Slasher of Veils

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Slasher of Veils
Slasher of Veils, from Ultima Underworld
Species: daemon
CollapseUltima Underworld
Location: Abyss-Level Eight

Slasher of Veils is the secondary main villain in Ultima Underworld.


The Slasher of Veils is an unbelievably powerful daemon – possibly a balron – whose banishment is the ultimate goal. Not much is known about it, besides it seeming to be pure evil. No mortal weapon or spell can kill it, and its very presence threatens to destroy all of Britannia. Tyball and Garamon accidentally summoned the Slasher in the Abyss. Trapping it just in time, they were confronted with the fact that they simply could not send it back. Situated in the Chamber of Virtues (the former Chamber of the Codex), they tried everything, and finally found a solution, but Tyball was corrupted by the Slasher and murdered his brother in cold blood. The Slasher, however, was still trapped in the chamber, held there by magic. Tyball thereafter worked hard to find a way to gain access to it again.

The Avatar encountered it there again, on the eighth level while being imprisoned in the Abyss, its bonds nearly broken. Using the eight talismans of Sir Cabirus, the Slasher of Veils was sucked into a pocket dimension, together with the Avatar, whom it attempted to destroy. The Avatar managed to escape just in time however, collapsing the only exit and trapping the Slasher inside forever.


The most powerful residents of the Abyss were two brothers named Tyball and Garamon. They were mages but did not dwell among the mages of the sixth level; they were powerful enough to dwell upon the seventh and eighth level, being little concerned with the danger posed by monsters here.

Their great interest was in planar travel — the possibility of moving through the veils between worlds. They finally succeeded in tearing through such a barrier ... to their ultimate misfortune.

When they pierced the barrier between dimensions, a monster stepped through from the plane of demons to our own green world. It was a demon, a very powerful one; its name was .... No, I dare not even write it, for its eyes are as sharp as its ears, even between worlds. The brothers called this creature the Slasher of Veils.

Powerful on its own world, it had the potential to become equally powerful on Britannia, but in the moments after it arrived it was weak by demonic standards. The brothers, horrified at what they had accomplished, were able to bind it, but were not able to send it back whence it came; it resisted their efforts. The brothers immediately began new research so that they might correct their grievous error.


Tyball and Garamon developed a plan. First they would build an imprisoning chamber and imbue it with virtuous magic. Second, Garamon would lure the Slasher of Veils into the chamber, where it would be weakened by the virtuous energies there. Third, Tyball would shut the two of them into the chamber. Fourth, Garamon would rip open the veil to the demon's own plane and lead the demon through. Fifth, Garamon would escape through a portal already placed in this dimension, leaving the demon trapped there; activation of the portal would seal the rips in the veil, denying the demon a chance to return to Britannia.

With speed born of desperation, the brothers began to work, preparing the Chamber of Virtue and making very cautious, furtive trips into the demonic dimension, where they prepared Garamon's path to safety and the portal allowing him return to our world.

But the demon, too, was at work. It correctly divined that Tyball was less virtuous of the two brothers and began to speak into his thoughts. It gave him knowledge and promised more. It promised wealth and power, greatness and majesty. All Tyball had to do was let Garamon lead it into the chamber of Virtue and watch as the demon ate Garamon. The Slasher of Veils would then emerge from the Chamber of Virtue, shut it forever (that its virtuous nature not infect the Abyss); then Tyball and the Slasher of Veils would become partners in destruction.


  • Despite being told that nothing can destroy it, casting Armageddon, a mortal spell, will destroy the Slasher of Veils. Killing it through any other means is truly impossible, as it will never get into the red health zone.
  • In the original Bob White Plot of Ultima IX, the Slasher of Veils was planned to appear. As seen here in a preview of the game.