Ultima VI transcript

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This Ultima VI transcript was produced with the help of the nuvie team at nuvie.sf.net.


Links table[edit]

Type Location Pop. Inhabitants
Strongholds Castle Britannia 09 #Dupre, #Shamino, #Iolo, #Lord British, #Nystul, #Geoffrey, #Sherry, #Chuckles, #Maldric
Empath Abbey 07 #Mole, #Glen, #Sylaina, #Sionnach, #Stephanie, #Faren, #Zeke, #Eckhart
The Lycaeum 02 #Mariah, #Thariand
Serpent's Hold 12 #Sentri, #Gherick, #Shubin, #Amanda, #Caradon, #Morchella, #de Hugh, #Loubet, #Koranada, #Sir Simon, #Tessa, #Seggallion
Towns Britain 25 #Tholden, #Kenneth, #Nan, #Ariana, #Matt, #Anya, #Gwenneth, #Peyton, #Max, #Lazeena, #Fyodor, #Daver, #Efram, #Rufus, #Nema, #Cullen, #Tiberius, #Wilbur, #Arty, #Lynn, #Terri, #Kytyn, #Finn, #Linda
Skara Brae 10 #Trenton, #Gideon, #Stivius, #Marta, #Yorl, #Dezana, #Horance, #Marney, #Michael, #Quenton
Yew 09 #Ben, #Lenard, #Andrea, #Utomo, #Lenora, #Boskin, #Pridgarm, #Jaana, #Sinjen
Minoc 12 #Isabella, #Selganor, #Tara, #Gwenno, #Julia, #Michelle, #Aaron, #Dale, #James, #Trebor, #Troy, #Doris
Trinsic 10 #Sandy, #Whitsaber, #Lawrence, #Harold, #Brandon, #Immanuelle, #Tobatha, #Arturos, #Andreas, #Wanda
Jhelom 11 #Zellivan, #Nomaan, #Stelnar, #Van Kellian, #Heftimus McPry, #Lyssandra, #Culham, #Jerris, #Arvin, #Martin, #Peer
New Magincia 07 #Antonio, #William, #Conor, #Charlotte, #Dunbar, #Katrina, #Aurendir
Moonglow 08 #Ephemerides, #Xiao, #Dargoth, #Rob Frasier, #Aganar, #Derydlus, #Manrel, #Penumbra
Villages Cove 07 #Gilron, #Artegal, #Gertan, #Ed, #Sasha, #Ahrmaand, #Rudyom
Paws 12 #Patrick, #Thindle, #Mortude, #Marissa, #Arbeth, #Grison, #Dorin, #Merideth, #Hendle, #Ubermon, #Timothy, #Dr. Cat
Buccaneer's Den 11 #Captain Fox, #Captain Elad, #Leodon, #Leonna, #Budo, #Homer, #Johann, #Shawn, #Petroph, #Enrik, #Fentrissa
Remote Deep Forest 03 #Smith the Horse, #Wisp, #Nicodemus
Sin'Vraal's hut 01 #Sin'Vraal
Stonegate 03 #Papa, #Mama, #Myles
Dagger Isle 01 #Bonn
Sutek's Castle 03 #Sutek, #Pushme Pullyu, #Gorn
Wanderers Wandering gypsies 05 #Zoltan, #Karina, #Kador, #Taynith, #Blaine
Wandering bard 01 #Mandrake
Dungeons Britain sewers 02 #Phoenix, #Daros
Dungeon Shame 01 #Ybarra
Gargoyle territory Dungeon Hythloth 01 #Captain John
Realm of the Gargoyles 14 #Beh Lem, #Bolesh, #Caretaker, #Draxinusom, #Naxatilor, #Valkadesh, #Lensmaker, #Snake Charmer, #Goodscrafter, #Healer, #Weaponsmith, #Foodmaker, #Farmer Nash, #Farmer Krill



Introduction : a preoccupied man holding a ledger under one arm. "Records to keep, festivals to plan, I'm so busy... But I can spare you a moment, <Gender>."

name : "I am Tholden von Bazillius, Chancellor to Lord British."
"In my younger days, I was known as 'The Werecat of the Wine Cellar'..."

were,cat,wine,cell,youn : "I could tell you stories... But there's no time for that now."

lord,brit : "A fine ruler indeed. 'Tis a pleasure to keep his kingdom running smoothly for him."

job : "All the little details of governing, all the paperwork falls on my shoulders."
"Someone must do it, and yet I miss the days when I was a carefree adventurer."

rune,mant,comp : "The rune and mantra of Compassion are in the keeping of the bards at the Conservatory."
"I entrusted them with the rune due to their compassionate nature."
"As for the other runes - they are no longer together, as they were when the Codex was recovered."
"Since then, they have become scattered throughout the land. Each was sent to a town near its shrine."
"If thou dost ask the lords of each of these towns, they should be able to tell thee more."
"The towns are Moonglow, Jhelom, Yew, Minoc, Trinsic, Skara Brae, and New Magincia."

code : "'Tis the greatest treasure in all the realm."

cons : "'Twas founded by Lord British."

bye : If female : Tholden goes down on one knee and kisses your hand. "I hope I have been of assistance, <Gender>."
If male : Tholden bows deeply. "I hope I have been of assistance, <Gender>."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


Introduction : a lively bard with laughter in his eyes.
"Welcome, <Gender>! I am Sir Kenneth, and I'd gladly play a song for thee."

name : "Kenneth's my name - don't wear it out."

ken : "I asked you not to wear it out! It's the only name I've got."

job,teac,lear : "My wife and I teach young bards the arts of composition, performance, and improvisation."
"We also give concerts on occasion."

perf,impr,compo,conc : "Bards must be well versed in such matters."

wife : "Her name is Nan. Whatever you do, don't say anything to her about spiders..."

nan,spid : "She has quite an imagination. Sometimes she lets it carry her away."

imag : "Usually it doesn't give her any trouble."

comp : "Yes, I know of the Rune and Mantra of Compassion."

mant : "I've been trying to work the Mantra of Compassion into a song - but I don't know what 'mu' means."

mu : "Dost thou know what it means?"
no-"Nobody I know does either."
yes-"Tell me, what does it mean?"
"Hmmmm... No, I don't think that's it."

rune : "Ariana has the rune, and they could hardly have found a sweeter child to give it to."

aria,swee,chil : "Once in a great while a student comes along with such a gift for learning that one need but offer a little guidance and step back to watch them learn."
"To have such students is the most rewarding part of a teacher's job, and Ariana is one such."

song,music : "Kenneth plays a delightful little melody for you.

bye : "Until we meet again."

other : "I like the confused look on your face too much to ruin it by telling you."


Introduction : a nervous young bard.
"I would play for thee, but I'm worried about my lute."

name : "I am Lady Nan."

job : "Why, making music, of course."

musi : "With my lute."

play,worr,lute,musi : "Every time I pick up my lute, spiders crawl out of it."
"There must be hundreds of them nesting in there!"

spid,nest,craw,hund : "I hate spiders! They're creepy, ugly, disgusting things! Why won't they leave me alone?"
If Iolo in party : Iolo says to her, "Now, now, my dear. Have you forgotten about the gloves I gave you?"
"Oh, yes. Perhaps if I wore those I could play..."

glov : "Iolo gave them to me for my birthday."

comp : "Yes, I know of the Rune and Mantra of Compassion."

mant : "The Mantra of Compassion is 'mu.' Is that a spider on your shoulder?"
"No, 'tis just a trick of the light."

rune : "'Twas given to our most promising student, young Ariana."

aria : "She's very talented. She'll go far, if the spiders don't get her..."

bye : "Fare thee well, and watch thy step! The spiders are lurking everywhere."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


Introduction : a cute little girl with short hair.
Initial visit : "My parents told me never to talk to strangers. What's your name?"
"Ok. Now I can talk to you!"
Subsequent visits : "Oh, hello again."

name : She curtsies gracefully. "Ariana is my name."

job : "I'm learning to be a bard. I like to play the harpsichord best."

bard : "I want to be a bard when I grow up. They have more fun than anybody!"

comp : "They taught me all about compassion. They say it's very important for bards."

mant : "I can't remember it now... And Kenneth just taught it to me last week..."
"Wait, I know! It's 'mo!'"
"Or maybe it was 'om'... Or 'mu,' or 'um'... It was something like that."

rune : Already have rune : "I already gave it to you, silly. I hope you can figure out how to use it."
Ariana has rune, first time : "I have the Rune of Compassion. Isn't it pretty?" She reaches into her pocket and takes it out to show you.
"Do you need it for something?"
yes-"Are you on an important quest?"
no-"I'd best hold onto it then. I was told to look after it carefully."
yes-"I'm not supposed to let anyone else have it. But if you truly need it..."
"I don't know what I should do."
"I know! My parents run the Blue Boar Tavern. Go ask them if you can borrow the rune."
"If they say 'tis okay, I'll give it to you."
Ariana has rune, subsequent times : "Hi! Did you get permission from my parents to borrow the rune?"
yes, full-"Oh, you're carrying too much right now. You'd better come back for it later."
yes-"Then here you are." She hands you the rune. "I wish you the best of luck on your quest."
no-"Well, if you get their permission later, let me know."

song,music,play,harp : "I've been studying to be a bard since I was this many." She holds up three fingers.
"I'd like to play something for you, but I'm not good enough yet."
She looks away for a moment, then turns back to you, blushing slightly.
"Will you come back to hear my music when I am older, if you can?"
no-The little girl sniffles, seeming suddenly on the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry," she says, "I shouldn't have asked." She turns her back, as if ashamed to face you.
yes-The little girl's face breaks out into a smile bright enough to light up the whole room.
"Really? I would like that very much."

fun : "Oh yes, lots of it!"

ken : "He's my teacher."

bye : "See you later."

other : "What do you mean?"


Introduction : a gaunt fellow, with eyes that take in everything and reveal nothing.
When you address him, the man replies with gestures that appear to be some kind of sign language.
When he sees that you can't understand him, he shrugs his shoulders and returns to his duties.
If Dupre in party : Dupre puts his hand on your shoulder and whispers
"Matt here had a most unfortunate accident as a child, and it left him deaf and dumb.
I'd suggest you ask his wife instead, <Avatar Name>."


Introduction : a buxom woman who looks hard working, yet contented.
Not working : "I'm sorry, <Gender>, but I've just an hour to myself today."
"I'll gladly talk with thee later."
Working : "Good

name : "I am Anya."

gyps : "They pass by Britain occasionally. I believe they travel on the King's Way."

king,way : "The King's Way is the oldest road in Britain."

job,work : "I run this tavern to support my family. The hours are long, but my husband offers what help he can."
"We make enough to pay for my daughter's schooling, so 'tis all worthwhile."

fami,supp : "My husband Matt, and my daughter Ariana."

husb,matt : "He had an accident as a child which left him deaf and dumb, but I love him all the same."
"I only wish he could hear our daughter play, just once."
"But 'twill ne'er come to pass. He lives in a world of eternal silence."

Her face brightens suddenly. "You have the look of one who practices the art of magic."
"Perhaps thou couldst find some spell that might restore my husband's hearing!"
"I know 'tis a lot to ask, but wilt thou try?"
yes-"Oh, thank you, <Gender>" no-Her look of hope changes to one of sorrow as she looks down at the floor to hide her embarrassment.
"I'm sorry to have bothered thee," she says. "I'm sure thou hast more important things to do."

daug,aria : "Ariana is the light of my life. Seems she had scarce learned to walk when she first showed a gift for music."
"She studies now with the bards at the Conservatory."

musi,bard,cons : "Bless their hearts for teaching her well. She'll be no tavern wench when she grows older."
"Perhaps she'll even be court musician to Lord British some day..."

mant : "Thou shouldst ask my daughter of that. Methinks the bards have taught her of it."

rune,comp,perm,borr : Already have permission : "I already gave thee my permission to borrow the rune!"
"Do thou be careful not to lose the stone or let any harm befall it. Ariana would never forgive herself."
No permission : If haven't asked Ariana for rune : "Ah, twas the proudest moment of my life when they awarded my dear little Ariana the Rune of Compassion."
"They said she was the most promising student they'd ever had at the Conservatory."
"I'm sure she would show thee the rune, if thou wouldst care to see it."
If asked Ariana for rune : "Thou dost wish to borrow the Rune of Compassion from my daughter?"
She pauses a while in thought.
"Very well--thou dost have an honest face. I grant thee my permission."

plea : First time : "Good! Perhaps thou might stay and talk with me a while, before I'm back about my work."
Subsequent times : "'Tis good to talk with thee again. Things have been slow around here since the gypsies left.

cake : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> asks <Character Name>, "It'll be 8 gold for the cake. Is that alright?"
yes, no gold-"I'm sorry, but you don't have enough gold."
yes, no room-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-<NPC Name> gives <Character Name> the cake.
"I hope thou dost enjoy it!"

mead,ale,wine : "Which of you?"
"That'll be # crowns, <Character Name>. Wouldst thou like some?" yes, no gold-"I'm sorry, but you don't have enough gold."
yes, no room-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-"Fine!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the purchase.
"Enjoy your <Item Name>."

rati : "Which of you?"
"My price is 4 gold for each ration. How many do you want, <Character Name>?"
No room : "You haven't any room in your pack."
No gold : "I'm sorry, but you don't have enough gold."
Can afford/carry some : <NPC Name> hands the rations to <Character Name>.
She hands <Character Name> # mutton ration(s).
Can only carry some : "That's all you can carry."
Can only afford some : "That's all you can afford."

bye : "Come back any time."
-or- : "Well, 'tis time I was back about my work. Dishes to wash, food to cook, drinks to serve..."
"I thank thee for stopping by to brighten my day with thy conversation. Do thou come again."

buy,sell,busi : "Wouldst thou like ale, mead, wine, rations, or perhaps a cake?"

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


a petite woman with flowing brown hair.
Initial visit, Iolo in party : "Iolo! And thy companions as well!"
"I heard rumors that you were in town!"
Iolo greets his former apprentice warmly.
"How goes business, Gwenneth?"
"Very well, very well indeed. Sir Geoffrey himself just placed quite a large order!"
"Much demand for bows these days, what with the gargoyles!"
Turning to you, Gwenneth says, "And what can I do for Iolo's friend(s) this fine

buy : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"That <Item Name> costs # gold."
"Interested, <Character Name>?"
yes, full-"But 'twould make thee o'erburdened, <Character Name>!"
After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
Yes, no gold, no Iolo : "But thou hast not enough gold, <Character Name>!"
Yes, have Iolo, no gold, first time : "Thou hast not enough gold, <Character Name>."
She winks at Iolo. "But I think I can trust thee with credit, just this once!"
Yes, have Iolo, no gold, subsequent times : "I'm sorry, <Character Name>, but I cannot offer more credit, even to thee."
"The gargoyle wars make my wares much in demand!"

sell : Have an item for sale : "Sorry, none of you has anything I need."
Nothing for sale : "Aye, <Character Name> has something of interest..."
"Which of you?"
¢"Which item?"
"Will you take # gold for that <Item Name>, <Character Name>?"
no-"Perhaps some other time, then."
no-"Perhaps something else then?"
yes-"Done!" <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> # gold pieces and takes the <Item Name>
No character/Item : "Changed your mind, eh?"

name : "What a strange question. I'm Gwenneth, of course."
Iolo in party : "Just ask Iolo!"
Iolo not in party : "But dost thou not know Iolo?"
"Well, I am his former aprrentice, Gwenneth."

job : "Once was I Iolo's apprentice, but then he decided to retire."
"Now 'tis my shop, and I craft the bows sold here!"
"'Course, 'tis still called Iolo's Bows, out of respect for the master."
Iolo in party : At this, Iolo blushes humbly.

garg : "I hear from the soldiers that the gargoyles are fierce opponents."
"Some gargoyles move like the wind itself, and can strike you like lightning bolts!"
"The gargoyles also have a strange and terrible weapon."

weap : "'Tis called a boomerang, and it is a most bizarre ranged weapon."
"It flies out to strike its target, then returns to the hand that threw it!"
"Against such magic the soldiers chose to arm themselves with good, stout Britannian bows!"

iolo : Iolo in party : She smiles. "I would not wish to speak of Iolo amongst his friends."
"I might embarass him!"
Iolo not in party : "Nay, I really would not wish to speak of my master behind his back."

arro,bolt : "Aye, usually do I carry those in stock."
"But there has been a shortage of late, because of the gargoyle war."
"Go see Lynn the Fletcher, over to the north."

lynn : "Lynn is a fine fletcher, and usually keeps me supplied with arrows and bolts."
"I've none left in stock, though, since the soldiers bought them all."

trip : Bought triple crossbow : "I fear I had but one triple crossbow for sale."
"Come back in six months and I may have another."
Haven't bought triple crossbow : "Ah, I see thou art a discerning buyer."
"The triple-crossbow is a marvel to behold."
"This enchanted weapon fires three bolts at once!"
"Normally, I would not offer it for sale."
"But, because thy cause is important, I will allow thee--and thee only!--to buy it."
"But I fear I must charge 400 gold for it."
"Dost thou wish to buy this weapon?"
yes, full-"But thou cannot carry it!"
yes, no gold-"But thou cannot afford it!"
no-"It will be here, waiting for thee, if thou hast a need for it."

bye : Group : "Farewell, all of you."
Solo : "Farewell to thee!"
Iolo in party : "Iolo, I'll see thee again soon with thy share of this month's profits!"

other : "Beg pardon?"


Introduction : a well-dressed man with a very even temper.
Subsequent visits : "Good

name : "I am Peyton, and this is my place." He gestures with his hands.

peyt : "Did you need something?"

job : "I can offer you a room for the evening."

room,inn : "# gold for bed and breakfast. Interested?"
no-"Well, perhaps next time you're in town."
yes-You sleep in a comfortable bed...
You wake rested and eat a large breakfast.
"Good morning, and have a good day."
yes, no gold-You don't have enough gold for that.
"I'm sorry, cash in advance. That's our policy."
yes, group gold-Your party takes up a collection to pay for the rooms.

bye : "Goodbye. Take care of yourself."

other : "I'm sure you'll have to ask another."


Introduction : a swarthy blacksmith.
Subsequent visits : "Hey, it'sa the Avatar. Hello again."
Initial visit : "Hey, and a good

buy : "Do you wanta weapons or armor?"
weap,armo : Shop closed : "You to my shopa when shesa open!"
Shop open : "Awhich a you?"
"Awhicha one adese?"
"That <Item Name>, she'sa costa # agold."
"Interested, <Character Name>?"
yes, full-"But she'sa be making thee too heavy, <Character Name>!"
yes-"Hey, at'sa good!"
After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, no gold-"But she'sa costing too much for you, <Character Name>!"

sell : Shop closed : "You to my shopa when shesa open!"
Have nothing to sell : "Hey, atsa real shame, but anone of you hasa anything I'ma needing."
Have something to sell : "Aye, <Character Name> has asomething ofa interesta..."
"Awhich of you?"
"Awhicha one adese?"
"Will you take # gold for that <Item Name>, <Character Name>?"
no, Avatar-"Perhapsa some other atime athen."
no, party member-"Perhaps asomethinga else athen?"
yes-"She'sa done!" <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> # gold pieces and takes the <Item Name>.
No character/Item selected : "Achanged your aminda, eh?"

job : "Whassamattayu, you blind or somethin'?"
"I makea de swords and stuff, what's it alook like I'ma doin' here?"
"You gotta somethin' to sell oda somethin' you wanna buy?"

name : "I'ma nameda Max."

bye : "Goodbyea to you. Come abacka soon, ah?"

other : "Hey, my hearing, she's notsa so good. What you say?"


Introduction : a sad lady with hair down to her ankles.
A soft jingling accompanies her silent walk.
Rather than talking, she sings in a voice like wind through reeds.
"Hail, there, <Gender>; come listen to me. I've plenty of time to sing unto thee."

name : "Lazeena they call me, Lazeena the Dove."
"From Cove I did come, 'tis a town full of love."

sing,job,love,dove : "'Tis the aim of my life to sing like a bird."
"Wouldst thou like to hear the news I've heard?"
yes-"Then tell me what would please thee more: a song of the sea or a rhyme of the shore?"
no-"To be of more help, I wish I knew just what this little bird could do."

rhym,shor : She sings.
"South of Loch Lake and north of the bay, the beautiful Shrine of Compassion doth lay."
"My Artagel set out to chant there one day."
"But still he has not returned."
"Was he taken by giants or headless so foul, that nary a man could contend with the smell."
"He should have come home weeks ago now."
"But still he has not returned."

arta : "He is a healer, you see."

song,sea : She sings.
"The Dutchman was a giant ship with masts from the largest trees."
"The pride of the people she was hailed, the ruler of all the sea."
"She sailed out of port one fine spring day, and headed for distant shores."
"But a britney caught her by surprise, 'twas flung against her core."
"The match began the grim men fought, to gather in her sails."
"But thunderous was the crack and lo, the mighty vessel reeled."
"When gentle winds danced 'cross the surf, again the followed morn."
"'twas nothing left of Dutchy's hull but remnants of her born."
"And now the tale has nothing left, but a gravesight on the floor."
"On the Fens o' the Dead she came to rest, ne'er to sail no more."

bye : "Farewell, my friend."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


Introduction : a man in a multicolored jacket. His fingers are long and graceful.
Subsequent visits : "Hello again, <Gender>."
Initial visit : "Good

name : "My name is Fyodor. What is thy name?"
"Pleased to meet thee, `<Last Input>."

job : "I make cloth upon my loom. Perhaps you'd like to buy some."

buy : Store closed : "I fear I have none with me, <Gender>."
"Come back when I'm at my loom; I'll help thee then."
Store open : "Which of you?"
"Cloth or thread, <Character Name>?"
clot,thre : "It'll cost you # gold for the <Item Name>. Interested?"
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name> "You'll find none better."
yes, no gold-"You haven't the money."
no, or no item selected-"That is fine <Item Name>."

sell : Store closed : "But I don't need wool here, <Gender>!"
"Come back when I'm at my loom; I'll deal with thee then."
Store open : No wool : "Sorry, none of you has anything I need."
Have wool : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name> and says "Will you take 8 gold for that wool?"
yes-"Done!" He hands <Character Name> 8 gold pieces and takes the wool.
yes, has no wool-"Sorry, you haven't any wool."
no-"Changed your mind, eh?"

clot,loom : "I push the pedals with my feet--like this."
"Then I pull these levers."
"The pattern depends on which combinations of levers and pedals I move."
"My father's loom was not so complicated as mine. This design came from one of Lord British's old books."
"I work on a large new loom. The plans for it were found in one of Lord British's old books."

lord,brit,old,book : "Lord British treasures antiques. There is one book for which he hath offered a reward:
"'The Wizard of Oz.'"

wiza,oz : "By Master L. Frank Baum, I believe."
"It concerns a girl adventurer, a strange land, and a clever balloonist."

ball : "Are they not made of silk, in the form of a great bag?"

silk,bag : "'Tis a wondrous strong stuff, silk, and very light."
"I regret that I am not skillful enough to weave silk."
"In New Magincia, however, lives the silk-weaver Charlotte."

char : "She is the only person I know of who can weave silk."

bye : "May our paths cross again some day."

other : "That I cannot help thee with."


Introduction : a man wearing a long grey cloak.
He wears gloves with the fingers cut off, and carries a large hourglass with him.

name : "I'm Daver McCord."

job : "Every hour of the day, I ring the bell a number of times."

bell : "According to the numbers on the hourglass, you see."

numb : "Well, I usually know what time it is up here in my head somehow."
"But just in case, I start this hourglass at sunup, turning it over every nine hours."

time : "It is especially important for those with shops."
"They know when to open for business, eat lunch, close, and that sort of thing."
"Another of Lord British's innovations, this bell thing."

avat : "You look much taller in person. Woodroffe's painting does not do you justice."

just : "Heh, heh. I know little of that. I'm just the bell-ringer."

open,busi,sort : "Hmmm. I guess that you don't keep a regular schedule, being the Avatar and all."
"Probably out till all hours, collecting runes and such."

rune : "Magical little things."
"There's a symbol on one side, and a letter on the other."
"Probably spell something out if you put 'em all on a necklace."
"But that hasn't been done for a long time."
"After the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom was brought back from the underworld, Lord British gave the runes to the lords of the eight cities."

eigh,citi,gave : "Let's see now." He counts them off on his fingers.
"Minoc, Trinsic, Jhelom, Yew, Skara Brae, Britain, Moonglow..."
"...Ah yes, and New Magincia. I hear each of the lords knows a mantra."

mant : "Haven't the foggiest what those are for."
"Something to do with the shrines, I think."

shri : "Always wanted to visit them. Never had the time."
"Heh, heh, heh!"

lord,brit : "Lord British appointed lords to rule the eight cities."

bye : "Until we meet again."

other : "Sorry, I cannot help you with that."


Introduction : a grunting and grumbling man with a large stomach.
Not at work : "Hrmmph! Well, I'm busy now."
"Hrmmph, yes, well, come back to my shop tomorrow morning/this afternoon."
Initial visit : "Hrmmph. Hello." His breathing is quite heavy.
Subsequent visits : "Hrmmph, well. Haven't we...never mind. Hrmmph."
"What do you need?"

name : "Efram the provisioner."

efra : "It's a nice enough name, hrmmph."

buy : "Which, torches, oil, gems, backpacks, bags, shovels, or powder kegs?"

job : "I sell torches, oil, gems, backpacks, bags, shovels, and powder kegs."

torc,oil,flas,gem,back,bags,shov,powd : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "It'll cost you # gold for each <Item Name>. How many do you want?"
Too many : "Come now, that's a little much don't you think?"
None : <NPC Name> frowns at <Character Name>. "Hrmmph. That was a fair price. Well..."
full : <NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You haven't any room in your pack."
Not enough gold : <NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "A <Item Name> costs more gold than you have."
Made purchase : He hands <Character Name> # <Item Name>\s.
"There ya go."
Can't carry all : "That's all you can carry."
Can't afford all : "That's all you can afford."

bye : "I'm glad you stopped by." He gives you a firm handshake.

other : "I'm sorry?"
-or- : "Hrmmph, well, perhaps you could ask someone else."


Introduction : a rough and tumble man with wild, unkempt hair.
Not At work : "Aye, and a fine

name : "Rufus the Red."

rufu,red : "Can ya not tell by my hair?"

buy : "Which of you?"
"It'll cost you 2 gold for the horseshoes. Interested?"
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Good, good!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the horseshoes.
"Those shoes will last ya."
yes, no gold-"You haven't enough gold!"
no-"You'll find none stronger."

job : "If you want to buy horseshoes, just ask."

bye,noth : "Remember to shoe yer steed often. Bye."

shoe : "Aye, it saves their feet from stones and such."

other : "I just shoe horses, sorry."


Introduction : a sleepy looking young lady.
She yawns as you approach. "Oh, hello there. I must have been daydreaming."

name : "My name is Nema. What's yours?"
"That's nice."

job : "I tend Lord British's orchard."
"Of course, this time of year there's not much to do, so I take a lot of naps."

tend,orch : "To provide fresh fruit for Lord British's banquets."

prov,fres,frui,banq,stop,year,king,dual,univ,expr,conc,colo : "That's the way of it."

lord,brit : "Long live the king! I was just a homeless orphan when he gave me this job."

home,orph : "My parents were killed in an earthquake."
"But now I have a place to live, and a job to put food on the table."

pare,kill,eart : "The earthquakes seem to have stopped, thank goodness."
"We haven't had one in well over a year now."

dayd : "Well, I have better dreams at night anyway."

nap : "To snooze, perchance to dream..."
"O Morpheus, I long for a taste of thy sweet oblivion!"

morp : "Morpheus is the King of Slumberland! I think the moon is one of his daughters."

slum : "It lies halfway between our fears and our desires."

fear,desi : "Fear and desire... What would either be without the other?"

moon : "She is the sweet harbinger of the night!"

snoo,slee,obli : "Sleep is the finest medicine, for in our dreams lie the answers to all the problems of the waking world."

wak,worl : "Colors never seem as vivid when I'm awake."

answ,prob : "Day brings questions, night brings answers."
"Thusly does the duality of the universe find expression in our lives."

ques : "What color is seven? How many is green? Could horses speak, if they wished to? These things concern me..."
If Dupre in party : Dupre says "Concerned? She should be committed! We have better things to do than listen to this loon."

nigh : "When the sun's blazing eye winks shut, and Morpheus rules the heavens."

dream : "I dream of castles of ice, rivers that run backwards, fairy princesses and cloud dragons."
"Once I dreamed that my orchard grew and grew, until I felt like a tiny bug amongst the giant plants."
"Sometimes everything is upside-down, or made of chocolate."
"I've dreamed many a strange dream, but my favorite one is....."

bye : She seems to have dozed off before she even heard you say goodbye.

other- "I had a dream about that once..."
-or- : "All this talking makes me sleepy..."


Introduction : a short, dark man, covered in white flour.
Subsequent visits : "Hello again, my friend!"
Initial visit : "Hello there, my friend!"
As he shakes your hand enthusiastically, clouds of flour fly off his clothes.

name : "I'm Cullen, Cullen the Baker."

job : "I'd have thought that'd be obvious! I'm a baker!"
As he laughs heartily, more clouds of flour rise off his clothing.
"You can buy bakery goods from me or perhaps you have some flour to sell, eh?"

bake : "I bake goods for Lord British himself!" the man says proudly.
"If you'd like to buy some, just say the word!"

buy : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when it's open!"
Shop open : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "Suit yourself."
Character selected : "Which item?"
No item selected : "Suit thyself, <Character Name>, but thou'lt find no better!"
Item selected : "Those cost # gold each."
"How many do you want, <Character Name>?"
none : "Suit thyself, but thou'lt find no better!"
Large number : "Whoa! Don't buy out my entire stock!"
Can't carry all : "Thou canst not carry that many!"
"I will sell thee just # <Item Name>(s)."
Can't carry any : "But thou canst not carry any <Item Name>s!"
Can't afford all : "Thou hast not enough gold for that many!"
"I will sell thee just # <Item Name>(s)."
Can't afford any : "But thou canst not afford any <Item Name>!"
If bought item : "Here's thy <Item Name>›‚ plus one for luck!"
"How about something else, <Character Name>?"
no, solo-"Perhaps some other time, then."
no, group-"Perhaps one of thy friends, then?"
no, one other member-"Perhaps thy friend, then?"

sell,flou : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when it's open!"
Shop open : No flour : "Sorry, none of you has any flour."
Have flour : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>, and says "Will you take 5 gold for that sack of flour?"
yes-"Done!" He hands <Character Name> 5 gold pieces and takes the sack of flour.
Character has no flour-"Sorry, you haven't any flour."
no-"Changed your mind, eh?" he folds his arms.
"Well, what else will it be then?"

bye : "Come again soon!"

other : "Hmmm... <Last Input>..."
-or- : "<Last Input>..."
"Nope, I don't know anything about that!"


Introduction : a rotund man in monk's robes.ò
"Greetings, my child. What can I do for thee today?"

heal : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
Avatar solo, healthy : "Fret not, for thou art well."
Avatar in party, healthy : "Fret not, for all of you are well!"
Injured : "Which of you?"
"I see thy injury, <Character Name>."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 30 gold?"
yes, have gold-Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Tiberius mends the wounds.
no-"If thou wilt not pay, I cannot heal thee."
yes, no gold, low karma-"I'm sorry. Without an offering I cannot heal thee."
yes, no gold, high karma-"Thou art poor, but thy cause is just."
"I will heal thee without payment."
Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Tiberius mends the wounds.
"Is there aught else I can do for thee?"

cure : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
Avatar solo, healthy : "Fret not, for thou art well."
Avatar in party, healthy : "Fret not, for all of you are well!"
Injured : "Which of you?"
"I sense that thou art poisoned, <Character Name>."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 10 gold?"
yes, have gold-Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Tiberius removes the poison.
no-"If thou wilt not pay, I cannot heal thee."
yes, no gold, low karma-"I'm sorry. Without an offering I cannot heal thee."°
yes, no gold, high karma-"Thou art poor, but thy cause is just."
"I will cure thee without payment."
Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Tiberius removes the poison.

resu : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"

No characters dead : "But thou weepest for no reason! None of thy party is dead!"
Character dead : "I see that <Character Name> carries a parted friend."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 400 gold?"
no-"Then there is naught I can do save grieve with thee."
yes, no gold-"That ain't enough money."
"Thou art # gold piece\s short."
"Go see a gravedigger. I'll reckon his price'll be lower."
yes, have gold-Your party takes up a collection for their fallen comrade.
Tiberius lays hands upon the corpse...
And the dead live again!
If have another corpse : "I see that <Character Name> carries another slain friend."

name : I am Tiberius, healer for this town."

job : "It is my responsibility to care for the sick and injured."
"I attempt to heal, cure, or if needed, resurrect the fallen."

bye,no : "Go in peace, my child."

yes : "What can I do for thee?"

otherI beg thy pardon?"


Introduction : a thin, dark-haired man with a nervous smile.
Subsequent visits : "Hello again, my friend/s! What can I do for you!"
Initial visit : "Greetings, traveler/s! What can I do for thee this

name : "My name's Wilbur, <Gender>."

job : "I work here at the stables, taking care of the horses."
"You can buy one if you'd like."

ed,smit,talk : "A talking horse? Ridiculous! Who told you that?"
He seems more nervous than before.

hors : "Aye, if you wish to buy one, just say the word."

buy : Solo, already have a horse : "But thou already hast a horse!"
In party, all have horses : "But all of you are already on horses!"
Character is horseless : "Which of you?"
"Aye, <Character Name>, thou hast need of a horse."
No gold-"But thou canst not afford one!"
Have gold-"My price is # gold pieces, no less. Interested?"
yes-"Good!" <NPC Name> takes <Character Name>'s gold, and hands over the reins of a fine horse.
no-"Perhaps some other time then."
"How about one of thy friends/thy friend?"

bye : "Come back again!"

other : "Beg pardon, <Gender>?"


Introduction : a silent but good-natured man.
He looks up from his tankard of ale, sees you and smiles.
At pub : He grins widely and waves at you.

name : He points to his mouth and shakes his head.
<Character Name> speaks. "I know of this person, <Gender>."
"He is Arty the Mute, a local shipwright and an honored citizen."
The man smiles and nods.

mute : Arty smiles and nods.

deaf : The man shakes his head.

buy,ship,skif : At pub : The man looks at you, puzzled.°
Not at pub : Nothing for sale, or don't have skiff/ship as requested : The man shakes his head and spreads his hands as if to say "sorry."
only ships left : The man smiles and points to the deed to a ship.
Only skiffs left : The man smiles and points to the deed to a skiff.
Ships and skiffs left : The man smiles and points to the deed to a ship and the deed to a skiff.

Item available : Who is buying?
<NPC Name> shows <Character Name> a deed. Written on it is the price, # gold.
Does <Character Name> want to buy the deed?
yes, full-<Character Name> cannot carry that.
yes, have gold-After accepting the gold, <NPC Name> smiles and hands <Character Name> the deed.
yes, have gold in party-Your party takes up a collection to purchase the vessel.
<NPC Name> seems pleased.
yes, no gold, player solo-<NPC Name> shrugs. You don't have enough gold for that.
yes, no gold, player in party-Your party doesn't have enough gold for that.
no-Arty shrugs.

job : At pub : The man looks at you, puzzled.
Then he raises his tankard and goes back to drinking.
Not at pub : He smiles and points to the workbench.
On the bench, you see the tools of a shipwright.

bye : Arty waves as you leave, then returns to
at pub : his ale.
not at pub : what he was doing.

other : At pub : The man just shrugs and takes another swig from his mug.
Not at pub : The man seems frustrated, as if there were something he wanted to say.
-or- : The man just shrugs.


Introduction : a tall, willowy woman with long blond hair.
Subsequent visits : "Well, hello again, Avatar!"
Initial visit : "How can I help thee this fine

name : "I'm Lynn."
"Thou needn't tell me thy name, <Avatar Name>. The Avatar is famous throughout the land!"

job : "I am a fletcher."
"I make arrows and bolts for the armies of Lord British himself!"

buy,arro,bolt : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : "Which of you?"
1) Arrows
2) Crossbow Bolts
"Which item?"
No character/item selected : "Beg pardon, <Gender>?"
Item selected : "I sell <Item Name>s only by the dozen."
"How many dozens?"
Partially full : "Thou canst not carry that many!"
"I will sell thee just # dozen <Item Name>s."
Completely full : "But thou canst not carry any <Item Name>s!"
Partial gold : "Thou hast not enough gold for that many!"
"I will sell thee just # dozen <Item Name>s."
No gold : "But thou canst not afford any <Item Name>s!"
Enough gold/space : Lynn takes <Character Name>'s money and hands over the <Item Name>s.
"I appreciate thy business."
"Is there aught else thou wouldst buy?"
no, no purchase-"Perhaps some other time."
no, made purchase-"Enjoy thy <Item Name>s."

sell : "I have all I need, and have no reason to purchase anything more."
"But I appreciate thy offer."

bye : "Farewell! I hope I've aided thy quest!"

other : "Beg pardon?"


Introduction : a sharply dressed, very voluptuous woman.
At pub : "I'm eating right now. Come see me at the mint sometime and we can chat."

Initial visit : "Hello. My name's Terri - I run the mint."
"Say, aren't you the Avatar? Yes, I recognize you from your portrait..."
"My mother used to tell me stories about you when I was a girl."
"You probably wouldn't remember her, but she was at the big celebration right after you recovered the Codex."
"Anyway... I just wanted to tell you that I always
female : wanted to grow up to be just like you..."
male : hoped someday I'd meet a man like you..."

Subsequent visits : "Oh, you've come back to visit me again!"

name : If female : "It's Terri... But I wish I had been named after you."
If male : "Don't you think that would be a good name for an Avatar's wife?"

job : "By royal decree, I am the only one allowed to mint the official coinage of the realm."
"Copper pence, silver pieces, and gold crowns - they're all made right here."
"My father ran the mint before me. But I get lonely here sometimes..."
"It's so nice of you to come by and talk to me."
"Kytyn will never believe it when I tell her I got to meet the Avatar in person!"

avat : "You must be the bravest woman/man I've ever met. I can't believe it's really you!"

fath : "May he rest in peace."

moth : "May she rest in peace."

copp,penc,silv,piec : "Of course, I'm sure you only carry gold crowns with you, being as important as you are."
She reaches over and squeezes your shoulder affectionately.

mint,offi,coin,made : "Here, let me show you." She takes out a sample of each coin for you to look at.
The pence has an ankh on one side, and crossed swords on the other.
The silver piece has Lord British's face on the front, and a serpent on the back.
And the gold crown is a familiar sight, with a crown and the symbol of the Codex.
All three of them look newly minted - they're very shiny.

exch,trad : "Do you have any gold nuggets you'd like to trade in for crowns?"
no-"Well, if you do later, you know where to find me."
yes, no nuggets-"You must be mistaken. But let me know if you come across any gold nuggets later."
yes-"Normally there's a ten percent tax on the exchange."
"But since you're the Avatar, I'll give you a full hundred crowns for every stone's-weight of gold you have."
She exchanges all of your gold nuggets for newly minted crowns.

gold,nugg,crow : "Britannia has been so prosperous lately that there's been a lot of demand for gold coinage."
"Of course we have you to thank for bringing us the Codex and saving Lord British."
"I get most of my gold from people who bring in nuggets to exchange them for coins."
"Do you have any gold nuggets you'd like to trade in for crowns?"

code,lord : "My mother told me all about it."

kyty : "She's a good friend of mine. She runs the museum."

muse : "You should visit there sometime. But please stay and talk to me a bit longer first...

bye : "I know you're very busy, saving Britannia and all that, but I hope you'll come and visit me again...
female : "It really was delightful talking to you."
male : "And maybe if you have time for it, I could show you more than a few silly coins!"
As you turn to leave, she pinches you.

other : You notice she was staring at you with a dreamy look in her eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. I was just
If female : thinking how nice it must be to be as beautiful as you."
If male : noticing how strong and handsome you are..."
She looks away and sighs.


Introduction : a slender woman wearing a leather glove on her left hand.
"Hello and welcome, <Gender>!"

name : "My name is Kytyn." She smiles. "Perhaps that explains why I like birds."

glov,bird : "I used to be a falconer."

falc : "That was before Lord British appointed me to my current position."

lord,brit : "A true gentleman if ever I saw one."

job,appo,posi : "I'm the curator of the royal museum of oddities."

roya,muse : "It's just one of the projects Lord British has funded to provide a better life for his people."

proj,fund,bett,life : "He also established the conservatory that shares the building with the museum."
"The roads that span the realm are his doing as well."

cons,shar,buil : "Sometimes I can hear their music drifting through the walls..."
"Usually that noisy, crackling field drowns it out, though."

musi,drif,hear : "It's very pretty."

road,real,netw : "Travel is much easier these days."

trav : "That's for sure."

cura,odd : "I can tell you more about any of the exhibits you're interested in."

exhi,inte : "We have the monolith, the energy field, the perpetual motion machine, the bones of Zog, the mystery fountain, and the dragon's head, wings, and egg."
"Which one were you curious about?"

bone,zog : "This skeleton seems to be about ten times older than any other ever found in Britannia."
"Surely it has much to tell us about our origins, if we only knew what it meant!"

drag,head,wing,egg : "Someone named 'Gertan' donated all those parts."
"I think he said something about a dragon named 'Freitag'."

gert,frei : "If you want to ask Gertan, I think he's in Cove."

myst,foun : "Somebody found a huge boulder with a jet of water spraying out of it."
"We had it magically teleported here, buried with its surface flush with the ground, and then we built this building on top of it."
"Of course we left a hole in the floor for the water to spray through."
"I often drink from it when I'm thirsty. The water is quite good, but there's something strange about it."
"It vanishes somehow before it hits the ground..."

perp,moti,mach,gear : "That's a very curious device. The motion of each gear turns another, until eventually the movement is propagated back to the same gear again."
"There's one thing I can't figure out."
"We've made plans of the device, and I can't see how they started it moving in the first place."
"None of the gears would turn unless all the others were already going."
"What's worse, the motions serve to hold the machine together."
"If the gears were still, the whole thing would fall apart! How it was built is quite a mystery."

ener,fiel,nois,crac : "The field is generated by a curious spell."
"By some process not yet understood, it converts magical energy into electrical energy, producing a continuous discharge."
"If we understood this process better, it would probably lead to all sorts of useful applications."

mono : "I can't tell you much about that. Lord British donated it to the museum, but I can't get him to talk about it."
"From what little he's said, I think it's an artifact from his home world."

libr,lyca : "There is a great deal of knowledge available there for the serious scholar."

bye : "Be sure to have a look at our paintings while you're here. And come again soon..."
"We're expecting some unicorn horns, and a Klein bottle from Trinsic."

purr : She favors you with a deep, throaty purr that sounds just like a cat.

other : "I can't help you with that. Try the library at the Lycaeum."

øynï*öShe winks at you.


Introduction : a sly looking fellow, dressed in rags.
"Hello my good man/woman!"

name,who,susp : "He glances around quickly, to see if anyone seems to be listening. "I'm Lord British. But don't tell anyone."
"I'm in disguise so I can mingle with the commoners."

job : "I'm pretending to be a beggar. That way nobody will suspect who I really am. Here, give me a few coins to keep anyone from getting suspicious."

ming,comm : "Of course, nobody would dare say anything bad about me to my face. Nobody except Chuckles, anyway."
"But as a beggar, people will tell me just about anything!"

chuc : "He's in disguise too, you know. He's really Blackthorn."

blac : "I decided banishment was too harsh for him, so I brought him back and made him my jester."
"The real Chuckles is tied up in my dungeons. I got tired of him making fun of my nose."

bani,hars,jest,tied,dung : "I'm Lord British, and I can do whatever I want to!"

disg : "Very convincing, don't you think? I made it myself."

loan,roya,trea : "I've got forty million crowns. Not to mention my secret bank accounts."

ment,secr,bank,acco : "I told you not to mention that!"

lord,brit,beg : "I'm really Lord British. I can prove it to you. I know all of the eight mantras, and where the runes are, too!"

eigh : "I killed a dragon when I was eight, you know. With my bare hands, too!"

kill,drag,bare,hand : "He was a big one - but he hadn't reckoned with the likes of me. I was a tough kid."

reck,toug,kid : "I was so tough he couldn't chew me, and he had to spit me out. That's when I killed him."

mant : "Ok, here are the mantras:
justice - do
compassion - re
honor - mi
valour - fa
spirituality - so
humility - la
sacrifice - ti
Gosh, wouldn't you know it? The Mantra of Honesty slips my mind at the moment..."

rune : "I'll tell you this, because you look like someone who can keep a secret."
"I sent out eight fake runes to all the lords, to fool everybody."
"I put all the real ones in a little box, and hid it under my throne."
"You can't see it there, because I turned it invisible!"

thro,box,invi,fool : "A clever trick, or my I'm not Finn!"

finn : "Oh, that's just the name I'm pretending to go by. Of course you know I'm really Lord British."
"I can see you're too smart to be fooled by this disguise."

bye : "If you need me later, I'll be at the Blue Boar, disguised as the tavernkeeper."
"But I won't admit to it there if you ask me... Too many people that might hear."
If Shamino in party : You see Shamino smiling - an unusual sight.
Noticing your attention, he says "Perhaps there's a little of Lord British in us all."

other : "Oh, I know all about that. But I think you'd be better off if you learned about it on your own."

Do you give him any money?
no-"Broke, are you? Well, come by after I'm done with this disguise,and I'll give you a loan from the royal treasury."
yes-How much do you give?
Too much : You don't have that much.
Have enough : He takes the money. "Good. I'll get this back to you later."


introduction : a rugged looking lady farmer.
Initial visit : "Welcome, friend."

name : "My name is Linda."

job : "I raise crops. If you'd like to buy some grain, just say the word."

rais,crop : "Bread, cakes, pies, pastries... They all have their roots here."

brea,cake,pie,past : "Woman does not live on meat alone."

meat : "Cows and sheep are much more trouble to raise than wheat."

cow,shee : "They have their place. But not on my farm."

root,rais,whea,farm : "I was born to work the earth. It was either this, or be a gravedigger..."

grav : "That's not my kind of work."

woma : "Yes, men need to eat too, I suppose."

word : "The word 'grain,' silly!"

buy,grai : "Which of you?
"It'll cost you 2 gold for a sack of grain. Interested?"
yes-"Here you go."
yes, but full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes, but no gold-"Best check your coinpouch again."

bye : "May the sun shine on you, and the rain bring you nourishment."

other : "I don't know. I guess so."

Buccaneer's Den[edit]

Captain Fox[edit]

Introduction : a handsome gentleman, immaculately dressed.
If brawling : "Can't talk now, <Gender>." He pauses to punch another pirate in the belly.
"Come back later when I've less on my mind!"
Not brawling : "Hello, <Gender>. Your company is welcome."

name : "I'm Captain Fox, of the Silken Stag."

capt : "When you say 'Captain,' all the pirates at the table turn to you expectantly.
When they realize you weren't talking to them, they go back to what they were doing.

silk,stag : "We just stopped off here for some supplies and a drink or two."

drin,two : "Well, maybe three wouldn't hurt."

job : "I sail the wide, wide sea, to the edges of the world and back again."
"Of course, I'm also known for the paintings I create in my spare time."

pain : "There are a few of them around here. Go see for yourself."

john : "Captain John, that lunatic?"
"I hear he went underground seeking the gargoyles, but he fled from the first one he encountered."
"Nobody knows where he is now."
If Leodon present : "Well, that's not what I heard." says Leodon.

unde : "Under the earth is no place for a seafaring man to be."

garg : "Tough creatures. My crew and I steer well clear of them."

edge,world : "Don't go too far, matey--ye'll fall off!" He laughs a hearty laugh and takes a swig of ale.

bye : "Until we meet again."

other : "I can't help ye with that."
-or- : Your question makes him laugh suddenly. His ale spills across the table.
He continues laughing as he pours himself another ale.

Captain Elad[edit]

Introduction : an uncomfortable looking man sitting behind a cup of tea.
If brawling : "Can't talk now. I'm--ungh!" He reels from a punch to his belly.
"I'm in the middle of something, <Gender>. Ouch!"
Not brawling : "Hello." His gaze darts from side to side, lingering longingly on the mugs of ale his fellow patrons are gulping down heartily.

name : Subsequent times : "Well, I'm still Captain Elad."
Initial time : He looks at you uneasily. "I'm Captain Elad. Not that it's any business of yours..."

job : "I was Captain of the Theodosia Marie--until she sank."

capt : "When you say 'Captain,' all the pirates at the table turn to you expectantly.
When they realize you weren't talking to them, they return to their business.

john : "Captain John, that fool... He was captured by gargoyles."
"I hear they dragged him down into Hythloth, and nobody's seen hide nor hair of him since."
If Leonna nearby : Leonna raises an eyebrow. "Is that so? I could tell a different tale..."

theo,mari,sank : "Aye, 'twas a terrible ordeal. We were sailing just off Bordermarch when the whole island started shaking."
"Must have been one of those earthquakes we've been having."

terr,orde,sail,isla,shak,size,gone,ship : "The whole island sank beneath the waves. We were caught in the huge whirlpool left in its wake."
"I was one of the lucky few to swim clear. But my ship's on the bottom of the ocean now, and that's the honest truth."

whir : He shudders, then takes a sip of his tea. "I don't like to think about it."

bord : "A fair sized island, and now she's gone! Some o' them earthquakes have been mighty fierce."

eart,quak : "Yes, they started soon after Lord British was rescued from the underworld."
"I lost my ship to the last one."

lord,brit : "I'd toast him with you, but this," he gestures disparagingly at his cup, "is hardly fitting for such an honor."

resc,unde : "Surely you've heard tales of the Avatar's bold exploits?"
"It was all anyone was talking about round here for weeks."

rune : "I wish I had one of them... I bet I could sell it for a pretty penny!"

mant : "You don't hear much about the virtues in a pirate town..."

hone,trut,virt,tea : "I could use more virtue in me life. I've just given up drinking, to start with."

drin : "Aye, 'tis quite a temptation."

temp : "Indeed." He takes another big gulp of tea.°

bye : Subsequent times : The pirate smiles and waves goodbye, then scowls as he turns back to his mug of tea.
Initial time : "Wait, before you go..."
"I was wondering--do you know the @Mantra of Honesty?"
no-"Oh. Well, let me know if you find out later."
yes-"I've been trying to find out what it is, so that I can better myself."
"I'll give you five gold if you tell me. Is it a deal?"
no-"I'll be here with the money if you change your mind."
yes-Okay, what is it?"
nothing-The pirate frowns.
ahm-"Thank you! Now my meditations will succeed at last!"

As you turn to leave, you think you might have caught a glimpse of Captain Elad stealing a swig from someone else's mug... But you can't be sure.

other : "Ah, that's not important."


Introduction : a woman with a slightly seaworn look, but delicate hands.
If in party : "Yes, <Avatar Name>?"
If brawling : "Not now, <Gender>!" She ducks a punch. "I'm busy!"
Initial visit : "A good

name : "I'm Captain Leodon."

job : "I'm captain of the Golden Hind."
"She's the finest ship I've ever had the pleasure of sailing 'cross the briny deep."

fine,ship,sail,brin,deep,gold,hind,plea : "Life on the sea is the only life for me."
"Alas, the Hind needs serious repairs just now."

need,seri,repa : "Yes, I must keep myself occupied on land, meantime."
"Perhaps I could join thy party for a time."

occu,land,join,part : If in party : "I'd be glad to join you--but I have already!"
If not in party : "The Golden Hind won't be repaired for months, at the soonest."
"Traveling with you would likely prove interesting."
"Would you like me to come along?"
no-"Okay. I'll be here if you change your mind."
yes, in boat-"Not while you're in that thing!"
yes, party full-"You have enough travelling with you already."
"But if you ask one of them to leave first, I'd be happy to join you."
yes, joins party-"Very well. This should make a nice change from my usual routine."
"You might ask Leonna if she would like to join us as well."

leav : If in party : "I'd have to join you before I could leave, silly!"
If in boat : "Let's get our feet back on solid ground first, okay?"
If leaves : "Okay. I think I'll head back to the Fallen Virgin, then."
"Here's all the equipment I was carrying, if you need it."

life,sea : "Ah, the sea. 'Tis as vast as a thousand dreams."

vast,thou,drea : "Indeed."

capt : If not at bar : "You wouldn't be talking about Captain John, would you?"
If at bar : "When you say 'Captain,' all the pirates at the table turn to you expectantly.
When they realize you weren't talking to them, they return to their business.°<br

leon : "Aye, Leonna is the best first mate I've ever had."
Leonna present : Leonna blushes and looks away, embarassed.
"Comes from being a captain once herself, you know."

john : "That scallawag?"
"He went down to the other side of the world to join up with the gargoyles, the dirty traitor..."
If Captain Elad present : The tea-drinker interrupts. "No, no, you've got it all wrong!"
"I can tell you the truth about Captain John!"

garg : "Vile creatures, they are."
"One of them attacked my ship once. He flew off with a ham before anyone could stop him."

vile,crea,ham : "Yes, he stole my ham, and I dined on biscuits that night."

dine,bisc : "That's right."

bye : If in party : "Back to our quest, eh <Gender>?"
If not in party : "Drop by again next time you're in town."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : a smartly dressed woman. Her smile has a delightful subtlety to it.
If in party : "Yes, <Avatar Name>?"
If brawling : You fail to get her attention in the midst of the brawl.
Subsequent visits : Her face lights up as she recognizes you. "Hello again, <Avatar Name>!"
Initial visit : "Oh, you must be <Avatar Name>, the famous Avatar! 'Tis an honor to meet thee."

name : "My name is Leonna."

job : "I used to captain my own ship."
"But I fell on hard times, and now I sail with Leodon on the Hind."

hind,ship,sail : "A fine old vessel, the Golden Hind."
"Alas, I have little to do while she's being repaired."

litt,repa,join : If in party : "I'd be glad to join you--but I have already!"
Not in party : "Could I join your party, perhaps?"
no-"Okay. I guess I'll just stay here for now."
yes, in boat-"Not while you're in that thing!"
yes, party full-"You have enough traveling with you already."
"But if you ask one of them to leave first, I'd be happy to join you."
yes-"Oh good! I bet we'll meet a lot of interesting men..."

leav : Not in party : "I'd have to join you before I could leave, silly!"
In boat : "Let's get our feet back on solid ground first, okay?"
Leaves party : "Okay. I'll go wait back at the Fallen Virgin."
"You're more likely to need this equipment than I am."
She sets down everything she was carrying before walking off.

leod : "There's none I'd rather ship out with."

capt : If not at bar : "Captain who? I know lots of Captains..."
If at bar : When you say 'Captain,' all the pirates at the table turn to you expectantly.
When they realize you weren't talking to them, they return to their business.

john : "Captain John is a madman!"
"He went down in Hythloth seeking a way to the other side of the world."
"Said he was going to kill as many gargoyles as he could before they got him."
If Captain Fox present : "That's not true!" says Captain Fox. "I can tell you what really happened."

garg : "Please, let's not talk about them."

bye : "Talk to you later."

other : I can't help you with that."


Introduction : a chubby, jovial merchant.

name : "Why, it's Budo, I believe. That's what it was last week."
"Some call me 'the Den', but I don't think that's my name."

den : "I think someone told me that was Nick's name."

nick : "I've never met him, myself."

orre : "I don't know what it is, but I've got one on order."

job : "Oh, I sell this and that."
"I'm not sure what 'this' and 'that' are, but I sell a lot of them!"
"People give me money for them, that is."

mone : "It's not as sweet as honey, but you can trade one for the other."

swee,hone : "I like honey."

thie,guil,belt : If joined guild : "To keep the guild safe, each member only knows the names of two others."
"You're safer not knowing more about the guild than you have to, believe me..."

If have belt He glances about quickly, to make sure nobody else is listening.
In a low voice he says, "Congratulations, and welcome to the guild."
"I can offer you the standard member's discount on all supplies now."
"Just remember, whatever you do, don't tell anyone about our guild!"

If not joined guild or have belt : A startling change comes over his features.
Suddenly the good-natured bumbler that stood before you has been transformed into a shrewd, sharp, dangerous looking man.
He leans forward staring straight into your eyes as he asks "Who sent you?"
"Uh-huh. Well... Were you hoping to join?"
no-"Then just remember this. I don't take kindly to anyone spreading secrets around."
"If you were to tell anyone I'm involved with the guild, well..."
"Let's just say accidents can happen to anyone--even the Avatar."
"Now get out of my shop."
yes-"All right, maybe you've got what it takes. We'll see."
"To be a member of the thieves' guild, you have to get your own belt."
"Now we have a limited membership, so there's only so many belts in the world."
"If you want one of them, you have to 'retire' a member of the guild."
"Lucky for you, it just happens there's a member we'd like to see 'retired' soon."
"Her hideout is deep below Britain, in the sewers. You'd best watch out for the rats down there!"
"One last thing... It would be an embarassment for the guild to have bodies turning up inconveniently."
"So don't get too violent unless you have to."
"I'll talk to you when you get back."

buy,sell,this,that : "Which, torches, oil, lockpicks, gems, backpacks, bags, shovels, or powder kegs?"
torc,oil,lock,gem,back,bags,shov,powd,keg : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>, "It'll cost you # gold for each <Item Name>, how many do you want?"
Large number-"Come now, that's a little much don't you think?"
no-<NPC Name> frowns at <Character Name>, "That was a good price."
Inventory full-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You haven't any room in your pack."
Not enough gold-"I think you have less gold than you thought."
Bought item-He hands <Character Name> # <Item name>
"There you go."
If can't afford full amount : "That's all you can carry."
If can't carry full amount : "That's all you can afford."

bye Asked about guild : He winks at you. "The guild is behind you, as long as you keep our secret."
Didn't ask about guild : "Ta ta for now."

other : Asked about guild : "<Last Input>? It seems to me I knew something about that, but I'm having trouble with my remembering."
Didn't ask about guild : He leans even closer, transfixing you with his gaze.


Introduction : a shifty-eyed character. He carries a cane and walks with a slight limp.
If gave cloak : "You served your purpose by bringing me the cloak... Now I have no further need of you."
"I have big plans now, and no time to waste talking."
Initial visit : He takes your measure, looking you over from head to toe. "What do you want?"

name : "Who wants to know?"
"Fine, '<Last Input>' - if that's what your name really is... You can call me Homer."

home : "Well, get on with it!"

job : "I once sailed on the ship called 'Empire,' under Captain Hawkins."

empi,sail : "It was wrecked on the cape, southwest of here. Not too far from Serpent's Hold."

hawk : "His eyes light up with hatred. "That heartless bastard..."
"He was killed by his own men, and it was no worse than he deserved."
He hesitates, then adds quickly, "Of course, I had nothing to do with it."

silv,tabl : He regards you warily. "Who sent you?"
"I see." He screws his face up into an even more suspicious expression than before.
"Just why do you want to know about it, anyway?"
If not member of guild : "You're not a member of the guild. I don't have to tell you anything."
If member of guild : "You're looking for the silver tablet? It's part of Captain Hawkin's buried treasure."

buri,trea : Member of guild : "It was buried in a small cave."
Not member of guild : "Don't know anything about it."

cave : Member of guild : "After Captain Hawkins passed away, we tore his treasure map into nine pieces."
"The plan was, when nobody was looking for us any more, we'd get together and go dig it up."
"Splitting up the map was my idea - that way nobody could doublecross the others."
"I figure after all these years the others must have given up, so its alright for me to search for the treasure by myself."
"Trouble is, I've got a bit of the gout in one leg, and I can't travel much any more."
"Maybe we can help each other out."
"I know where my piece of the map is hidden, and if you bring me the other eight pieces, perhaps we could make a deal."
"I'll tell you all I know about where the pieces might be..."
"Ol' Hawknose set out for the Dry Land, to kill the daemon that is said to live there."
"Sandy, the ship's cook, went to Trinsic with the first mate."
"Old Ybarra said he was headed for the dungeon Shame, looking for more treasure."
"I think one of the men died in a shipwreck."
"Then there was one more... Can't remember his name, but I've heard tell he settled in Jhelom."
"He'll be easy to recognize - he has a hook in place o' one of his hands."
"That's all I know. Perhaps in your travels you can find out where the others have gone."
"When you find the pieces, you can lay them out on the ground to see how they fit together."
"But remember, only I know where the ninth piece is, so come back here when you've got the other eight."
Not member of guild : "What are you talking about?"

guil : Not member of guild : Go ask Budo. And you didn't hear that from me, understand?"

bye : Member of guild : "Farewell, brother thief."
Not member of guild : "Can't say its been a pleasure."

Other : Member of guild : "Can't help you there."
Not member of guild : "You've got an awful lot of questions... Maybe I don't care to talk about <Last Input>."

If Avatar agreed to get storm cloak : "Have you found the storm cloak yet?"
no-"Then get off your duff and go dig it up!"
yes-"Then hand it over and we're even." His eyes gleam with greedy anticipation.
Do you give him the cloak?
Blast ye! If I still had two good legs, I'd keelhaul the lot of you!"
"We had a deal! Besides, I helped steal that treasure myself, fair and square."
"Can't trust anybody these days..."
yes, no cloak-You have no storm cloak to give him.
yes-He takes the cloak from you. "Thanks for keeping your word. There's not many that does, these days..."

If Avatar collected 8 pieces of map : "So, have ye found the eight pieces of the map yet?"
no"Then what are you wasting my time for?"
yes, don't have-"Best count again. You need eight pieces before I'll bargain with you."
yes-"Very well. I've been thinking about how we could work out a deal."
"I know you want the silver tablet. Far as I'm concerned, you can have it."
"All I really want is the magical cloak that's buried with the rest of the treasure."
"So I'll tell you where the ninth piece of the map is if you promise to bring me the cloak."
"The rest of the treasure should be loot enough to satisfy you. Is it a deal?"
no-"Suit yourself, mate, that's the only deal I'll offer."
yes-"Okay. The ninth piece of the map is hidden..."
"Right here in my pocket!" He grins wickedly.
"I had to keep it safe while you were off gathering the others, didn't I?"
He hands you the last piece of the map.
"The island in the upper left hand corner is Buccaneer's Den."
"You'll keep your word and come right back here with the magic storm cloak, won't you?"
no-Don't want to keep your word now that you have the map, eh?"
"Well, then, I won't tell you where you need to dig to find the treasure!"
yes-"Good. Then I'll tell you this:"
"When you reach the island marked with the X, find the three stones and stand in the center."
"Then walk three paces due south, nine paces due west, and twelve more paces south."
"That should put you right next to an old dead tree."
"Dig in the patch of dirt just to the south of you, and you'll find the treasure!"
"Now go get it!"


Introduction : an uneasy looking bard.
"Oh, hello. Can I help you with something?"

name : "They call me 'Yodeling Johann.'"

job : "I sing songs for the pira - for the sailors here."
"But I'm looking for a chance to move to another town."

sail : "They're fine, hearty fellows, one and all."

yode : "I'd better not..." "I've still got bruises from the last time I tried yodeling around here."

move : "Not that there are pirates around here or anything..."
"The salty air just doesn't agree with me."

pira : "Did I say pirates? I didn't say that." He looks around nervously.
"Nobody but fine honest sailors around here."
He lowers his voice. "By the way..."
"If you should happen to run across Bonn, or Ybarra, or Hawkins, don't tell them I'm here."

bonn,ybar,hawk : "Who's he? Never 'eard of 'im."

empi : He spits on the ground and then says, "What?"

song : "Oh, a loon with a spoon
Sang a song of ballooning.
And the man in the moon
Said it was quite a tune."

"Now one fine day in June
A young man went ballooning.
Did he rise up to glory
Or fall to his doom?"

"Just one thing will I say
Of the sport of ballooning:
On the ground will I stay
While the ground still has room!"

ball : "Oh, that's just some nonsense that gave me an idea for a song..."
"I read about it in a book at the Lycaeum."

lyca,book : "Ask the librarian there for help."

bye : "Good day."


Introduction : a charismatic man with an engaging smile.
Subsequent visits : "Welcome back, stranger." He winks at you.
Initial Visit : "Welcome." He makes a sweeping gesture with his hat.

name : "Shawn, friend."

buy : "Which: ham, ale, mead, wine, or rations?"

job : "I sell ham, ale, mead, wine, and rations."

ham : "It'll cost you 5 gold for the ham. Interested?"
no-"Very well..."
yes-"Which of you?"

yes, full-"You can't carry it, <Character Name>."
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting the gold, <NPC Name> serves <Character Name> the ham.
yes, no gold-"How were you looking to pay for the meal? Eh?"

mead, ale, wine : "Which of you?"
"Very well..."
<NPC Name> smiles at <Character Name> and says, "That will cost you # gold. Interested?"
no-"Very well..."
yes, full-"You can't carry it, <Character Name>."
yes-"Fine!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the purchase.
yes, not enough gold-"You don't have enough gold, <Character Name>."

rati : "Which of you?"
"Very well..."
<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name> and says, "It'll cost you 4 gold for each ration. How many do you want?"
too many"Come now, that's a little much, don't you think?"
no-<NPC Name> frowns at <Character Name> and says, "That was a good price."
yes, full-"You haven't any room in your pack, <Character Name>."
yes, not enough gold-"Mutton rations cost more gold than you have, <Character Name>."
yes-He hands <Character Name> # mutton ration\s.

shaw : "That's it."

bye : "I'm glad you stopped by." He gives you a firm handshake.

other : "I'm sorry. Perhaps you could ask someone else."


Introduction : a giant of a man with a solemn stare.
If didn't stay at inn : "What you back for? I thought you not like my inn."
Subsequent visits : "Heylo again."
Initial visit : "Heylo to you."

name : "Petroph."

petr : "Da, Petroph."

job : "I am keeping the inn, here at King's Ransom."

room,inn : "# gold for you to stay and have meal, good?"
yes, no gold-"Must pay in advance for rooms. Sorry, is policy."
yes-You sleep in a comfortable bed...
You wake rested and eat a large breakfast.
"Good morning to you."
no : "What, maybe you don't like my inn?"
"Well, maybe I don't like you either!"

bye : If didn't buy room : "Da, goodbye and good riddance!"
If didn't ask about room : "Have a nice day."

other : "You speak too quick. What was that?"


Introduction : a scarred man with a gap-toothed grin and large, calloused hands.
If fighting : "Don't like talking when I'm fighting!"
Initial visit : "Hello, hello."
Subsequent visits : "Right. You been here before." He studies you carefully.
"What'll it be?"
buy : Hey, what's it look like, I'm a mind reader?"
"Do ya want arms or armor?"

armo : If shop closed : "Come by my shop when I'm open!"
If shop open : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"That <Item Name> costs # gold."
"Interested, <Character Name>?"
no-"Changed your mind, eh?"
yes, but full-"But that'd make you o'erburdened, <Character Name>!"
yes-After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, not enough gold-"But you don't got enough gold, <Character Name>!"

arm,arms : If shop closed : "Come by my shop when I'm open!"
If shop open : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"That <Item Name> costs # gold."
"Interested, <Character Name>?"
no-"Changed your mind, eh?"
yes, but full-"But that'd make you o'erburdened, <Character Name>!"
yes-After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, not enough gold-"But you don't got enough gold, <Character Name>!"

sell : If shop closed : "Come by my shop when I'm open!"
If shop open : Nothing interesting : "Sorry, none of you's got anything I need."
Have something interesting : "Aye, <Character Name> has somethin' interestin'..."
"Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"Will you take # gold for that <Item Name>0, <Character Name>?"
no, no other items-"Mebbe some other time."
no, have other items-"Mebbe somethin' else?"
<NPC Name> hands <Character Name> # gold pieces and takes the <Item Name>.

job : "And my mutter said I was thick."
"You can buy's arms from me or sell me yer used stuff."

name : "Enrik. Enrik the Hammer's what I'm known as 'round here."

enri : "I prefers Hammer."

hamm : "They call me that 'cause I's got a good left."

good,left : "Keep it up and I'll show ya," he growls.

bye : "Yeah, gotta get back ta work."

other : He gives you a blank stare.


Introduction : a strong, sinewy woman with a hard look about her.
Initial visit : "Smell that salt air, friend. Brings a tear to me eye..."
Subsequent visits : "Welcome, welcome!" She slaps you heartily on the back.

name : "Fentrissa."

fent : "A strong name, as strong as the sea." She looks into the distance.

sea : "Beautiful thing, but a jealous man he is."

jeal,man : "Many call her a female."
"If ya ask me, men are much more unpredictable."

buy,deed : If bought all ships/skiffs : "You bought my last craft."
If not bought ship : "I sell ships and skiffs."

ship : If bought all ships : "Sorry, I sold you my last one."
If not bought all ships : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>, "It'll cost you # gold for the deed. Interested?"
yes, inventory full-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You look pretty full to me."
yes, have gold-"Excellent!" After accepting the gold, <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> the deed.
"Sail her straight."
"You'll ne'er find a better craft."
yes, not enough gold : "Your party hasn't enough money."
"It looks like you're # gold piece\s short."
If party works together : Your party takes up a collection for the deed.

skif : If bought all skiffs : "Sorry, I sold you my last one."
If not bought all skiffs : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>, "It'll cost you # gold for the deed. Interested?"
yes, inventory full-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You look pretty full to me."
yes, have gold-"Excellent!" After accepting the gold, <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> the deed.
"Sail her straight."
"You'll ne'er find a better craft."
yes, not enough gold : "Your party hasn't enough money."
"It looks like you're # gold piece\s short."
If party works together : Your party takes up a collection for the deed.

job : If bought all ships/skiffs : "I'm out of work after selling you all my ships and skiffs."
If bought all skiffs : "I have @ships for sale, but I sold you my last skiff."
If bought all ships : "I sold you my last ship, but I still have some skiffs left."
If not purchased vessels : "I sell ships and skiffs."

bye : "Have a good one." She bows, hands on her hips.

other : "Ask around."

Castle Britannia[edit]


Introduction : a ruggedly handsome man, wearing a gleaming suit of armor.
"Yes, <Avatar Name>?"

name : "It's Dupre - sounds like dew pray, remember?"

job : "Why, questing, of course! We've been on many a quest together, you and I."

ques : "Yes, you've gone on some really fine ones."
"When you're not around I have to settle for rescuing damsels, finding grails, and the like."

resc,dams : "It could be worse."
"Some of them are pretty eager to show their gratitude, if you know what I mean..."

eage,grat,know,mean : "Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more..."

find,grai : "That's right."
"Lord British likes to keep grails around to use at his banquets, but he's always losing them."

lord,brit,banq : "He'll throw us a fine feast if you can deal with the gargoyle invasion somehow."

garg,inva : "They may be the toughest threat we've ever faced.

join : "I've been with you since the start of this quest, haven't I?"

leav : "Lord British gave me strict orders not to leave your side until this quest is complete."
"Besides, you know how I hate to miss a good quest."

duck : "Please, let's not talk about ducks..."

bye : "Yes, enough chit chat. Let's go find some action!"

other : "Ask Iolo about that."


Introduction : a quiet man, who almost seems to be a creature of the forest.
"Yes, my friend?"

name : "Shamino Salle' Dacil."

job : "I help my friends when they need it."
"The rest of my time I prefer to spend exploring the woods."

frie : "Though we have spent much time apart between your several visits to our realm, still I consider you one of my closest friends."

wood,expl : "I prefer the Deep Forest."
"Spiritwood isn't as dense, and it has those strange wisps everywhere."

deep,fore : "It is home to me."
"I love walking in the dark shadows of the trees, and studying the nature of the forest creatures."

home : "A home needs not walls to make it so."

wall : "When folk ask why I have no walls in my home, I ask where are the trees in theirs!" He smiles.

tree : "In many ways they are the lifesblood of the realm. Without trees, we could not long endure."

crea : "Those that dwell in the woods have lives of their own, more interesting to me than the ways of townfolk."

  • "There is much to be learned from the animals, if you will but listen."

If Dupre in party : Dupre says "Now Shamino's going on about talking to animals... The whole world's going batty!"

wisp : "I know little of their nature. I believe there are some mages who have investigated them, however."

mage : "Perhaps one of the members of the council could tell you more."

garg : "I feel that Lord British does not understand their true nature."

lord,brit : "I know him better than you might think."

join : "I'll follow you wherever you might choose to lead - you know that."

leav : "I feel you need my guidance through the wild parts of Britannia. I'd best stay with you."

bye : "A pleasure."

other : "Ask Dupre about that."


Introduction : your old friend Iolo.
"Well, <Avatar Name>, do you need help with something? Or maybe you've got time for a story, eh?"

name : "Iolo's the only name I remember having." (He pronounces his name 'Yo-low.')

help : "If you want me to gather all our gold together so you can carry it, just say so."
"Or I could split it up evenly, if you prefer."

gath,pool : Splits gold : Iolo gathers up everyone's gold and hands it to you.
No gold to amass : "None of us are carrying any gold, <Gender>."
Avatar given max : Iolo collects some gold together and hands it to you.
"Here, this is all you can carry right now."
Avatar full : "You're carrying enough already, I think."

spli,shar : No gold : "But we have no gold, <Gender>!"
Very little gold : "We don't have enough gold to bother with, <Gender>."
Splits gold to all members : Iolo gathers everyone's gold together and divides it evenly.
Splits gold to some members : Iolo splits up the gold between everyone who has room to carry any.

hut,home,smit,clue : "My hut is in the Deep Forest, south of Yew."
"My horse Smith lives there."

job : "I've been a crossbow maker for so long, I've gotten weary of it."
"Hopefully, now that my apprentice has taken over the shop, I'll be able to spend more time as a bard."

appr,shop,cros : "My shop still sells the finest crossbows in the land."
"I've done a lot over the years to refine the design, and I trained my apprentice well."
"I'm sure she'll carry on the tradition in fine fashion."

bard : "Yes, it's always been a hobby of mine."
"Have you heard the piece 'Stones' that I composed some years ago?"
no-"Oh, you should get my wife Gwenno to teach it to you some time."
yes-"It's one of my favorites."

wife,gwen : "She's had more time to develop her musical talents than I all these years."
"But after this quest I hope to join her in Minoc and enter the artisan's guild."

ques : "There always seems to be a quest when you come to visit us, doesn't there?"
"Some time you should just drop by for tea."

tea : "All right, make it Frasier's Folly, then."

fras,foll : "A drink worthy enough to greet an old friend."

mino : "Not as big as Britain, but it's a peaceful town."

arti,guil,musi : "Though there is still need for the instruments of war, as I grow in years I would now take up those of peace."

brit : "You know. Where Mr. Nose hangs out."

mr,nose,nibs : "Remember, he doesn't like people to call him that..."

join : "I've been with you since we saved you from those gargoyles, haven't I?"

garg : "They're pretty ugly looking, if you ask me..."

leav : "His nibs, the king, told me I should stay with you constantly."
"I'll make an exception when you have to relieve yourself, of course."

stor : "My favorite one is about the time I had to wake Dupre up for a tournament..."
Dupre in party : Dupre cuts in.
"Iolo! You promised NEVER to tell anyone about that!"
"Yes, you're right. I'm sorry." He whispers to you, "Ask me later when he's not around..."
Dupre not in party : "But maybe I shouldn't tell you about that. After all, I did promise..."

bye : "I've still got to tell you that story about Dupre sometime..."

spam : "Ask Shamino about that."

other : "Ask Shamino about that."

Lord British[edit]

Introduction : the noble ruler of Britannia.
Initial visit : "<Avatar Name>! 'Tis good to see thee again. Much hath happened since thou last departed our realm."
"But I must make sure 'tis truly thee."*
"Only the true Avatar would know what was contained in the Compendium I sent."*

Answered questions correctly : "Ah, 'tis thee indeed, <Avatar Name>. Take this key."
"It will unlock the gatehouse by the southern entrance to the castle."
"Then you can use the lever inside to raise the portcullis, and the crank will lower the drawbridge."
"The same key will also let you into the sewers under the castle."

"Now let me tell thee what hath transpired since thy last visit."
"The vast underworld from which thou didst rescue me hath collapsed."
"Yet still there are forces of evil abroad in the land."
"Britannia is under attack by gargoyles such as those thou just fought."
"They have been coming up through the dungeons."
"Thus far they have mainly been attacking the shrines of the eight virtues."
"When the Shrine of Compassion didst fall, Sir Geoffrey sent a party to free it."
"Do thou ask him of this mission. Perhaps thou canst prove of some assistance."
"Whilst thou art here, I have a room in the castle set aside for thy personal use."
"'Tis in the west wing of the castle, just south of mine own chambers."
"I have had my servants place some equipment there, in case thou shouldst have need of it."
"Of course, thou mayst feel free to borrow anything in my castle, if thou shouldst need it."
"Lastly, any time thou dost need healing, do thou but ask me."
"If thou doth wish me to repeat all this later, thou need but ask."

Lost key to castle : "I see thou hath misplaced thy key to the castle."
"Here is another."

Answered questions correctly : "Good

name : "I am Lord British, as thou knowest well."

rep : Repeat Introduction :

job : "Thanks to thee, I sit once more upon the throne of Britannia."
"Though 'tis a heavy burden in such troubled times as these."

heav,burd,trou,time : "The gargoyles art indeed the greatest threat our realm has ever known."
"We are fortunate indeed that fate hath brought thee here in our hour of need."

garg : "Perhaps thou canst drive these vile creatures back into the bowels of the earth from whence they came."
"All our efforts thus far have availed us naught."

shri : "By now the gargoyles may have captured them all."
"Thou must hurry if thou wouldst foil their evil schemes..."

virt : "Stay strong in thy commitment to the eight virtues."
"It is our belief in them that sets us apart from the cruel invaders who would destroy all that we hold dear."

geof : "He is the Captain of the Guard."

moon,gate,ston,blac,orb : You show Lord British the black stone.
"Hmmmm... I have such a stone, as thou may recall."
"I did not know that there were more such orbs."
"'Twill serve thee well in thy travels if thou dost learn to master its powers."
"To open a gate, use the stone, and carefully position it a few feet from thee."
"Thou wilt discover that the placement is the key."
"In the proper positions, the stone canst conjure gates to take thee to numerous destinations."

mant,rune : "Ask the leaders of each town to tell thee of that.

comp : "Do thou ask Tholden."

thol : "He is my chancellor."

chan : "Aye, Tholden is my chancellor."

mous,sher : Sherry not in party : "Please take good care of my little friend."
Sherry in party : "Ah, thou hast heard of my little friend?"
"Her name is Sherry, and I'm quite proud of her."
"I'm certain she is the only talking mouse in all of Britannia."
"Thou art welcome to see her, if thou dost wish."
"Thou canst find her wandering throughout the castle."
"She comes by my room every night, so I can tell her stories."

wiza,oz,book : "I collect rare books."
"There's one in particular I've been hunting for many years."
"It's called 'The Wizard of Oz.' Ever heard of it?"
no-"Well, if thou dost run across it in thy travels, I would greatly appreciate if thou couldst bring it here."
"I hath promised a great reward to whosoever shalt bring me a copy."
Have book, full-"Thou art carrying too much for me to reward thee properly..."
"Bring the book back later, when thou art less burdened."
Have book, not full-"Thou hath found a copy!"
"Long hath I anticipated this moment..."
"Not since my childhood have I read this wondrous story."
Gingerly, he takes the tome. "Here is your reward." He gives you some glowing gems.

bedt,stor : "My favorite story is 'Hubert the Lion.'"

favo,hube,lion : "I've known it by heart, ever since I heard it as a child."
"Hubert the Lion was haughty and vain, and especially proud of his elegant mane."
"But conceit of this sort is not proper at all, and Hubert the Lion was due for a fall."

mr,nose : "Who told thee of that nickname!?"
"Well, I'd rather thou didst not call me that."

heal : Lord British waves his hand, and your whole party is healed!

than : "'Tis I who should thank thee, Avatar, for all thou hast done for Britannia."

bye : "May fortune favor thee."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."

Copy protection : "What doth trolls lack?"
"What part of the tangle vine doth put one to sleep?"
"How wert the headlesses produced?"
"What valued item canst one find near the spawning grounds of Hydras?"
"How canst one fend off rotworms?"
"How doth sea serpents attack?"
"What creature art wisps oft mistaken for?"
"How doth giant squids crush their prey?"
"Where hath images of the silver serpent been seen?"
÷"What art reapers remnants of?"

Correct : "Thou art correct."
Incorrect : "Nay, 'tis not the correct answer. Consult thy Compendium."
bye : "Find thy Compendium, then come speak with me again."


Introduction : a concerned looking mage.
"Hail to thee <Gender>, and well met."
"'Twas I who learned of thy peril through my mystic arts, so that aid might be sent unto thee."
"Iolo, I saw that thou didst find a book."
"Might I examine it?"
Iolo doesn't have book : "I no longer have the book, milord." replies Iolo.
"That is too bad. I had hoped thou might take it to Mariah and have her translate it."
Iolo has book : "Certainly, milord. Perhaps thou canst make better sense of it than I." says Iolo.
"This has a picture on its cover of a gargoyle standing with one foot on the chest of a slain human."
"This is interesting."
"It's written in a language I know not."
"Take it to Mariah at the Lycaeum, the finest scribe on the great Council of Wizards."
"She has studied many languages, and perhaps she can decipher this book for thee."
"One more thing, Avatar..."
"I noticed that thou didst arrive through a red gateway."
"Dost thou have the stone that opened the gate?"
yes-"From whence could it have come? The gargoyles, perhaps?"
"Best ask Lord British about it."
"I believe he has some knowledge of such items."
no-"Such items are quite rare."
"Indeed, the only one I have ever seen is that which Lord British himself possesses."
Subsequent visits : "Hast thou gone to the Lycaeum and shown Mariah the book? 'Tis most important."
"There is naught else I can help thee with at this time."


Introduction : a tall, handsome man.
Not spoken to Lorn British : "Thou hadst best speak to Lord British before aught else."
Initial visit, spoken to Lord British : "I'm glad to see thee, <Avatar Name>. Perhaps thou canst prevail where others could not."
"I sent a party of ten to recapture the Shrine of Compassion from the gargoyles."
"Alas, they failed dismally."
"The survivors are recuperating in the town of Cove."
"Thou wouldst do well to speak with them first."
"Mayhap they learned something which might aid thee."
"I must confess I fear the worst."
"The gargoyles are such powerful foes, and they are spreading so fast..."
"Perhaps the end of the realm is nigh."
"Good luck, and my prayers go with thee."
Subsequent visits, spoken to Lord British : "Best not waste time talking..."
"Who knows what acts of villainy the gargoyles are comitting even as we speak?"
"I hope you've had a chance to visit Cove and speak with Gertan."


Introduction : a cute little mouse.
Initial visit : "Squeak, squeak, squeak!"
"Talking to a mouse?" says Dupre.
"Methinks you're starting to imagine things..."

sque : "Squeak squirk?"

squi,nitt,fibl : "Squeeeeek!"

cat,meow,boo : "Eeeek!"

name : "I am Lord British's friend, Sherry."

lord,brit : "He reads me bedtime stories every night."

bed,stor,nigh : "He knows the one about Hubert the Lion by Heart!"

hube,lion : "That's my favorite story."

sher : "Pleased to meet you!"

help,rune,mous,hole,join : No cheese given : "Give me some cheese and ask me again."
Cheese given : On boat : "Boats make me seasick."
Party full : "With that many people I'd get trampled!"
If joined : "Travelling with you is fun! I hope we find some more cheese soon."

leav : "Oh, goodbye. Does this mean you want me to go home now?"
yes, on boat-"I'm not leaving until we get out of this thing!"
yes-"All right. Now I can hear my bedtime stories again!"
"I'll leave my stuff with you in case you need it."

kerc,bles,gesh,snee,dust : "I wish people would clean up under their beds and cabinets..."
"Dust mice are no friends of mine!"

chee : "Do you have any cheese?"
no-"Oh, that's too bad."
yes, no cheese-"I don't smell any cheese!"
yes'-"Can I have some?"
no-"Well, you're no fun."
yes-"Thank you very much!"
"I can help you! Do you want me to come with you?"

bye : Not talked to : "Nitters fiblik."
talked to : "Come visit me again soon!"

other : "Kerchew!" -or- : The mouse wiggles its whiskers at you.
If in party : "You're funny!"

job : If in party : "I can slip through openings that are too small for you to fit through!"


Introduction : a carefree fellow in a ludicrous costume.
"Ho eyo he hum, I've got a clue! It's important, and just for you!"

name : "Why, I'm Chuckles the jester, of course! You've heard of me haven't you? Sure you have!"

hear : "You've heard a word? Why that's absurd!"

job : "To jape, to jeer, to prance, to frolic! To keep this place unmelancholic!"
"I practice tomfoolery for Lord British - or anyone else who passes too close."

jape : "And jeer!"

jeer : "And prance! To dance a Corybantic dance!"

pran,danc : "Jeer and prance! Prance and frolic!"

frol : "I lurch 'round like an alcoholic!"

tom : "'Cause Dick and Harry both called in sick."

lord,brit : "Call him Mr. Nose... But don't tell him I said so!"

mr,nose : "Shhh! Don't let him know I told you!"

"Yes, it's crucial to your quest. Do you want to know what it is?"
yes-"Perhaps I don't want to tell you!"
no-"Perhaps I'll tell you anyway!"
"Do you think I will?"
yes-"How foolish of you to think so!"
no-"Congratulations! You're exactly right! I won't tell you the clue..."
"But I will give you this hint that may lead you to it..."
"Search the chest in Nystul's room."

hint : "If hints were mints and mints were hints, think what a world it would be!"

ques,ches : "A quest, a chest, oh what a jest!"

jest : "Have you heard the one about the nun, the dragon, and the drunken penguin?"
no"That's too bad... Neither have I!"
yes-"Good! Maybe you can teach it to me someday!"
"I did my best, did I amuse you? If not, I hope I did confuse you."
"Did you enjoy my jokes?
no-"Really? I'll just have to try harder, then!"
"Why is Dupre like a horseshoe?"
"It's because they both have the letter 'r' in them!"
yes-"You did? Then I'll tell you another one!"
"Riddle me this: Do you know what the goose said to the avatar?"
yes-"No, no, no, that's not how it works! You're supposed to say you don't, so I can tell you!"
"Let's try it again."
no-"It said 'ankh ankh!'"
"What did you think of that one?"
"Well, who asked you, anyway?"
"Oh, that's right, I did!"
"Hee hee, ho ho, to spread good cheer I go! Come talk to me again and I'll give you another show!"

teac,prea : "To teach, to preach, what waste of speech!"

mint,worl,spee,lurc,alco,word,absu,done : "I just said that!"

that : "You just said 'that!'"

nyst : "Oh, he's no fun."

fun : "I'll show you fun before I'm done!"

bye :

other : "Ho ho, hee hee, thou art funnier than me! To ask a jester of <Last Input>!"


Introduction : a bare chested, muscular man, his body gleaming with sweat.
Initial visit : "Excuse me a moment." He pulls a napkin from his belt and mops at his brow. "Now, what were you saying?"
"Wait a minute," he interrupts, "I recognize you... You're the Avatar! I've always wanted to meet you."
female : From the day I first saw your portrait, I knew you must be the most beautiful woman in all Britannia."
male : You're the greatest hero in all the land."

Subsequent visits : female : "Oh, <Gender> Avatar, 'tis an unexpected pleasure to see you again!"
male : "Hey, my old buddy <Avatar Name>! Good to see you again."

name : "Maldric, I am. Once Maldric the boar hunter, now Maldric the cook."

once,boar,hunt : "Aye, I used to live in the forest and hunt wild boars."
"But one day I presented a roast boar as a gift to his majesty, and he liked it so much he hired me as his cook."

maje : "Yes, Lord British himself."

fore : "Those were good times. But I'm happy here."

pres,gift,roas,like : "The secret is in the spices. It's an old family recipe."

secr,fami,reci : "I'll never tell. female Though for one so sweet, I must say I'm tempted."

job : "I cook for all those who live in the castle, and for any guests who dine with Lord British as well."
"'Tis sastisfying work, yet at times I wish I could travel with one such as you..."

gues,dine : "Lord British has many friends."

cast : "A fancier home than any of my family ever lived in. Yet I still miss my simple hut in the forest."
If female : "I wish it were still there, so I could invite you to come spend an evening by the fireplace with me...

spen,even,fire,invi : "There's fire enough in my kitchen, but 'tis no place for romance."

kitc,plac,roma,trav,wish,join,warr : "I shouldn't even speak of such things."
"After all, you are the Avatar, and I but a lowly cook. Please forgive me."

lord,brit : "He's a good man. Likes plenty of pepper in his stew."

pepp,stew : "Spice puts some variety in life, is what I always say."

spic : If female : "You're a pretty spicy little number yourself!"

spic,vari,life,frie,hear,adve,peop,happ : "Yes indeed."

avat : "I've heard about all of your adventures. I wish I were a warrior too, and not just a cook!"

cook : "I like having a job where I can make people happy."

bye : "See you later. And next time you dine with his majesty, I'll cook you something special."
If female : He seems about to say more, with a hopeful look in his eyes.
But then he turns away without speaking.

other : "Funny you should mention that... It reminds me of my secret recipe for roast boar."



Introduction : a feverish looking warrior.

bye : "Ohhhhh..."
-or- : "Mrtlx hmlsh fbbn..."
-or- : "Mmmmmm..."
-or- : ".........."
-or- : "Rrrrlr Grrtl..."


a heavily scarred man with a look of agony on his face.
Introduction : "The pain, the pain... Will it never stop?"
bye : "Too many... There were too many of them..."
-or- : "My head is pounding like a drum..."
-or- : "Oh, the pain!"


Introduction : a burly man, who looks a little healthier than the other patients.
Initial visit : "Good (cough) day, <Gender>. What is thy name?"
"I am called Gertan. My fellows and I are recovering from a fierce battle."
Subsequent visits : "Tis good to see thee again, <Avatar Name>."

name : "Gertan, my friend."

job : "I lead my men into battle whenever Geoffrey sends me."

geof : "He is the captain of the guard."

capt,guar : "Aye."

fier,batt,shri,comp : "We sought to liberate the Shrine of Compassion."
"My men fought valiantly, but the gargoyles were too much for us. They didst slay more than half our party."

garg,slay,foug : "Aye, I doubt not they were using foul magic of some kind."

foul,magi : "A moonstone was upon the shrine, surrounded by a strange violet glow."
"I tried to get to it, but 'twas surrounded by some kind of force field."

moon,ston,forc,fiel,glow,viol : "'Tis a matter beyond my comprehension."

cave,frei : "Hast thou heard, then, of the time I slew the great dragon Freitag? Ah, that was a long time ago."

drag,slew : "Those were the days..."

bye : "May thy efforts meet with more success than mine!"

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


an unconcious man, his face twisted with pain.
He offers you no response.


Introduction : a pretty young nurse with violet eyes.

"Leave these men alone! Can't you see they need to rest?"

name : "My name is Sasha."

job : "I tend the sick. I know how to heal, cure, and resurrect."

rest,need,alon,leav,slee : "Aye, these men's wounds need time to heal."

woun,time,tend,sick : "Thou hast kept me from my duties long enough. Away with thee!"

heal : "More wounded? I'll do what I can."
The poor nurse seems weary beyond words.
Not wounded, Avatar solo : "Don't waste my time! Thou art not wounded!"
"'Tis hard enough tending to those truly sick. Begone!"
Not wounded, Avatar in party : Don't waste my time! None of you are wounded!"
"'Tis hard enough tending to those truly sick. Begone!"

If injured : "Which of you?"
"I see thy injury, <Character Name>."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 40 gold?"
yes-Sasha approaches <Character Name> and binds the wounds.
no-"If thou wilt not pay, I cannot heal thee."
yes, but no gold, low karma-"I'm sorry. Without an offering I cannot heal thee."
yes, but no gold, high karma-"Thou art poor, but thy cause is just."
"I will heal thee without payment."

Sasha approaches <Character Name> and binds the wounds.
"Is there aught else I can do for thee?"

cure : "Poison? Yes, I can cure that. Let me see..."
Not poisoned, solo : "Don't waste my time! Thou art not poisoned!"
"'Tis hard enough tending to those truly sick. Begone!"
Not poisoned, in group : "Don't waste my time! None of you are poisoned!"
"'Tis hard enough tending to those truly sick. Begone!"

If poisoned : "I sense that thou art poisoned, <Character Name>."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 15 gold?"
yes-Sasha grabs a vial and pours it down <Character Name>'s throat.
<Character Name> feels much better.
no-"If thou wilt not pay, I cannot cure thee."
yes, but no gold, karma low-"I'm sorry. Without an offering I cannot cure thee."
yes, but no gold, karma high-"Thou art poor, but thy cause is just."
"I will cure thee without payment."

Sasha grabs a vial and pours it down <Character Name>'s throat.
<Character Name> feels much better.

resu : Your question seems almost like a blow to the woman.
"Nay, I cannot. I no longer have the energy, or the reagents."
"It has been a dark, dark day indeed."
"I am sorry that I cannot help you, but we all grieve today."

ener,reag : "I have aided many today."
"These men are the last; they are beyond the help of all save time itself."

men,grie,toda,dark : "These soldiers are the only survivors of an attempt to free the Shrine of Compassion."

shri,comp : "Show thy compassion now and let them sleep."

bye : "Goodbye."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


Introduction : a distinguished looking gentleman.
Subsequent visits if male : "Ah, <Avatar Name>, thou hast come back to get better acquainted!"
"<Avatar Name>, seeing thee again, I feel as if the clouds have parted to reveal the sun once more."
Subsequent visits if female : "Milady <Avatar Name>! If thou art as happy to see me as I to see thee, then this must be for thee a joyous occasion indeed."

Initial Visit : "Greetings, <Gender>, and welcome to the town of Cove."
Subsequent visits : "Ah, <Avatar Name>! 'Tis an honor to welcome thee once more to my humble village."
"How might I be of assistance this fine

name : "I am the Viscount Ahrmaand. And what is thy name?"
"Well met, <Gender>!"

job : "I govern here in Cove. 'Tis hard work, but my people love me for it."
"I always thought it a blessing to live so close to a shrine, though since the gargoyles came none dare go near it."

cove,city : "We have fine facilities here for healing the wounded and the sick."

shri : "In Britannia there are eight shrines, one for each of the eight virtues of the Avatar."
"They are places where people can go to meditate on these virtues."

eigh,virt : "The virtues are honesty, compassion, valour, justice, sacrifice, honor, spirituality, and humility."
"'Tis good to meditate on these virtues often."

medi : "Each shrine has its own mantra. This is a chant which one should recite whilst meditating therein."
"Once there was a time when a special rune was required to enter each shrine as well."
"Now the gargoyles have taken the Shrine of Compassion, and it is lost to the people once more."

comp,sick,woun,gert,garg : "A party of adventurers came here after their attempt to defeat the gargoyles at the Shrine of Compassion."
"I spoke with their leader when they arrived."
"Thou shouldst speak with him thyself. He told of a strange violet energy field."
"I think mayhap 'tis similar to the force which blocked entry to the shrines many years ago."
"The eight mystic runes were most useful in those days."

lead : "He's in bed at Sasha's, recuperating."

forc,rune,myst,fiel,ener,viol : "Use the Rune of Compassion whilst chanting the Mantra of Compassion."
"Methinks this may negate the gargoyle's magic at that shrine."

chan,mant : "Ask Lord British's Chancellor, Tholden."
"He canst tell thee of the mantra, and like as not he will also know of the rune."

bye : If female : "Twas a delight to converse with thee, my dear."
"My heart will be aflutter with anticipation till thou dost visit me again."
If male : "Farewell sirrah, and good luck with thy quest."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


Introduction : a dark, bearded man dressed in flowing white robes.
"Greetings, mighty Avatar. For what hast thou come to my place?"

buy,reag : If shop closed : "My shop is closed right now."

"Which of you?"
"Which of these?"
<Reagent Name> costs # per portion."
"How many dost thou want?"
Rudyom hands <Character Name> the <Item Name>.

Inventory sort of full : "Thou cannot carry that much!"
"I'll give thee #; thou dost not need the rest."
Inventory full : "Thou cannot carry any <Item Name>!"

Short on gold : "Thou cannot afford that much!"
"I'll give thee #; thou cannot have the rest."
No gold : "Thou cannot afford any <Item Name>!"

lear,spel : Buying spell without spellbook : "But thou hast not a spellbook!"
Buying spell and no group member has spellbook : "But none of you has a spellbook!"

If have spellbook : "Which of you?"
"In which Circle does <Character Name> wish to study?"
If don't answer 1 - 8 : "As everybody knows, there are only eight circles."
If no spell in that circle : "I have no spells of that circle."
If character can't cast spell level : "I sense that <Character Name> is only ready for the # Circle."
"But such matters are not my concern..."
"Perhaps <Character Name> is not ready for this circle."

"That spell costs # gold. Interested?"
yes-Rudyom hands <Character Name> a piece of rune-covered parchment.
yes, no gold-<Character Name> lacks the # gold required."

book : If not in shop : "My shop is closed right now."
If shop open : "Which of you?"
If inventory full : "But thou cannot carry a spellbook!"
Buying spellbook : "A spellbook costs 50 gold pieces. Interested?"
no-"Perhaps one of thy friends then."
ye, no gold-"But thou cannot afford a spellbook!"

name : "I am Rudyom."

job : "I sell magic books and reagents, and teach spells."

bye : "May peace follow thee, Avatar."

other : "Of that I will say nothing."

If not in shop : "My shop is closed right now."

Empath Abbey[edit]


Introduction : a coarse looking individual, digging in the dirt with his bare hands.
"Hello. If I be speaking with ye, I'd best not be digging at the same time."

If have corpse : "Now, now. You can't be bringing bodies out here without no reservations."
"Go see me master Glen about having a funeral first."

Spoke to Glen first : You tell him what Glen said.
"Wants 'is graves dug, does he? Well, you can tell old zombie-face I'd do a lot better if I had a shovel!"

First time speaking to Glen : Mole listens, a bit impatiently.
"He gave me a shovel, all right - cheapest shovel I ever saw in all my years in the business!"
"Tell 'im it broke the third day I tried usin' it."

Second time speaking to Glen : "I'd have been glad to get a new shovel! Believe me, I knows how to pick out a good one, too."
"But how'm I supposed to pay for it, you just ask him that!"

Third time speaking to Glen : "Aye, maybe there'd 'ave been extra for shovel and such in my pay, if the old skinflint had ever remembered to pay me!"

Fourth time speaking to Glen : "Old penny pincher says he's going to pay me?" "I'll believe it when I have the coins in me hand."

name : "I be Mole."

dig,fath : "Digging's been in me family for generations."

grav : "If you take away enough dirt, a grave's what's left."
"After they has a funeral, I puts all the dirt back again."

fune : "Funerals aren't me trade. I know plenty about dirt, though."

dirt : "I knows all the different kinds of dirt by heart."

diff,kind,hear : "Learned 'em from me father."

trad,job : I dig graves for me master, Glen."

give : "What 'ave you got I could want? All I needs in me life is a good shovel."

shov : "'Tis the tool of me trade."

tool : "Me father said a good shovel is more important than a good @wife."

wife : That's what you look for after you've got a good shovel."

mast,glenö : "I'll not speak with 'im, the way he treats me."
"But if you sees him, tell him I could dig these graves better if I had a shovel!"
If have shovel : "He's a strange one... Nobody knows what he keeps in that back room of 'is."

bye : Oh, going away, are ye? Let me know when ye return, so I'll know 'tis time to speak with ye again."
He returns to his digging.

other : "I think ye'd best ask someone smarter than me."

If Avatar has shovel : "Oh, ye've brought a shovel with ye! Is it for me?"
no-"Too bad. I really need one."
yes-"Thank ye very much! And 'tis not even my birthday!"
"Let me tell you this - keep an eye on old Glen."
"They say not all of the bodies end up where they're supposed to..."
"You know, 'e was supposed to have paid me for a new shovel, and then you wouldn't have 'ad to go to so much trouble."


Introduction : a quiet, pale, almost motionless gentleman.
If realized didn't pay Mole : "Ohhh! Silly me, spending so much time with my clients." He gestures at the corpses.
"I forget little details like paying Mole..."
"I'll have to take care of it right away."
"You deserve a reward for helping me straighten this out."
"That mage over on the table was found just outside of town."
"He was carrying a couple of enchanted items and some money when the gargoyles got him."
"Nobody has been able to find any relatives of his, so you might as well take it all."

If Mole needs gold : "That addle-brained, lower class, miserable excuse for a common laborer..."
"I agreed to give him an equipment allowance with his pay."
"No doubt it's all been squandered at some tavern, along with the rest of his pay."
"See what he has to say about that!"

Mole's shovel broken : "So, his shovel broke? That's no excuse."
"Tell him he should have bought another one and kept working."

Mole needs a shovel : You pass along Mole's message. "Needs a shovel, does he? Tell him to use the one I gave him when I hired him!"
"No doubt he's forgotten he has it by now, or lost it somewhere..."

Usual visits : "Good evening." he says, in a voice that sends shivers down your spine.
"It is evening, I hope. That's my favorite time."

name : "I am Glen D'Arc, of the Trinsic D'Arcs."

trin,darc,d'ar : "I had to move away... Too sunny."

sun : "I much prefer moonlight. It's more natural and healthy."

prep,bod,depa : "For most clients, I prefer to use Frigid Solvol."
"It's the finest enbalming fluid on the market."

frig,solv,enba : "It gives the departed a nice, healthy glow..."

eter,rest : "Yes, those who cannot afford resurrection know the cool comfort of good, honest soil."
He sighs longingly. "How I envy them, for only the dead know true peace."

dead,ress : "He smiles. "I see you're not much of a believer in death."
"But next time you're dead you should try staying that way. You might like it..."

job : "I prepare the bodies of the departed for their eternal rest." He pauses to pop a grape into his mouth.
He chews it delicately, but you can still hear a soft, squishy sound.
"Would you like a few grapes?"
yes-"Help yourself."
"It's very relaxing work. At least it would be, if I didn't have to put up with that incompetent gravedigger."
If have body : His eyes gleam fiendishly when he notices the body you're carrying.
"Ah, you've brought me a client. Tell the truth, doesn't your friend look more peaceful this way?"
"For such a heroic client, I have something special to offer."
"It's a new process I've invented called 'cremation.'"
"For a mere fifteen gold, the remains of the dearly departed are purified with flame."
"Would you like me to do this for you?"
no-"Too bad."
yes, but no gold-"You're a bit short on gold." he says, disappointedly.
yes-"Excellent!" He takes the body, and recites a brief incantation.
An eerie green flame engulfs the corpse, consuming it in seconds.
Nothing but ashes remain. The mortician sweeps them up, puts them in an urn, and hands it to <Character Name>/you.
"Please come again if any more of your friends need my services."

inco,grav,mole : "You can't get good help these days..."
"Mole was supposed to have two more graves finished yesterday."
"I can't stand to talk to him any more - if you see him, tell him I need those graves dug immediately!"

bye : "Goodbye for now - I'm sure I'll see you again. Every body ends up here sooner or later..."

other : "Don't concern yourself with that. Life is too hectic as it is."


Introduction : a voluptuous woman dressed in dark blue velvet over white cloth.
If karma low : "Have you nothing better to do?" she asks pointedly. "Please excuse us."
Initial visit : "Hello there, stranger. Can I help you?"
Subsequent visits : "Hello, <Gender>."

name : "I'm Sylaina Moorehead."

job : "When I need some money for food and such, I work as a seamstress."
"Most of the time, however, I live off the seashore."

seam,sew,embr,clot : "Yes. I used to make such fine clothes for my Nathaniel..."

nath : "Though he was not a bad husband, I'll always remember him as something of a scoundrel."
She smiles and her lovely eyes sparkle with memories.
"They say he went down in a storm. He was a pirate."

moor : "I'm a widow now. I live in a cottage on the beach."

sea,surf,ocea,beac,seas : "There's always a bit of fish or gull's eggs to eat, with lobster once in a while."
"I'm as carefree as a gypsy."

wido : "My husband left me a little money, to support myself for a time, but I still like to sew fine clothing."
"There are few things as relaxing as embroidering and sitting by the ocean, listening to the surf."°

gyps : "They travel the road between Britain and Trinsic."
"Normally I like them. They're a merry lot."
"But one time a group of gypsies stole my prized locket!"

lock : "My husband left me a gold locket."
"It contained a piece of an old ship's chart. He said that chart would make me rich."
"I didn't really care about the chart. But the locket..."
"That locket was all I had to remember Nathaniel by."
She sighs and looks away for a moment.

pira,map : "My husband left me a gold locket wrapped in a piece of an old ship's chart. Maybe that's what you seek."
"I don't have the locket or the map anymore. The gypsies came by one day and stole them."

stol : "Yes--some gypsies are trustworthy, but others are scoundrels!"

bye : "Bye-bye."

other : "Sorry, I cannot help you with that."


Introduction : a young woman who stares into the distance.
Subsequent visits : "I recognize your voice." She smiles.
Initial visit : "Hello? Is someone there?"

name : "Stephanie, but you can call me 'Steph.'"

step : "That's better."

heal : If shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
If healthy : After touching your brow she states, "You feel fine to me."
-or- : She feels each brow and holds her ear close to your mouths.
If unhealthy : "Which of you?"
"I sense your injury, <Character Name>."
"Will you make an offering of 25 gold?"
yes-She closes her eyes, puts a delicate hand on your brow and chants softly.
You feel much better.
no-"I cannot heal you if you won't tithe."
yes, but no gold : low karma : "I'm sorry. Without an offering I cannot heal you."
high karma : "I sense your hesitation is based on your empty pockets."
"I also sense your cause is a just one."
She closes her eyes, puts a delicate hand on your brow and chants softly.
You feel much better.
Her blue eyes pierce you. "What else can I do for you?"

cure : If shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
If not poisoned : She lifts your hand against her lips. "You are not poisoned."
-or- : Holding each hand against her lips she states "You are not poisoned."
If poisoned : "Which of you?"
"I sense that you are poisoned, <Character Name>."
"Will you make an offering of 5 gold?"
yes-Placing your hand over her heart, she closes her eyes and whispers something.
The fever leaves your brow.
no-"Without the offering I cannot cure you."
yes, but not enough gold : "I'm sorry. Without an offering I cannot cure you."
A tear comes to her eyes.
"I should have known you would not ask unless you were in grave need."
"Come, put your hand on my heart."
Placing your hand over her heart, she closes her eyes and whispers something.
The fever leaves your brow.

resu : If all alive : "But I sense none with you are dead."
If shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
If shop open : "I sense that someone has met a terrible fate." "Will you make an offering of 350 gold?"
no-"Then there is nothing I can do save grieve with you."
yes, but not enough gold-"You haven't enough gold."
"I'm sorry, all I can do is grieve with you."
yes, have enough gold<-Your party takes up a collection for their fallen comrade.
<NPC Name> lays hands upon the corpse...
And the dead live again!
If more dead : "I sense that others have been lost as well..."

job : "We have no 'jobs' here as such."
"But I can heal, cure and resurrect."

bye : "Good

other : "I don't think I'm the one to ask that of."


Introduction : a good looking young man with a wine glass in his hand.
Initial visit : "Hello," he says, extending a delicate hand.
Subsequent visits : "I have seen your face before," he says, cocking his head sideways.
"What is it you need?"

name : "Faren."
"Faren the drunk as some call me." He winks at you.

drun : "Just kidding." He smiles broadly.

fare : "You might have noticed the similarity between my sister and me."

sist : "A beautiful lass Stephanie is."

step : "Have you met her? Then you know she is blind."

blin : "Yes, has been so since birth."
"For her it is like being born a gargoyle."

garg : "She knows no other life. It is her lot to make the best of her situation."
"In this she is no different than you or I." He pauses to gather his thoughts.
"Even gargoyles face this dilemma, I'll wager."
"But we know them more by the ways they differ from us, rather than their similarities."

buy,wine : <Character Name>
"Which of you?"
"Which item?"
White WineRed WineDry WineSweet WineAbbey RedAbbey Dry : <NPC Name> smiles at <Character Name>. "For <Character Name> it will cost you # gold. Interested?"
yes, but full-<NPC Name> glances at <Character Name>, "You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the wine.
"Enjoy your <Item Name>
yes, but not enough gold-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You don't have enough gold."
no-"Too bad, it's really good wine."

job : "I sell many types of wine, made right here." He clicks his tongue.

bye : "Have a nice

other : He scratches his head and looks around.


Introduction : a strong looking man with just one arm.
"Hello," he shouts, waving.
If met Zeke : "You've met Zeke before, 'aven't ya?" he says, glaring at you.
"What d'ya need?"

name : "Zeke the one-armed beekeep, it is."

zeke : "Lost me arm and gained that name in battle." He flashes a yellowed grin at you.

batt : "'Twas a horrid affair, but Mondain had to be thwarted."

mond : "You must be new here." He looks to the ground.
"He brought an age of great evil unto our land."
"Yet try and tell today's children of the age of darkness..."
"They believe nothing can go wrong, as long as the Avatar lives."

buy,hone : "Which of you?"
"It'll cost you 10 gold for the 'oney, interested?"
yes, but full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name.. hands over the honey.
yes, but not enough gold-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You ain't that good-looking. My price is 10 gold."
Purchase successful : "Enjoy your 'oney."
no-"You'll find none better."

sell : If no bottles : "Sorry, none of you has anything I need."
If have bottles : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>, and says "Will you take 7 gold for that honey jar?"
yes-"Done!" He hands <Character Name> 7 gold pieces and takes the honey jar.
yes, but no jars-"Sorry, you 'aven't any 'oney jars."
no-"Changed your mind, eh?" he folds his arms.

bee : "Bees are true friends. They work all day, making honey and scattering pollen."
"All we have to do is provide them with hives."
He laughs. "And get stung once in a while!"

hive : "I buys all my hives from a nice lady in Minoc named Michelle."
"She weaves them out of straw."

job : "I'm the beekeeper here at the abbey."
"If you want to buy honey, or sell me a honey jar I'm all ears (if only one-armed)."

bye : "Have a nice

other : He scratches his head and looks around.


Introduction : a gnarled man with knobby muscles.
"Hullo, <Gender>." He touches his cap respectfully.
He has a very sharp knife with which he prunes off less productive branches.
"Mind that you stay out of the flight paths of the bees, <Gender>."

name : "Eckhart the vinekeeper, at your service, ma'am/sir."

bees,hone,mead : You notice the bees have regular aerial routes all about the vineyard.
"Zeke keeps bees on the other side of the abbey, <Gender>."

job : "I care for the garden and tend the vines."

gard,care : "Some of our rosebushes were planted by druids hundreds of years ago."
"Eventually, we became the Brotherhood of the Rose."

vine,tend : If in garden : "These rows," he gestures, "are seedless grapes."
If not in garden : "Here at the abbey we grow seedless grapes."

seed,less : "Amazing, ain't it, <Gender>. The enchanter made them for us."
"Now I grow new vines by grafting seedless grapevines onto regular rootstocks."

nico,ench : "Yes, <Gender>. He lives east of here, between two rivers."
"His hut be due north of Britain, or so they tell me."

grap : If not it garden : "Visit me in the fields some time and I'll give you some!"
If in garden : "Now those grapes there are for making wine."
If Dupre in party : Dupre says "I cannot say which I like better: wine from grapes or mead from honey!"
"And these over here are for eating."
He gives you a plump little bunch of sweet table grapes.

wine : "Ask Faren of that."

fare : "Yes, Faren--the local winemaker."

bye : He waves and turns back to work.
-or- : Eckhart waves goodbye.

other : "Beg pardon, <Gender>?"



Introduction : a man with a serpent-and-heart tabard covering his chainmail.
Subsequent visits : "Good

name : "Thou mayst call me Zellivan."

job : "The valorous are often boisterous. I watch over the fighters."

rune : "I held a tournament, to decide who would be entrusted with the rune's care."
"You might say that 'no man' was the victor..." He smiles.

mant : "Hear it for thyself at the Sword and Keg Pub, <Gender>."
"The songs and tales do the heart good, I say!"

tour,vict,no,man,noma : "Ask him yourself!"

song,tale,figh : "Those who live the warriors' life like to sing, and to regale one another with fanciful accounts of their exploits."

valo,vict : "Here in Jhelom we delight in the clash of arms and the din of battle."

arms,armo : "Speak to Nomaan if thou hast need of arms."

swor,keg,pub : "If thou hast tales of swordsmanship, then the Sword and Keg is the place for thee."
"'Tis on the north side of town."

batt : "Ah, battle!" he sighs.
For a time he reminisces with you, trading stories about past exploits.

eart,quak : "Only an earthquake could make Jhelom tremble, I daresay."
"We had one just last year."
"The piers were broken up, but the shipwrights repaired them swiftly."

pier,ship,harb : "The shipwrights of Jhelom are fastidious and frugal craftsmen."

lord,brit : "I grew up near Castle Britannia."
"'Twas the sunset o'er Brittany Bay and the ships at rest in the harbor which drew me away to the sea."

bye : "Farewell, my friend."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


Introduction : a blond man with broad shoulders and a stern, unsmiling face.
"Can't you see there's a lovely brawl going on? Talk to me tomorrow."
Subsequent visits : "Hello again, <Gender>."°3£"I am Nomaan. What is thy name, <Gender>?"
He bows stiffly. "Well met, <Gender>."¤Ó§§°3¢
Initial visit : "What else can I help thee with?"

buy : "Certainly, <Gender>."
"Wouldst thou like armaments or ammunition?"

arm : Shop closed : "Come by my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"That <Item Name> costs # gold."
"Interested, <Character Name>?"
yes, full-"But 'twould make thee o'erburdened, <Character Name>!"
After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, no gold-"But thou hast not enough gold, <Character Name>!"

amm : Shop closed : "Come by my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : "Which of you?"
1) Arrows
2) Bolts
"Which kind?"
"I only sell <Item Name>s by the dozen."
"How many dozens do you want, <Character Name>?"
Can afford/carry amount : After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over # <Item Name>s.
Can afford/not carry amount : "Thou canst not carry that many, but I will give thee # <Item Name>s, <Character Name>."
Can not carry any : "Thou canst not carry any <Item Name>s, <Character Name>!"
Can carry/not afford amount : "Thou canst not afford that many, but I will give thee # <Item Name>s, <Character Name>."
Can not afford any : "Thou canst not afford any <Item Name>s, <Character Name>!"

sell : Shop closed : "Come by my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : Have nothing : "Sorry, none of you has anything I need."
Have item : "Aye, <Character Name> has something of interest..."
No character selected : "Changed your mind, eh?"
Character selected : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"Will you take # gold for that <Item Name>, <Character Name>?"
no-"Perhaps some other time, then."
No item selected-"Perhaps something else then?"
yes-"Done!" <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> # gold pieces and takes the <Item Name>
"Changed your mind, eh?"

name : "Naughty Nomaan, they call me."

job : "I run the armoury, buying and selling weapons."

naug : "'Tis just a nickname, of course."
You see a hint of a smile on his face.

rune : "I won a rune in a tournament once."
"'Tis gone now, though - and there's a fine tale about it!"

gone,tale : "I remember it as if it were yesterday..."
"Zellivan held a tourney and I was awarded the Rune of Valour."
"Afterwards, we were at the pub, celebrating."
"I had drunk a full quart of ale, so my grip was a bit unsteady."
"I was showing the rune around when it fell from my grasp onto the floor."
"That's when the rat ran out."

rat : "It scampered over, seized the trinket and ran back 'cross the floor."
"We all leapt at it, but the little beast was too quick."
"It was in the hole before anybody could stop it."

hole : "It ran into a hole in the west wall of the pub, carrying the rune."
"We tried everything - banging on the wall, digging, poking with a sword."
"To no avail, though. We haven't seen the rune since."

mant : "Go ask around in the tavern."

bye : "A fine

other : "Hmm..."
"Nope, I fear I know nothing of that, <Gender>."


Introduction : an angry-looking man wearing short swords on either hip.
Brawling : He was just about to punch someone when you approached him.
"This is no time for talk. There's fighting to do!"
Subsequent visits : "Good

name : "I'm called Starhelm."

arvi : "Arvin? He seems a good sort."

culh : "He's a bard. I do not really know him."

jerr : "Oh, yes. Brave fellow."

sham,rang : "Shamino and I travelled the Spiritwood together for a time."

job : "I am a monster-slayer."

mons,slay : "I hate all monsters. They are a blight on the face of Britannia!"
"For the past year I've been killing wisps and the like in Spiritwood."

blig,spir,wisp : "Wisps are nasty flickers, very hard to kill. Not like gargoyles, now."

garg : "There's one that they call Sin 'Vraal."
"If I had my way, that gargoyle would be a statue."

stat : "They turn to stone when ye slay them."
"That's drivel, friend Starhelm!" says Van Kellian.
"A gargoyle's a flesh and blood beast."
"Stone indeed!"
"Bards! A gargoyle is an ugly monster, and that's that."

ugly : "Van murmurs "Ugliness is but skin deep, just as beauty is."
"Gargoyle skin is very thick and deep, as everyone knows."
"Never trust anything ugly."

sin,vraa,'vra : "He's a vicious daemon."

daem,demo : "Yes, Sin 'Vraal is an evil wretch."
"How could Lord British imagine that a gargoyle could understand virtue?"

lord,brit,virt : "Lord British defeated Sin 'Vraal in the underworld."
"The gargoyle went to live in the Dry Land."

dry,land : "'Tis a desert east of the Bloody Plains. There is a shrine there."

shri,dese : "I've never been to that desert, or the Shrine of Honesty."

bye : "Farewell, <Avatar Name>."
-or- : "Have a pleasant

other : I cannot help ye with that."

Van Kellian[edit]

Introduction : a man dressed in velvets and silks of yellow, green and blue.
His voice is rich and mellow.
Brawling : He glances behind him and ducks, as if expecting someone to throw something at him.
"Bit of a brawl going on just now. Be glad to talk to you some other time."
Not brawling : "How do you do. I am the bard Van Kellian."
"Please, speak your name, <Gender>."
"A pleasure, to be sure, <Last Input>."
Subsequent visits : "A very good

name : "Call me Van."

job : "Why, singing is my trade."
"Songs to soothe the soul and refresh the mind."
"Shall I sing for ye?"
If Iolo in party : Iolo rolls his eyes and whispers to you.
"He believes he does us a favor. This I must hear."
"Well? How about a song?"
no-"Well, perhaps another time, then."
yes-The bard plays a harp and sings.

"Tho' she disdains to speak to me
Ah how I pine and sigh for her
I would that I were handsome
Sing ho eyo he hum!"

sing,song : "'Tis such a topsy-turvy world When my sweet lady-love whirls by
I would that I could catch her eye
Sing ho eyo he hum!"

mant : "Did ye know that the mantra of pride is 'mul?' A beggar told me that."

prid,begg,mul : "There is little enough dignity in the life of a beggar."
"I gave him a few coins, of course."

stel,star : "Starhelm and I have often debated the nature of the gargoyle Sin 'Vraal."

sin,vraa,'vra : "If Lord British suffers him to live, then I will not harm him."
"What possible threat could one gargoyle living alone in the Dry Lands be?"
Stelnar says "I'll tell ye, Van."
"If ye let one gargoyle live, then ye'll be tempted to spare trolls, and then even cyclopses."
"And then ye forget valour, and soon ye are overrun by monsters!"

valo,comp : "Valour comes from the courage to be virtuous."
"Just as compassion comes from a love of all mankind."
"Aha! That means monsters are not deserving of mercy!" says Stelnar
"Courage grows. Why not love?"

garg : "Well, I hear their skin is stony and rough."
"Their cries are fierce yowlings to make the blood run cold with fear."
"Though, mind ye, I myself have never faced one in combat."

bye : "Good

other : "Hmm. No, I cannot help ye with that."

Heftimus McPry[edit]

Introduction : a beggar, clad in the rags of a sailor, with a hook for a right hand.
"Spare a doubloon fer an old seahand?" He holds out his hand.
Do you give him any money?
no-"Pah!" He spits on the ground.
yes-How much do you give?
No gold-You do not have that much.
Have gold-"Thank, ye kindly, matey."

name : "I be Heftimus McPry, matey."

job : "Once Buccaneer's Den quaked at the mention o' me name."
"I was the greatest sabre fighter on all the high seas."
"Then one day..."
"I fought Captain Hawkins, that scurvy dog, an' he struck off me hand with his sword."

hook,foug,stru,hand,swor : "'Twas a bitter fight; I almost died o' the wound."
"Hawkins threw me hand to the sharks."

capt,hawk : "He be long gone now, he an' his ship the Empire. A pox on his memory!"

bucc,den : "That be an island, matey, and no place fer a decent soul like yerself."

map : "That bit o' news will cost ye twenty coins. What say ye, matey? Aye or nay?"
no-"Then maybe ten? Aye or nay?"
no-"So be it, matey."
yes-"I thank ye kindly, matey. The last I saw o' that bit o' parchment..."
"I needed it to start a fire in a dungeon."
"But afore I could apply sparks to the tinder, a huge swarm o' rats drove me away."
"The scrap o' map lies in the dungeon Wrong, matey."

dung : "I've been into the dungeon Wrong."
"There's a cave on this island that looks a lot safer."

cave : "I sleep in front of it every night."
"Soon as I've saved up a stake, I'm going in there to dig for gold."

wron : "'Twas certainly the wrong place for an old seadog to be!"
He laughs, chokes, and coughs for a while.
"I'll be allright, matey."

bye : "Good journey."

other : "Sorry, don't really know that."


Introduction : a girl of perhaps twelve years.
She is agile, and balances trays of mugs deftly on each hand.
It is a wonder how she can duck the hurled debris and avoid the flying fists.
She is quick, and never spills a drop of ale.
"Hallo, <Gender>. Welcome to the 'Sword and Keg.'"

swor,keg,drin,orde : "Sometimes 'tis rough here but I doesn't mind."
"Some day I'll be a fighter, ye know."

name : "It's Lyssandra, but ye can call me Andy."

Andy : "I know 'tis a boy's name, but I like it all the same."

job,mug : "I take orders for drinks, <Gender>."

figh,braw : "The fighting here usually begins over--"
Her voice drops to a whisper, "--the rat!"
"Around sunset things get really rowdy here!"

rat,mous : "Shhh!" She glances about to see if you have been overheard.
"See yon hole in the north wall?"
"Look carefully at where floor and wall meet."
"That's where it took the rune!"
"They tried all manner of tricks to get it out but they all failed."
"I had an idea, but nobody listened to me."

idea,list : "Do ye know of the talking mouse? Lord British's friend?"
no-"Well, ye would think it was a dumb idea anyways..."
yes-"A mouse could get the rune, of that I'm sure!"

rune : "I know how to get it from the you-know-what."

what,you,how : "The rat," she whispers conspiratorially to you.

mant : "Culham has oft sung of it, with Jerris and Starhelm."

Star : "His real name is Stelnar."
"He would be much nicer if he were not so angry all the time."

Jerr : "He is brave when fighting, but he is afraid to sing by himself."

bye : "Bye-bye, <Gender>. It was nice talking to you."

other : "I cannot help ye with that."


Introduction : a small man in a handsome vest made of seashells.
Brawling : "It's fighting time. Talking's for later."
Initial visit : "Why, hullo there, <Gender>. And who might ye be?"
Gave name : "Well met, <Gender> <Last Input>. Let me tell ye a tale."
Didn't give name : "Oho, that be a name in need of a story."
Subsequent visits, gave name : "Why, hullo there, <Avatar Name>. Have I told ye the one about the gypsies?"
yes-"Oh. Perhaps a song, then."
no-"Now there's a tale."

name : "Culham's me name, <Gender>."

job : "When spirits be low, I play tunes to bring cheer."

spir : "Once I heard a haunting melody..."
"...in Old Magincia." He laughs.

old,magi,haun : "Well, it used to be a ghost town."
He laughs and plays a little tune on his lute.

chee,mant : "The Mantra of Valour bringeth great cheer."
"I'm not a great singer, but I love to play a song of valour."
"It makes me sing."

sing,song : "I'll sing, though I'd rather play."

gyps,hear,tell,tale,stor : "Would ye really like to hear a story?"
no-"Well, not everyone likes gypsy tales, I suppose."
yes-"I call this story..."
"Two gypsies come to Trinsic, hungry as usual."
"One goes out and gathers a poisonous weed from the swamps."
"The other sneaks into town and puts the plant into the trough of a horse."
"Well, poor horse doesn't know better."
"He eats the stuff, swells up and takes ill."
"The owner, Immanuelle, doesn't know what to do."
"Along come the gypsies. 'Aiee!' they cry."
"'Yonder nag hath contracted 'Arturosis.'"
"Unless it be immediately removed, the rest shall catch the same fatal disease.'"
"Immanuelle decides to sacrifice the diseased one and the gypsies agree heartily."
"'For but a few coins,' say the gypsies,' we will lead it away and bury it far from here.'"
"Immanuelle is too happy to hand them the doomed animal's bridle, plus ten coins."
"So the gypsies make a great kettle of horse stew and bury the rest."
"A great feast is held 'mongst gypsykind."
"Meanwhile, Immanuelle thanks virtue that the equine epidemic was caught early on!"
"'Tis a true story, my friend."

play,tune : The pub is filled with the sound of singing.
Culham sings for you.

"It seemed like such an easy climb
I crawled upon the Serpent's Spine
I hadn't even time to blanch
When down there came an avalanche!"

"And then my mantra came to mind
'Tho boulders bounced and passed with speed.
My frozen fingers gripped to rock
As sliding snow swept loose my feet."

"Sing 'ra,' my friends, sing 'ra.'
'Tis a song to make thee strong
When the mountains be high
And the ground be far..."

"...Sing 'ra,' my friends, sing 'ra'!"°

rune,mous,rat,naug,noma : "Ah, yes. That's quite a story, too."
"Naughty Nomaan dropped the Rune of Valor, and the rat carried it off."
He laughs loudly.
If bar full : Too loudly. Stelnar and Jerris begin to argue over whether it was a rat or a mouse.
Once again a brawl breaks out!

bye : "May we meet again soon, friend."

other : "Sorry, I cannot help ye with that."


Introduction : a slender man with boots that come up to his thighs.
brawling : "Don't you know it's rude to interrupt a man when he's brawling?"
Not brawling : "Hello there, <Gender>."
"Care to join me in a drink?"
no-"Not a mead drinker, I guess." He shrugs.
yes-He hands you a mug for a swallow.
It is warmed mead, sweet and bubbly, with a cinnamon stick in it.
"Comes from Verity Isle," he says.

veri,mead,isle,mug : "It's mostly made of honey. Ask a brewer."

name : "Jerris is my name. And yourself?"
"Pleased to make your acquaintance."

job : "Some day I hope to join Zellivan's Stalwarts and be a guard."

zell,stal,guar : "When that last earthquake struck, I was pinned 'neath a great tree branch."
"Lord Zellivan himself hoisted it up while a guard pulled me clear."

mous,rat : "It was a rat, as sure as the world is flat."
"Darndest thing, too."
"Nomaan dropped the rune and the rat took it into a little hole."

hole,rune : "It's right there. On the north wall. See it?"
no-"Look carefully, <Gender>. Ye will see it if ye keep on looking."
Shamino points to a spot west of the bar where the wall meets the ground. "There it is."
yes : Obviously a rat hole."

mant : "It's in the refrain of the song."

sing,song,refr : "Well, I'd rather not sing alone. Get Culham to play it."

bye : "Goodbye."

other : "Sorry, <Gender>. I can't help ye with that."


Introduction : a tavernkeeper.
If cooking : The man looks up from his cooking. "Aye, hello there."
"'Fraid I can't talk now. I have to cook tonight's supper/tomorrow's lunch."
"Come back when it's ready and have some!"
If not cooking : "Welcome to the Sword and Keg."
"Anything else I can do for you?"

name : "I be Arvin, mate."

buy : Which, rolls, ale, mead, wine, or rations?"

job : I sell rolls, ale, mead, wine, and rations."

roll : "Which of you?"
"That'll be 2 crowns, okay?"
yes, no gold-"Come back when you have some gold."
yes, no room-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-<NPC Name> gives <Character Name> the rolls.
"They're good with butter, ya know."

mead,ale,wine : "Which of you?"
"That'll be # crowns. All right?"
yes, no gold-"Come back when you have some gold."
yes, full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-"All right." <NPC Name> gives <Character Name> the <Item Name>.
"Enjoy the drink, matey."

rati : "Which of you?"
"Rations are 4 gold apiece. How many do you want?"
no room : <NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You haven't any room in your pack."
no gold : "Come back when you have some gold."
Enough gold/room : <NPC Name> hands the rations to <Character Name>.
Short on gold/room for desired amount : He hands <Character Name> # mutton ration(s). "That's all you can carry."
-or- : "That's all you can afford."

no,bye : "See you later."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : a jolly, red-faced innkeeper.
"Vell, hello again/dere, mine friend! Velcome to the Varrior's Stead!"
"Vat can I be doing for thee this

name : "Mine name ist Martin, but my friends call me 'Dutch.'"

dutc : "Ja, dat's mine name!"

job : "I run dis inn."

rest,inn,room : Room und board ist 5 gold per night per person."
no-"Vell, perhaps some other time, ja?"
yes, no gold-"Ach, I'm sorry, but I must haf my # gold."
"Come back ven fortune makes you rich, ah?"
yes-He shows you to your room, and you drift off into a well-earned sleep.
The next morning, Martin serves you a huge, tasty breakfast.
"A good breakfast is the beginning of a good day!" he cries.

bye : "Haf a good journey!" he calls as you leave.

other : I speak your language not so good. Vat is meaning '<Last Input>'


Introduction : a tall, muscled man with a wide grin.
Subsequent visits : §He squints at you. "We've met, haven't we?"
Initial visit : "Hello," he says, lumbering over to you and extending a large hand.
"What can I do for ya?"

name : "Peer."

peer : "My father was a sailor, but couldn't spell." He laughs out loud.

sail,fath : "And his father before him."

buy, job : If bought all vessels : "You bought my last craft!"
If vessels remain : "I sell ships and skiffs."
If only ships remain : "I sell ships : If only skiffs remain : "I sell skiffs :

ship : If bought all ships : "Sorry, I sold you my last ship."
If ships available : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>. "It'll cost you # gold for the deed. Interested?"
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me, <Character Name>."
yes, avatar solo, no gold-"Thou hast not enough gold."
yes, avatar in party, no gold-"Thy party hast not enough gold."
yes, avatar in party, group gold-Your party takes up a collection to purchase the vessel.
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting the gold, <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> the deed.
"Sail her straight."
-or- : "You'll ne'er find a better craft."

skif : If bought all skiffs : "Sorry, I sold you my last skiff."
If skiffs available : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>. "It'll cost you # gold for the deed. Interested?"
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me, <Character Name>."
yes, avatar solo, no gold-"Thou hast not enough gold."
yes, avatar in party, no gold-"Thy party hast not enough gold."
yes, avatar in party, group gold-Your party takes up a collection to purchase the vessel.
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting the gold, <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> the deed.
"Sail her straight."
-or- : "You'll ne'er find a better craft."

bye : "So long friend." He lumbers back to his work.

other : "That's a puzzler."



Introduction : a freckled young lady with an enchanting smile.
Answered question : "Good

name : "They call me Mariah."

job : "I'm the newest member of the Council of Wizards. Somebody has to keep things running smoothly."
"In my spare time I use the @library to pursue my own studies."

coun,wiza : "They get so caught up in their work sometimes that they forget even to eat and sleep!"

eat,slee : "Such things matter little to them. They often dwell apart from the realm of the senses."

dwel,apar,real,sens : "Aye, indeed."

libr,stud : "'Tis the finest library in all Britannia."
"I study many different things, but I find learning old languages the most interesting."
"One can learn so much about how our own language developed!"

book : Don't have book : "Nystul sent word to me that thou hast a book written in a strange tongue."
"I'd not mind looking at it for thee..."
"But I'd find the task much easier if thou wouldst bring it here!"

Have book, no tablet : "I'd be glad to look at it for thee." She examines the book.
"Oh! I've seen this script before!"
"I have part of an ancient silver tablet in my study with writing both in our language and this."
"I have learned only a little from studying it, but I can make out a few words."
"The title is 'The Book of Prophecies,' and it says something about 'the end of our world.'"
"If only I had the other half of the tablet, perhaps I'd be able to decipher the rest of the book."

Have book, no tablet, subsequent times : "I must have both halves of the tablet before I can tell you any more."
"This piece I have had for quite some time, and I've learned all I can from it."

Have book and tablet : "With both pieces of the tablet, I should be able to work out a translation." She studies the tablet for a while, and then starts reading, haltingly, from the book.
An ancient prophecy tells of the final days, when the end of our world shall come. Three signs will precede the end.
Thrice shall a being of great evil come unto our land, and by this it shall be known that the end is nigh.
This evil one is of another race, who consider the evil one a great prophet.
Yet this false prophet follows not the principles of Control, Passion and Diligence.
One day the false prophet will come and desecrate our most holy shrine.
And the false prophet will steal our most holy artifact, the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom.
This shall be the first sign of the end.
Then, it is written, the false prophet shall descend deep into the bowels of the earth.
And the false prophet will cause the underworld to collapse.
This will cause great earthquakes to tear our world asunder, and there will be a time of plague and famine.*
This shall be the second sign of the end.
One last time shall the false prophet come.
This time, the false prophet will come with a band of warriors.
And they will destroy all that remains of the gargoyle race.
There is only one way that this prophecy may be averted:
That is by the sacrifice of the false prophet.

Mariah pauses for a while, deep in thought.
"When they refer to 'the false prophet,' they must mean you." she says.
"It would seem that they have reason to think you evil, from their perspective."
"This is a difficult matter to resolve. I think you'd better seek out more information."
"There's a gargoyle named Sin'Vraal living out in the desert. He speaks our language."
"Perhaps he could tell you more about this book, and of how the gargoyles view us."

half,tabl,anci,silv,deci : Do not have Hawkin's tablet : "I got my piece of the tablet from some gypsies whom I met at a pub."
"Mayhap they can tell thee where to look for the other piece."
"Bring both pieces of the tablet here and I will tell thee what I can."

Have Hawkin's tablet : "Ah, thou hast found the rest of the tablet! Go get the other half from my study and bring it here."
"With the two of them together I should be able to tell you more."

bye : "Fare thee well."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


Introduction : a busy looking man wearing a blue robe.
"So many books to keep organized, it's a wonder I have any time for my own studies..."
"Can I help you with something?"

name : "I am Thariand, of the blue star."

blue,star : "All the students of Nicodemus bear this sign."

nico : "He lives southeast of Yew."

yew : Somebody there should be able to give you directions."

job : "I'm the librarian."
"I prefer to spend my time studying magic, but I'll help you find some books if you keep it quick."

stud,magi : "Were I to master all the arcane lore contained within these volumes, I'd be the greatest sorcerer of all time!"
"Of course, finding all the right books is no small task..."

Were you interested in:
A. Fiction
B. Non-fiction
C. Reference

A:Fiction : In that category I can recommend:
821.34 Rzl4n
The Caverns of Freitag

Klr1734 N92 v3
Around the World in a Washtub

417.8 Baum c6
The Wizard of Oz

B:Non-Fiction : In that category I can recommend:
Ce 437.2 N19
Mating Rituals of the Northern Plains Centaur

027 z811f
Of Dreams and Visions

718.5 B34 z5
The Lost Art of Ballooning

Y19 T343 LP
Summoning Incubi for Fun and Profit

C:Reference : In that category I can recommend:
665.556 Dlz
Dilzal's Almanac of Good Advice

a001.3 bfb
Priliwig's Universal Compendium of Knowledge

998.99 ZWX
The Lost Book of Mantras

After getting book list : "Is there anything else you wanted to find?"
yes-Goto Top no-"Fine. You should have no trouble finding what you want once you have the call number."
"You do understand how our books are organized, don't you?"
yes-"Good. I have more important things to do than explain it to you."
no-"Well then, I'd suggest you look it up in The Beginner's Guide to the Dewey Decimal System."
"Its call number is T17 0035 r16RL.5 v43."

begi,guid,dewe,deci,syst : "Oh, I'm sorry, I just remembered. That book was checked out last week. Try coming back for it later."

shri : "We have a book that tells the history of the shrines. If only I could remember the title..."

bye : "Remember, any books you take out of here are due back before the next bipolar lunar conjunction!"

other : You could probably find more information on that topic in Priliwig's Universial Compendium of Knowledge."



Introduction : a woman of elegant demeanor, wearing a finely embroidered dress.
Initial visit : "Good

name : "I am Lady Isabella. Thy name, of course, is well known throughout the land."

well,know,thro,land : "The tales of thy exploits are known by even the smallest of children."
"I recognized thee from the portrait Woodroffe made the last time thou came to our land."

wood,pain,port : "One of the finest artisans that ever dwelt in Minoc."
"Alas, he died of the flu two years ago."

die,flu : "Aye, a pity, that."

job : "'Tis my privilege to be mayor of Minoc, the city of sacrifice."
"We are renowned for our fine craftsmen."

city,mino,reno,craf : "The artisan's guild is located here."

sacr : "We were entrusted with the Rune of Sacrifice."

rune : "I gave it to Selganor, the artisan's guildmaster."

arti,guil : "When the Rune of Sacrifice was sent to our city, I entrusted it to their care."

selg : "He's a fine musician. He lives just across the road from me, in the guild hall."

musi : "If I weren't so busy, I'd take lessons from him myself."

busy,less : "Aye, this is a big city."

mant : "The good healer Tara should be able to tell you the mantra."
"Go ask at her house, on the north side of town."

heal,tara : "Tara is a very compassionate woman."

garg : "I've heard rumors of such creatures, but I know no one who has actually seen one."

"The balloonist flew off on an important mission, and never returned."
"Selganor should be able to tell you more about it."
"Tell me, is it true you once rode in a balloon whilst on the quest of the Avatar?"
no-"Ah, well..."
"Some tales are but empty words, with less substance than the breath that carries them."
yes-"It must have been wonderful, to drift amongst the very clouds..."

impo,miss : "Yes, ask Selganor."

bye : "Farewell, and please honor us with your presence again soon."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."°+î°+"Ah, thou wouldst be interested to hear of that."


Introduction : a slender, graceful man tuning a lute.
Initial visit : "Oh, hello. Maybe you can help me with something."
"My nephew is studying alchemy, and he needs to know this."
Subsequent visits : "Hello. There's something I need to ask you, what was it..."
"Oh, yes, now I remember!"
Questions : "What kind of fork should mandrake roots be prepared with?"
"What part of the nightshade mushroom is used in spellcasting?"
"Where does sulfurous ash come from?"
"What are black pearls used for?"
Incorrect answer : "No, that doesn't sound right. If only I had a Compendium to look it up in..."
Correct answer : "Thanks! Now what can I do for you?"
bye : "Hmmmm... I wish I knew the answer to that question..."
He turns away from you absent-mindedly.

If answer quetion : "Hail and welcome, <Avatar Name>!"

name : "My name is Selganor. 'Tis a name with a long history..."
"But you have the look of one with more important business."

selg,hist : "It means 'seeker of the crystal'. Perhaps I'll tell you more some other time."

seek,crys : "That's quite a tale."

tale : "Indeed."

impo,busi : "Perhaps you're interested in joining the guild."

job : "I am the guildmaster of artisans."

rune : Have rune : "I already loaned you the rune."
Don't have rune : "I'd be glad to loan you the rune, but only members of the guild are allowed to handle it."

loan,memb,guil,arti,join : Already member : "Wait a minute... You're already a member of the guild!"
Not a member : "If you want to join the guild, you need to do two things."
"First, you need to make a set of panpipes. Julia can teach you how to that."
"You also need to commit 'Stones' to memory. 'Tis a simple tune - ask Gwenno to play it for thee."

pan,pipe,ston : If joined guild : "You should play your panpipes often - 'twill lighten your step on the long road ahead."
If not joined guild : "Have you made a set of panpipes?"
no-"Oh. Well, Julia can show you how if you need help."
yes, no pipes-"But I don't see any!"
yes, have pipes-He inspects the pipes. "Very good, very good indeed."
"Now tell me the sequence of notes in 'Stones' and I'll induct you into the guild."
"Numeric notation will be fine."
678987,8767653 : "Excellent!" He strums a chord on his lute, then taps you lightly once on each shoulder with it.
"You are now a full member of the guild of artisans."
He reaches into a belt-pouch, takes out the Rune of Sacrifice, and hands it to you.
"I'm sure you'll be needing this in your travels."
"I know you'll find some solution to this gargoyle problem."
other : "No, I'm afraid that's not it. Gwenno can help you learn the notes."

juli : If Julia in party : "Yes, ask her about it."
Don't have panpipes : "She made my lute - and most of our other instruments as well."
"She lives just across the road, next door to Lady Isabella."

isab : "She's the mayor."

gwen : "I know she's around here somewhere..."
If Gwenno in party : "I'm right here, Selganor!"
"Ah, I knew you'd be somewhere close by."

lute,inst : "I prefer stringed instruments. They make such lovely sounds."

ball : "Oh, are you looking for the man who invented the balloon?" He stares upward, stroking his chin pensively.
"Ah yes, now I remember. He flew to Sutek's castle."
"Said something about a big job he had to do there."

sute,cast,flew : "Sutek lives on an island, far to the south."

isla : "It's east of Serpent's Hold."

bye : "It was nice talking to you."

other : "I don't think I can help you there."


Introduction : a kindly old woman.
Initial visit : "Welcome to my place of healing, Avatar."
"I hope thou needest not my services!"
Subsequent visits : "Welcome again, noble Avatar."
"I hope this visit is for pleasure, not business!"

heal : If healthy, solo : "But thou art well!"
If healthy, party : "But all of you are well!"
Injured : "Which of you?"
"I see thy injury, <Character Name>."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 30 gold?"
yes-Tara approaches <Character Name> and binds the wounds.
no-"If thou wilt not pay, I cannot heal thee."
yes, no gold, low karma-"I'm sorry. Without an offering I cannot heal thee."
yes, no gold, high karma-"Thou art poor, but thy cause is just."
"I will heal thee without payment."
Sasha approaches <Character Name> and binds the wounds.
"Is there aught else I can do for thee?"

cure : If healthy, solo : "But thou art well!"
If healthy, party : "But all of you are well!"
Poisoned : "Which of you?"
"I see thy injury, <Character Name>."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 10 gold?"
yes-Tara grabs a vial and pours it down <Character Name>'s throat.
<Character Name> feels much better.
no-"If thou wilt not pay, I cannot heal thee."
yes, no gold, low karma-"I'm sorry. Without an offering I cannot heal thee."
yes, no gold, high karma-"Thou art poor, but thy cause is just."
"I will heal thee without payment."
Tara grabs a vial and pours it down <Character Name>'s throat.
<Character Name> feels much better.

resu : Party alive : "But gladly can I say that none of your party is dead!"
Party member dead : "Oh! I see that <Character Name> carries a fallen comrade!"
"Wilt thou make an offering of 400 gold?"
no-"Then there is naught I can do save grieve with thee."
yes, no gold-"That isn't enough money."
"Thou art # gold piece(s) short."
yes-Your party takes up a collection for their fallen comrade.
Tara lays hands upon the corpse...
And the dead live again!
If have another corpse : "I see that <Character Name> carries another slain friend."

name : "My name is Tara."

job : "I'm the healer for this town."
"I've cared for the unfit here for threescore years!"

unfi : "Those who need healing, curing, or to be resurrected."

mant,sacr : "'Cah,' that is the word of sacrifice."

bye,no : "Farewell!"

yes : "What can I do for thee?"

other : "I don't understand <Last Input>."
-or- : "I beg thy pardon?"


Introduction : a plainly dressed bard.
In party : "Is there something you needed to know?"
Not in party : "Hello, <Avatar Name>."

name : "It's me, Gwenno. You have been away from our realm a long time, haven't you..."

job : "Iolo's apprentice has taken over my job at Iolo's Bows."
"These days I've been transcribing the folk songs of Britannia into numerical notation for the artisan's guild."
In party : "Of course, helping you on your quest is more important than that right now."
Not in party : "Of course, if you need my help, I could leave the guild for a time and join you."

arti,guil : "Selganor can tell you more about the guild than I could."

selg : "He's the guildmaster."

join,help,ques : In party : "I have joined you already!"
Not in party : "Do you want me to come with you?"
no-"Okay. Let me know if you need my help later."
yes-"Okay! It will be nice to spend some time on the road again."
She runs over and hooks arms with Iolo, and they dance around and around.
They're obviously very happy to see each other again.
In boat : "Not while you're in that thing!"
Party full : "You have enough travelling with you already."
"If you ask one of them to leave first, I'd be happy to join you."

leav : Not in party : "I'd have to join you before I could leave, silly!"
In boat : "Let's get our feet back on solid ground first, okay?"
In party : "All right. I'll head back home to Minoc. Come let me know if you need me to join you again later."
"I'll leave all my things here - some of them might come in handy for you."
She gives Iolo a big hug before she leaves.
"Remember to keep your socks dry," she says, "and I'll see you when the quest is done."
folk,song : "The songs of a people are an important part of their heritage."
"Putting them down on paper helps preserve our @traditions for future generations."

heri,pape,trad,futu,gene : "I'm so glad you appreciate the value of tradition."

iolo : "A bit scruffy, but he's the sweetest husband I could ever ask for."
If Iolo in party : Iolo says "You're only saying that because it's true." He gives her a kiss.

appr,bow : "If you need a good crossbow, the shop is in Britain, over by the Blue Boar."

blue,boar : "It's a lively place."

nume,nota,tran : "A number for every note, and a note for every number."

note : "Each note is represented by one number."

numb : "Each number represents one note."

repr : "I knew you'd catch on!"

play,tune : "Oh, Selganor sent you, did he? I bet you want to learn 'Stones.'"

lear,ston : "In the standard numerical notation, it reads '678987 8767653'."

bye : "Nice talking with you."

other : "Sorry, can't help you there."


Introduction : a sturdy woman with calloused hands and a loud manner.
In party : "Aye, and wha' can ye be askin' of me?"
"Sure an' I don't think I can be helpin' ya with this!"
If told to leave : "Aye, so the great Avatar deigns to return, does he?"
"Well, what does her lady/his lord ship want now?"
Initial visit : "Well, then the rumors are true!"
"'Tis well and good that ye have returned to our land, Avatar!"
Subsequent visits : "Well met, Avatar. §An' what can I be doin' for ye this

name : Subsequent times : "Sure and you're goin' daft, <Gender>."
"I be named Julia, same as the last time we met!"
Initial time : "Named Julia I am, <Gender>, and pleased to meet ye."

job : "Instruments I make, the finest in the land."
In party : "For now, though, I'm followin' ye, and glad to do it!"
Not in party : "Not to be immodest, but I'm respected by all the Guild!"
"Ach, but give it all up I would for a life of adventure like your own..."

guil : "If ye would like to be a member too, go talk to Selganor."

selg : "He's the guildmaster."

pan,pipe : "Sent you to me they did? Aye, I can believe that."
"Now the panpipes are a tricky instrument."
"You gotta have the finest wood."
"If you want to learn how to make pipes, you'll need to bring a yew board."
"But it must be freshly cut!"

yew,boar : "Do ye have a fine yew board for me this

fres,cut : "Go to Yew where they grow the best wood in Britannia."
"Buy a freshly-cut yew log and take it to a sawmill."
"Have 'em cut it into a board, and bring it back here."
"Then I'll show ye how panpipes are made!"

life,adve : "Aye, I'd join you if ye wish."

join : "Join ye? Me?"
If told to leave : "Aye, and be dumped off in the middle of nowhere again?"
"Not likely! Find some other sap to do your bidding!"
First time : "Aye, gladly! Let's be on our way."
Party full : "Ach, I can tell that you say that to everyone ye meet."
"Ask me again when you haven't as many companions."
In party : "What are ye, daft? If I join ye, where are we gonna go?"
In boat : "Nay, <Gender>. Ask me when we're ashore."°
In party : "I'm already in your band!"
"Though now I'm not so sure I want to be led by a crazy person..."

leav Not in psrty : "Leave! Nay, 'tis my house. You do the leavin'!"
In boat : "Leave?! And jump overboard?!"
"Ach, I get it. You're makin' a wee joke!"
In party : "What? Oh, I suppose a craftsman isn't warrior enough to suit her lady/his lord ship's tastes!"
"Well, that's fine and dandy with me!"
"A good

bye : In party : "Aye, enough chatting. On with our quest!"
Not in party : "May fortune follow ye on thy way!"
If told to leave : "Ach, aye! I wouldna want to hinder her lady/his lord ship's journey!"

other : In party : "Are ye daft? Why would I know anything about <Last Input>?"
Not in party' : "Nay, <Gender>, I know nothing about <Last Input>."


Introduction : an industrious young woman.
Subsequent visits : "Well, hello again, Avatar!"
Initial visit : "How can I help thee this fine

name : "I'm Michelle."
"Thou needn't tell me thy name, <Avatar Name>. The Avatar is famous throughout the land!"

job : "I weave baskets and beehives, just like my father and his father before him."
"My baskets are sold throughout Britannia!" she adds proudly.

buy, bask, bee : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : "Wouldst thou like to buy one of my weavings?"
no-"All right, though I can give thou the best price in the land!"
yes-"Which of you?"
Custom, no plans-"I fear my schedule is packed."
"I have no time to create a basket for which I have no plans."
Custom, have plans Can't carry-"But it would weigh six stones!"
"Thou couldst not carry such a basket, loaded as thou art."
"Lighten thy load, and then I will weave thee this basket."
Can carry : "Such a basket would cost 300 gold, in advance. Art thou still interested?"
no-"I do not blame thee. 'Tis a huge undertaking!"
yes, no gold-"Thou hast not enough money for the basket."
"I fear I cannot afford to start such a task on a mere # gold crown(s)."
yes-Your party takes up a collection to pay for the basket.
She begins weaving the huge basket, chatting with you as she works.
"Hast thou found a silk weaver yet?"
yes-"Thou art wise, then. 'Tis a huge bag this will require."
no : "Well, I can see that this will require a huge silk bag."
"I know not where thou might find a silk weaver to craft it!"°
She continues weaving the basket.
"I do not mean to pry, but why dost thou need a balloon anyway?"
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
-or- : "Oh, I see."
She continues weaving the basket.
Time passes...
More time passes...
"It took less time than I had thought it might!"
She gives the basket to <Character Name>, who struggles under its weight.

Buying basket/beehive : "How many dost thou wish?"
"Those <Item Name> cost #1 gold apiece."
"How many dost thou wish?"
Too heavy for all : "Thou canst not carry that many!"
"I will sell thee just # <Item Name>(s)."
Too heavy for any : "But thou canst not carry any <Item Name>(s)!"
Not enough gold for all : "Thou hast not enough gold for that many!"
"I will sell thee just # <Item Name>(s)."
Not enough gold for any : "But thou canst not afford any <Item Name>s!"
Purchased : Michelle takes <Character Name>'s money and hands over the <Item Name>(s>.
"I appreciate thy business."
"Is there aught else thou wouldst buy?"
no-"Perhaps some other time."
yes-"Enjoy thy <Item Name>"

"These baskets are sturdy and decorative."
"Thou'lt find no better in all Britannia for the price, a mere # gold."

"If thou hast need of beehives, these woven ones are the best thou'lt find!"*
"And cheap, too, at # apiece."

sell : "I have all I need, and have no reason to purchase anything more."
"But I appreciate thy offer."

fath,ball : "Father once told me a story of weaving a basket large enough for eight people!"
"He never showed me the plans, though."

plan : Shop closed : "Ask when I'm open for business!"
Shop open : No plans : "Yes, without accurate plans it takes far too much time to craft a basket."
Have plans : "Then it was true! Father did weave a basket that big!"
"Surely I could do the same."
She studies the plans for a moment.

bye : "Farewell! I hope I've aided thy quest!"

other : "Beg pardon?"


Introduction : a plump blond man with curly blond hair and a cheerful face.
Subsequent visits : "Hello again, Avatar!"
Initial visit : "Hello hello!"
"What can I do for you this

name : Subsequent times : "That's funny. I remember your name!"
Initial time : "My name's Aaron."

job : "I run the sawmill! Is there anything I can do for thee?"

saw : "Yes, I saw logs into boards."

boar,log : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : "My mill makes smooth boards and planks out of rough-cut logs."
If have log : "Aye, I see <Character Name> has a yew log." He inspects the wood with a practiced eye.
"Good grain. Yes, I can make a fine board out of this log."
"But it will cost thee 5 gold, <Character Name>!"
"Still interested?"
yes, no gold-"Sorry, but I can't work for free!"
"Come back when you have the 5 gold!"
yes-Aaron goes to his saw and turns the log into a flat, sanded board.
"There!" He hands <Character Name> the finished product.
no-"Oh. Well, perhaps some other time then."

bye : "Farewell!"

other : "Beg pardon?"


Introduction : a short, barrel-chested man.
"A good

name : "I am Dale the Glassblower."

job : "I make glassware, the finest in the land!"

glas : "If you'd like to buy some of my glassware, just say the word!"

swor : "Aye, I know how to make glass swords."
"But there is little demand for them."

dema : "I require five gems for the crafting. This is too expensive for most."
"Aye, but things of beauty they are..."

beau : "Thou seemst like a person who appreciates art."
"I'll make thee one, if thou hast the gems."

crys,lens,tele : "Hmmm...You'd have to see a lensmaker about that."
"I hear there's one near the Lycaeum."

buy : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when it's open!"
Shop open : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"Interested, <Character Name>?"
yes, but full-"But 'twould make thee o'erburdened, <Character Name>!"
After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, no gold-"But thou hast not enough gold, <Character Name>!"

gems : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when it's open!"
Shop open : No gems : "Aye, a glass sword needs fine gems to complete its beauty!"
Less than 5 gems : "Sorry, <Character Name>, you haven't enough gems."
5 or mroe gems : "Aye, <Character Name>, I see the gems you carry."
"Dost thou wish me to craft thee a glass sword?"
no-"Hmm," he scowls, "perhaps I was mistaken about thee..."
yes-"It will cost thee 5 gems! Art thou certain?"
yes, full-"But thou cannot carry such a sword!"
yes-<NPC Name> turns to the furnace and begins crafting the sword.
Soon it is finished, and you marvel at its beauty!
"There she is, and a finer work thou'lt never see!"
no-"Hmm," he scowls, "perhaps I was mistaken about thee..."

bye : A fine

other : "Sorry?"


Introduction : a young lad.
"A good

buy : "Be more specific, <Gender>."
"Me master 'as quite a large inventory."
"Dost thou want arms or armor?"

arms : Shop closed : "Come to me shop when it's open!"
Shop open : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"That <Item Name> costs # gold."
"Interested, <Character Name>?"
yes, but full-"But 'twould make thee o'erburdened, <Character Name>!"
After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, no gold-"But thou hast not enough gold, <Character Name>!"
no-"What else can I do for thee?"

armo : Shop closed : "Come to me shop when it's open!"
Shop open : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"That <Item Name> costs # gold."
"Interested, <Character Name>?"
yes, but full-"But 'twould make thee o'erburdened, <Character Name>!"
After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, no gold-"But thou hast not enough gold, <Character Name>!"
no-"What else can I do for thee?"

sell : Shop closed : "Come to me shop when it's open!"
Shop open : No items for sale : "Sorry, none of you has anything I need."
Items for sale : "Aye, <Character Name> has something of interest..."
Multiple characters : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"Will you take # gold for that <Item Name>, <Character Name>?"
no, if Avatar selling-"Perhaps some other time, then."
no. if party member selling-"Perhaps something else then?"
yes-"Done!" <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> # gold pieces and takes the <Item Name>.
"What else can I do for thee?"

job : "I'm just the apprentice, but if you want to buy or sell somethin' I can help ya."

appr : "Me master went off to fight the gargoyles."
"'E ain't been 'eard from since."
"I'm just mindin' the place 'til 'e gets back."

name : "Me name's James, <Gender>."

bye : "Good

other : "Beg pardon, <Gender>?"


Introduction : a tall, muscled man with a wide grin.
Subsequent visits : He squints at you. "We've met, haven't we?"
Initial visit : "Hello," he says, lumbering over to you and extending a large hand.
"What can I do for ya?"

name : "Trebor."

buy, job : If bought all vessels : "You bought my last craft!"
If vessels remain : "I sell ships and skiffs."
If only ships remain : "I sell ships : If only skiffs remain : "I sell skiffs :

ship' : If bought all ships : "Sorry, I sold you my last ship."
If ships available : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>. "It'll cost you # gold for the deed. Interested?"
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me, <Character Name>."
yes, avatar solo, no gold-"Thou hast not enough gold."
yes, avatar in party, no gold-"Thy party hast not enough gold."
yes, avatar in party, group gold-Your party takes up a collection to purchase the vessel.
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting the gold, <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> the deed.
"Sail her straight."
-or- : "You'll ne'er find a better craft."

skif : If bought all skiffs : "Sorry, I sold you my last skiff."
If skiffs available : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>. "It'll cost you # gold for the deed. Interested?"
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me, <Character Name>."
yes, avatar solo, no gold-"Thou hast not enough gold."
yes, avatar in party, no gold-"Thy party hast not enough gold."
yes, avatar in party, group gold-Your party takes up a collection to purchase the vessel.
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting the gold, <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> the deed.
"Sail her straight."
-or- : "You'll ne'er find a better craft."

job : If bought all vessels : "I used to sell ships and skiffs."
"But you bought them all!"°
If vessels remain : "I sell ships and skiffs."
If only ships remain : "I sell ships : If only skiffs remain : "I sell skiffs :

bye : "So long friend."
He lumbers back to his work.

other : "That's a puzzler."


Introduction : a spidery looking man with delicate hands.

name : "My name is Troy."

job : "I make clocks. The movements of the various
parts are very complex and interconnected."
"Like the @moons and stars, or the pieces on a chess board."

cloc,move,part,compl,inte : "The ticking of clocks is the pulse of civilization."

puls,civi : "Without clocks, people would just sit around uselessly, with no idea what to do next!"

tick,soun : "Of course, the ticks would be useless without the tocks."

tock : "They're much deeper sounding and more satisfying than ticks."

moon,star : "Ephemerides is going to build a model of the whole system."
"I helped him design the gearwork that makes it go."

mode,syst,desi,gear : "I know all about gears."

ephe : "He lives at the Lycaeum."

lyca : "It's a great center of learning."

lear : "If you didn't run around asking foolish questions all the time, you might learn something yourself!"

piec,ches,boar : "I like to play chess. Keeps ones mind fit."

mind : "Some people don't use theirs - but I do."

bye : "Until we come into conjunction again."

other : "The sound of the clocks is so soothing... Excuse me, did you say something?"


Introduction : a stunningly beautiful young woman.
The woman never looks up from the book she's reading, even when you speak to her.
Initial visit : "Yes, what do you want?"
Subsequent visits : "Yes, what do you want now?"

name : "My name's Doris, but you can just call me 'Hey you.'"
"Everyone else does."

hey,you : "Typical," she mutters.

job : "I'm in charge of the Tinker's Inn while my father's away."
"If you have any complaint, no matter how trivial, please feel free to bother me."
It doesn't really sound like she means what she said.

rest,inn,room : "Room and board's 5 gold per night per person, cash in advance."
no-"What a pity."
yes-Your party takes up a collection to pay for the rooms.
Putting all thoughts of the rude innkeeper out of your mind, you drift off into a pleasant sleep.
The next morning, Doris sullenly serves you breakfast and then returns to her studies.
yes, no gold-"No pay, no stay. 5 gold, cash in advance."

beau : "Yes, that's what they all say."

fath : "My father called me back from the Lycaeum so that he could go fight the gargoyles."

book,read,lyca : "Yes, I'm learning the mystic arts from the great Xiao."
"Though I doubt you'd know much about that sort of thing."

xiao : "She is the wisest mage in all Britannia."
"Only she can teach the spells of the greatest power."

wise,mage,brit,powe,spel,grea : "Mmm-hmm, that's right."

bye : "Mmm-hmmm," she mutters as you leave.

other : "Oh really?"
-or- : "Hmm, fascinating," she yawns.



Introduction : a solemn man, constantly dusting and polishing the items in his shop.
At night : The old man never turns away from his telescope. "Shhh! Can't you see I'm busy?!"
"Whoever you are, come back in the morning."
The old man adjusts the telescope, exclaims "Aha!" and starts scribbling on a scroll.
During day : "Ahem. Yes, what can I help you with, madam/sir?"

name : "I am Ephemerides."

job : "I am an astronomer. More precisely, I calculate movements of the stars, phases of the moons..."
"My field of specialization is tidal predictions."
"I also make various glasswares and instruments."

inst : "Yes, sextants mostly."

glas : "Lenses and the like."

buy,sex : "Which of you?"
full-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You haven't any room in your pack."
no gold-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "<Item Name>s cost more gold than you have."
Have gold/room-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "It'll cost you # gold for a <Item Name>. Do you want one?"
no-<NPC Name> frowns at <Character Name>, "That was a good price."
yes-He hands <Character Name> a <Item Name>.

tida,pred,fiel : "Lord British has requested the publication of an almanac for use by the general populace."
"It will contain high tides, low tides, ebb tides, flood tides, spring tides, and neap tides."

tide : "Britannia's tides are a function of the two moons, Felucca and Trammel, interacting with our world, Sosaria."

sosa,felu,tram,moon,sosa : "I plan to publish a paper about how the world is flat, to dispel all this foolish talk to the contrary."
"Afterwards, I will construct a model of how it all works: an orrery."

orre : leased with your interest, Ephemerides shows you papers with plans for a clockwork model of the Sosarian system.
"This, ahem, flat piece is Britannia. Each moon would exert a pull on the oceans thus, resulting in the tides."
"You turn that little handle there to get it to go!"*
The normally staid Ephemerides is practically giggling with glee.

roun : "Absurd!"

neap : "Low and high tide marks are close together. The planets are in quadrature."

quad : "Angular separation of two celestial bodies (as measured from a third) being ninety degrees, of course. A very safe tide."

spri : "The opposite of a neap tide; the sun, earth and moons are all aligned."
"Thus, lines of low and high tide are far apart."
"Once I construct my orrery, I'd be able to demonstrate the principles involved."

vort,lens,conc : Made lens : "I hope the lens I made you will prove suitable."
Don't have Gargoyle lens : "What sort of lens do you want?"
Ephimerdes has Gargoyle lens : "When you bring me a glass sword, I should be able to duplicate your lens for you."
Avatar has Gargoyle lens : "Ooooh, let me see it... That's a very interesting lens."
"You need a concave copy of it? Let me think..."
"It would be very tricky to duplicate, being magical in nature, but I believe I might be able to do it."
"The material and the nature of the enchantment appear similar to those involved in the making of glass swords."
"If I could keep this to analyze while you go get me a glass sword, I'll try and make a copy for you."
Before you can protest, he pockets the lens. "Let me know when you have the glass sword."
Avatar has sword, Epimerdes has lens : "Ah, you've brought me a glass sword! Let me just get your lens..."
He fumbles through his pockets.
"Oh no! I seem to have lost the lens!"
"Just kidding... Here it is. Now I'll melt down the glass sword and try to cast a lens for you."
You watch as he works, intently focused on his task. Finally he pronounces the job a success.
"Here's your lens back, and the duplicate. There's no charge - the challenge of the task was reward enough."
"I don't know what you need these lenses for, but I wish you luck!"

swor : "I once heard of a master glassblower who could make glass swords..."

mast : "Minoc is the logical place to look. That town is filled with master craftsmen."
"Why, I once heard of a man from Minoc who built a flying machine!"

fly,mach : "Must have been a fairy tale, of course."

bye : "Goodbye, <Gender>. It was nice talking with you."

other : "That I cannot help you with."


Introduction : a wise, scholarly woman. "Good

buy,reag : If shop closed : "My shop is closed right now."
Shop open : "Which of you?"
"Which of these?"
<Reagent Name> costs # per portion."
"How many dost thou want?"
Xiao hands <Character Name> the <Item Name>.

Inventory sort of full : "Thou cannot carry that much!"
"I'll give thee #; thou dost not need the rest."
Inventory full : "Thou cannot carry any <Item Name>!"

Short on gold : "Thou cannot afford that much!"
"I'll give thee #; thou cannot have the rest."
No gold : "Thou cannot afford any <Item Name>!"

lear,spel : Buying spell without spellbook : "But thou hast not a spellbook!"
Buying spell and no group member has spellbook : "But none of you has a spellbook!"

If have spellbook : "Which of you?"
"In which Circle does <Character Name> wish to study?"
If don't answer 1 - 8 : "As everybody knows, there are only eight circles."
If no spell in that circle : "I have no spells of that circle."
If character can't cast spell level : "I sense that <Character Name> is only ready for the # Circle."
"But such matters are not my concern..."
"Perhaps <Character Name> is not ready for this circle."
If character not ready for the 8th Circle : "Thou are not yet ready for such knowledge."
"Seek out and speak with the wisps, and learn their secrets."
"Then wilt thou will be prepared to enter the Eighth Circle."

"That spell costs # gold. Interested?"
yes-Rudyom hands <Character Name> a piece of rune-covered parchment.
yes, no gold-<Character Name> lacks the # gold required."

book : If not in shop : "My shop is closed right now."
If shop open : "Which of you?"
If inventory full : "But thou cannot carry a spellbook!"
Buying spellbook : "A spellbook costs 60 gold pieces. Interested?"
no-"Perhaps one of thy friends then."
ye, no gold-"But thou cannot afford a spellbook!"

name : "I am Xiao."

job : "I serve on the Council of Wizards."
"I also teach spells and sell magical reagents."

secr,wisp : "Their secret is far more powerful than anything I might teach thee."

powe : "Truly, it would be terrible if the wrong person were to learn it."
"Only we of the Council of Wizards know the secret."
"But, since thou art the Avatar, surely it is safe for thee to learn it as well."

avat : "Your example inspires us all."

serv,coun,wiza : "'Tis our task to keep the forces of magic in balance throughout the land."
"We also do what we can to promote the eight virtues."

prom,virt : "We created the shrines, many years ago."

shri : "Thariand can tell thee more."

thar : "He is the librarian at the Lycaeum."

libr,lyca : "Surely you know where the Lycaeum is."

forc,magi,bala : "Not an easy task."

bye : "Thou art always welcome here, Avatar."

other : "Perhaps you should speak of that to another."


Introduction : a stern, severe man in white robes.
You interrupt the man from his research.
"Yes, yes, what is it?"
"You've come for healing, I suppose."

heal : Uninjured : "I can do nothing for those scars. Still, they look healed."
"Why do you waste my time? None of you are wounded!"
Injured : "Which of you?"
Avatar : "<Character Name>, your injury is most interesting!"
Non-Avatar : "Ah! <Character Name>, you have an injury worthy of my skill!"
"It will cost you 30 gold for me to heal you, interested?"
yes-Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Dargoth mends the wounds.
"What else do you need?"
no-"I need to be paid to heal you."

cure : Not poisoned : "You don't look good, but you're not poisoned."
"Why do you waste my time? None of you are poisoned!"
Poisoned : "Which of you?"
Avatar : "Fascinating, <Character Name>! I have read about such poison only in ancient books!"
Non-Avatar : "I haven't gotten many cases like this since they invented swamp boots."
"It'll cost 10 gold to cure you, interested?"
yes-Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Dargoth removes the poison.
yes, no gold-If you can't pay, I can't cure you."

resu : No characters dead : He raises an eyebrow.
"You may not be my choice for dinner conversation, but none of you are dead."
Character dead : Seeing the dead body that <Character Name> carries, he becomes more polite.
"I am sorry you've lost a compatriot."
"For 400 gold I can attempt resurrection, interested?"
no-"Resurrection is a difficult task. I'm sorry, but I need to be paid."
yes, no gold-"That ain't enough money."
"You are # gold piece(s) short."
"Go see a gravedigger. I'll reckon his price'll be lower."
yes, have gold-Your party takes up a collection for their fallen comrade
Dargoth lays hands upon the corpse...
And the dead live again!
If have another corpse : "I see that <Character Name> carries another slain friend."

name : "I am Dargoth, master of medical lore."

job : "My true calling is research."
"My studies here have advanced the healing art throughout the world!"
"But, more often than not, I am called upon to cure poison ivy and heal paper cuts!"
"I grow weary of such trifles!"

bye,no : "Stay out of trouble!"
"I don't want to see my fine workmanship wasted!"

yes : "Well, what can I do for thee?"

other : "Come, come, get to the point. I'm a busy man!"

Rob Frasier[edit]

Introduction : a short, congenial fellow.
"Welcome to the Blue Bottle Tavern."
Subsequent visits : "Anything else I can do for you?"

name : "I'm Rob Frasier."

fras,foll : "I brew Frasier's Folly myself."
"'Tis a very popular ale hereabouts."

buy : "Which, mead, wine, bread, baked brie, or ale?"

job : "I sell mead, wine, bread, baked brie, and the house brew, Frasier's Folly."

brie : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "Suit yourself."
Character selected : "It's a fine cheese. We serve it warm with sliced almonds on top."
"It costs 6 crowns. Would you like some?"
yes, no gold-"You can't afford that right now."
yes, no room-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-<NPC Name> serves <Character Name> a plate of brie.

mead,ale,brew,wine : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "Suit yourself."
Character selected : "That'll be # crowns, okay?"
no-"Suit yourself."
yes, no gold-"You can't afford that right now."
yes, full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-"Good!" <NPC Name> gives <Character Name> the <Item Name>.
no-"Suit yourself."

brea,rati : "Which of you?"
"I charge 3 gold per loaf. How many do you want?"
No room : "You haven't any room in your pack."
No gold : "You can't afford that right now."
Purchased : <NPC Name> gives the bread to <Character Name>.
Can only afford/carry some : He gives <Character Name> # loaf/loaves of bread.
"That's all you can carry."
-or- : "That's all you can afford."

bye : "See you later."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : a gentleman with an air of leadership about him.
Subsequent visits : "Good

name : "I am Lord Aganar of Moonglow."

job : "I keep things running smoothly here. 'Tis not difficult in a town of such honesty."

moon : "Verily, 'tis a fine town. Hast thou ever thought of moving here?"
no-"Thou wouldst not regret it."
yes-"There's good fishing off our shores, and plenty of merriment to be found over at the Blue Bottle."

fish : "Aye, indeed."

blue,bott,merr : "Thou wilt see much drinking at the Blue Bottle Tavern, and singing, and revelry, and telling of tales."
"But mostly drinking."°

drin,sing,reve,tell,tale,tave : "If thou art curious, why not go pay a visit?"
"Thou cannot miss it - 'tis the biggest building in town."

hone : "Honesty is the virtue we prize most highly here in Moonglow."
"We are closest to the Shrine of Honesty, and indeed, the Rune of Honesty was entrusted into my care some years ago."

shri : "'Tis north of here, on Dagger Isle."

dagg,isle : "Aye, just a ways to the north."

rune,care : "I had it once, but I entrusted it to Beyvin's care, as he is the most honest man I know."
"He lives with Penumbra."

mant : "Penumbra might be able to help you with that."

penu : "I can't imagine what Beyvin sees in her!"

beyv : "Haven't seen him around lately. Penumbra should be able to tell you where to find him."

bye : "Until next we meet, then."

other : "Well you might ask..."


Introduction : a pipe-smoking gentleman with the symbol of the Codex tattooed on his forehead.
"Greetings to you, <Gender>."

name : "My name is Manrel."

job : "I'm a woodworker. I also dabble in alchemy from time to time."

wood : "I make furniture, cabinets, walking sticks, and the like."
"Perhaps I can make something for you someday."

alch,dabb : "I'm trying to learn how to make healing potions, but I don't have the formula right yet."
"I did stumble across a wicked recipe for red mead, though."

red,mead : "Alas, there's little call for my brew in this town, with the Blue Bottle serving Frasier's Folly."

blue,bott : "A fine establishment."

fras,foll : "One of the finest libations you'll find anywhere."

liba : "Libation or liability - take your pick."

tatt,code,symb : "I went drinking with some friends the night we heard of the discovery of the Codex."
"When I woke up the next morning, I had this tattoo..."

beyv,lock,key,door,cryp : Have key : "I hope you got a chance to deliver the flowers."
Don't have key : "Oh, have you been to visit my cousin's grave?"
no-"My mistake."
yes-He looks at you suspiciously. "You wouldn't be wanting the key to his crypt, would you?"
no-"Well, alright then."
yes, full-"You're carrying too much right now. Come back for it later."
yes,not full-"Well, perhaps you have your reasons... Okay, you can have the key."
"But you have to take these flowers and leave them there."

flow : "Daffodils were always his favorites... It's too bad I couldn't find any."

daff : "Yes, daffodils."

bye : "Take care, my dear. I hope I'll see you again soon."
-or- : "It was a pleasure speaking with you."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : a small, inscrutable woman, cloaked in shadows.
Initial visit : "Ah, hello Avatar. I was wondering when you would get here."
Subsequent visits : "I see you have yet to fulfill your destiny."

name : "I am the one known as @Penumbra."

penu : "I am the daughter of the eclipse."

job : "I am a fortune teller."

fort,tell : "Yes, I can foretell your future for you."

fore,futu : "I require a small donation for my services."
How much do you give her?
Too much-You don't have that much.
no gold-"So be it."
Give gold-She holds her hands out on either side of her crystal ball, not quite touching it, and closes her eyes.
After a time, she speaks.
"The future looks dark. All is unclear."
"Some more gold would shed further light on your destiny..."
How much do you give her?
Too much-You don't have that much.
no gold-"So be it."
Give gold-"Though all is dark, I see a light at the end of the tunnel."
"Quickly - more coins before I lose the thread of this vision!"
How much do you give her?
Too much-You don't have that much.
no gold-"So be it."
Give gold-"Much conflict lies before you. Your end..."
"I cannot see it. More gold is needed."
How much do you give her?
Too much-You don't have that much.
no gold-"So be it."
Give gold-"You shall travel throughout the land before you are through."
"A few more coins and all should be clear."
How much do you give her?
Too much-You don't have that much.
no gold-"So be it."
Give gold-"You will journey into the depths of the earth..."
"Strange creatures will you face..."
"I can almost see the end now."
How much do you give her?
Too much-You don't have that much.
no gold-"So be it."
Give gold-"You and your companions will face terrible choices..."
"You will need powerful magic to prevail..."
"Wait... There is some barrier before me."
"Give me just one more coin and I think I can break through it."
How much do you give her?
Too much-You don't have that much.
no gold-"So be it."
Give gold-"Yes, now all is made clear to me!"
"I see a great Vortex."
"There is a violet lens that is crucial to your quest. It is broken, and must be made whole."
"But one lens is not enough! A blue lens is needed as well."
"You must have two lenses, else all is for naught."
She opens her eyes. "I can see no more for now. Leave me, that I might rest."

beyv : "Yes he was a terribly honest fellow."
"Alas, though, he lacked the virtue of tact."
"He told the truth once too often, and those he spoke of did not appreciate it."
"He's buried in the catacombs under Moonglow now, pushing up daffodils."
"Even virtue has its price."

daff : "Yes, daffodils."

hone : "I can tell you of both the rune and the mantra."

rune : "'Twas buried with Beyvin, rest his shade."

mant : "For five gold coins I can use my powers to divine the mantra for you. Shall I do this?"
no-"It is a small price for so profound a word."
yes, no gold-"Your ambitions outreach your means."
yes-She closes her eyes in concentration. For long minutes you wait.
If Dupre in party : "What are we waiting for!" whispers Dupre.
"She's doubtless fallen asleep, and you've wasted good money for nothing..."
Finally Penumbra opens her eyes again. "The word you seek is 'ahm.'"

bye : "Your destiny awaits."

other : "You must seek the answer to that elsewhere."


Introduction : a man who looks very amused--whether with his surroundings or himself is hard to say.
"Ah, welcome, <Gender>! Come have a drink with me!"
Initial visit : "Have you had your fortune told yet?"
yes/no-"Some people think Penumbra's a hoax. But she knows her stuff. You should bear with her - she can truly be of great assistance to you."

name : "Derydlus. And what was yours again?"
"Oh, yes, of course. Come, have a seat."

job : "Trying to discover all the subtleties of Frasier's Folly is almost a career in itself!"
He smiles.

drin : "Aye, this is the home of Frasier's Folly!"

subt,disc,fras,foll : "In all the towns of Britannia, you'll find no better brew."

mand : "Here's to Mandrake!"

manr : "My drinking buddy! Let's drink a toast to him, wherever he is."
If Manrel present : "I'll drink to that!"

penu : "She's a strange one, but she has the gift."

bye : "Leaving already? And you're not even wobbling yet..."

other : "I'll drink to that," he says, suiting action to words.
-or- : "'<Last Input>? Aye, indeed! A toast to <Last Input>!"

New Magincia[edit]


Introduction : a gentleman of slight build and refined manners.
Initial visit : "Greetings! I am Lord Antonio. Might I ask thy name?"
yes-Then prithee, what is it?"
no-"As you wish."
"The pleasure is all mine."
Subsequent visits, given name : "Greetings, <Avatar Name>! What brings thee here this

name : "My name is Antonio."

job : "I govern New Magincia."
"Fortunately the fine people of this town have few disputes to settle, leaving me plenty of time for my hobby."

new,magin : "The city of humility is a lovely place to live."

time,hobb : "I do magic tricks. It brings a bit of cheer into this imperfect world."

magi,tric,chee : "Wouldst thou like to see one?"
no-"As you wish."
yes-"Splendid!" Antonio reaches into his pocket and takes out a balloon.
He blows it up until it bursts, and four doves appear from inside it, flying off towards the four points of the compass.*
"Did you enjoy that?"
no-"Too bad. Perhaps I should learn a better trick."
yes-"I knew you would. That's my favorite trick!"

rune,mant,humi : "The most humble one amongst us knows the mantra."
"If thou canst find out who that is, tell me, and I will give thee the rune."

humb : "Dost thou know who is the most humble person in this town?"
no-"Keep asking around."
yes-"Then what is that person's name?"
cono,star-Very astute of thee! Here is the rune, and I wish thee success on thy mission."
other-"'Tis not fitting that thou shouldst guess."
"Make sure thou dost know the answer before you speak with me again."

bye : "Until we meet again, may your road be short and your fortunes long."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


Introduction : an old farmer who looks to have has made his peace with life.
"Howdy, stranger."

name : "M'name is William."

job : "I'm a farmer."

rune : "Ask Antonio."

anto : "The lord of New Magincia."

new,magi : "That's where ya are now."

humi,humb,farm : "Working the earth is the lowest form 'o labor."
"But it provides food for them as writes books, plays music, and other such things."
"Surely 'tis a humble living, to devote yer life to farmin'."
"It's about all I do with meself, 'cept when I find time for carvin' hippos."

carv,hipp : "I'll show ya one."
The old man gets a fiendish gleam in his eyes as he reaches into his pouch and takes out a small wooden hippo.
"Aint she purty?"
"If I don't make the purtiest gol' danged hippos you ever did see, you can call me Mortimer."

mort : "He's a mighty foolish fellow."

bye : "See ya."

other : "Can't help you there."


Introduction : a stalwart fellow, with a look of placid concentration.
If Iolo in party : You think you see a brief flicker of recognition pass between Iolo and the fisherman.
But before you can be certain, he turns to address you.
Initial visit : "Good

name : "Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself. I am Conor Starfalcon. And what is your name?"
"Well met, <Gender>!"

iolo : "We've met before. But that was many years ago."

met,befo,many,year,ago : "Yes, long ago."

job : "I am a fisherman. In catching fish, as in all of life, there is something to be learned."

fish,catc,life,lear : "I still have not mastered the way of the fisherman."
"But I think perhaps the key to enlightenment lies not so much in the destination as in the road one travels."

mast,way,road,enli,dest,trav : "I am satisfied to live here and learn what I can from the fish."

shri : "The Shrine of Humility is far to the southeast."
"I'd be glad to take you there in my boat, but I'm afraid it is too small to weather the high seas."

boat : "It's down at the beach. Feel free to borrow it if you have need."

humb,humi : "You seek to find the humblest in New Magincia? That's a difficult task."
"I'd hate to commend one of my neighbors to you and fail to do justice to the others."
"The one thing I can tell you for certain is that it isn't me you're looking for."

mant : "The Mantra of Humility is 'lum'. If you seek the shrine, I hope you find it."

guil,kora : "I used to be a guildmaster. But that was long ago."

shie,war : "I no longer follow the way of the warrior."

bye : "If I can help you with anything else, let me know."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : a pretty young woman with downcast eyes.
Subsequent visits : "Hello again, <Gender>."
Initial visit : "Good

name : "I am called Charlotte Weaver, <Gender>."

job : "I am but a humble weaver, <Gender>."

weav : "I turn wool into cloth."
"I am not very good, but some people take pity on me and buy my cloth anyway."

buy,clot : Not at shop : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
At shop : "Wouldst thou like some cloth?"
no-"As you wish, <Gender>."
yes-"Which of you?"
No character selected : "As you wish, <Gender>."
Character selected : "My cloth costs 25 gold. Interested, <Character Name>?"
no-"Thou knowest best, <Character Name>."
yes, full-"But 'twould make thee o'erburdened, <Character Name>!"
yes-"Many thanks!"
After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the cloth.
yes, no gold-"But thou hast not enough gold, <Character Name>!"

sell,wool : Not at shop : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
At shop : "Hast thou some wool to sell?"
no-"As you wish, milord/milady."
yes, no wool-"Begging thy pardon, but I see no wool!"
yes, have wool-"Aye, <Character Name>, I will buy wool from thee..."
"Which of you?"
No character selected : "As you wish..."
Character selected : "Will you take 10 gold crowns for a bale of wool, <Character Name>?"
no-"Perhaps some other time, then."
yes-"Done!" <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> 10 gold pieces and takes the wool.

silk : Not at shop : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
If don't have silk : "Begging thy pardon, <Gender>, but I see no silk!"
If have silk : "Aye, <Character Name>, I can weave thy silk thread into cloth."
"It will cost thee 10 gold. Interested?"
no-"Thou knowest best, <Character Name>."
yes, no gold-"Begging thy pardon, <Character Name>, but thou dost not have 10 gold!"
yes-Turning to her loom, Charlotte soon weaves the thread into fine silk cloth.
"Finished!" She takes <Character Name>'s gold and hands over the cloth.

plan,ball,bag : If don't have plans : "I'm not sure what you mean."
If have plans/silk cloth : "Take the cloth to Marissa. Mayhap she can sew it into a bag for thee."
If have plans/silk thread : "I can weave that silk for thee... Then thou should speak with Marissa."
If have plans : "If you had some silk thread, I could help thee. Go ask Arbeth if he has any to spare."

mari : "She lives in Paws."

arbe : "He lives in Paws."

humb : "'Tis really not my place to speak of that, <Gender>."
"But honesty is a virtue too, and honesty forces me to admit that I am the humblest person in New Magencia."

bye : "Farewell, <Gender>!"

other : "'Tis really not my place to speak of that, <Gender>."


Introduction : a plump, jovial fellow chewing on a leg of lamb.
Initial visit : "Welcome to the Humble Palate."
Subsequent visits : "Anything else I can do for you?"

name : "My name is Dunbar," he says between bites of mutton.

buy : "Which, fish, ale, mead, wine, or mutton?"

job : "I sell fish, ale, mead, wine, and mutton."

fish : "Which of you?"
"I buy all my fish fresh from Conor. It's 3 gold per serving. Would you like some?"
yes, but no gold-"I'm afraid you haven't enough money for it."
yes, but full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-<NPC Name> serves <Character Name> a fish.
"Next week we should have some red snapper."

mead,ale,wine : "Which of you?"
"For that I charge a modest # gold. Want some?"
yes, but no gold-"I'm afraid you haven't enough money for it."
yes, but full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-"Here you go."
"I hope you enjoy it."

rati,mutt : "Which of you?"
"Rations cost 4 gold. How many do you want?"
Inventory full : <NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You haven't any room in your pack."
No gold : "I'm afraid you haven't enough money for it."
Single ration : <NPC Name> hands the rations to <Character Name>.
Multiple rations : He hands <Character Name> # mutton ration(s).
Maximum can carry : "That's all you can carry."
Maximum can afford : "That's all you can afford."

humi,humb : "Serving others it the humblest occupation I could imagine. That's why I opened this place."
He pauses to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand.

cono : "I hear he used to be the head of some important guild."

impo,head,guil : "I don't know anything about it, but maybe it explains that strange glow you can see over by his house at night."

expl,stra,glow : "Go see for yourself."

no,bye : "See you later."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : the humble peasant Katrina.
If in party : "I'm but a simple peasant, <Gender>."
"I doubt I could help in this situation."
If told to leave : "Good

Subsequent visits : "Good

name : "I am called Katrina, <Gender>, as I was the last time we met."

job : "Times have changed, <Gender>. Where once I grazed sheep, now I till the land."
"All work is the same to a peasant, <Gender>."
"We all do what is expected of us."
"If thou wouldst have me join thy quest, thou needst but ask."

join : Already in party : "Surely I misunderstand thee, <Gender>."
"Am I not already a member of thy band?"
Not in party : "Since thou dost think it wise, I wilt join."
"I hope I can aid thy quest."
Party full : "I hesitate to deny any request thou might have."
"But thou seemst to have enough companions as it is."
"Mayhap if one of them left your band, thou might have more need of me."
On a ship : "But <Gender>, there is no need to join you here, aboard ship."
"There is no place else to go!"
"Mayhap if thou asked again ashore."

leav : "Whatever thou thinkest best, <Gender>. I'll leave my equipment with thee."
On a ship : "But <Gender>, there is no place for me to go."
"Mayhap this should wait until we are ashore."

garg : "The gargoyles are a grave threat to the land, <Gender>."
"Many brave soldiers have died defending us from the invaders!"

humb,humi,most : "I am most sorry, <Gender>, but I cannot answer thy question."
"'Twould be vain of me to answer truthfully, and 'twould be worse to lie."

bye : If in party : "May we live up to the trust placed in us."
Not in party : "Farewell! The Avatar carries with him the hopes of all the land."

other : "A peasant such as myself knows little about <Last Input>, <Gender>."
-or- : "Beg pardon, <Gender>?"


Introduction : a short man dressed in shepherds clothing.
"Hi there!"
"Is there anything I can do for you?"

name : "Once I was Aurendir the mighty - now I live a more modest life."

job,life,shep : "I came here to meditate, tend sheep and sell wool."

tend,shee : "So they can be shorn."

shor : "To make wool. People buy it from me."

wool : "It's used to make thread."

buy : Would you like some wool?"
"Which of you?"
"I charge 5 gold for a bale of wool. Would you like some?"
yes, but full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Very good." After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the wool.
yes, but no gold-"I'm sorry, but you don't seem to have enough money."
"It was a pleasure doing business with you."

thre : "To be woven into cloth."

wove,clot : "You can make robes from it."

robe : "I wear a robe while I tend sheep. It's all part of life's great circle."

life,circ : "From earth, to grass, to sheep, to me... when I die, I'll return to the earth."

die,buri,back,eart,gras : "That's right."

once,migh,mode,humi,humb : "I used to be a powerful and wealthy mage. I wore silk robes, and fine jewelry."
"In fact, I even had my own castle."
"But one day in my travels I visited the Shrine of Humility."
"Meditating there, I had an idea."
"I would give up all my earthly possessions and quit the practice of magic."
"I would live as a shepherd!"
"Surely this would be the greatest act of humility a man could perform."
"And so you see me here today."

powe,weal,mage,silk,jewe,cast,magi : "Those days are no more."

shri : "I should go there again soon... It changed my life."

medi,mant : "You should go meditate at the shrine yourself. I find 'lum' a most effective mantra."

bye : "See you later."

other : "Beats me."



Introduction : a colorfully garbed bard.

name : "Patrick's the name. What's yours?"
"A pleasure."

job : "Same as any bard - telling stories, singing songs, that sort of thing."

bard : "I was trained in the conservatory, like most of us."

cons : "Johann, Lazeena, Sionnach--they all studied there."
"Of course, there are always oddballs like Mandrake."

joha,laze,sion : "A fine bard indeed."

mand : "Completely self taught, he is. Got some odd ideas about the eight virtues."
"I have to give him credit, though..."
"Last time we gathered together for a songwriting competition, he won first prize easily."

virt,eigh : "Ask him yourself."

stor : Ok, here's one..."

"The owl and the pussycat sailed to sea
In a beautiful pea green boat.
Along came a spider and sat down beside them,
And the cat said 'Whose been sleeping in my bed!'
The clock struck one, the owl fell down,
And three little piggies went 'Wee wee wee wee wee' all the way home."

"I don't understand it at all, but Dr. Cat says that's his favorite story."

cat : "He's a decent guy, and he doesn't water his drinks either."
"He told me I should learn a story with some ducks in it, though."

drin : "Being a bard can be thirsty work."

thir : "A warrior mustn't let his blade grow dull, right?"
"Well, so also must a bard keep his throat from getting too dry!"

duck : "Don't ask me. If he likes ducks that's his business."

song : He clears his throat...
"A lusty young smith at his feist stood a-firing,
His hammer lay by but his forge still aglow,
When to him a buxom young damsel came smiling,
And asked if to work at her forge he would go."

"With a jingle vang jingle vang jingle vang jingle,
With a jingle vang jingle vang jingle hi ho."

"'I will' said the smith and they went off together,

"Unto the young damsel's forge they did go.
They stripped to go to it--'twas hot work and hot weather,
She kindled the fire and she soon made him glow."

"With a jingle vang jingle vang jingle vang jingle,
With a jingle vang jingle vang jingle hi ho!"

"I hope you enjoyed the song!"

bye : "Fare thee well."

other : "That's an excellent question. Ask me another one!"


Introduction : a little, white haired man hunched over with age.
Subsequent visits : "Back, back, back they come." He smiles to himself and claps his hands.
Initial visit : "Yes, yes, yes," he says, bobbing his head up and down.

name : "Thindle the spindler." He grins at you.

thin : "Yes, yes, yes. That was quite a guess!"

buy : Oh my, oh my, you must need cloth."
At pub : "Come to my shop when I'm open and I'll sell you some!"
At store : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "Very well, but 'tis fine cloth, yes indeed..."
Character selected : "It'll cost you 15 gold for the cloth. Interested?"
yes, but full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the cloth.
yes, but no gold-"No discounts, friend. Sorry."
no-"Very well, but 'tis fine cloth, yes indeed..."

sell : "Sell, now, its thread I feel."
At pub : "Come to my shop when I'm open and I'll buy it!"
At store : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "Very well, very well, I can see you don't want to sell."
No thread : "Sorry, you don't have any thread."
Character has thread : <NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>, and says "Will you take 6 gold for that Thread?"
yes-"Done!" He hands <Character Name> 6 gold pieces and takes the thread.
no-"Very well, very well, I can see you don't want to sell."

job : "Sew, sew, I sew 'cause I said so."

sew : "Beautiful clothes, more pretty than those," he points to your stomach.

beau,clot : "Yes again, friend!"

mort : "Shorty is my friend. We play flippits together."

silk,bag,ball : "Silk? Oh no, oh no."
"Can't work silk, oh my, no."
"See Charlotte. She can, yes she can!"

char : "Humble Charlotte, yes. She can help you."
"She lives in New Magincia."

flip : "You should learn, you should learn."
"A nice piece of bone and a small hard pea--that's all ya need."

nice,piec,bone : "Like an old dog bone. You'll need a hat too."

smal,hard,pea : "The smaller, the better." He pulls an old bone from his pocket and a small pea.
"Now you get a hat."

hat : He puts the hat down and mumbles "Put the pea in front of bone..."
He gestures with his hands. "...and flippit on home." The pea sails into the hat.

bye : "Bye now. Bye. Say hi to Mortude if you see him."

other : He scratches his head and looks around.


Introduction : a man nearly as wide as he is tall.
Subsequent visits : "What now?" he sighs.
Initial visit : "What?" he grumbles.

name : "As the sign on my door reads, 'Mortude the Ropemaker.'"

mort : "What?" He snorts a bit then clears his throat.

job : He looks at you and raises one eyebrow. "I said I makes rope."

buy,make,rope : "The strongest you'll ever tug!" he says, pushing out his chest.
At pub : "Come to my shop when I'm open and I'll show you!"
Not at pub : "Which of you?"
Character not selected : "Too bad. You'll never find better rope."
Character selected : <NPC Name> smiles at <Character Name>, "For my fine rope it will cost you 5 gold. Interested?"
no-"Too bad. You'll never find better rope."
yes, but full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Fine, fine!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the rope.
yes, no gold-"You don't have enough gold."

thin : "He's a pretty good flippits, player."

flip : "You have a bone on ya? We'll play."

bone : "An old dog bone or somethin'?"

old,dog : "The smaller, the better. And maybe a hat."

hat : "A haaat," he repeats, mockingly. "Never played 'ave ya?"

no : "Too bad."

bye : "Yeah, yeah." He plods off, grumbling.

other : "Oh, never mind..."
-or- : He plays with his braided hair a moment then shrugs.


Introduction : a finely adorned woman with a tight mouth and wide eyes.
Subsequent visits : "Hello again."
Initial visit : "Hello." She bows formally.
At pub : She bows stiffly. "I'm sorry, good madam/sir, but my shop is closed for now."
"See me some other time, when I am available for business."

name : "Marissa. You may call me '@Miss Trihune."

miss,trih : "Yes, that is much better."

buy,tuni,dres,pant,clot : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "Suit yourself," she sniffs, offended.
Character selected : 1. Tunic
2. Dress
3. Pants
"Which one?"
"It'll cost you 1 gold for that <Item Name>. Interested?"
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, no gold-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "How rude! Don't ask for something you can't pay for!"
no-"Suit yourself," she sniffs, offended.

sell : No cloth for sale : "Sorry, none of you has anything of interest."
"Which of you?"
No character selected : "Just as well. That cloth is rather shabby..."
Character has no cloth : "I don't see any cloth, other than what you're wearing!"
Have cloth : <NPC Name> turns to <Character Name> and asks "Will you take 20 gold for that cloth?"
yes-"Done!" She hands <Character Name> 20 gold pieces and takes the cloth.
no-"Just as well. That cloth is rather shabby..."

silk : "Yes, I can work with silk. But 'tis out of fashion..."
"Nobody wears silk clothes this season."

arbe : "Oh, he's a threadmaker who lives here in town."
"Silly little man, but a fine spinner."
"I get all my thread straight from him. No other source would do."

bolt : "Yes, that silly Arbeth person can spin spidersilk into thread."
"Charlotte, from New Magincia, weaves thread into silk cloth."
"Bring me a bolt of her finest silk cloth, and then I can sew you a silk bag."

ball,mamm,bag,plan : "Oh, I understand. A large silk bag."
"Well, 'tis hardly a challenge for one of my skills. But, since it is important, I'll do it."
If no plans : "But I'll need to see the plans."
If no silk : "But I'll need a bolt of silk to do it, of course."
If have silk and plans : "But it will cost you 75 gold. Alright?"
yes, but no gold-"Come back when you have the gold, <Character Name>."
yes-She takes the silk cloth and begins to work, following the balloon plans.
She works in silence, intent on her sewing.
After a while, she completes the silk bag.
"There, 'tis done!" she cries, handing you the bag.
no-"Very well," she sniffs, offended.

job : "I create garments of the highest fashion."

high,fash : "Clothes fit to see the King in."

bye : "Yes, well, come see me again." She yawns widely.

other : "Hmph! I am not a gossip, <Gender>."
-or- : "'Tis not my place to speak of that..."


Introduction : a frightened little man who never looks you in the eye.
If at pub : He looks up from his mug of ale.
Subsequent visits : "Oh, it's you. Hello."
Initial visit : "Hello."

If not at pub : Initial visit : "Yes?" he asks, looking like he expects to be beaten any minute.
Subsequent visits : "Yes? Oh, it's you." He almost looked you in the eyes then.
"What do you want from me?"

name : "He looks around at the ground and mumbles "Arbeth."

arbe : "Arbeth," he repeats quietly.

job,shop : "Well," he says so quietly you have to lean close to hear, "I make wool into thread."

thre : "Yes," he says, wringing his hands together.

weav : "I'm not a weaver, <Gender>, just a spinner. Talk to Thindle."

thin : "He lives here in Paws and is a fine weaver."

spid,silk,plan,ball : "What? Oh, yes, I could spin spidersilk into thread. Do you want me to?"
At pub : "Not now, <Gender>," he says timidly. "My shop is closed."
no-"Oh. Sorry," he mumbles.
yes-"Which of you?"
No character selected : "Oh. Sorry," he mumbles.
Character selected : "'Tis a most difficult job, <Character Name>. It'll cost thee 20 gold!"
"Still interested?"
no-"Oh. Sorry," he mumbles.
yes-"Good, good!" He seems much brighter and happier now.
Don't have silk-"Oh, but I'll need twoscore bits of spidersilk to do it!"
"Come back when thou hast 40 pieces of spidersilk and I'll make thy thread then."
yes, inventory full-"Oh, but you'll not be able to carry it, <Character Name>!"
"Come back when thy load is lighter and I'll make thy thread then."
yes, no gold-"You haven't the gold."
yes-Arbeth takes <Character Name>'s gold and silk and starts spinning...
Soon he has finished a spool of fine silk thread!
"There it is, <Character Name>, my finest work! A true pleasure!"
Arbeth hands <Character Name> the spool of silk.
"You'll have to find a weaver, of course..."

sell,wool : No wool : "None of you has any wool," he mutters.
Have wool : "Which of you?" "Will you take 6 gold for that wool?"
yes-He hands <Character Name> 6 gold pieces and takes the bale of wool.
yes, character has no wool-"But you don't have any wool!"

buy,thre : "Which of you?
"Will you pay 3 gold for a spool of thread?"
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the thread.
yes, no gold-"You haven't the gold."

timo : "He is nice to me." he stops wringing his hands and seems to relax momentarily.

mort : "He's much too loud." He looks up suddenly and his face goes ashen.

loud : "But...I mean...maybe not too loud."
He whips his head around as if he's looking for someplace to hide.

mari,dori : "She's alright, I guess."

gris,hend,uber : "He's alright, I guess."

meri : A smile crosses his face. "I like her. She brought me cookies once."

bye : "Bye," he whispers.

other : He twists his shoulders around and holds his palms up.


Introduction : a figure covered from head to toe with flour.
If at pub : "Ach, I'd like to talk with ya, but I've no time!"
"Come see me at my gristmill some other time."
"'Tis hard work, but it gives me plenty of time to talk!"

Subsequent visits : "Hrmph... ptuh... hello again."
Initial visit : "Ptuh... ptuh... hello."

name : "Grison Fairfleth, at your service."

gris,fair : "You can call me 'Gris' if ya prefer."

job : "As you can see, I turn grain into flour."
"It's a pretty demanding job...and a bit messy too."

buy,flou : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "Suit yourself."
Character selected : "I'll sell you a sack of flour for 4 gold. Is that okay
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Excellent!" <NPC Name> hands over the flour.
yes, no gold-"You can't afford it."
no-"Suit yourself."

sell,grai : no grain : "I'd buy some grain, if you had any."
have grain : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "Suit yourself."
Selected character has no grain : "But ya don't have any grain!"
Selected character has grain : <NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>, and says "I'll pay you 3 crowns for that sack of grain, ok?"
yes-"Done!" He hands <Character Name> 3 gold pieces and takes the sack.
no-"Suit yourself."

timo : "He's a good fellow. I grew up with him."

grew,up : "Yep. We were mates." He continues to wipe the dust from his eyes.

mort : "Shorty, ya mean? He's got a fair temper, I'll tell you that!"

mari : "She's one with a nose to the air instead of the grindstone." He chuckles to himself.

arbe : "Scared of his own shadow, he is."

dori : "She's baked many a pie with my flour."

meri : "Meri the wisp, eh? She's sure a cutey."

hend : "One o' the nicest gents I know. Always has a good tale."

uber : "A good, hard worker, that man. Has quite a strong grip too."

bye : "Well, if that's all you need, goodbye."

other : He sticks a finger in his ear and shakes it. "What?"


Introduction : a plump older woman with an apron about her waist.
Subsequent visits : "Oh, good, you've come back. Perhaps for some pie?" She smiles broadly.
Initial visit : "Hello," she says in a scratchy yet firm voice. "What can I do for ye?"

name : "Dorin...and yours?"
"That's nice."

moth : "She was a wonderful cook. Taught me all I know."

dori : "It was my mother's name."

job : "At the moment, only Meri and I are here, so I guess I must conduct the business."

shee,busi : "We are shepherds. We sell wool."

timo : "He and I like to care for the less fortunate people in town. I like him alot."

shor,mort : "Old Shorty, eh? He's actually quite a nice little man."

mari : "A bit caught up in herself, but likable."

arbe : "Poor little guy. He's afraid of the dark, or so I'm told."

gris : "He has the best flour in all the land."

meri : "She's my little angel. If you see her around here, tell her I have errands to run."

hend : She winces at his name. "He is a hard worker, but sometimes his smell is quite strong."

uber : "I like to go on walks with Uby. He has such an interesting life."

pie : "Oh, dear, I'm afraid you just missed the last piece."
"But I'm baking another, and I'll be sure to save you a slice!"

"Yes, I'm baking the nicest shepherd's pie right now."
"It's not done yet, but you can have a slice as soon as it is!"

buy,sell,wool : "Which of you?"
"We charge 5 gold for a bale of wool. Would you like some?"
yes, but full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Very good." After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the wool.
yes, no money-"I'm sorry, but you don't seem to have enough money."
no-"It was a pleasure doing business with you."

bye : She wipes her hand on her apron, and then waves it at you.

other : "Sorry, don't know about any <Last Input>."


Introduction : a little girl with a doll in her hands.
Initial visit : "Now you be still, they won't hurt us." She hugs her doll close.
Subsequent visits : "See, Becky, they've come back." she says to her doll.
"What do you want?"

name : "Merideth Cassandra Lamby!"

meri,cass,lamb : "I'm named after my great aunt."

grea,aunt : "She lives far away."

job : "Oh, I don't work. My Memah can help you though."

mema : "My grandma. She's around here somewhere."

timo : "He's a nice man. He got me this doll." She displays it proudly.

shor,mort : "He put a rope in a tree for me to swing on."

mari : "She's a mean woman. Never plays dolls or nothin'."

arbe : "He is my secret friend. He tells me stories."

gris : "I think he is a ghost. He's scary." She hugs her doll.

hend : "She wrinkles up her face. "He doesn't smell too good."

uber : "He brings my Memah flowers sometimes."

bye : "She waves her dolls hand at you and says "Bye."

other : "Have you heard of that Becky?" she says to her doll.


Introduction : a man whose pungent smell greets you before he can.
"Well, hello there, friend/stranger
Subsequent visits : "Back for more meat?"
Initial visit : "Come for some meat?"

name : "Hendle the Slaughterman."

hend,slau : "Yep."

job : If at work : "As ya can see, I slaughter the beef and pork which you can then buy."
If in pub : "I slaughter beef and pork."
"Makes me a bit unpopular 'ere in the pub!" he laughs.

buy,meat : If at pub : "Strewth! If I carried it around with me, I'd be even more unpopular!"
He laughs, then continues, "Nay, friend, come to my shop later."
"I'll fix ya up then."
If at work : "Which of you?"
None selected : "Whatever."
Character selected : 1. Ham
2. Bacon
3. Pork Chops
4. Brisket
5. Steak
6. Ribs
"Which item?"
None selected : "Whatever."
Item selected : Hendle smiles at <Character Name>, "That will cost you # gold. Interested?"
yes, but full-"You look pretty full to me, <Character Name>."
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the food.
yes, not enough gold-"You don't have enough gold, <Character Name>."

bye : "Be careful out there."

other : If at work : He stops chopping and scratches his chin. "Say what?"
If at pub : He takes a swig from his mug and asks, "What d'ya mean?"


Introduction : a tall man with a disarming grin.
Initial visit : "Hello, mein freund"
His thick fingers grab your hand.
Subsequent visits : "You are back. Gut." He leans back on his heels.

name : "Ubermon Kalbmilch."

uber,kalb : "At your zervice." He snaps to attention.

job : "I milk de cows und make de cheese."
If store open : You vant to buy someting, just say de word."
If store closed : "You vant to buy someting, come by my dairy ven I'm open."

buy,word : If store closed : "Come by my dairy ven I'm open, ja?"
If store open : "Ja, sure, vat you vant - milk or cheese?"

milk, chee : If store closed : "Come by my dairy ven I'm open, ja?"
If store open : "Which of you?"
None selected : "Vell, okay..."
Character selected : "That'll be # crowns, okay?"
no-"Vell, okay, but is very good for you!"
yes, no gold-"You have not ze gold right now."
yes, inventory full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-"Good!" <NPC Name> gives <Character Name> the cheese/milk.

bye : "Take care among ze British, now."

other : "Now I not know vat you say."


Introduction : a man with sea-blue eyes and a warm smile.
Subsequent visits : "Welcome back, my friend"
Initial visit : "Welcome, welcome, friend"
"Here for lodging this fine

name : "Timothy." He flashes a friendly smile and nods.

timo : "I'm named after my uncle. He was a kind soul."

uncl : "Sir Timothy Enders Daverstock. He was a famous knight in these parts."

job : "It is a busy one - this job, that is. I find it rewarding, though, meeting friendly faces."
"Maybe you want a room, eh?"

yes,room,inn,lodg : "# gold for you to stay and have a meal, good?"
yes, no gold-"I'm sorry, but we require cash in advance for our rooms."
yes, have gold-You sleep in a comfortable bed...
You wake rested and eat a large breakfast.
"Good morning, have a good day."
no-"Perhaps some other time, then."

famo,knig : "He is perhaps best known for his courage in battle."

cour,batt : "He once held off a score of men while his own fled to safety across a bridge."

bye : "Farewell, friend. Travel safely."

other : "Hmm... Nope, can't help you there."

Dr. Cat[edit]

Introduction : an amused looking gentleman.
Taynith visiting : "You'll have to excuse me, but the bar's closed right now."
"Taynith and I have a lot to talk about."
If closed : "Come by the Cat's Lair when I'm open for business."
If Sherry in party : "Ah, I see you've brought me a tasty little mouse to feed my pets..."
"Don't worry, I was just kidding... Any friend of Lord British is a friend of mine."
Initial visit : "Welcome to the Cat's Lair."
Subsequent visits : "Anything else I can do for you?"

name : "My name's Dr. Cat."

pet,cat : "If you treat my cats well, they'll treat you the same."

buy,sell : "Which, ale, mead, wine, milk, or mutton?"

mead,ale,wine : "Which of you?"
"That's # crowns. Want some?"
yes, but full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes, not enough gold-"You're a bit short on gold."
yes-"Here you are." <NPC Name> gives <Character Name> the <Item Name>.
"Drink up and enjoy, for who knows what tomorrow may bring?"

milk : "Which of you?"
"Milk is very good for you, and only 5 crowns for a whole bucket. Want some?"
no-If you aren't thirsty, you could always get some to give to the cats."
"It's the quickest way to get on their good side."
yes, but full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-<NPC Name> gives <Character Name> the milk. "You have good taste, my friend."
yes, not enough gold-"You're a bit short on gold."

rati, mutt : "Which of you?"
"I sell the finest mutton, and for only 3 gold per serving. How many servings do you want?"
Inventory full : <NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You haven't any room in your pack."
Not enough gold : "You're a bit short on gold."
Bought items : <NPC Name> hands the rations to <Character Name>.
He hands <Character Name> # mutton ration(s).
If inventory partially full : "That's all you can carry."
If short on gold : "That's all you can afford."

job : "I sell ale, mead, wine, milk, and mutton. Of course I like to chat with my patrons, and indulge in a friendly game every now and then."

indu,game : "Thindle and Mortude may not agree, but I like a game that provides a little intellectual challenge."

inte,chal : "I think I've got time for a quick game of Nim..."
"Would you care to wager on the outcome, just to keep things interesting?"
no-"Well, maybe after you've had a few practice games."
yes-"Tell you what... I'm in a reckless mood. This time you can bet as much as you like."
-or- : "Excellent! How much would you like to bet?"
If don't have enough : "You don't have that much..."
If bet more than 50 gold : "That's a little steep for a friendly game. Let's just make it 50 crowns."

"Let me just remind you of the rules, in case you don't remember."
"We start with ten pieces." He takes some colorful glass beads out of his pocket.
"Each player takes turns, taking one, two or three beads out of the pile."
"Whoever gets the last one wins!"
"I'll play first this time."
-or- : "I'll let you play first this time."
There are # beads left. How many do you take?
"I'll take # bead(s)."
If Avatar loses : "I won!"
"Don't take it too hard... I've had a lot of practice."
"I'll put your money someplace safe, in case you want to come and win it back later."
If Avatar wins : "Well done! You got the last bead."
He takes some money out of a pouch and pays off your wager.

"Would you like to play again?"
no-"Purrrrhaps some other time, then."

thin,mort : "I'm sure he'd be glad to play a few rounds of flippits with you."

play,flip : "If only I had a copy of Snilwit's Big Book of Boardgame Strategy..."
"Then I could find some really fine games to teach everyone."

snil,book,boar,stra,teac : "Have you got a copy of Snilwit's that you'd be willing to sell?"
no-"That's too bad. I'd pay well for it."
yes, don't have book-"You must be mistaken."
yes, inventory full-"Put down some stuff, <Character Name>, so you can carry some gold!"
yes, sell book-"Great! This is the definitive reference on boardgames."
He takes the book and gives you/<Character Name> # gold crowns.

patr : "This is a nice friendly town. All the townsfolk know each other. We get a lot of visitors, too."

visi : "I chose Paws for my tavern because it's right on the King's Way, midway between Britain and Trinsic."
"There's no better travelled spot in all Britannia, and that makes for good business."

paw : "I like the name of the town too, of course!"

brit : "A nice place to visit, eh?"

trin : "A bit too honorable for my tastes, if you know what I mean..."

tayn : "Taynith is my dearest friend. Her gypsy band travels the King's Way."
"Once a week, she stops in to say hello."

gyps,band,pass,week : "Don't get the two gypsy bands mixed up... Taynith travels with Zoltan."
"The other group are a bunch of pickpockets and scallawags..."

zolt : "Yes, Zoltan, king of the gypsies!"

king : "I guess you can call yourself king of anything, if nobody comes along to dispute it..."

duck : "A friend of Taynith's, are you? Here, have one on the house." He hands you an ale.
"Taynith bet me one time I couldn't catch a duck with my bare hands."
"So I did, and had a leash made for it, so I could give it to her as a pet."
"I doubt she still has it, though. I saw Zoltan eyeing it hungrily..."

purr : "Very good! you purr almost as well as Kytyn."

kyty : "She lives in Britain."

mand : "Are you friends of that deadbeat? He owes me for more drinks than I care to think about."
"The only reason I give him food and drink is because he can't sing with his mouth full!"

bye : "Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels tend thee to thy rest."

other : "Meow."

Serpent's Hold[edit]


Introduction : a handsome warrior.
Subsequent visits : "Good

name : "It is I, Sentri." (He pronounces his name 'Sahn-tray.')

job : I have been waiting here for you."
"I heard you had returned, and knew you would come here eventually."

wait,retu,hear,here : Britannia needs your help now more than ever before."
"Many have set out to fight the gargoyles already."

brit,need,help,figh,garg : Not just the town guards, but any able bodied men that could be spared from their work."
"The battle goes poorly. But now that you are here, there is hope. I stand ready to join you."

join : If in party : "I have joined you already!"
If not in party : "Shall I join your party?"
no-"I bow to your wisdom. If you have need of me later, you have but to ask."
yes, but in boat-"It would be best if you got out of that vessel first."
yes, but party full-"You have enough companions now.""If you tell one of them to leave first, then I'll join you."
yes-"So be it. Now that we are together, surely the realm will be saved."
bye : If you should pass this way again, I will be here. I await but the opportunity to join you."

other : "I beg your pardon, could you repeat that?

leave : "Has the time come when your plans call for me to wait in reserve?"
no-"Then let's be on about our mission!"
yes, but in boat-"Let's get our feet back on solid ground first, okay?"
yes-"Then I shall go wait at Serpent's Hold until you need me again."
"I'd best leave you my equpiment in case you need it on your quest."


Introduction : a tall man, covered with scars and drooling uncontrollably.
Subsequent visits : "Back again?"
Initial visit : "What do you want?"

buy : "I's a great craftsman, I is. Me shop is 'uge!"
"You'll hafta be more specific: arms or armor?"

weap,arms : If store closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
If store open : "Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"That <Item Name> costs # gold."
"Interested, <Character Name>?"
yes, inventory full-"What's this? You can't carry no <Item Name>, <Character Name>"
After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC's Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, not enough gold : "What's this? You can't afford no <Item Name>, <Character Name>!"

Halberd,Hammer,Morning Star,Throwing Axe,2-Handed Axe :

armo : Black Shield,Door Shield,Scale Mail,Spiked Collar,Spiked Helm,Spiked Shield :

sell : If not in shop : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
If have nothing of value : "You ain't got nothing I wants."
If have something of value : "Aye, <Character Name> got somethin' interestin'..."
"Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"I'll give ya # gold for that <Item Name>, <Character Name>. Whaddya say?"
no-"I don't bargain, mate. # and not a copper."
-or- : "Well, how 'bout somethin' else?"
-or- : "Changed your mind, eh?"
yes-"Done!" <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> # gold pieces and takes the <Item Name>.

magi,shie,orde,serp : If already made shield : "What, you gone daft?"
"I already made ya one!"
If not talked to Koranada : "Go talk ta Koranada about that first."
If not at shop : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"

If talked to Koranada, not made shield : "Huh? Oh, yeah, da serpent shield."
He looks around and then at the ceiling.
"I needs a snake shield, a chunk o' gold, and a magic gem."
"Have ya got dese tings?"
yes, and have items-He holds up a beautiful golden shield that glows softly.
"Here ya go. Just as promised."
yes, but don't have items-"You ain't got all that I asked for."
"Come back when ya do!"
no-"What else can I get ya?"

name : "Gherick."

gher : "Are ya learnin' how ta speak or do ya need somethin'?"

job : "I makes the most hideous weapons!"

hide : If karma high : "You ain't the sort what'd be interested."
If karma low : "I ain't gonna tell you, you'd steal me brilliant ideas!"

"I got some other stuff you could buy, though."

aman : "She's got the best food in the land. Go see for yerself."

segg : "A fine warrior. New to this area."

bye : "Shut the door on yer way out," he snarls.

other : He doesn't hear you.
-or- : He hears you but doesn't respond.


Introduction : a man with a wide bottom. His voice is almost like a woman's.
Initial visit : "Ooh, you look so thin! Here, have a bite of bread."
He gives you a roll; it is still warm from the oven.

Subsequent visits : "Why, hello there, <Gender>."

name : "My name is Shubin, <Gender>."

job : I'm a cook, <Gender>."

sand : "He is my friend."

mant : "Sandy says the mantra of eating is 'yum,' <Gender>. Hee, hee!"
If Iolo in party : You friend Iolo rolls his eyes. "Such wisdom we can surely do without!"
"That's one of the eight mantras, isn't it?"
no-"Oh, do not tease old Shubin so, <Gender>!"
yes-"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

thin,roll : If given rolls : "I have no more rolls, <Gender>."
If not given rolls : He ask anxiously "Do you like it, <Gender>?"
no-"Such a picky eater. No wonder you're so skinny, <Gender>."
yes-"Have a whole tray, then."

cook : "Being a cook is like being an adventurer, <Gender>."

adve : "Yes, <Gender>. I must gather up all my ingredients with care."

care : "So that I have the right ingredients, <Gender>."

ingr : "Adventurers are always searching for this or that, <Gender>. So are cooks."
"Do you know of Magincian Pastry?"
It is a marvellous dish, <Gender>. My friend Sandy gave me the recipe..."
"I'm only missing one ingredient..."

"Well, I'd like to make it, <Gender>, but I cannot get one of the ingredients..."
"I sure would appreciate it if you brought it back for me if you came across one in your travels, <Gender>..."
"If you could find time for old Shubin, that is..."

"Would it be too much trouble to bring me back a dragon's egg, <Gender>?"
yes-He sighs. "Well, <Gender>, it did no harm to ask, I suppose."
no-"I just know you will remember Shubin, <Gender>. Thank you."

drag,egg : "Have you one with you?"

bye : "Goodbye, <Gender>."


Introduction : a large black woman with a loud laugh.
Initial visit : "Hello, hello!" she cries, clapping her hands together.*
Subsequent visits : "You're here again! Good." She smiles widely. "What can I get ya?"

name : "Amanda, but you can call me 'Miss Mandy'."

buy : "Which, ale, mead, wine, rations or Waybread?"
ale, mead, wine : "Which of you?"
"That'll be #1 crowns, okay sugar?"
If not enough gold : "Come back when you have some gold."
If inventory full : "You don't have room to carry it."
If purchased : "Here you are." Amanda gives <Character Name> the <Item Name>.
"Y'all enjoy it, now."

wayb : "Some say I make the best Waybread in these parts. It costs just 2 gold. You want to try some?"
no-"Come back when you have some gold."
yes, but inventory full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-Amanda gives <Character Name> some Waybread.
"That'll put some meat on your bones."

rati : "Which of you?"
"Rations are 4 gold apiece. How many do you want?"
If inventory full : Amanda looks at <Character Name>. "You haven't got room to carry any!"
If not enough gold : "Come back when you have some gold."
If purchased : Amanda hands the rations to <Character Name>
If inventory kind of full : She hands <Character Name> # mutton ration/s.
"That's all you can carry."
-or- : "That's all you can afford."

miss,mand : "There, that's much better."

segg : "He's been in here a few times. He has a homesick look, he does."

bye : "Remember to tell your friends 'bout Miss Mandy."

other : "That's one on me. 'Tain't never heard o' that."


Introduction : a paladin with a longsword on his back.

fine,well,good,okay,ok : "I am pleased to hear that. I wish I were healthy again.
other : "I see. I would that I were healthy again, too. But please, <Gender>. Let me tell you of my adventure."

name,knig : "Sir Caradon of Trinsic, at thy service."

job,serv : "I am a knight. Currently, though, I am recovering from a battle."

adve,heal,batt : "I've just come home from fighting in Yew. I fought gargoyles near the shrine."

shri,yew,figh : "There I was, with ten companions. Outside the Shrine of Honesty stood two gargoyles."
"I saw them drink from little vials right before they charged us."
"Large, clumsy brutes they were. They should have been easy to dispatch..."
"But they fought like cyclones!"
"My captain ordered me to go to town for help when only we two and the gargoyles were left standing."
"Just as I was returning with some guards, I saw the monsters throwing my friends' dead bodies onto a fire."
"Then the gargoyles looked up at us and fell over, both dead."°

dead : "Yes, just like that: all of a sudden!"
"I only wish I could have killed them myself, for vengeance!"

veng : "If they had not burned his body, my captain might have been resurrected."
For a moment, Caradon looks ready to weep. "The beasts!"

beas,garg : "Monsters with eyes like coals and skin like rock."

bye : "Farewell, <Gender>."

other : "I cannot help thee with that."


Introduction : a tough-looking woman with a walk like a troll.
She stares insolently at you.

name : "I'm Morchella."

job : "I be a retired sailor, that I am."
"Thou wert a pirate!"
"Well! How rude!" She turns up her nose and leaves.
"An honest one, mind ye."

pira : "I know nothing about that!" She walks off in a huff.

hone,sail : "That's right, me bucko. Why, I've sailed with Lord British and Captain John."

lord,brit : "He walks with a limp, ye know. 'Fraid of mice, too, he is."

capt,john : "He offered to marry me but of course I refused. Didn't want to be tied down."

map : She looks around furtively first. "Well, now, I might have seen the likes of that in me travels..."
"Tell ye what, matey:"
"If ye give me a shield of the Order of the Serpent, I'll tell ye where that map be at."

cara,lad : "I might even ask 'im to marry me." She winks slyly at you.

bye : "So long, matey."

shie,serp,magi : If didn't ask about map : Don't know what to say 'bout that, matey."
If given shield : "Now all I need is a magic sword; then methinks I'll be a knight."
If asked about map, but not given shield : "If I had a Silver Serpent shield, I'd give it to Caradon."
"He's a fine, brave lad, he is."
If asked about map and have shield : "That be quite a prize there, matey. Will ye trade it to me for a bit o' map?"
no-"Then leave me be!" She turns her back angrily on you and walks off.
yes-From a little box Morchella hands over a piece of paper. It is a piece of the pirate map.
"I was going to give this magic shield to Caradon, but methinks I'll keep it for meself instead!"

other : "Good

de Hugh[edit]

Introduction : a commanding presence: a tall warrior in black armor.
Initial visit : He stands and bows to you.
"<Gender>. Art thou a warrior?"
no-"Then why hast thou come to Serpent's Hold?"
yes-"Good! I seek courageous warriors to accompany me."

name : "Who wants to know?"
"Well, `<Last Input>, I am Baron de Hugh."

job : "I am a mercenary now."

join,merc : "First I shall gather an army."

army,warr,acco : "I plan to build my reputation as a great fighter."
"My army and I will kill the mighty daemon Sin'Vraal!"

demo,daem,kill,sin,'vra,vraa : "He is a malevolent creature, lord over numerous servants who crawl about the desert."

dese : "It is on the north-eastern tip of Britannia. Look it up on a map."

cour : "It is foolish to be courageous unless one is backed by a well-trained force of fighters."
"Or unless one happens to be the Avatar, I imagine."

avat : "I heard at the guild that the Avatar was in town!"

guil,orde : "Koronada says I will be considered for membership when I have done something noteworthy."
"Have ye ever done aught worthy of note?"
no-"Well, actually, neither have I!"
yes-"Then surely Koronada has heard of ye. Tell him your name and he may invite ye to join the Silver Serpent guild."

koro : "He is firm but fair. He does not wish to see any unworthy person bear the Silver Serpent blazon."

silv,serp : "I believe the silver serpent is a quick and highly venomous creature."

blaz : "A blazon is a shield marking, such as a serpent."

bye : "Good luck, <Gender>."

other : "That I cannot help ye with."


Introduction : a tall and dashing gentleman.
He greets you with an elaborate bow and flourish. "Good

no-"You 'ave but to ask, mah friend."
yes-Loubet hands you a foil and a mask of golden mesh.
He shows you the correct stance, then you spar for a bit.
"Now ze off hand, <Gender>... Mon dieu, you are (how you say it?) ambidextrous! Very good, mah friend."
M'sieur Loubet is a skilled teacher, and you feel like you've really learned something.

prac,ask,less : If already sparred : "But no! You are too skilled, I 'ave nothing more to teach you!"
if not at training hall : "Practice? Here? Surely you jest!"
"No, come to ma salle sometime, zen we will spar, yes?"

fenc,inst : "Oui, I teach ze fencing here in my salle, my school."
"Is very difficult sometimes. Most fighters, zey have no subtlety, no finesse."
He turns up his nose and sniffs aristocratically.
If sparred : "Zey are not like you, mah friend! You are most talented!"
If not sparred : "But you, you look much better than that, my friend."
"(Just ask/Come to ma salle sometime) and I'll give you a lesson!"

name : "I am M'sieur Loubet" "Touche!" He wields his foil casually, lunging at an imaginary target.
If previously asked name : "But you already know who I am, silly person!"
If not previously asked name : "Much pleased to meet you, madame/m'sieur"

touc : "Zat simply means 'touch.' In fencing we score by touching ze opponent with ze foil tip."

foil,tip,scor : "Zey are blunt on ze end, see?"
"Ze first third of ze blade (near ze 'andle) is 'forte'--strong. It is good to parry with zis part of ze sword."
"Ze rest of ze blade is 'foible'--weak and flexible."
"Ze foil, she is a very delicate thing. There must be much skill, yes?"
"You must 'old ze sword like a living bird:"
"Too loose and she flies away. Too tight and she smothers. Just right, and..."
"She sings very sweet!" He strikes metal and the foil makes a pleasant ringing noise.

nois,plea,ring,hear : "SHINGGG!°"

job : "I am ze fencing instructor."

bye,au r : "Au revoir!"

other : "I cannot 'elp you with zat."


Introduction : a dignified man wearing a loose jacket decorated with a serpent.
Subsequent visits : "It is good to see thee again, <Avatar Name>."
Initial visit : "Hello, adventurer"
"As guildmaster, I welcome thee in the name of the Order of the Silver Serpent."
"What is thy name?"
"Well met, <Gender> Avatar!"

name : "I am Koranada, son of Kulebra."
"My father was a brave lighthouse keeper."

job,ligh : "An earthquake destroyed the lighthouse, else I would have inherited the position of keeper in Greyhaven."
"I traveled to Serpent's Hold to join the Order instead."

orde,hold,guil : "We stand for the principle of Courage."
If a member : "We are honored by thy membership, worthy Avatar!"
If asked to join : "Acquire a Silver Serpent shield and thou wilt be admitted to the order, <Gender> <Avatar Name>."
If not a member : "Dost thou wish to join the Order of the Silver Serpent?"

cour,brav : "Go and speak to de Hugh. Observe what he believes to be courage."
"Though he is a fine fighter, he has yet to prove himself worthy of our order."

shie : "The Serpent Shield of our order is a sacred symbol of our brotherhood of bravery."
If have shield : "Carry it with pride!"
If don't have shield : "Its making is a magical process."
"Gherick the Smithy will help thee make one."

magi,proc : "'Tis secret, as well."

gher : "You will most likely find him at Siege Crafters."

join : "I have responsibilities here,<Gender>. But I am honored by the offer.
If not a member : "However..."
"Dost thou wish to join the Order of the Silver Serpent?"
no-"There will always be a place here for thee, <Gender>."
yes-"We would be greatly honored if thou wouldst join us, Avatar."
"Thy deeds speak well of thee, <Avatar Name>."
"I shall waive the usual requirements since thy adventures are more than sufficient proof of thy courage."
"However, thou must still create thine own shield."

rune : Without the meaning, such a symbol is just a meaningless scratching."
"We meditate on valour here."

mant,medi : "A mantra is a concept, a special word to be turned over and over in the mind."
"When we meditate on a mantra, we do so in order to find the meaning of that virtue."

mean : "It is not enough just to know a mantra or possess a rune."
"In order to be virtuous, one must act virtuously."

virt,avat : "Sometimes one virtue conflicts with another, though both be numbered amongst the virtues of the Avatar."
"The hero seeks to act with an awareness of these conflicts instead of merely following instinct."
"My teacher Conor taught me this."

cono : "A dear friend. He was guildmaster here when I was in training."
"He lives humbly in New Magincia now."

bye : "Fare thee well."

other : "That I cannot help thee with."

Sir Simon[edit]

Introduction : a muscular knight. He speaks in a raspy voice.
Initial Visit : "Good

name : "Call me Simon, <Gender>."

job : "I am the lord of Serpent's Hold."

mant : "I personally favor the mantra of Valour."
"I taught it to the bard Culham in a song."

culh : "He spends much time in Jhelom, though he be a traveling bard."

trav : "Yes, there's no telling where one might find him."
"As I said, though, Jhelom is a good guess."

rune : "If I had a rune, I'd wear it proudly."
"But others fear for the safety of such important talismans, hiding them in some peculiar places."
"I wonder if 'tis considered theft to seize a rune laid out for all to see..."

bye : "Goodbye. I hope thou wilt visit me again when thou hast time, friend."

other : "I wish I could help thee with that, Avatar."


Introduction : a well dressed woman.
Subsequent visits : "Welcome again to Serpent's Hold, Avatar!"
Initial visit : "Ah, <Gender> <Avatar Name>! A sailor from Britain said thou had returned to the land!"
"How glad I am to see that it is true!"

name : "I'm Tessa. We met during thy last quest, Avatar!"
"Strange that thou didst not recognize me."
"I would have hoped that the past years had not taken that much toll on me!"

job : "I'm the keeper of the Flame of Courage."
"I also help my husband Simon run this town."
"How fortunate we were to come here after the earthquake!"

husb,simo : "He is the lord of this hold."

flam,cour : "You'll find many courageous fighters here!"

eart,toll,year : "After thy last quest, there were many great earthquakes."
"The island of Bordermarch sank into the sea, along with our keep!"
"Only through great fortune did Simon and I make it off the island alive!"

bye : "Farewell, Avatar! Be brave in thy quest!"

other : "Pardon?"


Introduction : a huge, muscled warrior with a sad look in his eyes.
He looks at you imploringly.
"What is it?"
If in party : "You have a question?"

name : "Seggallion of...well now that won't mean anything to you."
If in party : "Seggallion. You can call me 'Segg' though."

job : "If you mean my profession, I would have to say a knight of Ashtalarea."
If in party : "He looks at you puzzled. "The same as yours now."

asht : "A land unfamiliar to you, I'm sure. Just as unfamiliar as yours is to me."
If in party : "Ask me again sometime. It is quite a story."

unfa,land : "Yes, I was walking in the mountains of Tyme when suddenly I heard a noise."
"It was dark and I heard this low growling."
"Having just been released from Pildar's clutches, I was tired and hungry."

tyme : "That is a great range of mountains in my land. Wherever that is now."

pild : "From what I hear, he is not unlike your Mondain."
"Anyway, I peered into the darkness but could see nothing."
"Suddenly a huge wall of @blue flame appeared behind me."

blue,flam : "Yes, blue like nothing I had seen in any spell."
"Anyway, just as I turned, the creature leapt from the woods."
"It hit me with such force, we both entered the blue flame together."

ente : "Well, it didn't burn us, we just fell through to the ground beyond it."
"After struggling for a while, I finally managed to kill it."
"That's when I wandered into this community."

comm : "The people of this land are brave and honorable."
"They fed and clothed me when I discovered that my gold was not the same as yours."
"I know it is a queer story, but true none the less."

quee : "Yes it is. Still, if I could I would like to join you on your quest."
"Perhaps one of the people in your land will know how to get me back to mine."
"If not, at least I can thank your people by assisting you."

join : "You don't look seperated to me." He laughs heartily.
If on boat : "Not while you're in that thing!"
If party full : "I wish I could, however, you seem to have enough strong arms already."
"If any should leave though, seek me out."
If join party' : He bows low. "Seggallion at your service."

bye : "Farewell."
If joined party : "Shall we be off then?"

other : "That's one on me. 'Tain't never heard o' that."
If in party : "He leans a bit closer. "What was that?"

leave : If not in party : "Am I standing in your light? Sorry."
If on boat : "Could we at least wait till we get back to shore?"
If leaves : "I'll leave all these things with you."
"It is hard to say goodbye, but I see your path leads elsewhere, so..."

Skara Brae[edit]


Introduction : a tall, rather well dressed man with a wilted smile.
"Yes?" he asks, reaching over and removing something invisible from your shoulder.
Subsequent visits : Recognizing you, his smile flickers a moment. "You have come back. Well?"

name : Subsequent times : "You've forgotten? Well, 'Your honor' will do."
Initial time : He sniffs the air as if smelling something bad.
"I am, of course, Trenton Bell, the mayor."
"You may call me 'Your Honor'."

tren,bell : "I would appreciate if you would use my title, 'Your Honor'."

titl : "Yes, I am mayor."

your,hono,mayo : "Yes?"

humb,floc,alar,pier,cave : "Yes."

mant : "Well, surely thou canst read, yes?"

read : "Yes, reading books is good for your spiritual side."

job : "Job? I do not labor like others."

labo,othe,sail : "You know: rigging the masts or swabbing the decks."

mast,rig,swab,deck : "You aren't much of a sailor are you?"
"Yorl and that young Delancy girl can tell you about that."

yorl : "He works at the pier with the Delancy girl."

dela,marn : "She has run the pier ever since her father, Quenton, was attacked by a gargoyle."
He coughs then clears his throat.

rune : "Quenton, not I, was in charge of its safe keeping."
"Just as I suspected, when he died, so too did our chances of finding the rune."
"You see, he never told anyone where it was located."

shri,moon,gate : "Speak to Horance of that."
"He may be mad, but he is still quick and astute in the ways of magic."

quen,atta : "We were not friends...not good friends, that is. He resented my position."

posi,rese : "Yes, well, as mayor, I am the shepherd of the spiritual people of this hamlet."

shep,spir,peop,haml : "We do not believe in violence as a solution to our problems."
"My flock would not fight against anyone."
"Therefore, I'm alarmed at the recent gargoyle sightings."

garg : "Huge fierce creatures, they are."
"Quenton didn't even have time to scream before one of those beasts had killed him."

scre : "Many believe if he had screamed, someone in the inn would have heard him."

inn,some,hear : "A couple of travelers were staying there that night, but they said they heard nothing."
"Still, I find this strange."

coup,trav : "I do not know their names."
"'Twas Gideon questioned them, not I."

gide : "He runs the Haunting Inn."

haun : "The one the travelers were at. It's across the way." He frowns at you.

stra : "Yes, you see, my brother is a guard for Lord British."
"A few months ago, a gargoyle attempted to enter the castle proper."
"He said that although they killed the beast, it's horrifying noises still give him nightmares."

nigh,nois,beas : "He keeps hearing its deep growl."
"I'm sure that even if Quenton couldn't scream, someone would have heard that growl."

deza : "She is a peaceful woman. Very pleasant to talk to."

hora : "For the life of me I've never understood a word he's ever said."
"They say he drank one too many potions."

mich : "He is a very private sort. I've never been to his abode."
"He lives east of here, along the road to Britain."

bye : "Goodbye."

other : "I fail to see how that relates to the matter at hand..."
-or- : "You will have to ask another of that."


Introduction : a man bent over with age. An old brown tunic hangs loosely on him.
Initial visit : He looks at you, then looks over his shoulder and shouts to someone behind him.
"There, I told you, Marta. New people, new food for our souls."
He turns back to you. "Welcome to the Haunting Inn."
"Come and sit, for you must have many tales."
Subsequent visits : "Is it you, <Avatar Name>?" he says, leaning close and staring you in the eyes.
"Of course it is! Welcome back, traveler."

name : "Gideon, my friend, Gideon's what I'm called by one and all."

tale : "Yes, let us swap stories for a while..."

Gide : "Tis an old family name meaning 'one who spreads the word.'"
"My wife tells me I spread too many of them around."

lodg,room,inn : "# gold for a room and a meal. Interested?"
yes, no gold-I'm sorry, but we require cash in advance for our rooms.
yes-You sleep in a comfortable bed...
You wake rested and eat a large breakfast.
"Good morning, my friend."
no-Perhaps some other time, then.

word : "The word I spread is one of kindness to all souls!"

stra,bedr,drin,well,skif,race,samp,ware,odd,empt : "Yes."

job : "My wife would say it is to annoy the customers with idle banter. She's dear."
"I have rooms for let."

wife : "When I was a young man I visited the shrine to contemplate an emptiness I felt inside."
"Marta was there, so beautiful and shy."
"We sat in silence together for hours."
"Finally, she could take no more and turned and kissed me."
A shout comes from the room behind him.
He answers, "No, Marta, our guests are not asleep yet."

haun : "That name used to be just words."
"But now, with what Marta saw..."

shri : "The shrine of Spirituality. It is where we go when we are troubled."
"You should visit it sometime."

shou,mart,what,saw : "She hasn't come out of that room since she saw that darn ghost in the dining room a few nights ago."
"She told me the lanterns went out and a spectre drifted in front of her."
"She let out such a scream that I heard her from our bedroom."
He shakes his head and glances at the room behind him.

ghos,dini,lant,spec,scre : "My Marta doesn't spook that easy. After all, she's woke up next to me all these years."
"At first I thought maybe I should lock the cupboard where we keep the wine."
"But I don't think my Marta's been nippin'. I wish I knew what she saw."

cup,wine : "If you've never had Stivius' wine, you're in for a treat."

hora : "He's the alchemist who lives on Iver's Rounding."
"You'll need a boat to get there though."

iver,roun : "It was named after a famous pirate who beached his craft there during a storm."

stiv,wine : "He lives next door. Strange fellow..."
"I think he's sampled too much of his own wares."

idle,bant : "I'm sure by now you've heard such banter about old Quenton."
"He was a dear soul." Gideon looks past you into the distance.
"I could not believe it was him by the well." His eyes become watery.
"He lay so quiet, no sign of pain on his face, and just an amulet in his bloody hand."
He looks at the floor and mumbles. "Quen, I miss you, old mate."

quen,old,mate : "We came to this island many years ago."
"As children we'd take the boats and race around the point."
"Marta and I took care of him when Mondain's henchmen killed his wife Elisabeth."
"We care for his daughter, Marney, now. She's such a brave girl." He pauses a moment then continues.
"Neither I nor the travelers staying here heard anything the night he was killed."

kill : He looks at you a moment, then leans closer. "They say that Quenton was killed by a Gargoyle."
"I've heard these beasts eat their prey. Why did they leave Quenton alone then?"

mond,henc : "Yes, Quenton and Yorl were out fishing when a few of those evil ones landed here."
"They were fleeing Lord British's men and apparently thought our hamlet was safe haven."
"They went around asking for some person named Relthor, or Renthar... something like that."

elis : She was an angel to view. Blonde hair, green eyes, tall slender body. Marney could be her twin."
"I can still see Elisa's brave face as the men led her to their boat."
"They said that after she got them past their pursuers she would be freed." He hides his face in his hands.
"Our beliefs held us still."
"She turned and handed something to her crying little girl."
"Then she boarded the skiff, and they were gone."

marn,cryi,litt,brav,girl : "She, like her mother, is strong in her beliefs."
"When we buried her father, she sang a song she wrote for him." He softly sings.
"'You put your love in my heart, and now it's fallen apart, but all alone in the dark, I will remove the pain.'"
"'There is a sting in my eyes, and your name in my cries, but still I realize, that you are part of me.'"

boar,skif : "Elisabeth bowed her head as they sailed off." He looks absently at the floor and attempts to clear his throat.
Speaking again, his voice is a whisper. "They found her body along the coast south of here."

coas,sout : He looks at you, his eyes red and his lip quivering. He simply nods.

hand,some : "I couldn't see what it was."

relt,rent,pers : "We had no such person in this town. Not by that name."

beli,stil : "We are a peaceful people."
"We believe that all men have hearts that can possess either good or evil."
"These evil ones believed that by tearing down others, they could become more powerful."
"The truth is, when you tear down another's ladder you become no higher, they just become lower."
"It is harder to build your ladder on your own, but you will see farther in the end."

trav,murd : "I questioned them about the night of the murder."
"Still, of all of us, my Marta and I had the best vantage point from which to witness, or even hear, the murder."
"Yet we saw and heard nothing."

amul : "We went and told Yorl what had happened."
"When he returned with us to the well, he removed the amulet from Quenton's hand and took it to Marney."
"It took courage to tell her the news."

tren,bell : "He means well, it's just his attitude is all wrong for the job."
"He should spend some time in New Magincia."

new,magi : "You should sail there someday."

yorl : His eyes light up "He is one of the friendliest people in this hamlet."
"You must go see him, down by the pier." He stares absently at your shirt pocket.
"He's been like a father to Marney."

deza : "She's a dear soul. I sometimes feel sorry for her. I mean, her weight and all."
"Still, she is one of the most interesting people I've ever met."

mich : "Now there's a sad soul. He was so young when he got tangled up with the wrong group of kids."
"Had he been raised by someone with a good heart, he might have been one of Lord British's greatest knights."

lord,brit : "I'm just an innkeep. Ask Yorl: his father used to sail for our ruler."

bye : "Come back, dear souls."

other : "Ask someone else about that."


Introduction : a tiny little man with wild eyes.
"Yeah. Ok. Yeah."
He looks you up and down and then claps his hands together. "Yeah. Ok. Yeah."
Subsequent visits : "Back for some more wine?"
Initial visit : "What can I do you for?"

name : "Stivius the wine merchant is mine."

stiv : "Quite a name, eh?"

job : "I make wine."

buy,wine,merc : "Yeah. Maybe you want to buy some."
"Which of you?"
"Which item?"
<NPC Name> smiles at <Character Name>. "For <Item Name> it will cost you # gold. Interested?"
yes, but full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Excellent!" After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the wine.
"Enjoy your <Item Name>."
yes, but no gold-<NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You don't have enough gold."
no-"Too bad, it's really good wine."

ghos : "It's not just a tale you've been hearing."

tale : "Everyone knows that Quenton haunts this town."
"If I had been murdered by those evil ones...but that's just gossip."

ones,murd : "It was late one night and I had just returned from my fields."
"'Course my path takes me right by Gideon's garden."
"I heard a noise by the well and saw some dark forms hunched there."
"They had huge wings and evil red eyes."
"I ran like the wind to my doorway. I was sure I was dead."

quen : "He was a nice enough soul. I sold many bottles to him."

gide,gard : "Gideon runs the Haunting Inn."
"His wife has a garden which you can see from my front door."

haun,inn : "It's the Inn straight across the lane from here."

wife : "She doesn't do much. Helps him run the place."

nois : "Twas a strange whispering, in a tongue I could not understand."

stra,whis,tong : "It didn't sound like any language I ever heard."
"More like one o' them guild languages."

guil,lang : "Like the one the alchemist speaks."

alch : "Go ask old Horance. He can tell ya - if you can understand him!"

hora : "He lives over on Ivers Rounding by himself.

iver,roun : "You must be new to this village."
"Go see @Marney, she'll get you there."

marn : "She's the daughter of Quenton - the ghost."

dark,form : "I couldn't see too clearly. They were about man-sized though."

man,size : "Yes, but they were hunched down so it was hard to see them."

huge,wing,evil,red,eyes : His eyes widen. "Gargoyles they were!"
"Must'a been ten or twelve of 'em."

ten,twel : "Well, perhaps more like two or three."
"I didn't stay around and count 'em."

garg : "Yes. Big, ugly, snarling beasts."
"'Course, they were kneeling when I saw 'em."

knee : "You know, on their knees."

tren,bell : "I don't care much for him. He's always trying to get me to sell him my wine cheaper."

deza : "She's my sweetie."
He clasps his hands next to his cheek. "I count the hours until I can see her."

mich : "I have never talked to him. He bought wine from me once but that's it."

lord,brit : "Well, what's to say? I am glad he is again our ruler."

bye : "Come back if you get thirsty."

other : "Ask someone else about that."


Introduction : a rather plump woman with darting eyes.
Initial visit : "Hello. How are you this

name : "Marta."

mart : "It is a plain name, but I must live with it."

job : "Oh dear, my husband runs the inn. I tend my garden."

gard : "You've not seen it? I have the loveliest roses."

rose : "Red as the evening sun on the sea."

yorl : "He's a messy person - and smelly too."

dela,marn : "My dear little one? She is an angel - well minded, kind, thoughtful."
"She's a dear."

garg : "Nasty creatures, or so I hear. Can stomp a garden to pieces in minutes."

gide : "My husband talks a bit too much, but I love him."

haun : "I want to move from this house as soon as we can."

deza : "I cut myself one time in the garden. She healed it."

hora : "Another strange man. We have so many here."

mich : "He never comes into town."

ghos : "It was the scariest thing I ever saw! I'm sure it's still lurking about somewhere..."

bye : "Goodbye."

other : "You will have to ask another that."


Introduction : a huge, imposing man adorned in a leather apron.
Subsequent visits : "Good

name : "Yorl. A short name, but a strong one!"

yorl,stro : "My father was a coastal raider."
"But don't let that out."
He lets out a holler and laughs loudly.

coas,raid : He suddenly stops laughing and looks at you, his eyes angry and wide.
"Who told you?"
With that he throws his head back and laughs again.

fath : "Yes, I had one." He hollers again, this time slapping you on the back.

job : "I'm a fisherman."
"'Tisn't quite as exciting as some jobs, but it keeps me near the sea."

sea : "Oh, aye, love the sea I do."
"Even if the fishing's been poor of late."

fish,buy,sell : "Fish come, fish go. Right now, the fish have gone."
"But they'll come back!"
"And when they do, I'll be waitin' for 'em with my nets!"

net : "Aye, you haveta use nets to do serious fishing."
"A pole'll never catch you enough to sell."

pole : "Never use 'em myself. I stick to nets--faster and easier."
"Man's gotta make a living!"

ghos : "That's a tale they tell in town. I've seen no spirits. Except at old Stivius'."

tale : "You know, 'bout Marn's pa haunting the vineyard."
He leans closer wiping his hands on his apron.
"I think Stivius has been drinkin' his profits."

amul,lock : "I took it from Quenton's dead body to give to Marney for safe keeping."

marn : "She's the loveliest thing ever seen in these parts."
"I'm her father now. And if any man should want her hand, he'd better be able to take me square!"
He gives you a huge grin and flexes a massive bicep.

vine : "They say that Quen's ghost haunts that area of town."
"I can't imagine why. The sea was his lifeblood."

stiv : He removes a large hook from his pocket and begins to clean it as he talks.
"He's a strange little guy. They say he's the only one who saw Quen murdered."
"I wish we'd had a better witness." He flips the hook over and over examining it.
"Still, those Gargoyles would frighten any man."
"'Specially one as small as him."

quen : He pauses for a moment and looks distantly past your shoulder.
"He and I were mates. I can still remember the moment they told me he was dead."
He swallows hard and his eyes become glassy. "I miss old Quen."

they : "Gideon and Stivius."
"They came to my house before dawn and told me that Quen had been killed by gargoyles."

gide : "He owns the Haunting Inn. He's good people, though his wife is a bit of a nag."

wife : "She always complains that my house is an eyesore."
"I tell you if she comes around here, I'll show her what an eyesore really is!"
He slaps you on the back and laughs.

eye,sore : "This is a fishhouse. It's meant to be an eyesore." He laughs again.

garg : "I never seen a one."
"I seen alot o' things out at sea, serpents as big as the biggest four-master."
"But 'nary a single gargoyle." He looks out towards the sea.

four,mast : "One o' the tall ships. My father used to pilot one o' the biggest in Lord British's fleet."
"The Merideth Ann. She was a sight to behold, she was."

Meri,Ann : "She'd seen many a battle with pirates. Then she went to her grave in a storm."
"Took nearly two hundred men with her."

grav,stor : "Came up all of a sudden. I say it was Mondain's doing."
He pulls the pipe from his mouth and tamps the tobacco with his stout thumb.
"Anyhow, that's when I lost my father."

mond : He stops trying to relight his pipe and looks at you.
"Where have you been scuttled? That's too long a story for this

scut : "Never mind." He sticks his hands in his apron.

serp : He turns his head back towards you, purses his lips, then speaks.
"It was a calm night, it was."
"Quen and I had 'cided to go out on that glassy sea for a fish."
"Not just any fish, mind ya, a light-horn."
He pulls a pipe out of his apron.

ligh,horn : "When we were boys, Quen's father often talked about such a fish."
"Said if a body could catch one, good fortune would be his."
He brings the pipe to his lips and lights it.

catc,good,fort : "Yes, good fortune."
"He said the fish had a glowing horn on it's snout."
"It only comes close to the surface when the sea is like glass."

surf,glas : "You see, the fish thought the surface was a mirror and it came up to admire its horn."
He chuckles to himself, teeth clenched around the pipe.
"Anyway, Quen and I 'cided we'd catch us one in our skiff."

skif : He pulls the pipe from his mouth and blows some smoke rings.
"Well, even though the skiff was small, we figured that we'd spear the beast and drag it back to port."

drag,port,spea : "I know it sounds crazy now, but you have to remember, we were only boys."
"Anyway, we rowed out past Ivers Rounding and sat in our skiff waiting to see one."
He looks out to sea again and chuckles.

iver,roun : "You know, past where the alchemist lives."
"Anyway, we sat there for hours with 'nary a sign of life..."
"Then, suddenly, in the distance we could see a tall neck rising out of the water and heading towards us."

alch,hora : "Old Horance? He's a crazy old coot who lives on the isle."

tall,neck : "As it came closer, a huge wave preceded it and we could make out a giant mouth."
He takes his pipe from his mouth and gestures at you.
"I tell you, you've never seen two boys make a skiff travel so fast in all your life."
He laughs out loud, this time bending over to support himself.

tren,bell : "He's a stuffy one. Never likes to come down here, says it smells."

deza : "She's a heavily rigged one, she is." He winks at you and laughs.

mich : "I don't much care for that one. He used to be one of Mondain's henchmen."
"I'd plot a course 'round him if I were you."

lord,brit : "My father used to sail in one of his fleets. A brave and mighty ruler he is."

bye : He slaps a hand on your back "Good fortune, and may the wind be at your back."

other : "That doesn't concern me. Ask another."


Introduction : a very large woman with a deliberate smile.
Initial visit : "Dezana knows much. Have you returned for more talk or are you in need?"
Subsequent visits : "Mmm...yes?" She looks down at you, her eyes merely slits.

name : "Dezana." She smiles like a cat preparing for a meal.

job : "I can heal, cure, and even resurrect."

need : "Yes? What is thy need--healing, curing or resurrection?"

heal : Avatar healthy : "You look fine to me."
Party healthy : "None of you look hurt!"
Injured : "Which of you?"
"I see thy injury, <Character Name>."
"It will cost you 30 gold, interested?"
no-<NPC Name> approaches <Character Name> and binds the wounds.
yes-"You must pay before I can heal you."
"Is there something else I can do for you?"

cure : Avatar healthy : "You don't look poisoned."
Party healthy : "Perhaps you have a hangover, 'cause none of you are poisoned."
Poisoned : "Which of you?"
"You look poisoned to me." She nods at <Character Name>.
"It'll cost you 10 gold, interested?"
yes-<NPC Name> grabs a vial and pours it down <Character Name>'s throat.
<Character Name> feels much better.

resu : No corpse : "What? But you carry no dead body!"
Have corpse : "I see that <Character Name> carries a departed friend."
"Resurrection costs 400 gold, interested?"
no-"As you wish."
yes, no gold-"You don't have enough gold."
"You might think about a proper burial."
yes, group gold-Your party takes up a collection for their fallen comrade.
<NPC Name> lays hands upon the corpse...
And the dead live again!
If have another corpse : "I see that <Character Name> carries another slain friend."

deza : "That is correct. Now, are you here to chat, or are you in need?"

talk,conv,chat : "There are many words which travel about this small hamlet."
"Many are intriguing, some are even dangerous. What words have you heard?"

ghos : "That is one worth speaking about. You see, many people travel the spirit world."
"Some are lost souls, others have a purpose. Quenton is not a lost soul."

trav,spir,worl : "It is a mystical place between here and the hereafter. Quenton resides there."

lost,soul : "They spent their whole life without learning anything or growing inside."
"They are as children left alone in a crib. Never learning, always seeking."

quen : "He had attained much wisdom before he was forced from here."
"If his ghost has been seen..."
"And I believe he has..."
"Then he must be attempting to communicate with us about some unfinished business."
"Perhaps he knows who killed him."

kill,comm : "I know this much: if you wish to find out who murdered him, you won't be able to ask his ghost."
"You see, the spirit world can not communicate with ours directly."
"Although his ghost can hear your questions, he'll respond by manipulating the environment."

mani,envi : "Yes, you know, make him demonstrate his answers by, say, shaking a branch."

garg : "Those creatures are dangerous. I have heard that they can tear a man to pieces."
"So why, then, did the gargoyles not attack Stivius as well?"
"Certainly he would have tasted just as good."

tren,bell : "He is a very stiff man. I believe he may be hiding something about his past."

yorl : "A nice fellow, but a bit too simple for me."

mich : "I know something about everyone in this village. However, this man is unknown to me."
"He never talks about his past."

gide : "He is a dear old man. Never has a mean thing to say of anyone."

stiv : "A quaint little man. He has strong feelings for me." "I must admit, he has a cute way about him."

marn : "She has seen much pain in her life. More than even I can heal. I pity her."

hora : "He was once a great man. Discovered many of the herbs I use in healing."
"He discovered something else, however: that total knowledge can corrupt totally."
"I don't know what drove him mad. And I don't want to know." She shudders slightly.

bye : "Return when you need healing."

other : "It is not my place to talk about that."


Introduction : a bent, aging man with a scraggly beard and few teeth.
Subsequent visits : "Once they came for wanting,
Twice they came to see,
If I am relenting,
In my mystery."
Initial visit : "Dogs are at my doorstep,
Yapping at my heels.
No way to ignore them.
Just pretend that they are eels."

buy,reag : The mention of business brings the senile man to his senses momentarily.
"Which of you?"
"Which of these?"
<Item Name> costs # per portion."
"How many dost thou want?"
Have enough gold : <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> the <Item Name>.
Not enough space : "Thou cannot carry that much!"
"I'll give thee #; thou dost not need the rest."
No space : "Thou cannot carry any <Item Name>!"
Not enough gold : "Thou cannot afford that much!"
"I'll give thee #; thou cannot have the rest."
No gold : "Thou cannot afford any <Item Name>!"

lear,spel : The mention of business brings the senile man to his senses momentarily.
If no spellbook, solo : "But thou hast not a spellbook!"
If no spellbook, party : "But none of you has a spellbook!"
If have spellbook : "Which of you?"
"In which Circle does <Character Name> wish to study?"
If not 1-8 : "As everybody knows, there are only eight circles."
Level higher than character : "I sense that <Character Name> is only ready for the # Circle."
"But such matters are not my concern..."
If no spells available : "I have no spells of that circle."

"Which of these?"
"That spell costs # gold. Interested?"
no-"Perhaps <Character Name> is not ready for this circle."
yes-<NPC Name> hands <Character Name> a piece of rune-covered parchment.
yes, no gold-"<Character Name> lacks the # gold required."

magi,book,sell : The mention of business brings the senile man to his senses momentarily.
"Which of you?"
No space : "But thou cannot carry a spellbook!"
Not enough gold : "But thou cannot afford a spellbook!"
"A spellbook costs 50 gold pieces. Interested?"
no-"Perhaps one of thy friends then."

name : "Names I'm always thinking,
Names I always see.
Have you any inkling
What they seem to mean?"

job : "I have nice reagents,
Also wondrous spells.
If you need a magic book,
Those I also sell."

hora,tubl : "That is too familiar,
Could it be a friend?
No, none is delivered,
So I must pretend."

kill,murd : "'Step into my parlor,'
Said the spider to the fly.
Perhaps if he could holler,
He would not have to die."

relt,rent : "Many are pretenders,
A harmless game they play.
But for the few offenders,
Of constant night they pray."

ghos : He purses his lips and lets out an eery, high-pitched cry.
"That is my impression.
Tell me what you think.
Can you learn a lesson,
From what it has to teach?"

burm,shav : "Don't stick your arm
Out too far.
It may go home
In another car!"
-- Burma Shave.

quen : "Ask about a traitor,
Ask about a love,
And if you are creative,
Ask above the dove."

garg : "What is truly fearsome,
What can evil be?
Not all that growls is gruesome,
Not all that hates has wings."

moon,gate,shri : "Through a glowing door,
By the full moons' light.
For me to tell you more
Would take us half the night!"

tren,bell : "He who has opinions,
Thinks he knows it all,
Will someday end up learning
What comes before a fall."

yorl : "Simple has its moment
And often is received
Much better than the brilliant,
Who often will deceive."

mich : "Pain can run so deeply
That one becomes a mute,
In fear of leading others
Where goodness is in dispute."

gide : "Kindness is a proverb
That all can understand,
And those who share it with you
Will oft be in demand."

stiv : "Little is the difference,
That seperates ourselves.
Remembering this inference,
Is oft a great challenge."

marn : "Love has many rivers,
Yet grief can twist them all.
Be guided by your wisdom,
And you'll achieve the goal."

lord,brit : "A council has a purpose,
And yet it can be wrong.
There are no notes that singly
Put the melody in a song."

bye : "I see that they are going,
I'm sure they will return.
For if they lack the knowing,
They'll always need to learn."

other : "I hear you have a question.
I'm here to answer some.
If I may make suggestions,
Please ask another one."


Introduction : a tall, delicate looking female. Her smile puts you at ease.
Initial visit : "Hello <Gender>, welcome to my home."
Her eyes are as blue as the ocean and her movements as rythmic as the tide.
Subsequent visits : "I recognize you from before." She winks at you.
"What can I do for you?"

name : "My father chose an ancient word for my name."
"It means the cool breeze after a storm has passed. Marney."

job : "I look after the dock."

dock,skif : "Oh, you're probably wanting a skiff to get out to old Horance's island."
"Well, we have none for sale, but feel free to borrow the one at the dock."
"Be sure to return it, though!"

marn : "It is in a poem my mother wrote to him when they first met."
She grabs a locket that hangs around her neck and opens it.
Inside is a folded piece of cloth with words printed on it. She begins to read.
"At first we met and dark clouds gathered, the thunder sounding your approach."
"Then comes the storm of our hearts pounding and in the end the marney's touch."

poem : "Certainly you can look at it." She hands the tiny cloth to you.
Looking at it, you discover that she has read only the first verse of the poem.
The second reads, "If I should leave and you are lonely,
Remember where my love is kept:
Inside a basket made of promise,
You'll find my dreams of us have slept."

bask : "A basket? I have one in my hope chest. Feel free to look for yourself."

lock,amul : "My mother gave me this just before she was taken by those evil men."
"My mother told me to give it to father when he returned from the sea."
"Yorl gave it back to me after he was killed.

sea : "My father had gone out to help Yorl bring in the catch that afternoon."

rune : "I am sorry for our town. You see, my father was the caretaker of the rune stone."
"After he died, we had no way of finding out where he put it."

ghos : She bows her head a moment and with a shaky voice begins to speak.
"It is something I care not to talk about. His memory brings only sadness to me."

quen,fath : "My father? He was a brave man and very strong."
"That he died in such a violent way was so wrong."
"But I am sure there is a reason for it."
Her blue eyes glisten with new-formed tears.

murd,kill,die : She rubs her nose with the knuckle of her hand.
"I can not see why those beasts would kill him, but perhaps it was just unfortunate."
"Still, I can't see why he was at the inn that late."
"Had he been drinking, Yorl would have been with him."

yorl : "Oh, Yorl." She smiles to herself. "He and father were never apart."
"After my mother was kidnapped, Yorl helped my father get back on his feet."
"They were always together." Her gaze returns to you.
"If my father had been drinking at the inn, Yorl would have been there."

haun,inn : "My father and Yorl would go there after a good catch."
"Gideon had been a friend of theirs since youth."
"The three would would drink and reminisce together."

garg,beas : She looks at you and swallows. "I cannot talk about these creatures."

tren,bell : "I believe he has done all he can for me."
"When my father was murdered, he took charge to find the gargoyles."
"None were found though."

mich : Her eyes brighten at the mention of his name. "He is a very handsome man."
"I see him only occasionally when he comes into town."
She looks absently out the window. "Yorl would never let me see him though."

gide : "He and his wife are very kind to me. They have taught me so much about how to treat others."

stiv : "He is a sweet little man. He brought me wine on my sixteenth birthday."
"I'm quite fond of him."

deza : "She has done as much as she can to heal my wounded heart."
"She bakes for me and we have long talks about almost everything."
"I wish I were as beautiful as she."

hora : "Ah, now, Horance is much wiser than most know."
"He is also my mentor when it comes to poetry."
"He has a way of reminding me that I am too concerned with myself."
"It is a gentle way, but a firm reminder."

lord,brit : "I saw him once when I was a little girl."
"We had gone to his castle for a celebration and there he sat on a great white charger."
"What a sight he was."

bye : "I am sorry that I wept. It is not your fault. Goodbye."

other : As you ask this, she begins to cry.Gathering her strength she looks at you. "Sorry?"


Introduction : a tall man with muscles looking like huge snakes.
"Speak," he growls at you, his voice as rough and cold as stone.

name : "Are you taking a census?" His powerful gaze is fixed on you.

cens : "Yes, you know, counting people, taking down names..."

mich : "That name is given to friends so that they may feel they are close to me."
"Since I have none, refrain from its use."

ghos : "That is a concern of the town, not mine."

quen : "He was not fortunate. It is written that it is better to be fortunate than skilled."
"He, I'm sure, would agree." His face betrays a slight grin.

murd,kill : "All men have enemies. A debt needed to be settled."
"He hadn't the strength to settle it, so someone decided to take the initiative."
He pulls out a knife and begins to pick at his nails.

debt,sett : "Surely you don't buy the fable of the gargoyle."
"There wouldn't be enough left to bury if this were the case."
"This was no monster who settled the debt, it was the work of man's hands."
He brings the knife to his teeth and delicately works it between them.

garg : "Have you ever seen one?"
"If you had you would not believe the fairy tales "being told by that incompetent mayor."
He grabs the knife and holds it aloft. "See this blade?"
"Their fangs are twice as long and thrice as sharp."

tren,bell,inco,mayo : "He is a fool. The perfect man for his job."

yorl : "I don't know him."

gide : "Too kind for his own good."

stiv : "An annoying little man. Makes good wine though."

marn : "She is kind to me, and yet I believe this is genuine."

hora : "Perhaps the wisest of us all."

lord,brit : "He is one to be respected. I have seen him fight, firsthand."
"He is a mighty warrior, as well as a just opponent."

bye : He resumes cleaning his nails with his knife.

other : He ignores the question and you think it wise not to ask again.


Introduction : a vaporous form hovering before you.
A shiver runs up your spine as you feel a chilling draft...
Initial visit : The form is that of a man.
His mouth moves, yet no words can be heard...

murd,kill,die,dead : You speak the word and the spectre responds by pointing a boney hand to his eye.

eye : A wind from behind blows your hair, covering your eyes.

garg : A whirlpool of leaves, twigs and stones whips up around you.
Your clothing is yanked by the strong wind forcing you to grip it tightly in your hands.

marn : A cool breeze blows through your hair.
You suddenly smell the scent of a storm approaching.

how : The ghostly image shimmers for a moment and then he points a boney finger to his neck.

who : The spectre's arm thrusts out, pointing to the sea.

sea : The spectre's arm thrusts again, this time.
This time you see it points towards the pier.

bye : A strong breeze suddenly assaults you with twigs and leaves.

other : You hear no answer save the rustle of the leaves on the ground around you.



Introduction : a huge male cyclops.
Subsequent visits : "Hoh, hoh. You back!"
If brought fish : "You bring good fish."
"Bring more?"
no-"No fish?" The cyclops seems sad.
yes-"Hoh! You bring fish?"
yes, but no fish-"Get fish!"
Initial visit : "Who you?"

name : "Me cyclops."
"Tiny one say me 'Papa.'"

tiny,one : "Find him on shore."
"One-eye little one die long ago."
"Female want little one, so keep tiny one."
"Not strong like one-eye little one."

job : "Live here! Eat, hunt!"

cell : "Cellar no go. Locked."

lock,key : If cyclops has key : "Got key. Want key?"
yes-"Want fish!"
"Use pole, get fish."
"Want key, bring fish!"
no-"Why ask no want?"

Subsequent times, no fish : "Where fish? No smell fish."
Subsequent times, have fish : "Good fish! Good friend!"
Subsequent times, no key, have fish : "Good fish! Here, key."
The cyclops hands you a large, rusted key.

If cyclops doesn't have key : "No got key."

big,bloc,blac,cube : "Mine. In cellar. No get!"

fish : "Fish good."
"Like eat much fish!"

bye : "Come back, bring more ¢fish!"

other : "What mean <Last Input>?"


Introduction : a huge female cyclops.
Subsequent visits : "You come back! Play with tiny one?"
yes-"Good, he need tiny friends!"
no-"But he need tiny friends! He get lonely!"
Initial visit : "Oh, you cute! You funny-looking like tiny one!"

name : "Me cyclops."
"Tiny one say me 'Mama.'"

tiny,one : "Male find him on shore."
"One-eye little one die long ago."
"Two-eye little one just as good!"

job : "Live here! Cook, hunt!"

cell : "Cellar no go. Deep deep deep. Locked."

vort : "What look like?"

cube : "What color?"

blac : "Oh, me seen that! Big black block!"

lock,key : "Talk male. He have key."

bloc : "Male keep that in cellar."

bye : "Come back soon, play with tiny one more!"

other : "What mean <Last Input>?"


Introduction : a young human child.
Subsequent visits : "Hi again!"
Initial visit : "Wow! Two-eyed people like me! You gotta go see my folks!"

name : I'm Myles."
"But Mama and Papa aren't good with names."
"They just call me 'tiny one!'"

mama,papa,folk : "They're not my real parents."
"Mama and Papa found me on the beach."
"I guess my real parents drowned or something."
"That was long ago. I don't remember much about it."
"Mama and Papa said they used to have a son of their own, but he died."
"So they adopted me!"

adop : "We all live in that big old castle!"
"It's a real neat place, with all sorts of rooms and cellars and stairs and stuff."

room,cell : "A lot of places are locked. Papa keeps the keys."

job : "Oh, I help Mama and Papa!"
"Though sometimes I think Papa wishes I were big and strong like a cyclops, so I could help more."

vort,cube,bloc,blac,big,ston,stuf : "There's a whole lot of junk lying around the castle."
"Ask Mama or Papa about it."
"Papa doesn't let me play with much of it."

bye : "See you later!"

other : "Huh?"



Introduction : a shifty-eyed man with a strange smile. He smells of rancid grease and cooking smoke.
"Hello there, <Gender>."
If have egg : "That big, carefully wrapped bundle could only be a dragon's egg!"
"Will you give it to me?"
no-"I guess I cannot help you much, then."
yes-"Now I can make Humble Pie!" Overjoyed, he gives you a hug.
"So, does the subject of pirates interest you?"
no-He shrugs. "As you wish."
yes-"Well, first, there is one in Serpent's Hold. I cannot recall her name, but she has a piece of the map with her."
"Second, there is one on Dagger Isle. A hermit."
"Third, I know of a pirate at Empath Abbey, or thereabouts. Nathaniel Moorehead was his name."
"The fourth... but then maybe I've said too much already."°

name : "My name is Sandstone Angus."
"Most folks call me Sandy."

job : "I cook for Lord Whitsaber."
"He especially likes my recipe for fish in a white wine sauce."

fish,wine,sauc : "It's my specialty!"

four,said,much,alre : "Before Lord Whitsaber came to Trinsic to be our mayor, he had another job..."
"As first mate to Captain Hawkins himself! His real name is Alastor Gordon."

map,lord,whit,map,pira : Didn't give egg : "Hmmm. I'd better get back to cooking... Excuse me."
He walks away mumbling, "Magincian pastry..."

pie,magi,past : If gave egg : "Truly it shall be a magnificent desert!"
If didn't give egg : "I could do you a favor if you did one for me first."

egg : "Only a dragon's will do."

drag : "There's a lair in the dungeon Destard, to the northwest."
"It's not far."

bye : "Bye."

favo,firs : "Let's see..."
"'A golden orb on a crystal sea, in a box sans hinges, lid, or key.'"
"I'll give you one guess to this riddle."
egg : "Very good!"
other : "It's an egg, of course."
"To make Magincian pastry, I require one dragon's egg."°

other : "Sorry, I can't help you with that."


Introduction : a balding but distinguished man.
If know identity : Recognizing you, fear fills the former pirate's eyes.
"What do you want? I thought we had a deal!"
Subsequent visits : "Welcome back, Avatar!"
Initial visit : "Welcome, Avatar!"

name : "I am Lord Whitsaber, mayor of this honorable town!"

job : "I am entrusted with an honor above all others-that of governing Trinsic, the Town of Honor!"

trin,town,hono : "Every citizen of this fine town strives every day to be a living example of honor."
"Of course, thy own example guides us all, Avatar!"

map,ship,hawk,capt,home : If have map : "I gave you the map. What more do you want?"
If don't have map : "All right! If thou wouldst but promise to keep my secret, I'll give thee the map!"
yes-"Oh, thank you, Avatar."
He hands over his piece of the map.
"I'll rely on thy honor to keep my secret."°
no-But what more can I do? I cannot change the past!"
"By giving you the map, do I not prove that I have changed my ways?"
"No pirate would willingly give up the key to such a treasure!"
If don't know identity : "What are you insinuating?"

pira : "Me, a pirate? Absurd!"
He laughs out loud...but you sense a trace of fear in his voice!

sand,alas,gord,firs,mate : "Wh--what did Sandy tell you?"
"Did he say I was once a pirate?"
yes-"Then all is lost!"
"Have pity, Avatar, and keep my secret!"
"I have changed since those dark days, truly I have!"
no-He seems strangely relieved. "Oh. Well, good, because it isn't true!"

rune : "The Rune of Honor? Why, it is on a pedestal in the center of town!"
"Even though the rune is our most prized possession, we do not guard it!"
"And dost thou know why not?"
yes"Oh." He seems disappointed somehow.
no-"Because Trinsic is the Town of Honor!"
"None here would be dishonorable enough to steal it."
"And surely, if any took the rune, they would do the honorable thing and return it afterwards!"

mant : "The Mantra of Honor? Let me think..."
"Oh yes, I remember now. It's 'summ.'"

bye : If know identity : "Goodbye, Avatar! Thou hast my thanks!"
"Truly are thy compassion and honor an example to us all!"
If don't know identity : "Good

other : "I beg thy pardon, Avatar?"


Introduction : a small, fussy looking man.
"Welcome to the Fool's Pair o' Dice."
Subsequent visits : "Anything else I can do for you?"

name : "It's Lawrence."

buy : "Which, grapes, ale, mead, wine, or rations?"

job : "I sell grapes, ale, mead, wine, and rations."

grap : "Which of you?"
"That'll be 3 gold, okay?"
yes, no gold-"Come back when you have some gold."
yes, no room-"You don't have room to carry them."
yes-<NPC Name> gives <Character Name> some grapes.

mead,ale,wine : "Which of you?"
"That's # gold, okay?"
yes, no gold-"Come back when you have some gold."
yes, no room-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-<NPC Name> gives <Character Name> some <Item Name>.
"That ought to hold you."

rati : "Which of you?"
"Rations are 4 gold apiece. How many do you want?"
Pack full : <NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You haven't any room in your pack."
No gold : "Come back when you have some gold."
Can afford/carry requet : <NPC Name> hands the rations to <Character Name>.
Can't afford/carry request : He hands <Character Name> # ration(s) of mutton.
Inventory full : "That's all you can carry."
Short on gold : "That's all you can afford."

no,bye : "Goodbye."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : a tall, muscular man with a solemn look on his face.
"Welcome, <Gender>."
"What can I do for you?"

name : "My name is Harold."

buy,hors,shoe : "Which of you?"
"It'll cost you 2 gold for the horseshoes, interested?"
yes, full-"You look pretty full to me."
yes-"Here you go."
yes, no gold-"Best check your coinpouch again."
no-"Very well."

job : "Horseshoes are my living."

bye : "Farewell."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : a golden-haired young man.
Subsequent visits "Avatar! Good

buy : I have a large inventory, so be more specific:"
"Dost thou want arms or armor?"

arms, armo : Shop closed : "Come by my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "Changed your mind, eh?"
Character selected : "That <Item Name> costs # gold."
yes, full-But 'twould make thee o'erburdened, <Character Name>!"
After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, no gold-"But thou hast not enough gold, <Character Name>!"

sell : Shop closed : "Come by my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : Nothing of interest : "Sorry, none of you has anything I need."
Have weapons/armour : "Aye, <Character Name> has something of interest..."
"Which of you?"
"Which item?"
"Will you take # gold for that <Item Name>, <Character Name>?"
no, only one item-"Perhaps some other time, then."
no, many items-"Perhaps something else then?"
yes-"Done!" <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> # gold pieces and takes the <Item Name?.

job : "Oh, I'm not important like you. I'm just a weaponsmith--and only a journeyman at that."

jour : "Aye, just a few years ago I was a simple apprentice."
"Now I supply arms to all Trinsic!"

name : "My name's Brandon, <Gender>, and I'm honored to meet thee!"°

join : "That would be a great honor! I'd love to!"
The man comes to his senses.
"But no, I can't. I've responsibilites here, especially now."

well,good,fine,okay,grea : "And glad I am to hear it!"

now,supp : "I have to make weapons to help fight the gargoyles!"

bye,noth : "Farewell! May thy quest succeed, Avatar!"

weap : "Perhaps you'd like to buy some. I'd be honored to have thee as a customer."

other : "Beg pardon, <Gender>?"


Introduction : a sultry, dark-skinned woman dressed in riding-leathers.
Subsequent visits : "Hello again, my friend. What can I do for you?
Initial visit : "Hello, stranger(s). What can I do for thee¢ this

name : "Some call me Immanuelle, <Gender>."
"Others call me...something else."
She winks at you.

some,else : If male : "Perhaps some time I will show you..."
If female : "I think you get the idea."

show : "Not here."

job : "I raise horses here, in the stables."
"I also sell horses, if you wish to buy one."

sell,hors : "I can hardly bear to part with any of these magnificent beasts."
"But there are a few that fail to please me."
"If you wish to buy one of them, just say the word."

buy Not at shop : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
At shop : Avatar solo, has horse : "But thou already hast a horse!"
Avatar in party, all have horses : "But all of you are already on horses!"
No horse : "Which of you?"
"Aye, <Character Name>, thou hast need of a horse."
Not enough gold : "But thou canst not afford one!"
Have gold : "My price is # gold pieces, no less. Interested?"
yes-"Good!" <NPC Name> takes <Character Name>'s gold, and hands over the reins of a fine horse.
no-"Perhaps some other time then."
Party members don't have horses : "How about one of thy friends/thy friend?"

bye : "Come back again soon!"
As you leave, she blows you a kiss.

other : "Beg pardon, <Gender>?"


Introduction : a doddering old woman.
"Who are you and what d'ye want?"

Randomly throughout conversation : "Eh? Speak up!"

heal : Avatar solo, uninjured : "What do you mean, heal? Thou art not wounded!"
Avatar in party, uninjured : "What do you mean, heal? None of you are wounded!"
Injured : "Which of you?"
"Aye, I see thy wound, <Character Name>."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 30 gold?"
yes-Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Tobatha mends the wounds.
no-"Well, if thou wilt not pay, why should I heal thee?"
yes, no gold, low karma-"You youngsters think everything should be free!"
yes, no gold, high karma-"Thou art not too bad, for a youngster."
"All right, I'll heal ye."
Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Tobatha mends the wounds.
"What else ya want?"

cure : Avatar solo, not poisoned : "What do you mean, cure? Thou art not poisoned!"
Avatar in party, not poisoned : "What do you mean, cure? None of you are poisoned!"
Poisoned : "Which of you?"
"Aye, <Character Name>, I can tell that thou art poisoned."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 10 gold?"
yes-Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Tobatha removes the poison.
no-"Well if thou won't pay, thou won't get cured!"
yes, no gold, low karma-"You youngsters think everything should be free!"
yes, no gold, high karma-"Thou art not too bad, for a youngster."
"All right, I'll cure ye."
Laying hands upon <Character Name>, Tobatha removes the poison.

resu : No corpse : "Eh? What foolishness is this?"
"There ain't no dead person here!"
Have corpse : "Well, ain't that just like youngsters?"
"Makin' mistakes and expecting their elders to bail them out."
"Well, today's your lucky day."
"Wilt thou make an offering of 400 gold?"
no-"Then go see a gravedigger. I'll reckon his price'll be lower."
yes, not enough gold : "That ain't enough money."
"Thou art # gold piece(s) short."
"Go see a gravedigger. I'll reckon his price'll be lower."
yes-Your party takes up a collection for their fallen comrade.
Tobatha lays hands upon the corpse...
And the dead live again!
If have another corpse : "I see that <Character Name>'s got another one."

name : "My name's Tobatha." "But you can call me maam, youngster."

toba : "That's maam to you, youngster. Respect your elders!"

maam,ma'a : "That's better. Now, what did you want?"

job : "Job? I'm a mender of the inflicted!"
"If I weren't, why would you be here?"
"Now stop this foolishness and tell me what you want, youngster."

infl : "I can heal, cure, and even raise dead!"

than : "Oh, sure! Thou art just trying to get on my good side."
"Well, it won't work!"

bye,no : "Hmph! And not so much as a thank-you."
"Well, that's kids today for ye! No manners, the lot of 'em!"

yes "Well, what can I do for thee?"

other : "Don't bother me with that!"


Introduction : a colorfully clad, bemused looking gypsy.
"Hey, paisan! If you were looking to geta your fortune told, you came to the right place."

name : "I'ma called Arturos. That meansa either 'foolish monkey' or 'he who sells cheese', depending on howa you translate it."

fool,monk,chee,tran : "Yeah, go figure, huh?"

map : If purchased map : "Yeah, I used to have a map like that. Can't remember what I did with it, though..."
If didn't purchase map : "Map. Hmm, map... Oh yeah, thata old thing. Sure, I got that, but she'sa not very interesting."
"Say--do you want to buy it?"
no-"Nah, I didn't think so. What for would anybody want to buy it, ah?"
yes-"Oh! Well, sure you do, she's a very important map!"
He leads you away from the rest of the group. "Don't want no spyin' ears, ah?"
"Yeah, this map, she'sa leading to the treasure of - oh, who was it, Yellowbeard or somebody."
"Well, I forget, but the point is it leads to a big, huge treasure!"
"So if you want this map you're agonna have to pay - 100 gold! Okay?"
yes-"Okay, here's the map, and may fortune bring you lotsa gold!"
no-"Well, I hate to see anybody pass up good fortune, so I tell you what I do."
"I sell you this map, this key to infinite wealth, for just 75 gold. Okay?"
yes-"Okay, here's the map, and may fortune bring you lotsa gold!"
no-"What, are you nuts? But okay, how'sabout just 50 gold?"
yes-"Okay, here's the map, and may fortune bring you lotsa gold!"
no-"Thank you! You have asaved me from amaking a big mistake!"
"You're right, I better hold on to this valuable map myself. No way is it worth less than 100 gold."

yes, but not enough gold-"Hey, what are you, a deadbeat? Come back when you can afford the map!"
yes, but inventory full-"Yeah, well, you've got a lot to carry right now."
"I do you a favor and just hold on to the map for you until you got room for it."
"I do you another favor and hold on to the money, too."

job : "Ima the king of all the gypsies."
"Of course, thatsa what you call more of an 'honorary' title, so I tell fortunes on the side."

hono,titl,king,gyps,artu : "You cana just call me 'Uncle Arthur' if you like."

zolt : "He's a whadda you call, an impostor. You shouldn'ta listen to him."

˜"I gota this fine set of fortune telling cards. These werea hand painted by Musgrave himself."
"For justa two gold,
If not asked about tablet : "I'll tella you your future. Whadda you say?"
If asked about tablet : "maybe I can help you finda this silver tablet."
"And I'll tell you the rest of your future as well. What a bargain! Whadda you say?"
no-"Ok, have it your way."
"But ifa some maniac with an axe catches you in a dark alley somewhere, don'ta blame me for not warning you."
yes, but no gold-"Come back whena you have the money."
yes, have gold-He takes out a deck of cards, shuffles it, and has you pick one.
"Okay, thisa card, she'sa the Tower. That means you'rea going to go into a real big building soon, like maybe a castle."
"Pretty good, huh? Maybe you want a better card, though. Do you want to pick again?"
yes-You pick another card. "This here isa the Wheel of Fortune."
"Wheels, they go 'round and 'round, so that means you'rea gonna have some good luck, and some bad luck."
"That doesn't tell you so much. Try for another card?"
yes-"Oh, hey, you picked the Lovers this time. I thinka maybe you should go talk to Andreas/Wanda, you know what I mean?"
"That'sa pretty good card. How about another one?"
yes-"This here's Temperance. Thata means that you shouldn't lose your temper."
"I cana find you a better card than that, here, wait a minute."
He picks out a card. "This is Justice, that'sa one of what they call the 'court cards.' Let me try again." He picks another.
"Okay, this isa better. This is the Hierophant. That'sa like an elephant, but taller and without the trunk."
"That means you'rea gonna see one of them someday. Pretty interesting, huh? Another card?"
yes-"Uh-oh, you justa drew the Death card. That means eithera you're going to kill somebody soon, ora somebody's gonna kill you."
"I can never geta that part straight. One more card?"
yes-"Allaright, now we're talking. You pickeda the Crow card. That'sa telling you adventuring isa for the birds."
"You should open a little shop somewhere and settle down, you know?"
"The cards didn't say nothin' about the silver tablet. Guess that means you're not gonna find it."
"Okay, that'sa # extra cards at 5 gold apiece. That makes # total."
If not enough gold : "Since you don'ta have that much, I'll just settle for what you've got."
"That's life, you know?"
If have enough gold : "It was a pleasure doinga business with you."

uncl,arth : "That'sa nice and friendly. I like you too." He comes over and gives you a big hug.

bye : "Hey, you come again soon, okay?"

Shamino whispers to you, "Best check your coinpouch. I think I saw something when that gypsy hugged you."¢

silv,tabl : "The silver tablet? I don't know anything about that."
"But hey, maybe there's something in the cards about it, ah?"

other : "Can'ta you think of something more interesting to talk about?"


Introduction : a handsome, carefree gypsy man.
If female : "Hey, foxy! I bet you'd like me to unsheathe my weapon so you can have a look..."
If male : "Hey there! Welcome to our humble caravan!"
either gender : "You look like a bold warrior - would you like to spar a bit for practice?"

Subsequent visits, female : "Ah, I see you couldn't stay away... I have that effect on women."
Subsequent visits, male : "Welcome back, <Avatar Name>. Came for some more of our gypsy hospitality, I see!"

name : "I am Andreas, prince of the gypsies."

job : "I live the carefree life of a gypsy, traveling hither and yon."

love : If female : "Naturally, when so lovely a lady as yourself comes along, I offer, shall we say, my services."
If male : "When the opportunity arises, I do what I can to brighten the lives of the ladies."
If female in party : "I'll just bet he does!"
"Of course, you'd probably be more interested in my sister Wanda, right?"
yes-"Can't say I blame you. In fact, if she wasn't my sister..."
no-"Hmm, wouldn't have figured you for the type..."

prof,serv : "We all have our talents. I myself happen to have two."
"I'd be glad to show you sometime!"

tale,show : "What, you mean swordplay? Just ask, and I'll give thee a lesson you won't forget!"

wand : "She practices the world's oldest profession. I, of course, have perfected it, and thus need no practice."

artu : "He's my dad - the king of the gypsies!"

map : "A map? Aye, Arturos has some scrap like that. I know nothing more of it."

trav,care,gyps,prin,king,life : "Wouldn't you like to be a gypsy too?"
no'-"The more fool you!"
yes, low karma-"You have the carefree spirit, but alas, one must be born a gypsy."
yes, high karma-"A fine thing to dream of! But one such as you could never be a gypsy."

swor,spar,weap,unsh,less : "Would you like to spar a bit?"
no-"Maybe some other time."
yes-Pulling a couple of sticks from his belt, the gypsy hands you one. You fight with them as if they were swords for a while.
After you're finished, he comes over and puts his arm around your shoulder as he gives you a few pointers on fencing style.
You're not sure, but you think perhaps you felt a slight tug at the pouch you keep your coins in.

silv,tabl : "Ah yes, you've heard of the silver tablet!"
"I haven't got it myself, but I can tell you where it is for a price... Shall we say 7 gold pieces?"
no-"Suit yourself."
yes, but no gold-"Come back when you have the money."
yes-"I overheard a bard in a tavern say that it was somewhere on the [[Isle of the Avatar[[."
"Perhaps Arturos could tell you precisely."

bye : If had sex : "Come again soon."
If didn't have sex : "I hope we get better acquainted when next we meet."
If female : "I like your clothes, but I think you'd look better without them..."
If male : "May your travels prove interesting."

sex,screw,boff,suck,head,lay,roll,hay,kink,make : "Oho, so that's what you're after, you naughty girl/boy!"
If female : "For a mere 10 gold pieces, I'll transport you to the heights of ecstasy. Will it be yea or nay?"
If male : "Well... Normally I'm more of a ladies' man. But I guess your money is as good as anyone else's. It'll cost you 10 gold, okay?"

If already did sex : "My mind is willing, but the flesh is weak..."
"Come back later, when I've had some time to rest."

If solo : A voice in the back of your head asks, "Do you really have time for this?"
If in group : <Character Name> interrupts. "`<Gender>, I really doubt we have time for this..."

"Well, come on. Yea or nay, <Gender>?"
no-"As you like. But take my advice--you should live a little now."
"That way, you'll have something to remember when you're old and gray..."
yes, but no gold-"Hey, you don't have the money! I don't take charity cases."
yes-The gypsy leads you into a nearby wagon...
After a while, you and he wander back to the rest of the caravan, weary but satisfied.
If solo : You try to ignore the nagging voice in the back of your head that says you shouldn't have wasted time like that.
If in party : <Character Name> scowls. "Well, you've certainly picked a fine one to be carrying on with."
"I would remind you that Britannia is under invasion by hordes of gargoyles, but I'd hate to spoil your fun..."
<NPC Name> laughs. "'Tis not a crime to give yourself over to pleasure..."

other : "Don't trouble yourself about that. The art of the sword and the art of love are all that really matter."


Introduction : a gypsy wench with a voluptuous figure.
If female : "Hello, wench. How goes it?"
If male : "Well, hello handsome! Looking for a little... relaxation?"
yes-"Well this is the place!"
no-"Ha! You must be afraid of what your mother might think."

name : "They call me '@Wicked Wanda,' <Character Name>"

wick,wand : "If we can find someplace private, I'll gladly show you how I got my nickname..."

"Hmm, sounds like I've piqued your interest..."
"Why madam/sirrah, are you trying to insinuate something?"
She breaks into a fit of giggles.

sex,screw,boff,suck,head,lay,roll,hay,kink,make : If already had sex : "Again, so soon? Nay, come back later, when I've had a little time to rest."
If female : "I don't get many lady customers... but why not? You're sure this is what you want?
male/female : "I've a cot in my wagon... 15 gold's the price--and I don't haggle! Interested, <Character Name>?"

If in party : <Character Name> speaks. "I don't think we have time for this..."
If solo : A voice in the back of your head asks, "Do you really have time for this?"

"Come on, <Character Name>. Cross my palm with 15 gold and I'll show you a good time. Okay?"
no-"Fine! Come back when you get permission from your mother!"
yes, but no gold-"Hey, I don't give credit! No pay, no play, capish?"
yes-Taking you by the hand, the gyspy wench leads you off to her wagon.
After a time, you return to your comrades.

If in party : "That's a fine way to be carrying on when all of Britannia is in danger!"
"When our quest is complete, then there will be time enough for wenching!"
"Nothing's wrong with a little fun. There's plenty of time... as long as there's plenty of gold!"
If solo : You try to ignore the nagging voice in the back of your mind that keeps saying, "You shouldn't have wasted time like that."

map : We don't have... Oh, wait, there was something!"
"Arturos, he, uh, found a map last time we were up at Empath Abbey."

artu : "He'll tell your fortune for you, Character Name>. Just ask him!"

fort : "That's right."

empa,abbe : "I don't care much for them. They're all too stuck up."

silv,tabl : "Andreas has a silver tablet you could ask him about."
"But I have something much sweeter for sale..."

andr : If female : "He could show you a real good time, honey!"
If male : "He's in the same line of work as I am--but I think I'm more your type!"

late,time,rest : "'Tis tiring work, you know."

bye : If had sex : "'Twas a business doing pleasure with you... I hope you come again soon!"
If female, no sex : "See you around... And if you meet anyone tall, dark and handsome, send 'em my way!"
If male, no sex : "If you ever decide you need a break from adventuring, come find me again."

other : "Why concern yourself with that, <Character Name>?"
"Surely you can think of something more pleasant..."



Introduction : a man as large as the trees that surround his cottage.
In home, friend : "You're welcome here."
In home, not friend : "Why you bargin' inta my house?" he shouts.
Hefting his large axe, he prepares to defend his home.
In forest, not friend, subsequent times : "Hah, sneakin' around in my forest, huh?"
"I told ya once already that I want to be left alone!"
In forest, not friend, initial time : "I told the last one of ya that came by that I'll have nothin' t'do with yer wars, so shove off!"
In forest, friend : "Hullo again, friend."

name : "Ben. My friends call me Big Ben."
Friend : "But you ain't one of my friends."
Not friend : "I guess you can call me 'Big Ben'." He smiles broadly.

big : Friend : He fires a look at you. "I said only my friends call me that."
Not friend : "'Tis my name. Don't wear it out." He laughs resoundingly at his wit.

ben : "'Tis my name. Don't wear it out." He laughs resoundingly at his wit.

frie : "It surprises you that I would have some."
"Sometimes it surprises me too." He laughs.

job : "Have ya never seen a lumberman before?"
"Look around. Those stacks o' wood don't cut themselves."

fore : "Aye, this is where I cut trees, and I don't like strangers wanderin' through!"
Friend : "You're welcome here, though."

war,alon : "Ever since I won that choppin' contest, the king's had a notion I'd be good at wittlin' on men the same way."
"Well, you can tell him I'm not interested."

king : "You are from the king, ain't ya?"
yes-"I knew it!"
no-"Oh." He seems friendlier now.

buy,wood,log,yew : Aye, are ya here to buy a log?"
no, friend-"Well, what do ya want then?"
no, not friend-"Well, come back sometime and I'll cut one for ya."
yes-"Who wants it?"
no character selected : "Well, why'd ya say you wanted one?"
Character Full : "But <Character Name> can't carry a log!"
No gold-"But <Character Name> don't have 5 gold!"
Else-"Logs is 5 gold apiece. Ya still want one?"
yes-<NPC Name> takes <Character Name>'s gold and hands over a fine yew log.
Ben seems friendlier now.
no-"Too pricey for ya, eh?"

bye : Not friend : "Careful in those woods now. Accidents happen...."
Friend : "Careful in those woods now."

other : "I spend too much time in these woods. Ask someone else."


Introduction : a short, fat, rosy-cheeked man with long hair covering his eyes.
Subsequent visits : "He--hello, <Gender>. Nice to see thee again."
Initial visit : The man seems afraid of you. "Wh-what do you want?"

name : As faint as a whisper comes the word "Le'nard."

job : "I'm a tailor, <Gender>."

bye : He looks around, then waves goodbye.

sell,thre : No thread : "But - but none of you has any thread to sell."
Have thread : "Which of you?"
<NPC Name> turns to <Character Name>, and says "Will you take 8 gold for that thread?"
yes-"Good, good." He hands <Character Name> 8 gold pieces and takes the thread.
no-"Oh. Okay."

buy,tail : "I sew pants, tunics and dresses, <Gender>. I use a lot of thread."

pant,tuni,dres : "Who?"
No character selected : "Oh, sorry. I thought thou wanted to buy something."
Character selected : full-"I'm sorry, but I really don't think <Character Name> can carry that."
No gold-"I'm sorry, but I really don't think <Character Name> can afford that."
Have gold-"That costs #. Do you still want it?"
yes-<NPC Name> takes <Character Name>'s gold and hands over the purchase.
no, first times-"I'm sorry! That's still too expensive, isn't it? Here, I'll sell it for # gold, okay?"
no, last time-"I'm terribly sorry, but I can't sell it for less!"

ball,plan,silk,bag : Don't have plans : "I'm not sure what you mean."
Have plans : "I wouldn't know where to begin. Ask Marissa in Paws."

other : He stands still for a moment and then shrugs.


Introduction : an enormous woman, both in size and personality.
Subsequent visits : "Hello again, dears/fellah!" she screams as she strides over to you with beer mugs in her hands.
"Welcome to the Slaughtered Lamb. What can I get you?"

name : "Andrea! And yours, my fine friend?"
If female : "Pleased to meet you, dear."
If male : "I'm very pleased to meet you," she purrs.

andr : "Yes. Them's who I beat at arm wrestling call me Miss Barlap, though. Out of respect." She laughs.

arm,wres : Avatar won : "Alright, alright, I admit it - ya won fair an' square."
"No need to gloat about it..."
Avatar lost : "Now don't feel bad, sugar, lots of folks lose to Andrea!" She laughs heartily.
Not fought yet : She looks you up and down and then feels your arm. "Care for a match?"
yes-"Yer on!" She grabs your arm and the contest begins!
And the winner is... <Name>!!!
no"Well, maybe some other time, sugar..."

job : "Honey, I've had many jobs in my time. But runnin' this pub is the best, 'cause I get to meet the strongest men."
"I sell ribs, ale, mead, wine, and rations."

buy : "Which, ribs, ale, mead, wine, or rations?"

ribs : "Which of you?"
"That'll be 6 gold, okay?"
yes, no gold-"You can't afford it, sweetie."
yes, full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-<NPC Name> gives <Character Name> some ribs.

mead,ale,wine : "Which of you?"
"That's # gold, okay?"
yes, no gold-"You can't afford it, sweetie."
yes, full-"You don't have room to carry it."
yes-<NPC Name> gives <Character Name> some <Item Name>.
"That ought to hold you."

rati : "Which of you?"
"Rations are 4 gold apiece. How many do you want?"
Can carry 0 : <NPC Name> looks at <Character Name>. "You haven't any room in your pack."
Can afford 0 : "You can't afford it, sweetie."
Can afford/carry all : <NPC Name> hands the rations to <Character Name>.
Can afford/carry some : She hands <Character Name> # ration(s) of mutton.
"That's all you can carry."
-or- : "That's all you can afford."

stro,men : "Look around. Here you'll find the men whose lives have lead them to many dangerous places."
Someone in a dark corner shouts "Like this pub!" and all the patrons laugh.

Lena : "A little girlie-man. But he does make some fine clothes."

big,ben : "Now there's a man." She looks into a beer mug and fixes her hair.
"I wish he'd come into town more often."

chan : "That old witch? She may not have hit the bottle, but I believe a few have hit her."
The patrons around you chuckle.

garg : "I've never seen any creature that could scare me. I say if they want trouble, come in this pub!"
The men around her let out a cheer and she turns, acknowledging them with a bow.

lord,brit : "He's never been in here. Can't imagine why--it seems like his kind of establishment."

bye : "So long. Come back when you're thirsty."
"And if you see that cutie Utomo, tell him Andrea says hi."

other : "Ask around."


Introduction : a huge, dark-skined man with a close-set face.
Subsequent visits : "Ombogo sano!" he says, smiling widely.
Initial visit : "Ombogo dono," he grunts at you from behind a large forge.

buy : I have many things here. You want arms or armor?"

arms,armo : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : "Which of you?"
No character selected : "What else?"
"Which item?"
No item selected : "What else?"
Item selected : "Sell <Item Name> for # gold."
"Okay, <Character Name>?"
yes, no room-"<Item Name> is too heavy for you, <Character Name>!"
yes-After accepting <Character Name>'s gold, <NPC Name> hands over the <Item Name>.
yes, no gold-"<Item Name> cost too much for you, <Character Name>!"

sell : Shop closed : "Come to my shop when I'm open!"
Shop open : Have no items : "But you no have thing I want!"
Have items : "<Character Name> have something I want..."
"Which of you?"
No character selected : "What else?"
Character selected : "Which item?"
"I give # gold for that <Item Name>, okay <Character Name>?"
no-"Maybe later."-or-"Maybe something else?"
yes-"Good!" <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> # gold pieces and takes the <Item Name>.
"No more, ah? Okay."

ombo : "That mean 'hello.'"

dono : "That mean 'person I don't know.'"

sano : "That mean 'friend.'"

name : Subsequent times : "Utomo remember you, how you not remember Utomo?"
Initial time : "Utomo, from island."

utom,isla : "Utomo mean 'island' in my language. I also from island."
"Bring magic fan from island. This town new home for Utomo now."

fan,magi : "Lady on island make magic fans. They make big wind, blow ships all around."

job<br "Utomo make good weapons. Make one for you if you like."

weap : "Learn to make as boy. I live on island then."

from,home : "I come here from many days away. My home burned by evil man."

many,days : "I not sure where. Got ride on big ship."

big,ship : "I stow away when night come. After long time we land and I jump off."

burn,evil,man : He say to me, 'You man, you leave home and kill good people with me.' I ran from him."

kill,good,peop : "Like people in town. Like Lord British."

Andr : "Utomo go and drink at her home."
She try kiss Utomo. Utomo say, 'I no want you' but she kiss anyway."
"Utomo not go back there."

kiss : "Utomo have girl back home."
"She not thin like Andrea."
"Someday Utomo go back and get her."
He plays the poker over the hot coals and looks absently into the fire.

girl,back : Her name Yuna. She good tree climber. I not see her for long time."

omdu,yaf : "In my land it mean 'You have good meal in sun.'"
"It is goodbye in my land."

bye : "Omdu Yaf."

other : "I speak not too much your language."


Introduction : a wizened old man with a ready smile.

buy,reag : "Which of you?"
"Which of these?"
<Item Name> costs # per portion."
"How many dost thou want?"
Have enough gold : <NPC Name> hands <Character Name> the <Item Name>.
Not enough space : "Thou cannot carry that much!"
"I'll give thee #; thou dost not need the rest."
No space : "Thou cannot carry any <Item Name>!"
Not enough gold : "Thou cannot afford that much!"
"I'll give thee #; thou cannot have the rest."
No gold : "Thou cannot afford any <Item Name>!"

lear,spel : If no spellbook, solo : "But thou hast not a spellbook!"
If no spellbook, party : "But none of you has a spellbook!"
If have spellbook : "Which of you?"
"In which Circle does <Character Name> wish to study?"
If not 1-8 : "As everybody knows, there are only eight circles."
Level higher than character : "I sense that <Character Name> is only ready for the # Circle."
"But such matters are not my concern..."
If no spells available : "I have no spells of that circle."

"Which of these?"
"That spell costs # gold. Interested?"
no-"Perhaps <Character Name> is not ready for this circle."
yes-<NPC Name> hands <Character Name> a piece of rune-covered parchment.
yes, no gold-"<Character Name> lacks the # gold required."

book : "Which of you?"
No space : "But thou cannot carry a spellbook!"
Not enough gold : "But thou cannot afford a spellbook!"
"A spellbook costs 45 gold pieces. Interested?"
no-"Perhaps one of thy friends then."

staf : "Yes, I make magical yew staves."
"If thou knowest the Enchant spell, thou canst lock a spell within the staff for quick use!"
"A yew staff costs 100 gold pieces, but it's worth twice that!"
"Wouldst thou like to buy one?"
no-"Perhaps some other time, then."
yes-"Which of you?"
no space-"But thou cannot carry a staff!"
no gold-"But thou cannot afford a staff!"
space and gold-The old man hands <Character Name> a yew staff.

name : "I am Nicodemus."

job : "Why, bless me, I work here!"
"I sell reagents, teach spells, and craft magic staves."
"I also do a little experimenting."

expe : "Oh, nothing a great adventurer such as yourself would be interested in."

hint : He gets a suspicious look in his eyes.
"Don't be too nosy, girlie/sonny!"

bye : "Come back anytime!"

other : "Nope, nope, I won't talk about that!"


Introduction : a tall, stern woman, with graying red hair and a perpetual scowl.
If angered Lenora : "Well, Avatar. I graciously grant thee another interview."
"I certainly hope thou wilt be more respectful this time."
Subsequent visits : "Welcome again, worthy Avatar, to my hall.
Initial visit : "Welcome, worthy Avatar, to the Hall of Justice."
"How may we assist thee in thy quest?"

name : "I am Lenora, Lady Mayor of Yew."

job : "It is my honor to preside over this town and its courts."
"We also provide the finest wood in the realm."

wood,log : "Go ask Ben the logger."
"Head west from here into the forest until you can go no further."
"Then look for a way through the trees to the north."

cour : "In Yew we take pride in our system of justice."

just : "Indeed, the Rune of Justice itself was sent here for safekeeping."

rune : "A thief stole the rune from the grave of our most respected resident, the former Lord Mayor."
"Even though the thief was caught, we have not yet found the rune."

thie,caug,wher : "The thief is in the jail, awaiting the carriage of justice."

mant : "'Tis most strange, Avatar, that thou knowest not the Mantra of Justice."
"How can that be?"
No answer : "Thou may return when thou seest fit to answer my question!"
Any other answer : "Hmmm...well, no matter," she says suspiciously.
"I suppose 'twould be improper to deny anything the Avatar requires."
"The Mantra of Justice is 'beh.'"

lett,perm : "A letter of permission?"
"Dost thou truly need to speak with that reprehensible thief?"
yes-"Very well then." Putting quill to parchment, she drafts a quick letter.
"The jailer will now let you in, or verily shall he answer to me!"
no-"Then why dost thou waste my time with frivolous requests?!"
"Begone, Avatar, and return when thou hast more serious business on thy mind!"

rele,deal,let,free,trad,swap,allo,go,out : "What, free the thief in return for the rune? Never!"
"To do so would betray everything the rune itself stands for!"
"Better to leave it lost."

kid,chil,fami,feed : "What? What stories has that thief been telling you?"
"He has no family--he's just a drifter!"
"Don't be taken in by his lies."

lie : "Tell him he's not fooling anyone."

ench,nico : "Nicodemus the enchanter lives near here. His house lies between two rivers."

bye : "May you find that which thou deservest on thy quest."

other : "Noble Avatar, the affairs of state weigh heavily upon my time. Pray be precise in thy questioning."
-or- : "Noble Avatar, we hardly have time to chat about <Last Input> in view of the perils facing our land!"

bye : "Hmpf! Well, mayhap 'twould be best for you to seek such wisdom elsewhere!"


Introduction : a short, heavyset man dressed in rags.
If called on lie : "I ain't talkin' to you, you're just like all the rest!"
"I'll never crack, no matter 'ow many times you come back!"
Subsequent times after called on lie : "All right, I give up."
"The rune is 'idden under a potted plant at the Slaughtered Lamb."
"Now go away and leave me alone."

Subsequent visits : "<Gender>! Am I glad to see thee!"
"You're me last light in a world of darkness."
Initial visit : "Who's there?" the thief calls insolently.
The thief's tone becomes more respectful as he recognizes you.
"'Strewth, it's the Avatar!"
"You've got to get me out of 'ere, <Gender>!"

grav,rob,crim,stol,out : "I admit I robbed that grave."
"But it were only because 'is Lordship wouldn't be needin' that stuff no more."
"I 'ad me kids to feed, didn't I?"

rune : "I'll tell you where the rune is if you'll let me go. I've got me kids to think of."

kids,fami,feed,farm,hars,out,here : Tears fill the man's eyes.
"My poor children've got no one to take care of them now."
"I only stole to feed them, and that's the truth."

true,trut : "True? Of course it's true!"
"Even a thief like me wouldn't lie to the Avatar."

know,lie,lyin,fals,fool : "All right, I admit it. I 'aven't got any kids."
"But that stupid cow they got runnin' this place won't listen to reason--a little give-and-take, know what I mean?"
"I tell you what."
"If I tell you where the rune is, will you take it away?"
"I don't want these pompous blighters to 'ave it. Okay?"
no-"Then the gargoyles can take the lot of you!"
"You'll never get nothin' out of me!"
yes-"All right, I'll take your word for it."
"Go to the Slaughtered Lamb; I 'id the rune under a potted plant there."
"And spit on Her Ladyship for me!"

rele,let,free,go,allo,set,home : "You mean it, <Gender>? Are they gonna let me go 'ome?"
no-His face falls. "Then I ain't sayin' nothin'. I've got me kids to think of, I do."
yes-His face lights up. "I knew I could count on you, <Gender>!"
"And I'll keep my end of the bargain."
"I 'id the rune under a potted plant in the Slaughtered Lamb inn."
If Iolo in party : As you leave, Iolo whispers to you.
"Maybe it was necessary, <Avatar Name>, but lying makes me uneasy. Even to someone like him."

name : "Me name's Boskin, <Gender>."

job : "I'm but a poor farmer, forced into crime by the harshness of these times."
"There weren't no other way to feed me family, <Gender>!"

bye : "Please, <Gender>! Tell them to let me go 'ome!"
"Tell them about me poor fatherless kids! They'll listen to you!"

other : "Beg your pardon, <Gender>?"


Introduction : an old man, tall and thin. He spends all his time whittling.
Received keys : "Good

thie,robb : "He's in solitary, right over there."

lock,see,meet,talk,soli,ther : "You'll need my key to get in there."

key,your,give,plea : "Yup, I could give you the key...."
"But not without Her Ladyship's permission."

perm,impo,ques,avat,lett,lady,must,need : "You got a letter of permission from Her Ladyship?"
yes, no letter-"Gotta have a letter if you want to see the thief."
yes, have letter-"Okay, here's the key."
"Give it back when you're done."
no-"Well, gotta have a letter if you want to see the thief."

brib,mone,pay,give : "You offering me a bribe?"
yes-He thinks for a moment.
"Nope. Sorry, not interested."
no-"Pity. Never been offered a bribe before."

name : "Name's Pridgarm."

job : "I mind the jail."
"Got a prisoner in solitary right now."

jail : "Got four of the cleanest cells you could ask fer."

cell : "Say, you looking to get the keys to my jail cells?"
no-"Okay. Never had nobody sound so interested in jest hearing about the jail before."
yes-"Well, ya know, I shouldn't do this."
"But Her Ladyship is a little too strict about who she puts in here."
"So I make up fer it by being a little careless with the keys, if you take my meaning."
He tosses you some keys, then turns his back on you.

pris : "Feller broke into the grave of His Lordship, the late Mayor."

rune,fami,free,feed,kids,rele,deal,go,allo,trad,brok,grav,lord : "'Taint my place to talk about that. You should go see Her Ladyship, the Mayor."

bye : The jailer nods and says "

other : "Don't know nothing about that."
-or- : The old man simply shrugs and keeps on whittling.


Introduction : the druidess Jaana.
In party : "I fear I know little that would help in this situation, <Gender>."
Previously told to leave : "Good

name : "Why, my name's Jaana, <Gender>."
"Surely my help in thy previous quests was not so insignificant that thou hast forgotten it!"

job : "Since thy last visit to Britannia, I have lived in Yew, blessing crops and tending to sick animals."
"Though I know 'tis unbecoming of a simple druid to do so, I miss the excitement of our quests together!"
"I would gladly join thee, <Gender>, if thou had a use for my skills."

join : In party : "Surely I misunderstand thee, <Gender>."
"Am I not already a member of thy band?"
Not in party : "Gladly, <Gender>!"
Party full : "Nay, <Gender>, thou seemst to have enough companions as it is."
"Mayhap if one of them left your band, thou might have more need of me."°
On a boat : "Let us discuss such matters ashore."
"I can barely think out here a'sea!"
For the first time, you notice that Jaana seems definitely seasick!

leav : In party : "Whatever thou thinkest best, <Gender>."
"Thou mayst keep my supplies."
Not in party : "Perhaps I misunderstand, <Gender>."
"I cannot leave thy party since I am not in it!"
On a boat : "Let us discuss such matters ashore."
"I can barely think out here a'sea!"
For the first time, you notice that Jaana seems definitely seasick!

garg : "I know little of the gargoyles, <Gender>, save what rumors I hear."
"But I know that the gargoyles are fierce fighters, and a great threat to the land!"

ench,nico : "I've heard that Nicodemus the enchanter lives between two rivers."

bye : In party : "May the virtues guide us in our quest!"
Not in party : "Farewell! Return when thou hast more news of thy quest!"

other : "Alas, I know nothing of <Last Input>, <Gender>."
-or- : "Beg pardon?"

Smith the Horse[edit]

Introduction : a fine looking horse.
Subsequent visits : "Hello again!"
Initial visit : "Hello, my name is Smith. Who are you?"
"Oh, I had something important to tell you!"
"I can't remember what it was, though..."

clue : "Oh, that's right, I have a clue for you!"
"You're the Warrior of Destiny, right?"
"Well, when you go to rescue Lord British from the underworld, be sure to bring his sandlewood box with you!"
If Dupre in party : "We went to all that trouble just to hear this?" says Dupre.
"We rescued Lord British from the underworld years ago!"
"Well, even if you didn't like my clue, it wouldn't kill you to say 'thank you.'"

than : "You're welcome."

warr,dest,lord,brit,unde,sand,box,resc : "I don't know what it all means; I just know it's important."

name : "It's 'Smith', like in 'blacksmith'."

blac : "They make my shoes."

shoe : "They're nailed to my feet, see?" He holds up a hoof for you to look at.

nail,feet : "You should try it. Saves you from looking for your shoes every morning."

job : "I eat Iolo's hay to keep it from piling up everywhere and making a mess."
If Iolo in party : Iolo winks at you. "And a fine job you do of it, too. I don't know what I'd do without you."

eat,hay,pile,mess : "Hay is the greatest menace to the well being of Britannia."
"It takes constant vigilance to keep it from engulfing the entire realm."
"I've devoted my life to the task."

mena,task : It's a thankless job, but I am a determined horse."
"Hay, thou hath met thy nemesis, thy doom, and his name is Smith!"

bye : "Farewell, two-legger"
If Iolo/Dupre in party : You see Iolo give Dupre a nudge in the ribs. "You owe me a drink," he says, grinning.
He turns to you. "Sir Know-it-all here bet me that there was no such thing as a talking horse!"
"Now I've seen everything. I suppose we'll be inviting some ducks over for tea next."

other : "I don't have the answer to everything. I'm just a horse, you know."


Introduction : a long haired, raggedy man in stocks.

name : "I'm Sinjen the warrior."

warr : "Well, these days I'm more into stocks."

job : "Lenora said I should stay in these stocks for a while and make sure they work properly."

stoc,make,sure,work,prop,stay : "I didn't really do anything wrong. I told them to go ahead and put me here anyway, so I could get a different perspective on life."

pers : "Normally we stumble around through life on our own. But here I can stand still and watch it go by all around me."

life : "The meaning of life? I'm still trying to figure it out myself."

leno : "Justice may be a virtue, but I think she carries it too far."

just,virt : "I prefer Mandrake's version of the eight virtues."

mand,vers,eigh : "You should ask him about it sometime."

bye : "Come back and chat again sometime. I'll be right here..."

Gargoyle Lands[edit]

Beh Lem[edit]

Introduction: a small, light-skinned gargoyle.
Initial greeting, not learned Gargish: The gargoyle greets you enthusiastically, but you can't understand him! Seeing your confusion, he switches to the human language. It's obviously a strain for him. "Hello. I little human speak." <Character> speaks. "<Avatar>, let's away from here."
"There's naught of use this creature can tell us. Agreed?"
yes - The confused gargoyle waves good-bye.
no - "As you wish, <Gender>."
Subsequent visits, learned Gargish: "To ask how I can help, mighty <Avatar>", Beh Lem asks.

name: "No name. I Beh Lem."

job: "I wait here. Captain John come."

john,capt: "Captain John friend. He come here. I wait here."

spea,huma,litt,lang,read: Captain John teach I human speak", the gargoyle says haltingly.

other: The gargoyle shrugs.

bye: The confused gargoyle waves good-bye.

If learned Gargish: Initial visit: "To greet you, human. To recognize you as the False Prophet!"
Subsequent visits: "Good

name: "To be called Beh Lem, which means 'just one'. To have not yet received a true name."

true: "To not receive a true name until I have proved myself worthy."

wort,prov: "To not deserve a name yet. But to get one someday, just like my father Valkadesh!"

If not in party: "To be here to wait for Captain John."
If in party: "To be here to help you, noble <Avatar>."

capt,john,frie: "To know Captain John! To help him and Valkedesh in their work", the youngster says proudly.

fath,scho,valk: "To very much respect Valkadesh my father." "To want to be a scholar someday just like him!" "To wish to meet Valkadesh?"
If Beh Lem not in party: "To go with you and guide you there!"
no - "Oh." The little gargoyle seems saddened.
yes -
"To wish directions to the house of Valkadesh?
no - "Then to not understand you."
yes - "To go from the entrance to Hythloth westward, following the mountains." "Then to turn north, at the Hall of Knowledge." "To walk east along the mountains until you come to a narrow pass." "To find the house of Valkadesh through the pass!" "To see it at 40 degrees south, 65 degrees east by the sextant." "But to take care! To avoid the lava pits and the Hall of Knowledge!" "To understand these directions?"
yes - "Good!"
no - "To ask what was unclear?"

dire: "To ask what directions were unclear?"

moun: "To walk clockwise around the mountains from Hythloth to reach my father's house."

hall,know: "To find the Hall of Knowledge to the south of the city."
If not spoken to Valkadesh: "To avoid the Hall! To talk to Valkadesh first!"

lava,pits: "To be in danger from the lava! To stay far away!"

hous: "To find the house of Valkadesh my father through the pass east of the Hall."

join,guid: If joins group: The little gargoyle eagerly joins your group.
If party full: "To wish very much to join you. But to not have enough room in your party for another." <Character> speaks. "<Avatar>, I'll return to the surface and let everyone know of our progress." During your absence, <Character> decided to head for the surface, to inform Lord British of your progress.

sacr: "To not know much about that. But to be sure that Valkadesh would know!"

prin: "To be surprised that you don't know that!" "To have three guiding principles: control, diligence, and passion." "To be the basis of all gargoyle beliefs."

cont,dili,pass: "To be one of our guiding principles."

fals,prop: "To be feared by everybody... everybody except me and Valkadesh, my father!"

leav: "To wish to stay with you!" "To not leave until there is peace between our races!"

all,ever: Repeat directions:

other: "To know nothing about that." "To be young. To think you should ask someone older." "To truly wish I could help you with that." "To not understand what you mean by <Last Input>." "To not have enough experience to answer that."

bye: "May (your/our) persistence and precision lead to success!"


Introduction: a tall, thin, winged gargoyle.
If not learned Gargish: "I human friend. Walk talk you."

frie: "Captain John gargoyle friend. Captain John speak."

capt,john: "Must Captain John go. Only he speak. Must go!"

other: "In a thick accent, the gargoyle croaks, "I bad with human language." "With Captain John must to speak."

bye: "Want much to talk." "Captain John speak; Captain John go!"

Initial visit, if learned Gargish: "To offer greetings, False Prophet." "To have waited long for you to return to this side of the world." "To believe that the Book of Prophecies is wrong." "To believe that I can reason with you, persuade you to spare my people." "To wish to address you honorably: to ask your name?"
"Noble '<Given Name>, to see that you are a being of honor and respect." "To not betray that honor: to return the Codex!" "To save my people from the prophecy!"
Subsequent visits: "To hope your travels have brought you wisdom?"
yes - "To wish to hear about it!"
no - "To regret that, and to wish to aid you."
If submitted: "Greetings, friend '<Avatar>." "To see you have done the honorable thing." "To have earned much respect from my people by doing this!"

name: "To be called Valkadesh Wis-lem, Valkadesh the Scholar." "To have been given a partial name. To have yet to achieve full honor."

part,full,hono: "To be greatly honored by even a partial name." "To be customary among my people to give names only to those most worthy."

job: "To be a Scholar. To be seeking a way to avert the prophecy."

prop: "To be written in the Book of Prophecies that you would destroy our world." "To also be written that only the sacrifice of the False Prophet would save us."

sacr: "To be the only alternative to returning the Codex." "Without the Codex, to have no choice but to sacrifice your life!"

code: "To believe that it is not too late." "To beg you to return the Codex." "Avert the prophecy! Save your life, and my people's lives as well!"

choi: "Wait! To know that sacrifice has three meanings: of self, of others and of valuables." "Perhaps to find a better answer in one of those other meanings."

find,answ: "To be unable to help more." "To suggest you seek out Naxatilor himself for further enlightenment."

naxa,seer: "To learn much from Naxatilor, the wisest gargoyle." "To find his chambers just to the northeast of the Hall of Knowledge." "To suggest you go there and ask him of sacrifice."

If not surrendered: As you turn to leave, the gargoyle stops you. "Wait", he calls. "To be feared and hated by all gargoyles." "To be unsafe for you right now, False Prophet." "To surrender is only answer." "To surrender to Inquisitor." "Then to be no longer a threat, and then not to be feared by my people!" "To surrender to the Inquisitor, and then to be free to look for the solution."
If surrendered: "May your precision and persistence lead to success!"

If not surrendered: "To travel to the Inquisitor." "To tell the Inquisitor that you surrender." "Then to be no longer a threat, and no longer be feared."
If surrendered: "To have done the honorable thing and now be respected and unfeared by my people."

drax,lead,inqu: "To go to Draxinusom, the Inquisitor and leader of my race." "To find his chambers just to the northwest of the Hall of Knowledge." "To surrender to him, that you may travel freely in our land."

free: "To know that the moons are not properly aligned yet for the ritual." "To assure you that you will not be sacrificed for many weeks." "To assure you further that surrender is the only way you can travel among my people."

other: "To be confused by your accent." "To ask what <Last Input> means?"


Introduction: a large, winged gargoyle of regal bearing.
Not learned Gargish, not submitted: The gargoyle screams, "An-bal-sil-fer! Klep lem! Por-aylem ter-ort ka!"
Learned Gargish, with Beh Lem: "To refrain from slaying you only because of the presence of the child, False Prophet!"
Intial visit: "To express astonishment at your audacity, False Prophet!"
Subsequent visits: "To demand to know why you have returned here, False Prophet!"
Learned Gargish, submitted: "To be honored by your presence, noble <Avatar>. To feel sorrow that matters of state prevent conversation." "To summon you when proper time for your sacrifice has come."

name: "To be named Draxinusom, leader of our race."
If not submitted: "To demand to know why you have come before me!"

job: "To be the leader of our race. To have little time to waste chatting with the False Prophet!"

surr,sacr"To be here to surrender?"
yes - "To be willing to die to save my people?"
no - "To grow impatient with your babbling!"
"To grant me your life?"
yes - "Why?"
"To ignore the rhetoric of the False Prophet!" "To warn you of imminent attack!"

seer,scho,sacr,talk,valk,naxa: The gargoyle shows you a crystal amulet dangling from a leather cord. "Hsss....To consent to wear this?"
no - "Begone, False Prophet! To seize you for sacrifice the instant my army returns from the Underworld!"
If Dupre in party: Trusted Dupre whispers frantically to you, "You mustn't! It's some sort of magical trap!" The gargoyle waits impatiently for an answer. "Yes or no, False Prophet?"
no - "To be necessary for surrender! To ask again for your acceptance of this."
yes - "To be suspicious of thy motives..."
<Your answer> The gargoyle hands you the amulet, and you slip the leather loop over your head. "To surprise me with the nobility of your deed. To no longer be a threat to my people." "To bid you to travel among my people, talk to them, learn our ways." "To inform you when the time of your sacrifice has come."

bye: "Flee, False Prophet! To seize you for sacrifice the instant my army returns from the Underworld!"
If not submitted: "To have known it all along!" "To be a fool for trusting the False Prophet for a moment!"


Introduction: a dark, rough-skinned gargoyle.
Learned Gargish, not submitted: The venerable gargoyle does not acknowledge your presence. "To have nothing to say to you, False Prophet!"
Learned Gargish, submitted:
Initial visit: "To greet you, <Avatar>, Avatar of the Underworld." "To see the Amulet of Submission around your neck." "To consider your acceptance of this both noble and wise."
Subsequent visits: "To greet you again, <Avatar>."

If karma low: "To observe by your aura that such honorable deeds are rare for you." "To not be surprised, then, that you are fated to destroy a world."
If karma medium: "To observe by your aura that you are not a being of evil." "To regret for your sake, then, that you are fated to destroy a world."
If karma high: "To observe by your aura that you are truly a being of honor." "To be surprised, then, that you are fated to destroy a world."

name: "To be called Naxatilor."

job: "To be a seer, mystic advisor to my people." "But to be unable to avert what is written in the Book of Prophecies."

fate,dest,worl: "To have wreaked great havoc in this land by your theft of the Codex!" "To have no choice but to return it!"

scho,valk: "To have spoken to Scholar Valkadesh?" "Then surely to know what harm you have caused my world!" "To have no choice but to return the Codex!"

choi,retu: "To see only two alternatives: to return the Codex, or to give up your life."

code: "To know not where the Codex is." "But to remember that Captain Bolesh just returned from the Codex!" "To suggest you seek him. To try the healer's house to the north."

sacr: "Hss...Yes, to know of the three meanings of that word." "To ask to which type of sacrifice you refer: self, others or items of value?"

self: To admire your willingness to sacrifice your life for the good of my people." "But to doubt that that is the meaning of the prophecy."

othe: "What?!" "To suggest that you can atone for your misdeed by bathing in the blood of others?!"
If karma low: "To find such thoughts well in keeping with the blackness of your aura!"
If karma high: "To find such thoughts unworthy of your honorable aura!"

valu,item: "To know of only one item of true value: the Codex itself." "Surely not to destroy the Codex!?"
yes - "To be utterly without hope in the face of such ignorance." "To refuse to converse with a daemon."
no - "Perhaps to have another alternative..." "Yes! To return the Codex to the Vortex!" "To then be available to both our peoples!"

both,peop: "To be able to see the Vortex from both sides of the world!" "To benefit both races equally if the Codex is returned there!"

vort,ritu,retu: "To direct you to go to the Hall of Knowledge, south of here." "There to read the Book of Ritual." "There also to get the Vortex Lens!" "Then to return here, where I will tell you what must be done!"

hall,know: "To find the Vortex Lens in the Hall of Knowledge, south of here."

If don't have lens: "To require the Vortex Lens, foolish human!" "To waste no more time!" "To go to the Hall of Knowledge and get the lens!" "To bring it to me personally, Avatar!"
If have broken lens: "Yes, to see that the Vortex Lens is no longer whole." "To go to the lensmaker, whose house is northeast of here." "To get the lens repaired there!" "Then to return here with the whole lens!"
If have fixed lens: "Good, to see that you have the Vortex Lens." "To have read the Book of Ritual as well?"
no - "Then to go to the Hall of Knowledge and do so!"
yes - "Good. To be unable to reverse the ritual myself." "But to know that the Codex itself will say how to return it to the Vortex." "To know also that you will need a second lens." "To require a human-crafted lens, so that your people may also see the Codex."

lens,huma,seco: "To be sure to show the human lensmaker the Vortex Lens." "Also to be sure to tell the human lensmaker that his lens must be concave!" "To be most important: concave!"

other: To have no time to discuss that."

If sent to Hall of Knowledge: "Farewell! To return when you have visited the Hall of Knowledge!"
If not sent to Hall of Knowledge: "Farewell, <Avatar>. To return when there is more we can discuss."


Introduction: an old, winged gargoyle. An odd device crafted of glass and metal rests upon his face.
Not submitted: The gargoyle ignores you and continues writing.
Submitted: "Yes? To inquire about the reason for (yet another/this) interruption."

name: "To be called the Caretaker, in lieu of a name." "To be honored by being allowed to perform my duties as caretaker of this Hall."

job,dut,care: "To care for my race's artifacts that rest here in the Hall of Knowledge."

hall,know: "To keep the treasured artifacts of our race here in this Hall, in the three chambers."

cham,vort,libr,huma: "To have three rooms here:" "To keep artifacts from the Underworld in the Human Chamber, to the east." "To keep valuable books in the Librum Chamber, to the west." "And to keep the Cube and the Lens in the Vortex Chamber, to the south."

unde: "Yes, the Underworld. To believe you know it as 'Britannia'."

book,ritu: "To find what you seek in the Librum Chamber."

lens: "To find what you seek in the Vortex Chamber."

cube: "To regret that that item is lost, stolen by human thieves years ago." "To have heard the humans mention the name Stonegate as they fled." "To have heard them say they would sail through Lost Hope Bay." "To know nothing more about its whereabouts."

ston,gate: "To suspect it to be someplace in the human-filled Underworld."

code: "To suppose that you are making a joke." "To know as well as you that you took the Codex to your side of the world!"

temp,sing: "To not be a signpost!" "To find the Temple of Singularity in the mountains to the north... if you can fly!"

fly: "To be unable to reach the mountain-locked Temple of Singularity on foot." "To only be able to reach that holy place if you are a winged gargoyle." "To find this most fitting and proper." "To see no reason to let human riff-raff into the Temple."

moon: "To admit ignorance regarding the location of the moonstones."

other: "To lack any time for idle chatter." "To desire you to get to the point and then depart."

bye: "Without another word, the gargoyle returns to his work.


Introduction: a very old gargoyle.
Not learned Gargish, not submitted: The gargoyle gasps in terror and wheezes, "An-bal-sil-fer!" Then he faints dead away!
Learned Gargish, not submitted: The gargoyle gasps in terror and wheezes, "The False Prophet!" Then he faints dead away!
Learned Gargish, submitted:
Initial visit: The venerable gargoyle peers at you. "Greetings, False Prophet." "To have been told by Naxatilor, long ago, that the you would one day come to me, wearing the Amulet of Submission." "To never have believed it would come to pass." "To ask what service I can perform?"
Subsequent visits: "To ask how again I may help you?"
If tasked to retrieve broken Gargoyle lens: "To wonder why you have not brought back the broken lens?!" "To have already told you that I need it in order to craft a new one!" "To ask what you think I can do without it?"

name: "To lack a name, of course." "But to be called Lor-wis-lem, the scholar of light, by many learned gargoyles." As he says this, the ancient gargoyle beams with pride.

job: "To craft the finest lenses in the land", the gargoyle says proudly. "Also to teach my young apprentices not to cut themselves on the glass!"

teac,youn,appr: "To be nearing the end of my time." "To have one last sacred duty:" "To pass on my skill to the next generation."

end,time: "To be over a thousand years old." "To seem a mere youth compared to Naxatilor, however."

naxa: "To have helped Naxatilor create the Vortex Lens, centuries ago." "To have found him venerable and ancient even then!"

If not have broken Gargoyle lens: "To remember little from so long ago", the gargoyle croaks. "To require the pieces of the lens in order to make a new copy."
If have broken Gargoyle lens: "To see the shattered Vortex Lens you carry." "To remember making it, so very long ago." Taking the shards of glass, the lensmaker turns to his grinding table. In a short while, he has crafted a new Vortex Lens! "To have far greater skill now than when first I made this lens", he says smugly. "To require little time to repair it." He hands you the restored Vortex Lens.

other: To be old. To suggest you ask that of others."

bye: "To be honored to have helped you, False Prophet."


Introduction: a strong, winged gargoyle warrior. He is sorely wounded.
Not learned Gargish, not submitted: The gargoyle struggles to sit up. He shouts, "An-bal-sil-fer! Agra-lem! Agra-lem!" The gargoyle collapses, exhausted.
Learned Gargish, not submitted: The gargoyle struggles to sit up. He shouts, "The False Prophet! Guards! Guards!" The gargoyle collapses, outraged but exhausted.
Learned Gargish, submitted: The gargoyle struggles to sit up. "The False Prophet!" "But to wear the Amulet of Submission?" "Then to express awe at your honor and courage." "Greetings again, honored one."

name: To be named Bolesh Us-agra-lem, Bolesh the Troop-Leader."

job,lead: "To lead what remains of our forces into battle." "To have recently returned from a mission to your side of the world." "To have tried to reach the Codex."

code: "To have had victory between our claws, but to have been thwarted on the verge of success!" "To have encountered an impervious force field around the Codex."

forc,fiel: "To know that such a field surrounded the Codex when my people possessed it." "To remember that only those on sacred quests for wisdom could pass."

sacr,ques: "To receive a sacred quest at the Temple of Singularity." "But to be uncertain whether a human's request would be answered there."

temp,sing: "To find the temple in the mountains to the north." "To need to fly to get there, though!"

fly: "Yes, to be accessible only to the superior winged gargoyles." "To be totally unreachable by land-bound worker gargoyles!" "To suppose that it is totally unreachable by land-bound humans as well."

other: Weakly, the gargoyle says, "What?"

bye: "Farewell, False Prophet." "To honor my people with your sacrifice."


Introduction: a somber and calm gargoyle.
Not learned Gargish, not submitted: "An in mani lem, An-bal-sil-fer." The gargoyle says nothing else.
Learned Gargish, not submitted: "To be unwilling to help you, False Prophet." "To be a healer, a being of peace." "Elsewise, to summon the guards to slay you!" The gargoyle says nothing else.
Learned Gargish, submitted:
Initial Visit: "To see the amulet, the symbol of your courage and nobility." "To wish to help you however I can."
Subsequent visits: "To be happy to see you again, noble one." "But to be sad that you seek my services."

name: "To be nameless, being only a healer."

job: "To be entrusted with the tasks of healing those wounded and curing those sick." "To do this for all, as a service to society."

heal,cure: If not at shop: "To ask that you see me at my shop."
If at shop, healthy: "To be unfamiliar with human anatomy..." "But to be certain that you/all of you are well!"
First time healed at Gargoyles: "To drink this and be healthy." Do you/Does <Character> drink it?
no - The gargoyle shrugs. "To assure you that it is safe and invigorating." "But not to force anyone to act against their will."
yes - You/<Character> drink(s) the potion and feel(s) deathly ill/slightly dizzy. "To apologize for the error! But to know exactly what I did wrong." The gargoyle mixes a different drink that somehow smells worse than the last.
Subsequent times healed at Gargoyles: "Which of you?" The gargoyle mixes strange powders into a foul-smelling brew.
Heal message: You/<Character> drink(s) the potion and feel(s) restored! "To ask if there is aught else I can do for you?"

resu,dead: "To ask me to raise the dead?" "To apologize, but that is beyond my power." "To doubt that anyone can do that!"

good: "The goodscrafter? To regret his condition." "To know that he is in great pain after the loss of his family."

fami: "To know that his family was lost when the edges of the world fell off." "But to have less and less patience for his dispassionate self-pity."

fell,off: "Yes, during the cataclysms." "To have lost friends myself during that bad time." "But to maintain the struggle for life diligently!"

other: "To be a healer, dedicated only to my job. To know nothing about <Last Input>."

bye: "May fortune prevent the need for your return!"


Introduction: a quiet, listless gargoyle.
Not learned Gargish, not submitted: "An-bal-sil-fer", the gargoyle says calmly. "Sum in-korp i. Vers." The gargoyle silently awaits his fate.
Learned Gargish, not submitted: "Oh, the False Prophet", the gargoyle says calmly. "To suppose that you have come to kill me as well. All right."
Learned Gargish, submitted:
Initial visit: "To see the Amulet of Submission." "To suppose, then, that my world has been saved." "But to feel that salvation has come too late."
Subsequent visits: "To ask why you disturb me again, False Prophet."

name: "To not have a name." "To have nothing at all now..."

job: "To be a goodscrafter." "Though to have no reason to make goods now."

good,buy: "To invite you to take what you want."

too,late: "To refuse to discuss my grief with the being who caused it."

grie: "Surely to know what pain you have caused by stealing the Codex?" "To not believe that you care. To believe, in fact, that you enjoy causing suffering."

suff,no,help: "To not believe that you would do anything to help."

fami: "To have lost my entire family in the cataclysms."

cata: "To wish not to speak of it."

other: To not care about <Last Input>." "To not care about anything now."

bye: "To wait here for you to return to kill me."


Introduction: a young, nervous-looking gargoyle.
Not learned Gargish, not submitted: "An-bal-sil-fer!" the gargoyle screams. "Agra-lem! Agra-Lem!" Suddenly realizing that he is holding a weapon, the gargoyle attacks!
Learned Gargish, not submitted: "The False Prophet!" the gargoyle screams. "Guards! Guards!"
Learned Gargish, submitted:
Initial visit: "The False Prophet!" "To thank you for your upcoming sacrifice." "To greatly respect your nobility and courage."
Subsequent visits: "To ask how I can help you, noble one."

name: "To be but a simple weaponsmith, False Prophet." "To lack a name, as is appropriate for my station."

job,weap,mast,work: "To be the master weaponsmith now, although to have but recently been a simple apprentice."

appr: "To greatly regret the loss of my master, killed during the disasters." "But to carry on in the face of adversity." "And certainly not to lose all passion for life, like the worthless goodscrafter!"

disa: "Yes, surely to know of the disasters?" "To have only barely survived the earthquakes after the Codex disappeared."

good: "To consider him a discredit to the race!" "Most of all, to consider him a dishonor to my late master!"

dish: To cheapen all our loss, all our grief, by his self-pity." "To have lost my master, like a father to me." "Yet to maintain control, to maintain diligence." "Most of all to maintain passion for life." "To feel that the goodscrafter dishonors us all by abandoning our principles." "To feel that the goodscrafter needs a trip to the catacombs."

cata: "Yes, to have visited them myself once, long ago." "To find there shrines to our three principles: control, passion and diligence." "To speak with these shrines and meditate, to receive new insight." "To not remember where the catacombs are." "To be sent there by the Temple of Singularity."

temp,sing: "To find that to the north, in the mountains." "To advise you to find some way to fly if you wish to get there, though!"

fly: "To be unable to reach the Temple on foot; to be forced to fly over the mountains."

buy,sell: "To not understand what that means." "To create these items for the use of all."

all: "To give these wares to any gargoyle who has need of them." "To invite you to look around at my wares as well." "To ask if any of them interest you?"

ware: "To have but a few items available." "To be far less adept than my former master."

armo,helm,belt: "To see little of interest in that item."

If not at shop: "To ask you to see me at my shop!"
If at shop, not have boomerang: "Ah, to see you admire these boomerangs, the work of my master." "To regret being unable to create boomerangs myself." "To have only a few left in stock, but to offer you one." Do you accept the gift?
yes, but already given boomerang - The gargoyle nods. "Yes, to see that you already have enough weapons."
yes, if Shamino in party - As you take the boomerang, Shamino speaks. "Aye, 'tis a most interesting weapon, <Name>." "Perhaps when our quest is through I can study its use."
yes, if Shamino not in party - The gargoyle hands you a boomerang.
no - The gargoyle speaks. "To ask if anything else interests you?" If already given boomerang: "To wish I had more boomerangs, that I might give you another."

If not at shop: "To ask that you see me at my shop!"
If never given dust: "Yes, to be a very interesting weapon." "To knock out even a large animal with just a single pouch of this powder!" "To be used most often by hunters, to avoid harming the meat." "Unfortunately, to make this powder from plants that can no longer be found." "Here, to offer you one." Do you accept the gift?
yes - He hands you a small pouch. "To hope you find it useful."
no - The gargoyle nods. "To understand your reluctance." "To know the dangers of zu ylem dust to the untrained user." If already give zu ylem dust: "To regret that I have such a small supply of zu ylem dust."

plan: "To create the zu ylem dust from plants that can no longer be found." "But to know of far worse effects of the disasters."

snak,veno,silv: "To be a powerful but dangerous drug!" "To turn gargoyle warriors into unstoppable fighters!" "But to always be fatal after the battle ends." "To be created by the snake charmer, who lives to the southwest."

char: "Yes, to suggest you visit him if you are interested." "To find the snake-summoning horn a most impressive sight!"

join: "To wish I could leave on adventures..." "But to be dedicated to my important work."

other: "To know nothing of <Last Input>, being but a simple weaponsmith."

bye: "May your long work and strength lead to success!"


Introduction: a large and boisterous gargoyle. He carries a 'knife' large enough to be a sword!
If not learned Gargish: "An-bal-sil-fer!" the gargoyle shouts. "Gres por! Gres por!"
If learned Gargish, not submitted: "The False Prophet!" the gargoyle shouts. "Begone, begone!"
If learned Gargish, submitted: Initial visit: "The False Prophet!"
Subsequent visits: "To welcome you back, False Prophet!" "To welcome you to my place of cooking." "To offer you the best food in all the world!"

name: "To be called Foodmaker, not having a name yet." "But to be the finest cook in the land!" "To receive a name someday soon for my skill!"

job: "To cook and serve food for all the gargoyles who live in these parts!" "Also to guide and instruct the wingless ones in cooking chores."

wing: "To have to watch their every move!" "But to acknowledge that they are vital to our society."

If not at shop: "To not have food on me. To have you visit my shop."
If at shop: "Yes, yes! To offer you this finely roasted meat!" With a few strokes of his huge knife, the gargoyle cuts you a slice of meat. Do you take the meat?
yes - You/Your party eat/eats the profferred food. The flavor is unlike anything you've had before.
If Iolo in party: Iolo speaks. "I wonder what sort of meat this is, <Avatar>."
The gargoyle beams with pride. "To ask you: Is it not the best meat you have ever eaten?"
Half-jokingly, Iolo says, "We'd better do as he says." "After all, we don't know what kind of meat that is!"

hors,meat: "To be famous among all gargoyles for the quality of my horseflesh!"

wine,bunc,grap,plan: "Well, yes, of course to have that as well." "But to be famous for my roast horseflesh!" "To offer you some of this fine food!"

good: "The goodscrafter? To be pathetic!" the huge gargoyle scowls. "To have self-pity, when strength and long work will give success!" "To wish to hear no more about that creature."

other: "To not know what <Last Input> is." "But to gladly cook it for you if you tell me the recipe!"

bye: "To welcome you to come back when you are hungry again!" "Wait!" "To give you some fine horseflesh to take with you on your trip!" Do you accept his gift?
yes - The chef gives you # horse chop/s.
no - "Well then, to save it here for you!"

Farmer Krill[edit]

Introduction: a large, healthy-looking winged gargoyle.
If not learned Gargish: The gargoyle screams, "An-bal-sil-fer! Des-lem, klep lem!"
If learned Gargish, not submitted: The gargoyle screams, "The False Prophet! Workers, attack!"
If learned Gargish, submitted:
Initial visit: "To note that you wear the Amulet of Submission." "To admire your courage and to appreciate your sacrifice." "To ask your name, that I may address you in a noble manner?" "To greet you, <Given Name>."
Subsequent visits: "Good

name: "To be named Krill Us-arb-vas-lem, Krill the Leader of Farmers."

job: "To lead the wingless ones, the worker gargoyles who tend these fields." "To have great fortune in my harvests!"

good,harv,fort,cont,clea,dire: "To receive bountiful harvests thanks to the efforts of my well-directed workers." "To feed my workers far better than misguided Farmer Nash to the east does."

nash: "To be ashamed that Nash lacks common sense." "To be appalled by his uncontrolled heart and undirected mind." "To point out his unproductive fields as an example of why the wingless ones need firm guidance."

lead,firm,guid,dire: "To be forced by necessity to give the wingless ones no room for choice or freedom."

room,choi,free: "To acknowledge that it may seem harsh, but to assure you that there is no other way to treat the wingless ones." "To receive good harvests only through firm control and clear direction."

wing: "To consider them valuable members of society who need firm control and strong leadership." "To explain that they are far less intelligent than you or I."

Beh: "Beh Lem? To be but a child. To someday grow wings just like his father, Scholar Valkadesh."

valk: "To admire the wisdom of Scholar Valkadesh, but to consider his studies unseemly."

stud: "To abhor his continued study of the accursed humans!" The gargoyle pauses, embarrassed. "To mean no offense to you, <Avatar>." "To acknowledge the nobility of your sacrifice." "To consider you a great credit to your race!"

other: "To not understand what you mean." "To ask what you mean by <Last Input>?"

bye: "To have greatly enjoyed this conversation, noble <Avatar>."

Farmer Nash[edit]

Introduction: a gaunt, tired-looking winged gargoyle.
If not learned Gargish: "The gargoyle screams, "An-bal-sil-fer! Des-lem, klep lem!"
If learned Gargish, not submitted: "The gargoyle screams, "The False Prophet! Workers, attack!"
If learned Gargish, submitted:
Initial visit: "To be amazed!" "To greatly admire your nobility, False Prophet." "To honor my people with your sacrifice!" "To ask your name, that I may address you as you deserve?" "To be honored by your visit, <Given Name>"
Subsequent visits: "Good

name: "To be named Nash Us-arb-vas-lem, Nash the Leader of Farmers."

job: "To lead the wingless ones, the worker gargoyles who tend these fields." "But to have little fortune in my harvests."

lead: "To try to give the wingless ones free reign, but to be forced to guide them in their work."

wing,free: "To be far kinder to the wingless ones than most of my kind." "To feel that the wingless ones should not be enslaved simply because they lack our intelligence."

harv,fort: "To be forced, on occasion, to tend the fields myself because of the harshness of the times." "To wish my fields were as productive as those of Farmer Krill, my neighbor to the west."

kril: "To be ashamed that Farmer Krill treats his workers so harshly." "To be appalled by his lack of concern for their thoughts and feelings."

other: "To confess difficulty in understanding your accent. To inquire what <Last Input> means?"

bye: "To have been greatly honored by this conversation, noble <Avatar>."

Snake Charmer[edit]

Introduction: an old winged gargoyle.
Not learned Gargish, not submitted: The gargoyle shouts, "An-bal-sil-fer!" and flees!
Learned Gargish, not submitted: The gargoyle shouts, "The False Prophet!" and flees!
Learned Gargish, submitted:
Initial visit: The gargoyle seems afraid of you at first. Then he notices the amulet around your neck. "To... to feel honored to address you, False Prophet." "To ask what you wish of a simple snakecharmer?"
Subsequent visits: "To feel honored by your visit, False Prophet."

name: "The gargoyle laughs nervously. "To lack a name, of course. "To be called simply by my job, snakecharmer."

job: "To summon the silver snake, and to direct the young warriors in defeating it." "Then to extract the venom so that I can make the battle-drug."

veno,batt,drug: "To make the drug for our bravest warriors, who take it and turn into fighting daemons!" "To express sorrow that the drug is fatal, but to express awe and respect for the warriors' sacrifice."

snak,silv,summ,char: "To use the great horn to summon the silver snake." "To always require many warriors to defeat the creature!"

horn: "To find the horn just north of my house." "But to warn you never to blow the horn!" "To be in grave peril from the snake without a squad of warriors!"

other: "To be but a simple snake charmer, unfamiliar with matters such as that."

bye: "To express my thanks for the sacrifice you have chosen to make!"



Introduction : a white-haired mage in flowing robes with a mad gleam in his eye.
"Get out! Flee before the awesome wrath of the mad mage Sutek!"
Subsequent visits : "What brings you back to disturb the musings of the mad mage Sutek again?"
Initial visit : "So, Avatar, you disturb the musings of the mad mage Sutek!"
"What wisdom dost thou seek?"

name : "The name Sutek strikes fear in the hearts of mere mortals!"
"Everyone knows the name of Sutek the Mad!"

job : "Sutek the Mad is the greatest mage the land has ever known!"

ball : "Balloonist? Yes, Sutek remembers him."
"He died in Sutek's catacombs, like most of the others who have ever worked for Sutek!"

mad : "Yes! Sutek is mad!"
"They say there is a fine line between genius and madness."
"Well, Sutek hops up and down on that line, cursing the fools that surround him!"

cata : "Sutek hired many brilliant engineers to build the catacombs that lie beneath his castle."
"The catacombs are filled with the bones of those engineers!"
"The Pushme-Pullyu knows where all such bones can be found!"

push,pull : "Sutek created the Pushme-Pullyu as a test for fools!"
"If you can pass the test, you will learn what you wish to know!"

bye : "What?!"
"Sutek grants thou a piece of wisdom to take to thy grave, and thou refusest it?"
"Then thou must die!"

"How darest thou leave the presence of Sutek the Mad before he has dissmissed you?!"
"If thou art so rude, then I banish thee from my presence!"
"Begone, and pester Sutek no further!"

other : "Yes, Sutek knows all about <Last Input>."
"But he won't tell you!"

"Only a fool would disturb Sutek with frivolous matters such as that!"
"Thy question is answered."
"Now flee before the awesome wrath of the mad mage Sutek!"

"Even the Avatar acknowledges the power and wisdom of Sutek!"
"Don't you, <Gender>?"
no-"No?! Then you must die!"

"Dost thou seek employment with Sutek the Mad?"
yes-"Well, too bad! Sutek isn't hiring today!"
"What sort of fool passes up the opportunity to work for the greatest genius of this age?"
"Such fools must die!"
"But Sutek is mad, and so he will grant you one last nugget of wisdom before thy death!"
"What wouldst thou like to know?"

Pushme Pullyu[edit]

Introduction : a bizarre, two-headed beast. Both heads take turns speaking to you.
"Stand over here!"
"Stand over there!"
"Come hear our puzzle anywhere!"

name : "Should I answer you today? If asked tomorrow, I would say..."
"That my partner and I are the Pushme Pullyu, and speaking in riddles is what we do."
"But which is Pullyu, and which is Pushme? If you'd asked yesterday, I'd have told thee!"

push : "If you asked my partner, thinking him wise, he'd tell you the Pushme always lies!"

pull : "If you asked my partner, then forsooth, he'd say the Pullyu always speaks truth!"

ly,lie,fals : "My partner lies, and that is true. It is because he's the Pullyu!"

tru : "I'll always tell the truth to thee. That's because I am the Pushme!"

job,ridd,puzz : "If my partner said you should go west, then he would be a lying pest!"
"If my partner said you should go east, then he would be a lying beast!"

"If my partner said 'Go east.' to you, then he'd have said that which is true."
"If my partner said to you 'Go west.', then his advice would be the best."

east,west : "If you asked my partner which was best, he'd say 'East lie beasts, so go quest west.'"

bye : "So soon to leave?"
"You'd leave so soon?"
"Take three blind mice, a dish and spoon!"
"And if, perhaps, you've solved our riddle,"
"Then go dance with the cat and fiddle!"
Both heads smile innocently at you.
If Dupre in party : Dupre is staring at them, his jaw hanging wide open.
If Iolo in party : Iolo says "That's got to be the most baffling thing I've ever heard."

other : "Is that a lie, or is it true?" "Could we be more confused than you?"


Introduction : a burly barbarian warrior.
If in party : "Vy talk ven dere's fighting to do?"
Subsequent visits : "Ho, Avatar, thou hast returned!"
Initial visit : "Hail, <Avatar Name>! I haf heard of thy deeds, Avatar!"

name : "I be named Gorn, <Gender>."

job : If in party : "I follow thee, <Gender>. I haf no other job now."
If not in party : "I be a fighter, a homeless vanderer."
"Here I vait until I find somevun else to trafel mit."

traf,trav : If in party : "Ya, I like to trafel!"
If not in party : "Much vould I like to vander again, but I haf no vun to trafel mit now." "Somevun vill ask me to join mit them zooner or later."

join : If in party : "I don't understand, <Gender>. Vat do you mean, <Last Input>?"
If not in party : "I vould be much happy to join mit thee, <Gender>
If on boat : "but ve are at sea!"
If party full : "but I dislike such large groups."
If already in party : "und I already haf!"

leav : If not in party : "But I vas here first, ya?"
If on boat : "Ask ven ve land, okay?"
If in party, not on boat : "Ok, if that's vat you vant. Maybe I'll zee you later."
"You keep all zis stuff meanwhile, ya?"

bye : "It is alvays a pleasure to talk mit thee, <Gender>."

sute : "Sutek is mad."
"He is very dangerous."
"I vould avoid him if I vere thee."
"But he does know many tings, und is sometimes helpful."

other : If in party : "I am just a simple varrior, <Gender>, and know nothing about <Last Input>."
If not in party : "Surely zere are others who vould know more about <Last Input> than I, <Gender>."


Introduction : a lively soul of a gypsy, with a bit of a wild look to him.
If mean to Kador : "Anyone who would mistreat a dog has no business with Zoltan."
If don't pay Zoltan for dance : "Hah! You again! You are no friend to Zoltan."
"I dance for you, and how do you repay me?"
"Perhaps a few coins might ease the sting of your insult."
Do you give him any money?
no-"So be it. Leave me before I place a gypsy curse on you!"

Initial visit : "Huzzah! I am Zoltan, king of the gypsies!"
Subsequent visits : "Huzzah! I am still Zoltan, king of the gypsies!"

name,job : "As I said, I am Zoltan, king of the gypsies!"

zolt : "Yes, Zoltan, king of the gypsies!"

king : "I have no lands nor castles, as most rulers do. Nay, for I am the king of the open road."

artu : "Arturos? Never heard of him."

duck : He licks his lips and smiles. "A duck? No, haven't seen any around here."

land,cast : "You cannot tie a gypsy down to a single place."
"We are free spirits, and must roam like the wind throughout the land."

road : "The roads wander everywhere, just like a gypsy!"

wind : "The four winds - they are gypsies too!"

roam,wand : "As a gypsy's body wanders, so does his mind."
"Just now I am thinking of what you might buy from me today."

free,spir : "Aye, my spirit is free, but my advice is not."

gyps : "Ask my people for advice, or what they have to sell."
"Gypsies see and hear much, and occasionally happen across items of interest..."

advi : "Tell you what. Since I'm in a good mood, I'll only charge you two gold coins. Is it a deal?"
no-"Whatever you say."
yes, not enough gold-"Come back when you're not so down on your luck."
yes, enough gold-"I'll tell you this:"
"Powder kegs are useful for persuading uncooperative doors to open."

silv,tabl : "I'd be glad to help you out. But 'tis a hard life, sometimes, being a gypsy."
"You'd be willing to pay ten gold for the information, would you?"
no-"Let me know if you change your mind."
yes, no gold-"Come back when you have the money."
yes, have gold-"Some gorgio called 'Captain John' brought us the silver tablet and paid us to take it to the Lycaeum."
"While we were on the way there, we were ambushed by Captain Hawkins and his crew."
The tablet was broken in two during the scuffle. The pirates got away with the bigger half."
"Hawkins took my finest earring as well - I spit on his mother's grave!"
"Most likely they went to Buccaneer's Den with their loot."
"We took the corner of the tablet that they missed to the Lycaeum and sold it to Mariah."

hawk : "He's the lowest scum I ever met."

bucc,den : "It's no place for an honest soul like you."
"But if you're determined to go, I hear it's on an island due east of Paws."

paws : "We pass Paws often in our travels. Taynith likes to go drinking there."

lyca : "It's on the same island as Moonglow."

moon : "It's on the same island as the Lycaeum."

mari : "She knows how to be generous to poor wandering gypsies. You should follow her example!"

capt,john : "Captain John? I talked to him when he gave us the silver tablet for Mariah."
"He's madder than a gremlin! Claims as he's been living with the gargoyles."
"He talks as if there's nothing evil about them."
"He said the tablet had something to do with translating."

gorg : "Either you're a gorgio or my name's not Zoltan!"

kari,tayn : "There are no women like gypsy women!"

bye : If asked to dance : "Farewell! My fellow gypsies and I will dance to your health and good fortune!"
-or- : "Farewell."

danc : Karina produces a fiddle from somewhere and begins to play a tune at a very high tempo.
Zoltan dances a wild dance for you, leaping and capering about frantically.
His chest glistens with sweat as he walks up to you expectantly.
Do you give him any money?
no-"Hah! I should know better than to expect a gorgio to appreciate a fine gypsy dance."
Proudly, he turns his back on you.
yes-How much do you give?
If not enough gold : You don't have that much.
If have eenough gold : Zoltan pockets the money. "Thanks."

fine,magi,sale,sell,buy,good,item,inte,reag : "Which of you?"
"Which of these?"
"<Item Name> costs # per portion."
"How many do you want?"
If enough gold-<NPC Name> hands <Character Name> the <Item Name>
If can't carry enough-"You can't carry that much!"
"I'll just give you #."
If can't carry any-"You can't carry any!"
If not enough gold-"You can't afford that much!"
"I'll give you #."
If not enough gold for one-"You can't afford any $1!"

other : "Why worry yourself with that?"


Introduction : a gypsy girl poised on the verge of womanhood.
If mean to Kador : "How could you be so mean to Kador! You go and apologize to my poor little dog this instant!"

name : "My name is Karina." she says, looking shyly at the ground. "Do you think it's a pretty name?"
yes-"Thank you."

advi : "I have to ask you for a gold piece for my advice. Is that okay?"
no-"It was my father's idea!"
yes, no gold-"I'm sorry. I'm not supposed to help you unless you pay."
yes, have gold-"Ask our dog, Kador, to do some tricks for you. He knows lots of them!"

buy,sell : "I have nothing to sell you. Talk to my father."

job : "Father says I'm supposed to dance for gorgios."

gorg : "That's what we call anyone who isn't a gypsy."

gyps : "It's a nice life, but it gets lonely. I miss my sister."

sist, penu : "Her name is Penumbra. Have you any news of her?"
no-"If you do, please come tell me. I miss her so much..."
yes-"Oh! I'm so glad to hear she's okay!" She throws her arms around you and kisses you on the cheek.

fath,zolt : "He is Zoltan, king of the gypsies!"

king : "Well, that's what he says."

capt,john,silv,tabl,lyca : "Ask my father."

danc : "Oh, I just couldn't, not in front of so many people."

coul,fron,many,peop : "I'd be too embarassed!"

emba : "Well... Do you promise not to make fun of me?"
no-She turns away from you.
yes-Suddenly she starts dancing a dance of haunting beauty, to the sound of music that seems to emanate from nowhere.
It's one of the most wondrous sights you've ever seen.
After a timeless time, the music ceases, and she turns and runs away.

dog,kado : "He's such a sweet little doggie..."

bye : "Good bye, and sweet dreams to you."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : an amiable, shaggy mutt.
-or- : "Bow wow."
-or- : The dog jumps up and tries to lick your face."
-or : "Woof, woof!"

If owe Kador money : The dog gets up and brings you his bowl again, looking at you expectantly.

name,job,capt,john,silv,tabl,sell : The dog looks at you with a puzzled expression on his face.

tric : The dog looks at you expectantly.

sit : The dog sits.

fetc : The dog fetches a stick and lays it at your feet.

shak : The dog shakes paws with you.

heel : The dog bites your heel.

beg : The dog begs.

play,dead : The dog plays dead.

roll,over : The dog rolls over.

"I feel that the whole debate over 'free will' versus 'determinism' arises from an artificial semantic division. In light of the work of Godel and Heisenberg, it is evident that the two concepts are indistinguishable and thus, for all practical purposes, identical."

artu,wand,andr : "Grrrrrrr..."

bye : "Ruff."

other : "Arf!"
-or- : "Bow wow."
-or- : The dog jumps up and tries to lick your face."
-or : "Woof, woof!"

The dog picks up a bowl in his mouth and holds it up to you.
You see that it has several coins in it already. Do you give him any money?
no-After a while the dog sets down the bowl, lies down, and starts whimpering.
yes-How much do you give?
have enough-You don't have that much.
don't have enough-The dog seems pleased.


Introduction : a mysterious gypsy woman wearing an ankh pendant.
If at the Cat's Lair : "My chances to visit Dr. Cat come all too seldom."
"Seek me out later and I will speak with you."
If didn't tip Kador : "I have no time for those who are cruel to animals."
All other visits : "Welcome back, Avatar."£"You are the Avatar. I had a vision that you would come to seek aid from me."

name : "Some know me as Taynith. That is what you may call me."

tayn,know,call,pati : "Seek not my true name. Let 'Taynith' suffice."

true : "You try my patience."

job,aid : "I tell fortunes - for a price."

tell,fort,sell,buy,pric,cons,tile,futu : "I charge six gold to cast my tiles. Are you interested?"
no-"Very well."
yes, no gold-"Best check your purse."
yes-From the folds of her cloak, she withdraws a velvet pouch.
After shaking it gently, she casts forth three small squares of ivory, each with an image etched into its surface and a title at the bottom.
The tiles are:
Random tiles : "If you consult the tiles another time, perhaps they will have more to say of your future."

'Panda', 'Coin', and 'Bead of Glass'.
Taynith says: "There is something made of glass that plays a very important role in your future, but the signs are unclear."
"Seek out Penumbra. Her crystal ball should hold more of an affinity for this item."
"If you pay her enough, she can tell you more than I."

'Abyss', 'Mountains', and 'Maelstrom'.
Taynith says: "This is strange."
"The tiles show that to accomplish your ends, you must go down very far, then up very far, but you will not end up back where you started."
"The 'Maelstrom' indicates something important as well, but I cannot determine what it means."

'Path', 'War', and 'Rogue'.
The 'War' tile is particularly striking. It depicts a dragon and a tiger, each about to bite the others tail.
Taynith says: "Britannia is on a path towards all out war, that is plain enough."
"The 'Rogue' is one who would go against the wishes of his Lord to find another path."

'Bead of Glass', 'Maelstrom', and 'Clever Fish'.
Taynith frowns. "I cannot interpret this pattern. I'm afraid you'll have to seek its meaning on your own."

'Shaman', 'Blademaster', and 'Clever Fish'.
Taynith says: "All of these things and more must you be to find success in your quest."

advi : "My advice will cost you two gold. Do you still want it?"
no-"Very well."
yes, no gold-"Best check your purse."
yes-"Look through the books at the Lycaeum. You might learn something useful there."

gorg : "A gorgio - that's almost as good as being a gypsy!"

bye : "Our paths will cross again. I have foreseen it."

capt,john : "Captain John? Yes, he brought us a silver tablet some time ago, to deliver to the Lycaeum."
"Zoltan took care of the deal, so he could tell you more than I."

silv,tabl,lyca : "Ask Zoltan about it."

zolt : "King of the gypsies, sure as my name's Taynith."

path : "My path leads to Paws, as soon as I have time to visit there."

paw : "My good friend Dr. Cat lives there."

frie,dr,cat : "Ask him about the duck sometime."

ask,duck : "Yes, ask him!"

lyca : "Zoltan can tell you where it is."

penu : If met Penumbra : "I sense that you have met her already."
If not met Penumbra : "There is no need for me to direct you there. You are destined to meet her."

other : "No doubt."


Introduction : a slightly built gypsy lad.
If didn't tip dog : "Our dog did his best trick for you. You should show him some appreciation."

name : "I am called Blaine."

job : "I am a juggler. But I would fain join thee and go adventuring."

join,adve : Already in party : "I have joined you already!"
Not in party : "Do you want me to come with you?"
no-"Okay. Let me know if you need my help later."
yes, in boat-"Not while you're in that thing!"
yes, party full-"You have enough travelling with you already."
"If you ask one of them to leave first, I'd be happy to join you."
yes-"I look forward to the many adventures we will share."

leav : "I knew it! You don't really want to have a gypsy around."
"You wish me to leave you now, right?"
no-"Oh, pardon my mistake."
"It's just that we gypsies often have trouble finding acceptance among the gorgios."
"I'm very grateful that you've given me the chance to come along on your quest."
yes, on boat-"Let's get our feet back on solid ground first, okay?"
yes-"Fine. I'll be with my fellow gypsies if you change your mind."
"I suppose you'll be wanting to keep all this equipment."
He leaves everything he was carrying in a pile on the ground.

jugg : I charge five gold for juggling. Would you like to see some?"
no-"Perhaps some other time."
yes, but no gold-"Best check your purse."
yes, have gold-The gypsy juggler takes three wands out of his knapsack and sets their ends afire.
Tossing them into the air, he begins juggling.
The pattern is elaborate, almost hypnotic as the tips of the wands describe great flaming arcs and spirals through the air.
At regular intervals he tosses one around behind his back.
Yet somehow it always finds its way back into the pattern with the other two, without missing a beat.
At last he catches all three of the wands in one hand, waves them with a great flourish, and bows deeply before you.*
As he extinguishes the wands, he says "I hope you enjoyed the show."

advi : "My advice will cost you a gold coin. What do you say?"
no-"As you wish."
yes, but no gold-"Best check your purse."
yes, have gold-"Almost due east of Iolo's hut there lives a powerful enchanter."

buy,sell : "I don't have anything to sell just now. Check back with me next week."

bye : "Here's a little tune to lighten your step on the road ahead."
"Said the youthful earl to the gypsy girl,
As the moon was casting its silver shine:"
"Dear little lady, my gypsy lady,
Let me kiss those sweet lips of thine."

other : "I can't help you with that."


Introduction : the daemon Sin'Vraal.

name : "I am Sin'Vraal."

job : "No job, <Gender>. I am free to wander where I wish."

free,wand : "Among my people, those who can fly rule."
"Though I have wings, I cannot fly. So I was a slave."
"Here I am free!"

peop,demo,your : "I am not a daemon, though humans think so."
"I am a gargoyle."

garg,ran,away : "I fled here to the Underworld because I was not free among the gargoyles."

book,prop,mari : "The Book of Prophecies says that the False Prophet will come to destroy the gargoyle race."
"Only the sacrifice of the False Prophet will save us."

read : "Because I could not fly, I was never taught to read."

sacr : "Sacrifice means many things in my language."
"You should seek out a gargoyle scholar to learn more."
"Travel the other side of the world, and you should be able to find one."
"You can go down through Hythloth to get to the realm of gargoyles."

fly : "There are two kinds of gargoyles: winged ones and wingless ones."
"Wingless ones are mute and unintelligent. They do all the manual labor."
"Winged ones are smart, and do all the planning and leading."
"Being able to fly is, to them, a sign of intelligence."
"Even the Temple can only be reached by air."

inte : "Yes, a strange concept this."
"Yet as some in Minoc can tell you, flying can be achieved by anyone."

temp : "The great Temple of Singularity held the Codex."
"The Temple is the most holy gargoyle place."
"A human could learn much by traveling there."
"But you could never get to the temple."
"Not only is it deep below the surface, but it can only be reached by flying."
"And you cannot fly any more than I can."

pira : "Yes, I once met a pirate here in the desert."
"He seemed to be hunting me, but he got dragged off by the ants!"

ants : "The great desert ants build huge mounds, and are very dangerous!"

bye : "May your persistence and precision lead to success, <Gender>!"

other : "I know nothing of <Last Input>, <Gender>."


Introduction : a short, barefooted crazy man.
"At last! I knew you'd come to steal my shoes someday! But I was too smart for you!"
"You see, I HAVE NO SHOES!"

name : "A clever ploy, pretending to be friendly..."
"But if I told you my name was Bonn, then you could work foul magic to destroy my mind..."*
"I'll not fall for your tricks!"

bonn : "Who told you that? Alas, I am undone! I must flee!"

job,desp : "I have no job, nor shoes, nor any such thing."
"But I've learned from my misfortune, learned never to trust anyone, let alone to love."

stea,shoe : "I threw my shoes into the sea when I saw you coming!"

lear,trus,misf : "I trusted Hawkins once, and it led to nothing but despair."

hawk : "Oh how I envy him his peaceful sleep!"

live,deat,envy,peac,slee,luck,kill,die : "Death's embrace is the only true comfort a man can find in this world."

embr,comf : "A good chair is worth a thousand bumberchutes."

bumb : "Who told you about those? It's supposed to be a secret!"

worl : "Flat as a pancake, and twice as tasty!"

love : "Love is a slippery sled that flips over and pins you to the slope."
"And then, at night, the ice weasels come."

nigh,ice,weas : "If you're lucky, they'll kill you!"

bee,head : "The buzzing, they're always buzzing in my head."

mad,craz : "I can help you! I'm the only sane one left."

only,sane,left : "All the others LOST THEIR SHOES!"

help : "Go to the Shrine of Honesty, and stand just to the east of it."
"Take 3 steps north, 2 steps west, 5 steps south, and 4 steps east."
"Then eat some grapes, and all will become clear to you!"

shri,hone,clea,grap : "Mark my words!"

map : A strange light comes into his eyes. "The map? The secret treasure map?"
"I still have it, right here in my house. Do you want it?"
no-"Good! You can't have it anyway!"
yes-"Too bad! I've hidden it well, and it will go to my grave with me!"
"I'll die all the better for still having it!"

hous,grav : "I lived on the sea, and I'll die not far from it. Then my basement can be my tomb."

base,tomb : "Too well hidden for the likes of you to find!"

sea : "My shoes will be very happy there, dancing with the fishies!"

danc,fish : "They'll dance a waltz, I doubt it not!"

walt : "He begins laughing hysterically.

bye : "Farewell, sweet enemy. I love you more than my own death!"

secr : "You're not one of us!"

us : "We know who we are..."

we : "Me and the others."

othe : "By the time you find out, it will be too late!"

time,find,out,late : "I won't tell you because..."

other : "Sometimes the bees in my head almost drive me mad!"


Introduction : a troubadour with a drum. His tailored suit is travel-worn but bright.
If Avatar female, speaking to Sylaina : "Excuse me, ma'am. We are, um, indisposed." He returns his attentions to Sylaina.
If Avatar male, speaking to Sylaina : "Pardon me, sir, but I hate to keep my dear one waiting."
"You understand, of course." He returns his attentions to Sylaina.

Initial visit : "Greetings, folks." <Given Name>
Subsequent visits : "Why, hello there, my friend. You've grown a bit since we met last."
"I'm afraid I can't recall your name; you'll have to forgive me."

If Iolo in party : "It has been a while, Master Iolo."

name : "My name is Sionnach." (He pronounces it 'ShaNOK'.)

job : "I'm a drummer and a singer."

drum : Would you like me to play for you?"
no-"As you wish, <Given Name>."
yes-The drum is wide and flat. Sionnach holds it by the strings on the back of it.
Then, he taps it in intricate patterns using both ends of the dowel held loosely in his other hand.
It sounds thus: 'RUM-TE-TUM, RUM-TE-TUM, TUMBLETY-TUM-TE-TUM!'The beat is invigorating and exciting. "That's a battle summons."

batt,summ : "'Twas long ago... Back when men forced sorcerous secrets from demons..."
"Back when women wove moonbeams into cloth of indescribably fine texture..."
"Long ago, Lord Fennian devised a language of raps and knocks on the great drums used by his armies."
"Each drum was made of the entire skin of a bull, stretched taut by a dozen cords."
"It's true. I read that in a book I found at the Lycaeum."

book,lyca,read,foun : "I also read a number of maritime histories."
"They record the facts behind the many songs of different ships."

song,ship : "The sea is not always a gentle, generous friend."
"Storms have brought down many a haughty vessel: the evil Empire, the Dutchman, the Virtuous..."
"Have you heard of the Virtuous?"

dutc,empi : "I don't know where she rests. Ask other bards."
"There's probably great treasure on her, and on the Virtuous, too."

sing,virt : Sionnach sings softly for you.
"A southerner from Serpent's Hold
Once slew a pirate crew of eight.
Young Keegan was this warrior bold,
And thus he claimed the 'Bitter Kate.'"

"He broke a bottle 'cross her bow
And 'Virtuous' became her name.
For many years she served him well;
Good Captain Keegan rose to fame."

"The Barston Bay came north to fight,
The Jolly Roger on her mast.
To cold Loch Lake she sailed that night.
To sink Keegan's ship with cannon blast."

"Ah, the old Bitter Kate, she's mended her ways,
And as the Virtuous, ended her days."

"Captain Keegan, he sleeps the endless sleep
While on Loch Lake's shore the Virtuous lays."

bye : "Take care!"

other : "That I cannot help you with."


Introduction : a charming fellow with a peacock feather in his cap.
initial visit : "Welcome, welcome! 'Tis always a pleasure to see a new face."
"My name is Mandrake. And what may I call thee?"
"A pleasure, to be sure, <Given Name>. I hope I'll be seeing a lot more of you." He gives you a sly wink.
"Well met, sirrah!"
"You look like the sort who knows how to enjoy a good story."
subsequent visits : "<Avatar Name>! It's been too long. What brings you to this part of the realm?"
"Well, never mind that for the moment. Let me sing thee a song!"

name : "Mandrake, my friend, Mandrake. Like the root, but taller, handsomer, and louder."

root : "It grows in swamps, but I'm found mostly in taverns."

tall,hand,loud : "So I've heard."

tave : "I visit them all."
"The Fallen Virgin and the Sword and Keg are rowdy and rough."
"The Blue Bottle serves Frasier's Folly - the finest ale in all Britannia."
"But the Cat's Lair is still my favorite."

fras,foll : "You should try some! 'Twill do thee a world of good."

fall,virg : "'Tis in Buccaneer's Den - no place for the timid."

bucc,den : "If thou knowest not where it is, I'll not be the one to say."

swor,keg : "Over in Jhelom, it is. They always love a good brawl."

braw,jhel : "Lots of warriors there."
"They fight just about every night, but they don't mean anything by it. 'Tis all in fun."

blue,bott : "'Tis in Moonglow."
"Derydlus often drinks there - the man can put away more ale than any other I've met."
"Many's the time he's drunk me under the table."

moon : "Too honest a town to be much fun, but some fine people live there."
"You should have Penumbra tell your fortune sometime."

dery : "Give him my regards if you see him."

penu : "I hear she has strange powers."

stra,powe : "Yes, the gift of prophecy."

gift,prop : "So I hear."

cat,lair : "A wonderful place! Dr. Cat gives me free drinks just for singing."
"He loves games of all kinds too. Mention my name to him and he'll be sure to treat thee well."

job : "I travel all over to spread important @news throughout the realm - and tales and songs as well."
"If you have time enough, I'll favor you with all three."

trav,impo,news : "My travels were interrupted recently in a most fearsome manner."
"I was captured by the gargoyles, and taken down to the other side of the world, where they held me prisoner."
"But such was my good fortune that one of them helped me to escape."
"He spoke but little of our tongue, but I believe he said his name was 'Beh Lem.'"

garg : "I've seen their handiwork many a time in my travels."
"I believe they have taken over all of the shrines of the eight virtues."

eigh,virt : "Oh, you know: honesty, compassion, valour, justice, sacrifice, honor, spirituality, and humility."
"That's what you get for choosing such stuffy principles as a basis."

stuf,prin : "Truth, love and courage... hah!"
"If it had been up to me, I'd have chosen wine, women and song instead."
"Think of the virtues those would lead to!"

wine,wome,lead,thin : "I've thought it over..."
"The principles of wine, women and song would lead to the eight virtues of
drunkenness, sensuality, harmony, lust, laziness, dance, indulgence, and happiness."
"Now there would be the foundation for a fine world to live in!"

sing,song : "Would you care to donate a coin or two?"
no-"As you wish."
yes-How much do you give him?
Too much-You don't have that much.
Have enough-"Thank you kindly."
"Ok, here we go!"
"The dragon is a scaly sort
Who spouts flame when he sneezes.
Many a bold knight has he fought,
For he goes where e'er he pleases."

"Mister Porcupine's naught but spines,
To the dismay of him and his missus.
For that for which he truly pines
Is one of her sweet kisses."

"A gypsy girl and a butterfly
Were out in the woods at play
And when I saw them I said 'Oh my!
What a perfect sunny day!'"

tale,stor : "Perhaps my stories would be worth a few coins?"
no-"As you wish."
yes-How much do you give him?
Not Enough-You don't have that much.
Have enough-"You're too kind."
Mandrake tells you tales for quite a while, yet listening to them you lose track of time.
He tells you of ships sailing off the edge of the world, of earthquakes, and mad wizards, and fierce battles.
He speaks of spells that halt the flow of time, a man who found a way to fly, and the strange secret of the wisps.
He tells you that there are two bands of gypsies who travel the King's Way, who are often mistaken for each other.
He speaks of the pirate ship Empire, which was much dreaded in its day, and of the giant ants that can be found in the Dry Land.
Your head is filled with wondrous visions.
But finally
If Dupre in party : he notices that Dupre has begun to doze off, and decides to bring his tales to an end.
If Dupre not in party : his tales come to an end.

bye : "Leaving so soon, <Given Name>? And I was enjoying your company so." He bows and kisses your hand.
"Well, <Avatar Name>, I'm glad you stopped by to chat with me. We must do it again sometime."

"I'll be glad to play another song for you when next we meet."

other : "I'll tell you of that later, perhaps."
-or- : "Oh, why bother with such a boring subject? How about a song instead?"
"I sing better if I keep my belly full, and my wineskin as well."

other : "Maybe I can talk to you about that after I get out of these stocks."


Introduction : a graceful, silver haired woman in robes of blue.
She eyes you suspiciously. "What do you want?"

name : "I am Phoenix."

job : I used to be captain of the Black Thechu."
"But now I'm a member of the thieves guild, and I don't care who knows it."
"Britain is the wealthiest city in the world, and I make a tidy living sneaking up there at night to 'liberate' a few possessions."
"Of course, I only steal from those who have too much wealth for their own good."

libe,stea,thie : "It's an honorable profession, with as long a tradition as any other."

capt,blac,thec : "She was the finest ship that ever sailed. But those days are past."
"The crew's scattered to the four corners of the earth, and the Thechu's off amongst the stars."

crew,star : "We were at port one day when the anchor chain snapped, and the Thechu drifted off the edge of the world."
"I'd join her if I could, and sail through space..."

four,corn,eart,edge,worl : "The world is flat, you know." She eyes you appraisingly.
"Surely any well educated person would be aware of that."

belt : "You want my belt? I'm sorry, lass/laddy, but I'm not ready to retire just yet."

reti : "No way! I'm making too good a living to give it up now."
"If you want to get my belt, use your wits. Prove you're worthy to replace me."

wit,prov,wort,repl : "Figure it out yourself."

guil : "If you want to join the guild, go talk to Budo about it."

budo : "He lives in Buccaneer's Den."
"These tunnels can take you there - unless you get lost, or the rats get you..."

bucc,den : "The rumors of pirates there are just idle chatter."
She smiles. "I haven't been there in a while. It's a lovely little town..."

chat : "I don't know about you, but some of us have more important things to do with our time."

pira : "Pirates? I'm sure I wouldn't know a thing about them."

bye : "About time you were on your way. One thing before you go..." She draws her dagger.
"Don't tell anyone where my hideout is. If you do, some night you'll go to sleep and never wake up again."
"You'll never know when it's coming."
"She turns and throws the dagger at a little mouse that was sniffing around for food, pinning it to the wall by its tail.
If Sherry in party : "Eeeeek!" Sherry runs up your leg, and it takes several minutes before you can coax her back down again.

other : "I haven't got all day to stand around talking. Get to the point, or go bother someone else."

Captain John[edit]

Introduction : a long-haired gentleman with a scholarly demeanor.
Subsequent visits : "Ah, my good friend! Thou hast returned!"
Initial visit : "Praise the virtues! Humans have arrived here at last!"
"But what's this? Not just any humans--the Avatar!"
"'Tis most fortuitous that thou hast returned, noble <Avatar Name>."
"Many cataclysms have occurred since thou last visited Britannia!"

name : "Why, I'm Captain John, <Avatar Name>!"

job : "For several years I have been here in the catacombs, studying the gargoyles."

stud : "Yes, I have learned much about them!"

garg : "They are not evil, as most humans believe!"
"I have spent much time talking to them, and I have found them to be almost human."
"I have learned about their society, their beliefs and their language."

know,worl,cata : "The gargoyle world, once as large as Britannia itself, is slowly being destroyed!"
"The forces thou set in motion have caused great sections of their land to fall off into the void!"
"Only a single gargoyle city remains."

city : "The gargoyle City of Investigation, their place of learning and government, is all that is left."
"Thou must do something to save the gargoyle race!"
"I know not what, however."
"Thou must talk to the gargoyles."

soci : "There are two kinds of gargoyles, winged and wingless ones."
"At first it seemed as if the wingless ones were slaves."
"But now I know that the wingless ones are beloved and valued family members."
"They must be told what to do, because they are not truly intelligent."
"The gargoyles live honorably, by their own set of beliefs."

beli : "The gargoyles' beliefs are much like our own."
"Where we have the three principles of Truth, Love and Courage, they have the principles of Control, Passion and Diligence."
"Directly, these lead to the virtues of Direction, Feeling, and Persistence."
"Combined, they lead to Balance, Achievement and Precision."
"Taken all together, they point to Order."
"And the sum of all the principles is Singularity."
"Gargoyle society stresses unity and singularity in all things."
"They have to; their world has always been harsh, even before the cataclysms."

lang,talk : "With the help of a gargoyle child, Beh Lem, I have learned how to speak their language."
"Wouldst thou like to learn?"
no-"But you must!"
"Thou hast no chance of saving the gargoyles if thou knowest not their language!"
yes-"I had a silver tablet that contained much of what I had learned."
"I gave it to some gypsies to take to Mariah, at the Lycaeum."
"Did it arrive safely?"
yes-"Good! I am glad to know that the gypsies kept their word."
"That tablet must have amazed Mariah!"
no-"No?! But I paid money, good money, for them to carry it to her!"
"No matter. Now that thou art here, all is well."
"You can study the gargoyles yourself, and carry the knowledge back to the surface!"

"Here." He hands you a scroll."
"Use this scroll; it contains a basic vocabulary of the Gargoyle language."

beh,lem : "He and I meet every day at noon, where Hythloth emerges in the gargoyle lands."
"Go and speak with him, learn about the gargoyles."
"You must save them!"

join : "No, I cannot. I must stay here and continue my writing."
"But Beh Lem may join thee."
"With his help, thou canst travel the gargoyle lands and learn how to save them."

bye : "Farewell again, noble Avatar."
"As the gargoyles say, 'May thy persistence and precision lead to success.'"
"Upon you rests the future of an entire race."

If haven't learned about Beh Lem : "Wait!"
"Thou must meet Beh Lem and travel with him among the gargoyle people."
"That is the only way you can save them, and save them you must!"
"And without Beh Lem with you, the gargoyles will attack!"

other : "Oh, the things I could say of that!"
"But we have not the time."
"When both worlds have been saved, then we can discuss such matters."


Introduction : a skinny, awkward looking man, wearing boots that come up past his knees.
"Hey hey hey! Welcome to the finest sewers in Britannia."
"You look like you need a nickname, so I'll call you 'ducks.'"

name : "My name's Daros, old duck." He shakes your hand.

job : "Well, ducky, I keep the sewers running the way they should."
"When work is slow, sometimes I play a joke or two on my friends to keep things lively." He winks at you.

frie : "Even though we don't know each other that well, I'd like to think of you as my friend already."

play,joke : "Oh you know, ducks, the usual kinds." He nudges you in the ribs.

sewe,work : "Britain is the biggest city in the world, and all those people use a lot of water."
"All the runoff drains down here. It's not a bad place to work, really, except for the @rats."

rat : "They're pretty big, ducky, but not to worry."
"They usually won't eat you until after they've killed you first."
"Of course, if you have a set of panpipes, I hear you can just pipe them away..."

pan,pipe : "I don't have a set myself. I usually just run away."

run,away : "It's real good exercise!"

wate,runo,drai : "I wouldn't go swimming around here, ducks."

brit : "Go back up and have a look! I'm sure it's still there."
He grins, obviously delighted with his own sense of humor.

bye : "See you around, old duck."
He gives you a hearty slap on the back as you leave, which almost knocks one of the straps on your pack loose.

other : "That's not something I talk about much, down here..."


Introduction : a sunken-faced, starving man, dressed in rags.
subsequent visits : "Thou art back!"
"Please, please! Give me some food!"°
initial visit : It takes a few moments for the man to notice you.
"Please, you must help me!" he says weakly.
"I need food, badly!"

name : "Ybarra. Ybarra's my name."°

job : "Lost here, no job now."
"I used to sail under Captain Hawkins on the Empire."
"We had food then!"
"But those days are gone...."°

food : "Yes, food! The last thing I ate was my belt."
"And that was three weeks ago."
"If only you could give me some food..."

belt : "Not very tasty, but it was filling."°

give,spar : If have food : "Thunff fou," Ybarra says, stuffing the food into his mouth.
"After finishing the offered meal, however, Ybarra still seemes starved."
If don't have food : "Suddenly, you realize that you have no food to give him!
"No food?" he asks. "Then thou art doomed too!"

map,piec : "Map? Map. Map."
If have map : "You already got it from me."
If don't have map : "Oh, the map. Yes, I still have that."
"I couldn't eat it."
"It ought to be worth some food, surely?"
yes-"He hands you the map piece and rubs his hands, eagerly awaiting his food."
no-"You must! I'll die! Just a little bit of food for the map?" "His last shred of hope torn away from him, the withered man leaps at you, screaming "Food! Food!"

join : Leave here? No!"
"I've almost gotten the tunnels figured out!"
"Just a few more days and I'll be free!"
"But I must have food!"°

bye : "Don't go! I need food... food..."
"Can I have a little before you go?"
no-"The man collapses, the last of his energy gone."

other : "Huh?"


Introduction : a strange, glowing ball of energy.
"Again, 'you' of this plane address 'I' of the Xorinite dimension."
"By what name do 'you' wish to be addressed at this time?"

"Very well, '<Given Name>' Do 'you' have memory of previous discussions with 'myself?'"
yes-"Good. Tedious repetition should then be unnecessary on this occasion. Of what would 'you' speak?"
no-"So be it. 'I' must often repeat information when conversing with the life of Britannia, it seems."
"'I' do not see how each unit of life here can have different memories, different desires, but again 'I' inform Britannia that it is not so in 'my' realm."
"Those which 'you' know as 'wisp' in Britannia are projections of the life of Xorinia."
"'I' extend into many planes beside this one."
"Britannia communicates with 'me' very seldom, and is known by those of very few other planes."
"Every time 'I' speak with Britannia, it seems 'I' must explain 'my' nature again, as 'I' have just done."
"That is very strange."

name : The concept of 'name' is one 'I' still do not grasp."
"'I' believe that when 'you' ask 'me' to use '<Given Name>' as a form of address, it has something to do with 'name.'"
"When Britannia addressed me with the name 'Zog,' an attempt was made to explain."
"But still 'I' do not understand."°

you : 'I' and 'you' are words that seem to have no meaning."
"'I' mimic the way 'you' use them in this language out of courtesy."

job : Xorinia serves as a conduit for information between different planes."
"In exchange, these planes provide information that can be used to improve Xorinia."
"Occasionally payment is accepted in the form of substance, but this is not preferred."

cond,info,exch : Britannia has never participated in the interplanar exchange of information."
"'I' have presented a sample known in Britannian terms as a 'secret', but no further interest has been shown."

subs : Actual physical materials are so plentiful throughout the multiverse that they are of little value."
"Information has much greater worth."

paym,inte : If 'you' present a reasonably dense information source to a 'wisp' unit, arrangements will be made to transfer some suitably valuable commodity into Britannian possession."

secr : Because of the nature of Britannian memory, 'I' now present the sample information to 'you' again."
The wisp pulsates, fading from blue to white, then back to blue again.
As it does so, a scroll materializes in your hand.
"This is a simple invocation of magic energy to bring about the cessation of all life."
"It is not a very useful or powerful form of magic, as it will only affect beings in the same plane where it is invoked." "Inform any 'wisp' unit if 'you' have interest in further exchange.°

zog : Once when 'I' offered sample information to Britannia, the name 'Zog' was given by the life unit that received it."
"No further contact with Britannia was obtainable for some time after this."
"Perhaps misuse of the sample information was responsible."

bye : 'I' find it unusual that 'you' find it so important to inform 'me' of the imminent cessation of proximity between one unit of Britannian life and one of Xorinite."
"Nonetheless, in accordance with 'your' custom:
Goodbye, '<Given Name>'"

other : "The vagaries of the language 'you' speak are quite beyond 'me.'"

If have book of mantras : "Perhaps another line of inquiry would prove more 'fruitful.'"
"The volume 'you' bear with the symbol pattern representing the sounds 'The Book of Lost Mantras' is a prime source of high density information."
"Do 'you' wish to 'me' to locate a client who is willing to make an exchange for it at this time?"
no-"The ways of Britannia are strange indeed."
yes-For a few moments, the wisp pulses, saying nothing.
"It is done," the wisp says at last, "Rklbwm have expressed desire to possess this information."
"Hoping, no doubt, for a bargain, Rklbwm have offered a small quantity of the substance 'gold' in lieu of the customary useful information."
"But surely 'you' wish 'me' to arrange for Rklbwm to provide information of value to 'you.'"
"Am 'I' correct to assume this?"
yes-"Then so be it. Here is useful information from the Rklbwm:"
'If a substance with a partially reflective surface is positioned so that its third index of refraction matches the wavelength coefficient of the output of a polarized light source, and the resulting beam is focused on an ionized crystal suspended in a unipolar magnetic field, matter can be converted into useful electromagnetic radiation at an efficiency rate of 96 to 98 percent, depending on the desired output frequency.'* "It was a pleasure doing business with you."
no-"Very well."
"'You' have not sent enough life units to transport much substance, but it is 'your' decision to make."
The wisp glows just a trifle brighter for a moment, and suddenly everyone notices that their packs have grown heavier.
"It was a pleasure doing business with you."


Introduction : A muscular, well armored guard.
"Hello. Can I help you with something?"

yes-"Well, what can I help you with?"

name : "I'm not allowed to give out that information."

job : "I am one of Lord British's elite guards. We keep order throughout Britannia."

brit : "Hail Lord British! Hail Britannia! Hail the glorious Avatar!"

elit,guar,keep,orde : "Lately our ranks have thinned. Many have been lost in the war against the gargoyles."

rank,thin,many,lost,garg : Few of us are left to patrol the cities, and those may be sent to the shrines soon."
"I fear we may lose this war."

shri,lose,fear,sent : Not a single shrine have we liberated. The gargoyles fight like daemons!"

demo,daem : "I have noticed a certain resemblance..."

patr,citi : "That is our only job, in times of peace."

time,peac : "May we see such times again!"

bye : "If that is all, then I'll be back about my duties."

other : "Perhaps you should ask somebody else."



Introduction : a stone statue of the evil wizard Mondain.
Subsequent visits : "For what dost thou return, Avatar?"
Initial visit : You remember as if it were yesterday how you defeated Mondain in your first visit to Brittania.
Using the four stones, you went back in time to smash his power-gem.
The statue speaks!
"We meet again, Avatar."
"Fear not! I have but one task now, and am no threat."

name : "Surely you of all people would recognize me as Mondain."

job,task : "The gargoyles have enshrined my spirit here as the embodiment of control.

cont,mant : "I was once a mighty wizard."
"Control was the essence of my soul--control of self and control of others."
"But desire for more control overcame me."
"I forsook my self-control in my hunger for conquest."
"Control must start with the self and expand outward."
"The strong must lead. But to be strong one must control oneself first."
"The gargoyles understand control."
"Their society is based on the strong guiding the weak."
"In this way, they survive in their harsh world."

bye : If understand : "Farewell, Avatar."
"May thy control help you succeed in thy quest."
If don't understand : "Thou wilt need control of others to succeed in thy quest, Avatar."

"But thou wilt most of all need control of thyself to be worthy"

other : "I have no concern for matters such as <Last Input>"
-or- : "I am enshrined here in eternal contemplation of the principle of control."

"Contemplate what thou hast learned. Repeat after me the Mantra of Control."

un : "I can teach thee no more."

"Thy understanding is flawed. But I can teach thee no more."

"But thou wilt most of all need a clear vision of thy goal to be worthy."

Based upon karma level : "Thy deeds show a lack of control"
"Thy deeds show a need for more control"
"Thy deeds show understanding of control"
"I admire thy deeds and thy control"


Introduction : a stone statue of the evil witch Minax.
Subsequent visits : "For what dost thou return, Avatar?"
Initial visit : You remember quite clearly how you defeated Minax in your second visit to Brittania.
With a mighty sword blow, you slew the witch and destroyed her evil works.
The statue speaks!
"We meet again, Avatar."
"Fear not! I have but one task now, and am no threat."

name : "Surely you of all people would recognize me as Minax."

job,task : "The gargoyles have enshrined my spirit here as the embodiment of passion.

pass,mant : "I was once a mighty sorceress."
"Passion was the essence of my soul."
"But that passion knew no bounds."
"I wanted everything, and because of this strove to conquer all."
"Passion must be directed, focused."
"Unbridled passion, desire for all things, leads only to chaos."
"The gargoyles understand passion."
"Their society is based on the passionate leading those who lack motivation."
"In this way, they have the will to struggle against their harsh world."

bye : If understand : "Farewell, Avatar."
"May thy passion drive thy quest toward success."
If don't understand : "Thou wilt need passion to succeed in thy quest, Avatar."

"But thou must limit thy passion, lest balance and order be lost."

other : "I have no concern for matters such as <Last Input>"
-or- : "I am enshrined here in eternal contemplation of the principle of passion."

"Contemplate what thou hast learned. Repeat after me the Mantra of Passion."

or : "I can teach thee no more."

"Thy understanding is flawed. But I can teach thee no more."

"But thou wilt most of all need a clear vision of thy goal to be worthy."

Based upon karma level : "Thy deeds show nought but unlimited passion"
"Thy deeds show misguided but strong passion"
"Thy deeds show the merits of thy passion"
"I admire thy deeds and thy passion"


Introduction : a stone statue of the evil Exodus.
Subsequent visits : "For what dost thou return, Avatar?"
Initial visit : You still remember vividly how you defeated Exodus in your third visit to Brittania.
Using the four cards, you tricked the accursed machine into destroying itself.
The statue speaks!
"We meet again, Avatar."
"Fear not! I have but one task now, and am no threat."

name : "Though I no longer bear the form of the machine you destroyed, yet still am I Exodus."

job,task : "The gargoyles have enshrined my spirit here as the embodiment of diligence."

dili,mant : "I was once a powerful daemon."
"Diligence was the essence of my soul--cold, unswerving diligence in my path of conquest."
"But in my devotion to achievement I lost sight of my original goals."
"Diligence without a goal is as worthless as a goal without diligence."
"The means cannot replace the end, and diligence cannot be the goal."
"The gargoyles understand diligence."
"Their society is based on the diligent leading the wayward."
"In this way, they maintain their fight for survival in their harsh world."

bye : If understand : "Farewell, Avatar."
"May thy diligence maintain thee on thy quest."
If don't understand : "Thou wilt need diligence to succeed in thy quest, Avatar."

other : "I have no concern for matters such as <Last Input>"
-or- : "I am enshrined here in eternal contemplation of the principle of diligence."

"Contemplate what thou hast learned. Repeat after me the Mantra of Diligence."

us : "I can teach thee no more."

"Thy understanding is flawed. But I can teach thee no more."

"But thou wilt most of all need a clear vision of thy goal to be worthy."

Based upon karma level : "Thy deeds show a lack of diligence"
"Thy deeds show misguided diligence"
"Thy deeds show the value of thy diligence"
"I admire thy deeds and thy diligence"

Shrine of Honesty[edit]

Introduction : the altar of Honesty.
As you kneel before the altar, a mystical voice sounds in your head.
If karma low : "Thou hast much to learn about honesty."
If karma OK : "Thy deeds have shown admirable honesty."
-or- : "Thy deeds serve as an example to all."

Do you wish to meditate at this altar?
no-end conversation
yes-"Who will meditate?"
"Speak the Mantra of Honesty."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
ahm : "Whatsoever things are true..."
"Whatsoever things are honest..."
"If there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things."

If not ready to gain a level : "You receive no enlightenment.
If ready to gain a level : <Player Name> has gained a level...
and intelligence!
"There is naught else for you to learn here and now."
"Return when thy journey has progressed further."

Shrine of Compassion[edit]

Introduction : the altar of Compassion.
As you kneel before the altar, a mystical voice sounds in your head.
If karma low : "Thou hast much to learn about compassion."
If karma OK : "Thy deeds have shown admirable compassion."
-or- : "Thy deeds serve as an example to all."

Do you wish to meditate at this altar?
no-end conversation
yes-"Who will meditate?"
"Speak the Mantra of Compassion."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
mu : "No beast so fierce but shows some touch of pity."
"Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge."

If not ready to gain a level : "You receive no enlightenment.
If ready to gain a level : <Player Name> has gained a level...
and dexterity!
"There is naught else for you to learn here and now."
"Return when thy journey has progressed further."

Shrine of Valor[edit]

Introduction : the altar of Valor.
As you kneel before the altar, a mystical voice sounds in your head.
If karma low : "Thou hast much to learn about valor."
If karma OK : "Thy deeds have shown admirable valor."
-or- : "Thy deeds serve as an example to all."

Do you wish to meditate at this altar?
no-end conversation
yes-"Who will meditate?"
"Speak the Mantra of Valor."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
ra : "Tender-handed stroke a nettle, and it stings you for your pains."
"Grasp it as a man of mettle, and it soft as silk remains"

If not ready to gain a level : "You receive no enlightenment.
If ready to gain a level : <Player Name> has gained a level...
and strength!
"There is naught else for you to learn here and now."
"Return when thy journey has progressed further."

Shrine of Justice[edit]

Introduction : the altar of Justice.
As you kneel before the altar, a mystical voice sounds in your head.
If karma low : "Thou hast much to learn about justice."
If karma OK : "Thy deeds have shown admirable justice."
-or- : "Thy deeds serve as an example to all."

Do you wish to meditate at this altar?
no-end conversation
yes-"Who will meditate?"
"Speak the Mantra of Justice."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
beh : "Justice without force is impotent."
"Force without justice is tyranny."

If not ready to gain a level : "You receive no enlightenment.
If ready to gain a level : <Player Name> has gained a level...
and dexterity!
"There is naught else for you to learn here and now."
"Return when thy journey has progressed further."

Shrine of Sacrifice[edit]

Introduction : the altar of Sacrifice.
As you kneel before the altar, a mystical voice sounds in your head.
If karma low : "Thou hast much to learn about sacrifice."
If karma OK : "Thy deeds have shown admirable sacrifice."
-or- : "Thy deeds serve as an example to all."

Do you wish to meditate at this altar?
no-end conversation
yes-"Who will meditate?"
"Speak the Mantra of Sacrifice."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
cah : The universe is so vast and so ageless
that the life of one man can only be justified
by the measure of his sacrifice.

If not ready to gain a level : "You receive no enlightenment.
If ready to gain a level : <Player Name> has gained a level...
and dexterity!
"There is naught else for you to learn here and now."
"Return when thy journey has progressed further."

Shrine of Honor[edit]

Introduction : the altar of Honor.
As you kneel before the altar, a mystical voice sounds in your head.
If karma low : "Thou hast much to learn about honor."
If karma OK : "Thy deeds have shown admirable honor."
-or- : "Thy deeds serve as an example to all."

Do you wish to meditate at this altar?
no-end conversation
yes-"Who will meditate?"
"Speak the Mantra of Honor."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
summ : "Honor may be assailed, but can never be hurt."
"Surprised by unjust force"

If not ready to gain a level : "You receive no enlightenment.
If ready to gain a level : <Player Name> has gained a level...
and intelligence!
"There is naught else for you to learn here and now."
"Return when thy journey has progressed further."

Shrine of Spirituality[edit]

Introduction : the altar of Spirituality.
As you kneel before the altar, a mystical voice sounds in your head.
If karma low : "Thou hast much to learn about spirituality."
If karma OK : "Thy deeds have shown admirable spirituality."
-or- : "Thy deeds serve as an example to all."

Do you wish to meditate at this altar?
no-end conversation
yes-"Who will meditate?"
"Speak the Mantra of Spirituality."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
om : "Throughout this varied and eternal world, soul is the only element."
"The wealth of the spirit is the only true wealth."

If not ready to gain a level : "You receive no enlightenment.
If ready to gain a level : <Player Name> has gained a level...
and dexterity!
"There is naught else for you to learn here and now."
"Return when thy journey has progressed further."

Shrine of Humility[edit]

introduction : the altar of Humility.
As you kneel before the altar, a mystical voice sounds in your head.
If karma low : "Thou hast much to learn about humility."
If karma OK : "Thy deeds have shown admirable humility."
-or- : "Thy deeds serve as an example to all."

Do you wish to meditate at this altar?
no-end conversation
yes-"Who will meditate?"
"Speak the Mantra of Humility."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."
"<Mantra>... <Mantra>..."

lum : The humblest citizen of all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error."

If not ready to gain a level : You receive no enlightenment.
If ready to gain a level : <Player Name> has gained a level!

"There is naught else for you to learn here and now."
"Return when thy journey has progressed further."

Temple of Singularity[edit]

introduction : a finely-carved stone pyramid.
As you face the altar, a voice rings in your head.
You understand it perfectly, but you can't recognize the language!
If already solved quest : "There is no more wisdom for thee to acquire here, noble Avatar."
"Seek the Codex, and may nothing impede thy sacred quest!"

Subsequent visit if given quest : "Hast thou completed thy journey to the catacombs?"
yes-What is the Mantra of Singularity?"
yes, but low karma-"Thy deeds make thee unworthy of enlightenment."
no-"Return when thy path is more focused."

"Thou hast far to travel and much to achieve, but thy inner fire will surely guide thy way."
-or- : "Thou hast far to travel and much to achieve."

"May the wisdom imparted here help purify thy inner flame."

"Look deep inside thyself, Avatar, and answer this:"
"For whom dost thou truly seek the Codex?"

cont,dili,pass : "<Last input> is one of the guiding principles of the gargoyle race."
"Go thou into the Catacombs of <Control, Diligence, Passion>, near the coast to the <west, south, east> of here."
"There you will find the being who most exemplifies this principle."

prin,thre : "The three principles of Control, Passion and Diligence form the basis of the gargoyle way of life."°

name,job : Thou hast reached the Altar of Singularity. What dost thou seek?"

cata : Which catacomb dost thou seek?"

bye The mystic voice falls silent, and you leave the altar.

other : "The answer to that lies elsewhere."
-or- : "The answer to that lies within thyself."

"What do you seek, Avatar?"
sacr,ques,code,mant : "What is the Mantra of Singularity?"
un-or-us,unorus : "Let the principle of control guide thy quest."
"Let the principle of passion drive thy quest." "Let the principle of diligence maintain thy quest." "Then wilt thou truly achieve the unified spirit and singularity of purpose that is necessary for success in all endeavors." "This is the gargoyle way; let it be thy way as well." The altar glows with a cold blue flame. You feel compelled to seek out the Codex. Your final quest has begun!

un-us-or,us-un-or,us-or-un,or-us-un,or-un-us,unusor,usunor,usorun,orusun,orunus : You have not yet become familiar with the wisdom of the gargoyle race."
"Continue thy search."

"Think again, Avatar: For whom dost thou seek the Codex?"
both,our,peac,all,ever : Thy answer is wise."
"But how canst thou truly work for the good of a race whose ways thou dost not understand?"
"Go thou into the Catacombs of Control, Passion and Diligence."
"In each wilt thou find the final resting place of the being who most exemplifies that principle."
"Return when thou hast found these catacombs."

huma,me,my,lord,brit : Thy answer is foolish."
"A journey made for selfish reasons can never be a sacred quest, regardless of its goal."

garg,seer,scho,inqu,lead : Thy answer is foolish."
"There is no nobility or honor in betraying one's own race for the sake of another."
"Such a path can never be a sacred quest."

valk,beh,naxa,drax,bole : Thy answer is foolish."
"Thy compassion is acknowledged, but compassion is not the key to success."
"The motive must be as one with the goal for a journey to become a sacred quest."

bye : "Return when thou canst truly answer this question."

other : "Thy answer is foolish."

"Thy mind must be focused clearly on thy path for thy journey to become a sacred quest."

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