Wine of Compassion

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The Wine of Compassion is one of the eight talismans of Sir Cabirus, representing the virtue of Compassion.



The Wine was aged in Empath Abbey and is said to open one's heart to the suffering of others. It is a strong symbol of virtue. It appeared in Ultima Underworld when the Wine of Compassion was found in the sixth level of the Abyss, where it had been hidden by the Seers of the Moonstone. After the Avatar had freed Murgo on the third level, Dr. Owl told the Avatar under which tile in a special room the Wine was hidden. It was later cast into the lava of the Abyss, in order to banish the Slasher of Veils.


Brewed by the brethren at Empath Abbey, this noble vintage is said to open one's heart to the sufferings of others.


  • The bottle of wine cannot be opened, drank or broken.

Talismans of Sir Cabirus
Book of HonestyWine of CompassionShield of ValorCaliburnTaper of SacrificeStandard of HonorCup of WonderRing of Humility