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Murgo, from Ultima Underworld
Species: human
CollapseUltima Underworld
Location: Abyss-Level Three

Murgo is a mute mage of the Seers of the Moonstone and the assistant of Dr. Owl in the Abyss in Ultima Underworld.


When the Avatar met Dr. Owl on the sixth level of the Abyss, he revealed that he knew where to find the Wine of Compassion, but would only reveal it should the Avatar manage to safely return his missing assistant, Murgo.

The Avatar found the mute man imprisoned by the lizard men on the third level of the Abyss, for food theft. The hero first had to give the starving man some food before he would be of any help. Murgo helped the Avatar by teaching the lizard man language, a task made difficult since he communicated only through gestures, so that the Avatar could convince the jailer Sseetharee to set Murgo free to return to the mages on the sixth level.

Dr. Owl kept his word, and revealed the location of the Wine of Compassion.


This is the jail of the lizardmen. The last time I looked, the only prisoner was named Murgo - thief and servant of Dr. Owl's, who lives three levels down. Murgo lacks wit, but fortunately he also lacks a tongue, so he cannot offend you too much with his foolishness. Dr. Owl values him highly - possibly because Murgo understands a few words and phrases of the lizardman tongue.


  • It is important to learn the language from Murgo before setting him free, since he will never be seen again.
  • In order to make things easier, there is a Guide to lizard men language.