Exploded powder mill

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At the exploded powder mill

The exploded powder mill is a burnt-out building located on the Serpent Isle in Ultima VII Part Two, just north of the Inn of the Sleeping Bull.


This factory of the "exploding powder maker" produced powder kegs, with a cache of burst arrows also to be found. However, an apparent accident caused the explosive products to ignite, resulting in a devastating explosion that reduced the powder mill to charred ruins at the fatal expense of all workers inside. Their spirits then remained, dutifully carrying out the tasks that had occupied them in life.

The Avatar could loot the ruins, but not without opposition from the hostile shades.


  • The coordinates are 71°S 52°E.
  • Due to a bug, all the ghosts in the building act as if they are the Chaos Hierophant when spoken to, with likely game-breaking results. This is fixed in the Exult version of the game if the Serpent Isle Fixes has been installed.
  • One ghost in there is always busy with brewing potions. Simply grabbing the potions wanted allows filling up the potion stores easily. Even better, the ghost never notices the theft. Care only has to be taken not to go too deep into the building, or it will enrage the ghosts.

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Stone GuardiansTemple of VirtueThe BathsThe Cheat Room
Serpent Isle
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