Shrine of Chaos

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The Shrine of Chaos

The Shrine of Chaos is located on the Serpent Isle and appears in Ultima VII Part Two.


The heartpiece of the underground city of Skullcrusher is the Shrine of Chaos, also known as the Grand Shrine of Chaos.[1] It is the central place of the chaos-part of the religion of the Ophidians. The shrine also houses the Wall of Lights, allowing the Hierophant to enter the Void and consult the Chaos Serpent.[2] However, to actually reach the wall, one first has to walk through a secret door in the main chamber. This was done to keep away intruders from this most important place

After all followers of Chaos were slaughtered in the War of Imbalance, the Shrine became forgotten. It was only rediscovered centuries later, when the Avatar used this place to fuse the Banes of Chaos back together into the Chaos Serpent, using the Wall of Lights to return it to the void. Once that was done, the shrine returned to the mists of history.[3]


  • The reason for the presence of the pedestals for re-uniting the Chaos Serpent in the shrine are unclear. The inhabitants of Skullcrusher could not have been aware of the purpose for which the Avatar was to use them and they were all killed right at the start of the war.



Abandoned fortressAcademyAlagner's storehouseAmbrosia townArtisan's GuildBastionBay of Pirates
Big XBlue Boar TavernCathedral of LoveCity wallsDark TowerDupre’s tombEmp villageFarmer's Market
Ferry stationFlour millFortress of the GuardianGraveyardGreenhouseGrendel’s hutHall of Knowledge
High CourtHomeless shelterHouse of GamesIolo's BowsIolo's hutKnight’s Bridge courtLovers' Walk
Marney’s tombMathis MinesMeditation RetreatMondain’s fortressMusic HallOak GroveObservatory
OrreryPalace of BlackthornPirate fortRoyal MintRoyal MuseumRoyal OrchardsRoyal Theatre
Sacrificial SlabSawmillSelwyn's TowerSentinelShrines of the PrinciplesSin'Vraal's hutSpirit Realm
Stone GuardiansTemple of VirtueThe BathsThe Cheat Room
Serpent Isle
Banquet HallBell TowerBlue Boar InnCrematoriumExploded powder millFawn PalaceFellowship Camp
House of WaresList FieldPalace of the MageLordPlace of VisionsSeminariumShrine of Chaos
Silver Tree GroveShrine of OrderSpider altarTemple of BeautyThe Cheat Rooms
Birthplace of MoriensConventicle of the DeadGreat PentagramMouth of the DaemonObsidian Fortress
Palace of the TempestTomb of MoriensWindy PointThe Cheat Room
Circle of stonesFace on MarsPyramidShadowguardSigil of BindingTesla's laboratoryThe Avatar's house