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Lucian, from Ultima IX
Species: ghost
CollapseUltima IX
Location: Trinsic
Transcript: Lucian

Lucian is a ghostly paladin haunting Trinsic in Ultima IX.


The Avatar met the ghost of Lucian in the Bastion, mourning the loss of Honor in Trinsic. He told the hero that he was alive during the Avatar's last visit, and remembered him well. He lamented that his fellow ghosts, Amanda and Salvador, were so broken by the loss of the Honor that was important to them, that they haunted the Bastion attacking all who came near. Lucian advised the Avatar to learn the Mantra of Honor from the ghost of Dupre, but knew not how to contact the spirit. He suggested Myrea may be of assistance in this endeavor. [1]

With the cleansing of the Shrine of Honor, Lucian thanked the Avatar for his help putting the other spirits to rest.

