked smile and a blade that whipped about him like a snake! Then a shorter man, a wizard who commanded a company of terrible dark creatures. And there was the woman who grinned and snarled as she killed, but so beautiful she made grizzled veterans stare.
41: How camest thou to thy death?
42: Where can I find Praecor Loth?
43: How was it that he died?
44: 'Tis said an arrow took him in its flight, shot by that young Thibris, a favorite of the Guardian.
45: Canst thou tell me where to find Praecor Loth?
46: I must press onward, now.
47: I reached almost the full extent of this building! I crossed through a maze on the third floor, more by luck than by my wits. But afterwards my luck ran out -- a skeleton nicked me with its sword, and from the poison in its blade I fell sick and died.
48: Where can I find Praecor Loth?
49: I must press onward, now.
50: Who art thou?
51: He lies on the highest level of this structure, but 'tween him and thee stand terrible machines of slaughter -- fire and moving floors, and worse! 'Tis said there was once a map of these dangers, but that it was split into pieces and hidden in the tomb.
52: I shall search for it.
53: I shall press on without it.
54: This would be wise.
55: 'Twould serve thee best to turn back now, but if thou wouldst press on, I wish thee well.
56: Well, I see by thy ring thou dost serve the same master I once did.
57: Let me offer thee some advice! When I set out, the Guardian entrusted to me a key that would have allowed me to pass two of Loth's three guardian-liches, had I lived so long. I lost it as I wandered here, delirious from the poison that killed me.
58: Where is it?
59: How did the Guardian get it?
60: 'Twas a war prize, looted from the slaughter of Loth's ministers!
61: It lies somewhere in the northeastern quarter of that maze. I remember falling into water, just after evading a pit that opened under my feet. I swam a little to the west, then hit a hidden switch by accident, which opened a hidden door. I crawled inside and died there. I hope this helps thee.