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Lyssa, from Ultima IX
Species: human
CollapseUltima IX
Location: Serpent's Hold
Transcript: Lyssa

Lyssa is the protector of the Bell of Courage in Ultima IX.


After the destruction of Serpent's Hold, she and a band of warriors stayed within the ruins to protect the Bell of Courage. However, when the mage Groldek invaded the ruins at the orders of the Guardian, the others lost their courage, and they left. Lyssa stayed, and hid with the bell in a secret room.[1]

After the Avatar had slain Groldek, Lyssa admitted, that while she was a strong fighter, she had little chance against magic and decided to entrust the Avatar, who was more capable in that field, with the bell. She offered training in the fourth and final one-handed weapon technique of the Shield Bash.


Lyssa offered the following training services:

Weapon Type + Level New Technique Cost
One-handed, level 4 Shield Bash Free


  • Due to a bug, she holds her shield in the wrong hand and rotated 180° (look at her picture).
