Circle of stones

The circle of stones is a very important place on Earth, this is the one place on the planet where the moongate to Britannia can appear.
This unseeming circle of eight stones is the only place on the planet, where the moongate to Britannia can appear – though it is unknown if the same goes for red gates. The location of said circle however is somewhat inconsistent at the beginning.
In Ultima IV the circle was first encountered. It was located close to the shores of a small creek and the Stranger rested under a nearby tree when a moongate appeared to alert them to the Quest of the Avatar. After becoming the Avatar, the hero was returned to the circle. By Ultima V, the circle was located in the woods in the vicinity of the Avatar's house. The Avatar visited it – after many futile previous attempts – to make the moongate appear after being summoned by the Codex Coin. In Ultima VI the circle appeared in a clearing, visible from the Avatar’s dwelling. This time the gargoyles sent an Orb of the Moons to the circle in a bolt of lightning, in order to make a red moongate appear in the circle and lure the Avatar into a trap. In Ultima VII, a moongate was already present in the circle after a disturbing message from the Guardian – sent by the Time Lord. The circle of stones was seen one final time in Ultima IX.
The circle of stones in Ultima IV
The circle of stones in Ultima VI
The circle of stones in Ultima VII with a moongate present
The circle of stones in Ultima IX
Stone Circles in Britannia[edit]
In Britannia itself, each of the eight moongates has its own circle of stones to indicate where the gates are located when they are not open. These were first seen in Ultima VI, but held no gates, due to the moonstones having been unearthed from their middle. The circles also were present in Ultima VII and Ultima IX. Of note is, that in Ultima VII, the stone circle of Skara Brae is non-functional, since the moonstone was removed after the city burned down, and a new, smaller circle got built at the mainland shore of the channel.
Moongate circle in Ultima VI
Moongate circle in Ultima VII
Moongate circle in Ultima IX
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