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Montego, from Ultima IX
Species: human
CollapseUltima IX
Location: Buccaneer's Den
Transcript: Montego

Montego is a slave-trader in Buccaneer's Den in Ultima IX.


The Avatar found her preparing for an auction to sell the young woman Katie to the highest bidder, claiming that she had amassed a debt and offered herself for servitude. Montego had set a starting price of 3000 gold pieces. However, the Avatar could sour her business by giving word of the auction to Samhayne, who – much to Montego's disliking – ordered Katie to be freed.[1]

Justice eventually caught up with her, having been found by the Avatar imprisoned in the dungeon Wrong. She claimed that slavery was within the law of the island, however the Avatar did not believe her and left her in her cell.


  • The Avatar could also choose to pay Montego 3000 gp to purchase Katie and then release the girl.
  • It is possible to release Montego from Wrong, but at a loss of karma.
