Ultima Underworld Characters

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This page lists the talkable characters of Ultima Underworld and shows the comparison of character portraits between the PC and PSX versions of the game.


This page is essentially Category:NPCs of Ultima Underworld but with character portraits, locations, and summary details. The PC and PSX versions of Ultima Underworld have different portait artwork and this page was created as a place to showcase them all side-by-side.

Player Characters[edit]

Male Female
Male1UU1.png UW1PSX.player.male1.png Female1UU1.png UW1PSX.player.female1.png
Male2UU1.png UW1PSX.player.male2.png Female2UU1.png UW1PSX.player.female2.png
Male3UU1.png UW1PSX.player.male3.png Female3UU1.png UW1PSX.player.female3.png
Male4UU1.png UW1PSX.player.male4.png Female4UU1.png UW1PSX.player.female4.png
Male5UU1.png UW1PSX.player.male5.png Female5UU1.png UW1PSX.player.female5.png

Non-Player Characters[edit]

The PSX version has a unique portrait for each named character and each class of unnamed character. The PC version shared some portraits among several characters. To see this effect, click the PC table header to group like portraits together.

PC PSX Name Group Level Notes String
Bragit.png BragitPSX.png Bragit outcasts 1 Gives info about abyss, Baron, outcasts 3651
Bragit.png OutcastPSX.png outcast outcasts 1 Gives info about abyss, ankhs, shrines 3866
Gulik.png GulikPSX.png Gulik outcasts 1 3604
Hagbard.png HagbardPSX.png Hagbard outcasts 1 Leader of outcasts 3603
Drog.png DrogPSX.png Drog goblin, green 1 door guard of green goblins 3650
Green goblin.png GreenGoblinPSX.png goblin (green) goblin, green 1 3846 3847
Lanugo.png LanugoPSX.png Lanugo goblin, green 1 assistant to Vernix 3594
Vernix.png VernixPSX.png Vernix goblin, green 1 leader of green goblins 3593
Jaacar.png EbUW1PSX.png Eb goblin, gray 1 door guard of green goblins 3649
Jaacar.png GrayGoblinPSX.png goblin (gray) goblin, gray 1 3852 3856
Gray goblin guard.png GrayGoblinGuardPSX.png goblin (gray, guard) goblin, gray 1 treasury guard 3852 3856
Jaacar.png JaacarPSX.png Jaacar goblin, gray 1 Tells of problems with the privy 3648
Retichall.png RetichallPSX.png Retichall goblin, gray 1 bride of Ketchaval 3592
Ketchaval.png KetchavalPSX.png Ketchaval goblin, gray 1 leader of gray goblins 3591
Ironwit.png IronwitPSX.png Ironwit mountainman 2 lost his blueprints 3674
Brawnclan.png BrawnclanPSX.png Brawnclan mountainman 2 door guard of the mountainmen 3672
Brawnclan.png MountainmanPSX.png mountainman mountainman 2 3860 3862
Corby.png CorbyPSX.png Corby fighter 2 former scribe of Sir Cabirus 3585
Goldthirst.png GoldthirstPSX.png Goldthirst mountainman 2 leader of the mountainmen 3587
Steeltoe.png SteeltoePSX.png Steeltoe mountainman 2 treasury guard 3605
Brawnclan.png HewstonePSX.png Hewstone mountainman 2 miner 3673
Shak.png ShakPSX.png Shak mountainman 2 blacksmith 3586
Zak.png ZakPSX.png Zak fighter 3 afraid of the dark 3612
Meredith.png BanditPSX.png bandit bandit 3 Why so hostile? 3696
Head Bandit.png HeadBanditPSX.png head bandit bandit 3 Why so hostile? 3696
Sseetharee.png GreenLizardmanPSX.png green lizardman lizardman, green 3 No English, translation needed 3861 3864
Sseetharee.png SseethareePSX.png Sseetharee lizardman, green 3 Holds Murgo prisoner 3599
Murgo.png MurgoPSX.png Murgo "prisoner" mage, Seer of Moonstone 3 mute, prisoner of Sseetharee, assistant to Dr. Owl 3608
Issleek.png RedLizardmanPSX.png red lizardman lizardman, red 3 No English, translation needed 3861 3864
Issleek.png IssleekPSX.png Iss'leek lizardman, red 3 Has note, wants red ruby 3698
Ishtass.png IshtassPSX.png Ishtass lizardman, gray 3 Wants news of Ossikka 3600
Ishtass.png GrayLizardmanPSX.png gray lizardman lizardman, gray 3 Speaks English but doesn't have much to say
He says his leader is Iss'leek the red lizardman
Ishtass.png GrayLizardmanPSX.png gray lizardman lizardman, gray 4 Did this guy get lost or what? 3865
Bragit.png OradinarPSX.png Oradinar outcasts 4 peaceful/cowardly fisherman 3720
Bragit.png LinnetPSX.png Linnet outcasts 4 accomplice to a murder 3721
RawstagUW1.png TrollPSX.png troll troll 4 3872
RawstagUW1.png RawstagPSX.png Rawstag troll 4 Calls the Avatar Rodriguez 3728
Lakshi.png LakshiPSX.png Lakshi Longtooth troll 4 leader of trolls 3602
Sethar.png SetharPSX.png Sethar Strongarm troll, great 4 loves rotworm stew 3601
Kyle.png KylePSX.png Kyle fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 trains in axe 3731
Head Bandit.png DorisPSX.png Doris fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 trains in sword 3730
Cecil.png CecilPSX.png Cecil fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 trains in mace 3732
Meredith.png MeredithPSX.png Meredith fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 trains in ranged 3733
Dorna Ironfist.png DornaPSX.png Dorna Ironfist fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 leader of the knights 3596
Kyle.png DerekPSX.png Derek fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 gem and metal worker, knows about the Ring of Humility 3722
Cecil.png BidenPSX.png Biden fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 got spanked by Rodrick 3727
Meredith.png TrischPSX.png Trisch Wender fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 Looking for Zak and the Taper of Sacrifice 3723
Kyle.png FeznorPSX.png Feznor fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 Lots of knowledge on knights, trolls, and the sights of level 4 3725
Head Bandit.png ReePSX.png Ree fighter, Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 Knowledge on the lower levels, the Seers, the golem, etc 3724
Kyle.png RodrickPSX.png Rodrick fighter, former Knight of the Crux Ansata 4 spanked Biden, gonna spank Avatar next 3726
Xoruw1.png WispPSX.png Wisp wisp 4 knows a dangerous spell 3898
Anjor.png AnjorPSX.png Anjor mage, Seer of Moonstone 5 needs zanium to make gold 3745
Judy.png JudyPSX.png Judy mage, Seer of Moonstone 5 really misses Tom 3607
Marrowsuck.png MarrowsuckPSX.png Marrowsuck ghoul 5 tailor 3590
Shanklick.png ShanklickPSX.png Shanklick ghoul 5 leader of ghouls 3588
Eyesnack.png EyesnackPSX.png Eyesnack ghoul 5 musician, plays flute 3589
Kneenibble.png KneenibblePSX.png Kneenibble ghoul 5 mine dispatch chamber operator 3746
Garamon2.png GaramonPSX.png Garamon ghost of mage 5 the man of your dreams 3611
Shenilor.png ShenilorPSX.png Shenilor mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 greeter of the Mages 3773
Anjor.png DominusPSX.png Dominus mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 item identifier 3778
Illomo.png GralwartPSX.png Gralwart mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 knows how to find a Vas runestone 3772
Fyrgen.png FyrgenPSX.png Fyrgen mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 incense smoker, dreams of a frightful demon 3776
Louvnon.png DelanreyPSX.png Delanrey mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 looking for Zak and her candelabra 3768
Shenilor.png BronusPSX.png Bronus mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 has a book for Morlock 3774
Fyrgen.png RanthruPSX.png Ranthru mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 wants a book returned from Vilus 3775
Morlock.png MorlockPSX.png Morlock mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 wants a book delivered from Bronus, knows about the Book of Truth 3597
Louvnon.png LouvnonPSX.png Louvnon mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 researches non-skill mantras 3777
Owl.png DrOwlPSX.png Dr. Owl mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 Has a flam runestone, looking for Murgo, knows about the Wine of Compassion 3598
Illomo.png IllomoPSX.png Illomo mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 looking for Gurstang, knows about the Key of Truth 3771
Nilpont.png NilpontPSX.png Nilpont mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 Knows about The Valor-Testing Golem 3769
Door.png DoorPSX.png Door mage, Seer of Moonstone 6 pretty grumpy, knows Sheet Lightning 3609
ValorGolem.png ValorGolemPSX.png golem golem 6 indestructable, holds the Shield of Valor 3606
Cardon.png CardonPSX.png Cardon fighter 7 lost a medallion in the eastern mines 3792
Jaacar.png GrayGoblinGuardL7PSX.png guard goblin, gray 7 medallion or die, guard 3793 3793
Jaacar.png Guard3803PSX.png guard goblin, gray 7 medallion or die, guard 3803 3803
Gray goblin guard.png Guard3806PSX.png guard goblin, gray 7 medallion or die, guard 3806 3806
Illomo.png NarutoPSX.png Naruto mage 7 his friend died with an important key, he has friends in prison that know of Tyball's orb 3794
Jaacar.png Guard3804PSX.png guard goblin, gray 7 medallion or die, near prison, guard 3804 3804
Feral troll guard.png Guard3800PSX.png guard troll, feral 7 prison guard 3800 3800
Illomo.png FintorPSX.png Fintor mage 7 Thinks Avatar is Tyball, knows some secrets about the tombs 3797
Bragit.png GrifflePSX.png Griffle outcasts 7 enslaved miner, hungry, knows about orb rocks 3802
Kyle.png DantesPSX.png Dantes fighter 7 knows rumors of the tombs, dug an escape from the prison 3795
Ironwit.png KallistanPSX.png Kallistan mountainman 7 has the crystal splinter from the tombs 3796
Imp.png ImpPSX.png Imp (UW) imp 7 has a gift and lots of riddles 3805
Tyball2.png TyballPSX.png Tyball mage 7 brother of Garamon 3815
Cardon.png BolinardPSX.png Bolinard fighter 7 has a photo of Tom 3798
Ironwit.png SmondenPSX.png Smonden mountainman 7 has a key to the Key of Courage 3799
Fyrgen.png GurstangPSX.png Gurstang mage 7 has a clue to find the Key of Truth 3801
Cardon.png CarassoPSX.png Carasso fighter 8 has a key to the path to the Chamber of Virtue 3816
Xoruw1.png WispPSX.png Wisp wisp 8 knows a dangerous spell 3898

Unused Portraits[edit]

These portraits are in the PSX game files but have not been observed in use on any in-game character. This table compares them to their closest PC equivalent.

like PC PSX
Vernix.png GreenGoblin2PSX.png
Brawnclan.png Mountainman2PSX.png
Kneenibble.png Ghoul1PSX.png
Dark ghoul.png Ghoul2PSX.png

It's likely that the portaits of the two zombies and the mountainman were done for the not-in-game but summonable creatures mentioned in this article: NPCs cut from Ultima Underworld Viewable via Summon Monster

It's not clear what the goblin portrait was intended to be for.

See Also[edit]