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The Academy, Ultima IV

The Academy of Serpent's Hold is a practice grounds for the students of the keep to train themselves in the art of combat, although this facility only appears in the time of Ultima IV. They serve as a hiding place for the Mystic Arms.


The Academy consists of a large gymnasium which takes up a significant portion of the castle. Padded with protective matting, and decorated with murals of men in battle, the expansive room is overseen by Master Shyra, who instructs her pupils in the ways of Courage.[1] Eventually, once the Stranger had attained partial Avatarhood in all of the Eight Virtues, the Lady Tessa would tell the hero that she had secreted the Mystic Arms within the halls of the Academy, and the aspiring Avatar was thus able to obtain them before braving the Abyss.[2]

Although the facility was later removed from the castle, the tradition of martial training at the keep of Courage far outlasted it, and its spirit continued with institutions such as the Salle de Loubet.


The flower of Britannian youth go to the Academy within the walls of Serpent’s Castle that they might learn the use of arms in pursuit of the common good. ’Tis here, that one can find knowledge or arcane treasures lost to the ages, and of an artifact most melodious that would aid the true seeker.


  1. DeMaria, Rusel et al. "Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar". Ultima: The Avatar Adventures (Ultima IV). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1992. Page 64.
  2. Lady TessaUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima IV transcriptUltima IV. "mystic".

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High CourtHomeless shelterHouse of GamesIolo's BowsIolo's hutKnight’s Bridge courtLovers' Walk
Marney’s tombMathis MinesMeditation RetreatMondain’s fortressMusic HallOak GroveObservatory
OrreryPalace of BlackthornPirate fortRoyal MintRoyal MuseumRoyal OrchardsRoyal Theatre
Sacrificial SlabSawmillSelwyn's TowerSentinelShrines of the PrinciplesSin'Vraal's hutSpirit Realm
Stone GuardiansTemple of VirtueThe BathsThe Cheat Room
Serpent Isle
Banquet HallBell TowerBlue Boar InnCrematoriumExploded powder millFawn PalaceFellowship Camp
House of WaresList FieldPalace of the MageLordPlace of VisionsSeminariumShrine of Chaos
Silver Tree GroveShrine of OrderSpider altarTemple of BeautyThe Cheat Rooms
Birthplace of MoriensConventicle of the DeadGreat PentagramMouth of the DaemonObsidian Fortress
Palace of the TempestTomb of MoriensWindy PointThe Cheat Room
Circle of stonesFace on MarsPyramidShadowguardSigil of BindingTesla's laboratoryThe Avatar's house