Dispel Field
In order to properly deal with magical fields, the Dispel Field (or Dispel or Negate Energy or An Grav) spell is needed. It will completely eliminate all the effects of a field.
Spell Description[edit]
Magic fields might be useful for some magic users, but for others they are a nuisance, if not even downright dangerous obstacles that have to be overcome. So if passage is needed through an area that is blocked by a magic field, regardless of its nature, this can be achieved through Dispel Field. Casting it will dissipate the field for the conjurer without any side-effects, freeing the way. This spell is very useful in dungeons and caves, which are notorious for their magic fields. This spell works on Energy Fields, Fire Fields, Poison Fields and Sleep Fields.

One of the staples of the wizard’s profession is the use of energy fields. We shall discuss the casting of such fields shortly, but first let us examine the means of dismantling them when they are encountered. Although there are various forms of such fields, they are all created with a similar magic and thus may be Dispelled with a single spell. The Dispel enchantment is one of moderate difficulty, far more exhausting than the creation of energy fields. Often touching the field may prove disastrous, so the enchantment must be cast from afar and thus required the use of the precious Black Pearl needed in all projectile spells. Furthermore, Sulphurous Ash is needed to provide the flash of power that beings the dissolution of the forces holding the field together. Finally, the warding powers of Garlic are also employed to prevent the forces from reassembling at the spot where they were previously concentrated. To effect the spell, speak backwards the color of the type of field encountered.
Adventuring parties are sometimes prevented from pursuing their objective by obstructing or noxious fields. An Grav removes the obstructing field by negating the field’s energy. Ash countermines the field’s energy; a black pearl thrusts the negating energy in the direction indicated by the spell caster. The obstructing field is instantly dispersed.
Neutralizes magic fields generated by field spells.
This spell can dispel any type of magical field, such as a Fire Field.
See Also[edit]