Ferry station

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The ferry station

The ferry station is a structure at the shore of the Misty Channel. It is the conventional means of transport to the haunted ruins of Skara Brae in Ultima VII although the magic carpet can transport persons there as well.


It is unknown how this ghostly dock or its caretaker came to the land in the years after Skara Brae's first destruction, but by the time of the Avatar’s adventures regarding the Black Gate it was a fully functional, albeit unconventional ferry. Tended by the unearthly Ferryman the grim barge which docked here would take visitors to the dead city for the price of but two coins, although requesting passage did require the use of the Seance spell.[1]


The trip across the channel from the mainland to Skara Brae will cost thee two gold. Thou hast but to pay the Ferryman once per completed trip, for he charges nothing to return the mainland, and will wait for thee before departing from the isle.


  1. FerrymanUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Misty Channel, pay, Skara Brae".

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Serpent Isle
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