Codex Coin

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The Codex Coin as a trinket

The Codex Coin is a magical item that can perform a number of powerful feats, such as opening moongates to other worlds. It appears in Ultima V.


Not only can this coin be sent to other worlds, but it also has the power to call the blue moongate to Britannia and ward off dark powers. It appears in Ultima V. Made by the Royal coinmaker Sir Arbuthnot at the orders of Iolo and Shamino, it was sent to Earth to summon the Avatar at the beginning of Warriors of Destiny. It was the last idea they had to topple Lord Blackthorn's regime. The Avatar used it together with the ankh amulet to open the moongate and later disperse the Shadowlords. The coin strangely was never seen again after this event.

The Codex Coin as Trinket[edit]

In the original release of Ultima V, the Codex Coin was included in the game box. It was a real coin made of metal, exactly like the one in the game. The coin also was included in the special edition of the Ultima Trilogy II compilation as one of the possible trinkets.

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In the Ultima V: Lazarus remake, the coin does not vanish and stays in the inventory. It is later is used to prove the Avatar's identity to Sir Arbuthnot at Greyhaven. He also gives the Avatar a much more detailed story on the creation of the coin.




  1. Gilham, Paul. "Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ) -- unofficial posting part 1/3". 30‒Aug‒2010.

Trinkets and Merchandise
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