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The sword Caliburn is one of the eight talismans of Sir Cabirus, representing the virtue of Justice. It appears in Ultima Underworld.



Molded after a sword from Earth, this sword is said to cleave Truth from Falsehood. It is said that the sword cannot be broken in combat. Thus it is a strong symbol of virtue.

Caliburn was broken in two, probably by the wizard Tyball, as normally the sword would be unbreakable. The blade was hidden in a secret room on the third level, while the hilt was placed in a tomb (the gravemarker says "Unknouwn") on the fifth level. The Avatar found both parts in these places and used the services of Shak the blacksmith to forge them back together. It was later cast into the lava of the Great Stygian Abyss in the chamber of virtue, in order to banish the Slasher of Veils.


Reportedly molded after a legendary sword from the world of the Avatar, this weapon is said to cleave truth from falsehood.


  • This sword really cannot be damaged, and is one of the best weapons in the entire game.
  • Caliburn is another name for the sword appearing in the legend of King Arthur, Excalibur.

Talismans of Sir Cabirus
Book of HonestyWine of CompassionShield of ValorCaliburnTaper of SacrificeStandard of HonorCup of WonderRing of Humility