Cup of Wonder

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The Cup of Wonder is one of the eight talismans of Sir Cabirus, representing the virtue of Spirituality.



Carved from the heartwood of an ancient oak by a craftsman from Skara Brae, it is a strong symbol of virtue. It was found in Ultima Underworld after a longer quest, since unlike the other talismans, no one had been able to discover the Cup of Wonder. Eventually it was the Avatar who discovered how to get the Cup by receiving three visions of the Cup in an incense-induced trance. The Avatar used the mantra gained in these visions to determine the location on a remote niche on the third level, and then played a special tune called Mardin's Song of Wonder, taught by the exile Eyesnack, on a flute, and the Cup appeared. It was later cast into the lava of the Great Stygian Abyss in order to banish the Slasher of Veils.

Visions of the Cup[edit]


This object was carved from the heartwood of an ancient oak by one of the finest craftsmen of Skara Brae.


  • The notation for the song to make the cup appear is 354237875. The notation is fixed.

Talismans of Sir Cabirus
Book of HonestyWine of CompassionShield of ValorCaliburnTaper of SacrificeStandard of HonorCup of WonderRing of Humility