Blue Boar Inn

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Blue Boar Inn
Ultima VII Part Two
Type: inn/tavern
Location: Moonshade
Proprietor: Rocco

The Blue Boar Inn is the only tavern in Moonshade on Serpent Isle, doubling as an inn with several rooms for guests. It appears in Ultima VII Part Two.


This inn shares its name with the Blue Boar Tavern in Britannia, most likely inheriting it from the original Blue Boar Tavern that existed in the Sosarian city of Moon prior to the migration to Serpent Isle. Most likely, some from the family that owned it decided to leave Britannia. The inn is the place where the mundanes and lesser mages of Moonshade meet – all of the higher-ranked mages refused to set foot in it. Besides food and drink, the inn offers rooms and music played by a band of automatons.

At the time of the Avatar’s arrival, the tavern was run by Rocco and his automaton companion, Petra. It proved to be the place the Avatar would stay the most while in Moonshade. Sadly, when Shamino the Anarch later attacked Moonshade, Rocco was killed and the inn demolished, ending the legacy.


I politely told her my name and that I was gathering information about every town on Serpent Isle. She looked me up and down for a moment, then told me that the Blue Boar Inn, the source of local gossip and news, was across the street. Pothos added that I shall able to find at least one person there who could help me. I thanked them and left the shop.
The Blue Boar Inn was bustling. The barkeep was a surly little man who called himself Rocco. He took my order and I made myself comfortable at a small table. When my supper arrived I found myself staring at the strangest barmaid I had ever seen. It, or rather she, was an automaton. She said her name was Petra and if I needed anything I shall let her know.


Prices in Ultima VII Part Two are as follows:[1]

Jerky.png Jerky (2 strips) 20 12
Trout.png Fish 22 13
Sausage.PNG Sausage 25 10
Deermeat.png Roast lamb 35 19
HoneycakeSI.png Honey cake 10 6
Alcohol.png Mead 20 11
Drinks.png Wine 15 19
AleU7.png Ale 7 4
* the initial asking price

† the minimum price


Room prices in Ultima VII Part Two are as follows:[1]

Lodging Cost
Rooms 12 Per party member


Abandoned fortressAcademyAlagner's storehouseAmbrosia townArtisan's GuildBastionBay of Pirates
Big XBlue Boar TavernCathedral of LoveCity wallsDark TowerDupre’s tombEmp villageFarmer's Market
Ferry stationFlour millFortress of the GuardianGraveyardGreenhouseGrendel’s hutHall of Knowledge
High CourtHomeless shelterHouse of GamesIolo's BowsIolo's hutKnight’s Bridge courtLovers' Walk
Marney’s tombMathis MinesMeditation RetreatMondain’s fortressMusic HallOak GroveObservatory
OrreryPalace of BlackthornPirate fortRoyal MintRoyal MuseumRoyal OrchardsRoyal Theatre
Sacrificial SlabSawmillSelwyn's TowerSentinelShrines of the PrinciplesSin'Vraal's hutSpirit Realm
Stone GuardiansTemple of VirtueThe BathsThe Cheat Room
Serpent Isle
Banquet HallBell TowerBlue Boar InnCrematoriumExploded powder millFawn PalaceFellowship Camp
House of WaresList FieldPalace of the MageLordPlace of VisionsSeminariumShrine of Chaos
Silver Tree GroveShrine of OrderSpider altarTemple of BeautyThe Cheat Rooms
Birthplace of MoriensConventicle of the DeadGreat PentagramMouth of the DaemonObsidian Fortress
Palace of the TempestTomb of MoriensWindy PointThe Cheat Room
Circle of stonesFace on MarsPyramidShadowguardSigil of BindingTesla's laboratoryThe Avatar's house