NPCs cut from Ultima Underworld

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There are several NPCs cut from Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss that were partially coded before being abandoned but not removed from the program code.


The game's data files contains code for several NPCs at various levels of functionality that were never formally placed into the game. Some of these can be viewed in game through an oversight glitch in the summon monster spell. Others can only be see through game hacks or deciphering and viewing the game's data files.

Viewable via Summon Monster[edit]

There are four different incomplete NPCs that were left in the game code that were supposed to be inaccessable in normal gameplay. However, these can be summoned via the Summon Monster spell, if the casting and mana abilities are at maximum (though it still takes some luck). This clearly an oversight by the programmers. These four NPCs have their own dialogue, some even with selectable options, and are listed below:



A generic mountainman using Ironwit's portrait, who does have a dialogue tree. This is the exact same dialogue as all the generic mountainmen found in level 2, all of which use the white-haired portraits.

His dialogue comes from string block 3860 or 3862 (undetermined)



A generic yellow-robed, light-skinned mage with Bronus’ portrait. Talking to him the first time, he has four different lines that are randomized. No reply is possible, and after speaking to him his status goes from "mellow" to "friendly". Talking to him again, the dialogue window stays blank and then his status changes to "upset". Summoning other mages is possible, but this one is the only one that talks.

His dialogue comes from string block 3879



A generic ghoul with Kneenibble's portrait. He says the same thing every time when entering the dialogue window; and there are three dialogue options, each with a different response. He then turns hostile, although one can keep talking to him; the dialogue stays the same.

His dialogue comes from string block 3875

Dark Ghoul[edit]

Dark ghoul.png

A generic dark ghoul with a unique portrait that that is nowhere else seen in the game, as there are no dark ghouls in the game that can talk. It has nearly identical dialogue and the exact same behavior as the generic ghoul.

His dialogue comes from string block 3881

In Ultima Underworld PSX[edit]

In the PSX-port of Ultima Underworld these summoned monsters were not obsevered to appear. In multiple casting from a level 20 fighter with 17 intelligence and 30 to each of magic, lore, and casting, the following generic monsters with standard conversations were observed:

  • outcast
  • gray lizardman
  • troll

It is possible that a character with higher intelligence may get different results.

Viewable via Critter Files[edit]

Each Monster, NPC, and even the player is represented in the game with sprite animation set that are called "critters" by the game engine. The critter sets are defined in files in the DATA\CRIT folder. The game allows for 64 definition slots, but the files define 76 critters. Thus 12 critters are unslotted and never appear in the game. Also, of the 64 slots, one is for the player character, which is never seen in game anyway. So there are 13 critters that are never seen in game.

More details in the article: Critters Not Seen in Ultima Underworld



Critter slot #63 is the adventurer class character. The player, regardless of chosen profession or gender, is assigned this class. There are no other adventurer class characters in the game, but there are several remains of them. This critter is never seen in game because there are no mirrors or third person cutscenes, and even casting the Roaming Sight spell doesn't show the player's character. It is however identical to the critter used for the outcast class characters, so it is not unfamiliar.

Brown Bat[edit]


Another variant on the bat.

Void Shadows[edit]


Void creatures are a little different, as several different animations are stored in a single critter slot. This was probably done to conserve critter slots. And this critter is the all blacked-out versions of the void creatures.



A mountainman with a red helmet and brown beard.

Blonde Fighter/Bandit[edit]


A light skinned blonde with green sleeves, brown pants, and red boots. This could have been another fighter, bandit, or even a female outcast.

Female Mage in Yellow Robe[edit]


It's a shame that not more of these were used. The game has six male mage critters but only one female.

Female Mage in Red Robe[edit]


She has gray hair, it could have been Judy

Female Mage in Green Robe[edit]


And why not the green one? All other mages are red, yellow, and blue. Would have been nice to see one more color.

Water Elemental[edit]


This could have been a fun one for variety, but I suppose it takes away from the volcano motif.

Shadow Beast[edit]


This one is really unnecessary. There are so few shadow beasts in the game, there was no reason to need variants.

Male Mage in Blue Robes[edit]


Good cut, there are enough male mages (and honestly just males in general) in the game.

Male Mage in Yellow Robes[edit]


There is already a yellow robed male mage, this one is just dark skinned.

Male Mage with Staff in Red Robes[edit]


It's possible that this was going to be Tyball's critter until he got his own unique one.

Viewable via String Blocks[edit]

Each talkable NPC in the game has a conversation code, and each of those codes draw text from a string block. Most string blocks are attached to in game NPCs but some are unused. Not counting the string blocks used by the summonable monsters listed above, here are some of the unused string blocks:


His dialogue comes from string block 3595

Apparently some aging warrior, he requests the Avatar slay him in battle so that he can die honorably.

Not to be confused with Thulsoom th Mad, whose grave is found on the seventh level.


His dialogue comes from string block 3610

He is looking for a particular wand.

Crazy Bob[edit]

His dialogue comes from string block 3699

Seems to be a character created to test and debug the bartering system

The Failed Levitator[edit]

His dialogue comes from string block 3770

He may be the one who lost the ring of levitation that is found on level 7. He will take the dragonskin boots if given, and is in no hurry to give them back.