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Sergio, from Ultima IX
Species: human
Profession: bowyer
CollapseUltima IX
Location: Trinsic
Transcript: Sergio

Sergio is a bowyer in Trinsic in Ultima IX.


When the Avatar first met Sergio, he told the hero that the other day he saw a child getting attacked by a monster, but could not be bothered to help her. He was also willing to sell his wares.

After the cleansing of the Shrine of Honor, Sergio realized that Honor was not something bestowed by others, but instead was something that came from within and was a gift to the world. He saw that having Honor was what made others respect him, and realized he had a role in cleaning Trinsic of monsters.[1]

Trinsic Bowyer and Fletcher[edit]

Prices in Ultima IX are as follows:[2]

Weapons Cost
Original Version Economy Patch Version
Arrows (10) 8 18
U9LongbowIcon.png Longbow 260 1260
U9SiegeBowIcon.png Siege bow 510 1995
U9TargetBowIcon.png Target bow ----- 325
U9WarBowoftheBloodIcon.png War Bow of Blood ----- 3210
U9FlamingOilIcon.png Oil flask ----- 3


  • Sergio is an Italian or Spanish given name. In Italian it is pronounced "Sir Joe", in Spanish it is pronounced "Sir Ghee-oh".


  1. Sergio. Quill Dragon’s Ultima IX transcriptUltima IX.
  2. McCubbin, Chris et al. "Merchant Prices". Ultima IX Strategy Guide (Ultima IX). Prima Publishing: 1999. Pages 22–39.