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Jastral, from Ultima IX
Species: human
Profession: baker
CollapseUltima IX
Location: Britain
Transcript: Jastral

Jastral is the baker of Britain in Ultima IX.


The Avatar met him right away near his shop, where he was cursing over the disruption to this supply of flour. The miller had been deported to Paws because he'd lost an arm in an accident with the millstone. This threatened to ruin Jastral without his only supplier. He put all the blame on the miller.[1]

After mayor Aidon had changed his laws and the miller had returned, Jastral was seen back in business, selling his goods to the Avatar.


In order to make the bread, start with a bread pan. Then add the following ingredients in any order:

- Flour. Place on the ground next to flour sack and use the sack, this will measure out the proper amount of flour.
- Water. Add a full flask of water to the pan.
- Two eggs. Add two eggs to the pan.

Take the pan of dough and place it in the oven. A few moments later you should have some quality home-baked bread.

Britain's Bakery[edit]

Prices in Ultima IX were as follows: [2]

Food Cost
Original Patched
Apple pie 5 7
U9Bread.png Bread 3 2
Cake 11 3
Muffin 2 2


  1. Jastral. Quill Dragon’s Ultima IX transcriptUltima IX.
  2. McCubbin, Chris et al. "Merchant Prices". Ultima IX Strategy Guide (Ultima IX). Prima Publishing: 1999. Pages 22–39.