Seers of the Moonstone
The Seers of the Moonstone are a group a mages from Moonglow who volunteered to live in the Abyssal colony of Sir Cabirus.
Once they had arrived, they created their rooms, libraries and great hall in the 6th level of the Abyss. The main reason for them living in such a horrible place was to study the magical anomalies in the Abyss due to the thin dimensional barriers. Holding close relations with the Mountain-Folk, they specialized in spells of light, food and comfort - things in high demand in such a place. When the Abyss was locked up, they were trapped in it as well. While most of the mages were able to teleport out from the Abyss, they chose to return to continue their work.
In Ultima Underworld, the Avatar met the mages. They had remained together, but were seriously weakened and terrorized by Tyball, who lived in a level below them. Nonetheless, they helped the Avatar as much as they could, although their means were very limited and they didn't dare to enter Tyball's domain, as magical powers were useless thanks to his magical orb, which absorbed mana.
They were evacuated when the colony was destroyed, but were never heard from again.
the Standard of the Seers seen in Ultima Underworld
“ | On the southern tip of Verity Isle, the town of Moonglow was founded by the mages of Britannia as a settlement embodying the virtue of Honesty. The wizards of this town were among the first to volunteer to be colonists, and an entire contingent of mages joined me on our first voyage to Avatar Isle. Our magic-users have formed their own Order of Magic, and refer to themselves as the Ancient Illuminated Seers of the Moonstone. They have an especially close relationship with the Mountain-Folk - it was the mountaineers who carved out the seers' living chambers from the rock walls of the chasm.
The seers have, of necessity, chosen to specialize in those magics most useful in our subterranean abode - spells of light, food and comfort. They also conduct many magical experiments, and hope to find new spell reagents among the materials which occur naturally in the Abyss. The seers have asked our explorers to bring back samples of all that they find. (The seers do not speak directly to me of their matters, but I have overheard them on occasion. While the Eight Virtues may have prompted some of the mages to travel here, I believe that most came for the chance to conduct experiments. It is said that the Great Abyss is unique in all of Britannia, because the barrier between dimensions is especially thin here. - Corby) – from Memoirs of Sir Cabirus (Ultima Underworld)
- Anjor: gold-maker
- Bronus: mage
- Delanrey: sorceress
- Dominus: artifact expert
- Dr. Owl: keeper of the Wine of Compassion
- Fintor: mad mage
- Fyrgen: incense mage
- Gralwart: mage
- Gurstang: mage
- Illomo: mage
- Judy: sorceress
- Louvnon: sorceress
- Morlock: mage
- Murgo: Dr. Owl's servant
- Naruto: mage
- Nilpont: mage
- Shenilor: mage
- Ranthru: mage
Also the Talking Door, a former member of the order, has to be mentioned.
Vilus used to be a member, but turned traitor and joined Tyball instead.
The Ultima 6 Project[edit]
This is an Ultima 6 Project-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.
In The Ultima 6 Project, it is possible to join the Seers of the Moonstone. After getting the information from Sir Cabirus and Aganar, the Avatar could approach Dargoth, who however first wanted the hero to reclaim the dark Anju Sermani spell from the dark mage Lorcan, before he would grant membership.