Palace of the MageLord

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The Palace of the MageLord

The Palace of the MageLord is where the nominal ruler of Moonshade resides on Serpent Isle and appears in Ultima VII Part Two.


This palace also is, where the banquets are held - a frequent occurence due to Filbercio's need to show off - the treasures of Moonshade are kept and where the court room for the show trials against so-called "enemies of Moonshade" (basically anyone that annoyed the current MageLord in some way) is located. Adjacent to the palace is a dock at the lake for a hover boat. All in all the palace is the sheer manifestation of decadence in a vain city and stone-built expression of the belief in magical superiority.


The messenger stood by my table. "If it pleases Milady, Filbercio, the Magelord awaits thee at his palace." Not knowing what else to do, I stood and followed the young man out. When we reached the palace , the guests had already begun to arrive.


  • One of the dishes served at the banquet is "daemon roast". Considering that the inhabitants of the Serpent Isle think of the gargoyles as daemons - and that daemons normally disintegrate upon death - this item has horrific implications.
