House of Games

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The House of Games

The House of Games is a Fellowship-run attraction in Buccaneer's Den which is found operating in Ultima VII. It houses a number of games of chance catering to tourists with an eye for gambling.


The House of Games was established six years prior to Ultima VII, using Fellowship funds. During the time of the Avatar's adventures regarding the Black Gate, it was operated by an ex-pirate named Gordy, and made use of the services of a croupier named Smithy and a guard known as Sintag. Unbeknownst to virtually all who patronized the facility, the gambling parlour also housed access to the labyrinthine tunnels of Buccaneer's Cave, in which a torture chamber lay to deal with those the group deemed "trouble-makers."[1][2]

While its management was secretive about its Fellowship connections, the local interim branch leader, Danag, could reveal that the organization took a considerable cut of the House's profits. In addition to this, lay Fellowship members would find themselves in an advantageous position should they come to the parlour's tables, as their payouts for winning at any of the games would be increased on account of their affiliation.

By the time of the Avatar's return in Ultima IX, this establishment had gone out of business for reasons not stated.

The Games[edit]

The House features three different games of chance during Ultima VII.

Virtue Roulette[edit]

Virtue roulette is a simplified version of Terran roulette, in which the roulette wheel has eight unnumbered colors. Single straight-up bets could be placed on any colors on an adjoining board, and a winning bet would payout seven to one (at 1:8 odds). Should the player be a Fellowship member, however, the payout would increase to 14:1.

The Rat Race[edit]

The rat race consists of a small track on which rodents would run competitively, with space to allow patrons to place bets on one or more "steeds" winning. Winning bets paid out at three to one (at 1:4 odds). Should the player be a Fellowship member, however, the payout would increase to 6:1.


Triples is a game similar to craps, save that numbers are generated via a triples wheel rather than through dice. Far more complex than the houses other two games, gamblers have the opportunity to bet on eight different combination of numbers, with various outcomes offering various payouts. The table below gives a comprehensive overview of the probabilities and payouts of the game:

Bet Odds Payout Payout
3 (Triple on One) 1:27 27:1 81:1
4 1:9 8:1 16:1
5 1:13.5 4:1 8:1
6 (Triple on Two) 1:27 27:1 81:1
7 1:13.5 3:1 6:1
8 (Big Eight) 1:9 8:1 16:1
9 (Triple on Three) 1:27 27:1 81:1
Combination of 1, 2 and 3 (Full Wheel) 1:13.5 4:1 8:1
Any Triple 1:9 27:1 81:1


Still, Buccaneer's Den has attracted many travelers in recent years with the lurid thrill of its well-monied House of Games and sensuous indoor Baths.
Gambling and gaming have overrun the island, all run by retired rogues and scoundrels. Smithy is a good example. I do not know him well enough to fully describe his personality, though that should tell thee something right there. And his guard, Sintag, is not one to cross at the House of Games. While Lucky may not practice his "art" around here, he earns money by teaching others do so!


  • The House of Games would not be expected to make any profits, given the very generous payouts it offers in contrast to the odds of various games, often leaving it with no house advantage or even a house disadvantage. This is made all the more problematic by its doubled payouts to Fellowship members, which make all of the games hugely profitable to players at the expense of the casino.
  • In the SNES-port of Ultima VII, the House of Games is a small dungeon like series of interlinked rooms, featuring differing paths which contain a number of paths filled with either monsters or chests of gold. In order to access this course, the Avatar must pay a sum of one-hundred coins to Danag, so as to get a key to its locked door.


  1. GordyUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "House of Games, job, The Mister, party, profitable".
  2. SintagUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "all sorts, House of Games, job, trouble-makers".

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Big XBlue Boar TavernCathedral of LoveCity wallsDark TowerDupre’s tombEmp villageFarmer's Market
Ferry stationFlour millFortress of the GuardianGraveyardGreenhouseGrendel’s hutHall of Knowledge
High CourtHomeless shelterHouse of GamesIolo's BowsIolo's hutKnight’s Bridge courtLovers' Walk
Marney’s tombMathis MinesMeditation RetreatMondain’s fortressMusic HallOak GroveObservatory
OrreryPalace of BlackthornPirate fortRoyal MintRoyal MuseumRoyal OrchardsRoyal Theatre
Sacrificial SlabSawmillSelwyn's TowerSentinelShrines of the PrinciplesSin'Vraal's hutSpirit Realm
Stone GuardiansTemple of VirtueThe BathsThe Cheat Room
Serpent Isle
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