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Finding a bottle of serpentwyne

Serpentwyne is an extract of silver serpent venom, that holds none of the its destructive properties.


The result of long years of experimentation and research by people like Kessler, serpentwyne is extracted from the dangerous silver serpent venom. However, this process removes all of the ill effects normally associated with the venom, such that drinking it can instead restore a person to full health. The secret of producing the serpentwyne, together with one of the last existing silver serpents, was entrusted to the Brotherhood of the Rose, so that they would be able to produce it for anyone in need of its healing properties. It appears in Ultima IX.

Prior the events of Ultima IX, the serpent was kidnapped and the serpentwyne storage of the Cathedral of Love plundered by Aria and her helpers. Thus, no more serpentwyne could be produced, even after the serpent was returned, since the production of the venom takes considerable time. The serpentwyne bottles were scattered throughout Britannia and were difficult to recover.


The Silver Serpent is known for its insidious venom, which can be a dangerous and heavily addictive drug. When in the right hands, however, the venom can be refined to create one of Britannia's most valuable elixirs, Serpentwyne. Serpentwyne is known to cure poison, restore health, and prolong the life of the elderly.
A rare healing potion concocted from the venom of the Silver Serpent. Serpentwyne must be distilled in the aging casks at the Cathedral of Love, else it is poison. When consumed, a potion of serpentwyne restores full health and mana.
– from Spellbook (Ultima IX)


  • There are exactly 36 bottles to be found in Ultima IX. Notably, these bottles are all found on the overworld and not in dungeons. A large number of them can be found on beaches, implying that the thieves lost many bottles when they fell from their ship into the ocean.
  • Using the Ritual of Restoration at a repaired shrine has the same effect, but for free as does for sleeping a few hours in a bed.

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