The Sentinel of Skara Brae
The Sentinel of Skara Brae was the guardian of Skara Brae between Ultima Underworld II and Ultima IX.
It is not exactly clear what the The Sentinel was supposed to be. After all, it was never seen in its undestroyed state in Ultima IX, since the Cataclysm shattered it about 20 years before the Avatar's arrival. Judging by appearance it can be discerned that it originally was a big statue standing in the middle of the city of Skara Brae.
The Sentinel helped to prevent the spread of the corruption of the columns onto the island itself, but it was powerless when the Guardian used physical force and destroyed the whole island with a fire storm, killing everyone. When the Avatar later visited Skara Brae, the Sentinel told the hero the mantra of Spirituality.
To know loss was to build strength, and Skara Brae grew into a place of spiritual might. Much of it emanated from the Sentinel, a stone effigy whose power protected the town. In the Cataclysm. the Sentinel was buried in rubble, and its influence has since faded. Yet, the town continues to thrive to this day.